Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 23 - Updated: 12/31/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Sure wish that letter of Sean's could be found....
Max us breaking his promise to Liz AGAIN. Why would she ever trust him?
As Max stated, he needs to do something to prove he was not wrong in leaving.
Bringing Molly/Bella home would be a terrific start.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 24 - 01/02/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Max managed to make it home without regretting his decision to come back home and yet as he walked into his place, he felt a distinct coldness come through the house and not one of a house that had been empty all weekend and he needed to air it out. It feels like I shouldn’t be here he mused to himself as he dropped his bags and looked around the house. Sighing he sent a message to Serena that he was home and would be in the station in a few hours and to call him if anything breaks… He then walked to his room and tried to ignore the tears of Liz’s eyes as he tried to get some sleep as he thought of the reason why he was back home as he drifted off to sleep with images of Liz running through his mind.

Once he was awake again, he changed and headed for the office. Chief Gibson was not happy to see Max walk in. “I told you Evans you were off on vacation leave?” he asked. “You weren’t to return to the station.”

“Sir, I only wanted to come in and talk to the Davidson brothers in Molly’s case” Max sighed. “I promise I am not here in any official capacity. You can call me a visitor and not pay me while I am in the station, as I plan to head back on vacation as soon as I get some answers.”

“You’re skating the rules Evans,” Gibson warned.

“You don’t have to pay me,” Max demanded. “Give me a visitor’s badge if you want. I just want to be there when the brothers come in. Molly deserves answers. I was there when they disappeared, I need to know what they know, if anything…”

“I don’t like it,” Gibson grunted as he walked away. “See Tessa about a badge.”

“Yes sir,” Max smiled.

Serena was nearby quite amused at the scene as she had seen Max walk into the station. She was shocked when she got word when she got to the station that Max had come back, but she shouldn’t be that surprised since he was so invested in Molly’s case. “So, you are back?”

“I am only here until I get a sense of what the brothers know,” Max groaned. “Then I am back on vacation.”

“Wow, I never know you so anxious to go back on leave?” Serena asked.

“Well things happen,” Max sighed as he thought of all the developments back home. “Are the brothers here yet.”

“They are about an hour away,” Serena acknowledged. “I guess none of them are that communicative and they were making transport difficult.”

“Too bad, they better talk,” Max muttered as he dropped a folder on his desk as he headed for the Chief’s office to get his visitor’s badge. “What has got you going back home?”

Max walked away without answering and Serena wondered just what was happening in back in his hometown to make her partner so distracted as she opened the folder marked Roswell and was shocked to see new pictures of the women from Molly’s drawings, police reports on Isabella Maria Valenti’s abduction a year ago and then the nickname: Bella.

“Oh no,” Serena said as she made the connection to Molly’s musings and then she picked up a picture of Bella who was with the file.
She went to pick up a picture of Molly from her own desk and compared. The difference was a year. Molly hair was lighter compared to Bella’s, and her face was fuller, and she was a little taller than the child would have been a year before...

“Oh god,” Serena whispered as she saw Max walk back with a badge hanging around his neck.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked as he saw he saw the frown on her face.

“Um…” Serena thought.


Serena stayed silent on her suspicions because she didn’t want it to weigh on Max’s mind as he dealt with the brothers as they moments later came struggling into the precinct yelling and calling for their older brother who was unrepentant it looked like to Max and Serena. The younger boys were taken to a different room, while Junior was moved to an interrogation room since they knew it was useless to try to talk to the younger when the oldest called the shots when the father wasn’t around.

Max sighed as he walked into the room and found a scowling eighteen-year-old. Did I look like that once upon a time?

“Okay, Mark start talking?” Max asked as he looked at the teenager with wary eyes.

“What do you ever mean?” Mark Davidson Jr. scowled at the cop. “Why are we even back here. We should have been allowed to stay in San Francisco.”

“We wanted to talk to you,” Max sighed. “So, tell me Mark, why did you take your younger brothers and go on the run?”

“We wanted to get away?” Junior snarled.

