Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 [COMPLETE]

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 9/9/08 p. 13 Ch 22

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb guys!!

sarammlover- Hey Sara! Good guess about Jesse! Very close'll find out soon what he is after. And thanks for leaving fb! :D

kitten88 - Thanks for the fb! Who's going to tell Max the truth?? That's going to come up soon in this fic.

Lena7- You are so sweet and nice! Thanks so much for being here!! I really love your fb and I find your stories very interesting too Lena. Your words mean so much to me. :D

begonia9508- Oooh keep guessing lol..very close Eve! Thanks for the fb!!

keepsmiling7- I know it would be best for Liz to explain but she seems to be really scared. No one is perfect and the story's about making mistakes and realising them. Liz's flaw is that she just flows too much with everything and doesn't seem to have courage in the begining but don't worry..all will end well! Thanks for leaving fb!

Cocogurl- Hey! Yeah I know Liz is in a sticky situation, like I mentioned above she is stuck right now, she is confused right now but bear with me! hopefully the truth will come out soon. thanks for leaving fb! :D

A/N: I really wanted another Max and Liz moment so here it is, sorry about not going into detail what Isabel said to Liz in the previous chapter... hope you enjoy!! and please excuse me for any grammar mistakes or anything not right..I'm really hungry and tired right now. :)


Chpt 22

The marriage proposal,
Krispy Kreme Surprise..

" can open your eyes now." Max said as he removed his hands from Liz's eyes. After some minutes of blindfolding her with his hands and leading her to some unknown place, Liz's anticipation grew and grew. She gasped when the beautiful scenery hit her. Lush green grass flowered by a variety of flowers including the pretty orienpet lilies, beautiful begonia's and the tall elegant snapdragons in their respective lines.

Little colorful butterflies fluttered around and the sweet sounds of the birds chirping along with the sun shining brightly in the smooth blue sky. And amist everything was a blanket with a big basket and plates ready for a picnic.

Liz's heart softened as she realised what Max had planned for her. "Oh's beautiful." She turned around, bliss shining in her chocolate brown eyes.

"It's all for you." He said softly as the urge to kiss her sweet pink curves crossed his mind.

"Where are we?". Liz turned her attention back onto the picnic area. This place was so beautiful, no doubt. She knew Max would take her someplace beautiful but this place was even more beautiful that she had imagined. Max had said nothing, just took her and told her he was taking her someplace special.

"This is my maternal great great grandmother's garden." Max told Liz, stepping closer towarsd her and wrapped his arms around her. "A century ago she made this barren land become into a beautiful land as that's where my great great grandfather met her." Max smiled and kissed Liz's cheek. "It's her secret garden Liz."

"Wow..this is so...beautiful.." Liz gasped, amazed. "So who tends the flowers." She teased, turning around to face Max and met his lips with her own.

"The gardeners." Max told her in between their sweet kisses.

"The gardeners?". Liz raised an eyebrow as she pulled away from Max slightly to read his facial expression.

"Umm-hmm." Max nodded and leaned in to kiss Liz some more. Liz stopped him by putting a hand to his hard muscular T-shirt clad chest with a smile on her face.

"And I suppose you have nothing to do with it?". She asked, searching for the answer in his soulful eyes.

" got me." Max smiled. "Sometimes I tend to plant flowers and water them." He admitted shyly. "But not that I'm a flower man...."

Liz giggled and playfully slapped Max on the chest. "Don't be embaressed Max. I find that kind of cute." She told him. "My man is a bit of a gardener..or shall I say...he is a wonderful gardener." Liz wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a deep kiss.

"God Liz.." Max moaned as their lips slid against each other. "We'll be blooming flowers in no time if we don't make it to the picnic." Max teased as he rested his hands on her hips.

"Oh I plan to." Liz moaned, feeling her rebelious side come out. The thought of being very romantic with Max was such a turn on. And then she gasped in surprise as Max pulled away and in one big swoop, took her entire body in his arms.

Max firmly held Liz in his arms and led her to where he had laid out the blanket. Liz snuggled in Max's arms, enjoying the feel of being in his arms. It felt so right, her and him together like this.

She didn't want this moment to end.

He gently laid Liz down onto the blanket and sat beside her. "I hope you like krisy kreme donughts". He shyly said, reaching for the basket.

"Krispy Kreme huh?". Liz teased, raising an eyebrow. God, he seemed more and more adorable every day.

"The tastiest donughts on the planet." Max winked as he pulled out a box of donughts. "And the best part is..I get to feed you."

Liz smiled when he opened the box, yummy delicious cute donughts stared back at her. Liz licked her lips, they did look awful tasty and tempting.

"Wow..they look so tempting.." Liz said, looking at her Max. "Do I get to feed you too?".

Smiling Max looked at her. "Maybe."

"Aww come on." Liz lightly hit him on the shoulder in a playful and had pout. "It's every girl's dream to be with.." Before she could finish her words, Max leaned forward and pressed his lips to Liz's. Liz moaned and pulled him closer with her arms to deepen the kiss.

Max's fingers threaded through her silky dark brown hair while they kissed, lips sliding against each other and then Max and Liz slowely finished the kiss. Max rested his forehead against Liz's as they catched their breath again.

"There's nothing on this planet that's tastier then you." He admitted, pressing a small sweet kiss to her lips.

Liz blushed and smiled. "You think so?". Guilt washing over her. Him being so sweet only made it harder for her to muster up courage to tell him the truth. She wanted to tell him around some point today but she had a feeling that today wasn't the right time to tell him.

When did the right time ever come??

And how did she know if it was the right time??

She had convinced Isabel that she really did have feelings for Max that day and Isabel backed off but Liz wasn't sure how long for. She seemed okay with Max taking her out today and didn't drop down hints about Liz to her brother.

"I know so." Max softly said. "Now come on..let's dig in..can't leave you hungry can we?". He teased her as they pulled away reluctantly and Max placed the box in his lap.

Liz got ready as he lifted up a strawberry and chocolate krispy kreme and raised it to her lips. "Say ahh." He teased and she opened her mouth and took her bite

Soon after, they swaped turns. Liz was the one feeding him. Max bent over and opened his mouth and playfully Liz pulled away before he could bite. Max grinned at Liz and she giggled. "Sorry you look so cute when you're about to bite." She laughed harder, covering her mouth with one hand and using the other to feed him the delicious krispy kreme.

When the two lovers had their fair share of krispy kreme, Max had yet another surprise for Liz. "Okay..close your eyes Liz." He said, reaching back in the basket again.

"Okay closing.." Liz said, closing her eyes. "I thought you already showed me the surprise anyway.." She babbled, as anticipation hit her again.

Max pulled out a donught shaped box from the basket. "No peeking Liz." He told her.

"Not peeking." Liz protested innocently with a smile, although she was tempted to see what the other surprise was. Boy she loved surprises when it came to Max.

Max cradled the box in his hands. " you can open your eyes." He said and Liz slowely opened her eyes and noticed another donught in Max's hands.

"Oh are so spoiling me." Liz smiled as she looked at Max.

"Liz..I just wanted to tell happy you've made me." He began, he really sucked at speeches. He remembered the time when he gave that awkward speech at his parent's aniversary. "The fateful day I met had me curious, worked up and..amazed." He admitted. "I kept thinking about you, day and night, night and day. My thoughts always were about you, how you were and how your day went." Max paused when he saw Liz smile at that. "When we had those moments together, going to the park, going to eat at your parents and even the simplests of moments we shared long as you were with me..everything was so special and worthwhile. I'm so happy I met you and got to know you and I'd be the luckiest man on the planet if I had those moments to experience and cherish with you for the rest of my life." He finished and then slowely opened the donught shaped box. "Liz Parker...will you marry me?".

Liz froze..unmoving as she stared at his soulful amber eyes and then at the beautiful diamond ring.

"Liz Parker...will you marry me?". His velvet voice repeated in her mind.

She looked at his beautiful amber eyes again..

Just one word from her would change their lives forever, she just realised....

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 9/16/08 p. 14 Ch 23

Post by Hunter »

jake17- No you're the best lol, thanks so much. My lovely Edward distracting you? Aww. I know what you mean. Love seeing you here! :D

keepsmiling7- Max did go to a lot of trouble! He's so sweet though! We know what Liz's answer's going to be lol. thanks for being here!

begonia9508- Me? A tease and a cliffhanger demon? lol. funny. Thanks for being here! Your comments are so funny and thoughtful. You have me thinking a lot you know with your comments. Thanks.

- Thanks! lol.

kitten88- So happy to see you here! Well maybe..I can't really tell lol. But Liz does truly love him just as much as he loves her. Hope you enjoy the next part. Thanks for leaving feedback.

veronica- thanks! Hope you enjoy this next update too.

cocogurl- Lol thanks! We all know what Liz is going to say! I'd love to be in her place right now! Thanks for being here! Means a lot! :D

Lena7- They are wonderful together! Thanks! Hope this update makes you happy!

Chpt 23

Tess, lies and videotape..
Max and Tess meet...

Liz looked at her ring for the umpteenth time. It was shining brightly, reflecting the suns rays that hit it. She couldn't beleive she went from being a friend of Max to being his girlfriend and then his fiance within eight months of knowing him. It all seemed to real. She could still remember moment crystal clear.

"Liz Parker...will you marry me?". His velvet voice repeated in her mind.

She looked at his beautiful amber eyes again..

She looked back and forth at the ring and then forgot how to breathe. "Liz?". Max asked, looking worried.

Liz was almost sweating. There was so much things to say..but she was so overwhelmed. "Yes Max" She gave her answer. "I'll marry you". She nodded, giving Max the permission to take her hand and slip the ring on her finger.

"Oh my god Liz! I cannot beleive this!". Max cried happily, as he leant in to kiss her. "We're getting married!".

"I know!". Liz smiled and wrapped her arms around Max, holding him tight. They were going to get married..

She couldn't say no to him. When he popped the question, all she could think about was being with him for the rest of her life.
And that meant coming clean. She wanted to tell him today. She was on her way home, about to call him at her place when she opened the door to her place she was very shocked at what she saw.

Her Max was already there...but he wasn't alone.

Sitting at the sofas he was laughing with that pixie blonde cousin of hers. Tess.

When the door shut, Max and Tess turned their heads towards Liz. Max smiled even more on seeing his fiance. His fiance who was set to become his wife in five months time.

"Liz." He got up and went to hug his fiance. Liz hugged him back while keeping her eyes fixed on Tess who was sitting on the sofa wearing a very short dress which revealed her thighs. She shot Tess a glare, wondering what she and Max had been upto during her absense.

" came early." Liz gasped as they parted.

Max cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. "Something came up Liz and I wanted to see you before it happened." He said. "Can we talk?".

"Okay." Liz said as Max took her hand, she shot one look back at Tess who shrugged and then lead Max to her bedroom. She shut the door behind them and turned around.

