On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 65 - Completed: 12/18/2019

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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 40 - 09/30/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So it takes a glass of bourbon to absorb his daughter's date......
Beth knows that if her memory hasn't returned by now, bit probably won't come back.
Max is willing to create new memories with Beth......and it looks like they have started just that!
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 40 - 09/30/2019

Post by Superman86 »

:) :D :D Love the strong chemistry, still between Max and Liz. Hope they don't get interrupted. They both need each other, well passed due 14years. So happy to see them together.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 40 - 09/30/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Hopefully alien chaos will not happen so Max and Beth can have this night together.
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 41 - 10/02/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

“I am surprised your brother allowed me to see you home?” Finn asked as he and Elizabeth walked up the street where the Guerin house was located. They had taken the bus from the park because it was late, and Finn promised Jake that they wouldn’t walk home. The musical had been a very big success and Elizabeth was forced to admit Stephanie Hudson was the right choice for the role of Maria. Jake had offered to share the limousine with the two, but Grace convinced him to allow Finn to see his sister home, and they all knew Elizabeth had to be home by her curfew otherwise there would be no second date.

“It is Grace’s influence,” Elizabeth commented. “I am amazed myself but then Jake knows he can trust you… or at least me” she said with a laugh which also got one from Finn. “I do want to thank you for a great night.”

“My pleasure,” Finn said as they stopped walking in front of the Guerin house. It was five minutes before the curfew ran out, and so they felt they were on safe ground. He saw a curtain rattle and so did Elizabeth who only smiled because she didn’t know which one of her parents it would be. “Maybe we can do it another time, without your brother to chaperone.”

“I would love to,” Elizabeth said. “I think Jake knows he can trust you… or at least you have Grace’s approval which holds a lot of water with him.”

“It matters whether Grace approves?” Finn asked.

“Sure,” Elizabeth smiled. “She’s my best friend and Jake listens to her, more than our parents.”

“Doesn’t it bother you how close your families are?” Finn asked as it was known around school how close the Evan and Guerin families were.

“No because that is how it always been and I can’t think of life without our families being there for us,” Elizabeth smiled. “I better go in before Dad comes out,” she laughed. “I don’t think either of us want that after such a wonderful night”

“I had a great time so good night Elizabeth” Finn smiled as they leaned in for a simple kiss as he quickly broke it off and smiled once more before walking away. Elizabeth could only smile as she stood there. She was surprised by how much she liked Finn. She didn’t think she was into the dating scene at school and had watched in amusement over Grace’s romantic issues, and now she was falling for someone.

Turning around she stiffened when she saw her mother on the porch. “I wasn’t late…”

“I know,” Maria smiled. “I see you had a good time with Finn tonight,” she asked as she had to physically prevent Michael from coming out and she was glad he didn’t. She knew now that their daughter was growing up and now going to be doing more than any other teenage girl her age would want to do, which was date.

“It was a lot of fun,” Elizabeth said. “He wants to see me again.”

“Do you want to?” Maria asked.

“I think so,” Elizabeth said. “We’ll probably talk about it more on Monday at school. If that is okay with you and Dad.”

“We can talk about it tomorrow, as it’s late and you probably should be getting to bed”

“Thanks Mom,” Elizabeth said as she passed her mother and walked into the house. Sighing Maria glanced into the darkness of the night as a few minutes later Michael came out and Maria simply smiled.

“Our little girl is growing up?” Maria asked.

“Unfortunately,” Michael gritted through his teeth. “Let’s go in, as Jake has a key and I don’t expect him home yet.”

“I know,” Maria sighed as she thought of her other worry that night, but she knew to call it a night, and walked in holding Michael’s hand and they turned off the downstairs lights while leaving the porch light on, and they walked up to bed together.


“Thank you for agreeing to tonight,” Grace asked as they sat on the porch of the Evans house as Jake had sent off the limousine, and now he sat and talked with Grace. She knew she should be going in as the lights were on and so she knew one of her grandparents would be up to see that she got home alright. But she didn’t want to bust up the night yet.

“It wasn’t hard to if I got to spend it with you,” Jake smiled. “I am amazed your grandfather isn’t out here counting down the clock.”

“They trust you,” Grace commented.

“I doubt it,” Jake smiled. “Afterall I am a boy and went out with their granddaughter. They might know me, but all bets are off within the family.”

Grace burst out laughing at Jake’s thinking and knew there was cause for it but then she wasn’t about to think about it tonight. “They aren’t like that. Dad after all let me go out with you without a fuss, and he’s a little more freaked out about me dating…”

“He had other pressing matters which your grandparents don’t have,” Jake commented because he knew Grace couldn’t help but think and wonder how her parent’s night was going, “I would have gone anywhere with you Grace, so the fact we spent it as a school play was just icing on the cake.”

“Well I appreciate it,” Grace sighed as she appreciated how the night wasn’t to cold as it was now April. Time was flying. “Hard to believe graduation is going to be around the corner for you… I am going to miss you next year.”

“You don’t have to miss me yet, as I don’t know where I am going” Jake lied which was part truth. He still hadn’t decided about school in the fall. He hated not being able to share his ideas with Grace but knew she would be upset when she heard so he was trending water until the time came where he had to be honest with himself and with Grace.

“Are you sure,” Grace asked. “Everyone and their brother know their plans for next year if they are a senior. I am surprised you haven’t heard…”

“Let’s not talk about it okay,” Jake asked as he didn’t relish having to keep the lies going. “It’s a bummer of a subject.”

“What aren’t you telling me,” Grace asked a tuned to the odd change in Jake’s behaviour at the subject of university in the fall.

“You should go in,” Jake said as he suddenly wanted to get home and not having to deal with what the future held for them both. “We can talk tomorrow… I do know your grandparents will want to know you’re safe.”

“Jake,” Grace asked.

“Go,” Jake smiled as he stood up as he checked the clock and saw that it was late. “I better be going home, to make sure Elizabeth made it home.”

“I guess,” Grace murmured as she didn’t know why Jake was suddenly so secretive and not wanting to talk about his university plans for the following year but knew it was getting late and she did need to get in. “Call me tomorrow or I will since I don’t know what time I will be heading home.”

“Right,” Jake said as he leaned down to Grace in her wheelchair and gave her a sweet kiss, which she returned. “Good night, sleep tight”

“You too,” Grace nodded as she watched Jake head off as the door opened and she saw her grandfather watching, sighing but amused. “Grandpa.”

“Fun night,” Phillip Evans asked as he didn’t relish knowing his eldest granddaughter was growing up and had a love life, they would all have to worry about. He might trust Jake Guerin but still Grace was his granddaughter and he didn’t want anyone hurting her…

“Yes,” Grace commented as she went up the ramp that now decorated the doorway, and she slid into the house. “Are my sisters in bed?”

“Yes, and your Grandmother wanted you to know we’re planning a breakfast before your mother comes to pick them up to take them to the airport.”

“Good,” Grace nodded as she saw the pull-out sofa bed, all made up for her. She hated not being able to go up the stairs to the room she was so familiar with when she came to spend time with her grandparents. “If you want to turn in?”

“Do you need any help?” Phillip asked referring to his granddaughter’s wheelchair.

“I can handle it, I swear Grandpa I am doing great and I am an old hand at this now…” Grace assured her grandfather as she knew she could handle getting into bed, as she saw her bag next to the couch.

