A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, 08.26 [COMPLETE]

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU, Mature/Adult, P7+7a, 02.08.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello dear readers, yes I know there are some out there, I can read the numbers in the column ‘views’ on the boards. Anyway, I’m glad you’re reading my story and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Here are the next parts, Corey and Duncan’s POV and Liz’s birthparents each have one too.
Next time you’ll meet Bones and Michael in the Intermezzo and you’ll have Bones’ POV. Michael’s will be posted the time after. You know, Michael played quite a big role in Liz’s recovery, you’ll see.
Zan’s POV will come later on, I haven’t quite decided yet when, but soon!

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

07b, Corry and Duncan’s POV
Hi, em hi, I’m Corry and this dude right beside me is my best friend Duncan, actually, one of my best friends, the other one is Sean, but he already talked with you guys.

You know, the three of us have been friends for a very long time; we started our friendship when we were still in diapers. As a matter of fact, our fathers were already best friends. I wonder if that is hereditary, what do you think?

When we were little we would visit each other all the time, but once we hit high school we started to hang around at the Parkers more often. Don’t ask me why, but I guess it was because one, they have the diner and two; Jeff is just the coolest dude ever. Did you know that Jeff Parker has been my hero for as long as I can remember? Well, actually, not just him, no Nancy Parker too, but he more than her.

Well, in the meantime we’ve grown up and the three of us have started college. We decided to stick close to home and go to Albuquerque because we were all involved in Liz’s project. From here we only have a few hours drive home. That’s why we drive home on most weekends so we can still actively support our friends.

I’m sure now you want to know what we’re studying, don’t you? Well, Sean decided to follow in his idol’s footsteps. That would be Frank McCoy, and so Sean chose the law as his line of work. Duncan is on his way to become a high school teacher and I want to run a joint just like the CrashDown, you know, where people can meet and feel at home. To that end Jeff has taken me on as his ‘apprentice’. Of course I’m at college to learn everything about the business, but Jeff teaches me the practical things, you know, how to make people welcome and stuff like that. His people skills are simply awesome, really, you can believe me.

Anyway, the three of us also take some lessons in social work because we want to know the ins and outs of it. That way, we are now able to help more efficiently and less bureaucratically in an emergency than official channels. The thing is, we work closely with them and we go strictly by the law, no shady stuff for us, oh no. Oh, maybe I should mention that it’s not just the three of us working here, you know there are quite a lot of people involved by now but we still need people who know what can be done and what not. Does that make any sense to you? If not just wait a bit longer; I’m sure Bones will be only too happy to explain things to you!

Well, I think now is as good a time as any to tell you about how Liz influenced our lives, don’t think so too? I can hear Duncan mumbling “just get on with it, already!” He is actually the most impatient one in our group, really, he can be quite an ass, but don’t tell him I said so, OK?

Alright, I know we already talked about the ‘hoody incident’, well Sean did anyway. I just want to add that that was the moment for us which had the biggest impact on our outlook in general. I mean, sure we always knew that bad things happened everywhere - just turn on the news - they just never happened around us. The closest we came to it was when we were watching TV or when we went to the movies, but that’s not the same, is it?

After that incident we were very shaken up and that was when we started to question things more, to look behind the surface and mostly we started to think about somebody else before we thought of ourselves. In Michael we met somebody else who had been dealt a bad hand, but he was able to mix up his cards and start afresh. I mean, really, he came from the lousiest trailer park around here; he had a drunk as a foster father; he was on his way to become a real loser like Hank, he had no chances in life what so ever. Except, one day the ‘right person’ caught Michael stealing, I think he was in high school at the time. Anyway, as that person looked at the teen who had tried to rob him, he realised that there was more to this boy than met the eye. They talked, and the rest is history and I’m sure Michael will tell you all about it.

Anyway, that was also a very important lesson for the three of us. To see Michael how he was now and to know just where he had come from. That made us all the more determined to help Liz because we just loved her by that time and we wanted to help her so badly. Also we wanted to make sure that the bastards that had hurt her would know that despite everything they had done, Liz was coming out on top as the winner.

Emm, where was I? “Hey, Duncan, stop that!” you have to forgive me, but the dude beside me is getting antsy, “Ok, ok, if you think you can do better than I go ahead, the floor is yours!” See, there’s no point in my continuing, Duncan just keeps pestering me, so I’ll let him do the telling, let’s see if he can do it better than I!
”Corry, you’re a cry-baby!” Hmm, really, I was just ribbing him a bit, that’s all, he didn’t have to stop, really. I guess if he really wants me to I can continue, can’t I?

Where did he stop anyway? Oh, right, Michael Guerin! Let me tell you, if you’re ever in a tight spot, call him because then he is your man, there’s none better, I promise!

Corry, Sean and I learned different types of Martial arts the hard - and painful - way. He, I mean Michael, just showed us the rudiments on how to fall and protect ourselves before we got to stand in as villains who attack the unsuspecting victim. Of course, more often than not, we turned out to be the victims with all our bruises we had to show for our troubles, but it was worth it. I guess you could say we were learning by doing!

Since we were cleaning his studio we were allowed access everywhere and that was really cool! We got to see his collection of swords and daggers. In one special room he had all kinds of bamboo sticks and strange clothing with masks and things like that. We had no idea what the hell all that stuff was, but let me tell you we were suitably impressed.

Well, later we learned that the special room was called the ‘Kendo-Room’. They wear some kind of frocks with hoods and a protective armour that is called a ‘Bōgu set’. The bamboo stick is the practice "sword" and called a ‘shinai’; sometimes - but rarely - they even use two of those. Well if you ever happen to have a few minutes and nothing to do, go check it out, it’s really cool stuff! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendo

We also found out that he was a master in Taekwondo and Karate - boy can he kick ass - and if you want to grapple he can teach you Jujutsu. I know that he can teach you other arts too, but those are the ones that are asked the most in his studio.

Actually, that’s not quite true, just a few months before we approached him Michael had started to teach a new kind of self-defence, it was a mixture of kicking, biting, using anything that you could get your hands on and some real heavy duty dirty street-fighting. Let me tell you, Liz has become a real pro at that one. So, if you can’t get Michael to get you out of a tight spot, get the next best person, Liz! She may be small, but boy, don’t mess with her or her loved ones, that’s just my personal advice for you!

Oh, shit, I was supposed to talk about Liz and how she met Michael. Corry won’t let me forget that one! I mean, after all I bugged him into letting me have my say, shit shit shit!

OK, Liz! Liz meeting Michael let me think. Hmm, yeah, I remember, you know, Michael is this tall and rough looking dude and to be honest I was worried that Liz might be scared of him, but with Nancy beside her, she felt safe enough and was able to listen to our mumbled explanations. I have a feeling we didn’t make much sense, because suddenly Michael spoke up and let me tell you, when he speaks up, everybody else shuts up, and that was what we did.

After carefully approaching Liz, Michael sat down, making sure not to invade her personal space. You know, until then we hadn’t even known that everybody had a ‘personal space’ that can be invaded. Anyway, we carefully observed him, ready to intervene if he should scare our sister. Of course he didn’t, he knew first hand how it was to be a victim - even if he was a different kind of victim – and that was why he knew how to treat Liz.

Boy, were we impressed, what a great dude; really, you would’ve been impressed too, honestly, no shit! I mean he openly spoke about what had happened to Liz, calling it by the correct name too, ‘rape’. That was the first time we all held our breath, expecting Liz to break down, but she didn’t. Maybe I should tell you that we never said THAT word or any word closely related to that one because we were afraid to upset her, hence our surprise.

Next he was able to tell her exactly how she felt, you know, scared, insecure, scared, mad, panicky, victimised and let’s not forget scared. He told her that he had been abused by his foster father, of course not like her, but still abused and that for a long, long time - years, really. He told her how he had been afraid of meeting people, of trusting them, afraid of being hurt again. We could see that Liz was listening very intently, not missing a word he said.

After he had explained all that, he informed her that she had really great brothers – his words, not ours – and told her that we had been worried for her and thinking about how to help her best. That that was the reason he was now here, talking to her. He calmly gave her details as to how he could and would like to help her to start to feel better again. You know, more secure and stuff like that, actually to learn to take control of her life!

He then told her that he knew that she was pregnant but that that wasn’t a detriment to the cause. That on his way over he had already been thinking about the best way to help her help herself and there were quite a few things that she could already learn. That was the first time Liz voiced her fears, “do I have to touch you? Do you have to touch me?” she asked.

Here Michael looked at Nancy and included her in the talk, he said, “if it’s alright with Mrs Parker she could be your partner and maybe later when you feel more confident, we can have your brothers here assist you. Just imagine Liz, you could beat them up real good!” he chuckled. Liz’s eyes grew even bigger at that lame joke but she cracked a smile, can you imagine, she gave him smile, a small but real smile!

As Corry already said, the Parkers are really great people, Nancy was on board so fast, I really don’t know why we were even surprised, but we were. After that we were told what we needed for those lessons – you know, dress comfortably, etc, etc. Then, after walking through the apartment, the storage rooms, the basement and the backyard, Michael asked Liz if she would feel comfortable enough to train in the backyard, otherwise one of the rooms in the basement had a good potential to be turned into a training room, but he preferred the backyard, you know, fresh air and all that.

Turned out, Michael’s mentor had brainwashed him - a fast-food junky - into a health freak who on top of that only wore natural materials. Kazuki and Michael even had their own garden where they grew their own organic vegetables and fruits, just imagine that one.

Anyway, I got off the point, em, the thing is, Liz seemed to trust him, I think she recognises a kindred soul in him. So, the next afternoon you found us all in the back yard. When I say ‘all’, I mean Sean, Corry and I, but also Nancy, Jeff and Mama Dee joined us. You see, with Liz and Michael we had full backyard. We spent almost two hours in the backyard where Michael put us through the paces. He had picked several exercises especially for Liz. Mama Dee found that even tough she wasn’t pregnant, those exercises were excellent for her too.

Before Michael left, we all went into the diner for a small snack. Boy that training sure made us hungry. Once there, Jeff sat us at the biggest table right in the middle of the diner and told us to order what we liked, it was on the house. Anyway, before the food was delivered, Michael picked up his sports bag and grabbed a small box from it and gave it to Liz. After she had opened the box and found a bunch of key-rings, he told her to chose the one she liked the best. He informed her that they were all excellent weapons once the keys were on it. They weren’t too big or too small, they were just right to always carry in her pocket and when she felt she needed it, they were easy to hold onto. Then he proceeded to show her how to hold it. You know, if you have the keys sort of stick out between your fingers and if you hit the attacker hard enough with it, you can hurt somebody and momentarily shock them, thus you get time to run off.

She’d picked a ring with a funny green little alien hanging on it, saying, “you know, right now I feel like an alien who has to find his way in a new world!” Anyway, after that Nancy and Mama Dee got to pick key-rings too and after they had theirs the rest of us received one too.

You know, you might not believe it, but that little key-ring did wonders for Liz. Wherever she went the key-ring went too and as soon as she was someplace where she didn’t feel comfortable she grabbed it just how she learned it and held onto it, until that moment passed.

After about two weeks of training three times a week in the back yard, Liz started to feel more courageous and asked us if we would go with her if she started her training at Michael’s studio. Of course we agreed and we always made sure that at least one or two of us were able to accompany her until she was confident enough to go alone.

At the studio she met Kazuki working in his garden - I think he was raking the sand - and with his quiet ways he fascinated her and Liz grew curious. In no time at all Liz started to work in their garden too and after the old man had informed her that there was a special technique to raking the sand and that it was also a meditative exercise, Liz began to rake too. That was how she got started on meditation, Mama Dee too.

After meditating on a regular basis for a while, Liz was able to use some of those techniques to calm down after her nightmares. They were still very present and pretty gruelling. On the other hand, thanks to those nightmares they were able to record more and more of what had happened on that fateful night. In time she even remembered the all the bastards involved. Slowly but surely the noose was tightening around their necks and those bastards didn’t even know it…

I thinks now is a good moment for me to stop and let the next guest continue the telling. Quite possibly Corry and I will be back a little later again.

Cindy and Chuck's POV in next post...
Last edited by uw51 on Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU, Mature/Adult, P7+7a, 02.08.08

Post by uw51 »

here are Cindy and Chucky...

07c, Cindy Parker’s POV
Camino Nuevo Correctional Center: The moment I heard about the TV Special in honour of my daughter, I just had to tell everybody, but those ‘people’ here just aren’t interested. Can you imagine that I was even asked to give an interview? Let me tell you I was overjoyed, really overjoyed. Finally, I could set things straight, tell the world of my sufferings because of my irresponsible daughter.

On the big day two actors came - all the way from Hollywood - to interview me. The three of us had been talking so nicely, things had gone smoothly until that stupid woman asked me about that night. I absolutely don’t understand why everything always comes down to that night, after all it’s done and over with, isn’t it? Anyway, after I had told them the truth, that my darling Elisabeth had shown very poor judgement at that party, acting the way she had, the interviewers beat a hasty retreat, saying that they had everything they needed for the show.

I never quite understood why they left so abruptly, it just didn’t make any sense to me at all. After all, I still had a lot to tell them. It really wasn’t fair that I had to be here in this Correctional Center – at least that sounds better than prison, doesn’t it? You know, I still had a lot to tell them, for example how unfairly I was being treated, honestly I don’t deserve that, not then, not now, now ever.

Even before the interview the others treated me like a commoner; of course I didn’t let them get away with that, but afterwards, well, let me tell you, they were just plain jealous and they let me feel it! They are all so dreadfully mean.

All I wanted was to tell them about my daughter and there wasn’t anybody else around. I mean every mother likes to talk about her children, and just like other good mothers I wanted to let them know that my daughter was the best daughter ever. It’s not my fault but that is the plain truth, my Elisabeth is the prettiest and the smartest girl I know and everybody who has ever met her sais so.

Of course I did everything in my power to do what was best for my little girl. I even had a few very important and influential men show interest in my little darling, they wanted to marry her as soon as she was old enough. I even wanted to let her choose between them.

But then I sadly misjudged the college situation. I didn’t recognise the first signs of Elisabeth’s downfall. The moment my little girl started to badmouth that poor Evans boy; I should have put my foot down and stopped that nonsense right away.

What I still have a very hard time to comprehend is, wherever did my innocent little baby learn to seduce boys? No wonder Zan lost all interest in my poor misguided daughter after she had let him sample her goods for free. Everybody knew that a girl’s virginity is her biggest asset and the greatest gift for her husband; especially the more experienced men seemed to like young virginal wives. Really, my smart daughter should’ve known better.

Yes, I have heard Elisabeth’s version of the events of that party – and I smelled her alcohol breath too -, but that nice Evans girl told us the truth of what had really occurred. Of course I’m not saying that my daughter was lying, but she was very drunk and probably just too confused to remember correctly. What was really bad was that my poor Elisabeth just didn’t seem to know when to shut up.
Well, that was then, but now – just a few short months ago - that nice Evans girl turned out to be not quite as nice as she had led me believe. Out of the blue, Isabelle contacted me and revealed the ‘real truth’ about that evening. She even had the gall to accuse me, ME, Cindy Parker, of poor parenting. Isabelle even went so far and coolly informed me that if she ever had the great luck of becoming a mother, she most definitely would believe her own child over anybody else, no matter what the other’s background was. The nerve of that chit to tell me how to raise my own child. I am a very good mother, everybody knows that!

Just the thought of that very unfortunate talk makes me cry. In moments like these I can feel the injustice of my situation the most. They took away all my silk hanky’s and gave me some rough cotton ones. Now, when I’m so overcome with heartache that I need to dab my eyes, I am forced to use those rough ones. Really, they don’t know how to treat a lady in here. And can you imagine that the towels and soaps and clothes that we are given are just plain cheap quality? My skin and my hair suffer tremendously under this rough treatment.
Anyway, after the first shock of Elisabeth’s downfall had settled – I was very close to a nervous breakdown – my husband and I sat down and talked about how to proceed. We needed to do damage control to keep the rumours at bay and we needed to do it fast. Everybody who asked us about Elisabeth received the answer that she had misbehaved and now she was in an ‘all girls school’ up north.