"I'm sorry for surprising you like that." Max began. "I just waited for you here and your cousin Tess said you'd be back soon so.." Max drifted off, unsure of how to crack the news to her.

"Max what's wrong?". Liz asked softly, noticing that there was something in his eyes that he was trying to hide. She wondered if she could really tell him the truth today. Or worse..had Tess said something that was hurting him right now? "Is it me?". She asked bravely, dreading his answer.

"No Liz." He lifted his eyes up from the floor to look at her. "It's not you's me."

"What is it then? What's bothering you Max?". Liz asked.

"I wanted to tell you everything.." Max began and stepped closer to Liz. "The things people say about me..that I'm a player..." He sighed heavily and cupped Liz's cheeks again. "I'm not." He forced the words out. "I've never been with anyone like this before and I've never slept with anyone." He revealed and then Liz's heart stopped beating.

Was there something wrong with her hearing or did Max really say he was a virgin?

"'t slept with anyone?". Liz asked, trying to clarify what he was telling her.

"I thought I should let you know the real me before we get married." He said softly stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I keep the image of a player because it's part of my career. They like the player Max." He reasoned. "But I don' in five months time..or whenever you want..I'll let them know too..who I really am."

"Max?". Tears shone in Liz's eyes. "You would do that...for me?".

"I can do anything for you Liz. Anything." He murmered, resting his forehead on hers. "But this isn't your fault. When I met you, I fell deeply in love with you and knew I'll always be loving you. You're the one for me Liz..the one." He kissed her lips again. "I can't imagine myself being with anyone else."

"You know I feel the same way about you too." Liz said, wanting to tell him the truth now. "I have so much things to say to you Max....things about me too.."

"Whatever it is..I'm sure you're not as bad as me." He tucked a strand of her chocolate waterfall behind her ear. "You're gunna hate me for this.." He began to say.

"What is it?". Liz curiosly asked.

"I had.." Max paused, wondering if he should tell Liz this or not. "I had sighed a contract a year ago for a movie that I'd be starring in this year." He said to Liz. "And the director called me. They're ready for shooting."


"They're shooting in Paris and across Europe and they leave tonight. If I go..I'll be gone for four and a half months max." Max continued. "But I can't stay that long away from you Liz. I need to be with you."

Liz felt guilty. Because of her, Max was going to incur a HUGE loss. She didn't want to be the woman holding him back. "Go Max." She softly answered. "Please don't turn me into the chick that holds her man back." She begged him with her eyes.

"But Liz..." Max began to protest but Liz stopped him.

"No Max. You have dreams and I'm not going to stand in the way of them." She said in a determined voice. "You will follow your dreams."

"But you're my dream Liz. I don't want to wake up." He told her, not letting her go.

"I'll be always around you your dreams." She cupped his face, feeling his stubble against her smooth skin. "When you close your'll see me and when you're'll think of me like I'll be thinking off you." She told him, knowing it was going to be true. "We'll instant message each other and keep in contact through the net."

"I don't want to go."


After moments of silence, Max finally caved in. "Okay Liz..but you're always going to be on my'll be the only one. Awake and asleep."

"Deal." Liz smiled and leaned forward to kiss Max on the lips. She felt bad because she couldn't tell him the truth now. He'd be tortured for four and a half months and they wouldn't be able to resolve their problem over the internet.

Their kiss deepened and before they knew it...they both were on the bed, entangled limbs and arms in a lock. Max was on top of Liz, in between her parted legs as they both made out like horny teenagers. Max's hands slipped under her shirt and came into contact with her bare skin, jerking Liz back awake, realising that they were in an awkward position.

"Oh Max..we can' parents will be back home soon." Liz said as she flipped them over so she was sitting on Max's crotch. She buttoned her blouse up again and Max watched her hungrily from where he lay. He relished at the idea of having Liz on top of him.

"I understand." He growled, his obvious erection pressing up into Liz's hot core.

Liz bent down and kissed Max on the lips. "I'm so sorry." Liz apologized and then got off Max. The pair got off from the bed and straightened their hair and clothes. Things were definetly begining to change between them. Rapidly.

Max's cell phone rang and he reluctantly answered it after exchanging glances with Liz. "Hello?". Max's eyes widened. "Really? So early? You sure?.." Max turned his eyes on Liz who was watching him. "Okay..alright. See you there." Max ended the call and put his cellphone back in his back pocket.

"What is it Max?".

Max sighed heavily. "They changed their minds. They leaving for Paris in two hours." He told Liz with deep regret.

"Oh." Liz's face dropped. "Okay." She said, trying to get over the hurt and looked at him. "You should go for it." She took Max's hand. "It's okay..." She began when she saw Max trying to say something. "I'll be fine." She said in a firm tone. "Don't you worry about me."

"How can I not?".

Liz kissed him on the lips. "Because if you're safe, I'm safe." She kissed him gently. "Now go. They're waiting for you." She said, leading him out of her bedroom and towards the front door before he could say anything.

Max turned around and in one swift move, his hand reached for the back of Liz's head, pulling her closer for a smooth kiss which didn't go unnoticed by Tess who was still lignering around in the lounge.

Liz was surprised by Max's romantic gesture and complied by parting her lips and allowing him to play with her tongue for a few seconds and when he pulled away, he looked sad. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Me too." Liz said sadly and threw her arms around her fiance, her soulmate and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Max said, hugging his fiance in his arms.

"Remember, you better keep in contact with me thought msn." Liz pointed her finger at him as they parted. "Or I'll hunt you down through facebook". She joked, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall. She was not going to see him for almost five months. How was she going to survive?

The whole scene was like a woman seeing off her husband who was going of to war in the olden days. Liz felt like that.

"I will Liz." Max promised, trying to smile. "Love you."

With restraint, Max managed to leave finally and Liz managed to bid him a temporary farewell. It was sad for both of them. She watched Tess walk about, drinking a bottle of soda and then Liz walked straight to Tess.

"So what happened when Max came?". She knew Tess was always upto no good and must have tried her best to seduce him. Her man.

Tess's bright pink lips curled into a devilish smile as she turned around. Liz noticed what she was wearing. One of those short dresses that looked like a top. The arms were long and flowy and the chest was low. She had tried to seduce Max. She knew it.

"Don't worry Hershey bar." Tess said. Hershey was her nickname for Liz and Liz called her triple B which stood for Beach blonde bitch. "I had it all under control until you made your move..but even so..he seems like a loyal type. Knowing where his loyalty lies." Tess said as she manicured her nails looked at Liz up and down. "He loves the taste of you Hershey Bar. Wonder what brand you made him taste. Chocolate with Almonds which I know..because I hate almonds, pure milk chocolate as everyone sees you..sweet pure goody two shoes Liz or Dark chocolate..your hidden dark side which you are still keeping."

"What the fuck are you talking about triple B?". Liz asked her, annoyed.

"Allow me cousin." Tess said, brushing past Liz to get towards the video tape. She played the VCR after putting on the TV on. "Watch this..I should have showed this to Max..what a blockbuster for a trailer. The movie's currently in production."

Liz walked towards where Tess was standing and then watched the TV screen very carefully. When the clip was over, Liz's eyes widened in shock. "You've been spying on me?".

"No Liz." Tess shook her head. "I had help from your very own friend Jesse Ramirez..who came here shortly your Max and your other so called friends attacked him in front of that chinese place."

"Jesse?". Liz gasped, anger and hurt shining in her eyes. "He did this?".

"He's working with me to avenge you guys." Tess smiled.

In a quick reflex, Liz ejected the tape and ripped the dark brown tape from the video, pulling it and ripping it. "You ain't got nothing on me now Tess." She said angrily and then threw the video on the floor, smashing it to pieces and finished off the job by stepping on in, trying hard to crush it.

"Wow." Tess said. "I have many more of those Liz. This is just a copy.".

"But what will you gain Tess? After the damage is the fuck will you benifit?". Liz curiously asked, wondering what was in it for Tess.

"Hurting you Liz." Tess smiled. "Hurting you."

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 9/17/08 p. 15 Ch 24

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb!

Hunter, I have an idea. Can Tess die a horrible horrible death? Maybe get hit by a car or fall off of a cliff?
:lol: lol that's funny!! :D yeah sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the feedback! :D

keepsmiling7 -Yes you're right. Hope you like the next part :D Thanks.

begonia9508 - I know! Hopefully Liz does something about it in the next update. Thanks!

A/N: There's going to be a little twist in this story. I hope you guys are not confused. :)


Chpt 24

Manipulation at it's worst..
And more lies...

The past four and a half months were begining to drag on for Liz. She had fallen back into a boring routine, going to university, doing tasks on time, eating, sleeping..talking to friends about stuff. She kept in contact with Max too as he struggled to keep in contact with her too, he was also very busy and tired these days with the movie in production.

Liz had signed out of msn and sighed. She just got off talking to Max on instant messaging. She really missed him so much. Life was really boring without him.

Tess entered Liz's room wearing a devilish smile. "So how's loverboy?". She began. She knew all about Liz and Max's messaging on msn. It was so obvious. Liz was always typing away on the computer.

"Oh don't start triple B." Liz rolled her eyes. "Just fuck off."

Tess stopped at Liz's dresser, bent down and picked a photo up. "Oh that's nice. You and Max together." She studied the photo and traced a finger on Max's face. "You lucky bitch..bagging the hottest guy known to man. I've always wanted to fuck him". Tess said. "Oh..him in those movies..he was so hot." She gasped, enjoying the sensations as she remembered a shirtless Max. "You fucked him yet Liz?".

"That is none of your concern now leave." Liz stood up and folded her arms. "Put that back." Liz ordered. "I don't want your dirty cum stained fingers over my precious photo with Max."

"Cum stained?". Tess raised an eyebrow. "Wow that's a big word coming from a prude." She said, pretending to be shocked.

"I'm not a prude you shamless slut." Liz snapped. "Least I can keep my panties on unlike someone who drops it and get's a double stuffing by two total strangers in the public toilets."

Liz remembered that. Three months ago where her parents forced her to take her horrible cousin Tess clubbing with her and her friends..Liz walked in the toilets to be horrified. Tess sanwiched between two men, being fucked in the back and one in the front. It was a nightmare and so embaressing for her.

"Least I can get fucked." Tess shrugged. "I cannot beleive Max hasn't taken you yet. Oh's better because when I put my pussy on his.." Before Tess can continue Liz shut her up by throwing stuffed teddy bear at her.

"Shut up!" Liz snapped, aggravated. She didn't know how else to deal with Tess. "Don't talk about my man like that." Liz warned.

Tess cracked up as the teddy bear bounced off her stomach. "Haha Liz. I know it hurts..If Max was with me instead of you, we would have fucked all night long starting from the first day."

"I really doubt that Tess." Liz narrowed her eyes. "You don't know Max and don't even dream about it because it's just not gunna happen triple B."

