Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 3 - Updated 11/05/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part 3! Now, I slowly become Aware of what's happening! I don''t get how they could tell that Liz was dead, when she isn't... But it will be explained I guess... especially the Thing with the teeth...

Anyway, really great Story! And I am waiting impatiently for more... EVE :wink: :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 4 - 11/08/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

Isabel Evans Valenti was closing Splurge for the night when she got a call on her cell phone. Picking up, she smiled. It was her brother. Twisting the final key in the lock; she closed and locked the gate over the door and walked towards her car. She had been running her own boutique for 7 years; ever since the birth of her youngest child. Realizing she hadn’t wanted to commute to Las Cruces to the fashion boutique she had been working once her maternity leave was over, she talked it over with her husband and realized that if she ran her own business, she could set her own hours and the kids could come around at any time. So, she opened it as an experiment on a leave of absence from her old boutique and instantly it became a fabulous success, and she never went back to Las Cruces.

Walking to the car, she continued to talk as she arranged for her brother to meet her at the Valenti’s home. She closed the phone and got in her car and drove home. All three kids were eating dinner when she got home. She smiled and kissed all three; Kylie who was 12, Michelle who was 10 and finally Jamie who was 8. Jamie being the only boy had been talking about the fishing trip he was going on that week with his Grandpa Valenti.

Isabel and Kyle had fallen in love during university and married a week after Kyle’s graduation from Las Cruces. Setting up a home; they had waited to have kids but they were thrilled when they did start coming and now Isabel felt like she had it all. A wonderful husband, who cherished her and best of all, loved her for who she was and who knew the real Isabel Evans and the ability to have three adorable kids who were growing up healthy and strong despite their abilities.

At least with the younger generation, they didn’t have to hide their power among their parents or extended family. Just from the ordinary public.

“Any dinner left?” Isabel asked her husband as she sat down with her kids and hubby. “Uncle Max is stopping by in a little while.”

“Cool,” Michelle Valenti said. At 10 years, old Michelle was into fashion like her mother, yet given the name to honor both Isabel’s close friend Michael but also Kyle’s mother who had come back into her son’s life while he was dealing with college and the end of his sporting dreams. While it was tough in the beginning, mother and son had reconciled and repaired their relationship before her untimely death from cancer when Kyle was in his third year at Las Cruces. Isabel knew her husband would always have conflicting feelings for his mother but did love her deep down. And for his father, it allowed him to achieve closure with his ex-wife and truly embrace his new life with the knowledge that he was very happy with Amy and she was his soul mate. Even though he had moved on, he hadn’t minded when his son wanted to honor his late mother with naming one of his daughters.

Kylie was the oldest and was low key like her father. She was more of a tom boy into athletics like her father but Isabel had a feeling she would grow out of that phase when she got older. Jamie being the youngest and the only boy was spoiled by his father and grandfather. James Valenti III as he was formally named was already big into sports. He often went with his father when Kyle had to coach at the high school. Kyle being a History and Phys. Ed teacher at their old high school, West Roswell High also was the full-time basketball and football assistant coach during their seasons.

“I got our reunion invitation today,” Isabel remarked as she loaded the pasta on her plate. She felt content. She loved to come home from work to her husband and kids. “I wonder if that is what is bothering my brother, and occupying his mind.”

“Yeah I got my reminder at school” Kyle said as he passed the pasta sauce to his wife. “It’s got to bring up memories of Liz for Max.”

“Who’s Liz?” Jamie asked as he ate his salad.

“Uncle Max’s wife,” Kylie piped in as she finished her plate of pasta. “She is Grace’s mother. She died when Grace was a baby.”

“Oh,” Jamie said as he drank some milk. “Can I go watch television?” he asked his parents as soon as his plate was cleared.

“For one hour,” Isabel piped up. “You girls can do what you want. I am sure Uncle Max will want to see you guys when he does arrive, so stay around the house, okay.”

“Is Grace coming?” Kylie asked as she picked up her plate to take to the sink as Michelle and Jamie ran off to their rooms and their different music tastes.

“Sorry honey, I believe she’s working tonight.” Isabel smiled as Kylie nodded and moments later left the kitchen.

“Did she have a difficult day at school?” Isabel asked her husband as they cleaned off the table. “She’s quieter than normal,” she asked as she put the leftover of the pasta into a plastic container and then into the fridge.

“She’s growing up,” Kyle said as he started the dishes. “Not that she tells me much of anything about her life, but I think all is generally fine or at the least it will work out in the end,” he said. “She knows she can come to us if something was truly bothering her but speaking of someone we care about who makes it a habit to be quiet; how IS Max?”

To Kyle Max seemed to have come back to life over the years, even though he never dated again once Liz was killed in that car crash. Instead of romance he consumed himself in his building his career and raising his little girl so for Kyle it was just like Max to think about Liz and question his life how cruel it could be every year on both Liz’s birthday and then on the anniversary of the day she died and coupled that with the reminder that they were heading towards 20 years since both high school and his wedding to Liz.

“Busy,” Isabel said. “Dad is still planning to retire at the end of the summer. So, Max will be taking over the law firm.” she sighed. “Mom and Dad are planning to spend the fall touring Europe. Mom is finally getting him to herself.”

“That is going to be lot for Max, isn’t it?” Kyle asked. “Taking over the business is going to consume a lot of him.”

“Sure,” Isabel said. “But it’s what Dad wants. He has always wished to have a business he could turn and give it to one of his kids when he was ready to face retirement. And he now has that in Max and my brother has worked for it. With Grace getting older; it’s the perfect timing.”

“There is no denying that he hasn’t put the time in” Kyle said. “Hello Max,” he said as he saw that his brother in law walk into the room after hearing the front door open and close.

