Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 24 - Updated 1/04/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Hopefully soon the mystery of Liz/Beth Evans will be solved soon.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 24 - Updated 1/04/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Another great chapter! So Jim is sending Michael and Kyle to New Heaven. Can't wait to find out what Michael, Kyle will do when they see Beth Evans. Hopefully Beth Evans and girls will be at home when Michael and Kyle show up. Wow it seems that Maria, Isabel did a great work for Grace's party. It seems Grace and her friends are having fun. So Isabel had a dream where Grace, Max, Liz and girls are at the pod champer standing together. Thinking Isabel's feeling are right. Wow that is so great that Maria has a book deals and a movie deal going on.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 24 - Updated 1/04/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So Max now owns the old UFO center.
Great party place!
Good luck to Michael and Kyle as they go investigate the Jane Doe information.
Strange that Max never had Liz declared legally dead.......
There are some funny dreams going on.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 24 - Updated 1/04/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

I wonder really who is behind all theses really well organized traps and why! The FBI? no... I don't think so... Aliens... even more less credible...

Anyway, I wonder how if will go on and if finally Max will find again his Family! :? THanks really interesting Story! EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 24 - Updated 1/04/2018

Post by roswell4life »

I'm curious to see what their reactions will be to seeing this mysterious Beth Evans woman!!! :D Can't wait!! More soon please!!!
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Reunion - Chapter 25 - 1/06/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

Carrie allowed herself in the house. She had just been dropped off by a friend from dance class’s parents. They had gone out to dinner after the dress rehearsal broke up. Carrie couldn’t wait until the recital was held the following Friday night. She wanted a break from all the practice she was undergoing. “Mom,” she called out. Silence filled the house. She knew Alexandra was at a sleepover birthday party. “Mom,” she called again.

“Hey,” Beth said as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. “How was your day?”

“Tiring,” Carrie smiled. “What have you been doing?”

“Paperwork and paying the bills,” Beth smiled. “How was dinner?”

“Delicious,” Carrie smiled as they walked up to her bedroom to put her bag in her room. “We stopped for pizza,” she said. “Given you’re working next week in the evenings; can you make the recital?”

“Don’t worry sweetheart,” Beth assured her daughter. “I have someone filling in for me on Friday night, so I can be at your recital.”

“Cool,” Carrie said. “Do you want to watch a movie with me?” she asked as she headed for the living room?”

“I still have some paperwork to finish with so why don’t you go ahead and maybe I’ll join you in a little while,” Beth said.

“Sure,” Carrie said as she watched her mother go back upstairs. She couldn’t help but wonder if the discoveries that she and her sister had found were having any impact on their mother. She may seem as normal as ever but there was still some tension there she though as she went through selections on Netflix and settled on Center Stage.


“So, what do you think Dad is up to?” Kyle was asking Michael as they stood on the back porch as the barbeque was getting started. “It’s a mystery to me.”

“He’s got something bugging him, but he refuses to let me in and that is very unlike Jim. Did you get anything?” Michael was asking as he checked the heat. “You would think because I am the professional here he would at least warn me about the surface of the case, but he’s not even doing that. He apparently wants the shock of whatever we would walk into.”

“Which is strange,” Kyle was saying. “It’s not like Dad to treat this like a big state secret unless it is impacting this group.”

“Which is what I am afraid of,” Michael muttered. “It’s been nice and quiet lately. We don’t need a major incident to awaken any of the suspicion in this town. It died down years ago and I am grateful for that.”

“I know,” Kyle said. They all knew from experience that high school had been hell for the group after Max had saved Liz’s life because of all the questions it opened when Max told Liz his identity. And all the danger that would come their way over the next few years. It was hellish for everyone. Once they were out of high school and in college; it died down to a trickle, but it was never completely out of their minds even though the last brutal battle with Tess seemed to settle down the tension and a peaceful status quo settled over the group as they could go with their lives.

“So, we don’t need that time in our lives reopened,” Michael muttered. “Now that Maria is talking to movie producers; I am worried that all our troubles are being stirred up again.”