"Let me tell you what will happen." Tess purred, running her finger over Max's photo. "I'll put a crack between you and Max." She showed Liz the photo and ran her finger in a zig zag way down between them. "I'll rip you apart. I swear to god." Tess said in a serious tone.

"You can try as much as you want Tess. Max and I will always be together no matter what." Liz sincerly said. "When he comes back...I'm telling him the truth." Liz stated.

"Yeah sure." Tess rolled her eyes this time and put the photo down. "And waste those moments with him? You think he's going to open his arms for you and say it's all gunna be okay baby?". Tess mocked. "No Liz. It doesn't happen that way. You fucked up big time. If you tell him the truth now...he's going to lose all his faith in you anyway. It'll be worse because he'll shout at you and scream at you and you'll end up crying your eyes out."

"But atleast he'll know the truth." Liz's voice trembled. What Tess was saying was making her nervous.

"It's a little too late don't you think?". Tess snorted.

"But it'll be better coming from me." Liz stated.

"Trust me Liz..I've been there and done that." Tess said. "There's nothing I don't know about lies." She said.

"Tess please just go." Liz closed her eyes for a moment, wanting Tess to leave.

"He's probably going to ditch you. He doesn't need you Liz. He's a millionaire. He has all the money in the world. He's only with you because he thinks you're the sweet innocent Liz but you're not. You're a liar. You're really going to let him down." Tess said, trying her best to convince Liz not to say anything. "You won't have anything to keep him connected with you. You'll have nothing."

"Fine. You're right. I won't. Now please go!". Liz rushed to Tess and pushed her out of her room before Tess could say another word. She locked her bedroom door and braced herself against it.

She had to tell Max. And she would. Soon after they get married, she promised herself.

When it was the right time, Tess grabbed her coat and set off for a private meeting with a certain someone. She had lied to her aunt and uncle, telling them she was off to the library...instead of where she was really going.

She reached the building and climbed down the steps and decended into a room. A woman stood there waiting for her. "I'm here. Let's talk."

The strawberry blonde haired woman lips curled back to reveal pearly whites as she turned around. "Let's talk Tess."


"I have done everything you told me too." Tess began, telling the strawberry blonde everything. "I've provoked her or think I have..I've threatened her and used the dialogue you've written for me." Tess told her.

"Did you burn it?". The woman asked.

"Course. You think I'll let Liz have a chance in defeating me?". Tess snorted. "I really can't wait till this happens."

"She's going to tell him." The woman said. "But we'll manipulate the situation". She sneered and Tess grinned.

"So how are we going to do that?". Tess curiously asked.

"We're going to give them a wedding gift." The woman answered, eyes flashing with evil. "Congratulations." She threw a document at Tess' way. "You have your first article to write."

Tess and the woman shared an evil smile. This was really going to happen.

"Isabel." Liz said, as she walked in Max's apartment. Isabel was taking care of the place. She was hoovering the place up and stopped to answer the door and saw Liz there.

"Hi Liz." Isabel said dully. "What do you want? Max isn't here." Isabel said.

"I need to talk to you." Liz said, feeling all jittery. "It's about me."

"Why you need to talk to me?". Isabel asked, feeling suspicious. She and Liz hadn't seen much of each other since Max left for Europe. Now the girl was interested in her all of a sudden, Isabel was bound to feel suspicious and especially since their last proper conversation together.

"I've messed up pretty bad Isabel." Liz began. She wanted to tell Isabel about this before it all could get out of hand.

"What have you done?". Isabel gasped, wondering if Liz was going to talk about that day.

"Let's just say I've not been completely a hundred percent honest." Liz began, terror shining in her eyes.

After Liz had told Isabel everything about the dare, Isabel was shocked but was surprised Liz was actually admitting it. "Wow..that's it? A dare?".

" was at first..but then I started developing real feelings for your brother Isabel." Liz reasoned. "To me, it's not a dare anymore. It actually stopped being a dare on the fifth month."

"Right...and I'm assuming Max has no idea." Isabel said and Liz silently nodded. "Why haven't you already told him this? If it's not a big deal then why hide it?". Isabel curiously asked.

"Because I'm afraid of what he might say and how he might react." Liz answered truthfully.

"I have to admit..Max isn't a big fan of liars." Isabel said. "They can piss him off." Isabel said, causing Liz to wince. "N-not that he'll be pissed off by you of course." Isabel jumped to Liz's rescue..trying to ease her stress. "I really think you should have came clean before you guys got serious. This is going to make things harder."

"But he'll come around right?". Liz asked hopefully.

"Of course. Max always does and with you..he definetly will. He loves you too Liz. I can see it in his eyes." Isabel patted Liz on the back. "I'm happy you told me and not kept it hidden. Now we got to wait till Max comes back and you can tell him."

"I'll tell him after the wedding." Liz said. "I really don't want to lose him."

"You won't lose him Liz." Isabel sighed. "You won't lose Max." And awkwardly she pulled Liz into a hug to soothe her.

She felt bad for the girl and hoped this mess could be fixed soon.

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 3/10/08 p. 15 Ch 25

Post by Hunter »

Hello guys, So sorry for leaving this fic for so long. I had a bad case of writers block for this fic and I really wanna finish this story off to make room for the other ones that are pushing my mind into insanity. And this is my first time writing a tradiational church wedding scene so please don't laugh. lol. I've only seen it done in the movies. :oops:


keepsmiling7- ooh I wish I can tell you but that would spoil the fun of finding out lol! Hope you enjoy this next part! Thanks!!

begonia9508 - Could be Isabel...could be anyone. Thanks for leaving fb Eve!

Cocogurl- I've heard you got a new story coming out...I'm still waiting lol! I know whatever you come up with will be worth reading because you're one awesome writer! Plus your story is always having me wanting to see what happens next!
Oh, way to go Isabel!! It's nice to see her being there for Liz like this. I hope it stays that way. And I really that someone would beat the crap out of Tess. I certainly would if I could! She's such a bitch!
Lol. I know!! Omg cocogurl your comments crack me up! Love em. :wink: Thanks for your amazing fb!


A/N: I'm sooo tired so please forgive me for my typing errors. :D

Chpt 25

New years Eve..
Husband and Wife..

"Oh my god Liz! Do you look beautiful or what?!". Yvonne gasped as she walked in the room where Liz had gotten ready. Of course Yvonne helped her but she could not stop staring at the silky ivory dress which hugged Liz's curves and flow down beautifully. It complimented her.

"Thanks." Liz blushed. "Do you think Max is going to like it?".

"Like it? He's going to love it!". Yvonne sighed. "It's absolutely beautiful".

The months had passed and everything seemed to be okay for now. Tess had officially backed off and Max had come back to surprise her with this last minute wedding. He had sent messages her way with small cute presents and she had followed the directions to reach their wedding venue.

And this was going to be one of the most important days of her life.

The door suddenly clicked open and Maria peered through much to Liz's surprise. "Hey Liz." She smiled. She and Liz were almost distant during the past five months, Maria was a little surprised about Liz's actual falling in love with Max Evans and had some time to think about their relationship. They seemed pretty happy with each other and that was all that mattered.

Maria realised what an idiot she was for judging Max's characer and urging Liz on with this stupid silly dare. It was child's play and she hoped that everything would go okay for Liz and Max during this day.

"Hi." Liz smiled a little. She wanted Maria to be there on her wedding day.

"You do look stunning." Maria croaked as she helped herself over to Liz to give her a hug. "God you will take his breath away."

Liz smiled as she hugged her best friend back and tried hard not to cry. "Thanks."

"The two girls pulled back. "I'm so sorry about everything before. I just want to let you know, I was wrong to push you in this way."

"But if you hadn't I would have never known what a truly honorable man Max really is." Liz said, looking at the bright side. "And I would have never been with him, till date...and everything that happened Maria...happened for a reason. In a way I'm happy that this happened because I'm with Max now." Liz said, making sure Maria wasn't entirely blamely herself.

Liz had herself to blame.

"Anyway I think it's time. Max is waiting." Yvonne said, checking her watch. "Come on...let's go."

"Come on." Liz ushered Maria and the three girls walked out of the room and towards the altar.


Max was waiting at the altar, waiting for his bride to be. This was going to be the first time they'd see each other after five months and then they'd be married. He rubbed his hands in anticipation. When he left this building, he'd be a married man.

This was a private cermony where only two witnesses were needed from both sides. Isabel and Micheal were there along with Maria and Yvonne, Alex and Kyle.

As soon as Liz stepped into the room, All eyes where on her. Max's breath was taken away as soon as he saw her in her beautiful ivory dress. Traditional suited her. She was so beautiful, he had to fight the urge to run upto her and kiss her sensles.

Liz blushed when she saw Max gazing at her as she slowely made her way towards him, with her bridesmaids in tow. When she reached the altar and turned to face him, Max mouthed.

"You're beautiful".

Liz shyly looked at the white roses she was holding.

This was really going to happen. She was going to marry Max and become his wife!

Maria and Yvonne stood behind Liz as her respective brides maids. The priest stepped in and opened his book. "Dear friends...we are gathered here today to witness the union of this man and this woman in holy matrimony."

When the priest got to the important part of the wedding, Max and Liz felt their heartbeats race. They couldn't wait.

"Do you Max Evans...take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?".

"I do." He smiled at her.

The priest turned to Liz. "Do you Elizabeth Parker, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?".

"I do." Liz gave her acceptance.

"Let's exchange the rings."

Micheal who was also the ringbearer, handed Max the ring to put on Liz. Yvonne handed Liz the ring to put on Max's finger shortly after.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife." The priest said and looked at Max. "You may now kiss the bride."

Liz tilted her head up as Max leaned down to plant her a sweet divine kiss and held her waist closer towards his body.

Everyone clapped and cheered as the newly wed embraced each other.


The church doors opened and they ran out, hand in hand. Photo's were taken and they shared their hugs. "Maxwell! You're married now!". Micheal teased as he followed them all out of the doors.

Max and Liz ran into the waiting hummer limo that was waiting for them and waved at everyone. "Have a happy honeymoon!". Maria blew them a kiss. "Love ya!".

The limo sped off and the newly married couple couldn't wait to enter into the marriage world. Both were extremely excited about it. Finally they would go through life as husband and wife.

When they reached the hotel, Max paid the driver and took Liz in his arms before she could protest.

She smiled and wrapped her hands around his shoulds while he carried her through the doors of the hotel and turned around so the driver could take a photo of them about to kiss.

Liz smiled and giggled when Max carried her all the way to their bedroom and lay her down on the bed after shutting the door. "Wow." He finally said. "We're married now."

"I know." Liz smiled. She still couldn't beleive within the hour she had become a wife from a girlfriend.

"Everything is just so perfect." He said, looking at her. Liz his wife, his life was sorted now.

"Come here." Liz gestured him to approach her with her finger. Max couldn't resist and walked to his wife.

