July Rhapsody (M/L ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 24

Post by pijeechinadoll »

hey people i'm back again ^^
anyway on with the story

Chapter 24

Max woke up the most splitting headache ever. He felt physically sick, he ran to the bathroom and hurled down the toilet. His stomach was killing. What the fuck happened? He thought as he washed he mouth out in the bathroom. He was so disorientated, but then he realised where he was… Tess’s bathroom; he was also naked.

He stormed into the bedroom with much muster as he could handle without keeling over and pulled on his trousers. Tess was asleep in the bed; she was naked as well; her clothes thrown carelessly across the floor. He shook her awake. Tess wouldn’t wake up.

He stormed back into the bathroom and rubbed his head. He ripped open the bathroom cupboard door under the sink and pulled out the washing basin and filled it with cold water. He was so angry! He vaguely remembered going round there to stop Tess doing anything stupid. He had found her with a bottle of pills and alcohol. She had cut her wrist with a razor blade and was sitting on the floor of the kitchen. Muttering how no one wanted her and she had no one. Her father was gone, she had no one. Max had managed to sober her up a little, to see how much she had taken. She was so out of it. Max manage to stem the bleeding and clean her and was about to call the ambulance. But Tess managed to escape to the bedroom balcony; she kept screaming that if he did she would throw herself off the balcony.

Max didn’t believe for one second she would do it even though she had cut her wrist. Yes she had lost her father, yes she was being hysterical. But at the same time he couldn’t help but think she was being manipulative, using the situation to her advantage. He told her in so many words.

She called him callous and called him every name under the sun. They argued for nearly an hour. He just wanted to go home to Liz, but Tess locked the door. She then ran over to the balcony shouted she would jump. He told her to go ahead he didn’t care… but then bitch climbed up and jumped, Max had only just, only just managed to grab her and pull her back over. Her wrist was surely broken. Hell she needed help. Not just for cuts but for mental help as well. Max told her she needed help.

Tess grabbed a bottle of vodka brandy and drank the alcohol… and that was the last he remembered.

Max stormed into the bedroom and threw the water at her. She screamed awake.

“You bitch! What did you do?”

“What do you mean Max I didn’t do anything?”

“You bitch we’re naked! You’re naked!” Cried Max in angry and frustration.

Tess frowned meekly.

“Tess what the fuck did you do. I’ll ask you once and only once.” Max grabbed her sore wrist.

“Ow you’re hurting me!”

Max twisted her wrist in anger.

“Tell me Damn it!”

“Ok okay!” cried Tess, wrenching her wrist from him.

“I’m waiting Tess!”

“You didn’t do anything you didn’t want to do last night… uh hello I was kinda out of it last night!”

“What did you put in my drink?”

“Nothing!” cried Tess.

“You just must have drunk a lot. I can’t be responsible for you actions.”

“Did we have sex?”

“I don’t know…” whispered Tess.

“I think we must have just fallen asleep in the bed together.”

Tess stumbled out of the bed and went to the waste bin.

“There’s no condom, so we can’t of. We never used to have sex without one.”

Max scowled at her not sure if she was telling the truth.

“Give me the door key!”

Tess scooted around and handed it over.

“I help you in sympathy and this is how you repay me? This is it Tess. I’ve had it with you! If you want to jump. Fucking Jump!”

Max stormed out of the bedroom leaving Tess in a flood of tears. He really didn’t care anymore. He just wanted to get home to Liz.

TBC? feedback pretty please.
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 25 + 26

Post by pijeechinadoll »

please keep reading... :D

Chapter 25

Liz woke up to find Max sitting crouched in the corner of the bedroom nearest to the door. His clothes hazardly put on. Half his buttons on his shirt were in the wrong whole. He looked a complete wreck.

He also had blood on his shirt.

“Max! Max!” cried Liz, as she stumbled out of bed to the floor next to him.

“Where have you been? Have you been in an accident?”

She checked his body for any cuts but couldn’t find any. She cupped his face in the palm of her hand as tears slipped down her cheeks.


Max looked down at his beautiful Liz, god how much he loved her.

Max had tears himself. Hell he had been so out of it, he wasn’t sure but maybe Tess had given him more than alcohol. But he couldn’t proof it. It was her word against his. Hell she was a prosecutor after all. She would probably lawyer herself up with her self. She was ruthless in the courtroom.

“Max where were you yesterday? I was so worried…”

Max felt a tear slip down his cheek as he remembered that he was meant to be home yesterday so Liz could tell she could tell him her secret about her health. He remembered so much wanting to be there for her. Instead Tess wouldn’t let him go.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here yesterday… I should have been here…”

“Max where were you?”

Liz was very worried.

“Tess father died yesterday… She rang me and I felt sorry for her, she kept shouting about how no one loved her… So out of sympathy I went round there…”

When Liz heard her name she knew she had a reason to be scared.

“Max… I had Michael rang her last night…. She had told him that she hadn’t seen you! Oh my god! She lied….”

Max shook his head in confusion.

“No Liz, she told me we were out of it cause we drank too much, so she couldn’t have answered the phone. FUCK. I don’t even remember drinking that much… I woke up…”

“Max did you sleep with her?” whispered Liz.

“What would you do if I said yes?” whispered Max himself.

Liz heart pounded, this wasn’t supposed to happen. She and Max were supposed to be happy. Her and Max were supposed to make a go of it this time. They loved each other.