“What?” Kyle asked. “Maria is talking to a movie producer?”

“It will apparently happen on her next book tour. She’s supposed to meet with a movie producer about a movie or television production. Hell, I don’t know, I don’t think she knows either. But she wants to take the meeting. So, who knows what will come from that,” Michael sighed as he checked the heat of the barbeque. “Not like we don’t have enough drama these days. She needs to add Hollywood to the mess.”

“Maria is smart, and she would only take the chance if she knew the group could handle it,” Kyle said as he thought of his step sister and friend. They had been friends since high school although it had been a tense time in the early days as he had dated Liz and Kyle had known that Maria wasn’t fond of him and was even actively encouraging Liz towards Max. And when they did end, things were still tense. Kyle had taken a long time to adjust to the idea of Max and Liz or even Max in general. Although the chill factor was lessened when Max had saved his life after he was shot himself by one of the alien’s enemies. Still it had taken time for him to come into the group and become close to everyone and that included Maria and then it didn’t help when their parents started dating and kept breaking it off and therefore putting their kids in the middle of the melodrama while yet again reconciling and surprising even their kids with their sudden elopement as he and Maria graduated from high school.

Becoming family had allowed Kyle to see Maria for who she was. A genuinely eccentric but warm human being and it made him root for the oddly dysfunctional but true love that Maria had with Michael. When she had come back New York broke and pregnant; he had witnessed firsthand as Maria and Michael found a new deeper level to their love. And the fact that Michael was willing to raise Jake proved they were meant to be. Given he had been injured while on the basketball team at Las Cruces and lost his scholarship so he had to move back home and work on the side to be able to continue his education, so he had gotten to know both Amy and Maria. He couldn’t help but smile when Maria had gotten Michael to marry her and stood at the wedding as Jim gave his stepdaughter away. And while the gang was worried when Maria had begun to write about the alien chaos; he also knew that Maria would only write about their experiences so far and they didn’t have to worry about it as she celebrated the success that came with the books. But now the idea of it all going Hollywood was truly a concern even for a non-alien.

“I know,” Michael nodded as he smiled at the knowledge that the barbeque was almost ready for the steaks. “It’s just something else we have to keep an eye on.”

“You never know. Maybe it will be the best thing to happen to this group,” Kyle smiled encouragement. “Just think of the buzz.”

“We don’t need buzz thank you,” Michael grumbled. “Our low-key life is fine with me.”

“I know,” Kyle nodded as they walked back into the house. “I know,” he told himself and he couldn’t quite disagree with Michael’s assessment as he wanted to believe the true danger of their earlier chapters was behind them.


“Why do I have this feeling that we’re just sitting here waiting for disaster to strike?” Max asked in the living room as he talked to his sister and Maria. “I know nothing will happen, but I can’t help it.”

“That’s because our kids are teenagers and just thinking of the hell we pulled,” Maria smiled. “It makes us worry.”

“I am just glad I don’t have to face it just yet,” Isabel smiled as she thought of her own kids and the knowledge she wasn’t there yet even though Kyle, Michelle and Jamie were known to test their parents’ patients but she and Kyle didn’t have to deal with the parental nightmare of the teenage years yet and for that Isabel was grateful for that as she saw her brother and friends go through it.

“Just wait Is,” Max smiled. “Your time is coming, and it will be sooner than you want it to be” he said. “You’ll be apologizing to Mom and Dad about all the hair brain schemes we pulled and how we kept them in the dark about everything and the worries we gave them.”

“Grace has been a model teenager until now,” Isabel said. “I don’t think you have much to apologize to Mom and Dad about,” she reasoned.

Until now is the pertinent part of your sentence,” Max sighed. “But really, I don’t have to worry much about Grace. But she does give me cause occasionally and the last week has given me a crash course in raising a teenage girl who likes to go to the wild side occasionally.”

“Imagine a teenage boy,” Maria sighed. “That son of mine is just weeks away from graduating. I don’t know what he’s going to be doing with his life and that worries me.” she said. “He’s so much like Michael that it scares me sometimes. Who says you need to be blood related to be a clone.”

