Prophecy (CC,A/I+CC,ADULT) Ch 12 Part B- 11/07/05 [WIP]

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Prophecy (CC,A/I+CC,ADULT) Ch 12 Part B- 11/07/05 [WIP]

Post by Biged »

Courtesy of StarGazing101

Title: Prophecy
Author: Biged
Rating: ADULT
Category: A/I Mainly CC little later in fic
Disclaimer: Roswell and the Characters in this story are not mine. Just Borrowing them
Summary: Things start to get strange for Alex
A/N: Takes Place after episode Wipeout , and will have one UC couple which is Kyle and Ava.
Feedback: My second fic so please go easy on me.

Chapter 1

Whitman Residence- Alex’s bedroom.

“God what a crappy day…” thought Alex as he got into bed.
“I can’t believe Tess killed all of those skins. I wonder if anybody even noticed I had disappeared with the rest of the humans, did Isabel worry about me…” Alex sighed disgusted.
“God I am pathetic…” with that last thought Alex went to sleep.


Alex stood in what looked to be a dark room with only a spot light on him surrounded by darkness. It felt cold and he could feel the presence of something almost like an energy around him, and it sent a shiver through him.

Suddenly 3 shrouded figures appeared from the darkness

“Welcome Alex”

“Who…who are you?” Alex stumbled over his words from the shock of them appearing from nowhere “jeez they should wear bells on their necks or something” Alex thought

“We are the past” the one on the left said
“We are the present” said the middle one
“We are the future” said the one on the right

“We are that which exists all around you” they said in unison

“What…I…I don’t understand…” Alex was cut off by the figures

“We brought you here to warn you, the Prophecy must be fulfilled.” They spoke as one.

“I…what Prophecy? I don’t understand.”

“Time has been altered this must be corrected”

“WHO ARE YOU?” Alex shouts frustrated.

“We are the Faiyth, We are the past...the..”

Alex cuts them off “The present and the future yea I heard you the first time, but what do you need me for?”

“You must restore the time line the prophecy must come to pass!”

“What is this Prophecy you’re talking about?”


“FIVE PLANETS RULED BY A KING AND A COMMONER” the one on the left said


“A WAR TO UNITE THE PLANETS” they said in unison


“I still don’t understand what can I do?”

A lone figure standing in the middle of a battle field, a massacre. He has a black trench coat on, his blue hair hangs down his face parted in the middle. His eyes are closed and his head is down he clutches a sword in his hand. The world on which he stands seems strange to Alex but familiar like he has been there. The sky is a burnt orange, green clouds gently flowing across it. Four moons are visible Three intersecting each other while one stands solitary. The sun is setting in the distance.

Mountains as far as the eye can see in one direction and a vast red ocean to the other.

*End Flash*

Alex stumbled around somewhat disoriented from the flash when he is hit with another…

A man sits on a Throne in a great hall. Its dark and all that can be seen is the man. He has dark look on his face the odd light casts a shadow on his face. Above the Throne is a symbol, it is 3 stars in triangle formation with the middle on higher then the rest. His face becomes clearer… it looks like him, like Alex…
*End Flash*

By the time the second flash finishes Alex is completely disoriented and dizzy

“BODY OF A LEADER AND THE SOUL OF A GENERAL” the Faiyth say in unison

“Trust not the deceiver she is not the true queen… the Prophecy must come to pass”

With that there was a blinding white flash of light, so bright it hurt his eyes

Whitman Residence- Alex’s bedroom.

Alex bolts up in his bed covered in sweat.

“Jeez what an intense dream…”

He lays his head back down to try to go back to sleep

Two symbols appear on this chest, on the right is the ‘V’ Symbol on the left is the Tri symbol. The two symbols shift to the middle of his chest and merge forming a new symbol. The new symbol shines brightly then fades.
End Chapter 1

Let me know what you think
Last edited by Biged on Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:42 pm, edited 54 times in total.
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Chapter 2

Post by Biged »

A/N I know most of you are probably confused, it should start to make sence as the story progresses (hopefully :) ) These first chapters will be dealing mainly with Alex and how he fits into things.
Ti88 & MagickFantasy86: Thanks for your feed back, as for the king and the commoner thing well you just gonna have to keep reading to find out :)
roswellluver: thanks for reading!
cardinalgirl: Your ? will be mostly answered in the next 5-6 chapters if things go according to the plan in my head LOL
StarGazing101: The whole Aligned or alliance thing, good job catching that...
Sternbetrachter: Thanks for reading it and your feedback
vegas312: the children of the popdsters and the humans, hmmm... :)
SarahWhitman: Thanks for your feed back!!!
Mt Gazer: Thank you, i don't think there are enough A/I stories out there.


Chapter 2


Alex was sitting in the back booth finishing off his alien blast “Man I am so tired…”

“Hey Alex.” The voice cut off his mental ramblings, a soft feminine voice that could only belong to one person. Immediately his had butterflies in his stomach. “Mind if I join you?” said the tall alien beauty.

“Um…no, have a seat.”

“Thanks.” She says as she sits down

“So what you up to today Iz?”

“Nothing much just waiting here for somebody…”

“Ah…” just then the bell above the door to the Crashdown sounds out. Grant comes in and looks around then starts to walk towards their booth

“Hey Isabel you ready or did you want to eat before the movie?” Grant Asks

Isabel looks over to Alex and sees that he is looking intently at the table top dejectedly.

“No let’s just go to the movie… bye Alex.” Alex lifts his head with a sad look on his face

“Bye…” He waves to her but suddenly she turns back and walks towards him

“Could you hand me my purse?”

Alex reaches for her purse and when he picks it up is hit with a flash

He is standing in a big room with high ceilings the walls are white. In the center of the room is a man standing next to a crib, he is wearing a crown and under that he has blue hair. He is wearing a Black Cloak on the back of which has the ‘V’ symbol on it. He is a king.

Another man enters the room the same man from his dream, his blue hair parted down his face, wearing a black over coat and a sword at his hip.

“Oh Captain glad you could make it back from the front on such short notice” says the king

“Pleasure to be here your majesty” with the he puts his right arm across his chest and gets down on one knee.

“Although I really shouldn’t call you Captain since you are to be promoted today, so Major” he says with a smirk “how are things?”

“Good your majesty the war goes good we are gaining a foot hold on the enemy.” With that he looks into the crib beside the king

“Beautiful isn’t she, the Queen just gave birth to her not one hour ago. Major say hello to my new born daughter, Princess Vilondra.”

*End Flash*

“Hello…Alex…” Says Isabel while waving her hand in front of his face

“WHAT…oh sorry must have zoned out there, here you go” He hands her the purse.

