Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Must agree with Michael and Kyle........their teen years were very intense.
Now I am getting anxious for Kyle and Michael to final out what's going on with Beth......
Alex is doing a great job of directing everyone's thoughts in the right area. Keep it up!
Can't wait for more,
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Isabel listen to Alex he is trying to tell you that Liz is alive!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part!

You can't always regret the past. If you wish you had another past, who said it would have been better... it could have been even worse?!

At least, they can look back to it and learn for the future... and not even that is sure... :?

Love this Story - thanks :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by roswell4life »

Please let them see Beth in this next chapter!! The anticipation is killing me!!! :cry:
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by Superman86 »

roswell4life wrote:Please let them see Beth in this next chapter!! The anticipation is killing me!!! :cry:
Ditto the suspense is killing me :?:
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 27 - Updated 1/14/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I keep looking for an update!
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Reunion - Chapter 28 - 1/18/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

It was eleven in the morning before Grace rolled out of bed. Jake had been right when she had come into house after their private talk, she had noticed that the house was dark besides a light on over the front door and her father’s bedroom door was closed. So, she had turned in minutes later, and now it was hours later when she was finally getting out of bed.

“Dad” she called.

“In the office sweetheart,” Max called as he had about an hour before he would meet Maria to head to the chamber for some reflection.

Grace walked to the basement to where office Max had installed when he had finished law school. It was in what likely was an old bedroom from the previous owners, and wasn’t used so Max decided to make it work as his office when Grace was younger, and he couldn’t always go into the office all the time in the aftermath of losing his wife.

“You slept late,” Max remarked as he saw his daughter come into the room. “What time did you get in?”

“Late,” Grace smiled at her fathers rolled eyes. “How was your night with Aunt Isabel, Uncle Kyle and Michael and Aunt Maria?”

“Short,” Max said. “Michael and Kyle had to leave town on a case, so they had to make it an early night.”

“Uncle Kyle is involved with one of his cases?” Grace asked. “Isn’t that unusual?” she wondered.

“Yup,” Max said as he surveyed some court papers he had to proof read before they were filed with the court. “What is the plan today?”

“Taking it easy, why?” Grace asked.

“Nothing but I may go out later with Maria, we want to do an errand. We’re expected at Grandma and Grandpa Evans tonight for dinner. Are you fine with that?” Max asked.

“Sure, why not,” Grace asked.

“It will be the first time since Connecticut that you will have seen them for any big length of time. They might have questions?” Max asked as he watched his daughter. She was growing stronger, and seemed comfortable with her life but knew she faced a challenge in going back to school the following day and having to deal with the stares and even Tommy Ellis.

“I think I can handle it Dad,” Grace promised.

“Good,” Max smiled. “Oh, your grandfather Parker called earlier and because you weren’t up yet, I said you would call him back.”

“Did he say what it was about?” Grace asked.

“Nope, but just wanted you to call him or Nancy at the apartment and not down in the restaurant.”

“Okay,” Grace smiled as she took out her cell phone and walked back upstairs to call her grandfather. She was curious why the call. She wondered if it was about her work schedule for the week as she dialed. “Hey Grandpa, you called.” She asked. “Yes, I loved my party and it was lots of fun. So, what was so important?” she smiled. “Oh. Wow. Are you sure?” she asked. “Okay. Call when you know more. Love you too,” she said as she hung up and went back downstairs.

“What?” Max asked.

“The restaurant will be partially closed for up to a week starting tomorrow,” Grace said. “Grandpa and Grandma found some water damage coming from the apartment above, into the kitchen. So, renovations begin tomorrow and therefore, they only want to do part service during the work, and so they don’t need me. Only a few waitresses will be needed during the core of the work. And the more senior staff is in the need of the money will be allowed to work the reduced hours. They are hopeful by the weekend they can restore complete service, but Grandpa can’t be sure.”

“Wow,” Max said. “So, that means it is only school this week for you. Plenty of free time?” he asked.

“It looks like,” Grace and then remembered Dominic’s invitation to a movie. A date. Which is something she shouldn’t be ready for, not in a million years but she had to move on sometime didn’t she, especially if she took it slow and not rush. It’s only a movie. “I was wondering if I could ask you something.”

“What is it?” Max asked.

“A friend from school has asked me out to a movie and I was thinking of going. But I told him that I needed to ask you. What do you think?” Grace asked as she looked at the frown on her father’s face.


