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Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:44 pm
by Biged
Sarahwhitman: Thank ya for reading my story and for all the feedback :) if you have any questions feel free to PM me

destinysucks: Thanks for reading :)

Trude: thank ya for reading and yea what was alex thinking...bad alex bad LOL

roswellluver: Thanks for reading :)

David: Yea mary rocks don't she....we will see more of her later on in the fic :)

Mary: Thanks for reading Mary and don't worry about the 'thing' its time will come ;)

Roswellian504: Thanks for reading...Yea that Michael...playing with Fire.

Pooh: Yea the flight attendant rocks don't she :)

A/N: this Part is dedicated to the wonderful Lindsay cause she is the bestest.
and i use some of the script from End of the world :) belongs to wb and upn and all of them not me so don't sue :)

Part B
La Guardia Airport Terminal 5:49pm

Two weary men stepped off the plane sighing in relief as the fresh air hits their lungs. The flight was long especially a flight with Isabel. Alex decided that he would not question Isabel or her motives for fear of angering her again, and perhaps losing the women he loved. The flight held constant condescending remarks from Isabel and most of them directed not at Alex but at Michael. Alex looked over at his tall friend who walked clumsily towards the exit, his eyes glazed over and weak. He saw that Isabel was watching Michael and rolling her eyes at him. ‘You figure he would be used to Isabel after all these years,’ Alex thought with a hint of amusement bringing a slight grin to his face. The grin soon disappeared when he noticed that Isabel had turned her eyes on him. He looked forward and kept his mind on the task at hand.

They collected their luggage and made their way out into the hustle and bustle that is New York. As they stood on the sidewalk looking around, Alex noticed that the flight attendant from the plane was coming right at them. Noticing that his friend was looking elsewhere Michael turned only to see the flight attendant as well. A smirk graced his lips as he said, “Seems the girls can’t get enough me.” Straightening up he stood in preparation for his fan. Stacie finally reached them but to Michael and Alex’s surprise she turned and addressed Isabel instead.

“Hello I don’t usually do this, but I was wondering if while you’re in the city if you would like to go out for a drink sometime,” she said to Isabel with a seductive smile.

Isabel stood shocked never before being asked out on a date by a woman. She glanced at Michael and Alex who both shrugged at her. Turning her attention back to Stacie she gave her a smile and said, “Um I’m sorry no, but I have a boyfriend.” With that Isabel took Alex’s hand and squeezed it.

Stacie nodded her head and shrugged. “No biggie. Have a nice time in the city.” With a wave she walked away from the group never looking back.

A mischievous smile appeared on Alex’s lips as he turned to Michael and said, “Yep she was defiantly a Michael fan.” For his words he received a glare from Michael and a laugh from Isabel. Turning serious Alex spoke again. “Ok we need to decide where to stay and when we want to go dupe watching.”

Isabel thought for a moment before replying. “How much money do we have?” she asked as she looked at each boy in turn.

Michael finally over his embarrassment stepped into the conversation. “We have about five hundred dollars…give or take.”

Isabel nodded her head and said, “I have two questions. One did you guys plan this out at all and two where did you guys get that much money?” She narrowed her eyes at Alex who started squirming underneath her glare.

“I will have you know that we planned this thing perfectly. The only thing we didn’t plan on was you joining us. As for the money well Michael turned some ones into hundreds,” he told her quickly as he turned and attempted to hail a cab.

“Well then you guys are in luck I brought some money with me, so I think we should have enough if we don’t eat a lot. Still if we run out I guess we can always make more hundreds.” She told them. She watched as Alex hailed a cab several times with the same result each time, unsuccessful. Rolling her eyes at him she pushed him out of the way. She put on her brightest fake smile and stepped off the curb and waved at a cab. Michael and Alex could only look at each other as Isabel all but caused a five car pile up. Moving to one of the cabs that had stopped she opened the door and paused to look back at them. Seeing the look on their faces she asked innocently, “What.” The two boys just stared at her, shrugging her shoulders at them she climbed into the cab. Finally coming out of their stupor the two grabbed their luggage and put them in the trunk before climbing in the back with Isabel.

The cab driver, after making sure everything was secure, got back in the cab and started it up. Never once looking back at them he asked, “Where to?” as he maneuvered the cab back into traffic.

Isabel sat forward and asked. “Know any good motels around here?”

The cab driver nodded his head in affirmative and kept driving. They all sat silently as watched the Big Apple go by. Finally about thirty minutes later they reached their destination. ‘Not too bad,’ Isabel thought to herself as she exited the cab and paid the driver. Turning to Alex and Michael she said, “Well let’s go, and don’t forget the luggage.” With that she made her way into the motel leaving two muttering teens in her wake.

A few minutes later found the small group in their room getting comfortable. Alex leaned against the backboard of the bed and tried to make sense of his dreams. He felt as if he was missing some kind of key, or something important that he needed to know. ‘Future Max was the one that set everything into motion, and I’ve definitely felt the effects of the changes that he had made. He’s the key to all this somehow, but how. Could he possibly be the reason that Max and Liz are so distance from each other? What else could it be? I just need to think. Come on brain and think already.’ Rubbing his hand tiredly across his face he realized that only one person could answer his questions and it wasn’t Future Max since he no longer existed. The only person that could help was the Future Liz that he had met and knowing his friend as he did he was sure that she was holding some kind of vital information from him.

Suddenly he got an idea and in his excitement he sat up and turned to Isabel. “Iz, have you ever tried to take someone into a dream walk with you?”

Isabel looked at him with a questioning expression appearing on the soft features of her face. “I’ve never tried to before. Why what’s up,” she asked in confusion and curiosity.

He sighed as he tried to think of a way to ask her to help him. He wasn’t to sure that Isabel would be thrilled with the idea of wandering around her friend’s subconscious. He decided that another approach might work better and figured he better bring Michael into the discussion as well. “I was just doing some thinking. Have either one of you noticed the distance between Max and Liz lately? Or how about the odd looks Max has been giving to Kyle?”

The two sat there deep in thought as they both quietly mulled over the question. After several minutes Michael spoke up, “Now that you mention it I have noticed the looks he’s been giving Kyle. He looks like he hates him or something which is really weird. As for the Liz situation I’ve brought it up before with Maxwell, but he only changes the subject.” Not sure what else to say he turned to Isabel to see what she thought.

“I have noticed but haven’t brought it up yet,” she said with a shrug wondering where this conversation was going.

“Well the reason I brought it up is because I want to attempt to dreamwalk Liz tonight to find out what’s going on. Something about this just doesn’t seem right,” Alex told them. The two looked at him shock never really thinking that Alex would be the one to suggest such a drastic step.

“Do you really think that’s a smart idea,” Michael asked cautiously.

“It’s the only thing I can think of short of torturing the information out of her,” Alex joked trying to ease some of the tension that filled the room.

Michael once again found himself in deep thought. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of going into Liz’s dreams, but he had to admit that it was tactically sound and a stealthy approach to the situation. “Well its better that we do this and find out the problem then wait until it can’t be fixed.” Turning to Isabel he continued on, “Don’t worry Iz its not like she is going to know you’re there.”

Isabel sighed with resignation not liking the idea, but knowing that there wasn’t any other way. She looked at both boys and said cautiously, “I’m still not sure I can take either one of you into the dream walk so don’t get your hopes up.”

Alex knowing this had to be done nodded his head and said, “Well we have to at least try so let’s plan this out.” Suddenly his stomach let out a loud growl and he squirmed a little under the other two’s amuse glaze. “Maybe we should get something to eat also.” With that they ordered a pizza and discussed the timing and details making sure nothing would go wrong.

