A Baby Story (AU, ?C Teen) *Need Kyle, Isabel, Michael*

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Post by StormWolfstone »


Liz sits down and I'm not completely certain why it was that I tried to stop her from leaving too. With a shrug, I realize part of it was because of her diary. I knew how she felt about some things in the beginning from when I'd taken it. “Alright thanks…although I think I’ve probably said most of what I want to say already…”

"Okay. I know this baby going to make things harder for all of us. I'm sure you both have a lot to say about that, so I'm ready to listen," Max says to me and Isabel. I look over at Izzy and she's giving me this expression that says I should start things off.

With a shrug I look at Max, "Look, before I say everything that's on my mind, let me first say.... you may have screwed up Max, but I'm still going to be here." There, got the easy part out rather quickly. "Second, has anyone even thought about what this entire situation means for the humans in our lives as much as for us? I mean, hell. Your parents, Max. Liz's parents. All of the parents are going to begin wondering and being suspicious with everything we do."

I paused a moment, "And, the FBI is going to have a field day with this if they get onto us. How and where is Tess going to deliver? We can't exactly take her to the hospital. Blood tests would be too risky. We may be better off going away until Tess has the baby, finding a way to have her birth the baby without worrying over tests and such, then bringing her and the baby back when that's said and done."

I glanced at Isabel who was still remaining quiet. "When I say we, I mean we." I add and then shut up giving Max the chance to reply or Isabel to add to things.
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Post by isabelle »


I brace myself for Michael's rant and I truly can't believe my ears when I hear him say "...I'm still going to be here."

I look at him, not speaking, my face still and expressionless. Not smiling, not frowning, almost in shock. But inside, I can feel my heart swelling near to bursting. I can even feel moisture and pressure building up behind my eyes, but I refuse to cry. I control it and my face stays still, but I'm sure my eyes are still showing more than I want.

Liz says she still loves me. Isabel says she'll stand with me when I tell Mom and Dad and now Michael, Michael says he's not leaving either. And I know Tess is there. My feelings for her are more than complicated, but I Tess will be there for me, as she as been since Whitaker died. It's unbelievable that I have so much. It's so much more than I deserve, I'm sure ...

The rest of Michael's thoughts are purely tactical, like the military leader he's supposed to be.

"I have thought about it, yes," I tell Michael, pleased that my voice seems to be almost completely normal -- a little tense maybe, strained, but that's not unexpected. "I should have been thinking about it before, but now it's here, I can't undo it," I say.

The only way to undo it would be that abortion/miscarriage that the Sheriff suggested, but I know I can't do that.

"I don't know that our parents will be a long-term problem. I had thought we would probably be living on our own pretty soon, like you," I say. I'm not sure if I'll be actively kicked out of my home or not, but I if I'm going to spend my life with Tess, I might as well start with an apartment.

Although, what if I spend it with Liz? What then?

"But going away..." stop, trying to think that through. We'd still come back as teen-aged parents and have the same troubles ... unless we pretend the baby isn't ours, but that doesn't seem feasible. "Are you suggesting that we don't tell my parents about the baby, we just go hide? Or that we tell them but don't stay long enough for anyone-else to know? And where exactly could we go, anyway?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"I have thought about it, yes," Max replies to Michael's words. "I should have been thinking about it before, but now it's here, I can't undo it."

"I don't know that our parents will be a long-term problem. I had thought we would probably be living on our own pretty soon, like you," he continues, directing the conversation toward Mihcael.

"But going away..." Max pauses and I already know that despite the situation, going away certainly wouldn't be a good idea. Even though a new place would be ideal for me personally. I could be away from all the memories. "Are you suggesting that we don't tell my parents about the baby, we just go hide? Or that we tell them but don't stay long enough for anyone-else to know? And where exactly could we go, anyway?"

Michael shrugged, "Anywhere. And I'm not saying hide. I'm saying do something to make certain no more suspicion is cast on any of us. We have no idea how an alien pregnancy works, it could cause all sorts of different things to happen and what if the baby turns out to have powers right from birth or something, then trying to hide that would be a problem. Finding somewhere secluded until we know what sort of risks we face with the child is something that should be thought about. Tell your parents if you want to, that's your call."