“Dad!” Grace said.

“Honey,” Max began as his mind spun. “You don’t have to worry I am not trying to be an overprotective father here. I also know we haven’t talked fully about what happened last week during your little rebellion. Is it Jake?”

“No!” Grace shook her head. “I promise you it’s not. We’re only friends.”

“Grace!” Max asked.

“It’s the truth. He knows what happened with me last week. For now, he’s being supportive and supportive is what I need. It’s someone else. It’s Dominic Rhodes, technically he’s a junior but he’s going for early graduation this year and heading to West Point in the fall. He’s a great guy.”

“So, he’s about the same age as you are?”

“A year older,” Grace said. “Dad, I am not trying to rush into something I am not ready for. Tommy Ellis was a mistake I will pay for, for the rest of my life. Dominic is not like that. And even though I don’t know him like I know Jake, or I know you’re not that familiar with the Rhodes family. I’ll take it easy.”

“It’s not that I am not familiar. I know his father is in the military, right?”

“Right,” Grace acknowledged.

“As I said I am not trying to be a hard ass father sweetheart. I trust you. And I know you learned a lesson with that stunt last week, and the consequences that came with it. So, I’ll continue to trust you to make the smart and right decisions for you. But please sweetheart, don’t rush into anything.”

“Yes Dad,” Grace said. “So, is that a yes? Can I go with Dominic?”

“If you want to,” Max smiled. “But please take it easy and if anything happens that you weren’t prepared for, come to me this time okay. Don’t keep it a secret.”

“Yes Dad,” Grace smiled. I am going upstairs to call Elizabeth, so I’ll be in my bedroom.”

“Okay sweetheart,” Max sighed as he watched as his daughter left the office and headed for her bedroom as the sudden wariness of having a sixteen-year-old that now actively was going to be dating was sprung on him. He realized he had been extremely lucky up until now with his bookworm daughter who seemed more interested in studying than going out on the weekend unless she was with Elizabeth, Sue or Jake. Now it seems like the whole axis of his life was changing.

“Oh, Liz where are you when I need you?” he whispered to himself.


Beth had been taking it easy that morning. Alexandra wasn’t home from her party yet, and Carrie was working on her Titanic theme project with her partner in the dining room while Beth was doing laundry and preparing extra food for the upcoming week. She almost was looking for the upcoming week of working nights to try to ignore the creeping dreams and déjà vu feelings at bay. Concentrating on her medical duties could keep her from dreaming, and feeling like life would never be the same.

“Mom!” Carrie called from the dining room.

“What?” Beth said as she woke up from her trance at the call from her daughter. Sighing, she walked to the dining room and saw books and papers all piled around the table.


“Nothing. It’s just the phone,” Carrie shrugged as she pointed to the cell lying on the table. “I think its Aunt Serena.”

“Okay, thanks sweetheart.” Beth said as she took the phone and saw that indeed Serena had called. Dialing the number, she walked to the kitchen. “Hey, you called?” she asked into the phone. “I can’t come over. Carrie is here with a school friend working on a project and Alex isn’t home from her sleepover yet. Any chance you can come over?” she asked. “I can make a lunch and we can talk. Sure, see you then” she smiled and walked into the dining room.

“Hi Mom,” Carrie said.

“Hi, you two, how much longer are you working?” Beth asked as she again looked at the piles of work being done. “Getting anywhere?” she asked.

“Yup,” Carrie said. “Frankie’s mother is coming to pick him up in 45 minutes.”

“Okay,” Beth smiled. “Serena is coming for lunch. She and I need to talk about some medical stuff. You are free to join us for lunch, but the medical talk might bore you.”

“Medical stuff?” Carrie asked as she thought of the discovery they all had made in the last week. If not for school, she and Alexandra’s head would be swimming with the knowledge that they potentially had a sister and maybe had found their biological father. And added to all the drama is the fact that she and her sister had gifts they hadn’t completely been honest with their mother about, which made them wonder just what was going on with their life.

“Yes,” Beth said simply. “Continue working on your project. And I’ll start lunch. Serena should be here in an hour.”

Carrie nodded, and went back to working on her project with Frankie.