“If you say so, then good night sweetheart,” Phillip said as he leaned in to give his granddaughter a kiss on the forehead and he headed upstairs to join his wife in bed while Grace just stayed in her chair for a moment and wondered where the future was headed…


A few hours later Beth looked over at Max asleep in master bedroom and she didn’t know what had possessed to do what she had done. She didn’t regret it as it was magnificent and wild and totally unbelievable, she mused to herself, but she knew that this did nothing to help their situation and, in some ways, it might have hurt things because she was leaving. The best sex of her life, or of the life she could remember, didn’t change things she told herself as she thought of how incredible it was to have been with Max the previous night, and now it was the next morning and she knew she had to stop this…

Sliding out of bed, walking to the bathroom she soon was dressed and walking downstairs while Max remained in bed, asleep. She saw her dress on the floor and remembered the night activities. “God why…” she murmured. “Why did I do this to myself, and to Max” she whispered into the quiet downstairs.

Telling herself that she was stupid, she took the dress back upstairs and she quietly put it in her suitcase and quickly finished packing.

Walking downstairs again, she sat down and wrote a letter to Max…

Moments later she picked her stuff up and put her bags in the taxi she called to go over to the Evans home.

Max heard the door slam shut, as his eyes opened, and he looked over and saw that Beth was gone…

And knew she wasn’t just gone from the room but gone… gone…

Getting out of bed, he saw her suitcase gone and knew that she had left. Putting his robe on, as he walked downstairs, he saw an envelope leaning up on the table by the door.

Picking it up, she saw it was in Liz’s handwriting… Beth’s handwriting he told himself.

Taking the note and walked into the living room and sat down and read it.

Dear Max…

I know I am a coward for leaving like this, but I knew it does neither of us any favors for you to watch us walk away. Last night was incredible, and I don’t regret it, but I can’t stay. You know it as much as I do. I need time and you need to time to figure it all out and hopefully to end the threat against the family not only for the girl’s sake but for yourself too.

Know I have never experienced anything like I have experienced, and you have opened my eyes to a world I couldn’t have imagined, and I do know I am risking more than I know at this time. I am sorry if it seems I am running, but it is better this way…

I will make sure you stay in Alexandra and Carrie’s lives, and I will be part of Grace or as much as she allows me to be, but for right now…

I need to figure out what life is best for me… So, I hope you understand…

Thank you, Max, for being who you are… You will never know how much I appreciate all you have done for me and for the girls.


She is running Max thought. What else is new he also mused to himself. Beth might not remember her prior life as Liz, but this is Liz to a tee he sighed as he flashed back to those early days and how Liz had run to Florida and then later to boarding school. He may have asked her to officially go due to whatever threat they faced, but she chose to go, and especially in the light of day after such an incredible encounter.

He knew he shouldn’t be surprised, and he wasn’t, but then he was at the same time.

Going upstairs, he got dressed and stewed further on the fact he had lost the best thing in his life, and he didn’t know if she was ever going to come back to him and maybe he was better trying to move on.

Without Beth or Liz in his life. Because he couldn’t live through the pain… of having hope… not again as he had too much of on the line to let it all roll on something that wasn’t going to happen, and so if Beth was sure about this than he would deal with it and move on, even if it meant they weren’t going to have another chance at that miracle.


“I’ll call” Beth was telling Grace as she watched as the drive loaded the bags into the trunk of the taxi that that waited outside the Evans house. It had been a few hours earlier when Grace and the twins had woken up early and had a nice breakfast with their grandparents as Phillip and Diane relished the experience, but it would be all too short when Beth arrived to pick up Alexandra and Carrie.

“I know,” Grace sighed as she prepared to watch her mother walk out of her life, maybe for good. “I get why you’re going but I do hope you do come back…”

“I don’t know what I will do,” Beth sighed. “Maybe when you’re feeling better and have your mobility back, you can come to Madison and check it out over your summer break. Yale is there, and we could always go for a visit, alone or the twins will love the opportunity.”

“I saw it remember,” Grace murmured as she thought of the weekend rebellion that started this whole mess rolling. “It is a beautiful campus,” she allowed with a snappy tone. “Any kid would love to go there…”

“Right,” Beth said as she was reminded of why she found out she had another kid. “If you wanted to, well, I could make some arrangements so that you can meet professors and get a true tour of the campus… and you would have a place to stay if were to go to Yale when it comes time for university.”

“If you don’t come back,” Grace asked as she wondered if she needed to get used to the reality that might have her mother choosing her other life and she would have to get used to the reality that would make her from a broken home instead of a product of the greatest tragic love out there…

“I can’t know what the future holds,” Beth murmured as she knew she was disappointing Grace and maybe even herself, but it was something that needed to be done because the last few weeks have been overwhelming.

“But it sounds as you might know what you’ve decided, and that just maybe you won’t be coming back, to me or to Dad?” Grace asked as she glared at her mother who she only came to know. “If you want me to consider Yale when it’s comes time…”

“I promise you that I haven’t made any decisions. I just need to go back. My patients need me, and the girls need their finish their year… I wish things could be different Grace,” Beth sighed as she looked up at Phillip and Diane who only nodded as they watched out of concern for their granddaughter. “But for now, well, this is how it needs to be, and your father agrees, and he understands.”

‘I somehow doubt it,” Grace said as she nodded because somehow, she knew her father wouldn’t be okay with this as much as he had to be adult and accept it because she knew her father. “But I understand you feel you need to do this…” she sighed. “We’ll be here if you want to come back…”

Beth nodded. “Girls it’s time,” she told the twins who nodded as they hugged their grandparents and then their older sister who smiled. “Call me if you need help with homework or just need to talk. Alex if you need help with science or math, I am game” Grace smiled, and Alexandra nodded and while Carrie said her good-byes to their sister, Alexandra walked and got into the taxi. “Make sure your sister has fun, okay because she can’t spend all her time with her nose in the books” she asked of Carrie who laughed because Grace was one to talk and they both knew it. “But both of you if you want to have fun, you better be careful.”

“Thanks to you and Dad, we now know why we do so I promise” Carrie nodded as she hugged Grace again and then got in the car, while Beth smiled.

“It’s not fair but I understand,” Grace murmured as Beth nodded and got into the taxi and waited for the taxi to drive off and let out a deep breath at the unknown and turned and spotted her grandparents from her chair.

“Honey, are you okay?” Diane asked her granddaughter as Grace sat in her chair, and watched the taxi turn off the street as she turned back to face her and wheeled up the ramp Phillip had built onto the front porch. “We’re here for you…”

“I am fine Grandma, truly” Grace sighed as she was getting ready to roll back into the house when she saw her father’s car come roaring into the driveway. Turning and watching the car stop and park, and sadly, as he opened the door, and stepped out, she blurted out…

“Dad, you just missed them, as they just left…” Grace said.

“I know,” Max said. “I saw the taxi as I came around the corner” Max sighed as he focused on his daughter, and ignoring the reality of how he missed out on his wife and daughters leaving him… and leaving Grace behind “How are you doing?” he asked as he came in for a hug with the daughter he had left. The one who had always been with him, since the beginning.

“I have had better mornings,” Grace admitted and saw the heaviness in her father’s expression and knew her worries were warranted about the spell her mother had her father under yet again, and this time he might not be as successful overcoming the pain. “So, how are you doing?”