“Yeah, right, funny that you took them within hours of my partner and I talked to you? And you don’t have custody of your brothers. Where is your father?” Max asked.

“Dad told us to go, we were to go stay with relatives,” Mark brazenly said.

Max knew a lie when he saw one and knew from their investigation that there were no living relatives to take in the Davidson boys which would have helped the situation in any of the earlier visits to the house,” Max thought as he sighed.

“Well, you left Molly almost dead in the basement. Start talking?” Max revealed and startled to see pure shock on the teenage boy’s face.

“What are you talking about?”

“Like you don't know. Molly was found barely alive in the basement by my partner and myself?” Max asked. “And why didn’t you take your sister if you were leaving to stay with relatives.”

“She was at a friend's house for a sleep over?” Mark asked with sincere shock or at least that is what it looked to Serena and Max too, but he was suspicious. He knew of too many skilled liars as he once was one…

“Not when my partner and I found her?” Max asked. “That was just mere hours after we talked. So, you’re telling me you didn’t know your younger sister wasn’t lying nearly dead in the basement of your house when we heard arguing and noise complaints all the previous night?”

“I don't know what happened?” Mark said clamming up.

“You and your brothers got pretty quiet when we mentioned Molly’s name that day?” Max asked.

“Because she was gone, she wasn't home to witness the fighting and yelling the night before?” Junior scowled.

“So, you now admit there was a fight the night before your disappearance?” Max asked.

“There's no point in lying?”

“Since you say, ‘you won't lie’. Where's your father?

“Like I would tell you if I knew?” Junior muttered.

“You could go to jail for failing to answer questions. It will be an adult jail Mark given your age so prison and not juvenile hall?” Max threatened as he stepped back to the back of the room while allowing Serena to continue with the questioning…

“I have no idea where my father is?” Mark sighed as he knew he had to tell the truth. “And that is the truth…”

“We want to talk to him about Molly’s condition? After all he is her father?” Serena asked as she remembered the reports she had skimmed before coming into interrogation.

“Look, I have no idea where he is?” Mark said.

“Name any place where he would go if you want to get off the radar for a little while?” Serena asked as she liked Max didn’t know how to read the kid. Obviously, the kids were abused, and it was possible the boy wanted to get his brothers out but why leave Molly, but then what if? Serena mused to herself as she thought of that realization she had about their case and the one that struck close to home for Max.

“I want to see my brothers?” Junior pleaded. “I need to make sure they were okay.”

“If you don’t start talking then that won’t be possible as they are thisclose to be placed in foster care, and you in jail if you don’t start talking” Max threatened. “You don’t have legal custody of them.”

“I am their brother,” Mark demanded.

“That is for the legal system to decide if you don’t start talking,” Max muttered as Junior’s eyes went wild.

“You can’t do that,” Junior demanded.

“Yes, we can unless your father shows up and even then, he has a lot to answer for and so do you. So, do you want to talk?” Max asked. “Social Services have been called, and we are waiting to turn your brothers over.”

“You can’t do that,” Mark Jr. pleaded.

“I think we can,” Max said. “So, do we want to make a deal. You talk, and we slow up the process a little…”

“Can I see them, I need to know they are okay,” Junior pleaded.

“Before we come to any terms, why aren’t you asking about your sister?” Serena asked the boy. You’ve asked about your brothers, but why not your sister. Molly has been put through a wringer and she has fought to live.”

“No, she wasn't.” Junior spat.

“What are you talking about?” Max asked as he and Serena leaned forward. Something was knawing at him he hated that feeling. Same with Serena as she sensed the path they were traveling down.

“She wasn't our sister? She was some reject that Dad brought home to please Mom before she died?” Junior spilled.

“What are you talking about?” Serena asked as she and Max exchanged looks of Uh oh.

“Listen up, okay, Molly only came to live with us like a year ago. She is not a Davidson by blood and I am not even sure by adoption either. She’s not our sister. Mom always wanted a girl, and she was sick and dying and Dad thought why not make her last wish and brought Molly home one day. Molly only came to live with us like a year ago. She is not a Davidson, so why should I care what happens to her?”