Max happily joined his wife on the bed and kissed her. " You know I can't resist you beautiful". He whispered in her ear.

"I know Max." She whispered back as his hands caressed her breasts. "I need you so much right now."

"You mean..."

"Yes Max...make love to me." She nodded. "I'm on the pill". She confirmed that it was okay for them so they didn't need to worry about the risk of pregnancy.

They kissed some more and Max instantly grew hard. Liz couldn't miss the blush on his face. She knew he wanted to take her right now. She wanted him inside her too.

She was supposed to tell him today right now but all she could think of was having him inside her as he began to touch her all over, removing her tiara, jewelry and her clothes. Piece by piece her clothes came off, her garter, her bra...and then she found herself removing his jacket, shirt, tie...trousers..socks...

Max lay on top of Liz, kissing every inch of skin his lips could touch and he fondled her breasts before sucking on them like a hungry man. Liz moaned at the sensation of being touched as if she was being worshipped.

"Oh Max..." She grew wetter by the minute. "Please take me..take me now." She begged, opening her legs to him.

He stopped sucking on her breasts and then looked at his wife's flushed face. It was getting really hot in here...

After a few seconds, he pulled away and took of his boxers and her panties before taking the tip of his manhood to her core. He decided to tease her first, rubbing the head of his arousal onto her clit. Liz gasped.

He rubbed down between her sensitive folds. "Holy...holy freaking cow!". She hissed.

Max moaned when Liz's juices glisented on his hard shaft. "God're so wet and ready for me already."

"Max...come inside now." She panted, lifting her hips up to take his arousal in. "Inside now!". She growled, rubbing her hips against his, desperatly searching for a rhythm.

Max obeyed his wife and then inched slowely into her, watching her totured face as his body joined with hers, and every agonising second passed, Liz's eyes were tightly shut, waiting until he broke through her barrier...till both of them were joined.

Max had to control himself from going mad when he felt her tight hot walls envelope him. He had to stay in control. He wasn't used to this but her searing heat made it impossible for him to think straight when he had to fight this urge to plunge into her tightness again and again to acheive a mind blowing orgasm.

"Liz...beautifull..." He whispered as she tightened her legs around him, locking him inside her and he fell deeper into her and felt himself take away her virginity. "God Liz."

"Max...I'm fine." Liz said through gritted teeth. Yes it may be painfull but she was happy to feel full...she could feel him inside her and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

Max kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"Don't be." She opened her eyes. "I'm not" And she raised her hips.

"Fuck!". Max cried, feeling himself penetrate her further.

"I need you." She gasped and Max looked down onto her, knowing what she wanted.

He withdrew and surged back into her and kept doing so until they both rode the waves of pleasure, Liz coming first as her walls clamped down onto Max's shaft and Max coming soon after.

The couple slept peacefully in each other's arms soon after they came down from their high.

Unknown to them that tommorow definetly had a surprise for them...

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 10/10/08 p. 16 Ch 26

Post by Hunter »


destinyc- don't worry D, it's dreamer insured.
POM - Aww thanks! wow, I have you addicted to this story. Thanks for your lovely comment! I hope you enjoy the next part.

A/N: Okay, guys...I'm going to post regularly now just to end this story....the end is coming soon and by the end of this month...I hope to finish the story because I have a new one coming'll have to watch out for it...I'm writing it with a certain someone and it'll be on this forum. :D


Chpt 26

The morning after..
Trouble in paradise..

Max woke up and smiled when he saw his wife sleeping peacefully beside him, in his arms. Wife.

His mind still couldn't register the fact that he was married now and that this wonderful beautiful woman was his wife. His heart skipped a beat as his stomach did flips when he recalled what happened between them last night.

They had made love.

Finally. He was able to get over that fear and make love to his beautiful Liz.

It was beautiful. Her soft pants, the touch of her sweet skin..

Max groaned. He had to stop thinking about her like that for now because he'd be in bed all day. Gently he slipped his arms from under his wife's body and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

She stirred a little and Max froze, praying she wouldn't wake up. Max covered her naked body with the silk sheets. He felt himself grow hard when he captured a glimpse of her perfect lucious breasts. How he wanted to take those dark chocolate coloured nipples into his mouth and suck hungrily like a starving man.

Never in his life had he been so attracted to a woman before.

Liz shifted onto her side in her sleep.

Her bare creamy thighs were revealed and he was fighting the tempation to part her legs and capture a taste of her. How he wanted to stick his tongue between her sensitive folds..

But he'd give her that pleasure later. He had a surprise for her this morning. Max forced himself out of bed.

He had a shower, brushed his teeth and gotten changed. Once he was ready, he carefully slipped out of the room and into the big room downstairs on the ground floor of the hotel they were staying in.

"Max!". A shrill voice from nowhere came.

He snapped his head to the direction of the voice. There stood Tess, Liz's blonde cousin. "There you are."

"What's going on?". He asked, surprised Tess took his arm and led him to a smaller private room. "What's this?".

"The truth." She answered and then the lights went off.

The screen was turned on, a video of Liz was playing and Max was surprised. It was his and Liz's wedding. He smiled. That was a great surprise. Cute moments of Max and Liz were being shown.

The clips went one by one until the big thing came. "Now it's going to get interesting." Tess said.

The clips changed, showing Liz talking to her friends about playing a joke on Max. The scene of her with her friends in Vegas...Max's jaw drapped..

He saw more and more clips of her talking about him, negative things. Tess smiled.

By the end of that clip, Max's heart was torn out and shattered.

The lights went back on and people were talking. Max was speechless. "So Max..." Tess said turning to face him. "Shame that your wife kept this hidden from you isn't it?".

Max looked effortlessly at Tess. "This can't be true."

"Of course it is Max. I hate to say this but....Liz has been playing you. She's been playing you all along. All she wanted from you is a good fuck, money and whatever luxury you have."

"NO....Liz isn't like that." Max shook his head in denial. How could he beleive all those nasty things about her when all he could remember was the good times they shared??

"She's played you." Tess shrugged. "If I were you, I wouldn't stick around to find out what her next move is. Perhaps she's going to ruin your career...."

"You're wrong."

"She married you for money and status. If she loved you she would have told you the truth by now wouldn't she?" Tess made her point.

Max was silent.


Instead of answering Tess, Max quickly fled the room and left.

Tess smiled. She hoped Max was under her influence.

About half an hour later, Liz had woken up and received an anonymous note to go downstairs. When she had showered and dressed, she wondered where her lovely husband was. She wanted to tell him today about everything. It was a new years day, time for a fresh start.

She made her way down and when she saw Tess in the hotel lobby, she froze. "Tess what the hell are you doing here?".

Tess grinned. "Wow look glowing. I must nights are always the bomb. Anyway I just wanted to drop by and give you your wedding slash new years present." Tess said, rummaging through her bag and pulled out a wrapped DVD case with a pretty ribbon on it.

"What's this?". Liz inquired, looking at Tess first before ripping the package open.

Liz was surprised to see what it was. A photo of her and Max was at the front.

"It's a DVD capturing the moments between you and Max." Tess stated. "Look on the back."

Liz flipped the case over and gasped. The photo was repeated by a zig zag was drawn between her and Max. "What the..."

"I told you didn't I? That I'd seperate you guys."

"What have you done Tess?". Liz's eyes flashed with worry.

"He knows." Tess smiled. "Happy new years day Liz."

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 10/14/08 p. 17 Ch 27 & 28

Post by Hunter »

Right, I've not being have the easiest week so apologies made if there is any grammar mistakes here or anything weird. I've had a sleepless night last night and I'm losing my focus. I'm so tired but I thought I'd post this. Already had it written down from a week ago. :roll:

Thanks for the fb

veronica- you french? That's cool if you are. Are you? Thanks for the fb!.

Pijeechinadoll - Omg, I could thank you all day for being there for me and listening to me when I have bad days. Thanks so much hon! If it weren't for you I wouldn't be updating right now. You're a gem! You should know that. I love it when you're here!

Natalie36 - Yeah you're right! Thanks.

Lena7 - and may I ask what your suggestions are Lena? I'm eager to know. Thanks for the great awesome comment! :D

keepsmiling7- Keepsmling don't worry, keep smiling lol

would really like just five minutes alone in a room with her.
lol, I love what you say! I wonder what would happen if you had five minutes alone in a room with her'd probably knock her out lol . Love seeing you here as always.

Can I be the one to run the bitch over?
Do you even need to ask?
Lol. Thanks.

begonia9508- Eve, Eve, Eve, I can never ignore your comments. Ever. You always have my attention. Lol, I so agree with what you say but you won't be left dissapointed..I hope not. Thanks!

destinyc- Please kill Tess? Omg, you want me to murder? Oh only joking. I'll sort Tess out soon. Thanks D. :D

Chpt 27

Painfull seperation,
A disastrous envy,

"Max!". Liz called, running back to their room.

Breathless as she was, she stumbled through the door and he was already there to her surprise. Sitting at the foot of their bed with his head hung long, face covered in hands.

"Max?". Liz whispered, walking closer towards him. He sighed and then removed his hands from his face to look at his wife.

"Tell me it isn't true Liz." He asked her, wanting to hear the truth from her own lips. "Tell me that this is just a sick joke and that you were never a part of it."

Liz opened her mouth but said nothing. She didn't want to lie to him but she also didn't want to hurt him. "I'm so sorry Max..." She forced out. "I've tried to tell you so many times before....but I was scared."

"Scared?". Max scoffed. "So it's true. You were playing a joke on me the whole time."

"No..Max..I!". Liz began, rushing her words as she tried to find a way to explain the situation to him. She didn't want him to jump to that conclusion.

Max stood up and faced Liz. Images of his past rushed back to haunt him right before his eyes. "I...wish..." I began, gritting his teeth. He cupped Liz's chin and stroked her chin with affection. He tried to fight the urge to caress her when he was angry with her for keeping this secret from him.

Liz sighed as her husband touched her face with affection. Maybe Max was starting to see sense..maybe Tess could never part them after all...

"I wish we never met." He finished abrubtly and let go of her.


A week later...

"I've officially screwed up." Liz said as she walked into the hotel where Max was staying. Maria was tagging along with her.

"Liz...Tess has screwed things up...not you!". Maria tried to make Liz understand. "Yes the secret part was kind of lame but you weren't alone. You were kind of your we're to blame to." Maria reminded her.

"I need Max to understand how much I love him." Liz said. "Then I can only feel better. Our relationship isn't a sham." Liz said and the two girls made their way to the reception. "Umm...excuse me?". Liz asked the receptionist. "Could you tell me which room Max Evans is in?".

The woman looked at Liz. "And who are you?".

"Liz Parker." Liz answered.

The woman clicked on the screen. "Max Evans doesn't wish to see you." She told Liz remembering the message Max had sent the whole staff. "You should stay away from him or he might get a restraining order." The woman advised, so many women stalked Max Evans..she hated to be the one responsible for allowing these obssessed women to get to Max.