“What time do Meredith and your son arrive?” Sandra Casper was asking Trevor as they met for lunch at the Crashdown. More and more they were concluding that their Jane Doe was indeed the Elizabeth Parker Evans of Roswell. Yet it wasn’t confirmed 100% yet. But they were trying to put all the pieces together. The discussion the previous night about aliens had been fun. But something was odd in the case file for this Elizabeth Evans. She didn’t know what, but something still felt odd.

“The 9:25 p.m. bus from Albuquerque. I have an old college buddy who is escorting them from the airport to the bus station, and wait until the bus is off so that I know they will get here to Roswell safely. Meredith didn’t want me to drive all that way to pick them up.”

“At least they will be here with you,” Sandra smiled. “I miss my husband and kids. But I have talked to them, and they have been enjoying their vacation. I just wish I knew when I could go home.”

“I know,” Trevor said as he saw the Sheriff come in and took a seat and the woman from the other day joined him. “Wonder if he has any news?”

“Yeah,” Sandra said.

Across the restaurant, Jim was sitting with Amy and they were talking about the news that the restaurant would be closed for the upcoming week. “Wow,” Jim was saying. “They haven’t had to do any major reduction in service since everything that happened fourteen years ago,”

“I know, which would be the last time the kitchen was renovated,” Amy said. “Today is the last day of full operation.”

“So, you’re going to have time off?” Jim asked.

“Sure, but I may come in to monitor the renovations although Jeff and Nancy will be helping out with some select wait staff that need the hours and money for rent purpose. I don’t qualify, although I might come in and help out, but generally I have the time off,” Amy smiled as she thought it would be nice to have some time off over the next few days.

“Hello Detectives,” Jim said as he acknowledged the approaching officers. “This is my wife, Amy Deluca Valenti,” he smiled. “Amy this is Detectives Trevor MacIntosh and Sandra Casper out of the New Haven department. They are investigating that matter we were discussing.”

“Oh,” Amy said. “Hello, nice to meet you. Welcome to Roswell.”

“Thank you,” MacIntosh and Casper smiled. “This is a beautiful place,” Sandra smiled. “It must be nice to live in such a small town. New Haven is small it doesn’t seem to be this small.”

“It has charm,” Amy said. “I am glad you’re enjoying your trip. I am sorry it must be under these circumstances. My husband has told me some about the case you’re working on. And I should say I hope this turns out to be a hoax, as cruel as it would be.”

“Why?” Trevor asked.

“Because I witnessed the devastation this town went through fourteen years ago, and know how much it has changed the lives for many around here, and if it’s all a lie and it could have been solved years ago, if only someone had caught on. Then nothing will be the same again.”

“That is why we’re taking a cautious approach,” Sandra acknowledged. “We want to know the truth.”

“Oh, we all do,” Amy said softly. “My daughter was best friends with Liz, and I mean best friends. They did everything together. I watched her grow up. It destroyed my daughter to have to bury her best friend. And the fact that Liz left a husband and a daughter allowed my Maria to be able to concentrate on them to be able to get over the pain of losing Liz. And if she is to find out now, all these years later that it was all a lie.”

“We know, oh, you daughter is Maria Deluca?” Trevor asked as he made the connection.

“Yes,” Amy said. “Maria Guerin is her married name. As much as the truth deserves to come out, the truth also has the power to hurt a lot of people even if they will be joyous if it’s possible Liz could be brought back to us.”

“I know,” Sandra said.

“I work with Liz’s parents here at this establishment. I helped in the aftermath of losing their daughter. They were lost. Liz was their only child. And thankfully they still had their granddaughter; Liz’s only child to love and dote on and Max, her husband to support otherwise I am not sure what would have happened. “If the story you’ve brought my husband is in any way true, I don’t know how it’s not going to set off a bombshell within the clan.” Amy sighed.

“It’s a sad situation. Especially as you told us, this Jane Doe has complete amnesia, and only remembers from the day of her waking up forward. So, she has no memory of the past,” Jim sighed. “That could do damage if she is indeed who we think she might be. How is anyone going to deal with if she can’t remember her past here in Roswell? Or the fact there is two other children out there, separated from their Roswell family.”

“Oh, I know,” MacIntosh stated. “Which is why we are trying to be careful, so is there any news on your part of the investigation?”

“They are headed there as we speak. So, I won’t know anything until later tonight, or tomorrow depending on what they discover.”

“Let us know when you know,” MacIntosh asked.

“I will,” Jim nodded.