The floor dropped out it seemed for both Max and Serena as they stared at the boy as his contempt shined through.


Meanwhile Liz was entering a funk and she knew it as she worked on finding some leads to follow in Bella’s disappearance. Her parents had brought a computer for her to use while she was in the hospital, and now she was pounding away trying to escape her torrent of emotion she felt knowing Max was no longer in Roswell.

She looked up and saw Michael come into the room. “Maria’s back at work, huh?” she asked.

“And Betty is at day camp” Michael nodded. “How are you doing?”

“I wish you wouldn’t ask me that,” Liz snapped.

“I was only curious,” Michael asked as she knew from her demeanor she was thinking of Max and he didn’t know if that was good given for the moment it meant she wasn’t in pain because of Bella. Neither kind of pain was useful for someone recovering from a near death experience.

“Did he get off okay?” Liz said a tad icy.

“I assume. Isabel said he left early this morning,” Michael nodded. “He’ll be back Liz.”

“He said that before, so I am not going to believe him now,” Liz snapped as she typed away.

“Look Liz,” Michael said softly.

“Don’t Michael, okay don’t. Do you have something else to tell me because I sense that you’re not only here to see how I am taking Max’s departure” Liz muttered.

“Liz,” Michael began because he did have something to show her and he didn’t relish the thought as he wished Maria was with him, but she had to get back to work and so here he was dealing with the reality. “I swung by your house this morning.

Liz stopped typing and glared at Michael. “You found the letter?”

“It took some searching. Apparently, Bella hid it in a favorite book of hers…”

“Harry Potter…” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Michael nodded.

“Chamber of Secrets?” Liz asked again as she knew that was a favorite of her daughter as she loved the idea of a chamber of darkness when they also dealt as a clan with secrets that stemmed in their own way from its own chamber, albeit not as sordid as what Harry faced, she thought.

“Yup,” Michael nodded. “I saw a leaf of paper when I scanned her books.”

Liz nodded.


“You have it with you?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Michael nodded as he produced the envelope and the letter…” as Liz paled at the mere look of the thing.

“How bad is it?” Liz asked.

“Bad,” Michael confirmed as he handed it. “Take a deep breath before you read this okay, because we don’t want a setback with you so close to being released, okay?”

Liz nodded a took hold of the letter…

Dear Liz,

You thought you were rid of me when you turned me into the cops and got me sent to prison for a bum rap. Well, I am still around, and I don’t plan to go away. You think you can lie to me and play with me and send me to prison and you think I’ll allow it, well, you have won for the last time. You’re a slut aren’t you. I heard you remarried after you conned me into marrying you for the sake of that brat and even that marriage didn’t work out. So, did he find out what a whore you are to go after so many men in so little time. You lied to me when you told me she was mine, all because you didn’t want to bring that brat into the world illegitimately and disappoint your parents into thinking you weren’t a virgin on your wedding day. Well I have had it, and you will pay. You always believed I was your second choice or maybe third since I heard you married Kyle Valenti of all people. The guy you left for Max in the first place. So, Max didn’t work out after you slept with him, I guess he wasn’t good enough for you, so you made me believe I was the father of that baby he gave you.

You will hear from me again; don’t you think you won’t because I am not finished with you yet. I’ll win in the end!


Liz was ghost pale as she dropped the letter in shock as Michael was quick to take the letter from her lap, as she cried over the harshness of the letter and thought of her daughter having read it. She had wanted to protect her daughter was her past, and she hated how it was now directly causing them pain.

“Liz,” Michael tried as Liz shut down and he couldn’t reach her, so he just stayed and watched over her as she just stared into space and the nightmare she was facing…

Twenty minutes later, the door opened, and Isabel and Kyle came rushing into the room as she saw that Liz was now asleep as he had asked the nurses to give a small dose of sedative to keep her quiet and so she drifted off to sleep as he stayed and watched over.

