Prophecy (CC,A/I+CC,ADULT) Ch 12 Part B- 11/07/05 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter 8 part c

Post by Biged »


Jadeling: :twisted:

Rhonda: yep just us californian night owls :wink:

Hayley: YAY you are my 100 YAY lol

David: Hopefully this part has some humor and what not :)

Trude: yes i am a stargazer, but what makes you think you should not be worried :twisted:

Kay: thanks for reading

Rim: no cliffhanger this part, at least i don't think...

Cardinalgirl: Thanks for reading, and did kyle and liz change hmm guess u have to read to find out :)

Roswellluver: thanks for reading

vegas312: well the prophecy will be described in more depth later in this fic (gotta leave some mystery don't I)

Ti88: d'nile huh LOL

Lukers: Thanks for reading :)


Part c

A Latino man waited at the altar for Isabel, dark hair, looked to be in his late twenties. The scene goes on to show a happy wedding, full of smiles and laughter.

The scene changes to a grave yard, the image focuses on one headstone in particular, Alex Charles Whitman…

The atmosphere of the movie is dark, depressing. The day is dreary and wet, gray clouds fill the sky. A figure moves in the corner of the scene, it stops in front of the headstone...

The scene fades back, the figure is seen, Isabel. She comes up and sits down in front of the headstone. Scene gets closer on her face, she has a sad look, and tears are trailing heavily down her cheeks…

“Hey Alex, I just came by to tell you I got married today” By this time she is having trouble talking, the tears are completely overtaking her. “His name is Jesse…he is older then me. Everybody told…told me not to get married that I am too young but I didn’t listen…” a sob stops her in mid sentence. She cries for a minute then gets herself under control enough to speak again. “As I was standing there today with Jesse, I..I couldn’t help but think it was wrong…It shouldn’t have been Jesse that I married, it should have been you. I am Isabel Ramirez…when I should be Isabel Whitman…” by this time she has completely broken down, her whole body is shaking, it has also started to rain, thick rain…

Isabel gets herself under control once again and takes something out of her pocket, two wedding bands. She takes one and places it in the palm of her hand and presses it to the front of Alex’s tombstone, her hand glows and she pulls it away to reveal the ring is melted into the stone. She then takes off her wedding band given to her by Jesse and merges it with the other one, making them one…

“I may be married to Jesse Alex, but in my mind I will always be yours…” She takes a red rose out of her purse and places it in front of the tombstone, she then gets up and walks away…


Isabel is holding onto Alex as if her life depended on it, after what she saw she didn’t want to let him out of her sight…

“That is all I wanted to show you, and mainly I wanted to show my younger self, Isabel don’t waste time like I did, take what you want…”

Isabel could only nod at the advice she was receiving.

“Ok then well I will let you get back to that dream…” with that Future Isabel waves her hand and they disappear

Kyle and Liz reappear they walk over to Isabel

“Do you think we should have told them all of the details of the prophecy, or about Alex’s true origins?” Asks Kyle

“No there are some things they need to figure out on their own…” replied Liz


Alex’s Dream

Alex and Isabel find themselves back in the hallway at school

“Wow that was intense…” Alex is cut off by Isabel Mauling him

Isabel brought her legs up around Alex’s waist with her arms around the back of his neck, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

Isabel breaks the kiss and steps away; she waves her hand and the scene changes to Alex’s bedroom. Isabel waves her hand again and music filters around them, Let Me In by Save Ferris. Isabel walks slowly over to Alex, she takes his hand and places it on her hip, Alex realizing what she is doing places the other one on her hip as well. Isabel wraps her arms around Alex’s neck and rests her head on his shoulder, slowly swaying to the music.

“You really think of me…” Isabel asks in a low shy voice

Alex smiles thinking back to the dream that started it all. “I think that underneath that beautiful exterior is an even more beautiful interior. But I have a feeling that not too many people get to see that interior, do they?” Alex recited from the dream

“No, they don't.”

“Cuz it's too scary to show who you really are. You can show me.”

Isabel pulls away from Alex and looks into his eyes “I can?”


Isabel closers her eyes, and slowly touches her soft lips to his, the kiss is deep, passionate and full of love.

Isabel takes Alex’s hand and leads him over to the bed and pushes him down on it. She seductively starts to undress for him; she slowly unbuttons her top and lets it slide down her shoulders…


Evan’s Residence-Isabel’s bedroom

Max and Michael were sitting around Isabel’s room watching and waiting for anything to go wrong. All of the sudden Isabel squirms on the bed; they are at her side in an instant.

“What’s wrong with her…” Michael asks in a panic

“I don’t know, maybe if I try to connect with her…” Max goes to place his hand Isabel’s head but draws back as words come out of her mouth.

“Oh god Alleeeexxxx…” Isabel moans

Max has a stunned look on his face as he covers his ears, Michael gains interest in this new development

“Oh god Alex what Isabel…” Michael says trying to glean information out of her

“You did not just ask that Michael…well I think its time to wake her up…” Max goes to shake Isabel when he is stopped by Michael

“Let her have some fun Max…” Max pushes past Michael and goes back to Isabel

“Isab…hey stop…put me down Michael…” Max struggles as Michael lifts him up and puts him on his shoulder and leaves the room, closing the door behind him…

Frazier Woods- Grant’s dig site

Grant was looking at some specimens he was studying, he was muttering to himself.

“Who the hell does the bitch think she is, just up and dumps me like that and for a computer nerd none the less…”

A rustling in the woods stops Grant mid sentence

“Hello…is somebody there?” Grant yells into the woods

Nobody responded so Grant went back to his work. Unknown to Grant was that there was something in the woods; a blue crystalline creature with sharp long tentacles was floating above the ground watching, waiting for its time to strike.

“…now what to do about Isabel…”

A loud screeching sound comes from behind him; Grant turns around in time to see a blue thing coming at him, fast. He puts his hands up to block the creature but that isn’t enough. Soon it has its tentacles wrapped around him, cutting into his arms and sides, as he screams in pain. The creature moved its tentacles up, scratching and ripping his skin the entire way, it finally wrapped its tentacles around Grants neck chocking him. Grant was on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen, he opened his mouth wide in a desperate attempt to get air, the creature waiting for this moved with lightning speed to him open mouth. Grant tried to scream but he couldn’t, the pain was too immense, he just stood there as the creature worked its way down his throat. When the creature had totally disappeared into his body Grant fell to the ground gasping for air, he catches his breath slowly. Grant finally steadily breathing looks up slowly, his face is cold and lifeless…

End Chapter 8
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter 9 part a

Post by Biged »


Ti88: There will always be stuff to figure out, but it will all get explained....eventually :twisted:

Cardinalgirl: I am glad you liked the tombstone part (almost made me cry writting it)

Razz214: Thanks for reading and welcome

Kay: well i tried to balance it out with everything and apparently i succeced :) and the scene with isabel moaning just came to me when i was writing it

roswellluver: thank you :)

Hayley(unofficial beta): hey u almost used the 'I' word lol

roswellian504: Those questions will be answered (hopefully in the prequal to this...if i can find the time :twisted:

David: yea i loved writing the graveyard part it was somthing that i think should have happend in the show... and as for Grant...oh wait thats a secret :twisted:

Rim: Yea that cliffhanger wasn't too bad was it :)

Trude: NO anything but cookie lol, glad u like my take on what should have happend in season 3, thanks for the fb :)

Jadeling: thanks for reading and fb :)



Chapter 9-Part A

Whitman Residence-Alex’s bedroom

The sun comes through the blind of his window signifying the start of another day. Alex covers his head with his pillow

“No bad sun…sun go away…” Says a muffled voice from under the pillow

Alex is all set to go back to sleep when he notices that his shorts and sheet are damp and sticky, it seems the dream he had made him make a mess of himself

“Wow that dream was really intense…” He says getting up taking off his sheets and putting them into the hamper he then heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up and changed.

When he gets back to his room Kyle and Michael are waiting for him with very big smiles on their faces, he jumps back and screams a little at this.

“Ah what’s the matter Whitman, we scare you?” Kyle teases

“No…I just have never seen Michael smile before” he states “I didn’t even know his face could do that…”

Michael’s smile never leaves his face even after the crack from Alex

“So…did you have a good dream last night Alex?” Michael asks his smile getting bigger, if that were even possible

“Um…yea I would say it classified as a good dream…” Alex trailed off as Kyle snickered and giggled like a school girl

“Yea I’ll bet…” This set off Michael laughing along with Kyle

“Ok…why are you guys laughing, is there something I should know here?” At this point Alex is totally confused

“Well lets just say I think you should steer clear of Max for a while…” Replied Michael

“Whaaa….” Says a still confused Alex

“Well let’s just say me and Max heard Isabel saying some pretty interesting things while she was sleeping…” Michael trailed off and looked at Kyle and they both broke out laughing again.

By this time Alex’s face was very red “Wh…what did you…you hear?” Alex stutters embarrassed by what they could have heard

“Oh I think it was something like… ‘Oh god Aleexxx…’” Michael said that last part in a falsetto voice mimicking Isabel.

If you could believe it, Alex turned an even deeper shade of red. Michael and Kyle are literally rolling on the floor laughing, they are laughing so hard they are crying.

“Ok, change of subject, I take it Isabel told you about the dream last night right?” Alex asked taking charge of the impromptu meeting

“Actually no she hasn’t, Max didn’t give her a chance to explain he just started scolding her about her…um late night activities.” Michael replied

“Ok well we will get to them later, we need to get the group together without letting Tess know. I will tell you though…” Alex goes on to tell them about who the figures were and all the things they said and showed them.

“So…Tess really is the enemy…” Kyle states with a saddened look on his face ‘how could she do that, me and my dad welcomed her into our house and how does she repay up, she kills my friend…’ Kyle muses mentally

“Looks like it, now the real question is what do we do about her?” Michael thinks aloud, always the soldier.

“Well the best thing to do is watch her and wait, we have to know her plan that is the only way any of us will ever really be safe…” Alex tells them with the tone only a natural leader possesses….

Meanwhile across town

Evan’s Residence-Isabel’s room

Isabel was sitting in front of her mirror, brushing her wet hair having just gotten out of the shower, the radio plays in the background.

‘Who the hell does Max think he is, telling me what I can and cannot do with my boyfriend’ Isabel is still upset from her talk with Max earlier.

Isabel lets her mind wander to the events that were shown to her last night. ‘I will not let him die…’ She lets her mind wander back to his funeral.

A blinding pain shoots through head, Isabel lets out a whimper and falls unconscious to the floor…

Isabel blinks and finds herself in a room with high ceiling, with large columns leading up. She looks around wondering where she is. She sees people standing around chatting quietly, there features look odd to her but he can’t quite place it, but the dominant feature that was visible was the color of their hair, blue.

“Hello Princess Vilandra.” Says a young man with blue hair that is slicked back, he is dressed in what seems to be a military uniform which consisted of a long black jacket with a hood and wore black boots, a sword at his hip. On the sleeve of the jacket is the ‘V’ symbol.

“Hello Nikal…” she replies with shock and confusion in her own words.

“Come with me Princess…” Nikal says with a sad look on his face, a look of mourning.

Isabel, who is still too shocked to talk, simply nods. Nikal leads her through the crowd to the center of the room where a casket sits. There is an engraving on the lid of the casket, the ‘V’ symbol; people surround it, soldiers mourning a fallen brother.

Nikal signals to the soldiers around the casket and they leave into the crowd. “There you can have some privacy…” she simply nods and goes over to the casket and places her hand upon it.

“Oh Kraz…I miss you so much” She is openly crying, tears blurring her vision. The hand that does not rest on the casket is stroking the whirlwind necklace around her neck. “Kraz I have a surprise for you…I’m pregnant, you were going… going to be a daddy…” She breaks down sobbing on top of the casket, lightly rubbing her stomach and not caring if anybody saw her. “I just wanted you to know that and that I will make sure your child knows of you and what a great man you were.” She goes to leave but turns around and leans into the casket again and whispers “You will always be my chosen mate, my love… good bye Kraz” with that she lowers her head and makes her way back through the crowd…


Isabel starts to regain consciousness; she blinks several times to get her bearing and notices that she is on the floor.

She get up and sits back down on the chair. She looks herself over in the mirror and she notices that she is crying, she feels sad, empty like she is missing something, she subconsciously rubs her stomach.

Whitman Residence- Alex’s room

“Ah…” Alex grabs his head

“WHATS THE MATTER!!!” Michael is in full protect mood

“…nothing, just had a momentary sharp pain in my head” He looks at the worried faces of his two friends “Its ok now…”

“You sure…” Kyle asks still concerned

“Yea…yea I’m good. So back to planning, we need to figure out how to get to New York and when so did anybody come up with any ideas?” Alex takes control of the situation all the while drawing something on a piece of paper

“Not really, the timing is the hardest part, I mean who is not gonna miss any one of us, there will be questions” Kyle states

“Same here, we are gonna need a miracle to pull this off…” Michael trails off noticing that Alex is drawing something “What are you drawing?” He asks curiosity getting the better of him

“um…wow I didn’t even notice I was drawing but it looks like a schematic for something…” Alex says confused himself

“Um hate to break it to you there bud, but that looks like a pair of sunglasses to me” Kyle says also confused

“It is but it is also a low/high wave RF tuner, as well as a life reading monitor, it can monitor other light frequencies and sound frequencies…” Alex says out of the blue, he turns to look at them and they seem to have confused looks on their faces so he translates for them “They can see and hear things the normal eyes and ears can’t…” He states simply

“Oh… yea well me and Kyle knew that I just didn’t know you were done explaining, isn’t that right Kyle?” He looks over to Kyle whose eyes looked glazed over

“Um…what…oh sorry my brain just fell asleep there…”

Michael just shakes his head “How did you know how to make it?”

