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Post by madroswellfan »

"You caught me," he says putting his hands in the air. "I was planning on having some fun at this party too, not just working. But don't worry, I'll leave you're little friend Charlene alone."

Oh dear...I feel sorry for all the girls he hits on tommorow... Hang on...did he call her little?! I give him an annoyed look
"So where is this party?"

"The Omega house. I know technically its a Boston Bay college but pretty much anyones invited. A couple of guys went around the dorms at Worthington. So I used it as my excuse to ask her. And by the way shes not "little"" I add. "She's just...petite" I add. "Anyway, apparantly everyone's going so it might be helpful for you I guess. But you should know since its a male frat party there will be lots of tough guys there"
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Sam shoots me an annoyed look, but I just grin back at him, completely innocently.

"The Omega house. I know technically its a Boston Bay college but pretty much anyones invited. A couple of guys went around the dorms at Worthington. So I used it as my excuse to ask her. And by the way shes not "little. She's just...petite. Anyway, apparantly everyone's going so it might be helpful for you I guess. But you should know since its a male frat party there will be lots of tough guys there" Dean rambles out, telling me everything I'll need to know about where the party is, throwing in defense for his new girlfriend too.

"Okay then," I start, finishing off the coffee and motioning to Lindsey for more. "I'll be there, and if I can handle demons, I can handle 'tough guys' easily." I tell him, smiling. At least I've got something to look forward to. I mean, other than the nightly bashings and demon killings. These cuts better heal fast.

"So, how's school?" I ask, actually interesting. I'm glad my little brother is doing something he enjoys, even if he doesn't know it.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Yeah I'd like that. Thanks. Its such a big campus! Even the pictures don't show that. The pictures arent anywhere close to how beautiful it is either." I hear Joey reply and nod, smiling.

I remember feeling as overwhelmed by things as she did when I'd first arrived. "I remember thinking just about the same thing, Joey. I've been here a month and I think I spent most of that time getting completely settled in."

I would have said something more when I heard a very familiar voice coming from just outside the door which I had yet to close since I'm still waiting for the guy's to get back. "Willow? Its me"

"Xander, why do you hesitate in coming in?" I ask as I stand and make my way toward the door, looking at him as he stands just beyond the entry. "Come on in, take a load off and meet my new room mate." I smile, even as I still can't get over how close my best-friend and I have remained. We've never changed how we felt. No amount of time could ever tear our friendship up.

"Joey, this is my best friend Xander." I introduce as soon as Xander manages to come inside. "Xander, this is Joey. I'd just finished offering to give her a tour. Once I finish getting things organized. Like the books." I give Xander a knowing look, making certain Joey didn't see it.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Okay then, I'll be there, and if I can handle demons, I can handle 'tough guys' easily." he says smiling.

"So, how's school?"
Why do I always feel like he's not really intrested in how my school life is going? Why do I feel like he's only saying it so I don't leave right now and leave him to deal with the big bad. I sigh as I finish my coffee. I attract the waitresses attention and she fills up my coffee. When she's walked away again I finally answer.

"The usual. Hard work, but I get everything done as soon as its set." I shrug. Most of my school life has more been to do with Charlene recently. I keep thinking about her... we are really good friends. And the other day I finally plucked up the courage to ask her, and she said she thought I was never going to ask...
But Im not going to say all that to Dean...I mean...well its Dean!