“Thanks, see ya Alex.” With that Isabel leaves the Crashdown with Grant but not before Grant turns his head to Alex with a grin on his face

“I really hate him.” Alex thinks to himself
“Hey man what up?” A hand slaps him on the shoulder and he looks up to see Michael

“Nothing much just sitting here…alone…as usual.” Says Alex

“Yea I can see that. Jeez man you look like crap, did you get any sleep last night?”

“Thanks, that’s funny cause I feel like crap too. Yea I got sleep last night well I would have if it wasn’t for that weird ass dream I had…”

“What you piss off Isabel too.” Says a voice from behind them

They look back to see Kyle coming to them

“Um…what?” responds Alex

“Well I sort of left Isabel to pick up the tab yesterday and I think that pissed her off because I went home and went to sleep and the next thing I know I am wearing a dress and dancing with Brad Pitt…” he trails off shaking his head

“Come on Kyle we don’t need to know about your fantasies man jeez…” Michael says

Alex is trying hard not to laugh but fails miserably


“Your…right…it’s hilarious” with that he is laughing uncontrollably with Michael joining in.

“Some friends you are” Kyle grumbles.

“So what kind of dream did you have Alex?” Asks Michael

Alex then proceeds to tell them about his dream

“Wow…that definitely is weird man.” Says Kyle

“I really don’t know what to say…I am sure its just your over active imagination…” Michael trails off

“And the weird thing is I just had a flash before you guys came up, when I picked up Isabel’s purse.”

“What did you see.” Michael asks starting to get interested

“Well I was in a room and there was a guy, a king there crown and everything and another guy walks in and the king calls him Major so he must have been military…”

“That all?” Kyle probes

“Well they started talking about a war then the king introduces his new born daughter to the Major, her name was Princess Vilondra.” Alex looks to Michael

“Hmm, that name, Nicholas said it yesterday to Isabel…” Michael trails off gathering his thoughts

“Deeper into the alien abyss.” Kyle mutters under his breath

“Are you sure it’s the same name?” asks Alex ignoring Kyle

“Yea I’m pretty sure. You probably heard one of us say it, better tell Max just in case though…”

“No.” said Alex firmly

“No? Why the hell not?” asked Michael

“Because if we tell him he will make a big deal out of it and we don’t even know if its real, I could really just be dreaming this up.”

“Ok fine, but if you have any more dreams or flashes I want to know about them, ok?

“Sure I will tell you right away.” Alex switched his gaze on Kyle
“You need to keep it secret too, don’t tell Tess we all know she would tell Max.”

“Sure your secret is safe with me.” Replies Kyle

With that Alex got up and left the Crashdown.

End Chapter 2
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Chapter 3

Post by Biged »

A/N: Gonna post another chapter. I know its soon but i post after i finish the chapter i am working on so i am like 2 chapters ahead.
Most of your questions will be answered in the chapters ahead so bear with me here. lol
And thank you all for reading.

Ps. If anybody could help me think up names for the other 4 planets of the antarian system that would be really helpful.
Enjoy :)

Chapter 3


Alex was in the same dark room from the previous night, three shrouded figures stood before him

“Jeez what do you want now…” Alex said

“We have more information to give you as you were unable to process anymore yesterday and woke up from shock” They said in unison

“Great…whoopee…” Alex said sarcastically as he twirled his finger in the air

Alex found himself in a dank sewer with little more then a table and a couch decorating it

Laughing echoed the through the wall of the sewer as four teens walked in. Alex was stunned to see who they were. They looked just like Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess but different in a way.

“So what yous all want to eat?” Said the Max look alike in a thick New York accent

“I could go for a pizza chief, what yous think Lonnie?” Said the Michael look alike

“Sounds good to me.” Replied the one that looked like Isabel

“Pizza it be…” said the Max double

And with that he got up and left the sewer with the other two following

Alex looked around and noticed the Tess look alike just sitting there. She had a gentle face unlike his Tess who most of the time had a cold expression on her face.

“The True Queen…” Alex heard in his head

*End Flash*

Alex stumbled back after the flash ended

In front of him eight pictures appeared
Tess look alike
They each had their own symbols shining brightly above them

Then the symbols merged Max and Liz’s symbols creating one
Alex and Isabel’s another
Michael and Maria form another
The final symbol created from Kyle and the Tess look alike

The pictures faded out and all that stood there in front of him where the four newly created symbols

“Four children raised of both worlds shall lead them to peace…” Echoed from the dark

The Faiyth appeared before him again

“The Prophecy must come to pass…”

A bright white light appeared… BEEP BEEP BEEP

Whitman Residence- Alex’s bedroom

Alex slammed his fist onto his alarm clock effectively stopping its annoying beeping

“Great, another great dream…” Alex muttered under his breath as he got up and went to the bathroom


Alex was enjoying a nice warm shower when he was hit with a flash


The landscape was that of the alien world one again. Rolling hills all around him reacing up to the orange sky, the land dotted sparsely with trees…

From one of the trees hung a rope swing on which was a teenage girl with flowing Blue hair and hypnotic black eyes, standing beside her was the man from his earlier flash, the soldier.

“Come on Kraz push me, that’s an order…” She giggled as she spoke

The soldier started to push her on the swing, her hair flying in the wind.

The sun started setting in the background…

“Princess we must return to the palace it is getting dark…”

“Ok” she said as she hopped down from the swing “Thank you for pushing me General.” The princess stood on her tippy-toes and kissed the General on his check.

“My pleasure Princess Vilandra…”

“How many times do I have to tell you just call me Lonnie” She said with a smile at his Formality

“Sorry Princess…I mean Lonnie”

“Come General Kraz we must not keep dinner, or my father waiting.” She said and started walking

The General just shook his head laughing and followed her…

*End Flash*

“AHH” Alex screamed as he just realized the water had gone ice cold.

“Great way to start off my day…”

End Chapter 3
Last edited by Biged on Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 4

Post by Biged »

A/N thanks for all the feed back guys. I was wondering if anybody could make a banner for this fic?

Trude: I think i will use those names for the Planets thank you for thinking them up :) And for you question about thier destiny, well your gonna have to read to find out.

Cardinalgirl: Yea i love Ava too, and setting right the Death of Alex will prbobally play into this fic later on...i think LOL

MagickFantasy86 & Stargazing101: Thanks for the feed back hope you enjoy this next chapter.

StargazerUK: Yea i think that they didn't explore the freindship that could have happend between the guys, and as for Grant he will get what coming to him... :evil:

Mt Gazer: Your ? should be answered with this chapter...