Back in Roswell

Kyle relaxed on the couch watching TV, having found an old horror classic he had not seen in a while. He had given the situation with Tess plenty of thought recently and came to the conclusion that she just could not be trusted, so he decided to watch her like a hawk over the next couple of weeks.

Hearing the door open he turned to see who it was only to see his dad walk into the room with a weary look on his face. “Tough day at the office,” Kyle asked.

The sheriff grunted in response and took a seat on the couch next to him. He took the remote from Kyle and started flipping through the channels. He ignored Kyle’s complaints and continued stare at the TV.

Kyle shook his head as he stood. “I’m going to go to the Crashdown and get something to eat. You want me to pick you up anything,” he asked as he shrugged into his varsity jacket and picked up his keys.

Jim looked at his son for a moment. “Yeah get me a blue moon burger and some Saturn rings,” he told him before returning his attention back to the television.

Kyle rolled his eyes and made his way out to his car. The trip didn’t take long but it did involve some heavy thought. He wasn’t sure if he could keep track of Tess without arousing suspicion. ‘Isn’t it already suspicious that Michael and Isabel both went out of town when Alex did,’ he thought wryly as he parked his Mustang.

Once inside the café he found a nice quiet place to sit and waited for a waitress to come and take his order. The bell sounded above the door making Kyle look up. His jaw dropped open as he locked eyes on the young woman that walked in. His eyes traveled over her and he took in the long brown hair and he nodded in approval at her generous curves. She looked to be around seventeen maybe eighteen, and he had a yearning to know what color her eyes were. Craning his neck to get a better view a thought occurred to him causing him to grin. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a certain pair of sun glasses and put them on. Sliding out of the booth he made his way over the girl and hopped onto the stool next to her causing her to glance at him. He took note of her eye color which was a deep shade of blue.

“Hello, I’m Kyle Valenti,” he told her while holding his hand out towards her. Smiling at her he let his eyes continue roaming over her body and thought to himself, ‘Definitely nice. Hmm she looks familiar, but where have I seen her at.’

The girl turned to him fully unwittingly giving him a better view of her ‘assets’. “I’m Lindsay,” she replied in a husky southern drawl which would bring most men to their knees.

A sudden pain formed on the back of Kyle’s head and suddenly he remembered why she looked so familiar. He had previously seen her at Las Cruces before Isabel slapped him on the back of the head. He rubbed his head in remembrance. “I take it from your accent that you’re not from around here,” he said while noticing that Maria was giving Lindsay dirty looks. He turned his attention back to the beautiful girl beside him unable to take his eyes off of her chest not that anybody would notice with his sun glasses on.

“Nope I’m from Alabama,” she told him with a smile and pointed to her shirt which had a big picture of a tiger with the words ‘Auburn’ across it.

“Ah the tigers. Yeah I saw you at Las Cruces yesterday. So what’s the deal with the shirt,” he asked slightly confused as to why she was at Las Cruces if she was an Auburn fan.

“Well I was visiting a friend who disappointed me by choosing Las Cruces. Something about a computer or some crap like that. I’m not in college yet though still a senior in high school.” She laughed softly as she noticed that Kyle had not stopped looking at her chest even she could tell he was doing that with the sunglasses on. “Like what you see,” she asked with a sexy purr.

Kyle darted his head and eyes up to look at her a slight blush coming to his cheeks. “Um…I…well…” He stuttered embarrassed at being caught.

Lindsay laughed again with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Next time try just using your eyes and not your whole head to look. It kind of does away with the whole use of the sunglasses,” she told him with a pat on the shoulder as Maria placed her order in front of her while still giving her dirty looks. “Well it was nice talking to you Kyle.” Leaning close to him she brought her lips to his ear and whispered, “maybe if I come this way again we could have some fun.” Kyle shivered from the sensation and nodded dumbly at her.

She grabbed the bag with her order and walked away. Kyle leaned back against the counter and watched her go blatantly staring at her butt. ‘Hmm, she’s wearing a thong.’ He was interrupted from his staring when a hard slap on the back on the head startled him. Kyle looked around to see Maria behind him and he shouted, “What did you slap me for,” which cause most of the customers to stare at him.

“You couldn’t take your eyes off her chest,” Maria scolded him much to the amusement to some of the more nosy customers. Their prying eyes looked elsewhere when they saw the glare from a fired up pixie.

“I wasn’t staring at her chest Maria,” he told her. Deciding to change the subject before she could hit him again he asked, “Why were you glaring at her anyways.” He held his breath hoping Maria would take her focus off of him.

“There is just something about her I don’t like, and she all but shoved her bosom in your face. Oh wait she did do that,” she told him with a roll of her eyes.

“Uh huh,” Kyle told her not really believing her. He was pretty sure Maria was jealous of Lindsay’s impressive assets pretty much like how she was jealous of Isabel before they became friends. He looked down at her perky breasts momentarily forgetting that he could see through her clothing. He turned his gaze away from her. ‘Great just great she may end up being my sister and I just looked at her breast. God if Michael finds out he’s going to kill me!’

“Anyway what can I get you,” she asked as she tapped her foot impatiently.

Shaking his head he thought to himself, ‘these two weeks are going to suck!’

New York – Later that night

Isabel sat on the bed with the two boys standing closely as they prepared themselves for the dreamwalk. “Ok so first things first we are going have to connect. In theory if you’re connected to me when I dream walk you should be able to come along for the ride,” she explained for seem liked the million time.

Michael rolled his eyes. “Yes we get it Isabel. Now can you just start it already,” he asked impatiently only to receive a glare from her.

“Forgive me for trying to make sure we do this right, and not end up damaging either me, Alex or even Liz in the process. I’m sorry what was I thinking,” she told him coldly. The cold, sarcastic tone cut through Alex as he knew that this was stressful for Isabel who was by nature a worrier.

“Isabel it will be fine,” he said softly as he sat down on the bed next to her. Taking her hand he laid her back softly. “I have faith in you.” He kissed her hand softly and handed her a picture of Liz. He laid down beside her as Isabel turned to him, their foreheads touching…the connection being made.

Isabel smiled as all his love flowed over her through the connection. She took a deep breath. “Ok let’s do this.” With that she closed her eyes and placed a finger on the picture. It rippled as power surged through it guiding Isabel to the dream plane.

Michael watched as they both seemed to sleep. “Good luck,” he whispered. All there was left for him to do was watch over them…

Dream plane

Isabel blinked as she adjusted herself to the setting. She looked around the dream plane, each dream represented by floating orbs. Isabel scrunched her head up in confusion, she should have connected directly to Liz’s dream.

“What’s wrong?” Came the voice behind her causing her to turn in surprise. There stood Alex who was looking around in wonder. He turned and looked at her again. “Shouldn’t we be in Liz’s dream?”

“Usually that’s what happens…but I have been here before but only when I want to come here intentionally.” She said as she looked into a dream orb that was flying by. She scrunched her nose up in disgust. “I really didn’t need to see that…”

“What is this place?” Alex asked in wonder as he reached to touch a dream orb.

“NO!” Isabel yelled and pulled his hand down. “If you touch any of them you will go into that persons dream.” She started walking with Alex following. “This is the dream plane, this place is like the meeting room for all the people’s dreams that are within my powers reach,” she explained as she randomly checked orbs. “I’ve only come here a few times and that was when I was a child. The first time I cam here was when I was having a bad dream and somehow ended up here.” She waved her hands around to emphasis her words.

“Cool. So what now,” he asked not really sure what to do.

“Well we have to find Liz’s dream, and since I tried to connect with her at first it feels as if her dream is calling to me.” Her voice was normal and casual which amazed Alex who just walked amazed.

“Calling to you,” he asked confused.

