The Age of Ulyssa (AU/UC/ADULT) Thread #1

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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"What? You have to give me the opportunity to win my money back,'s like in the book" Michael yells at me. I shook my head and sit down to the table where Tess, Max and Isabel were. Then i put my head to the table and closed my eyes.

I heard Michael asking Liz, Maria and Alex to play poker and lifted my head up.

"Michael, I didn't say I'll never play against you. Someday.." I told him and put my head back to where it belong. Now back to the main subject of lunch, sleeping.
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Post by Serephinah »


Oh the joys of AP Calc...*

As the teacher droned on about the function of "t" in velocity. I set my pencil down from taking notes and stretched the cramped muscles in my hand. I glanced up at the clock and noticed we only had 10 minutes left in the period.

*Yes, lunch is soon*

My stomach rumbled loudly in agreement with my thought. I quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed the sound. Max caught my eye with a smile and mouthed the word "hungry" to me. I smiled back at him and nodded my head in agreement. I looked back up at the clock and noticed only 5 more seconds were left till the bell rang. I silently started to count off in my head.


I gathered my notebook and walked over to my locker to grab my lunch. I walked out to our usual table in the quad. Michael, Kyle, Maria and Alex were already there. Everyone seemed good, except for Michael and Kyle. I caught the tail end of their conversation.

"And for your interest, Mikey G, no poker today. I have other things to do today," Kyle said. "Sleeping. I have a lunch break to sleep."

"Well, if Kyle doesn't want play, I will...what do you say Michael?...a perfect chance to try and win back money..."

I'd only played poked a couple times, but it sounded like an easy enough game. Just mathematics and a little strategy. But for some reason the boys ignored me till Michael asked if anyone wanted to play him. I waved my hand in front of Mike.

"Hey, Mikey G, I said I wanted to play."


ooc: Definitely not the best post in the world, I'll have to work better at getting into character. Hopefully this works for least it gets my character into play. btw what time period are we writing...what grade are they in right now? I was thinking that perhaps junior to senior year would work well, but ??? (especially biologically). Also what events have happened up till now?
lol! I just realized that while I was working on a post to get into play, I was brought into play by others. Hopefully my part still works for others. let's just say that Liz wants to play poked with Mikey G and we can go from there?
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Poker?" I repeat. "No, I don't think so you guys. Poker is such a vicious game. You know especially with all the... um.. violent tendencies involved." I state glaring at Michael. He looks confused. I roll my eyes as I open my bookbag to reveal my sacked lunch. Okay, so I know it's a little dorkish, but have you seen what these "supposed" food technitions serve here. Ugh, my stomach turns at the mere thought of it. I would rather face evil aliens than the school's meatloaf suprise. Seriously, what exactly is the suprise? I guess it's a suprise if you can keep that garbage down. I open the bag to reveal my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (With the crusts cut off of course) an apple, animal crackers (Isabel loves them so I always bring some for her), and chocolate milk. Hey is it so wrong to appreciate the finer things in life. It dosen't get much better than this.
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Post by emmylala »


Well, if Kyle doesn't want to play, I will...what do you say Michael?...a perfect chance to try and win back money... I hear Liz say, but I'm much to preoccupied being pissed at Kyle for ditching our rematch. Hey, Mikey G, I said I wanted to play. Liz repeats, waving her hands in my face.

"Nah, I changed my mind...playing a girl would be an easy victory....I need a challenge." I say to Liz, who shoots daggers at me. Liz is the type of girl who's into all that women's libe stuff.

Poker? I hear Alex say No, I don't think so you guys. Poker is such a vicious game. You know especially with all the... um.. violent tendencies involved. I shake me head, it doesn't surprise me that Alex wouldn't want in.

At some point in the conversation Kyle lifts from his sleeping position and says Michael, I didn't say I'll never play against you. Someday.. I shoot him a dirty look as I walk over to another table and steal, a kid's apple. "Hey!" he says, as I bite into it. I pull out a quarter from my pocket and flip it to the kid and say "Keep the change".

As I take my seat next to Max, I notice someone walking around handing out flyers. The girls gives us each one. "The West Roswell Junior Prom" I read aloud.
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Post by Serephinah »

Nah, I changed my mind...playing a girl would be an easy victory....I need a challenge." Michael says to me.

I narrow my eyes at him...he can be such a neanderthral sometimes. If I didn't know about that other side of him, the side that had stolen my journal and told me "Thank you for giving me another reason to envy Max Evans" I would just think he was the ultimate cave man. Alex and Maria had both refused to play also, which had Michael seething, but the sleepy Kyle had suddenly spoken up and soothed him with a later offer of playing poker.
As all of this was going on I noticed a two girls walking around the quad handing out colored flyers. Soon enough they got to our table and passed out their flyers and moving onto the next table. Each of us had gotten one. It read in bright letters:

  • The West Roswell Junior Prom
    This Saturday @ 7:00pm in the Roswell High Gym
    Come for a
    Romantic Night Under the Stars
    @-/------ @-/------ @-/------ @-/------ @-/-----

    Tickets can be purchased from the office.
"Wow...I didn't know that was coming up so soon..."

In reality I had known when Prom was a couple months ago...not so long ago I had been counting down the days till the dress I had ordered would come in...because I had known I was going with Max, and I wanted everything to be perfect, even my dress. But, now, I wasn't sure if there was really even a point in me going...except that I had already made all these plans with Max to go...well I'd probably find out soon enough if he wanted to go with me. I didn't think now was the best time to bring it up though. I didn't want to try and deal with the reality of my public break with Max now, instead I think I'll do something else. I coulnd't deal with thinking of what Prom meant to me.

