July Rhapsody (M/L ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY M/L ADULT chapter 12 + 13

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Two bottles wodka? Oh my! :lol: I would be dead twice with such a amount of it!.... At least he can't do nothing stupid like f.e. talking to Tess!.... but maybe it wouldn't be so bad! :twisted: :twisted: not at all! :twisted: :twisted:
EVE u did it again with your feeback ^^ LOL funny.
anyway on with the story x

Chapter 12

Two weeks later Max was still as depressed as ever, the day that Liz walked out on him without letting him explain nearly killed him. Waking up with the biggest hangover ever he promised himself then and there he would never drink again, though he was sorely tempted when he heard that Liz had gone away from Boston for a couple of days. And then when she came back, no matter what he did Liz refused to speak to him. He would call; he would wait for her outside. He sent her flowers, chocolate, teddies. But Liz didn’t want to know. Serena and Kyle refused to allow him into The Tavern; he even had his account suspended.

“Maxwell are you okay mate?”

Max looked up from his desk at Michael


“You thinking about her again.”


“So you haven’t seen her yet?”

“No Michael I haven’t!” cried Max in frustration.



“Sorry Michael I’m just pissed off and frustrated! The one person I want to speak to won’t. The one person I don’t want to speak to keeps ringing me. I told Tess its over but she still keeps hounding me. She rings me all the time. She keeps leaving answer phone messages begging me to take her back.”



“I really want to talk to Liz but she won’t give me the time off day. I miss her like crazy. I only knew her for a few hours…”

“But you fell hard. Max I’m sorry this was my fault.” Michael scowled.

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologising? I would have rather had those couple of hours than nothing at all…”

“Yeah but if I hadn’t decided to play cupid, I knew as soon as I saw Liz she was perfect that’s why I decided to drag you to The Tavern. I kinda wish I hadn’t!”

“I don’t regret it Michael. Don’t worry about it. I will get to speak to Liz… somehow…”

“Do you have plan?”

“No not at the moment” Max replied leaning back in chair in defeat.

Michael didn’t say anything, they sat in silent.

“I wonder what she’s doing right now…”


Across from town at The Tavern Liz wasn’t fairing any better. Her emotions were out of whack. She had spent last night throwing up. The doctor told her it was stress. She couldn’t stop crying. She couldn’t do her job properly. Her bedroom was full of me to you blue nose bear teddies that Max had sent her. The chocolate; she had left in reception for the customers. The flowers were also put elsewhere because the smell made her sick.

The biggest thing was she missed him so much, even though she should hate him. She kept thinking back to their night together, their love making. She kept thinking back to when she had met Max. She knew she should have let him explain but she didn’t think she could cope with what he would say.

“Lizzie are u okay?” Serena asked stepping into the office with Kyle.

Liz nodded trying to stem her tears from starting.

“Are u sure you want to do this late shift? Can u cope? Samuel and Paulie are on the door tonight.”

“Umm huh! Yeah… I’ll be fine!”

Kyle stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. “Lizzie-bear why don’t you let Lydia do the shift?”

“No…” cried Liz not wanting to intrude on their date.

She tried to attempt a smile. She just wanted to them to leave.

“…It’s okay. You go ahead.” Whispered Liz

“Lizzie sweetie how you getting home?” asked Serena, worrying about how her best friend getting home.

“Umm… bus…”

“Lizzie no! You know you haven’t been feeling very well. Please for me get a taxi.”

“…Okay I will…”

“Are u sure you okay?”

Liz nodded eagerly just wanting them to leave. They hugged her and left, Lizzie waiting a few minutes before sinking to the chair.

She took a couple of deep breathes to control her nerves.

She looked at the client list. She only had three people tonight. Two women and one man; in that order. Kelee Matthews was a regular; Diane Tanna and Blake Wood were both new. The man was last on the list which she was uncomfortable about. She didn’t like attending to newbies, especially men in the evening. She would have to mention to Samuel to keep an eye out. Do a regular walk down the corridor…

Chapter 13

Liz had just finished with her second client and was taking a quick breather in her office. There was a knock Timothy entered.

“Lizzie your next client is here.”


“You ok?” asked Timothy who was also worried about his boss.

“You don’t look to good. Are you sure you don’t want me to tell the client to go?”

Liz looked up. Timothy was a 19 year old who was working at The Tavern for a bit more extra money to help with uni. He was currently a swimming coach and also helped Kyle with his physio cases

“No Timmy you get yourself home. Haven’t you got a mock exam tomorrow afternoon?”

“Uh huh! But…”

“No buts go home! It’s a quiet night. Apart from this client everyone including customers has gone home.”

“But Serena said…”

“No Timmy, I’m your boss as well and I’m sending you home.”

“Ok okay… but make sure you get a taxi home. I’ll mention it to Samuel.”

Liz smiled as she got up and walked Timothy out.

She stopped off at the security station where she went to stop off to say hello to Samuel and Paulie. There were also two on duty, one manning the desk whilst the other took a walk. There were a total of 5 men including Kyle who took shifts.

“Hey Miss Lizzie!” called out Paulie. “You okay!”

“Yeah!” replied Liz giving them a timid smile.

“Hello Paulie. Will you stop calling me Miss I’m not much older than you…”

Samuel who was old enough to be her dad laughed at him.

“He can’t help it Lizzie leave him be!” chuckled Samuel with a Father Christmas laugh.

“I’ll see you in an hour!” waved Liz

“No I’ll be popping my head in about 10mins!”

Liz walked apprehensively towards the second massage room. She opened the door and walked in but saw no one there. Weird. She shivered nervously maybe she should go and get Samuel.
She turned to leave in the room when she bumped into a naked chest. She reached her hand to stop herself banging into him. He reached out to steady her.



(:twisted: :twisted: LOL AMBUSH AMBUSH lol i was singing this when i was writing this
:twisted: I KNOW IM EVIL :D )
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 14

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 14

Liz should her head in denial, tears threaten to fall.

“NO… your not here …I’ve got a client. What are you doing here? Serena banned you. You’re not meant to be here. You’re not allowed here. I don’t want you here. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want… There must have been a mix-up. I have a client. He must be in the next room. I don’t want to speak to… LET GO OF ME!”