“Yes I think something interrupted my entering her dream. Maybe she woke up slightly and I couldn’t fully get in.” She stopped for a moment and closed her eyes and concentrated. Her eyes reopened and she smiled. “It’s this way,” she said as she started walking again. Alex followed her closely not exactly thrilled with the idea of getting lost in this place.

Isabel stood in front of an orb and peered in. She turned to Alex and nodded as she smiled comfortingly at him. She grabbed his hand softly and gave it a squeeze then she turned and placed her hand on the orb and then they were in.

Liz’s Dream Plane

Alex stumbled forward from the sudden jolt of entering Liz’s subconscious. He turned and looked at Isabel who had not one hair out of place and was currently smiling down at him. “Graceful entrance there sweetie,” she joked as she helped him up.

The sound of crying echoed through the dream plane as they wandered around. The crying grew louder as they walked deeper into the dream. The setting was the Crashdown Café which seemed fitting given this was Liz. They made their way up the stairs closer to the crying. Liz’s door was slightly cracked open allowing a gleam of light to flow out into the dark room of the Parkers’ loft. They stepped closer and figured that’s where the crying was coming from. Isabel turned to Alex and nodded. Pushing the door open they stepped into Liz’s room.

The room was empty, the atmosphere was cold and barren causing Alex to shiver from the sensation. The crying continued to fill the room louder. Alex noticed that the window leading to the balcony was open. He walked over and peered out into the cold night and what he saw caused him to gasp. There sitting on the cement ground was a trembling Liz holding her knees to her chest as sobs racked her small frame. He stepped out onto the balcony and noticed it was raining but no sound of rain could be heard. A hand on his shoulder startled him and he turned to find Isabel who he had not noticed followed him. “We’re here to observe Alex,” she cautioned softly.

The scene changed but they still found themselves on the balcony. They looked around confused and Alex noticed Liz was still there, but she was talking to Max or someone that appeared to be Max. Isabel noticed also and signaled Alex to be quiet.

The weird Max look-alike was the first to speak. “The closer that you and I grew the worse it got with Tess and eventually she left Roswell.”

“Because of me?” Liz replied in a soft whisper.

“Because of me and how I treated her. It turned out Tess was critical to our survival. The four of us - Michael, Isabel, Tess and I, .we made a complete unit. We all had different gifts, and with one of us missing we weren't as strong, and everything fell apart.” His voice was strangled and filled with emotion.

“So you want me to help you and Tess get together,” she asked. “Yes,” was his reply. Alex watched it play out as he sat in shocked at what he was seeing. ‘What kind of a plan is that,’ Alex thought to himself.

“Why don't you just go to Tess,” Liz asked him. ‘Gee maybe because she is a freaking psycho,’ Alex’s mind yelled.

“It's you I trust. It's you I have faith in, and because it's not just about getting me close to Tess. I need you to help me fall out of love with you.”

Isabel gasped and looked at Alex in shock. They knew about Future Max but Isabel could not imagine how Liz must have felt to hear that. To be suddenly told that you had to push away the person you loved the most. The scene changed again and they found themselves in Liz’s room. They looked around and found Liz in bed…with Kyle. “What the hell,” Alex asked in confusion. Seeing the two were talk Alex quieted down and listened to the dream conversation.

“Yeah. Um, Kyle, look...I just wanna make sure that I...I...I made it actually clear that we're not gonna, Liz said to Kyle while motioning towards each other. “Consummate. I understand,” Kyle finished for her while looking very uncomfortable.

Alex turned to Isabel. “I guess this explains some stuff.” Isabel nodded her head in agreement as she looked around the room.

Liz and Kyle chatted back and forth while Isabel and Alex listened. All of a sudden Liz looked out the window with a shocked look on her face. Alex turned his gaze to follow where Liz was looking and there stood Max. His face was one of shock and pain. Alex turned back to Isabel who had silent tears running down her cheeks as Max’s pain was too much for her along with the feelings of lonlieness coming from Liz.

Motel Room – New York

Isabel bolted upright in bed taking deep breaths while next to her Alex slowly opened his eyes and sat up. Michael was by their sides in a hurry.

“What happened,” he asked quickly as he looked from one to the other.

“Well we found out why Liz and Max are acting like they are,” Alex trailed off as he shook off the groggy feeling.

“And…..” Michael pushed impatiently.

“Liz faked sleeping with Kyle,” Isabel whispered as the vision of her brother’s pained face flashed over her.

“She what,” he yelled as he started to pace. He shook his head and continued, “Well that does explain everything.” Letting out an exasperated sigh he rubbed his face. ‘Do those two ever do anything simple,’ he thought as he decided to get some water for his dream jaunting friends.

Roswell – Liz’s Room

Her eyes flew open as tears spilled down her face. The dreams have haunted her every night and Max’s face was seared into her memory. She had hurt the one person she cared for the most and it was killing her inside. She crawled into a fetal position and cried herself to sleep wishing for happy dreams and knowing she would not receive them.

Outside the window a pair of amber eyes watched her silently glossed over from emotion as he watched Liz cry. He wanted so badly to hold and take her pain away but he couldn’t as she had made it clear that she didn’t want him anymore. Stepping back from the window he took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky. ‘How had he found himself in this situation? All he ever wanted was to be normal and be able to love the brave girl that had captured his heart and branded his soul. Just when everything was going so right for them he lost it all. He tried so desperately to control things from spinning out of control, but he found that the more he attempted to control things the more everything became chaotic. Was it so wrong of him to want to be able to love who he wanted to love? Was it so wrong to want to be happy?’

A strangled sob escaped his throat as he tried to fight back his emotions. He shook his head violently to banish his thoughts and feeling. He looked up at the sky again and watched the silent requiem of the night as the lights of the universe flickered out of existence only to be replaced. A whole race of people depended on him so he had to be in control.

He glanced back at the window and his resolve weakening. Shaking his head again he turned and stepped up to the ladder and went down.

The next morning - New York

Alex walked down the sidewalk of the busy city. Having woken up early he decided to get breakfast for everybody. He had previously noticed a small café on the corner of the block. He walked briskly through the chilled air of the morning only to collide with a soft body. He looked up and right into the face of Isabel…only it wasn’t Isabel, this girl had short hair, piercing and tattoos. He knew her through from his dream and realized that it was one of the dupes. He looked over her body and it astounded him that her body was exactly like Isabel’s.

The dupe looked at him with a flirtatious smile before turning and walking away. She glanced back at him still smiling.

Alex watched her walk away before his brain set into action. He ran back to the Motel and burst through the door into the room.

“Wake up,” he shouted as he kicked Michael who was currently snoring from the floor.

“What the hell if your problem Whitman,” Michael asked gruffly as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“I just saw Isabel’s dupe. If we hurry we can follow her,” Alex said while gently shaking Isabel.

She opened her eyes and sleepy smile at him. A second later her brain finally registered what he had just said. Jumping out bed she waved her hands over body transforming her sleep clothes into fitting day attire. “Ready,” she said as she walked to the door.

A thought occurred to Alex. “Wait…your dupe didn’t recognize me but she will recognize you two,” he said as he looked between the two aliens.

“No problem,” Isabel said and waved her hands over herself once again changing her hair from the once golden hue to black. She then put on a pair of sunglasses and did the same for Michael. He turned to Alex and said with a smile, “problem solved.”

“Well let’s go,” Alex said while reaching the door. Stopping he started patting his pants pockets and said in disbelief, “I can’t believe it.”

“What,” Michael inquired impatiently.

“She freaking stole my wallet,” Alex exclaimed as he checked his pockets again.

Michael let out a laugh and pushed his friends through the door. “She went straight for the money huh? Oh yeah she’s definitely related to Isabel alright.” As the door closed the sound of a hard slap could be heard.

