As I Lay Me Down To Sleep (M/L, M/M. MATURE) COMPLETE

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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As I Lay Me Down To Sleep (M/L, M/M. MATURE) COMPLETE

Post by TVQueen »

As I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Couples: Max & Liz, Michael & Maria

Rating MATURE-to be on the safe side. The first 2 or 3 chapters are PG13, but if the fic does get heated with the language or sexual activity then I want it to be rated accordingly.

A/N I write many, many fics over at, so I'm experienced in writing fics. I am new to the board (I never even knew this existed!!) and I'm so glad I was given this link because I love Roswell. You may have seen Ch.1 of this over at under my username TV Goddess, and maybe even at SWEET under "other fanfics". Both of those have only gotten to Ch. 1, because I haven't quite found a place where this fic can settle and be appreciated to Roswell fans. I am hoping it'll find its place here.

Summary The fic takes place after the episode in which Liz accuses the Pod Squad of being responsible for Alex's death. Dreams have been haunting Liz since her best friend's death. Liz also has power that the Pod Squad thought to be gone.
It's Maria and Liz vs. the Pod Squad, with complication in between. There's harsh tension between Max and Liz, and awkwardness surrounding Michael and Maria. There's also the fact that Liz hates Tess-Liz is positive Tess is responsible. Isabel sides with Tess, and believes Liz is out of her mind (thanks to Tess for that coersion). That leaves Kyle, who's stuck in the neutral zone, and quickly finds out that isn't exactly the safest place to be when the opposite sides each pressure him to choose.

Disclaimer I own NOTHING of relation to Roswell. All characters, and pre-existing storylines are the rights of Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, the WB, and UPN. I just take the stuff and play with it.
Last edited by TVQueen on Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:55 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Liz normally never walked outside alone when it was so late at night. She knew the town of Roswell like the back of her hand because she had grown up here. She knew every street, every residential face. But tourists came through this city so often; Liz avoided being outside by herself after hours. But tonight she was looking for something, or maybe someone. She didn't know where she was headed and only instinct told her which paths to follow. The air was cold and Liz had on a tank top and some jeans. Why didn't I bring a jacket?

Liz sharply turned the corner and headed for an empty warehouse on a corner lot. She knew this place. It used to be owned by a local tabloid. "The Unearthly Times" it was called. It went out of business a couple of years ago because of the outlandish stories. That shocked Liz. Usually the populace of Roswell loved everything UFO. There was not a single building in Roswell that didn't have some sort of alien theme. Even the floral boutique, Celestial Flowers, had aliens adorning the windows carrying a bouquet of daisies. There was no such thing as being "too out there" for Roswell. Roswell was as bizarre as you could get.

She opened the door of the building and went in. With the exception of a single light in the middle of the room, it was pitch-black. The light radiated down from the ceiling. Liz moved in closer to see what the figure standing in the luminosity was. It was Alex. Alex!

She ran to him and stopped abruptly when he crumpled to the ground. Behind him was Tess clutching a bloody knife and a sinister smile.

"No!" Liz screamed. She kneeled down next to Alex and shook him hard. She repeated his name. Still no answer. Tess took off running. Liz darted after her, catching up quickly. They disappeared off into the desert. Liz's lungs began to burn. Keep running, she willed herself. It was too dark and Liz had lost her. She looked around frantically everywhere. She had to find Tess. Time was running out.

Liz jerked up in bed so fast that she fell off. "Dammit," she mumbled to herself. She grabbed the clock off of the nightstand. It was 2 in the morning. She knew she wouldn't get back to sleep. She was so used to this routine that it wasn't even worth it to try. She pulled a denim jacket over her black tank top and put on some jeans. She grabbed her keys off her dresser and climbed out of her window. Liz got in her car and drove to school. If she wasn't going back to sleep, she might as well do something productive with her time. Her and Max had a Biology project together and Ms. Fordman gave Liz the keys to the science building in case Liz ever wanted to come in and work on the assignment. Liz was the top student in the class, in all of the classes. In fact, she was the top student in all of her classes. Every teacher trusted her and that worked to Liz's advantage. The assignment her and Max were doing was long and extensive. Often times, Liz would come in late at night like this and work on it. It was better to do it herself than in the presence of Max.

Max. Now that was a guy that could bring up some issues. Max and her were no longer the way they used to be. They used to be unbelievably close. But then Tess showed up. Tess, a leggy blue-eyed blonde from Antar had arrived almost a year ago. She knew of her origin and everyone else's origin and destiny. Everyone else being Max, Michael, and Isabel. Max's destiny happened to be with Tess. Tess was his wife from Antar. Well, his destined wife. Ever since Tess arrived in Roswell, there's been a major ripple between the Pod Squad, the aliens, and the non-Pod Squad-Maria and Liz. Kyle and his father know of the aliens, they even took in Tess. But Maria and Liz didn't trust Tess. Liz envied the life Tess lived with Max on Antar. She envied how close they'd gotten over the last few months. It wasn't like Tess exactly liked Liz either. Tess had always acted as if she were superior to Liz. And then she killed Alex. Liz knew this from the bottom of her heart. She knew Tess killed Alex. She couldn't prove it, yet, but she knew it. This is what caused the rift between Liz and Max. Between Liz and Isabel. Between Liz and Michael. The only one who ever stuck by her was her best friend Maria. Everyone else thought she was jealous and looking for someone to blame. That's what hurt Liz the most. Max put Tess, a girl he barely knew, over Liz. He claimed that he and Tess have a connection or whatever, but Max wouldn't open his eyes wide enough to see what was really going on. Tess had him played. She had all three aliens fooled. She even had sheriff Valenti and Kyle fooled. Only Maria and Liz could see it and that separated them from the group that they once belonged to.

