Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 [COMPLETE]

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 11 p. 6 7/12/08

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb!


jake17- Really there's posh ppl in connicut? Here in the UK, no one's posh well except for those in London..which I don't live in. Have you been to the UK? Barely anyone is posh here. It's all streets lol. I've been to Canada and Detriot..I loved it. The things which I remember and love from America is the oreo cookies, hot dogs and not to forget the famous Ben and Jerry's - the best icecream I've ever tasted..the cookie dough one. Wow, I wudn't ever guess that the U.S was boring. So much to see and still yet to see Hollywood and the statue of liberty. So that near new york and West Virginia? I've heard of the place..America has big huge wooden houses..massive. England has small bricked houses, very small in comparison to American houses. And we don't need air conditioner because it is mostly cold here. Even in summer it rains. If you wanna know more about the UK, just ask..oh and Roswell is still airing here in E4..just watched it now at 9:55's season one...Roswell still comes on the TV, from time to time. What about in America?

There's me just babbling glad to hear you love this story and Max! I love him too. the story like that? you can't tell what direction I'm going in? Wow..just what I wanted to do. :wink:

sarammlover- Yeah, Max intentionally doesn't stop it because he uses it as protection. Ppl do know Micheal lives with Max but Micheal is Max's bodyguard so they don't pay much attention to know the media..only love harrasing the celebs more.

Thanks guys and to any lurkers out there :mrgreen:

Here's the next part, enjoy!

Chp 11

Morning Mania,
The ulterior motive...

"Jesse I need to talk to you." Liz said, carefully watching him from the corner of her eye. She was leaning against the kitchen counter with a latte in her hands. The pillow fight last night wasn't something out of the blue, yes regular silly things happened but Liz was sure Jesse was using this pillow fight as an excuse to find those photos. She knew him. He was one of the most stubborn annoying jackass' she ever met. She was half asleep but was lucid enough to get her point across.

"Yeah Liz?". Jesse asked, acting innocent and stood next to her. The pillow fight was his idea and he badly wanted those photos. He had the negatives but he couldn't be bothered to go and buy some more photos. He was lazy. But he failed to find the photos guessing Liz had hid them somewhere he'd never be able to find them.

"You think I'm really stupid don't you?". Liz sniggered after taking a sip of her latte. "You hosted the pillow fight party to find those photos." She stated, giving him the dissapointed look.

Jesse's mouth was left hanging open. " did you...." He chocked on his own words, damn she was always smart.

"I don't want it happening again or you'll end up on the front page of every newspaper looking like a jackass, understand?". Liz warned, she had to be harsh on Jesse to remind him of his limits.

She obviously didn't understand why he was doing this nor did he want her to find out. "Okay. I understand." Jesse accepted. He wasn't going to publish those pictures yet but he wanted to do so after Liz completed her bet. He worried if Liz developed any sympathy for Max Evans and stopped those pictures from being published. He had the negatives though. Liz could keep those photos, Jesse could get more.

"Good and seriously Jesse, don't think about it." Liz warned him again. Jesse snapped his head up to face Liz.

"Sorry." He said quietly. Then Kyle and Alex made their way into the kitchen with a handful of bags.

"It's about time." Liz said as she rubbed her hands together after putting the empty mug in the basin and washing it soon after. "I can't beleive you had us sleep over with no breakfast in the house."

"Yeah man, how embaressing is that?". Yvonne said, walking into the kitchen to help the two boys unpack the stuff.

"I hope you brought maple syrup and pancakes." Liz hollered while washing the mug and wiping it with the dish towel. Maple syrup was her favourite syrup and complimented pancakes. Oh, she could taste the oozing sweet dark golden syrup on her tongue. She licked her lips, that thought was tasty, she could never get sick of it.

"Liz, you won't beleive want we saw!". Alex said breathlessly.

"Show her man." Kyle said to Alex who took out his own and went on the menu to view that clip he took not long ago. Alex and Liz walked to each other and Alex showed her the clip of Stella claiming she slept with Max Evans overnight. 'He truly gives the best sex, Max Evans is so hot.' At the end of that clip, everyone was silent, waiting for Liz's reaction. Even Maria walked in that moment and picked up on the silent tention.

"Liz?". Jesse called a mute Liz.

Liz blinked and bit her lip before uttering a word. "How can you be so sure she's not lying?".

"Huh?". Kyle and Alex were dumbfounded. "Why would someone lie about sleeping with a rich playboy?". Alex asked and then wished he could retract those words as he realised how dumb he just sounded.

"Yeah she could have slept with Max or not." Liz shrugged. "I really don't care if she did or didn't." Liz said. "It's not like Max cheated on me or something. We're not "together" yet." Liz used her fingers to gesture the 'together' word in her sentence. "This is stupid guys. I'm still going to meet him."

"He slept with someone last night?". Maria said in horror and looked at everyone. "Why?..what a player!."

Liz rolled her eyes and went to pull out a box of pancakes and a bottle of maple syrup. "Guys, I appreaciate you looking out for me and that but I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." Liz announced. "You don't need to worry and why is everyone forgetting that this is a bet?".

"You said it." Jesse shrugged before they all started to help out with making the breakfast.

What none of them knew was, Liz had an ulterior motive. She really wanted to make Max Evans fall in love with her not as a joke, but for real.


A/N: I'm gunna switch the scene back and forth, Hope it's not confusing.

A Week Later..
Getting ready for the big event..

"First things first.." Micheal said while Max was fixing his bow tie and checked himself out in the mirror to look good for tonight. God knew how fast the week went by and it was the date of his movie premeire, his first public outing with Liz. He had to look good tonight.
Micheal was already dressed up in a black pin stripe suit and had his hair slick in gel, pulled back neatly. Max decided to leave his hair dry for today.

"You gotta give your connection with Liz a name in front of the media otherwise she's either be classed as one of your whores or you fiance." Micheal said. "You don't want her to be your whore and you only just met the girl so she can't be your girlfriend or fiance either. I think taking her as a friend will be perfect."

"What else?". Max scoffed, fixing his cuff links. "Of course we're going out as friends."

"I'm surprised she even agreed to be a friend. Normally girls throw themselves at you." Micheal reminded Max.

~*~ Scene switches to Liz and Maria in Liz's bedroom ~*~

"They'd be expecting you to throw yourself at Max tonight." Maria reminded Liz while fixing her makeup, Maria loved applying makeup and was a pro at it. She was painting Liz's eyes with a deep violet colour.followed by black glittery eyeliner which Maria applied to Liz's top eye lids and bottom too. She dabbed a bit of dark silver eye shadow just underneath Liz's perfectly shaped eyebrows as highlights.

"Which they won't be seeing." Liz smiled as Maria moved on to do her cheeks.

"Damn right they won't." Maria chuckled, using the illuminator to enhance Liz's cheeks.

~*~ Scene switches back to Max and Micheal at Max's bedroom ~*~

Micheal handed Max the tic tac and a the Sean John unforgivable men's eau de toilette spray which clearly spelled out seductive and kept up the playboy image. The fragrance was a classic luxury which was Max's favourite and the girls loved it on him. It was his signiture perfume.

"Gotta smell like a playboy." Micheal said.

Max took some tic tacs before spraying on the Sean John- unforgivable on his neck and handed it back to Micheal who put it away. He looked at himself one more time in the mirror, making sure he was dressed to impress. "Think she'll like it?". Max asked Micheal.

"She'll be begging for your touch." Micheal laughed.

~*~ Back to Liz's bedroom ~*~

"He'll be begging for my touch." Liz stated to Maria as a matter of fact. "I'm gunna seduce him tonight and he's gunna want more." She wiggled her eyebrows. Tonight, Max will be the one left hanging with his mouth open.

Liz spritzed on the Sean John's unforgivable for women's perfume. Maria had picked out the perfect perfume for tonight. Just the right perfume to drive any man crazy and especially Max. Who knew what kind of late night getaway Max had planned in his mind for Liz and himself tonight.

"Here you go." Maria handed Liz a plum flavoured lip gloss which was an exclusive from maybelline's super stay for eighteen hours. Liz waited for two minutes before applying the balm over the lip gloss.

"So..will he like it?".

"He's gunna love it." Maria smiled. Liz looked so pretty and for Max...anywhere around Liz would be too hot for him.

~*~ Back to Max's room ~*~

"I can't wait to see her." Max said straightening his jacket. "The limo ready?". He asked Micheal.

"Yep, the Limo is ready to go." Micheal said opening the door of Max's room. "Let's go."

Max walked out of his bedroom and put the light off before closing the door and following Micheal out of his Penthouse.Max picked up a bouquet of white and red roses and a pretty wrapped up box of luxurious belgian chocolate which Liz said she loved the other day at the central park. Max couldn't forget their conversation and every thing he learned about her was written in his mind. Max locked his door and walked out the building with Micheal. They stopped shortly near the black hummer limo. Micheal faced Max. "Lead her on but don't give her the impressions she's dominating you." Micheal advised Max. "Even if you're begining to like her, you have to make her like the playboy you first. Entice her with your seductions..don't play the soppy loveboy out there tonight."

Max smirked. "Have I ever let myself down?".

"Enjoy the night Maxwell." Micheal nodded. "I'll meet you there in half an hour. You pick your Liz up and we'll meet at the place. Okay?".

"Okay." Max nodded and the chaffuer got out of the limo just realising Max Evans was there and opened the door for him to get in. Max got into the limo and just before the chaffuer could close the door, Micheal wanted to remind Max Evans one more time. "Max, don't forget what I told you okay?".

"I won't." Max said and the limo driver shut the door before getting into the driving seat again to take Max to Liz.

~*~ Liz's place ~*~

Maria was finished dolling up Liz and decided to give her some advice on how to behave tonight around Max. " may seduce him but don't let him think you're easy like the rest of his girls. To make him fall in love with you, you have to keep playing with him. Make him crave you, want you, need you until he goes crazy in love with you."

"And about keeping up the innocent shy girl image?".

"Oh do that infront of his friends. Play the innocent shy girl infront of them, but when you're alone with Max...keep him wanting more from you. You know how that goes."

"Yes I do." Liz smiled.

The doorbell rang and both girls were caught off gaurd. "Shit!, he's so early." Liz hissed at Maria and they were worried if Max heard their conversation through the door.

"Don't forget what I said." Maria whispered to Liz while jogging back to the bedroom and shutting the door. Liz went to open the front door and there stood Max, in his black tuxedo holding a bouquet of white and red roses and a golden wrapped chocolate box with a nice silk dark brown ribbon.

"Hey Liz." He gave a boyish smile.

Boy, was he cute? Liz thought. "Hey Max." She said and was surprised when he bent over to kiss her cheek. Max couldn't resist how beautiful Liz looked tonight in that dark purple thin strapped dress which stopped just below her knees with pointy edges. It was a designer chiffron dress, especially made for her. She looked glowing as always but this was the first time he saw her dressed up, she looked so beautiful that even beautiful didn't do her justice. She was beyond beautiful. He had to kiss her, he needed to kiss her but he kissed her on the cheek instead. This was probably their first date and Max didn't want to scare Liz away by giving her a full on kiss right there.

The part of Liz's skin where Max's lips brushed felt hot, like a burning sensation which ran skin deep and into her system, she could still feel his lips on her cheek even thought he pulled back and looked deep into her eyes with his molten golden eyes.

"These are for you." Max shyly said, handing her the roses and the box of chocolates. Liz took them and thanked him. "Do you wanna come in for some time." Liz stepped back and allowed Max to step in. She shut the door and Max looked around. Liz's place was posh and neat. The floors were shiny that he could see his relfection in them and the furniture was feng shui, the room was decorated in chinese lanterns, candlers and great pieces of art.

"I'll just put these in water." Liz said excusing herself and going to the kitchen.

Max took this time to look around and explore. The living room was near the entrance and the was a set of marble stairs leading to two bedrooms. One must be Liz's he thought. There was a door at the other end of the living room and all three doors were very white and beautifully carved.

Liz had put the roses in the water and quickly came back after putting the chocolates in the kitchen draw. "Do you want anything Max?". She asked politely.

"No I'm okay thanks." Max said, looking breathlessly at her. She was all he wanted. Damn, she was fine. He couldn't stop looking at her, he was intoxicating him. Making him wild with desire. "You look so beautiful tonight." He whispered but audible enough for Liz to hear his words making her shudder.

She went shy instantly. He was complimenting her in a sexy way. She lowered her eyes and head, trying to hide the pink blushes forming on her cheeks. " you."

Max stepped closer until his face was almost two inches away from Liz's. "Shall we?". He breathed out his minty breath and Liz could inhale it, it was starting to get hot in here. He needed to be outside with her before he did something he couldn't control.

"Yeah." Liz said in a shaky breath. "Let's go." She took Max's hand before leaving her place.

She didn't dare to come closer yet, leaving that part to happen later.


Last edited by Hunter on Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 12 p. 7 7/21/08

Post by Hunter »


Natalie36 - As much as I really really wanna tell you what Jesse's out for, I know I can't..oooh u'll find out soon.

Lena7- I know...thanks. Hope you like this update..been working on it for days.

Michelle in Yonkers- let me tell you, you are absolutely right. The way stories go is always the catastrophe first otherwise stories would be boring..hehehe, I can hardly bear to look either but the ride is addictive! just like a rollercoaster.

jake17- Omg! u wanna go UK? Wow..I'd never hear that off ppl..I wanna leave here lol. I guess ppl are always wondering what's out there..I'm thinking what's better then England..maybe Spain? .. So I still can't beleive you've never been to England..what do you think about England?

So what are the questions you wanted to ask me?

About the update...I hope I'm not killing you!, I need you alive're a very nice feedbacker. :D Always nice to hear from ppl like u. Make ma day. :) Sorry I've been away for like a week or so..been recovering from that operation. I'm so happy you enjoy this story. I'm happy that everybody here is enjoying it..even lurkers. Lol.

RonaldoC- Yes..don't long as you all love it, there's no stopping this story.

sarammlover-awww, I'm so touched that you love it...that someone who's going to get hurt is gunna happen soon I'm afraid. But rest assured..I hope you enjoy this part.

behr_able- I'm happy you found this and you love it..I hope you enjoy the next part and many to come.

veronica- Thanks :)

Thanks again to everyone who post such lovely comments..

And lurkers...thanks for atleast reading the story. ;)

Chpt 12

Cameras, Red carpet and Poses..
Rewind and rewrite...

"The movie's called California Calling which is about this guy..who leaves his family, friends and girlfriend to acheive his dream of being a rockstar.." Max explained to Liz. "I play that guy who wants to be the rockstar."

"Oh right.." Liz said, listening to Max carefully. She hadn't seen the movie yet but had seen the trailer a number of times and thought he looked really handsome in the trailer, Maria would tease her about drooling over Max and Liz had to get that image out of her head, whenever she saw a half naked Max Evans running on the beach with water dripping down his abs. It looked like the opening to home and away or something..where some australian hottie with a surfboard was running down the beach, showing off his sexiness....

"Oh look..we're here now." Max said as the limo slowely stopped and the loud cheers could be heard from outside.

When they reached there, the area was bustling with a various amount of designer clad people, the men dressed in their rich tuxes and the ladies displaying shreds of clothes knotted together which was their kind of dress. Liz and Max were still in the limo when all of a sudden, Liz felt uneasy. She put a hand on Max's one. "Max..can I ask a favour?".

"Sure Liz." Max said, taking her hand into his own. Liz didn't look okay. "Is everything alright?." He added, hoping this wasn't the part where she'd reveal to him at last minute that she was a claustrophobic or a social phobic.

"Max..umm I don't want to be presented as a your date in front of the see I'm not used to the unwanted attention thing from the media and the public so if we could just keep it I'm just a friend of yours and you know part of the gang kinda thing instead of who's that girl?" Liz said. Right now she wanted to keep this thing in the D-low.

"Don't worry about it Liz." He carressed her hands so softly. "I'll take care of everything. You can count on me." He smiled at her. He was going to bring up that subject too. This was the first time she was being exposed to a situation like this and he could clearly remember the first time he had stage fright. He wanted to ease any stress out from Liz as possible. Tonight was going to be a good night for her, he was going to make sure of it.

The limo driver opened the door and Max stepped out first and helped Liz out of the limo before closing the door. "Thanks Bobby." Max said and pulled out a wad of cash which was supposed to be the driver's tip.

"Thanks sir." Bobby said taking the money slowely. "Have a good evening, both of you." He bowed his head down in courtesy before going back into the limo again.

Liz and Max turned around to be hit with a crowd of people running towards them. Liz was a little frightened. Max smiled. It was his family.

"Max!". They all cheered, running towards him, the star of this event. Isabel, Dianne, Phillip, Micheal and a couple of other people were present before Max and Liz.

"Hey guys." Max said, still not letting go of Liz's hand. "I would like you to meet a friend, Liz." He pulled Liz forward, showing her off to his folks.

"Well..ain't she a fine piece?". One of them spoke in a Texas accent. He was Max's friend who starred in a film with him called 'The Bradbury Boys'. Liz recognised him instantly. He had very short dark hair, light blue eyes and was a bit chubby. He played Max's dumb friend in that film.

Max blushed which didn't go unnoticed by Isabel and his mother. "So I'm guessing you're the lucky lady who's got my son's attention?". Dianne said, looking at Liz in awe. She's was a cute girl, nothing slutty like the other girls Max had been with. She was petite, slim and looked very shy.

"Actually we're friends." Max said, noticing Liz's blush. "Good friends." He added and she lifted her gaze to lock eyes with Max.