“Were you talking about me Valenti?” Max asked with a smirk. “I could swear that I heard my name being batted around.”

“I was just telling my husband how Dad is keeping with his plan to retire and you’re planning to take over the business.” Isabel said with a smile as she went for a hug with her brother. “You’re another year older, aren’t you Max?”

“Unfortunately, and I can’t help but feel it as the years go by and especially this year” Max smiled. “I thought I would come and visit since it’s lonely at home with my daughter working the night shift.”

“Get used to it Max,” Kyle teased. “She’s going to be gone soon.”

“I hate the idea that in a year or two I will be testing the empty nesters way of life. So, taking over for Dad is coming into my life at the right time.” Max said as he remembered when he went to work for his father in the wake of Liz’s death during law school and staying once he had gotten his license. Having a goal to work towards had helped him and given him some peace of mind while at the same time going home at night to his little girl. “Dad deserves to have time with Mom before they grow too old to be able to travel.”

“Mom is thrilled to get him to herself more often,” Isabel smiled as she thought of lucky they had been to be adopted by their parents, and how much their parents had been there for their children over the years. “In case I forget to mention it later but you might as well tell your daughter that her dress for her party is ready for pick up at the boutique any time” Isabel said as she tried to snap him back to reality.

“Please tell me that dress is at least semi decent,” Max sighed.

“Yeah like I am really going to give my niece an indecent dress for her Sweet 16 when she needs to get out of the house on the night of her party,” Isabel said with a laugh. “You don’t have to worry Max. It’s a beautiful dress. It is very Grace”

“Thank god,” Max said with a laugh. “But seriously sis, I do trust your judgment and Grace loves that you are specifically designing a dress from your shop for her big day,” he smiled.

“She is welcome to one,” Isabel grinned before her smile turned into a frown. “Although I’ve got to say Michael could have something to worry about once he looks at his eldest daughter’s dress. But you don’t have to worry about Grace’s choice of a gown. It’s the picture of simplicity,” Isabel smiled. “Grace has grown up so much.”

“Yes, she has,” Max sighed.

“So, are you going to the reunion?” Isabel asked as she changed subjects to the matter on all their minds.

“I am thinking about it,” Max sighed as the memories were too great now to really wish to go back to the past and celebrate when all he wants to do was forget that time in his life especially now that he doesn’t have his wife in his life.

“But it makes you think about Liz, right?” Kyle asked as he saw the look on his brother-in-law’s face at the mention of the reunion and 20 years and yet they all knew what June also made Max recall and it wasn’t pretty or full of romance. “Max, it can’t help but remind us all.”

“I know,” Max said as he took a deep breath from the rush of memories. “I know.”
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 3 - Updated 11/08/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The onion continues to peel back, little by little.
Isabel and Kyle have a great family, it's so good to see everything for them to turn out well.
Can't wait for the next layer to peel off.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 4 - Updated 11/08/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Looking forward to Jake and Grace's trip to Yale.
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Reunion - Chapter 5 - 11/10/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

Grace snuck into the house. It was after midnight. Long after she said would be home. Her shift had ended and instead of getting home and getting some sleep, she went out with Jake. They went for a walk in the park and now Grace was sneaking in as she opened the front door. The lights were on in the kitchen so she knew her father had been home. And not late working at the office.

Tip toeing by the living room; she sighed a deep breath when she saw that her father had fallen asleep on the couch. She noticed he was holding a picture. She didn’t have to get closer to know which picture he held as it was the one of her mother on their wedding day she knew. It was the go to picture for her father along with a rare family picture that had been taken shortly before the crash.

She missed her mother so much. But she knew she shouldn’t risk waking up her father otherwise he would know she had just gotten home. Walking carefully up the stairs; she walked into her room and stared at the mirror. Her family had always said she looked like her mother. She couldn’t help but wonder what her life would have been like if her mother hadn’t died when she was so small. What it would have been like to have a mother and not just her father?

She wondered just how different her life would have been. And would she have made the decisions she had?

Sighing, she got ready for bed and luckily, she fell asleep almost immediately.

Downstairs, Max had been dreaming about Liz when he woke up with a startled. He looked at the clock and saw that it was almost one a.m. He had stayed awake because Grace hadn’t been home like she said she would be at 11. Aw, I fell asleep. Getting up, he checked the front door and found it locked. Grace is home? he asked himself.

Going upstairs, she checked his daughter’s room and saw the teenager sound asleep. Teenagers he thought. They liked the tempt fate. Hell, I did it enough times with Isabel, Michael and especially Liz he thought. But he didn’t want his daughter getting hurt. She was at such a precious age.

At least she is responsible. I don’t have to worry about her doing something to muck up her life, or did he? He wondered. She was such at an age where things could change on a dime. It did with Liz. He knew how much Liz’s life changed when they had gotten immersed in each other’s lives. All the stress and all the pain they had encountered had changed Liz from the path she was originally on.

He didn’t want that for Grace. The world was out there for her to grab, even if it was painful for her father to think about her leaving Roswell.

Leaning down, giving his daughter a slight kiss on the head as she slept, he left the room and closed the door before heading into his own room and turning in for the night.

Content that at least for one night his daughter was safe and sound.


“You’re looking for trouble,” Michael called as he caught Jake sneaking into the house while Max was in Grace’s room. Maria had long gone to bed. The younger kids were all asleep in their beds. Unaccounted for until now was their eldest, “Where were you?” he asked as the teenager looked at him with no guilt at all. “I take it that you rode out Grace’s shift at the restaurant and you guys went somewhere?”