Liz cried as Max tried to hug her into his arms. She wriggled trying to escape his hold. Max tried not to cry himself, he hated that Liz was in tears. He hated that she wanted to get out of his touch.

She stood there wriggling and shaking her head in denial.

“Liz I’m your client! I’m Blake Wood. My friend did me a favour… I signed up using my friend…”

Liz cried stumbling to the other side of the room and sat down on the gurney style bed.

“Liz… Liz… sweetheart!”

Liz shook her head. Max looked at her closely for the very first time. She looked thinner than she was. She looked tired and gaunt. She… It hurt him that she had been reduced to this state by him.

He kneeled in front of her, but recoiled when Liz slapped him across the cheek.

She cried even more at the contact of the slap.



“You… you had a…” Liz couldn’t even say it.

She couldn’t even comprehend that this was happening. She wanted to sleep and never wake up from this hurt. She looked away from him trying to stop her hic-cupping and crying.

“Liz please… I deserve that slap but please let me explain.”

Liz shook her head and attempted to push him away.

There was a knock and in walked Samuel.

“Hey hey what’s going on here? Lizzie are you ok. Why are crying? Is this man hurting you!?”

Max looked sadly at Liz. She was hurting emotionally and mentally. It brought tears to his eyes. The guy yanked him forcefully away from Liz. She cried out.


They both turned back in shock. Max in shock cause she didn’t want him to go. Samuel in shock that Liz seemed to know this guy. Samuel then realised who this guy was. He glanced at both of them, they both looked crap, both of them looked like they were hurting. Maybe they just needed to talk.

“ok okay …Lizzie sweetie. I’m going to take Paulie and get going. You got your mobile phone, keys and money.”

Liz nodded in agreement, her tears were still there but slowing down. She tried to give Samuel a small smile.

Samuel smiled back but then grunted at Max.

“You look after her. You hurt her you have the whole of The Tavern after you! Get her home safely as well!”

He turned to leave but turned back round.

“She’s like a daughter I mean it hurt her again I won’t hesitate to hunt you down. You hear me!”

Max nodded.

“Thank you!” Max said.

“Don’t thank me yet. It’s Lizzie you gotta talk to! Make sure you help her lock up!”

“I love her!” replied Max

Liz looked up in shock. Samuel chuckled.

“Bye Lizzie. Bye Max!”

“Hey how do you know my name…”

He closed the door behind him

“I told him…” whispered Liz.

Max turned round and cupped her face in the palm in hands. Her breathing quicken as her tears started again.

“…I …I talk to him when I’m sad cause my daddy isn’t here in Boston. He’s like my second father…”



“I’m so sorry Lizzie!”

“Why Max? Why? Why would you lie to me like that? I gave you the one thing that was precious to me and you couldn’t even be honest!”


“It hurts so much. You hurt me so much. I don’t understand I thought you were such a decent guy. I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE ONE!”

“… I am! I am Liz Please let me explain.”

Liz cried, her tears falling over Max’s hands. He tried to wipe them away.

“Tess was my girlfriend not fiancée. Hell I hadn’t even proposed. WE got together years ago but she pursued me. I got together with her cause I thought I never find love. I thought I’d never find you. Ask Michael and Maria.”

“They would lie for you!”

Max shook his head in denial.

“No they wouldn’t! …I’ve got proof though …emails. Please Liz I wouldn’t lie to you about this!”


“I didn’t want to scare you off. Could you honestly tell me that if I had told you that night would you have allowed me to make love to you? Would you huh? I wanted you so badly Liz I didn’t want to risk it. I promised myself I would tell you. I promised myself I would sit down and tell you about her and about how I felt about you! I never felt like this for anyone Lizzie. You took me by surprise. I know you feel the same. I heard you Liz. I heard you whisper it in your sleep. I watched you sleep and you said it. You said you loved me Liz! You said you loved me…” whispered Max towards the end.

Liz didn’t say anything, feeling of hurt coursed through her heart.

“I know you don’t love me now. But I had to at least explain. Try this one time before I gave up. I don’t want to be without you. But I also don’t want to hurt you any more …and …and if it means… walking away from you… so you’ll be happy with someone else…”

Liz didn’t reply but frowned at him anger blazing through her eyes. She was angry. Max looked down to the floor in defeat. This was it. It was over. She didn’t want him. And he didn’t have any fight left inside him. He was a broken man who heart had given up. His heart broken in two. He wept inside a tear slipped down his cheek.

“Um I take it that it then.” Whispered Max with a sign of sadness, letting go of Liz.

Liz cried out in anger.

“You Bastard! You’re going to just walk away and not fight. That’s it. Over like that! How could you do that to me! How could you… you should of stayed away if…”

“GOD DAMN it Liz what do you want from me?”

Liz shook her head.

“Did you even love me Max huh? Huh? Was this even real to you?”

“Damn you Liz! How dare you say that to me! God I should have just walked away!”


By this point they were in each others faces shouting at one another. Max then grabbed by the face and crushed his lips to her. Liz tried not to respond by pushing him away. But he was stronger.

“No…” she whispered.

Max continued pouring energy into the kiss he then pulled away.

Liz pressed her fingers to her lips, shocked at the tingling. Max looked fiery and intense. He looked like a tiger on the prowl, but more than that he looked like a man ready to pounce on it next victim. He let a gulp of air go in defeat.

He stood up to walk away; Liz panicked and stood up grabbing his arm.

“Max… please don’t leave me!”

TBC? i know another cliffhanger ^^ LOL don't u just love them ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 15

Post by pijeechinadoll »

i hope i did this chapter justice...

Chapter 15

Max looked wildly at Liz not knowing what she was asking.

“Do you still want me Liz? Do you still love me?”

“I DON’T KNOW!” cried Liz stumbling backwards.

All she wanted to do was crawl into a ball and die. The pain in her heart…

“You hurt me so much Max. I don’t know if I can trust you any more!”

Max stood there himself wanting to die himself. Why was she giving up on them? It was so unfair they hadn’t even started yet and they were already ending. Max would grovel till he was blue face if he knew Liz would give him a chance, but the look on her face… he wanted to admit defeat. His head and heart was telling himself two different things. His head was telling him it hurt too much. His heart was saying FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! His heart was telling himself if he walked away from Liz he would never find love again. He would have given up on his only love.

