Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Feel sorry for Grace and Max for losing a baby. Wow it seems Carrie and Alexandra are finally trying to put the pieces together. Hopefully soon they will know the mystery man is there father. Hopefully there will be pictures in the attic to help them figure the mystery man and their mom. Finally Liz is starting to remember things from her past. Hopefully it won't be long for Liz to remember Max. But wondering if Carrie and Alexandra will try to do something to help their mom and them.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Hopefully the twins will find a photo of their mom shortly their birth that will look like Max and the mystery woman. It is to much to hope that Beth will have to cover Dr. Davis' patients tomorrow morning.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So funny when Jake asked his mother about his parents activities in high school..........she replied "smartass".
Beth's girls are really having the dreams, and possible memories. The family tree idea has peaked their curiosity.
I'm glad folks realize that Tommy is in trouble, and soon a lot of answers will come forward.
Is Beth really beginning to get her memory back.......she certainly identified with Grace and the pregnancy.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by Superman86 »

Just found this fic. It is So Amazing. Can't wait for next update. :D
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

Yes... really amazing new parts! Thanks EVE :wink:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

This is getting better and better!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by YellowAlien15 »

Just found this fic. And I'm on the edge of my seat.
Update soon.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 14 - Updated 12/05/2017

Post by roswell4life »

All the pieces are coming together!! So close!! I can't wait to see their reactions!!
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Reunion - Chapter 15 - 12/12/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“It’s nothing,” Beth said ten minutes later as her friends pestered as she went into the kitchen to get a glass of water to drink and was now settled with the glass in front of her on the table “It’s probably nothing.”

“Beth amnesia patients should never think that way, or that something is nothing,” Serena reminded her friend. “It doesn’t matter if it’s two weeks later or even thirteen years later.”

“I agree,” Alyssa said. “I’ve seen countless memory loss patients and I advise them the same thing.”

“It’s probably nothing,” Beth insisted as they went back into the living room as they could hear the hoot and hollering as Carrie had come up from behind to take the final contest between she and Jonathan. And now they were heading down the basement to watch some television while the adults talked.

“I still remember that time Beth,” Serena reminded her friend. “I don’t ever recall you ever questioning the health of the twins and saying that they were further along than they should have been. Given your precarious health at the time and state of your memory, plus the fact the twins were born early due to complications with your pregnancy because of the crash.”

“I know,” Beth said. “Which of course is why it for a moment there, it made me wonder, but like I said, it is probably nothing. Probably something I heard over the years in the hospital with premature deliveries and it just came up now.”

“Maybe,” Alyssa conceded. “We do hear a lot during deliveries and with patients. Given we cover so many different avenues at the hospital.”

“But this time it shook you,” Serena reminded Beth. “It spooked you and I can’t say I ever seen you have such a moment especially as we were talking about that teenage patient and you seemed to zone out for a few minutes.”

“This isn’t something I have experienced before, so it must be something I picked up at the hospital.” Beth stubbornly said as she reached a story she felt comfortable enough to stick to.

“Okay,” Serena said as she nodded, knowing when to call off her questioning. From all her history with Beth, she knew her friend was scared, and it was unnerving her. It would be useless to keep hammering her about the flash. “But if you have any more of these moments then I want you to check with Dr. Francisco okay.”

“Yes Mom,” Beth smiled as Keith came back into the living room and apologized for the long phone call.


“You two are seriously investigating your mother’s past,” Hayley asked downstairs as the kids were watching the first Toy Story movie because it was on television when they turned on the channel and elected to continue watching.

“It’s a school project,” Carrie piped in. “But we’re sort of running with it.”

“Cool,” Jonathan said. “But you two are being safe about it. Right?” he asked.

“Of course,” Alexandra smiled as she spotted the first entrance of Buzz on screen. “We’re being totally safe about it.”

“What do you think you can find?” Matthew asked as he passed the bowl of chips to Hayley and the twins.

“You never know, we might be able to find our father.” Carrie reasoned.

“Really?” Hayley asked.