Liz parked near the science building of Roswell High School. She took out her class key and opened the hallway doors. She went to the classroom to find it already unlocked. A light could be seen through the door's blinds. Who on earth would be at school at this time of the night? Oh. Liz cautiously stepped through the door. The person was standing at the last lab table, reading something. Liz eyed him closer. It was Max.

"Max? What are you doing here? It's like 2 something."

Max looked up from his book and saw Liz standing there in the doorway. She looked amazing, almost ethereal. No, not almost. She definitely looked like an angel. But then Max always thought that. "I could ask you the same."

"I come here when I can't sleep. How'd you get in? I'm the only one with a-. Oh." She stopped herself shortly, realizing that Max used his powers to get in.

"So that's how you're so far ahead," Max said. His attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere around them failed. Liz didn't even smile. She's been on the defensive ever since he told her to leave Tess alone.

"I guess I'll go," Max said despondently. He walked past her stiff form and turned around when he got to the door. "Liz, do you ever think we could be friends again?"

"Will you ever believe me about Tess?" she asked back.

"No," Max's voice was stern.

"There's your answer," Liz retorted.

"You're wrong about her."

"So are you."

"She's not as bad as you make her out to be. If you'd just give her a chance-"

"Give her a chance and what?!" Liz was getting angry. "And end up like Alex?"

Max took a step closer. "She didn't kill Alex. I understand what you feel like Liz. I lost Alex too. We all lost him. But you can't go around blaming innocent people just because you can't accept the fact that he took his own life."

Liz trembled with anger. She harshly jerked her hand out to the side and an array of glass beakers shattered as the power transmitted from her hand was unleashed. She didn't flinch.

"Liz..." Max was taken aback by her sudden display of power that he had transmitted to her the day he saved her. He had thought it had gone away, but apparently he was wrong.

"Be lucky that wasn't your head," she said severely. She pushed past him and left, leaving Max standing there confused and concerned.

Liz found herself running down the hallway, running to her car, and if she could've, she would've sped down the street, back to her house, back to her room. But she couldn't go home. Energy was coursing through her. It was a feeling that left a bad taste in her mouth. It showed her that she could never fit. She had alien powers but she wasn't one of them, one of the aliens. She was 100 percent human, a human mother, human father, American-born, but had something no other human had. It made her feel very out of place.

Liz climbed through Maria's window. She realized how late, or early, depending on how you took it, it was.

"Maria," Liz whispered.

Maria lay still, her back to Liz.

"Maria," Liz hissed.

Maria could hear Liz's voice, but she didn't want to acknowledge her friend's presence. Just lie very still, and maybe she'll go away.

"Maria!" Liz whispered louder.

Still wrapped in her covers up to her face, Maria groaned and grabbed the clock next to her. When she saw the time, she threw the clock on the floor and groaned again.

"Maria DeLuca, if you don't get up this instant..."

"Frickin'. So early. Can't let ...sleep," was all Liz could get out of Maria's mumbling.

"I need to talk to you," Liz said. Her voice was full of fear. Maria noticed it now that she was fully awake. She turned the lamp on.

Liz's eyes were full of unshed tears.

"You had that dream again, didn't you?" Maria asked soothingly.

Liz broke down right in front of her. It scared and confused Maria. Liz had been coming through her window a lot ever since Alex's death. Maria knew of the recurring dream Liz was having. It was always the same and it always ended on the same unfinished condition. But never had Liz been so vulnerable as to break down into sobs in front of someone. Not even in front of Maria. This couldn't have been just about the dream.

Maria scooted over on her bed and ushered Liz to sit next to her. "What's wrong Liz?"

Liz took in a deep, shaky breath and composed herself long enough to explain what just happened.

"And your power came out, just like that?"

"Not exactly. I kind of willed it to come. I had to do something Maria. I felt like I was going to explode."

"So you exploded a set of glass beakers instead." Normally, Maria would think there was something wrong with this display of anger. But now, now Maria thought it was something good, something almost therapeutic for Liz. Liz had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect friend, and at one time the perfect girlfriend. That's got to take a toll on your emotions. Maria came up with an idea. They took Liz's car, and Maria drove to the desert and parked at the spot full of cactuses.

She got out and stood with her hands on her hips taking a cleansing breath. "Aim, shoot, fire."

Liz was bewildered. "What?"

"Well, as I see it, you have a lot of built up anger and frustration and if you don't let it out, it'll consume you. Like it did when you decided to go all psycho and sought to piss off some science teachers tomorrow. But there are plenty of cacti out here, and it can't hurt anyone, so let it out."

Liz nodded and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and with each hand flick, she blasted another cactus. When she let out all that she needed to let out, she drove Maria back home and Liz climbed back in her window and went to bed.
Last edited by TVQueen on Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Chapter 2

Maria rapped at Michael’s door. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for him to answer. After 10 minutes of waiting outside, he finally answered. Clad in boxers and a white t-shirt, he opened the door and jerked awake when he saw Maria standing there.

“Maria! What are you doing here?” His voice came out colder than expected.

“It is so nice to see you too Michael.” She walked in and pushed past him, not waiting for him to invite her in.

The relationship between her and Michael could be described in one word- complicated.

Complicated. It was definitely that. They were on their way to becoming “more than friends” when Alex died. Then when Liz announced that she thought it was Tess who killed Alex, things went crazy. Max, Isabel, and Tess became icy cold to Liz. They didn’t talk to her, didn’t look at her, and didn’t eat with her. She was basically kicked out of the group. Time passed, and those three figured they’d give Liz another chance, thinking she was greatly sorry and expected her to apologize. She didn’t. Liz was so sure it was Tess, she continued to investigate. And that was the final straw for Liz and the Pod Squad’s relationship with her.

