Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 17 - Updated 12/17/2017

Post by roswell4life »

Seriously?!? :shock: (Pulls hair out) you're killing us here!!!! :lol: they were so close and yet so far!! Please come back with more soon!!
L-J-L 76
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 17 - Updated 12/17/2017

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So Beth saw the glowing hands. I'm asking you now please please please please let Beth get her memory back so she can be with Max and the others? Max and the others need to know Liz is alive and has 2 daughters. Hopefully what Alexandra and Carrie are up to will help Beth. Wondering how long it will be till Beth gets her memory back? And how long it will be till Beth, Alexandra, Carrie go and be with Max and others? Does Liz have powers?

L-J-L 76
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Reunion - Chapter 18 - 12/18/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“I am sorry,” Elizabeth was saying as she sat in her brother’s bedroom about 30 minutes after her mother and brother walked into the house. Jake had just gotten out of a fifteen-minute lecture from both his parents on how risky it had been to do what he had done with Grace. And now he was in his room, talking to his sister. “I cracked.”

“But not before Sue I bet,” Jake asked as he set his alarm clock for the next morning. He had no choice but to show up for classes in the morning. He was on thin ice with his parents and couldn’t afford any skipping until at least the furor over the weekend died down. “It’s okay Elizabeth, I understand. I put you in a terrible position and I am sorry for that.”

“How is Grace?” Elizabeth asked.

“She’s okay,” Jake said as remembered seeing Grace and Max walk out of the airport moments before Michael had arrived to pick up his wife and son. A traffic accident had delayed Michael from getting to the airport in advance. So, Max left with Grace as soon as their luggage arrived. He wondered when he would see Grace next. Since he knew she couldn’t show her face at school for the rest of the week. “She’s emotional of course, so be careful with her.”

Elizabeth nodded. “She’s not coming to school, tomorrow right?”

“Nope,” Jake said. “She will need to keep up appearances of recovery from a major operation and needs time to heal, which she of course she does,” he said as he picked up his cell phone to check for messages. “So, keep an eye on her if you do go over okay,” he asked.

“Yes sir,” Elizabeth smiled as she realized she needed to get to bed. Hugging her brother, “I am glad you’re home safely.”

“Thanks sis,” Jake said as he watched his sister leave his bedroom and picked up his cell phone and sent a text message to Grace. “Good night. Sleep alright,” he typed. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow - Jake ".

Sighing, he got ready for bed as he was feeling content to be finally to be in his own bed at last. He wondered what the future held as he fell asleep.


Grace at the same time was tossing and turning. It had taken forever for her father to leave her room when they finally got home. And now she desperately wanted to sleep but couldn’t. She heard a beep on her cell phone, grabbing it from her bedside table she smiled when she saw a small message from Jake. “Good night. Sleep alright,” Talk to you tomorrow - Jake.”

She wished she could sleep. But all the emotions of the last few days were catching up with her and she didn’t know what to do, instead she typed back. “Thanks. “Get my homework for me. Or draft Elizabeth. See you soon - Grace.”

Putting the phone back on the table; she settled back in bed. But every time she closed her eyes. She saw a tiny baby and then her mother. Their faces staring back at her as she desperately tried to sleep. “Mom,” she whispered. “What am I going to do?” she asked.

She hadn’t been so delusional in the hospital that she didn’t forget that she had called a doctor her mother. She did look so much like pictures of her mother. Just older. But she knew her mother was dead. So, she just moved on.

And now she was home and restless and she tried to sleep. She still had no idea what to think about the pregnancy that didn’t really happen. That was over just as it was beginning. If she had known, what would she have done? I have no idea. Dad would have killed me. Dad! Grace thought. He’s been a saint all weekend. I know he wanted to kill me for my little stunt. But he hasn’t. He’s been good about it she thought. “I wish life could be so much easier.” she whispered.


Outside the bedroom of Grace, Max was pacing in his own room. Unable to sleep. Worried for his daughter and dealing with urges to throttle Ellis for putting his daughter in this position; he just wanted life to be like it had been Friday morning before all this had happened. Sighing, he opened his door and silently opened his daughter’s door yet again and was relieved to see she was now sleeping. Going back to his own bedroom; he sat down on his bed and looked at Liz’s picture next to his bed. It had been taken when Grace was first born and then redone shortly after their daughter’s second birthday, weeks before the crash. A family picture. A rarity and one he treasured when she was taken from. Ah Liz, I need you so much. Getting into bed, he laid back and remembered the good old days. The moment when she called him out of an interview to tell him that she was pregnant. They both had been so happy that day. They had celebrated for weeks and even months. Then the shock when Grace was born so early yet so healthy and per midwife; full term. They were told they must have gotten the dates wrong. But he and Liz knew the truth. The child and the pregnancy had been an alien hybrid human combination. Grace was special from the moment she had been born.

And treasured from the moment she was conceived.

It all brought back Liz to him. Liz, he muttered as he fell asleep.


The next morning, Grace was still in bed when Max left the house to get to the office. Checking once he made sure she was okay. She was contently sleeping and knew she had a tough time sleeping and was up several times throughout the night pacing. Leaving a note, he headed to the office to make up on the work he had missed while in Connecticut over the weekend.

Grace physically got out of bed around 11 and walked downstairs to the kitchen and noticed the note, Grace,

I love you. I hope you have a good day. Please don’t do anything too strenuous. I will try to be home at a reasonable hour.


Knowing her friends would be at school. Grace grabbed a late breakfast and headed into the family room and turned on the television. A repeat of a Maury Povich show was on with DNA tests the focus of the episode. Laughing, she relaxed.


“Ellis get out of here,” Jake threatened as he approached his sister’s locker after his history class was finished.

“Guerin, you are back from your little on the run fiasco,” Ellis smirked as Jake approached the locker. “Where is Grace? I hear something happened between the two of you?”

“Leave my sister alone,” Jake threatened. “And leave Grace alone. She is home sick,” he said. “If I hear you’ve gone near either my sister or Grace you won’t be happy with my response.”

“I hear you are on thin ice with this school Guerin, you don’t want to mess up graduation, do you?” Ellis smiled as he almost dared Jake to come and get him.

Elizabeth could sense it and got in between her brother and the lunatic Ellis. “Jake, please stop it. He’s not worth it. Ellis get out of here,” she glared at the criminal in training who just smiled and walked away. Humming as he walked down the hall. Elizabeth turned to her brother, “What?”

“I only came to tell you that you would need to pick up Grace’s homework from her classes,” Jake said. “You need to stay away from Tommy Elizabeth,” he warned. “He’s trouble.”

“Yes, I know,” Elizabeth smiled sweetly at her older brother. “And yes, I can pick up the rest of Grace’s homework. I have already started.” she said as the bell rang. “I have to get to computer class. Where are you going?” she asked as she closed her locker and they walked towards her advanced computer class. “You’re not cutting class, already are you?”