On the streets of New York

They walked quickly trying to catch up with the dupe. After twenty minutes of search they had finally found her. They watched as she walked into a dark alley. Finally reaching it they stopped as Alex peered around the corner. Turning back to the others he whispered, “No sign of her.” Motioning to the others he started walking into the alley watching for anything. Reaching an opening behind the buildings they came to abruptly stop as voices hear their ears. Thinking quickly Alex shoved Isabel and Michael behind some boxes to conceal them. He peered over the top and saw the origin of the voices. The dupes stood around casually chatting back and forth.

“He ain’t coming. We’s being played,” said the Max look alike in a thick New York accent.

“Chill bro, if he said he’d come, he’ll come,” the Isabel look alike replied in a cold tone.

Alex turned back to his group. “They’re all there and they seem to be waiting for someone,” Alex informed them as he looked back at the dupes.

“Who are they waiting for,” Michael asked as he took up watch next to Alex.

He didn’t have to answer Michael as there was no need because the person had just shown up.

Michael and Alex watched in shocked as teenager came from the opposite side of the alley. Isabel nudged Alex on the side. “Who is it,” she asked as she sat up and peered over the boxes.

A low growl came from Michael’s throat as he answered her. “Nicholas…”

End part B

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:33 pm
by Biged
Title: Prophecy
Author: Biged
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so please don’t sue.
Rating: ADULT
Coupling: A/I +CC
Summary: Look at previous chapters for a more detail summary.
AN: sorry about the wait. This part is what started me writing Prophecy...this was a dream i orginally had...enjoy!

Part C

The three sat there in shock as they saw a very much alive Nicholas standing a few feet in front of them. He was supposed to be dead having been killed by Tess a few months ago. Alex continued to watch and listen intently to the conversation taking place in front of him.

“About time yous show. What’s the matta? All the walking too much for your litta legs,” the Max look alike said in a sharp, condescending tone.

“Witty as always Zan. Now let’s get down to business shall we,” Nicholas glanced around the dank alley scrunching his nose in disgust. “Well its better than that hole you call a house...barely.” His voice is cold as he hopes to anger the royals and succeeding somewhat.

Zan flinched as Nicholas spoke and thought to himself he would give anything to be able to take out Nicholas but the runt is far stronger than him. He had to settle for politics which is something he never realley cared for. He turned to Rath watching him curiously and wondered what he was up to. Rath had seemed intent in setting up this meeting with Nicholas and getting a summit together. A little intent for his liking as soldiers are supposed to prefer war, rather then quibbling over inconsequential political drivel. “Lets jus get this done,” he growled while glaring at the runt.

“The rulers of the five worlds want a summit. They want peace that’s all there is to it.”

“Khivar wants peace,” he asked with amusement as he hollered out in laughter. This had to be a joke. When did Khivar ever want peace or ever listen to the other planets for that matter? “Lets get one thing down chief it ain’t five worlds…Khivar controls three of ‘em. I don’t think the othas hold enough cards to influence a fuckin thing.” He smirked at Nicholas in a cocky manner that was reminiscent of the original Zan, Nicholas thought with detest.

“Yes Khivar wants peace,” his voice was restrained as he desperately tried to keep his cool and not kill Zan where he stood. The offensive remarks pertaining to Khivar are of little consequence to him he never realley had a great like for the man and had only realley joined his side due to extenuating circumstances. It is the cockiness which he disliked, the same cockiness that caused all the problems in the first place in his honest opinion. “Even with all the resources at his command war still reigns between the worlds and terrorist acts are common place at the palace city as well as any other facility controlled by Khivar. The rebellion is growing in numbers and Khivar’s hold over Kelos is loosening, and we both know what will happen if Kelos is allowed to become sovereign again.”

“Yea, Khivar will lose and the Royal line including the high council will rule again. How is that supposed to make me want peace with Khivar,” Zan asked with smirk aimed at Nicholas.

“If you think that Khivar will just leave you alone when he starts to sense he is on the edge of defeat, then you’re a bigger fool then I first assumed.” His voice was dead serious and left no room for jest or miss interpretation.

Behind the conversing duo Lonnie watched and smirked as Nicholas verballey wiped the smirk off her brother’s face. Mr. High and Mighty is finalley being brought down a peg or two she thinks as she listens in.

Still concealed behind boxes, Alex peered over and strained his ears to listen to the conversation. Behind him Michael and Isabel sat as they wait for their turns to watch as they thought that more then one person watching would draw attention to their selves. Alex turned to them and kneeled down to be level with them. “They seem to be talking about that Khivar guy again and how he wants peace. He must not realley want peace seeing how he ends up destroying the world.”

“But he won’t this time!” Michael spoke vehemently catching Alex off guard with the passion in his voice. He smiled at his friends and nodded to convey his feelings. They wouldn’t lose, they couldn’t. Alex resumed his spying.

“The summit will take place in a few days and each of the five worlds will have representatives.” He looked at his nails in a nonchalant manner.

“Again with the five worlds. There are only two that speak for themselves. If we even go to this summit I’s can tell yous jus how it will end.” Zan let out an exasperated sigh.

“Do tell oh wise and powerful Oz,” the sarcasm dripped through his voice.

“They will force me to give up the throne and solidify Khivar’s claim on it. You know he won’t stop until we’s cold in the ground.” He stared at Nicholas, daring him to say otherwise.

Nicholas smirked, ‘Zan isn’t stupid I’ll give him that.’ He thought to himself. “Immunity will be granted to you as well as the other three.” He nodded in the direction of the group emphasizing his point.

Zan ran his hands through his hair in frustration, he needed to think. He rushed out of the alley leaving his group behind.

Rath attempted to follow but Ava stopped him, “Let me go.” Rath nodded and Ava hurried after Zan.

Nicholas followed Ava with his eyes making sure she is far enough away he turned and spoke to Lonnie. “He’s not going to go along with it,” he said matter of factly.

“Chill out Nicky. He will do what’s best for us, and we just have to make him believe that the summit is what’s best.” She turned her eyes on Rath and was pleased at his obedient nod.

In their hiding place Alex stood abruptly as if being called to do so. He walked deeper into the alley as if in a daze shrugging off Isabel and Michael’s attempts to restrain him.

Lonnie is the first to notice him and she rolls her eyes. ‘Probably wants his wallet back, but by the way he was looking at me he probably has something else in mind,’ she thinks as she smirks inwardly. No one can resist her.

Nicholas notices that Lonnie is looking over her shoulders and turns to see what was distracting her. He smiled as he spied Alex creeping closer to them. “Well if it isn’t the Princesses lap dog. She actually let you off your leash? Well I must say that I’m surprised.”

Alex laughed as he stepped closer, wary not to make a wrong move. “I’m surprised you’re not crap stuck on the bottom shoe, or any other west Roswell high student for that matter.”

He smirked at the human. This one has a backbone, I like that he thought in amusement. Turning to Rath “Kill the…animal.” He commanded.

“Do I look like your fuckin dog,” Rath answered in disgust. He really didn’t like Nicholas but the runt was his only way off this rock.

“Rath just do it!” Lonnie lost her interest and was now growing impatient.

“Fine…” With that he lifted his hand and sent a weak blast towards Alex, which was more then enough to kill a human. Alex raised his hand out of instinct and light filled the dark alley, temporarily blinding all who watched. Once their vision cleared they returned their eyes to Alex, they saw that the origin of the light, a bright, sparkling blue shield was emanating from his now glowing hand.

“What the hell,” Rath growled in disbelief. Raising his hand again, he sent out a stronger blast only for it to be absorbed by the sparkling shield. They continued to stare at Alex with a mixture of shock and surprise, although none more shocked than Alex himself. He quickly hid his shock but not before Rath managed to glimpse it. He smirked at Alex, he knew he was confused and had no idea how to use his powers. He threw up his dirty hand, releasing a much stronger and continuous blast.