Michael and Maria, on the other hand, were on the fence for a while. Maria desperately wanted to believe her best friend, but Liz had a way of harboring emotions. Maria didn’t know if Liz’s accusation came from underlying emotions of jealousy, or whether it really had some truth to it. But when in doubt, Maria would always side with her best friend. Rarely was Liz ever wrong, and Maria saw Liz’s passion to find who killed Alex.

Michael, on the other hand, was still on the fence. He wanted to believe his best friends. He wanted to believe his kin. But Michael always held suspicion for Tess. There was just something off about her. And he saw how Liz wholeheartedly believed Tess was the killer. Liz wasn’t the type of person to accuse someone when she hadn’t any proof, and Michael knew that. Liz was analytical. Methodical. Strategic. It was uncharacteristic of her to blame someone in spite. Especially when it involved Max’s destined Antar wife. Michael finally jumped off the fence when Max talked with him. Max and Michael were like brothers. If Max said she was wrong, she was wrong.

“What are you doing here?” Michael repeated. “You can’t just walk into somebody’s place unexpectedly at 3 in th—“

“Shut up for a minute will ya?” Maria interrupted. She took out an aromatherapy vial and took a deep inhale. Lavender. Calming. Soothing. “Now, normally I wouldn’t be telling you this because I wouldn’t be talking to you because you’re a big jerk, but it’s important. Liz is having these dreams. These serious and scary dreams. She’s had them nearly every night and it’s the same exact premise every time. I don’t know if it’s alien-related or not, but it can’t be normal. It’s triggering things in her.”

“What kind of things?”

“Powerful things. The kind that could get someone killed if she was angry enough.”

“You mean, like powers?”

“Not like powers Michael. She has her powers back. I saw a nice display of them tonight. She exploded like 10 cacti all with a flick of her hand. She’s willing it. That’s never happened before. Her power is supposed to be uncontrollable and spontaneous.”

“Why are you telling me this Maria? Why not tell Max? Why me?”

“Because Max is an ass. He’ll come up with some excuse for it. And plus, he already saw he blast a bit of the science departments earlier tonight. He doesn’t care about her anymore.”

“That’s not true Maria,” Michael said quickly.

“Oh it isn’t? Then Tess is only a temporary substitute until one of you kicks her bimbo blonde’s ass her back to where she came from?”

“Don’t talk about Tess like that.”

“Don’t defend a liar.”

“Tess isn’t a liar. She’s a friend. She one of us.”

“Wrong, Michael. She’s one of you. What about me? I will never be one of you. Do you still love me? Can you still love me?”

Michael put his hands on her shoulders. “Of course I still love you.”

Maria shook her head. “Not like that. Not in an “I’ll be your friend forever” way. I mean the way Max loves Liz. The Jack loved Rose.”


“Jack, Rose. Titanic reference.”

“Oh. I don’t know Maria. Everything is so complicated.”

“You could always uncomplicated it.”


“Kiss me.”
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Chapter 3

Liz toyed with the lock on her locker. She’d been tired ever since she arrived at school, and she only had one more class before lunch—Biology 2. She hadn’t ever experienced a moment like last night. It was exhilarating to let loose her anger. She had been holding up so many mixed emotions for so long, that releasing it cleansed her. The way herbs cleansed Maria.

Liz hadn’t slept ever since she awoke from her nightmare. She felt sore, exhausted the rest of the night into the morning. And Maria running up to her this morning squealing about how her and Michael kissed last night didn’t exactly put Liz into a good mood. She hated to admit it, but she was getting envious of Maria. Maria didn’t know what it was like to have powers, or to have nightmares nearly every night about your best friend dying. Liz was feeling more alone than angry. She wanted Max, she needed Max, but if Max couldn’t trust her, then she’d have to do without.

Liz pounded on the locker door. This was the fifth time she tried her locker combination. She was on the verge of a breakdown. All she wanted was a good night’s sleep, and following good day. Was that honestly too much to ask for?

“Dammit!” she yelled. “Just open already!” She jerked her hand to the lock and the lock exploded.

“Liz!” Max hissed.

‘Dear God,’ Liz thought. ‘Not now. Just go away. Leave me alone.’

“Liz, what the hell are you doing?!” he whispered to her in a harsh tone. “We can’t use our powers in public like that! You know that Liz!”

“First of all, there is no “we”. You don’t give a damn in believing what I say, so you don’t get to tell me what to do. Secondly, these aren’t “our” powers. They’re mine. I deal with them and use them how I please. Now move. I’m late for class.”

He grabbed her arm as she moved past him. She gave him a severe look and he released almost immediately.

Liz took her seat in the classroom just as the bell rang. Max quickly followed behind her sitting on the chair next of her. Liz scooted her chair over as far as she possibly could.

Ms. Fordman went into her daily routine of roll call and the beginning class lecture. Max had heard this too many times already to care about listening again. This was the perfect chance to talk to Liz.

“Liz,” Max hissed, “We need to talk.”

“No, we really don’t,” she answered, keeping her eyes on Ms. Fordman.

“Liz, I’m not playing games with you. This is serious. We need to talk about your—“

“No…we…do…not,” Liz stated through clenched teeth. She was having enough of this. He wasn’t worried about her. He was concerned about him and the Pod Squad. All he wanted was information she couldn’t give to him.

“Dammit, Liz. Stop being stubborn and just listen to me!” he whispered to her.

“Why?!” She finally turned to him, her eyes flooded with anger. “You haven’t listened to me this entire time! It’s quite clear you care nothing for what I have to say, so tell me why the hell I should listen to you.”

“Parker, Evans! Are we having problems here?!” the teacher scolded.

“No, Ms. Fordman, everything is fine,” Liz answered.

“Actually Ms. Fordman, we do have something to tell you.”

Liz turned to Max. She tried to catch his eye, but he was looking at the teacher.