Romanjr & Ti88 & roswellian504: thanks for reading my fic and letting me know how you feel about it :)


Chapter 4

Roswell High school- Quad

Alex is sitting at their usual table laying on his arms trying to get some rest. So far he has been scolded by two teachers for falling a sleep in class. It’s his free period so the quad is pretty empty. He drifts off to sleep…


Alex is walking along a corridor slowly. He is wearing what looks like a black cape with the Tri symbol on it.

“What to do, what to do…?” He thinks to himself

He hears foot steps approaching slowing as they come closer, he stops and turns to see who it is

“Ah Jason what are you doing up at this time?” He says

Jason is a young man about 15 years of age if that, he has short dark brown hair, hazel eyes, isn’t overly tall about 5’7.

“Couldn’t sleep, its not everyday we get guests from another planet.” Jason says with a smile

“True, true…” he trails off lost in thought

“Do you want to talk about it?” asks Jason

“No…yes…I just don’t know what to do…”

“Do what you think is right, the council will follow you no matter what your decision is.”

“I need to think about this alone…go to sleep its late I don’t think your mother would be happy for you to be up at this hour…” a smile plays on Alex’s lips

“Yea you’re probably right…well I am off see you tomorrow your majesty.” With that Jason turns and goes down the other end of the corridor

Alex turns left into what looks like a throne room. He walks to the throne and sits down on it deep in thought.

“Should I deny them sanctuary and keep up our isolationism ideals, or do I help them and possibly plunge my people into war…” he thinks to himself

Slowly he looks up, he has dark look on his face the odd light casts a shadow on his face. He has made his decision.

“Alex…” echoes from the darkness

The dream fades out now only the Tri Symbol can be seen shining brightly…

Roswell High school- Quad


“Another five minuets mom, I promise I will get up…” Alex mumbles

“HAHAHA, do I sound like your mom Whitman?”

Alex opens his eyes and lifts his head to see Michael standing there with his usual half smile on his face.

“Oh hey Michael, what’s up…” He rubs the sleep from his eyes

Michael shrugs “Nothin much just saw you sittin here and decided to see if you had any more dreams or flashes.”

“Yea actually I did, those freakin shrouded figures again…but nothing really to worry about”

“Anything else might have something to do about us…?” Michael probes

“Well it was weird man, I saw what looked like the four of you guys but not really. They were in a sewer and they had New York accents, it was really weird and then when the Tess look alike was the only one there a voice in my head said ‘The True Queen’…” Alex trailed of tired of thinking about it

Alex looks over to Michael and he has a stunned look on his face

“What’s the matter Michael…?”

“The other set…” Michael says quietly almost a whisper

“Wait…what other set?” he asks with a confused look on his face

“There was two sets of us eight in total, the ones you saw must have been the other set. Strange I didn’t really think they would look like us though…”

“So you don’t think it’s just my imagination?”

“There are too many coincidences to just shrug this aside. First the Vilondra thing now this…we need to tell the others…”

“I still think it’s to early to worry them, I mean for all we know Isabel could be playing a joke on me or something…”

“Hmm well it’s your dreams you want to keep them a secret who am I to disagree…”

“That was too easy, who are you and what did you do with Michael…” Alex quips

“Hmm I guess Maria is making me soft for humans…” Michael actually laughs at his little joke “well I am off to the eraser room…”

“So you and Maria Patch things up?”

“I think so, I mean after the little Courtney fiasco…” Michael trails off

“Ah, well say hello to her for me”

“Will do.” With that Michael turn and headed inside the school with a goofy grin on his face

Alex looked at his watch, still twenty minutes left in the period. Still being tired he decides to take another nap…


Alex walks into the hall where there appears to be a party. A banner is hanging from the ceiling it in written in a different language, an alien language but he can somehow read it “Happy 18th Birthday Princess Vilandra”.

Alex looks to his right directly into a mirror and see that last thing he thought he would. The man standing before him in the mirror was tall about six foot, looked to be in his early Thirties. He has blue hair parted at the middle, his eyes an almost hypnotic blue also. He had on a black trench coat with a sword at his hip.

His body starts to move by its self, he can’t control it. He gets a feeling like he is reliving a memory, but that couldn’t be could it…

He is taken further into the dream merging with it… the dream starts to play its self out…

*Princess Vilandra*

The Princess was sitting at the head table looking around sadly

“I hope he shows up, I mean he wouldn’t miss my Birthday…would be…” Thinks the princess

“I’m sure he will show up Lonnie…” I look over to my Brother and future king Zan.

“I know he will…I wish he would hurry, this party is boring” I start to giggle as I go back to scanning the room.

Her eyes start to brighten as she finds the person she was looking for. He was staring at himself the mirror at the entrance of the hall. Her stomach does a little flip flop. He starts turning his head scanning the room, his eyes fall upon her and he smiles…

*General Kraz*

He looks away from the mirror and starts to scan the room looking for the birthday girl, finally his eyes land on her. She is wearing a long flowing red dress that fits to her perfectly, like it was part of her. Her long blue hair tied back into a ponytail with only a few strands falling over her face. Her deep black eyes are looking back at him, he can’t help but smile at this beauty. He makes his way over to her.

“Hello Princess, Happy Birthday.” I take her hand and kiss it.

“Hello General, I am glad you could make it.” She says with a twinkle in her eyes

“Oh here I have something for you.” I reach into my pocket and take out a box and hand it to her

“Oh you didn’t have to but thank you…” She takes it and opens it her face lights up and a 100 watt smile appears on her face “OH MY GOD it’s beautiful…” She holds up a necklace with the whirlwind symbol on it

“Not at beautiful as you…may I” I hold out my hand for the necklace

“Yes you may.” She turns around so I can place it around her neck

After closing the clasp on the necklace I lean in and whisper into her ear “When I first saw this I knew I had to get it, you needed to have something that was as beautiful as you” with that said I lean in further and kiss her on the check

She grabs my hand “I need to talk to you in private.” With that she leads me out of the hall.

*Princess Vilandra*

“OH MY GOD HE KISSED ME!!!!” screams through her head as her heart beat increases.

“I need to talk to you in private.” I take him to the balcony that is further down towards the garden and I turn to him and put my lips on his and give him a soft kiss.

He kisses her back as she starts to deepen it, but then he pulls away.

“I can’t Lonnie, you’re the Princess and you’re only eighteen…it wouldn’t be right…” he gets cut off by Lonnie

“I don’t care Kraz” I lower my head and look at the floor “I’m in love with you” he doesn’t respond, tears start to roll down my cheek and I go to turn and run…

He reaches out and takes my hand “May I have this dance Princess.” He smiles at me

“Yes you may” He spins me into his arms and we start to move to the music coming from the hall, he is looking deep into my eyes I lean in to him and close my eyes…

* General Kraz*

I take her hand and ask her if she wants to dance, she says yes and I spin her into my arms.