“We just went for a walk in the park after her shift,” Jake said as he walked into the living room where his father sat. He had been hoping his father would be asleep since he ran his own business. Guerin Investigations which he co-owned with Max. Although Max was a silent partner that only did the legal work on occasion. Michael had seemed capable with doing the other nitty gritty details daily so Max had no problem with handing the business to his friend while he concentrated on his legal career. Michael took it and ran with it and had made a success of the business which gave him a sense of purpose but also it gave him a more leisurely work schedule so he could be there for the kids when Maria was busy with her writing career or occasional music project.

After reconnecting with Michael and electing to raise her son with Michael in Roswell; Maria settled for several years into being a stay at home mother especially once their family grew with the births of Elizabeth and Colin. But she started to grow restless when she became pregnant with Liam and wanted something to divert her from the realities of raising a growing family. So, she began to write science fiction. When she sold her first manuscript she was shocked. The clan initially was a little concerned because Maria had written about what she knew. The alien world. But she was careful about coding the books so that none of the people she cared for would get questions, and she blended it with romance and outlandish action so when the book came out; it sold like gang busters. Three more books followed, with a fourth just having been released into bookstores the month before. In between books, she also recorded a few albums. Unfortunately, her writing career had more spark then her music one but she was okay with it. As singing always felt more like a hobby. Something she could toy with when she felt like it.

“She’s not even sixteen Jake,” Michael warned as he looked at his son. “You’ve got to be careful.”

“That sounds like Mom more than you,” Jake asked as he groaned because the lectures already were coming fast at him from his mother. I know how you and Mom met Dad. But as I told Mom, you guys don’t have to worry about me and Grace. We’re just good friends.”

“What is different is that your mother wasn’t that much younger than me,” Michael said. “While you could say, I was more experienced in some ways, but she was a tad more emotionally stable and she was able to center me. But Grace is not even sixteen. She still has a lot of growing up to do and she wants to get out of this town one day.”

“I do too Dad,” Jake grunted. “It’s not like I don’t have any dreams of my own you know, for my own life. But with Grace, we are just friends Dad and plus I just ended a relationship as you and Mom both know.”

Michael could see a lie when he saw one. Considering in his youth, he and all his friends had turned into skillful liars. He could spot one. And knew his son cared a lot more about Grace than he was saying. He just hoped that his son wouldn’t do anything he would regret in the long run. So, he allowed it to drop for the moment. “Yes, I remember that you and Camryn broke up so I’ll drop it for now. But please be careful because actions have ramifications. No matter how innocent they might be now, they grow and you both have wonderful futures on the line. Go to bed.”

“Good night Dad,” Jake nodded as he went upstairs with Michael turning in not long afterwards.

As Michael got into bed, Maria murmured from her side of the bed. “Is he finally home?” she asked.

“Yes, go back to sleep.” Michael whispered.

“Thank god,” Maria whispered before falling back to sleep. Causing Michael to just stare at the ceiling as he pondered how far his son would go with Grace.


“Are you crazy,” Elizabeth Guerin cried the next morning as she talked to her older brother Jake. “Mom, Dad and Uncle Max will freak if they knew.”

“They won’t know, will they?” Jake warned his sister. At 15 years, old; Elizabeth was just like their mother. All the way down to their looks and attitude. Born Elizabeth Amy Guerin and nicknamed Beth at birth. But not long after her birth; their mother’s best friend was killed in a car crash. The namesake that Elizabeth had been named after and so after that day, her nickname was retired by her parents and she went by Elizabeth as a tribute to their mother’s fallen friend. Elizabeth was big into the arts. She had her own band already and like her mother she had a talent for writing and even art which their father had dabbled with for a little bit in high school they were told.

“You’re playing with fire,” Elizabeth warned as she looked at her big brother. She always felt the closest to Jake. Colin might be nearly three years behind her but there was something about Jake that made them closer to each other. Even though he by the nature of his human birth parents was the self-described normal one in their so-called branch of the large alien family tree as Elizabeth, Colin, Liam and Belle were deemed special due to their shared abilities. Elizabeth’s gifts were mainly memory related as of now. While the boys had more physical powers yet untrained. Belle at six years old was still unknown to hers and so they weren’t as clarified for the family at present.

“Don’t you think I know that,” Jake said as he passed a book to Elizabeth; the one she had been looking for when she came into Jake’s room before heading to breakfast. “But don’t say a word Elizabeth please. I don’t need Mom and Dad coming down on me or wrecking it for me and Grace.”

“I believe you and Grace when you say you are only friends,” Elizabeth lied. She knew very well that something was happening between her best friend and brother and that it only had intensified since her brother broke up with Camryn Davidson after the holidays and especially after witnessing their moment at Grace’s father’s birthday party the other night. “But you’re making it too easy for them to get on your case. So, I am begging you Jake please take my advice and be more careful okay and rethink this road trip okay.”

“Yes ma’am,” Jake saluted and then laughed.

“Cut it out,” Elizabeth said as she left the bedroom and went in search of her book bag.


“How late were you?” Max asked at his home that he shared with his daughter as they sat down for breakfast before Grace headed off to work a short shift at the Crashdown before her first class and he to his office. “I know I fell asleep. But I also know you didn’t get home when you said you would.”

“It wasn’t very late,” Grace smiled as she ate her pancakes and kept her answers short and brief “I am sorry if I worried you.”

“Just be careful okay sweetheart,” Max said. “It may be a small town. But trouble can come quite easily for people like us.”

In invoking the word, us, Grace knew he was talking about their secret society. Grace being special along with her cousins and the Guerin kids, she had long learned to be not to make waves regarding her abilities because while the kids’ grandparents had learned the truth around the time that the original generation of kids graduated from high school and therefore they had been there to help all involved. But to the rest of Roswell and the infamous secret of their circle, it was only known that the Evans, Guerin and Valenti’s clans were exceptional for their smarts and that was all and that was how the adults wanted it kept if not only for the peace and quiet but also for the safety of their families because of too many experiences that had caused pain to all involved so silence was always the best option. And Grace was not one to breach it.