Once we heard that those two boys were helping her, offering her shelter in their home, Chuck and I realised that we could use this situation for Elisabeth’s good and to our own advantage. We were sure that two weeks in that ‘whole in the wall’ – as my Chucky called it - would impress on our daughter, show her just how good our home was. While staying with those two kids, Elisabeth would see first hand how the underprivileged lived. Then Chuck and I could descend on her and magnanimously take our fallen daughter back home. We were convinced that after that experience Elisabeth would be forever grateful and obediently follow our council.

Sheriff Valenti came by – not for the first time either - and asked if we would take our daughter back. He was preaching that it was a parent’s duty to look after their child and on and on he raved. He wouldn’t shut up until my husband showed him where the door was. We were quite sure that the sheriff played a major role in Jeff’s appearance but we couldn’t prove it. Curse the idiot for meddling!

Anyway, after only a few days of Elisabeth’s stay at the rundown little house – it was more of a shack really - Jeff Parker decided to get involved and after that there was no talking to our daughter. That good for nothing Jeff influenced my darling daughter against us, her parents. He forced my little darling to keep those little bastards that completely ruined Elisabeth’s life!

Even though I’m not complaining for myself - after all a good mother only wants what was best for her only child - I am compelled to add that not only did Elisabeth’s actions ruin her life, no our lives suffered tremendously too. Really, what man of importance is going to marry a soiled girl? You know, I’m really well aware of the fact that high society wasn’t waiting for us. Actually I have always hoped to wrangle our way into those illustrious circles via backdoor with my little darling, but Jeff spoiled it all!

Of course, now I hope that on the TV Special Elisabeth isn’t going to talk about her kids. That would be the worst thing that could happen because we’ve gotten a lot of negative press lately. I – well, and Chuck too - was convinced that the authorities only became interested in our business affairs in the aftermath of all the investigations in Elisabeth’ case. Darn it, we shouldn’t have waited this long to pick up our daughter…
As the TV-Special neared, I became increasingly agitated. The inmates treated me without the respect I deserved and the guards weren’t any better, in fact they treated me worse than ever. I already complained about those dreadful injustices to Chucky, but he doesn’t seem to care. And that after all I have done for him. Really, Chuck would be a nobody without my constant support, council and care. And how does he repay my efforts? By not answering my desperate calls? I just can’t believe that my Chucky could be that stupid.

Well, I’m sure that all I have to do is remind him of his duty as my husband, after all he had sworn to take care of me – didn’t he say for better and for worse? – And right now the times were a lot worse. Yes, I’m sure I just have to remind him that I know certain things too; things that nobody else knows and that Chuck most definitely wants to keep it that way…

07d, Chuck Parker’s POV
Southern NM Correctional Facility, Las Cruces: I really don’t understand the fuss they make about Elisabeth, now they even bring a TV-Special to honor her, imagine that!

There were these two actors - who started the whole caboodle – that asked through my attorney, if I was interested in appearing in the show. Well, let me tell you, as soon as I heard how badly they treated Cindy I realised that they weren’t interested in us, no they just wanted to hear some more blarney about Elisabeth. Well, I told them off right away, I don’t need that kind of attention. It’s going to be bad enough as it is.

Really, even in here, all those criminals treat me like shit, when in reality they did worse things than I ever did. They dare to judge me and they make a sport of playing jokes on me. Well, I don’t mind, let them, I say. The moment will come when they will rue the day they ever met me, mark my words!

Anyway, I was talking about Elisabeth. Somehow she managed to become everybody’s darling, don’t ask me how, it still quite a mystery for me. I’m sure after they aired the Special the whole nation will find Cindy and I the guilty ones. Of course that’s just plain hypocrisy, if they had been in my shoes they would’ve done exactly the same! After all we are just humans and Cindy and I are no exceptions, well with the difference that we are smarter than most and dare to go after our dreams.

As it was, how were we supposed to know that the kid would be so unpredictable and behave so selfishly stupid. I guess some of the blame can be put on her age; she was still quite young and prone to testing the waters, so to speak. But after everything that happened, I guess I can safely say that makes her just a kid with very poor judgement. Thanks to that she ruined her chances in life to become somebody important and she managed to bring shame to our family.

And then, that Evans girl, curse her for lying, she was so damn convincing. Elisabeth had been out of her mind drunk – babbling and swaying and reeking of alcohol and sex. Can you imagine just how sickening it was for me – her father - to see her that way? It’s no wonder we believed her very upset best friend. Who would’ve thought that behind that beautiful face was such an accomplished liar? Not me that’s for sure. Even my wife, who usually has an uncanny feeling for these things, fell for that performance.

Of course, Cindy now puts all the blame squarely at my door. But honestly, how was I supposed to know that they would start to investigate me, Chuck Parker, son of the much-respected Jeffrey Parker Senior? I remember those days very clearly when my name was linked with my adoptive father’s. Everybody looked up to Jeffrey Parker Senior, he was even idolised by most and respected by the most influential men in the state, I’d say even the country. In my early years as a businessman those sentiments carried over to me too, especially once Jeff Junior joined the business. Ahh, those were the good days, the golden days.

But then Junior decided that he was too good for some of my business partners and business dealings and left. From that moment on our friends and acquaintances changed too, most of them stayed loyal to Jeff Junior while I was left with the shady ones, the ones that knew how to make quick money and not to look too closely at how it was made.

That went very well for almost two decades and I have been able to amass an immense fortune. We’ve reached everything we ever wanted or dreamed of, well almost. Elisabeth was supposed to open the doors to high society for us by marriage, but now I guess we can forget that one.

Now of course Cindy is playing the wronged one, just because she wasn’t always happy with my business partners. In fact she even warned me occasionally about them and the consequences that might have.

You know, lately I have been pondering about what would’ve been better for me, to have listened to my wife or to never have had a kid. Probably both, since Cindy did prove to have an uncanny feeling for people and I never really wanted a kid anyway, especially a girl. For a while though, Elisabeth was quite useful, the wives always liked her but that’s how far it went.

It truly galls me that my daughter – the one who was supposed to open the doors to high society for me – is also the reason for my downfall. Really, if she had just kept quiet about the whole incident at that party and later quietly gotten rid of those two mongrels, nobody would’ve thought of investigating my business and me.

To top it all, my wife is becoming a real nuisance. She calls and complains all the time; she’s starting to sound like a broken record. She makes it sound like she’s the only one in trouble. Well, hell, I’ve got news for her I’m in trouble too, knee deep wading in shit! The only thing I’m truly sorry about now is that I can’t see her in her prisoner’s garb. That picture always gives me a good laugh.

You know, I'm telling you something that has to stay between just you and I, OK? For the rest of it I’m not too worried. With all the money I have, I’m sure to get out of prison soon. Well, with all my money and maybe a little acting too. You know, play the wronged and gullible business man, the one who had been taken advantage of by unscrupulous business sharks, you know which ones I’m talking about!

Yeah, as soon as my attorney shows up we can start planning. Where is that idiot anyway, lately he seems to be more and more difficult to get a hold off!


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

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The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult,P7b,c+d, 02.22.08

Post by uw51 »

Hi, I’m back with the next instalments.

…but first many thanks to my Feedbackers, I appreciate your thoughts very much!

Natalie <> you’re right, her parents are wackos. The sad thing is that there are people like that. You know, the kind that always think it’s everybody’s else’s fault but their own. But there are all kinds of people on this earth and in any case, they’re so much fun to write, hihihi!

pandas <> it has been my experience that in moments of need people tend to come together to help, and sometimes help comes from the most unlikely persons. Quite often great friendships start that way too. Also it can give everybody – victim and helper – a sense of belonging. Of course it’s not always like that, and quite possibly I am exaggerating in my story, but who knows, maybe some places people are like that?

For all of you who have waited for Michael, you don’t have to wait any longer. Michael is on the show today, lol. Next time you’ll get his POV.

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

08, Intermezzo – Bones and Michael
After those very emotional disclosures everybody calmed down. Sean, Corry and Duncan picked up their drinks and moved towards the back, the bistro. Mama Dee’s loud stage whisper could be heard by one and all, “Sean, boys, you know you could’ve left your drinks in the front, they have very nice people here who would’ve brought them to you, they’re here just for that!” Sean nodded his understanding and sat down at the first empty table. Corry just rolled his eyes and called out to Mama Dee, “do you want to us to go back and put the drinks down in the front?” Shocked Mama replied, “don’t be silly, I just told you so you’d know the next time.”

After reassuring herself that her guest of honor was feeling all right, Sarah walked across the stage to great the next newcomers. Two tall men walked into the spotlight. One was very tall, burly and tattooed from head to, well, everywhere visible, with long shaggy hair and an even shaggier beard. His leather clothes looked like he lived in them, they were that well worn. The other man was also very tall but slimmer, sleeker and even though his hair was relatively long it was well cut. His clothes were rather casual, jeans and t-shirt, all in black.

With a big smile spreading across her face Sarah moved toward these two, with her arms outstretched, ready to hug them she exclaimed, “Bones!” “Yeah, that’s me!” Bones acknowledged ironically. She affectionately replied, “idiot!” “That’s him!” Michael agreed just as ironically. Coming to the conclusion that she better greet her other guest, Sarah addressed the second newcomer, “Michael…” “That’s him,” interrupted Bones, and continued in a high falsetto voice, imitating his host, “idiot!” Sadly shaking his head Michael concurred, “you’ve got that right!”

Before this ribbing could continue, Sarah jumped in ordering them in no uncertain terms, “that’s enough you two!” “Yes mom!” the two answered as one, then looked at each other and slapped their hands together in a high five! Not waiting for their host to reprimand them, Michael turned a serious face towards her and inquired sincerely, “Sarah, did you want to say something?”

After a speechless moment Sarah just shook her head, trying to control her laughter. To make matters worse her dear husband decided to get involved too. Nathan, who was still sitting on his chair by the seating arrangement, called, “Babe, do you need any help? Should I send Liz over there? I mean we’ve just heard how good she is at kicking butts. Maybe she could convince those two to behave!”

”Thanks Nathan, but stay out of this. I’m trying real hard to be a good hostess…” “She sure is…” Michael began and Bones finished, “trying real hard!” “That’s it!” resolutely Sarah pushed herself between the two big troublemakers, grabbed them each by an ear and led them over to the other guests.

The crowd loved this byplay and cheered loudly. After everybody – guests, hosts and the crowd – had calmed down and the guests were settled comfortably, the interview began.
With a decisive, ”alright!” Nathan began the questioning, “I believe, you Bones, were the first one to meet Liz, I mean outside the family.” Smiling, the burly man answered, “well, I don’t think you could call that meeting. I was the first one to see her, yes, that’s true. To be honest Liz never even realised that I had been up to her room that night.”

”That’s right, it was right after her terrible nightmare, wasn’t it?” Sarah inserted. Nodding, Bones agreed and began to tell of his first meeting with Liz. “Yeah, but you have heard most of it already, from Mama Dee and the Parkers. I vividly remember how broken and lost Liz seemed to be. You know, when I came upstairs to see what was going on. At that time I had no idea what had happened to her, but I could tell that she must’ve been through something terrible. It was just there, in her face, in her posture, it was just there, obvious. Of course, afterwards Jeff and Sean came downstairs and explained everything and I can tell you, we were all shocked and angry on Liz’s behalf.”

“Angry?” Nathan asked? “Yes, angry!” Bones emphasised. “Just imagine, most of us had heard her screams, and even though we didn’t know what had happened we all understood somebody was suffering terribly. I mean, once you hear such a scream, I can guarantee you, you’ll never forget it, not ever!”

Several people on stage – on the couches and in the bistro – nodded in agreement; they all had witnessed that memorable night and had had nightmares about it.

”Like all of our neighbours I too have been witness to her nightmares and to her panic-attacks. You never knew when she would be struck with one or the other or in the worst cases with both.” After smiling at Liz Bones looked at his hosts and continued, “since this evening is mostly about Liz’s healing and about how she touched all our lives, I won’t dwell on the nightmares but tell you of our first real meeting.”

What do mean when you say ‘first real meeting’?” Sarah wanted to know. “Well, after Liz started to feel a bit better she’d come down to the diner and we’d see each other there, but we never talked. In the beginning she stayed away from anybody who wasn’t family or Mama Dee and men were ignored altogether. Of course this changed after a while, but that’s how it was in the beginning.”

Firmly entrenched in his memories of their past, Bones smiled with a faraway look in his eyes and shared his thoughts, “one day I found her crying in their backyard. You have to know that our houses are right next to each other and low fences separate our backyards. So, when I saw Liz sitting under the tree, crying her heart out, I jumped over the fence and was by her side before I really knew what I had done. I sat down next to her, close but not touching and waited.”

”Maybe I should mention that after Jeff had informed us of what had happened to Liz I went straight home and googled everything I could about rape victims and about how to behave around them.” Smiling matter-of-factly Bones added, “you might not guess it, but I’m well aware of what people think of me, some are even afraid of me because I’m so tall and because of all the tattoos. Usually that doesn’t bother me too much. Strangely enough children aren’t afraid of me, they are curious. Anyway, I wanted to know as much as possible because I didn’t want to add to Liz’s fears by behaving the wrong the way and being her next-door neighbour I was sure to run into her from time to time. Hence, I sat down close to her, but not too close, I tried not to crowd her.”

”We stayed that way for quite some time until she looked at me and stammered, ‘wwhat ddo you wwwant?’ Those were the first words she ever said to me.” Nathan inquired, “what did you tell her?” Smiling gently Bones informed, “nothing much, just that I was a good helper and an even better listener. Well, Liz let that bit of info sink in for a while then she came up with a deal.” “What deal?” Sarah asked?

Seriously Bones responded, “a simple but very effective one. She said ‘how about I tell you my trouble and you tell me yours?’ With those few word she really had me because I most definitely wasn’t the confiding type of guy, you know. So I really had to think about that one but then I agreed.”

Suddenly Liz spoke up, “you should’ve seen his face when he agreed! I think he shocked himself the most, because just like he said, he wasn’t used to confide in anybody!”

Embarrassed Bones looked at the suddenly very interesting floor and stammered, “yeah, well, you know!” then he squared his shoulders and continued with his story, “anyway, Liz gave me one of her – in those days - very rare smiles and nodded her agreement. After that we decided that her problems would be addressed first since they were the more pressing ones at the time. Mine could wait, but we would discuss them at a later date, and we did too!” “Yeah, we sure did, didn’t we?” Liz agreed with a big smile.

Sarah asked, ”do you care to tell us what you talked about that day?” “Of course,” Bones replied and went on, “Liz had just learned that she was pregnant and had been given the different options she had. She was completely overwhelmed by it. The Parkers had already assured her that no matter what she decided they would support her. Apparently Sean even offered if she decided to keep the baby he would baby-sit, even help change dirty diapers!”

”That was the most generous and selfless offer I had ever heard from my son!” Nancy threw in proudly. Bones acknowledged this, “I’m sure it was! Well, anyway, at first I was completely baffled, I mean, what do you say to a fifteen year old girl who finds herself in such a position? But then I remembered our deal and figured that the only way to go was with honesty, I mean, there’s no point in it otherwise, is there?” “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right Bones. What happened after that?” was Nathan’s question.

”After that?” Bones mused, “well, we tried to find out how Liz felt about her options. Soon she realised that she couldn’t deal with an abortion, she’d feel much too guilty afterwards; it would’ve been too much on top of everything else. It was really very hard for the poor girl, her head was telling her one thing but her heart was against it. After deciding to carry the baby to term she had to decide what to do afterwards, here I told her that there was no need to rush this since a pregnancy lasted a few more months.”

”I remember her biggest fear was that she would hate the baby, and every time she started to worry about that she’d come looking for me and then we’d sit under that tree in the backyard and we’d talk.” With a big smile Bones added, “I just happened to be with Liz when the baby moved for the first time. That was a very important moment, because that was the moment that she knew she’d love her baby, no matter what she would decide later on.” With his smile spreading across his whole face Bones stated, “and today we all are thrilled that we kept the babies, oohh oohh and soon after those talks we found out that she was carrying twins! Imagine that!”