“Um…I don’t know I just did…” Alex looks at the drawing lost in deep thought

“O…k well we are just gonna go down to the Crashdown and gather the troops…so meet us there in lets say thirty minutes…” Michael is already out the door

“Um yea sure…” He says to their backs but then a thought hits him “Oh and Kyle it can also see through clothes”

There is scuffling sound in the halls followed by a loud thud “Dammit Kyle…”

“It can what!?!?!?!” Kyle exclaims as he re-enters the room at full run and takes the drawing from Alex and holds it like its gold “Do you know what we could do with this!!!! Oh god think of the potential, just thin…hmmp…” Kyle stops speaking due to the fact that Michaels hand is covering his mouth and he is dragging him from the room

“See you in thirty…” Michael calls over his shoulder.

Alex shakes his head and then starts to laugh, A blinding pain shoots through his head blood flowing from his nose.

He grabs his head and screams as loud as he can, glass shatters all around him but he can’t hear it he continues to scream. The walls of his house are shaking, buckling under the pressure; electricity is crackling around Alex, sparks flying everywhere, the static in the air rises. Alex doesn’t know what’s happening but he knows that feeling, Power…

Alex falls too the floor, still…

End Part A
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter 9 Part B

Post by Biged »


Jadeling: hmm was it revenge hmm :twisted: and grant won't play a big part in this hmm....or will he?

Hayley: at least ur feeling better now, well maybe not :wink:

Trude: hmm a baby...well you will just have to wait :twisted:

cardinalgirl: hmm haven't decided if Kyle will have access to those glasses...yet :) but it might prove to be fun if he does

Rhonda: wow thats alot of feed back lol... yea covering up her insecurities by just dating somebody else is how i always saw. as for the soldier/natural leader part, they just tend to fall back on thier nature tendencies which we will see more of as this progresses. as for the power part well i don't think it was powerful enough to make an earthquake, and as for michael and kyle still being there, well i need to decide on that LOL

roswellian504: :)

roswellluver: thank you

Kay: thanks for reading :)

Vegas312: is he more powerful then the rest, hmmm you never know :wink:

Ti88: Hmm Kyle is one of the characters they never did justice with on the show, they never fully expanded his character.

David: yea alex's attack was much worse and i will tell you why in a few parts :)



Part B

Alex opens his eyes and closes them, the sun is too overpowering for them. He adjusted to the light and looks around his room only it isn’t his room, yet for some reason he isn’t frightened. The room is familiar; a feeling of wellbeing surrounds him, a feeling of being home.

“About time you got up, jeez you have been asleep for 10 hours…” A young man enters and, he goes to the windows and opens the curtains even further letting more light in.

Alex looks at him for a moment longer then speaks “Good morning Nikal…” he stops for a second thinking ‘ok how did I know his name?’ he looks around again ‘where am I…’

“What’s the matter Kraz, you seem a little lost?” Nikal asks, worry written all over his face.

“Oh…um sorry I am just little groggy, brains working a little slow right now” He replied without thinking

“Oh well up and at them, the Princess requests your presence…” Nikal trails off with a grin on his face.

“You can just wipe that grin of your face Nikal, and get your mind out of the gutter…” He tries to state seriously but can’t quite keep the smile from forming on his lips. “Well…get out so I can get dressed…” He looks at Nikal and says this last part with joking voice “Unless you want to watch…” He can’t stop himself from laughing at Nikal’s rabid exit.

Five minutes later he finds himself walking through a long corridor with Nikal by his side.

“So…what is really happening with you and Vilandra?” Nikal asks out of the blue.

“Nikal this is me you are talking about, do you think I would do anything that is inappropriate…” He trails off.

“No, I suppose you are right, I mean you are the same person who ran through the palace with his eyes covered because you walked in on the Vilandra totally naked. I mean how old was she there, sixteen…seventeen…” Nikal trails off after receiving a glare from a blushing Kraz. Nikal smiles at the fact that he was able to embarrass him

They walked in silence for several more minutes, until they came to the door to the Princesses bed chamber. Kraz knocked on the door lightly.

“Well at least you knocked this time…” Nikal had to get one last dig at Kraz

The door opened and there stood Vilandra, as beautiful as ever. “Oh Generals, please come in” She stands back to allow the two gentlemen to enter. They come in and stand near the bed.

“You wished to speak to me Princess?” Kraz asked his head lowered.

“Yes, I was wondering if you would escort me out into the country side today and as you know my brother will not let me leave the palace without escort.” Vilandra replied to Kraz

“Yes Princess it would be my honor to accompany you on this fine day” He smiles at Vilandra who has a 100 watt smile of her own

Nikal watches this interaction with amusement and already planning on how to embarrass Kraz about.

“Ok, then let us go to throne room, I must speak with my brother” With that Vilandra walked past them into the hallway

They walked the short distance to the throne room, Nikal grinning at Kraz the entire way.
They get to the throne room, Vilandra goes up to talk to her brother.

Kraz and Nikal walk in front of their king, and lower to one knee; they put their arm across their chest, fist over their hearts, and bow their heads

“Your Majesty” They say in unison

Zan doesn’t acknowledge them at first; he is busy talking to his sister. After he is finished he turns his attention to them. “Ah Generals…at ease”

Kraz and Nikal stand in a more comfortable position

“So Kraz Vilandra tells me you have agreed to accompany her on her trip today…”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Good, good well I will let you two get to that.” He turns his attention to Nikal “I have an assignment for you…” The rest was unheard and Vilandra took Kraz by the arm and led him back to her room.

Once they got to her bedroom she turned and locked the door, then jumped into Kraz’s arm, wrapping her legs around his waist. She brought her lips down on his waiting ones, she felt the pressure from his tongue almost as soon as their lips touched, she opened her mouth and let him have access.

After a few minutes of kissing they break off, both breathing heavily. Vilandra is the first to speak

“Ok well I think we should continue this once we are out of the palace” She says smiling at him

“I agree…” he leans in and gives her one last soft kiss.

“Ok lets go…” with that Vilandra walks toward the door as Kraz picks up her things “Oh lets stop by the kitchen, I asked the chef to prepare a picnic basket.”

“Ok…might as well take a blanket then.” Kraz grabs the blanket off of the bed.

After they pick up the picnic basket they make their way to their ride, a two seat hover carriage and took off towards the country.

After an hour of driving they reach their destination, Vilandra’s favorite childhood spot. An old cottage in the middle of nowhere, a tree stands in front of the cottage and on that is a swing. The sky has started to cloud over, getting colder.

Kraz lays out the blanket and places the picnic basket down on it; he leaves her bags in the carriage. Vilandra goes and sits on the swing “Kraz, come and push me” she says with a pout.

“Your wish is my command Lonnie…” Kraz gets up and goes over to her and starts to push her.

“Hmm it looks like it might rain.” Lonnie muses as she looks up to the sky

“Yea it might, luckily we have a nice warm cottage right there.” He says looking into her eyes.

She puts her feet on the ground stopping the swing and stands and kisses Kraz softly on the lips. He smiles and her and goes over to the blanket.

“So what do you want to eat first Lonnie?” He asks opening the basket.

She leans over his back, wraps her arms around him and looks over his shoulder to inspect the contents of the basket “Hmmm…I know what I want first…” She whispers into his ear in a husky seductive voice.

Kraz’s breathing starts to deepen, his body reacting to the closeness of Lonnie. He turns his head to look at her “And what might that be…” he returns mimicking the same seductive tone.

Lonnie twists herself around so that she is straddling him, she lowers her lips to his and gives a deep passionate kiss as she rocks slowly back and forth on his lap. Lonnie gets hit in the head with a drop of water, then another and she lets out a shriek.

“AH its raining…” The rain starts to come down harder as Kraz and Lonnie pack the stuff and run towards the cottage. A flash of light fills the sky followed by thunder, then another flash. They stand in the middle of the cottage soaking wet, Lonnie looks over at Kraz “Well I don’t think we are going anywhere for a while, so what should we do to pass the time…” She gives him a mischievous grin as she gets closer to him. She wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a kiss that takes his breath away. She steps back a little and her eyes dart to the bed, she looks back into his eyes and then leans into his ear “I love you so much Kraz and even though we just found each other…I want you to be my mate, my first…my only…” he nods as she takes his hand and leads him to the bed…

End Part B
A/N: ok the next part is gonna take a while since it is going to be NC-17 and i have never written that before so just give me time :) so give me 1 week and i should have at least 2 parts done by then :)

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter 9 Part C

Post by Biged »

NC-17 WARNING *Extremely harcore nc-17 part*

Part C

Vilandra leads him to the bed, she sits him down on the edge and steps back, just enough for him to see all of her. She reaches up to the straps on her shoulders.

He reaches up and lightly grabs her wrists. She looks at him, fear shows in her eyes, fear of rejection.

“Let me do that please…” He reaches up and slowly moves the straps down her arms. Her dress slips off her body leaving her standing there in her undergarments. She stepped closer and lowered herself on him, straddling him. She brought her lips to his and kissed him softly at first then with more passion as she slowly rocked on his lap.

“My turn,” she whispered into his ear before getting off of him. He stood up as she started to take of his trench coat then moved on to his shirt, slowly rubbing the skin she uncovered. Kraz wasn’t idle with his hands, he was helping her out of her bra until she swatted his hands away “Uh uh you just sit there and let me take care of you…” she pushed him back onto the bed and started working on his pants.

After a few minutes of fiddling with his pants she managed to get them off, and he laid there in front of her in all his glory. She kneeled between his legs and reached out hesitantly, not really being experienced in these matters. She ran her fingers up and down his hard member and looked up at him with questioning eyes.

Seeing her hesitant look he reached down and took her hand in his and wrapped it around his penis and slowly started to pump. Once he had set a rhythm he took his hand off of hers and laid back slightly to enjoy the pleasure he was receiving. “Hmm…you’re good at that Lonnie…”

Lonnie smiled in reply and kept up her actions. She noticed a little drop of liquid form at the tip of his arousal and wiped it off with the tip of her finger. She brought her finger up to her nose and smelled it, musky and odd. She licked it off her finger all the while her other hand kept the rhythm. Not really minding the taste she decided to up the pleasure she was giving Kraz, she stuck out her tongue and lightly licked the head of his member causing him to jump a little and the sensation. She licked again this time causing him to moan softly.

Kraz reached out and ran his fingers though her soft blue hair as she licked and sucked at his tip, moaning at the sensation but he knew if she didn’t stop it would all be over far to soon. He cupped her face and lifted her head away from him and brought her to her feet, he leaned forward and kissed her. “Thank you that was great…” He said after breaking from the kiss. He turned her around and lowered her onto the bed “But now it’s your turn…” He hooked his fingers under the waist band of her panties and slid them off trailing kisses as he went.

After removing her panties he reached up and gently spread Lonnie’s legs open and moved back to get the whole view. He looked up into her eyes and saw love for him and anticipation for what he was going to do. “You are so beautiful do you know that?” He didn’t wait to hear here answer as he moved forward to the treasure he just uncovered.
He reached out with he fingers twirling them lightly in her blue curls before moving forward with his mouth. He ran his tongue through her hair and moved down slowly, the anticipation was almost killing Lonnie as she writhed under his actions.

“Don’t tease me sweetie…” Lonnie was already flushed from excitement, her breathing was shallow and she was finding it hard to concentrate. Kraz moved down onto her arousal lapping at it lightly causing Lonnie to gasp at the sensation. “god….” He started to pay more attention to the nub at the junction of her sex, swirling his tongue around it and softly sucking it into his mouth. Lonnie was writhing under his oral onslaught never having felt this amount of pleasure before, her breathes were coming out in short gasps, her whole body was on fire centering between her legs.

“mmmm…” Kraz hummed while he continued pleasuring her, sending vibrations through her core. He focused on her aching nub as he inserted a finger into her passageway massaging the slick walls as he went.

“Oh…god…I’m gonna come Kraz…” She exclaimed as she started to thrust her hips up against his face and hand trying to relieve herself. The tingling feeling started to build and spread through her body mixing with the heat. “god…mmmm….oh…” She was writhing uncontrollably now her peak fast approaching. Then it stopped suddenly and she groaned at the lose of sensation on her arousal. She sat up on her elbows to look down at him to see why he stopped but let out a little shriek as she was lifted into the air.

Kraz lifted her off the edge of the bed and laid her down so that her head was resting on the pillow, then proceeded to lie down beside her. “Sorry about the interruption…now where were we…” He leaned forward and captured her lips with his sucking at them before thrusting his tongue into her mouth. His hand went back down to her heat and resumed their earlier action, this time inserting another finger as his thumb rubbed her aching nub. The kiss grew more passionate and he caressed her to her first climax.

“I’M COMING!!!!” She shouted as she was sent over the edge, her body shook and she bucked violently against Kraz’s hand. He continued his caressing but slowing down little by little, easing her down from her orgasm. “God that was incredible…thank you Kraz” She leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips but he was far from done.

He rolled over on top of her placing himself between her legs. He positioned his stiff member at her slick entrance. He looked deep into her eyes, watching for a sign that she didn’t want this that it was too far, finding none he slowly entered her only stopping when he came to a barrier. “This is going to hurt a little…” he whispered into her ear.

“I know…I love you Kraz…” She replied back while wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him lightly on the lips.

“I love you too Vilandra…” He thrust his hips forward…


They laid there in the dark, the sound of rain echoing in the background, they were wrapped in each others hand sleeping peacefully. In his sleep Kraz wrapped his arm around her his hand resting on her stomach, a faint glow appears under his palm.


The rain was pouring down on their bodies as they ran through the trees towards their destination. The sound of their heavy footfalls echoed over the rain, bolts of lightning illuminated the sky followed by ground shaking thunder. They neared the cottage and drew their weapons…


A flash of light lit the room as the thunder shook the cottage. Kraz sat up in bed suddenly shaking Lonnie from her slumber.

