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Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:51 pm
by TVQueen
I didn't even notce this thread until today! But then again, I always seem to be late on things, lol.

screen name: TVQueen
name: Jennifer
class: 2006-Junior now
location: Louisiana
birthday: June 16
scholastic interests: AP English/Literature, Biology, Health, Law Studies, Psychology
dreaded subjects: History, hated Geometry last year
college: University of Illinois at Champaign
plans for future: starting out as an attorney, then hopefully owning a law firm of my own
extracurriculars: Drama and journalism, writing Smallville and Roswell fanfics, episode reviewer and afficianado for Everwood (at tvtome)
anything else you'd like to share: Nothing too interesting I don't think. I adore children, and want to have 4 or 5 of my own. When high school is done, I'll be moving back to Illinois (where I was born) to be with my boyfriend (already attending U of I). I could go on, but I'll spare y'all the boredom :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:18 pm
by Lorastar
Thanks, Laura.

And welcome, Jennifer. What fics do you have posted here?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:11 pm
by Dreamertilltheend
Hey Jenny! Welcome :D

Just dropping by to say hi and how much life SUCKS!!!!

My life went to amazing, to a catastrophe, to semi ok and then even more down hill....Fun!!!


Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:43 pm
by TVQueen
Hey everyone!
Lorastar wrote:Thanks, Laura.

And welcome, Jennifer. What fics do you have posted here?
I've written 3 fics on here. My first completed one, As I Lay Me Down To Sleep, the sequel to that Awaken Me (currently Dead and Buried for the time being), and one that I've just recently started working on Becoming One (I just posted Ch.4 a few minutes ago).

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:04 am
by Lorastar
Katia, what happened?

Jennifer, I'll have to check out your stories when I get back from class. of my bosses made me feel so good at work yesterday. She found out I'm attending a community college and she told me I was too smart for that! YAY! My junior year english teacher said the same thing when I saw her a few weeks ago. And my current english teacher made me fell more confident with my writing when she gave me a 98% on an essay I wrote and said I had really good sentences. Score. I feel like writing more SF now. :D

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 3:47 pm
by dreamsofRoswell
I just wanted to pop in and say that I've written two new chapters to one of my old fics, Made of Glass. I'm sure that none of you remember it, or few of you do... I've been on a year-long writer's block, and hopefully it's passed. 8) I'm actually in the middle of writing a new chapter right now.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:54 am
by Gigo

Erm... hi? Anyone remember me? I'm that person who only sounds vaguely familiar because she <i>disappeared from the planet</i> for the last year or so. Not literally, of course (I suppose I should be careful what I say around here :wink:), but I might as well have. *sigh* Sorry, folks. :(

I missed all of you (and a whole lot of news, it seems. Congrats!!!! And welcome!! And... wow, in general.), but I was pretty swamped this year. School kind of took hold of me and the few times I surfaced to check this thread at the beginning of the year, it seemed pretty dead... but here I am. Can you forgive me? How are all of you? I want to hear all about it!

As for me, I had a fantastic (but very very busy) time at school this year and now I'm still at school for basically the entire summer working on a research project. For those of you who don't know me, technically I almost don't belong on this thread any more, since it used to be for just high-schoolers, but we changed that when a few of us technically stopped going to high school. :wink:

Hopefully someone's still keeping an eye on this thread, because I want to hear about how all of you are doing!


ps. Is anyone who's in college on facebook?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:09 pm
by Lorastar

I remember you! I think we used to talk a bunch a long time ago on this thread! How are you? Now that a week has passed since you posted....

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:53 pm
by Gigo
I'm good. Not a whole lot going on but what I mentioned before (at school doing research for the summer, kept pretty busy with school during the year). What about you? I saw about the engagement (that's great!), but what else is going on? Any fun stories to tell? Job stuff? School stuff? Normal life stuff?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:24 pm
by Lorastar
Hmm...not much is going on, really. I start classes in a week and a half, but i'm actually interested in these course: English, Sociology: Society and Media, Multimedia 123, Digital Video Editing, and of course the yucky health. lol. I'm supposed to be on Amazon right now, because one of the girls i work with got all her text books there for half as much as the school would charge her for the same used books. And I'm poor and collecting empty cans to pay for stuff. lol.

Work is work. The same old thing, boring and annoying. The heat seems to bring out some of the worst clients. I won't bore you with specifics, but just imagine someone bringing in a baggie (seriously) of coke colored urine and a fecal sample that is squished into the tips of a plastic glove. Wow. What a guy. My pay check is pretty nice, but only cuz I'm working almost full time, and not cutting back even when I go back to school. Yay. Full time student and working 35 hours a week. I can't wait for my four days off! Yay!

Oh! Something kinda cool is that I'll be making a movie sometime soon! Elena (JBehrsGurl) is working on a script for me now. I heart her! I can't wait to get started. :D