“I have had better mornings,” Max admitted as he looked up at his parents who were frowning at the sight of their son as they saw the same heavy toll on Max, and knew they didn’t like what they were seeing “Mom, Dad… good morning…”

“Max,” Diane said relieved to see her son at least in one piece and hoped he stayed that way… and yet she saw the tension within her son and didn’t know how he would handle it as it was true grief that she saw him in the beginning after losing Liz the first time, but now more rougher, and more anger at life and it surprised her as Max wasn’t one to be angry at life despite the obstacles. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine Mom,” Max sighed as he thought of what he was losing out on yet though he still had a lot and he wasn’t about to give up on what did have over a dream that wasn’t meant to be…

“Maybe she’ll come back…” Diane asked hopefully…

“I am not counting on it,” Max sighed as he knew if Beth could walk away after the night they shared even if it was at his request than maybe they weren’t meant to be… and he would need to get used to a life that didn’t include his soulmate but then he figured that he learned over the last fourteen years to do it, so why couldn’t he do it again? he mused to himself as he tried to keep his spirits high for his daughter’s sake; the one child who he had in his custody. Grace matters more than my love life

“You really think that,” Grace asked appalled even if she had the same suspicious. “That she might not come back…”

“Yeah,” Max said. “Anyways there isn’t anything I can do about it. It’s all on her,” he said, and Grace knew her father was miffed about something as he looked down at his daughter and knew anger wasn’t going to help anything if he was to be there for his daughter, and then a sudden desire came to him “I am thinking of getting out of a here for a few days. Since you can do your homework from anywhere, do you want to come?”

“Where,” Grace asked shocked because it wasn’t like her father to want to leave town. In fact, they barely had left Roswell until her ill-advised trip to Connecticut, and for his father… the cabin was the farthest they had gone for over the years, and now he was wanting to travel What did Mom do to Dad? she wondered. This is not my father!

“The cabin at least for now. IF that poses too much difficulty than somewhere else because I feel the need to get out of Roswell for a while,” Max muttered as he warmed to the idea of getting away for a few days because he dreaded going home and moving on with life within Beth in his home and looking into those eyes and seeing Liz Which is what I guess Beth worries about but I can’t stop not seeing Liz when I look into those gorgeous eyes. “Dad, you can deal with the office, can’t you?” Max asked. “I know it would be a lot of responsibility on you because I don’t know how long we will be gone.”

Phillip was shocked. It wasn’t like his son to run from his problems and yet he knew what his son had just potentially lost from his life and knew he needed time, so he wasn’t about to balk at it. “Sure, you have no cases in court, right?”

“Nope, not for a week or so… and if I do, I am sure you can get continuances in them because none are in the trial phase.” Max murmured as he thought of Beth on the way to the airport and knew he needed space and to spend time with Grace. “I think this is what we need to get over the last few weeks.”

“If you think so,” Phillip agreed. “We’ll make sure the house is cared for…”

“Thanks for the offer but I need to stop by Maria and Michael’s anyways and pick up the key so I’ll fill them in and see if they can keep an eye on things while we’re gone…” Max murmured as he focused on Grace again. “Do you need help collecting your stuff?”

“Sure,” Grace nodded as they maneuvered into the house as Phillip and Diane stayed outside for a moment. “That is not our son…”

“Nope,” Phillip asked and wondered if Beth took the man their son had been with her when she left Roswell… and they couldn’t help but ask themselves if they would get back the same man if she never came back.


“Are you okay Mom,” Alexandra asked as she and her mother were sitting and waited for their flight as Carrie was off looking for the bathroom and getting a snack for the plane for herself and her sister. Beth hadn’t talked much in the taxi or as they were checking for their flight. “You seem different.”

“Just tired,” Beth murmured. “But it’s all good sweetheart. I will be happy when we’re back home.”

“Will we?” Alexandra asked a little wearily at her mother as if she didn’t believe her mother. “I mean I miss home, but still it’s nothing like we’ve experienced here in Roswell.”

“Life will get back to normal,” Beth murmured to try to convince herself because she wasn’t so sure she believed those words she was telling her daughter. Sighing she smiled, “Once we’re back to normal, and back to our own homes than it will be normal”

“If you say so,” Alexandra murmured as if she didn’t believe her mother because her mother didn’t look like she was excited to be going home to their old life as Carrie soon came back, and moments later their flight was called.

Walking down the gate pathway, they disappeared into the plane.

And a half hour later the plane took off… on route for Connecticut while Max and Grace were packing and were working on driving away their feelings, as they got on the road after dropping by the Guerin house to pick up the spare cabin key as Max couldn’t find her own copy as Maria was left stupefied at why Max was running, but both he and Grace needed to try to forget everything that happened over the last few weeks or he did. Running worked for Liz at one time, so why couldn’t it work for me?

“You are seriously running” Maria asked of Max as Jake took time to talk to Grace in the den because none of them expected what they heard when Grace and her father stopped by the house and filled them in, and Maria needed time to talk some sense into her long-time friend but knew from his face, it was going to be losing battle.

“I am not running. I need to get away. I can’t deal with this right now, and Grace needs to recover” Max lied because he fully knew he was trying to run from his problems, but he wasn’t about to admit it. “You can keep an eye on the house, right?”

“It seems to me she’s doing pretty okay with her recovery,” Maria asked as she saw the hollowness in her friend’s eyes and knew Max wasn’t not taking Beth’s departure well. She was surprised as it had been Max’s decision for her to go. And yet she couldn’t help but ask what had happened to bring them this starkly different Max. “But of course, I can, or we can. It will give the kids something to do.”

“Still she could use some time away from Roswell and since she can study from anywhere… Including the cabin, well, I figure I need the time…”

“Will we see you again anytime soon? Maria asked as she saw the look that she didn’t like in Max’s eyes. A look that she didn’t even see back when they originally lost Liz, but she saw now, and maybe he needed time but if he did indeed go, would he be back? “Seriously Max, why leave when we’re dealing with the threat of Nicholas.”

“I don’t know,” Max said honestly and it shocked Maria as inside Jake was asking the same thing of Grace. They had an incredible first date, and now she was leaving town and he didn’t know when she would be back… “And with Nicholas. Getting out of town might be just what we need to keep my daughter safe until Michael can figure out how to deal with him because I don’t have any energy for it right now. I need the time, and then I will come back and we will figure out how to handle him. With everything happening these past few weeks from Grace and Jake’s adventure, and all the discoveries we have made. I can’t deal with it and going away for a few days will give both of us the time we need,” Max sighed. “I do intend to come back, because we have too many responsibilities not to but right now, I can say that I don’t have any desire to be here in Roswell.”

“You don’t know when you will be back?” Jake was asking Grace in the den as they visited while the parents talked. It had stunned him when she had showed after their glorious date the previous night only to tell him that she was leaving town, and didn’t know when she would be back “Why can’t you stay with your Aunt Isabel or us…”

“I could, but Dad needs this,” Grace admitted because she knew she had a whole list of people she could have stayed with while her father took some time to sort out his life but she knew she wanted to be there for him, to help him and she couldn’t do it from Roswell. “Something happened between him and my Mom and I don’t know if he’s the same man because of that, and I need to make sure he’s okay. I don’t want to be away from him. Not now” she sighed. “He needs to know he has me in his corner and that I am not leaving him”

“He’s a big boy Grace and one day you’re going to be leaving” Jake reminded his girlfriend. “And what about us?”