"What!, that's impossible." Liz protested. Max...didn't want to see her anymore? And he's banned her from ever meeting him?

"I need to see him." Liz urged. "I'm his wife."

The woman scoffed. "Nice try Miss Lurker, but they all say that." She said and turned away from Liz. "Next!".

Liz was about to curse the woman but Maria pulled her away. "Liz...wait...there's other ways." Maria pointed out.

"That bitch! How dare she try to stop me from meeting my own husband?". Liz protested in anger. "I have a right to meet him. We're married now."

Maria held Liz back from storming over to the receptionist. "Max is angry with you right need to get his attention." Maria tried to explain.

"Maria it's been a week and we haven't seen each other. He left before our honeymoon could get started!".

It was just one stupid bet. One careless night of drinking and gambling with her friends and then a game of truth or dare. Liz ended up being the one where the bottle stopped at. Max Evans, the most eligible bachelor was her mission. To make him fall in love with her. Little did she know where destiny would take them. She completed her bet but lost him.
"Oh my god.." Maria gasped and Liz looked where Maria was looking.

He was just across the hotel lobby. He wasn't alone. Some blonde was with him. That blonde was no one other then her annoying cousin Tess Harding. Liz looked at Max longingly as she stood at the reception. How she missed being with him. Tess was one lucky bitch. It was her arms around him. Liz should have been in his arms instead of Tess.

His eyes locked with eyes and he thought silently to himself, why did she betrey him like that?

Liz silently thought to herself..If only Max Evans knew how much she loved him.

He looked awefully stunning in that black sweater with that long black coat of his. She admired his style and it only made her want him even more. He looked away. She felt her heart break.

Max turned away from her and entered the elevator with Tess.

Was things going to be like this between them from now on?
"He's with her." Liz sighed, with a defeated look on her face
Her husband was with Tess...he worst nightmare coming true..
Max had seen Liz in the hotel lobby and hadn't bothered to talk to her. He couldn't face her, not after what happened between them a week ago just before their honeymoon was about to begin. She was following him, Tess was right. Liz would not give up and he had informed the hotel staff before hand to keep her away.

Max led Tess to his room and then sat down on the bed. Tess sat beside him with a her equiipment in her hand.
"So let's start." Max said, ready for his interview.

Tess clicked on the tape to record Max's words. "Have you ever been in love?". Tess decided to start with the obvious question.

Max paused. "No."

"How did your last relationship go?".

"Smooth but you know...we all have to move on." Max winced as the words left his mouth, how much of an ass did he sound?

Tess smiled. "Do you miss her?". Tess was curious to know how Max really felt about Liz.

"Okay that's it. Interview is over." Max snapped, getting up. "I don't want to talk about her." It was obvious Max missed Liz terribly. His heart was torn to pieces and his soul was tortured.

Tess's questions were only rubbing salt to his wounds.

Tess put the stuff on the table and then went to Max. "I understand how hard it is for you to forget can. You've done it before."

"What do you mean?". Max gasped incredulously. "You don't even know me."

Tess strutted closer to him. "But I could find out.." She slipped her long beige coat off to reavel a half naked body. She had red silk padded bra on with a matching thong. She lifted a leg and placed it on Max's waist, trying to draw her aching core closer to his manhood.

She had waited long enough..being around sexy handsome guy like Max was getting her all aroused and flushed. "I'll make you forget her." She purred.

And plus, she couldn't wait to see the look on Liz's face when she finds out that her hubby had sex with someone else....that would be the best thing that would ever happen Tess thought with a wiked smile.

Tess pressed her lips to Max and kissed him. Max quickly pulled back, ripping Tess's leg off him first and then pushing her back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?". He asked, bewildered. Had Liz's cousin tried to seduce him?

He felt sick.

"Umm...I was..." Tess panicked, fixing her curl with an index finger. She had not expected this sudden rejection..Max was a player wasn't he?

He was supposed to be used to sleeping with many women before. Had Liz really changed him or something?

"Oh I get it." Max nodded, understanding it. Just one look at Tess like this and he figured out what she wanted. "You're just another ho."

She was nothing like Liz. Liz may not be a slut but she lied to him. That pained him the most. But Tess was just another slut. He should have seen it coming. He could never associate whores with Liz. Liz wasn't among them but he was really shocked to find out that Tess was.

"Max.." Tess fought back the he was going to insult her now.

"Get the hell out of my room and take your shit with you." Max said, taking the stuff she had brought in and threw it at her. Tess winced and picked up her coat and stuff.

This rejection was far to painful.

"You need to get over her."

"She's still my wife." Max pointed out.

"Then get a divorce!". Tess snapped, picking up her things and walking to the door. "You're the one leading her one!".
And then she left.

Max rolled his eyes and answered his ringing cell phone. "What?!, fine I'll be there."


Liz was downstairs and was still waiting. She'd wait all day if she had to. Max was going to have a little party soon and she would crash that party, making sure he heard what she had to say. Even thought she'd get insulted publicly. Still, she loved him too much to let him go.

Then she noticed Tess stroll out of the elevator with stuff in her hands. Tess noticed her there and stormed upto her. Liz didn't want to hear the details of the sex with her husband from Tess. She was hurt that Max would do that and it was very quick...

"You!". Tess pointed at Liz. "You are an enigma! What the fuck did you do to him Liz?". She accused, pratically growling at Liz, poiting her finger at her and Liz noticed how shiny the red nail polish was on her big chucky squared manicured nails.

"What on earth are you talking about?".

"You have him under your spell Liz." Tess spat. "He won't fuck me because you still are on his mind, in his heart!". Tess screeched.

Liz said a silent prayer of thanks. Max hadn't cheated on her. Her stomach had butterflies. Max did love her! This was meant to be.

"I knew he would never fuck you." Liz said with pride. "He's in love with wait scratch that...He loves me and me only. Max will only be with me, mind, body and soul. You just don't fit in anywhere." Liz told Tess.

Liz enjoyed the shift of power. This was getting good.

"You always had everything Liz." Tess said. "Loving parents, great friends, a good education, dignity, respect and you even have the perfect husband." Tess refused to let the tears fall. "What did I have? Nothing. My own parents don't take good care of me, my friends...are tampons, condoms and pills. And I've never had a man to love me." She cried. "I hope you realise how lucky you are Liz."

Then Tess hurried outside.

"Wow...that was quite a show." Maria said.

Liz nodded. Had Tess really meant what she said?

Chpt 28

Crazy in Love.

The party was in full swing and Liz had managed to slip in with her best friend Maria. "You on the list?". A bony waitress asked.

Maria grabbed a glass of apple juice off the tray the waitress was holding. "Fuck off." She said and the waitress quickly dissapeared. "Invitation ma ass. They don't know how we do it." Maria said, liking the idea of gate crashing a party.

"There he is." Liz said, pointing out to her husband who was crowded around a group of skinny ass models.

"Bitches. They're like dogs. Won't leave him alone." Maria joked and then looked at Micheal who was laughing with a woman. "Oh my bitch!". A bewildered Maria put down her glass.

"Come on". Liz said, taking her friend's hand and cutting through the richly dressed crowd.

"Micheal!". Maria said, grabbing his ear and pulling his away from the woman he was laughing with. "What the hell you think you doin? laughing with some bimbo?!". Maria asked him, glancing at the italien tall slender woman.

"Maria!". Micheal gasped. "Umm this is..."

"Some bimbo by the looks of it. What the hell you doing here...ain't you got a loser to shag. Grab your pancake chest and get gone!". Maria ushered the woman away.

"Maria...that was a photographer.." Micheal explained. "She was just telling me funny words in italien." He told Maria.
"Beleive me I don't wanna know what kind of words she was teaching you." Maria rolled her eyes.

"Liz.." Micheal gasped in surprise. "What are you doing here? Max will flip if he sees you here." Micheal decided to sheild Liz from Max's line of view.

"Micheal I need to speak to him. It's really important."

"He'll throw you out." Micheal warned Liz, not as Max's security guard but as Liz's friend. Him and Liz were really good friends now and he'd hate to hurt her, especially in front of everyone.

"I know but I was hoping you could talk some sense into him, I need to speak with him." Liz pleaded to Micheal. "Please me." Liz begged with her beautiful brown eyes.

"You better help her, she does truly love Max." Maria backed Liz up.

Micheal sighed. This was a very hard assignment. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Thanks!". Liz smiled.

"I'll convince him-" Before Micheal could finish, Max had reached them.

"Convince me to do what?".

"Max." Liz whispered.

"So you followed me here". Max bluntly stated, looking at his wife.

"I need to talk with you." She answered, determined to have this conversation with him.

"Max..just talk with her man" Micheal tried to persuade him. "She's your wife."

Max forced a smile. "My wife."

"Listen...why don't you take Liz somewhere private and have a chat. Hear her side of the story." Maria patted Max's shoulder.

Max nodded. "Okay." He smiled and they all smiled. "Let's go." He said, taking Liz's hand and leading her away from the party atmosphere to his bedroom.

He hadn't said a word until they were in his room. He locked the door and then turned to her. But before she could say anything, he backed her up against the wall and crashed his lips on hers. Liz moaned as Max made love to her tongue, pushing his tongue between her lips, stabbing her over and over again just the way his body wanted to thrust into hers over and over again.

Liz felt the wetness increase between her legs. Seconds later, his fingers found their way down below and he plunged two fingers inside her.

Liz gasped and they opened their eyes, Max leaned against her forhead and whispered. "You like that don't you?".

All Liz could do was gasp as Max's fingers slid further up her passage, in and out of her dripping core. "Oh fuck". She breathed deeply.

Max was getting more painfully hard. It was hard to stay away once you were in that world. Making love to your soulmate. By no doubt, Max still beleived Liz was the one for him. No other woman had made him feel like this ever...
He'd be damned if he let her go.

He wanted to pluged into her warm welcoming body, to get lost in her. Deeply embedded within her. He groaned at the thought and his strokes quickened, Liz tilted her head back and parted her lips.

Her mindy was hazy but she hadn't expect this..She was on the verge of an orgasm already and then before she knew it, Max was inside her. Thrusting deep and hard into her, Her bare thighs wrapped tightly around Max's naked waist.
When did he remove his pants and boxers? And how did he remove her skirt and panties so quickly?

"Oh god!" Liz sighed, grabbing onto Max's shoulders as he grinded himself into her. Max grabbed her thighs and her hips as he rode her in full ecstasy. Her wet tightness was driving him crazy.

They both panted as they rode each other in a wild rhythm.

No later then two minutes, Liz was seeing shooting stars. Her release had arrived, bringing Max with her shortly as he emptied himself into her.

He thrusted softly into her to finish of the frantic frustating love making and their breaths slowed down. He lowered Liz's legs to the floor gently and carefully slipped out of his wife.