“Of course, I will Daddy,” Grace said as she drank her glass of orange juice as memories of Jake’s request of her, flashed into her mind and it made her feel guilty about possibility deceiving her father if she went along with the grand plan. “I have to get ready for my shift and then school. Do you have a busy morning?”

“Some meetings,” Max said as he ate her breakfast as his daughter walked out of the kitchen. He knew his daughter well and knew she was keeping something from him. But knowing it was something he probably didn’t want to know about yet. He let it slide. Grace was super responsible. He didn’t need to worry about her he thought. So, as he drank the last drop of his juice. He went and got ready for work while Grace muttered to herself.

I am sorry Daddy” she whispered quietly as she walked to her room.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 5 - Updated 11/10/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can't help but feel sorry for Grace for growing up without her mom.
Max will never get over losing Liz.
But big surprise......Maria is writing Sci-Fi..........good for her.
Lots of folks have advised Jake he is playing with fire........
And you end with Grace saying "I'm sorry"..............????
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Reunion - Chapter 6 - 11/12/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

Thanks for the drive Mom,” Alexandra and Carrie called as they got out of the car. Beth hadn’t had a patient until later that morning scheduled so she had time to drive her kids to their school. They attended a private school on the other side of town of Madison. Beth had looked at all the schools when it was time to put the kids in school but none of them met with her approval and the kids were very smart so they qualified for a scholarship to a private school. So, the decision was easy to make even though she now could handle the tuition due to her salary at the hospital. But with the kids moving onto high school in the fall, she’d decided they would be starting at a public high school closer to their home during the next school year so they could get a new experience. While they would miss their friends, they both were looking forward to it if only for the looser wardrobe rules it would allow them.

So, as she drove down to New Haven and to the hospital. She thought of how she raised the kids without a father in their lives. Waking up in the hospital and finding out she was having twins and the knowledge her memory loss had prevented her from knowing who fathered her kids had been a hardship. Genetic testing after their birth didn’t reveal any known father in the system so Beth had to raise the kids not knowing who their father was. Praying one day her memory would come back and tell her all the dirty little secrets her brain kept hidden from the day of the accident onwards…

And she knew the kids missed out on having a father in their life. She tried her best, but there were days when the girls needed two parents. But she couldn’t say they were worst off not knowing. She just prayed one day the answers would come to all of them.

But in the meantime, she did her best and in terms of whether the mysterious father was the love of her life. That bothered her. She knew that she’d the chance at dates over the years but she felt like she didn’t want to take the risk in case there was someone out there waiting for her if she ever got her memory returned to her and didn’t want to make it unfair for any of the guys. So, she always resorted to some very good friendships with guys but nothing more…

Serena had tried to fix her up but she resisted any attempts, she though as she drove towards the hospital when her cell phone rang and it was familiar name that came up on her Caller ID. “Don’t you have a patient or something” she asked into her phone. I can’t talk long as I am driving. “Sure, I am free for lunch. But it’s going to be tight day with plenty of patients, so we should meet up in New Haven” she smiled. “Call me with a time and place and I will confirm with my schedule.”

At the hospital, she smiled at Betsy at the front desk. “Any emergencies,” she asked.

“Nope, or at least none with kids” Betsy Anderson smiled. “So be glad you’re in the pediatrics department at least this morning.”

“I am, every day,” she remarked. She had gone into pediatrics after finishing her studies and stayed in the department. She was on the way up in the department every year and now was considered one of the top specialists in the hospital. Although there were still two higher ranked doctors than her but she was glad to have a specialty that she loved and she was great with kids and it was very rewarding although there were tough days she thought as she walked to the elevator and went up to her floor and found her office.

“Hi Annie,” she smiled at the small little girl waiting for her as she arrived at her office. “Are you ready to find out the results?” she asked. “Where’s your mother?”

“Getting some coffee,” Annie Smart smiled. “Do you really have my results today?”

“Yes, I do,” Beth said as they walked into her office and had the little girl who at nine years old was suffering from a rare case of leukemia. She had been in remission for six months following a bone marrow transplant from her baby brother, and so this had been a check up to see how she was doing in terms of her condition. Luckily there had been no warning signs to signal any new difficulties had arisen.

“Why don’t you sit down and we can wait for your mother,” Beth said as she powered up her computer and checked her email and went into her file system and found the file folder for Annie Smart and walked back to her desk as Sharon Smart came into the office. “It is nice to see you Mrs. Smart. How are you and Annie doing today?”

“We’re fine. Annie is still eating and sleeping well. Do you have the results back yet from her lab tests from last week?” Sharon asked.

“Right to the point, aren’t we,” Beth smiled. “Yes, I do” as she opened the file and looked at the lab report that was sitting on top of the file. “As I was telling your daughter that it seems she is doing all the right things.”

“So, that is good news?” Sharon asked.

“Yes, it is,” Beth said as she read the lab report one last time. “Per the lab and in consultation with your daughter’s primary oncologist; there is no evidence that the cancer has returned. In fact, she seems to be doing even better than she was six months ago, after her transplant which is natural of course since she was so sick in the first place.”

“Really?” Sharon asked as tears came down her and Annie’s faces.

“Annie, you are looking very good. But I do want you to be careful. And I am sure you are and your mother is doing a wonderful job so keep it up. If there are any warning signs, please tell your mother and come back to see me. But you seem to be doing a wonderful job. Check with my secretary and schedule an appointment for another six more months in which a formal scan and testing panel will be done, which will be your yearly. But nothing has given us any concern in the latest tests. The transplant has taken hold, and all the levels have been improving, and not slowing down which is very good news and there have been no signs of infection.”