"Wow, Liz..nice to meet you." Isabel stuck out her hand for Liz to shake. "I'm Isabel, Max's sister." She introduced herself. Unlike Max, Isabel wasn't much into the spotlight althought she was model material with her tall posture, curves and looks. She was busy into her studies right now. Looking at Liz, she would have guessed Liz was younger but Max wouldn't go for girls that young so she guessed this girl was probably just turned twenty like herself.

They took turns in introducing themselves and Liz slightly gained confidence. "It was nice meeting you all." She said, mustering up some courage.

"Nice to meet you too Liz." Dianne said softly, hoping that this was the one girl that would make Max finally happy. She looked like a presentable daughter in law and looked like she'd make a good wife. Dianne couldn't help but feel that way. She always wanted her son Max to settle down. She didn't like seeing her son with shameless girls on camera. It disgusted her.

They all were fond of the girl but Isabel had her cautions. She didn't think this Liz was innocent. None of the girls Max had been with were innocent. So why should this one be any different?

"Come on then, let's make a move." Paul Mcgriffith said, taking them down towards the crowd.

When they got there, obsessed fans threw themselves at Max's feet. "Oh-my-god-you're-fucking-hot!-take-me-tonight-here's-my number!". These girls cried and had to be removed by the security.

Max was so embaressed that this was happening before Liz and Liz was amused. These girls had no self respect for themselves. They always threw themselves at Max's feet. Always.

" you mind coming with me?". Dianna asked politely and Liz looked at Max, worried to be separated from him and be among strangers.

"It's okay. Go ahead. I'll meet you in the VIP lounge later on." Max said, slowly letting go of Liz's hand. Liz was reluctant in straying away from Max. He was the only person she knew that well among the rest of them.

"Have fun." Isabel said as Liz walked towards her and her mother. Dianne smiled. She'd use this opportunity to know her potential daughter in law better, she knew it was serious the moment she saw the eye contact between her son Max and Liz.

Max smiled and then headed towards the red carpet with Paul and Phillip and Michael. Leaving the girls together. Dianne decided to show Liz around.

"So Liz..what's your second name?". Isabel asked her, curious

"Liz..Harper.." She lied, trying to think of a second name but Harper randomly came out her mouth as it rhymed with Parker which she thought was odd.

"So you've never been to a premiere before Liz?". Dianne asked, causing Liz to look away from Max who was walking away and to look at his mother.

"Nope. Never." Liz lied again, she had been to a few premieres. She went to see Shia Lebouf twice at the 'Transformers' Premiere and 'Indiana Jones 4' Premiere plus she even went to the 'Hancock' premiere and got to meet Will Smith personally. "I've been living in Spain since the past ten years and basically been busy just studying." Liz said, repeating the story. "My parents both work in the army so I'm pretty much alone. I don't have any siblings so that pretty much sums it up." Liz shrugged.

Dianne pressed her lips together and took in the information Liz just revealed about herself. "Wow so you're just new here?".

"Yeah..came here like a couple of months ago..taking in the sights and then one day I bumped into your son at some five star hotel." Liz said and Isabel arched an eyebrow.

"If you've been living in Spain for the last ten years then how come you're not speaking in a Spanish accent?". Isabel was a good nitpicker. She loved to nitpick, hell anyone who came across her would get a good nitpicking that's why everyone was so cautious around her. She even made a few boyfriends cry.

"Because I was born here and the American accent is my native tongue which I can't forget." Liz said, watching Isabel. She knew something was up with that Isabel. Something a bit off about her.

"Do you know how to speak in Spanish?". Isabel nitpicked again and this time Dianne realised what her daughter was up to.

"Isabel! stop scaring the poor girl." Her mother scolded her. "We aren't here to scare her, we're here to make her feel welcome. Don't forget she's your brother's friend. Your brother isn't stupid."

Dianne was the sort of mother who warmly welcomed people and scolded her kids when they were out of line even in public. She would be nice and make sure her children were nice to others too. Liz felt more comfortable around Dianne then Isabel who made her feel like she knew something. She had the look of an eagle before it swooped down to catch it's prey.

"It's okay." Liz excused, looking at Isabel. She wasn't going to let some big stuck up bitch get in her way.

Meanwhile Max was posing for some snapshots taken by fans and the media. The film which was being celebrated for it's release was called 'California Calling' which was based on Enrique Iglesias' song where Max had to play this lovesick singer who broke his girl friend's heart and traveled to California to become a famous singer. The film was a block buster and Max played the role well and made his fans crazy for more. He even posed at the character of the movie and fans screamed in delight. They loved him so much.

Max grinned widely as he heard the screams of appreciation from his fans. They wore T-shirts of his face on from different films and places. There was a group of girls who wore a t-shirt of his face which was printed screen caps of the movie and it had in big bold letters, California calling and his name. Most girls decided to throw their bra's at him.

"Lord have mercy..they really want you Max." Michael smirked as a bra fell into Max's hands and then another hit Michael in the face. "What the fuck?". Michael said, tossing the bra which was hooked on his left ear lobe and followed the direction it was thrown from with his eyes and saw Stella, the bitch with the red streaks in her hair wave at him and blow him a kiss. Max laughed. "This could not be happening." Michael muttered and threw the bra on the ground.

Being a security guard was hard work because these girls tossed things aimed at Max and when they missed, there was a good chance it hit one of them..Michael.

Max decided to let some fans meet him on the red carpet and signalled for some guards to let them through. Ten people were already out there, with Max and thrusted notebooks in his hands with their pens to sign.

"Oh!My!God!". A group of Japanese girls cried out. "We love you so much!".

"I'm sure you do." Max chuckled and signed the notepads happily.

"We loved that horror remake Ju-On with that blonde girl. You were so fab!". One of them said.

"Oh and that movie where the spirit comes to kill those with that weird tattoo, that was soo good!". Another girl said. "I only watched it cuz you're in it." She licked her lips.

"Can we take a photo?". the girls asked, desperate to be in a photo with Max Evans.

"Okay. Ash?". Max agreed and the girls grabbed onto him, posing in slutty ways. Max nodded to Ashley who was his personally photographer to take photos of them. He never refused his fans anything unless it was way out of line.

Ashley took the pictures and handed it to the girls who ripped it out of his hands and jumped up and down in glee before throwing their arms around Max and kissing him on the cheek.

"You're fucking hot!". They screamed before Max signalled the security guard to put them back with the crowd. A tall, black haired girl with hazel eyes and dressed in a long flowy dress was strutting her way towards Max Evans. She was his co-star for this film and played the character of his girlfriend who had her heart broken by him. She went to Max Evans and they kissed each other's cheeks and hugged each other.

"Danielle." Max greeted. She was one of his good friends. During the film production, they had become really good friends. She was an exciting person.

"Max Evans." She said. "Who thought we'd end up together on a night like this?". She joked before sliding her arm around his waist and posing for photos.

Max liked her humor. She was funny. "So..hows things going?". He asked while posing.

"Hard. Hectic. I'm into so many roles at the same time."

"Take a break. Relax. Go out with someone." He said, smiling at the camera's as he wrapped an arm around Danielle Davis' waist. She was really tall.

"Is that what you've been doing?". She teased back.

"You could say that." Max said, remembering Liz. He was lucky to have met her and have her around here. Thinking of Liz, he wanted to get back to her, who cared what Micheal said? He couldn't last any longer staying away from her and this night was gunna be about spending even more time with her. To hell with Micheal and his advice about women, Max need Liz straight away.

He looked around and spotted Michael and took his arms off Danielle. "Excuse me." He said and strolled over to Michael. "Michael, I need to see Liz."

"Okay..fine. Just wait a sec." Michael said before taking Max to the VIP lounge. He should have known Max's brain would co work with his heart.

Among the crowd was a certain blue eyed girl who looked at Max with hunger. She quietly moved further back into the crowd. She'd deal with him later..


While watching Max pose and receive falling bras from obsessed female fans, Liz decided to head back to the VIP lounge and have a chat with Dianne, wanting to get the mother's perspective of Max Evans. Here they were laughing when Dianne was recalling cute funny moments about Max when he was a child. Liz found the young Max adorable and couldn't help but laugh along.

She and Dianne were getting alone fine. Soon after Max's father joined and before Liz knew it, the whole family was laughing and having good moments.

Max Evans walked in to see Liz content with his family, a sight which made him happy. "Hey.." He said and took a seat next to Liz. He needed to sit next to her after that havoc and more havoc yet to come.

"Hey." Liz said softly, feeling the heat radiate from Max next to her.

"What you guys laughing about?". Max asked, wondering if his mother was narrating stories of his childhood. Dianne never did that to any of the girls he had met but he knew she was waiting for the one girl who she beleived was meant for him. And Max couldn't blame her.

"Oh, your mother was just telling me how cute you were when you were a baby." Liz said in awe and rubbed Max's arm. "You sound so cute..." Liz cooed, she was getting the buzz too and her confidence was peaking.

"Mom.." Max said, blushing wondering how much embarrassing moments of his life had his mother revealed to Liz. He was glad they were getting along just fine.

"Whoo, I'm hot." Liz said, trying to fan herself with her clutch bag.

Max turned towards the side of the couch and noticed an ice box, in the VIP rooms, they had them everywhere. Opening it, he took out a soda and handed it to Liz only after opening it with the bottle opener which was on the box. "Here."

"Thanks." Liz smiled and took the drink.

For some time, they all drank some cooled soda and talked about certain topics until Max had to serve his fan's wishes again. The rest of the evening was hectic but Liz got to meet and know Max's family better. It was a fun time for her and for all of them.

When they were done for the night, they decided to go their seperate ways, Dianne kissed Liz goodnight, hoping to see more of the girl. She was very fond of Liz.

Max took Liz to the limo they arrived in which allowed them to spend quality time together just alone. Liz and Max were sitting on the same seat, drinking.

" was your time..dealing with the fans?" Liz asked, slightly teasting him. She was a little drunk and needed to tease him. They were huddled up next to each other in the limo.

"Crazy I guess and what about you? Enjoy the night?". He asked.

"Your mom's very nice and so is be honest, it's Isabel I'm worried about. I think I connected with her the least tonight." Liz sighed against Max's shoulder.

"Isabel can be like that." Max said, half drunk too. "She's..what I like to call..the nitpicking Nazi." Max joked and Liz laughed.

"Oh you are so funny Max." She said. She knew she should have refused that pina colada, her last drink which was offered by Max. But Max had offered it so she couldn't refuse.

They had gotten back to her place and Max helped Liz out. He walked her to the door and it was one of those moments. Just one move would change everything. "So..." Liz whispered.

"So.." Max whispered. He knew one move would changed everything between them. He was a little scared, this was his first time with a girl like Liz and he did not want to screw this up.

He leaned in closer, she froze at the spot...was Max Evans about to kiss her? Their hot breaths mingled. They were transfixed upon each other. She didn't know if she should pull away or was every girl's dream to kiss Max Evans but Liz knew this was a dare and if she kissed Max Evans tonight, he might think she was easy. But she couldn't help it, her heart was saying no but her body was saying yes..she needed to feel those lips on hers..this was the chance! Inch by inch their lips came closer almost about to touch...

"LIZ!". Maria called out causing Liz and Max to quickly move apart like deers caught in headlights, happy to see her friend at the entrance. It had been two in the morning and Maria never went to sleep without Liz. She had ran out to see Liz. "Liz, there you are and damn you must be Max Evans.." Maria said, looking at Max. "I'm Liz's childhood friend. I live with her for now." Maria introduced herself. "I'm Maria by the way."

"Hi Maria." Max greeted politely. Liz was secretly angry at Maria for breaking up what could have been her first kiss with Max Evans.

"Liz keeps on talking about you. You are one lucky man." She winked causing Max to blush.

"Well, I guess this means goodnight." Liz said, trying to speed it up now that Maria was here. The last thing Liz wanted was Maria to embarrass her in front of Max. Liz took a hold of Max's shoulder, stood on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek like he did when he came to collect her. "Thanks for the wonderful evening." Liz said and both smiled.

"Thanks to you to." Max said. "Goodnight Liz." He gave her a secret smile only meant for her and it was not hard for Maria to notice what had about to happen between them.

He forced himself to leave and get back into the limo. Being around Liz was becoming addictive. He liked her, heck he believed he was falling in love with her. They had so much things in common and she was just the type of girl who suited him. Perfect she was.

He stopped just outside the limo as Bobby opened the door and waved a goodbye to Liz. She smiled and waved back..sad that they had to separate so soon.


When Maria and Liz were back inside, Maria couldn't contain those questions for Liz. She had to explode. "Okay Liz..tell me I was imagining the whole thing or you were about to let Max Evans kiss you right there for anyone to see?".

"Maria.." Liz blushed and looked away. "It's..complicated okay."

"Liz, this is a dare. You're not really starting to develop feelings for Max Evans are you?". Maria asked, suspecting Liz indeed was starting to fall for Max Evans. "You should know he's nothing but a player."

"The last few days with him has been awesome. He's never treated me like a whore." Liz said, trying to reason with Maria. Since those days, Liz had felt so comfortable around Max Evans. He wasn't the stereotype she had made him out to me, he never invaded her personal space and yet he was sweet at the same time. Liz was beginning to think he wasn't the player that everyone had made him out to be. Perhaps Max Evans had his own story to tell but was afraid, Liz thought.

"Liz...did you see him out there? He was about to kiss you then sleep with you at your place..don't you see?" Maria protested. "That's how it happens. Just one kiss with Max Evans and you're wrapped around his finger. You'd wake up naked in your bed alone realising you had been played by that player."

"No Maria. It wasn't like that." Liz shook her head, she couldn't imagine Max Evans doing that. She couldn't.

"Did you see what was about to happen?" Maria asked. "No you had your eyes closed, dreaming that Max Evans would sweep you off your feet or something."

Liz sighed. "You don't one understands!".

"Oh hell we don't Liz..remember Stella..the ugly bitch who he spent the night with shortly after meeting with you?". Maria threw back in anger. She couldn't believe Liz was starting to fall for him. She didn't want to see Liz hurt. "God knows if he's fucking someone right now after I saved your virgin ass from him."

Now Liz was pissed. "Oh!, Maria's that's it." She inhaled sharply. "I'm going to him and I'm gunna tell him the truth!". Liz said, slipping back into her heels again. Her feet hurt but she wouldn't miss going to Max this time around.

"Liz..don't you dare.." Maria warned. "You'll end up hurt."

"No. I would rather start over with Max then play this game Maria. I'm gunna prove to you that he's not so bad." Liz grabbed her clutch bag. "I'll be back." She said and walked out the door.

"Liz come back here! Liz..I..." Maria protested but gave up. She knew Liz. Once Liz made up her mind, there was no stopping her. The dare was going to be left incomplete and they'd never get back at Max Evans.

Liz ran back outside in the cold and managed to get herself a cab. She directed the cabbie to take her to Max Evans place and she needed to get there fast before Maria or anyone else tried to stop her.

Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, breathing heavily. She was scared but she really wanted to tell him. She thought it wasn't fair, how could she base her opinion on what the media said. Heck they could link her up to guys she'd never met in her life and it would be gossip. She quickly wondered if that was what happened to Max. The paparazzi loved to make shit up. He wasn't like that player when he was with her.

When the taxi pulled outside Max's apartment, Liz paid the cabbie to stay so he could give her a lift back and she jumped out the cab and ran inside the building. She went straight to the reception first to inquire about Max's whereabouts. She wasn't going to barge in there.

"Hey.." She called one of the receptionists and leaned over the counter. "I'm looking for Max Evans...could you tell me where he is?".

The older lady looked at her. "Are you related to Max Evans?".

"I'm his friend..we went out to his movie premiere and I just forgot to tell him something so could you tell me where he is?". Liz asked impatiently. She needed to get to Max Evans quickly.

"He's at the swimming pool which is on your second left." The lady said.

"Thank you." Liz said and ran towards the swimming pool. Liz silently stopped when she heard some giggles belonging to a female. Her heart skipped a beat. Was Max in there with someone?

She pushed the door slightly open and peered through. What she saw shocked her. There he was, sitting on a stool near the mini bar in the swimming pool area, leaning backwards with some blonde on top of him facing him, kissing his face. As she went down, Liz caught a glimpse of Max's face. His eyes were closed as if he was enjoying what this blonde was doing to him.

What the fuck was going on?

Even the illuminating light reflected off the shining swimming pool didn't block her view of Max Evans. His hands were on the bar and the blonde went up again, capturing his lips with hers and he held her face in his hands.

Shock was written all over Liz's face and she was left speechless. The player had the nerve to be messing around with some bimbo shortly after seeing her off to her place?

Liz couldn't bear to look and decided enough was enough. She left straight away and reconsidered the dare. Maria was right. Max was nothing but a player..she had seen it for herself today with her own two eyes. She felt so stupid. Her emotions had gotten the best of her, how could she even put blind faith on such a person she knew would let her down?

Pushing the thick glass doors, Liz made her way out from the apartment, with a blank expression, she went down the steps...thinking of carrying on with the dare. That was it, the dare was on.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 7/27/08 p. 8 Ch 13

Post by Hunter »


Michelle in yonkers- Don't give up your hopes yet..long way to go before shit hits the fan! hopefully miracles do happen :)

Begonia9508- ooh nice guess but this ain't Tess. I can assure you. Tess isn't that bimbo yet.

keepsmiling7- I know! thanks.

RonaldoC- No Tess yet.

Natalie36- interesting idea!

veronica- So happy to know you thought the update was awesome. :) The next part will show why it looked like Max was at it with some chick shortly after seeing Liz off to her place. Hope you enjoy the next part too :)

Bliss_Behr - thanks.