This time they weren’t going to let anyone, namely Tess come between them. But she knew Tess wasn’t going to let them happen. She wrecked their relationship the first time and even then they hadn’t even started. And now they were starting all over again, Tess was up to her dirty tricks again. But the big difference was Liz knew now Tess had lied the first time and she had done it again last night. The phone call last night from Michael had proved that.

Liz sighed angrily.

She was angry at Max but more disappointed with him, but then again he was a good person, he couldn’t have walked away even from his worst enemy who was at their lowest who needed help. It wasn’t in his nature. His human nature was that he couldn’t turn people away. He always wanted to help. Not one to use clichés, but maybe this time Max had bitten off more that he could chew. Tess had sunk her claws into him again. The manipulative bitch! Liz wanted nothing more than to go round and have it out with her.

This time Liz wasn’t going to walk away. Even though she hadn’t told Max the news about not being able to have a baby. First she had to deal with that skank.


“I would ask you why you slept with her?”

“I don’t know if I did…”

“Did you want to sleep with her?”

“HELL NO!” spluttered Max venomously.

“Do you want to sleep with her? Do you want to have sex with her?” asked Liz quietly.

“…No she makes my skin crawl.”

Liz sighed deeply and flicked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear as she stood up.

“Come on go to the shower and get dressed!” she said looking down at Max.

“Why?” asked Max looking confused at the determination on Liz’s face.

“Cause we’re going round there to have it out with the bitch!”

Chapter 26

They drove towards Tess’s place in mostly silence; apart from the odd description of roads and streets. Liz drove Max’s car as Max gave her directions. Max wanted to ask about the doctor’s appointment but he didn’t think Liz wanted to talk about it at this moment in time. She wanted to deal with Tess first. So did he, he wanted her out of his life for good. Hopefully maybe she would have jumped. But he didn’t think he’d be that lucky. Tess lived for the pleasure of tormenting people, specifically him…

“Before we go in there, tell me you believe me. Tell me you trust me!”

Liz nodded.

“I love you Max. I want to give us a chance.”

“Do you believe me?”

Liz nodded slightly.

“I believe that Tess lied but only she truly know whether she slept with you or not.”

Max sighed knowing what Liz said was true.

“One question though. Is she clean?”

Max nodded with a frown of disgust.

“Yeah it’s one of her requirements at her lawfirm. No drugs…”

“No I mean is she sexually clean.”

Max laughed sarcastically.

“She has so many partners of course she gets her self checked out regularly. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if she went every week!”

Liz smiled a little at his joke, knowing that it would be impossible to get checked out each week. Tests took time.

“I prefer it when you smile Liz. I prefer it when you’re happy. I hate it that I’ve made you sad.”

Liz leaned over and brought her lips to his cheek.

“I will always love you Max Evan’s whatever happens in the future. Whether we split up or stay together.”

That statement had Max quivering in his shoes.

“Liz…” Max replied as he clasped her left hand into his. He brought it up to kiss her knuckle.

“Max…” whispered Liz a little tearful.

“Liz we’re forever… I’m never letting you go. Remember this for the future, wherever you go. I’ll come for you!”

TBC? ^^ would u like more? lemme know
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 27

Post by pijeechinadoll »

sorry to keep you readers waiting (especially hunter ^^ i know you've been waiting for donkeys ^^)

Chapter 27

Max was tempted to kick open the door. They had been ringing for the last few minutes. The maid finally came to the door.

“Um sorry Mr Evan’s I was in the garden.”

“Where is the bitch?” replied Max.

The maid gulped.

“She’s upstairs asleep…” she said meekly.

“We’ll show ourselves up!”

Max pulled Liz upstairs with him by the hand and stormed into one of the room. Tess was sitting at her dressing table brushing her hair, she turned around shocked but then she looked pissed off at the sight another woman with Max.

“Who is she?”

“I’m Liz Parker.”

“Was I asking or addressing you?” snapped Tess standing up. “Actually whilst you are here you can answer my question, why you are here? And what are doing holding my boyfriend’s hand?”

Liz looked at Tess closely for the first time. She wasn’t very tall; like her she was very petite. But that’s a far as the similarity went. She had platinum blond curly hair. Blue eyes and big rack and the sound of it a big mouth.

“Tess!” Max eyes blazed with fury.

Tess had the decency to shut up. She pouted in tears as she flung herself at Max, making Max lose his grip on Liz’s hand.

“Max I was so scared you wasn’t going to come back. They want me go and see dad’s body as I’m the next of kin. It’s so horrible.”

Max pushed her away.

“I told you Tess. I’m not playing you little games anymore!” Max snapped angrily.

Tess pouted.

“Is this dweeb your new bit on the side? God Max she isn’t even pretty. You can do so much better!”

Both Max and Liz got angry. They both snapped.

Max looked liked he was going to hit her.

Tess knew Max wouldn’t hit her, in wasn’t in her to slap her.

Liz looked at Tess with pity. Looking at her close up, she had bags under her eyes. She smelt of alcohol. Her blonde hair looked greasy. Actually she wasn’t worth it.

“Max let’s leave please…”

Tess anger bubbled to the surface.

“Max is mine! Do you hear me!” she yanked Liz’s hair.

“Get off her Tess!”

Liz felt her face burn as Tess slapped her.