“Really?” Annie asked once again.

“Completely, and say hello to Robbie for me as he was obviously the answer for you Annie.” Beth said with a bright smile as she answered a few more of Mrs. Smart’s questions about her daughter’s care, and sighed happily as the mother and daughter went off to find some ice cream.


Alexandra and Carrie were in their second period history class when Ms. Mitchell gave them a new assignment to be completed. “You have three weeks to complete this assignment,” he warned the students. “Extensions will only be given if there is cause shown why you can’t get the information needed for such a project in the time allotted to the whole class.” Ms. Mitchell warned her students and the twins looked at each other with looks of concern. While they were excellent students, there were those times that a sense of concern came over them which caused them to silently communicate in a code. “It’s time to investigate your families and see what you can find to inform you better of the history of your family. I want the warts and you know flaws of your legacies that are fit to print or shared with the class so it’s time to do a family tree of your whole family. Go back as far as you can. And this is not one where you can just list the names and dates. Check your histories as much as you can. Along with the traditional tree format, I want a two page at report on your family which you will share with the class and you will hand in the tree and the report so see if you can trace it back to any famous people. If you can’t, it’s understandable. Just give me a story about your family. Extra points if the tree is done electronically with all the bells and whistles.”

Alexandra and Carrie looked at each other panic. They had grown up knowing they had no father or the did otherwise they wouldn’t be alive but their mother didn’t know who he was because of her amnesia. They always had been proud that their mother had made a life for herself and within her limitations. Carrie put up her hand, “Ms. Mitchell?” she asked.

“Yes Caroline?” Cyndi Mitchell asked her student as she could see that the assignment had been instantly troubling for both Caroline and her twin sister Alexandra.

“What happens if you come from a single parent family” she asked a tad hesitantly. “What about those students who don’t have a parent in their lives. Be it mother or father?”

“I can see that could pose a difficulty. But this is about finding out as much as you can. Try to do the best of you can. If you can only complete one side of the family that is fine if you complete the project. But try to find out everything you can, okay girls?”

“Yes Ms. Mitchell,” Alexandra and Carrie nodded and the class continued for another twenty minutes and once it was over Carrie vented at her sister as they walked from class. “How can we find out anything at all if Mom has no memory of whom our father is or even her old life? We can’t even do Mom’s side.”

“I know,” Alexandra moaned. She was the studious one who strived and thrived when she got excellent grades. “This is an F in the making.” she whispered. The girls knew of the story of their births. How their mother was found on the side of the road battered and bruised with no memory per the police. She was taken to the hospital where she fell into a two-month coma. When she woke up by some miracle per Aunt Serena, she had no memory of how got she there and who the father was of her unborn babies.

The only names of any familiarity were Evans and the name Bethso that was the name she took from the moment of her release from the hospital and then the last name she gave the girls when they were born.

“This sucks’” Caroline moaned as they walked to their next class.

“There has to be some way to find out,” Alexandra asked as they walked into their Research 101 class and sat down and waited for their class to start as the bell rang to signal the start of class.

“You are going to have partners for this assignment” Mr. Simpson said to his class as he started to read out names and when he was done, both twins were paired with other people; Alexandra was teamed with her good friend Callie and Carrie with a fellow classmate Frankie.

“This class being on research, I want to introduce a new way of doing research. It’s the computer. Yes, I know I sound old fashion to you young kids, who do as much work as you can on the computer or I know this is not new to some of you who like to get your projects from the internet without it going through the filter of your own mind first but it can be a tool we can harness for doing research. I want you to do pick something that happened in this world that shocked and amazed citizens all over our country or the world for that matter. It doesn’t have to be real. It can live on in myth. But there needs to have enough for you to do a ten-page report on whether you can verify whether it happened or not and I need you to prove why it’s not real,” Mr. Simpson warned. “You have one month for this project. It is to be part of your final grade for this class. So be careful and precise and take it seriously unless you want a failing grade following you to high school.”

“Perfect,” Carrie muttered as she eyed her sister bitterly. This was the kind of project her sister will excel in.

“And one last reminder that remains the same for all projects of this magnitude; the grade received for the project applies to both students. Unless it’s a life and death emergency, if a project doesn’t get turned in on time; substantial marks will be taken off, and the resulting grade applies to both students.

“Our teachers do like to give us trouble, don’t they?” Carrie asked after class.

“Hey, I like this one,” Alexandra smiled. “Too bad we’re not paired together this time as you might actually get a good mark this time.”

“That’s unfair,” Carrie smiled. “I’ve just had bad partners and my grades don’t suck; it’s just not as easy as you make it. I do have to admit that this project does sound interesting so maybe Frankie and I can find something.”

“Yeah.” Alexandra said as she eyed her sister. “I have to go as I have English now.”

“I have Phys. Ed,” Carrie responded as they had most of their classes together except for three of them. “See you in Home Economics” they said as they made their split from each other.

“Do you have any ideas of what we’re going to do for this project?” Callie Simmons asked her friend as she walked up to Alexandra. “For once it actually does sound interesting.”

“I know,” Alexandra smiled as they walked to English. “But I have bigger problems.”

“What?” Callie asked.

Carrie and I have to do a Family Tree for History class,” Alexandra moaned as they walked up to the second floor and their English class. “What am I going to do?”

“That is a rough.” Callie said with a surprise in her voice. She knew all about the twins’ family and how they didn’t have a father and how their mother was in an accident that wiped her of her memory and therefore they knew nothing of their extended family. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know,” she said as they waited for their class to start. “But let us focus on something I can accomplish that won’t result in a failing grade. What are we going to do for our final research assignment?”