“I want us, as last night was fantastic but this is my family. You would want to be there for your mother or even your father if something happened to the other. It’s only me and my father. And especially with my sisters in another state. One day I will leave, and I want him in a good place. If I stay here, I can’t be sure he won’t do something he’ll regret.”

“I don’t think Uncle Max would ever be that bad off…” Jake muttered as he didn’t like the idea of her leaving him and leaving town.

“It’s only ever been us, and so I need this right now. And it is only a few days” Grace assured Jake, but Jake wasn’t sure as he watched as Grace was helped into the car, he like Maria weren’t too sure when they would be seeing them again…

And when Michael came home from work, he was astonished to find that Max had left town with Grace. “Are you serious?” he asked of his wife who only sadly nodded.

“Beth did a number on him, which is weird given it was his own damn decision for her to leave” Maria moaned.

“She was leaving regardless” Michael reminded his wife. “She’s wasn’t staying Maria. Nicholas was the push she needed but she wasn’t going to stay, and Max knew it so I think he understands that he might not get his miracle this time. In high school he did, and even finding out she was alive, well, he played the odds and this time the odds ran out.”

“We don’t know that. She could end up coming back,” Maria asked.

“I think she’s gone, and Max knows it” Michael murmured. “There is only so many times the fairytale can win, and he needs to play the odds that bring him a reality he can live with…”

Maria prayed they were wrong as the flight was landing in New Haven and Beth, Alexandra and Carrie walked off the plane and into the state of Connecticut and knowledge they were going home again…

“I want this, right?” she asked herself as they waited for their bags. Sighing, she only nodded to the girls. “Come on girls, let’s go home” as they waited for shuttle to the parking lot where her car was parked.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 41 - 10/02/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Poor Max. Hopefully Serena will convince her friend that she needs to go back to her husband and family.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 41 - 10/02/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Beth had an incredible night with Max and no regrets, BUT she had to leave.
Guess it was time for her to figure things out, and Max noted that this was the same habit used in the past when she ran away.
Now will Beth come back??
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 42 - 10/07/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Beth walked into the house in Madison to a changed world. Nothing looked the same as it was only a few short weeks ago. Putting their bags on in the hall, and their jackets in the closet. She looked around and felt like she was looking at a strange home and not the one she had lived in for years and the one she slaved to fix up with her girls. She saw the paint and the wallpaper and remembered Serena helping her and the fun they had that weekend as they strived to get the downstairs painted, and the wallpaper hung. She saw the girl’s class pictures hanging on the walls, and on the banister of the fireplace. It told her she was home, but she felt changed, and she didn’t like that feeling because she wanted to be home and wanted to want to be home. “You girls can take your bags up to your room” she murmured.

While Alexandra and Carrie on the other hand didn’t bat an eye as they quickly took their own bags up to their bedroom, while their mother stayed downstairs and made sure everything was alright with the house. She knew that Serena and Keith had kept an eye on the house since she went to New Mexico and Ginger had come over a few times over the last week once her friend had gone to Florida with her husband and kids to make sure everything stayed okay, and it was. Nothing was out of order and it was all how she liked it, and yet she wasn’t happy.

Trying to summon the enthusiasm Beth tried to take stalk of the house and didn’t like what she was thinking or feeling but pressed on thinking this was what they needed to do. She had plans to go back to work on Tuesday which gave another day to make sure the house felt like a home again, and then twins had until Tuesday to catch up on their school work and get back into the routine of being home in Madison again…

Sighing Beth kept telling herself this was what she wanted, and yet she wasn’t believing it… yet as she felt tired and defeated. But she knew this was the right decision to make, and knew with time, she would get back to the normal… or so she hoped.

She checked with Serena and found out she wasn’t home from Florida yet, so she didn’t have a friendly shoulder to talk to and she needed a friend to talk to. She called her boss at work and told her that she would be reporting to work on Tuesday morning and to put her on the schedule for the rest of the week.

Upstairs Alexandra walked into her room and looked around and was amazed at how she missed her father’s home. This had been her room for years and now she missed a home she hadn’t been in more than a few days or so…

“Mom’s listless,” Carrie commented as she came into her sister’s bedroom. As much as she missed her father’s house, she also missed having her own room and was relieved to not have to share with her sister anymore and therefore she was relishing being back at home but knew she also missed being in Roswell and missed her father and Grace “What’s up?”

“Mom misses Dad, and she won’t admit it” Alexandra commented as she sat on her bed and looked around to make sure everything was how she left it before she vanished that one night which started an adventure of a lifetime.

“I know,” Carrie nodded as she thought of their father. “I miss Dad and Grace. It’s incredible what we witnessed back in Roswell. Do you think Mom will let us go this summer?” asked of the plans for them go and spend time with their Roswell family. “I really want to be able to see them.”

“I would almost think so, but then who knows what will happen this summer” Alexandra muttered as she got off her bed and headed for her desk, and opened the laptop that Max allowed her and Carrie to have and to share. It was a chance for them to also communicate with their family back in Roswell. Beth did make sure that the laptop wouldn’t allow them into anything dangerous before she gave permission for the twins to receive it.

“I guess we have to get some of our homework done, huh?” Carrie asked as she knew from her sister’s movements of what Alexandra was intending to do.

“Yup,” Alexandra said as she brought up the file that contained her interview with Maria that she was going to add to her paper about the Crash of ‘47. She still didn’t know how she was going to make it seem like it was all a myth when she knew was way more than a myth and she was a descendent of that crash.

“I feel for you. I only need to finish my Titanic paper. You have to write a paper about something real, but we can’t allow it to seem real” Carrie murmured as she saw what the interview with Maria appear on screen.

“I know,” Alexandra nodded. “The interview with Maria will help I guess…”

“Can you start the family tree paper and then I can see what I should say” of the project that had started the boulder running down the mountain to an unbelievable reunion. “I can work on the actual family tree.”

“Sure,” Alexandra said.

“I guess we don’t have a lot of time to get it done, huh?” Carrie asked.

“Nope,” Alexandra sighed as she moved the paper on the Crash on to a USB drive to be able to place on her own computer. “We have to go back to school on Tuesday.”

“Which sucks,” Carrie smiled.

“Well I am looking forward to it,” Alexandra admitted because she knew her studies would allow her something to concentrate on as she dealt with missing her father and sister.


Downstairs Beth puttered around. She didn’t know what to think. She wanted this and yet she restless and didn’t know what to do with herself as she tried to make a list of groceries to buy for the house as she called Ginger and scheduled her hours for the following week. She tried calling Max and Grace but found no answer and the voice machine wasn’t working or hadn’t been set.

She didn’t know if they were ignoring her calls or were just out. She realized it was earlier than it was here in Madison but not by much. “Mom” came a voice. She turned and saw Carrie. “What’s up?” she asked her teenage daughter.

“Nothing,” Carrie wondered. “I wonder if you miss Roswell.”

“It’s a different life isn’t it here?” Beth asked as she looked down and saw Carrie nod. “Don’t worry we’ll get back to normal and to our usual routine in no time”

“I miss Dad and Grace,” Carrie murmured.

“I know you do, but you’ll hear from that and you can visit them in the summer and who knows maybe Grace will come and visit us.”