Michael spoke up, “yeah, I remember that when I came into the picture the twin-news were still very new. Everybody was quite exited about it!” “Right, you did show up around that time, I remember!” Bones agreed and addressed Michael, “I bet the kids – here he nodded at Sean and his friends – idea wasn’t something that you came across very often!”

”You’re right, Bones. It was quite a challenge. I mean, not only was Liz scared of everybody and of being close to people, no she was also pregnant and that with twins. Also, we had to be very careful because as soon as Liz was stressed her heart started to go crazy. And the biggest difficulty was that we never knew what would set her off. Sometimes she could feel these attacks coming and could start to prepare for it – you know with breathing exercises and stuff like that, but sometimes they hit her out of the blue. Those were some really, really hairy moments, let me tell you.”

”How did you come up with this training program for Liz? Can you tell us about it, Michael?” Sarah asked very interested. “Well, when I got home I went over all of my books and notes from all of my own schooling. Next I googled a lot and last but most importantly I went to my mentor and friend, Kazuki Ito. I needed his help for this, after all I wanted to help Liz, not make things worse, you know!”

Proudly Michael added, “by that time Kazuki had mostly withdrawn from teaching, he said he was getting too old for that. But as soon as he heard about Liz and the boys’ idea on how to help her, he was very impressed. In fact Kazuki said that deeds like that should be supported, that it was an honor to be a part of such an important action! Needless to say, from that moment on he was a part of our group too and has been teaching self-defence to victims of violence ever since.” “You know, Kazuki says that he has a double function besides being a teacher. One, he is old and looks quite frail and can still do the exercises, that encourages the older semesters to emulate him. Two, because he is old and frail-looking people trust him not to hurt them. He seems to be right because his classes are the biggest success imaginable!” Michael ended his explanation with proudly twinkling eyes.

Nathan waited until everybody was quiet before asking his next question. He knew it was a tough one for Michael, but it went beautifully with the theme of the evening of helping others. So, he looked Michael in the eye and asked him straight out, “my friend, I know before Kazuki became your mentor you had a very difficult time too. Can you please share your story with us?”

”Hmm, sure, I can do that, I guess that’s why I’m here, isn’t it?” Michael started to ramble uncertainly. He truly hated to talk about his childhood, but he knew it was important. Bones elbowed him and smirked, “hanging around with Maria much?” “Why would you say that?” Nathan inquired inquisitively. “Oh, you know, she’s the biggest rambler we know!” Bones laughed.

After Bones’ last remark all eyes turned expectantly back towards Michael. “Ok,” he began his tale very decisively, “em, I was a foundling, you know, somebody deposited me on some church steps. Anyway, they never found out where I was from, so I ended up in the foster care system. The first few years I was in a children’s home. When I was four this very nice couple took me into their home and family. The next few years were very good; my mom was a really great mom, you know, took real good care of me and loved me. When I was ten they decided to adopt me, but for some reason there were some difficulties for a while. Anyway, as it was, my mom got very sick and died that same year.”

Why was swallowing suddenly so difficult, and why was it so damn hot, Michael wondered? After taking some deep breaths and rubbing his left eyebrow he picked up his story, “Hank had a very hard time dealing with his wife’s death. He started to drink. Anyway, soon he lost his good job, then we lost the house, then he lost some more jobs. But he never stopped drinking. Well, what it came down to was, we ended up in the worst trailer park around. For some reason Hank was able to convince the social worker that every thing was just fine, that he was just having a bit of difficulties and he still was a loving father. Strangely enough I was never really asked about anything.” Michael paused for a moment, needing to think carefully what he wanted to tell and what not.

He decided to stick as closely to the truth as possible and added, “by the time I went to high school Hank was so bad that all he did was drink, all we had in the house was booze and almost no food. By that time he had also started to beat me up when ever he felt like it; he didn’t need any reason for that. Also, he kept telling me that I had no way out, that nobody wanted me, after all, didn’t even my parents just dump me?”

”Even in his drunken stupor he was smart enough to hit me only in placed that wouldn’t show. Anyway, if you hear that nobody wants you often enough you start to believe it. Also, the social worker never talked with me, I never understood that, you know, most of the time they came by the trailer when I was in school.”

”And then, because I was often hungry I started to steal food, later on other things too. I even started to steal Hank’s booze. I found out that that was a great way to forget every thing, you know, like hunger, pain after a beating, being not wanted, you know all that crap. I can tell you honestly, that I was on my way to become a second Hank.” “What happened, what changed for you?” Sarah wanted to know.

Smiling broadly, Michael informed, ”Kazuki Ito happened!” Every time he remembered the beginning of his friendship with his mentor Michael just had to smile. Proudly he continued, “there was this really mysterious old Japanese man in town. Nobody really knew anything about him, I mean he was nice but kept everybody at arms lengths. He had this small studio with an adjoining small health food store where he sold mostly Asian food and stuff. I figured one old man working in there; I could easily take him on if needed. Well, let me tell you, I got the surprise of my life!”

Here, Michael raised his voice and, looking towards the bistro, yelled, “didn’t I get the biggest surprise, Ito-san?” The spotlight swivelled towards the back, where a beaming elder Japanese man stood, waving and nodding at Michael. After a moment the spotlight dimmed and Michael continued, “Kazuki caught me with my hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. He was a lot faster and stronger than I had anticipated and had me pressed against the wall in no time at all. I was so shocked that I completely forgot to defend myself, well, not that it would’ve helped any!” “But you’re much taller than him!” Sarah exclaimed.

”This has nothing to do with size, more with martial arts, agility and of course the element of surprise.” Michael explained, “later Kazuki told me that he noticed immediately that I was much too skinny for my size and age and also he noticed the bruises that I tried to hide. That was the reason for his most generous offer. He gave me the choice between calling the cops and having me arrested or working for him. Of course I wasn’t stupid, I chose the second possibility. That was how I came in contact with martial arts. I cleaned his studio and his shop. He always made a point to take a break when I was there and then he’d share his meals with me. And then after I got to know him better he started to instruct me in self-defence.”

Nathan observed, “that must’ve been quite a change for you, work and food and somebody you could trust!” “You’re right, it was and it took me a while before I was able to trust him, but Kazuki is a very patient man. When I was sixteen he helped me to become an emancipated youth. After that he let me live in this little apartment he had in his house. And if you think that now I had the high life you couldn’t be more wrong. His stipulation was: I finish high school, and I finish it well. I had to attend all classes. Kazuki also started to teach me all the subjects he instructed, you know, meditation, Taekwondo and all that.” Suddenly Michael turned very serious and said, “you know, somewhere along the way we became each other’s family!”

”I can see where your past ties in nicely into this evening’s topic, Michael. I want to thank you for sharing your difficult memories with us!” Sarah, who had already heard Michael’s story before, still marvelled at how well he had turned out, he was a very well adjusted and generous young man. Smiling she stated, “I guess with your background you could understand Liz better than anyone else, you knew what she needed, how to help her.”

”To a certain extent you’re right Sarah, but I can tell you that without Kazuki’s help I wouldn’t have known anything. You know, when you get into situations like I was in, you loose yourself in them. It’s very difficult to come out of it without help, the right kind of help. Also, I should mention that it wasn’t just me helping Liz, no, she helped me too!”

Grinning again, Michael said, ”you know, meeting Liz has been the second best thing in my life…” “Second best?” Sarah asked curiously? “Yeah, second best, because through Liz I met the very best thing in my life,” he explained. The biggest grin imaginable spread across his face as he enlightened the eager listeners, “Maria DeLuca!” After a short commotion in the Bistro a female voice yelled, “Michael Guerin, why can you only say such nice things in public?” A very excited Maria DeLuca came running from the back heading straight towards Michael and into his arms…

Part 8a, Bones' POV next post...
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult,P7b,c+d, 02.22.08

Post by uw51 »

...and here it is, Part 8a...

08a, Bones’ POV
Ok, I guess it’s my turn now, isn’t it? You’ve already heard so much about how things started with Liz and us that I feel it’s best to start at my beginning. Oh, don’t worry, I won’t dwell on it for too long, because truly, there’s nothing much to tell. So, I’ll just give you the highlights or the lowlights, depending on the occasion.

You already know my name is Bones, well, that’s the name I go by. My official name is only for official occasions and since this isn’t one we’ll just stick with Bones.

You know, Liz and I had two things in common while growing up. We both are only children and we both have very wealthy parents, but that’s as far as our similarities go. Whereas Liz’s parents are crooks, you know, on the shady side of the law, my parents are as straight-laced as they come. Actually, my mom comes from a long line of English aristocrats; that might explain things for you a bit.

I have two older sisters, much much older sisters. My oldest sister is fifteen years older and the other one is twelve years older. My parents had already given up all hope for a son and heir. By the time I came along, my parents were getting on in years, my mom was forty-six and my dad sixty-three.

They were very loving parents, overprotective and spoiled me rotten; in fact everybody around me was that way. Oh, I just realised something, Liz and I had three things in common in our childhood. I was home schooled too, at least until I was old enough to go to high school in an all boys boarding school, for privileged kids of course. I guess that was the reason why I never realised that I was different from the majority of people. Well, all the girls that I met were upper class too. So, you can see I was living a very privileged life.

Since I’m quite smart I finished college a bit early and started my wonderful life as an adult. Of course I had a very good job in our family firm. We produce important stuff like make up and everything needed for personal beauty. Three things define our products, they're all 100% organic, they're all very good, and they're all very, very expensive. We actually sell them all over the world.

Anyway, I digress; in no time at all I was a vice-president, along with my sisters and brother-in-law, and some cousins. Of course with my important job I had to socialise and soon I was firmly entrenched in the high-life. Not long after I found myself a beautiful girl and when she got pregnant 7 months later we married, of course I never considered doing anything else. I loved her; I really loved her with all that I had in me.

Well, I’m just going to cut the story to the important part, meaning the part that really changed me. I thought we were very happy together. One day I had to learn differently. I came home from a business trip and found my wife in bed with my best friend. I kicked them both out of the house and of my life. I wanted to have sole custody of our son who by that time was already six. Well, hell, imagine my shock when suddenly my almost-ex informed me the my son wasn’t my son, no he was my ex-best friend’s.

Apparently when those two met my friend had already been married to some very riche lady. He didn’t want to loose his comfortable life and she liked money too much to risk his. Together they came up with this wonderful plan involving me and the rest is history. I guess it was some consolation for me that the cheated wife found out what happened and sent him packing too. After that, all our friends turned their backs on them and they fell as deeply as they could fall.

My son, I still consider him that, plays still a big part in my life. I see him for holidays and often for weekends too. I made sure he had everything he needed, especially since his real father disappeared and refused to take care of the little one. But you don’t have to worry about me; my ex couldn’t take any financial advantage of me. She had to report every dime she spent on the boy and I had people checking up on her, you know making sure that everything was above board.

And then, one day she found another poor guy to fool and deposited our fourteen year old son with her parents who are very nice people. They lived all their lives in Roswell and soon I decided to move into this town too. By now, my son can come and go just as he pleases, but he has to let us know where he will be staying. He is a sweet boy – but don’t tell him I called him that, he might feel insulted, you know, frail male ego and all that. He always tries to divide his time between his homes ‘fairly’ – that’s what he calls it. The grandparents and I always go to all the school functions together, just as we celebrate all the holidays together too. I’m glad to report that I never have to see my two exes’ and I most definitely don’t miss them. Good riddance, yeah!

Anyway, this time I really digressed, didn’t I? Maybe you can imagine just how ill equipped I was to handle such a betrayal. To make things worse, I seemed stuck on that mould of girlfriends.

So, one day I decided to cut my losses and change my life completely. I sold my part of the family business, bought a big heavy duty Harley Davidson, drove up to Roswell to see my son and his grandparents, had a good talk with them, explained how I needed to get away for a bit and at the same time asked them to find me a nice house in a nice neighbourhood, nothing fancy, just nice and comfortable.

I cruised through the country for a few months and made quite a few new friends in the biker scene. After one night of having a real blast – drinks more likely – I came to the next day and found both my forearms tattooed. At first I thought they were stickers, but as my head cleared up, I could feel that they were real. At first I was really shocked, because until then I had been really straight-laced too, you know, always dressed in Armani suits with ties to match. Even for this trip on my Harley I wore a ‘correct’ biker outfit from the finest. After I got used to those tattoos I started to like them - you might’ve guessed by now I’m a real tattoo junky. To fit in better into our group I also started to dress more comfortably and soon after that I looked like my new friends and I really liked it too. What a change, eh?

Let me tell you, the first time I came back to Roswell, my son and his grandparents didn’t recognise me at all. Grandma actually threatened to call the cops. Now they all like it. My son says that as soon as he turns eighteen he wants some tattoos too. For their fortieth wedding anniversary the grandparent gifted each other with one too, you know a heart with the others name in it. Isn’t that sweet, corny but sweet?

After my travels I settled in Roswell and my biker friends stayed with me a lot. I held myself aloof, didn’t feel like I needed anybody new in my life, my son, the grandparents and my friends were enough. What did I need a woman in my life for, anyway? If I ever felt a certain itch I knew where to go to have it scratched. I felt safe in my little world; nothing could upset me ever again. Until Liz…
When Liz came along she turned my whole life upside-down, oh, not immediately, but you know, the changes were just creeping up on me, real subtle.

Well, you all have already heard about our first meeting and the deal we made. Let me tell you, what happened to Liz angered me much more than what my ex did to me. I mean I was already a grown man and if I hadn’t been so gullible I would’ve seen the signs a lot sooner. But Liz, well she didn’t have a chance in hell to defend herself against her parents and against her tormentors. I could literally feel how my anger started to boil within me.

I remember soon after Liz moved in with the Parkers – well those are good people, good neighbours – her friends from Albuquerque came by for a visit. At one point when Liz was resting, they were in the diner in the booth right behind me, talking about their plans to take down those bastards.

I was just shocked, well, in a pleasant kind of way shocked, to hear of the people that were involved in bringing down the bad guys. First of course were those two, Alex and Kyle, the jock and the nerd, an unlikely combination if there ever was one. Then there were sheriff Valenti and the two professors Giulia Grossi and Pete Donovan. After that I thought nothing could surprise me anymore, but I was wrong; they started to talk about Frank McCoy and Jose Ramirez, our resident big honchos. Fuck, was I glad to hear all that, those bastards didn’t have a chance in hell! They were all going down and I wanted to be a part of it.

Well, Kyle and Alex were quite surprised to suddenly have me sitting with them in their booth, but after I had introduced myself and offered help, they were cool. You know what I was asked to do? Listen up; I was their spy in the more unsavoury places, like in those bars where you can find certain entertainment. A few of my biker friends signed up for spy duty too. Let me tell you, we were good, fuck, were we good! Shit, I should stop using that F-word, shouldn’t I? We all make the effort to talk properly because of the little ones, but sometimes I plain forget. So, you just didn’t hear me say it, ok?

You remember what I said a bit earlier about Liz creeping into my life, don’t you? My first involvement was that I started to find out everything I could about how to behave around victims of violence. Next I offered help to the Parkers, you know, since we live right next to each other we hear a lot. In the mornings after Liz had a bad night – more correctly would be a worse night than usual – I could see just how tired Jeff was, and suddenly I found myself offering to deliver stuff for him or help in his office, you know stuff like that. I figured that way Jeff could get some shuteye when things were calmer with Liz. About my next offer you already heard, you know, the one I made Kyle and Alex. Once I even found myself carrying Mama Dee’s shopping home, let me tell you, that shocked the hell out of me, it really did.

I decided that the time had come and I needed to sit down with myself and have a good talk, I mean, where was the aloof Bones? The ‘keep everybody at arms-lengths’ Bones? I ask you? I was freaking out, big time. I wasn’t ready for all this fu... well I wasn’t ready! Of course I asked myself why had I so easily fallen into the ‘helping trap’? That was the moment I realised it and I’m sure now you want to know what, eh? I realised that to help wasn’t just good for the ones I help; no it was just as good for me. It made feel appreciated, like I belonged somewhere, good and alive. So, I had another question for myself, what was bad about feeling all the above? You’re right, nothing.