The glistening shield flickered under the unrelenting attack, draining Alex slightly as he stumbled back with his hand still elevated. Still unseen behind the boxes, the pair watched in apprehension. Isabel turned to Michael with pleading eyes; he simply shook his head in return. As much as she wanted to help her boyfriend she knew he wouldn’t want her exposing herself especially to Nicholas.

“Well, well having some trouble I see,” Nicholas said in a jovial voice as he watched Alex stumble under the onslaught.

“Jus give up baby. The pain won’t last long,” Rath said with a sneer as he stepped forward pushing Alex back further.

Energy flowed through Alex from a reservoir he didn’t think he had. The power made his hair stand on end as it pulsated through him. He straightened up and started walking forward, forcing Rath back. His shield pulsated brighter forcing a feedback towards Rath knocking him down effectively ceasing his attack. He stumbled up to his feet straight into a fist now flying at his face. Not having any time to protect himself he fell back again as pain shot through his face, causing him to tear up from the force of the blow. A human had never hit Rath that hard before and for the first time in his life he was truly scared. He didn’t know what to expect as by all rights Alex should have been dead on the floor. A thud reverberated through the alley as Alex landed a swift kick to Rath’s stomach, knocking the air out of him.

Alex went to kick him again but was stopped by a heavy weight on his back. He glanced back enough to make out the form of Isabel’s doppelganger. He shrugged her off his back with much difficulty and advanced on her as she stood. He smirked as he looked her up and down like a Tiger watching its prey. Lonnie smirked as she felt him watching her body with his piercing eyes. No man could resist her she reminded herself as she walked closer to him swaying her hips sexually.

Alex stood in front of her with her breasts lightly grazing his chest. He reached his hand behind her and Lonnie was sure she had him. He’s already going for the goods she thought to herself as she prepared to attack. To her surprise, Alex reached into her back pocket and pulled out his wallet, “Thanks for holding this for me.” With a flick of his wrist he sent her flying back where she slammed into the brick siding of the building effectively knocking her unconscious. He turned back to Rath and ducked quickly as a fist came rushing towards him. He swept his foot out catching Rath’s leg knocking him down again.

Rath hurried to his feet only to receive a kick in the stomach which sent him flying into the side of the building. Blood trickled from his mouth and nose as he struggled not to swallow the blood that was pouring down his throat. Something was broken but he didn’t have time to worry about that. He hurried to his feet again looking around the alley only to be confronted by a blinding light and sharp pain then….darkness.

The smell of burnt flesh flowed through the alley stinging Alex’s nose but he made no reaction to it. He stared down at Rath’s limp body as it continued to smoke from the blast impact. His body remained intact except for the hole which now took up the majority of Rath’s upper abdomen, allowing him to see the blood-drenched concrete underneath.

A loud clap reverberated through the alley interrupting Alex from the assessment of his handy work. “Not bad for a human. Are you sure you’re fighting for the right side? Your style was almost flawless, and if I didn’t know any better I would say one of ours taught you how to fight,” Nicholas smirked at Alex while circling him. “Well at least a Kelosian, your typical Manorian soldiers, skins, what ever you want to call them lack the grace to pull those moves.” He noticed the confused look on Alex’s face and smirked again. “You probably have no idea what I’m talking about but I’m not an ordinary Skin. I can survive in this atmosphere; not for long but I can. The others disintegrate almost instantly, something to do with the nitrogen and the greenhouse gases, and other pollutants combining to be acidic to them. They probably could have survived, similar to the way I would, about a thousand earth years ago” He shrugged as he continued to stare at Alex with caution after having witness the power that he had shown.

“Kelosian…Kelos” Alex whispered. It meant something to him and pride swelled in him as he said the word. Suddenly as if by magic foreign words flowed through his mind, alien words. One word seemed to hold more power then the others. “…’Rori” (Apostrophe has an ‘eh’ sound “eh-ro-ri”)

Nicholas froze as the word rang in his ear but the human couldn’t have whispered what he thought he did. Could he? How could this human speak Kelosian? “Wh…what did you say,” his voice trembled as he remembered the last time he heard the word. He forced back the memory of the old days. It was simply too painful to remember that time when things were so different and simple.

“Honor. I said honor,” Alex told him in confusion. What he had just said seemed to fit, it seemed right.

“Who taught you that?”

Alex didn’t answer he simply stared back and Nicholas. “TELL ME!!” His hand flew up sending a blast that narrowly missed Alex’s head but managed to destroy a good portion of the wall behind him. Still receiving no answer, Nicholas rushed forward punching Alex square on the jaw. Alex stumbled sideways but regained his balance in time to evade a kick that Nicholas sent towards him. “What made you say that? Tell me,” he sent another blast at Alex who ducked quickly as it hit the walling behind him. Shrapnel from the blast dug into his back causing him to wince. He could feel the warm blood trickling from his wounds but he recovered quickly.

“I don’t know…it just came to me…,” Alex stumbled sideways as pain shot through his back.

“You lie! It was that bitch Vilandra wasn’t it? Or maybe it was that poor excuse of a king brother of hers who told you?!” He kicked Alex, who seems more intent on easing the pain in his back. “They have no right to speak that word just as you don’t!”

A blast hit Alex in the back although it wasn’t strong enough to kill him it did knock him to the floor. “Time to end this,” Nicholas lifted his hand up willing all his energy into his palm. The light shone beautifully off his hand as the multicolor light illuminated the dark alley. He released it with a flash that clouded his vision and he shook his head to clear the spots swirling around his perception. He looked to where Alex once stood only to find nothing, not even a scrap of clothing. His blast couldn’t have been that powerful. A tap on the shoulder startled him and caused him to twirl round on his heels. Standing there was Alex with a smirk on his face.

“Missed.” Nicholas crumbled to the floor as the punch landed on his face distorting his vision and causing blood to fill his mouth. He rushed up quickly landing a punch of his own forcing Alex back and to his knees.

Alex raised slowly, his gaze lowered to the grimy floor. A chuckle escaped his lips as he spit blood onto the foul concrete. “Why are you laughing,” Nicholas asked while knowing that he should press his advantage now and attack him.

“You fight well Nikal. Just like the General I taught you to be.” Alex raised his gaze to meet Nicholas’ who was startled at the bright, glowing hypnotic blue of his eyes.

Nicholas stumbled backwards in shock and chanted to himself, ‘it couldn’t be…could it?’

“Kraz,” his low voice echoed through the silent alley, almost deafening.

End Chapter 11

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:20 am
by Biged
Title: Prophecy
Author: Biged
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so yeah don’t sue me.
Coupling: A/I, CC
Summary: Look at previous chapters please.
AN: sorry about the wait :) and i would like to thank the lovely Cam for doing Excellent Betaing

Chapter 12 Part A

Nicholas stared at Alex with tense eyes not quite sure what was going on. ‘Can it be true? Is this really Kraz or is this some trick?’ As he continued to stare at his opponent thousand of questions flowed through his mind. Each one the more mind numbing as he tried reconciling what he knew and what he was seeing before him.

The weather had become glum as the sky clouded over with dark clouds threatening rain as they rushed overhead. The air had gone colder as they stood there. Nicholas shook his head trying to banish the thoughts. It wasn’t possible. “No…this is a trick…you’re trying to distract me…”

Alex laughed bitterly as his glowing eyes pierced Nicholas’. “My, how dense you have become in your old age Nikal.” Another laugh escaped his throat as he continued to stare hollowly at Nicholas.

“Don’t call me that…Nikal is long since dead…all that remains is me.”

“If you say so…Nicholas,” Alex spat his name out as if it were a foul word causing Nicholas to flinch involuntarily. “Still to deny your true name is to deny who you really are,” he smiled at him in a cold manner.