“Something fun is my vote,” Callie smiled as they saw that a classmate was reading the latest book by Maria DeLuca Guerin called Shock and Awe. “Hey, isn’t there this whole conspiracy business surrounding an alien crash somewhere in this country. Isn’t that what those books are based on?” she asked.

“You mean the Alien crash of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico?” Alexandra asked her friend and she turned to stare at the book that Wendy was reading. She was waiting for her allowance to buy the book. She was a real fan of the books by Maria Deluca Guerin. She remembered reading in the newspaper how her series of books took the theory that the crash was real. And there were really aliens among them. “Maybe just maybe it would work as Mr. Simpson did say that it doesn’t have to be real. But have enough to research and support whether it’s true or not,” Callie said as she warmed up to the idea. “I am sure the internet has a lot on Roswell and the whole alien culture.”

Alexandra nodded just as Mrs. Carmichael commenced with their English class with a surprise pop quiz on the latest literature classic they had been reading.


I am crazy Grace thought on Friday morning as she packed her small bag once her father had left for work. Her Sweet 16 dress was hanging on her closet. She looked at the dress. It was styled like a Greek Goddess. So, it was long and flowy and white with silver and lace. It had been a gift from her aunt and specifically designed for the occasion. She loved it. And she had thanked her aunt profusely when she had picked it up after her shift the day before. Her actual birthday was Thursday but her big party would be on Saturday. She was excited to be finally 16. She could go for her driver’s license and didn’t have to rely on Jake or the bus system to get around Roswell.

This scheme of Jake’s is just calling out for me to get grounded. Sue was under orders to keep her secret. Elizabeth had warned her against this scheme by her brother but Grace was slightly excited about this as they would drive to Santa Fe. And take a flight to Boston and drive to New Haven and would get there on Saturday morning. Tour the campus and get home late Sunday night. It could work if it all bases came together. But she suspected that Sue and Elizabeth were right and this would end in disaster.

She couldn’t help herself. Like she usually couldn’t stop herself lately with Jake, she thought as she closed her bag and heard the honk of Jake’s car in front of her home. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, she sighed and picked up her bag and left the house and hopped into Jake’s car. A car he had gotten it for his 18th birthday the month before from his parents and they sped towards Santa Fe.


Author Note: THANK YOU very much to all those who have read the story, so far. And who have left comments. I appreciate it. It's a story that started in one way, and then morphed into something completely different as I wrote it over the last six years. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey for all these characters, old and young.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 6 - Updated 11/12/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This story continues to unravel........and I am getting very impatient and would love to fast forward.
But then this is your story and time will tell.
So Beth was pregnant when she had the accident.........there's a father and sister out there will be very surprised some day!
Poor twins, how in the world will they ever be able to come up with a family tree of any kind?
Very interesting development........Maria's "Shock and Awe" book........where is this leading????
Thanks, but I I'm still anxious to fast forward....
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 6 - Updated 11/12/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

When are we going to find out what powers the kids have? Are Beth's twins able to do unusual things?
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Reunion - Chapter 7 - 11/15/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

Evans & Evans,
Max Evans, Esq.

It was after lunch when he got a call from the high school. He had just returned from his lunch with Michael and Maria. “Hello, yes, this is Max Evans. Can I help you?” he asked of the caller. “Yes, I am Grace’s father. No, I was not aware she wasn’t at school today. Thank you for informing me and I will be right there,” Max said as he hung up and made another call. “Maria. Is Michael home? Get over to the high school. Your son has gotten my daughter into a mess.”

Sighing one last time he called in his secretary Cassie and asked for all his meetings for the rest of the day to be postponed until Monday or later. Then he put a call in the Sheriff’s department. “Jim. I need you to run a check on Jake. It seems he and my daughter were a no show at school today. Could be unrelated but I suspect not given how joined at the hip they have been lately,” Max said. “Thank you. I am heading over the high school right now where I am meeting up with Maria and Michael.”

Getting up after hanging up, he made a quick pit stop at his father’s office and told him that he would out for the rest of the day and explained why. Phillip understood and said he would take any emergencies.

Driving over the high school he once attended was always a rush of emotions. It had been a difficult experience all four years he had attended West Roswell High. He, Michael and Isabel had felt like an outsider during their time there. Sure, Isabel hid it behind her popularity shield. She threw herself into anything school related and became Ms. Queen Bee at the school but for him and Michael; it had been more difficult. Trying to blend in had been more difficult for them until the moment where Liz came in his life and brought Maria into Michael’s. Then life got happier although not without its own kind of pain for much of high school, but they hadn’t been so isolated with the inclusion of women in their lives who had brought along with Alex and Kyle for good and bad.

He had been happy to graduate and happier still on his wedding day the following day. Damn Liz you should be here on these days where Grace screws with her life he thought. Where is that daughter of ours? She never misses a day of school and hasn’t in her life. Why in the heck is she doing it now and where is Jake? Are they trying to give me grey hair?

Parking in the lot and rushing into the school. He noticed that Maria had made it to the school before he did. “You beat me” he said as they hugged. “So, what is happening?”

“Seems my son has made skipping school practically a major this semester” Maria moaned. “At least his grade average is still exceptional for all the missed classes and now he is missing in action along with Grace. I had them send for his no good of a friend Duncan. They had plans this weekend or that is what he told me this morning. I think my son has gotten his master plan messed up” she said. “We were so much better at parental deception, weren’t we?”

“Except the time, we all went to Vegas and got caught skipping,” Max smiled as he waited outside the principal’s office with his long-time friend.