I sigh, "As much as I can see Michael's points, we'd face the same risks anywhere. We all have too much to live for here and all I have to say is that whatever decision is made, I'm here and I'll stand beside you, Max. I wasn't the nicest about it before, but I was feeling forgotten in some ways and the news came at one of my lower points." I tell Max, before adding, "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I wouldn't be here, Max. Your my brother, you and Michael are the only true family I've had."
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Post by KatnotKath »


I listen in silence to what Michael has to say, knowing how much the support he and Isabel are offering will mean to Max, and Tess I’m sure… This is going to be far from easy for either of them, and I know that friends and family will be important…

For a moment, I wonder briefly if they would have been so supportive if it had been me not Tess, but deep down I think I know they would… Besides, they’re voicing their support for Max, regardless of who the mother is…

Of course such thoughts are pointless now anyway… Things have happened, and we all just have to deal and move on…

As Michael mentions going away, whether temporarily, or permenantly, I feel myself stiffen. Max seems to reject the idea, agreeing that the reasons are sound, but pointing out that it is unlikely to help in the long run. I listen to him as he mentions ‘living’ with Tess, and I try to ignore that pang in my heart which it causes.

I remain silent for a moment, struggling with the muddle of emotions I’m feeling all at the same time, but as Isabel and Michael both begin to assure him that they’ll be there for him, I can’t help nodding as I look up at Max. “You know what I said…I’ll be here too…as long as you want me…” I repeat my earlier statement again in a soft voice.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
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Post by isabelle »


I look up at Liz, once again stunned by her support. I can't even begin to tell her what that means to me. I tried a few minutes ago when we were in Michael's bedroom but I don't think I could ever find the right words. I wish I could tell her that it will all work out and that she and I can be together like she suggested, but I just don't know if that's real.

Tess and I are having a baby. I just don't know what is going to happen now...

"Thank you, everyone. I love you so much," I say, including all three of them. After last night, this is the last thing I was expecting.

I get to my feet, open my arms to Isabel first. She's my sister and I'm so glad that this won't destroy our family, and that includes everyone in this room. She'll be there when I tell Mom and Dad, and after. She's here now. Even after losing Alex and everthing that's happened to her, she's still looking after me. "We'll figure it out. I don't know what it's going to be, but we'll figure it out."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC I hope this works. Tell me if something needs changing


Well, aren't things at Roswell High just Peachy. My Best Friend Alex is dead. I'm not speaking to Liz because she got my bonehead of a cousin in trouble, and my on again off again alien boyfiend has skipped class.... again. Not that I am suprised because we are not exactly on good terms. I said some preety nasty things to him about not being able to count on him, which in my defence it was all true. One day he is going to leave me, but no one is guaranteed tommorow. I guess that I'm just kinda hurt that he hasn't tried to see me or call. Something. Anything. Forget this. I get up and walk out of class leaving Mrs. Fields yelling at me to come back. Screw this. I want to know whats going on. Where is everybody? I go directly to Michael's house seeing as how it's the logical place to look. I don't even bother knocking. Instead I open the door and barge in.

"Space Boy we need to talk."

The room has a couple of more occupants than I would have imagined.

Michael, Isabel, Max, and Liz all appear to be startled. Opps.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works for everyone, if you want me to change it just say and I can. I just thought this was a possible reaction considering Maria's sudden appearance...


Max stands, taking Isabel into his arms, and I back up slightly, knowing that she needs this. Giving the two of them this small amount of time together, brother and sister, each supporting each other. I can't possibly know what is going to happen next, but at least I know that I have spoken to Max now. I've told him the truth, and I've told him how I feel. I know that he can't promise me anything at the moment, and I know that maybe it's all hopeless, but I've done what I can, and I mean it. If he wants me, I'll be there, I'll help or not, as wanted...

I still have a lot of making up to do though, and not only with Max. I need to talk to Maria, to try and make her see that I'm sorry. I need to appologise to Sean for the fact that I got him sent back to prison - I know that it's not going to mean much, but I need to admit to them that I know I was wrong. Hard as it was, I should have accepted the truth, and not tried to make Alex's death into something that it wasn't. It was all too easy, considering everything that we have been through over the last two years, but I can't continue to deny the truth... He didn't commit suicide, I still refuse to believe that as the Sheriff insists, but he simply died in an accident. It was tragic and horrible, and the loss we all feel is great I know, but it was an accident, no alien connections, just an accident...