“I don’t think Grace was too enthused by your idea to come and check out Yale” Carrie asked as she and Alex had overheard their mother’s invitation to their older sister and knew what she might be wary because it was a situation no one was prepare for and were ill-prepared to deal with…

“I can’t predict the future, so we’ll see how it goes okay” Beth asked of her daughter who nodded. “Why don’t you go and check with Alex and see where you want to go to dinner as we don’t have any food here and I don’t feel like cooking anything we do have… You can choose.”

“Sure,” Carrie nodded as she headed to find her sister.


“So, what is going on with Grace” Elizabeth asked as she sat on the couch in the den and watched a movie with her brother. She had been surprised to find Jake still at home after dinner finished, and more when she couldn’t get a hold of her best friend as she had been doing a few hours helping Isabel with inventory at the store and hadn’t been home when Max and Grace had come cover to pick up the spare cabin key so she was surprised to find out the whole story, and to know Grace was gone.

“Busy,” Jake said.

“Busy, how come?” Elizabeth asked as they checked out a movie on Netflix. Their siblings were all in bed or at sleepovers, and so it was only and so they didn’t have watch something kid friendly for once.

“They went up to the cabin for a few days,” Jake said as he had been surprised when Grace had sprung the news on him when she stopped over and was amused by his sister’s reaction. “Yeah you know Uncle Max wanted to get away because I take it, that it was hard to watch her mother leave this morning and so…”

“That doesn’t strike me as something Uncle Max would do?” Elizabeth asked. “Or Grace for that matter.”

“No it doesn’t,” Jake remarked but then from his vantage point and seeing Max in person, well, he knew when some was gutted by a woman and he knew Grace was right on that point that something happened and it didn’t surprise him to think he would want to go somewhere else, any place that didn’t hold memories until he could take stalk of how he was going to move on. “I think she wanted to keep an eye on her father…” Jake muttered. “And it’s not like she can go to school or work at the Crashdown and she could do her schoolwork from anywhere…”

“I guess, but the cabin doesn’t strike me as the best place you know for her limitations right now” Elizabeth asked as she knew the cabin was not the most handicap accessible.

“I am sure they will make it work… or they will go elsewhere… It’s not totally clear when they will be coming back,” Jake murmured as he overheard his mother and father talking about it and knew they were suspicious about why Max was leaving, and they thought he was running. So, who knows when he would be back…?

“Are you serious?” Elizabeth asked clearly shocked “Do you mean they don’t know if they will be back?” Elizabeth asked as her eyes widened.

“Grace wouldn’t tell me so it’s a tough call,” Jake admitted. “But it’s the early word…”

“Wow,” Elizabeth said. “What are you two going to do?”

“The only thing I can, be a friend and hope they come back soon…” Jake admitted. “There is not much more I can do…”

“What if she doesn’t come back?” Elizabeth asked.

“She’ll be back,” Jake sighed as he thought of Grace. “I just don’t know when…”

“I hope so,” Elizabeth asked as they continued to watch the movie they chose on Netflix and finished it off without thinking about Grace or whether she would be back.


“What happened with you and Mom?” Grace asked later that night as they came back to their hotel room because on the drive, they realized the cabin wasn’t going to work due to Grace’s wheelchair and so they decided to go to Las Cruces, and spend a few days at a hotel. The following day they would check out the university. Her parent’s school and veg out at the hotel and see where it went from there… because Max still wasn’t sure when he wanted to go home knowing Liz or even Beth along with the twins wouldn’t be there… So, he needed time.

“All is fine,” Max thought as he couldn’t stop thinking about Beth, and wondered how she was…

“I doubt that,” Grace asked as she checked her phone and saw dozens of texts from her friends. “I just knew my vanishing would set the gossip mill running.”

“Oh great, what now?” Max asked.

“Nothing serious,” Grace asked as she scanned down the many from Elizabeth and Sue and the more alarmist ones from others who weren’t in their circle and most of them tended to aim towards the melodramatic which made her laugh. She looked up and focused on her father “Seriously though Dad something happened with you and Mom…?”

“Honey relax” Max sighed.

“I can’t relax,” Grace muttered as she watched her father go into his bedroom in their villa. She wheeled towards the television.

Walking into his room, and softly closing the door. Walking out onto the balcony of their villa, he tried to get some fresh air, but he found that he couldn’t relax. All he saw was his wife, and the woman she was today. He missed her, and it was only hours…

“Max,” came a voice and he looked over… from inside the hotel room and was shocked to see an image of Beth staring at him. “No…” he whispered. “It can’t be…”

“Yes,” came the voice. “You know where I am, why won’t you come get me…”

“You don’t want me…” Max whispered.

“You don’t know until you ask…” came the voice. “Come to me…” came the whisper but Max stood firm and stayed because he didn’t dare risk his heart against what his brain was telling him because he couldn’t even tell at this point whether it was a trick from one of his enemies because it would have been something Tess would have done…

And yet the same words bombarded Beth’s brain the next morning when she opened the door and found Serena…

“Thank god, I need some advice” Beth said as she felt a shell of who she once was, and she didn’t know if that was good or bad and right now, she was leaning on bad. “I am going crazy here,” as memories of Max kept popping into her head as she saw him wet with slick hair.

“Keith knew I had to get over here,” Serena smiled as the hugged her best friend. “God Beth, what is going on with you,” she asked as she took stock of her friend. “You look exhausted, how is that possible because you were on a two-week trip to your past, with no work or everyday responsibility at all.”

“I’ve got to say that I am better off then I was yesterday when we returned,” Beth muttered as that morning for the first time she felt at home in her house as she was feeling like she could almost make this work until the visions of Max started, and now she felt like she was going crazy. “Barely,” she murmured as she thought of Max.

“Where are the girls?” Serena asked as looked around.

“Upstairs, working on their schoolwork” Beth said. “They aren’t too thrilled about returning to school tomorrow, but I allowed them a day to try to get some of their homework completed. What about you, why aren’t you at the office?”

“I’ve allowed myself the privilege of a day to get my office in order before I see patients, so I am sure I’ll head off to the office to see the pile of work ahead of me this afternoon. The boys are already at school.”

“Wow, you are definitely a hard ass” Beth laughed to Serena’s own amusement. “You get a day of privilege to catch up, and they went from the airport to school?”

“They got a week off school, and it wasn’t their term break” Serena cracked as she remembered the fight the boys gave when they dropped them off at school on the way home from the airport. “They are lucky, and so are the girls” Serena laughed and knew the girls had gotten quite the education in New Mexico, and in the small town of Roswell as she had done research on the town after it seduced her friend away to that part of the country, and now seeing her friend, she just wondered how much of a pull the town had on her pal. “So, how is everything?”

“They don’t like being back as much as they miss their bedrooms and this house, and of course for Alexandra; school.”

Serena laughed but saw the tension in her friend. “I am sure it was quite the eye opener for them, and from the looks of it, you too. So…how was it?” she asked as she saw that her friend was a different woman. “Tell me everything.”

“It was quite the unique experience” Beth said as she didn’t know how to explain the adventure, she and the girls had been under over the past few weeks. “And yet it is hard to explain.”

“Try,” Serena smiled. “Of course, it’s not every day you meet the daughter you haven’t seen in nearly fourteen years nor the husband who believed you were dead. It’s a soap opera and you’re living it.”

“That I am,” Beth acknowledged.