“I DON’T LOVE YOU!” as Max shouted as he grabbed Tess’s sore arm to stop her slapping Liz again.


He pushed Tess away from them as they turned to leave.



Tess eyes blazed with anger.


“I don’t believe you Tess!” replied Liz, not wanting to give Tess the satisfaction.

“I’ll say this once and once only. I gave up on Max the first time round and I’m not willing to do it again. I Love Max and he loves Me. …whatever he had with you was a passing phrase, to pass the time. He feels nothing but pity for you. He’s told me what a bitch you are. And I can see you’re not worth the hassle. So Tess, piss the fuck off! And whether or not you think you did sleep with him. And you are trying for whatever reason to rub my nose in it, I don’t care. It’s never going to happen again. You can wish all you fucking want. BUT MAX IS MINE NOW! Do you hear me?”

Max stared at Liz in wonder as she finished.

“Come on Max can we go!”

They left the room with a weight that had been lifted off them.

Liz knew this was the moment she would tell Max about not being able to have a baby because she knew they could deal with anything together.

Little did they know Tess Harding would be back, back with a vengeance.

Would you like more? :mrgreen:
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODYchapter 28+29

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 28

“…so where do we go from here?” replied Max

He watched Liz pace up and down the living room floor of Max’s apartment.

Liz turned back to look at him, she smiled sadly at him.

“Liz come sit here with me.”

He pulled her into her lap to face him; he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

She was so beautiful and pure. She was it for him. She was the one that he wanted to spend his future with and life with. He knew he wanted to marry her, tears collected at his eyes. She was beautiful.

Liz rested her head against his.

“Did you mean every single word that you said to Tess?”

Liz nodded with a sigh as Max caressed her arm.

“I love you Liz Parker.”

“I know…”

“Tess is a bitch…”

“Do you really think that you didn’t sleep with her?”

“I don’t know Liz. I can’t think about it no more. If I do, she’s going to keep holding it over my head. And I don’t want her to come over me or us.”

“Max I need to tell you something…”

Max nodded.

“Was it about where you were yesterday?”

Liz nodded in agreement.

“Max when I was in my last year of Harvard I had Non Hodgkin lymphoma cancer…”

Max froze in his seat.

“Are you...? Do you have it now…? Is that why…? Oh god you can’t die I’ve only just found you!”

Tears slipped down both the faces as Max cupped her face and kissed her. He then broke down.


Max cried on Liz’s shoulder, Tears drenched her top.

“Max! Max!”

It was like he crawled inside himself.



“Max I’ve been in remission for years. I’m okay now… but the chemotherapy and radiotherapy…”

Max stared at tear stared face.

“Liz as long as you are okay! I don’t care!” cried Max as he hugged her tightly.

“Max I can’t have kids… I can’t have babies, I’m infertile… I can’t have babies… I can’t have your baby… I know you want kids! I’ll leave! I’m so sorry!” cried Liz trying to scoot off his lap.

“I DON’T CARE!” cried Max.

“What if you meet someone in the future who you can have kids with? What if you don’t want me anymore! What if…?”

“Liz I’m sure there’s treatment and test to do!” whispered Max.

“…Max I went to my GP yesterday, my friend… I don’t think there’s anything we can do…”

“Liz! Shush… we can… there are always other alternatives. I can foster, we can adopt, and we can do anything as long as we’re together!”


“Love you to Max…” whispered Liz. But in her heart she couldn’t help but think about Tess Harding. Did Tess really sleep with Max? Or was she lying…

Chapter 29

Four weeks later. Max and Liz had gotten into a routine. She and he would go to work and then end up back at her. She was so happy. Even thought they hadn’t gotten any good news at the doctors. They were happy. Tess kept ringing, but they ignored the calls to the point they actually switched the answerphone off. Liz was at first keen to have some space and Max even agreed to give her some. But Liz realised after one day she couldn’t do it. So now they lived literally inside each others pockets.

Liz literally lived at Max’s she even had her own drawer space and her own toothbrush holder. Max would give her a lift to work and then pick her up afterwards. They were ignorantly happy. Yes they couldn’t have a baby, but at this moment in time it didn’t matter.

“Liz! It’s Maria I was wondering if you like to come round mine for lunch. I know Max is at work and has left you home alone. Well My Mr Michelangelo has left me home alone as well. And I was thinking it was about time you met Isabel. She’s just got back into town this morning.”

“Um okay…”

Liz and Maria had gotten on like a house on fire since they met and were becoming fast friends. But this would be the first time she would be meeting Max’s sister Isabel Evans. She was a little apprehensive. In fact little scared. But actually she wouldn’t have any thing to worry about when it came to Isabel.


Tess watched as the little bitch drove off in Max’s other car. She stepped out of the car and waited till someone used the door. She let herself into the apartment block and then took the key out of pocket.

Wonder what she was doing there? In fact Tess didn’t know what she was doing there herself. She needed something. She wanted something that she could use to draw Max back to her. She opened the door to the familiar apartment and started immediately looking. She started of in Max’s bedroom. It angers her that It was obvious that Liz Parker was moving herself into Max’s apartment and on Max. It pissed her off at the fact Max hadn’t even come to her dad’s funeral. She blamed everything entirely on Liz Parker. And she wanted her out of Max’s Life. If she couldn’t have Max she certainly wasn’t going to let Liz Parker have him.