Lena7- It was Max. But you'll find out what really happened in this part. Thanks.

sarammlover- You're right. Max didn't do it. Misunderstandings are always a nuisanse tho'. Hope you enjoy this part.

jake17-This is a misunderstanding, you're so right. Liz was about to tell Max the truth but a misunderstanding got in the way :twisted: . Yes, I'm a lot better now. thanks.

Hope you enjoy the next part.

Chpt 13

The Afterparty talk
Stupid Cupid

When she moaned, Max kissed her cheek, He was drunk on vodka and decided to spend some time alone in the swimming pool by himself, afterparties were no was the same thing, sluts, whores, drugs and alcohol along with fake appreciation. He would have liked Liz to come but figured it wasn't her scene, to be among such people. He was dazed out his senses and felt hands glide on his abdomen, thinking of Liz..he pictured her image and was lost in the moment.

He cradled the girl's face, still drunk. "'re so beau-ti-full." He stuttered, intoxicated. His vision was blurry but her dark brown eyes came into vision.

The girl stiffened. "I'm not Liz." She said.

Max's vision magically cleared up again and those dark brown eyes were gone. In sudden shock, he practically took his hands off her face as if it was on fire causing her to stumble backwards in the process, if it weren't for those high heeled stilletoes, she still would have been standing on her two feet but those damn sandals caused her to lose her balance and trip over into the water with a huge splash.

Drops of water hit Max's faces, making him half lucid. "Whoa!..who the hell are you?". He staggered up, trying to make sense of the scene around him. He was still here. And this girl wasn't Liz.

The girl broke out through the surface and her mascara was running down her cheeks making her look odd. Her wet blonde hair was now frizzy and the short dress she wore stuck to her body and made it harder for her to move.

"I'm not Liz." She said in anger again and struggled while swimming to the ladder. Damn these heels were useless.

"Then who are you?". Max said in a shaky breath. Was this girl doing something to him that she wasn't supposed to be? He checked to see if his belt was still in place which it was, thank god.

He watched her as she hauled herself up from the swimming pool and walk towards him, the water dripped drown everywhere from her body. "I'm Carmen. Carmen Penelope." She said, angry that the mild sedative she slipped in his drink didn't seem to be working.

Max had never seen this bimbo in his life. She was a whore, trying to get lucky with him. "I'm sorry Car-Carly but I'm not interested." He said and maintained his distance from her.

"It's Carmen." She said, agitated.

At that moment, Micheal walked into the swimming pool guessing he'd find Max there. Max loved being in calm and peacefull atmosphere to escape from the wildness of afterparties.

"Hey man, get your butt over here." Micheal said. "And what the hell are you doing with some bimbo?". Micheal joked, seeing the wet girl who looked like she wanted a skinny dip with Max but forgot to take off her clothes.

"I'm not doing anything with her or anyone." Max muttered and Micheal knew he was drunk so he went over there and decided to help Max to get back to his room.

"Well...looks like you won't be having that skinny dip tonight then." Micheal teased the girl with the drowned rat look.

"Micheal.." Max warned, groaning..his head was spinning out of control. Micheal put Max's left arm around his shoulder to support him.

Carmen fumed. "Whatever."

Micheal ignored her and took Max away. When he got into the elevator with him, the movement of the elevator going up slowely helped bring Max to his sense. "I was about to kiss her you know.." Max said out of the blue.

"Say what?". Micheal asked, unable to beleive that Max would kiss a girl out of his own accord for the first time. He knew Max was serious about Liz.

"And I wanted to tell her that I'm not a playboy." Max mumbled.

"Kiss and tell?." Micheal arched an eyebrow. "Not a very good combo."

"She was about to khiss me." Max smiled, remembering the way she closed her eyes and waited in anticipation for him to touch her lips with his own. Never in his life did the anticipation of a kiss made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He knew from that moment, Liz was the one.

"Man you are a sucker for love. Damn, you're a goner." Micheal chuckled. "You sure she wanna kiss you?". He asked in a serious tone.

Max nodded. "Yesshhh, she wanna khiss me."

"Good. The girl's interested in you. That's a good sign. That means she is loving the public you first." Micheal said.

"But I don't like the public me." Max said and the doors opened with a ping. When the doors slid open, Isabel stood face to face with them.

"Oh thank god!, I've been looking everywhere for him." Isabel pointed at her drunk brother. "What the hell happened to him?". Max was never usually so drunk before.

"The guy's in love." Micheal said to Isabel and helped Max out the elevator. Isabel decided to help Micheal take Max back into his room. They were in his penthouse now and was dragging him to his bedroom.

Max's parents were sitting at the lounge area and stood up when they saw their son in a drunken state. "My god! what happened to him?". Dianne cried.

"He's a little drunk now." Micheal said as Isabel opened the door so Micheal could help Max in. Laying him on the bed, Micheal flicked on the dim light and Max's parents joined them. Dianne rushed to Max's side.

Max's father decided to take off Max's shoes, socks, belt, watch and his blazer jacket to make him more confortable. Max was slowely drifting off to sleep.

Dianne was stroking Max's forehead. "What did he drink?". She knew Max was a big boy to take care of himself but her motherly instinct was over powering, she still loved her son and still looked out for him. Just because he was a twenty five year old hollywood star it didn't mean she had no right to do her motherly duties to him.

"I'm smelling vodka." Micheal said, putting hands on either side of his waist.

"Max usually stays away from excessive consumation of alcohol." Phillip pointed out. "Something or someone must have provoked it." And Phillip's nature was reflected in Isabel's personality. They were the opposite of Dianne and Max.

"That someone might be Liz." Isabel rolled her eyes. "The girl's got him under her spell."

"Don't speak about her in that way!". Dianne scolded. "She's your brother's friend."

"Yeah..a friend who gets him drunk senseless." Isabel commented with sarcasm.

"Why would he get drunk over a girl?". Phillip asked, scratching his chin. "Is he serious with her or something?".

"He says he's in love with her or something-I dunno." Micheal protested. "I think Max needs a rest now." Micheal said, heading out.

"Yes, he does." Dianne said and opened a few buttons of her son's shirt..he was sweating. She eased his head on the pillow. "Goodnight son." She whispered, before all of them walked out. Dianne was the last to walk out and turned off the lamp so Max could sleep in peace. She shut the door after herself.

"Well..I guess I'm calling it a night." Micheal said and decided to head off to his bedroom. Phillip was sleeping on the couch so Isabel and Dianne could share the double bed in the guestroom. But Isabel decided to follow Micheal in his bedroom.

"Micheal!". Isabel called and stopped him from closing his door. "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah?". Micheal said, letting her step in his room and he shut the door.

"What is going on with Max? Seriously?". She asked. "I haven't been around for long and you're living with the dude so tell exactly did he meet this Liz?". Isabel asked and sat on Micheal's bed. Micheal turned around.

"Well.." Micheal said, sitting on the computer chair. "It all started back a few days ago..he came to me asking me to help him guess her name as she wouldn't tell him. On this very computer...this one yes..we had to search through the database for girl's names in this state begining with L. Damn, he came up with all sorts of names for her. He spent all night, thinking about it. That's when I knew, something was up. Not only he spoilt his night, but mine."

"So what then?". Isabel asked, interested in the story. This was very interesting.

"He goes to meet her for breakfast at tiffany's, he guesses her name right and gives her his number. Then she's ringing him and they meet up to go to a park and get to know each other more. He comes back all happy like some lovesick fool. Aww Liz this and Liz you know that Liz and I have the same taste in music?" Micheal mockes and Isabel laughs a little.

"You serious?".

"The hell I am!". Micheal exclaimed, laughing over his own words. "The dude is in love, stupid cupid struck his heart over and over again. I'm telling you even the god Eros paid Maxwell a visit. I sweardown. Then he's all like talking about Liz's interests and what to get her because he invited her to his movie premeire."He paused. "He never gets a single girl to meet his parents. Ever." Micheal pointed out.

Isabel nodded. "Hmm true."

"So this one is defo special to him." Micheal said. " saw what happened tonight..the way he was making goo goo eyes at her, holding her hands, giving her drinks, sharing jokes with her. This dude is in lurrve." Micheal laughed.

"So it's only been a matter of days?". Isabel said, surprised. She thought her brother would take longer to fall in love after everything that happened in his past. But there was something about Liz, a spark which ignighted the hope of love in Max's heart. Isabel couldn't put her finger on it.

She would have to investigate the girl, Liz.

Hangover in the Morning
Mail on Sunday

Max groaned in pain when he grabbed the sides of the basin and hauled himself up again. When he had woken up, the pain in his head was a bitch. It was like someone was punching him without mercy. His brain was swelling up and he was sick. Grabbing the toothpaste and toothbrush, he brushed his teeth and cleansed himself before deciding to have a refreshing steam shower. When he was done, he walked into his bedroom to get changed and found his mother and Micheal waiting for him in the lounge.

"Morning guys." Max said, sitting down on the sofa to tie his laces to his lacoste sneakers on.

"Morning Max." Micheal said. "We're waiting for you so we can eat breakfast together." He said, curiously watching Max. "Any sweet dreams last night Max?".

"Huh?". Max said, looking up as he finished doing his lace up.

"Oh Liz.., You're so beautifull...I'm in love with you!". Micheal teased and Dianne nudged him in the ribs. Micheal was like her son too so she treated him like her son.

"Don't be teasing him. The poor boy is just recovering from being too drunk last night." She scolded Micheal who tried to contain his laughter.

"I did that?". Max said incredilously. "You heard that?".

"Everyone heard were practically calling out her name as if you're-" Before Micheal could finsihed, Dianne who was horrified stopped him.

"Enough, say no more. Come on son, ignore this cheeky boy. Let's go and get breakfast." Max got up and followed them out the door. He stepped closer to Micheal in the elevator.

"Is there anything else I should know about last night?". He said, embaressed already. Now everyone knew how he felt about Liz.

"There was this girl Carla or Carly or something who was trying to make a move on you in the swimming pool. God knows what happened between you two." Micheal said.

"I didn't did I??". Max asked...terrifed.

"'re too good to let some whore take your virginity even in a drunk state. Something even tells me you threw her in the pool to keep her away from you." Micheal chuckled.

The doors of the elevator opened and then went towards the reception to check out. "Good morning."

The lady greeted them and proceeded their checkout. When she saw Max, she remembered the brunette girl from last night.

"Mr Evans, did you meet her last night?". She inquired.

"Who?". Max asked, wondering which girl was the lady talking about.

"This girl with dark brown hair said she wanted to meet you last night, shortly after you came back from the party. She went to look for you in the swimming area." She notified Max.

Max was shocked and gutted. "Liz..came there?".

"Uh-huh." The lady nodded. "She said she had something to tell you."

"What time was this?". Max asked, hoping she hadn't seen him with that awful girl. It wasn't him. He was knocked out his senses and was almost taken advantage off.

"Two fifty in the morning, sir." The lady said.

Micheal raised his eyebrows. "I came to take you back to your room at two fifty five." Micheal told Max and they exchanged glances.

"Which meant she saw it." Max said with a defeated look on his face. Liz must have seen him with that slut and must have assumed the worst.

Suddenly Max's phone rang, on the caller ID, it was Liz.....
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 7/30/08 p. 9 Ch 14

Post by Hunter »

A/N: This is going to be a short part because originally this was going to be longer. But didn't wanna make it too long.


veronica- glad u loved the update, hope u enjoy this one too althought it's short.

begonia9508- thanks :mrgreen:

keepsmiling7- lol. Thank u for reading.

jake17- thank u Carrie. I hope I'm not being mean by leaving cliffhangers?? Am I?

Lena7 Bimbo Fiasco?? I like that. that's cool. Well the next part is what happens next.

sarammlover- Ohh, even I had trouble writing Liz's response to that. But hope you enjoy this part.

Natalie36- Well I hope the next part answers that question.

Alien_friend- thanks. Didn't really think my banner was special but thanks anyway. Yours is very nice too. Oh yh, Tom Welling is hot.

Apologies if you think this part is to short. The rest will be coming soon...eventually. :roll: :)

Chpt 14

The Confrontation..
At Max's place..

Soon after breakfast, Max rushed back to his place and hesitated before opening the door. Slowely he opened the door and peered in his penthouse. Liz was already there. God she was beautiful, Max thought. Her hair was straight this time and it was shoulder length. She wore a cotton shirt over a white vest and a pair of denim shorts making her look so cute.

She was starting at the window while waiting for Max. "Liz.." He called, shutting the door behind him.

Liz turned around with a smile on her face. "Max..hi." She greeted him and he walked upto her. "How's it going?".

"It's going good." Max said. "Why don't you take a seat?". He asked politely. The tension between them was awkward and since that short phonecall, all was said between them that they should meet up. Max had told her the location of the key being under the mat over the phone and granted her permission to let herself in. He was too scared to know where this conversation was going to go so he made a late entrance.

"No..thanks. I'm okay." she answered back. "Besides I just wanted to say..thanks for a wonderful night..again." She paused. "I've never had such fun in my life and really..I think spending time with you is really benifiting me."

Liz's words caused max to smile a little. "You think so?". He asked softly, casting his fears aside.

Liz took a step closer to Max. "Yes're a wonderful friend and I want to spend a lot of time with you..if that's okay?". Her closeness made Max shiver, his eyes were fixed on those shimmering juicy lips of hers, he wanted to have a taste.

"Yessss." answered Max. "I want to spend a lot of time with you too."

Liz grinned, her plan was working. Instead of lashing out on him, she had set out to do the exact opposite. Be gentle, it took her a lot of morning rehearsal for this and push the right buttons of someone like Max.

"So Liz...I heard that you came over last find me..." Max trailed off, a little fear coming back.

"Oh yes..I did find you." Liz recalled. "With a girl in the swimming pool." She smiled. "Whose the lucky girl then." She playfully punched Max on the shoulder.

"Um she's not someone I know and I'm not planning on doing anything with her. It was all a misunderstanding Liz." He reasoned. "I was drunk and not in my senses..." He said in a rush, panicking if Liz got the wrong message.

Liz raised her eyebrows. "Then who was she?".

"Just someone who wanted me for my body." Max shrugged. "But I don't know her, I don't intend to do anything with her and she's out of my life now."

Liz pressed her lips together. So that's how Max does it, flirts with girls, has saucy drunk rendevous with them and then dtiches them the morning after. She was hurt. What if Max decided he had enough of her and did the same to her? Thank god she was faking too, otherwise if she was one of his girls, she'd be left broken. If Max did decide to ditch her, atleast she wouldn't be in mourning.

" don't need to explain anything to me." Liz shook her head. "I'm your friend...not your wife or something. And I trust you. I know you're a nice guy and you won't take advantage of girls." Liz said and took up some courage to reach him and wrap her arms around him, turning her head slightly and resting it on his broad shoulder. She gave him a hug to which Max was surprised and found his strong arms moving of their own accord, on arm being raised so his hand could find Liz's head and his fingers which were itching to touch her beautiful silk hair was touching her hair, caressing it. His other arm encircled her waist, bringing her body in close contact with his hard one. He could feel her chest against his own. The body heat was generating between them and he was lost in the scent of summer fruits in Liz's hair. Damn, she smelled so good.

Liz smiled as she pressed herself closer to Max, making him squirm. She would be close to him but at the same time keep him at arms length so he couldn't cross his limits. "I trust you Max." She whispered softly in his ear, the warm breath touching his neck.

"I trust you too." He murmmered, holding her close to his body. He loved the feel of her being in his arms. Never did he want this moment to end.

Never did he want to lose her either. Never.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 8/2/08 p. 9 Ch 15

Post by Hunter »



Chpt 15

6 months later...

Meet the "parents"
Dirty During Dinner

The birds were singing in tune and the little children were laughing as they ran across the play area, playing dodgeball. Liz and Max were sitting on the bench of the park which became a common hangout place for them.

During the last six months, Max and Liz had been going out to places as good friends. The morning after Max's movie premeire, Liz had called him, not to ditch him but to brush off the misunderstanding. Now they were close as ever, hanging out like two good friends.

"Max..I was know..we've been hanging out a lot of times..bowling and going to the cinema..I was'll be a good idea for you to meet my parents. I really wanna introduce you to my parents Max. What do you think?" Liz looked at him.

"I'd love to meet your parents." Max smiled at Liz.

And that's where they were today, In Washington DC, in some rich ass house with traditional ornaments in. The walls were decorated with classic greek paintings with huge frames and the whole place felt like a musuem or something.The white wood walls decorated with gold swirls of painted patterns filled the bottom half of the walls against a pastel green painted walls and in the long room was a long table near the huge windows with a rich deep red table cloth made of of velvet; And on the grand table was polished white plates lined with clean napkins,forks, knives and spoons, candles in their relfective golden candle holders and many bottles of fresh spring water and french champange. The whole room screamed out posh.

All of them admired the beauty of the room.

Micheal thought it was a good idea to accompany Max while Maria decided it would be fun to also join them. While Max and Liz were linking arms together, Maria and Micheal barely knew each other and acted like strangers, occasionally giving each other weird glances.

He's hot. Maria thought. Shame he's got messy hair.

She's fucking hot. Micheal thought. Too bad she's a friend of the angel Max is so in love with. I could have nailed her.
Liz's friends had chipped in, paying two people to play her mother and father. "Hey mom." Liz smiled, slowely letting go of Max's arm and running to the lady who was posing as her mother today. If her real parents had caught of whiff of what Liz would upto, they would probably jet plane her to france or somewhere after a good old ear bashing. They weren't exactly going to lay out the welcome wagon on seeing her with Max Evans.

The red haired lady smiled on seeing Liz and hugged her back before turning her attention in the famous Max Evans.