Kyle cursed as he read the letter. Isabel went pale as she also read it. “So, you think he came after Bella to hurt her.”

“That is the working theory right now,” Michael allowed. “Bella disappeared days later after the letter came to the house.

“Bella knew about Max?” Isabel asked.

“Highly likely, or there was enough in there to make her suspicious with the use of his name” Michael said as he thought of his conversation with his daughter. “Bella and Betty talked about it and then days later she was gone,” he muttered as he glanced at a sleeping Liz. “This is the last thing she needs.”

“Should we call Max? Isabel asked.

“Let’s see how this works out. I’ll try to find out more about Sean’s actions back then and Max is deep in his case.” Michael sighed as he thought of his friend back in Los Angeles oblivious to all that was happening back here in Roswell.


Back in Los Angeles, Max was in his own mess as he and Serena stared at each other and then back to the defiant teenager who was across from them and glaring at them.

“Wait, what…” Max asked as they tried to absorb the bombshell the teenager spat at them moments before… “How is that even possible?”

“It’s not like I know where she came from. As I said, Mom was dying. Dad was going more insane than even was usual and so he had it in his mind that Mom always regretted not having a girl to dote on instead she had a bunch of boys. So, one day he went and came back with the girl who he said was now ours.”

“What did your father say about Molly?” Serena asked quietly.

“That she was an orphan and needed a home. She was our new sister and we were to treat her accordingly like a Davidson and not to tell anyone that she appeared out of nowhere. We were to say she was unwanted, and we gave her a home. Problem was that she didn’t look like a Davidson, so Dad fixed that and dyed her hair.”

“So the dusty brown with blonde streaks isn't her natural color?”

“Some kind of dark brown, I mean dark I think. But I don’t remember too clearly. Dad made it go blonder but over time it’s gone back to more of a dusty shade of brown.”

“What did your mother think of the situation?” Max asked as Serena stepped back to think of the new developments.

“She wasn't too lucid as it was just months before she died and she was starting to lose it and Dad went with her, but in some moments it seemed like she was more in peace but I don’t know how much she knew.”

“How did Molly adjust to our place, I mean, her memory of the life she came from?” Max asked.

“I don’t know,” Junior shook his head. “You would have to ask her and not me,” he spat. “All I know is she cried initially and cried out for her Mom or something like that, but I was told to not ask too many questions and I didn’t so life went on.”

“And when your mother died?” Serena asked quietly.

“Things were fine for a while but then Dad’s drinking got worse and things quickly went downhill, and I was spending all my time trying to contain the situation although it didn’t always work because then Dad became unemployed and I had to be at school and work on the side to bring in money.”

“So your father would regularly beat all of you?” Max asked. “And Molly?”

“I am not going to say anymore…” Mark Jr. muttered. “You can’t make me without a lawyer.”

“We can put a good word in with the judge on you case and especially for once you’re 21 and able to petition for custody,” Max asked. “If that is what you would like of course.”

“Fine, but all I will say is that it wasn’t exactly a healthy environment for any of us at home after Mom passed away,” Junior muttered.

“How often were you abused?” Max asked.

“Frequently although he knew he couldn’t do anything to me, so he went after the others, and most of the time they couldn’t run away from it, okay. I wish I could have gotten them out of there before I did but that is the past, and so life goes on.”

“Then why we were not able to do anything for you and your brothers before now?” Max asked.

“I am eighteen now, I wasn’t before, and you were going to split us up okay. So why would I want to do that unless I had to,” Junior muttered.

“Your brothers are together, we haven’t split them up” Serena said softly. “That isn’t the priority,” she sighed. “We will try to keep them together and a part of your life, so why not tell us the truth. Do you know where your father is?”

“Of course not,” Mark muttered.

“Do you know what happened to Molly, Mark. She was in the basement of your house. You boys had to have heard something, anything that would have given away something was odd.”

“Whatever happened to her is not our fault. We didn’t know. We’re not always home, and who knows Dad might have done it when we were out of the house. But we didn’t do it, as no one should die… or be left to die.”