“I am exhausted,” Beth was saying to Serena. Lunch had been joined by Carrie, but they hadn’t talked about the elephant in the room regarding the recent developments over the twin’s history, and Beth’s path. So, after her daughter was finished with the pizza that Beth had created she went off to work on her homework, which left Beth and Serena to talk.

“I bet you are,” Serena acknowledged. “It can’t be easy?”

“It’s not,” Beth sighed. “I want to know the truth. But it’s coming so quickly, so fast. “It’s running me down.”

“It will get better,” Serena said. “It’s just you have been living a blank slate and creating your life as you went forward for close to fourteen years, so for answers to suddenly be popping up can’t be easy.”

“And it’s not my memory that is telling me. Sure, I am having these flashes, but I am still blank about my life. What if I do have a daughter and husband out there, and I don’t remember them. How can that be good for them? It will help Alexandra and Carrie, but it can’t be good for me, or for this other family.”

“You unfortunately don’t know, but let’s take this one step at a time. You can’t rush to end without following the path.” Serena advised as she took a sip of her drink. “But the answers are out there.”

“I know,” Beth sighed as she yelled upstairs, “Carrie turn down the music.”

“Yes Mom,” Carrie shouted downstairs.

“Have you found out anything on those tests?” Beth as she took her own sip from her drink as she heard the music blaring in her daughter’s room lessen a few decimals, but not as far as she would have liked, but she chose to ignore it for the moment. “Has there been anything at all?

“Still waiting for more conclusive information,” Serena smiled. “It’s the weekend, so hopefully I will know more from my friend in the next few days.”

“Thank you, Serena, for everything you done to help me,” Beth smiled. “It can’t be easy.”

“I am the one who knows my childhood, and knows the warts and all about my history. You are the one that deserves the answers. I find my life relatively easy in comparison,” Serena acknowledged.

“If I have another daughter….” Beth started but couldn’t finish.

“I know,” Serena acknowledged the pain in her friend’s voice. If Beth was indeed a mother of an older daughter, she couldn’t help but think of the pain that could come to her friend’s life if she in the end couldn’t even remember that child or remember that life.


“I would love to go out with you Dominic,” Grace was saying into her phone, in her bedroom. “I talked it over with my father, and he’s given his okay” she said. “He does want to meet you. Sure, as it turns out due to some renovations at work, I have the week off so maybe we can go out on Tuesday night. Take in a movie, especially since it would be a school night” she said. “I would love it,” she said quietly. “Sure, we can meet at school tomorrow and talk it over. I am going to dinner at my Grandparents place, so I must go and get ready. So, I’ll see you at school.”

“I can’t believe it,” Elizabeth was saying from Grace’s desk where she had been sitting while Grace sat at her desk. “You’re going for it,” she asked. She had come over for a quick visit with her mother who had an errand she had to do with Grace’s father, and so they had disappeared and left the girls to talk before Maria would return and pick up her daughter and they would all meet again for the Evans dinner. It beat staying at home with her siblings. She would rather have her older brother who was at home for a change and doing homework as he was working on his final exam for his art class babysit.

“It’s just a movie Elizabeth,” Grace responded. “But yes, I am taking a chance.”

“And your dad is allowing you to go?” Elizabeth asked.

“He has his reservations, but for now he’s in the trust me phase. If I promise to go to him if anything happens I am not prepared for or unsure of. But he does want to meet Dominic.”

“I bet,” Elizabeth smiled. “But Dominic is a cool guy. He’s very respectable and an easy pass to get through the parental meeting.”

“Like you would know,” Grace teased.

“Maybe not, but it’s getting closer to that day. Thankfully Dad is away, so it’s just Mom. But no one is calling for dates with me yet. Unlike you! You have two guys interested in you. You’re very lucky.”

“I don’t have two guys interested in me Elizabeth,” Grace said determined the erase the idea that Jake might be jealous. “And please don’t tell me that Jake is interested, because he’s not, we’re just friends.”

“Keep telling yourself that my friend,” Elizabeth smiled. “One of these days, I will be proven right.”

“Do you have any idea why your dad needed to take Uncle Kyle with him on his business case?” Grace asked as she exchanged seats with her friend, who took the bed while Grace checked her email.

“I have absolutely no clue, but I do know that is has gotten Mom curious why they both were needed for this particular mission since the inclusion of Uncle Kyle is so odd. It’s apparently a mission Grandpa thought up and not an actual paying gig from a client.”