"Max Evans..." She said and took his hand in a formal handshake. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Max smiled. He always did that when he met people. "Nice to meet you to Mrs Parker." Max said politely, shaking her hand. Liz watched the woman eye Max Evans up. She had to be atleast twice his age.

"Oh no, call me Shelly." She purred, holding Max's hand very tight. He was gorgoeus and this was worth it. Acting as his girlfriend's mother just to meet him personally. Even thought she was about forty something, she'd have to have Max Evans somehow.

"Okaaay." Liz said noticing Shelly's reluctance to let go of Max's hand, Liz took Max's hand in her own. "Let's go and sit down now." Liz said, looking at Shelly and scowling at her. Shelly shrugged before letting go of Max's hand.

Micheal and Maria looked amused. They looked at each other before silently finding a seat of their own. Liz and Max sat down together at the huge table while Micheal sat next to Max before the red head lady could sit next to him and Maria sat next to Liz. Liz's 'father' made a late entrance. He entered the room in a haste.

"Oh I am so sorry to be late." He said while hurrying. Max took one look at him and his mouth was left hanging open, and Micheal's too.
Liz's 'father' was a buff, big man. His shoulders were so broad it looked like he had kit on to play soccer. And his head, looking at his head, his eyes were narrow but reflected some serious shit in them. Anyone caught messing with this dude, they would definetly be a goner.

He charged at the table and Micheal pinched Max, causing him to stand up instead of gawping at him in shock. "You must be Mr Parker..I'm Max Evans...Liz's friend." Max said quickly and extended his hand.

The man stopped and looked at him from head to toe. He barely had any hair. It was recently shaven which made him look even more tougher. The shirt he was wearing was almost about to rip, Max guessed this guy that bulging muscles underneath them which could seriously cause damage. He never expected Liz to have such a beastly and scary father. She was slim and petite, nothing like her father or her mother who looked more talkative.
Liz watched them. Lewis had picked out these people. God knew where they came from.
The man moved his head and dipped it to the left side and repeated the same to the right, his head cracked and then he cracked his knuckles. Max was still standing up, waiting for the handshake.

"So you're that boy whose been seeing my Liz?". He said in a gruff voice before taking Max's hand and shaking it. Micheal and Max were a bit cautious, wondering if the man was going to crush Max's hand but was releived when the handshake was over in a second. Max quickly pulled his hand back and sat down.

" and Liz are good friends." Max said, making himself comfortable again while the big guy sat next to Shelly, opposite them.

"And who are you?". The big man looked at Micheal who stopped playing with the napkin on hearing his voice.

"This is Micheal. A friend of mine." Max said, jumping to Micheal's rescue.

He raised an eyebrow. "Boy would look fine if he fixed his unkempt hair." He said in a dissaproving voice. He sounded just like a pissed off Robert De Niro in 'Meet the Parents'.

Maria had to stop herself from laughing. Lewis had picked out the funniest people ever. "Dad..can we just get down to dinner now?". Liz forced those words.

"Of course sweetheart." He grinned before yelling. "MARTIN GO AND FETCH THE FOOD!". Making everyone jump including the butler who wheeled in the main courses.

"I'm right here sir." Martin said, annoyed. These people came from nowhere and acted as if they owned the place. He would have to tolerate them for one day or maybe days.

"Well..whatcha waiting for? GO on. Dish up." He said, acting annoyed. Then he looked at Max. "I'm David. David Harper and this is my wife..Shelly Harper." He said to Max, Liz felt like putting a hand to her forehead in annoyance. These people weren't good actors.

"Nice to meet you...". Max said quietly.

Shelly was checking out Max Evans. Liz had to kick her under the table to stop her. She worried about the impression she was making to Max. She didn't want Max thinking her 'mother' was some bitch who had a taste for younger males including the ones who Liz sees.

"Ow-I was just wondering..I think you look like a good man." Shelley said while Martin was placing the dishes on the huge table. "A very good gentleman...who would be perfect for our dear Lizzie..isn't that right sweetheart?". Shelley said, turning to David and both of them shared a wet kiss, making all of them sick to the stomach.

Liz whispered to Maria. "I'm gunna kill that Lewis. I thought he had it covered?".

Maria shrugged. "You know Lewis. Always damn risky."

"Damn Lewis." Liz quietly hissed, barely a whisper and sat up straight, plastering a fake smile. "Mother...Max and I are friends." She said.

"Oh are you??" Shelley said, breaking away from David and looking at Max. "So you're single?".

"I-uh..." Max said, unsure of what to say. He wasn't even sure about that. Being with Liz during the past six months, felt like heaven. He felt like he knew her a long time and like they were officially together. It felt like Liz was more then just a friend.

"Mom please." Liz warned. "You're making him shy."

"Ohh my bad..." Shelley laughed away then leaned forward. "If you ever get with'll enjoy being her boyfriend." And then leaned back.

Liz's mouth dropped open in shock. These people will get a right ear bashing later. Right now, she had to fix any of their mistakes. She wanted things to be perfect.

"I'm sure he will." Micheal said, taking the plate from Martin and eagerly tucking in, biting a chunk out of the chicken drumstick. "Maxwell is into girl's like Liz." Micheal added with an amused smile.

Max almost chocked. The sound of Micheal's words sounded so wrong.

"Into girls eh?". David said, cracking a nut. "I hope you haven't been into any girls recently." He growled, giving a death stare to Max.

"He is most definetly into girls." Micheal chuckled, taking another bite out of the drumstick. This conversation was starting to get funny.

"Well..then let's dig in." Shelley said, picking up a fork and knife.

"Don't mind if we do..Shelley." Maria rolled her eyes as they all started to eat.

During the dinner, Liz's 'father' would occasionly ask questions to Max about his lifestyle. Intterupting him here and there. "So Maxwell...I hear from Liz you're this wonderful are most admired by all your fans." He said. "Does that mean most of your female fans get a late night matinee?".

Liz swallowed the mash potatoe and looked at David. "Dad!? What kind of question is that?".

"Sorry hunny, I just wanted to know if your friend likes to please his fans..." David shrugged. He was just trying to act as the stern father.

"I do please my fans..I sign autographs and take photos like every other actor." Max said. "But I don't spend a late night matinee with them. I spend my free time with my friends and family."

"Ah..the homeboy at night." David said. "I like that but you gotta do better then that otherwise you'd be a nocturnal boy, always seeing the people he loves at night. You nee.." Before David could finished, Maria got up.

"Excuse me..I need to go to the washroom." She excused herself. She wasn't that hungry. If she stayed any longer, she thought she'd end up on the table, laughing until her sides hurt. This was too damn hilarious.

"Second floor, second door to your right miss." Martin said, standing at his post like he always did. Watching them eat as usual.

At Maria's departure, Micheal finished his food and wiped his hands. "I need to wash my hands." He excused and quickly followed Maria upstairs before anyone else could say a word.

Max and Liz didn't each much either and wiped their hands and mouth before sipping on the champange. "You are so handsome." Shelley said. Liz had made sure neither of them had drunk alcohol, but Shelley wasn't going to just sit there and not compliment Max Evans on his sexiness.

Both of them froze. "Why..thank you Mrs Parker." Max said, pulling a strange face.

"She says that to every guy friend to make them feel like it's right being my friend." Liz made up, corecting the mistake Shelley had just made. "It's mom's way of letting them in the inner circle."

"Oh he's definetly welcome in the inner cirlce." Shelley laughed, drinking the orange fanta.

"Not in my house...not that easily." David said and cracked some more nuts. "I need to trust the guy before there's any entrance in the inner circle."

Max almost chocked on his drink and Liz quickly patted him on his back. "Max are you okay?". She asked, worried. These people were trying to kill him, she needed Max and they were being stupid.

Max found Liz's rubs soothing and she handed him a glass of water. "Here you go."

Max took the water and weakly thanked Liz before gulping the water down in hunger. When he was better, he put the glass down. "Thanks Liz." He thanked her again.

Suddenly there was a scream followed by a thump and the chandilier above the table moved sightly as the ceiling shook with minor tremors. Loud moans erupted from above and Liz went red faced when she realised that moan belonged to Maria.

All of them froze. The thumps and shakes kept going on like a mini earthquake. Liz bit her lip as she heard Maria say the F word out loud.

Max was equally embaressed as Liz. He should have not let Micheal come with him. The guy wanted to get laid everytime. This time it was Liz's unfortunate friend. He worried what Liz would think of him now.

"OH FUCK YES!". Micheal's muffled cry came from the ceiling.

There was a couple of more thumps before silence crept. "I think I'll go wash my hands now." Liz said, she was sure as hell going to have a big chat with Maria later one. How dare she embaress her like that by getting with some guy she barely met yet? Max might think Liz was that easy too now.

"Me too." Max said quickly and got up with Liz.

"Oh no you don't.". David said. "Liz you go wash your hands. Max come over here with me." David got up and Liz gave Max an apologetic look before heading upstairs.

Max remained rooted at the spot. David walked over to him and put an arm around Max's shoulders. They walked a few steps away from the table where Shelley was busy putting on lipstick.

"Maxwell..son..I know how you feel."

"You do?". Max asked, surprised.

"Beleive me son. I've been there and done that." David said. "During my years of marriage..I learned how to please a woman."

"Oh." Max said.

"The way you kept looking at Liz looked like you wanted to propose to her or something." David said and before Max could protest.

"Oh sir-It's no-".

"No..No...I understand." David said. "I know that look because it happened to me." David told Max. "Now listen to me.." David looked Max in the eye. "You woe my daughter with the right intentions. She will be the only woman in your life. The only woman you love in that way. You know man loves wants to marry woman kind of way. There will be no other women or keep your candle in your wick or however that saying goes. Don't you fuck with any other women or my daughter while you're with my daughter okay? Unless she feels like it's okay to you what couples do behind locked doors. But I personally hate the idea of you-well let's just get to the point. Don't you ever break my baby girl's heart. Cuz if you do..I'll be coming after you with my fist..I'll make such a pie out of your face that no girl would ever want to get laid by you again. Understand?".

Max was stunned but nodded. This was the father talking. Heck, if he was a father of a girl, he'd probably say the same thing too to the guy his daughter was with. "Yes sir. I don't plan to break your daughter's heart."

"Good." David said. "We understand each other now?".

"Yes." Max nodded and then Micheal and Maria walked in, both fixing their hair and trying to act innocent. Maria's lipstick was smeared on both her and Micheal's face. The evidence was clear.

"Okay. Let's get back son."

After the dessert and the farewell, the four of them were on their way back to the hotel using the same transport. Micheal was driving. Max was sitting at the front seat leaving Liz and Maria in the back. Liz badly wanted to talk to Max, hoping he didn't think today was strange. When they drove to the hotel they got out and checked in the hotel. Liz took this opportunity to have a private chat with Max.

"Max.." Liz said, gently taking a hold of his arm and leading him away from everyone else to a quiet corner, she asked him. "Is everything okay..I mean with my parents?". Liz asked.

"Everything was fine." Max assured Liz. "The dinner was great and your parents were nice." He might have found Liz's mother a bit too close for comfort and Liz's father a bit scary but in the end it turned out well, daddy had given him the thumbs up and well, Liz's opinion was all that really mattered. She cared and he cared. That was the only thing that was important.

"I'm so parents are's just they barely spend time with people that much. They're normally always out there with the Navy. My father can be a bit rough sometimes..." Liz babbled and Max found it cute.

"Hey-hey.." Max said, cupping her cheek. "It's okay." He whispered. "I understand. Everything's okay. Don't worry." And daring himself, he slowely pulled Liz in for a hug. He was dying to hug her.

All Liz could think about was the feel of Max's hands on her face. Since when did she ever melt under his touch? She was supposed to be resistant to him, not become putty like all the other women he had touched. But she couldn't help it, his touches were so warm and so she was in his arms, it was even better. His warm body enveloping her small one.

Micheal and Maria took their keys from the receptionist and noticed Max and Liz sharing a hug in the corner. "Listen.." Maria said. She had been sexually frustrated since her last relationship ended up in a disaster. The thing between them was just a quickie, she needed releif."Whatever happened between us was just a one off thing. I don't intend to further on anything. Just assume it was a one day stand."

"Yeah." Micheal said, forcing himself to look at Maria. The sex was great, he remembered pounding into her tight walls and how sexy she looked panting with every move of his. He was hoping for some more but she sounded serious, so he backed off to protect his male ego. "Whatever. Just some one night stand thingy. It's not like I don't have those anyway. Girls always come to me for more..just to let you know but it has to be a one night stand. won't be lucky next time around." He shrugged, before walking off towards Max and Liz. Maria gasped in disbeleif, this guy was so big headed.

"Hey guys...we should head upstairs. Keys." Micheal said, intterupting the moment but jingling the keys loudly causing the couple to part.

"Uh yeah." Liz nodded, fixing a loose strand of hair. Maria walked upto Liz's side.

"Let's go then." Maria said and then all four of them went upto their respective rooms.

A/N: I'm going to switch back and forth between the scenes, hope this doesn't confuse you. :)

Rules and Regulations
The do's and the don'ts...

"Maria, I seriously cannot beleive you." Liz said, wiping off the lipgloss as she stared into the mirror. "You don't just fuck someone without knowing who they are and you can't just fuck someone on the first meeting."

Maria was lying down on one of the single beds, exhausted. That sex had been tiring. Micheal was such a feisty firecraker, he definetly wore her out. "I know Liz..but it's his fault, he pratically ripped me out of the bathroom and started to kiss me like crazy. The way his lips felt and you thing led to the other.." Maria rolled her eyes. "And I haven't had sex in years. At the time it seemed good."

Liz was on the process of removing her eyeshadow and eye liner. "Maria...I know things have been hard since your boyfriend broke it off, but you're better then that. You don't need a guy to have fun." Liz said and rubbed the eyeshadow dust off her eyelids. "Did you use a condom?". She asked in a more serious tone.

"Ah, the virgin princess opens up her safe sex booklet." Maria chuckled. "Of course we used a condom, you think I would let a stranger's dick touch me bare?".

~*~ Max and Micheal's room ~*~

"Good that you used a condom." Max said to Micheal as he walked out the bathroom, clad in his combat trousers and nothing else. His chest was bare and any girl would kill to see him like that. Micheal lay on his stomach on one of the single beds.

"I don't fuck without a condom. You know that Maxwell." Micheal said, flipping through the channels. Bored. He was tried too. The way that Maria girl made him work. She took too much energy from him. But she was good in bed. He knew that about her. He just wanted to find a way back to her. "I'm surprised you haven't even gotten into Liz's pants yet. You two known each other for months now."

"Not everyone is shameless." Max retorted and walked over to sit on his own bed. He needed to rest his feet. "Everyone heard you. I had never been so embaressed in front of anyone like that in my entire life. Liz's parents must think I must be like that too." Max told Micheal. "You always fuck things up somehow."

"That I do." Micheal smiled before putting the television off and sat up. "I don't think Liz's parents minded too much. You should have seen the way her mom was checking you out. It was like she wanted you or something." Micheal sniggered.

~*~ Liz and Maria's room ~*~

"Remind me to bitchslap her." Liz growled in anger as she removed her jewelry. "How dare she try and flirt with someone so younger then her, especially when he's so not interested and when she's supposed to be playing my mother?".

"She is one dirty bitch." Maria agreed and took off her shoes to rub her tight clad toes.

"I was so embaressed. You don't check your daughter's guy friend out or boyfriend. I know she was paid to act like my mother but a good job she did...huh." Liz scoffed. "What a waste of money."

"I think Lewis needs a bitchslap too." Maria laughed.

"And then you go off, fucking Max's friend just above us. It was like there was some earthquake or something. The chandelier above our heads was about to fall off and not to mention, your screams of delight of being fucked." Liz said, slipping out of her dress. Now she was only in her underwear.

~*~ Back to Max and Micheal's room ~*~

"Was it that loud?". Micheal asked Max incredulously.

"You brought down an earthquake Micheal. Right above our heads." Max answered. "If you were so darn desperate, why didn't you just could know here and I would have stayed down with Liz."

"How awkward would that be? Both of you sitting in silence knowing that your best friends was screwing each other just on the first meeting." Micheal said.

"Well, it would be wise not to get straight down to having sex on the first meeting but it you both consented then it should be somewhere private."

Micheal rolled onto his side to face Max. "You ain't even been laid yet and you're giving me sexual advice? are hornier then I thought. You need to get the fuck laid." He laughed at Max.

"No. I don't." Max said like a little boy, getting embarresed now. They had many conversations like this before, and the thought of Liz being his first, no that he was sure but the thought if she was his first....made Max melt.

~*~ Back to Liz and Maria's room ~*~

"So sex." Maria said. "Are you and Max gunna do it?". Maria curiously asked out of the blue, while toying with the ring on her finger. Liz was busy getting changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"Does it look like I'm gunna drop my french knickers and tell him to have a taste?". Liz laughed, the thought of Max Evans and her being in such an intimate position made her shiver. Yes, she disliked him for being a playboy but he had her under some sort of spell. Her body reacted differently when she was around him. Her heart would not be in it but her body would. Whenever he got closer to her, an accidental brush across her breast, she would instantly react to his touch. Sexually. All the cells in her body would fuse up, from wherever he touched her and leave her tingling. His image was all it took to get her completely aroused. He was handsome, she couldn't deny that. With that chiseled jaw and those manly arms, any girl would become tranfixed upon him. And Liz knew things about him, things that were personal and it surprised her that they had some things in common. Sometimes whenever she was with him, she had this urge to relax and let the conversation flow but then again the fear of not being able to make him fall in love with her was hanging over her head. She disliked men who bedded women for the fun of it. It was like they had no emotions, they only thought with their dicks. Everyone knew about Max sleeping with a lot of women like he didn't care and Liz had to admit, the guy had charm. No wonder the women slept with him. But Liz wasn't going to be in the list of easy women. No, hell no. She wanted to teach Max about love and emotions and she definetly wanted to make sure he had respect for women too.