“Someone’s coming…”

End Part C

A/N this is probally gonna be the only real nc-17 scence in this story i will try to do some mild though lol :)
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Chapter 9 Part d

Post by Biged »


roswellian504: :) it wasn't that bad a tease now was it lol

Trude: Well first things first, Alex was the only one experienceing that last memory, but i have a feeling Isabel will remember the um nc-17 part a little later in the fic :)

SarahWhitman: Yes alex and isabel have each seen different part, isabel seeing the funeral and Alex seeing (reliving more to be exact) the nc-17 part. these flashbacks well for the most part are them reliving their memories that are resurfacing. the power thing is explained in this part :)

roswellluver: Thank you


Part D

Kraz stood up quickly looking for his clothes.

“Kraz what’s wrong?” Kraz didn’t answer his mind was somewhere else as he retrieved his clothing “Kraz please tell me what’s wrong…you’re scaring me…” Lonnie said with worry in her voice, as she was also getting dressed.

“Someone’s coming…five maybe six of them…” he trailed off still in a daze, not really paying attention to anything other then his senses.

“Who is coming…is it the Royal guards looking for me?” She asked hoping that was the problem.

“I don’t know who it is yet...” He stops what he is doing and turns and looks at her, his face shows his concern for the situation, concern for her safety “…but I do know they aren’t our friends.” He walks up to her and takes her hands in his, he looks deep into her eyes, love shone in them “What ever happens promise me you will just run to the carriage and leave, don’t look back…I don’t want anything to happen to you” he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips before pulling away and continuing his earlier actions.

The air was thick and hot that night, perspiration formed on his skin as he got dressed. Lightning lit the room of the small cottage, casting an ominous shadow across his face. He was in deep thought, thinking up a plan of action. He knew very well that he might not survive the night, but all that mattered to him was getting Lonnie out safely.


The cottage was in sight they quickened their pace, their goal clear. The rain poured down harder as the air around them got thicker almost as if it knew what was going to happen. Tension was around them, they had to be on their toes for any minute they could be locked in battle.


Kraz went still, his eyes closed almost as if he was listening. His eyes opened suddenly, they were darkened, and he knew what lied ahead. He wasn’t scared or nervous, it was almost as if his whole life was just the culmination of the event which was about to take place, as if this one point it time would change the rules of the game, that this one point was just the beginning of the more important things to come.

“Quickly we must leave…NOW” he grabbed her arm and drags her quickly to the door. Lonnie allows him to drag her, not wanting to disrupt his concentration on the situation at hand. He dragged her out of the cottage into the rain, soaking both of their clothing almost immediately. The hairs on the back on his neck stood on end, this was it. He turns around and looks at Lonnie, knowing that this may be the last time he would see her beautiful, caring face. “Remember what ever happens just run don’t look back…just get back to the castle safely…do you understand?” He could see the panic in her eyes, the fear.

Lonnie nodded tears forming in her eyes; she still did not know what was happening but agreed with him, her trust in him absolute.

He froze, his hand going to his sword preparing to draw it. “Run Lonnie…” she didn’t comply at first, fear overtaking her, fear for him. “RUN!!” She took of running for the carriage and doing just as he asked, never looked back.

Kraz watched her retreating figure and smiled, at least she would be safe, for now at least. Movement caught his attention and he swung around drawing his sword and raising his left hand, a defensive energy shield emanating from it. In front of him stand six Manorian soldiers, swords drawn and ready to strike.

“Come on out Miran…I know you’re there” Kraz shouts over the deafening sound of the rain. Lightning flashes across the sky illuminating the area as an older man steps out from behind a tree.

“Hello General.” Says Miran, his voice emotionless. “I must say you’re a pain to track down…even as an infant you were illusive, to bad your parents weren’t more like you…” Anger flashed on Kraz’s face, Miran smiled knowing he had touched a nerve.

“What do you hope to accomplish by killing me, I am nothing really…” His sentence is cut off by loud laugh.

“You really can’t be that stupid can you?” Miran indulges himself in another full laugh “You are so much more then you will ever know you are Kraz, and that is why you must be eliminated. You are a threat to us even if you don’t think you are.” Miran walks closer to Kraz looking him in the eyes, his face softens. “It’s a pity though, if circumstances were different you would have been somebody I could have considered a friend, a man whose side I would have stood by in battle.”

“It’s not to late for you, you can still do what’s right…” Kraz says, hoping this would not end in battle.

Miran shakes his head backing away, he looks up again and smiles “I am sorry Kraz I must serve my master…” he looks are Kraz once again “It really is a shame, I killed your parents and you would still forgive me for that…” He shakes his head “…it really is a shame…” Miran bows towards Kraz, he motions to the two soldiers closest to him signaling them to attack.

The two men rush Kraz, one sweeping around behind him. He drops his shield and lunges at the one in front of him, dodging his sword he drops underneath it bringing his own weapon into the stomach of the soldier. He rolls back and fires a blast to the second one catching him off guard, the soldier takes the blast fully in the chest and falls to the ground limp.

The remaining four rush him, Kraz lifts his defensive shield to parry their attacks. They overwhelm him swinging around to his sides and attacking, Kraz engages the one to his right swinging his swords under the guard of the soldier. The sword cuts through the man’s sternum, as Kraz follows through using the momentum to roll him away from the onslaught to his other side. He bounces back up to his feet and raises his hand, energy crackles around his body, electric current bolts through his body making his hair stand on end. The energy pools in his palm as he releases a massive energy blast into the remaining soldiers. The closest two attempt to raise their shields but are too late as the energy rips through them, dismembering them in the process. The third one jumped to the side and lifted his shield effectively blocking the attack, but it left him disoriented. Kraz seized the opportunity and lunged at his attacker, his sword slicing into the last soldier’s chest.

The fight seemingly over, Kraz lowers his defenses. He breaths out a sigh of relief, but the feeling is short lived when something catches his attention. He swings around coming face to face with Miran, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach. He looks down to see a sword digging into his gut, the wound feels hot and wet with blood pouring from it.

Miran looks at him with a look of pity on his face “I’m sorry…” Miran pulls his sword from Kraz and sheaths it; he turns and walks away into the darkness.

Kraz covers his wound with his hand, he falls to his knees his vision getting blurry. He tastes blood in his mouth, his breathing is labored. He rolls onto his back as lighting strikes around him as his energy dissipates into the surrounding area. Darkness over takes him, he manages to utter a final word… “Vilandra” …he goes limp…

Whitman Residence: Alex’s room

Michael and Kyle are kneeled beside Alex’s unconscious form. Kyle reaches down and slaps him across the face in an attempt to wake him up. “Alex…man wake up…” Kyle slaps Alex again but harder this time.

Kyle goes to slap Alex again but his wrist is caught in mid swing by Michael. “Dude would you stop smacking him…your gonna leave a mark. Go and get a bucket of ice cold water…yea that should do the trick.” Michael says taking charge of the situation, Kyle runs off to retrieve the water.

Michael takes time to study the room. The windows are shattered, and most of his books have fallen off of his shelves. All and all it was a pretty big mess, Michael thought to himself. His mental assessment was interrupted by a groan from Alex.

“What happened…” Alex says still somewhat disoriented by what had occurred.

“You tell me man…Kyle and I were almost to the car when we heard glass shattering, we even felt it slightly.” Michael had a look of concern on his face as he watched Alex regain his bearings.

Kyle burst into the room carrying a bucket of water, splashing some of the contents onto the floor as he went. “Ok I got it…” Kyle exclaimed then proceeded to dump the ice cold water onto the already awake Alex.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Alex screamed from the shock to his system. “Dude what the hell is your problem…” Alex yelled as he jumped off the floor.

Michael looked up and just shook his head; he looked back to Kyle who had a look of confusion on his face. “Dude…maybe you should have checked to see if he was already awake first…”

Kyle stood there his mouth moving but no words coming out. ‘how are they gonna blame me for this…Michael told me to get the freaking water’ Kyle thought to himself still slightly confused at what had just occurred.

Alex looks around his room, his eyes growing wide at the sight. “How the hell did this happen?” Alex asked to no one in particular.

“Apparently you did it.” Kyle says finding his voice. Alex has a look of confusion.

“Me? How would could I do this?” He asks and he turns around to look at his two friends, who simply shrug at him. Alex shrugs in return and goes to the broken glass on the floor. He raises his hand towards the windows, instinct taking over his actions. His hand glows white as the glass floats off the floor rebuilding its self into the window frame. Alex lowers his hand and looks at the windows, they look as if they never broke in the first place. Kyle and Michael stare at Alex with their mouth hanging open.

“How did you do that!?!?!?!” Michael is the first one to speak after the initial shock of what had actually happened.

Alex turns to look at them, his eyes wide as he examined his hand. “I don’t know…I just did it, didn’t even think about it.” He lifted his hand again and aimed it at the lamp on his desk beside his bed. His palm glowed once again as the lamp shattered. “Wow…”

Kyle stood there is shock as Michael walked closer to Alex with a look of intrigue “How did you control the blast, and that quickly?” Michael asked as his inspected the broken lamp.

“Well…I just concentrated on the lamp and focused my energy from body through my palm.” Alex says simply as he shrugged

“Ok…we need to tell the others about this, it can’t be normal even for our little green friends…” Kyle trailed off as Michael glared at his description of them.

“No! We tell nobody, I don’t even want to tell Isabel as it would just worry her.” Alex exclaimed resolutely.


“No buts Michael, this might just be the advantage we could use against Tess. The more people that know about this, the more risk there is that she will find out and we can’t have that…”

“Fine…but I would like my protest noted for future reference…” Michael said giving in knowing that he would not talk Alex out of his decision.

Alex nods in reply “Ok well I don’t know about you guys but I am hungry…lets head to the Crash and get some food…” Alex walks towards the door with Michael and Kyle following him.

“Yea I am hungry to, oh and Alex what was with the moaning while you were asleep…” Kyle is grinning like a Cheshire cat

“Oh…well boys do I have a story for you…” Alex tells them of his latest dream as they make their way to the Crashdown.

Crashdown: Dining Area

The trio were sitting at a corner booth discussing their plans.

“So how exactly are you going to keep Isabel from telling Max about everything…well at least the part she knows anyways?” Michael asks as they discussed any possibilities of something going wrong.

“Well…I need to have a talk with her, try to get her to see my side. Hopefully she will accept my decision…” Alex trailed off as Tess approached the booth.

“Hey guys….hey Alex I was wondering if you could help me with something for school.” Tess said in a cheerful voice, once she reached the table.

Alex shared a look with the guys before nodding his head and following Tess outside.
“So what did you need help with?” Alex asked as he got into her SUV

Tess didn’t answer just kept driving. She drove them to the quarry and stopped the car, she turned to Alex and closed her eyes.

Alex was confused by this until he started to hear her voice in his head.

Tess was minwarping him only he knew she was doing it, he was conscious of the whole process. She was describing a plan for translating the destiny book by using the super computers currently housed at Las Cruces University, and that his cover would be a foreign exchange student program to Sweden.

‘You will not remember any of this until I tell you to remember…’ was the last thing he heard before Tess opened her eyes again, she started the car and drove back to Roswell.

They reached the Crashdown and Tess turned to Alex “Thank you so much for helping me with my school work.” She said with a smile. Alex opened the door and got out, no sooner had he closed the door Tess sped away down the road leaving Alex standing on the sidewalk.

He went into the Crashdown and made his way back to the booth as the guys were still sitting their.

He sits down and looks at the guys, a smile forming on his face “I think Tess just gave us the excuse we needed to go to New York…”

He proceeded to tell them about Tess’s mindwarp.

“So Tess couldn’t mindwarp you?” Michael asked amazed at the idea

“Well she tried but its like since I was aware of her presence in my head I was able to block it, but I could hear everything she was saying…” Alex shrugged not really knowing what to say

The three sat there planning out there next action…

End Chapter 9
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Chapter 10 Part A

Post by Biged »

Chapter 10
Part A

Whitman Residence- Alex’s room

Alex lay on his bed writing in his my journal, He had taken up writing out his thoughts and regular goings on with his life as it was recently. He finds himself writing about the situation which he found himself in.

‘It has been three days since I acquired my powers and so far I have managed to keep Tess, as well as the others, in the dark about what was really going on. I have even managed to keep the secret of my powers from Isabel, which was not an easy thing to accomplish considering the fact that she dreamwalkes me every night. Now there is a topic that deserves my full concentration…Isabel. These past few days have been so new and exciting, it is still hard for me to believe sometimes that Isabel is with me, that she would open up to me and show her true self. It hurts me that I can’t tell her what was really going on when she is being so open with me, but it is to keep her safe.’

He stopped writing and looked around the room searching for something. He raised his hand and the glass hovered over to him. ‘That is still so cool…’ Alex thought to hiself. He took a drink and set it down on his nightstand and went back to writing.

‘Michael and Maria seemed to be back on track with their relationship unless you happen to catch one of their fights.’ Alex let out a chuckle as he wrote the last part. ‘Michael and I have been practicing our powers together and I think I have helped him with his control a little, we are about even level in power but my powers have grown a lot in the past three day to the point of where they are slightly higher then his. Maria is starting to suspect something is going on but Michael has so far been able to distract her by intentionally picking a fight, much to Kyle’s amusement. Kyle has been kind of depressed recently, he is taking the whole “Tess is a traitor” thing really hard, and I think he was starting to have feelings for her. He also keeps asking me about the “sunglasses” and if I have built a pair yet and I keep telling him no when the truth is I have three pairs made already but I like to make him wait after all I know what he is going to use them for.’