“What?” Grace asked.

“I know,” Elizabeth acknowledged. “They insist it’s not a mission regarding our clan’s special status,” she said. “But I have my suspicions.”

“Weird,” Grace said.

“Tell me about it,” Elizabeth said.

“Since we have time before your mother returns to pick us up, do you want to go downstairs and watch some televisions?” she asked.

“Sure,” Elizabeth said with a smile, as they headed downstairs with one of the movies from Grace’s collection.


“I haven’t been out here in a long time,” Maria remarked as they arrived at the chamber. She had pushed back the meet with Max for a few hours to be able to get some writing done on her new manuscript. And now they were making the trip as they had left their teenagers back at the Evans household. “Why did you want to make the trip?”

“Because I feel my life is spinning out of control, and I only felt that one other time in the last twenty years, and it was when Liz passed away out there. And I couldn’t help but come and see the area. I know Grace comes out here more often than I do, so I felt it was time after Grace’s recent visitor.”

“You mean her visit by our ghostly friend Alex,” Maria asked.

“Yup,” Max said. “And plus, she keeps reminding me that she’s growing up. Now she’s 16, a licensed driver and last week’s escapades has made it all more crystal clear.”

“You can trust Grace, last weekend excepted of course.” Maria reasoned. “We can trust our kids. They are leading very normal lives, and any escapades show they are normal.”

“I know,” Max smiled. “And I want them to be normal, and have a better and a freer life than we did when we were their age. We were constantly in jeopardy when we were their ages, it might have calmed down over the years, but life should be simpler.”

“Life is never simple Max,” Maria acknowledged. “No matter the bubble we long to put over our kids. As Grace saw herself recently, and the good scare Jake got.”

Max nodded. “And now she’s dating.”

“What?” Maria asked, fearing that her son finally had made the move to ask out Grace. “You can’t be serious?”

“It’s not Jake,” Max quickly reassured his friend. “A classmate of Grace’s has asked her out to a movie,” Max said. “And she’s wants to go, so I have given her the green light.”

“Wow,” Maria said.

“I know,” Max asked. “I wanted to keep her locked in her bedroom for longer, but I do think she can make the right choice when it does come to her love life, or at least I do think she’ll come to me this time if something goes wrong, and it’s just a movie date.”

“I guess she’s growing up,” Maria asked if not the knowledge of a teenage pregnancy that ended up in stillbirth hadn’t already been a big tip off. “I guess Elizabeth won’t be long behind her.”


“Wait for the bags,” Michael said. “And I’ll check in and pick up the car. Is that okay,” he asked as they walked off the plane.

“Sure,” Kyle said. “Anything to speed up the process,” as he headed for the baggage claim while Michael headed for the car rental to pick up the car they had rented.


“Liz, hello,” Max was saying as they paid respects to the tomb stone they had place near the chamber. “I miss you every day. You’re missing so many momentous changes in our daughter’s life. She misses you sweetheart,” he said softly. “I wish you could be here with me as I face this. I remember so clearly the day she was born. We were so deliriously happy. It’s now 16 years later, and you’re not here” he sighed before walking away and Maria walking up behind him and taking his place.

“Hey girlfriend,” Maria smiled. “You would be proud of Grace. And Max? Max has done a hell of a job raising your little girl. He misses you every day. Isabel and I both try to get him to move on, thinking you would want him to. But he can’t. He was gone that day in third grade when he first saw you Liz. “He truly loves you, and misses you.” Maria said. “Where did the time go?” she asked again. “My kids are growing up. My eldest Jake is 18 Liz, 18. Do you remember when we were eighteen? It seems like yesterday. My youngest is six years old so I guess Michael and wanted to keep the nest going much longer than Max will be dealing when Grace leaves for college. Jake and Grace are best friends. You should be here seeing all this Liz, god I miss you.”


“Alexandra went over to Ella’s for an early dinner after the party, and then she’s coming home.” Beth told her daughter as the teen came downstairs from her bedroom after Serena had left to go home to her family. “Is there anything special you want?”

“Something spicy, something pasta related.” Carrie asked.

“Okay,” Beth said. “How is the homework coming?”

“Still striking out on the family tree of course, but Titanic is coming along. And my math is done.” Carrie reported.

“Great,” Beth smiled. “Do you need me to check it over?”