"Spaceboy, we need to talk!"

Just as I'm thinking about her, Maria walks into the apartment without knocking, and as I turn, I find myself looking at my best-friend, who for the moment, isn't even talking to me. I feel a lump in my throat which I try and swallow, as I refuse to look away. I want to talk to her, to tell her I'm sorry, but right now I don't know what I can do...

I can see that she's upset, and that's understandable. She needs to talk to Michael apparently, and much as I hate to say it, me being here is probably not helping one little bit. I look round at the others, chewing my lips and come to a decision. "I-I should probably be going...t-thanks for talking to me guys..." I say, adressing this more at Max of course, but speaking to all of them. I move towards the door, but pause as I pass Maria. "I'm sorry Ria..." I whisper softly, closing my eyes and then forcing myself to continue, sure that she isn't going to want to talk to me, and pulling open the door as I reach it.

Stepping outside a few minutes later, I lean back against the wall, fighting back the tears which threaten to come.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"I'm sorry Ria..." Liz whispers brushing past me. The door shuts behind her and I feel a huge weight on my heart. We used to be soo close and now the distance between us is unbareble.

I bite my bottum lip harshly. I face Michael and give him my best "I mean business" look,

"You stay right there... I will be right back... No climbing out the window like last time."

I rush out the door and look around for my lost friend. Conviently enough she was only a few steps away.

"Uh hey... I just thought maybe we could talk." :D
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Thank you, everyone. I love you so much," Max replies after hearing everything we've all said. A bit too emotional if you ask me, but this is Max. He's like a brother and that's something that deserves some emotion.

I watch him move to give Isabel a hug and simply stand there with my arms across my chest. "We'll figure it out. I don't know what it's going to be, but we'll figure it out."

"I know we will, Max." I hear Isabel reply as she hugs him back and I watch them for a few moments before I decide to say something.

"Spaceboy, we need to talk!" I hear as my door just swings open and I turn to see Maria standing there.

"I-I should probably be going...t-thanks for talking to me guys..." Liz says and I simply turn and give her a nod before looking back at Maria.

I glance over at Max, "I'm here anytime, Maxwell. For now, I guess my attention is being demanded elswewhere, but if you still need to talk..." I give him a look but make certain Maria can't see it.

"Max, come on. I think we have things we need to talk about further," I hear Isabel say calmly and she smiles as she looks my way. 'Thanks, Iz.' I think inwardly, wishing I could say something. I really didn't want to deal with Maria right now. I don't want to deal with her demands and her temptation. She simply doesn't understand that I can only give as much as I feel is safe. I wish she'd simply take what I offer.

Maria turns to face me and I can see how serious she is, but her next words kind of surprise me. "You stay right there... I will be right back... No climbing out the window like last time."

I think about just walking out the door instead. Still, I know eventually I'm going to have to face her and I do love how she looks when she's mad.
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Post by isabelle »


The whole tone of the room changes as Maria comes storming in, obviously expecting Michael to be alone. Next thing I know, Liz has left and Isabel is pulling me away, leaving Michael and Maria alone.

I bite my lip, not sure what to do. My heart is following Liz, not wanting this to end with her feeling like that, although I know that she and I are good -- much better than I'd ever have expected, actually.

Then Maria spins around and heads after Liz. Okay, I'm not at all sure if that's good news or not. I know Maria's been really pissed off at Liz lately and I really don't want her making things hard on her right now. On the other hand, she didn't look angry. If they're really going to talk, then I don't want to be interferring...

Isabel solves the problem by gently propelling me towards the door. I can bet money that she's not thinking of going after Maria and Liz. She wants just me, I'm sure, so we can talk more about how we're going to deal with Mom and Dad. It has to be done, I know, so I let her lead the way, sending only my thoughts and good wishes in Liz's direction, promising myself that I'll call her as soon as I can to make sure she's okay.

"Sure, Izzy," I say as we go through the door. She doesn't say anything as we walk towards the jeep. We still have four hours left in the school day, but I think it's safe to say that nobody's going to be seeing any more classes today. "Where do you want to talk? Do you think Mom will be home?" Dad is at work, I'm sure, so he's safe, but I have more trouble keeping track of Mom's different classes and activities...
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