‘The distance between Max and Liz seems to be growing, to the point where they barely speak to each other. I wonder what happened between them that caused this rift, Kyle seems to know something but is keeping pretty tight lipped about it, for now anyways. Tess has come up to me seven more times in the past three day, attempting to mindwarp me each time and failing. This last time I managed to gain access to her mind and move some things around without being noticed by her, I managed to move the timeframe of her plan up to today and make it so that it wasn’t a secret and I could let my friends know I was going to “Sweden”. Its amazing how thought out this plan was, Tess covered all her bases even managed to mindwarp the administration office, as well as my parents, into believing I signed up for the exchange program. I am all packed and ready to head to Las Cruces and from there on to New York to check out the ‘dupes’ as the three of us have come to call them. Michael has even managed to come up with an excuse to accompany me on my trip, which I thankful for I really wouldn’t want to do this alone. Kyle will be joining Michael in the first leg of the trip at Las Cruces then will come back and keep an eye on things. I have to call Isabel in a little bit and tell her about the “amazing opportunity” I have been offered by the school, I just hope she doesn’t get mad or asks me to stay.’

Alex put his pen down and closed his journal; he waved his hand over sealing it. He walked over to his closet and but the journal behind a loose board and sealed it as well. He walked over to his nightstand and picked up the phone and dialed Isabel’s cell phone.

The phone rang three times before Isabel picked up “Hello sweetie” Isabel said once she picked up.

“Hey Izzy, how was your day?” Alex asks not really sure how to tell her about his trip.

“Good so far…I miss you…” He can practically hear her pouting on her end.

“I miss you too…” Alex smiled as he said that, and he really did miss her even though they just saw each other in his dream. “um…Isabel there is something that I need to tell you…” he started but was cut off by Isabel.

“Oh god you’re not going to break up with me are you?” Panic was in her voice.

“NO!” Alex exclaimed wondering where she would get an idea like that from. “I was just going to tell you about this amazing opportunity that has crossed my path…”

Crashdown-dinning area

Michael and Kyle sat in their usual booth both eating fries as they waited on Alex to arrive. Kyle reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper football and held it up. Michael cracked a smile and put his hands up to imitate a football goalpost.

Alex walked into the Crashdown five minutes later to find Michael and Kyle arguing.

“Dude that was good! You just don’t wanna lose that’s all it is…” Michael exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air.

“No it wasn’t good…I win that’s all there is too it” Kyle had a victorious smile as he finished off his fries.

Alex walked up to the booth and slide in next to Michael who was still fuming. “Well…Iz bought my cover story…I just feel bad about lying to her …” Alex lowered his head shamed at what he had to do.

Michael slapped Alex on the back as he spoke “Well man we do what we got to do”

“I know…” He trailed off accepting what he had to do. Alex lifted his head feeling better about himself “So how did Maria take it when you told her you were going to a Metallica concert…alone.”

“Well I told her I would be gone for a week, first I would go to the concert then I would stop by Albuquerque and do some stuff dealing with my emancipation…” Michael answered eluding the question.

Kyle and Alex smiled at Michaels attempt to throw off their questioning; Alex wasn’t about to let Michael avoid the question. “So…how did Maria take it?” He asked with a huge smile on his lips.

“Well you know Maria…” Michael trailed off knowing he really didn’t need to expand on that answer, ‘Maria is Maria pure and simple.’ Michael thought to himself. A chill ran up his spine, knocking him out of his thoughts. Michael looked up to see Maria placing a glass of orange soda in front of Alex; she was staring at him, her eyes piercing into his. Maria turned in a huff, muttering to herself as she made her way to the back room.

Michael had a weary look on his face which caused Kyle and Alex to break out laughing “That good huh…” Michael glared at Kyle for his comment which caused them to laugh harder.

After the two got themselves under control they got back to business “What about you Kyle…you gonna be able to join us in Las Cruces?” Alex asked while he sipped on his orange soda.

“Yea…I told my dad I was gonna drop Michael off at the concert…two day trip.”

“Good…good then its all set, now I just have to go to Tess’s house in about…three hours” Alex said looking at his watch. “So what do you guys want to do until then?”

“Well there is a game on today…and since your parents aren’t home today Alex, we can go watch it at your place.” Michael said as he got up and went to pay the bill.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Alex answered with Kyle agreeing with him.

Kyle stood next to Michael as they made their way to the door, Alex stood back and observed them. ‘So these are the guys that are going to help me save the world…’ At this point Kyle and Michael were wrestling on the side walk, Michael picks up a protesting Kyle. Alex just shook his head and followed them, he looked up to the sky and muttered “Heaven help us…”

Whitman Residence- Living Room

The guys are sitting around eating pizza while watching the game, shouting every now and again.

“Well guys I got one more hour…” Alex said while stuffing his mouth with pizza.

“That’s plenty of time if you ask me…I mean you are packed and stuff right?” Michael asked never taking his eyes off of the TV

“Yep, packed and ready to go” A knock at the door startled the guys, Alex looked at his watch. “It can’t be her…she is an hour early…go hide guys…” They complied and ran out of the room. Alex got up and went to answer the door.

Alex opened the door, he froze in place. On his porch stood Isabel with luggage.

“Hey Iz!” Alex said recovering from the shock, he walked forward and kissed her softly on the lips. “What’s with the suitcases?” Alex asked not really sure what else to say.

“Well I decided to go with you.” Isabel said with a 100-watt smile on her face

Alex stood there for a few moments processing what Isabel had said, breaking out of his momentary stupor he finally spoke “What…..?”

End Part A

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Chapter 10 Part B

Post by Biged »


Trude: The journal thing was a last minute touch lol.

Lisa: Yep all set to join him lol...:)

roswellluver: thank you :)

Roswellian504: yea it really was a sweet move lol...thank for reading.

sam25_2003: yea u gotta feel for Michael lol

alienlover: Thank you :)

David: yea the journal was fun also plays a part later on ;) Here *gives david a beer*

SarahWhitman: Hopefully i answer ur question in this part if you have any more feel free to PM me :)

Cookie: Thank you :)

A/N: This part was done with the help of my temp. Beta Vegas312 ;). And i would like to dedicated this part to Mary my dreamer buddy!! :)


Part B

Alex stood looking at Isabel in shock and stuttered “Did I hear you right. I thought I heard you say you were going with me.” Leaning up she kissed him on the cheek and moved to step into the living room.

She turned back to face him and found him still standing on the porch in shock. “Are you going to come in or are you just going to stand there” she asked with amusement.

Shaking his head he leaned down and grabbed her suitcases and entered into the house. He sat her suitcases on the floor and moved to stand next to her. “Okay let me see if I got this straight. You’ve decided that you’re going with me to Sweden” he told her.

Nodding her head she said “I’m going with you and besides it would be better if I went with you.”

‘Oh this is so not good. I have to get rid of her before Tess shows up. I just have to come up with some excuse as to why she can’t come.’

“Isabel, I think it’s a little to late to sign up for the exchange program and what about your parents. What are you going to tell them,” he asks her.

“It’s all taken care of, and my parents believe that it would look great on my college resume,” she tells him with a grin.

Smiling at her weakly he says, “Oh that’s great Iz.” ‘Maybe I should start praying to Buddha like Kyle because right now I need a miracle. Well at least it can’t get any worst.’

“So where are they” she asks him while looking around.

“Where’s who?”

“Tubbs and Crockett,” she told him. Seeing the confused look on his face she sighed. “I’m talking about Michael and Kyle, and don’t even think of lying because I know they’re part of whatever you’re hiding.”

Narrowing her eyes at him she stared at him waiting patiently for an answer.

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean I saw Michael and Kyle earlier at the Crashdown, but there’s no one here except you and me.” As he opened his mouth to say something else a loud crash interrupted him.

"Damn it Kyle,” Michael exclaimed from the back of the house.
A Cringing Alex lowered his head knowing that his days were numbered.

Isabel turned to look at Alex with an expression on her face that could make the bravest man run in fear. “Now what were you saying about us being alone?”

All he could do was stand there with his mouth opening and closing while stuttering “um you see.”

“Uh huh, that’s what I thought.” Looking at her nails she said calmly “you can guys can come out now. I mean it’s not like I don’t know you’re here.”

A second later Michael emerged from the hall rubbing his head followed by a sheepish looking Kyle. The two came into the living room and stood by Alex as Isabel looked on.

“So who wants to volunteer what the three of you have been up to? I mean we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You don’t want me to do this the hard way because it involves me hurting people,” she said looking at each boy in turn. The three gulped at the threats but stood their ground and kept silent. Isabel started tapping her foot and asked frostily “Well.”

“It was all Alex’s idea,” Michael exclaimed. “He didn’t want us to tell you and he said that we had to keep it a secret,” he told her.

Alex and Kyle could only stare at Michael in disbelief. “Dude,” they yelled together.

Knowing that he had broken their pact Michael said defensively, “What? I am already in trouble with Maria. I really don’t need to add Isabel to the list.”

She ignored Michael’s rant and turned to glare at Alex. “So how long have you been lying to me?”

“Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Wiping the sweat off his brow Alex knew that delaying wouldn’t work.

“Alex,” she growled.

‘Yup I’m a dead man.’ Sighing he said, “I haven’t been lying for very long. Just three days and you have to trust me when I say there is a really good reason for it. If you want to know then I will tell you.”

Isabel nodded and Alex sat down on the couch. “Well then you might want to sit down for this.” Patting the cushion next to him she sat down never taking her eyes off of him. “You see Izzy I have…” he stopped and started over. “Um well you see….how about I just show you,” he tells her. She stared at him and nodded. Alex stood up and looked around the room searching for something to use. Seeing a vase in the corner Alex raised his hand and sent a blast at it. He turned and looked at Isabel who was looking staring at the shattered vase.

Five minutes later………..

Kyle stood in front of Isabel waving his hand back and forth across her face. “Dude, she hasn’t blinked for five minutes. Maybe I should get a bucket of water,” he said as he started to walk towards the kitchen.

“NO,” Alex and Michael yelled.

Looking hurt Kyle leaned against the wall and muttered “jeez I make a mistake one time and they never let it go.”

Ignoring Kyle’s pout, Alex sits down next to Isabel. He turns her to face him and lightly shakes her. “Isabel sweetie, please say something.”

“YOU HAVE POWERS” she yelled. She stood up quickly and started pacing.

“And people say I’m the slow one in the group” Kyle muttered shaking his head.

Glaring at Kyle, Alex turned back to watch her pace and mutter to herself with a small amount of amusement. “Yes I have powers Iz. Michael has been helping me with them.”

“Yeah I’ve been helping him although I can’t say I helped a lot. His control is a lot better than mine and his power level seems to be higher than ours,” Michael told her in hopes to calm her down.

Finally she stopped pacing and moved to look Alex in the eyes. “Okay so you have powers. I don’t understand how, but what was with all the cloak and dagger stuff. Why didn’t you just tell us? Better yet why didn’t you tell me,” she asked in a low voice.

Hearing the uncertainty in her voice Alex pulled her gently into his arms. Isabel rested her head on his shoulder breathing in his scent and wrapped her arms around him as he hugged her. He backed away enough to look her in the eyes. “Isabel, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but I just needed to time to think. Everything has been happening so fast to me and I’m just trying to…”

Touching a finger to his lips she hushes him and said “I understand sweetie, but just don’t do it again okay.”

Moving her finger away she leans forward intending only to kiss him lightly. Her lips touched his and the world around her lit up in flames. Deepening the kiss their tongues caressed each other while they each fought for control of the kiss. Isabel pulled away slightly trying to catch her breath as Alex leaned back down and captured her lips. Isabel moaned into his mouth as the sensation overwhelmed her and suddenly she was overcome by flashes.


~Kraz kissing Vilandra as she straddles him

~Kraz and Vilandra exploring each other as they lay together

~The two of them making love

~They lay entwined in each other arms sleeping

*End Flash*

Isabel broke the kiss and backed away slightly. Like a predator on the hunt she eyed Alex like he was her prey and with a soft growl she attacked his mouth. Not happy with their current position she forced him back until his legs hit the couch causing them to fall onto it. She grabbed at his shirt pulling it until a ripping sound was heard.

“WHOA!! Okay time out,” Michael yelled as he attempted to separate them. Annoyed at being interrupted Isabel pushed Michael back with a burst of power as she started to kiss Alex’s neck. She started muttering in an alien language.

Kyle having stood back taking in the scene before him noticed that Isabel was speaking a different language. Walking over to Michael, he helped him off of the floor. “Dude, she is speaking another language or something because I cannot understand a word she’s saying.”

Alex pushed Isabel away from him and saw that her eyes were solid black. “Isabel...” Receiving no answer he said “Vilandra…ok how about Lonnie.” She stopped her actions and their gazes locked as their connection started. He felt himself falling and suddenly he was surrounded by an essence that wasn’t his. It was her, rather it was her soul reaching out to his and he knew then that they had seen into each other’s soul.

Finally the connection ended and Isabel closed her eyes and slumped on the couch. Alex picked her up and carried her to his room. Laying her down on the bed he gently tucked a blanket around her and smoothed her hair down. He got up and walked out into the hallway where Michael and Kyle were waiting for him.

“What happened to her and what was she saying,” Michael asked concerned for his sister.

“I’m not exactly sure what happened to her, but I think the flashes she got from me triggered some of her memories. I’m not sure though,” Alex told him. He turned back to look into the room watching Isabel’s sleeping form.

“Further into the rabbit hole we go…” Kyle muttered as he tried to process what was going on. “When she was attacking you, I heard her speak in a language I’ve never heard before.”

“I know…she was speaking Antarian,” Alex said as he continued to watch her.

Beyond frustrated that he didn’t know what was going on, Michael asked “you understood her.” Alex nodded. “Well what was she saying?”

“She said ‘I want you…my one…my only…’ and she just kept repeating it over and over.” He turned around to faced Michael and Kyle, and saw that both were wearing worried looks on their faces. “What scares me is that she didn’t respond to her name. It was like she didn’t know that was her name.” Looking at his watch he knew that they would have to do something as quickly as possible because in approximately forty minutes Tess would be arriving.