“Molly wasn’t seen at school for several days so you’re telling us you didn’t know something was odd with how Molly suddenly disappeared and yet she didn’t, she was found in the basement of your house. Where did you think she was…? You guys looked pretty guilty that day in the house, before we found her…” Max asked.

“All Dad said that she was gone to a friend’s place to stay for a while, and if anyone asked to say she was at a big multi-day slumber party.”

“Do you know of any of your father's friends who may have been involved with what happened to Molly?” Serena asked.

“Just that he had some sleazy friends but no, there was no one who would have been obvious as someone who might go after a kid like Molly.”

“Okay, that is enough for today, but we will talk again tomorrow,” Max assured the teenager. “We will arrange for a place for tonight until we get this settled okay and if you think of running, there will be a guard assigned to you… If you do hear from your father, tell us okay?”

Junior nodded as Max requested Serena take the teenager down to see his brothers, as he sighed as he watched the teenager walk off as he felt he was missing something while Serena felt conflicted. More and more she felt that Molly could be the missing child out of Max’s hometown, but she didn’t know whether she should mention it without evidence. So, once she allowed the teenager to see his brothers and give him over the cop who would guard the teen Serena went downstairs to the forensics lab.


“Let me have the letter,” Jim as he visited his former daughter-in-law as she was now more collected and composed since she woke up. She was determined that her ex-husband wouldn’t win, and she would find her daughter wherever she may be. Michael stood by her side and handed over the letter.

Jim whistled as he read the note, “You don’t believe this, right?” he said to Liz. “I mean about what we think of you,” he asked. “You are no way what he described.”

Liz winced as she thought of those words. “I was dark during that time Jim, and I will always regret my conduct.”

“But you no way were what he said you were,” Kyle spoke up. He had arranged for his assistant coach to take the team recruiting practice he ran at the end of the school year before everything took a break in July and August. “We broke up in high school not because of Max but because we were young, and we were never going to be serious,” he said as he remembered that time and knew he took some time to adjust to the fact she ended up but knew it was the right decision. Max or no Max. “You didn’t leave me for Max.”

“Max was a factor,” Liz remembered. “But no, we didn’t break up because of Max. We broke up because it was not our time,” she sighed. “I just wish I didn’t hurt you later.”

“You gave me Bella, so you didn’t hurt me. We ended our marriage mutually and we both stayed longer than we should have, and I don’t blame you because now I have Isabel and our baby on the way. Bella will be fantastic big sister when she comes home.”

“Yes, she will be,” Liz smiled. “I just wish Bella would have told me about this letter.”

“She was protecting you,” Jim sighed as he remembered his granddaughter well and Isabella Maria once her mother and Kyle broke up was big about protecting her mother and would get on anyone’s case if they weren’t respectful to her mother and he just imagined that she kept it because it would have hurt Liz, and because she was a little curious about the man Sean said was her biological father.

“I am supposed to be protecting her,” Liz sighed with tears coming to her eyes. “If Sean did anything to harm her…”

“Sean was in prison,” Kyle reminded the room.

“But he has his sleazy friends, and they weren’t all from around here… Who knows where they could have taken our daughter.”

“We will find her,” Jim assured his former daughter-in-law. “You can count it and no, Sean is not going to win this time.”

Liz prayed he was right.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 24 - Updated: 01/02/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Finally Max and Serena got the truth out.. They know Molly isn't Mark's sister. She was taken from home. So Serena know Molly is the.missing girl from Roswell. That
Was heart breaking for Liz to read the letter Glad Jim, Micheal, Isabel and Jim are there for Liz. Someone needs to find Marks father and find out if Sean is involved in this case or not. Can't wait for Max to go back to Roswell. Can't wait for the truth about Molly comes out.