Nicholas had enough of what surely was nothing more than a trick. Leaping forward he threw a punch at Alex but met nothing but thin air. He turned quickly swinging his leg out into a kick. Alex anticipating the move threw his hand up and grabbed hold of Nicholas’ ankle. He pulled causing Nicholas to lose his balance and tumble to the ground.

“How the strong have fallen,” another bitter laugh echoed through the alley.

“No more lies. Who are you?”

“I am Kraz. Well I am partly him anyway,” he smiled down at Nicholas as if his answer was enough proof.

“You lie! Kraz is dead. He was killed by the Royal Four,” Nicholas shouted angrily.

Alex shook his head and backed away from him. “Wrong again Nicholas. As long as Alex here lives then so do I. I am part of him. As for the Royal family killing me, I would have never thought I would see the day when you would be so easily fooled.” He shook his head sadly as he continued looking down at Nicholas.

“Who else could have killed you without raising concern?”

“Maybe you should have asked Rath before you killed him. He was probably on the right path as he was always good at solving a mystery.”

Nicholas scoffed at the idea. ‘Rath? Smart enough to solve something? Surely he jests.’

Alex seeing the look on Nicholas’ face at the mention of Rath’s intelligence smirked, “You never did really like Rath too much did you? I can’t see why you did as that one was a great soldier in his time and many were proud to serve under him.”

Nicholas laughed for the first time, a true laugh with no ill intent hidden in his voice. “Well you certainly do sound like Kraz.”

“Ah can it be true. Is Nikal actually using his brain for the first time in fifty years,” Alex laughed with Nicholas.

“You do realize I need more proof then your word?”

“Of course, I would think you a fool otherwise.” Alex offered his bloody hand to Nicholas who clasped it instantly forming a connection between the two.

Flashes of Nikal flowed through the connection showing images of long since past conversations on a distant world. Conversations that only Kraz would have knowledge of. The first time they met on the streets of Kelos during a bitter rainstorm. Nikal, a shivering young man seeking shelter from the elements in a deserted alley much like the one they were standing in at that moment. Nikal graduating from the military academy with high marks and the feeling of pride flowed through the connection.

Alex stepped back from Nicholas breaking the connection dazed and lost in the violent storm of images that had pounded his mind. His lost had lost their radiant glowing and looked around confused, “What…what happened?”

Nicholas stepped forward and steadied Alex. “It’s alright. The connection just overwhelmed your senses for a second.”

“What happened,” Alex repeated again unsteadily.

“Nothing you need to worry yourself about,” Nicholas smiled in a comforting way. He turned his head to the exit and called out to Michael and Isabel. “You may come out now, I know you’re there.”

They walked cautiously into the center of the alley not really sure of what had transpired.

Isabel was the first to speak never taking her eyes off of Nicholas. “What did you do to him,” she asked curtly while moving closer to Alex.

“I didn’t do anything and it was his idea to open the connection. His mind just isn’t used to that amount of information being given to it at one time. He’ll recover in a few hours,” he smiled at her in a way that seems surreal to her.

“And why should we trust you,” Michael narrowed his eyes at him not willing to trust someone who not too long had planned to kill them all.

“Because I finally understand,” he told him. Dismissing him with a curt nod he turned to Isabel, “Just take him back to your hotel and let him get some rest and he’ll be fine.”

She searched his eyes one final time and with a nod she turned to lift Alex’s arm over her shoulder to balance him.

“Why are you helping us? What just happened to make you change your mind,” Michael asked needing more of an answer than the simple ‘I finally understand.’

“I had things wrong and followed the wrong side. Believe when I say that I will pay for that later, but for now I am in your service.” He bowed towards Michael and muttered, “Lord Rath.” Straightening back up he turned back to Isabel who had a puzzled look on her face, “I will explain everything in time, but for now I had better take care of your clone. She will no longer be a problem from here on out,” he nodded towards Lonnie who was still sprawled unconsciously on the ground. Saying no more Isabel nodded at him and led Alex out of the alley with a tense Michael following closely behind.


Liz looked into the mirror and almost didn’t recognize the person that stared back at her. ‘Who was this person that carried all this weight on her shoulders? When had things become so worst off? Was it when a future version of Max had come back? Or was it even before then that she knew that her time with Max was running out?’

Tired and full of pain she turned on her shower and listened to the water run through the pipes. She stood there for what seemed like hours as the water drowned out everything around her. This was her refuge from the normal existence that is her life. ‘Normal?’ A sarcastic chuckle escaped her lips at the word, as it seemed so foreign to her now. How she longed for the days when her biggest concern was what grade would she get on a particularly hard test in history. Days when logic ruled first and foremost and the laws of physics remained soundly intact. She looked around at her surroundings and realized that even her bathroom seemed foreign to her as if another Liz had lived here.

With a heavy sigh she shed her clothing and made her way slowly into the shower. The hot water invaded her senses as her mind cleared. Steam poured all around her as she washed herself of the thoughts that plagued her. Moments passed and she soon found herself lacking the energy to even take a simple shower. Everything was out of control, yet she wouldn’t have traded anything in the world to go back. She remembered his warm amber eyes that were God sent and at the same time a burden. ‘He has a destiny,’ she told herself silently hoping that her heart would finally catch up with her mind. The words echo in her mind and she realized that even now her mind was no longer accepting it. All she really wanted to do was be wrapped his arms no longer worrying about destiny or the world ending.

She startled as she heard someone knocking on her door. Coming to her senses she heard her mother yell loudly, “Liz, are you alright in there?”

“I’m fine mom,” she replied back while hurrying to finish bathing.

“You’ve been in there for a while Liz. Are you sure you’re alright?”

‘My mother is persistent if nothing else,’ she sighed to herself. ‘She’s just worried about you is all,’ she told herself. “I’m just having a bad start is all, but I’m fine really.”

Silence greeted her and her mom finally answered, “Okay I’ll see you downstairs then.”

Hearing the outer door close Liz reached to shut off the shower and reached up to grab her door. Drying herself off she muttered, “God this day is gonna suck!” Another knock at the door startled her somewhat. “Mom I said I was fine…”

“It’s Maria.”

Hearing the bright voice that seemed ready to burst in a song, Liz shook her head. ‘Oh yeah that has to be Maria unless someone is impersonating her. Paranoid much? Get a grip Parker. Who would want to impersonate Maria?’

“Liz! Babe are you going to open the door or what?”

‘That’s definitely Maria,’ she smiled. “I’m coming Maria just give me a minute,” she yelled and hurried to put her clothes on. A few minutes later she opened the door and met Maria face to face. “Okay I’m all done. Now what’s up?”

“Nothing much just checking on you. Making sure you didn’t fall asleep in the shower or anything,” Maria smiled at her and Liz finding it infectious returned the smile.

“Just having a hard time getting started this morning,” Liz told her honestly and crossed to her dresser to brush her hair.

“I’m feeling your pain. My mom had to practically drag me out of bed so that I wouldn’t be late for my shift.” Another smile graced her lips as she stood beside Liz checking herself in the mirror. “Although it was a much better wake up call then her catching a certain messy haired goof ball in my bed.”

Liz laughed out loud as she remembered Maria telling her about Amy whacking Michael over the head. “So any word from him yet?”

Maria shrugged at the question, and the term Teflon popped into Liz’s mind. “All I’m going to say is that he’ll be back and when he is…he is so going to pay.” A mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes and Liz had to stifle a chuckle. Leave it to Maria to make everything difficult, at least when dealing with Michael.

“You know just this morning I was asking your mother how much it would cost to take out a help wanted ad in the paper,” a voice interrupted them. The girls turned and found Jeff Parker standing in the doorway with an amused smile on his lips.