Both gasped as her swollen lips rubbed against his glistening shaft while he pulled out.

Liz watched him move back carefully and dress himself up. She too, put back her panties on and her skirt which lay discarded on the floor. "What was that Max?". She curiously asked him.

He slumped on the bed and tried to figure out how to answer his wife. "I don't even know."

Liz decided to join him on the bed.

"A little while ago...your cousin...tried to seduce me." Max admitted. "Then I think I realise what this is all about."

"You do?".

" must have thought I was what the media says about me before...and...I'm not going to make that same mistake. I'm not going to beleive what is being said about you." He told Liz softly. "I beleive in you...I love you." He admitted.

Liz's heart sofented. "I love you too." She reached out to hug him.

Max smiled and hugged his wife back.

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 10/24/08 p. 18 Ch 29

Post by Hunter »

A/N: Omg, I was talking about this to someone whether it would be funny to do this idea lol, I think she knows I'm talking about her lol. The idea of some anonymous person attacking Tess continously. Lol hehehe. I hope you enjoy.

Lena7- You know I hope you enjoy this part, especially done for you as we were talking about it. Lol. Thanks for the idea sweetie.

Pijeechinadoll - PING! I hope you find this funny! lol. :D

destinyc - thanks!! :D Did I make you happy? I think I made all dreamers happy lol.

keepsmiling7 - hmmm, not just yet. But soon :D

veronica - thanks ever so much for your lovely comment :D Hope you enjoy this next part.

cocogurl -
OMG! Hunter, you are officially my favorite person right now!
awww thanks! Means so much! Thank you for saying that. I was having a crappy day but you made it up to me with your lovely comment.

begonia9508 - interesting your comment lol. You always have me laughing. Thanks :D

Chpt 29

Bringing terror back
What happened before

"Stupid cab!". Tess cried as the car juttered and the engine failed. The driver snapped his head at her in annoyance.

"Well bitch, if you can't keep your damn mouth shut then how can I drive in peace?". He snapped angrily, since he picked her up, all she seemed to be doing was ranting about how some guy chose another chick over her. How pathetic he thought.

"Hey, I'm not paying you for nothing!". She snorted.

"You ain't even paid me bitch." He threw back. "Pay me now!".


Pulls a gun and points it to her. "Get those benjamins out".


"All of it. Now!". He ordered. "Or I'll pop one in your beach blonde head."

Tess stuffed her hand into her coat pocket and took her notes out. "There take it!". She screeched, handing him whatever she had.

He took the notes. "Now get the fuck out".

Tess opened the door and left. She didn't want to be shot. The driver chuckled and then drove off as if nothing happened. The bastard, he was faking the whole thing just to get rid of her and leave her in the middle of a big highway.


And she had no money on her either.

The only option was to hitchhike. Which didn't seem that bad did it?

So she was standing at the side of the highway, sticking her thumb up like some idiot. Trying to get lucky. The cars drove passed her, not paying any attention.

"Look mommy it's a lady." A little boy said pointing at Tess.

The boy's mother, tried to sheild his eyes away from the blonde. "No honey, it's a waste." She assumed Tess was a prostitute.

The aunt opened the window and took a spit. The spit hit Tess straight in the face. They were't fans of call girls. The family drove off and Tess wiped the saliva off her face using the sleeve of her coat.

She wasn't having a good day today.

Two minutes later a car was closing in on her and Tess thought someone would finally give her a ride. She noticed a C dangling down from the rearview mirror and a blonde woman driving.

She thought finally someone would have pity on her until the woman drove faster and headed straight for Tess.
"Oh my shit." Tess cursed, frozen straight to the spot.

As the woman edged nearer, Tess's legs wobbled and then she tried to run.

The woman was laughing as she chased Tess with her car. "Ha bitch!" The woman laughed. "I'll teach you to mess with my man."

She placed her hand on the gear stick and hit the brakes harder to speed up and then hit Tess. Tess hit ass first on the bonnet so she was sitting on the woman's car bracing herself and then the woman stopped the car, sending Tess flying forward and landing on her hands and knees.

The woman reversed and roared the engine, waiting for the next hit.

Tess groaned as she tried to help herself up. The woman waited till Tess managed to stand up. "This is going to be good." She said.

As Tess was back on her two feet again, the woman sped up and hit her full on. Tess' whole body rolling over the windscreen, the roof of the car and rolling behind the back and onto the floor in a full impact.

"Whoo!" The woman cheered. "GTA motherfucker! a hundred points!". She cheered herself before driving off.

Thankfully no one else was there on the seluded highway to witness that.

Tess was lying unconcious on the ground.


Smiling, Liz slipped into the elevator and pressed the button. Today she and Max had gotten back together to finally begin their life as husband and wife. Everything was cleared between them. There was no secrets, no lies and nobody on the side. Life was starting to get perfect now.

"Interesting." A woman from behind her said. "How you can smile so soon."

Liz turned around to notice a strawberry blonde haired woman standing behind her. "Excuse me, who are you?". Liz asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Carmen." The lips curled back. "Carmen Penelope."

"I'm sorry." Liz shook her head, frowning. She had never seen this woman before. "I don't know you."

"No. You don't." The woman took her leather gloves off. "But you will soon."

Liz took one look at the woman who reached over to the buttons and pressed hold. The elevator stopped. "What do you think you're doing?!". Liz began to panic.

Carmen reached into her bag and pulled out a manilla folder. "See this Liz Parker..oops Liz Evans. This folder contains copies of Max's moments with you. The dare, the lies he told the public about his image...will all be printed on the tabloids. Thanks to your friend Jesse Ramirez for handing me those photos."

"What do you want?." Liz growled, balling her hands into fists.

"Stay away from Max." Carmen warned and pressed the button. The doors opened and she stepped out. "Have a good day Miss Parker..that is what you'll become again." She said before turning away wearing a grin on her face. "I'll be watching your every move Parker." She hollered behind her.

Liz looked at Carmen in disbeleif.

Great, now there was another problem.


"I don't know where the hell she came from." Liz told Maria as Alex was busy typing away on the laptop.

"Carmen Penelope?". Maria said, taking in the name. "Sounds like a fake name to me." She shrugged. "Too hollywood like."
"Wait..I think I found something." Alex said, clicking on the screen. Liz and Maria bent closer.

A picture of Carmen doused with makeup came up in a seperate window. "Wow, she's stunning.." Alex said only to receive weird looks from both Maria and Liz. "But wait...this should get interesting." Alex said, clicking the screen behind the extra window. "Carmen has been admitted into rehab to fix her drinking problems and she had been also put in an institution for twenty months."

"Whose her doctor?". Maria said.

Alex scrolled down the page. "Doctor Carrie Ann Behr." Alex said. "Here's her phone number."

"Great. I need to know everything I can about this Carmen before she tries to ruin our lives." Liz said.

"I'll type in an email." Alex said, doing his part as a good loyal friend.

A knock on the door intterupted them. "Now who is it?". Liz said, frustrated and hoped it wasn't that Carmen. She did say she'd be spying on her or something.

Liz went to open the door. Jesse Ramirez was standing there with his hands in his pockets. Liz gasped and decided to slap him straight away.

"How dare you show your face here? After everything you've done." Liz snapped.

"Nice to see you too Liz." Jesse said sourly. "I came here to apologize."

"Did Carmen send you here?". Liz asked coldy.

"No." Jesse said. "And I am not working with neither Tess or Carmen anymore."

"Oh, yeah. Like I beleive you." Liz rolled her eyes. "Now leave before I call the cops Jesse." Liz said, attemping to shut the door but Jesse stuck his foot out to stop her from doing so.

"Liz, hear me out please." Jesse begged.

Maria had gone to check what was going on. "Oh my god, you did not just show up?!". She pointed at Jesse. "You're a life wrecker."

"Carmen wants Max." Jesse quickly said. "That's why she's doing this!".

"I've heard that so many times before." Liz said, trying to push him away.

"Carmen manipulated me Liz. She had everything planned from the start." Jesse begged Liz to listen to him in a desperate plea. "I did this to avenge Max Liz, I had beef with Max!".

Liz stopped. Jesse had never mentioned the reason why he was against Max so much.

"Tell me everything you know." Liz said, letting go of the door.

She needed to start making sense of her surroundings right now.

Before it was too late.

Last edited by Hunter on Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 11/15/08 p. 5 Ch 30

Post by Hunter »

Omg, I have been so busy these days and totally forgot to update any of my stories. I said I was going to wrap this up by the end of October 2008..seems like I had no idea how busy I was gunna be and I don't know when I will finish this to be honest. But I'm hoping it's soon!

Thanks to everyone who left fb

Pijeechinadoll (x 5?)- I don't know how many times to thank you because you're so awesome. I love you sweetie!

Lena7(x2)- I'm so sorry, especially to you Lena because I know how much you wanted to see an update to your story. Please please forgive me for failing to make you happy! I am truly sorry! I hope I can make it upto you with this update? I have a surprise for you down below, I remember what you said before. Oh and another thing, the lady who spat on Tess was you lol. I thougth it would be funny to also include you in the update. Miss Alfred Hitchcock :D Thanks for the bump btw.

jake17 - I am so happy I made your day. So so happy. *Victory dance* Now make me happy by updating Shameless, An unrelenting need, Sweet Surrender and the list goes on....

keepsmiling7- Lol, I like it how you got her name wrong . Lol, about Carmen, you'll soon find out what her hidden agenda is.

cocogurl - heya! Aww, you know which one to choose. Thanks! Wow, I have a brilliant mind? Thank you so much sweetie. :D You brought a smile to my lips. I hope you enjoy the next part.

destinyc - Okay D, don't worry. How can I let you down, you're a very nice person!
Please, some more M/L action soon!
OF course. :D

begonia9508 - Yes, it looks like Max is hunted by crazy women indeed lol.

- happy to see you here! :D
Okay, here's the most anticipated next part...

Chpt 30

Picture of the past,
Riddle Rage

"She came to me the night before last year's party." Jesse Ramirez told Liz and the others. "It was a dark and stormy night..."

The music played softly in the background, a few customers smoking tobacco, some playing pool while the others were busy drinking and chilling out. Jesse was drinking as usual, every Friday nights he would do this since the breakup of his girlfriend. He was pissed off and it was new years eve, but there wasn't going to be a news years for him. Tomorrow would just be like yesterday.

Cold, miserable and fucked up as usual. He didn't understand why people got so excited when it was a new year. They were aging as it went and people's lives were only going to progress to get more complicated.

"Another one?". The bar tender asked, grabbing the empty glass.

"Yeah, make it a double." Jesse groaned. He knew his liver couldn't handle it but he didn't care. He'd drink his sorrows away.

"Why not make it a triple?". A female voice purred out of nowhere.