Across town, the Crashdown was buzzing with activity as the waitresses ran around trying to get their orders.

“Can you believe him? I thought I was getting somewhere with and what does he do? He goes running off to a concert without me and just acts like everything is all good. I mean can you believe him…” Maria rambles on as she wipes the counter down.

“Maria, you have to calm down okay. Take a deep breath,” Liz tells her.

Pulling her cedar oil out of her apron, she takes a sniff and repeats “Deep breaths.”

While Liz is calming down Maria, Mr. Parker comes from the back room with a young woman following him. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and is about 5’8, and is wearing a Crashdown uniform. Stopping in front of the girls, Mr. Parker motions to the young lady and says “Girls I would like you to meet our new waitress, Mary.”

“Hi,” Maria and Liz say together in cheerful voices.

“Hola,” Mary says to them with equal cheerfulness.

Leaving the three girls alone Mr. Parker goes back to finish his paperwork. The three girls chat and Liz turns when she hears the tingle of the bell that announces a new customer. Seeing who it was her whole face lit up and a smile graced her lips. Maria knowing only one person that could lit up her best friend face like that nudged Mary and the two looked on.

“Who’s that,” Mary asked Maria.

“That my new friend is Max Evans otherwise known as Romeo to Liz’s Juliet,” Maria told her.

Liz turned back around and swatted Maria with her order book. “Don’t listen to Maria. She’s a drama queen I tell you,” she tells Mary.

“I’m a star,” Maria drawls.

The three girls laughed unaware of a stare looking at one of them with longing.

Hearing a familiar laugh, Max looks ups from his booth and sees his favorite waitress. He drinks in the sight before him and looks longingly at her. ‘God, she is so beautiful when she laughs. Maybe it’s time we put aside our differences and we can actually talk about everything.’

A tingling sensation forms at the back of Max’s brain and he blinks several times. ‘What I was thinking about? Oh well must not have been important.’ Shaking his head, he is startled when a hand touches his shoulder and looks to see Tess staring at him.

“Hey, mind if I sit down,” Tess asks already making her way to the other side of the booth.

“Sure go ahead. So what are you up to today,” he asks her with a smile.

“Not much except I’m going out of town for a few hours,” Tess says averting her eyes. Quickly changing the subject Tess asks “Did you finish the homework for the weekend yet.”

“Um, it’s only Friday. Why would I…” Max is interrupted by Mary arriving at the table.

“Hello. Welcome to the Crashdown, my name is Mary and I will be waiting on you. How may I help you,” she asks with a shy smile at Max.

Max smiled warmly at Mary. “I’ll have a cherry coke and some French fries please. Tess, you want anything?”

“I’ll have a cherry coke with lime,” Tess said with an annoyed look on her face.

Raising an eyebrow at the nasty tone of the girl, Mary said “okay coming right up.” She left to go place the order.

Max’s eyes followed Mary before landing on their intended target, Liz. Max watched Liz as she glided across the Crashdown delivering food.

“Max. Hello Max…” Tess snapped her fingers bringing Max out of his staring.

“Yeah,” he asked annoyed at being interrupted.

“Well I was asking you about your homework,” Tess replied knowing full well who Max was staring at.

Before Max could reply, Mary arrived at their table with their drinks. “Here you go two cherry cokes, one with lime and the fries will be out in a few minutes.”

Max smiled gratefully at Mary and said, “Thanks.” Tess just glared at her and reached for her drink.

‘Wow what a Perra’ Mary thought to herself.

Mary turned to leave and as she did her hand hit the glass of cherry coke where it spilled all over Tess.

“Ah…you idiot,” Tess screamed as the cold liquid hit her.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry. Here let me help clean you off,” Mary told her.

“No, I was just leaving anyway,” Tess snarls at her. Turning to Max she says “I’ll see you later,” and storms out the door.

Behind the counter Maria and Liz watched the show in amusement. Maria turned to Liz and said “You know she may have just started working here, but I like her even more.”

End Part B
Last edited by Biged on Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Biged »

FB: SarahWhitman: Hmm could the tingling be a mindwarp? it just might be :)

roswellian504: thank you

Trude: yea poor kyle lol...the connection think is interesting isn't it. hope you like the next part.

Lisa: Vilandra memories seem to be coming to the surface...lets see where that goes LOL

Mary: oh come on mary...come to the dark side...we have chocolate :)

roswellluver: thanks for reading

David: Yea having Isabel trying to rip off alex's shirt was the best thing i ever wrote LOL. hope you enjoy the next part :)

Cam: Hello my wonderful temp beta ;)

Cookie: well just keep catching up lol

A/N: the song used in this part is Sullivan Street By Counting Crows. Lyrics are in Italics.

Part C

Whitman Residence-Alex’s room

The three guys stood around the room watching Isabel’s slumbering form while trying to figure out what happened earlier, but knowing that time was against them. Sighing Michael turned to Alex and said, “We need to wake her up because Tess is going to be here any minute.”

“I know Michael…,” he says never looking away from young woman lying on his bed. He walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge. Reaching over he grasps Isabel by the shoulders and lightly shook her. “Isabel sweetie, you need to wake up. Isabel, wake up.”

“Dude, I don’t think that’s working. You should do like my dad when he’s trying to wake me up. Just grab her by the shoulders and shake her really hard,” Kyle said. Holding his hands up he demonstrated by shaking an imaginary person while the others just looked on in a horrified fascination. Finished with his demonstration, Kyle told Alex, “You know if you want I can do it for you. It’s really easy.”

“Um no that’s okay. I think I got it after seeing your demonstration,” Alex said with a weak smile. Leaning back over Isabel, he shook her a little more forcibly but with less restraint than Kyle had shown.

Finally Isabel starts stirring slightly and she slowly opens her eyes. “What…what happened,” she asked as she looked around trying to get her bearings.

“Well, that’s a story for another time because any second Tess will be arriving and she can’t see any of you,” Alex answered as he watched her face closely.

Sitting up she asked, “Tess is on her way. How long have I been asleep?”

“You were out for about forty minutes,” Michael answered stepping closer to the bed.

Before he could say anything else, a knock on the front door interrupted him. The four of them looked at each other in panic as they realized that their time was up and that Tess had arrived.

“Okay guys don’t worry I will go out there and deal with Tess. Just make sure that you follow us as soon as you possibly can, and fill Isabel in on what has been going on while you’re at it,” Alex told Kyle and Michael.

He turned to go answer the door, but was stopped by Isabel calling him. Turning back to face her he saw her sitting on the bed with her hair in a disarray looking like a lost child. He smiled at the picture she made and asked, “yeah Iz.”

“Be careful. I’ll see you in a little bit,” she told him.

“I will and the three of you be careful as well.” With that he left the room and went to go answer the front door.

The knocking came more forceful the closer he got to the door. Taking several deep breaths and forcing a smile on his face he grabbed the door knob and slowly opened the door. “Hey Tess, what brings you here on this lovely day,” he asked.

“Why can’t a gal come visit her favorite human,” she asked as she stepped past him and went into the living room. She turned towards him and scrunched her forehead up in concentration.

Alex immediately felt the push on his mind as Tess attempted to mindwarp him. He could hear her speaking in his mind, ‘Alex the time has come for your trip to Sweden. Go get your suitcase and let’s get going.’ He could feel his memories being distorted and changed, and he quickly forced the false memories away from his true ones. Walking over to the corner of the living room he picks up his suitcase and followed Tess to her SUV. He puts his suitcase in the backseat and hops in the front seat. The moment he closes the door Tess speeds away down the street.

The drive is a silent one as Tess ignores him and concentrates on the road. Glad that he didn’t have to make polite conversation with her, Alex uses the time to ponder the weird happenings that have been going on. ‘Well so far so good…I hope. How do I get myself into these situations? Am I even a real person? Okay think Alex think. Let’s see I was cloned using the genetic material of two different individuals, so does that mean I am adopted or are my parents apart of this. If they are apart of this then how are they connected? God this is so complicated,’ he thought with a heavy sigh.

Hearing Alex sighed Tess asked him in a sickly sweet voice, “What’s the matter Alex? Aren’t you happy about going to Sweden?”

Alex put on a smile and mimicked Tess’ cheerful tone, “oh yes. It’s going be so much fun to go someplace with so much history.”

Tess smiled at him and they drifted back into silence. Alex turned and watched the desert pass by as they flew down the highway. ‘I wonder what the dupes are going to be like, maybe they will remember me. How do they fit into this “prophecy” that exists?’ Flashes of his dream washed over him as he recalled the symbols that represent each of them and the images of four children bearing the symbols. One child caught his attention a young boy bearing the three stars symbol. A second symbol appeared and merged with it, the symbol of Antarian Royalty. He stared at the young boy as a sense of familiarity washed over him and suddenly the child called to him and reached out. Alex extended his arm to grasp the boy’s hand.

“Hey Alex, are you alright,” Tess asked shaking him lightly.

Coming out of his stupor, Alex shook his head and turned to looked at Tess. “What,” he asked confused somewhat.

“I asked if you were alright. You were looking a little out of it..,” she trailed off alternating between watching him and the road.

“Yes I am fine. I was just thinking about some things,” he told her.

Tess shrugged and continued to concentrate on the road.

A flash of anger flashed through Alex’s mind, but it was not his anger. “Isabel...,” he whispered.

Looking at him weirdly, Tess asked, “Did you say something?”

“No.” He turned his attention back to the scenery and his thoughts. ‘I hope everything is going okay with Isabel.’


Kyle’s Car

Isabel sat in the back with her arms crossed over her chest. “I can’t believe you guys were going to let me believe Alex was really going to Sweden,” she said in a voice that caused a shiver to run up Kyle’s and Michael’s spines.

“Why are you getting mad at us? Alex told us to do it.” Michael exclaimed looking back at her. “Why didn’t you get mad at him?”

“Because he is Alex that’s why,” she answered with a dreamy look on her face.

Michael and Kyle looked at each other briefly and exclaimed, “OH BROTHER!”

Her expression changed to one of regret. “I spent so much time pushing him away even going as far as to out with a man I barely knew,” she said quietly staring at her hands in shame.

“Isabel, it wasn’t your fault. You were scared of commitment, hell we all were even Max with his taking a step back. I mean look at how I treated Maria after our so called ‘destiny.’ They knew it wasn’t going to be easy to have relationships with us, but they made a choice to stick with us, especially Maria.” ‘With my luck she heard me and is planning my death right now.’ Quickly letting go of that train of thought Michael said, “If Alex’s dreams mean anything they mean that we are all meant to be together.” He turns to look at Kyle, “all of us are meant to be together even Valenti here.”

“Aw Michael, I love you too,” Kyle quipped battling his eyelashes at him.

Glaring at Kyle Michael said with a faint grin on lips, “Okay that does it. I am going to tell Alex not to make you any sunglasses.”

Kyle looked over at Michael like he had been stabbed in the heart. “Dude, that’s wrong. Don’t play like that.”

“Okay Michael, you’re going have to tell me the story behind that statement,” Isabel asked as she looked between the two guys.

“Well not much to tell really except that a few days ago Alex drew this diagram. It had all these weird symbols on it so we asked him what it was, and he explained that it was a design for these sunglasses that could see all sorts of things that the human eye can’t detect normally,” Michael told her.

Not really seeing why Kyle would act so hurt over sunglasses she asked, “Okay so why would Kyle be interested in that?”

“Well the kicker is that besides seeing things that a normal human eye can’t see, it can also see through things like walls, doors, clothes, etc.”

“Oh…” She sat there as if contemplating something, and a few seconds later she reacted by slapping both Kyle and Michael in the back of the head.

“Ouch. What did you slap me for,” Michael asked.

“I slapped you because I know you all too well Michael, and I know that you were thinking the same as Kyle except you didn’t let it show. I slapped both of you in preparation for whatever perverted thing the two of you are going to do,” she told them.

Michael crossed his arms over his chest and sulked while Kyle simply shrugged and continued driving.


Evans’ Residence ~Max’s Room

The sounds of Counting Crows echo through the room as Max lies down on his bed.

“Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan St.
Cross the water and home through the town
Past the shadows that fall down wherever we meet
Pretty soon I won’t come around”

Folding his hands behind his head he stares at the ceiling contemplating his relationship with Liz. His mind drifts back to the night that his whole world was shattered, the night that was burned in his memory.

“I’m almost drowning in her sea
She’s nearly fallen to her knees”

Unshed tears blurred his vision as he thought of that night.

“Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan St.
Where all the bodies hang on the air
If she remembers, she hides it whenever we meet
Either way now, I don't really care”

The tears overwhelmed him as an anguished sob escaped his lips.

“I'm almost drowning in her seas
She's nearly crawling on her knees
She’s down on her knees”

He sat up on the edge of his bed and moves to his nightstand. Opening the drawer he pulls out a picture of Liz and stares at it.

“Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan St.
I'm just another rider burned to the ground”

Tears stained the picture as he ran his fingers over it whispering, “Why did you do this. I loved you and I still love you, but why couldn’t you love me back.”

“I'm almost drowning in her sea
She's nearly crawling on her knees
It's almost everything I need
I'm down on my knees
I'm down on my knees”

Flashes of Liz overtook him as the music faded out, flashes of her as a child, of her smiling. Hope rose in him that he could still salvage a relationship with her. As he started to think of the possibilities pain started to form in his head, and soon the pain overwhelmed him causing him to grip his head. Nearly blinded by the pain he fell back onto the bed his arms limply falling to his side.

Crashdown-Back Room

Maria and Liz are sitting around on the coach after a long day of serving people.

“If I see another hamburger again…I’m going to…well I don’t know what I will do, but it’s gonna end me up in jail I can tell you that,” Maria stated as she rubbed her feet.