“Why not,” Alexandra asked as she took a sip of her soda. “We came from somewhere. And Mom deserves to know her past. But selfishly, I don’t want an F on my family tree project. And just putting our names along with Mom’s name isn’t going to cut it. Our mother and by extension us kids came from somewhere. There must be someone missing our Mom.

I hope it works,” Hayley smiled but then frowned. “I wish my dad cared for me as much as your mother cares for you.”

“Maybe your mother will meet someone nice?” Carrie said.

“I hope so,” Hayley said as the movie started to get more interesting and so the kids started paying attention to the screen for the rest of the evening.


“You need a good night sleep,” Maria was telling her friend outside Grace’s hospital room as they came from dinner. “I paid for another night at the motel, so we have the room. Why don’t you head back to the motel with my son and get some sleep? I can stay here and visit with Grace for a while. You need some sleep. Sleeping in a chair is not that comfortable.”

“I don’t want to leave her Maria,” Max said.

“I know you don’t,” Maria said. “But she’s going to be okay. She is emotionally a rock. If she cracks, it won’t be tonight. She will be sleeping. So why not get some sleep in a comfortable bed.”

“If I leave…”

“Something may happen,” Maria finished the sentence. “But if it does, I can call you and the motel is close to the hospital. Grace would want you to get some sleep. Especially given we won’t be getting home until late tomorrow night.”

“You would stay?” Max asked
“Of course,” Maria said. “So, I am being a hypocrite, but you need sleep. So, go get it please. Grace will be fine. And if she is not, I can call the minute anything changes, or the staff will call you.”

“Okay,” Max conceded hesitantly. “But if anything changes.”

“Go,” Maria commanded with a smile. “Jake knows where to go” she said as she watched as both her son and friend walked down to the elevator.

Sighing, she went through the door into Grace’s hospital room. “Hello”.

“Maria,” Grace said as she looked up from the book she was reading. Jake had brought her school books from her bag at the motel. She had insisted on bringing some for the weekend, so she could work on a paper which now would be delayed. “How was dinner with Dad and Jake?”

“As tasty as you could expect given the circumstances,” Maria said as she noticed the books and notebooks. “Are you doing homework?”

“Yeah,” Grace said. “It’s keeping my mind occupied. Maybe if I got some of it done I could get it completed enough to hand in through Jake on Tuesday.”

“What’s the book?”

“Gone with the Wind,” Grace smiled. “I’m comparing the book to the movie. I watched the movie last weekend and now it’s the book’s turn. I am supposed to be figuring how time has been reflected in the classic and if it’s offensive to the shift in our time.”

“Any answers,” Maria asked as Grace put down the book.

“There are some initial ones. But I haven’t completed it yet.” Grace said. “Did you get Dad to finally go and get some rest?” she asked.

“Yes,” Maria smiled.

“Thank god,” Grace said. “I have been trying to get him to go all day. He looks so tired.” she sighed.

“He’s been worried about you.” Maria said.

“I know he has,” Grace said. “And I am sorry for being such a worry to him as I know the dark circles under his eyes were due to me and my adventure this weekend. I have never wanted to hurt him.”

“I know you didn’t,” Maria said. “We all make mistakes. Hell, your mother and I made tons when we were your age.”

“I miss her,” Grace whispered. “I wasn’t even old enough to know her, but I miss her.”

“I know you do. She loved you to death so know she’ll always be in your heart. And don’t stress yourself out as we all just want you to get well, okay.”

“Okay,” Grace smiled. “You’re not mad at Jake, right?”

“My son is very much like his father,” Maria smirked. “It’s hard to stay upset at him for long. He took a significant risk this weekend, but I can see why he did it. It was simply to be a friend to you. And to give you something you wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

“It was a surprise,” Grace said.

“I am sure it was,” Maria said. “I am mainly miffed because he was so brazened about it. I don’t know how he thought he could get away with it.”

“Me either but I just went along with it even though I knew from the get go that it could only end one way, disaster.” Grace admitted.

“Because of the rebellious nature of the scheme he had come up with right.” Maria asked. “Michael was constantly coming up with schemes and usually I couldn’t resist. My poor mother.” she sighed. “I don’t know how she felt dealing with me once I came to know Michael, Max and Isabel.”