I look deep into her eyes and she leans forward and closes her eyes, she licks her lips waiting for me to kiss her. I brush my lips over hers and whisper “I love you Vilondra…”
I fully put my mouth over hers, she moans slightly in the back of her throat. I gently suck on her bottom lip she moans opening her mouth slightly, I take advantage of this…
*Princess Vilandra*

“MMMMMM” I moan as he sucked on my bottom lip, then all of the sudden I feel something wet and warm stroking my tongue…”MMMMMM” I try to fight his tongue for control in failing to win, I choose a different tactic and start to suck on his tongue.

“OHMMMM” He moans, I can’t help but smile inwardly.

We break apart and I look into his eyes, breathing heavily. “I love you Kraz Rel…”

*General Kraz*

“I love you Vilandra Nol…” We kiss again

Roswell High School- quad & classroom

The bell rings.

Alex and Isabel both sit up in there seats with shocked looks on their faces…

“WOW…” They said in unison

End Chapter 4

Last edited by Biged on Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Biged »

I would like to thank Kay for this wonderful banner!!! :)


Rim: Thank you for reading my fic :)

Cardinalgirl: your question should be answered in this chapter if not then the next one.

Trude: Has isabel been getting the flashes too, well ur gonna have to read to find out :). and the dupes will play are part in this.

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: Thank you :)

Kittens: As for your question, let me ask you this. Is there only 1 planet to be queen of :)

vegas312: Thanks for reading and most of your questions will be answered in the next few chapter so be patient :)

roswellluver: thank you

SarahWhitman: most of your questions will be answered, thank you for reading my fic :)

Rhonda: The dupes have yet to show up, but they will in the next few chapters or next like 7 LOL. and yea that was Michael interrupting him. so you got the whole red thing too huh? and me liking the birthday thing is because the show started to go to hell after that ep. as for the kiss at the party, would it really look right to be an older man kissing an underage girl, a princess none the less? has isabel been sharing all of his to read to find out :) ok this is getting long gonna stop here LOL

roswellian504: Thank you for reading my fic

Ti88: to answer ur question i am gonna give a little teaser.

TEASER/SPOILER Ti88 said Alex could be king of another planet or maybe antars sister planet, well in chapter 1 i mention a blue planet, well last time i checked earth was blue :)

this chapter is a little fluffy lol Enjoy :)

Chapter 5

Null Space

Three shrouded figures stand around an orb watching the dream Isabel and Alex shared

“Well that’s an interesting twist…” said one

“Yes it is, the plan seems to be working…the flashes we gave them seem to be helping to recover memories from their previous lives.”

“Yes and it seems that the Princess is dreamwalking him without even realizing it and without us doing it, this is excellent progress” Said the third one

Roswell High School- Quad (Lunch)

Alex strolls out of the double doors to the quad, heading directly to their usual table. Michael is there with Maria wrapped in his arms.

“Hey there love birds, how was the eraser room?” He says with a smile on his face

“Wouldn’t you like to know…” Michael quips

“Actually I wouldn’t I really don’t know why I asked…” *YAWN* “man I am still tired”

Michael looks towards Alex with questioning eyes, Alex shakes his head

Maria seeing this exchange asks “Ok time to spill, what was that look for Spaceboy?”

“Nothing!” Alex and Michael say at the same time

Maria looks from Michael to Alex “You don’t really think I am gonna accept that do you?” Then she starts giving them the look

Alex focuses on his food, Michael looked away “Well your gonna have to because that’s the truth.” Says Michael still looking away

“Well then I am just gonna have to get the information the old fashion way.” Says Maria as she starts to collect her things

“What is the old fashion way” Asks a confused Michael

Maria ignores him and gets up to leave

“Maria…?” Michael asks

Maria leans down towards Michael and goes to kiss him but backs away right before contact “Lets see how long you last…” Maria says with a smirk on her face as she walks away

Michael gets up and follows her, after shooting Alex a glare “Maria can't we talk about this…”

Alex just watches Michael and Maria leave, smiling to himself “Man that boy is whipped” he thinks “wonder where everybody else is?” he mumbles to himself.

Catching him by surprise Isabel unceremoniously drops her bag by the table and drops down right next to Alex

“Hey Alex” She says

“Hey Iz, do you know where everybody is?”

“Well I think Max went off campus to eat with Tess, and I don’t know where Liz or is or Kyle. And Michael and Maria just left from here so…” she trails off and shrugs looking at Alex and noticing he is staring at her she starts to blush

“Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” Alex asks boldly

“Alex…” Alex cuts her off

“The most beautiful thing is when you laugh or smile, and I mean a real smile the one that lights up a room…” He reaches out and caresses her check she shivers from the contact “Did you know that Isabel?”

Isabel just stares into Alex’s eyes, not really sure what to say “Uhh…”

Alex turn back to his lunch in front of him “Would you like some of my Pizza?”

Isabel coming out of her stupor replies “Huh…Oh yes thank you.” Alex hands her a piece

Isabel and Alex ate the rest of their lunch in relative silence, Isabel would occasionally glance at Alex…

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. They both gather there things and head for class in the same direction.

The late bell has already rung by the time they get to Isabel’s class.

“Well this is me, see you later Alex…” Isabel goes to turn the door knob for her class then she feels arms snake around her waist turning her

She doesn’t even get a chance to react before Alex places a soft kiss on her lips. She gasps at the contact then moans slightly. Alex pulls away a little and then sucks her bottom lip into his mouth, massaging it with his tongue.

Alex pulls away and looks at Isabel who has her eyes closed and is very flushed. Isabel leans to kiss Alex but only receives a kiss on her forehead.

“See you later Iz.” Alex says as he walks away leaving Isabel standing there looking after him.

Once Alex rounds the corner he stops dead in his tracks his eyes widening “I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!!” he thinks a smile starts to appear on his lips “And she didn’t push me away…” the smile just gets bigger.

He starts walking again, smile never leaving his face. He hears the sound of feet running behind him, getting closer. All of the sudden he is thrown into the eraser room and before he can even register what is happening somebody starts attacking his lips.

Alex pushes away to come face to face with Isabel “Um…Isabel…” Alex is cut of by Isabel attacking his mouth once again.

Isabel starts to deepen the kiss, sliding her tongue across his lips. Alex opens his mouth slightly granting her access. Then the flashes start…

Isabel breaking through the embryonic sac of her pod.
Being adopted by the Evans.
Discovering that she isn’t normal
Her first day of school, noticing Alex looking at her
Her dreamwalking him during the heat wave
Their first kiss on his front porch
Her feelings about “destiny”
Her feeling of regret when she breaks up with him

The first day he saw her
Watching her from afar
His dream during the heat wave
Their first kiss on his front porch
His feelings about her during “destiny”
His feeling of sorrow and heart break during their break up
His jealously over Grant

The one flash that got both of theirs attention

The dream that they shared during school today, but from different point of views.