What should he do?

His heart was crying out.

“DO you want me to fight for you Liz?

“Do I even have a chance?

“DO you want me to get on my hands and knees and grovel? Do you want me to beg you to give me another chance?

“What do you want Liz?

“You tell me you hate me, but then you tell me to leave.


“Do you want to punish me?

“What do you want me to do?”

Liz kept shaking her head in denial. Half of what he was saying wasn’t registering. The other half were like daggers to her heart. She didn’t want to listen anymore…

“What do you want me to do huh Liz?

“WHAT do you want from me?

“You don’t want me to love you anymore, so what do you want?”

Liz pressed her hands to her ears to drown out his shouting, shaking her head side to side. Tears poured down her face, she couldn’t stop crying.




“DO YOU...”

Max started to slap himself across his face.




Liz then registered what he was doing, in shock. He was physically hurting himself. She cried out for him to stop. He didn’t listen and continued to slap himself. His cheeks were angry red. She cried even more. She threw himself at Max and made a grab for his wrists.


“Please stop it…

“Please stop Max…”

She couldn’t bear him hurt himself anymore. Every physical slap was a slap to her heart. He wasn’t hitting her physically, but nevertheless it hurt her to the core.


“Please… no… more…”

What she was asking?

Max looked at her in confusion. Her hands gripped tight around his wrists.

“Are you…” He couldn’t finish the sentence. Was there hope that she was forgiving him?

Liz realised that they were both hurting. Both being apart was killing them. Was she willing to take a chance on love? Was she willing to risk it?

Questions swamped her heart…

She couldn’t cope with losing him again. She loved him. He loved her.

“Do you know what you’re saying Liz?”

Liz nodded.

“If we do this, I’m never letting you go!”

Liz nodded.

“No more walking away! Either of us! Do you understand?”

“Yes!” She said, even though she wasn’t sure.

Max saw the uncertainty on her face.

“Shit Liz we can’t do this!” cried Max. “I can’t do this!”

He attempted to leave again. He couldn’t go through losing her a second time.

“Max please don’t go!”

She cried in his arms… Was this it?

TBC? did anyone need a tissue? :? :cry:
would you like more>?
no not tissue i mean chapters/parts... ^^
Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY M/L ADULT chapter 16 + 17

Post by pijeechinadoll »

there's a reason why this is going to happen... there's a point to this.
for the story to go the way i want/the direction...

so for you people who have questions as to why... just please keep reading the next chapters
and you'll understand why.
LIZ loves MAX
Chapter 16

Liz stood there crying. Max held her as tears slipped down his face as well.

“Are we doing this? Are we going to try make a go of this?

Liz stepped away and looked up at his soulful eyes; it felt like a weight had been lifted off her.

She nodded shyly.

Max scooped her up in his arms and held her and spun her round.

He peppered small kissed all over her cheeks and lips.

Liz couldn’t help but giggle.

Max looked down at her smiling tearful face. His heart was so full!

This was it. This was love. This was him never letting go.

I love you wasn’t said at that moment in time but it was whispered in the air by the look in their eyes; the pounding of their hearts, the feelings that shook their bodies and souls. There would be plenty of time for the I love you’s later…

Because now wasn’t the time.

The balance in the room shifted.

The tempo of the beat got faster.

The chemistry hit the room in one swell swoop…


Liz pulled him towards herself and initiated the kiss. She pushed her tongue into his mouth to get a reaction. And boy did she get one, Max reached between themselves and yanked open her uniform. The Poppers could be heard splitting apart. Though he was very tempted to rip her underwear from under her and lick her dry. He didn’t, instead for went the foreplay and stripped off his towel from around himself. Naked hard and aroused he took his fingers to push aside the lace caressing her lips as he went.

Liz looked down wildly as Max lifted her legs around his waist and SLAMMED HIS HARD AROUSAL INTO HER.

Liz cried out as Max was fully embedded inside her. She felt so full. But unlike the last time he didn’t give her time to adjust to quick penetration before thrusting.

HE lifted her so she was upper half on the gurney bed and continued to thrust in and out of her body. The angle made the penetration deeper and harder.


She was so wet and aroused she was dripping. His arousal glided out easily before plunging back, her wet walls milking his arousal at each movement.

The thrusts were getting deeper and faster. Plunge after plunge.

Max pushed aside the fabric of her bra downward and sucked hard on the two perky aroused red tips whilst then going to cup her bum in his hands. He held her pressing her forward as he thrust into her and then pulling her back as he slid out. Repeating the motion as he sucked and kissed her body.


Max slowed slightly by grabbed her hand and slipped it between them. He pressed her fingers around his hot hard arousal.

“feel me!”

Liz bit her lip. He was so hard so wet as well.

She rubbed his arousal as he slammed into her. But then clenched her hand into a fist around him. It tighten more… ready to explode.

He thrust harder and harder.

Liz could feel herself coming apart.

He shoved her other hand at the opening of her bud.

“Touch your self. Make your self come!”

She did as she was told pressing her fingers to herself. She watched excitedly as Max arousal entered her body and coming back out.


The only sounds that could be heard was Liz crying out in excitement whilst Max moaned really loudly. The sound of Max’s body slapping against Liz. The feel of Max’s balls tightening by each thrust. The aching over Liz’s breast. She had small nibbles across her breasts courtesy of Max’s teeth.

Max plunged into her.

“Mine Liz… mine!”


Liz cried out as she came just seconds as Max emptied himself inside her.

Chapter 17

Liz was shattered.

Max had his head resting against her neck. His limp tip still pressed firmly inside her. His hand were wrapped tightly around her waist. He was amazing. She still wasn’t sure what was happening, but at this moment in time she didn’t care. As long as Max was here by her side she could deal with anything.

She looked down to notice that her arms were still threaded through the arms of her uniform. Her bra was still on but pushed underneath her breasts. So her breast were fully out on show. The Knickers were still on but were wet through. She properly could do we a good shower. But she never felt so aroused beyond belief.

She wriggled slightly gasping in shock as Max’s arousal sprung to life.