“What is it Evans?”

“Well, Ms. Fordman, I heard you mentioning something about the broken beakers earlier. I have to confess for Miss Parker and myself. I feel really guilty about it.”

“What are you talking about Evans?”

“Ms. Fordman, Liz and I broke the glass beakers.”

Oh God. Liz placed her head into her folded arms on the table. ‘This is not happening.’

“Is this true Miss Parker?”

Liz lifted her head. “Yes.”

“Well then. The both of you can some in Saturday and grade papers of mine as punishment. I planned to go shopping anyway. You two can work out whatever problems you have when you’re here Saturday.”

‘Perfect,’ Max thought.
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Chapter 4

"Liz, seriously. You need to take a deep breath," Maria warned.

"I wouldn't even be like this if he wasn't such an ass Maria!" Liz yelled.

Maria nearly ran into the back of the car in front of her. Her best friend rarely ever yelled or cursed. "Have you talked to him?"

"You mean since he got me a Saturday detention?! No. I've taken every possible measure to avoid him."

"Why do you think he told?"

"Because he's an ass. I wouldn't talk to him in class so he got pissed."

"K, here we are." Maria turned the key and faced Liz. "Liz, you're going to be her for 5 hours with Max. You've got to make the best of it. I'll leave your car here, ok?"

"Fine." Liz sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Wait. Where are you going?"

"Oh, you know. Aromatherapy shopping. Gotta stock up on the vials. Alexa is gonna come pick me up.”

“Ooh. Sounds like fun,” Liz replied sarcastically. “Have a good time.” She was really going to make the best of a bad situation.

Maria gave Liz a quick hug. “Behave,” Maria told her in semi-mocking motherly tone.

Liz walked into the classroom. Whew. Thank God Max wasn’t here yet. She had time to unwind before he came. She removed her jacket, hung it over the teacher’s chair, and sat down in it. She swiveled around and grabbed the stack of papers from the shelf. God, it must’ve felt good to be a teacher sitting in front of the classroom like this. It felt powerful in a way. Liz grabbed a red pen and began correcting papers.

Max walked in the door quietly. He knew Liz was here-he saw her car. There she was in front of him. Beautiful and ethereal. Dressed in a tight, black tank top and a short black skirt. The sight of the gold cross on her cleavage drove Max to insanity. Her legs-so smooth and luscious. He craved for it. There was no doubt he wanted her. He needed her. Both his body and mind hungered for her.

“Yes, you can come in. I don’t bite,” Liz said, without looking up from the paper she was grading.

“Hello to you too.”

“Don’t even start. Your dumb ass is the reason I’m here.”

“I needed to talk to you Liz. You gave me no choice.”

“Fuck you.”

“Liz, don’t you think you’re getting out of control?”

Still, with her eyes on the paper, she raised her left hand and motioned it towards a plant in the back of the classroom. In an instant, the plant exploded. “That’s out of control?” She glanced up from her paper. “Hm. That looked pretty controlled to me.”

Max walked over behind her. “This isn’t a game Liz,”

"Then why are you playing?" She knew he wanted her. She saw him eyeing her when he walked in. He wanted what he couldn't have. He knew it. But he could have it. All he had to do was believe her.

"I won't."

'Dammit,' she thought. Max could always do that. There was no need for him to ask what she was thinking. He knew. He knew her.

"Then you can't have me," she whispered into is ear.

Her breath was warm on his ear. He felt her lips skim his earlobe. “You’re jealous of Tess.”

“Ha! Please. I can make you scream my name in ecstasy.”


Max grabbed the back of Liz’s head and kissed her. He slipped his tongue in deeper when he heard the soft moan in the back of her throat. She was giving in.

She had to stop. She couldn’t continue this. His hands were now coming up along her sides. She was sitting on the desk with him between her legs. She shouldn’t be doing this. She was indulging too much. And so was he. She pulled back when his hand grabbed her breast. She slapped him across his face. “We are not doing this.”

“I am,” he told her.
Last edited by TVQueen on Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 5

Again, she was indulging. She was taking what was rightfully hers. Max belonged to her. She was his woman. He was her man. No one could take her place, not even destined wives. She was more woman than Tess could ever be. If he loved Tess so much, than why was he standing in between Liz’s legs, running his fingers through Liz’s hair, taking in the taste of Liz’s mouth? No, Max didn’t love Tess. He loved Liz. He just didn’t trust her. He abandoned her when she needed him the most, all so he could defend Tess. Liz was furious, enraged at this. So then why was she letting him do these things to her right now? Why was she letting him pull her closer? Why was she allowing him to press his already hard self against her quivering stomach? Why wasn’t she stopping this?

‘Because you want it,’ he mind told her. ‘Because you need it,’ her body replied.

This was true. She needed to feel Max’s hands all over her. She needed to press against Max and hear him groan with pleasure. She needed to taste his neck and feel his abs under her fingers.

“Stop,” she breathed into his ear.

His tongue was still grazing her neck. “No. You want this as badly as I do.”

“Not like this. Not when you love her over me.”

“You know I love you Liz,” he panted. He was coming close. She could tell by his hip movements, driving deep against her.

“Then why are you defending her?” she asked, arching her back and pressing her chest to him.

“I’m defending all of us. M-Michael, I-“ he swallowed hard, “ah. Isabel, and me. Tess is one of us, so I have to pro-protect her too.”

“Even when it means losing me?”

“I haven’t lost you.”

The nerve of him. Liz pushed him off of her and hopped off the desk. She walked briskly over to the door, and before turning the handle she turned to him.

“Yes you have.” She opened the door and walked out, leaving Max standing there. Alone. Like she had been these past couple weeks.