With soaring spirits I decided, in for a penny, in for a pound, and I threw myself wholeheartedly into the helping fray! It’s the most amazing thing, really! Now I meet the most incredible people and I learn new things on a daily basis. You know only because of that little talk I had with myself was I ready to approach Liz that day under the tree in their backyard.
After Liz and I started our tentative friendship it grew steadily and soon I was the one to escort her to the big city. That place just scared her, I mean her only time she had walked the streets of that place alone was just after she had been raped and then kicked out of her home by her parents. So, yes, she had rather bad memories of this place and she felt better with a big burly man at her side.

So, one day Liz had to go to a social worker in Albuquerque to finish some unfinished business – no I won’t tell you why, that’s private – but as we sat there in the waiting room, reading outdated magazines, we could hear a commotion going on behind the closed door. They were late and we started to listen trying to find out if we could hear what the heck was going on. Suddenly the door opened and Liz’s social worker came out – I can’t tell you her name, she still works there and is one of the people there who works with us!

Anyway, a young woman with three little kids accompanied her. They were all crying and very upset. The woman with no name said to the younger one that she and her kids could wait in a more private room until everything with the woman’s shelter was settled. The young woman just cried harder and said that that wouldn’t help at all, because just like the last time her husband would find her and then things would get worse than ever. The two ladies talked back and forth and the younger one just got more and more upset.

Suddenly Liz turned to me an informed me that I had to help. Huh? What? How? No, not me! But nothing I said convinced her. In the end she lost her patience with me and informed me that I had nothing else to do than to let that poor lady use two of the unused rooms in my house. In fact, Liz stated very convincingly that the poor lady would be more of a help to me than I to her! How so, I asked? “She can take care of your house, it’s a real pigsty anyway and needs a caretaker” Liz whispered.

Well, I have to say that in a very strange and disturbing way this made sense, even to me. The moment I started to cave, Liz was on her feet and headed straight for that overemotional group by the door. She informed them that she had the perfect solution for this young family and that her husband wouldn’t ever be able to find them. And if by any chance he should find them, Liz said with absolute conviction, “then Bones will take care of him!” and pointed her finger my way.

After the initial shock had passed everybody started to talk at once. The end of it was, I now have a young family living with me. My house now is also my home, a very cosy home. My much valued peace and quiet has been shot to hell and I love every minute of it.

I think I should tell you that by now Rosa and I are an item, yeah, you heard right, we’re together, have been for three years, six month and 10 days, but who is counting, eh? Her husband has been taught some manners and he is behaving quite well by now. The kids still have the occasional nightmare, but otherwise they seem to be quite happy with the new arrangement.

Rosa said that she wants to tell you about it herself but since she is quite shy she only wants to sit in the bistro with the kids and - hold on to your seats folks - her ex-husband…


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P8+8a, 03.07.08

Post by uw51 »

Hi, here are the next instalments.

…but first many thanks to my Feedbacker, I appreciate your thoughts and bumps very much!
pandas <> You’re right, under all his tattoos and bad boy image Bones is a very nice guy. This just shows you can’t really judge by the outside of a person, can you? :wink:

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink:

The first POV is Rosa’s, the second Michaels. I hope you enjoy this Michael as much as I do!

Take care and enjoy…

08b, Rosa, Joe and kids POV
I know that my fiancé Bones – ah, I can see you’re surprised, it’s true though – but anyway, my fiancé Bones already mentioned me, so at least you know why I’m here with the Bistro crowd. He actually wanted me to go on stage with him and our friend Michael, but I just couldn’t do that. I mean that would’ve been just too awkward, don’t you agree, I mean I really wouldn’t know what to say in front of all these people! Just the thought of everybody staring at me gives me Goosebumps.

You know, who ever thought of having this little bistro on stage had an absolutely brilliant idea, because we’re quite a few people sitting here to support Liz and our little circle of helping friends, but we’re too shy to sit upfront. Now of course we’re all hoping that our hosts will pass us when they come to the back to do some small talk, but if they pick me I know that it won’t be as bad as sitting on those couches.

Oh, oh, that just reminds me of my fiancé Bones – I just love to call him that - you should’ve seen him this morning. You know he’s the calmest person I know, nothing ruffles his feathers, and he was doing real great, no worries, and no stage fright until it hit him full force about three hours ago. Poor baby was quietly going out of his mind. I know you wouldn’t think that because he was so calm just now on stage, but he was quaking in his shoes. He even started to wonder if getting drunk would be his salvation but I was able to talk him out of it. I’ve never seen him like that, really not ever!

Now, I guess I should tell you a bit of where I come from, otherwise you’ll never understand how my marriage could escalate as badly as my fiancé mentioned, right. OK, I was born and raised in a poor neighbourhood in Albuquerque. We were five kids, two boys’ three girls and I am the oldest one of all. My dad was a drunk good-for-nothing that spent most of the money my mom earned cleaning on booze and whores. For as long as I can remember I had to help taking care of my younger siblings and the apartment.

My dad wasn’t just a drunk; no he was a vicious and choleric drunk who liked to use his fists instead of talk. Actually he used his fists only on the females of our family and my brothers soon started to copy him. So, maybe be now you can see that since I grew up with abuse I was quite used to it, I mean I didn’t know any better.

Then I met Joe, my ex-husband, who came from a very similar background. He was born and raised in a poor Detroit suburb, except his mom died when he was a teen and from then on his younger sister had to take care of everybody.

Anyway, when we met, Joe was a very nice and gentle guy and he hardly drank any alcohol. Even the first years of our marriage were good, but then he lost his job and we had two little ones to take care of and that was when the trouble began. He became like his father, like my father, an abusive drunk and I quickly fell back into my old pattern of being an abused and scared victim. I’m glad to say that Joe never touched the kids in anger, only me, but that was enough. Especially when I had to be hospitalized, three times actually.

After it happened the first time, my husband visited me in the hospital. He promised to never abuse me again, but he couldn’t keep his promise. The second time I had to be hospitalized I was in a very bad condition and the social workers became involved. Since I was too scared to really go against Joe and talk with the authorities nothing changed. After the third time, when I was finally desperate enough to ask for help for my children and me they brought us to a women’s shelter. We also had him arrested but he came free in no time at all and he found us after two weeks and everything became worse than ever.

You know, I had been in Roswell for a few month already before we – using our groups resources – found out just why my ex-husband always seemed to get away unpunished. Actually, Jim Valenti was the one who found out why, because he was working for the Albuquerque cops as an informant in the drug scene. I only told you because I know you won’t spread this bit of information, it would be too dangerous for him. I might as well tell you now that my ex really changed, did a complete turn about and he quit working as an informant. He actually became a role model father and goes regularly in for therapy. ‘Anger management’ it’s called and it’s working wonderfully.

In fact, that’s the next thing I was going to tell you. After we moved to Roswell things really changed for the better for my kids and me. It was really strange, in the beginning I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it didn’t. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself, you still don’t know how we came to Roswell after Liz made that very unexpected offer, don’t you?

After Liz offered Bones’ house and their help, my social worker asked me not tell her what I was going to do, this way, if she was ever asked, she could honestly answer that I didn’t tell her anything. With her next breath she assured me that Liz and Bones were good and trustworthy people. She even said if she had a friend in trouble she’d recommend this solution. Next she told Liz where the ladies room was and a minute or so later she sent me there too.

In the ladies room Liz and I planned on how to meet inconspicuously. We met at a certain store where the children and I entered through the front door and then met Liz and Bones at the back. Needles to say that our escape went without a hitch and we arrived at Bones’ house in no time at all – well almost no time at all!

Once there, this whole crazy neighbourhood started to show up, the women brought food and clothes, the men helped to set up our rooms. Really, I was in deep shock, I never knew that people were like that. I’d only seen it on TV so far and I was convinced that those were fairytale movies. We also met Mama Dee on our first day. It seemed that she was the one telling the others what to do. She was almost scary in her enthusiasm to help, but everything worked out just fine. Let me tell you, if ever you need to get something done, something like moving or so, you’d do well to ask Mama Dee for help. Really, this is no joke, she just loves to tell others what to do, in fact I’d say that’s when she’s at her best!

Anyway, after a few weeks the kids and I started to feel better, to heal. As soon as we were settled in Bones’ beautiful house, he introduced us to Michael Guerin and since I’m a smart woman I enrolled the three of us in one of his self-defence classes immediately. Let me tell you from my very own experience that there’s nothing better to boost a lady’s sense of worth and self-assurance than knowing how to kick ass, really nothing!

The first few days Bones showed us around town and introduced us to everybody we needed to know. We changed our names and enrolled the kids in school. See just how busy we were? After that our lives settled even more into normalcy.

You know, taking care of Bones’ house wasn’t all that much work. So, one day after he had been on my case of starting to take steps to better my situation again I went to the college and got info on all the classes they offered. I have to admit, even tough we only knew each other a short time, Bones was right with his assessment of me when he said, “Rosa, you’re much too smart and independent to be a stay-at-home mom. Why don’t you use this chance and learn something that you like to do and that can help you support your family?”

Of course - me being me - I thought he wanted to get rid of us and I must’ve shown it because Bones added, “Rosa, haven’t I told you that you can stay here as long as you feel like it?” After I nodded my agreement he continued, “I just think that you would feel better if you’re not dependent on anybody else. I know I pay you a salary for your work here, but I don’t think you want to be a housekeeper for the rest of life, do you? So, since my house isn’t all that big and the kids are in school during the day you would have enough time to go to college, what do you say?” Well, all can I say is that Bones really convinced me. Since I have always loved numbers I decided to become an accountant. I mean, just think about it, accountants are always needed and I could even start a small office at home. I thought that would be the perfect solution.

I guess, now I can tell you it was the perfect solution. I have a few clients, some let me do the work at home, others need me to go their offices. Also I do all the bookkeeping for Liz’s organisation, make sure everything is correct. This is my way of saying thank you for all the help.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you of my next meeting with Joe and the big surprise I had waiting for him. He came by the house when Bones wasn’t there and the kids were at school. Real courageous, if you ask me. In any case, in his usual fashion he started to yell and toss around his weight, trying to scare me. Firmly, I stood up to him, refused to let him intimidate me. This angered him all the more; he yelled that I had picked up some bad habits and that it was high time that I was put in my place again. I yelled back ‘just try it, you bastard’.

Ohh ohh ohh, I can tell you, I did Michael proud that day, really I did! Before Joe could touch me I had him on the floor – thoroughly shocked - holding his family jewels! Right that moment Bones came home and he applauded very enthusiastically. Once Joe was able to get up off the floor, I informed him of the new rules; let me tell you he made sure to keep a safe distance between us. By now, Joe was in a foul temper, swearing and throwing out threats like there was no tomorrow. Also, he wasn’t too pleased with our suggestions at all!

The turning point was the moment when our kids came home from school. They were happily laughing and joking around, calling for Bones and me. The moment they saw Joe their laughter stopped and they hid behind the table. Joe asked them if they didn’t come to greet him. They refused and asked him if he had come to hurt their mom again. We could really see just how much this question shocked him. Joe dropped into the nearest chair and started to cry. Once he had calmed down enough to talk rationally he said that he would change. I asked him why I should believe him, what had changed?

Joe waited with his answer; I could see how he was searching for the right words. Finally he said, “I’ve never seen you, Terry and Ronny this happy and carefree. In my drunken stupor I never realised what I did to my family.” After a short break down he continued, “I know you can’t trust me now, but I have seen the error of my ways and I’m going to change. I’m not going to ask your forgiveness, but I want you to know that I’m very sorry about everything.” Next he added, “I’m going to quit my job then I go into rehab and I’ll have to find new directions for my life.”

Joe looked at all of us very sincerely and then he walked toward the front door. There he turned around to face us one last time and sadly informed me, “I think it’s best if we get a divorce, I’ve hurt this family more than enough. I’ll start the proceedings right away.” My head was reeling by now; I thought I was dreaming. I was still trying to understand what had happened when Joe asked, “can I call to see how you all are doing? You know, just from time to time? And later, maybe you know, when I’m out of rehab, I mean, can I maybe see our children? Of course not alone, but could I?” I promised him that if he really did all this, stopped drinking, got away from his cronies and all that, then yes, I would let him be a part of the family again. After looking at all of us he nodded and said to Bones, “take care of them, you’re doing a better job than I ever have!” and with that he left.

Needless to say – since you know that he is with us in the bistro – Joe kept his word and now he too lives in Roswell, not in our neighbourhood but not too far away. He found a job, sees the kids on a regular basis, goes to counselling and goes to schools to talk with the kids about drugs and alcohol and all that. Isn’t that just amazing? A few years ago my family was in the worst place ever and now, just look at us, you wouldn’t recognise us anymore, we’re happy…

Next post Michael's POV, enjoy...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P8+8a, 03.07.08

Post by uw51 »

...and here it is!!!

08c, Michael’s POV
Since you don’t know me I better tell you now that I’m not one of those talkative guys, I’m a man of few words. If you don’t believe me ask my girlfriend Maria, she’ll tell you that I’d rather just grunt my answers than express myself in full sentences! Every time we have that discussion I say, ‘why should I bother to talk more if you talk enough for the two of us’? Let me tell you, she doesn’t like to hear that one, not at all!

Anyway, as it is I decided that for Liz and our cause I can make an exception to the rule and try to be a bit more eloquent, so here we go!

I already talked about my childhood and just wanted to add that the time when my mom was alive was a very happy one. In those days Hank was good too, he just couldn’t handle her death. That didn’t give him the right to treat me so shitty. I mean, I had no way to defend myself and I lost my ability to trust very fast. I mean, he was supposed to be my dad, he and his wife decided that together, I had nothing to do with that decision at all, I wasn’t asked until they had decided to me into their family.

Maybe you can understand my reluctance to talk about my childhood. I mean, you know, it really is very, em you know, em anyway I think I better tell you about my youth, that was the time when things started to happen. I already mentioned in the interview how my situation with Hank Guerin was; it was shitty, plain and simple shitty!

When I was fourteen years old it started to get even worse, with Hank I mean. He only sobered up enough when the social worker came by, but the minute he left, Hank was hanging on his bottle before you could even blink an eye. Of course, the more he drank, the more he beat me up. There were times where I felt like I was his very own punch bag and it hurt like the devil.

All the physical and the verbal abuse didn’t really do much for my disposition and the constant hunger only enforced my rebellious nature. As I said, I started to help myself to Hank’s booze and to steal food wherever I could. It didn’t take me long to become a real pro at it. In school I was the biggest looser you could think of and a big problem for the teachers. Of course I started to pass on Hank’s treatment of me to my peers. I relieved them of snacks or other little things. I think it was a matter of pride that my victims never informed the principle of my doings, after all, who’d want to admit to loosing to a looser, huh?

Well ‘nuff said about all that, that’s tempi passati and all that shit, isn’t it? On to the important stuff, don’t you agree? When I was fifteen and my hunger was driving me nuts I remembered that strange studio with the adjourning Asian deli shop. So far I’d only ever heard about that kind of food and now I figured the time had come to try it out myself. I wanted to see what the others were raving about.

Before that memorable day I had already spied out the premises, I mean I may have been a looser in school but I knew how to make sure I knew what to expect from the places that I wanted to visit when hunger was rearing its ugly head. Well, this was no different. The deli had a front door, a back door and one that lead into the studio. The only person I ever saw in there was an old frail looking man. Ideal for a little shop-lifting, right?

Anyway, one day, when my hunger pangs were driving me crazy I decided that this would be the day when I would visit the old man and relieve him of some delicacies. I figured that if I was helping myself to some food I might as well try some new stuff, right? As I approached the shop I remembered where the things were that I was interested in and planned the fastest way in and out. Of course I had already been in there to have a look around, memorising where things were, I wasn’t stupid, you know! I also figured that if I scared the old dude enough he might be too frightened to go the cops and if that was the case, I might come back in an emergency. Thus prepared I entered the shop, looked around a bit and inconspicuously observed the old coot. When I felt safe I helped myself to some smoked fish, some rice chips and some other things. Most of the stuff I had no idea what it really was, you know, with the strange names and some of them had only Japanese writing on it.