As a virgin, she had to be careful who she lost her virginity to. She definetly wasn't about to lose to some player and she wasn't sure if she was ready either. She had been with guys who got down to second base with her but she wasn't ready at the time. The last guy she had been with was a jerk. She hated being treated like someone's property and she feared if she lost her virginity to the player Max, he'd feel like he'd own her. She hated that feeling. Being owned.

"I don't know.." Liz said, just about to tie her hair up and paused by looking at herself in the mirror. She had been playing this dare and lied not only to Max but his folks, he was buying the story so far but everything felt so surreal to her aswell. She wasn't sure about anything. The last few months went smoothly, she managed to put up the drama but things were starting to slowely change.

What did she want?

~*~ Back to Max and Micheal's room ~*~

"I'll guess we'll have to see about that." Max said. "I really enjoy being Liz's friend and I think what I feel for her is more then just friendship. Yeah we've been good friends during the past six months but I feel...I feel so happy when I'm with her. It feels so right."

"So you going to ask her to be your girlfriend or something?". Micheal asked, eating a packet of pretzels he had earlier stored on the dresser.

Max stood up and looked in the mirror, starting at his own reflection. "Yes." He said softly.

He was sure, Liz was the one for him. And he wanted her. He wanted her so bad.

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 8/9/08 p. 10 Ch 16

Post by Hunter »


Natalie36- exactly 8) thanks.

behr_able- thank you.

Lena7- Aww so happy that you enjoyed the last part inmmensly and it helped to uplift your spirits. Hope everything is better for you now, thank you for being here, it means so much :D :D

veronica- Yes they are lol. thanks. :D

begonia9508-what an awesome comment!! you make me smile Eve! :D thanks.

jake17- And I just love your comments!! thanks! and I hope you enjoy this part Carrie :D

keepsmiling7- Bet Max does wonders about her fake parents lol :lol:

cocogurl- Hey!! thanks for finally coming out of lurkerville!! So happy you think my story is wonderful!! :D means so much. I hope you enjoy the next part too.

sarammlover- Thank god it's hilarious!! So happy you thought so too! thanks sara!! :D

okay here's the next part,


Chpt 16

Bring it on
Sunset Surprise

Leaning against the cool metal rail of the huge balcony on the hotel floor, Liz watched the sunset, althought Washington DC wasn't a beach resort, this hotel had a perfect view. It was situated over a tourist park full of greenery which Liz admired. Too bad, she didn't have someone to share this moment with...

"Hey.." A deep voice came from behind her. Liz didn't have to turn to see him because she already knew who that voice belonged to. Her heart almost stopped beating as she felt him approach her, she turned her eyes away from the beautiful horizen to meet a pair of the most amazing pair of amber eyes which was directly staring at her, taking her breath away. He was magnificent. And god..his lips were beckoning her to touch them. How could she spend all this time..not touching those sexy lips of his??

And was she noticing this for the first time even???

"Max." She smiled and completely turned around, pressing her back on the metal bar. "How are you?".

He had escaped to the balcony only to be met with a sweet surprise. Liz was there and this time she was alone which gave them full privacy.

"I'm okay thanks." He took a step closer. "What about you?". He joined her, casually leaning over the metal bar and taking in the sunset set. Liz couldn't take her eyes off him. He was pretty close to her and it was starting to break down her patience, she loved to be the one teasing and now fate had turned the tables on her. Every move of Max's was proving to test how much she could actually resist him.

Damn, he looked so hot. He wore a murky green T-shit with a pair of black combat trousers. But she could see the lines of his muscular chest beneath that T-shirt and a very tempting idea occured in her mind. How she wanted to give him a cheeky spank on the ass.

"Fine I guess.." Liz answered, lingering her gaze at him, taking in the sexiness that radiated off him. He was hot and he knew it, she guessed. She secretly blamed him for trying to innocently charm her, he acted as if nothing was wrong and then trying to play Mr Nice guy at the same time.

When he turned his eyes towards her, she quickly averted her own in order to stop getting caught at swooning over him. He was fit, fine and gorgeous but she didn't have to let him know that. Did she??

"Like what you see?". He asked in a playful tone, as if he knew what she was upto. Liz's blood rushed through her veins..suddenly it was very warm.

"Yes..I do.." She bit her lip, trying to control herself. The way he asked her made her smile and made her blush. She hoped she wasn't making it too obvious that she was checking him out.

Sliding closer, Max neared Liz. "I like what I'm seeing too." In a seductive whisper, he looked at her darkly wanting to take her right he would love to hold her in place and kiss those lips of hers which was teasing him with their innocence.

His fingers lightly touched her bare arm causing her to almost jerk in reponse to the electrifiying shock he had sent her way. Logic and sense left her mind and all she could think of was to gratify her sensual needs.

His fingers trailed down to her wrist and she gripped the railing tighter with her knuckles going white as he touched her hand with his fingers, exploring the curves of her hand. She remained still, allowing him to touch her to see what was going to happen next. Curiousity had gotten the best of her. Leaning closer, he brushed her long dark brown hair aside and he pressed his lips near the back of her neck and she could feel his hot breath on her. Liz closed her eyes, savouring the feel of Max Evans so close to her.

"You're so beautiful you know that?". His sexy voice filled her ears as he pressed a kiss to her nape.

"Huh". Liz gasped, awakened by the sexual hunger that had her begging more for Max's touch. Her mind was cloudy and she felt her knees go weak. Her hands were scorching that it must have left an imprint of her hands on the metal bar that she was desperatly holding onto.

"I want to be more then just friends Liz..." He quietly said, feeling her body tense up against his. He would have stopped but the way she was reacting to him was like a moth to a light, fatal but she needed more. He was outstanded that she would react to his touches like this and the words had just slipped from his mouth.

Unable to take this innocent teasing, she licked her lips, spun around and stepped closer to him before pressing them against his. Max closed his eyes at the sudden rush of excitment that began to build up inside him, his fingers wrapped around her silky soft hair where he cradled her head as he began to make love with her mouth, using his tongue to part her lips and seek access into her mouth. Liz complied without question and moaned when he rubbed his tongue over hers, pushing and massaging her own tongue in affection.

She cluchted tightly onto his t-shirt as the giddiness became to wash over her, she wasn't sure if she was even standing. His tongue was doing wonders to her mouth..wonders which she had never felt with any other guy before. This felt soo good..and she let her hand find it's way to his ass before sqeezing in a teasing manner.

Damn, his ass felt good..she wondered if the rest of his body felt that good too.

Liz sucked on Max's tongue this time shamelessly. Duelling with his tongue as she felt him almost grind into her. Max was all flushed up, pushing himself against her and then his hand slipped underneath her shirt, feeling her skin, getting closer..

It was then when he touched a sensitive spot on her chest that caused her to open her eyes and realise what she was doing. "Damn.." She mumbled, letting go off Max's tongue and pulling away. At her sudden step back, Max was left confused as Liz looked at him, shocked with wide eyes....

Liz had been gone for quite some time now, Maria realised as she was done reading the chick's weekly magazine. She threw the magazine down and decided to look for Liz. Last place she decided to look for Liz was Max and Micheal's room after running up and down the floors of the hotel trying to look for Liz. Knocking on the door, she'd thought she'd give it a try to see if Liz was with Max and this was an excuse to check up on Micheal to see if seeing her again would affect him..

The door swung open and Micheal casually looked up to notice a familiar blonde in the doorway. "Sorry..I'm not in the mood for a fuck right now". Micheal shrugged, just about to close the door and get back to playing space invaders on the PSP.

Maria put her foot down to stop him from shutting the door. "I'm not interested in getting laid by the same loser twice..I was looking for she here?". Maria asked, letting herself in.

"Um no. She's not and neither is Max. But you can stay here." Micheal said, shutting the door. "Suit yourself to boredom." He shrugged before jumping back on the bed again and resumed his game of space invaders. Maria was looking around and then decided to join Micheal on the bed.

She sat on the foot of the bed watching him. "Whatcha playing?"

"Space invaders." He answered without looking at her. He had to stop looking at her otherwise he would not be able to control himself. Damn..this woman..this thorn on his matress was going to prick him over and over again. All he had to do was ignore her and she'd go away..eventually.

"Space invaders?". Maria said, amused. "My little cousin plays that...I thought you'd be playing something more manly..." She drifted off, rolling her eyes.

"Like what?". Micheal asked, agitated.

"I don't know...Grand Theft Auto or something?". Maria suggested.

"Hey...for you information I have played all games of Grand Theft Auto..vice city, liberty stories and even the fourth game so beat it." Micheal wasn't going to let this woman play on his ego. Just because she was good in bed didn't mean she had the right to insult him.

"So resorting to baby games is your idea of fun?". Maria gagged. "What's next Spaceboy...Mario?". She laughed.

"No." Micheal said. "The next thing will be fucking you again." He chuckled. "That's the next game."

Offened, Maria stood up from the bed. It had been fun to see the player worked up but no this was making her feel angry. Could Micheal be more childish? "You watch your mouth boy!, you cannot afford to insult a chick like me." She pointed at him.

Micheal wanted to laugh. "Listen Maria...I know you miss me okay..but no need to be sore about it. I can't be bothered with you."

"You sick fuck!, I'm not one of your whores!". She exclaimed, driven by anger on his cockiness. "You cocky tramp of a spaceboy."

"Oh yeah!". Micheal threw his PSP on the bed and stood up. "Well...atleast..."Micheal quickly thought of something to say. "Atleast I don't help my bestfriend seduce people." That was the only thing he could come up with right now.

"Excuse me spaceboy...don't you accuse me of shit." Maria said back, wondering where this argument was going to take them. She was getting fired up.

"I see you whispering in Liz's ear whenever Max is you're telling her how to make the next move." Micheal snapped. It bothered him how this woman can affect him so much. He wanted her so much and yet they couldn't just jump into bed like last time. And that was because of her.

"Sexual frustation is definetly your illness." Maria snorted. "I mean look at you..I'm probably the last girl you slept with."

"Yeah right." Micheal rolled his eyes, knowing it was true, after they had sex...he couldn't classify it as making love because it wasn't slow and nice. It was fast and hard, anyway no other chick had caught his eye. Now he knew how Max felt but Micheal dared not to beleive in love. He had seen what it had done to people, he had friends who came to him wishing they had never married.

"Micheal..I'm leaving...and just to let you know...I'm going to help Liz make Max fall in love with her." She said before turning on her heels and walking towards the door.

"I think the last laugh is mine!". Micheal hollered. "I'm going to make your friend Liz fall head over heels in love with Max." He said, pointing at Maria. "There's no stopping me!".

"We'll just have to see about that won't we..spaceboy?". Maria said softly wearing a grin on her face as she opened the door and turned around to give him a wink before departing. Micheal looked at her in disbeleif.

"Bring it on!".

He would definetly have the last laugh.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 8/11/08 p. 11 Ch 17

Post by Hunter »


begonia9508- and they certainly will win!! :lol:

keepsmiling7- Liz is this rigid kind of girl who finds it hard to trust guys..she wants to beleive Max isn't what the media makes of him and is afraid if she let's him in..she'll end up hurt so that's why she's resisting him but don't worry of course she'll be with him!!

Lena7-And I love your stories too Lena!! Happy to know you love mine too! :D :D Oh you'll get more of Liz and Max..Micheal and Maria in this part hopefully :D

Natalie36- yeah M & M are really funny :lol:

veronica- thanks :mrgreen:

Chpt 17

Wimbledon love,
At the Tennis courts..

Liz tied her ponytail up really high before putting on the tennis hat. Every thursdays she and Maria went out to play Tennis down the courts. They had just returned from Washington DC recently and Liz hadn't had much to say. A match of Tennis was what she needed right now. Gripping the tennis racket, she made her way to the court where Maria was waiting.

"I'll serve." Maria said, as she stopped playing with the ball in her hands. Liz got ready to play and Maria threw the ball and with a powerful hit, Liz whacked the ball so hard, it bounced back towards Maria so fast that Maria had to throw her racket up in time to hit it back. Liz was a powerful tennis player, it was one of the things she was talented at.

While the two girls had their matches of playing Tennis, Max and Micheal had made their way down. Max usually hardly played tennis here but on Micheal's behalf or more like Micheal constantly insisting, Max gave in and both of them went to play. Liz and Maria had finished a round and decided to cool off by gulping down some energy drink. It was then Maria realised that Max and Micheal were heading for the same court.

"Liz.." Maria said in the middle of their conversation. Liz had her back turned towards the two guys and didn't notice.

"What?". Liz asked Maria whose eyes contracted.

Micheal had meant everyword he said back in that hotel room Maria realised, now he was stalking her and watching their everymove. But Maria would not back down. Placing both hands on Liz's shoulders, she turned her around so she could see them.

Liz gasped when she saw Max as Maria had turned her around. "Max.." She breathed out.

This was definetly a surprise. She hadn't expected to see him so soon, not after their kiss on that balcony and certainly not when she was wearing a very short skirt with a vest. He'd get more aroused seeing more of her skin and that would lead to more....

Max was equally surprised on seeing Liz there. And god..she looked incredibly stunning with her short skirt and that vest. She looked beautiful as always. He walked right upto her.

"Hey, how's it going?".

Liz gulped. The way his mouth was moving.."Yeah..uh it's going good and what about you?".

"I'm good too." He smiled. He didn't like the awkwardness of the situation between them. Ever since that day on the balcony she hadn't spoken about their kiss properly. It was like she was acting it never happened. It bothered him.

Micheal grinned at Maria before looking away. Maria just stood there gawping at him. This was going to be fun. "Hey Maxwell..why don't we play with them?". Micheal suggested. "A double match, you play with Liz and I'll play with Maria?".

"But..." Maria protested, she wanted to thwart Micheal's plans.

"It's okay. Let's just play." Liz said. She noticed how awkward things were getting and wanted to put a stop to all that. Maybe by acting normal would end this awkwardness between her and Max. "You can serve." She told Max, handing him the tennis ball. Their fingers brushed and she tried to ignore it.

Walking away was a hard thing, he watched her as she made her way across the tennis court. He and Micheal go into their positions before they started the game.

Max was impressed by Liz's hits, she was one powerful tennis player and Micheal enjoyed making Maria miss the ball on purpose. It was going good and they decided to play together. Maria and Liz would diagonaly hit the ball back and forth while Max and Micheal would do the same.

Maria was starting to get pissed off now, Micheal would deliberatly hit the ball at the time when she hit the ball back to Liz to knock the ball away.

"Micheal for fuck's sake!". Maria cried, as the ball zoomed past and hit the ball she threw to the side of the court. She was sick and tired of retreiving the ball.

All four of them were tired and sweaty from playing. "Time out!". Micheal called, deciding to have a break. It was funny getting Maria pissed off.

In anger, she threw the racket on the ground. "I'm sick and tired of this jerk." She screamed before stomping off. Max and Liz watched as Maria left and then Max turned his attention on Micheal. "Micheal that was uncalled for."

"What?". Micheal protested, "Just because she has a lousy throw?".

"Micheal.." Max warned thorugh hooded eyes. He knew what game Micheal was playing. It was blatant that Micheal had feelings for Maria, Micheal always was immature and Max was angry at him for acting in a childish manner. "You're being stupid. Go and apologize to Maria."

Liz decided to run after Maria and excused herself. "I'll go and pacify Maria." She said before darting off to the girl's rooms where Maria was headed.

Max left his place and went to Micheal. "If you want her, being an ass isn't the way." Max told him.

"Maxwell..I'm just doing my job okay." Micheal said as he shook his head. "At least I'm doing something."

"What is that supposed to mean?". Max asked, wondering what the hell Micheal was on about.

"You're the one who let Liz do the 'let's be friends' talk after that kiss. And you're doing a great job." Micheal said, rubbing his chin.

"Don't change the subject Micheal." Max told him in a serious tone. "I know you're reluctant to accept you may like Maria but she isn't going to like you back if you're going to be childish. You have to be nice and you gotta behave like a gentleman."

"Max..I am a gentleman." Micheal sniggered. "That's why women come to me."

"Before it's too late just let it happen. Fall in love. Maybe you'll end up happy." Max said before walking away leaving Micheal to stand there alone. He noticed Maria's tennis racket on the floor and jogged down there to pick it up. "Love?". He muttered to himself while looking at the racket.

He wondered if loving someone was like tennis, hitting them with love only to have it bounced back, that's what people said. It sounded too good to be true.

Love was a strange thing.


After a few minutes of pacifiying an angry Maria, the two girls decided to have a shower. Maria had had hers so quick and Liz was just enjoying the feel of the cool water washing away the sweat on her body. Maria had quickly changed and decided to wait outside for Liz that she didn't see Max slip in the girl's room.

Max had entered to see if everything was okay. When he saw no one there, only a few clothes lying here and there he decided to leave until he saw Liz Parker come out of the showers, in nothing but a towel.

"Liz." He acknowleged her presence. Her skin looked flushed from the heat of the shower and her hair was damp making her look sexy. From her slender tanned legs to her towel clad hips and her amazing beautiful face, she was biting her lip as she was getting shy of Max undressing her with his eyes.

"Hey Max." Liz smiled. "What are you doing here?". She walked upto the bench where her clothes was.

"I-wanted-to-see-if-everything-was-okay." Max stutttered watching Liz hungrily. Why did this always happen to him? Catching her in moments like this, where she looked beyond beautiful??