“It sounds like it’s a plot line right out of one those books Alexandra enjoys. That alien love story” Serena asked because she had looked up the connection as she did more digging in the mystique of Roswell as she realized the private investigator who came to Madison was married to the author of the books, and she remembered Alexandra talking about them.

“Well…” Beth couldn’t help but laugh because he knew she and Max had been the inspiration for those set of books…

“What?” Serena asked.

“Apparently Max and I were the inspiration for the book series” Beth admitted to the jaw drop of her friend. “I haven’t read them, but Alexandra tells me that the love story is very unique and drawn from our experiences” as they sat down and she found herself telling of what she and the girls had experienced during their recent trip to the past that was their present.


“Can I read those?” Carrie asked as she came into her sister’s bedroom and found her sister putting the now autographed set that she got personally from Maria in a special spot in her bedroom. “I am curious,” the twin said of the book series that had gotten her sister’s attention and knew Alexandra was going to treat them as prize possession as they had been a gift from Maria.

“Why, you don’t like those types of books…” Alexandra asked as her eye brows raised towards her sister’s request as she went back to her computer, as she had been working all morning on her paper that would be attached to the family tree.

“Now that I know they have ties to Mom and Dad, well, I can’t not read them can I. You’ve read them and know what they say…”

“I have,” Alexandra smiled as she remembered the love story that was the basis of the books. Although unlike her mother’s brush with death and memory loss. The books’ version of Max and Liz were very alive, and up to their heads in daily battles of being who they were and knowing what they knew.

“So, I wouldn’t mind reading them…” Carrie admitted as she saw the document that her sister was polishing. “Oh, that, can I read it?”

“Sure, it does have your name on it” Alexandra cracked as she printed off a copy for her sister to read. “I am still working on, but if you have anything to add.”

Carrie started to read…


"Wow," said Carrie as she read what her sister had typed in her bedroom up in her bedroom. "You are really capturing it sis," she smiled. "More so than I could ever do."

"You are working on the tree?" Alexandra asked as she worked on the report they had to submit for their project. They had only been home twenty-four hours and had a pile of work to submit to school for final grades, so they could finish their year. They had stayed in Roswell much longer than their mother had planned or they had planned and now they were home and trying to deal with the emotions of the life they left in Roswell and all they didn't know yet.

"I am trying," Alexandra acknowledged. "We have school tomorrow, so we don’t have much more time."

"I know," Carrie muttered. "I liked our freedom in Roswell."

"That freedom was only going to last ever so long," Alexandra said as she looked over the text that she wrote on her desktop and saved it as she made changes to what she had just given her sister to approve. "Is Aunt Serena downstairs?"

"She arrived a few minutes ago," Carrie murmured as she snacked on a piece of celery from the kitchen. "I am almost finished on the tree; I should have it ready for you to check over in a half hour."

"I am also working on my Roswell paper," Alexandra said as she thought of the research project she had to work on, and was just days away from being due thanks to an extension that she was granted due to the exceptional circumstances, but Alexandra didn't want to waste too much time on it given she had something special for the project.

"It's not every day you have a personal interview with the author of your favorite series, something personal you can use. I should check with my partner to see how much he did and was he able to pass in the part of the report I did while we were in Roswell.” Carrie remarked as she thought her sister was lucky. “So, can I read those books?”

"Callie was waiting for me, because of the circumstances of where we were..."

"Lucky you," Carrie murmured.

"I know, and in terms of the books, well, you can take my older copies. They are lined up in a roll, starting from the first one” Alexandra smiled as Carrie nodded and went over to the bookcase that was filled with all kinds of books that her could care less about, and yet she was curious about what Maria found interesting from her parent’s love story. While downstairs Beth was filling in the latest for Serena.

"Unbelievable," Serena breathed as Beth filled her friend in. "Do I even call you Beth anymore, or are you Liz Evans?"

Am I? Beth wondered as she struggled with her friend’s question and was unsure of how she should answer… “Um.”


AUTHOR's NOTE: So we are now up to current day. What happens next? Beth and the girls deal with being back in Madison. And back in Roswell, Max struggles with losing Liz a second time. How long does he and Grace stay gone? And when they do come home, what do they find. Once back, does a high school ritual go horribly wrong, as the gang's lives are all changed forever in ways they didn't see coming... and no one is left untouched as the struggle is just beginning...
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 42 - 10/07/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So sad, Beth found everything in order at her house in Madison, but she wasn't happy.
Wonder why Max had to get out of town, was it just avoid going home to an empty house?
Beth is missing Max and Grace, but won't admit it......will she ever??
This situation is hard on everyone!
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 43 - 10/09/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Current day and time,
Madison, Connecticut,

“I didn’t want to give you a tough time Beth…” Serena sensed how much her friend was struggling with her question, and that hadn’t been her intention when she had posed it. “The tale you just told me is so unbelievable.”

“I know,” Beth said. “And how I wish I could answer your question with a firm, yes or no” she acknowledged. “But the truth is, NO I am not… but…”

“But what?” Serena asked.

“I am not Liz. But I am not Beth. I don’t know who I am. So much of what I remembered back in Roswell came in flashes, but they didn’t really give me the sense of who I was. They were events, they were wonderful moments and even some painful moments and yet I don’t know whose life I identify with…”

“Maybe that is the best it’s going to get, and you’re going to have to figure out the life you want to create out of what you do know” Serena advised. “You might need to mold a life out of parts that exist from the two lives because it has been nearly fourteen years, and while you might still get flashes but it’s unlikely to come flooding back. So, you will have to make do with what you’ve been able to find out.”

“I know that, and what I do know is better than what I didn’t know before…” Beth admitted. “But it’s what kind of life do I want?”

“You’re talking about Max, and your other daughter” Serena asked.

“Yeah, Grace…” Beth admitted as she was surprised by how much she missed Max and missed Grace. She knew she and Grace had been wary around each other and she had bonded more with Max, but she still missed her first born. She only wished more of those flashes had contained memories of Grace.

And yet a flash came to her, of Max with slick hair and wet but this time coming out of pool and walking over with a deep smile at Grace who laid on lounge chair as she worked on her laptop, with a fruit drink by her chair.

“Beth, earth to Beth” Serena said waving her hands before her friend’s eyes to draw her back to reality.

“Huh, what?” Beth asked as she came back to reality.

“You zoned out there,” Serena asked as she sat there mystified of what had come over her friend. “Memories?”

“No,” Beth shook her asked as she knew they were not memories and nothing she had experienced while she was in Roswell as it didn’t connect for her what the flash could signify… and then it hit her…

“Sh!t” she muttered out loud, shocking Serena who hadn’t known her friend to be so animated.

“What on earth was that?” Serena asked as she saw her friend frown. “What happened, what’s the matter.”

“Nothing,” Beth lied but knew it was everything as she flashed back to what Max had said. Max told me I was different because of him and comments from the others indicated my memory was blocking my powers. “Damn it,” she said out loud once again.

“Again, what is it?” Serena asked. “I can see something is affecting you. Let me be a friend, and tell me what is going on?”

“There is stuff I can’t tell you,” Beth admitted as Carrie and Alexandra walked downstairs. “Aunt Serena,” came the voices of two thirteen years old’s and it gave their mother a reprieve of knowing that she was setting something that she had no memory of, which only told me she saw events of what would happen or was happening with Max and Grace now…

What does that mean? Beth asked herself because she knew stuff that she couldn’t tell Serena and yet needed a shoulder.