“Nope, it was pretty easy.” Carrie smiled. She might not be obsessive about her academic career like her twin, but Carrie still did well when she liked the subject and somehow Math seemed to jive with her and had always excelled in the subject. “Did Serena say anything about youknow?”

“No sweetheart. We just had a talk. She doesn’t know anything more than she did the other night, but could in the next few days. If you’re with her, she might tell you guys because I must work nights until Thursday,”

“Okay,” Carrie said as she went into the living room to watch some television.


“Are you sure you want to go in there?” Maria asked outside the chamber. “You have come and seen Liz’s memorial, why go into the chamber?”

“Because Alex was in there when he appeared, maybe he’s still around.” Max reasoned, and plus one of us should see what is going on inside, and keep track. You never know what the years have done,” he said.

“You’re talking about the pods?” Maria asked of the birth place of Max, Michael and Isabel.

“Yes,” Max said as they walked up to the entrance to the cave.

Once inside, Max and Maria looked around. “Wow,” Maria was saying. “It’s been literally decades since I was last in here,” she was telling herself and Max. “It’s unbelievable that this is the place you guys were born in.”

“Which makes the fact our kids have led easier, more normal lives even better,” Max sighed. “This is all too unreal.”

“I know,” Maria smiled. “Although if it took away the pain of childbirth, I wouldn’t be so upset at the idea of a pod birth,” she laughed, and Max smiled as they left the chamber.


“I measure we have about a half hour drive,” Michael was saying as he and Kyle got into the rental car. “If this GPS gadget is correct” he sighed. “Let’s get this over with. I want to know what got your father all hot under the collar about this case.”

“I am just as clueless,” Kyle said as he texted his father to indicate they were through the airport, and was on their way and texted Maria, Max and Isabel to indicate all was smooth so far. “It’s unusual for my father to be so obsessed about something.”

“Very true, especially not since those early days,” Michael shot back with a laugh.

“Right,” Kyle said with an equal laugh. His father had been over the top with his obsession into the secret society back in high school. It took Kyle getting shot, and being saved by Max for his father to relent and change sides and help the gang. Which they all were grateful to this day as some of those early scraps could have gotten any one of them killed at any time.

It’s gotten me curious,” Michael said as the pulled out of the airport and headed for Madison, Connecticut.


“Honey, are you ready to head over?” Max asked as he approached his daughter’s bedroom. He hadn’t expected to stay at the chamber so long, and had only been home for about forty-five minutes. Maria and Elizabeth had quickly left, and now they were scheduled to head over the Evans home for dinner.

“Give me a minute Dad,” Grace said. “I’m almost ready,” she said.

“Okay. I’ll be downstairs. I want to leave within ten minutes,” Max announced as he walked downstairs. And saw a text message from Kyle to indicate that he and Michael had reached their destination and were continuing with their journey


Carrie was watching a movie while her mother was working in her office before Beth planned to prepare dinner when there was a buzz came in on the front gate. Only guests rang the bell, which made Carrie curious. Her sister wasn’t expected for a few hours. With her mother working in her office, Carrie elected to take the intercom. “Who is it?”

“We want to speak to a Beth Evans?” came the voice.

“Why?” asked Carrie.

“We have some questions for her. Can you let us through?” came the voice of Michael who was standing behind the gate with Kyle. Kyle knew Michael could get through the gate’s system with his powers if he so chose, but found it was better to play by the rules for the moment.

“Are you cops?” Carrie asked as she considered getting her mother.

“God No!” came the answer as Michael and Kyle looked at each other and cracked up on the cop question. “We just have some friendly questions.”

There was a silence of a few seconds, and Michael didn’t know if they had been shut out and, so he rang again, and then came a voice. “Watch it, fine, I’ll let you through, but it doesn’t mean I am going to let you into the house,” came the sarcastically warning reply.

“We understand, and we thank you,” Michael said. “Who is this person on the other end?” he asked Kyle when the intercom turned off as they waited to get buzzed through and both wondered what they would find at the front door.

“Cautious,” Kyle said. “Given there is no other homes with a privacy gate in the front of their property, guarding the house. Obviously, they are taking the safety route.”

“It’s a clever idea as I wish we had one then I could lock both Jake and Elizabeth in,” Michael muttered as they continued to wait.