Liz walked around the school for a while before settling herself in the music room. Lately, this room had been the only calming place she could go. The science lab was getting stale and repulsive with Max always being there. This room reminded her of Alex-how he would come and play the guitar in here. Him, Maria, and Liz shared a lot of laughs in this room.


“Dude, you can SO not play any instrument in this room and you know it,” Maria informed her best friend.

“Aw come one. Liz can’t be the only talented 8th grader in all of Roswell. Honestly compardo, where’s the love?” Alex Whitman gestured by throwing his hands into the air.

“Compadre,” Liz corrected.

“See? Liz is super smart; you’re an awesome burger and fries waitress. What about me?” Alex stuck out his bottom lip at Maria.

“Oh come on Alex. You’re talented,” Liz informed him.

“Why thank you Liz.”

“See Alex? You’re talented. So tell me again why we’re in this must old music room?”

“Watch,” he told the girls. He picked up a guitar leaning on its stand. He began strumming a few notes before playing a song.

“Hey! Isn’t that the Adam Sandler “Hanukkah” song?! I LOVE this song.”

“You’re really good Alex. Have you been doing this while Maria and I have been working?”

“Yeah. I taught myself some stuff. You like?”

“I love,” Maria replied.

“Ditto,” Liz told him.

“Maybe in a few years I’ll write my own hit holiday song. About that dude that has Valentines Day named after him.”

“Saint Valentine.” Liz stated.

“See Maria? What’d I tell ya? Super smart.”

Last edited by TVQueen on Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter 6

Liz was getting bored. Desperation to go back to Max, just to have something to do, was kicking in. There were only so many times she could play the “Snakes” game on her cell phone. She scrolled through the list of names in her phone. She saw Max’s name first on her list. Liz edited the name.

Max now became Selfish Bastard.

Then she saw Michael.

Jerk that Sided with the Bastard.

Then Isabel.

Bitch who accused me of being Jealous.

‘That isn’t fair,’ Liz thought. Isabel had been like a sister to her. She couldn’t be spiteful to Isabel. All Isabel had done to Liz these past few weeks was not talk to her. She was never mean or obnoxious. She gave courteous smiles to her when they were in the same room with other people. She was even kind to Liz when they were assigned as math partners. To be mean to Isabel wasn't fair. Liz deleted what she typed and put Isabel’s name back to how it was.

Next was Tess. The only reason Tess’s name was on here was just in case there was a ghastly emergency that involved someone dying and Liz couldn’t get a hold of anyone of ANYONE but Tess. Her name didn’t even deserve to be in there anymore. Liz didn’t like her all that much before Alex’s death, but Liz was at least willing to give her a shot back then. Not anymore. Liz deleted the name.

Liz wondered what Maria was doing. Not really, but it was a good excuse to call her best friend. The phone rang 4 times before Maria picked up.

“H-hello?” Maria answered.

“Hey Maria. It’s me. Are you okay, you sound a little bit out of breath.”

“Oh God. Mmmm, yeah that’s good. U-uhm I’m sorry Liz, what? Oh, I’ve been doing some serious aromatherapy shopping. Running around and—OH GOD RIGHT THERE!”—Maria wailed into the phone.

“Maria! Are you okay? What’s wrong?!” Liz asked, clearly confused and concerned.

“Yeah, yeah it feels SO good.”

“What does?”

“The-I-I’m getting a message. One of those therapeutic massages. He’s going so deep—“ Liz heard someone chuckle on the other end. “I mean, deep in my shoulder muscle! He’s getting really hard and just pushing right in there. I can, I can feel my muscles getting so much better all ready.”

“Uhm, okay. Well then I guess I’ll leave you to it then. Don’t get it more than once Maria, we have to work tonight and I don’t want to hear you complaining all night about it. I know how you are with all that therapy crap.”

“O-OHH-Ohh God, HARDER, HARDER PLEASE!” Maria screamed.

“Maria are you even listening to me dammit?!”

“Ohhh, mmmm, oh I’m sorry, what? I mean, yeah Liz. Just one time. I promise.”

“I love you so much,” she heard Maria whisper.

“Okey dokey,” Liz said. “I love you too. I’ll talk to you later, k?”


Liz hung up the phone. ‘Glad she’s having a great time getting a damn massage while my ass has to be here,’ Liz thought.

Maria threw her cell onto the floor.

“That was close,” she said.

“You think she bought it?”

“I think so. She wouldn’t think that I-“

“That you’d be off having sex with me while she was stuck at school?”

“Yeah. She thinks I’m out shopping for my healing herb scents and stuff.”

“You didn’t tell her you were coming to see me?”


He sat on the edge of the bed and began to put on his jeans.

“Michael, you have to understand. If she found out I was with you… She’s my best friend. I’ve known her practically all my life. If she found out I was going behind her back, she’d be furious. It would be like if Max found out.”

“Yeah, but Max doesn’t hate Liz.”

“Liz doesn’t hate Max either. But you all cast her out like she’s nothing. There is something seriously wrong Michael, you and the Pod Squad are just too damn stubborn to admit it."
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Chapter 7

Max graded the remainder of Liz’s papers. He found himself in the same routine of glancing at the door, then the clock, and then the door again. Judging by how long she had been gone, Max knew her anger level was at an all-time high. He never meant to be an animal to her-to grab at her body in hunger-but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted her. He needed to feel her body on his, touch every aching part of her. She wanted the same and he knew it. She just wouldn’t give in to her body’s cry like he did. ‘Damn her’, he thought to himself. She’s driving him crazy. If she would just face the reality that Alex killed himself, then they wouldn’t be here right now in this endless game of “I love you, I love you not”. He had every right to be angry at her-for all the trouble she’s caused because of her outrageous accusation. She’s caused a rift in their group. She split up a team because of her selfishness. While he sympathized with her for loosing her best friend, it did not condone her behavior.