"Everything fine..Maria needed some time to cool off." Liz answered, holding up a pair of the sexiest black lace french knickers Max had ever seen. Picturing her in those made him hard. He remembered the time when they had their first phone call and talked about her underwear...that was unforgettable.

"I'm s-so..sorry aboutMichealbeingajerk." Max rushed. "He's childish". The bulge in his pants was increasing.

"'s okay." Liz said. "You don't need to worry." She said, wondering if she should put on the knickers in Max's presence or not.

The towel began to slip and if Liz hadn't caught it in time, Max would have seen more then a breast. Max gulped as he noticed the towel almost about to slip off.

"Maybe I should go." Max stammered, feeling his heart pound wildly in his ribcage.

"Yeah..maybe." Liz gasped, clutching the towel tighter to her body and Max walked away, granting her the privacy she needed. That was a close call, she thought, with worry written over her face.

However, when Max left the room to get to the door it was locked. He was locked in the changing rooms with a naked Liz...


"Hey Spaceboy!". Maria called, with a shining gleam in her eyes. Micheal was standing outside by himself until a certain blonde called out to him.

He turned around to see Maria who wore a cheeky smily on her face. "Maria." He smiled. "So..." He muttered, turning his attention back onto the tennis racket and ball again. "I hope you're not too mad at me."

Maria folded her arms. She was loving this game. "No why would I be mad at you're a jerk. That's what jerk's do." She gave a small laugh.

"Jerk huh?". He hit the ball against the tree. "I thought I was spaceboy?".

"Which happens to be your other name too." Maria replied, she was trying hard to hide the laugh which was about to have her erupting.

"What's so funny?". Micheal asked, notcing her trying to contain her laughter. "Is it my butt? Do I have dust on my ass?". He asked, unsure of what she was trying to stop laughing at. He looked down on his ass to see nothing. "It's not my ass." He rolled his eyes. "What is it?".

"Nothing." Maria sniggered, trying to gather herself together and act more serious. "It's absolutely nothing." She said with a straight face.

Micheal shrugged and went back to play one sided tennis again with the tree.


"Ur Liz?". Max had found himself locked in a this changing rooms with a beautiful woman who was in her lingerie. Liz snapped up and turned around, almost jumping at the presense of Max.

"Max..what are you doing here..I thought you were gone." Liz stammered, feeling her cheeks go arm as Max's eyes checked her lingirie clad body out. Max was seeing her like this for the first time and she had such a beautiful body. When he saw her, his initial body reaction was his erection starting to come to life, again. He twitched a little when he felt himself grow hard.

Her slender tanned legs to her smooth flat stomach and those breasts of hers stared at him, waiting for him to touch them, her curves tempted him to sin by touching them. And he wanted to taste her. All he wanted to do was to rip the bra and panties off and have his way with her.

Liz quickly grabbed a shirt and put it over her, embarressed. "What happened Max?". She asked, when she noticed him staring at her.

"We're locked in the changing rooms." He told her, unable to take his eyes off her.

Liz inhaled deeply as his words settled in her mind. She knew what that meant. Close proxmity with a man who turned her on especially when she was half naked was bound to set off some fireworks. She turned around and buttoned up her blouse. If she stood there any longer, letting him see her like that then there would be more then a kiss and gentle fondling.

Max quickly turned around as he realised he was starting. "Um..sorry Liz." He quickly apologised, silently asking for forgiveness. He shouldn't be thinking of her that way, she was worth more then anything in this world for him. He was going to think of her with pure thoughts.

"It's okay Max.." Liz quickly responded. fumbling with the buttons..damn they took ages to get buttoned up. Her fingers were too shaky as she tried to do her blouse up and was thinking about Max's gaze on her body at the same time. "I can't beleive this has even happened. I don't even have a key." She said.

"I do." Max found himself saying. "I mean for my changing room." God, he could just bang his head on the wall. He was acting so blatant around her. And his erection wasn't helping either, with a huge tent infront of his shorts.

Liz brushed her hair when she finally managed to fix her blouse. " I need my pants." She said, grabbing her jeans and slipping into them. Max occasionally found himself peeking and caught sight of her curvy ass which only added more strain to his penis.

When she was clothed, she turned back and smiled. Max was so cute. " can turn around now." She said grabbing a hair brush to brush her hair and sat down on the bench. "So..I'll brush my hair and finish getting changed then I'll Maria." She suggested. "She has the key."

Max turned around and walked closer to Liz, unable to take this any longer. "Or we can talk." He said, now was the chance to talk to her in private.

"Talk about what?". Liz asked, hoping he wasn't going to bring up the kiss topic again.

Max took the brush off her and brushed her hair for her, she stilled. "I wanted to talk about us."

He parted her hair in two and and used his fingers to feel her hair again which was so soft like before he remember, damp but still had that same wonderful texture which he could never get sick off, ever.

"About the kiss." Liz said softly, knowing what he wanted to talk about already. She wasn't sure of what she wanted, one side of her was telling her to stop her attraction to him because of the pain she might get and the other was begging her to go to him, to be with him because he made her feel a certain way that no other guy had made her feel.

Max began to gently brush one side of her hair. "Yes.." He breathed, scared to take this topic further but it had been eating away at him, making him restless and giving him sleepless nights thinking of her. "I...I'm not sure if just being friends is a good idea. To be honest I don't see you in that way..I see you more as..."

"As a girlfriend?". Liz asked hopefully with her eyes lighting up. Because gosh, if he saw her as a potential girlfriend then she would be given more prerogatives then the whores he had been with but at the same time, the thought of being Max Evans' girlfriend excited her like a scientist finding an amazing discovery.

"Not just as a girlfriend but as a best friend." Max said softly. "You see, I feel like I've known you a long time Liz. And I've never felt like that about anyone before." He told her and he owed thanks to his mother who had gave him the courage to express his feelings to Liz otherwise he would have bottled it all up until it killed him.

Liz's heart sofented at Max's speech. "You really care about me don't you?".

At that moment, she forgot about the dare and him being a player, right now she could only focus on what he was saying and the feel of his hands on her hair, gently brushing.

"I guess I do." He murmmered and leaned forward to press a kiss on the top of her hair, the scent of rasberry filled his nostrils. Such a pleasent fragrance.

Liz turned around and looked at him with sad eyes. He noticed the tears in her eyes. An innate reaction made him brush the tears away. "I'm scared Max." She said. "I'm scared that if we become more then friends..we'd lose our friendship if something bad happened."

He put the brush down and cupped her cheeks, gently using his thumb to caress her rosy soft cheeks which he adored. "I can't predict the future but what I do know is that I'll never be able to forget you and I really need you in my life... angel." He said hoarsly.

"I'll go out with you." Liz answered, staring up right at him. "I wanna be more then just friends too."

"Huh?". Max gasped, did Liz really say that? "Really?". Amazed that she agreed to be more then just friends.

Not another word was said between then and Liz found herself rising from the bench and standing up towards Max. And she pulled his face down to hers for a kiss..

Back outside, Micheal noticed Maria still stand there evidently trying to hide a laughter for so long. He gave up hitting the tennis ball back and forth against the tree and decided to find out what was bothering Maria.

"What's the problem Maria? You seem like you've got something to hide?". He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "I bet you want me."

This time she couldn't hold in the laughter and erupted, laughing her head off startling Micheal. " everything okay?". He asked cautiously. He knew something was up and was a little uneasy to find out exactly why Maria was laughing.

"Micheal! you thought you'd..." Maria laughed harder even thinking about it. "You'd think bringing Max down here would make Liz like him more??". She giggled with her eyes watering.


"Well..." Maria said pulling out the keys and swinging them on her index finger. "Looks like Max will be having a hard time being locked in the room with Liz getting changed!". She snorted after seeing the look of horror on Micheal's face.

"Holy shit!". Micheal gasped, wondering how long Max was in there for. "Shit."

"It's only a matter of time before things happen..." Maria wiggled her eyebrows back at Micheal just as he had done before. Micheal paniked. He did not spy on Maria for the past couple of days just so he could lose his deal with her. Pretending to look lost, he decided to catch Maria off balance.

"If you have the key then why are they coming out of the room?". Micheal pointed in the direction behind Maria and Maria had turned to see giving Micheal the chance to sprint towards her, take her down so he was straddling her knees and then with a swift swoop he took the keys off her.

"Micheal you twerp!". Maria yelled, feeling him on top of her. She was knocked to the ground and had her keys robbed off her by this annoying jerk.

Micheal laughed and got off Maria before sprinting towards the door. "Ha!".

"You bastard! I just had a shower!". Maria screamed, rolling on her knees before getting up. Micheal had literally rugby tackled her to the ground. She wiped the dust of her clothes and ran after Micheal.

Micheal shoved the key in the lock and opened the door. "Hey!". He hollered in the room before jumping in.

Their kiss grew deeper and they became more lost in the moment, needing more, wanting more...

"Hey!". Micheal's voice drew them apart.

Micheal and Maria ran into the room to see Liz and Max in the middle of a kissing session and both of them were shocked. Maria didn't know this was even going to happen and Micheal was bummed that Maria had suceeded in her little plan. Both Liz and Max's lips were swollen and they were slow in taking their hands off each other.

"Hey." Max replied, averting his eyes and Liz blushed.

"Were you guys just kissing?". Micheal asked.


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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 8/26/08 p. 11 Ch 18 & 19

Post by Hunter »

A/N: Had to repost this since everything was restored back to 13th August.

Chpt 18

2 months later..
Fun and Frolics
At the Waterpark..

Stepping out into the shining sun, Liz couldn't contain her smile. They had this whole waterpark to themselves with the exception of Micheal, Maria and Alex being their chaperones but nevertheless, they were alone together at a huge park. The security guards were outside, securing the park and doing their jobs while they all would have fun in here.

Maria joined her soon after wearing a thin swim suit which had two strips of material hugging her breasts. "I can't beleive we're actually doing this." Maria said tonelessly. Micheal was here and who knew what things he would get upto.

"Come on!". Liz giggled, taking Maria's hand and running away from the girl's changing rooms. "We have the whole park to ourselves for a day!".

Grabbing Maria, Liz ran towards the first thing she could find. Unable to contain the excitement that was already giving her a heart attack, Liz climbed up the stairs to the narrow slides with Maria following her. "This is going to be fun!". Liz sqealed, sitting down on top of the slide and Maria sat next next to her.

"Okay...let's go!". Maria said, feigning a smile before the two girls dropped. Midway down the slide, loud music began to boom.

They fell into the water with a splash. Max, Micheal and Alex had gotten into their shorts, Micheal decided to keep a tank top on and Alex wore a cotton shirt. Max had nothing on his chest.

" guys go join the girls." Alex said, taking out the camera. As a very good friend, he accommpanied them to capture these moments on camera and he wasn't interested in splashing alone anyway. This was also a rare opportunity to meet Max Evans, who happened to be Liz's boyfriend.

Max stepped into the water and Liz made her way towards him. "Hey..I heard they have a great wave pool over there." Max said, taking Liz's hand. Seeing Max shirtless was definetly a pleasent surprise to Liz.

"Let's go then." Liz smiled, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek before he lead her towards the wave pool. Maria watched them leave and stepped out of the pool.

"Need anything?". Micheal asked, smirking at her.

"Yeah, actually." Maria answered. "I need to be away from you." She brushed past him and decided to try out some other slides. Alex had recorded the scene and Micheal shrugged.

"Is she always like this?". Micheal asked Alex who was filming him.

"Ah..Maria...maybe she just doesn't like you?". Alex suggested.

"Ah maybe she does." Micheal answered before following wherever Maria was heading.

Liz giggled as Max ran with her in the water. They stopped when the water was around their hips and Max pulled Liz into his arms. He waited so long for this moment. Wrapping arms around each other, they pulled in for a kiss. "I'm so happy when I'm with you." Max told her in between kiss.

"Me too." Liz smiled, enjoying this moment to it's full extent, just about to give him another kiss as promised a huge wall of water came their way and pushed them, causing them to almost fall into the water if Max hadn't caught Liz in time.

Liz held onto Max, as water washed down over them and when their faces were back up in the air again, Liz let out a small laugh. Max's hair was matted onto his head but he looked sexy as hell when the water dripped off his washboard abs. Water dripping down from his face and collected on his manly chin, Liz needed to kiss him again. "You look so sexy right now." Liz admitted, not caring if she was daring. She had to let him know what she thought right now or she'd die keeping it to herself.

"You think so?". Max smiled, devouring her form in her bikini. He was happy that she was wearing a bikini so his eyes could feast on more of her skin.

"I love your torso so much. All those trips to the gym paid off." Liz flirted in a seductive whisper and touching his chest making Max's body hum.

Max pulled her closer to his body. "And I love everything about you." He said before kissing her again.


Maria was on her third slide ride now and this one was a big long twisty slide. She would need to keep her heart in it's place through this ride. Sitting down, she felt the anticipation before she let herself go. Micheal had reached there too and quickly joined her on the slide. This was going to be fun, he thought.

As she was falling down, the wind dried the waterdrops on her face. Maria gasped as she felt a hard body collide into her back from behind.

"Hey Maria!". Micheal hollered, taking hold of her hips as his legs wrapped around her.

"Shit Micheal! What are you doing!?". Maria asked in a mixture of rage, worry and fear. When did he manage to catch up with her so quickly and silently?

"I'm riding with you." He laughed as they took a turn.

"You best not end up on top of me!". Maria warned, worried that his body would be hauled on top of hers when they fell into the water.

"Like before?". Micheal teased, reffering to their one day stand in Washington. Maria's eyes widened and before she could say a word, they were already at the end and fell into the water, Maria turned sidewards about to sheild herself from the splash, causing Micheal to also fall sidewards into the water.

Maria's head went straight down into the water first and water entered her nostrils, mouth and ear holes. She thought she was going to drown. She could see the water above her and the feeling of being trapped underneath the ceiling of water made her think that she was going to die like this.

Struggling, she kicked and turned until she resurfaced again. She felt releif when she realised she had swam back up again.

"Maria!". Micheal called out in shock. He had seen how deep in the water he went and he had doved in to pull her out. "You okay?". He panicked...god if anything happened to her...he could not forgive himself ever.

Turning around, Maria shot him a death stare. "I'm fine..thanks for asking!" She said, annoyed. If he hadn't snuck up on her like that then maybe she wouldn't have almost drowned in the first place.

Micheal breathed out a sigh of releif. Thank god she was okay even if she seemed to be blaming him for what happened.

Later, they joined Liz and Max who were dancing together in the wave pool. Lou Bega's "Mambou number 5" was boooming loudly from the steroes surrounding the wave pool. Liz and Max looked like they were having a great time, swinging each other in the wave pool.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo No 5
One, two , three four, five
everybody in the car so come on let's ride

Maria looked at Micheal and sighed. "So you want to dance with me?". She guessed she was a little too hard on him before and felt a little sorry for being harsh on him when the fault was actually hers.
beerbust like I had last week
I must stay deep 'cause talk is a cheap
I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita
and as I continue you know they're gettin' sweeter

"Yeah sure." Micheal smiled, taking her hand and leading her into the water. "Whoo!". He cried, when the wave of water him them, almost pushing them back.

a little bit of Monica in my life
a little bit of Erica by my side
a little bit of Rita is all I need
a little bit of Tina is what I see
a little bit of Sandra in the sun

Alex smiled and did a close up to film the couples. Micheal lead Maria further into the water and they got into the swing of dancing to the track.

a little bit of Mary all night long
a little bit of Jessica here I am
a little bit of you makes me your man

The rest of the day was spent trying out more water features like the raindance, a gazebo like building which had water sprinkling like crazy from the top as music played. Twirling Liz around, Max brought her to him again and kissed her lips. This felt so romantic, just spending the whole day with her having fun together. He thought he would bust with so much happiness.

Alex was filming them from outside and watched them all dance together with such commitment and excitment. They'd never forget this day, he realised.

A/N: I'm going to use an extract of the movie 'Big momma's house' just to let you know.

The truth shall set you free..
True love's kiss..

Grabbing the bowl of popcorn, Liz waited in anticipation as her boyfriend of two months joined her on the sofa. They had the whole place to themselves today and couldn't wait for the evening to begin. Max sat next to his girlfriend Liz after putting on the DVD. He put his arm around her, a gesture that had happened between them many times before which they had grown to love. Liz snuggled up against him as the movie started.

They were watching "Big Momma's house" which was one of Liz's favourite films and Max had brought it for them to watch. Another reason why Liz loved him so much. He knew everything about her likes and dislikes and valued the information he knew about her. They had gone out for a month and both were already getting used to being more then just friends. Things were progressing so well that both of them didn't remember such a time where they were this happy in their lives before.

The movie began and the pair shared the popcorn while watching the screen. They were into the movie for a good half an hour and a certain part of the movie came up.

The vicar put the microphone near "Big Momma" and said "Are you ready to testify?". To which "Big Momma" first looked around to see people wanting him to get up and replied with a distorted face. "Oh I guess I could say a few words!".
"Go on Big Momma!". Sherie cheered along with everyone.
Martin Lawrence who was dressed up as Big Momma had stood up in front of the people sitting in the church. Everyone wore smiles on their faces. "Come on Big Momma!".
"Oo let's see uh.." "Big Momma looked around the room, trying to figure out the words to say. Starting off with simple words, the people laughed. "Some of secret lives. We don't want people to know the real us. We hide behind our smiles and polite conversations and underneath it all we do a lot of nasty shit." At this, everyone was shocked at "Big Momma's" words.
"Excuse me." Apologised "Big Momma" looking at the Vicar. "I'm so sorry about that....(going to skip) I've lusted in my heart! In my living room! In the hot tub!....Oh and in the back of the alcimino!". Everyone was horrifed and shocked, making noises of dissaproval. "Anyway the point I'm trying to make is..our secrets...they eat away at us."
To which everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Yeah."
"So if we want to be protected hear me now!" Cried "Big Momma"
"We got to confess everything!. Because the truth...shall set you free." "Big Momma" exclaimed. And everyone clapped in appreciation.
"Big Momma" added. "And when the day that happens..oh won't there be happy days?".