“Oh that,” Maria smiled back. “We can thank Kyle for forgetting he had gotten put into detention and then decided to skip school and the state along with the rest of us.” she said. “But we did have a fantastic time, didn’t we?”

“We did,” Max smiled as he thought about that time in their lives and how much Vegas meant for him and his wife. He and Liz had been going through a torturous time in their lives and had broken up for many months. But Vegas seemed to a turning point, and they had seemed to be making progress during that one unbelievable night. Of course, once home, everything had gone quickly south once again for yet another eternity of pain and suffering. “Where’s Michael?”

“He had gone off on a potential case interview before I received your call,” Maria frowned as she thought of her eldest. “He said he would meet us here after he meets with the client. I don’t know what is going on Max. I really don’t.” she said as she thought of his eldest child. “He’s almost out of the house.”

“Teenagers sure are hell, aren’t they?” Max said as he thought of his daughter. His little princess. Usually an angel who provided him no worries and the one person who’d kept him from losing it after they had lost Liz. And now she had gone and done something not typical for his straight A and future valedictorian candidate. He didn’t know what to think. He especially didn’t like how it felt to get a taste of all the drama he had put his own parents through as he got a reminder of those times with these latest antics of his godson Jake, and his daughter.

“They are. And an eighteen-year-old who thinks he’s an adult is even worse,” Maria muttered as they waited for the principal to be finished with a prior meeting. “I hope I don’t have to face it with the others.”

Max nodded as they were given the green light to head into the principals’ office as he pictured the other kids and especially Elizabeth. “I wouldn’t bet on it,” he cracked, and Maria groaned because she knew he was right.


Elizabeth and Sue were huddled in the corner of their Chemistry class. Elizabeth was taking a junior level Chemistry class. One of the few advanced classes she was taking to enrich her studies and grade point average. They were talking about Jake and Grace. “We can’t say anything?” Elizabeth was asking of Sue. “I promised Jake.”

“Grace’s father is talking to the principal,” Sue said. “I saw him talking to your mother on my way to class. They are in trouble Elizabeth and with your brother being the older one. Didn’t he cross state lines with a minor? This could get him into trouble.”

“They wouldn’t do that with Jake,” Elizabeth whispered. “It’s just a weekend.”

“It’s a weekend out of state,” Sue whispered again as an announcement came over PA system. “Will Elizabeth Guerin and Sue Adams please report to the principal’s office as Mr. Erickson would like to speak to you.”

“Damn it,” Elizabeth said as they were noticed by the teacher as she came into the room and pointed at the door. They both nodded and walked out of the Chemistry class. “Well, at least it gets us out of class.”

“Like your brother would be that nice and considerate,” Sue muttered as they took the long walk down to the head office.


“I am sorry Mr. Evans and Mrs. Guerin,” Mrs. Erickson was saying to Max and Maria as Michael came barging into the office. “I wouldn’t have noticed Jake’s absence if not for the fact Grace was unusually absent as well.” he was saying. “I see from the files that he did call in sick and it’s come to our attention as well that Grace absence was placed in as a sick call also. But because of a glitch in our computer system today, it hadn’t come through all the channels by the time we alerted you Mr. Evans. I am sorry for the interruption to your day.”

“My daughter is not sick Mr. Erickson,” Max said. “I had breakfast with her this morning. She was dressed for school. Unfortunately, I had an early morning meeting, so I didn’t see her off this morning. But she was not under the weather.”

“And our son?” Maria asked the principal as she looked at her husband who was now standing by her side.

“It would be polite to say your son has a spotty track record with his classes, but he makes it through because he’s very smart and manages to ace most of his classes despite rarely going above a 65% attendance record. He will graduate and go to an excellent school if that is what he wants. But he obviously doesn’t value school.”

He’s like Michael, Maria couldn’t help thinking. If I didn’t know how he was born, I would think that he was a carbon copy of my husband. Although Jake’s grades are apparently better than Michael’s ever were given he didn’t exactly graduate.

“How are we going to handle this?” Max said as he interrupted Maria’s thinking time.

“As far as the school is concerned; Jake and Grace are absent, so it will go on their record. But if they are back in school on Monday; they won’t face any additional punishment. I will leave it up to you, their parents to decide how to proceed from here,” Mr. Erickson said as Elizabeth and Sue walked into the room. “Good afternoon Ms. Guerin and Ms. Adams it is nice to see you. I take it Jake and Grace’s parents want to have some words with you. I have a meeting on the other side of the building, so I’ll ask Hannah to give you both a pass to go back to class once your talk is concluded.” he said to the two teenagers who had joined them in the office as he left the room.

“Mom, Dad.” Elizabeth asked of her parents who looked at their daughter with suspicion in their eyes. “Uncle Max.” she said deferring to the adults in the room.

“Elizabeth, Sue nice to see you two.” Max said. “Given we all know why we’re all gathering in this room this afternoon it’s meaningless to engage in small talk. So straight at it, where are Grace and Jake?”

“We don’t know,” both girls lied as effortless as they both tried in vain to keep their secret for the sakes of Elizabeth’s brother and Sue’s friend. “Honestly, we don’t,” Sue Adams replied while Elizabeth elected to stay quiet as if she though being quiet was the best possible motion against her parents.

“Hogwash” Michael muttered and glared at his daughter “Elizabeth?”

“Honestly Daddy,” Elizabeth quietly replied as sweetly as possible. “I have no idea what Jake is up to as he doesn’t always tell me, so I don’t know.”

“Sue?” Max asked knew his goddaughter was lying so he looked at his daughters’ best friend. “I heard you and Grace talking last night and rarely does my daughter not tell you what is going on in her life. I am sure she told you all about whatever they were planning? he asked.