“No, I am not Ms. 4.0,” Jake snarled but smiled at Elizabeth’s GPA so far in high school. She and Grace were tied with the highest GPA, with Grace having more of an advantage with being older and taking more advance placement classes.

Elizabeth just shook her head and headed into her computer class and took her seat by her computer.

“Jake!” came a voice outside in the hall as Jake made his own way to his next class “You’re a rascal, aren’t you?”

Jake turned and saw his ex-girlfriend staring at him. They had broken up after Christmas break. Although truthfully it had been going south since last summer when she had gone to Texas to work for her aunt’s governor campaign and the distance hadn’t done the relationship well because it became apparent they were drifting apart. But they had tried during the fall to make it work and even though they had been happy, they finally admitted it wasn’t working right before returning to school after the break and now Camryn was dating their school’s quarterback. And from all accounts, mainly Kyle, the guy seemed to be a good guy and Robert and Camryn seem to work together. So, Jake was truly happy for his former girlfriend.

“Hi Camryn,” Jake said. “You’re not going to also beat up on me, are you?”

“Of course, not, but I’ve got to ask why couldn’t you ever sweep me off my feet with a weekend away?” Camryn asked with some envy in his voice as she looked at her former boyfriend. There were days she was fine with their breakup, but there were moments she wondered if not for his bond with Grace, would things have been different with them?

“It wasn’t like that Cam,” Jake said. “Grace and I are only friends.”

“And Robert and I are just friends,” Camryn smiled. “You don’t have to lie to me Jake. I am not going to report you or Grace to Mr. Evans or your parents.”

“I am being honest Cam,” Jake said. “But thanks for the warning.”

“I am not warning you of anything Jake. I am just asking you to be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt. You have a future to look out for and messing with the Ellis family won’t get you where you’re going.”

“Camryn, I appreciate it. But my family is no slouch either in the fight. So, don’t worry but I do promise to take your words under advisement and look out for myself if the situation arises itself okay?”

Camryn only sighed and shook her head and headed to their next class.


“Here is the pile of homework assignments from the classes you missed today. You have an extension until next week in both History and Civics for your papers and Sue said that Mr. Dunno is willing to give you the Biology test he was giving your class today when you return and I because figured you would be hungry, so I stopped by and picked up a burger for you from the Crashdown!” Elizabeth recited later that afternoon as she walked into the living room of the Evans home. She had come over after her last class of the day and a stopover at the burger joint. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“I am,” Grace smiled. “And thank god you’re here as I was going stir-crazy here at the house. I am so not used to being told to sit down and relax,” she smiled as they went into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. Dad called and told me that there is an emergency at work. He’s going to be later than he wanted to be. So long story short, I am hungry.”

“How are you feeling?” Elizabeth asked.

“Fine and dandy,” Grace lied. “I did want to thank you for covering for me and Jake. I know it must have been hell to go up against your parents and try to keep our secret.”

“It is never easy to go up against one, but then to have a very angry human mother when you are a mix of the two, well, that adds a whole new dimension to it,” Elizabeth smiled. “But for you and Jake, I would do anything.”

“I do appreciate it although I wish it hadn’t had to go to the lengths that it did have to go too,” Grace said as she went and got plates for the two of them. “I am going to need you to take my Ancient Civilization paper to Mr. Love tomorrow,” she said. “It was due yesterday. Remind me to grab it before you leave.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Tommy Ellis was asking about you today, as he did over the weekend. Your disappearance was the talk of the school. Do you want to talk about it?”

“What is there to say?” Grace asked. “He’s a sleaze ball and I am going to pay the rest of my life for getting involved with him.” she said as she shuttered. “Do you know how hard it was to face my dad?”

“I imagine. I picture myself in the same situation and facing the formidable Michael Guerin that his little girl got knocked up and I find Uncle Max a pussycat in contrast to my dad as great as my dad is,” Elizabeth laughed.

“Dad is laid back. But only to a point,” Grace said. “And I definitely reached his breaking point. The fact if I hadn’t already been in the hospital, I am sure the conversation would have been ten times worse than it was,” she said as she ate the fries that had come with the burger.

“How do you feel about it?” Elizabeth asked.

“I don’t know. I truly don’t know. I wish I did. I am better today with it than I was yesterday. But the idea it was an innocent baby. And it died and, yet I am not even sixteen and no way ready to have a kid. I had a son with a creep.” Grace said with tears coming down her face.

“It was a boy?” Elizabeth asked stunned.

“Yeah,” Grace said. “I guess I was far enough along for them to be able to tell. Dad made the arrangements. The coffin will be delivered in the next few days.”

“Wow,” Elizabeth said.

“I know,” Grace said as she stared out the window to the back yard. “Dad says it’s up to me what we do next.”

“I am sorry Grace.” Elizabeth said. “You don’t deserve this.”

“But I do,” Grace said as she looked back at her friend. “I made the stupid decision to leave the party with Tommy. And even when Tommy decked Jake when Jake tried to stop me from leaving with Ellis; I wasn’t that tipsy that I didn’t know what I was doing. But I was later when I tried to stop it,” she said softly. “I just wasn’t strong enough because by that time the alcohol had dimmed my powers, so I was defenseless.”

Someone needs to kill him,” Elizabeth said with vengeance in her voice.

“God no Elizabeth,” Grace said in her adamant tone. “Tommy Ellis is slime. But I don’t want anyone I love getting into trouble because of him. He’s going to go down one of these days; when he does, let us have nothing to do with it.”

“Well I can’t make any promises. For maybe today I will lay low, regardless of what I may do about the situation with Tommy. It’s not fair to keep seeing him free to do whatever he wants. You aren’t the first victim. If he could do that to you… he could do it to others, maybe he did.” Elizabeth said quietly, too quietly for her own good. “But that is for another day because it some solace to know that he better watch out now that our fathers know the truth or in fact anyone in our extended family.” Elizabeth said. “We are very powerful when provoked. And Grace, I can’t see anyone in our families sitting down and letting it to dwell for long.”

Which of course was the truth and Grace of course knew it, and it made her even more skittish and nervous because one of the reasons she hadn’t come forward was the reaction of the alien squad with their formable powers and the damage they could do. Regardless of the justice it would bring her, any quest for the him to be brought to justice would mean the secret society will be revealed, and she wouldn’t have that on her shoulders.


“Anything,” Carrie was saying as she entered the house after her dance class. Alexandra was in the living room. Serena had just dropped off Carrie on the way back to her medical office. And now the girls were alone to plan. “Anything?” she asked again.

“Nope,” Alexandra replied as she continued reading Shock and Awe. “How was class?” she said as she looked.

“Rehearsals are brutal,” Carrie said. “Has Mom called?”