“It wouldn’t work with Elizabeth as she is your daughter through and through,” Kyle smiled at the knowledge that Elizabeth could give the adults a run for their money. “Jake, initially, but still he’ll find his way around it.”

“You’re probably right” Michael allowed as finally there was a buzz and the gate unlocked, which allowed the guys to walk through the gate, and let it swing closed and they heard it lock behind them.

They walked up the driveway, and knocked on the door and rang the bell. Inside Carrie approached the door, and waited for the doorbell. And then she opened it. “What?” she asked.

Michael and Kyle looked, and both were a bit shocked by who they found that matched the voice they heard. It was a teenager who couldn’t be that much younger than Elizabeth or older than Kyle’s oldest daughter. “Who are you?” Carrie asked.

“We are working on a case,” Kyle started.

“I thought you said you weren’t cops?” Carrie asked immediately wary of the strangers.

“We’re not. Or I am not,” Kyle said as Michael glared at him. “Okay, he’s not either. But we were wondering if we are looking to ask Beth Evans some questions. Are you she?” he asked.

“She would be my mother,” Carrie allowed as she took an immediate assessment of the visitors who were struck by the teenager.

Kyle and Michael felt something familiar in the girl with the confident tone yet untapped wildness that were itching to be let out. “Then can we speak to your mother?”

“She’s busy.”

“I am sure she is,” Michael said. “But if we could only ask her a few questions, then we could go on our way.”

“Fine,” Carrie warily said as she punched the intercom for the office by the door. “Mom, you’re wanted at the front door,” she said. “She’ll be right down.”


Beth sensed something was up. She had heard the gate buzzer, and had turned on the intercom to front door to listen to her daughter deal with the newcomer at the door. They didn’t often get visitors unless they were invited. At Halloween, which was also the twin’s birthday, they often left the gate open since there was often a party of kids coming and going. But often than not, they didn’t get many people coming to the house uninvited as the money seekers often were turned off by the presence of the front gate which she had installed when they had moved in, to keep her and the kids safe. And therefore, she had heard her daughter be combative with whoever was at the gate. While Alexandra was more conservative; Carrie was wilder and unpredictable. She wondered where that trait came from.

And so, she answered when Carrie called her, and closed her computer and the article she was writing for a medical journal.

“What is it Carrie,” Beth asked as she came downstairs to the front door.

“Mom, these people wanted to speak to you?” Carrie said as her mother came into view but still partially blocked to visitors at the door.

“Yes,” Beth asked as she came to the door.


Michael and Kyle had been waiting for this Beth Evans to come as they played combative glares or Michael had with the teenager at the door. To Michael, the girl reminded him of his oldest Elizabeth. Confident with the knowledge that she could be powerful if she so decided to unleash her untapped power. But the hidden nature of the secret society had so far kept it from causing too much trouble…yet.

And then they heard the footsteps coming downstairs, and towards the door. Not sure what to be prepared for but neither Michael nor Kyle were prepared for what they did see come to the door after Carrie indicated to her mother that they had questions for her…

“Yes,” Beth said as she came to the door.

Blank faces, open jaws and pale white faces greeted her as Michael and Kyle seemed paralyzed in their places but with enough balance to give each other a “WTF” look.

“Yes,” Beth asked again. “I am Beth Evans; can I help you?”

Beth looked at the two guys at her door. “Are you two alright?” she asked, and looked at her daughter in the silence. “Did they say who they were?”

“Nope,” Carrie shook her head with curiosity peaking within her at the newcomers’ strange reaction to her mother.

“Excuse me,” Beth asked.

“Liz” sputtered a shocked Kyle.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 28 - Updated 1/18/2018

Post by roswell4life »

Seriously?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: You can't leave it there!!!!! Come backkkkkkkk!!! :lol:
L-J-L 76
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 28 - Updated 1/18/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

OH MY GOD!!!! Wow love the reaction Michael and Kyle gave Beth. Boy now comes the hard part. Wonder what Michael and Kyle are going to tell Beth Evans. And wonder if Beth will believe what Michael and Kyle have to say. And wonder if Michael and Kyle are going to tell Max and others about Beth Evans and girls.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 28 - Updated 1/18/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Finally someone from Roswell sees Beth. I'm sure Kyle is going to cuss his father out for the lack of information about Beth. How is Beth going to react to the name Liz? Is she going to recognize the name? I hope Alexandra makes it home soon for this reunion.
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