She couldn’t find anything in the bedroom or study. She wondered into the living room and sat down at the computer and booted it up. She couldn’t find anything documents wise. She wished she knew where Max’s safe was. Max was the type of person to leave important documents lying around. She was about to switch the computer off when she came across a folder hidden inside another folder. Maybe this is what she was looking for. Maybe Max Evans was starting to get careless.

She glanced curiously at it. It was a video file… she clicked and opened it. And first all she saw was talking. Specifically Max and Liz talking, they were arguing about her. She laughed as she watched Liz slap Max. When was this taken? She was going to stop watching she was sick of watching Max’s self pitying. But then….

THAT BITCH! Cursed Tess, she knew that they had been having sex. But it was another thing to watch it. She was to scratch the eyes out of her. She watched it till the very end, getting more bitter and angry as every second and minute went by. She took out her memory stick and sniggered. BLACKMAIL! She would blackmail her and tell her if she didn’t leave Max she would tell her boss!

She looked at her watch. Max would be home in a couple of hours. She should really leave, she didn’t know what time mouse would be back. She was about to leave went she came across a letter. She read it with glee…

♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 30

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 30

Liz let herself back into Max’s place and checked the time; he would be coming home in two hours time. Max told her that he had a surprise for her. Liz couldn’t wait, she didn’t have a clue what it was but she was very excited.

She also wanted to surprise Max by telling him about meeting his sister. Liz was a bit was apprehensive but she realised she had nothing to worry about because Isabel turned out to be a really nice person. So pleasant to chat to, she told stories about Max and she and her bitched about Tess. Maria grinned throughout it laughing her head off, and butting in once a while to give in her input which was all the time. Isabel was a beautiful person inside and out.

She smiled as she got changed back into one of Max’s shirt. She feel a little tired but decided to take a nap.

She went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea before her sleep, when the doorbell rang.

Liz frowned she wasn’t expected anyone. Unless Max was, but he was at work and people would know that. Confusion played on her thoughts; she shook them away as the door bell rang again. Ringing longer in fact…

Liz looked through the peep hole and saw no one there.

She frowned and inched catch of the lock and widen the door.

“It’s about time you answered the door.”

Liz frowned even more.

“What do you want Tess?”
Tess squeezed herself in without Liz’s consent and sat down on the sofa on the living room.

“Tess I didn’t invited you in. I don’t want you here and neither does Max.”

“I saw your little performance on video; personally I didn’t think you had enough or anything to satisfy Max. But I guess I was wrong…” Tess said airily.

“But then again… I can see that you’re a slut. I mean going after someone else’s bloke. Tragic huh?” she continued.

Liz didn’t know what to say
a) Because she was shocked because Tess had seen a private moment between her and Max AND…
b) Tess had the gall to call her a slut when she was not one. Why should one moment of making love be seen to be degraded by a person who didn’t have any moral herself? AND…
c) She invited herself in without any invitation…

“Got nothing to say?” spat Tess with annoyance.

It was blatantly obvious to Liz that Tess was trying to gloat her.

“Tell me what you want and then get out Tess!”

“My! My! Liz you sound a little bitter. TUT! TUT! Or is it that you actually feel threatened by me.”

Liz sighed. She just wanted this evil person out of her personal space. Anger shimmered underneath her.

Tess opened her handbag and took out two things. The box item she placed on the table. But the letter she opened.

Liz’s jaw dropped in fear and shock. She had trouble breathing.

“What do you want Tess?”

Tess sniggered, as she took out the letter out the envelope and started reading.

A tear slipped down her cheek, she didn’t even realise her letter had been missing.

“…And so imagine my surprise that you can’t have kids. I mean you do know Max wants them…”

“…How …did …did you get hold of my letter… I left it here this morning. OH MY GOD YOU… HAVE A KEY…” whispered Liz realising Tess had been here, feeling sick at the thought of Tess going through her personal belongings.

She had to ring Max. She shook as she picked up the phone and trembled as she tried to dial the number to Max’s work place.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you…”

Liz turned round as Tess snatched the phone of her and yanked it out of the wall.

“NOW we are going to have a nice little chat!”

Tess picked up the box and was about to hand it to Liz. She smiled.

“Ops I forgot you can’t get pregnant can you?”

“Why are you doing this?” whispered Liz, as Tess yanked her in the toilet.

Tess pulled out the stick out of the pregnancy test box and pulled up her skirt and pushed down her pants.

Liz shrieked. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Tess proceeded to piss on the stick to the shock of Liz.

Liz felt sick to the stomach. She shook her head in denial…

“By the way Liz I’m pregnant. Four weeks pregnant to be exact and Max is the father…”


“Yeah I know said we didn’t sleep with one another well guess what? I lied.”

Liz felt sick to the stomach.

TBC?? moreee? ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 31

Post by pijeechinadoll »

hey people sorry about the late update. I number of things: work, headaches and computer crashes ^^ :D
on with you show...


Chapter 31

Max couldn’t wait to go home and surprise Liz.

He heard a yelp come from the box that was next to him on the passenger seat.
He smiled as the car came to a stop. “So boy we’re home….”

The West Highland white terrier puppy yelped not liking being coped in a carry box. Max grinned as he opened the cage. The Westie jumped out at him onto his lap and licked his face. Max smiled at the him as he pulled away from him.

