Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 83, 2/20/16, p. 67

Post by begonia9508 »

Great new part!

Max's granpa was really someone wise and of great knowledge... and saw what the others never saw and I guess it was for the best! Who knows what they would have done to him... EVE :? :twisted:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 83, 2/20/16, p. 67

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part!

Finally an insight from Max's father! Interesting that he could have already seen the difference between the babys and Max and Liz!

And Max has a lot in common with his grand father; What's the granpa told Mr Evans was really intriguing but it makes sense, by the way he acts with Liz...

Fantastic and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 83, 2/20/16, p. 67

Post by Natalie36 »

awesome part and liz is the same.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 83, 2/20/16, p. 67

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great part! What does all this really mean? Liz seems to have the same energy as Max. I could only see this being a very good thing in the right hands. In the wrong I don't even want to know what will happen!


Please update by the 23. That would be the perfect birthday gift. :wink:
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 83, 2/20/16, p. 67

Post by mela3 »

I really wish Max's Granddad had been a greater influence in his life. He seems a master at quiet strength.
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Post by max and liz believer »

Hi everyone!

You might recognize chapter 84 in a way. It's the vision that transpired between Max and Liz when they first made love. But this is instead from Mr. Evans' point of view :D Just so you don't think you're experiencing déjà vu or something :wink:

Hope you all had a great weekend!


L-J-L 76
Philip seem to have a lot going through is head for Max and Liz. liked how Philip was protective of Liz and Max when they were babies and kids growing up.
Yes, there's a lot going on in the background. A lot of things that Mr. Evans has observed and worked around, to help out his son - and also Liz.

Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7)
WOW.....never have I read such a wonderful description of auras.........and their interpretation.
:oops: :oops: :oops: Thank you. So. Much.
Max being a pure soul is not surprising.......his special energy can't be known by others that would try to use for evil things.
I'm happy to hear that it makes sense in a way :wink:

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508)
Max's granpa was really someone wise and of great knowledge... and saw what the others never saw and I guess it was for the best!
Max's grandfather was a very special man.
And Max has a lot in common with his grand father; What's the granpa told Mr Evans was really intriguing but it makes sense, by the way he acts with Liz...
Yes, Max is probably a lot more like his grandfather than he is like his father. Thank you so much for your feedback, Eve :D

Natalie36 - Thank you :D

Helen (roswelllostcause)
Great part! What does all this really mean? Liz seems to have the same energy as Max. I could only see this being a very good thing in the right hands. In the wrong I don't even want to know what will happen!
Yes, what does this all mean... :oops: 8) It does seem as if Liz's energy is the same as Max, based on Mr. Evans' observations.
Please update by the 23. That would be the perfect birthday gift. :wink:
I'll try my very best, hun <3

Thank you for the feedback!

I really wish Max's Granddad had been a greater influence in his life. He seems a master at quiet strength.
Very much like Max, right?

Thank you so much!


"But it's not dangerous?" Diane prodded. "All that energy? Is not dangerous to him, is it?"

Father slowly shook his head. "No. The energy is not the least dangerous to him. But the knowledge of that energy - of who he is - is dangerous. It would be tempting to take control of him. To use that power. To shape him into someone that could be used in the wrong way were his allegiances to fall to the wrong people." He slowly licked his lips again, straightening. "Max will thrive with free will. To follow his heart. To follow the path of his energy. For parims - at least according to the stories - it's dangerous to force them into molds. To attempt to control them. Their souls are strong, but can nevertheless be easily destroyed. At least the purity of their energy can be destroyed. The thing that makes them into parims."

"Philip..." Diane whispered and I got my feet moving in response to her deep fear, grabbing the hand she was holding out for me in a quiet desperate request for consolation. I squeezed her hand tightly in mine, feeling the clamminess of her angst on her skin, as I sank down on the edge of the bed.

"You can't tell anyone about this, Philip," my father said, his eyes dark with seriousness and concern. "No one is to know his true nature."

Father slowly walked up to the crib and I watched him as he quietly observed Max.

Softly, as if speaking to himself, he added, "And unfortunately, in order to protect him, you have to raise him normally. With the risk of tainting his soul. But hoping that he will grow strong in light of this, until he is strong enough to stand on his own two feet."


I inhaled shakily, overwhelmed with the knowledge Max's father was supplying. Overwhelmed with Max's reactions to this knowledge. I could tell that he was trying to block it from me, but it must be too much even for him. His reactions were flowing over, blending with mine. Accentuating and emphasizing.

He hadn't know this either. His own father had never told him that he was - nothing short of - a miracle.

That there was a suspicion that I was the same.

"She needs a break," Max whispered tightly next to me.

I'm not sure who was squeezing whose hand. But the grip was tight.

I felt Max's intense gaze on my profile as he asked, "Do you need a break?"