“My goodness girls. It might be only a few weeks, but you’ve grown up so much” Serena remarked at seeing Alexandra and Carrie. Because of her friendship, Beth and the girls had always been around and the last few weeks had been the longest they had not seen each other over the lifetime of the twins.

“We had so much fun,” Carrie glowed.

“I bet, and I bet you got into a lot of mischief, didn’t you?” Serena asked of Carrie. “Knowing you two…”

“Mom squealed, didn’t she?” Carrie groaned knowing that her mother would have been full of stories of their adventures back in Roswell. “How could we not have an adventure, when we met our father and older sister”

Serena couldn’t help but laugh.

“So, what did your girls what?” Beth asked as she saw one of Alexandra’s books in Carrie’s hand. “You’re actually going to read that?”

“Of course,” Carrie smiled. “I couldn’t resist, knowing that the stories are based on you and Dad” she cracked as Serena’s eye rose as she had wonder if that was true as she hadn’t read the books, although she knew young patients were known to read them in the waiting room. The boys weren’t that interested in those books.

“What is it called?” Serena asked.

“Destiny” Carrie murmured. “It’s the first one in the line of books. Alexandra says it’s very fun to read.”

“So, it’s a story based on your parents?” Serena asked.

“That is what they say,” Alexandra smiled as she nodded as she might have to read the earlier books now that she knew what she knew. It was too incredible to think her parents were the basis of the books, and Maria had written about their personal adventures.

“They say, write what you know” Carrie muttered. “Maria did she say that, and with all that kind of alien galore” she smiled and then realized what she said. “Oops” as Alexandra only shook her head and Beth looked like a ghost.

Serena didn’t know what it all was all about. “Excuse me, what?”

“Nothing,” Carrie insisted. “Come on Alex. Let’s go the kitchen and get that drink we wanted before I start reading the book and you go back to working on our dreaded assignments as I am lucky that my partner has done almost all the work on our Titanic and I doing one of my drawings.”

“You shouldn’t be happy that your partner did all the work” Alexandra muttered as they walked off.

“He’s a brain like you, so we’re better off that I didn’t do more than what I am doing…” Carrie quipped as they left the living room.

“What was all that about?” Serena asked.

“What do you mean?” Beth said as she pretended not to know what Serena was getting at because her friend wasn’t a fool and she fretted because she knew how guarded the secret was, and the fact the twins were now added participants which added to the risk for Max and everyone, and now they were away from Roswell where it was all kept in a protected circle as it dawned on her what it meant to be away from that, and knowing what she did know and the twins being loose cannons as they were growing up and couldn’t always protect themselves even when they were on guard which obviously they had been because they had known they had secret gifts before she even did...

“Why were you freaked when Carrie mentioned aliens, as if that is a real thing and not some plotline for some book series…” Serena asked as if she didn’t take what Carrie said seriously, and why should she? Beth mused to herself. Only it’s not so outlandish, is it? She asked herself.

“I am not freaked,” Beth tried to delay as she knew she could trust her best friend as they had gone through numerous trials and tribulations over the years, and especially in the beginning when she was still getting her bearings.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Serena asked.


“You do know we have to be careful with what we know you know?” Alexandra was asking her sister as she poured them something to drink to take back to their rooms. The scene in the living room was a clear sign of their new realities with the added knowledge.

“Aunt Serena didn’t believe me,” Carrie countered.

“But someone might if we slip in front someone we know” Alexandra reminded her sister. “We can trust Aunt Serena if she did know, but not everyone is Serena, and if they were to find out who we truly are…”

“We’re human. Dad even says…” Carrie murmured. “Thanks to Mom…”

“But we’re not completely, and we have special gifts and who knows what will come our way as we grow up. We’re only thirteen now, and new to all this. Once we’re older than we might know more…” Alexandra sighed. “So, we have to be a careful with what we say and do regarding our talents.”

“It was a just a slip,” Carrie said. “So, don’t worry sis okay. You should trust me to know that I’ll be fine when we’re at school as we’re well used to it by now. Don’t you know how many times I wanted to whip out my talents to solve a problem, but I don’t. We could have done it for our family tree project and not gone into the deep dive we did with a minor diversion okay that we did on that DNA test.”

“We’re lucky Mom is the one who caught it. We could have landed in a boat load of trouble with that scheme.”

“Well we didn’t, and we found our father and sister because of it” Carrie reminded her sister. “We can’t know what the future holds. We can just hope that it turns out a fraction how we want it to.”

Alexandra nodded.

“Trust me okay,” Carries smiles. “I trust you and speaking of our heavenly gifts” she laughed. “Have you talked to Dad or Grace since we came back home?”

“Nope,” Alexandra shook her head. “I tried last night but got nothing. “Even his cellphone is on mute, or non-active. Same with Grace, which is weird.”

“I figure he had to work today, but I tried the house and the answering machine is full. Grace is not answering her cellphone” Carrie muttered. “Weird.”

“Wonder if Dad is reacting to us and to Mom leaving?” Alexandra asked. “And needed some time alone?”

“Aren’t they adults, and have more responsibilities than we kids’?” Carrie asked.

Alexandra nodded as she dialed Grace’s cellphone, and got nothing… “Weird, for Grace cell not to go through…”

“Should we tell Mom?” Carrie asked.

Alexandra wasn’t sure if she wanted to add to her mother’s burden over them leaving Roswell in the first place and if she knew something was up with their father and maybe Grace, well, she didn’t know what her mother would do. “Maybe but only if we can’t reach him later… after all he has an important job…”

Carrie nodded as they went upstairs, and got back to working on their papers or for Carrie, well, she started reading “Destiny” by Maria Deluca Guerin


“What aren’t you telling me” Serena asked as she could see her friend was conflicted as they continued to visit downstairs. She sensed that something was unsettled in her friend and she didn’t like that her friend seemed unsettled. “You know you can trust me.”

“I know I can trust you,” Beth said. “You certainly proven that over the years and it’s not even a question in my mind, but It’s just there are things about everything that I can’t tell you. It’s not my place to.”

“Are you sure,” Serena asked.

“Yes,” Beth said. “I have to think about Grace… and I have to think about Max…”

“Max, truly Beth?” Serena whistled with surprise. “I understand Grace as much as you haven’t been there for her until now, you do have to think about her because she’s your daughter and the girl’s older sister but Max…”

“Max is Max,” Beth sighed. “I have no idea what it all means of them, for me, for us…” she wondered. “But I do have to take them into consideration whether that means anything to me…”

“Are you sure,” Serena asked. “You sound like you’re morphing into Liz Evans instead of being Beth.”

“I am Beth, but I do have Liz’s memories” Beth sighed because there was part of her feeling like a phony because there was a side of her feeling like it was waking up, the further she was away from Roswell and Max and Grace…”

Serena nodded.

“Most of all I have to think about what is best for my kids, and that includes Grace” Beth murmured. She’s incredible Serena. She’s faced tremendous obstacles over her lifetime. She lost me when she was only two and was raised to be a bright and inquisitive girl but then she is faced with avalanche of life changing events over the last few months and they aren’t getting her down, and she striving to move forward even because of them.”

“Sounds like she’s special,” Serena smiled. “Which she is if she has you for a mother.”