“Now you have to be good for your mistress. Me I can cope with you because I’m seen you everyday at Michael’s. But Liz… that’s my girlfriend, your new mistress; is a wonderful person but even I’m not even sure she likes dogs. But we’re going to get her to like you. Right? You’re going to be well behaved?”

The dog barked in agreement, Max stroked his fur and popped a biscuit in its mouth. Max lifted him into his arms as he climbed out of his car; he decided he wouldn’t need the carry cage as the Westie was house trained. The dog gave a woof.

Max thought about the last couple of weeks; him and Liz had been blissfully happy living in this bubble. They ignored Tess’s calls. Liz had moved in semi-permanently into his apartment. He loved being around her carefree nature, he loved sharing his apartment with her. Some times she would cook and sometimes he would cook. He loved the smell of her shampoo and perfume. They made love nearly every night; sometimes even more, enjoying every sated moment. He loved making love in the morning hours, just before he and she had to leg it to work. He grew hard just thinking about her. His heart felt full at just the thought of her; he definitely wanted more. He wanted to know that he had her forever, to grow old with her… The ring he had been carrying around the last couple of days had been burning a hole in his pocket. In his heart in knew that it hurt that they couldn’t have kids, but at the same time he knew if he didn’t have Elizabeth Parker in his life it would break him. He nearly lost her the once, he couldn’t go through with it again. He wanted Liz forever.

A woof from the Westie interrupted his thoughts.

“You want to meet her as well don’t you? You’ll love her.” replied Max, ruffling his head as he opened the door.

“Liz come here! Look what I found inside my car!”

He was met with silence. Had she gone out?


The Westie woofed in agreement and excitement.

He wanted her to come out into the hallway so he could surprise her. He frowned.

“Maybe our mistress is asleep.” He whispered to the Westie.

He was about to wonder into the bedroom when Tess came out of the living room.



“Spare key!” pouted Tess.


Tess sighed in annoyance.

The Westie growled.

“Cute dog!” as she reached to pat it.

The dog growled even more and reached to bite her hand not liking this woman one bit. If a dog could pray he was praying this one moment that this witch wasn’t his mistress. Tess tore her hand away.

“The little bitch tried to bite me!”


“Oh Max don’t talk like that…” She reached out to touch his arm.

The Westie struggled and strained in Max’s arms as he tried to bite Tess again.

“Little bastard! Max call your little shite off!”


Tess pouted in anger. She couldn’t believe that bitch was gone and here he was still moaning about her.

“She’s gone! I told her to get lost!”

Anger blazed through Max’s eyes. He dropped the Westie to the floor as he grabbed Tess and pinned her against the wall. The Westie yelped and woofed at Tess’s feet at the commotion.


“THE TRUTH!” screeched Tess.


“The Bitch can’t have kids why would you want her?”

Tess felt the impact of the slap before Max hit her. She slipped to the floor. The Westie went to bite her.


The Westie skidded to a stop. Bob was his old name so he answered to it.

“She’s not worth it! Go and play in my bedroom!”

Bob growled and snapped his teeth at Tess and then trotted off to the bedroom.

“Thank Max! I don’t think I could have handled a dog bite!” she said meekly.

“I didn’t do it for you Tess! I know what you would have done if Bob had bit you. YOU WOULD HAVE HAD HIM PUT DOWN. THAT THE TYPE OF BITCH YOU ARE!”

Tess sighed.

“Anyway she’s gone. She knew that she couldn’t have kids and thought you were better of without her, did you know? You poor thing?”



She threw the pregnancy stick at Max.

TBC? :D moree?
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 32+33

Post by pijeechinadoll »

hey readers thanks for the feedback. HEY LURKERS WHO ARE READING ^^ :D :D come and say hello ^^
mwah. thank you.
ping x




Chapter 32

Max entered the Tavern building with desperation of a madman in his heart.

He would get Liz back. He had to get her back. He didn’t care if Tess was carrying his baby or not. He couldn’t deal with her. He didn’t trust her with a barge pole. All he cared about was Liz. He knew that she left thinking she was doing the best thing for him. But she was the best thing not Tess. He knew that Tess had manipulated Liz with her words.

He stormed past the security not even letting them have chance to stop him and stormed into Serena’s office.

Serena was sitting in Kyle’s lap being consoled by him.

Max kneeled down in front of them.

“Serena where is she?”

Serena cried.

Kyle sighed and spoke to for Serena.

“Liz said she’s leaving town and the business. Forever… Serena’s really upset. Liz is her best friend.”

“Kyle do you know if she’s left yet?”

Kyle sighed.

“She knew this would be the first place you would look. So that’s why she isn’t staying at ours. Whenever she would be upset she would always come to us… but this time she didn’t…”

“She’s not at her flat; do you know where else she could be?”

Kyle Sighed.

“She’s probably at Leah’s…”


Kyle nodded.

“She’s Liz’s friend and GP, I’m surprise she didn’t introduce you.”

“She… we… were going to meet next week… because Leah’s been on sabbatical… Do you know where she lives or do you have a phone number?” Max asked Kyle.

Kyle sighed.

“I don’t but Serena does.”

They both turned to Serena. She looked so lost.

“Maybe… you should leave it Max…” she whispered.

“I can’t Serena I love her. Please Tess is a Bitch! I don’t care if we never have kids. Look I need to find her! Please I brought her this little puppy. He… He really wants to meet Liz…”

“A puppy won’t solve you problems!”