While I was busy helping myself to some food – stuffing it in my big shirt - I always kept an eye on the old man, you know, very inconspicuously. He just kept busy, doing whatever he was doing and I felt justified in my actions. After all, he wasn’t even watching his store, I mean, really, if you work in a store you have to watch the clientele, otherwise it’s their own fault if things go missing, right?

After a few minutes I decided enough was enough and when the coast was relatively clear – meaning the old man was turning his back towards me - I walked towards the exit. When he turned around I just waved and let him know that I hadn’t found anything.

Now let me give you a very important piece of advice, when you’re faced with an old Japanese man, don’t ever blink your eyes. You ask me why? Quite simple, because if he is into martial arts, he can move so fast, you wouldn’t believe it. This old Japanese guy moved faster than I could blink an eye. Before I knew what had happened he stood in front of me and asked me ‘won’t you pay for the items you took?” Playing dumb I asked, “what things are you talking about, old man?” “The ones under your shirt!” “Under my shirt? Why would I have stuff under my shirt?” He just looked at me, in fact he stared me down – and that was real strange because I was at least one head taller. I started to feel damn uncomfortable, let me tell you. I realised that now was the time for me to make a run for it and I pushed him aside. Well, I thought I did, but to my everlasting shock I was not the pusher, no I was the one being pushed! One of us went down, but not the one I expected! He had me in this weird grip that made it impossible for me to move. My next realisation was that the little man was also incredibly strong, I mean really incredibly strong.

While he held me pressed down on the floor, the old man observed me closely. Later he told me that that had been the moment when he realised that I was much too skinny for my size and age. Then, after taking a closer look at me he felt sure that I still had some redeeming qualities and he made me his most generous offer. Quietly he asked me in his very strongly accented English, “young man, what you did was not good. I think you need to be punished. I will let you chose if I shall call the police or if you will work for me?”

Work for him? Was that guy even real? Here I was stealing his stuff and he offers me a job? This sounded too good to be true and I wanted to know why, “old man, are you crazy? Why would you have me working for you? I mean you caught me stealing? Is this some kind of trick?” “No, no trick, you work for me, I pay you money!” he answered.

”What kind of stuff do I have to do? Is it even legal?” he smiled at my question and asked an other one, “why are you suddenly concerned with legalities?” “Hmpf!” I huffed angrily, and to make my point clear I did it again, “hmpf, hmpf!” The old man looked at me for a moment and than stated, “ok, you work for me. You can start right now. You can clean the shop and the studio, I’m getting too old and tired for that!” Right that moment my stomach growled loudly, louder than ever before. He let me get up and said, “ok, young man, I think we sit down, eat first and then we talk about your work!” and with that he led me towards the back of the store. He motioned for me to sit down and I did. I was still in shock I can tell you!

You know, he kept his word. He fed me and then he introduced himself as Kazuki Ito and asked me for mine. He offered me some green tea and the best sushi ever. Well, to be honest I have to tell you that I had never had sushi before, but I couldn’t imagine eating anything better than that. Once we were done with our little repast he introduced me to my work and showed me around the premises.

Of course it didn’t take Hank long to find my meagre savings. He was so furious you wouldn’t believe it. He gave me one of his better beatings and this time a very visible black eye too. The next day I had to work and Kazumi observed me for a while, after that he wanted some answers. I was so ashamed and hurt that I completely lost it and broke down. Everything came poring out of me- the beatings, the hunger, his and my drinking -, I just couldn’t stop myself. He just listened and let me have a good cry.

After hearing my story Kazumi offered me a small room in the back of his studio to come to anytime I felt the need for some space. I could leave my money there too and everything else I wanted. He also offered to talk to Hank, but I declined. Kazumi then showed me some moves to defend myself, if ever the need arose again. With those moves I was able to prevent the real bad beatings, but I was too afraid to really defend myself. I mean, what if I hurt Hank? What would happen to me? I mean, so far the social workers hadn’t been really interested in my welfare. Even I realised that, you know, when just looking at the dirty and messy old trailer made it very obvious that this was no place for a kid to grow up in. And Hank, he was no better than the trailer!

Unbeknownst to me, Kazumi started to make some inquiries into getting me away from Hank and the trailer park. A few weeks later Kazumi informed me of the possibility of getting myself emancipated with his help. He offered me a small one-room apartment in his house, steady work and his complete support, but I had to promise to finish high school and finish it well. It was very important to him that I made myself a good life. I also had to promise to come to him if I ever needed any kind of help or advice.

By now I knew him well enough to believe him, to know that he had no ulterior motives, that his offer was sincere. As I said before, I’m not stupid, I recognise a good deal when I see one and I pounced on it immediately. In no time at all Hank was out of my life and pretty soon I had settled into my new lifestyle.

After the initial shock my teachers did everything they could to help me through high school. Actually that was another one of Kazumi’s stipulations, that I had to go and talk to the principal and then to the teachers. I had to explain everything to them, you know, about my emancipation and now my new living arrangements and all that. Once they realised that I was very serious about bettering myself – and by that time I also wanted Kazumi to be proud of me – they really jumped on my bandwagon and supported me. Of course I didn’t end up as a valedictorian, but I finished high school with grades that made me very proud indeed. Kazumi came to my graduation and was beaming like a proud father.

After that I went to our local college even though I had received some scholarships from some quite prestigious schools in the country. I didn’t feel ready to leave Kazumi; after all he had been my lifesaver, my security blanket. So I went to the Roswell College, took some classes in cooking and in business. You ask why cooking? Well, my mentor was the best cook ever, a real master, especially in Asian cooking. He taught me many of his specialities and I discovered that I had a talent for it. Well, for cooking, any kind of cooking, and it soon was quite a passionately about it. Hence the cooking classes.

Already in high school I started to learn martial arts and I just loved it. You know, you really have to work your body, but not just your body, no, the mental part is just as important. I became a real martial arts freak and in my free time you could find me either cooking or doing exercises in Karate and Jujutsu. Taekwondo and Kendo I learned later on. It surely had its merits, you know, living under the same roof as one of the best teachers in these arts, and as I said, I’m not stupid! Soon I was able to take part in contests and that was when I realised that I was very ambitious, I didn’t like to loose. That spurred me on to new hights. As soon as I was good enough I began to support Kazumi in his business.

About two years before Liz showed up I went to Japan, to some of Kazumi’s friends. I stayed there for one year and learned as much as I could. Once back from Asia I settled back into our little business quite easily and made Kazumi proud. Well, ‘nuff said about all that, now I want to tell you how I met Liz and everything this meeting brought along.
Well, you know, it all started the day Sean and his friends came by my studio and asked me for my help. They explained Liz’ situation and why they thought it might help her to know how to defend herself. To be honest I had never done anything like this and I told them so. But since I was impressed with these boys I told them to wait a bit and I went into my office to check out on some documents I had. Kazumi and I had already looked into offering workshops for people who had been victimised, but so far we had only been brainstorming about it.

While I was looking up on things, I had Sean call his mom and inform her of my imminent arrival. I didn’t think it would be good for Liz to meet me without a woman around. While I checked through our notes, I realised that we already had quite a lot of information to work with. I picked out some very easy exercises and copied a few newspaper clippings for Liz. I felt it was important to give her as much info as possible, after all, the more she knew the better she would be able to come to a decision, right?

When I suddenly remembered that Sean had mentioned Liz’s pregnancy I also remembered the very simple but very effective trick with the key rings. Luckily we had just started to sell all kinds of knickknacks - like pens and key rings and so on. Of course as a true Roswellian enterprise we carried quite a big selection - some with aliens - and all with our logo on it! I grabbed a few and joined the boys.

Together we drove to the Parkers and upon arriving I realised that I had already been to their diner a few times; usually with guests that weren’t from around here. Let me tell you, they absolutely love it, it’s a fun place to be and the food is quite good too.”

You know, the first time I saw Liz I was really shocked. She was very small, even frail and looked extremely young. If Sean hadn’t told me that she was fifteen years old I would’ve guessed her to be twelve, thirteen tops. All I could see was her small but noticeable baby bump and her big sad eyes.
At first our lessons were really very bumpy; I never knew what to expect. Luckily for all of us, Mama Dee decided to become a regular member. She managed to loosen us up when things started to become too serious or when Liz started to freak out.

Since Rosa lived in the next house with Bones she saw what we were doing and asked if she could join our group. Mama Dee said, ‘the more the merrier!’ Suddenly we had three new members because Rosa’s boys came to watch us. One day I overheard the two boys wondering if they should ask to join us or if they were too young. As I listened I suddenly realised that these two kids too were victims, they hadn’t been beaten, but they were witnesses to their mom being abused on a regular basis. They thought that if they could come to these workouts they might be able to protect their mom the next time their father found them.

This brought back memories that I had tried to forget. I knew first hand how it was to feel so helpless. I approached them and asked them if they wanted to join my classes, that they could learn a lot of cool things. They looked at me really strangely – I could see the wheels turning, wondering why I would offer something like that. I just grinned at them and said, ‘oh, I just thought since you’re here, sitting on your lazy asses, you might as well work out with us’. Apparently I said the right thing because the next time they joined us. Let me tell you, by now those two almost pro’s. They’ve been to many contests and have come out victoriously. They really make me proud.
I could always feel how Liz observed me, watched me. She wasn’t sure what to think of me. So, one day I made it a point to talk with her privately, well, almost privately, Nancy was there with us. I told her of my childhood, how I had been in a children’s home first, and then how I came into this foster family who wanted to adopt me. I told her how happy those times had been, how much I had loved my mom. Then I told Liz of my mom’s death and Hank consequently loosing it, giving into alcohol. I found it very hard to tell her about all the abuse I had received at Hank’s hands because I could see Liz’s reaction. She was very sympathetic and wanted to know how I survived. We talked about all of it for quite a while and in the end she hugged me with one of her very rare hugs. And that was the beginning of a very dear friendship.

You know, the amazing thing about Liz is, even though she grew up without the usual interactions kids have, you know, playgroup, school, friends and best friends, she manages to instill feelings of friendships and familiarity in almost everybody she meets. From all accounts I heard she made many friends while she was in college. Obviously there are Alex and Kyle and the professors, but then there are a few more that started to come by regularly as soon as they knew where Liz was. Then we have Amy and Jim Valenti and last but most definitely not least Maria.

Maria, now there’s one hot chick, I tell you! And then that temper; that guarantees a lot of make up sex. You know, sometimes I push her buttons just to see her reactions! Anyway, em, don’t tell her that, ok?

Actually I wanted to tell you how I met Maria for the first time. I have to say that I had been very curious to see this girl that they all talked about. They said that she was very loyal and courageous, willing to help those in need, especially if they couldn’t fend for themselves. From all accounts she also was a very temperamental girl and a quick thinker. First I had a hard time believing all that, I mean, really, it just sounded too good to be true. Then I met Amy – her mom – and I knew that it was feasible that Maria was all these things because, with a mother like that, everything was possible.

Anyway, apparently Maria had heard quite bit about me, you know, from Liz, the boys, Nancy you name it. Since at the time they were understaffed at the hospital in Albuquerque, she was very busy and couldn’t visit Liz. But one day she finally could and that was the day I saw her for the first time – well, I heard her before I saw her. Well, let me tell you something, I fell so fast and so deep, I didn’t know what had happened. She really got to me, wham, bam and that was it!

It was on a Saturday morning and I had planned on sleeping in. I’m really sorry to say that these days I can’t sleep in very often because we are very busy with our classes and workshops. There is a big demand for them and we offer weekend seminars, sometimes on special demand even week long ones. So, you see, I was really looking forward to my relaxing Saturday morning. I had even told everybody in our group not contact me before noon unless it was a dire emergency.

So, on said Saturday morning I woke up to a lot of noise coming from my front door. There was some serious banging and after a while even some yelling. When I finally opened the door to see who had the gall to make such ruckus, somebody just pushed me aside and walked right into my living room. Well, I felt really quite stupid; after all I’m supposed to be this top-notch martial-arts guru. That’s not what I call myself, but I’ve seen it in a newspaper clipping or two.

As I walked after that person I realised that it was a woman, a very agitated woman. She was rambling and throwing her arms around like there was no tomorrow! Deciding that I had to be really awake for that one, I excused myself and went to have a quick cold shower. I really hated that but it did the trick. I came back all smiles and charming but that didn't impress her at all.

Turns out Maria came by to grill me and to spew a few threats, and I was convinced that she meant every one of those threats very seriously. She wanted answers to questions like, ‘what are you doing with Liz?’ ‘Are you going to stick around or just up and leave when the novelty wears off?’ ‘Are you really teaching her?’ and the one I liked best was ‘do you even know what you’re doing?’ The threats came right after she had inhaled, ‘if you hurt my girl I’ll find you and make your life miserable’ or ‘you’ll wish you’d never met me!’ or ‘you’ll never have a good night’s sleep ever again because I’m going to be your biggest nightmare!” Here I almost said ‘bring it on, babe!’ because she was so sexy, you know, all fired up and all that!

Anyway, as I said before, I’m not stupid and I recognise a good thing when I see it. So I decided to just let her vent, you know, let her get rid of her aggressions. Once she calmed down we sat down and had us a good old-fashioned talk. And even knowing that she had heard about Sean and his friends seeking me out, I explained my side of it. You know, why I decided to help Liz. This really did the trick because Maria asked me if she could come along on our next class and see first hand what we were doing. I upped her request by offering her free tuition. And that was that, from then on we were an item, so to speak. By now she can kick ass almost as good as Liz, so better behave when she’s near, or else…
As you can see our little group keeps on growing, we never know where the future members come from. I can guaranty you a few more surprises, people you’d never expect will come by, you just wait and see...

By the time Max made an appearance, Liz was doing real well. Of course she still had the occasional nightmares and freak-outs, but most of the time she was real cool. She kept very busy with the kids, the college, our cause and from time to time she’d even work in the CrashDown for old times’ sake.

I know that Isabelle is going to tell you all about the big showdown in the diner, so I won’t gab on about it. But Liz meeting Max again, well, that most definitely is gab-worthy. Those two just came together like they had always been together. No awkward moments, no hesitation on Liz’s part, nothing. The kids just loved him too, from the moment they laid their eyes on him; he became their favourite person, go figure.

Anyway, Max stuck around, actually he moved to Roswell right away, opened up a branch office of his dad’s firm. Well, of course he couldn’t open it all by himself since he wasn’t a full-fledged attorney yet, but he was here from the word go. At first he rented a room from Mama Dee because he wanted to be as close as possible to Liz and the kids. By now Diane and Philip Evans are here in town too, but about once a month or so Phil has to go to their main office in Albuquerque.

Em, I got off track, em, yeah, Max! Well, as you already know Max and Liz are engaged by now. Ohh, they’re all loviedovie and Maria turns all mushy around them. Can you imagine that there was a time when she expected me to be more like Max? Well, by now she knows that I’m a lost cause but she still tries very hard to change my uncouth ways.

But, I was talking about Max and Liz, wasn’t I? After they had been together for about a year, they decided to move in together, you know, not really together together, just as in sharing the house. Liz was worried if she would ever be able to live with a man in a relationship. Luckily Max is blessed with an enormous self-control and a lot of patience and endured.

You know, at the end of the street where Liz lives there was this big property with a rundown old house on it. The first time Liz saw it she had fell in love with it, but the old Hacienda stile building was in dire need of renovation and also she wasn’t ready to move away from the Parkers. Anyway, that was where Max came in. Who knew what kind of things that guy was capable of; not me!

Maria of course had another reason to rave about Max. Enthusiastically she informed me how Max was helping Liz create her dream house. Apparently he was fascinated with architecture and even took a few classes or something. During his vacations, he used to do all kinds of jobs at one of his friend’s construction enterprises. So, it seems that even though he is still quite young, he has been busy. He works as an attorney and enjoys the more down to earth work of building houses as a hobby of sorts. Maria explained it like this, ‘he is just like Brad Pitt who is an actor but can also build houses. You can think of him as our very own Brad Pitt!”


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P8b+c, 03.21.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody, it’s been two weeks and its Friday and so it’s no coincidence that I’m ready to post the next part.

But first let me thank my Feedbackers:
Kate <> What a pleasant surprise! I thought everybody from my other fic had deserted me, and here you are, my very own Easter present!!!! Thank you!
Pandas <> As usual thank you for leaving me a note, I appreciate it very much!