Liz shook her head at Maria’s antics, and suddenly a sharp pain surges through Liz’s head. She rubs her temple trying to ease the pain.

“Liz…are you alright,” Maria asked instantly concerned.

The pain dies down and Liz takes a few breaths to steady herself. “Yeah I’m fine, just got a headache all of the sudden.” Seeing the worried look on Maria’s face, she says, “I’ll just go take some medicine.” With that Liz got up and went upstairs.

Mary walked into the break room and sat down on the couch. “Are you guys off already,” she asks Maria.

“Yeah, we’re off. Thank god, so anyway how do you like working here so far?”

“It’s pretty good and the customers are nice, well most of them anyways,” Mary snorts.

“Ah yes, isn’t our Tess lovely,” Maria drawls then chuckles.

“Isn’t she just,” Mary said laughing along with Maria.

Liz breezed down the stairs, already changed out of her uniform. “Hey Mary.”

“Hey Liz, so you guys got any plans for tonight,” Mary asks them.

“I am thinking a girls' night…” Maria said as her face lit up “And you can join us when you get off of shift later,” she squeals.

Mary smiled at Maria’s enthusiasm and said, “I would love you join you, but for now I have to get back to the masses so I’ll see you guys later.” With that Mary got up and went back to work.

Once Mary had left Maria scooted next to Liz and patted her leg. “So chica how are you holding up?”

“What do you mean? I’m doing fine!” Liz said but lacked conviction.

Maria looked her with an expression of ‘you got to be kidding me’.

Liz diverted her gaze and stared at the floor. Maria continued to stare knowing that Liz would crack.

Liz could not avoid Maria’s gaze. “Ok…it’s just that…every time I see Max…I want to go over to him and…” Liz trailed off as tears welded up in her eyes.

“Just want to ravage him.” she finished the sentence with glee.

Liz let out a little chuckle as a smile played on her lips. “Thanks Maria you always know how to make me feel better.” The girls shared a hug. “It’s just that he’s a king to this whole race of people and I can’t stand in the way of that,” she sobbed ignoring the tears rolling down her cheek.

“Okay not that I’m telling you what to do, but don’t you think that Max should a say in this decision. If he is responsible enough to rule a whole planet, why can’t he choose what he wants? Well chica I am going to get changed, so why don’t you think about that why I’m gone okay,” Maria told her with a pat on the leg before going upstairs to change.

Liz got up and passed through the swinging door that led into the dinning area nearly running into the figure standing in front of her. “Oh hello Mr. Whitman, I thought you and your wife were out of town?”

“We decided to come back early, and I was just looking for your father,” he said smiling down at her.

“Oh…were you waiting here for a while,” Liz asked hoping he hadn’t heard anything they were talking about.

“Not long…,”he said as he watched her reaction. “So is your dad here?”

“No he’s not here at the moment but I will tell him you stopped by when he gets back,” Liz told him with a smile.

“Okay, thank you Liz.”

With that he walked towards the exit, he turns to look back at Liz for a moment. ‘So they know about our Royal friends…that’s an interesting twist,’ he thought to himself before exiting the Crashdown.


Las Cruces University

They had finally arrived on campus awhile ago, and now Alex was following Tess through the around as they were on their way to the dorm rooms. It amazed him that she was able to set this entire thing up by herself. ‘Of course the fact that she has the ability to mindwarp would help a lot,’ he thought with a smirk. They arrived at his dorm room where Tess opened the door and walked in. Alex walked in behind her, and she turned to him and started another a mindwarp. A voice whispered in his head the instructions of what to do and that she would return in two weeks. Handing him the ‘destiny’ book she smiled at him and left the room heading back to her SUV.

Alex looked around the room, it was small and sparse. ‘Thank god I don’t have to stay here.’ He let out a little chuckle. A knock on the door interrupted his appraisal of the room. On the other side stood Isabel and a distraught looking Kyle and Michael. He ushered them in and closed the door quickly. “So how was the ride here,” he asked looking at both Kyle and Michael in turn. “Did everything go okay?”

“You mean did I give them an earful,” Isabel answered with a smirk.

Alex smiled back at Isabel and then turned to Michael and Kyle. “Yea what she said.”

Michael glared at Alex while Kyle just stared forward in a daze. “Okay, I’ll take that as a yes, so first thing first let’s have a look at the reason Tess brought me here.” He picked up the ‘destiny’ book that Tess had given to him and flipped it open, and scanned through it for a little bit.

“Hmm, Isabel look through it please and tell me what you see,” he asks her.

She takes the book from him and opens it and looks through it carefully. “Well we know it has something to do with us…”she says motioning to Michael and herself. “And that’s based on the pictures of us in there, but we can’t read it which is why we’re here.” She passes the book to Michael to look at it.

“I know that we can recognize some of the symbols, it’s like we should know what they mean. We think it’s written in Antarian but again we are not really sure” He says looking through the book while shaking his head in frustration. “We know this already, so why are we reviewing things we already know,” Michael asked as he slammed the book closed.

“The reason I asked is because I wanted all the facts before I said what I am about to say…,” Alex trailed off in deep thought of what to say next.

His three friends stared at him waiting for him to finish his thought. “WELL?!” Michael exclaimed as his frustration grew.

Alex shook his head and looked at each of them in turn. “The reason I asked is because I wanted to make sure that you guys couldn’t read the book.”

“Of course we can’t read the book that is the whole point of Tess bringing you here,” Michael shouted.

“Well I just wanted to make sure because after looking at the book myself I just realized that I can read it…” Alex trailed off watching Isabel’s and Michael’s reaction closely.

They looked at each other then turned back to Alex and exclaimed together “WHAT!”

End Part C
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Chapter 10 Part D

Post by Biged »

Rhonda: i seem to have lost ur FB but i know it was about the Kid in Alex's vision and all i have to say to that is....u gotta wait to find out ;)

roswelluver: thanks for reading

Mary: LOL thank you for reading...and don't worry about the thing its time will come ;)

sarahwhitman: Why alex can read the book is explained...and people seem to like my Isabel LOL

Lisa: Hmmm...does Jeff know...still working it out LOL, as for the kid u gonna have to wait to find out :)

Ti88: yep at least one parent knows...:) and i like the way i write michael and Kyle they also remind me of Friends LOL

David: Yea the questions u all have should be starting to get answered finally LOL the whole max and liz thing will be explained don't worry :)

cam: ah my lovely beta ;) no reply for u HAHA u know too much as is :twisted:

Kay: glad to know ur still here ;0

A/N: Song used below is “Earth Angel” by the Penguins.

This update is dedicated to Mt. Gazer as she was the inspiration for it ;)

Chapter 10 part D

The room was quiet after Alex’s revelation as both Michael and Isabel sat with looks of shock across their faces while Kyle sat back munching contently on a chocolate bar waiting to see what would happen next.

“Let me get this straight…,” Michael trailed off as he gathered his thoughts. “You’re telling us that you can read the book that none of us can understand and supposedly tells us about our destiny. This book right here,” he asked while lifting up the book and waving it around for emphasis.

Alex nodded as he spoke, “yes I can read that book.”

“Why the hell can you read it when we can’t? What makes you so special,” Michael exclaimed angered by the fact that everybody seems to be able to do things when he could barely control his powers. ‘Next thing you know Kyle is going sprout wings and fly,’ he thought to himself as he pictured Kyle dressed as cupid flying around school. Snickering he didn’t see the looks the others exchange.

“I wish I knew why, but memories are being forced to the surface that’s probably why…” Alex stopped speaking as a flash overtook him.


~Kraz sitting at a desk writing out the same code the Destiny book was written in. Suddenly the door opened and a woman walked in dressed like royalty rather a Queen.

“Ah General, my maid said you had something to show me,” she asked with interest.

He stood and turned to the Queen and bowed before her showing respect. Rising up he told her, “Yes, your Majesty I do.” He turned back to his desk and picked up the paper that he had just been writing on it and handed it to the Queen.

She studied it closely before scrunching her forehead in confusion. “Either I’ve forgot how to read, or this isn’t a language that I am aware of,” she told Kraz. Before he could reply three screaming kids ran into the room, two boys and a girl. The little girl quickly attached herself to the Queen’s leg. Looking at the little girl, she asked her, “What’s the matter Vilandra? Are Zan and Rath bothering you?”
Sticking her tongue out at the two boys Vilandra looked up at the woman and replied, “Yes.”

The woman turned to look at the boys who were shuffling their feet in an attempt to look innocent. “Boys stop teasing your sister. Now run along and go play.” They smiled at her and ran off to another adventure. Shaking her head she turned back to Kraz who was smiling. “Do you find something amusing,” she asked with a smile of her own.

Kraz stood up straight and shook his head which caused Vilandra to start giggling.

“Well then back to this, “she said as she waved the paper around.

“You are right that it isn’t a language rather it’s a code that I’ve devised for the Royal family to use,” he told her with a smile.

“Hmm interesting, this could come in handy. Thank you General,” she told him with a nod as she turned and walked away.

“My pleasure, your Majesty,” he said with a bow. He rose back up and noticed that Vilandra was waving at him from her position at her mother’s leg. He waved back chuckling at the little imp that was the princess.

The queen stopped at the door and turned back to him with a smile. “How many times have I told you Kraz to call me Ilaria?” With that she and Vilandra walked out of the room leaving the general to chuckle at the events that had occurred.

*end flash*

“He blanked out again,” Kyle said as he waved a hand in front of Alex’s face.

Michael stared at Kyle in amazement and said sarcastically, “you don’t say.”

Alex blinked several times as he shook his head. He looked around and noticed the others staring at him. “Sorry about that, but at least I know how I can read the book.”

They continued to stare at Alex waiting for him to explain. Finally running out of patience Michael was the first to speak. “Care to explain it to us stupid people here,” he asked calmly hoping that he wouldn’t lose his temper again.

“Well it seems that I or Kraz that is wrote the code that the book is written in,” Alex said.

Not sure what to say the others just nodded and said, “Oh.”

“And on that note I think maybe we should go and get something to eat, and then we can come back and hit the hay. We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” With that Alex walked out the door with his friends silently following him each lost in their own thoughts. Sticking his hands in his pockets his fingers came in contact with something hard. Remembering the present that he had for his friends he stopped in the empty hallway and pulled out two pairs of ‘sunglasses.’ “Oh I have to give you these before I forget. Here you go,” he told them with a smile.

Michael took the glasses from Alex and inspected them as Kyle fell to his knees and took his pair. Looking like a kid opening his presents on Christmas Day Kyle asked eagerly, “Are these what I think they are.”

“Yup and they’re all yours.”

Kyle didn’t waste any time immediately putting them on. He turned and looked around him. “This is sweet. I can see through the walls, and I see a guy reading a book while his roommate is listening to music.”

They started walking again as Kyle rambled on about the things he could see. ‘So far so good,’ Alex thought to himself as he half listened to Kyle. Finally reaching the outside doors they went through it trying to decide what to have for dinner when it happened.

“Oh my god,” Kyle exclaimed.

Michael turned to him in annoyance and asked, “what now Valenti.”

“Dude put your glasses on and look straight ahead,” he ordered Michael not even bothering to look away.

“Why,” Michael asked as a frown came to his lips.

“Cause that girl over there isn’t wearing a bra,” he replied with glee.

That’s all Michael needed to hear as he wasted no time putting his glasses on as he followed where Kyle was looking. “Jesus Christ, would you look a the size of her…”

A loud pop could be heard as Isabel’s hands came in contact with the back of both guys’ head causing the glasses to fly off their faces and making them stumble nearly falling over.


The gang sat around eating their dinner which consisted of pizza and a salad after Isabel told them they needed some vegetables. They talked about their plans on what to do next all except Kyle who was eating quietly.

Alex turned to Kyle and told him, “Dude, don’t worry. You can have the glasses back later.” Kyle simply ignored him and continued eating. Alex sighed and turned back to Isabel. “So how exactly did you get your parents to agree to let you come with me?”

“Well I told them I was going to look at colleges, and that I had all my work from my classes with me so it wouldn’t hurt my grades,” she said with a smile.

“And they believed you,” Michael asked in amazement.

Taking a bite of her pizza she wiped her mouth and told him, “Yes, because I really did get all the work from my teachers.”

“You would,” Michael muttered.

“But how could you be so sure that I was lying to you,” Alex asked.

“That’s because you’re not a good liar well at least not to me. So what are we going to do once we get to New York?”

“We should probably find a place to stay first, and then after that we should try to look for your dupes and watch them for awhile.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me,” Isabel said as Michael nodded in agreement.

Michael turned to Kyle. “Remember Kyle, your job is to watch Tess…”

“I could do that easier if I had the glasses…,” Kyle said with a grin at Alex.

“Yeah you could keep a better eye on her like in the shower or dressing,” Michael replied sarcastically as Kyle pouted again.

“Fine, but try to use them only when needed okay,” Alex exclaimed as he handed Kyle the glasses. Alex knew he made a mistake the moment he handed them to Kyle as his face showed a mischievous grin. ‘Oh boy let’s hope Kyle will stay out of trouble.’

They finished their meal in relative silence as they all thought about their tasks and what the future would hold, but all Kyle could think of was seeing Tess naked.

The four teens settled down in the dorm room with Kyle and Michael sleeping on the floor while Alex and Isabel would take the bed.

“I swear to god if I hear anything coming from that bed you’re a dead man Whitman,” Michael threatened from the floor as Kyle snickered beside him.

Isabel replied to Michaels comment with a grin on her face, “And if I hear anything from the floor I want to be the first to congratulate you guys on your new life style.” Both Michael and Kyle rolled away from each other slamming into various objects.

Alex and Isabel started to laugh at their response. “Night guys,” Alex said as he spooned with Isabel.

“Night,” everyone replied and soon everyone fell asleep.