*End Flashes*

They break away from each other, breathing heavily.

Alex is the first to speak “I think we need to have a meeting…”

End Chapter 5
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Chapter 6

Post by Biged »

Trude: The 3 figures, well they will be reveled later in this fic and as for alex being bold well his dreams and flashed have something to do with it. this will be explained later in the fic

CardinalGirl: Don't we all love a bold confident alex...

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: thank you for reading my fic :)

Ti88: thank you, yes time for the meeting...

roswellian504: thank you for your feed back

roswellluver: Thank you for reading! :)

StarGazing101: like i said before, everybody loves a bold confident Alex :) as well as fluff lol

vegas312: thank you for your feedback :)

dedicated to stargazerUK(David) for his quote: I don't wish to appear mean but I trust an up happy ending will befall Grant. ( Pretty please! . )

Enjoy :)

Chapter 6 (which i have labeled "ding dong the bastards gone" read to find out why)

Crashdown- backroom

Everybody was sitting there, waiting for Alex to arrive. The tension was high between Max and Liz, and even Kyle seems to stay out of the way.

Alex comes through the door

“Hey guys” he says not really sure how to start the meeting

“Ok Alex what is the reason you called this stupid meeting, I have things to do.” Says Tess

“Um well…” Alex trails off still not really sure where to start

“Alex man, you want me to tell them?” Offers Michael

“No I can do it. Ok well the best place to start would probably be the beginning. Two days ago I started having these dreams…” Alex then went on to tell them about his dreams, but leaving the parts about Tess out of it until he could give that subject some more thought.

“So, what do you all think…” Alex asked as he looked around. Max looked stunned from what Alex had to say, Liz had a sad look on her face but it also showed that she was thinking things through logically. Maria was just sitting there alternating from hitting Michael for not telling her earlier and sniffing cedar oil. Isabel was sitting there quietly working things out as well. Kyle just simply looked bored, and Tess had a neutral look on her face.

Alex let his mind wander to the flashes he received from Isabel earlier that day “Was she just dreamwalking me?” He thought “But that wouldn’t explain the perspective it was from, if she had dreamwalked me wouldn’t it be from a third person perspective…” Alex was brought out of his mental rambling when Liz started to talk.

“Ok we have to look at this logically…”

“Liz always the scientist” Alex thought with a chuckle.

“There has to be a reasonable explanation for what is happening to you Alex.”

“Liz haven’t you learned that when it comes to this group logic and reason fly out the window on little ufo’s” Kyle says. Everybody turns to glare at him “sorry” he mumbles

“Anyways, are we sure that these dreams are real?” asked Liz

“Well that is what I am asking you…” replied Alex

“Ok so lets look at that facts here,” says Max taking control of the meeting “so far the stuff in your dreams seems to be on the level, Isabel even experienced one and we can’t exclude anything at the moment so does anybody have any ideas on what to do about this?”

“I…could try to dreamwalk him see if I can get any more information. Maybe find something that he has missed…” offers Isabel speaking for the first time.

“I don’t like it, for all we know it could be one of our enemies messing with his head trying to lure you into a trap.” Says Michael

“Which is all the more reason to try this Michael, if our enemies are messing with Alex’s dreams we need to find a way to stop them, before they can do any damage to him…”

“…I don’t like it but it seems to be the only way we have to go at the moment” Michael concedes.

“Ok so Isabel will dreamwalk Alex tonight and Michael and I will watch over her to pull her out if necessary.” Concludes Max “So if that is all this meeting seems to be over.” With that Max beats a hasty retreat, with Isabel following. Liz watches him as he goes

“I’m gonna go lay down, I don’t feel so hot right now. Maria do you think you can handle things by yourself?” Ask Liz, Maria agrees and goes off to serve the customers

“Well I think its time for me to go also, Kyle are you gonna drive me or should I try to get a ride from Max?” Asks Tess

“Yea I am gonna chill around here for a while, so I will see you when I get home.” Tess leaves to catch up with Max

“So is there a reason you left out the stuff dealing with Tess?” Asks Michael as he takes a seat on the couch beside Alex

“I’m really not sure if I trust her anymore, or anybody for that matter other then you two.” Replies Alex

“How can you be sure you can trust us?” mutters Kyle “I mean I spend a lot of time with Tess…”

“Yes you do but, and don’t take this the wrong way, if I were Tess I wouldn’t think you capable of hiding anything from her and you are really of no significance when it comes to the alien matters…” Alex trails off at Kyle’s hurt look

“And what about me?” Asks Michael

“You trust nobody so you would be harder for Tess to manipulate, you keep yourself distanced not only from the humans but from the Aliens as well.” Says Alex “well except for Maria” Alex adds silently

“Ah good point, so I think we should meet at my place and go over our own plans on what to do about this whole situation.”

“I agree with you even though I still think we can trust Tess…” Kyle is cut off by Michael

“We can’t afford to take chances, she has been deceiving us since she first got here. Trying to get us to go along with her view of “destiny” and besides I don’t trust anybody that can go into your head like that. We don’t even really know what she is capable of, I mean she has been practicing with her powers since birth” Michael rambles on.

“Ok I will meet you at your apartment at say seven?” Alex questions

“Sure that sounds good, bring a pizza with you…”

“Freakin leech.” Alex quips while getting up and going into the Restaurant.

Alex opens the double doors and sees Isabel sitting and a booth with her back to him. Sitting across from her is Grant. Alex confidently strides to the booth

“So what time did you want me to pick you up at…” Alex over hears Grant Asking Isabel

Alex reaches the booth and slides in beside Isabel “Hey Iz” he scoots up to Isabel pressing his body against her side “I was thinking we could go out to Frasier woods tonight and do a little stargazing” Alex leans close to Isabel’s ear and whispers, but loud enough for Grant to over hear “Among other things” Alex blows on her ear causing Isabel to shiver “So be ready at about nine…Oh hey Graham I didn’t see you there…” Alex trails off

“It’s Gra…” Grant doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before Alex cuts him off

“well anyways see you tonight Izzy” Alex leans in and kisses Isabel full on the lips sliding his tongue across her lips, his hand caressing her thigh under the table. Alex pulls away and gets up and starts to walk away, but turns around “Oh and wear something red” Alex looks at Grant with a smirk on his face “see you around Greg…” Alex turns and walks out of the front door.

After five minutes Isabel comes out of her stupor

“So where were we before we were so rudely interrupted…” Grant drawls.