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 24 - Updated: 01/02/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Well it seems that Serena is starting to put the pieces together. All she needs is proof of what her gut is telling her and she will gain a friend for life in Liz.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 24 - Updated: 01/02/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm glad Serena is putting everything together. Hopefully Molly/Bella will confirm her identity. I would love to see Max and Bella come back to Roswell together. I wonder if Isbella will tell Max he is her father.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 24 - Updated: 01/02/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's good that Max returned to talk to the boys even as a visitor.
That family is really something.....poor Molly being stuck with them.
Thank goodness that letter was found, and now things can now start falling into place.
Glad Serena has her suspicions, wish she would share with Max right now.
Great story!
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 24 - Updated: 01/02/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

While Serena went to find the forensics specialist to talk about her suspicions, Max went to the hospital to visit Molly or whoever she is Max mused to himself as he walked down the hall towards the little girl’s hospital room when he spotted Dr. West. “Good day Doctor West.”

“Detective Evans, I was told you were on vacation out of the state?” Dr. West as he spotted the detective coming his way. “Back already?”

“In town for a day or two and then back off,” Max quipped. “How is Molly doing?”

“As I have told your partner she is moving along with her recovery, but I sense she’s slipping into a depression of sorts,” the doctor muttered as she thought of the confusion of the girl.

“Do you think more of her memory is coming back?” Max asked.

“It could be, or something is playing with her moods.” Dr. West commented. “I don’t know what it could be…”

“We are thinking we might be dealing with a kidnapping?” Max sighed.

“What?” the doctor asked flabbergasted at the mere thought. “I thought you mentioned that the likely attacker was her father…”

“We were operating under that assumption,” Max admitted as he thought of Molly. “But there has been new information that has come up and it is making us wonder, so I am curious whether she was taken from her home and if that is the case maybe the memory of her prior life is causing her conflict with the life she’s been forced to assume.”

“That poor child,” Dr. West sighed as she weighed the possibility. “It’s certainly possible…”

“We think they either brainwashed her or forced her to forget but because of the attack, everything is colliding together at one time” Max asked. “Is that possible?”

“We remember things are different rates and different times in our lives and so it’s possible,” Dr. West sighed as she thought of what the little girl might have gone through to get to this point. “That goes for anyone.”

Max only nodded and smiled because there was truth to those words, and he didn’t want to have to admit it. “I am going in. Can I?”

“Go ahead,” Dr. West said as Max walked through the doors…


“Finally, there you are?” Serena asked Dr. Baker as forensics specialist walked into her office space. Serena had been sitting and reading a magazine while she waited for to pounce on her suspicion or fear. “I have been waiting because I need to talk to you right away.”

“I’ve got nothing. Your results are not back yet,” Dr. Baker insisted as she walked to her terminal. “I would tell you if they were so if it’s something else...”

“It unrelated but related at the same time,” Serena insisted. “I need you to run Molly’s sample against one specific sample on the countrywide database if that possible? Serena asked as Molly’s eyes came to her face and she prayed this was all a hoax but then if it wasn’t maybe they could give the little girl an end to her nightmare. She didn’t want to tell Max until she had proof because she knew how much he had invested in the case, in ways she didn’t even know yet.

“I would depend on if the sample is in the database? CJ Baker as she could see Serena was animated about something. “So, what’s up?” she asked. “I heard Max’s back in the building.”

“He was in briefly,” Serena conceded.

“He couldn’t stay away?” CJ asked with a smile. “I knew he would be back. So how long is he back, or as the vacation ended already?”

“He’s determined to head back out again,” Serena nodded. “And that is because a case back in his hometown has gotten personal for him. A ex of his has a child who vanished a year ago. She disappeared without a trace, and Max just learned this and now he’s wanting to solve it, but Molly’s case is causing him for a distraction and because the Davidson brothers were located, he wanted to be the one to question them given he’s the one who found the child.”

“Wow,” CJ whistled. “I can only imagine.”

“Yeah,” Serena powered through on her way to making sure they got some answers. “Anyways I have this feeling…call it a gut feeling” Serena said as she went on to tell CJ her suspicions as the specialist eyes went big and wild. “I know.”

“You haven’t told him about the similarities?” CJ asked. “Why haven’t you?”