“She talked to Ginger, she should be home at 7.” Alexandra said referring to the family housekeeper who only worked two days a week. Tuesdays was one of her days and she kept an eye on which ever twin that was home until their mother got home from work. “Take out tonight.”

“Cool,” Carrie said. “So, have there been any indications of results?”

“Nope, as I said a million times before.” Alexandra said. “And it’s not like we can call. It was through the skin of our teeth that we conned them into doing that test on us without any adults with us yesterday. Also, I am sure it takes time. So, we’re home free for a few more days at least.”

“You’re no fun,” Carrie said as she walked to the stairs to head to her room to put her dance clothes away. “But I understand what you are saying.”

“Watch out, Ginger is cleaning upstairs,” Alexandra warned.

Carrie laughed and walked upstairs. Ginger had been with the family since the twins were six years old. She was like family. Yet she took her job very seriously. And the twins had to be careful the days she was working… Opening the door, she went into room relieved her room was still the mess she had left it in that morning.

Sitting down at her computer; she booted it up and went searching on the Titanic. Printing out all kinds of information pertinent to the event and putting it in a folder to discuss with her partner. Moving over to family trees; she went in search of her mother’s accident account. But she only found a little blurb about a female Jane Doe admitted to the hospital just months before she and Alexandra were born.

Feeling the need to check the attic; she called down to Alexandra “I am headed to the attic. Join me if you want.” she said as she headed to attic door and climbed into the loft of the house. She and Alex hadn’t been up here in a long time she though. She and her sister had been fascinated by it when they first moved into the house. But over time; it got full of junk and became less interesting.

“What did you say?” Alexandra said as she popped up a few minutes as Carrie was checking boxes. “Why are you up here?” she asked as she joined her sister.

“Didn’t we say we wanted to check on those photos from long ago? Maybe we can find someone information on the accident,” she said.

“Yeah maybe,” Alexandra said as they opened a box of their childhood toys. “Hey this where my Honey bear went,” she muttered as she took out the stuffed bear that had been a daily part of her life when she was a kid. “And the ceramic finger print I made Mom when I was like five,” she said as she looked at the statue. “It’s ugly.”

“We were kids,” Carrie laughed as she pulled out her own and they compared it. “Yeah it is.”

“Yours look better than mine,” Alexandra said as they pulled out more. “This is cool. I didn’t realize Mom kept all this stuff.”

“Yeah,” Carrie said as they put the toys back although Alexandra kept her stuffed animal out for the moment as they went to a new box.

“Files,” Alexandra said as she pulled some papers. “Stuff to do with our old home” she muttered as she looked down and saw a folder with a set of newspaper clippings in it. “Hey this might help.”


A young woman described as in her twenties is currently being treated at New Haven Medical after being rescued early Sunday among the debris of a fiery car crash on the outskirts of town. After admittance at the hospital, it’s been discovered that the woman is pregnant with twins. She had lapsed into a coma on the way to the hospital. No identification was among the debris, so she’s been listed for the time being as a Jane Doe. The mother is described as in critical but stable condition, and the babies are currently in critical condition. The patient as well as the pregnancy will continue to be monitored by the doctors and until she can be identified the patient is being heavily guarded.

“Wow,” Carrie said as she saw the picture. “That was quite an accident Mom lived through.

“Yeah,” Alexandra said as she also looked at the photo that accompanied the blurb. “Mom is very lucky” she said. “And we’re also lucky to have lived through that”

“I know,” Carrie said as they tore open another box and found the photo album they had been looking for. The one that held their baby pictures and they found the one Beth had created after her accident. “Let’s take these downstairs and look at them.” she said and when she was about to close the box. “Hey, what is this?” she asked as she picked something from a corner of the box. “It looks like it fell in here. It’s a locket.”

“Really?” Alexandra asked.

“Yeah,” Carrie said. “Let’s take it downstairs with the books for a better look. But it’s a gold locket.”

They climbed back downstairs and closed the attic door and headed into Carrie’s bedroom and dropped the stuff they collected on her bed. Although Carrie kept a hold of the locket, “This is cool. It looks old", she said as she showed her sister. “Look at the name"

Grace, it said, and Alexandra opened it. “Hey it’s Mom?” she said. “But there is no picture on the other side. “I wonder why not?”

“Are you sure it’s Mom?” Carrie asked as she took the locket as Alexandra opened one of the books from the time of the accident. “Look, it is Mom.”

“Wow,” Carrie said. “She looks younger. I wonder why the word Grace is on the locket.” she asked. “Did Mom forget about it?”

“It is interesting,” Alexandra said as they looked at the photos. “Mom was indeed banged up, look at her “Hey, that is Serena” she pointed out to her sister

“Yeah,” Carrie said. “Mom said they met at the hospital. This is cool. I haven’t looked at these photos in a long time.”

“Should we show the locket to Mom?” Alexandra asked.

“Sure, why not,” Carrie said. “Maybe she knows why it was in the box?” they said as they heard the front door open and she looked at her clock and noticed it was 7:30 p.m. “It looks like Mom could be home.”

“Girls,” they heard the call.

“Yup, she is definitely home.” Alexandra said as they closed the books and left the bedroom.

“Hey Mom,” she said as they walked downstairs and hugged their mother. “How was work?”

“Decent,” Beth said. “What have you two been up to?” she asked as they walked into the kitchen where Ginger was putting on her jacket. “Hey Ginger.”

“Hi Dr. Evans,” Ginger Collins said as she smiled at her employer and the twins. “I was about to leave. So, I’ll be back tomorrow same time.”

“Thanks again for all of your help with the house and the girls,” Beth said as she walked the housekeeper to the front door. “Have they been on their best behavior?” she asked.

“Yes,” Ginger smiled. “They spent some time up in the attic though.”

“They did?” Beth asked. “That is interesting. How much do I owe you?”

“You can pay me tomorrow,” Ginger said with a smile as she left the house and walked towards the bus stop. Leaving Beth to walk back to prepare for an easy dinner with her children.


New Haven Police Department

Detective Trevor MacIntosh was sitting down at his desk. A veteran cop for over fifteen years; he had been working his way up the department. But he still felt the rush of working the streets. He wasn’t ready to be Captain yet although he heard that may be in the whispering stages. Picking up some files from his in-coming box, he saw a request that was strange. He had been undercover for the last week and was just getting back into the swing of day to day duties. “Sandra, what is this?” he asked.

“Describe it to me,” his partner asked.

“A request from the local hospital to run some results through the system. Do you remember a Jane Doe case from fourteen years ago,” he asked?

“Let me look?” Detective Sandra Casper said as she looked at the request form she had taken from her partner. “Hmmm, I remember this case. I am surprised you don’t. It was a pregnant Jane Doe found near an exploded car wreck. She was comatose for a few months only to open her eyes with no memory of how she ended up outside of town. She had twins a few months later.”