“She is all Max” Beth said. “Max is why she is as special as she is today, as I only had two years of being with her…” she sighed as she hated to know that as a flash came of Grace sitting in her wheelchair and staring up at big buildings, with hope and awe…

“Beth, you zoned out again… What’s going on?” Serena asked her friend strangely. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Beth didn’t know what to say or why suddenly she was seeing events that she wasn’t there to experience or images of people in Roswell, and she didn’t like the feeling of the rush of adrenaline when she did get the sensations but she knew she had to talk about it, and wondered if she could without getting into the nitty gritty. “I see things,” she blurted out…

“See things?” Serena asked. “I don’t understand…”

“It didn’t used to happen, or I am told it happened before the accident” Beth said a little too fast. “But since the accident, it might have been blocked but now since Roswell, I don’t know, but it seems like I am seeing things again…”

“Again, what kind of things?” Serena asked.

“People, events that I have no understanding of… They aren’t memory flashes, as I am seeing Max and Grace in places that aren’t familiar to me. Of course, nothing with them is familiar to me but still…”

“And this has been happening since Roswell?” Serena asked.

“Yup,” Beth said. “Although I am told it’s something I could do before the accident. No one had any answers for it,” she lied because she knew Max suspected it was because he saved her life back when she was shot in the Crashdown at age fifteen. “I don’t understand it.”

“So, you’re a psychic?” Serena asked. “You see things that happen.”

“That is the thing, I don’t know if these visions I am having are happening, but they just come to me. I zone out, and then I come back, like nothing has happened.”

“I remember those tests we did, and your brain waves were different…” Serena muttered. “The girls are different than normal kids their ages…”

“Yeah,” Beth nodded. “My memory loss blocked, and since now some of my old life is coming back to me than maybe my gifts or whatever they can be classified as are coming back.”

“Weird,” Serena murmured. “So, are you telling me the girls are special too?”

“I don’t know,” Beth lied because she knew they were, and the gifts had went beyond just being able to see events of the past or the future. “I wished this made sense…”

“It will,” Serena smiled. “You just need to let what they are saying happen I guess” as she tried to think of a plausible way her friend could suddenly see the future, or events that didn’t seem to be happening around her… “What is it showing?”

“Just mundane stuff,” Beth murmured.

“Like what?” Serena asked.

“Max, someplace warm. He’s been in a pool,” Beth sighed as she left out that he looked incredibly sexy with his wet hair. "And Grace is there but then she’s somewhere where there are large buildings, like a university.”

Maybe it’s telling you of what you truly want as opposed to what your brain wants for you…”

“Heart vs. brain, huh?” Beth asked.

“Yeah” Serena said. “You’ve had no instances of this ability of yours since the accident?” she wondered.

“My memory was blocking I guess,” Beth murmured. “None of it makes any sense which is why, you see I needed to come back and unwind, and try to go back to normal or what is normal for me.”

“I am not sure that will be possible,” Serena sighed at the predicament her friend was in.

“Something tells me Liz Evans is a very different woman than the life you and the twins have been living these past thirteen years, and I am not sure she’s going to allow you to come back to our normal existence...”

“I have to at least try, don’t I?” Beth murmured as she walked Serena to the door as her friend had to get to the office and see what the day had in store for her. “I do know that I am not the same person they knew.”

“You’re not the same person I knew Beth. You may look like Beth, but it’s obvious you’re not who I knew, but if you’re happy and the girls are happy then I want only the best for you, and only you. So, Beth if you are running from what you don’t want to face than don’t stay here. Go back and face it.” Serena sighed as they hugged, and Beth watched her leave. Sighing herself, she feared her friend might be right, but she didn’t want to face that kind of reality I have to at least try to be the Beth of Madison, Connecticut, right? Too much of my life is on the line if I get this wrong.

Muttering to herself as Carrie came downstairs to take a break from the pictures, she was drawing for her Titanic project…

“How’s the reading?” Beth smiled as her daughter walked into the living room as it created a diversion from thinking of what she was potentially giving up.

“Interesting,” Carrie said. “But I figured I needed to work on my Titanic project, but Maria’s book is very addicting. I can see why Alex loves those books so much” as she plopped down on the couch.

“Here I was thinking your sister was more invested in her education,” Beth quipped.

“Mom, I have everything under control” Carrie smile in her go with the flow kind of attitude which exasperated Beth at times. When she knew she was way more like Alexandra who liked to be in control, and to plan. Carrie was too much of a risk taker.

“You better. You are very close to the end of the school year and now thanks to your absence from school, well, you don’t have a margin for error. You start high school in the fall, and you don’t want less than stellar marks following you.”

“We start over again from the beginning Mom, so I don’t think my junior high marks will follow me that far, but I get you and I do plan to finish the season with a bang if I can. I am not looking to fall and make Alexandra look like the smart one…”

“You know you are very smart Carrie so don’t think you’re not…” Beth frowned at the idea that Carrie might think she was lesser than her identical sister.

“I know my worth Mom,” Carrie assured her mother. “I am just not as invested in education as Alex or Grace are, but I know I am smart… but just not as brainy as my sisters. So, about the book. Is it true you got arrested when you were a teenager and hauled into jail after being found holding a can of beer?” she asked full of spunk and it surprised her mother who frowned as Carrie looked at her mother with a look of expectancy. “Did you?”

“Is that in the book?” Beth asked.

“Yup,” Carrie said. “The Sheriff who is a real villain at the moment hauled in Libby, well who is the you character and she and her friend Alex who I assume in Alexandra’s namesake were put in jail because the Sheriff suspected they knew more than he did about aliens, and about who Dad really was…”

Whoa Beth murmured as she felt a rush of fear and of anger, and sadness and then a flash… of a jail cell…

And two teenagers separated by bars and held in two cells… “Alex… Alex… I need to talk to you…”

“You are free to go” came a commanding voice.

Then as the heat in the air brakes and two teenagers stand on a roof, staring into the eyes and then Beth hears the words, “Cuz, if I don’t go right now, then things are gonna change”

Change, how?

“I’m going to touch your hair…cuz it’s so soft…and I’d have to tell you that….no matter what we go through, it’s all worthwhile because we’re together”

Dialogue from Heatwave… http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/ ... =27&t=4744

“Damn it” Beth muttered as this was the last thing she wanted. More memories when she was trying to move on and try to figure out where her life was going to go, for the sake of herself and the twins. It didn’t serve anyone any good to keep them go in a direction that didn’t have any answers, or an end to it.

She just prayed she could find some peace…

“Mom,” Carrie asked as she seen her mother zone out. “Did you remember being in jail?”

“Which time?” Beth murmured as a flash came to her…

“What?” Carrie eyes widened.

“Nothing,” Beth said as she didn’t have a reference to her quip, and she didn’t like not remembering as a flash came to her of her being a jail cell but this time with the feeling of being older and with more angst surrounding it. “I am sure it’s just made up for the books.”

“I guess,” Carrie said unsure…. But she thought of her father. “Do you think Dad misses us?”

“I am sure he does honey…” Beth smiled as she thought of Max, and wondered how he was doing… because like the twins she had also called the house in Roswell and found no answers as both Max and Grace weren’t answering their cellphones which was unusual for them because like many teenagers, Grace was always with her phone.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 43 - 10/09/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Poor Beth, she's not Liz Evans and now that she's back in Madison, she doesn't feel like Beth.
Serena is getting suspicious of comments made, and Beth is zoning out.
Glad to hear the twins and Beth have all tried to reach Max and Grace.
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