Ok, on to my next post. It’s only one short POV but it’s quite a tough one to read. Here is Zan Evans’ POV and he is quite crazy and most definitely not very happy in prison. I mean he really is very disturbing to read. He’s not really talking about the rape, but he gives his reasoning for his actions! (and those are crazy enough, believe me!) :twisted:

So, you’re very welcome to read his words, but remember his views of his actions are quite disturbing.

Oh, and if you want to let him know your thoughts, direct them to Zan personally, after all, those are his words! :roll:

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

08d, Zan’s POV
Penitentiary of New Mexico, Santa Fe: I really don’t know why those bastards in here treat me like shit. They say that I’m one of them damn paedophiles. Idiots, the lot of them. Just because I like to fuck young virginal kids from time to time doesn’t turn me into one of them perverts! Quite the contrary, I pay the kids or their parents for the services rendered, it puts food on their table. So, instead of branding me the bad guy they should acknowledge my generosity and thank me, after all, not everybody pays for the service.

You know, usually I’m quite a good judge of character and I’ve been very lucky most of the time too. When I think about it I recognised the Albuquerque Parkers for what they were. The parents; nothing but slimy toads, willing to kiss any ass. They would’ve done anything to squash any ugly story involving one of their family. And Liz, well that girl had no backbone whatsoever, was scared of her shadow. It was just bad luck that people felt the need to help her.

The only time I really misjudged anybody was with the newcomer into our group, Billy Blue O’Malley – his father was a real despot, fanatically religious, member of some faction of the Catholic Church or something alike. Billy was the biggest geek you can imagine and looked it too. My friends Kevin Smitts, Ritchie Newton, Hank Mille junior and I decided to do him a good turn and take him under our wings; you know, show him what the real life was all about.

For quite some time Billy Blue was very grateful and appreciative of our efforts, but on the night of the party he suddenly discovered his conscience. Why couldn’t he discover that before we wasted any time on him? He was such a looser and a very big disappointment to the rest of us.

True, we omitted the fact that girl who was to be his first lay wasn’t a professional, as we had agreed upon, but Liz Parker. But, hell, what’s the difference I ask you. A good fuck is a good fuck, that’s all it comes down to. Anyway, by the time Billy realised that it was Liz who had the honours of relieving him of his virginity, he was already filled to the brim with Viagra and other little helpers so that he didn’t know whether he was coming or going. And then he really got going.

Of course I was the one to pop Liz’s cherry, but Billy was second, after that it was a free for all. I can tell you it was a great night. We even tried to repeat it with other girls, but for some mysterious reason those girls always disappeared before we really got down to business.

As it was, after my sister dropped Liz off we decided that some damage control might come in handy, especially since we found out that Liz had been hospitalised and the cops got involved. We talked to Hank Senior, explained that things had just gotten out of hand a bit, that was all. He was very understanding, called his buddies John Walters and Tony Carpenter and presto, they all agreed that all that had happened was a ‘peccadillo’ and that the girl involved would be more careful in the future. Hank gifted those two with some convertibles, you know, those little red numbers with more horsepower under the hood than they’d ever need.

Since we’d had such a great night - I mean we were having the time of our lives – we decided to repeat that experience. The first girl we picked we just happened to see at a football game. We sent Isabelle to befriend her, etc, etc. you know the spiel. Everything worked out like a charm; even the beginning of the party went according to plan. In fact Isabelle had already slipped the chit the drugs and had her upstairs in our ‘game room’ when suddenly the cops arrived. Apparently some neighbours had complained about the noise. Here the first mystery happened, the girl disappeared on us. Next time we saw her was at my trial, surprise!

It appeared that Liz and her friends had heard – from one of the professors - about Isabelle befriending that broad and after that they watched her, they even sneaked somebody into our party. They were the idiots who called the cops and then grabbed the girl, brought her to a doctor and had her tested for drugs. Of course, at the time we didn’t know all that, it was revealed later on, again, at my trial.

The second girl we chose disappeared just as mysteriously. We were still planning our evening when her parents suddenly decided to send her to live with an aunt somewhere across the country. We never knew why, but there you have it.

The third one, I think she was called Tess, had an overprotective father and a meddling twin sister. Everything went as planned, but then, just after Isabelle had brought her upstairs ‘daddy dearest’ showed up, making lots of noise and threatening to call the cops. It was such a shame we had to let her go – she was such a cute little number - but I remember I noticed that when she left with her father she wasn’t as high as she was supposed to be with all the drugs she had been given.
Oh, by the way, I think I should let you know that after that first party, Billy Blue O’Malley left town. Later we heard that he went to an all-male, catholic college. If that’s not crazy I don’t know what is?
Anyway, change of subject, maybe you want to know why we chose Liz for our trial run? Well, that’s an easy question, because Max was interested in her and it was my mission to make sure he was miserable, that’s why! He was mooning over her, it was really sick to watch. She wasn’t all that great either. I was convinced that once we’d really took her through the paces the idiot would loose his interest, but no such luck. It took Max a long time before he asked another girl out, and wouldn’t you know she was a carbon copy of Liz, all his broads were!

Before he started the dating game though, he was one crazy bastard, he accused me of having something to with Liz’s disappearance, the jerk! I mean, really, why would he think that! Even if was the truth, he didn’t know that. Once that crazy bastard even attacked me. Luckily for me, by that time I had our parents firmly on my side.

I remember soon after Liz’s departure from Albuquerque I repeated some of the rumours going around town. Well, actually, truth be told, we spread said rumours ourselves, but nobody knew that. Anyway, I repeated some of them to Max and he completely lost it. He demanded that I take back what I had just said, insisted that those were just lies. For once I told him the truth, that I had been the one that had popped her cherry, of course I added that Lizzy had been delighted with my performance. Max didn’t buy it and attacked me.

Our parents walked in on us right that moment. Of course Max was the bad guy and was grounded for quite some time. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Max was always quick to defend the little know-it-all, that never changed over the years and now they are back together again. That really pisses me off more than anything but at least I can always say that I had little Lizzy Parker first, can’t I? That gives me some satisfaction because I’m sure this fact really galls Max more than anything, you know that I had her before he did!
Now I guess you want to know when we started with our adventures. Well, just like all boys we too were fascinated with the opposite sex. I remember the year we - Kevin, Ritchie, Hank junior and I – turned thirteen, sex and everything else involved in it became our top priority. We were very curious and learned a lot by googling. Hank Senior found us checking porn-pages in the Internet and after that he became something like our mentor. He sure knew a lot, quite impressive, really!

The year we turned fourteen, Hank Senior, the loving husband, sent his wife and daughter on a vacation to Paris in France. He said he would use that time to bond with his son, do things like fishing. Later he told us that he hadn’t been really lying, we were going to use rods, just not the ones that his wife thought off!

Anyway, after the women left, Hank organised some professional ladies to show us the ropes and from then on we became members of his very select men’s club. He let us use his ‘game room’ anytime we wanted. You should’ve seen that room; it was filled with books, magazines and movies, all pornographic. Sex-toys and Viagra were also safely stashed in a cupboard.

I can assure you, those were very happy times for us. After we’d been exploring our sexuality for a while – more like fucked our brains out - we got interested in an additional subject. In high school we learned about psychology, you know, what makes people tick, things like that. Anyway, that got us thinking about new possibilities. Of course we googled our way through tons of stuff, most of it boring or too complicated, but at one point we came across manipulation. You know, how you can manipulate the people around you. Just let me tell you we were very good pupils, straight A students, really.

I decided to try it out on my twin and it worked out better than ever anticipated. I found out that every time I started on the special twin-connection shit, she’d cave. I think she caved mostly because she thought I believed it, not because she did; well same difference to me, I didn’t care as long as it worked. Anyway, I managed to pull her to my side, which gave me big brownie points with our parents and my brother lost his ally in the process. Before that, they sort of looked at me as the black sheep of the family, but with Izzi on my side they started to rethink their verdict.

Soon after that my friends and I started to experiment with drugs and we used Izzi as our guinea pig. The first time we gave her some we were only trying to see if they worked as they should, and they sure did. She lost all her inhibitions pretty fast and my friends were very happy that night. It was a real bonus for us that she liked that shit so much that she did a lot, and I mean a LOT, to obtain them.
You know, I have no idea what happened, but suddenly she turned against me, me her twin. She betrayed me big time. Chatted with the cops, dropped names and informed them of our business. After all we did for her she turns around and stabs us in our backs. Maybe I shouldn’t have been that surprised because she started to get weird after Liz first contacted her about her little bastard who apparently had the same blood type as I. I wasn’t about to fall for a stupid ruse like that, but Isabelle did. I think she started to feel family bonds with the little runt.

And now, well now you should see her, she is on a veritable ‘saint trip’, I’m sure she’s so saintly that she even pisses holy water! Pfft, sisters, they’re nothing but a nuisance!

I just remembered something; did you know that Izzi actually tricked me into coming home? She had some sob story, that she was depressed and scared and needed drugs, that I had to come home and take care of her, after all we were twins with a special bond. Since I had always used that to manipulate her, I had to show up, otherwise Isabelle would’ve realised what I had been doing all along. So, I showed up at the hotel she said she was staying.

Liz just happened to accidentally show up, she looked so damn fantastic I completely forgot to question her presence! This Liz was so different from the shy little Lizzy that I had plucked, it turned me really on, made me all hot and bothered, you know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Boy, I just couldn’t stop staring; she turned out be one hot piece of ass! I wanted her - badly - and I told her so too. She answered real fast with a mean kick in my groin. I have no idea why she was so vengeful, really. I could somewhat understand that kick, but her next action wasn’t warranted, not at all. She did something called a ‘citizen’s arrest’ you know, arrested me and then she had the gall to call the cops and my parents. Why do women have to exaggerate like that? The kick alone would’ve been more than enough!


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P8d,04.04.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody, it’s been two weeks and again I’m ready to post the next part.

First I want to thank my gracious Feedbackers, you rock!

Natalie36 <> You’re right he is a pig, among other things, LOL
Kate <> a good smack down, might be fun, at least as long as they get smacked and I get to do it!!! :twisted:
pandas2001 <> a very special thank you for your most generous complement! He was a lot of fun to write, I didn’t know I could be this twisted! :oops:

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

09, Intermezzo – Grace and Colleen O’Malley – Billy Blue’s family
”Well, Michael, thank you very much for sharing your memories with us. I know this must’ve been very difficult for you.” With a smile Nathan added, “we really appreciate it very much.” After thanking the younger man, the host turned towards Bones and said, “Bones, it was a pleasure having you here!” “Yeah, thanks to both of you!” Sarah chimed in and then she stood up and walked towards the front of the stage.

Once there she started her monologue, “ladies and gentlemen, our next guests knew nothing of this tragedy until about two years ago, when Billy Blue came forward and confessed to his part in THAT night.” Smiling she turned towards the back of the stage and went to meet her next guests. Two women – one older one younger - entered the stage and joined their hostess.

After hugs and kisses were exchanged Sarah guided the ladies towards the seating arrangement. Everybody sitting on the couches stood up to greet the new comers. While Liz, Nancy and Jeff sat down again, Bones and Michael moved towards the bistro, the two ladies settled on the spot the two men had vacated. New water glasses were brought in and half empty ones refilled. After everybody calmed down, the hosts whispered amongst them.

Very embarrassed Sarah spoke up, ”ooops, my dear husband just let me know that I forgot to finish the introduction of our new guests!” Turning towards the ladies she added, “ladies, I’m truly sorry not to have introduced you properly, but in my defence I have to say that these stories always get to me. It doesn’t matter how often I hear them, it always agitates me very much.” After seeing her guests nod their acceptance of her apology, Sarah faced the crowd and continued, “I know many of you know my new guests but for those of you who don’t…” here the hostess waved towards her friends, saying, “Grace O’Malley and her daughter Colleen. Let’s give them a big hearty welcome!”

After the applause died down Nathan spoke up, “Grace, Colleen, we really appreciate your participation this night. We all are fully aware just how difficult this will be for you.” “Yeah,” sniffed Grace, and Colleen gave a teary “hmmhm”

Sarah picked up the talking and explained, “that’s why we decided to let you tell us your story in your own words. Just take your time and tell us how you found out about the happenings of that fateful New Year’s Eve, ok?”

”Ok,” Grace whispered and sniffed one last time before pulling herself together. With a clear, strong voice she related the events that led to the tragic loss of her oldest son. “Right, mh, I think it’s best if I tell you the story the way Colleen and I learned about it! Well, before that though, you have to know a little bit about our family background. Will and I were married for twenty-two years and we have five children. We were both born and raised back east – into god-fearing Irish families. We had to do things a certain way, always show respect to our elders, live strictly by the rules of the Catholic Church, you know, things like that. Of course we raised our children similarly; especially Will was particularly strict and with the passing years he became almost fanatical. Of course I didn’t know any better, after all that was how we were raised. Anyway, before our oldest child, Billy Blue, started college, we all moved to Albuquerque because Will had found a very good job there.”

Unnerved, Grace stopped, inhaled deeply and continued, “Billy Blue - actually his name was just Billy, but he had the most incredibly blue eyes, hence the Blue. Anyway, my son was what the kids refer to as a geek. He loved computers, filming and photography and most of all he just loved to learn everything and anything that grabbed his interest. On the other hand he was a very shy boy, very private too. Em, he was really happy in college, there was so much to learn, he just couldn’t get enough. His freshman year went by just as expected, quietly and his nose always buried in a book or a computer.”

Here, Colleen jumped in and clarified, “if you hear all this you might think that he was a boring boy, but he wasn’t, my brother was also very funny, actually he was a little like Alex Whitman, you know. Also, Billy Blue did have girlfriends, but having been raised very strictly he was also taught to wait with, hmm, you know, hmm, you KNOW…” blushing fiercely, Colleen raised her eyebrows meaningfully, hoping to find some understanding in her hostess. She was totally embarrassed but she felt it necessary to round up her brother’s personality, to show that – no matter what he had done - he had been a good boy.

For a moment Sarah was at a loss until she realised that Colleen was having a hard time talking about THAT topic. Trying to ease the embarrassing moment and getting the attention away from Colleen she continued, doing her best to be respectful and delicate, “oh, Colleen, you mean he respected the girls and waited for a serious relationship before having intercourse. That is what you wanted to say, isn’t it?”

Still embarrassed, Colleen nodded and clarified, “it’s not like we talked about it in detail, you know? We just sort of talked about, just sort of superficial, you know?” Seeing Sarah’s nod encouraged her to continue, “we were really close, even though he was my senior by five years. I guess it had a lot to do with our being very similar in many ways. We just understood each other without trying. That’s why I know all this!” Suddenly Colleen realised that all the attention was on her and after blushing some more she turned to her mom, saying, “your turn!”

Smiling Grace picked up the telling, “where was I? Oh, right, sophomore year started the same way that freshman ended - my son being a geek extraordinaire and enjoying it. But a few weeks later Zan Evans returned and decided to take a marked interest in Billy Blue. At first everything seemed fine and Billy became more open and less geeky in the way he dressed and behaved. We thought it was part of growing up, you know of becoming a man. Little did we know.” Her memories were becoming difficult to deal with and the telling grew harder and harder.

After taking a moment to collect herself, Grace went on, “after that New Year’s party, Billy came home in the early morning hours. He was extremely distraught and I knew right away that something bad had happened. He was still very wired – later I learned that he was still very high – but also very embarrassed and asked if he could talk to his father, alone. Turning bright red he explained that he needed a man-to-man talk. Even though I was very worried I left the two of them to their talk. The next morning I found my son packing his few belongings. Will informed me that Billy’s new friends had taken drugs and even smuggled some into our son’s drink. Now Billy was afraid that those boys might not leave him alone and he had asked to go away to finish college. Will pulled a few strings and on the same day our son left home to go to a Catholic all boys college. He didn’t come back until two-and-a-half years later.”