Alex wandered around the school watching everything that was going on. It felt weird as if it wasn’t real. It finally dawned on him that it was a dream. He looked around at his setting, the school gymnasium and suddenly he felt a presence, one that he was familiar with but not quite the same. Turning around he stood face to face with Isabel except it wasn’t his Isabel. “Hello Isabel. What brings you back to my dreams,” he asked as he smiled as he studied her short brown hair.

“Hello Alex,” she smiled at him and stepped closer. “I just came to see you again.” Blushing slightly she looked down at her feet as if she found something interesting.

“Did you now,” he asked her with a smile. “So is that the only reason you came was just to see me.” A thought crossed his mind. “Why haven’t you disappeared yet,” he asked slightly confused.

“Well Kyle, Liz, and I are protected by the granolith so we get to choose when we fade out of existence.”

“Oh okay, so is there anything you wanted to discuss with me or did you just want to see me,” he asked once again going into flirt mode. ‘I wonder if my Isabel will be mad about this.’

“Well I wanted to see you, but I also wanted to check on how you are taking everything,” Isabel asked with concern in her voice.

Alex let out a deep sigh as he collected his thoughts. “Well it’s a lot of stuff to take in really. The hardest thing to accept is that I lived in a past life and not just one but two. Still at least I get cool powers,” he told her with a grin.

Happy that he was okay with everything she grinned back at him. “Well that’s good.” She looked around at the scenery and waved her hand changing the dreamscape. Alex looked around and noticed that they were now in Frasier woods rather more importantly their spot. She walked over to the rock that she remembers from so long ago. “Sit with me please.”

He nodded and sat down next to her. He started to speak when he felt a familiar presence and he looked up to see his Isabel staring at them.

Future Isabel seeing her stood up and told her, “I was just leaving.” She turned and started to walk away.

“Wait,” he yelled stopping her in her tracks. She turned to look back at him questioningly. “Just wait,” he pleaded with her. Seeing that she wasn’t leaving he walked over to his Isabel and whispered something in her ear.

Smiling she nodded and looked up at her future counterpart and told her, “Have fun.” With that she disappeared from the dreamscape.

Future Isabel looked at Alex confused. “What’s going on,” she asked hoping to get answers.

Alex waved his hand and the scenery changed to a church with people standing around. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was wearing a wedding dress, and touching her head she felt a veil. She looked at Alex for answers and saw that he was dressed in a tux.

“What’s going on is that I am going to give you the wedding with me that you never had.” Alex walked over to the altar as the wedding march began to play.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she made her way to Alex. She looked around at all the faces and smiled. ‘I can’t believe he is doing this…he is just like my Ale,’ she thought to herself. She finally reached him and the minister started to speak.

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today,” the minister told the congregation but neither Alex nor Isabel heard him as they stared into each others eyes.

‘I wonder if my real wedding is going to be like this,’ he thought to himself to a smile. He thought back to his life in the past year. It had been interesting to say the least, between finding out that the girl that he loved and treated like a Princess was in fact a real Princess. He thought back to the beginning of the school year and how Isabel had broken up with him and started going out with Grant. ‘Always knew my charm would win her over.’

Finally he realized that the minister had stopped talking, and he looked to see that the minister as well as Isabel was staring at him. ‘Oh crap, what did he say? Okay think Alex think.’ “Um…I do,” he said hesitantly.

The minister nodded his head and turned to Isabel, who was smiling back at Alex with her eyes full of love. Alex let out a soft sigh relieved that he had answered correctly. ‘Dodged a bullet there,’ he thought to himself as the minister continued to speak.

“Do you Isabel Evans take Alex Whitman to be your husband?”

Isabel looked into Alex’s eyes as she spoke. “Yes I do.”

“Then by the power vested in me by the state of New Mexico I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.” He turned to Alex and told him, “You may now kiss your bride.”

Alex stepped forward and lifted Isabel’s veil, and kissed her softly on the lips. The guests cheered loudly as the scene changed to a dance floor bathed in candle light. Alex holds his hand out to Isabel and asked, “May I have this dance.” Isabel accepts and Alex spins her into his arms as the music starts to play.

‘Earth angel, earth angel
Will you be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you’

Isabel chuckled at the lyrics as Alex spun her in his arms. “Earth angel,” she asked in a happy voice.

He laughed lightly. “Well I couldn’t find any songs about an Antarian Princess so this had to do. We can pick another one if you like.”

Isabel cut Alex off with a soft kiss. “No, I love it and I know my younger version will when her time come to be Mrs. Isabel Whitman.”

‘Earth angel, earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever and ever more
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you’

“Shh, tonight is your night,” he told her with a gently kiss on the forehead. She rested her head on his shoulder and the two swayed softly as the music washed over them.

‘I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love-loveliness
I hoped and I pray that someday
I'll be the vision of your hap-happiness oh, oh, oh, OH!’

The music went unnoticed by the couple as they enjoyed the closeness.

‘Earth angel, earth angel
Please be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you-ou-ou’

The world faded out as they only had eyes for each other. Alex spun Isabel around again placing his hands on her hips and kissing her softly.

‘I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your loveliness
I hope and pray that someday
That I'll be the vision of your happiness’

Tears appeared in Isabel’s eyes as she realized that for the first time in a long while she was happy. She was in the arms of the man she loved or as close to the man she loved as she could get.

‘Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh’

Alex spun Isabel out two times and caught her hand and pulled her back to him to hold her close.

’Earth angel, earth angel
Please be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you-ou (you, you, you)’

Alex looked into Isabel’s eyes once again getting lost in them. “I love you Isabel and I know that your Alex loved you also.” He leaned down and kissed her again with the love he felt. “Now it’s time for the best part of getting married.”

Isabel looked at him quizzically and asked him,” And what that would be honey.” She smiles at the endearment she called him.

“Well Mrs. Whitman the best part would be the honeymoon.” He grinned at her as the dream setting changed to them standing in front of the door of a hotel room. Alex scooped Isabel into his arms and carried her over the threshold. Ignoring her protests that she was too heavy he carried her over to the bed and laid her down softly on it. He leaned over her and slowly started to kiss and nibble at her neck.

Isabel turned and started to undress Alex as she kissed the skin that she uncovered. She ran her fingers along his bare chest as Alex worked on getting her out of her wedding dress.

He managed to get her top down and stared lovingly at her naked breasts. Alex reached out and cupped them in his hands, rubbing his thumbs across her hardening nipples causing Isabel to shiver. Alex kissed his way down Isabel’s neck and circled her right nipple with his tongue eliciting moans of pleasure from her. Isabel pulled Alex’s face down to hers for a kiss gently nipping at the corners of his mouth. She pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes. “Make love to me Alex.” She rubbed his hardening member through his pants to emphasis her words.

Alex groaned. “Yes ma’am…”


Las Cruces – Alex’s Dorm Room

The room was quiet except for the light moans coming from the bed.

On the floor Michael and Kyle were looking at each other while Michael had a look of anger on his face, Kyle had one of humor. Michael glared at the snickering Kyle and covered his head with his pillow as he slammed his fists on the floor.

Kyle sat up not really being able to see anything in the darkness and shouted, “Way to go Alex!” Kyle was immediately hit in the face with a pillow.

End Chapter 10
Last edited by Biged on Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Biged »

FB: roswellian504: Is Isabel gonna be mad....that is what this part deals with

Trude: yea she probably didn't know what Alex was gonna do lol :)

Pooh: thank you for reading :) and will alex pay hmmm :twisted:

roswelluver: thanks for reading! :)

destinysucks: thank you for reading :)

Cam: lol yep gotta love Kyle and Michael :)

Mary: thank you for reading pretty sure ur gonna like this update :)

David: Glad you found the last update funny :) and to see if Isabel is happy read on lol

Sarahwhitman: thank you for reading and i PMed u about ur questions :)

Chapter 11 Part A

Evan’s Household – Kitchen

Max sat at the counter staring at his Tabasco drenched cereal wondering how he was the only one this weekend with no plans. His parents were gone on a business trip, Michael went out of town, and now he finds out that Isabel left Roswell to check out some colleges. Pushing the food away from him he stood up and thought sarcastically, ‘Yeah that’s just the kind of thinking we need in case we ever get attacked again.’ Sighing he picked up his bowl and went to place it in the sink. He gave the bowl a quick rinse and dried his hands before heading to the living room to find something to do. ‘Well maybe I catch up on some tv since no one is home. This might be a good thing, you know get some me time.’ Settling down on the sofa he grabbed the remote preparing to turn on the TV when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Groaning at the interruption he dropped the remote on the coffee table and went to go get the door. ‘This had better not be Maria asking me where Michael is again. I’d already told her twenty-three times today I don’t know where Michael is and no I don’t know why he didn’t tell her why she couldn’t go with him. Michael is so much trouble when he gets back.’ Shaking his head he opened the door silently chanting ‘please don’t be Maria, please don’t be Maria.’

There standing on his front step was Tess with a smile on her face looking at him happily. ‘Damn what is this stalk Max day? First Maria calls and here’s Tess coming around unannounced.’

“Hello Max,” she said in a sugar coated voice.

Coming out of his thoughts he gave her a half smile and told her, “Hey Tess. Come on in.” He stood to the side as Tess brushed past him to enter the house. Closing the door behind them he turned to find Tess standing behind him. He looked at her waiting for her to say what she wanted. Several minutes went by as the two stood in the hallway looking at each other waiting for the other to speak. Finally tired and curious as to why she had come by, Max asked her, “So…did you want anything.”

“Well I just came to see if you and Isabel wanted to anything since it’s been pretty boring at the Valenti homestead as Kyle is gone for the day,” she smiled at him.

“Well it’s pretty boring here as well, and actually Isabel isn’t here. She went to check out some colleges without telling me,” he sighed again which was something he seemed to be doing a lot lately.

“Oh she didn’t mention anything to me either, so it looks like it’s just the two of us then,” she told him as she thought to herself, ‘It’s about time I have him all to myself. Maybe I can get him to try some memory retrieval techniques, well the memories I decide to show him anyway.’ She smiled to herself as she was sure that she would have Max in no time.

Max looked back at Tess and smiled, ‘at least someone wants to spend time with me.’ “I guess it’s the two of us then, so did you have something in mind,” he asked her.
“How about I teach you some memory retrieval techniques,” she asked putting on her best innocent look.

He eyed her for a minute before coming to a decision. Nodding his head he told her, “Sure. Why not, it might be fun.”

Tess was overjoyed but tried not to let it show as she took his hand and led him to his room. ‘Like taking candy from a baby,’ she thought with glee. “Maybe we should do this in your room.”

Shrugging he agreed and led her to his room as she quickly grabbed his hand and just smiled at him innocently when raised his eyebrow in question.

Entering his room she sat down on the bed and told him, “This would work better if we did this on the bed.”

Wondering what he gotten himself into he sat down on the bed hesitantly. Looking at her he asked, “So what’s the first thing I do.”

Tess smiled at him as she thought, ‘Oh this is going to be fun.’

Victoria’s Secrets Shop

Isabel walked through the risqué store browsing through the items quickly discarding the ones she didn’t like with a flick of her wrist and set aside the ones she liked. She had already purchased multiple items from other shops when she decided that she needed a new pajama set which is how she ended up here to begin with. She had already found a pair of midnight blue silk pajamas, but decided to look around to see if anything else might catch her fancy. Humming she spotted a red teddy with a matching robe and decided to try it on. Making her way to one of the dressing rooms she closed the door and made sure the door was locked. A minute later found her standing in front of the mirror as she inspected the piece of lingerie. Tapping a finger on her chin she considered her image and a satisfied smile crossed her face as she thought of what Alex was going to say when he saw her in it. The fabric of the teddy was almost completely see-thru except for the important areas and the hem of the robe stopped just under the edge of her toned butt. ‘Alex, prepare to have your socks knocked off. This is so perfect it’s like something you wear on your honeymoon.’ Suddenly she frowned as she remembered the events that had transpired earlier that morning. Reaching her hand up she brushed away a few stray tears that had escaped her eyes. ‘I can’t believe he did that even if the person was a future version of me. It’s like he cheated on me with me. God this is so confusing, I mean she’s me but not me.’ Moving away from the mirror she sat on the little bench on the other side of the dressing room and wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to make sense of it all.

‘Is it really any worse than what I’ve done to him in the past,’ she asked herself as she remembered the look on his face as she flirted with Grant right after she told him that she didn’t want a relationship. She realized that she had used him when things got bad and played hot and cold with his emotions. ‘At least he didn’t cheat on me with someone else who wasn’t me. Okay I’m losing it if that made sense to me.’ She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. Finally a conclusion formed in her mind and she made her decision. Standing up she gathered her clothes and quickly got dressed.

Las Cruces – Diner (lunch)

The small diner bustled with activity as the waitresses floated around attempting to appease the masses. In the corner of the room, three men sat quietly as they ate their food.

Michael liberally added Tabasco to his strawberry pancakes as his orange juice was already a healthy shade of red. He lifted his eyes and quickly glanced at Alex, who had his head down as he ate his of blueberry pancakes. Michael turned his gaze on Kyle who was reading the sports section of a newspaper. Deciding to be the first to break the silence he said, “So…some weather we’re having huh?” He groaned inwardly as the words left his mouth. Alex and Kyle both lifted their heads and looked out the window, and then stared back at Michael as if he was clearly insane. The weather of New Mexico was always the same, hot. Michael returned his attention to his food as he remembered the events that had occurred that morning.


“You did what,” Isabel screamed at Alex as he stood his ground.

“I did what I thought appropriate,” he argued back hoping maybe he could get her to see it from his perspective.

“Appropriate? How was it appropriate to sleep with somebody else other than me? I don’t care if it was a dream,” she said lowering her voice not wanting to draw attention to them.

“I don’t see her as somebody else I only see her as you.” Alex let out a shaky breath as he argued his point.

Michael and Kyle sat back and observed neither wanting to anger Isabel anymore than she already was.