“I know that.”

Max replied with a sighed.

Max knew he could tell them about the ring. But the first person that he wanted to tell and ask was Liz. Hell he hadn’t even told his family and friends. Isabel, Michael nor Maria knew. He found the perfect ring for Liz all by himself.

“Please I need to find her. Please give me Leah’s telephone number.”

“It’s no use Max… Leah isn’t at home. She away on a retreat, Liz is gone to her. But Liz asked me to give this.”

Serena handed him a letter as a tear slipped down his face.

He ripped it open.
Dear Max,
I’m sorry I wasn’t there in person to say goodbye. If I was; I don’t think I would have been able to walk away from you. It hurts me doing this… I know we promised one another that as long as we were together we could get through anything, but Max you need to deal with this problem yourself.

I’m so sorry my love… I just couldn’t cope with Tess rubbing it in with me not being able to have baby. She might be a manipulative bitch but there was some truth in what she said. I can’t have babies and she can. I don’t know if it’s your baby but you need to find out.

I loved you so much Max. I… I don’t know if I’ll ever come back… it would hurt too much. But if… I don’t know… if… Max you know what I’m saying and thinking. I love you Max. I will always love you. My heart is breaking as I write it… Maybe if we had met at another time and place… maybe we were never meant to be… That’s a lie; I know we’re meant to be…

Where ever I go I shall think of you, you shall always be in my heart.

It’s not goodbye my love…

Much love, forever yours,

Liz Parker.
Chapter 33

At the same time of Max reading the letter, Liz was sitting in the living room of Leah’s Summer House that actually just happened to be on the outskirts of Boston. She wrapped her arms around her knees as she rested he cheek against her face. She sighed as a tear slipped down her face.

“Liz are you okay?” questioned Leah.

Liz wiped her tears.


“You miss him don’t you?”

Liz nodded.

“Why did you run then hunny? Because if you still love… Liz sweetie you’re going to make yourself sick…”

Tears slipped down her face even more. Her heart hurt, she rolled over and pulled herself into a ball. She felt physically sick. She wanted Max. She was so stupid to let Tess drive her away. She wanted Max to hold her and tell her it would be okay. She wanted…

But it was too late…

“It’s not too late Liz.” Replied Leah saying what Liz was thinking.

Liz cried.

“Max wouldn’t want me now. Not when she’s pregnant. He’ll probably hate me for walking away.

Liz cried and cried. Her heart hurt, her head was spinning.

“Liz if you love him… Give it a few days, and we can go back together. I’m sure you can work it out. I’m sure Max will forgive you for running away. But the big thing do you forgive him? I mean if he slept with Tess…”

“I DON’T KNOW!” cried Liz. Her chest physically hurt. She felt sick.

“Would you go back to him knowing that he is the father of Tess’s baby?”

“I don’t know…” whispered Liz tiredly.

Tears slipped down her face.

She missed Max. But could she ever go back.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 34

Post by pijeechinadoll »

LOL ^^ Hello people here's the next chapter. enjoy ^^ :D


Chapter 34

Max was staying at Michael because he couldn’t go back to his apartment. It felt like Liz’s spirit and living aura haunted the place. He would find the odd item that was hers or the odd item that she had use. Even his bed smelt of her.

Bob the dog seemed sad as well and so he took himself and Bob to Michael place.

He was currently sitting in Michael’s living room on the floor leaning against the settee as Bob laying in front of him with his head in his paws.

A Small whine came from Bob mouth. His eyes looked sad.

“You look exactly like how I feel…” whispered Max.

Max ruffled his fur.

“You never did get to meet your mistress did you?”

Bob let out a small howl.

Max sighed.

“Hey Little bro!”

Max looked up to see his sister looking at him. Isabel sat down next to him and ruffled the fur of Bob, who immediately looked a little a happier at Isabel touch. He rolled over, so she could rub his belly.

She smiled.

“He’s so gorgeous… you’re gorgeous aren’t you…”

She scratched his belly with a slow rub, which earned her a small little whine. If dogs could whine, Bob was grinning.

“Max talk to me. You haven’t talked to anyone. Talk to Maria! Hell talk to Michael, but talk to someone.”

“What’s there to talk about? Liz has left me again and Tess maybe carrying my baby…”

Isabel frowned.

“Well at least you’re not drinking this time.”

Max sighed.

“What’s the point, it’s not going to take the pain away and at least this way I won’t get hung-over…”

The door bell rang before Max finished.

“I’ll get it!” replied Isabel getting up.

Max sighed even more as he patted Bob head, who had gone back to looking like someone had stolen his best friend.


“What the hell do you want Tess? Haven’t you caused enough problems?”

Tess pouted.

“Is that all you say to the mother of your niece or nephew?”

“Max isn’t stupid you know! We want a DNA you little Bitch. I won’t let you hurt my brother any more. YOU’RE A MANIPULATIVE LITTLE BITCH!”

Tess smirked, as she pushed past Max.

“WOW you said bitch twice. Hey Miss Izzy Evans couldn’t you think of anything else?”

“Where the fuck do you think your going?”

Isabel tried to block her.

“Well if Max isn’t going to come home to speak to me I’ll speak to him here. So get out of the way ice cream! Ops I meant Ice Queen!”

Tess laughed at her own joke.

She shoved Isabel out the way.