Isabel sits straight up not even hearing what Grant said, she looks at her watch “OH MY GOD, it’s already 5:30. I need to get home and get ready for tonight” She gets up and starts for the door leaving a confused Grant sitting there “I need to take a shower, do my nails, make sure my hair is just right….”

End Chapter 6
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Chapter 7 a

Post by Biged »

Ok next post in gonna take me a while since i have developed writers block :( only reason i am posting is because i am like 2 parts ahead. I will post next i have done 2 more parts.


AlexanderPhoenix: Glad to see a new reader, and for the dreams awaking something in him you may be right :)

Trude: I loved writing that M/M part, i always did like them in the show :), and ur dupe question should be answered in this part

Cardinalgirl: thank you, who didn't love the 'Graham' ditching lol

StargazerUK: another 'graham' ditching liker huh lol

Ti88: Thanks for the feedback, and as for the most anoying character i would have to say he does rank up there right next to Jesee :x

Hayley: yea the writers didn't do his character justice in the show.

roswellian504: Thanks for reading :)

roswellluver: it was run putting greg in his place lol

To the lurkers :): thanks for reading and enjoy the next part


Chapter 7

Part A

Crashdown Café- Dinning area (immediately following Isabel’s exit)

Maria just stood there behind the counter with her mouth hanging open “Well something is definitely up with Alex…” at that moment Kyle and Michael emerge from the back room “And I know just how to figure out what”

“Hey Blondie, so you the only one working today?” Asked Michael

“Yea…so what’s up with Alex?” Tact never being one of Maria’s strong suits.

“What are you talking about?” asks Kyle

“Well Isabel was talking with Grant and Alex comes and basically crawls into her lap. I couldn’t really hear what they were talking about but I could see what he was doing…”

“And what was he doing?” Michael asks as he rolled his eyes

“Well from where I was standing it looked like he was rounding first base and on his way to second.” Maria said over dramatically “So once again I am gonna ask you, what is up with Alex?”

“Hmm I really don’t know, do you Kyle” Michael looks at Kyle waiting for his answer

“Uh…what oh sorry what were we talking about again?” Kyle asks confused, somewhat distracted by the image of Alex actually rounding first base.

Maria circles Kyle like a Lioness does with her prey “Am I boring you Kyle, I mean here I am worried about why my good friend is acting strange and you aren’t even listening…” Maria moves in poking Kyle in his chest really hard “so am I boring you Mr. Valenti?”

Kyle has a panicked look on his face, trying to decide what to do and he takes the only option he has, escape “Oh dear god this parachute is a knapsack!!!” Kyle exclaims grabbing at an imaginary pack on his back and running from the Crashdown.

Michael watches Kyle’s fleeing form shaking his head “That man watches too much friends” he thinks but then notices that Maria, losing her prey, has turned on him “great just great, once again Alex is causing me problems…”

Michaels Apartment- Seven p.m.

Kyle had arrived ten minutes ago and proceeded to watch Michael pace the length of his apartment waiting for Alex to arrive.

“You are gonna wear a hole in your carpet if you don’t stop pacing man…” Kyle said hoping he would stop.

“Where is he, I mean he said to be here at seven a simple task and he is…” Michael looks at the clock on the wall “one minute late…” Just as Michael was about to finish his sentence there is a knock on the door, Michael runs to answer it

“Hey guys.” Alex says as he enters the apartment with a Pizza in hand, Michael takes it without hesitation.

“Jeez took you long enough…” Michael had to stop talking as his mouth was currently full of Pizza.

Kyle looks at Michael and starts cracking up “Man that is why you were pacing, because you were waiting for the Pizza HAHAHAHA!!!” by this time Kyle is bent over in laughter.

“Hay I wa hunhary” Michael says with a mouth full of Pizza.

“Ok guys lets get this meeting going, I have a somewhere to be at tonight.” Says Alex

“Oh and would that somewhere be lets say…Isabel’s bed?” Kyle asks with a grin on his face.

“What would make you say that?!?!?!” replied Alex

“Well me and Michael…”

“Michael and I…”


“Never mind…”

Kyle takes of where he left off “well anyways me and Michael have it on good information that you where practically mauling Isabel at the Crashdown today.” Kyle says with a huge smile on his face.

“Well mauling is a bit strong, I was just letting her know my interest in going out on a date with her tonight…”

“Ah so that’s what you where doing with your hand on her thigh…” Kyle continues teasing Alex

“HEY can we get back to the topic at hand, I really don’t want to know what Alex does with Isabel!” Says Michael

“Yea sure I mean we were just waiting for you to stop inhaling the pizza and since you are done lets get on with this meeting…” Kyle trails off after receiving a glare from Michael

“Ok so we need to figure out what to do about Tess. And I think we should go find the other set from New York.” Offers Alex

“And just how are you gonna find them, assuming they are in New York?” Asks Michael

“Oh they are there…” Alex is cut off by Kyle

“How can you be sure?” Kyle Asks

“I just am I can’t explain it…” Alex trails of not really sure of what else to say.

“Ok so we find the ‘dupes’, then what…do we bring them here?” Asks Michael

“I think we should just watch them, see how they act make sure they won’t bring unwanted attention to you guys.” Alex says

The guys Spend the next 40 Minutes trying to hammer out a plan, but were unable to think of a time. They also needed to decide the perfect alibi for their departure from Roswell without raising too many questions.

At around 8:30 Alex leaves to get everything in order for his date tonight.

“So what do you think about how Alex is acting towards Isabel?” Kyle asked

“Well I think he is good for her, and the way that Maria described what happened earlier Alex is finally melting the ‘Ice Princess’” Kyle goes to say something but is cut off by Michael “Don’t even say it Valenti…”

“How did you know what I was gonna say?”

“I know how your perverted mind works…”

End part a
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Chapter 7 Part b

Post by Biged »


StarGazing101: Its fun writting the friendship between Michael and Kyle they never really showed that in the show.

Hayley: Thanks, hope you like the date :)

Trude: Yea that was a fun part to write, and for Alex's confidence well one can only about his sudden aggresiveness when it comes to Isabel (thats how it should have been in the show :)) And for the earth part of it and how it plays into this, it will all come together but if you have any questions feel free to PM me and i just may give you some information :)

Cardinalgirl: Thanks for reading everybody seems to like my take on Kyle and Michael :)

Mt Gazer: I am glad you found the part funny, it was fun to write for me, i really liked writing the guys i mean there is so much to do with them... and kyle does seem to have his mind in the gutter :)

roswellluver: Thank you

roswellian504:Thanks for reading maria is like the only girl i write correctly LOL

Part B
Evan’s Household- 8:59 pm

Isabel is running around upstairs trying to find the perfect shoes to go with her outfit. She is wearing the famous Leather pants with a red sleeveless top.

