Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 12 8/25/08(COMPLETE)

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 10 6/25/08

Post by jake17 »

dreamer19: hi sweetie! love that I can make you laugh kristin! :wink:
dreamsatnight: Chelle! come back we all miss your stories!! thanks so much for being here! :D
paper; Chaos is definitely about to ensure paper!! :lol: thanks so much!
angelina: Hi you!! thanks so much for the sweet fb!! hope you enjoy this part! :D
begonia9508: HI Eve!! thanks so much for being here!! :D
Natalie36: So happy I make you laugh Natalie! thank you! :D
roswell3053: I know we all care about max and liz ending up together..but its me remember? :wink: thanks so much!!
sarammlover: Hi Sara!! yes this is Mayhem!! hope you like this next part! thanks so much for being here!! :D
forever dreamer; ooooh Rachael... having Max govelling shirtless to Liz is an awesome idea!! I love your mind!! :wink: thanks so much for the fb sweetie! :D
believer_Evans: Jack would cause all the trouble ..its what he's good at! :wink: thanks so much!! :D
ythaler: Yatie!! I LOVE MY GIFT!!! How sweet are you!! I was so happy when I saw the flowers!! :D just made my day!! thank you!!! :D
Destiny Dreamer: thanks so much for your fb! So happy your here! :D
IheartMax: Hi seashell! :D oH I had to pull Tom into this!! I just had too!! love that I made you laugh!! thanks so much for everything sweetie real life angel! :wink:
clash868: Wow Your comments were so incredibly sweet!! and mean so much! thank you so much!!! Im so worried about you though! please know that I"m thinking of you and hoping that you are ok! :)
Keepsmiling7: thanks for the bump! hope you enjoy!! :D
destinyc: Thanks so much for your fb! happy to see you here!! :D

Chapter 11.

Charlie stood on the kitchen table smiling nervously.

He giggled as he scanned the room looking at all the people and all the different range of emotions.

His shaky voice struggled to impersonate a tone of authority.

Charlie looked towards Max first. He seemed to be the one who was suffering the most.

Max had slid down onto the floor. His hands were grasping his tousled black hair in frustration and total disbelief.

“O-Okay I think the first thing we need to do is to get organized.”

Max pulled one hand down to reveal one tired angered eye.

Cupid pulled some ‘hello my name is’ stickers from his sack and a bright red marker.

“Ok now …I seem to be having trouble with identifying all of you… so I have a great idea!”

Charlie’s eyes were wide with excitement as he nodded around room at everyone.

He was quite proud of himself as he stepped over Stan and wrote in big letters MAX.

He stuck it over the front pocket of Max’s dress shirt and smiled widely.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

Angie glanced over at Max and whispered through gritted teeth.

“Max! Watch your language! He’s from …

She pointed up to the sky and giving him the you're talking to loud in church look.

Max just stared off into the distance shaking his head.

Next was Liz. Charlie held out the sticker and moved it all around turning bright red. The negligee left little room for the big yellow sticker.

“Try it and die you winged freak!”

“Ok well I guess it's just fine if you hold your sticker.”

He backed away and right into Angie. Who was smiling ear to ear thinking that cupid had done all of this to bring her together with Max.

“It’s Angela” she said eagerly waiting for her sticker.

Trish held her finger up in the air to protest.

“Actually no one calls you Angela… write Angie cupid boy”

Cupid crossed out Angela and began to write Angie when Kathy chimed in.

“If you want to be totally accurate everyone calls her Ang”

“Well not everyone” Heidi interrupted.

“Hmm since you seemed to be giving it away maybe I’ll be calling you to my bed tonight legs”


“Seriously why does everyone keep yelling at me!! I was only joking!! Geez would I really hit on another woman with my girlfriend in the room?”

Dead silence fell over the apartment as all eyes rolled in Jack’s direction.

Loosing his collar Jack strolled over to the fridge and took a beer out and cooled his brow.

He redirected the attention back over to cupid as he choked out his next words.

“Hey weren’t you in the middle of something secretary midget?’

“Yes I was”

Charlie raised an eyes brow as he slapped “Jack” onto his collar. He didn’t approve of his ways with woman and he was determined to change all that. Which led him right to the brown haired beauty Kristin.

She stood with her arms folded and her brows furrowed doing her best to analyze the situation.

“Is Kris ok?”

“If you must put one of those things on me it’s Kristin not Kris”


Charlie lightly attached the sticker to the bottom of her shirt and quickly moved on to the tall brooding handsome man that stood in the corner just staring at the floor,

Charlie tugged on his sleeve breaking him out of his broken hearted daze.

“So you must be Tom”

“Ya think!”

“Yep! You’re Tom!”

Quickly plastering Tom’s identification on his belt Charlie resumed his place back on the table.

“Okay now that I know exactly who all of you …

“Wait just a second!”

Trish held her hand up as if she was in class.

“What about us? Don’t we get to wear a cool name tag?”