Max placed his hand over the now cold coffee in Liz’s coffee mug and took a sip.

“Yes you may drink my coffee,” Liz said with a touch of bitterness in her voice.

“Gee, thanks,” Max mumbled. He took a long sip of her coffee.

“Michael and Maria are having sex,” Liz said dismissively.

Max spit the big gulp clear across the room. Liz smirked at his reaction. Granted, that was her initial reaction when she first realized it after Maria hung up, but it was amusing that Max did it too.


“Michael and Maria are having sex. Screwing. Mating. Making love. Fucking. Whatever you’d like to call it-they’re doing it.”

“And-And your calm about this?!!” Max asked, aghast at the revelation.

“Well, I can’t necessarily stop them Max. What did you want me to do? Get in between them when they’re in the process?”

“Aren’t you angry or upset or anything?” He just didn’t get it. Michael was on Max’s side. And now he’s sleeping with the opposing side?

“I don’t care. They can fuck all the want. It isn’t Michael I’m mad at.”

‘How could she be so nonchalant about this?’ Max thought. “We need to put an end to this,” he told her.

“First of all, there is no “we”. Like I said, I don’t care. If you want to stop them, go ahead. Hey! Maybe you can even get Tess to mind warp Maria into believing she’s having sex with Tom Cruise!! Oh wait, she’s having trouble doing that nowadays isn’t she? Must be from the overexertion she did when she KILLED ALEX!”

“Will you get off of that?! She did not kill Alex!”

“Yeah, and I didn’t get shot nearly 2 years ago.”

“I got to pee,” Max said blatantly. He stood up and walked to the door.

“Have fun,” Liz said in a singsong voice.

Max stepped into the guy’s bathroom and took out his cell.

“Yeah?” Michael greeted on the phone.

“WHAT’RE YOU DOING SLEEPING WITH MARIA?!” Max yelled into the phone.

“Whoa. Chill out man. What’re you talking about Maxwell?”

“Don’t play stupid with me Michael. I know you and Maria are having sex with each other.”

“Wh-Who? Where did you hear this from?!”

“Liz heard you two on the phone. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because quite frankly Maxwell, it’s none of your business.”

“Michael, you sleeping with her is dang-“

“I know you are not about to say “dangerous”. It’s my private life. Do I ask about your sex-life? I think not.”

“Michael don’t even—“ Max was cut short by a scream. “Got to go,” he said. Max began running to where the sound emitted.

It was Liz’s.
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Chapter 8

Max tore through the halls of Roswell High School. Liz’s piercing scream echoed the halls. He had to get to her. Faster, he told himself. You have to get to her. He swerved around the corner and jerked open the hall doors of the science building. Then it hit him.

A pain in his lungs-enough to cause him to collapse to the ground. He could hear Liz’s screams no longer. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe. Like hands were grasping around his neck, squeezing the life out of him. But there was no one there. ‘Liz,’ he rasped. He clawed his way up and clung to the wall for support. He fell to his knees again. Liz was dying. The connection that was forged between them the day of Liz’s near-death gave Max knowledge of what she felt. At that moment, Liz was terrified and angry. But why?

Max crawled to the classroom, unable to gather the strength to stand up. He got to the door and suddenly he felt like himself. No tightening of his throat, no fear, no anger.

Max opened the door, nervous of what he could potentially find. He was right to be nervous. Facedown on the desk lied Liz. Her face was pale, her hands were hanging limp to her sides, her throat was bruised with marks of fingers. Gingerly, Max picked her up and placed her on the floor. He stood over her, placed his hands on her throat, and closed his eyes. ‘Liz, please Liz. Come back.’

Liz coughed and gasped to life. She shook all over.

“Liz? Liz, are you okay? Talk to me.”

She didn’t speak.

“Please talk to me. What happened?”

“Tess,” she croaked out.

“What do you mean? Tess isn’t even here Liz.”

“In my dream. Sh-She’s in my dreams” Liz swallowed hard. “She c-comes into them, a-and she tried to st-strangle me in my dream. It felt s-so real.” She put her hands on her neck. In her head, she could still feel the bruises.

“Liz, that’s impossible. I found you I here, choking, but not because of Tess.”

Liz stood up. “Then how the hell else do you explain it?!”

“Is it possible that you-, I mean, maybe you wanted to-, and it could’ve made you--“



“YOU SHOULD’VE JUST LET ME DIE MAX!! IF YOU DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME ENOUGH TO BELIEVE ME, THEN YOU SHOULD’VE JUST LET ME DIE!!” Liz stormed out of the classroom, smashing the double doors of the science building open. She got out to her car, seeing Max’s parked right next to it. With a small wave of her palm, the Jeep rolled over onto its top and all 4 tires burst.

“Bastard,” she said as she got in her car and drove off. On the road, Liz got an idea. A confrontation was in order she thought.

Tess woke up from her sleep in a sweat.

“Close, so close,” she muttered to herself.

“Close to what Tess? To killing me?” Liz stood in the corner of Tess’s dimly lighted room. “Nice try, but your destined lover saved me.”

“Oh, hi Liz. I didn't know you were here. What are you talking about?” Tess asked in her usual, falsely sugarcoated voice.

“What were you doing in your sleep Tess, that caused you to get so worked up?”

Tess surveyed herself in the mirror. “Oh, oh this. I must’ve had a nightmare, you know. Tossing and turning.”

“I bet. So, I see you looking pretty tired at school. Are you sleeping well?”

“I was gonna ask you the same thing.”

“Oh, me? I’m fine. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“I’ve been worried about you. You know Liz,” Tess stepped forward with a insincere concerned look on her face, “Max, and Isabel, and Michael, they don’t forgive you for what you said. They’re angry with you. But not me. I know you didn’t mean what you said. You were just upset. I can understand that. Losing someone, I mean. It can make you say or do things you don’t mean to do. I wish we didn’t have Max between us. I know it must hurt to see him with someone else. Especially after what you both have shared. I’m willing to forgive you and put it behind me so we can be friends.”