Max sighed as he heard the screech of her voice.

“We can never get away huh Bob?”

Bob growled as Tess and Isabel stepped foot into the room.

“Sorry Max I tried to stopped her!” cried Isabel.

“It’s okay Izzy!”

“DO you want me to stay?”

Max sighed.

“No I’ll be okay…”

“Do you want me to ring Maria and Michael?”

Max shook his head.

“Max I’ll be in the other room. Do want me to take Bob with me?”

Bob was growling really loudly for a little dog.

Isabel grinned as she stroked him.

“Bob do you want to come with me? I’ll give you dog biscuits…”

Bob licked her hand, but ran over to Max and stood by his legs. Bob bared his teeth towards Tess.

Isabel and Max shared a secret smile.

“I take that as a no!” replied Isabel.

“Max should I be offended!” continued Isabel.

Max smiled. She knew what Isabel was trying to do. She was trying to isolate Tess out the conversation to piss her off.

“Bob go with Isabel.”

Bob ignored him and growled even more.

Isabel laughed.

“LOL even you can’t control you dog. I bet he would have listened to Liz!”

Bob woof at the word Liz.

Tess was about to explode.

“I AM IN THE FUCKING ROOM YOU KNOW! STOP FUCKING IGNORING ME!” Tess snapped at the both of them.”

Isabel tossed her hair and looked at her nails.

“Is there a buzzing in the room?”


Max sighed.

“Isabel go… the sooner she talks the sooner she can leave.”

Isabel huffed but stormed out the room.

“Thanks!” grinned Tess.

“Get out what you wanna say and get out of my sight!”

Tess glowered in displeasure.

“SO about what we talk about the over day about me having an abortion. I won’t have one. And I’ll have a DNA test. But I want two conditions. One: you never see your bitch again and two: you marry me.”

Max exhaled noisily. Tess had threatened to abort the baby and so he counter blackmailed her by saying he would tell her boss about all her dodgy dealings.

“I won’t marry you Tess! You’ve got be joking!”

“YOU WILL!” snapped Tess.

Bob trotted forward and growled at the woman who was shouted at his master.

“Piss off you stupid dog!” Tess shouted in frustration.

She turned to kick him.

Isabel step out and slapped her.

“You fucking dare you little bitch!”

Tess clutched her face with anger.

Tess looked at the both of them and turned to leave, but not without leaving the last word.

“You will marry me Max!”

Max sighed.

“I thought I told you to leave the room?” whispered Max tiredly.

Isabel smiled as she reached down to stroke Bob.

“As if I would leave you in the same room as that bitch, I was in the hallway watching and listening…”

Max flopped down on the settee.

“Max you know she’s not going to back down…”

“Yeah I know! And that’s what I’m afraid off… what’s she going to plan next?”

TBC? feedback please ^^ :mrgreen:
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 35

Post by pijeechinadoll »

LOL i know its short ^^ but i had a mind block ^^



Chapter 35
A couple of days later, Liz was still asleep in bed.

She was so tired, but she was also scared. The last time she felt this sick was when she had her Non Hodgkin lymphoma cancer. Leah said she’ll do some test. Hopefully they would receive them today. This was the one time Liz needed Max badly. She so wanted to ring him and tell him to come to her. But something was holding her back as well.

She felt someone shake her awake.

Liz woke up disorientated. “Sweetie sit up!”

Liz did as she was asked as Leah checked her blood pressure and temperature. She sat down with a sigh.

Liz panicked.

“It’s my cancer back!’ she whispered.

“Do you want the good news of bad news?” replied Leah as she hugged her friend.

Liz nerves were shot to pieces.

“BAD NEWS… please!”

“I don’t know what it is Liz. We need to have more tests done!”

Liz’s heart leapt a few beats when she realised what Leah said.

“So it’s not… It’s not cancer! It’s my Non Hodgkin lymphoma back!”

Leah nodded as Liz burst into tears of happiness.

“But that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet! IT could be anything. We’re going to test for anything. And we’re going to beat it okay!”

Liz grinned.

“I don’t care! I don’t have cancer!”


Max was sitting in the restaurant with Isabel, Michael and Maria.

He couldn’t help but think of the last time he was in here. He had been here with Liz. But he didn’t mention that to the other. They would just try to coddle him and he was sick of that.

“And you know what we haven’t heard from Tess yet!” replied Isabel.

“It’s like she’s gone underground!” she continued when all she got was umm and huff across the table.

“Well I hope she stays buried!” snapped Maria.

“Yeah me to!” replied Michael.

“Max?” questioned Isabel.

“Have you heard from the little trollop?”

Max shook his head. She was the last person he wanted to hear from. Trouble with a capital T she was. If he never heard from her again he would be happy. But he would never be 100% happy till Liz came back. And till she did all he could was sit and wait. And pray and wish. And hope…


By the time Leah had got the final test; two weeks had past.

She had a feeling she knew what was wrong with Liz. Of course she had watched the symptoms, but it couldn’t be could it. She was 99.5% sure she was right. Could it be that Liz was…? She was 5% unsure and she didn’t want to get Liz’s hopes up and so she secretly took one of the blood test that Liz had consented to and had it tested for something else.

Liz was still hiding at the cabin, from the world and Max. Leah went every day to drop of food and books to read. She was even going to leave her laptop, but Liz didn’t want it. As long as she had her music she was happy.