“We’re coming Mr. P…perfection just cannot be rushed.” Maria said cheerfully as she wiggled her hips from side to side continuing to watch herself in the mirror. Jeff laughed briefly before backing out of the room shaking his head as he went.

“Your dad just doesn’t understand, we have to be perfect for our adoring public.” Maria batted her eyelashes at Liz, emphasizing her point.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh please. The boy still watches you constantly. I should know and if you could just see the look on Tess’ face. Boy is it priceless,” Maria let out a happy squeal as she led Liz down to the restaurant area.

“Yeah Tess does always seem to be around when Max is,” Liz replied curtly as they made their way down the stairs.

“That girl is the original hound of Hell. I swear she follows Max by his scent!”

Liz smiled at Maria and a laugh threatened to burst forth. ‘Leave it to Tess to lift my spirits.’ Granted she thought that Max belonged with Tess but it didn’t mean they couldn’t poke some fun at the girl. “So what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Same as always, wait on customers and rake in the cash.”

The day went on as usual in the small Café with business picking up around lunchtime.

Maria nudged Liz in the rib causing a small gasp of pain from her dark haired friend. “What,” Liz asked with slight annoyance. Liz followed Maria’s eyes and fell upon Max sitting in his usual spot. “He’s in your area.”

Maria sighed as she rushed over to wait on her alien friend. “The usual?” she asked with a smile.

Max surveyed the menu for what seemed like the millionth time, as if something would have appeared newly on the menu over night. Max nodded as he spoke. “Yes please.” He smiled at her as she turned to place his order.

His attention turned to Liz as per the usual of the day. His feelings towards her were still somewhat in turmoil but the pull towards her was still there and probably always would be. As if she felt him staring she lifted her head and looked at him and smiled and he smiled back.

A few minutes later found Max reading a magazine he brought with him as he waited for his order. A plate setting down in front of him startled him, and he looked up to see Liz standing in front of him.

“Hey,” came his awkward greeting as he pulled his plate in front of him.

“Hey. Um did you want anything else,” she asked in her usual polite tone.

“No, I’m good thanks,” he told her and she turned to walk away when he spoke again. “Want to go to the movies tonight?”

“Max,” she started with a sigh.

“Strictly as friends,” he held up his hands to show he was sincere.

She thought about it for a moment and figured what the heck it couldn’t hurt. “Sure. Pick me up around seven,” she smiled at him and walked away thinking things were definitely looking up for the day. She hurried back to waiting on customers. As she rounded the main counter Maria pulled her aside quickly.

“I know that look now spill,” she spoke in hushed tones trying to contain her excitement.

“There’s nothing to spill Maria,” Liz protested. Maria stared at her. “Really…” The staring continued. “Okay fine I’m going to the movies with Max later, but it’s totally as friends,” Liz said resolutely. Maria simply gave her a knowing look that caused Liz to roll her eyes with a slight smile gracing her lips. Things were definitely looking up.

New York

Isabel watched Alex lying peacefully on the bed never taking her eyes off of him. Michael paced the room occasionally looking over at Alex and Isabel. He was having a difficult time wrapping his mind around what he just witnessed. He looked back at Alex and silently wondered who exactly his friend was. ‘Who is he? Why did Nicholas seem so familiar with him?’ These questions and many more ate away at him and he continued to pace.

A sharp knock at the door startled both Michael and Isabel. They exchanged a look and Michael went to answer it. Slowing opening the door to a point where he could peek out of he saw Nicholas standing on the other side. “What do you want,” Michael asked harshly not bothering to conceal his mistrust of the guy before him.

“I came to see how Alex is doing,” Nicholas replied politely as he waited patiently to be let in.

Michael reluctantly opened the door ever ready to defend the others and himself if necessary. Nicholas strolled in and approached the bed. He looked over the scene in front of him with little emotion.

Isabel looked at Nicholas with caution. “Do you know what’s going on?”

“I know a little. I’ll start with what happened earlier in the alley. From what I could tell Alex is like you Royals as he was cloned using the essence of a person named…”

“Kraz,” Isabel interrupted

Nicholas nodded towards Isabel. “You know then,” he asked in surprise.

“Yes for a few days now actually,” Isabel replied vaguely not willing to give him any more information then necessary.

“Ok well that saves time then. As near as I can tell Kraz came to the surface today, which is why he was able to fight with the grace of a soldier.” Nicholas smirked and continued on, “The part I do not know is who cloned him.”

“That’s the million dollar question isn’t it?” Isabel let out a small gasp of surprise as Alex spoke from his prone position beside her. Alex tried to sit up but found it difficult to do so.

“You should rest some more. Your body needs a chance to absorb the excess energy it produced and is probably unable to regulate at this time.” Nicholas said with honest concern.

Alex ignored him and sat up. “Waiting never gets you anywhere Nicholas. Now why don’t you try explaining why Kraz came to the surface. It was like I was in my body but I wasn’t controlling it.”

”Instinct. You probably sensed that you were in danger and accessed the memories that deal with tactics and strategy in battle,” he looked around the run down motel room as he continued to speak. “From what I understand of the process, the original essence can never fully get control of the body and it’s just a part of you. You are still Alex just as much as Isabel is herself. She will never be Vilandra again just as you will never be Kraz again. As you get older your brain should absorb the essence and make it your own so you will eventually have all the memories and experience of Kraz. At least in theory that is, cloning was in its infancy at the time although still much farther along then as is on Earth.”

Alex stood up and stretched out his limps feeling pain in every movement. “I think I got a little more then Kraz in my head,” he stated as he walked around the room.

Nicholas looked at him perplexed at his statement. “I don’t understand.” He looked to Isabel and found the same look he wore.

“It’s hard to explain but its like I have another set of memories that aren’t mine and I doubt they are Kraz’s unless he paid a visit to Earth when he was alive.” He looked over to Nicholas who in turn shook his head no. “Well then I guess that just brings up more problems.” He sat down heavily on the bed letting out a sigh of exhaustion.

“I could find out if you allow me to,” Nicholas offered.

Alex’s looked up at Nicholas. “How?”

“I can go into your mind and try to find out who the memories belong to.”

Isabel instantly shook her head. “No way. You’re not going anywhere near his brain you mind raping midget.” Alex’s hand landed on her thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay Iz.”

He turned back to Nicholas. “What do I have to do?”

“Just sit there is all.” Nicholas stepped forward cautiously. He glanced at Isabel before placing his hands on the sides of Alex’s face.

“I think this is a really bad idea Alex,” Michael piped in from behind Nicholas.

Alex looked into Nicholas’ eyes then leaning slighting sideways to glance at Michael. “I trust him Michael.”

Michael let out a sigh but nodded his ok. He trusted Alex and that’s all there was to it. Alex sat straight again and returned his eyes to Nicholas’. “Lets get this over with.”

Nicholas concentrated on seeing into Alex’s mind and the connection formed quickly. Flashes floated around Nicholas’s mind as he probed deeper into Alex’s subconscious. He tried not to stare at any of the images not wanting to invade Alex’s privacy and be kicked from the connection. He looked around until he came across a thick mist in the middle of Alex’s mind. This must be it he told himself and he went further into the mist. He felt as if the mist was drowning him, as it was so thick. A light appeared in front of him and he rushed to it certain it was what he was looking for.

Images floated around him and he picked one to view. It hit him instantly at what he was watching, the death of Kraz. He watched helplessly as Kraz fell to the ground and he stared at the man attacking Kraz, the man he knew all too well. He pulled back from the memory, as it wasn’t what he was looking for. Another image floated towards him and he accessed it. It seemed oddly familiar and definitely not from Antar or any of its neighboring planets. An orange bridge stood in front of him as cars bustles across it. It was the Golden Gate Bridge he knew it well from postcards he saw never actually having visited it. The image changed and he saw Alex standing before him. Why was he looking at Alex? He stood confused but continued to watch. The image moved and he realized he was staring into a mirror. Something was different about Alex though he looked older and wiser. The surrounding was unfamiliar to him.