Liz spit at the feet of the pathetic blonde. “Please,” Liz said coldly, “save that act of yours for someone who’s stupid enough to believe it.” Liz turned on her heel and stopped when she got to the door.

“You may not be woman enough to take me on while I’m conscious, but I’ll find a way to get you. It’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out to Max. You may have him wrapped around your finger now, but that’ll crumble like all your other tactics. Mind warping was only good for a short time while Max was vulnerable. Sex was only temporary because he never wanted you. He wants me. That’s why he called my name that night isn’t it?” Liz gave Tess a nasty smirk.

“I hope you sleep better Tess.”
Last edited by TVQueen on Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 9
This is quite a long chapter, but Kyrie (Beautiful86) got me to update and I couldn't stop writing. If you haven't read it already, her fic Echo viewtopic.php?t=8513 is awesome. I love it!

Maria fixed her slightly tousled hair before entering the locker/prep area of the Crashdown.

“Hey Liz,” she said. She prayed that she sounded nonchalant enough to fool Liz.

“Oh, hi Maria!” Liz tied the alien head apron around her waist. Meeting with Tess gave Liz a sort of ego boost. “How was the sex with Michael?” she asked, in the same casual tone Maria used.

Maria suddenly became flushed.

“That good huh?”

“Liz!” Maria exclaimed. She dropped her voice to a low whisper. “How-how did you know?”

“Please Maria. I could practically feel your heavy breathing in my ear.”

“So, so you’re not mad?”

“Nah. I figure Michael is only siding with Max because they’re like kin. I know he knows something’s up with Tess. He’s cautious of her. Which is a lot more than Isabel and Max.”

Maria gave a huge sigh of relief.

“But you still should’ve told me Maria. What if I wasn’t happy with it and I found out? We would’ve had a big fight and things would just get worse. You have to tell me these things Maria. I don’t need details, but I do want to know. Mmk?”

“Ok.” Maria gave Liz a quick hug. “You seem quite chipper this afternoon. I take it the day with Max went well?”

“Actually no. We got in our usual fight along with some other stuff.” Liz wasn’t going to go into any details regarding her near-death dream. It would just freak Maria out more than need-be.

“That jerk. He’ll come to his senses Liz.”

“It’s gotten to the point now where I could really care less if he does.”

“I’m sorry Liz.”

“Don’t be. It isn’t your fault Max is an ass.”


“You know we’re the only ones working tonight.”

“Oh my gosh,” Maria sighed. “And Michael isn’t working the grill tonight so we’re going to be backed up big time.”

“Well, you haven’t been on your feet all afternoon,” Liz smirked, “so no complaining.” Liz walked out of the swinging door into the café.

“Liz!” gasped Maria.

**Crashdown--11:15 pm**

“Okay, Mr. Dole, I think that’s enough coffee for you. We’re closing up anyway.”

“Aww, Maria. Just one more cup! One more cup, pleeeease!” he whined. “Please just one more cup.”

“Nope, I refuse to be your pusher Mr. Dole. Come on. Out you go.” Maria escorted the poor guy to the door. “I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Dole.” Maria really felt sorry for the old man. His wife died years ago and he had no children in Roswell. He lived alone and did almost everything alone. Which is why Liz and Maria let him come in day after day and have multiple cups of coffee-on the house. He just needed people to connect with instead of rotting away at home by himself.

Liz came from the back with grease stains on her dress and hair wisps coming from her once perfect ponytail. “I swear, every time Juan works the grill, grease gets EVERYWHERE.”

“Sorry to leave you with clean-up duty back there. Here I’ll make it up to you.” Maria took the wet towel from Liz. “I’ll clean and close up, you go to bed.”

“Maria, are you kidding me? It takes you an hour just to get the chairs on the tables.”

“Hey! Do you want to head in early or not?”

Liz thought it over. It didn’t take her long to decide. “Awesome. But if you need help, you know where I’m at.” Liz went into the

“Night!” Maria called.

“Night Maria. Thanks.”

Maria surveyed the café. ‘God, this is gonna take me forever,’ she thought.

She was too busy cleaning the back booths to notice a teen walk through the door. Dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, he casually walked into the café and spotted the cute, bouncy blonde moving to the beat of nonexistent music.

He edged closer, careful not to become noticed. He quietly tiptoed around chairs and tables and was cautious not to step on a broken glass that littered the floor.

‘Good,’ he thought. Her back was to him and he was right behind her. ‘1, 2, 3.’ He swiftly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to him. She began to scream, but his hand quickly covered her mouth. He spun her around to face him.

“Michael, you jerk!” she hissed loudly. “You ass! You scared the hell out of me!”

Michael chuckled. “You should really lock the doors at this time of night.”

“I can take care of myself thank you very much.”

Michael scoffed. “Yeah, like just now?”

“You just caught me off guard. I would’ve had your ass on the ground in a split second.”

“Psh, yeah right.” He grabbed the back of her thighs and picked her up. She locked her ankles around his waist. Michael set her on the counter and stood between her legs.

“I have to close this place up,” she whispered.

“Later,” he whispered back. He licked up the side of her neck.

Maria swallowed hard. “Michael, we-we can’t. Not here.”

“Where’s Liz?” he asked, sucking on the skin between her shoulder and her neck.

“Mmm. She’s-, she’s sleeping in her room.” Maria pulled back, suddenly realizing Liz was here. “Michael, Liz knows.”

“Yeah, Max too,” he said. “So what?”