“Hmmm more!” Max smiled.

He hitched her up so she was pressed against him. He lifted her up and began walking. Liz wrapped her legs around him tighter and started experimenting moving herself up and down his piece.

“Hmmm wait Liz…”

Liz pouted.

“Shower where first?”

Liz pointed at the door and whispered across the hall.

“WE have a shower first. Together! THEN… we talk!”

Liz nodded eagerly.

The entered the ladies shower room to one of the cubicles. He dropped her down off his arousal, thus parting themselves so she was standing and proceeded to removed her uniform from her arms, unclasped her bra. Then kneeled down.

“Rest you hand on my shoulders…”

Liz did as he say.

He hooked his fingers under her lacey underwear and slid the down her legs, then
Wrapped his both arms around her knees and hitched her up slightly up to slip the offending knickers off.

“As much as they’re sexy. They need to be off your body for this.”

Liz nodded with a giggle.

He let go of her legs and stood up.

And with a flick of the wrist turned the shower on.

“I’m going to make sure every part of you body is clean! I’m going to love every bit of you!”


“Shush my sweetheart we’ll talk about it afterwards.”

He proceed to press her head under the shower so her hair became wet. Pouring some shampoo in his hand he ran his fingers in her luscious brown hair. He massaged her scalp so the shampoo lathered up.

He then switched the shower off, taking some shower gel in his hands; rubbing it beforehand lathering it up before running his fingers around her neck. He rubbed it down her back, over her bum, down the back of her legs, bending slightly as he reached the floor.

Liz moaned in excitement her whole body ached with a fire. She knew where this was leading to.

He stood up again and lathered up more shower gel. He rubbed the lather into her hands and her arms, going upwards to the front of her shoulders. Her then left an aching trail downwards to her breasts. He cupped them excitingly and flicked her perky nipples with his fingers and thumbs. How he wanted to close his mouth over them. They looked achingly ready to be sucked. He wanted to rub his tongue over and suck and suck and suck. But there would be time later.

He let go her of her breast and continued below her chest towards her stomach. He paused though realising we needed more shower gel. He squirted more into his. He was so painfully aroused by this, he was hard as hell. His arousal stood loud and proud. Liz kept wanting to caress, but Max kept swatting her hand away.

He went back to her stomach with his lathered hands, stroke the lather all around. To her hips. To her legs.

Liz writhered in acknowledgement in where he was heading.

She crossed her legs, to stop the heat and wetness from escaping below.

She moaned out and Max skipped past her…

She nearly wept.


“Shush… I know what I’m doing”

He kneeled down and ran the lather over her feet and her legs making his way upwards.

Liz breathe hitched getting caught in her throat.

Max stood up, pressing his hands between her legs. He rubbed the foam around her clit, the soap mingled with her juices.

Liz nearly keeled over..

He stood closer his arousal pressing against her opening. But he didn’t enter her.

He caressed her. His fingers easing inside her before thrusting back out. Max moved his fingers in and out easily knowing Liz was dripping with wetness. Her wetness dripped over his cock making him even tighter. He wanted to come so badly but knew he had to hold it in, a little pre-cum escaped his cock. That he couldn’t help.

Max kissed her, pushed his tongue pushed forward to caress hers as he continued to thrust his fingers inside her.

Liz could feel herself getting moister and moister.

She was dripping.

Max then flicked on the shower knowing what he knew. He yanked the shower head and brought it between her legs.

The pressure of the water hitting her clit had her crying out in pleasure.

Liz couldn’t hold it in. She cried out as her orgasm came.

She stood shaking; too shattered to move.

TBC/? now'll they'll talk in the next chapter ^^ THANK GOD
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by pijeechinadoll »


Chapter 18

Max washed the shampoo and shower gel off her body and then replaced the showerhead back on the latch. Liz stumbled back and leant against the window pane watching as Max showered himself.

Minutes later he grabbed a towel and dried himself and Liz off. And wrapped a two separate clean towel around his and her body

He tilted her face to look at himself.

“You ok?”

Liz nodded though his touch brought tears to her eyes.

“I love you Liz so much… I can’t live out you. I want to love you… marry you… please give me a chance!”

“But… But… What… what about Tess?”

“What about her? I’m not with her anymore!”

“Really?” cried Liz.

“Really I broke up with her. I love you…”

Liz threw her arms around and cried into Max’s shoulder.

Max laughed heartily. Liz thumped him.

“You’re not meant to laugh!”

“Ouch! And you’re not meant to cry when I say I love you.”

Liz looked up at Max’s smiling face. He looked so happy.

Liz smiled with a deep breath.



“…I …love you too…” whispered Liz.

Max held her tight in his arms; his heart pounding against his chest.

“If there was ever a god thank you. Thank you… Thank you for this angel.”

Max felt a tear escape his eye.

“Amazing Liz… this is… promise me you’ll never leave me again.”

“I Promise!”

“I couldn’t handle it last time!”

Liz kissed Max with ferocity that held a promise for what was to come.

“Liz where’s the sauna room?”


“Why do you think?” grinned Max with a smirk.

Liz swatted his arm at what he was insinuating.

“…come on Liz we’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

Liz blushed. She looked at the time on the clock.

“I need to go to the office first to ring Serena to tell her… um… tell…”

“Just tell her the truth!”

Liz shook her in refusal.

“I can’t do that. What am I to say? Hey Serena I’m still at work using the place to…”

Liz blushed not being able to finish her sentence. Max laughed wildly knowing what Liz was going to say.

Liz wriggled out his embrace with a pout.

“I’m going to the office. You can stay here!”

Liz stormed out of the room with a pretend pout. Max shrugged with a grin and followed her.

He lost her for a few minutes, but found her office. She was there leaning against her desk already on her mobile.

“Yes I know I should have rung you an hour ago… uh hum I’m home… no no you don’t need to come over…”

Max stepped over to her and lifted her up so she sat at the edge of the desk.

He started nibbled on her neck and kissing her. Liz tried to push him away.

“…No no I am listening… oh… he told you… yeah I let him talk… don’t know if I’ll take him back….”

Max look up with a frown. Liz smiled.

Hmm he would have to teach her a lesson.