The words 'The truth shall set you free' replayed over and over again in Liz's head as the song "Oh happy days" played. She looked at Max with tears in her eyes. How she wanted to tell him the truth which was eating away at her. She hadn't been able to tell anyone of her condition. The guys were doing their things to even notice what she was going through and Maria was too busy with Micheal who apparently were seeing each other now. That day at the waterpark, had changed things dramatically. Liz found herself growing more attracted to Max and her feelings for him were becoming stronger by the minute that it scared her that she could feel so much for someone.

God, he was absolutelty breathtaking, sitting next to her eating popcorn and watching the movia with her. Such sexiness that possessed Liz.

Max laughed at something that happened in the movie and Liz watched how his features changed, from hot to cute. His smile was so beautiful and she loved seeing him smile. This wasn't the right time to tell him about the dare which would spoil his mood completely. Liz was shit at timings. She wanted him to be ready when she would finally tell him the truth and it wasn't the right moment now. She needed guidance and help. Maybe if she pretended wasn't going to consider this a dare anymore. Her relationship with Max was real.

Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to his cheek and Max felt her soft lips against his stubble, causing a lot of chemical reactions to his body. "Liz." He said, turning around and capturing his girlfriend's lips with his own. "What's wrong angel?". He softly asked her, caressing her cheek. He knew when she was upset. He didn't have to look at her that's how much her cared about her.

"I want you." Liz confessed, moving the popcorn bowl aside so she could straddle him. She didn't know what was happening to her, the wetness between her legs had increased giving her a taste of something new, something wild that she had never experienced before. Liz cupped Max's cheek and lifted his head up to kiss him. Max found himself kissing her back and rubbing her back.

"Lizzz." He groaned, feeling her press up to his groin making him hard. He didn't know if he could take anymore of not being able to touch her, feel her, please her.

"Take off your shirt." Liz whispered, wanting to see that handsome muscular torso of his again. Max paused for a moment before taking his shirt off and getting back to kiss Liz.

Max carefully turned so he could lower her down as he towered over her. Liz gasped at the feel of his arousal rubbing against hers in the process. They were in such an intimate position that she didn't know if she could control herself. They were kissing each other with such desire burning them up and then Liz needed more.

Liz slightly raised herself up to take off her top. She had nothing else on except a bra. "Touch me Max." Liz groaned, taking his hand and leading it to her breasts. He felt how hard her nipples went and gasped at reaching the next level in their relationship. Liz suddenly felt she had too much clothes on, this might have been her first time being like this but she needed more.

Max slowely touched those breasts, she was so soft and firm in his hands. He reached for the hook and looked at her eyes for permission. Liz nodded and he unhooked her bra. Taking down the first barrier between them.

Liz took off the bra and Max stared at her in awe. She was so beautiful..."You're so beautiful Liz." He gasped, already cupping at the beautiful breasts displayed to him. Her twin hard peaks showed how turned on she was and Max was amazed that even she could feel the same way...about him.

He got closer and took a nipple in his mouth. Liz groaned, arching up. His hot moist mouth encirlced her hard nipple, sucking her while his other hand kneaded her other breast. Liz latched her mouth onto his neck, sucking in the same manner he was sucking on her. Liz reached down to touch his erection, to see how much he needed her.

When he touched him, he almost jerked, alarmed. He let her touch him for a moment before pulling her hands away. He didn't want to finish this before it had started. He unbuttoned Liz's jeans and slipped his fingers inside her panties. Liz gasped. "What are you doing?".

"Giving you what you want." He whispered before silencing her with a kiss. He wanted to do this for so long now. His fingers brushed her clit and flicked it, he then plunged two fingers inside of her, caressing her inner walls tenderly which toying with her clit with his thumb taking Liz to new heights of pleasure.

"Oh god Max..." She moaned against his mouth. She spread her legs further apart, allowing him better access of her. She had been with guys but none of them had been past her panties and bra. Max was getting full access and he deserved it because he was pleasing her the right way. She didn't know if he had done the same with other women but right now she didn't care. She needed more of this. Her body wanted more.

She was gently rocking her hips against his fingers now, Max shuddered when her juices coated his fingers. "You're so wet for me already beautiful."

Liz shut her eyes and let Max work his magic on her. God...the things he was doing with his fingers....

A knock on the door startled them and imediatly Max removed his fingers from Liz. Both upset at the feel of being empty again. "Shit." Max hissed, pulling back.

"Max open the door!'s me Isabel."

Liz started at the door in horror as she buttoned her jeans up again and Max handed her her bra and top so she could put them back on again. He rushed to the bathroom all of a sudden and Liz straightened her clothes before walking to the door. She opened it to see Max's sister, the one who interrupted them.

"Isabel!". Liz exclaimed, shocked on seeing her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were busy." Liz said but Isabel ignored her and walked in the room. She noticed that "Big momma's house" was playing on the screen and popcorn was scattered on the floor.

"Where's Max?". Isabel cut to the chase without giving a thought about Liz's date with her brother.

Max suddenly emerged out of the bathroom. "Isabel...what's up?". He tried to hide the smile.

"Just to let you know..I'm crashing here for a few days." Isabel said smugly.


Chpt 19

Made for each other,
Matches are made in heaven

"So you actually going to give it a shot with this guy?" asked Yvonne, moving her hand across the brewing mug of expresso.

Liz took of a sip of her creamy latte before settling the mug down. "I guess." Liz admitted. She was happy to be over at Yvonne's place to talk things over about Max. She needed someone to talk to and Yvonne had fullfilled the duties of a good friend by inviting Liz over to her place to talk and was surprised at how Liz was feeling but she was empathetic. "You know..I actually I'm very attracted to Max...really really physically attracted."

"Wow. Oh my god." Yvonne was at loss for words. Never did she think Liz Parker would ever fall for a guy like Max Evans. The witty, strong headed sensible girl she had been inspired by was falling in love with a billionaire playboy actor. It surprised her that someone like Liz would fall in love with someone like Max. But then again, they were spending a lot of time together which obviously cause chemistry to flow.

"His sister's staying over at his place which is going to make it harder considering the fact that Max and I just got physical." At hearing this, Yvonne's eyes widened.

"You lucky dog you!". Yvonne teased. "How far did you guys get?".

Liz's lips curled into a cheeky smile. "Things were begining to heat up and we got lost in the moment.." Liz bit her lip, wondering whether she should continue or not.

"Did you make it to the bedroom?". Yvonne whispered, with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew Liz had never made it to the bedroom with any guy before and this was exciting news because Max Evans was one lucky man if he had gotten beyond with Liz because he'd be the first.

"Actually no. His sister knocked on the door before we could it...and I wasn't sure if I was even ready because I didn't even have protection." Liz answered truthfully, smile fading.

"Maybe he did." Yvonne shrugged and Liz gave her a funny look just before sipping on her latte.

"What makes you say that?". Liz asked, curious, feeling her heart beat faster at the thought of Max being ready if they ever did go beyond..kissing and gentle touching...

"He's a playboy. He's done it before." Yvonne reminded Liz. "So he's obviously experienced."

"Oh yeah." Liz's voice was toneless. She might have started to be attracted to Max but she wasn't exactly a fan of his parading around and sleeping with other women.

" what are you going to do now, I mean where is this gunna take you guys?".

Liz paused and thought about it. She hadn't had time to think about that. Isabel's sudden arrival would cause strain on them and their little sex escapades which Liz liked to call it. The girl was a nightmare and Liz hadn't taken a liking to her at all. It would be a total disaster if she had walked in on them while they were getting down to business. "I guess we'll be still going out as a couple. Ain't no bitchy sister of Max's will stop us from being together." Liz said, determined to stand her ground. Isabel wasn't going to be the cause of them staying apart.

"Whoo go girl...I am loving that attitude." Yvonne cheered.

"I am just scared." Liz admitted.

"Of what?".

Liz brushed her hair aside. "I don't know how to tell Max the truth or when should I tell him the truth about me making him fall in love with me was a dare in the start."

"Liz." Yvonne set her mug down and reached out for her friend's hand. "You know this is something more then a dare right?".

Liz nodded and Yvonne continued. "Then it's no longer a dare. No matter what people think or say. You're in this relationship for real sweetie."

After moments of realization, Liz nodded. "Yeah..I mean I care about Max and I'm falling in love with basically I'm not lying right?".

Yvonne shook her head no. "No Liz, you're not lying. You can tell Max eventually what this was but if he loves you the way you love him, I'm sure you'll guys will be together for a very long time...heck maybe you'll grow old together."

Liz laughed at Yvonne's statement with her.

Liz smiled and she had felt good talking to Yvonne, she needed someone to talk to and Yvonne had filled in. She was ever so gratefull for Yvonne being there for her.

"Thanks Yvonne, for listening to me." Liz told her. "I really needed to talk to someone and you were there."

"Hey..what are friends for." Yvonne replied, smiling at Liz. "I'll be here when you need to talk."

"Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?". Liz asked, wanting to return the favour. For months she had bottled up all her emotions and hadn't had time to write in her journal. Releif was what Liz felt right now. Atleast someone knew how she felt about Max and the stupid dare. Someone who wouldn't laugh at her or mock her.

Yvonne put her empty mug down and looked carefully at Liz. "Actually there is something I need to talk about too."

Max watched his sister as she moved across the guest bedroom trying to rip her clothes out from the suitcase and shove them in the wardrobe. He had offered to help but she didn't want his hands anywhere near her stuff. So what if she wasn't there, she knew something had happened beyond Max's control and was about to get more further if she hadn't arrived but Isabel was happy that she had broken the moment between him and his friend Liz or presumably girlfriend. She heard the news, he boasted about it to his parents and everyone else.

So she decided to spend the summer here, so she'd get to know Liz more and they were around the same age so it would be easier too. Isabel took out a red silk dress and threw it on a hanger before shoving it in the wardrobe. "What's going on with you and Liz then?". Isabel asked, breaking the awkward silence between her and her brother.

Max rubbed his eyes and then proceeded to answer his younger sister's question. "We're together." Came the simple reply.

"Yes..I know that.." Isabel said going back to her suitcase which was dumped on her bed and took out a few boxes which had her most valuable possession in. Her jewelry. She took them to her wardrobe and put them in the compartment inside. "I was simply wondering how serious are you guys?".

"Uhhh..." Max croaked, unsure of how to respond to that. Things between Liz and himself were begining to progress at a rapid rate now. It wasn't exactly twenty four hours ago that he had been between her legs, touching her, caressing her and making her feel good..and not only that..he saw her naked from the top. Things happened happened them, taking them to the next step in their relationship. It amazed Max that he finally found the one, the woman who'd do wonders on his heart and work him like that. "It's going pretty good..I think she's the one Iz...she's the one for me and I really her." His voice softened. He loves Liz, the thought of that had still shocked him to the core and had him on a chokehold.

Isabel stiffened. Her brother said the word 'love' which he rarely used. Now she was aware of his past with women, never, not at one point was the word 'love' mentioned before. This Liz had really had affected her brother so much, it made her curious to know what Liz had that the other women in Max's life lacked.

" love her?". Isabel gasped, shocked. She refused to turn around and see her brother's face, afraid to see the hope shining in his eyes.

"More then myself and anything else in the world." Max answered truthfully and then he smiled. "I haven't told her that yet but I'm going to...when I propose to her."

Now Isabel spun around with an incredulous look on her face. Things were changing fast, too fast. "You're going to propose to her?".

"Yes. The idea is perfect. I'm going to propose to her." Max smiled warmly.

"But you...are you sure you're not rushing into things? I mean marriage is a big thing can't just jump into something like that!!!." Isabel hissed, unable to beleive her brother.

"I know that." Max said softely. "But I've thought about it for quite some time now and there's nothing more that I need then me and Liz being together. I really need her in my life and I want to make her happy."

"So that's it ring and you think everything will go the way you want?". Isabel asked her brother. What if this Liz wasn't right for him? What if she broke his heart and then being in a marriage when that happened would cause a lot of damage to her brother. She feared if that happened, love would die for him. Ignorance is no bliss.

"I've spend a lot of time with her Iz." Max reminded his sister, not liking the way she was reacting. "And I'm pretty sure that me and Liz are a match made in heaven." Max decided to end the topic before getting up and leaving the room, not wanting to be bothered by his sister anymore on the topic of Liz.

Isabel huffed at her brother's departure. "Match made in heaven?". She mocked. Before her brother did anything stupid, she would have to see if he and Liz were really made for each other.

And she'd start soon.

Last edited by Hunter on Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 8/27/08 p. 12 Ch 20

Post by Hunter »

Thank you guys for your fb!!

Alysluv- Hey!! so happy you found my story!! Hope you get your answers in the next parts!! Thanks for the feedback!! :D

begonia9508 (x2)- Eve! Yes you're right but things will unfold eventually..don't worry the truth shall come out at one point...thanks for your fb!

Lena7- Lena! Thanks so much for being here!! You're awesome!! Hope you enjoy the next part.

cocogurl - yes Isabel isn't call the ice queen for no reason lol :lol: Thanks so much and you're also one damn good writer..I need more of your story "Love and War on Antar"!!! hope you enjoy this part too. :D

keepsmiling7 - Aww lol..thanks for the fb..don't worry..there's some thing that need to happen before things go down. :D

sarammlover (x2) -thanks for your feedback sara!! means so much to me you being here!!

jake17 - Hey Carrie!! I can't beleive Isabel interrupted that hot moment between Max and Liz too :x lol, don't worry the two lovers will have their time. :D Thanks for the sweet fb!! :D

A/N; I was going to post this yesterday but had to repost my last two updates so I'm posting the new update today. Enjoy!!

Chpt 20

Double Trouble,
Tess arrives...

Liz sighed as she shut the door behind Isabel. The girl would constantly hang around whenever she had the chance and Liz had to even put on a good show to tolerate her. She had a feeling Isabel was digging for dirt and Liz was no fool to let that happen. And she had no reason to think she was playing her brother Max because she wasn't. Well atleast for herself. She didn't care what other's thought because she was falling in love with Max and it was starting to show.

Liz decided to put on the kettle and pour herself some mocha. She needed a good dose of caffiene right now. Her shoulders were hurting and she needed a good massage right now then an idea popped into her head. She'd call for Max and have him around here where they could get upto a lot of naughty stuff. The thought was appetising. Maybe it would be better then her mocha. Just as soon she began to head for the phone in the entrance, the door opened and a familiar blonde walked in, taking Liz off balance.

"Tess..." Liz whispered, really shell shocked to see the blonde here who wore a devilish grin.

It felt good to be back.

Liz poured her cousin Tess some mocha in a mug and handed it to her. She was still shaky. She wasn't expecting to see Tess here. Tess was her rebelling cousin who always got upto no good. People would be surprised that she was her cousin, with those really pale blue eyes in contrast to Liz's deep dark brown ones and Tess's beach blonde hair..Liz wasn't even sure if that was her real hair color even was very different to Liz's straight smooth sleek dark brown hair, no one would ever guess that they were cousins. Tess was the daughter of Liz's mother's cousin who was like a sister to her mother. They had grown up together and thought it would be a good idea if Liz and Tess grow up together too.

Of course Liz grew up being the sensible one, the most considerate and logical one while Tess ended up being the reckless, stupid and annoying one. Liz couldn't wait to rid of her when they parted ways at graduation in high school. It was bad enough being the cousin of a whore. She slept with everyone. Even Liz's ex, Sean Deluca.

"So's things been?". Tess asked coyly, taking the mocha to her lips.

"Great." Liz muttered. She wasn't keen on having her cousin here. Tess had also gotten in trouble with the law so many times before that Liz feared having her name tainted by allowing Tess to stay with her. "What about for you?...sleeping with other people's boyfriends as usual?". Liz asked. She wasn't scared of the beach blonde playboy bunny.

" could say that." Tess purred. "I'm everybody's babe."

Liz made a scrunched up face in disgust at Tess. "Ew...after all these years and you still do that shit."

Tess tried not to laugh as she gulped down the mocha. "Relax Liz..I was joking." Tess said. "Ain't you lost your virginity yet?..after all these years..." Tess tried to turn the tables around.

"Not all of us are shameless enough to lose our virginity to faceless men." Liz cut in, almost seething with anger. She would have loved to punch Tess right now, but she couldn't be bothered to waste her energy on her.

"Whoa chill Liz...and for your information I remember who I lost my virginity to." Tess replied with a chuckle. "Eric Johnson, football goalie of our old high school while in freshman year."

"You probably wound up in the field goal while trying to get lucky with the players." Liz snorted. "I'm not surprised you remember him, it's not like you know good men anyway. Only stupid fools would be happy to have you."

"Hey..." Tess protested. "Don't be jealous because I've been laid more time then you've ever been kissed." Tess laughed.

Liz growled. She and Tess grew up arguing over things too. They were mortal enemies. Never got along and Liz knew it probably would take more then a miracle for them to even get on with each other. "I've actually had real boyfriends Tess and been in long term relationships longer then you've had countless number of sex with different men in the same week."

"Ouch!". Tess feighened a look of hurt. "I'm really offened by that."

"It's true." Liz folded her arms. "You're nothing but a whore who will never get the joy of experiencing a long term relationship full of love and promises of fidelity."