“Jake is a good kid,” Max acknowledged. “Well, most of the time.” he laughed as he envisioned the boy. “What is this trip coming up for both Michael and Kyle? Is it a secret mission?” he asked.

“I have no idea. And neither does my husband,” Isabel admitted to her brother. “I don’t even think Kyle knows what’s up. He just has a location and a person he needs to see as he accompanies Michael. Does Michael know anything more?” she asked Maria.

“Nope,” Maria shook her head. “If he does, he’s not sharing. It is mission from Jim is all I know and given it’s from Jim; it’s surprising that it’s so secretive. I wish I knew,” she sighed. “But I am going to trust my husband that he’ll tell me when it’s time.”

“Which I will when I know what I am investigating,” Michael spoke as he and Kyle walked into the living room. “Steaks are almost ready,” he answered the question that would be coming. “Did I hear our names?”

“I was just asking if the girls knew anything about your trip.” Max asked.

“I don’t even know,” Michael said. “Okay I know certain parts of it. But I don’t know how it all connects, and Jim won’t tell me. He wants the shock factor apparently to tell me the story instead of allowing me some of the pertinent facts.”

“Which strikes me weird,” Max said as he though back to the whole business with the wallet and the unanswered question that the discovery was causing himself, and his daughter.

He so wanted to assure his daughter it was a dark, cruel hoax and that someone was trying to pull a prank on her. But Liz would have been the first to tell him that he should be careful, and examine all the facts and beware. They had enemies out there. Sure, it’s been relatively quiet for years. But it didn’t mean that they didn’t have anyone who wanted to take them down like Tess had once done.

“What are you thinking Max?” Isabel asked as he walked over to her brother. She was still bothered by the dream. She knew she shouldn’t be. She saw all kinds of things, but something about those girls in the dream rang something familiar in her. “Are you worried about the kids and the party? I am sure it’s going smoothly.”

“Oh, I am sure,” Max said. “I trust Grace. She has seen the dangers of being a rebel, I don’t have to worry about her tonight.” he remarked. “Okay I do,” he paused. “But the worries are not as high-pitched, and they are here in Roswell, so they will be safe for tonight anyways.”

“Yes, they are,” Isabel said. “Then what’s bothering you?” she asked. “I can see something obviously is.”

“I don’t know. It’s like something is going to happen. It’s this sense I have,” Max murmured. “It’s like everything is about to change.”

“The kids are getting older,” Isabel remarked as she inwardly laughing at the fact she had the same feeling as her brother.

“It’s not the kids. That’s natural as they grow older,” Max remarked as he looked around the room. “It’s something deeper. Something more complicated and yet I can’t explain it.”

“I know,” Isabel said. “I was just thinking that earlier. It’s like we’re walking a fine blurring line and we’re about to walk off into something completely unexpected.”

Max agreed. “I didn’t want to be the one to tell you this sis,” he took a deep breath. “But Grace had a recent visitor,” he remarked.

“Whom?” Isabel.

“She swears she saw the ghost of Alex Whitman,” he said quietly but not too quiet that Maria didn’t overhear from a few feet away.

“Alex?” Maria asked loudly as Isabel’s jaw dropped. “Grace saw Alex?” as a pin could drop in the room and be heard as it got deadly silent.

“Yes,” Max nodded as he broke the silence.

“Oh, my god,” Isabel squeaked.


“This party is a blast Grace,” Elena Wilkinson said as she walked past Grace and Jake at party central. “I wish my parents had done this for my birthday when I turned 16.”

“I am very lucky,” Grace agreed. “Thank you for coming,” she said as she and Jake walked away.

“My sister is having too much fun,” Jake grumbled as she saw his sister dancing too provocatively with a friend from school once another dance song came on the speakers. “Why did you have to invite her?”

“She’s my best friend. And Jake, she’s 15 and growing up. So, grow up!” Grace laughed. “You are one to talk since you took me across the country remember?”