The door bell rings…

“Crap…Max can you get that I’m not ready yet!!!” Isabel shouts from upstairs

Max gets up from watching TV and goes to the door.

“Hey Alex, Isabel isn’t ready yet so why don’t you come in.” Says Max with a smile


“So where you taking Isabel tonight?” asks Max

“Well were gonna go to Frasier woods and do a little stargazing, I even brought a picnic basket and some hot chocolate.”

Isabel comes down the stairs at this moment and comes into the living room

“Ok I am ready” She says with a smile.

“WOW you love beautiful, as usual…” Alex compliments Isabel

“Thank you, so shall we get going?”

“Yes lets, see you later Max.” Alex offers his arm to Isabel which she gladly accepts.

Frasier woods- Stargazing rock

Alex and Isabel are on a blanket lying down; Isabel is resting her head on Alex’s chest.

“Alex, can I ask you a question?” Isabel asks.

“Sure Izzy anything…”

“Well it’s about the flashes I got from you earlier…” Isabel is cut off by Alex

“Yea I was meaning to talk to you about that too, were you dreamwalking me when I had the dream?” Alex finally asking the question that was on his mind all day.

“No, I was tired and I went to sleep in class, the next thing I know I was dreaming what you were dreaming.” Isabel replies

“And what are your thoughts about it, you were pretty quite during the meeting.”

“Well it was weird it was almost like I was reliving a memory, but that can’t be because you’re not like us right?”

“Not that I am aware of, but then again you never know” Alex says with his trademark lopsided smile

They sit there is silence for a few moments…

“This is great, thank you for taking me out here tonight…” Isabel is cut off

“The pleasure is all mine my lady” With that Alex leans in and kisses Isabel on the lips


A ship crashing in the middle of the dessert

*End Flash*

“AHHHH...” Alex breaks off the kiss and grabs his head.


“My…head…damn it hurts…” Alex suddenly goes limp falling back on the blanket with his eyes closed


*Alex’s subconscious*

Alex is in a command center watching displays with images on them.

“Sir the Antarian ship has crashed.” Says a young Captain

“Are you sure…” Alex asks

“Yes, we show that it entered our atmosphere and then came into contact with land somewhere in New Mexico.”

“Damn!!! Any idea why it crashed?”

“From what we can tell, it seems to have malfunctioned. There was an explosion in their engineering section just before the crash” The captain says as he looks back at the monitors trying to piece together what went wrong.
“Sir we are ready for the extraction.” Says a man is a scientists coat

“Very well, I would like to see the essence first.” He follows the Scientist into what looks like a lab. The man picks up a crystal and hands it to Alex “Is this it?” he asks

“Yes your majesty.”

“Ah so this is all that remains of the General, huh this little thing could change the balance of power for a whole star system…amazing” Alex has a look of awe on his face

“Ok let me have that please” Alex hands it back carefully. The man puts in a case with the words *General Kraz* on it “Ok sit down here your Majesty, while I get the equipment ready.”

“How much will you need?”

“Well I will need sufficient genetic material for the cloning process to be successful, then we will add the essence of the general to complete the process, and in about thirty to thirty-five years the process should be finished” explains the Scientist

“Will I come out looking like this or will I be younger?”

“If we are right in our calculations, you should come out as a young boy at about the age of 5 or six.”

“What about my memories?” Alex asks

“That is the tricky part we don’t know if you will be able to access your memories or those of the General, we are hopeful that you will be able to though.”

“Ok well let’s get this show on the road shall we…”

*End Memory*

“Alex come on sweetie wake up, please Alex you’re scaring me”

“Oh…did you just call me sweetie” Alex asks a smile appearing on his lips

Isabel lets out a shaky sigh “Thank god you’re alright; I didn’t know what to do you were out for like 10 minutes…” Isabel’s worried rambling is cut off by Alex kissing her

“Did you call me sweetie?” Alex asks breaking the kiss

“Yes, do you not like it I can stop…” Once again Isabel is cut off by Alex kissing her

“No I love it, guess this means we are going out again.” A smile appears on his lips

“I think we were going out since this afternoon in the Crashdown or maybe when we made out in school, or maybe…” Alex once again silences her with his lips

End Chapter 7
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Chapter 8 Part A.

Post by Biged »


Hayley: Thanks for reading, and um...*Sticks tongue out* haha i beat you :)

Trude: U seem to get the basics of this story :) good work

roswellian504: thanks for reading, and your questions will be answered later in the fic. gotta leave some mystery :)

cardinalgirl: Yes alex is a combination of 2 different people, the who and why is explained little by little.

Kay: thank you :)

SarahWhitman: thanks for the info on part a glad it made u laugh, and ur confusion hopefully will lessen as this progresses.

roswellluver: Thanks :)

little shorter then usual sorry :( Enjoy!!!

Chapter 8

Part a

Evan’s residence- front porch.

Alex and Isabel are standing on the front porch at the end of their date

“I had a wonderful time Alex, thank you.” Says Isabel

“The pleasure was mine milady” he leans in and kisses her

“Well I should probably go in, and you need to go home and go to sleep.”

“Yea, well I will see you in my dreams.” He can’t quite say that with a straight face.

“Night…” Isabel leans in a kisses him once more

Isabel goes into the house and goes to her room to find Max and Michael waiting for her

“Hey guys…”

“Well you sound happy Iz” Says Max with a serious look on his face

“Well I am thank you very much; now get out so I can get changed and ready for bed.”

“Ok come on Michael” Max and Michael stepped into the hallway

“So what do you really think of the situation?” Max asked Michael

“To be honest I don’t really know what to think…” he trails off not wanting to give up information he isn’t supposed to

“Well let’s just hope nothing goes wrong with the dreamwalk….”

Whitman residence- Alex’s bedroom

Alex was getting ready for bed he had on a pair of flannels and a tee-shirt. He got into bed and drifted off to sleep…


Alex is walking around school on his way to the quad to join the gang for lunch, he sees Isabel standing in the hallway in her pajamas.

“Hey Iz…um nice outfit…” Alex is cut off by Isabel

“It’s a dream Alex.” Says Isabel

Alex looks lost for a minute but then has a look of understanding on his face

“Oh…um nice Pajamas” He says with a big smile on his face

Isabel has a look of horror on her face

“Oh god I forgot to change my cloths, hold on a minute…” exclaims Isabel

“No that’s alright I think you look great, no need to change on my account” Alex says cutting Isabel off

“Oh Alex you know I don’t look good right now.”