Max was now pacing the floor unable to look at either Liz or his best friend…or Tom for that matter.

Trish stepped back and took the beer bottle from Jack’s hand and took a long sip.

Charlie cleared his throat as he began to proceed.

“Ok first I need Angela . I mean Angie- I mean An-

“Oh my god what is wrong with you! Ang please go over to him!”

Max was now wringing his hands together as Angie made her way over to Charlie dreamingly gazing at Max the whole way.

“Ok this is how it's going to work. I’m going to call each of you in the bedroom on at a time until we fix all this.”

Charlie flew up into the air and held his hand towards the opened door smiling warmly at Angie.

As they disappeared into the bedroom shutting the door behind them Tom swung around at everyone.

Will someone please tell me what is going on here!”

“I will!”

“No no no Jack. Not you!” The three nurses promptly pulled Jack into the kitchen and away from trembling Tom.

Tom’s eyes were full of pain and confusion as he directed his attention to Max.

“I trusted you! I respected your friendship with her and I never interfered! How could you do this Max! I love her!”

I love you too Tom!!!”

All eyes flew to the opened bedroom door as Angie opened her arms and ran into her fiancée’s arms.

“Awwww!” The three nurses cried out in unison as they passed a bottle of wine back and forth they had found left over from their romantic dinner.

Suddenly Stan started to come to and stumbled to his feet.

“Charlie! Oh my god !!”

Stan looked around at all the people who were forbidden to lay eyes on them and began to panic.

He ran over to Charlie and started pulling him towards the door.

No! It’s working Stan. Look Angie’s cured!”

Stanley ignored him. All he could do was concentrate on the consequences of his insane actions.

“No!! Stanley wait I’m not done!”

“Oh yes you ar-



Everyone stood in shock as Jack held the cast iron frying pan in his hand.

“What?! I did a good thing right? Chuck said he wasn’t done. Someone had to step in a and do something! It’s not my fault I’m the only one man enough to do it!”

“Is he dead?”

Heidi stood over him with her hand up to her mouth.

“Heidi he’s an angel he can’t die”

Kathy slammed the wine bottle down on the counter and ran over to him.

“How do you know angels can’t die? Exactly how many have you known Heidi?”

“He’s fine…he’s fine. Now where were we. Oh yeah who’s next Charles?”

Charlie looked over at Liz and Max who were standing at different ends of the room looking very unhappy.

“Max? Will you come with me?”

Max quickly looked over at Charlie and glanced at Liz.

“Come on Max! You were so close! Get this over with so you can finally get a piece of that fine ass!”

Everyone’s mouth dropped except for Jack’s who was too busy holding his head in pain.

It was now Kristin who was wielding the frying pan around.

What is wrong with you!”

“What?! He loves her! It’s all good! Max you love her right?”

The silence was deafening as all eyes fell on Max.

Liz’s swollen red eyes slowly lifted to meet his sincere sensitive amber sweet gaze.

“With all my heart”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 11 8/3/08

Post by jake17 »

All my responses to the fb from chpt 11 are lost .. I will come back and redo it when I get a chance.
thank you everyone for such amazing fbs!! :)

Chapter 12.

The silence was deafening except for a muffled sniffling sound coming from the corner of the room.

Everyone except for Max and Liz searched around to see where the noise was coming from.

"Jack? Is that you? Are you crying?"

Jack turned around suddenly and started rubbing his eyes.

"Fuck no! It's these damn contacts! Come on Kris let's get the hell out of here. This is turning into a freaking sappy episode of Oprah."

He quickly ushered Kristin down the hall and disappeared.

"I didn't know Jack wore contacts?"

"He doesn't Trish… come on let's give them some privacy"

Kathy grabbed Heidi's hand and the three nurses left Max's apartment glaring curiously at Charlie on their way out.

Charlie blushed overhearing the girls talk about how it all made sense now. That they were the luckiest nurses in the world to have their very own Cupid directing their love life.

Tom and Angie were snuggling in the corner when suddenly it became very apparent to them that everyone had left.

Angie whispered to Charlie not wanting to disturb the obvious intense exchange of looks that were going on between Max and Liz.

"Hey cupid? Do you think they're going to be ok? I mean do you have to do some arrow magic on them or something?"

Charlie raised his eyes brows and shrugged his shoulders unsure of what he should do.

Just then Max spoke shocking everyone. Without breaking his gaze with Liz he calming began to speak.

"I don't mean to be rude but I need to be alone with Liz right now. Would every mind giving us some privacy?"

Angie quickly grabbed Tom's wrist and pulled him out the door.

"We're already gone Max."

Before she completely disappeared Angie bend down to Charlie's surprise and kissed him on the cheek.

"It was nice to meet you Cupid and even though you completely messed with my heart for a little while it's nice to know you really do exist. "

She then whispered in his ear something that made Charlie's heart burst with pride.