“Good memory, I actually do remember that case,” Trevor said. “I was only in the department a year when that case came up. It was amnesia right which is always a tragic injury. Do we still have the case file?” he asked.

“Cold file as far as I know,” Casper said. “The Jane Doe never got her memory back. And they could never get anywhere with the case as a result.”

“Interesting, then why do I have this request on my desk?” he asked
“Beats me,” Casper said. “Maybe there has been some movement on the case.” she shrugged. “It can’t hurt, can it to look?”

“I guess not,” Trevor said as he got up from his desk and looked down at the request form. “I think I’ll check up on the case.”

“Go ahead,” Sandra said. “We don’t have an active case now.”

Trevor nodded and left for the cold file storage area where they kept all their inactive files. Finding the box for the time of the crash, opening it, he took out the case folder and opened it…

Jane Doe

Female in her mid-twenties found feet from an exploded Volvo. Appearances show the victim to have been thrown from the car during impact of the crash. CPR administered by a fellow driver who stopped when he saw the wreck. Ambulance arrived within five minutes of the call. Victim was unconscious but came to in the ambulance for a few brief moments but unable to tell her name or the circumstances of the crash. Fell unconscious before the arrival at the hospital.

Examination at the hospital revealed extensive injury and the discovery of a pregnancy with twin babies. Immediate cardiac arrest almost caused the death of the babies and the mother within the first hours of treatment. But the condition of mother and babies stabilized. The Jane Doe fell into deep coma only to come out of it with no memory two months later.

DNA tests conducted on the victim and the initial investigation turned up no clues to the identity of the female or how the crash could have happened. No suspects were found.

As her memory wasn’t returning, the Jane Doe ultimately took on the name Beth Evans legally. And the babies born on October 31, 2008; twin girls, who were born prematurely but healthy. DNA testing was conducted on the babies, but no matches were found within the system…

Case is unsolved to this day.

Trevor thought as he continued to read file as he walked back to his desk and booted up his computer. Checking the records; he got the address of Beth Evans.

“Send this to Trixie down in Forensics,” Trevor said to Sandra as he passed the request to his partner as he powered down the computer once again. “I’m heading home.”

“Am I your delivery service?” Sandra laughed as she took the DNA request. “But because you haven’t been home in a week I’ll let it slide for today. Say hello to Meredith for me,” she said.

“Will do,” Trevor said. “And thank you again Sandra.”

“No problem,” Sandra said as she took the file and skimmed over the request that asked for the running of the prints and DNA of Alexandra and Caroline Evans and headed down to Trixie Micelli’s office.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 18 - Updated 12/18/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Let's hope that nothing shows up in the DNA test that could cause trouble for anyone.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 18 - Updated 12/18/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

You made my day when I discovered an update.........but you are still driving me crazy.........waiting for that REUNION!
Grace and Max are both having memories of Liz.
I am surprised Jake didn't go after Tommy, But I am glad he is using good sense.
Interesting that the Evans girl and Guerin girl have the highest GPAs.
LOL........Elizabeth's combination of the two parents.....
And you leave us with the locket......with the name Grace!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 18 - Updated 12/18/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

Great new parts... even if I get sometimes lost at who is or who isn't... I guess it will come with the following parts, when all these peoples will got in contact with each other...Thanks EVE :wink:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 19 - 12/21/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“Happy Birthday sweetheart,” Max said as he saw his daughter come into the kitchen on Thursday morning. Since arriving home, it had been very busy at the office. As one of his most loyal client’s son decided it was time to upgrade his crimes to assault with a deadly weapon and so Max had been trying to figure out to get him help given there was proof of the crime. But he wasn’t letting his busy schedule ruin his daughter’s 16th birthday. “Birthday girl that you are, what do you want for breakfast?”

“Eggs, bacon and pancakes, whipped cream and Tabasco sauce please,” Grace smiled. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said as she sat down at the table. She was still off school until Monday. But she has been deep into the homework that she had gotten from Elizabeth each day. “Are we meeting everyone tonight for dinner?” she asked of their usual plan for the night of her birthday. It usually consisted of a big birthday dinner at the Crashdown and this year, her Sweet 16 party was as scheduled on Saturday night.

“Yup,” Max said as he served the first coarse to his daughter. Pancakes and whipped cream. “7 p.m. if that is if you still want to go?” he asked as he looked at his daughter. She had been laying low at home since their return on Monday night. To his knowledge, she hadn’t even left the house. Although Elizabeth had been known to come over to drop off any homework and he knew that Grace and Jake had been talking on the phone. “If you want to stay home, we can. Everyone will understand.”

“Dad, I want to go.” Grace said. “Grandma and Grandpa Parker are back, and I want to see them. And I should get out of the house, sometime, right?” she asked.

“Yes, you do,” Max smiled. “So, we’ll plan on it. And don’t worry, I didn’t tell Grandma and Grandpa Parker nor your Grandparents Evans anything okay.”

‘I appreciate that Dad. I am still struggling with it, and I really don’t want them to know what happened until I am ready to discuss it,” Grace said as she ate her breakfast. “And it’s over anyways so nothing can change it except learning to live with it.”

“Now that we’ve settled tonight’s plans, I wanted to give you a present. You’ll get the others later. But this is something special.” Max said as he decided to get their discussion off such an emotional topic and onto something easier to handle as he finished the breakfast preparations and picked up a small box and handed it to Grace who looked down at it with uncertainty.

“What is it?” Grace asked.

“Open it,” He said softly as he watched his daughter take off the bow and ribbon and open it. “Dad, it is beautiful,” she said as she picked the gold locket out of the box. “I love it.” she said as she saw the word Grace engraved on the front.

“This is a sort of a replacement locket although you probably don’t remember it. Back when you were two years old. Your mother gave you a similar locket,” he said as Grace continued to look at it. “Shortly after you were given it, the clasp broke and she had it repaired and unfortunately she had picked it up the day of you know…” he said softly.

“The crash,” Grace squeaked as she opened the locket and saw two pictures; one of her mother and one of Grace. “When were, these pictures taken?”

“That is your mother when she was sixteen. And that of course you in a recent picture. They couldn’t locate it in the wreck. And even if it had been salvageable, at the time, I didn’t want to replace it. It had been a gift from your mother. But I thought maybe it was time for a new one, a new memory. A memory of who your mother was when she was a teenager.” Max asked. “I hope you like it now that you’ve heard the story.” he said softly. “The other one had a picture of you as a baby. Although she had removed it when she took it to get it fixed because she wanted to put your two-year-old picture in as a replacement which we had taken shortly before the accident. But I thought you might like one of both of you at the same age.”

“I LOVE IT Dad,” Grace smiled. “Thank you,” she said as she hugged her father and immediately put the locket around her neck. “I’ll always treasure it.”

“You’re welcome, now eat up.” Max said with a smile. “I have to get to work.”