"Huh?". Jesse stuttered and looked behind him to see some blonde Audrey Hepburn looking back at him. Her strawberry blonde hair was tied up in a bun and she was the splitting image of Audrey Hepburn if not the actual person herself. She wore a short black velvet dress with a mother of silver pearl broach. She had matching black velvet gloves to go with her dress as well.

Her red painted lips curled back in a smile as she neared him and leaned on the wooden surface of the counter, dangerously edging closer to him. "If you're going to drink merry on a festive season, why not drink to your heart's content?". She purred.

"Who the fuck are you?". Jesse burped. "You look like you're going to a costume party or something."

It was the alcohol talking instead of him. He knew he was rude and vulgar but he needed a punch bag right now.

"I am....someone...who might as well be your well wisher." She replied, not taking her eyes of him.

"I've made some observations and if I am wrong, please do correct me but you were the former acquaintance of Isabel Evans?, the younger sister of the famous actor Max Evans?". She said carefully choosing how to phrase her question assertively.

"Yeah, that's me. The loser who got dumped by Izzy Evans." Jesse replied, stressing the 'Izzy' in his reply.

"Or rather..the situation had been manipulated and you had been the unfortunate one to receive such injustice."

"Here's your drinks." The bartender said, trying not to pry on the interesting conversation between the two.

"Thank you darling." The blonde said, taking the drink and helping herself to it.

"So everyone knows." Jesse scoffed, taking his own glass in his hands.

After taking a sip, the woman carefully observed him. Jesse was vulnerable right now and it was a good time to

"Personally speaking, it was wrong of Max Evans to intervene in your relationship with his sister. I mean, you're both adults and you can make your own choices to be with someone".

"Lady..are you rubbing it in my face?". Jesse snapped. It was embarrassing enough for people to know about his breakup with the exclusive Isabel Evans but it was even more hurtful when it was being thrown in your face.

"No...I came here to make an offer..or help you." She told him.


"Let's scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." She smiled and her blue eyes twinkled at him.

"And that's how she got me play this game of truth or dare." Jesse told them. "The bottle was manipulated. She made me use a certain bottle and I was such a fool. At that time, all I could think of was to hurt Max make him pay for what he did to me." Jesse said.

"What I don't understand is, how the hell did she know what was going on with us?". Maria asked. "What was she spying on us or something?". She scoffed, unable to believe that a complete stranger would actually spy on them.

"She was very obsessed with Max." Jesse said. "And then one day she happened to see our fight over Isabel. Some bitch was trying to seduce me and Max walks in, thinking I was cheating on Isabel and then he tells her and she get's all dramatic on me. Anyway...Carmen was there, watching everything. She then did a little background check on me, learned who I dealt with, where I went and who I met. That's how she started to observe you guys too. She learnt a lot about you guys, you'd be surprise what she knows. Heck I was freaked out, that's why I came here."

Liz raised an eyebrow. She still couldn't trust him but kept it hidden for now. What was important right now was to learn more of this Carmen woman. Who was she and what she wanted with her husband. "Did she know that I would actually attempt to do the dare?".

"Yeah." Jesse said. "In fact she found you the most interesting." Jesse admitted. "You were so innocent and she just assumed you'd be against a player kind of guy and she knew Max sort of like the innocence and selected you to do the dare."

"What the fuck?". Alex muttered. "This is worse then the Jeremy Kyle show."

"What's that?". Maria asked.

"Oh it's this British won't know it." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, getting back to the subject, I erm..agreed to manipulate you to do the dare and have Max falling for you but then you ending up hurting him so in his state of vulnerability, she'd come in straight for the kill and have him."

"Have him?". Liz chuckled. "What is it with these crazy women and my Max?".

"They love him." Jesse shrugged.

A/N: This part is for Destinyc. Lol, here's some M/L action for you.

As soon as his wife walked through the door, he rushed to her and took her in his arms. He missed her terribly. "Liz." He said, taking her in his arms and kissing her.

Both of them tore at each other's clothes, desperate to satiate each other's desires. Liz fell on the bed and spread her legs, urging him on to take her. He pierced through her wet folds with his hardness, plunging deeply as he could and she gasped when her G spot came into contact with the tip of his cock.

She grabbed his shoulders as he grabbed her hips, pushing inside her heat again again. Taking her as hard as he could. Liz lolled her head back, her chocolate hair splayed out on the fluffy pillow like streams of flowing chocolate. The rooms was filled with gasps and moans when they finally both came and he withdrew and collapsed besides her.

"Wow..." She breathed heavily. "That was hot."

"I know." He said and rolled to face her, stroking her cheek. "I missed you." He caressed her smooth face.

She turned to face him and rubbed his prickly stubble. "Max..I missed you too." She traced the line of his bottom lip with her index finger.

He noticed the worry in her eyes. "What's wrong beautiful?". He murmured looking carefully at his wife.

"There's so many things going on right now Max." Liz croaked. "Just when we thought that...everything was going to be's not." Liz sighed heavily.

"What happened?". Max asked worried. "Did Te-" He began but Liz cut off him.

"Not, it's not just her this's someone else." Liz told him. "Carmen. I think her name is. Carmen Penelope." She said, looking at her husband's eyes this time. "Does that ring a bell?".

Max frowned for a moment and then reached for the sheets and covered Liz. "I have no idea who that is and I don't think talking about this right now is good."

He didn't want to really talk about other people just after they had made love but on the other hand, Liz looked really scared and worried. He wanted to know what happened and why had it happened.

"Max..she told me to stay away from you and said I had twenty four hours and if I fail, she'll ruin your career." Liz whispered.

"No Liz, I'd rather kill my career then let you go away from me." He growled and cupped her cheeks. "We belong together no matter what." He said fiercely. He was sick and tired of people trying to part them.

Couldn't they just leave them alone?

"Max don't say that." Liz hissed and slightly got up, propping her elbows up which caused the white sheet to fall of her chest, exposing her self to Max's hungry eyes. "I can't take this away from you, you worked so hard on this. Please don't let me be the cause of your ruin." She begged. "I am your wife but don't ever sacrifice anything for me."

" don't understand..I love you. I need you. Without you, my life has no meaning." He tried to get her to understand. "Please know that."

"I know." Liz muttered. "I wish things were different but the reality is harsh Max and I can't do this anymore. I can't watch you be destroyed because of my selfishness."

"You're calling being with me your selfishness?". Max scoffed.

Liz sighed and rolled her eyes. "No, that's not what I mean..I'm just saying Max..if I decide to make myself happy by being with you and allow your career to fall that will kill me. I love you too much to let you suffer."

"I don't care what people think Liz. I never have and never will. I only care about you." He told her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Liz closed her eyes as she received the kiss from her husband. "I feel the same way about you."

"Good, now let's get's some sleep shall we?". He said bringing her gently towards him. Liz sank back down on the bed and into her husband's arms.

She closed her eyes and wished a miracle would happen by the time they woke up.

A/N: Lena, I know you're gunna laugh at this part. I thought I would be generous today, dedicating parts to you guys. :D

Liz's parents were already at the hospital where a broken and bruised up Tess lay. "Oh my god, she looks pretty bad." Nancy said, bring her husband towards the bed.

Tess' hair was all mattered and dirty while her face sported purple and black bruises. "Urggghhh." She groaned on seeing Liz's parents.

"Tess sweetie, how are you feeling?". Nancy asked. "I called your parents, unfortunetly they can't make it today but tomorrow, hopefully they'll come to see you."

"Urrr." Was Tess' response.

"She looks pretty badly wounded." Jeff told his wife. The doctor walked in the room.

"She's been in a serious hit and run incident it seems. At this stage, she's critical but thankfully no internal bleeding." He said.

"Oh thank god." Nancy said. "I was very worried and scared when I heard about Tess." They all looked at a bandaged up Tess who also had wires across her face, chest and hands.

"She'll be okay. Just a broken leg with a few cuts and bruises on her body."

"How long will it take for her to recover doctor?". Jeff asked out of curiosity.

"Two months." The doctor answered. "And she'll be discharged within two weeks."

"Poor Tess." Nancy sighed.

"Well If you need to know more, I'll be in my office. And it's vital we fill out the formalities. Where is miss Harding's parents?".

"They couldn't make it."Nancy said apologetically. "But we're Tess' aunt and uncle. Is it possible we can do the formalities."
"Yeah sure." The doctor nodded. "Follow me." He said and took the Parkers in his office to fill out the form.

Meanwhile, Tess lay in her bed and groaned. Her throat was itching. She was thirsty. Her fingers struggled to touch the call button for the nurse. If she wasn't wired up firmly to the bed maybe she could have reached that damn button.

The door opened and for a moment she was relieved. But her jaw dropped when the familiar blonde haired woman with the fringe walked in wearing a killer smile. She shut the door and drew the blindfolds.

"Hello Tess." The blonde grinned and Tess looked at her in horror, eyes almost shooting out of their sockets and mouth hanging open.

Not again she thought.

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 11/27/08 p. 7 Ch 31

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb

Lena7 (x2) thanks for the second bump. lol.
jake17 (x2)- thanks for the bump. Your precious Monica is sorry to keep you waiting.
POM wrote:
I'm totally addicted to your stories!! <3
Thanks so much. Means a lot that does. :D
natalie36 - whose the sicko lol?
begonia9508- Yes Eve, when women are violent, there's no stopping them
cocogurl- I love seeing you leaving feedback! And I love and miss your stories. Please please update soon! I know life can be real busy sometime but I must have updates to both of your fics Cocogurl! I was happy you updated one though. :D

Okay, I am sorry not to be updating regularly..what can I say? In between doing tests and courseworks for uni and getting with Edward Cullen, my life is pretty busy lol.
Chpt 31

Sick to the Stomach,
Love's liaison

"Hi Isabel." Alex gave her an enthusiastic smile as he approached her sitting outside starbucks at a table. Isabel looked up at him and looked down.

"Why are you here?". She muttered, trying to concentrate on her Jane Austen book.

"Because.." Alex said, pulling a chair back and sitting down. "I need to have a two way conversation..that involves a little..." He paused when she looked at him with her fiery eyes. "Investigation." He added.

Isabel scoffed. "After that stunt your friend Liz pulled on my brother, you still have the nerve to show up on her behalf." She shut her book and decided to leave. "Go and do yourself a favour. Tell Liz to find another one because as far as I'm concerned, Max isn't going to fall for her shit again."

Alex stood up along with Isabel. "Wait-wait-wait!". He held out a hand to gesture her to stop. "Please, this is important and did you not know?".

"Know what?!". She rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Max and Liz.." Alex toned his voice down. "Are back together again."

"What?!". Isabel's eyes almost shot out. "You're lying!". She pointed at him.

Alex shook his head. "Nu-uh. But because of some weird crazy woman, a whole lot of shit will happen if we don't do something about this." He said.

"What crazy woman? What are you talking about?". Isabel quizzed, almost loosing her patience with Alex.