”Are you telling us that you never knew what had really happened at that party?” Nathan inquired and pressed on “I mean you never had the slightest inkling?” “No, nothing, I asked Will because I knew something more had to have been going on. My boy was too levelheaded to just up and leave. But both of them stuck to their story. Of course soon I heard the rumours just like everybody else. You know, the ones about Liz. There were two different kinds of rumours going around. Some said that Liz had been gang raped and others – the majority - said that she had just completely lost it and gone over board with drinking, drugs and sex. They said that at that party Liz seduced every boy who crossed her path!” ”After that I thought I understood Billy’s need for a ‘man’s talk’ with his dad. I figured that he had either heard or had seen his friends’ involvement with Liz and he realised that if he stayed friends with those guys they expected him to become promiscuous like them and that went against everything we taught him, so he left to be out of harm’s way.”

Sarah asked, “what about your husband, didn’t he tell you anything about what had happened?” “Will? No he most definitely didn’t say anything about it. You have to know that the older Will got, the more set in his ways he became. In fact towards the end of our marriage he was downright fanatical in his beliefs and I found it harder and harder to understand him. But when Billy Blue came back and told us the whole story I realised just how far Will and I had drifted apart. I could no longer accept his views on things and consequently filed for divorce.”

”Grace, can you tell us what Billy Blue told you when he came back?” Sarah wanted to know. “Of course I can, it’s just very difficult, you know?” Grace explained and continued to recount her son’s story. “Two years ago in January, Billy Blue came home, but he didn’t come alone. Father David, one of his tutors at college, accompanied him. Billy asked if he could talk with Will and I, and of course we agreed. As soon as Will realised what our son was going to talk about he tried to get rid of me. He insisted it was man’s talk and that I wouldn’t understand. But Billy insisted I stay and so I stayed. Before Billy started with his story Colleen walked in and he asked her to stay too, he wanted her to know the truth as well.”

Grace stopped her monologue for a moment and observed her daughter who had been sitting quietly beside her on the couch. With a reassuring smile for Colleen, Grace went on, “I remember Billy used to talk about Liz a great deal, he really liked her a lot, in some ways she reminded him of his sister Colleen who was always curious and wanted to know everything. Anyway, the beginning of the sophomore year went really well. He had found a nice group of friends where no one teased him about his ‘geekiness’. And then about one month later Zan came back from abroad and changed everything. He and his friends befriended my son and showed him what it was to be a young man. Once they discovered that Billy was still a virgin they decided to relieve him of that status. After all that was what good friends did, or so they told him.”

”They needed to do some serious convincing, but in the end my son caved. I mean, he was young and he was curious, you know, but what really convinced him was when Zan asked him how he expected to recognise the ‘right one’ if he had never been with any girl to compare her with. Also, how did Billy expect to please his lady-love if had no idea what he had to do?” “As it was, Zan decided that New Year’s Eve would be a good time to initiate Billy into the delights of sex. They planned it all and everything went smoothly until about one hour after the party started. Billy began to feel extremely boisterous, frisky, you know, very high and what he called ‘all sexed up’! By the time they took him upstairs he was going over board. He didn’t realise that he had been drugged but put it down to the excitement due to the events that were about to go down, you know?”

Grace needed a break and searched for her hanky because she could feel the tears coming. Colleen decided to continue with the story, “you know, my brother was so out of it that it took him a while to realise what was really going on, that they didn’t have a professional woman as they all had agreed on but Liz Parker. He tried to back off and leave but the others wouldn’t let him. That was also the moment they confirmed his suspicions that he had been drugged. Apparently they had filled him up with Viagra and other goodies – their words not mine! My poor brother didn’t know if he was coming or going!”

Reasonably recovered, Grace joined the discussion again and shakily continued, “you know, after that party Billy came straight home and asked to talk to his father. Billy wanted to go to the police and asked Will for his help. Will of course refused and talked Billy out of going the authorities. In fact he told our son that these kinds of things were part of growing up, of becoming a man. He told him that girls like that asked for it and if he went to the authorities he would ruin not just his life but that of his friends as well; all sons of good families with promising futures ahead of them. Anyway, Billy wasn’t used to go against his father and so after while he gave up but insisted on leaving town immediately. Will still had some very good connection with this college back east and that was how my boy was able to go there so fast.”

”After that, we barely ever saw him and he never came back to Albuquerque until he showed up with Father David.” Colleen explained.

POV next Post...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P8d,04.04.08

Post by uw51 »

and here is their POV, enjoy...

09a, Grace and Colleen O’Malley POV
Colleen O’Malley
Mom and I decided that she would do all the talking, you know, I don’t really like to do that, I’m a bit shy and anyway, she can do that so much better than I, you know, her being a teacher and all that. I just might add a few things here and there, ok?
Grace O’Malley
Just look at Colleen, she can still be shy on occasions, otherwise there’s no stopping her, really! But she is right, we did decide that I do the talking and she will add whatever she thinks she needs to add.

So, enough small talk, now I’m going to tell you about my son Billy Blue, that’s what I’m here for anyway. You know, I don’t think you can even imagine just how proud I am of my oldest boy. I’m proud because in the end he did what was right and I know how difficult that was for him. You don’t have to look so shocked. Oh, oh, I understand you think I’m talking about Billy committing suicide. No, that was very unnecessary but he just couldn’t live with what he had done any longer, but we will talk about this later on. No, I meant the things he did before he left us all; he came clean with everything, accepted full responsibility for his action. Acknowledged his daughter and took all the necessary tests to prove it. By then he knew his father very well indeed, knew that Will would never accept a child born out of wedlock as a legitimate offspring.
I remember the night Billy Blue returned like it was yesterday. It’s really strange because sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it seems like it happened in another lifetime.

Anyway, once the five of us – Will, Colleen, Father David, Billy Blue and I – were settled in the living room, my son started with the most outrageous story. I could barely believe what I was hearing and I most definitely couldn’t believe how my husband had dealt with it all. That was also the moment that I realised that he had been lying to me about something very important and I started to wonder what else my husband had been lying about, but right now that’s not relevant.

As it was, Billy told us all about the talk he had with his father, you know the man’s talk after the New Years’ Eve party? How Will refused to alert the police, saying that he was sure it wasn’t that bad. Our son was still pretty high and in no condition to think clearly. My boy’s memories about their talk weren’t too clear,, except that his father refused to let Billy go the authorities and to get the blood work done to prove that he had been pumped full with all kinds of drugs.

When Will offered my son to change college and go to one back east, Billy grabbed that chance to get away. He knew he couldn’t stay here any longer because he was afraid of what Zan and co. would do. Also, he wanted to get away from his father because deep down he knew what they were doing was wrong. So far Billy had never gone against his dad and now he wasn’t sure what to do about it, so he was glad to leave.

Luckily for Billy, he went to church the first night he was on campus. That was where Father David found him. They talked for a long time about what Billy had done. Father David arranged a doctor’s appointment for my son, you know for the blood work and all that, also to make sure he wouldn’t suffer from any after effects because of those drugs.

As long as Billy was back east, he had many talks with Father David. He helped my son to come to terms with what he had done, and to accept responsibility for his part in it. He realised that he had been unable to change the events of that night because his so called friends lied to him and also because he was filled with drugs and in no condition to think clearly. In addition, he realised that his choice of friends had been a very bad one and for all the wrong reasons. Now, from a distance, he could clearly see that he had been so impressed by those guys because they had chosen him – a geek – to befriend, that he never questioned their motives.

Even though my boy was in college, Zan and his friends found him and made sure to remind my Billy of his part in the group rape by letting him know that they knew where he was and what he had done. They sent him pictures of the good times they had shared and appealed to his sense of loyalty towards his friends. After a while their tone changed and became more threatening.

My son was so devastated that he refused to talk to them. Once Billy started to feel stronger and things became clearer he contacted them, telling them that he was going to confess and take responsibility for his actions.

As an answer they gave him a video - a very detailed video - where Billy and all his ‘so called’ friends were on it. Zan told him that with this video he would go to jail for a very long time. He told my son that he and his friends came from very influential families and nobody would believe they had instigated the events of that night. After all, no one ever complained about their behavior and Liz’s ramblings were just that, the ramblings of a young girl who was high on drugs and couldn’t remember anything else. Their vests were clean; no one would believe a nobody like Billy Blue O’Malley! Everybody would just think that he was jealous because he wasn’t a member of the group any longer.

Of course, Billy Blue kept all the correspondence he had with Zan and co to be used when he was ready. And then, almost two-and-a-half years later, my Billy was ready to do what was right. With Father David’s help he filmed his confession and after that the two of them went in search of Liz Parker. They found her in Roswell.

Father David approached her first. He told her who he was and explained that Billy Blue wanted to make amends, to come clean and confess; that my son wanted to go to the authorities. He asked if Liz was willing to talk with Billy, to listen to what he had to say, and she was. The next day Father David and Billy met Liz and the Parkers – the Roswell Parkers that is – in their back yard.

Billy brought Liz his filmed confession, the video, copies of all the correspondence with Zan and co and the results of his blood test, showing that he had been so filled with drugs, it was a miracle that he had come out of it unscathed. After he apologised he asked her how she was doing. He informed Liz that he was on his way to turn himself in.

Suddenly, Jeff remembered that the FBI had asked them to postpone the accusations of Zan and the others because the group was being investigated for their dealings with some high profile Brazilian Mafioso. Oh! I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep this last bit to yourself. So far no one knows that we knew about these investigations and some of us even helped the FBI. Anyway, that was why Jeff asked Billy to talk with Liz’s attorney Frank Mc Coy instead of turning himself in, and that was exactly what my boy did.

Apparently Liz realised how badly my son felt about all of it and that Billy too was a victim. That was the reason she let Billy Blue know about her babies, she even asked him and Father David if they wanted to see the little ones.

After Billy was over the first shock he accepted the little ones as his, he said ‘that willingly or not, he had been a part of their conception and so the only right thing to do was to take responsibility’. Once he had seen the children he knew – even without a paternity test – that Maxine was his.

I’m sure now you want to know how he knew, don’t you? You see this beauty mark beside my right eye? Now if you look at my daughter you find the same one on her and now little Maxine has one too. That was how Billy recognised her as his daughter, because this mark is very common in the women of our family! Also, even though Maxie favours Liz in her looks and colouring, she had my Billy’s incredibly blue eyes. Right away my son had the paternity test done, knowing very well that his father wouldn’t accept the little one without any proof, the beauty mark and the blue eyes wouldn’t have been enough to accept Maxine into our family, not for Will!

Well, it turns out that Will still didn’t acknowledge her as a member of our family; after all she was born out of wedlock. You know, this really shocked all of us very much. I mean we knew that he had some outdated ideas, but Maxine is our flesh and blood, with or without legalities. Anyway, Billy Blue informed Will that he had officially recognised the little one as his daughter. At the same time he informed his father that he had given a full confession and as soon as all the investigations were done, it would be taken to court. Finally, Liz Parker’s name would be cleared.

Let me tell, I’m not likely to forget that night, not ever. Boy was that an eye-opener! Will became really fanatical, even Father David couldn’t make him see reason. Some of the things he said really shocked us. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of my husband loosing all sense of decency like that. He spouted things like ‘good girls don’t frequent parties like that’ or ‘if girls go to these parties they go at their own risks’!

Let me tell you, Colleen and I were livid. In fact, my daughter asked her father ‘what if this had happened to me?’ He just looked at her real strange and said, ‘if you go to these parties you practically invite it, so if you’re a good girl you don’t go to these places!’

Anyway, I digress; I wanted to talk about my son Billy. Once we realised that there was no talking to Will, we left him to his own devices. I had to do some serious thinking and thus went to a small chapel that was near our home. I always liked to go there when I had things to mull over. It was always so peacefully quiet there, I felt like my thoughts became much clearer. When I came home in the early morning hour I knew what I had to do.

The next day I had long talks with Father David, Billy Blue and with Colleen. I had come to conclusion that I needed to divorce my husband. I just couldn’t share Will’s opinions and rules in clear conscience any longer. He was really falling back into the Middle Ages, I mean, really, a girl gets raped and it’s her fault? We had three more children to bring up besides Billy and Colleen. There was Connor, my second son, and my twin girls Erin and Shannon to think about.

As it was, after a phone-call to Liz, I packed all the kids and Father David into our SUV and drove us all to Roswell. We had new family members to welcome. And let me tell you, when I say members – plural – I mean it that way, Billy sees it that way too. True, only Maxie is related to us by blood, but Maxie and Sascha were fathered at the same time, they shared the womb, they are twins, that makes them both family members, or don’t you agree?

The Parkers and Liz were very gracious and invited us into their home. We spent a very enjoyable afternoon and the little ones were just the sweetest little darlings you can imagine, really absolute little darlings.

Billy Blue had a very hard time coming to terms with his actions. You could really almost see ‘GUILT’ tattooed on his forehead in bright red letters. Everybody could see that he loved the little ones very much, but he couldn’t get over his guilt. I had some long talks with Father David and we both talked with Billy. Even Liz saw that Billy had been a victim of his so-called friends. We were all so convinced that he would come around, that he could move forward, become a part of the children’s lives, but we were so wrong, so terribly, terribly wrong…

Anyway, I got too far ahead. After our visit to the Parkers and meeting Liz and the little ones, some ideas started to form. First I talked about it with my two oldest children, I wanted to know their thoughts on it. After the first shock was over they both just loved it. Next we sat down with the younger ones and discussed my idea. I wanted everybody’s input, you know, it was a family decision after all.

I’m very sad to say that I had not even realised just how difficult Will had become over the years. Well, to be honest I think that’s not quite true, I did know, but divorce wasn’t an option for a good catholic Irish wife and after all, the husband was the head of the family. So, I just tried to smooth things over for everybody. But now Will had gone too far! So, when the children and I sat down for this talk I was surprised at the willingness of the younger ones to leave their dad. Apparently when I used to be at work he would become even stricter with the kids than when I was around. They never knew what kind of mood he was in. My fault was that I never openly contradicted Will in the presence of our children, and now they thought I agreed with his authoritarian regime.

Well, let me tell you, I think that talk was the most honest one we ever had as a family. And as a family we decided that I would divorce their father and that we would move to Roswell, I’m sure by now you guessed this too, didn’t you? At first Will was shocked, he absolutely refused to believe that I would divorce him. That was unheard of in our family. I told him that with or without divorce the children and I would move to Roswell without him. He was very welcome to visit and spend some time with us, but we would no longer live together. At first he was very reluctant to accept this decision, but by now even Will agreed that it was for the best.

By the time we moved to Roswell, Billy Blue seemed to be doing better, he started to smile and joke around with his siblings more often; it was almost like old times. He also had long talk with Liz’s attorney Frank McCoy; he wanted to be sure that there be absolutely no way out for Zan and co. He went to see the babies on a daily basis, even babysat them to give Liz some time to herself.

And even though sometimes I’d catch him in a very strange dark mood - you know, he’d be very withdrawn and taciturn – I never even suspected he’d do the unthinkable, really, it never crossed my mind.

On one of those beautiful spring days – you know the ones where the weather is just right, not too cold and not too hot – our new friend and Roswell’s chief of police, Jose Ramirez, knocked on our door. All I needed to know that something was seriously wrong was to see his face. In that moment I knew something had happened to my Billy. All my other children were accounted for; he was the only one missing. Gravely Jose informed us that Billy had been found dead, out on the banks of Bitter Lake. He had left farewell letters to all of us, explaining that he just couldn’t handle this guilt any longer…

There is nothing worse for a mother than to loose her child, but - quite frankly - I think I lost my Billy Blue the night of the New Year’s Eve party, when Zan and his cronies drugged him and made him do all those things that he couldn’t even remember because he was so out of it. And Billy being Billy never really let on just how badly he was affected by it all. He never wanted to burden his family. He tried to reconstruct his life, but in his letter he wrote, that he was petrified of the moment when his children started to ask questions about their conception. And those questions would come, without fail; because of all the criminals involved it had had great publicity. And even though my Billy had been acquitted, he still felt guilty, so guilty that he preferred death than to face his children’s questions…


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P9+9a,04.18.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody, it’s been two weeks and its Friday and so it’s no coincidence that I’m ready to post the next part.