“I’ll be at Crashdown with Elizabeth after she gets out of school,” Grace said as she finished her breakfast. “We can meet there.”

“Sure,” Max said.


Jake was waiting for Elizabeth to finish getting ready for school. As his unofficial punishment from his parents; he was forced to drive Elizabeth to school and pick her up if she didn’t have plans after school. “Come on Elizabeth,” he called. “I have to get going.”

“Coming I am coming.” Elizabeth called back from her bedroom.

Jake grabbed the present he planned to give to Grace and walked downstairs and saw his mother was in the kitchen working on her manuscript. “How’s the writing?” he asked.

“Coming along,” Maria said. “You’re going to school, right?”

“Yes Mom,” Jake said with an exaggerated whine. “I am waiting for Elizabeth to get ready,” he said as he grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. “You’re coming to dinner tonight at the Crashdown right?”

“Of course,” Maria said as she put down the pen she’d been using to make some changes to a chapter she was currently writing. “I wouldn’t want to miss Grace’s birthday.” she said as could still remember the day Grace had been born. The first hybrid human production and how loved she had been by both her parents. “I wouldn’t want to miss it.”

“You’re missing Grace’s mom, aren’t you?” Jake asked. Being only four when Grace’s mother died; he barely had any memories of his Aunt Liz. But knew she was loved and the little memories he did had told him that she was a good person. Just like her daughter.

“Yeah on days like these,” Maria sighed. “To see her little girl turning sixteen is so special but it also brings back the knowledge that her mother has missed so much. Liz would have loved a day like this for her little girl.”

Jake nodded as Elizabeth stormed into the kitchen grumbling about the hair dryer that was on the fritz. “I am ready,” Elizabeth said as she grabbed her lunch and a spare cookie from the jar on the counter. “Are you? Can we go?”

“Just waiting for you so yeah, I am coming,” Jake said. “See you tonight Mom.”

Maria nodded as she saw her two eldest strolling out the back door towards Jake’s car. Yet memories of Liz were flooding back to the front of her mind. Maria missed her best friend from childhood so much. Sighing, she went back to writing as she waited for Colin, Liam and Belle to get ready for her to drive to their school. Life goes on she thought. And that sucks. I miss you Liz. You should be here on your daughter’s big day.


“I am feeling like I am going crazy,” Beth was saying later that morning in the office of her friend and colleague, Dr. Brian Francisco; her shrink even though it had been over a year since she had last needed his advice. “What should I do?”

“What makes you think you’re crazy?” Brian asked. “You seem to have your life on track these days. What has happened to make you question your sanity?”

“Nothing, but I have had these moments where a memory or so pops into my head and I can’t account for them. And yet I am not even so sure they are memories.” Beth was saying.”

“Can I ask, how so?” Brian asked.

“Phrases, words and just this sense of déjà vu; like I have experienced certain things before, I don’t know how to describe it,” she sighed. “It’s getting stronger with each day it seems.”

“What’s happened lately? Has anything changed in your life,” Brian asked as he looked at Beth’s file. He had been the first one on her case as she recovered in the hospital in preparation for the twin’s birth and over the years; he had been there as a sounding board even though there seemed to be no progress in Beth’s memory coming back. “As I said back in the beginning; your case is not that unique. Your memory wasn’t lost due to some condition or the accident. It just seems to be psychological or trauma induced in that it just wants to stay gone. So, that could always lead to situations in which it does come back in bits and pieces, even all these years later.”

“As I have indicated, it was nothing. The kids are growing up, healthy and happy, inquisitive as ever. Life has been normal. My career is progressing at a fast rate given how it started. So, it’s been nothing that life altering. I guess the only thing is the kids are starting to get curious about their history. They both of an assignment for school in which they must do a family tree and of course being raised by a single mother who is an amnesia patient; they are having difficulty.

“Aw, the girls.” Brian said. “They would be thirteen, right?” he asked.

“Yes.” Beth smiled.

“So, they are getting to an age when they are naturally going to be curious about where they came from. Even having grown up in this situation; and knowing what they know about your accident. It’s going to make them wonder where they came from. It’s only natural for any kid. But I can understand why it’s causing conflict in you.”

“What do I do?” Beth asked.

“I would keep an eye on your feelings and anything memory related. Write it down if it seems strange to you.” Brian suggested.

“I guess,” Beth said as she decided to be truthful. “It’s just I guess one patient also got me going. A pregnant teenager; she came in unconscious in the middle of a stillbirth and she was slightly delusional, so I didn’t take it seriously. But she awoke for a moment, called me Mom before she fell back to sleep.”

“That is indeed interesting,” Brian said as he took notes. “Has this happened before?”

“Not that I can remember,” Beth said. “It probably has but I am just blocking it out. I deal with kids all day every day and apparently, this teenager lost her mother when she was a toddler and is being raised by a single father. So maybe that is what got me going. It reminded me I don’t know my past. For all I know I could have had a child before the crash. And that child has been raised without a mother.”

“Do you think you have a child out there?” Brian asked curiously because this subject hadn’t come up in any of their meetings over the years. “You would think if you had a child out there, there would have been someone coming to claim you in those early days, right?” Brian asked.

“You would think so, wouldn’t you?” Beth said. “All indications are I am not from Connecticut or even the East Coast as no one came forward to claim, and no one can find records on me from this part of the country. So why was I in the area on the night of the crash? So, if I am from another part of this country, do I have a family out there wanting me back but don’t know where we are,” she asked.

“As I said, there is a no physical cause of your amnesia. Could be trauma induced yet there was never indication of any injury to your brain. You recovered normally. And moved on and could train in medicine and remember in relation to you career and your kids. You just can’t remember the accident itself or the life you led before the accident.” Brian said as he looked over her case. “But is there any reason to think you might have a kid out there?” as he read the notes from the accident that was deep in the file. And he muttered to himself that there was never any indication noted whether she had given birth prior to the twins before born.

“No. But one of those moments I spoke of had me saying this piece of dialogue to someone about a pregnancy. In this memory, I was shocked that my baby was full term because I was sure it had to be premature.” Beth said. “With the twins, they were indeed born premature and there was not a question that they weren’t full term. So, I don’t know where I could have had this conversation.”

“Maybe you should have another CT scan. When was your last one?” Brian asked as he looked at her file. “Not since that fall on the ice three years ago, right?”

“Right,” Beth asked as she remembered the fall she had taken while ice-skating with the kids on a trip to New York and Rockefeller Plaza. She had been fine but as a precaution, had a scan when she and the kids had gotten back from their trip. The scan came back with nothing unusual in the results.

“Maybe have another one,” Brian said. “It can only ease your mind whether there have been any changes” he said. “And as I said if you have any more moments of déjà vu. Why don’t you write down the experiences and let me know?”

“I have to get going,” Beth said as she looked at her watch. “I have a patient in twenty minutes. Thank you again Brian for fitting me in, on such short notice.”

“Why don’t you come back next week if you want,” Brian said. “We can talk,” he assured his friend. “And in the meantime, why not take it easy and don’t stress or push yourself. You’ll get the answers you want all in time,” he warned.

Beth nodded. “And that is what I can’t help but be afraid of,” she said quietly as she left the office and booked an appointment for the following Wednesday. Brian could only look at his friend and patient and wondered where this would lead Beth as it was apparent that her brain was wanting to tell her something and he wondered if his friend was ready for what could be unleashed.


“We know you did it, so you might as well admit it JoJo,” Detective MacIntosh was saying as his partner Sandra Casper was keeping guard at the doorway of the interrogation room. “You might as well confess now and save a lot of pain and anguish for the families involved and even for yourself. It would make this go down a whole lot easier if you tell us the full truth of what you did.”

“I didn’t do it,” JoJo Walsh grunted after being caught with bag of cocaine in his bag as he stood over the body of a drug overdose.

“Oh, come on now,” Trevor said. “We all in this room know it’s a lie. Why don’t you tell us the truth and maybe we can make a deal here and now?”

“What deal?” JoJo asked as he stared at the cop across the table from him and looked at the guard by the door. “I don’t have anything to deal…”

“We both know that isn’t true,” Trevor asked. “You could be looking at a lot of time in prison if you don’t start talking…. right now,” he warned.

What kind of deal could you give me?” JoJo said as he appeared to consider his options as all the protests he had been making died down as he got quiet.

“I don’t know, I would have to ask the district attorney. But I can say right now that you might get a little less jail time if we can prove that you cooperated with Detective Casper and myself, so how about it, will you finally tell the truth JoJo?” Trevor asked. “It would be better for you in the long run.”

Jo Jo remained silent for a few minutes as he considered his options. Trevor and Sandra were convinced he would talk because while he was small-time hood, he also wasn’t stupid. He knew this would be his third strike if the case went to court and resulted in a conviction, of course would mean mandatory jail time and not an easy in and out term. It would be real years in prison, due to his lengthy record. “Fine I’ll talk,” JoJo said.

“Do you want an attorney?” Trevor asked as he exchanged a smile with his partner who also couldn’t help but smile. He could feel it; they were close to getting closure for the Anderson family in the death of their son. Justice was on the tip of Jo Jo’s tongue.

“No, because I am not confessing to this bogus drug wrap. I didn’t do it. You have the wrong man. But I will confess on something else if you promise me I get a deal. So, if you want this confession; you need to get me a deal.” Jo Jo spat as spewed some crap that immediately got Trevor annoyed.

Damn it, Trevor thought as he expressed a frown to his partner who came forward and sat down at the table. “Okay I bite, what is this crime you want to confess to?”

“That car crash outside Roswell, New Mexico in I think it was 2008. I faked it, or shall you say staged it. Who they said died didn’t. And I can prove it,” JoJo Walsh spat.

“What?” Detective Casper asked. “What are you talking about? We know nothing about a car crash.”

“Check into it then. Car crash. Fourteen years ago, Roswell New Mexico. One casualty. But she really didn’t die. She’s alive and well or she was alive on that day. Whether she is still is, can’t say. I have proof. I get the deal, you get the proof. Those are my terms.”

“Okay,” Trevor asked as he exchanged a look with his partner who shook her head in disbelief. “If this were to be true, why did you do it? Why stage this crash? Why make people think someone was dead when they weren’t. What was in it for you?”

“Ten thousand moolah. I was paid to set up the crime. Make it seem like this person died when really, she was taken away in a white van. She had car trouble; she stopped. I stopped to help her. Pouring rain made it miserable conditions. She was grabbed from behind and pushed into a van. A body was placed into car to make it look like this someone died and then the gas tank was punctured and set on fire…”

“Who paid you?” Sandra asked.

“Some man Denny someone. I forget his name. He was tall and imposing. Dirty blond hair. He said he had it out for this woman’s husband. And was going to make him pay or at least make him miserable for the rest of his life.” JoJo said. “So, do we have a deal?”

“We’ll see,” Trevor sighed as he wasn’t sure what to do under these circumstances. He had a confession on an unrelated crime. One they didn’t have jurisdiction on or know of. Turning back to Jo Jo, “But in the meantime, you’re going back to lockup. And you might want to know that you’re still in trouble on the cocaine bust and it is three strikes. You should have confessed when you had the chance Jo Jo,” Trevor said as he watched Sandra pull a cuffed JoJo out of the chair and lead him back to lockup.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it,” he cursed. “The idiot won’t cough up a confession to the drug possession and assault charge we have him nailed for, but he’ll confess to another crime. He’s stupid,” Trevor murmured to himself as he left the interrogation room. “Hey Captain, do we know anyone in the Roswell, New Mexico department?”

“They don’t have a police department,” Captain Hanson said as he stepped across the room to talk to Trevor. “Why?”

“I might have something on a case out that way. If not a police department, what do they have then?” Trevor asked.

“They have a Sheriff’s department. It’s a small office or it was when I knew it. Roswell is a small town and doesn’t need a big one. I did ten years in the department as a deputy right out of the academy. I had family in the area, so the job appealed. The sheriff was a good guy. While I haven’t talked to him in years, I believe he’s still with the department as the Sheriff. He’s one of those lifers. His name is James Valenti Jr. Why?”

“JoJo Walsh refused to go down for the cocaine bust but he made a confession about some other crime taking place in Roswell fourteen years, ago.” Trevor said. “I am going to check into it. I don’t want to believe it. But it was so ludicrous it might actually be true.”

“What was it?” Captain Hanson asked.

“A car crash, someone died. JoJo says the person didn’t really die, he staged it to make it look like it killed the poor woman.”

“Car crash…fourteen years, ago…. a woman?” Captain Hanson asked as his face paled considerably. “If it’s the case I am thinking of as there weren’t many crashes at the time given we’re talking about a real small town. I was Roswell for that one; it was about three months before I left to move here to take a job after my marriage broke up. Elizabeth Parker Evans after work one night was driving home when she crashed. It was grizzly sight. A body was located but it took dental records to positively identify the remains. She was I think 26 or 27 at the time of her death. She left a husband and a two-year-old daughter.”

“Wow,” Trevor said. “You have an excellent memory.”

“There are those cases that stay with you,” Captain Hanson said with a frown. “The department tried everything to find a cause of the accident. But the case grew cold. It seemed like one of those freak accidents. It had been stormy that night. And Mrs. Evans, a medical student and intern at the hospital had a late shift at a local hospital and she got caught up in the harsh weather. It was a truly sad case because I had never seen two more in love people than the victim and her husband. They were truly devoted to each other. High school sweethearts and they married once they graduated high school. She went to medical school, he went to law school, and then they welcomed their first child. They were so happy and then tragedy struck, and Max Evans life was never the same. If not for their daughter, I am not sure he would have made it without his wife.

“You said a body was discovered?” Trevor asked.

“Sure,” Captain Hanson said. “It needed dental records to be able to be identified but still, a body was found. Why?”

“The confession said that he replaced the body with someone else and took down the car and puncturing the gas line in the process.”

“Get on it MacIntosh okay,” Captain Hanson ordered as his mind flooded with images of the crash. One of the reasons he left Roswell yet settled for another small town instead of the big city. The intensity of the case had stayed with him and finished off his struggling marriage. Yet he liked small town life, so he found one that had a job open for him and he made a clean break.

“Why?” Trevor asked as he could see his boss was being affected by the mere mention of the case.

“They did discover a puncture in the gas line in the wreck that could be piece back together in the aftermath. They figured the crash did it. Why don’t you call Sheriff Valenti and ask for his assistance? He’ll want to help. He’s very close friend of the victim and her family. Likely still is.”

Trevor nodded and walked back to his desk. Sitting down, he booted up his computer and after doing some necessary paperwork that had to be submitted as soon as possible, he searched for the phone number for a James Valenti Jr who was indeed still town sheriff of Roswell, New Mexico.


“You’re making progress Allie,” Beth was saying to her new patient as her mother sat in her wheelchair. Both had made tremendous progress over the past few days since the accident. “Allie may need some rehab,” she was saying to Allie’s mother and father who were also present by his daughter. “But all indications are that she’s improving by leaps and bounds.”

“Thank god,” Steve Minor was saying to Beth. “I appreciate all you and the hospital have been doing for both my wife and daughter. I wish I hadn’t been in New York when the accident happened.”

“You are welcome,” Beth said with a smile. “At least you are here for them now. I’ll be back tomorrow to see Allie. But I am thinking depending on her progress; she could be going home early next week with out- patient rehab a very likely possibility.”

“That is wonderful,” Steve said as Beth nodded as she left the patients room and headed back to her office.

Patients like Allie and her mother despite the heartache of the pain and recovery that would be ahead made it all worth it to Beth as she recognized the human spirit in trying to take tragedy and letting them open a new chapter. Then a sensation came to her “Miss come back to us,”a voice came. “Can you hear us,” a voice called. “Wake up and tell us who you are?” “She’s out again” “MVA one victim, unconscious at the scene.”

“Oh god,” Liz muttered. Trying to shake it off, walking into her office she saw Debra her assistant putting a file on her desk. “What’s up?” she asked.

“I didn’t know when you would be back,” Debra said as she handed the doctor the file she had in her hand. “This came while you were in with Allie Minor and her parents. “They said you requested the results.”

“I did,” Beth asked surprised. “I don’t think I have asked anything of the medical lab lately,” she said as she tried to shake the memory of the time of the crash. Why was it all coming back to her, now? “Anyway, thank you for giving it to me. I am here for another twenty minutes before consultation in Madison. So, I will be gone the rest of the day,” she said as Debra made her way out of the office, while Beth opened the file as she sat down at her desk.

Her jaw dropped opened. She realized she was reading the DNA report on her daughters; Alexandra and Caroline. She saw her own name on the request by line. Damn it girls, what have you done…she asked herself as she continued to read. Nothing unusual was found but in the last page; she almost fainted when at the end, she read that there was a positive match of the girl’s DNA with someone else. A patient, Grace Evans. It had a patient file number included.

“This makes no sense,” she told herself as she read the report. But there it read, a 99.8% match and that only made sense if they were family. And not only family, but a full-blooded family member.

Feeling faint she picked up the phone and asked for the records department. “Hello this is Dr. Beth Evans, pediatrics. I need the access codes for three former patients. The names are Alexandra and Caroline Evans, twins, d.o.b October 31, 2008 in this hospital and I also want a copy of a recent patient, Grace Evans; patient number 45-0191-28. I am not sure of her birthday. But she was in the hospital in the last week; discharged Monday. I was the admitting physician, but Dr. Alyssa Davis was her treating physician. I need the codes immediately.” she said. “Call me back please, thank you.”

She picked up the phone and called Serena and told her that she would be late for their consultation.

Sitting back as soon as she got off the phone; she tried to make sense with this information. She then picked up the phone again and called the medical lab and asked to speak to Alison Connor. “Are you sure this is reliable?” she asked about the report she was given. “You ran it twice?” she asked. “Thank you” she said as she put down the phone.

“How is it possible that the girls could be related by a perfect match to a sixteen-year girl I had never seen before the weekend,” she asked herself as she waited for the basement records to call back, so she could access the patients’ files. Being the electronic record age, all doctors had access to the files, but they needed access codes for discharged patients which gave the record storage a purpose to still exist.

The phone rang, she answered “Yes this is Doctor Beth Evans, yes I called earlier for the codes for the three patients,” she said.

“Why is there a need for the codes of these patients,” the tech asked. “I am required to ask when such requests come through the office.”

“A matter has come up that is related to the cases, and I need to double check their files,” Beth said as she operated almost in a trance. “I can’t really say what I am looking for right now, I am just in need of all three files. The situation is urgent.”


“Happy Birthday Grace,” Jeff Parker said as she hugged his granddaughter. “We missed you so much” he whispered as her took his Grace into his arms. Grace to Jeff Parker was a vision of his dearly departed Liz. So similar in many ways yet different but loved even more by her grandparents who were like her father and saved when Liz died by the fact that they had someone to love in their granddaughter. “I hear you got into some mischief while we were away?” he laughed. “Do I have to kill Jake?”

“How much did you hear?” Grace asked quietly; worried that her grandparents had heard the whole story even though she knew her father wouldn’t have told his in-laws the sordid details or at least not yet. “Do I want to know?”

“Don’t worry, you’re safe. I’ve just picked up bits and pieces,” Jeff smiled. “I hear you had a health scare. And you couldn’t go to school this week. Are you okay?”

“I am fine Grandpa,” Grace assured her grandfather. “I promise that if I could be in school, I would be there is a heartbeat, but appearances must be kept.

“I am glad, so are you having a great birthday?” Jeff asked as they walked out of the kitchen and to a booth where they both sat down as Patty brought some food out for her boss and Grace. “I assume you’re meeting Elizabeth and Jake?”

“It’s definitely been a memorable day,” Grace said. “Yes, I am meeting them here when they get out of school,” she said with a smile. “So, how was the cruise? I got your e-postcards.”

“We had a wonderful time,” Jeff smiled. “It was a unique experience being so far away from the Crashdown and even Roswell. It’s something we haven’t been able to take advantage of, so it was a pleasant change of pace and your grandmother appreciated the time away to simply relax and I think I liked not having the stress of bills or inventory for a couple of weeks.” he said. “I heard you were working a lot of hours before your little rebellion. I hope the stress didn’t get to you, of work and school.”