"And I suppose you have?". Tess snorted. "I'm surprised he's still with you...I'm assuming you haven't slept with him yet."

"All in due time." Liz said. "Atleast when we....make will be beautiful and one the the most cherished moments for both of us. Not some stupid animal gratification full of disease of lust."

There was an awkward silence. Tess was amused and Liz was annoyed. They had a weird relationship, Liz would try to tolerate Tess and Tess would constantly annoy Liz finding it funny. Liz was only being polite because she had felt sorry for Tess. It wasn't like the girl had anywhere else to stay unless she slept with some guy but Liz didn't want to initiate her cousin's sleeping around in her city. Hell no.

"What are you doing here?." Liz asked, wondering why Tess was here.

Their hatred would never stop by the looks of it.

"I need to get away from the hassle." Tess said, taking another sip of the mocha. "So basically this is my vacation."

Liz wanted to laugh. If Tess was going to spend the rest of the summer here with her then it was going to be a shitty summer and not to mention she had to keep Tess away from her friends and most importantly Max. Tess had a knack for sleeping with the men she was involved with. Sean was her last boyfriend who Tess took pride in fucking. Liz did not want history to repeat itself.

"Vacation my ass." Liz said. "You're not welcome to my life. I don't ever remember inviting you over in the first place so you can walk out through that door when you're finished with that mocha."

"Actually Liz.." Tess smiled. "Your parents invited me to stay with them during the summer. And they're about to walk through that door any minute now." Tess let Liz know.

The door opened and in walked Liz's parents. "Hey Liz!". Jeff smiled at his daughter when he spotted her sitting at the counter with Tess.

Liz stood there shocked, Tess staying here was bound to cause trouble.

And lots of it.


Diamonds and Pearls
Panic at the jewelry store

"Maxwell! What the hell are we doing here?!", Micheal asked loudly while following Max into the jewelers which was unusual for the both of them and Micheal knew they weren't here to buy some bling. It was something else and it bothered him.

"I need your help." Max said, walking towards the counter and looking down at the glass compartment where thousands of beautiful diamond carat rings were nesled in rows. From big chunky rings to the finest thin cut ones. Max's eyes roamed from gold, white gold and platinum.

Micheal realised what Max was looking at and then it hit him. Why Max dragged him to the jewelers store all of a sudden. "You're thinking of marrying her aren't you?". Micheal gasped, gobsmacked. He knew Max was so happy with Liz and knew Max always wanted a wedding and a family but he didn't know why this shocked him today.

Max was going to propose to Liz. "Yes. I'm thinking of asking her to marry me..." Max murmmered as he looked at the certain box of rings. The smartly dressed guy approached them. "Max Evans?". He asked, already recognising Max.

"Yeah I ordered a collection from Dubai, the desinger is Aaliyah?" Max asked, pointing at the box of the most beautiful rings. He had already rang up some contacts and managed to import a set of beautiful rings from a designer who was from Dubai.

"Yes, we have the exclusive Aaliyah designs for you." The man said proudly. "Straight from the gold market in Dubai."

At hearing this, Micheal's jaw dropped. The Aaliyah designs were the most beautiful and the most expensive desgins on the world and to have it shipped from Dubai meant that Max was really serious. There was no way he was wasting so much time and money just for nothing.

The man turned around and opened a glass compartment fitted into the wall and took out a navy velvet box and then shut the compartment and turned back to Max, placing the box on the glass and opening it. When he opened it, Max's breath was taken away by the beautiful gemstone rings that glowed as soon as light hit them.

"Wow..they're...they're..." Max was amazed by the sight.

Micheal decided to have a look and was also stuck with wonder. "Holy crap!! This is fucking beautiful!!". Micheal exclaimed loudly, causing other rich folks in the jewelers to turn around and give him annoyed looks. "Maxwell!! Chicks love this stuff!!...She's going to go crazy when she sees one of those!". Micheal exclaimed, taking another look at the rings.

"These are Aaliyah's latest designs. You're lucky you're actually seeing them." The man reminded them, grinning. "Maybe I should buy my wife another..." He pondered to himself.

Max's eyes roamed across the selection of the rings and he found it hard to pick one. He had to choose something that reminded him of Liz and something that she would love. He cherished every fact about her and never forgot a single detail about her.

Then he spotted the one ring that captured his attention the most. It was a platinum ring with a garnet carved rose in the middle followed by small cut diamond and garnet around the top half of the ring. It was beautiful. "I''ll have that one..with the red rose." Max said, pointing at the ring in general.

The man took out an empty small ring box and with a cloth took the ring out that Max had selected and placed it in the smaller box.

"Maxwell...she's going to love that." Micheal said, feeling a little jealous since he couldn't afford something as pricey as that for Maria. He was seeing the girl now, he was still trying to get his head around the fact that they were dating and pleasing Maria would make him happy too.

"Thanks Micheal." Max said, sensing his friend's emotion. "I actually need to chose an engagement ring now.." Max said.

"Hey guys!". Danielle Davis smiled as she spotted her friend Max Evans with Micheal at the jewelers. She hadn't expected to see them there.

Max and Micheal turned around to see the tall dark haired female standing right behind them. "This is the last place I'd expect to find you here." She said, looking directly at Max with her greenish hazel eyes.

"Danielle." Max acknowledged, giving her a breif smile. "How's it going?".

"Is this the lucky girl?". The guy at the counter intterupted, noticing how stunning this model was.

"Lucky girl?". Danielle repeated and then looked at Max for an answer. " there something you want to tell me?". She asked playfully and then noticed a box of rings behind Max. "You're picking out engagement rings." She stated in a blunt tone. "Whooo..Max Evans finally found a girl."

"So what are you doing here?". Micheal intervened, trying to divert the attention away from Max and back to Danielle.

"Oh I was just here to pick up a pearl necklace set for my mother. It's her birthday in less then a week." She answered, flicking her black hair back.

"Well...I was just buying some rings." Max shrugged. He didn't want this to be out in the open, not yet. Danielle was his friend but the things they did in the media industry..he couldn't really risk this.

"Oh so you're getting married?". Danielle assumed.

Silence grew and then Micheal forced a laugh and Max followed on. "Married..please..the guy's rather interested in owning some exclusive collection." Micheal laughed, patting Max on the back who laughed uneasily.

"Yeah. I suppose." Max coughed.

"Miss Davis." A woman from behind the counter greeted her. "Here's your order". She handed her the gift bag which had the box of the pearl necklace set which Danielle received with a smile.

"Thank you." Danielle replied

" was nice seeing you." Max said politely.

"You too Max." Danielle said and then hesitated before leaning in to give Max an unexpected kiss on the cheek. "Whoever the girl is, tell her she's the luckiest girl on the planet to own Max Evan's heart." Danielle said before leaving. "See you Micheal."


Max was surprised at Danielle's move. "Whoo." Micheal said. "We can't hide this for so long..eventually everyone will know you're taken now."

"I don't really care." Max said dreamily thinking about Liz. "I'm happy I am taken by Liz."

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) 9/2/08 p. 13 Ch 21

Post by Hunter »

Thanks guys for the fb!!

begonia9508- Yes is is dreamer insured!! Thanks Eve! :mrgreen:

veronica- Thanks!! Tess will try her best to ruin Liz's life..Hope you enjoy the next part too!

Natalie36- There has to be a Tess so we can realise how strong Max and Liz's rshp is lol :lol:

keepsmiling7- :lol: Max does have a good taste in jewelry selection lol. Thanks for leaving fb!!

sarammlover- Hey Sara!! Tess' appearence will bring lots of trouble starting from this update. Thanks!.

Lena7- Yes the plot thickens! Thanks for being here!! Means so much to me Lena. :D

Cocogurl- Oh Cocogurl!! I'm still waiting for an update on your story lol!! I kept re reading it and I love it so much!! Thanks for the awesome fb!! Max Evans is sweet lol!! And yes..who wouldn't wanna be in Liz's shoes lol!! I don't like Tess neither. Thanks so much!! :D

francesca- Thank you!! :)

I hope you guys enjoy the next part !


Chpt 21

No Exit

She walked fast as she could, trying to flee the scene with haste. "Liz wait up!!". Tess called after her, trying to catch up with the brunette who was clearly not interested in letting her accompany her.

"Fucking leave me alone Tess." Liz hollered over her shoulder, trying to escape the pixie blonde that was unfortunatly her cousin. She knew this would happen, if the chance came up for Tess to annoy her then Tess would jump at it. It looked like a cat and mouse chase down the sidewalk. People turned to watch Liz being chased by a vicious blonde.

Tess on the other hand wasn't going to give up. She wanted to see what Liz was upto, where she hung out and who she met. She didn't come to chicago for nothing. " can't stop me from following you." Tess shot back, ignoring the dirty looks of bystanders in the streets.

Liz spun around, facing her cousin. "Tess what part of no don't you understand?" Liz asked angrily. "You fuck things up, so fuck off and stay out of my business." Liz warned and Tess opened her mouth to protest then all of a sudden, a big black van pulled out of nowhere, the door opened and an arm slid around Liz's waist, grabbing her into the van. Liz let out a small scream before she found herself pulled into the van and the door slid shut and the driver drove off.

"Shit!". Liz gasped, turning around to see her friends. "You fucking scared me." Lewis put Liz down on a seat and took off his scully hat.

"So how was it?". He grinned. "The getaway from your evil blonde stepsister?".

"For the record she is not my stepsister." Liz corrected. "And you guys nearly gave me a heart attack." She braced herself, holding a hand to her chest and tried to catch her breath. "It's not everyday you get kidnapped into a big black van."

Maria smiled and turned around from the passenger seat. "Hey Liz..thought I'd get the guys to save you." She smiled. Liz had called her before to complain about Tess and Maria thought it would be amusing to kidnap Liz away from Tess.

"So it was your idea." Liz arched an eyebrow, about to laugh. "I thought you were busy with Micheal these days."

"Yeah..but I get the feeling him and Max are upto a lot these days. Micheal doesn't share any info about what he and Max get upto." Maria shrugged.

Kyle who was driving the van, took a glimpse at Maria and smiled. "Girl I still can't beleive you are dating Micheal for real." He sniggered.

"As long as Maria's not sharing our little secret about the dare." Jesse chimed in from next to Yvonne in the back. Liz looked at Jesse and remembered what Yvonne had told her that day. She kind of felt bad for Yvonne.

"Liz may date Max as a joke but I'm not going to betray my best friend." Maria shrugged. She hadn't noticed how serious Max and Liz were with each other now.

"But I still don't understand why you're seeing Micheal, Maria." Alex decided to join in. "When Max finds out the truth..Micheal may not want to see you anymore."

"He has a point." Yvonne agreed. Liz kept silent, trying to think of what to say. It wasn't a joke to her anymore.

"So what." Jesse shook the matter off. "A player needs to get what he deserves. Just like everyone else does."

Yvonne looked at Jesse. "I think you're being too obsessed with this thing Jesse." She said in a low tone.

"I think I'm right Yvonne." Jesse answered assertively. "Max Evans needs to get his fair share of sorrow too."

"And who are you to decide that?". Liz suddently asked, clenching her fists with anger. The way they talked about her boyfriend as if he was some sort of criminal made her angry. Especially Jesse who acted as if it was okay to hurt someone elses feelings.

"Liz...getting on the defensive are we?". Kyle teased, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

"Shut up Kyle. Just focus on the road." Liz warned.

"Okay..message received." Kyle answered quietly, not saying another word.

"Liz are you okay?". Maria asked, worried about her friend.

"Yes I'm fine." Liz answered breezily.

"Guys I think this is getting out of hand." Yvonne decided to speak up. "Everytime we meet up, ya'll always talk about Max Evans and how he is some sort of a bad guy. Can't we just spend the time together like before that dare came up?" Yvonne shrugged.

"No." Jesse shook his head.

Kyle had driven into the parking lot and parked the car just outside the chinese place they were going to. The doors opened and they all stepped out.

"Why not Jesse?". Liz asked, facing him. "Why can't you drop the topic of Max Evans?".

"Because you don't know Max Evans Liz!". Jesse raised his voice for the first time. "He's such a prick." Jesse argued. "But how will you know? You're too busy swooning over his good looks." Jesse shot back and towered over Liz. "If you knew who he really'd hate him." He said in a deadly cold tone.

"Oh I know him alright." Liz answered back. "And he's not that bad guy you make him out to be like Jesse."

" now you're in love with this what this is meet that player..fall in love with him when all you are to him is just another notch on his belt!". Jesse screamed at Liz and then Liz punched him.

Jesse staggered back and cradled his face where Liz punched him so hard. She had used so much force to deleiver that mighty punch.

"Don't ever call me that." Liz warned, using the same deadly tone as him.

"Oh my god Liz!". Maria shrieked, unable to beleive the scene playing out right before her eyes.

"You hit me?". Jesse gasped at Liz, shocked. "You hit me Liz?". Tears welled up in Jesse's eyes.

Alex decided to step in. "Listen guys..please don't continue this scene out in public. It's embaressing."

"I'm outta here." Jesse said and decided to walk away.

"Jesse..Jesse!". Maria tried calling after him and then looked at Liz in disbeleif. "I cannot beleive you did that Liz."

"Hey..let it go Maria." Yvonne said and pulled Liz into a hug. She was proud of what Liz did, finally standing up to what she beleived in even if it meant punching Jesse, she knew what Liz did was right.

And from across the parking lot, watched Isabel with her mouth wide open....

She couldn't beleive this...


When Liz finally returned home, she was tired and too upset to deal with anything else. "Hey mom.." She said as soon as she got home and when she saw a certain face in the living room, Liz's heart almost stopped. "Isabel.." Liz gasped in shock. What was Isabel doing here? At her place with her mother?

And how was Liz going to explain to her parents on how she was going out with a multi millionaire actor?

And worst of was Liz going to explain to Isabel about her real parents?

"Hey sweetie." Nancy greeted her daughter but this time the greeting was different, she was discreet and had no smile on her lips..well not a genuine one anyway. Liz's suspected that something was up and she wasn't sure if she wanted to find out.

"Hey Liz." Isabel greeted, putting on a fake smile.

"You friend Isabel stopped by." Liz's mother told her. Nancy shot a glance at Liz before brushing past her, leaving her to deal with Isabel alone.

Liz's tried to keep her lips together but trembled. "Isabel."

"Liz." Isabel straightened her posture. "I beleive we have a lot to talk about."


When Liz and Isabel were done talking in Liz's bedroom, Isabel left the building in haste and Liz hovered around the entrance hall as if she was lost. Nancy came back to notice her daughter was in a trance like state just like a catatonic. "Liz..what was that all about?".

Liz wearily lifted her eyes up to seek her mother's. "Huh?". She muttered, dumbfounded.

"That girl Isabel Evans." Nancy folded her arms. "I thought I told you not to mix with the wrong crowd Liz." Nancy said in a tight voice.

"She's just.." Liz began but Nancy cut her off.

"Let me guess..She just happens to be the sister of your boyfriend who happens to be a rich actor who loves to bed faceless women all the time". Nancy cried causing Liz to wince as she raised her voice. "Now I taught you better then that Liz..not to fall for men who would never fall for you."

"Max isn't like that..Max cares about me.." Liz tried to reason, tried to justify the reason of being with Max to her mother.

"Shut up Liz." Nancy snapped. "Don't force me to tell you how to run your life because I expect you to make the right decisions for yourself. Now I'm not going to tell you to leave him...but I will not support your decision to ruin your life either." Nancy pointed her index finger at Liz.

"What do you mean mom?". Liz whispered, already coming out of her trance. The conversation with Isabel didn't go so well either.

"You got yourself in a sticky situation Liz." Nancy rested her left hand on her hip. "Now..I'd never beleive you'd make up lies to date lied to Max about your parents. Shelley and David Parker?". Nancy raised an eyebrow and Liz blushed in embaressment. "Now how are you going to explain to your player of a boyfriend when he walks here the next time he wants to see you and sees us..your real parents. Are you going to lie and tell him that me and your father are your aunt and uncle!". Nancy shouted, stepping forward towards Liz.

"No mom." Liz gasped, getting frightened of her mother. "Of course not."

"Then what are you going to say Liz?". Nancy challenged. "Because you can get into a lot of trouble messing with the Evans." Nancy continued. "Don't forget that Max Evans' father is a lawyer who can and probably will take legal action against you." Nancy reminded Liz. "You'd think you'd get away with this but you need to start behaving like an adult Liz. Otherwise you'll stay retarded forever."

"Mom..I can handle the situation." Liz raised her head to face her mother. She hated this. She hated being scolded by her mother and she really hated it when her mother looked down on her. "I'll fix this."

"How Liz? How?". Nancy asked, unable to beleive she was seeing this day.

"I'll tell him everything. I'll pick the right moment." Liz reasoned.

"Right moment? Liz..honey I think you should stop seeing Max all together and find a man who realises what you're worth." Nancy said softly, calming down.

"No mom." Liz shook her head in defiance. "I cannot do that. Max means so much to me and I think he's the one."

A year ago Liz would never see Max as being her soulmate but now when she had spent time with him and had gotten to know him was different. She loved him that's for sure. She loved everything about him which wasn't printed in the newspapers and she guessed the truth wasn't so interesting to the gossip hungry crowd known as the media. They made shit up to hide the actual truth and Liz felt like she was really seeing for Max for who he was.

"'s your head." Nancy muttered before turning around. "You better find a way to save yourself." She hollered over her shoulder and walked into the room, shutting the door behind her.

Liz had to find a way but she had to pick the right moment to reveal everything to Max. She couldn't lose him too soon. And there was no way out of this mess either, there was no exit.