He reached under her towel to caress her stomach.

“Uh huh… I don’t know yet… ohhh…” Liz sighed in responds to Max’s touch

“….What? Nothing… just stomach cramps… no I haven’t been sick since last night.”

Max looked up again. Liz shook her head in denial.

Max removed her towel to look at her body. Liz gasped.

“Serena I gotta go… yeah… bye…”

Liz put the phone done.

Max looked a bit sad. She cupped his face.


“You’re thinner… you’ve lost weight” whispered Max.

“Max! I’m okay. It’s just stress!”

“Cause of me…”

“Yes but I’m okay now. You’re here now!”

“You sure?”



“Yes sir!”

“Oh Okay.” Max pouted.

Liz ran her hands over Max’s chest.

“Are we going to the sauna room then?” asked Liz.

“Hmm… you know what in a minute. Here first!”

“WHAT? In here? In my office?” cried Liz.


“Hmm… what shall I do with you first?”

“Don’t know…”

Max spun her round so she her had her back to him.

“I’m going to teach everything I know about making love. Starting with this.”

Max bent her at her waist and spreaded her hands out to grip the table. Her waist being bent her bum stuck out; he spread her legs open. He could see her wet lips already aroused. He pressed his tongue to her back, running his downwards licking as he went leaving a wet trail down her back. Liz began writhering at his touch.

He licked downwards towards her bum.


He kneeled down behind her and opened her wet lower lips with his fingers and pushed his tongue inside her. He started tonguing and pleasuring her. She was dripping wet.


He moved one hand; his fingers around to her front clit and started stroking it, whilst he pushed his tongue in and out mimicking that of a cock. Preferably his cock. His other hand wondered upwards to her breast. He felt Liz shiver under her touch.

“Shall I finish you off first or do you want me come inside you? Hmmm Lizzie…”


Max removed his tongue, letting go of her lower lips and stood up.

Liz whimpered

“Do you want my cock instead?” Max whispered into her

“Do you?”

“Max please!”

She stuck her bum out against his aroused cock indicating to him what he should do Max lifted one leg and wrapped it backwards against his waist. He eased his hard cock upwards into her; inch by inch till he was fully embedded inside her.

Max starting thrusting in and out, Liz was dripping.

“You want more?”

“What how?”

“I’ve never done this before…”

Max slipped his cock out and pressed it to her bum. He inched his cock inside her anus. He took his time letting her have time to adjust.

Liz cried out aroused


So big.

Once he was fully embedded; he stopped so Liz could get comfortable.

Max wrapped his hand around her stomach and started the motion. Thrusting out and then back. The depth of his thrust had Liz crying out.

He slammed in hard. The friction. The ache. Max watched as his cock appeared and disappeared inside her bum. He was so aroused. He fucked her slowly and fucked her hard.

As she came closer to the end, Max flipped her over and slammed himself back into her vagina. Seconds later Liz’s orgasm shook her body thus milking Max’s cock into triggering off his orgasm as well. Max was left jerking hard into her body.

TBC? ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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Post by pijeechinadoll »

THANK U FOR THE FEEDBACK SO FAR ^^ i hope i din't miss anyone :D

lol and the aftermath ^^
Chapter 19

“Wow…” smiled Max.

“…Mmm… but why did you swap at the last minute!” panted Liz.

“Wanted to come inside of you…” he caressed her stomach.

Liz realised what he meant and panicked.

“Max do you want kids?”

“Mmm… only with you!”

“Max you do know that I’m on the Pill?”

“Hmm but we haven’t been using a condom!” Max grinned like a cat.

“Yeah but I’m still on the pill!” argued Liz.

“Which isn’t 100% effective you know…?”

Liz pouted.

“I know that… but I can’t get…”

“Shush… come on!”

Max re-wrapped the towels and held out his hand. Liz looked down at his hand and then back at his face.

“Where we going?”

Max grinned.

“Hot tub!”

Liz’s jaw dropped.

Max chuckled grabbing her hand and dragged her towards the hot tub room.

“Hey you don’t even know the way!”

“Do too!” Max laughed.


“Map! I looked before I came here! I have a photographic memory!”

“I thought you wanted to go use the sauna?”

Max pouted with a grin.

“Nah I want you in the hot tub! Come on Miss Parker hop to it!”

After relaxing and making love in the hot tub they went back into the massage room and where Max got changed. They then went back to her office where Max helped her back into her own clothes.

“Liz you okay?”

Liz was feeling a bit lost. Emotional. She felt sad knowing that she wouldn’t be able to give Max what he wanted.

“I’m okay!” She smiled trying to pretend she was happy.

“You sure!” replied Max taking a closer look.

Liz looked up and sighed. She didn’t want to lie to him. Lying is what spilt them up the last time.

“…Actually Max… there is something but… can you please give me a couple of days?”

“Liz?” Max voiced was panicked. What was wrong with his Lizzie?

“Please…” whispered Liz.

Max sighed himself.

“Okay… come on lets get you home.”

Max helped throw the towels in the laundry basket, whilst she collected her belonging. Max held her hand out and they walked out into the reception.

Liz was too busy thinking about the doctors when they walked past the security desk.

She heard a beep that stirred her attention. She looked up at Max in alarm. Her cheeks went flush in embarrassment.

“Oh no…”

“What is it Liz?”

She then giggled.


“Oh my god…”


Liz pulled him round to the back at the desk.

“…See this button… lol”

Max looked confused.

“What about it?”

“It… lol… when ever a person walks by it let security know that a person is leaving…”

Max was still confused.


“And see this switch here. You flick it on…”

“It’s already on.”

“Yep… that’s lol why I’m… laughing…”


Liz couldn’t stop laughing it was so ridiculous it was funny. She was giggling and giggling, she collapsed into one of the chairs.


“…oh …my …god!”

“LIZ!” cried Max with frustration.

Liz explains to Max why she was so embarrassed, blushing and laughing.

“…we have body heat sensors everywhere across the building… we… the… when ever there’s people around the video will pan to them and record them… but if there’s lots of people around then security will put the standard manual camera’s on. In the security office… but… but lol… cause there’s only you and me… the sensors were switched on!”

Max eyes widen in disbelief.

Liz couldn’t help but giggle even more.

Giggling was all Max heard as he shook his head as he concentrated on studying video system. He turned the security screen on and hit the rewind button on the remote control and pressed play.

All that could be heard was moaning, specifically Liz moaning.

Liz blushed as she watched the Max in the video thrusting into her whilst they were in the massage room.

“Oh my god!” cried out Liz in embarrassment. She threw her hands over her face.

Max was himself shocked but was so aroused. He smirked at Liz.

“Damn we’re hot!”

Liz squealed.

“Turn it off! Turn it off!”

Max laughed.

“This is better than porn!”

Liz cried out as she slapped his arm. She made a grab for the control. Max held it away from her.

“Nuh huh! You’re not recording over this!”

Liz tried to reach over him to hit the record on the operation panel. Max wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away.

“Max!!!” cried Liz with a pout.

“Please it’s embarrassing!”

Liz reached over and ejected to eject the tape. Max made a grab for the video tape when it popped out.

“Nope this is mine!”

“Max you can’t keep it!”

“Can and I will! I can’t wait to watch this at home!” he grinned.

Liz frowned with a pout.

“You better not show anyone!”

Max looked angry for a second. But the changing of his eyes, going darker actually demonstrated to Liz that Max was jealous.

“No one is seeing how HOT you are! You’re mine! This tape is mine! I’m watching this when I get home and then locking it away in my safe!”

Liz giggled in defeat.

“Fine but I’m not watching!”

Max pulled her to him.

“Come on Liz let’s go!”

“Do you really have a safe?”

Max laughed.

As they locked up and left The tavern building. Max whispered to her.

“But I’m sure I can persuade you to watch it!”

TBC? ^^ more to come if your good
+ nice of course :D
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY M/L ADULT chapter 20 (17.SEPT.08) pg8

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 20

It was 10.00am when Max woke the next morning. He and Liz never did make it to her place as his was closer. He stretched his back to ease the kinks from his shoulders. He ached all over but for a good reason. That reason was Liz Parker. He reached over to where she was still sleeping. He sighed with happiness, tucking the loose strands of hair from her face. She was amazing. She had been amazing last night. They had only made love the once when they got back; the rest of the night they spent talking about the future and what they wanted, where they saw the relationship going.

He wanted her to be his girlfriend.

She wanted him to be her boyfriend.

He wanted her as his fiancée.

He wanted her as his wife.

It was all very emotional, but very exciting at the same time.

But there would be plenty of time for that.

At the moment he was worried about Liz.

The only thing that he was worried about was the thing that Liz wouldn’t talk about. Yes she admitted it was to do with her health but she needed a few days before she told him what the secret was about. And that scared him. He didn’t know what was wrong with her. He tried to guess, but it left him confused. Liz had refused to answer any of more of his questions, she completely emotionally shutdown, so he stopped because he didn’t want her running scared. He wanted her to be open with him, so he said he wouldn’t push her to confess. He would give her the few days that she asked for and needed. He could wait. As long as she was by his side, as long as she didn’t run, as long as she was here he could cope with anything that was thrown at him.

After all he was in love with Liz Parker.

Now Tess was a different problem altogether but a problem that should be easy to solve.

Yes he could deal with Tess; she just needed to get it into her blonde head that he didn’t love her. Let alone like her. To begin with he loved her as a friend but it never grew to anything more than that, if anything it got worse. He knew ages ago that the relationship wasn’t going anywhere. Yes he should have broken up with her and stayed away, but he was the type of person who always felt bad for splitting up with her. He kept breaking up with her but she kept on calling or texting. She would always find a way of getting him to take her back; and so he would keep taking her back even though he didn’t love her.

But this time there would be no taking her back.

Technically it would be seen as him stringing her along and he knew he should feel bad about it. But he wasn’t the bad guy in the relationship, Oh no Tess was. Whilst she may have played the innocent party to the T he knew exactly what she was like. He may not have shouted it from the rooftops; hell he even pretended he was the understanding boyfriend. He knew things about her even she thought he didn’t know. But no body, not his friends knew the real reason why he disliked her so much. Not even Isabel or Maria knew. Nor Michael his best friend.

He frowned when he thought of Tess. Yes she could be a nice person but underneath it all she wasn’t pleasant at all. She was always bitching about how her father didn’t love her even though he gave her everything. She was always making bitchy comments about how Maria and Isabel dressed. She thought they were beneath her. Yes when she spoke to them she would play nicely, but once they were gone she would start slagging them off. To top off she always drank way too much at parties and would always get drunk; though she had a habit of sobering up very quickly due to the demanding hours of her job.

However the worst thing she ever did was a year ago, Max never ever told anyone. She slept with one of her colleagues a defend attorney by getting them drunk and blackmailed him into dropping his case. Max was so shocked when he was told, he didn’t believe it. Of course Tess denied it, but there was always an inkling especially when she won the case. Ever since then Max had found it increasing hard to trust her. She would go out partying and some nights never go home. She lived with her father due to his old age (and that of his house being a mansion). Those nights whenever she was out her dad would assume that she was with Max; of course Max knew that this wasn’t the case but never corrected Mr Harding of these mistakes. He didn’t know where she went, heck he didn’t care now. He hadn’t even sleep with her for nearly 9 months and even then that was a mistake. He just wanted her out his life for good.

Anyway he didn’t want to think of her anymore, especially as he had Liz.

He sighed.

Hopefully Tess would just get over it and give up with the phone calls and text messages.

“Penny for you thoughts” whispered Liz.

He snuggled down closer to Liz pulling her into. “I was actually thinking of Tess!”

Liz jaw dropped in shock and then annoyance.

Max laughed.

“Sorry sweetie I was just thinking of ways of how I could get rid of her…”

Max ran his fingers through Liz’s hair and kissed her forehead.

“But you know what… I’m thinking about you more. I’m worried about you Liz and you won’t talk to me.”

Liz smiled sadly.

“I know I promised you time but I can’t help but worry.”

Liz didn’t know what to say.


Liz ducked her head in shame. Max tucked his hand under her chin and tilted her face to look at him.

“Is it serious?”

Liz nodded a tear escaping from her eye.

“Will you be going to the doctors?”

Liz nodded.

“I’ll go today…” whispered Liz.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

Liz shook her head. In her heart she wanted Max to come with her, but her head was saying no.

Max sighed.

“Okay… but here have this…”

He reached into the pocket of his trousers a pulled a key of the keyring.


“I want you to keep this forever but I also want you to use it. I have to go to work soon, but you can let yourself out to go to the doctors but then come back here later… that’s if you want…” replied Max shyly.

“Thank you.” Liz replied hugging Max tightly.

“I have to go to work for a meeting; I don’t know how long I’ll be but as soon as I finish I’ll be home.”

TBC? next chapter liz off to the doctors ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 21

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 21

Liz had rung for an appointment with her regular doctor; Dr Leah Richardson after Max had left for his meeting. Of course Dr Richardson was fully booked but she always had time for Liz; so she promised to squeeze her in on her lunch break.

And so Liz Parker was sitting outside in the waiting room waiting to see Dr Richardson. Dr Richardson; what would she do with out her friend Leah thought Liz, she had been a rock. She first met Leah through her original doctor; who happen to be Leah’s father. It was weird that she had such a good friendship with Leah; it first started off with as a doctor patient relationship. But because Leah was around the same age as one another, they found a friendship blooming because they had so much in common. At first Leah wasn’t sure whether they should keep a medical relationship due to conflict of interest however Liz persuaded her otherwise cause she couldn’t see herself being comfortable with anyone else.

She looked around the waiting room, she had been here so often and not all the times were good news. Every waiting room was different but yet the same. Same natural wall, same hard seats, same magazines, same looking leaflets even similar looking receptionists. Liz hated coming to the doctors with a passion, but coming to see Leah made it easier.

She sighed as she heard her phone vibrate.

Liz looked round and stepped out of the room.


“Liz it’s me… I’ve just come out of from the meeting for a break… are you okay? Are you there at the doctors already?”

“Uhhh hmmm…” whispered Liz.

“Liz sweetie talk to me…”

Liz wanted to cry.

“I can’t…”

Liz heard Max sigh.

“Okay sweetie I love you Liz… remember that!”

“Love you too.” whispered Liz in reply.

“Excuse me Miss… Dr Richardson is waiting for you…”

Liz turned round to see the receptionist standing there with a clipboard.

“Um yep… coming… sorry Max… I’ve got to go…”

Liz heard Max sigh again.

“I love you Liz Parker. I see you when I get home.”


“See you later sweetheart…”

Liz then heard the sound of the dialling tone of the phone call ending.

She sighed herself and then followed the receptionist back in the room.

“Miss Parker please step in to my office.” smiled Dr Richardson.

Dr Richardson closed the door and yanked Liz into a hug.

“Liz Parker, where the hell have you been?”

Liz smiled shyly as Leah dragged her to sit down.

“And why didn’t you tell me you wasn’t feeling very well? Why did you go to my colleague and not me? Have you been taking you medicine? You look really pale, are you taking care of yourself? I’m really worried about you Liz…” cried Leah.

Liz giggled. Leah looked on undignified.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me Lizzie Parker I was worried. Do I need to call your mother?”

Liz giggled even more with a pout.

Leah scowled and shoved a sandwich packet into her hand.

“Eat! It’s your favourite B.L.T!”

“DO I need to call your mother?” repeated Liz, with a giggle.

Leah pouted.

“I mean come on Leah, is there any need? I already have a mother hen here. Three in fact.” as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

Leah pouted even more with a startled glance.

“Are you calling me a chicken Liz Parker?”

Liz giggled.

“No I called you a mother hen. And to answer your other questions a) you were on holiday b) you were on holiday c) yes I’ve been taking my medication like a good little girl and d) your colleague said I’m pale cause of stress that is why.”

Leah looked closer and began scrutinising her.

Liz froze under her stare.

“You look like you need more sleep, you look flushed. Have you been working to hard? Why are you stressed? And what would Harris know? She has a stick up her ass and her head in the clouds. She wouldn’t know an illness if it bit her on the ass!” replied Leah.

Liz opened her mouth to reply but ended up laughing.

“You can’t say that about Dr Harris she’s you senior Doctor and your Practice Manager.”

Leah shrugged her shoulders in lack of concern.

“I can and I did! Oh you know I always say things like that about her. I even say it to her face sometimes.”

Liz giggled.

“You’re bad you are.”

“No Lizzie you’re bad. You missy should have rang me!”

Liz sighed.

“I didn’t want to interrupt you holiday with your parents and sisters…”

“Liz I thought we were friends!”

“We are!” whispered Liz.

“Then you should have told me if you were feeling ill!”

“I know…” replied Liz quietly.

“Wait a minute Parker who else was you calling mother hens? Serena and Kyle? LOL I’m going to tell them you called them chickens! CLUCK! CLUCK!”

Liz giggled.

“I did not!”

“Did so!” cried Leah indignantly.

“Well… Serena knows that I call her a mother hen…”

“Fine I’ll tell Valenti then!”

Liz laughed.


Leah looked at her friend closely.

Yes Liz was laughing but there was a sadness behind her eyes that was there the last time she saw her.

“Liz it’s not that I’m not happy to see you, but you said to me on our last doctor’s appointment that we wasn’t going to have any more unless it was serious. You said to me that you were over it; that if it was never to happen you would be able to cope with life; move on with life. But here you are… I’m worried Liz. Why are you here?”

Liz looked her friend sadly and took a deep breath.

“Is… is… it still possible that there’s no chance that I can’t have kids?”

TBC? feedback pretty please ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 22

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 22

Leah noticed that Liz eyes were filing up with tears.

“I want a baby Leah… I want one…”

“Aww hunny!” replied Leah, pulling her into a hug.

Leah held her for a while; she then pulled away to look at the puffy-faced Liz.

“Lizzie why are you suddenly thinking about children?”

Lizzie shook her head in denial. Tears dripped down her cheeks.