“Do you regret having Jake so young?” Grace asked.

Startled at the change in questioning, “Of course not,” Maria said. “Sure, I wish the circumstances were different. I like to think if Michael and I hadn’t been split up at the time; a child would have come early. But of course, my situation was a little different. I was on my own in New York and I was barely twenty when Jake was born. I had a little money but not enough to exist in that city with a small child. Coming back to Roswell was more about peace and quiet and because my mother was there, and Jake’s biological father was someone who was never going to be long term. I was truly on my own.”

“But you made it,” Grace asked.

“I did. But I was lucky in that I had family in Roswell and I found myself back with Michael relatively quickly and of course Michael had no qualms about taking Jake on as his own. I was very lucky in every way. Not every single mother is that fortunate. Witness the fact my mother was single for way too long before she met and married Jim.”

“So being a mother impacted her love life,” Grace asked.

“Not always but sometimes,” Maria said. “She did have a bad taste in men until she met Jim. And what made them work is that she knew Jim when she was younger and while they went in separate directions, they knew they could trust each other when they met up again when they were older and then they both knew the truth about the secret society, so there were no secrets by the time they became official. But raising me did hamper her love life at times when I was younger. I was lucky with Michael and Jake. It could have led to a very different life quite easily.”

Grace nodded.

“Is this about your situation?” Maria asked quietly.

“You know?” Grace asked.

“Yes,” Maria said. “Are you ready to talk about it?”

“I don’t know what to feel?” Grace admitted. “It’s so overwhelming.”


“You two it is bed time!” Beth was saying to Alexandra and Carrie after the front door was closed for the last time. Serena, Keith and their boys had just left. Alyssa and Hayley had left thirty minutes before and now it was just Beth and her girls. “It’s getting late.”

“But we don’t have school in the morning,” Carrie objected.

“Still you will be up early and need your rest,” Beth smiled. “So, you might as well get ready for bed. I want you both in bed within the hour.”

“Aw Mom,” Carrie said.

“That’s right, I am your Mom.” Beth smiled as the girls went upstairs to their bedrooms while she went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and took stock of what she had left after the little gathering.

Reorganizing some of the containers to be able to find easier, she wondered about her flash. She’d tried to claim it didn’t shake her and had tried telling her friends that it didn’t bother her, but she knew she didn’t make anyone believe it. It had shaken her. She couldn’t help but wonder what it meant. Was it a part of the life she didn’t remember?

If it was a memory really happened than it involved a baby.

An innocent baby. But it didn’t feel like it was the era of the when she had the twins. Because the flash felt like she was only talking about one baby. And plus, she remembered everything in her life from the moment she woke up. If it happened prior to her waking up than she was fuzzy on it. Did she in her past life; did she have a baby? Did I walk away from a child? she asked herself. If I did, where is the baby now? Is it even alive?

Shaking away the image of a tiny baby being out there alone and went and cleaned off the table in the living room. Before taking a taste of some sauce so she could identify it before throwing it away or saving it. She had another sense of déjà vu. With the words of a girl saying, “Boy Max is whipped.” and the words “It was you.”

Feeling faint, she was forced to find a seat to sit down.

“God, I have to talk to Dr. Francisco tomorrow.” Beth murmured to herself.


“Feel whatever you want to feel,” Maria was advising her god daughter back in her hospital room. “No one is forcing you to feel anything you don’t want to feel. It has got to be very emotional going through what you have this weekend.”

“I didn’t know Aunt Maria,” Grace confessed. “And if I did, I don’t know how I would react.”

“You’re almost sixteen years old Grace. You are still too young to be going through all this and having to handle it all like an adult. You are supposed to be confused. It’s a normal emotion. Try not to bottle it up.”

“I promised myself that I would never do anything like what I did until I was older and then I went and broke that promise that I made to myself.” Grace said.

“We’re all human. kay some of us are slightly more special than the average human,” Maria smiled. “But at the end of the day you’re human. And we all make mistakes. Every day I wish Michael was Jake’s biological father and that I hadn’t made such a mistake with someone I knew going in I couldn’t trust. But Michael stood up and has been amazing. I am very lucky. And at the end of the day, Jake is Michael’s. Blood means very little except that it keeps us alive.”