Kate <> You know, it’s really strange, because when I started to write Billy Blue I never planned on him being an Irish Catholic raised in the US. It just somehow developed while I was writing, but then I liked it very much. It seemed to fit Billy really well. Also, I can rant right along with you about suicide, I sometimes even think that in a very strange way it’s a very courageous but at the same time a very cowardly way out. See, don’t get me started on this topic!

pandas2001 <> You’re right, Billy was a victim too. Being a geek must’ve been difficult, no one really takes one seriously. And then suddenly becoming best friends with the in crowd, I guess it can be very intimidating. I also think that he wanted to please his new friends, never guessing their true reason for befriending him in the first place. And of course, guilt can make you do all kinds of crazy things, things that you wouldn’t do under normal circumstances.

Anyway, thank you both for your great feedback, I love it very much, lol!

I have to warn you, these parts haven’t been betaed – is that even a word? LOL! This means that there are a few mistakes still in it. I don’t think there too bad, but you have been warned. As soon as my Beta sends me the corrections I’ll exchange the parts.

Take care and enjoy…

10, Intermezzo – Tess and Ava
For a moment there was complete silence in the hall and the hosts needed a moment too to recuperate from listening to Grace telling about her son. It was a very emotional moment. Once Sarah and Nathan recovered their senses they stood up and approached Grace and Colleen. As the O’Malley women got up the Parkers and Max joined them. Amidst a lot of hugging and sniffling they whisperingly consoled each other.

Nathan finally broke the teary moment by thanking the two ladies for their openness as they talked about the most difficult times in their lives. After kissing Graces hand Nathan left the group and becoming all business like he introduced his next guests. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to present to you two spunky young ladies; Ladies that played a very significant role in bringing down the bad guys. Ladies and gentlemen, a big welcome for Tess and Ava Harding!”

From the shadows of the back stage two young ladies strode self-assured towards Nathan. Identical smiles covered identical faces of the identical twins as they approached their host. As they came closer it was clear to see that even though they had the same faces and figures, they couldn’t have been more different. Tess was more casual where as Ava was more punk. Tess liked to dress up nicely in the newest trends and her light blonde curls done in the latest hairdos. Where as Ave liked to wear black, black and some more black, her blonde curls had been straightened and were streaked with hot pink and dark grey strands.

Once Tess and Ava saw Nathan, they picked up speed and almost ran him down, both wanting to be the first one to greet him. Ava won and surprised her host by boisterously hugging him. After she let him go, Ava turned towards her sister and boasted, “I won, I won, you get to pay for dinner!” Scowling mockingling at her twin, Tess grumbled, “this time!” and then she turned towards Nathan and greeted him with her most charming smile.

”What was that all about?” Nathan wanted to know. “Hmm, nothing!” the twins answered simultaneously and as usual - when they answered together – they slapped their hands together in a high-five. “Oh, ok?” their host quizzed. The girls looked at him innocently and gave him their most angelic smile. After looking at his guests curiously and not receiving any other answer, Nathan herded the girls towards the seating arrangement while Tess and Ava giggled at some private joke. He looked into the camera and dryly stated, “twins go figure!” and rolled his eyes!

Tess had not forgotten her lost bet and - intending to win this time - she took off at a sprint and headed straight for Liz. She happily informed her friend of the obvious, “Lizzy, we made it, we’re here!” Once there, Tess pulled dark-haired girl into a tight squeeze, hugging the stuffing right out of her. A moment later, a giggling Ava reached the two girls, latched onto Liz and Tess and they ended in a very impetuous three-way-hug.

Nathan observed the girls curiously and dryly commented, “hmm, this looks like their not doing this for the first time, doesn’t it?” After this remark he joined the three-way-hug, saying, “hmm, I like it!” then Nathan brought his guests back to reality by stating, “ladies, can we start our little talk?” Surprised the three girls looked at each other and burst out laughing. Once they were able to talk again, they informed him with a straight faced “of course!” from Ave, an giggly “absolutely!” from Tess and a quieter “hmhm!” from Liz.

Sarah joined this group of four and greeted the two new guests with a hearty hug, “I’m glad you’re here, both of you!” “Yeah, me too!” Tess replied and Ava added, “what she said!” “Good, good, how about we all take a seat and commence with our interview?” The hostess asked invitingly.
After everybody was seated and calm, Nathan started the inquiry, “Ava, Tess, it’s good to have you here tonight. As I have said before, both of you plaid a big role in bringing down the bad guys, but before we talk about that we all would like to know more about you two.” Smiling he asked, “How was it to grow up as identical twins?”

After rolling her eyes at Nathan’s predictable question, Ava decided to answer, “well, we don’t know anything else but we did have our moments…” “Moments? What do you mean?” Sarah inquired. “What does Ava mean?” Tess repeated, and then explained, “Well, like everybody else we had our good moments and our bad ones, just a bit different, you know!” Seeing the confusion this answer elicited, Ava said, “Tess, I think they are talking about identical twin problems, not the other stuff,” and looking at their host she demanded, “right?” “Right!” Nathan confirmed.

Sighing deeply Tess uttered under her breath, “I figured as much but I was hoping to avoid the boring ‘identical twin issues’,” accentuating the last part with finger quotes. Looking at her sister Tess continued, “we were very lucky that our parents treated us as individuals, you know! We didn’t dress the same all the time, just when we wanted to. Also, we were allowed to have different hobbies and to go our own separate ways…” “Of course we had some very interesting ‘twin-fun moments’ you know, we did things that only identical twins like us could do.” Ava cut in and Tess added, “yeah, right, we’d pretend to be each other and things like that. If you’ve seen the movie ‘The Parent Trap’ you’ll get a pretty good idea of what we’re talking about.”

Tess picked up the talking and explained, “but as twins you have a very big advantage, you know, you get your costume made best friend…” Ava interrupted, “but only if they understand each other!” Grinning, Tess agreed, “that’s true, but we were really lucky, because we get along real well.” “Tessie’s right, but we both have very good friends too, some of them we even share!” Ava completed.

”Do you do that often?” Nathan asked. “What?” the girls asked as one, giggled and then high fived again. Fascinated Nathan stared at the pretty twins in front of him. To him, they were even more mysterious than women in general. Grinning, Sarah elbowed him in his side and inquired, “are you two always this happy and giggly?”

Before bursting out with another bout of giggles the twins stared at each other and nodded vigorously their agreement and laughingly Ava agreed, “very often, yeah!” and Tess continued, “you know, Hilda keeps telling us that we’ve had to much ‘giggly soup’ while growing up.” “Giggly soup? Do explain, please!” Nathan laughed curiously. “Well, you do know that Hilda is from Switzerland, don’t you?” After seeing Nathan’s nod, Tess jumped in and explained, “apparently that’s what her mom used to tell her when she was a little girl and she’d giggle a lot!” “Aaww isn’t that cute!” Sarah exclaimed. Spontaneously the crowd cooed too, “aawww” and burst into boisterous laughter.

”Well, did you by any chance have some of Hilda’s giggly soup too?” Sarah addressed the crowd, which elicited another bout of loud laughter. The spotlight suddenly moved towards the back and landed on a grinningly waving Hilda.
After all the excitement died down, the hosts grew serious, and Nathan broached the topic that was the theme of this event. “Ava, Tess, can you tell us how you met Liz and her friends? Also, if I understood correctly you too have become members of their little club and help in some very interesting ways?”

Both girls nodded their understanding with serious faces. Tess started to explain, “since I was the first one involved, I guess I should start, right?” Ava nodded her agreement. “Ok, em, this is very difficult, because at the beginning I just couldn’t believe that I had been so wrong about my new friend. You know, I used to be very convinced that my knowledge of human nature was very good. So, maybe you can imagine how ticked off I was when one day these two boys – I didn’t even know them at the time – told me these outrageous stories about my new girlfriend. First I thought it was a bad pick-up-line, then I started to bitch them out big time, but they didn’t budge one iota from their stories.”

Here Tess paused and threw an apologetic look towards the bistro. After taking a sip of water from her glass she continued, “I’m sure you guesses that Alex and Kyle were those two boys. I’m just really, really thankful that they persisted. At first I wanted to call Isabelle and have them repeat their accusations, but after a while I understood that they were convinced of their story, you know, that they weren’t just badmouthing her.”

Tess started to nibble on her bottom lip, not sure on how to proceed. Sarah decided to help her out and asked, “when was the moment you believed Alex and Kyle? Also how did you become involved with Isabelle? Can you tell us?” Relieved the younger woman sighed and then picked up the telling, “absolutely, I’ll never forget that day, believe me!”

After inhaling deeply she went on, “it was on a Thursday afternoon, just after school was out, actually. Oh, I was still in high school at the time and I had met Isabelle at the movies, you know, while we were outside, waiting in line. We’d just hit it off and then decided to watch the movie together. Afterwards we went to a coffee shop and talked for quite a while. Before we parted that evening we decided to meet again, you know, do things together, you know, like shopping and girl stuff like that.”

”After a few weeks she invited me into her home and that was when I met her family. Her parents were very nice and her younger brother Max was very cute in a shy kind of way. Later Zan showed up and he made me feel very self-conscious - I didn’t really care for that – but he left soon and everything was fine again. After that I went to their house quite often and sometimes Zan would show up alone or with his friends. Since they staid out of my way I didn’t really care about them, I ignored them.”

”Just as my friendship with Isabelle sort of advanced to the best-girl-friend status, Alex and Kyle showed up, telling about what Isabelle had done to their friend. Of course I didn’t believe them, would you?” Tess asked Sarah quite seriously. “I see your point, Tess, but what changed your mind?” her hostess replied.

After thinking carefully, Tess explained, ”well, I could see that they were convinced of what they were saying, I mean I could see that, you know. But what stopped me from saying anything to Isabelle was, when they invited me to meet Liz. I had to give them my word that I would never say anything of our talk to anybody, whether I believed them or not. They said too much was riding on my silence, but they wanted to do whatever was needed to keep me safe. I just thought they were nuts, but that they truly believe what they were saying. I decided to humour them and to meet that girl. I asked them if I could bring Ava along because, even though I tried to deny it, they were getting to me!”

”You should’ve seen Tessie. When she came home that evening she was in a really strange mood, I knew right away that something had happened. Then she told me the whole story and added that she was sure those boys were wrong, Isabelle was her friend and wouldn’t do that to her, or would she?” Ava joined in the story telling. “Yeah,” Tess continued, “Ava had never met either Isabelle or Alex and Kyle but she said that without knowing more about the whole situation she was inclined to believe the boys. She said they had no reason to tell me such a story if it weren’t true. I half-heartedly agreed and was real glad when my sister insisted on coming along to meet Liz!”

”Remember Tessie? How nervous we were that Saturday morning, waiting for the boys?” Ava asked her sibling. “Hmm, yeah, by then I really started to have my doubts about Isabelle, I mean she was in her early twenties and I had just turned seventeen. I mean, it’s just a few years difference, but at that age it’s quite a gap, don’t you agree?” Tess stated, “they boys were right on time and drove us to Albuquerque to meet this mysterious Liz. I can tell you I was a nervous wreck by the time we arrived at the CrashDown.” “Yeah, me too!” Ava endorsed.

The twins shared a smile and then Tess continued, “I remember seeing Liz for the first time. She was such a quiet little mouse; it was like she tried to disappear, like she didn’t want to be noticed! She was so small and sad and she looked exhausted. Just looking at her made me almost cry, really, you would’ve felt that way too, I can guarantee you that!” Ava nodded in agreement and said, “we all sat down and then Tess and I heard that awful story, I mean you could make movies with stories like that. And also, things like that only happened to people you don’t know, you only hear about it, isn’t that right?”

”I know,” Tess cried, “but suddenly we didn’t just hear about it, we could see with our own eyes that this poor girl wasn’t lying. Well, I can tell you, Avs and I both cried our eyes out, we almost drowned in our tears, I mean, really, what do you say to a girl who has been through something as terrible as that?” “Yeah, what Tessie said,” Ava commented, “it was really, really bad, the worst we had ever seen or heard that wasn’t in the movies. I mean there it’s just play, not real, but with Lizzie we could tell it was reality, right Tessie?”

Nodding Tess replied, “right, Avs, it was just, just, well terrible. And then we heard a baby cry and Liz excused herself and left. Moments later she returned, carrying a baby. Well I can tell you, we were shocked, I mean really, really shocked, weren’t we, Ava?” “Hmm, shocked, completely utterly shocked! And then, before we could even say anything we heard some more crying and Liz disappeared again and came back with another baby! I couldn’t believe my own eyes, I almost fainted, really, didn’t I, Tess?” Ava demanded emotionally.

”Well, not just you, sister, I almost puked – can I say that on TV? Anyway, I felt like I had been kicked in my stomach, really really awful! Honestly, because you see, by now I had seen the first baby a little closer up and noticed his very remarkable ears and that moment was the moment where I just knew that they had saved me from a similar fate as Liz’s!” “His ears? Why? What about them?” Nathan interrupted.

”Because there are only two other people with almost the same kind of ears that I know of. Luckily, the baby’s ears are more like Max’s because Zan’s are bigger, but they are still very much alike, that’s how I knew!” Tess ended decisively. Nathan interrupted, “how could you tell that it was Zan? I mean if they have very similar ears it could’ve been Max too?”

”WHAT?” Tess screeched, shocked by Nathan’s question. After the first shock Ava – knowing her sisters temper - intervened, “Tessie, calm down…” “Calm down? Didn’t you hear what HE said?” the infuriated twin demanded. “I heard, Tess, I heard, but I guess he just had to ask it. I mean, granted, it’s a very stupid question,“ here Ava quickly glanced at Nathan but then she continued resolutely, “but you have to remember that most of the people don’t know Max like we do! Also, they DO have very similar ears and Max’s and Sascha’s ARE almost the same, you said so yourself, so…” diplomatically, Ava let the sentence peter out, figuring her sister had to come to her own conclusions.

Trying to figure out Ava’s comment, Tess narrowed her eyes and thought hard about what had been said. Reluctantly she conceded, “ok, sorry Nathan, I almost lost it there for a moment. I forgot that even though you know Max, most of the viewers don’t, so there, I apologise!” Graciously, Nathan accepted Tess’ reluctant apology and mollified, “don’t worry about it Tess, I understand where you are coming from and I agree with you, completely! So, are we ok now?”

”Yeah, we’re ok!” Tess agreed and went on to explain very intensely, “You have to understand that Max and Liz are very close friends of mine and if anybody says anything bad about them I get very, emm, very, well, you saw what happens then!” by the end of her explanation Tess was grinning broadly.

Ava continued, grinning just as broadly, “you have to understand that when we met Max for the first time, and of course Tess met him before I did, we both had these huge crushes on him. Oh, he was so cute and sweet and we thought he was very mysterious, but then we found out that he was just very shy. Also, we very soon realised that we had no chances with that boy since he was still pining after Liz!” “That’s true, but we decided to settle for second best and as soon as everything concerning Zan and Isabelle had been cleared, we became best friends,” looking at Max and Liz, Tess insisted, “we did, didn’t we?” Liz nodded vigorously and Max agreed, “yep, best friends!”
”So, Tess, can you tell us what happened next, after you saw the babies?” Sarah asked, bringing the talk back to the topic of the evening. “I became sooo mad, you wouldn’t believe it, I mean really, totally furiously mad. In fact I was so mad I couldn’t talk because I was afraid I might start to yell and I couldn’t do that because of the little ones.”

”Yeah, you should’ve seen my sister, she turned bright red and her fists were so tight, it was awesome, really!” Ava remembered that event clearly and added, “you know, from the two of us Tess is the temperamental one, she gets mad fast but then it’s usually over…” “Yeah, with her it’s the opposite, truly, totally opposite. It take a lot to get a rise out of Ava, but if you do, you better watch it, I mean, seriously, you better watch it.” Tess proudly described her twin.

”Anyway, to cut a long story short, we asked what we could do to help bring those bastards down.” Tess was back on the roll, “you know, once it had really sunk in what exactly I had been spared from, I committed myself to the cause of bringing down those bastards. Ava and I sat down with the whole group and we started to plan and plot, I can tell you, they had no chance against us, no chance at all. Right Avs?” “What she said!” Ava agreed.

Tess and Ava's POV's in next post...
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Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.