"Please sit down and I'll tell you everything you need to know." Alex pleaded with her.

Isabel huffed. Alex really seemed truthful expression wise. But she wasn't sure about this. However, she quietly sat back down again. "Tell me everything." She ordered as he sank back into his chair with a smile.


A/N: Oh my sunshine, forgive me for not harming Tess' severely yet. You're right, I have a big heart and I don't think I can harm anyone so much. But I will do my best to make you happy Sunshine.

Carrie smiled as she shut the door after her, leaving a tortured Tess lying helplessly in the hospital bed. She tucked her hands into her white lab coat and turned the other way as she noticed the Parkers coming down with the doctor. Lucky for her, they hadn't seen her and she soon left, out of their sights.

Nancy heard a wail and opened the door, the other two rushed in to see Tess desperately trying to move against the bed, trying to rip the bandages off.

"OOOCHES!". She screamed in a muffled voice, trying to rub her limbs together. After Carrie had sprinkled itching powder over her skin, knowing she was unable to itch herself, she was desperate to relieve her itches.

The doctor rushed towards Tess. "Tess, you shouldn't be-" He stopped when the stench of urine filled his nostrils. "Oh my goodness." He held his breath, backing away in disgust. "I think she bed wetted herself."

Not only Carrie had threw itching power on her, she caused Tess to wet herself after popping a certain drug into her mouth.

And poor Tess couldn't even save herself this time.

Outside, Carrie stopped just outside her car. "Good luck with scratching your itch, bitch." She looked up at the building and smiled before getting into the car.

She'll be back later on.


"Max?". Liz called out for her husband as she entered their lounge. "What is it?".

"Liz there's something I should have told you before." He turned around away from the window and looked at her. "About me, my past."

Liz exhaled and looked at him. "We all make a lot of mistakes Max, you don't have to feel ashamed." She said and walked towards him.

"I need you to know my past first." He insisted. "Come here, love." He held out a hand and she accepted. He stood her in front of him so he could read her face.

"You may think I'm stupid after this." He laced their fingers together. "But I had to tell you."

"Tell me." She whispered.

"Years ago, back when I was fifteen, I had my first ever relationship with a girl." He said. "She was my first girlfriend so I gave a lot of attention and importance to her."

Liz nodded for him to continue.

"Tara was her name. I was dating her because I thought she was a good girl back then, she was quite ordinary and was very smart at her class's. I needed a down to earth girl. But within months of going out with her, she changed. From the sweet nice girl..she became ...vile and hostile." He cringed, remembering the times when she hurt his feelings.

"How?". Liz curiously asked. "Did she betray you?".

"It was too late when I found out." He sighed. "She had slept with half the guys in the school behind my back while we were dating and she started calling me names when I couldn't sleep with her. I wasn't ready to give away my virginity yet and she blamed me for turning her into a slut."

"Oh know that's not your fault." Liz sighed, wanting to hug her husband.

"I didn't obey her when she wanted to sleep with me. I was angry at her and she began to go insane..."

"You're a weasel Evans!". Tara screamed. "You won't fuck me because you're a weasel! You might as well be a fucking stupid little shy girl!". She chucked the vase at him but he dodged out of the way and it hit the wall. "I fuckin hate you!". She screamed louder, even louder then the sounds of the broken pieces of vase shattering against each other.

"Calm down Tara please!". Max begged.

"Calm down?!". She yelled. "I'll kill you!".

"Oh my!, that's terrible!". Liz clasped a hand to her mouth. "She threatened you!".

Max scoffed. "She ended up killing herself instead. That night changed my life Liz because soon after we broke up or I broke things off with her, she drove and ended up having a bad car accident that took her life." He sighed sadly. "And I can't help but think it's all my fault. If I hadn't retaliated or made her feel like a whore..then maybe she'd still be alive today."

Liz placed a hand on his shoulder. "Max, it is not your fault. You didn't know she was going to have an accident and even if you did, it still won't be your fault Max. In fact, whoever this Tara is...she should have not forced you into or tried to force you into having sex with her. She should have seen what a wonderful man you are because when I saw you, when I knew you, I fell in love with you because you're special and I love everything about you so don't you doubt that about yourself."

"You make me feel like life is worth living Liz." He told her in a soft voice. "That's why I wanted you to know how much I need you in my life otherwise, I'd be reduced to nothing again and life without you is no life at all."
Liz's lip quivered at his words. How could she even consider leaving the man who loved her so much?

"Max....I won't leave you." She promised.

But she had to find a way to deal with that problem, Carmen.

Last edited by Hunter on Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/9/08 p. 8 Ch 32 & 33

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb guys!


A/N: A lot will be happening in these two chapters so I hope I don't confuse you guys. I wrote this after having a hard time so forgive me for any errors.
Chpt 32

Two can play that game..

Carmen muttered under her breath as she watched the pair on the screen through the surveillance cameras. She had warned that stubborn brunette to say away from her man but she didn't heed. "Bitch." She cursed.

If she wanted, she would have had Liz shot by now. Lying dead on a cold steel wheelie table in a morgue somewhere with a white sheet over her pale body. No doubt Max would be in deep mourning of his dead wife and that angered Carmen the most. Death wasn't the answer.

She had to control Max's emotions. Maybe she couldn't wipe out the attraction he had for Liz but she could advantage of the situation by manipulating it and then make herself a saint in his eyes.

She sighed and turned her eyes away from the screen. What should her next move be?

If Liz Parker wasn't going to yield to her deal then something had to be done but thoughtfully. When she couldn't think of anything, she grabbed the files on her desk and threw it in the air in frustration.

"Fuck!". She cried as the sheets of paper slowly descended from mid air.

Carmen rested an arm on the chair and exhaled.

Her eyes travelled down the plane of the chair and there is was.

The photos Jesse had taken and the article Tess had written before.

Now she knew what to do...


"What the fuck?". Maria muttered grabbing a newspaper from the stand. Michael was right beside her and his jaw dropped when he saw the front page news which read A Million Dollar Joke, The Player has played us all and a big picture of Max and Liz in the park together.

"Holy crap, how did this news get to print?" Michael grabbed the newspaper from Maria to read more. "Shit, this is gunna destroy Max's career!".

"Oh my god." Maria sighed. "Carmen's been up to her usual tricks again." Maria realised.

"Whose Carmen?". Michael asked, reading the paper.

A strawberry blonde from nowhere, crept behind them. "I am." She slithered and made a grab for the paper. "And just the teaser." She told them as they turned around, gobsmacked. "Wait till the party begins and then you'll see how serious this is." She said.

"What do you want?". Michael snapped.

Carmen's lips curled into a smile.


"You're what!". Nancy almost yelled out. Shocked to the bones.

"We're married." Liz said, holding Max's hand tighter. "We got married almost two weeks ago now."

Jeff huffed. "You're telling us this now?!". He asked incredulously.

"Dad, I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Liz told him with a yawn.

"But Liz...we're your parents." Nancy said. "We have a right to know every move of your life. Whether you graduate, whether you get married or get pregnant!" Nancy cried in disbeleif. Her only daughter had kept her away from her first wedding which hurt.

"I know I hurt you guys but please listen." Liz said.

"We had to get married quick because of circumstances. We didn't want to lose each other." Max explained. "People and things were coming between us fast.." He grimaced as he remembered Liz's cousin Tess trying to seduce him that day and then some lady named Carmen wanted him too.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." Jeff folded his arms and rolled his eyes. He knew his daughter was old enough to make her own choices but he was also hurt that she made such a major decision in her life without informing him and her mother of it first. "A simple, hello I'm getting hitched would suffice." He vehemently told Liz. "To an international superstar who also happens to be interested in other women."

"Max isn't like that dad." Liz protested. "He's different. He's not what the media makes of him."

"I can assure you..I've never been with another woman the way I have been with Liz. I gave her my all. Only her." Max said softly and knew Liz was the only woman he wanted and would be with, body, heart and soul.

Jeff scratched the back of his neck. "Well..I'm still not sure if my daughter marrying you is a good idea. She still hasn't graduated yet and the last thing she needs to happen to her is to be sucked into all this drama. She's your wife now which will change her life. The media won't leave her alone now that she's bonded to you."

Max gulped. He was having that guilt trip again. Liz's father was right. The media would not leave Liz alone. The paparazzi would constantly hound her like they did to him. Every second of the day if they could. Her privacy would be violated and it was because of him.

"Well, if that's a part of being in Max's life then so be it. I want to share everything with him." Liz said and gave her husband a warm smile and a reassuring squeeze on his hand.

Nancy knew it was impossible to part these two and sighed. "Okay...we accept you as our son in law." She looked at Max. "But if you dare hurt our Lizzie, I will hunt you down and cut off your balls myself." She warned. No one would hurt her baby girl. Not even the great Max Evans.

Before any of them could have a chance to react, the phone began ringing.

Four of them were silent for a few seconds as the phone rang. Nancy, Jeff, Liz and Max exchanged glances to each other before silently deciding who would answer the phone. Jeff picked it up. "Lo?".

He looked at Liz. "Yeah she is." and then handed the phone to her.

"It's for you."


"Carmen!". Isabel smiled as she caught sight of the strawberry blonde. Alex had provided a photo of her to Isabel who would take the next step of the plan and get to know more about the woman.

The female stopped in her tracks just outside a barber's as the voice of her obsession's sister filled her ears. She turned around wearing a red smile on her lips. "Hello Isabel Evans."

"I know who you are and what you're trying to do." Isabel said, wearing a smirk on her face.

Carmen's face dropped, mocking a frightful expression. "Oh my.."

"Don't worry." Isabel shrugged. "I'm team Carmen all the way. I just hate that s-skankbag whose with my brother right now. She's so annoying and I totally hate her." Isabel moaned, putting on her annoyed face and her best performance.
"You mean Liz?". Carmen chirped.

"Yeah, the unwanted sister in law. I boring can she get? She's so middle class it hurts." Isabel pouted. "So I'm here to help you. I want that bitch out of my family. Wave that wand of yours and erase her out from the Evans' name."
"Wave that wand of mine?". Carmen grinned. "I like the sound of that."

"Yeah?". Isabel nodded.

"Hey, here's my card." Carmen said, relaxing and taking out her business card. "Contact me when you have something. I need you to spy on Liz and Max for me." She said, handing the card to Isabel.

Isabel took the card with 'glee'. "Thanks’ Carmen." She smiled.

"I shall look forward to hear from you soon." Carmen winked before taking out her car keys and opening her red convertible just next to them. She smiled at Isabel when she got in and then drove off.

Isabel's smile faded. At least she had her business card and looked at it. The address of her home was on it. This should be good she thought.

"Hey you!". A man's voice from nowhere caused Isabel to stop walking away.

To her surprise that voice sounded familiar.

She turned around and gasped.

There was leather and piercings.

"Holy crap." Isabel muttered.

A/N: I know what you're thinking!