Alex slumped onto the bed as he rested his face in his hands. “She…you…looked so sad and all I wanted to do was make her…you happy again. Nothing else entered my mind it was always you…” He let out a weary sigh. “…her.”

Isabel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I need to think,” she told him as she grabbed her purse. Reaching the door she turned to him and said, “Do me a favor and don’t sleep with anymore future versions of me.” She turned back to the door and slammed the door behind her.

Alex let out a trembling breath as tears formed in his eyes. ‘I may have just lost the only girl I will ever love,’ he thought to himself as he swiped away the escaping tears as they ran down his face.

Michael and Kyle looked at each, neither not knowing what to do. They both felt sorry for Alex but they weren’t about to meddle with anybody else’s love life.

‘What would Maria do with this situation,’ Michael asked himself. An image of Maria chocking Alex came to his mind.

“How could you have done that to her, I thought I had trained you better than that,” Maria yelled as she chocked the life out of Alex. She turned and looked at Michael as he observed the dispute. “And you…why are you just standing there and not doing anything about this!? Not to the mention the fact that you didn’t even tell me any of this was going on!” She advanced on him…

Kyle slapped Michael on the back of the head. “Dude are you alright? You looked scared there for a minute,” Kyle asked his tall friend.

Michael shook his head and stood upright. “Yeah I’m fine, just thinking about something.” He returned to his thoughts completely zoning out on Kyle.

Kyle eyed Michael for a minute before shaking his head and chuckling as another flash of horror appeared on Michael’s face. An idea formed in his mind when all of the sudden he enthusiastically commented, “Food!” Seeing his friends stare at him strangely he smiled at them happily and said, “Let’s get some food.”

*End Flashback*

Michael shook himself out of his thoughts as he noticed a tall blonde figure approach their table, Isabel. He noticed that she was carrying multiple bags and could only assume that she had been shopping. She stopped beside the table and abruptly dropped the bags on the floor. “Hey Isabel…did some shopping I see,” he commented off hand.

Isabel simply glared at her adoptive brother as she slid into the seat next to Alex. Alex stayed focused on his food not wanting to anger Isabel further.

The group sat in silence as nobody wanted to be the first to speak. Alex decided to be the first to jump through the threshold and ask the one question that was on all the guys’ minds. “Did you come to any conclusions on your thoughts Isabel,” he asked in a low voice never taking his eyes off of his food.

Isabel let out a sigh as she replied to the question at hand. “Yes I did,” she said tersely as she inspected her nails.

Alex brought his gaze up and watched Isabel intently, not getting his answer from her vague reply he pushed it further. “And the conclusion would be?”

“I have decided that I am still mad, but I won’t push the subject any further as long as there are no more late night jaunts with my future self. I have also decided that the best punishment for you is to let you make it up to me for the rest of our lives,” she told him as she pulled out a small plastic card out of her purse and handed it to Alex. “Starting now,” she said as she took his plate of food and liberally added Tabasco sauce to it.

“Why do you have my ATM card,” he asked confused. His face went pale as he remembered that she had walked in with shopping bags, lots and lots of shopping bags. He stared at her in shock as his muddled mind tried to form words for him to say. “You…buy…my ATM…,” was all that managed to escape his lips, coherent thoughts long since gone.

Isabel took a bite of her stolen pancakes and chewed thoroughly before replying. “Yes I did, do you have a problem with that sweetie?” She smiled sweetly at him and took another bite of her food.

Alex shook his head and chuckled. ‘Well I got myself into this mess…’ he thought to himself as he held up his hands in mock surrender. “Nope no problem, my money is your money,” he told her as he reached over to take a drink of his orange only to have it ripped from his hands by Isabel.

“Thanks sweetie I was thirsty,” she stated as she tainted the sweet orange juice with Tabasco and drained the glass.

“No problem Izzy,” he said as he leaned back in his seat and sat quietly while watching her finish his breakfast.

“Whipped,” Kyle exclaimed as he made the sound effect to go with it. Michael followed suit and they broke out laughing causing Alex to glare at the two teenagers.

“Ok that’s enough fun and games, let’s get on the road. We don’t want to miss our flight now do we,” Isabel told them as stood up and strode towards the door of the café leaving her bags on the floor.

Alex slid out from his seat and picked up the shopping bangs. Grunting under the load he meekly followed after Isabel as Michael and Kyle continued to laugh while making whipped sounds as well.

Reaching Kyle’s car, Isabel turned to Kyle with her hand held out and said, “I want to drive so give me the keys.”

He laughed at her and said, “I don’t think so. Nobody and I mean nobody drives my Mustang but me.”

Isabel didn’t back down she just continued to hold her hand out as she glared at him.

“I mean it Isabel!” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and made a stand.

“Fine,” she told him and turned to the car and got in the driver’s seat. A few moments later the engine roared to life and she tooted the horn with an “everybody in.”

Kyle sputtered as Michael dragged him into the backseat of his car. Once everybody was in Isabel took off down the road towards the airport in El Paso.


Crashdown Cafe

The Crashdown was quiet as only a few patrons had come in. Liz, Maria and their new friend Mary rested behind the counter talking.

“I still can’t believe Michael just left without even saying good bye to me. I thought he was better than that you know. I am done with him I really am, and if he wants to just come up and kiss me well I’m going to push him away. Okay he can kiss me, but that’s it and I mean it this time…,” Maria ranted before Liz interrupted her.

“Maria you’re rambling and I am sure what ever Michael is doing is important,” she told her as she tried to make her eccentric friend calm down, but she knew it was hopeless. She looked over to Mary who was looking at Maria with a dazed look on her face. ‘I guess if you’re not used to listening to Maria that can happen,’ she thought to herself with passing amusement. The bell above the door chimed happily and Liz turned to greet the newcomers with a smile. The smile left her face as she saw that it was Max and Tess strolling through the door, and she watched as they made their way to an empty booth. ‘They had to sit in my section,’ she thought to herself with a sigh.

At the booth Max and Tess were chatting about the memory session they just completed. “I still can’t believe what I managed to remember,” Max told Tess excitedly. He thought back to all the visions he received of Antar. “It was beautiful Tess especially the sky, it was like a burnt orange with light green clouds floating all around.” He got a far away look in his eyes as he pictured it.

Tess smiled at him as she took his hand from across the table. “Did you see anything else,” she asked as closed her eyes and started to mindwarp him.

Max’s eyes became hollow and empty. He blinked repeatedly as the fabricated memories and feelings seeded their way into his brain. “I remember…” he looked directly into her eyes and smiled. “I remember you. I remember how much I loved you.”

Liz walked up interrupting the conversation. “Welcome to the Crashdown, may I take your orders,” she asked. She looked down and noticed that they were holding hands and she blinked to keep the tears from forming.

Tess glared at Liz. ‘She has the worst timing!’ “Yes I would like a cherry coke with lemon and an Eclipse burger,” she told her with a dismissive wave.

Liz rolled her eyes and turned to Max who had a far away look in his eyes. “Max,” she asked as she waved her hand in front of his face. Getting no response she lightly touched his shoulder and that’s when it happened. Electricity flew between them and Liz’s hold became firmer as she swayed slightly from the shock. Time seemed to hold still as their bodies leaned into each other as if they couldn’t be apart from each other. Liz shook her head and looked back at Max, who was looking directly at her with loving eyes. She smiled at him as they stared into each other eyes as their souls briefly touched and comfort each other. They were interrupted by Tess waving her hand in front of their faces.

“Hey can you like go and get my food or something,” Tess asked annoyed that Liz was interfering with her plans yet again.

“What,” Liz asked in a daze as she regained her bearings. “Oh…yes I will get your order as soon as I takes Max’s… Max?” She turned to him as she finished speaking. She looked up to see his eyes were like fire that seemed to burn into her very soul and she found that she could not look away, and God help she didn’t want to.

“Hello,” Tess shouted at Max as she sent him a glare that could peel paint off a wall.

Max snapped out of his staring contest and blushed slightly. He picked up the menu and eyed it for a minute as he tried to hide his blush. “Um…I’ll just have what Tess is having please.”

She smiled back and him and made her way back to place their orders. She turned to the other two waitresses. “Hey would you guys mind taking Max and….Tess their drinks?”

Mary stepped forward and filled two cups with cherry coke. “No problem Liz,” she told her as she went to deliver the drinks. ”

Maria put her arm around Liz and guided her to the back room for a much needed break. “So what’s up chica,” Maria asked worriedly as she had seen the way Liz had reacted to Max and Tess holding hands. She had also seen Liz sway after touching Max, and she was curious and concern at the same time as to what had happened.

“It’s nothing really,” Liz told her as she sat down on the couch and put her feet up. She felt so tired as if her energy had suddenly left her.

Maria eyed her best friend for a minute before commenting. “Ok I won’t push it but I expect details later tonight ok?” With Liz’s nod Maria made her way back to the dining area when she heard the shrill scream that could only be Tess. She all but skipped into the dining area to watch the show.

“How stupid are you to spill soda on me twice,” Tess screamed as she made her way out of the restaurant. She was none to happy with this situation in which she found herself. She was all but disgusted by the dreamy look in Max’s eyes and the fact that she was covered with soda which was now becoming sticky, she decided to take a break from her manipulative activities and maybe treat to herself to a nice bubble bath or something.

Back in the Crashdown Maria waited for Mary to return behind the counter before giving her a high five. “Girl you are so good at that,” she said with a laugh as she wiped down the counter top.

Mary laughed with her and made her way to clean up the unfortunate mess that had happened. When she reached the booth she noticed that Max was still sitting there, with a smile on his face. “Sorry for disturbing you lunch,” she told him with a shy smile.

“Oh don’t worry about that…I found it funny actually,” he said while smiling back at her and after she left he turned his mind to more important things, Liz.


The car was quiet as the group made their way to the airport. Michael sat in the back with Kyle and pondered what his torture would be when Maria found out exactly what he was doing. He didn’t like any of the scenarios his mind had thus far come up with. Kyle was still shocked that somebody other then himself was driving his car, but other things were on his mind as he inspected the glasses that were once again in his possession. He grinned like a Cheshire cat as he thought of all the things he could do with them, none of them being something that the group would approve of. As Isabel continued to drive Alex sat quietly and did what he found himself doing a lot of lately, thinking. He thought back to the dream he had last night, the dream that had got him into so much trouble. He went through the details of the dream and started to remember things he had forgotten. He had received flashes from future Isabel, flashes that showed things that shocked him. The prominent thing being of these flashes was an image of a pregnant Tess, which he got the feeling that the baby belonged to Max as well. Despite everything that had happened he knew that he had to let the others know about it.

“You know there was something that I just remembered from my dream last night,” he said breaking the silence. For his statement he received a glare from Isabel and he also heard Michael muttering something that sounded like “Whitman you must got one hell of a death wish.” Ignoring the muttering in the back and avoiding Isabel’s glare he continued on anyway. “I received flashes from her, flashes that if are correct give us a better glimpse at what the future might hold.” He looked at each of them in turn and seeing that he had their attention continued on. “I saw Tess and she was pregnant, and from the feeling I was getting I believe the baby belonged to Max.” Suddenly the car swerved almost hitting another car as Isabel swore and she finally got the car in control again. ‘Maybe I should have waited until we weren’t driving to tell them that tidbit of information.’

“Well that doesn’t really change anything, but it is interesting and I doubt that it’s going happen this time if we do things correctly that is,” she told him as she cast a sideways glance at Alex and smiled letting him know that the topic didn’t offend her, well not anymore.

Michael let out a small chuckle from the back seat. “Leave it to Mr. Responsibility to be the first person to knock somebody up, and the enemy no less.” He indulged himself with another chuckle as the rest of the group joined in.

The group spent the rest of the trip in silence, and an hour later they arrived at their destination. Isabel parked the car and exited the car quickly followed by the rest of the group. “Ok Kyle I guess we will see you in two weeks. Don’t forget to watch Tess and make sure she doesn’t do anymore damage,” Isabel told him. Kyle nodded and helped unload the luggage and bags from the car.

“Ok guys have a nice flight,” he told them with a smile before getting in the car and starting it up. With a final wave he pulled off and headed down the parking lot.

They watched him drive away before making their way to the terminal. Isabel walked in front of Michael and Alex both of them carrying the luggage. They made their way through the metal detector without any problems. They arrived at their gate and after a brief wait, boarded the plane. They found their seats and sat down waiting for take off. Isabel sat in between Alex and Michael.

“So how long is the flight,” Michael asked as he looked around the plane observing the people as they walked around finding their seats.

“Its five and a half hours, and we make a stop off at Dallas before heading to La Guardia,” Alex replied as he thumbed through a copy of PC World.

Michael nodded and continued his observations. Within a few minutes the doors were closed and the flight attendants started their lecture on safety.

“Hello I am Stacie, and I will be going through the safety procedures,” the flight attendant lectured. Michael watched with fascination, never having been on an airplane before. His eyes appraised the flight attendants body as she continued to talk. She turned around giving Michael a view of her rear. ‘Not bad’ his thoughts were interrupted by Isabel who punched him in his arm. “What did I do,” he asked as he rubbed his throbbing arm.

“It’s not polite to stare at a woman’s ass Michael,” Isabel said loudly which cause a few people including the flight attendant to look at him. Michael turned bright read and buried face in a copy of Maxim he had purchased to read on the flight.

The plane took off and the group chatted lightly. Stacie approached them. “Would you guys like anything to drink,” she asked as she looked directly at Michael who was once again blushing.

“No thank you, maybe later though,” Isabel replied as she smiled at the friendly flight attendant. Stacie nodded and walked away, but not before winking at Michael with a smile on her face. Isabel noticed and decided to comment,” Looks like you made a friend.”

She laughed and he merely grunted in response and continued to read his magazine. ‘This is gonna be a long flight…’

End Part A