“I want to,” Serena conceded. “But if I am wrong, then I might add to any pain that is there… So, I thought if you could compare Molly’s sample with that of this little girl out of Roswell, New Mexico than we can know one way or another if they are the same individuals. She’s in the countrywide system because of her disappearance.”

CJ nodded. “I can try.”

“Do more than try okay?” Serena insisted. “Put on a rush on it if possible. I need to tell Max sooner than later. He’s determined to go back to Roswell, and if I can give this information…”

“Okay, I understand” CJ nodded. “I’ll do it by the end of the day and we should get something in the next day or two, okay?”
Serena nodded as she left the office while Max was surprising Molly with a visit as the little girl came back from physio.


“Max,” same Molly as she came into the room in her wheelchair and saw the detective waiting for her… A wide smile rang out on her face as she displayed some real enthusiasm to see Max. “I thought you were gone…” she said softly.

“I had to come back for something, but I wanted to pay a visit before I head off again, how are you doing?” Max asked.

“Better,” Molly smiled.

“That is wonderful to hear but I heard that you might be having some difficulties, why is that?” he asked softly.

“I am fine,” Molly batted away the question as she just wanted to spend the time with Max. She always felt comfortable with the detective and she didn’t know why. They never met before, she was always gone when Max and Serena came to the house to deal with noise complaints. She always heard her ‘Dad’ and brothers complain after their visits, but she had never seen them. Serena was nice to her and she liked Serena but there was something about Max that drew her to him.

“I talked to your brothers today?” Max asked and was only slightly surprised as Molly’s eyes went dark at the mention of the boys. “If you’re worried about being hurt, you’re safe Molly. No one can touch you here or ever again, okay?”

Molly’s eyes only slightly softened. “I understand you’re remembering more. Do you remember what happened to you?”

Molly shook her head, and Max sensed it was the truth as whatever was causing her issues was not the current day but the past because he also got the sense she was troubled about something. “I know you’re worried, and I know you’re trying to protect yourself, but we want to find out the truth for you, and if you can help us…”

Molly nodded.

“You’re a strong little girl and you’re been through hell and I want to help you,” Max smiled. “Do me a favor if you think of anything, why don’t you tell me and maybe I can help you.”

Molly continued her silent streak and Max decided to soften his questioning. “How about we play a hand of cards before I have to go?” Max asked.

Molly softened and nodded, and cards were soon dealt, and they were into a mean game of poker with pieces of gum as chips which surprised Max that she knew how to play and had a clear grasp of the game. “So, how do you know how to play poker?”

“My Daddy and Uncle taught me, or my honorary uncle as he’s not my real uncle but my godfather.” Molly said before she caught herself as her eyes went wide and Max eyes rose in alarm. He doubted Mark Davidson Sr. would be teaching his ten-year-old to play cards if he had been so disinterested in the child since his wife died, and he wasn’t aware of any close friends who were like family or the child’s god-father since she only came into the house a year before…”

Molly eyes continued to rise in alarm as faces came to her eyes of two men. Two brown hair men who were kind and fun to be around, and Molly didn’t know how to handle it.

“Do you remember something?” Max asked softly as he was aware that the girl was struggling with something.

“This man or two men, they have brown hair” Molly said softly. “I call them Daddy and my Uncle, but neither are truly… but they are fun to be around Mommy loves them very much.”

Max’s brain popped with ideas. “Do you know their names.”

“I can’t remember,” Molly sighed as she tried to reconcile the burst of information she had experienced. “But they aren’t part of my life I have had recently.”

Max wanted to know what she could be remembering but he didn’t want to push the child anymore and so they continued to play the card game and he was surprised when she beat him handily.


Maria was on a break between newscasts and she was stopping into see Liz as she had heard the newest developments about the letter and she knew she had to come and see how she was doing. Walking into the room she noticed that Liz was daydreaming sitting on the ledge and looking out the window. It reminded of scene reminiscence of a moment during her friend’s dark period when she was drinking too much, and she was genuinely scaring the gang and they thought they could lose her permanently. The baby got her away from the edge, but it had been close and it scared Maria. And while todays scene was more innocent and tamer than the one years before, still it brought chills back to Maria. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” Liz said as she turned to focus on her friend. “Shouldn’t you be at work preparing for the newscast later?”