"So we dont have any other information about this thing? Dad just said to come here? How did he know about it?" I ask.
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Post by madroswellfan »

~~~~~JOEY and ZANDER~~~~~
"Xander, why do you hesitate in coming in?"
Zander as in the guy who's in the photograph? I cant help but immediately think....maybe hes a witch too....or warlock...I dont know. I watch her go to the door and let him in.

"Come on in, take a load off and meet my new room mate."
I enter the room giving Willow a smile. I hope for her sakes her new roommate is better than her last one! I wanted to kill the last one!

"Joey, this is my best friend Xander. Xander, this is Joey."
I smile at the guy who goes to shake my hand. "Hey, nice to meet you, we were just talking about you."

"Hey, only good things I hope!"
"I'd just finished offering to give her a tour. Once I finish getting things organized. Like the books."
Willow gives me a look. Ahh.....gotchya. Those books. I give her a look back. "Do you need any help with those Will? They look heavy" I say.

"I could help too if you want, I mean I use to lift heavy things at my sisters bed and breakfast..." I say going towards them.

"No!" I say a little too quickly. "I just got here. You dont want to do any more unpacking. Let me. Us males should go and do something for a change" I joke.

I smile at him but cant help but wonder why they're making such a big deal about some old books.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

sending a bio for Chloe :wink:
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Post by StormWolfstone »


As I stood in the shop that I had mysteriously inherited after only being employed a month, the owner of which had ended up dying of a heart attack, I glanced over the pages and pages of inventory. Two days now, for two days Fate's Antiquities has been mine. The lawyers were quick to turn everything into my name without any hesitation. According to the one that had handled Mr. Richard Hanlin's will, he'd changed it only four days before he'd passed on and made certain that a certain amount was already placed into an account for me so that the inheritance taxes were paid without me having to worry.

I could hardly believe my luck, and I hadn't shared the news with the others just yet. Especially when they hadn't been in town long. I'd come here to get set up earlier then the others because I'd had the job offer from Mr. Hanlin and had wanted to start immediately. So, when Max, Michael, Maria and Kyle came into town there was already a house ready that I'd rented. I knew that they'd help out with the new bills, but now I wasn't sure I would need the help.

Mr. Hanlin's accounting showed that Fate's Antiquities had a revenue that was more then even my father made. For the sake of making certain that the FBI didn't think of trying to trace me, I'd been careful and changed my last name for work purposes only to Brighton. So, now as I went over all the forms I couldn't help but smile as I saw Isabel Brighton, Owner.

The phone in the office beside me rang and I picked it up, "Fate Antiquities, Isabel Brighton, how may I help you?"

"Miss Brighton, are you available to hold a meeting with me? My name is Malachi Kearney. Rich and I were supposed to meet soon to discuss a special piece that he was going to try and locate for me. I'm willing to pay ten thousand for each piece you locate and the costs you expend searching for them, but it's very important you remain indiscreet. There is another person seeking them and she'll stop at nothing to get them before I do. Her reasons are not as good as my own." The Irish accent in the man's voice catches my attention as I listen to him speak.

"Certainly, Mr. Kearney. Would you like to come to the office or meet for a luncheon?" I ask, feeling that if Rich was willing to do this thing for him, I could at least listen even with the talk of danger involved. Or maybe it was because of the danger that I was intrigued.

"When you close the shop today, I'll be there. I can't risk being seen out in the open right now. Not with her trying to track my movements." The tone in his voice had me tensing. It almost seemed like the way me and my friends felt about the FBI and alien hunters.

"Alright, I'll see you then." I said and after a moment the line went dead.

That was an odd call, but my day only got stranger when one of the employees came back. "Miss Brighton, there is a woman out here that wishes to speak with you about something. She seems like she's not the type that will take no for an answer. Should I phone the police?"

"No, I'll speak with her, Daniel. You go ahead back up front and let her know I'll be there in just a moment." When Daniel had gone, I stood and sighed, forcing my expression to freeze before I walked out to the front of the shop. This couldn't be a coincidence. I'd learned that there weren't coincidences anymore.

As I stepped into the front room, I saw that Daniel was giving the woman some tea and took a moment to peruse her. She was young in appearance, long wavy auburn hair with red tints rested loosely over her back. The outfit she wore was a sleek black business suit that looked like it was probably silk and a large designer. When the woman turned as I approached I found that her eyes were calculating and nearly coal black.

As I watched, she lifted her lips and held out her free hand. "Thank you, Miss Brighton. I am pleased that you have deigned to speak with me. I'm sorry about the loss Fate's has suffered so recently. Richard was such a nice man and often was able to get me everything I ever so desired. Brilliant was what he was."

"Yes, he certainly was." I replied, giving her a measured look. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Miss..."