“Well, don’t you find it wrong that we can be together but they can’t? I mean, they’re like the ultimate star-crossed lovers. They’re the world’s hope for unrequited love. The modern Romeo and Juliet, but with a different ending hopefully. And look at us. We’re usually the ones with problems, and now we are happy, like they are supposed to be. Don’t you find it wrong that we can be happy while they’re definitely not?”

“Maria, if they wanted to be together at this point, then they’d find a way to do it. Their relationship doesn’t determine ours. We the both of them wake up and realize they can’t keep hurting each other any more, than they’ll be happy. Until then, let them work out their problems on their own.”

“Can’t you talk to Max?”

“No, I’m not getting in the way.”

“Michael, please. He won’t listen to any—“

Maria was interrupted by a shrill scream from Liz.

“You’re fucking insane!!” Liz screamed. “Get off of me!” She struggled with Tess on top of her, hands clasped around her throat, banging her head against the floor. Liz kicked her off and ran like hell. She had to get away. Wake up, she told herself. Wake up!

Tess was at the tip of Liz’s heels wielding a knife.

“Why can’t you just leave me the hell alone?!!” Liz yelled.

“Max is mine! He’s mine!”

Liz rolled her eyes. She couldn’t keep this up for longer. Tess jolted up and pushed Liz forward. Both women screamed and fought. Liz kneed Tess in her side, causing her to wince in pain. Liz got to her feet and scrambled away as fast as she could. She could feel the blood trickling down the back of her neck from the concussion. Liz ran into an alleyway, hoping to find a way to wake herself up. She concentrated hard. ‘Oh, God I’m gonna die. Please wake up. Please.’ Liz opened her eyes to find herself still in the dark alleyway. Tess suddenly appeared in front of her. She laughed menacingly.

“That hurt bitch. If I felt bad about killing you before, I certainly don’t now.”

Liz screamed as loud as she possibly could.

“Liz!” Maria yelled. “Liz get up!”

Liz’s eyes fluttered open in a semi-consciousness. Maria noticed blood on the back of the pillow.

“Oh my God Michael! She’s bleeding!”

Michael picked Liz up and carried her out. “Maria, run ahead of me and start the car.”

Maria did what Michael told her to. Within seconds, they were on the road. “Go to Max’s,” Michael said.

“Max?! Max won’t care. We need to go to the hospital.”

“There isn’t time for that Maria. She’s lost a lot of blood. How would we explain it anyway? Just drive to Max’s house.”

Ten minutes later, Maria pulled up in the Evans’s driveway. Knowing his parents were out of town, Michael had no worries of being quiet.

“Maxwell!” Michael yelled, while gently carrying Liz out of the car.

Clad in a t-shirt and pajama pants, Max ran out of the house, confused as hell. “Michael, what’re you do-Oh my God.” Max saw Liz in Michael’s arms, trembling and her eyes trying hard to stay open. “What happened?!” he yelled, taking her from Michael. He ran into the house and placed her on her side on the couch. He placed his palm over the back of her head and concentrated.

After just a few seconds, Liz’s eyes opened fully. She felt the back of her head and sighed. Slowly, she sat up. Max knelt right in front of her.

“Liz are you okay?” he asked.

Liz nodded.

“What happened?”

She turned her head, knowing he wouldn’t believe her.

Max knew what she was going to say the second she turned her head. “Liz are you sure that’s what happened? Are you sure you didn’t fall?”

Michael was well aware of Liz’s dream earlier that day. Max had informed him about it. Michael didn’t think that Liz was lying when Max told him her side of the story. Now he knew she wasn’t lying and he was feeling Liz’s anger rise when Max suggested she fell.

“Maxwell, we saw her. I saw her. We heard her scream at the Crashdown and when we went into her room to see what was going on, we found her flailing in bed asleep and then saw her bleed before we got her awake. What she said was true. Something happened to her in her dream. She didn’t do this herself.”

“So you can get off of this whole “Tess is innocent” bandwagon,” Maria scolded. She had had enough of Max at this point. “Liz nearly died, twice. Now do you believe her?”

Max wasn’t so quick to agree with Michael and Maria. He remained quiet for some time.

“I can’t believe you don’t believe me,” Liz said in a hushed voice. It was as if all of her anger had melted. Now she was pleading. She was desperate. “There’s nothing more I can do to make you believe Max,” she said in a strained voice. Tears welled in her eyes. “There’s nothing. Are you really willing to let me die over her?”

She searched his eyes, desperate to find a trace of hope. She found none.

“Fine,” she said a little more firmly. “Go get her. Call her over for a meeting and I’ll prove it. Send Michael or Isabel over to her house to get her.”

“She’s not there,” Max said quietly.

“I’m here,” Tess said from the entranceway of the living room.

“What is she doing here?!” Maria asked loudly. She could care less whether Tess heard her or not.

“Tess thought from her run-in with Liz earlier today, that Liz might…”

“That I might what?!” Liz exclaimed. “Attack her?!” She turned to Tess. “God, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for. You figure that if you’re here, you have a good alibi. That’s- that’s just great.”

“Liz, I know you don’t like me, but--.”

“Shut up. My God, just shut the fuck up.”

“Liz?!” Max exclaimed. “Don’t talk to her like that!”

“You want proof?!” Liz yelled at him. “Raise your shirt,” she ordered to Tess.
“Go on!”

Tess looked flustered. Nervous, almost.

“Liz, what’re you talking about?” Maria asked, slightly confused.

“I kneed her in the ribs when she tried to kill me in my dream. If she still has a bruise, then that’s my proof.”

“Raise it,” Michael ordered her.

Tess looked at Max. “You can’t let them treat me like this Max.”

Max didn’t know what to do.

Michael was fed up of her games. He used his powers on her, and raised her shirt slightly up.

“Oh my God,” Maria and Max said.

Max turned to Liz. “Liz….