Leah felt sorry for her friend. When she was first met her Liz had been five months into remission of her non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer which could have actually killed her if she hadn’t had a transplant. Liz was very grateful to be alive because of the transplant, but at the same time she was feeling very low about not being about to have children in the future. The chemotherapy and radiotherapy had made her better but made her infertile. This of course all happened just as she had graduated from Harvard. Lizzie was feeling really ill one evening; worse that she had ever been. She had gone to the hospital after collapsing; thinking she might have had food poisoning or something. She didn’t know it would be something that would change the direction of her life. It was there at the hospital after having lots of other tests, she was given a biopsy… the devastating news that she had cancer rocked her to her core because Liz had never been ill before…

Liz immediately went home to Roswell to safety of her family and to get treatment. She had chemotherapy first but it didn’t help so she had to have a transplant luckily Alex Parker; Liz’s brother was a match. The operation and been long and extensive; then she had to have more chemo and more radiation afterwards. She was so tired and drained she didn’t think she would make it emotionally. Her parents and Alex tried to help her but she still wasn’t coping. So they sent her to a therapist in Albuquerque.

Dr Richardson; Leah’s father was a man of experience he had years of counselling and teaching. He was the best for the job and did it well. Soon Liz became a fraction of herself but still not quite there. And so Leah dad suggested once after the chemo was done that Liz go find herself, travel, find herself; and so Liz did and Liz ended up in Boston. Of course it was a pure coincidence that Leah was a practicing GP and counselling therapist.


“Huh?” replied Liz shaking the memories from her head.

“Do you want to talk to me?” replied Leah.

Liz nodded and sighed, her heart felt heavy. What she really wanted was Max. She wanted him here in fact, but silly insecurities got the better of her.

“Lizzie?” prompted Leah again.

Liz shook her head with a little sad pout.

“We could just sit here in silent. Do you want to do that?” asked Leah.

It’s not like that hadn’t done it before. Liz used to sit by the window and watch the world go by and Leah would sit by her and watched her. She would always wait till she was ready. If she had other patients she would just use another room. Yes she was bias, yes it was favouritism. But she couldn’t help it. Liz had become one of those close friends. Liz would sometimes fall asleep in her office as well. Her father and mother loved her to pieces as well and would always ask after her.

Silence ticked on until…

“Leah… I met someone… he’s amazing… his name is Max. I think I love him… no I know I love him.”

“…And you want Max’s baby right?”

Liz nodded with a sad smile.

Leah rubbed Liz’s arm in sympathy.

“Oh god Liz… I don’t know what to say…

“Please help me Leah! Please…”


“Please Leah…”

Leah couldn’t help but give into her plea.

“…There’s not much I can do… but I guess I… I mean we can get tests done and stuff. You do know that there are alternatives.”

Liz nodded in agreement half hoping.

“Okay get up and sit up on the bench…”

Liz did as Leah said. Leah started to take some blood and do some the other test.

“So tell me what he is like this Max…”

Liz a little bit happier than before she came was more than happy to oblige. And so Liz told Leah all about Max Evan’s and how they met.


Elsewhere Max got a call from Tess saying her father is dead. Max tried to tell her that it was over but she kept getting hysterical saying that she had no-one and that she needed him. She said she was going to top herself and then hung up.

Max didn’t know what to do. Hell she could have been doing it for sympathy. So he went down to Ed Harding’s office to find everyone running amok. He spoke to Ed Harding’s Secretary to find out that it was really true. Ed Harding was dead. He had died of a heart attack last night.

Max sighed he didn’t want to deal with Tess. Hell he was more worried about Liz. But his conscience got the better of him. Yes Tess was manipulative but she also had just lost her father. He couldn’t see her topping herself, but she sounding drunk enough to do something stupid.

Damn that bitch he thought as he drove in the direction of her dad’s house.

TBC? who wants to know what that bitch is getting up to? LOL ^^
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 23

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Chapter 23

Liz was getting worried about Max, panicking in fact. Where was he? He wasn’t answering his phone and he hadn’t rung himself. She didn’t have Michael number. She looked around the apartment for it and still hadn’t found it. There was no telephone/address book.

Where was he?

Didn’t he promise that he was going to be here when he finished work? It was late 10pm in fact. She wanted to cry, where was he? She really wanted to speak to him… Tell him about not being able to have a baby; but that she loved him. I mean if she couldn’t have a baby there were IV treatment and other stuff. She wanted to tell about her cancer treatment and that she had been in remission. She just wanted him here to hold her. She wanted be hugged by him.

Leah had dropped her off hours ago, she had stripped off and pulled on one Max’s shirt and fell asleep, she had woken up an hour ago not realising the time. She had expected max to come home and wake her up, but it was 10:00, Max should have definitely been back by now.

She chewed her lip with nervousness.

Where was he?

She went over to his desktop computer and booted it up, surely he would have a telephone directory on there…

Minutes later she had gotten off the phone Michael. He hadn’t spoken to him in fact he hadn’t even come back to the rest of the meeting. He was worried as well, he had been trying Max’s mobile as well. He hadn’t had much luck either.

Max’s wasn’t the type of person to walk out of a meeting. Michael was really worried as was his sister Isabel. Michael said and promised that as soon as he got off the phone he was going to ring around the hospital just in case.

And that was what scared Liz the most; what if Max had been in accident and had no way of contacting them.

Where was he?

Liz was now up from the computer chair pacing backwards and forwards.

She decided to ring Leah because she needed someone to talk to; hell she needed someone to calm her nerves down.

But as she was about to ring Leah she had a thought. Maybe they should try to ring Tess. I mean she was the last person she expected to have seen Max, as Max didn’t want to see her. But it would hurt to try…

And so she rang Michael to see if he had rang Tess yet. Michael was a little confused as to the reason why he should ring Tess as Max hated her. And hadn’t they broken up.

But Liz reasoned with him. It wouldn’t hurt try. Hell if he didn’t she would.

Michael relented and said he would ring her.

After 30 minutes, Michael rung back to tell her what he found out. Apparently Tess hadn’t spoken to him for weeks and that she hadn’t expected to speak to him any time soon because apparently he was ignoring her.

Liz couldn’t help but panic even more.

Where on earth was Max?

Why wasn’t he answering his phone?

Why hadn’t he rung himself?

Where had he gone?

Why hadn’t he spoken to anyone about where he was going?

Where was he?

sorry it's short ^^ cliffhanger i know.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)