“And I made a doozy, didn’t I?” Grace said.

“It happens to everyone,” Maria smiled as she could see the teenage girl was tormented by all she was going through. “You’re a girl. And sometimes we can be weak around a guy.”

“I just hate myself for going there…especially with this guy.” Grace groaned.

“Then why?” Maria asked. “I know not all guys can be as decent as Michael, Kyle or your father.”

“I was a party,” Grace stated as it that answered everything. “I know I know. I’ve heard the stories for years to stay away from those kinds of parties. But it was truly innocent until it wasn’t.”

“Hey, was that the same party Jake went to on New Year’s Eve?” Maria asked as she though back three months… “Elizabeth wanted to go but we put the kybosh on it.”

“And probably that was wise,” Grace muttered. “And yeah it was New Year’s Eve and I wish I had left when I had the chance.”

“What happened?” Maria asked.

“What do you think happened,” Grace muttered. “Tommy Ellis happened and when you have a holiday party or really, any type of high school party. Booze happens. Which of course lessen any impact my defensive alien powers would have had, mixed with Ellis. Trouble is a result.”

“You were drinking Grace?” Maria asked a little skittish. She had a bad feeling of what she was going to be discovered.

“It was spiked punch. I didn’t go out of my way to drink since its common knowledge in our clan that booze, and our heritage line don’t mix but the drink found me. I tried to stop. But I was having fun and after a while I didn’t seem to care, and Tommy took notice and I was weak. I was too weak when my powers were compromised. I tried to stop what happened, but it was too late.”

“Grace, are you telling me you said NO?” Maria asked.

“Yes.” Grace said as her face became pale. She hadn’t spoken about that night in three months and it was still a very sore subject to her and something she would rather forget but was now was coming back to haunt her and she didn’t like the feeling that it gave her. “I said no.”


“Who is it Jake?” Max was asking Jake at the motel. Knowing his daughter was still in the hospital was causing him the ability not to be able to sleep so he and a restless Jake were watching a movie in Jake’s motel room.

“What?” Jake as he looked up from the movie.

“Who is the guy Grace got involved in about three months ago,” Max asked as the not knowing was truly getting to him and had to know if only to protect his only daughter.

“Why is it important?” Jake asked not wanting to remind himself of what happened on New Year’s Eve and the early hours of the New Year.

“It is,” Max said.

“It’s why Grace was in the hospital this weekend right?” Jake asked. “Grace won’t tell me what happened but why do I suspect it is.”

“She’s worried of what you might do. Which is weird since a normal daughter would be worried what their father would do?”

“Grace is not normal,” Jake smirked.

“You don’t have to tell me.” Max said with memories of his daughter’s childhood and teen years still fresh on his mind. It hadn’t been easy to raise his daughter since she was a toddler and even with help it had been a hellish at times to raise a little girl who was discovered early by her family to be special. Revisiting their childhoods in Grace had been an experience for Max, Michael and Isabel. Even though Elizabeth had come along only a few months after Grace; she had taken longer to come into her own powers so for a while Grace was the one who was the test case for her concerned extended family.

“She won’t tell me. But she’s pregnant, isn’t she?” Jake asked.

“How did you know,” Max asked.

“I can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4. The first doctor on the scene asked me if Grace had been active in that kind of way. I tried to side step the question. But it’s the truth, right?” Jake asked.

“I know Grace wanted to be the one who told you. But yes, she was pregnant. She’s not any more. She lost the baby.”

“Damn him,” Jake said. “I am going to kill him. She refused to let me do it before because she insisted on playing down what happened that night, but still I am going to kill him.”

“Why?” Max asked.

“Because Tommy Ellis took advantage of Grace and she can deny it all she wants, I know he took advantage of her and then knocked me out before I could stop her from leaving the party with him.”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 15 - Updated 12/12/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I think Max will join Jake in the desire to see Tommy Ellis pay for what he did to Grace.
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