Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 48 - Updated - 3/16/2018

Post by roswell4life »

Wow!! Max is in serious denial!! What is he going to do when they all finally come face to face!!! We are so close to the reunion!!!!!!!!!! :D and it's about time Grace and Jake gave in to their feelings!! :D
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 48 - Updated - 3/16/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Poor Grace.......she comes to the Sheriff to confess......
All of the talk about the accident......and they forgot that Alex was there listening.
Serena is doing all she can to get Beth off.......
Max couldn't get his arms around amnesia.....
But when he found out Alex had powers.........BINGO!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 48 - Updated - 3/16/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I hope Grace doesn't do something stupid. Ellis deserved what he got. I glad that Grace and Jake are finally together.

Max and Grace both seem in denial. The knowledge of Alexandra's powers should wake up Max.

I hope Alexandra is okay. I'm sure she wanted her dad and sister to accept her as family.

Is there any chance that Serena and Keith will move to Roswell when Beth/Liz finally does. Keith could join Max at the firm and Serena and Liz could start a private practice together.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 48 - Updated - 3/16/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

poor Max he just found out his wife is alive and he has a daughter who has powers. Wow that was some kiss Grace laid on Jake. Good thing that Grace told Maria that she needs to talk to her father about the past. wow so Beth is going to Roswell to get her daughter Alexandra. can't wait for Beth and Carrie to get to Roswell. And can't wait for Max and others to me Beth and Carrie. Please come back and post more really soon? can't wait for the meeting to happen for all of them.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 48 - Updated - 3/16/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Great new part!

In some ways, I understand Max - not accepting the possibility that his wife is alive! especially after such a Long times...

Thanks EVE :roll:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 49 - 3/18/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

It seemed endless but mere seconds later Grace ended the kiss which left both completely confused. “God, I am sorry,” she whispered as her senses returned. “This is one more thing I am doing that is sending mixed signals to you.”

“I could have stopped it,” Jake countered.

“Yeah you could have,” Grace admitted so why didn’t you she mused to herself as she sighed. “The last twenty-four hours have been so confusing for me and the last thing I want is one more thing to add to it.”

“Grace, why did you do it?” Jake asked as he wheeled to the couch and quickly moved himself over to it and put his leg out so that it followed the rules to keep as little mobility to it as possible.”

“I wish I knew. The last thing I need is for us to get messed up.”

“You don’t want it too, right?” Jake asked.

“No... yes, I don’t know. I do know our parents would have a fit about it,” Grace admitted as they both knew their parents weren’t exactly jumping for joy over the prospect of Jake and Grace getting together.

“But if you want to. And I want to, why not?”

“My life is too messed up for anything like a relationship of any sort to be taking place. I have yet to deal with whatever happened with Tommy and when you add the baby and now this...” Grace sighed, as she honestly didn’t know how much more she could handle. After so many years of having no drama in her life, the inflex of it was overwhelming for the teen.

“What Tommy did to you was a crime,” Jake said through gritted teeth. “Unless of course Dominic means something to you and I have got to say that kiss didn’t feel like you are with someone else.”

“Dominic was nice, and he’s the perfect guy but last night was just...”

“What?” Jake asked.

“Boring,” Grace admitted, and Jake felt relief, but he saw the warning signs waving in the distance.

“I agree that the last thing we need right now to confuse our families even more than they are right now,” Jake sighed as he realized the situation was becoming too complicated and complicated was not something they needed at this moment in time. “I don’t want to hurt you. You came here, and kissed me...why?”

“Because my life is coming apart”

“How? Jake asked. “You are blameless for last night”

“Because I nearly got you killed, and then the fact my mother might be alive, or I have another sister.”

“One last time Grace, it was an accident and I am not guiltless in that I allowed it to get as volatile as it did... what the hell,” Jake said as he stopped when he processed the rest of what his friend said. “Back up, did you just say your mother is alive?”

“Yes,” Grace admitted. “You can see why my life is falling apart. Apparently, your grandfather is investigating it and it’s why your father is away right now.”

“Dad knows?” Jake asked shocked as all the pieces came together of his mother’s manic moods and why she went up to the cabin, and why he was pissed at his father. “Mom knows.”

“Aunt Maria knows? Grace asked.

“The last few days Mom has been off, even by her standards, and she went up the cabin and she was pissed off at my father for some reason and I did hear her mutter to herself on the phone that she didn’t know how she could look at your father or you when she knew what she knew.”

“Oh god!” Grace muttered.

“So back up, tell me what is going on?” Jake asked as he tried to figure out the information coming back at him.