“You’re older,” Jake grumbled.

“By less than three months,” Grace chuckled as she pulled Jake onto the dance floor. “Let her live at little.”

“I am,” Jake said as he mockingly pouted as he looked at his younger sister on the dance floor and groaned at how much fun she was and how the guys were drooling at her in that dress of hers. “It doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he insisted. “Right?”

“Right,” Grace agreed as she could see why Elizabeth worried her brother, but she saw no true trouble in in it, and I know all the warning signs she thought. “So, ignore Elizabeth as you know as well as I do that she’ll be fine. She knows how to handle herself if things get too serious, and in the meantime come and enjoy my party with me because look at the bright side, I am sixteen and not grounded.”

Jake couldn’t help but smile as they she dragged him onto the dance floor where they danced up a storm.


“Kylie, Michelle are playing what they promise is a final match of WiTennis,” Amy said as she walked out of the bedroom where her grandchildren were sleeping. “Jamie is fast asleep” she said as she noticed her husband was preoccupied about something. “What is it?”

“It’s nothing,” Jim said quietly. But he couldn’t keep his mind off the idea that Liz was alive and that there might more children out there of the alien hybrid kind and Max and the gang didn’t know it. He needed this over with one way or another quickly. “I got the kids on a 6:45 a.m. flight to Hartford out of Albuquerque in the morning. “I wish this wasn’t necessary.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” Amy asked.

“It’s nothing,” Jim said as he reached for the phone to call the boys and let them know they would have to get to the airport early.

Amy sighed as she noticed a file open on the coffee table. She couldn’t resist as her husband’s back was turned to her as he made the phone call to her daughter’s home. Amy was shocked when she picked up a current photo of a short brunette. “Oh, my god.”

“What?” Jim asked as he finished the call, and looked back to his wife. “Honey”

“What are you doing with Liz’s photo in this file folder?” Amy asked. “But this is not how she looked at the time of her death.”

“That’s not Liz,” Jim tried saying.

“Jim yes, it is,” Amy said. “It’s been fourteen years. But I know what Liz looks like. She was in my house constantly while growing up. She was like a second daughter. And a sister to my Maria” she asked. “What is going on?”

“Amy,” Jim said as he tried to stall. Telling Amy was one step closer to the Parker’s finding out and he was not prepared for the world to know yet. Too many complications still existed within the case.

“Do not Amy me Jim,” Amy said. “Tell me what is going on.”

“Okay honey,” Jim said as he took a deep breath. “But you have to calm down please. You have got to promise me.”

“I will make no such promises,” Amy muttered.

“I am only working on a theory right now. I don’t know if it has any realm of the truth, but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that Liz could be alive,” Jim said quietly. “That she might not have died in 2008.”

“What are you talking about? Amy asked a tad shell shocked. “How can that possibility be true?”

“There is reason to believe that maybe a car crash didn’t claim Liz’s life that night and instead she was kidnapped. She could still be alive, and that is why I am asking my son and Michael to head to Connecticut to investigate for me, so I can know whether Liz actually did die.”

“No….” Amy cried.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 25 - Updated 1/06/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Surprised that Jim is keeping Kyle and Michael so much in the dark.
Wow, Maria talking to movie producers.......that might open a big can of worms....
That wallet is still a mystery......hope we get some answers soon.
And is Max really sensing a change that is coming??
Love that big brother Jake is concerned regarding his sister!
Thanks, I'm sensing a change too......
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 25 - Updated 1/06/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Loved the classic Amy freak out! Yes Amy would know Liz if she saw her.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 25 - Updated 1/06/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Great part! Thank you for the frequent updates!

Is Max going to share about the wallet that Grace found? Is Isabel going to share the details of her dream with the group? Any chance that Max will go with Michael and Kyle?
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 25 - Updated 1/06/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part!
If it is true and all of this is a trap, I wonder who is behind all of this... we have Aliens in this Story and I guess we have to search in this direction... or maybe that the FBI?

Anyway, spannend Story and I am looking for more... Thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
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