“No, it wasn’t that,” Grace said assuredly. “I promise you. I am careful of the balance I place between here and my school work. But it definitely weird being off this week and not having to deal with classes.” she said simply. “Just the homework Elizabeth brings to me.”

“I bet,” Jeff said.

“Where is Grandma?” Grace asked as she looked around the restaurant for signs of her grandmother.

“She had to do some last-minute shopping,” Jeff smiled as he hugged his granddaughter one more time before heading to the back while Grace took a seat to wait for Elizabeth and Jake and ate some food. It was really the first chance to get out of the house since her return.


The Sheriff Department

“I am out of here Deputy Peterson,” Jim was saying as he closed his computer. “You know how to get a hold of if there is emergency.” he was saying as he packed up his bag. “Put any other messages on my desk and I’ll deal with them in the morning when I am in.”

“I have your beeper number,” Deputy Peterson replied as he watched the Sheriff pack up for the day. “And your cell phone if for some reason the beeper isn’t working. You don’t have to worry. Enjoy yourself. Tell hello to Amy for me.”

“Will do,” Jim smiled. Amy was happy to finally have a night to herself in which she didn’t have to work now that Jeff and Nancy were home from their vacation. Even if they were going to be spending it at of all places, at a birthday party for a sixteen-year-old at the Crashdown. But it would be worthwhile if it was a night without stress for his wife and he for one was looking forward to it.

“Then have a good night,” Jim said as he left the office and got into his car and drove home to get ready for the dinner.

But just as his car pulled out of the Sheriff Department’s parking lot, a phone call came in; on the Sheriff’s line. Deputy Doug Peterson picked it up. “Hello, Sheriff Department. This is Deputy Doug Peterson. How can I help you?” he asked. “No, I am sorry Sheriff Valenti is gone from the office for the rest of the day. A family commitment. He’ll be back in the office in the morning. But if it’s an emergency, I can reach him. How urgent is it? It’s not, okay. Can I take a message?” he asked. “The New Haven Police Department, Detective Trevor MacIntosh; CIU (Criminal Investigative Unit). Can I ask what this is about?” he asked as he jotted down the name and phone number. “Cold case, okay,” Deputy Peterson said as he finished the message. “As I said, he’ll be back in the office in the morning. I’ll let him know you called.” he said as he laid back down the phone and laid the message on his boss’s desk and left the room.


“Did you follow up on that JoJo tip?” Captain Hanson asked as he walked past Detective MacIntosh’s desk a few minutes later.

“I am still investigating,” Trevor said. “I just put a call into the Sheriff’s Department in Roswell but Sheriff Valenti has left for the remainder of the day due to a family commitment. So, he will be back in the office tomorrow. I figure if he doesn’t try back than I’ll try again in the morning.”

“Was there anything else?” Captain Hanson asked.

“JoJo Walsh could be conceivably telling the truth. He was in the New Mexico fourteen years, ago. He had just been released from a six-month jail sentence in Nevada. He was staying with family in nearby Hondo. Therefore, it’s possible he could have done what he said he did. I am trying to track down his bank records for that period to see if the amount of money he said he was paid was deposited anytime near the crime.” Trevor said. “That is if he even deposited the money. He could have blown it in one night on drugs for all we know.”

“Right,” Captain Hanson nodded. “Why don’t you keep on top of it MacIntosh and let me know if you find out anything concrete. Check out any car crashes that seem to match that ammo. It couldn’t hurt to see whether JoJo is lying to get a lenient deal on his remaining charges by inventing a story. Maybe he picked up some of the details some other way.” Captain Hanson said.

“Sure, thing Captain,” Trevor said. “Speaking of family commitments, I have my own. My son’s hockey game,” he said as he looked at the time. “Meredith is going to kill me; the game started five minutes, ago.”

“Go,” Captain Hanson smiled. “This can wait until tomorrow as JoJo or this case is not going anywhere tonight. Say hello to Meredith for me.”


“I just about fainted Serena,” Beth was saying in the office of her best friend. The consultation had just ended, and Beth was filling in Serena on her new discovery. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it.”

“This is unbelievable,” Serena said as she looked at the report. “Have you talked to the girls?”

“I haven’t been home yet. I came straight here,” Beth said as she looked at the patient files in front of her. “Due to the consultation with Carl’s family” she sighed. “This is all kinds of surreal.

“It definitely is,” Serena nodded. “And you had no clue about this?”

“I have been having these strange feelings over the last week. But I chalked it up to the girls finally getting interested in their family history and how hard it is for me to answer their questions. I do remember when the girls were born Dr. Francisco telling me that it was very fortunate that the twins were born healthy despite being premature because they had a very rare blood type that would make it hard to get a transfusion for them if one ever became necessary.”

“A blood type that is indeed very rare. I never see this combination and they share it with this teenager, Grace.”

“Yeah I have seen the blood type but not this combination of it. It’s very rare. The girls were fortunate they have been healthy.”

“Exceedily for two growing thirteen-year-old girls,” Serena remarked as she was Alexandra and Carrie’s doctor. She had taken on their care when Beth and the twins had moved to Madison and she’d opened her own practice. But for two growing girls; she hardly had to see the girls for anything medical. Which surprised Serena because of her own experience with her kids as she had to think an illness or something minor would occur, but Alexandra and Carrie were truly two healthy teenagers despite the circumstances of their births.

“I know,” Beth nodded. “I have been very lucky and, yet this is odd situation. Look at the match. This isn’t a case of maybe they have a half sibling out there. Which could be conceivable given they have a father out there. But it’s a full match. Which only would happen if they have the same mother and father? How is that possible?”

“You know how,” Serena smirked.

“Of course, I know how,” Beth smiled. “But this can’t be right. It just can’t be. I don’t want to think what I’m thinking.”

“I know you don’t want to be thinking it. How about we help you settle down enough, so you can get some answers. Bring the girls in tomorrow afternoon at 5 p.m. My last appointment just got cancelled. Why don’t I run a blood and DNA panel and maybe we can confirm some of the questions you have about you and the girls. And then we’ll take on the concept that they match this teenager on the other side of the country.”

“The girl’s birthday is today. I noticed it in the file. She is sixteen Serena today.”

“I know,” Serena sighed as her heart ached for her friend if this report was legit. The idea her friend missed so many birthdays all because of how she had been robbed of her memory. “But why don’t we take this one step at a time?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Hurry back! It seems that there will be a reunion before to lonf.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

We are getting so close to the reunion now.

I glad Alexandra went along with Carrie's idea to get new DNA samples. Sheriff Valenti is going to be shocked when he gets the call about the drug dealer's claim in New Haven.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by roswell4life »

Loving this!!! Please hurry back with another update soon!!! :D
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