“My mother might be alive. She didn’t die fourteen years ago, and some woman in Connecticut might be my mother.”


“I know...” Grace sighed as she thought of the teen girl she had seen in the Sheriff’s office. “The woman in Connecticut is now a doctor, and she had her own car crash five days after my mothers, and she woke up with no memory of who she is... And she then took on the name Beth Evans.”

“Wow!” Jake said and the uncertainly that their kiss brought him was now gone as he was fully being supportive of Grace. “I am so sorry.”

“And there is more because she apparently has a younger daughter named Alexandra...Alexandra Evans.”

“What on earth?” Jake asked. “Alex…”

“Yeah,” Grace cried. “All these years my father and I lived with the fact that my mother died when I was barely old enough to remember her and really I don’t have that many memories just these flashes of this gorgeous woman with long brown hair who was the world to my father with a love so strong that he has been unable to find anyone to replace her and now she could be alive.”

“It’s not the end of the world if she is,” Jake said quietly. “It will just change the way you know your life to be.”

“And that is the last thing I need right now,” Grace cried as Jake came in for a hug made difficult by his injury, but he managed it. “I am sorry Jake, for everything, and for confusing everything with us.”

“You don’t have to say it,” Jake smiled as they became closer... “I am just as much a guilty party right now.”

“How,” Grace said quietly.

“Because I can’t help but keeping complicating our lives and I am sorry for that,” Jake said quietly as he and Grace leaned towards and seconds later they were kissing yet again as they couldn’t stop themselves and this time it was viewed by someone else...



“We’re almost home, finally” Michael was saying as they were driving home from the airport in Santa Fe after they had reached New Mexico they had received a text message from Max saying things were more complicated at home and therefore he couldn’t pick them up, but he arranged for a car shuttle service to pick them and drive them to Roswell. “It’s only been a few days, but it’s been an exhausting time.”

“I miss Isabel and the kids,” Kyle admitted. “It’s only been a few days, but still…”

“I wonder what happened in that Max couldn’t pick us up?” Michael observed.

“Did you talk to Maria?”

“No, but I received an email that she’s home and the kids were doing as well as can be expected. Jake’s injury was more extensive than they initially thought and it’s going to take awhile for him to recover,” Michael sighed. “He might need surgery. Maria will explain it more when I get home.”


“I know,” Michael thought to himself.


The kiss had been going on for more than a quick minute or so when Maria walked into totally shocked at what she was witnessing. She quickly turned around and left the room and then twisted around and came in as if she didn’t know what was happening, “Dad will be home in a half hour or so, and dinner will be shortly after.”

“Mom!” Jake and Grace said picking themselves up from their encounter.

“You heard me?” Maria as if she hadn’t witnessed anything.

“I better get going,” Grace said quickly getting up. “Say Hi to Uncle Michael for me and Jake I’ll see you tomorrow. I assume you will not be at school.”

“Nope,” Jake said with great relish. “See you Grace.”

“Bye Aunt Maria,” Grace smiled and quickly left the room and the house moments later while Maria exchanged a look with her teenage son and Jake knew the jig was up and his mother knew about the newest developments with Grace.


“Don’t Mom me Jake,” Maria warily said. “You’re eighteen years old, and I am not about make rules about your love life. It’s yours to deal with, just like mine was mine when I was your age and my mother had issues with me seeing your father given how turbulent it was during high school.”

“Thank you,” Jake smiled.

“But Jake, please be careful. Grace has had a very emotional couple of weeks, and things won’t be getting any better in the near future. Please take your time, and don’t rush.”

“I promise Mom as I would never push Grace into anything she wasn’t ready for... I am not Tommy.”

“God, I know that honey,” Maria said horrified. “And I am proud of you for being you but take baby steps is all I ask, okay?”

“I will try,” Jake smiled at the almost approval coming from his mother which was a big step given that she had been the thorn in his side all along about his feelings for Grace not that he expected outright approval anytime soon, but it was progress and he would take it as he figured out where he and Grace would go. “That is all I can promise for now. So, I have to ask, is it true about Grace’s mother?”

“What did you hear?” Maria asked rattled by the mention and Jake knew it.

“That she could actually be alive,” Jake said. “Grace just told me.”

“Grace actually knows?” Maria asked wide eyed.

“Yeah and Uncle Max apparently knows too...and there is child that could be Grace’s younger sister.”

“What!” Maria asked as her eye brows shot up. “Wait, what, back up, there is?”