“On the contrary you look as beautiful as ever.” He leans in and kisses her on the lips “you always look beautiful to me”

Isabel beams him a 100 watt smile but then the smile fades and she gets a serious look on her face

“Alex there is something I have to confess, um…” She trails off

“Come on Iz you can tell me anything.” He reassures her

“Um well, um what I failed to tell you and the rest of the group is that I have been sharing your dreams with you since the beginning, in fact I have been dreamwalking you every night since last fall” Isabel lowers her not able to look Alex in the eye

A huge smile appears on his face “That’s alright Izzy your always welcome in my dreams.” Isabel looks up into his eyes at this point and leans in closer to him intending on kissing him…

*Null Space*

Isabel and Alex find themselves in a dark room with only the light on them and three shrouded figures standing before them

“Ah glad you guys could make it” Says one of them

“Glad to be here!!!” Alex says with mock enthusiasm

“Well there is no more for us to show you, you are progressing nicely both of you”

“Ok…” Isabel says confused

“Well we will let you guys get back to your dream together…” says another one of the shrouded figures

“Wait, before you guys go I would really like to know who you are, and why are you helping us?” Alex interrupts

The three shrouded figures look at each other then lift their hoods…

Isabel and Alex gasp rather loudly at the same time


End part a
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Chapter 8 part b

Post by Biged »


David(StargazerUK): Thanks for reading, and why can't the trio save the world lol, the next part doesn't have much humor or wit :(

Cardinalgirl: Isn't it just a great cliffhanger :)

Jadeling: lol, i take it you didn't like the cliffhanger :)

Hayley: Ah my unofficial beta :)

Trude: Thought u would like the dreamwalking comment :)

MagickFantasy86: another hater of the cliffhanger LOL, yea most people like the trio's humor (Alex/Kyle/Michael) thanks for reading

sam25_2003: thanks for reading :)

Kay: another fan of the dreamwalking comment :)

roswellluver: Thank you, thanks for reading :)

Sweep: Thanks for reading :)

roswellian504: LOL thanks for reading :)

and too the lurkers out there: thanks for reading my fic :)



Part B

The three shrouded figures look at each other then lift their hoods…


Once the hoods are lifted they get a clear view of the figures, of Kyle, Liz and Isabel but with short brown hair

“No this isn’t possible…” Alex is cut off by Isabel (shrouded version)

“No it’s very possible, well with the help of the Granolith at least…” She trails off

“Who are you guys and what do you want” says Isabel taking a stance in front of Alex with her hand up.

“We are who we look like, we are your friends…” says Liz

“And I am you Isabel; we just come from 4 years in the future.”

“Why have you come…” Alex asks stepping out from behind Isabel

“We came to right a wrong that happened in our time frame” Says Kyle

“What happened, what went wrong…” asks Isabel

“Well for starters we trusted Tess, and the most important thing was that Alex was killed” Liz says stiffly

“WHAT…” Exclaims Isabel and then looks over to Alex who has gone pale “No your lying, I won’t let anything happen to him I just WON’T!” Isabel says defiantly

“Oh but it will happen if you don’t change it, trust me I know a world without Alex in it…” Future Isabel trails off

“How do I die…” Alex asks getting over the initial shock

“You are murdered, by Tess. She mindwarped you to death.” Says Future Kyle.

“NO!!! Tess wouldn’t do that…” Isabel argues

A blinding Light interrupts her; it takes them a few moments to adjust to the brightness of the light. Alex and Isabel look at the origin of the light at it seems that they are watching a movie play out…

The movie is that of Alex’s funeral, it shows Isabel putting a letter and a rose on the casket as its lowered into the earth, Maria is singing amazing grace

The movie changes to Kyle, Tess and Alex standing in a bedroom. Alex is yelling at Tess telling her how she has screwed up his mind, Tess tries to mindwarp Alex again. He falls hits his head on the corner of a table and goes still…

Kyle is carrying Alex’s body to the car; although he doesn’t know It, he thinks he is carrying a duffel bag…

The sheriff walks into the Crashdown with a grim look on his face. He tells everybody that Alex was in a car accident and was dead…

“No, it can’t be…” Isabel trails off, the tears were coming too fast, she couldn’t speak anymore, she could hardly breathe.

Alex pull her into his arms, letting her know that he was there, and that everything was going to be alright.

Alex turn slightly to look at his three friends “How are you guys doing this, why go through all the cloak and dagger for me…why?”

“We come from about fours years from this point, we had left Roswell after graduation and just traveled around keeping hidden. After your death the group was never the same, it was hard to trust anybody anymore, Max changed he didn’t trust his decisions, he blamed himself for your death…” Says Liz

“Then it happened. Kivar attacked Earth, we were in Maryland at the time. At first the information was kind of sketchy, little attacks happening around the world. The one that hit home for us was the destruction of Roswell, Kivar completely destroyed it nothing was left…” future Isabel takes over for Kyle.

“Then they started to track us, we don’t know how but they did. We ran, and we eventually found ourselves in South America and by this time sixty percent of the world was either destroyed or under the direct rule of Kivar. While we were in Peru we can across an old temple and decided to stay there, that’s when we found it…” Liz takes over for Isabel

“It was a Prophecy written into the stone, it took us weeks to decipher it. We had just finished with it and were about to move on when Kivar attacked. We managed to fend it off, but not without some casualties, Michael and Maria…” Kyle continues

“So that is why we are here, we plan on changing all of that.”

“Ok so you found a prophecy and you guys came back to see that it is fulfilled?” asks Isabel, now composed a little better.

“Essentially yes, you see the reason we lost was because we didn’t have Alex anymore and it actually took us a while to figure out that. There is something that I am keeping from you, and when I say I, I mean my past self…” Liz proceeds to tell them about future Max

They sit quietly for a few minutes and Alex breaks the silence with a question “Wait, if I was there then how did the world end?”

“We never truly figured that out, we just assumed that Tess mindwarped Max into coming from the future to change things.” Liz answered

“Well that is everything that we needed to tell you so go and enjoy that dream of yours…” Kyle trails off smirking

“Wait there is still something I need to tell them.” Isabel turns to Kyle and Liz and whispers to them, they nod their head in agreement. Kyle and Liz fade out.

Future Isabel Walks over to Alex and her younger self, never taking her eyes off of Alex.

“Hello Alex, its been a long time…” Future Isabel has tears rolling down her cheeks, she pulls Alex into a tight hug and Alex hugs back.

Isabel breaks contact and looks at her younger self. “There is something I must show you two, it won’t be easy to see but it must be done…” she waves her hand and images appear in front of them.

Once they get their bearings they take in the scene, it is taking place in a church. The images progress, and show Isabel walking down the Isle is a beautiful wedding dress. She gets to the Altar and thats when they see the man who she is marrying…

End part b