"Oh, forgive me. I do ramble from time to time. I'm Rain Lockewood. Richard and I... well we've been partners in many things over the years. I'm much older then I look, mind you. He said he was setting up a meeting for later this week with a dealer for a piece I was looking for. Well, one of them anyway. There are actually nine that I am seeking." There was a pause and I tried to think back to things I'd discussed with Richard before he'd died. He had been obsessed with the greek mythology.

Muses! That's what she was wanting. "I'll be happy to see if I can locate any notes among the store books, but thus far I haven't found a date book for him. He always said that the best appointment list he could ever have was in his head." I replied, though I was beginning to calculate just what sort of find the Muses would be if they were real. That's an awefully large if. There were several myths surrounding the statues of the Muses.

"Oh, darling that would be wonderful." The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card. The second I touched it I had a bad feeling. I'd ask the others to tell me what they felt. Especially since I had to tell them the news about me now owning the shop.

"Are there any other Greecian pieces you have an interest in? I might be able to locate many pieces at one time for you." I offer, wanting to get as much information out of this woman as I can.

"Actually, you could say that The Sirens, The Fates and The Muses are the pieces I desperately want to own. I have a collector that would pay me more then I could spend in a hundred lifetimes." Somehow, I didn't let it show, but somehow I felt she was lying about the collector.

"I'll see what I can find Miss Lockewood." I replied and after a few more minutes of trying to get information out of her, she left and I returned to the office. Lifting the phone I dialed home. I wouldn't say it aloud, but this made me feel the need to hear a friendly voice. Even if I have been closing myself off rather often.

"Come on, someone pick up." I muttered as I went over yet another purchase order and then lifted a sheet of paper only to see a not written in haste, Richard's handwriting.

If you are reading this, it means I'm dead. Don't trust Lockewood. Deadly. Help Malachi..

That's all the letter said. Damn, did he write that the night he died? Or... was he killed?
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I need Coffee!!! Stumbling toward the kitchen I make my way toward the cofee pot which is already on. 'Thank you Giles' I mutter under my breath as I pour myself a rather large cup. It's gonna take an extra dose of caffenine to get me through today. Straightening my denim skirt down I look out into the living room and see that Xander has alredy left for the day. He probably went to see Willow and help her move into her new dorm. I hope she gets a better roomate than me.

Not that I didn't have a blast with her ,but I'm afraid I held her back from her studies too much. I wish I could give Willow and Xander their normal lives back. Knowing me has only put them in danger. Although on a completely selfish level I am overjoyed that I can share the slayer side of myself with someone else. Still they'll never know how much I fear for their safety. I take a glimpse at Angel's door. It's midmorning so he's probably already asleep. Setting my cup down I get lost in thought.

Things have been rather strained between the oh so broody one and myself since he moved in. Neither one of us knows how we are gonna make this work. Our relationship/ non relationship is undefined at the moment. We both come to the understanding that we're gonna try to be friends, but you know how well that works out. Sighing, I run my hand absent mindedly through my blonde curls before looking down at my emerald spaghetti strapped top. Maybe I should change? No time. Grabbing my purse I decide to stop and get breakfast at a little cafe on the corner close to the school.

I get to the resturant in record time. Waving at Lindsey my favorite waitress I go to the bar and grab a stool. She comes over with a big smile. "Hey Buff. What will it be?" She questions sweetly ,but her eyes never leave two guys in a booth a couple of feet away. She must have a crush on one of the hotties. "Can I get a cup of coffee and one of those delicious cinnamon muffins?" I question letting my gaze follow the women's. Well, she's got great taste I'll give her that.

"Sure, sweetie. I'll be right back with your order." She grins at me before making her way toward the back. Out of bordem I begin stacking the sugar packets up making a half way decent mini building. "Aha!" I exclaim as I examine my work of art. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"The usual. Hard work, but I get everything done as soon as its set." Sam answers, before falling silent and finishing his coffee. When he speaks again, he's changed the subject, and I get the message. Okay, so he doesn't want to talk about school. That's fine with me. "So we dont have any other information about this thing? Dad just said to come here? How did he know about it?"

"Well, Dad and I both noticed that all the little creepy crawlies around were getting more nervy, so he checked into it. Thinks a big power's growing, and he wants us to try to stop it." As I'm telling Sam this, I scan the diner to make sure no one's listening, and notice this girl a table or so over glancing at us. When I meet her gaze with a smile, she turns back to what looks like a building of sugar packets. Weird. But she's definitely good looking, I'll give her that.

Wondering why she was looking over here, I figure she might go to school with Sam. "Hey, Sam, do you know that girl?" I ask quietly, nodding almost imperceptably in her direction. "She go to your school?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »

my friend NightshadeIsis is getting a bio set for Michael... should get that soon. she's also going to get caught up a bit and of course I'll be helping her :D
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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