"You're welcome Angie. Your angels are all around you guiding you and protecting you. You can't see them …but I can. Now go be happy"

Angie smiled and kissed Tom pulling him further down the hall till they disappeared from sight.

Their faint conversation could be heard in the distance.

"So Ang what did you whisper to him?"

"I thanked him for giving me you"

"I think we should move the wedding date up… how do you feel about Vegas?"

"What?! When?"


Squeals of happiness faded off as a quiet whisper of "Yes!" drifted into the air.

Back in Max's apartment Charlie shifted uncomfortably back and forth on his little feet.

Now Max and Liz were holding hands and drifting closer together.

"Umm Excuse me but I think we has some unfinished business to attend to. I just need a few minutes with you both and I'll be on my merry little way."



Max let go of Liz and stormed towards Charlie backing him up towards the door.

"Max please it's ok … he didn't mean any harm...I understand what happened. I understand...really!"

"Liz I'm not taking any chances he needs to go"

Charlie's eyes grew very wide noticing the muscles that flexed in Max's strong arms as he grabbed him by one of his wings and pulled him out into the hallway.

"Umm STAN! Stanley! Wake up! Stanley it's time to leave!"

"Yeah Stanley time to go!"

A very groggy Stanley slowly opened his eyes as he was lifted up by his feathers and tossed out the door.

"W-What'sss going on… did you fix everything Charlie?"

"Yes he did great! Fixed us all! We're all better! Now you and your colleague here can go back up to heaven or where ever it is that you two reside and leave us alone now."

"Max! Be nice!"

Max looked back at Liz and smiled

"Don't worry Liz I am. I just have to say a few words to our little matchmaker before he goes."

Max bent down and grabbed Charlie by his tiny shoulders and lifted him up to meet his darkened angry eyes.

"Now listen buddy if I see one hair on your little head …if as much as the tinniest feather comes across my path heavens going to have one less angel working in their love department. Do we have an understanding?"

Charlie gave Max a big nervous smile and shook his head rapidly up and down.

"You'll never see me again. I promise! My hand up to god!"

Stanley glared at Charlie wishing that looks were really able to kill.


Swiftly the door slammed leaving two breathless and very scared cherubs in a daze.

Once inside again Max ran up to Liz and scooped her up in his arms.

"Max! Wait what are you doing?"

"What I've wanted to do since I first laid eyes on you Liz"

Her face flushed with anticipation and joy as he gently laid her down on his bed.

Quickly shedding their clothes their lips met in a passionate kiss that left them both in a drunken fog.

"I love you Liz! I've loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you! Somewhere in my heart I knew that you were the one. That I was meant to spend the rest of my life with you"

Liz looked up at him with watery dazed astonishment.

"What are you saying Max?"

"I'm asking you to marry me. Elizabeth Parker will you be my wife?"


Tears fell from her eyes as she took his lips for another fiery kiss.

Pulling away from her and smiled glowing from an intense joy that he had never felt before.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes Max yes! Of course! I love you!!"

"There just one thing I have to ask you to do first Max"

"What's that baby"

"Can you make love to me? I seriously don't think I can wait another second"

And that's just what he did.

As the loud moans of ecstasy floated through the walls of the apartment Stanley struggled against Charlie's hand that was resting firmly over his mouth.


Slowly Charlie lowered his bow and raised one side of his mouth in victory.

He glared at Stanley out of the corner of his eye and whispered softly.

"Can you feel it Stanley! Love is in the air and it's a beautiful thing! Now let's go home my job here is finally done."

Stanley shook his head and laughed.


"Yeah Stan?"

"Nevermind...let's go home"

For a split second Stanley considered firing the crazy little guy but he came to a realization that changed his mind. For all the mishaps blunders and total disasters Charlie had created no angel came close to possessing his huge innocent beautiful heart.

Certainly no cherub was more passionate about the true meaning of love than Charlie. He was one dedicated little cupid and in a strange wonderful way the world was lucky to have him.

~ The end ~

Oh and just in case you're wondering … :wink:

After a short engagement Max and Liz did end up getting married. It was a huge wedding with most of the hospital staff in attendance.

Jack was the best Man and Angie the Maid of honor. Kristin and the three nurses happily stood beside them as bridesmaids.

And as the Priest spoke the words "I know pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride" Max could swear he noticed far in the distance little white wings flapping with everyone's applause.

After placing a sweet tender kiss on her lips he pulled Liz close and whispered in her ear.

"Mrs. Evan's I think someone came to wish us luck."

Squinting hard an enthusiastic little cupid named Charlie came into Liz's view.

"Oh my god Max… look! He's wearing glasses!!!"

Max breathed a sigh of relief as he laughed and kissed the top of her head whispering aloud...

"Thank you god!"

Just then a deep loving voice whispered back down from the heavens.

"You're welcome"

~ ok now this is really the end ~ :wink:

Oh and Angie thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my angel ...I'd truly be lost without you! :wink:
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare