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Post by Athenea »

FaithfulAngel24 wrote: What is this Survivor? Is there a chance I could be getting voted off.

...this was too funny

OOc I hope this is okay with everyone, if not just let me know


"Look at them, Ava. They all look weak and pathetic, do ya really think they could resist doin' it if we decided to use force? We'll ask, like my brother wants us to and then, we'll take alternate measures if necessary." Lonnie says and for not the first time the thought hits me that I’m glad Lonnie’s on our side because I definitely would never want to be against her. But her words do bring a comfort, if Lonnie thinks we could take them if we had to them that give me strength too. “Let’s get this show on the road." She says after giving Rath a kiss that would make anybody blush.

I turned towards the door, might as well get this over with, I think as I start to ascend the staircase to meet the other set of us. I try and hide my nervousness but I’m sure it shows.
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Post by DaisyMae24 »


I listened silently as Maria babbled about missing her show and Michael complained about meeting to talk about a star that croaked. Isabel is silent too as she listens to Maria.

Suddenly I hear and noise and look towards the stairs to see a girl that looks exactly like me descending the steps, followed by three more people. 'What is going on?' I think to myself as I move closer to Max. "Uh Max. We got company!"
Last edited by DaisyMae24 on Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Max is officially going insane. Freaking out over the death of a star? It is just a star. Not a planet. A star. And Maria is giving me death stares over here. Am I the only sane one left? What did I do?

"And what exactly is the next challenge, Maxwell?" I ask, my tone slightly sarcastic, but more aggravated. "Stopping the sun from exploding?"

Meanwhile, Maria is still glaring at me, giving me that look...

Oh, damnitt. I forgot to do something. I just don't know what I forgot.
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Post by Athenea »


Serena watched as the penny spun around and around on its own accord. The ends of her dress dragging the floor as she kneeled, her bare feet not even feeling the cold hard floor underneath them. The others had tried to get her to wear shoes but shoes made too much noise and they didn’t seem to understand that. Every once in a while Ava could convince her to wear her old ballet slippers, thinking that was better than having nothing to protect her feet, but today Serena wouldn’t let anyone near her.

She could feel the tension in the air, the uncertainty, it radiated off of all of them. Being bored with that game she moved on to look around at her new surroundings. Her alien eyes picking up on things the others couldn’t see. It was as if Serena saw everything through a rainbow with people’s auras radiating from there very souls.

Sometimes it was hard for Serena to focus on the here and now, she saw the past, present and future constantly. Sometimes her mind would be sucked into another time and place, where she was once a slave that suffered horrible experiments that messed with her mind, it was like being tortured all over again and she would try to hurt herself in an effort to make the memories stop.

The fact was, Serena didn’t know who she was anymore and sometimes would escape into the chaos of her own mind in an effort to try and figure it out. This is when they would worry about her even more so than when she would try to hurt herself, when she would go into a chaotic state and would just stare off into space as if she wasn’t aware of anything anymore, she knew they feared that one day she wouldn’t come back, but she had to go.

Serena wondered around the UFO Center looking at all the exhibits but none of them caught her interest, her eyes wondered up and when she spotted the air duct system she smiled. She climbed gracefully onto of some storage boxes and lift the hatch that led to the air ducts and easily pulled herself up.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"And what exactly is the next challenge, Maxwell?" Michael questions, the distain dripping from his voice. "Stopping the sun from exploding?"

Oh,I hope not. Keeping the sun from blowing up would be like really hard ,and I was hoping to spend the evening with my favorite men.
Ben and Jerry. Oh yeah.

Tess scoots closer to Max. An odd look washes over her face as she states, "Uh Max. We got company!"

I turn to see what has her spooked. The sight before me is baffling.
Four people decend the stairs making their way toward us. They walk together moving in one fluid motion. The truly remarkable thing is they look just like Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess.

Well, not exactly like them. Instinctively I move closer to Michael.

"What? Who? What?" I mumble to the oncoming gang. :D
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this is okay Athenea, I'll be having her join the others shortly


"Liz...can you wait a moment...?"

I turn round, tapping my foot impatiently as I stop and face my dad. I've been trying to get out of the diner for over fifteen minutes now, the meeting having started about five minutes ago, but everytime I start to head out, something comes up.

First of all, it was my dad who left me alone behind the counter and didn't come back when he was supposed to. Next when I tried to go get changed, he needed me to seat some new customers, a sudden rush seemily having come in. And now, when I'm ready to go, dad wants me for something again it seems...

I sigh and shake my head mentally. I'm half tempted to just say blow the meeting and forget about it, but then what if it is something important? Whatever has or hasn't happened between Max and I, whether we're together or not, Alex, Maria and I have all been through too much to just forget about the others. Like it or not, I'm involved with them, and I don't imagine I'll ever be able to say that I'm not...

It would be easier to just forget about them of course, but I know I can't do that... Whether Max believes it or not at the moment, everything I've done, I've done for him, for my family and friends, to keep them safe. I forfeit my happiness for their safety, and as much as it hurts every day to see him and know we can't be together, I wouldn't do anything different. I can't put my happiness before the safety of others...I just can't...

"Honey are you okay...?"

I look round, realising that dad seems to have been talking to me and nod. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." I try to reassure him although I'm not sure how convincing I am in this.

"Are you sure, you look so sad sweetheart, do you want to talk about it...?"

I shake my head. "No!" I respond perhaps a little too quickly. Talking won't help, I don't know if anything will... Every day, I walk around knowing how much I hurt him, and trying to hide my true feelings all the while...

I blink and look back at dad, taking a breath and trying to give him a smile, however weak. "I-I'm fine dad...what was it you were wanting...?"
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by nickimlow »


"How are we going to talk the other Second into helping Serena?" Ava asked, a question I had thought over countless times.

But it was my sister who answered. "Look at them, Ava. They all look weak and pathetic, do ya really think they could resist doin' it if we decided to use force? We'll ask, like my brother wants us to and then, we'll take alternate measures if necessary."

She was right. But I was apprehensive about resorting to alternative measures at any point, though Vilondra seemed to be wishing that it would happen. Our doubles were just like ourselves with the same powers. Just because they didn't appear tough didn't mean that they weren't. To try anything would probably make them distrust us more, making it even harder to get help for Serena.

"Let's get this show on the road," Vilondra said before turning to Raith. I turned my face away.

Ava was the first to move. I was grateful to her in ways she would never know. I was grateful that she was so supportive, that she was sincere in trying to get Serena to recover- I was quite sure Vilondra felt differently.

We walked down together, putting on a confident show. With any luck, that confidence would be able to help us somehow.

As we drew nearer, the doubles and their friends pulled into a closer group. I took the lead and went in front, coming face-to-face with my duplicate, who looked surprised but at the same time ready to use his powers to protect the rest. "If you're thinking we're shapeshifters, think again," I said before introducing ourselves, because if I were confronted by someone who looked exactly like myself and I knew I had no twin, that would have been my first thought. "Now, the name's Zan and I'm - we're - here on business."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: Maria's babbling thoughts. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. If you want me to change it I will.


This punked out version of Max strolls in front of the group examing us all carefully. He gives me the wiggins! He looks so much like Max. Well if he'd been living in trash can. I'll have to remember to appoligize to Michael for all my "poorly bathed" cracks because they bring a whole new meaning to the term.

Although I got to say, Tess's evil twin (I'm guessing that's what she is. In soap opreas ; they always have an evil twin who impersonates them) comes in behind him. Ohhh I love her hair! The pink is awesome. I wonder what I'd look like with pink hair. Okay Maria focus. These are obviously some kind of imposter aliens.

"If you're thinking we're shapeshifters, think again," Max's counter part spouts displaying an truly New York accent.

"Now, the name's Zan and I'm - we're - here on business."
he continues. I can't help but associate him with a aggrevated mob boss. He looks tired and a little annoyed.

He shifts slightly to the side revealing a new development.

Ahhhh! It's Michael's twin! Hmmm. Michael's twin looks good. I mean a little dingy ,but nothing a good scrub down wouldn't fix.

Okay I know this is gonna make me a bad person , but I just keep hearing that spearment jingle play over and over in my head.

Double the pleasure; Double the fun

Stop it Maria. I scold myself. These are the bad guys, Ahh but bad never looked sooo good. :wink:
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Post by isabelle »


I watch as the four strangers come into the UFO Center. Four strangers who look very strange indeed, with outlandish clothes and rediculous hair, but beneath all that, they're wearing our faces. Me, Isabel, Michael and Tess.

The others all move closer together and I take a half step forward. I don't even stop to wonder how they got in here when the place is supposed to be closed. I'm sure they're shape-shifters or Skins and I immediately start gathering power, ready to throw up a shield to protect my friends at a moment's notice.

"If you're thinking we're shapeshifters, think again," the one who looks lke me says, but he offers no other explanation. Still, even mentioning shape-shifters confirms that this is something extra-terrestial, whatever it is.

"Now, the name's Zan and I'm - we're - here on business," he says.

Zan. Why does that name sound so ... familiar? It's nothing I've ever heard before and yet, I feel like I have. Like the Vilondra Project that Congressman Whitaker was part of, it feels like something I should know, but it's just a bit too far for me to grasp.

I don't bother to introduce myself. I have other priorities. I take another step forward, keeping myself between these strangers and my friends. "What kind of business? What do you want?" I demand.
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Post by Athenea »


"Now, the name's Zan and I'm - we're - here on business," Zan says confidently which makes me feel a little better about this whole situation. If he can be his usual cocky self with a possible threat standing but a few feet away from him then the least I can do is show a little backbone.

"What kind of business? What do you want?" the other Zan says. It seems that they are more alike than just there looks. I decide to cut in just in case Zan was to get aggravated at not being the only “king” in the room and we really don't have time for an alien showdown, we loose more of Serena everyday.

“We need to speak to your Second in Command,” I say looking around for the girl who might be her but the only other girl bedside’s Lonnie and my dupe is a blonde girl who seems to be giving Raith “the look.”

“Yo! Blondie! Are you the Second?” I holler to the girl who just figured out I was speaking to her.
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