“She doesn’t always tell me everything in her life. In this case I wish I did know but I don’t,” Sue lied quietly as the cell phone of Max’s rang and watched as he answered and frown at what he was hearing. “Thank you, Jim.”

Hanging up, he turned to Michael and Maria. “Jake’s car was spotted at the Santa Fe airport. So far Jim can’t find a ticket out of the airport under the names Evans or Guerin. He even tried DeLuca too. There has been nothing so far.”

“Damn it,” Maria muttered as she turned to her daughter. “What is going on Elizabeth and I know you know something because it would be unlike your brother not to mention it to you or Grace for that matter but because Grace is involved in this little scheme than it’s you who would know the ins and outs of any weekend rebellion. If they have gone over state lines, then your brother is in big trouble.”

“We don’t know anything Mrs. Guerin” Sue tried saying as she stepped in for her friend, but knew it was a big mistake because she could tell they would break soon. The adults just were too powerful to go against a teenager who didn’t even know what or who she was facing.

“I don’t believe either of you.” Maria said as she eyed the girls and her own daughter. “You both know something and one of you will tell us where Jake and Grace went. We don’t want them to get in trouble. So, come on Elizabeth tell us what you know.”

“I know nothing Mom,” Elizabeth lied as she grew tougher and more stubborn in her ability to resist the temptation to break at the force of her parents or Uncle Max. “Can I go back to class?”

Michael could easily tell his daughter was lying. But he suspected that she would be too tough now to break. He cursed her special ability which she was mastering at an alarmingly rate as she was growing older. The ability to resist breaking under distress and questioning had improved greatly with age. Usually he would commend the unbreakable spirit in his daughter but knew that his son could be in big trouble. He knew they had to find him. Although deep down suspected it was only going to be a lost weekend and they would have every intention to be back in a few days. But with two teenagers out there in the unpredictable real world, one never took a chance. And given Grace had abilities of the special kind also, it would make it harder to find them. If of course Grace was anything like her father.

“Okay honey,” Michael said and immediately got a classic Maria stare beaming in his direction. “Go back to class. But we will be talking tonight when you get home.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” Elizabeth smiled as she looked at the frown on her mother’s face and knew she had to get out of there quick but knew Sue would break and prayed for her brother and best friend.

Once Elizabeth was out of the room, Michael zeroed in on the frozen teenager staring at the parents like she was paralyzed. During all this, Max had been standing back and taking everything in. He knew like Michael and Maria that Elizabeth had known something but also knew her abilities would resist any breaking. So, it was useless to try to break the teenage hybrid in this moment of time. But Sue was a different matter altogether. They had to be careful with her. He knew she knew something. “Sue, come on. It’s okay. We won’t hurt you. You’re not in any trouble. I am worried for my daughter” he said softly to his daughter’s friend and in that instant, all his parent’s worries about him and Isabel came flooding back and he knew he was getting payback tenfold for what they had done to their parents with all their travels. He just prayed Grace wouldn’t undergo any familiar havoc. He also knew Jake would protect his daughter but also knew he was normal. So, there was only so much he could do. While Grace was the one who could do so much but was small in stature. He just prayed that everything would be fine, and they could find them quickly. “Sue.”

“I am sorry Mr. Evans” Sue tried as she broke out of her frozen trance and cursed Elizabeth for escaping and leaving it all on her. “I don’t know anything.”

“We both know that isn’t true, don’t we?” Max said quietly as he used his lawyer training to persuade the teenager to part with the information she may have on Grace and Jake’s whereabouts.

“Mr. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Guerin please don’t do this to me. I am being honest with you. I don’t know much about where they went.” Sue said.

“Why don’t you just tell us what you do know,” Max said.

“I just know they were going to go scout a university that Jake was interesting in. Grace was going as a companion.” Sue said as she cracked.

“Sue, my son has already applied to university.” Maria said as she stared at the young teenager. Even though her daughter Elizabeth had been a younger; she had been in some of the same classes with both Grace and Sue for the past year and all three girls had become thick as thieves. She knew Elizabeth had treasured the friendship she had developed with Sue and Grace and now they were calling on one to betray one of their own.

“All I know is Grace said that Jake was interested in some school and some scholarship had come up and he was going on a scouting trip” Sue replied. “I promise you, I don’t know much more than it was back East.”

“Damn it,” Michael exploded. “The East coast, which meant they could literally be anywhere.”

“I know,” Max said as many bad thoughts came to his mind at the thought that his daughter was heading to the East Coast. His one attempt at going to New York had ended in disaster and Michael hadn’t liked it any better when he had gone with Maria after high school. “Sue, can you pin down a place.”

“No,” Sue said. “I said all I know. I think Grace didn’t tell me much because she knew I would be weakest and therefore the easiest to crack. Plausible deniability and all that”

“Which can only mean my daughter would probably know much more than you do?” Michael asked as he thought of their daughter who had been admitted back to into class.

“Thank you, Sue, you can go back to class. I am sorry if we frightened you. But we are very worried for both Jake and Grace. You have been helpful,” he said as the girl nodded but ran from the room.

“The East Coast, Max,” Maria moaned.

“I know,” Max sighed. “I put Jim on it,” he muttered as her got his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the Sheriff’s office. “I’ll call and fill him in on the additional details. Let us get out of here and meet up at the Crashdown. Maybe Amy knows something.”

“For god’s sake if they are really out on the East Coast then I am going to kill that son of mine the moment I get a get a hold of him” Maria muttered as they walked out of the principals’ office and headed for the parking lot as Sue was getting the ‘did you talk’ look from Elizabeth as she walked back into their class with a pass from the front office for their teacher. Sue just sunk down in her seat, and tried to concentrate on the rest of the class’ lesson.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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