A flash appeared in his vision knocking him from the connection. Alex slumped onto the bed and Isabel was instantly at his side. “I’m alright,” he reassured them as he sat upright again.

Across from him Nicholas fought to regain his balance as the connection had taken a lot out of him but he was able to stay standing.

“What happened,” Isabel and Michael asked at the same time with Michael looking at Nicholas for the answer and Isabel at Alex.

Nicholas and Alex exchanged a glance before Alex replied. “Guess I’m going to California.”

there ya go....about time huh LOL

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:38 pm
by Biged
Yes yes it took forever and this part isn't that big just a buffer to get moving :) Parts of this have sections from Chapter 4 of this story.


Part B

The flight was much quicker for Alex the second time round, his mind full of thoughts. They had decided to go back to Roswell before heading off to California, well Isabel had decided for him. She had grown increasingly worried about his behavior over the past few hours. Nicholas had decided to stay in New York and watch over the dupe squad, a fact that would not go over well with Khivar. Retaliation for Nicholas’s betrayal was predictable but when it would occur they could only guess. His mind turned back a few hours before to the event that worried Isabel deeply.


Nicholas had left, saying he would watch over the other set and keep them out of trouble granted they were one short now. Alex sat alone in the small motel room. Huddle in one of the dark corners. Emotions had over taken him, everything was growing, and growing without an end in sight. He hardly knew who he was anymore, the lines of his personality seemed to be melting together, and he didn’t know what to do. The door cracked open but Alex didn’t look up, his internal battle still raging.

“Alex?” no response, her soft voice was lost on him. She stepped into the room cautiously and flicked on the lamp next to the door. It instantly blew out with a burst of power causing her to step back in surprise. She turned to Alex and saw what happened. His hand slowly fell as he kept his eyes locked on the floor. “Alex?” she asked again as she took a step nearer.

“No!” He shouted once again causing her to step back in surprise. “It’s not safe to be near me.” He said resolutely. She stepped forward again clearly not listening to him. With no other out bursts from Alex she kneeled down to him and gently ran her fingers through his hair. He looked up at her, into her kind gentle eyes. “I hope we don’t loose our deposit cause of that lamp.” He joked lamely.

Isabel smiled at him. “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?” Alex lowered his eyes again, but she lifted his head slowly and looked into his eyes, still smiling. “No matter what it is we can deal with it.”

Alex let out a sigh. “You know I never pictured my life turning out like this. I’ve always been invisible to speak of and now I’m part of something big…” It was Isabel’s turn to lower her eyes, which Alex noticed instantly. “That’s not the problem so don’t go blaming yourself for anything. I like being part of it all its just…” He closed his eyes.

“What?” Isabel probed softly.

“I killed someone today and even though I know it was in self defense it doesn’t make it right.” Isabel interrupted him.

“I understand sweetie, but its alright the pain goes away…somewhat, we can deal with it…” Alex held his hand up.

“That’s the problem…there is no pain…no guilt, no remorse just nothing. It didn’t effect me in the slightest to do what I did, in fact the rush was unique, but I wouldn’t go as far to say I enjoyed it.” He looked back up at her again, unshed tears in his eyes. “What does that make me?”

Isabel hugged Alex close. “Its alright we’ll figure it out.”

The door opened again and Michael poked his head in. “Is everything alright in here?” He asked curtly as he watched the hugging couple. Alex looked up to Michael and smiled. “No…but it will be.” With that he untangled himself from Isabel and stood, bringing her with him. “So where to now boss?” Michael joked as he grinned at Alex, his attempt to lighten the mood. “Home, Jeeves…”


As they made their way to the side walk and waited for Kyle to pick them up. As they stood there a woman pushing a cart of cans crossed their path. Despite her dirty clothing and tousled hair and oddly what looked to be brand new shoes on her feet, she had a rather attractive face. Alex examined the cart closer and noticed a small custom license plate on the front with the word ‘Angel’ on it. Alex watched her round the corner and shook his head. He chuckled to himself as Kyle pulled up.

The ride from the airport was a silent one, nobody really in the mood for engaging conversation. Alex peered out the window and watched the New Mexico landscape cross him by. His mind was full of many thoughts and questions, none any more clear then the other. Things were getting deep. Things were changing, he was changing, and for the better he did not know. His mind turned back to his memories, at least he thinks they are his memories it’s hard to tell any more. Something was there for him to find, he could feel it, the nagging feeling you get when you know you forgot or missed something important.

“You sure you should be coming back to Roswell so soon man?” Asked Kyle as they sped past the welcome to Roswell sign.

“I won’t be staying long…” Kyle looked at Michael who sat beside him in the passenger side seat, the worry on Kyle’s face was shared by Michael.

“Alex.” Isabel started to say as she put her arm on his.

Alex shrugged it away gently, he needed to find the answers. “I’m sorry Isabel I have to find out what everything means, why I have the memories I have…and I have to do that alone.” He took her hand in his and kissed it gently. “But first, I need to see my dad.”

The confusion was apparent on everybody’s face. “Isn’t he supposed to think your in Sweden?” Asked Michael.

Alex simply nodded and looked out the window, almost there. The sun was starting to set in Roswell, time seeming to fly by to Alex as he continued to stare out the window. Kyle pulled up in front of Alex’s house, slowly stopping the car and putting it in park. “You sure you want to do this?” Asked Michael.

“Yes.” Was his simple reply as he opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk, the ground tinted lightly orange from the setting sun, a light breeze blowing across the pavement bringing in fresh air to replace the old. Alex turned back to the car, leaning in the window to get a better view of the occupants. “Ok I’ll call you guys later.” He ignored the protests as he walked to his front door and stood, waiting for the sound of Kyle’s departing car to fade away and leave the whistling wind behind in its place. He retrieves his keys from his pocket and stares at the door knob, why was this so difficult. A flash of something crosses across his mind but too quick to recognize, only a feeling of knowing lingers making it harder yet for him to enter his own house. Taking a deep breath he unlocks the door and slowly opens it. His parents should be having dinner about this time he thinks as he crosses the threshold. “Not your parents!” screams violently though his mind forcing him to stop yet again. He shook his head and made his way to the dinning room, stopping in the door frame and looking in. There sat his parents enjoying a quiet dinner at home. He smiled at what he saw if things were ever that simple any more. His eyes fell on his father, Charles Whitman. He shook his head. No, that wasn’t his name. He had always known it to be his fathers name but now it seems cold and detached, unlike his father in every way. He stared at him from the dark doorway. Something flashed in his mind again, longer this time, recognizable.

Alex is walking along a corridor slowly. He is wearing what looks like a black cape with the Tri symbol on it.

“What to do, what to do…?” He thinks to himself

He hears foot steps approaching slowing as they come closer, he stops and turns to see who it is

“Ah Jason what are you doing up at this time?” He says

He steps out of the shadow drawing the attention of his parents. “Alex what are you doing back from Sweden?” Asked his mother as she got up to greet him.

“Stop!” He replied in a firm voice, stopping his mother in her tracks, shock on her face from his commanding tone.

“Alex you apologize to your mother right now!” Came his fathers raised voice.

Alex chuckles at the order and walks to the table and takes a seat. “Please sit…Jason.” Alex looks at his father not like a son would but something else.

“When did you find out?” Jason’s replied as he took his seat slowly and watched Alex evenly.

“That…” he let out a sigh as he took a bread roll off the table. “Is a long story.”