“Yeah,” Jake sighed. “She’s destroyed Mom. Even if it’s true then the fact so much is lost. I don’t know what is going to happen to her if it’s in anyways true even though she would want it if it’s the last thing she ever wanted in the world.”

“I don’t either,” Maria said honestly. “For both Grace and her father, it could be the best thing in the world or the worst thing and I don’t know which is which.”

“Apparently, Dad knows,” Jake asked. “Was it the reasons for his trip to Connecticut, right?”

“Yes,” Maria full of conflicting emotions could only say as they heard the front door open and the words...

“Guys, I am home,” came Michael’s voice as it filled the house.


“You didn’t tell them about my sister?” Alexandra accused Jim as they drove across town as he promised Casper that he would make sure Alexandra made it to the hotel by dinner time so that Alexandra could get settled in and get some rest. A lot has gone on for the last twenty-four hours for the thirteen-year-old.

“It didn’t come up,” Jim said.

“Bullshit, it could have,” Alexandra accused.

“They will find out, but tomorrow and well today the discovery that you are in the picture and that their wife and mother could be alive is a tad much for them, and it all needs to be done with time.”

“I just don’t like the idea that my sister isn’t being mentioned,” Alexandra muttered as they pulled into the parking lot of the motel. “She’s already going to have issues with my taking this opportunity to search for answers, and she’s not getting them at the same time.”

“I am sure your sister will be the story soon enough,” Jim commented.

“Why did Mr. Evans leave so abruptly,” Alexandra asked. “I came in and he rushed out, why?”

“Because he needed to be at home with his daughter,” Jim lied. Max had not taken the news that Alexandra had powers well. The denial wall went up and he had rushed out claiming a client needed him, but he knew the denial wall well and Max wasn’t going to easily come through it unless pushed and he wasn’t prepared to do that right now.”

“So, this is where I am spending the night?” Alexandra asked as she looked at the motel.

“Yeah,” Detective Casper is putting herself out by helping you so show your appreciation okay?”

“I guess,” Alexandra nodded.


“Grace, are you home?” Max called as he walked into the house. But knew by the fact his daughter’s favorite new car was not in the driveway that Grace wasn’t back from her visit with Jake or if she had even stayed there and not gone somewhere. He knew he had rushed out of police station, running past the girl with Liz’s face.

It was uncanny the resemblance to the love of his life Max shuttered to think as he collapsed on his couch in the darkness. He hadn’t wanted to admit it. The name was uncanny sure. The ties to Alex Whitman who died when they were teenagers, a time that he and Liz had barely gotten through and he was amazed to this day they had been able to and the fact they had gotten married at eighteen was a testament to all the obstacles they had conquered. But the one obstacle they couldn’t conquer had been death, and he had lost her...

And now he was forced to remember that time. He had only by an inch made it through that period of losing his Liz and now to revisit that time.

Yet the name Beth Evans couldn’t be denied either given the uncanny use of his last name, and Liz’s last official name before her death and the use of the name Beth.

Once used when she had run out of Roswell as they were battling some issues that they had ultimately prevailed against. She needed time away and had ended up at boarding school for a span of two weeks. It had been an eye opener for him, and for her. He supposed he was lucky to be alive by the time she came home, and they were engaged just weeks later.

A quick ceremony was planned. Max and Liz hadn’t wanted to take any chances. They had been lucky to have that new chance and they grabbed it fully and didn’t take each other for granted ever again until of course he had lost to death.

But at boarding school Liz had used the name Beth to hide from her feelings about Max and Roswell and of course it had been the name Maria and Michael had been using for their daughter who was so young when her namesake died.

“Liz, are you coming back to me?” Max asked silently as he willed an answer that didn’t break his heart.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Yes Max she is on her way back. But she has no memory of you. But I think a kiss from you will bring everything back.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

reat part. Grace and Jake need to take it slow considering everything that Grace has been through and going through now.

Max still needs to learn about Carrie. I hope Beth/Liz decides she needs to see her husband and daughter.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Grace thinks she has drama is only beginning.
She admitted to Jake that Dominic was boring.......
Now Maria catches the two, what will happen next???
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So now everyone but Jeff and Nancy know the truth about Liz. Wow so Jake and Grace are going to be a couple now. It seems Maria is ok with it. Good Michael and Kyle are back and now they can help Jim with Alexandra. I understand why Alexandra is mad that Jim didn't say anything about Carrie. Soon Max and the other will know the truth about Liz/ Beth and Carrie. Wonder how everyone is going to take the news when they see Beth and Carrie.

L-J-L 76
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