And now Leah was sitting in her office with that piece of paper in an envelope. The results.

She breathed deeply and paused in effect. What ever was in this envelope would change Liz’s results forever?

She ripped it open and gasped. How it was it possible? She shook her head in shock. How was it possible that Liz Parker was 6 Weeks pregnant!

TBC? TESS is back again causing trouble. :?
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 36

Post by pijeechinadoll »

LOL ^^ okay not as long as i expected but longer than the last. pingx
O M G!!!... both are pregnant from Max! Has he become the stallion and are we going to have others pregnancies???? :twisted: :lol:
LOL as usual you always make me laugh with ur comments and no there won't be other pregnancies... :twisted: well i dont think there will be LOL

Chapter 36
Liz woke up feeling very groggy again. She felt very down under the weather.

What was wrong her? Her whole body ached, especially her back; in fact it was killing. She wanted to cry out, instead she whimpered. She wanted Max. She wanted to go home to him. She so missed him. She didn’t even have a picture of him and inside her she was very scared that she would forget his face.

Every night tears wet her pillow, she tried to be strong but her heart was slowly breaking.

It was entirely that bitch’s fault.

Liz sobbed into the teddy that Max had given her. It was the only thing that she took. She left the necklace and earrings that he gave her.

She left the gorgeous cherub angel crystal statue that he brought her for their 1 month anniversary…


When she first saw it when shopping with Serena she had immediately fallen in love with it. But then saw the price tag and tried not to show her dejection, she smiled at the Sales Assistant and handed it back to her.

Serena must have told Max, because the next morning the day after she had been shopping. There sitting on the dressing table was the angel. She stumbled out of bed as she walked over. She sat in front of the angel with shock. She didn’t want to touch in case it was a mirage and would disappear.

‘You can touch it!’

Liz looked up with a gasp. There stood Max standing leaning against the door.

‘Max! You shouldn’t have!’

He smiled as he pulled her up against him.

‘I wanted to; anyway call it an early anniversary present.’

‘But it’s was so expensive!’

‘Yes so?’

‘It was expensive so you shouldn’t have brought it. I would have preferred chocolates and flowers.’

‘So you want me take it back!’ Max smirked.

Liz slapped his arm. She shook her head with a blush to her cheeks.

‘Could we… could we keep it?’

Max pulled her into a hug.

‘Why else did you think I brought it?’

‘Don’t you think it’s beautiful?’

‘Yes just like you!’ as he pulled her into a kiss.

Liz sighed. ‘Thank you Max.’

‘Anything for you Liz I love you!’


That angel had been a symbol of their love and their hope, their hope to have a baby. Max said that it their guardian angel. Who would protect her now?

Liz cried even more.


Elsewhere Max was feeling down in the dumps, he was still living at Michael and he was still missing Liz like crazy. She was on his mind 24hrs; he kept wondered if she was okay. He kept wondering if she was eating enough.

Was she okay?

Was she thinking of him?

Has she forgotten him?

Where was she?

Tess still hadn’t shown her face; in fact she had disappeared off the face of the world. Maybe she had disappeared forever; here’s hoping.

He was currently driving straight round to his flat where he had been told by the doorman that his place had been broken in to.

Bob was sitting in the front seat growling. It was like he could sense that his master was angry.


Leah couldn’t wait to get back to tell Liz the news. First thing she did though was buy Liz a congratulations blue nose teddy. It was big with a polka dot diaper and dummy. It was so cute; Leah couldn’t help but buy it.

Leah ended up in the shopping mall buying a lot more expected.

Leah loved shopping but when it came to shopping for baby stuff, she was in a different world.

She went into one baby shop after another. She had so many bags. She giggled as she picked up another teddy.


Max looked on at the devastation that someone had wrecked on his apartment. Bob yelp in his arms.

Mr Anderson and a policeman and woman were with them.

“Is there anything missing sir?”

They wondered in Max’s office with trepidation. Max spun open the save nothing was missing. It just looked liked the place had been messed up.

“Would you like to check the bedroom?” asked the policeman.

Max nodded.

They wondered into the bedroom. It was the worse. His clothes and items were thrown all over the floor. His duvets and bed was thrown half way across the floor.

“Is there anyone that holds a grudge against you?”

Max sighed.

“Yeah my ex girlfriend Tess Harding.”


Max sighed again as Bob jumped out of his arms. Bob woofed at the policewoman and followed her around.

“She hates the fact that I moved on with out her…”

“Any other reasons?”

Max sighed. He knew he could have told the policeman about Tess’s dodgy dealing but without proof it was useless.


“Okay… is there any thing missing from the room of value?”

Max looked around and then it hit him. Liz’s cherub angel, why would anyone steal it, it had been expensive but not expensive enough to make enough money. The jewellery in his box on the dressing table was probably expensive. His Watch and cuffs were probably just as expensive.

But the cherub had sentimental value.

Max looked around the living room.

“My girlfriend’s glass crystal cherub angel is missing!” cried Max.

He looked around the room.

It wasn’t there. He lifted the duvet and clothes up, throwing them as he looked.

The policeman helped him look.

Bob then howled. Max ran into the bathroom in fear, the policewoman sat there on the toilet seat lid looking very upset. Bob sat in her arms with a bleeding paw and there on the floor lay the shattered glass crystal cherub.

If there was ever a bad omen this was it.
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)