"Uh guys, I think I'll go ... I need to study for a quiz in AP...yeah, AP something ... I'll catch up with you later," I said, in the hopes that it sounded like a reasonable excuse...

*Hopefully Max won't decide that now is the time to follow me...*

I gathered up my unfinished lunch and hurried over to the door back into the school hallway and hopefully my sanctuary from Max and all my lovelorn thoughts.
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Post by emmylala »


Prom, the most dreaded word known to a teenage boy. I've never been one for these kinds of things, but knowing Maria...she'd definately want to go. Uhg...the thought of having to wear a monkey suit, gives me a sour taste in my mouth. Oh, wait, no that's just the granny smith I'm eating.

I watch as everyone reads the pink flyer detailing the date and time of this fiasco when I notice Liz's eyes move from the paper to Max and back to the paper again. I watch her do this several times, knowing all the while what she's probably thinking, will he or won't he.

I shake the thought from my head. I'm not gettin mixed up in their relationship drama, I have enough of my own with Maria. You see, every time there is a stupid prom, its the custom in our dumb ass school to ask a girl in a unique way. Simply saying "Will you go to the prom with me?" does not work at West Roswell. Oh, no, you have make an elaborate proposal. Guys dread this more than the monkey suit, but the girls live for it and Maria would be no exception.

Uh guys, I think I'll go ... I need to study for a quiz in AP...yeah, AP something ... I'll catch up with you later

Liz says gathering up her unfinished lunch and hurrying over to the door back into the school hallway. Just before she disappears into the hallway I call her name.

"Yo, Liz...wait" I say, waving her back to the table. Everyone looks up at me in wonder. Especially Maria. Liz walks back to our table and gives me a questioning look.

"Uh, yeah...I was wondering, if you don't mind...could you help me with my math homework. I have Mr. Stein next period and he's gonna fail me if I don't turn it in." I say, hoping she will take the bait. Liz is a chronic academic, she'll help me out. Liz nodds as I grab my books. There is an empty table right next to us "We can still here" I point.

Everyone watches as we take a seat at the empty lunch table. Liz looks at me, waiting for me to pull out my book. You see I could do Math with my eyes closed, same goes for all the other idiotic subjects taught in our public high school's, I just don't feel the need to prove myself. Therefore, I have become the delinquent, the class clown, the one least likely to succeed, but I digress.... Going into my book bag I pull out my calculus book and open it up to some random page, as I do so I lean in and say "Forget the math...I need your help, with Maria"
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

ooc: Kyle and his weird dreams coming.. ;)


I lifted my head when someone said something about a prom, but then I put my head back. I couldn't care about a prom. I wasn't in the mood for going to one. I heard some talk somewhere but didn't mind. Everyone was just too noisy - again. I blocked the noices and relaxed.

I drifted of to sleep and saw a crazy dream about Romeo and Juliet. I was the Romeo and Michael was the Juliet. We were both dressed like the old English people. Of 'course Mikey was dressed like a girl. I grinned in the dream and looked away before I started laughing. I talked like an englishman, I wasn't sure how. Michael sounded like a girl.

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

I couldn't help put laugh. I couldn't reply to him - her. But then the dream got weird when Michael got himself cards and told me to play a match with him. I shook my head but agreed to play with him. I seemed to lose to him. I got the worts cards. He laughed this time...

I opened my eyes and saw a punch of people staring at me.

"What..?" I mumbled.

I hoped I hadn't laughed for real, but it seemed that I had.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I look up when I hear Kyle laughing. He is obviously still asleep. Hmmm.... that's weird. What's so funny? I would have thought that Kyle's dreams consisted of being with Shaniah Twain in the mountains somewhere, and that my friend is never funny. Laughing myself, I remember Isabel telling me about this time when she dream walked Kyle and he was..... Opps. Their all looking at me. Apparently, something important has just been said and I completely missed it. " So..." I try. "The Prom... Who wants to spike the punch?" I smile sheepishly.
Last edited by FaithfulAngel24 on Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Serephinah »

Liz Parker

ooc: Okay, that's no problem. :).

Before I made my exit, Michael called out to me.

"Yo, Liz...wait"

I come back to the table, a litle curious as to what Michael wanted. My plans for escape forgotten.

"Uh, yeah...I was wondering, if you don't mind...could you help me with my math homework. I have Mr. Stein next period and he's gonna fail me if I don't turn it in."

How could I turn up helping him is one of the things that I'm good at. Michael gets up from the table and indicates an empty nearby table.

"We can sit here."

We both take a seat and I wait for him to pull out his book. We lean over closer to look at the page he opened in his book, and suddenly Michael whispers to me, "Forget the math...I need your help, with Maria."

A little surprised he would ask me for help I whisper back, "What do you mean?
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Post by emmylala »


As Liz and I pretend to be looking at my math book, Liz whispers What do you mean? I pretend to turn the page and scribble something down. I hear Kyle laugh from the next table and see that everyone is staring at him.

"It's the prom" I say "I know how much chicks live for that shit" I say, fully aware that Liz is being to ream me referring to her and the female population in general as chicks but I continue. "...and I know Maria is definitely gonna want to go, unfourtunately" I say looking over at the other table to make sure Maria isn't listening.

"Well, you know how the tradition has always been for a guy to ask a girl to go to the prom with them in some grandiose way” I say, and Liz nods as she turns the page of my Math book absent-mindedly. “Well...” I say, looking down at the book “you’re a chick, right?, help me out…what unique way can I employ to ask my over zealous girlfriend to this fiasco fest?”