“Everything is prepared, and I wanted to check in on you,” Maria smiled. “Michael is taking Betty to a movie. So, I had some time, how are you doing?”

“Fine,” Liz muttered.

“You’re not thinking about the letter,” Maria asked as she saw it on the bed and she reached for it. She winced when she read it. “God Liz I am sorry you had to read this crap.”

“I know,” Liz sighed. “I wish I could forget that time in my life and say it was all a hoax, but I wasn’t the prettiest of people back then and Sean is right about that…’

“God Liz don’t let that man get in your head.” Maria demanded. “You are none of the things he said you were. The actual circumstances were tame. You and Max loved each other and neither of you were looking at the end when you two took the steps you did. Yes, you made questionable choices in the immediate aftermath of his departure, but Sean was no boy scout either as he was pretty determined to be with you even if he should have controlled himself because anyone could see you were still reeling, but he didn’t, and you didn’t start up again with Kyle until Bella was walking…”

“I lied to him,” Liz muttered.

“Yes, you did but then something tells me he always knew the truth. Anyone could count, and Bella wasn’t the most premature of babies and therefore he took it out on you because he hated the idea of you and Max.”


“Don’t Liz,” Maria said. “I played games with Michael back then too remember and while I never went to the lengths you did, still I made some choices I wish I could regret but I don’t because it brought me to a place where I knew I was stronger for it.”

“I wish I could forget it,” Liz muttered.

“We all do,” Maria sighed. “But none of us blame you. Max wouldn’t either and when Bella gets older, she won’t blame you either. She knew how much you did for her, and she’s not going to forget it.”

“I hope so,” Liz sighed as she thought of her daughter.

“You’re close to getting out of here so don’t let Sean give you a setback,” Maria demanded. “If he did something we will find out and he won’t win this battle either, we will win the war in the end, and something tells me Max and Michael will make sure he regrets ever messing with us.”

Liz nodded as she thought of Max. “Why did he have to leave, as I just got him back in my life.”

“He will be back,” Maria smiled at how smitten Liz was still with Max. “He will make sure you get your daughter back, and you don’t have to worry he will stay away this time as something tells me that he’ll be back very soon.”

“I hate my life,” Liz muttered.

“It will get better,” Maria said. “And maybe you’ll have that happily ever after…”

“That isn’t going to happen,” Liz sighed.

“It will,” Maria predicted.


Max meanwhile was back at his place and wondering what had happened to his life in the last few days to make his place so unwelcoming and cold and how much life had seemed to change for him. Trying to put away thoughts of Roswell he concentrated on Molly’s case. The two mystery men Molly had described had made him curious, so he did check out the Davidson’s and there were no one who fit that description in the orbit of the family to think that they could make Molly comfortable with them. You could never describe Mark Davidson Sr as the kind of Daddy that Molly described. It made him wonder what kind of life Molly might have come from if she truly had been kidnapped like the son had told them.

Getting out his laptop that had him connected him to the LAPD computers, he went to work to look at any child abductions in the last twelve months. Nothing came up that resembled Molly’s case, and so he was wondering if she was from somewhere other than California.

So, he called Serena… “I need your help; can you stop by my place for a half hour or so?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 25 - Updated: 01/05/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Serena really needs to tell Max what she is thinking. Because Molly is Bella and proof is going to be there soon. Liz listen to Maria. Max is coming back and could have the best news ever for you.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 25 - Updated: 01/05/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Serena really needs to push Molly's sample against the little girl in New Mexico,
and when she and Max get together, she needs to share her information with him.
Wonder why Molly is always beating Max at poker????
Please hurry back!
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 25 - Updated: 01/05/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Serena is on the right track. Maybe now she will tell Max her theory. Looking forward to Max being able to take Molly/Isabella home to her mother.
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