I slowly shook my head, a trembling breath rattling over my dry lips. "No..." I swallowed. "No."

I lightly cleared my throat, but it did nothing to dissolve the lump in my chest, before I looked over at him.

I almost started crying at the sight of him. I could see the trembles in his body, threatening to break him apart if he gave in just a little bit. It was not that difficult to reach the realization that he was the one needing a break.

"Do you?" I whispered.

He fervently shook his head, his dark turbulent eyes locked with mine and his lips tight with tension. "No. Not unless you do."

An amused breathy laugh drifted from somewhere deep inside of me. In essence, we both needed a break, but neither of us were prepared to admit it. Both of us needed more.

I searched his open eyes, floating on the violent waves of his emotions through the strong link between our minds, and said quietly, "Let's continue."

He nodded, lifting my knuckles to his lips. The touch of his lips was cool, so wrong compared to the heat he normally surrounded us with. I had time to frown in bothered concern about this before Mr. Evans wordlessly started feeding our minds with his next memory.

I didn't like this one bit. I didn't like that Sarge was dragging my family into his gaea business. And I certainly didn't like that Sarge had taken Nancy while she had Elizabeth with her. Had used Nancy when her daughter had been with her.

I caught Diane by the elbow as I was about to exit the kitchen. Her emotions slammed into me at the contact. She was worried. Afraid for our children. Afraid for Nancy. She had never seen how gaeas were treated before. I had purposely shielded her from that aspect of my heritage.

"Keep Max and Isabel upstairs," I told her sharply. It was not my intention to add to her fear, but due to the physical link between my hand and her elbow, I was immediately informed of how my tone of voice had affected her. I forced my anger at the situation back, pecked her softly on the cheek, before adding, "Keep them safe."

Her eyes were wide, her feelings all over the place, as she nodded her wordless assent.

With one final look at my young wife, I left the kitchen and followed the loud voices into the living room. Where Nancy was more or less back to her normal self after being energized by me. Which was the reason why Sarge was here to start with. He had taken too much of her energy.

He was becoming too careless about how much he took. Too greedy. Which was yet another thing that was really starting to bug me. His disrespect for the system set in place to protect the mental and physical stability of the gaeas was, at best, worrying. His disrespect for the human being was dangerous.

Nancy had retreated to a corner, angling her young daughter behind her, a fierce determination in her stance and fire in her eyes as she stared Steven down.

Her voice was a sneer, a warning hiss, "Leave her alone. She's just a child."

I could only assume that Sarge had attempted to erase young Elizabeth's mind of what had just transpired after I had left the room to find Diane. To remove her memories of the contact with Sarge, of the weakness of her mother, of the healing I had just performed.

Nancy's eyes flickered towards me and I could see the fear intensify around her. My presence just inside the door was making her feel even more trapped, literally backed up into the corner she had gravitated towards.

Not enjoying this cat-and-mouse game the least, I moved away from the entrance - towards Sarge - my eyes on the small child as her whisper was just as loud as children's whispers generally were.

"Mommy, let's go."

Sarge tensed next to me, growling, "Then you shouldn't have brought her here, Nancy."

I watched Elizabeth shrink behind her mother's leg, her aura pulsating with a sickly grey color. I had never seen it like that before. Not even when I had visited her at her home, taking her blood. My instinct was telling me to walk straight up to the child and remove her from her mother, so that her mind could be quickly erased, instead of the child continuing to be frightened by the circumstances.

I kept my eyes on the child as Nancy bit acidly, "You didn't really give me much choice, did you?" Elizabeth tried to melt into Nancy's pants as Nancy added, her voice turning pleading, "She's too young to remember. I'll explain it to her."

Sarge laughed and I inhaled deeply. What the hell was up with all this taunting? What did Sarge get out of it? Out of all the human feelings to pick up, Sarge had decided to add sarcasm and anger to his repertoire.

I had the sudden itch to clap my hands loudly - like some overexcited human school teacher attempting to regain the attention of a class of disobedient students - and interrupt both the emotions and the conversation. To get things to move on.

Nancy needed to have her mind erased. Elizabeth needed to have her mind erased. That was it. End of story. No need to make Nancy feel horrible in the meantime. No need to prolong it. It was not as if Sarge would be convinced. By law, he had no right to go along with Nancy's plea and not erase her memories of the most recent event. So why was he letting this go on? He was making this personal.

Idiot, I grumbled silently to myself.

But I was in no position to interrupt. He had a higher rank.

The man with the higher rank, but obviously the lower intelligence, said, "You talk like you have a say in this. When did you ever have a say in this?"

Nancy's aura flickered threateningly (if only Sarge could see it; it might have made him reconsider the game he was playing) as she exploded, "I have a say in what happens to my daughter!"

I watched the young girl jump as Nancy brushed an upset hand over her daughter's head in an attempt to comfort Elizabeth in light of Nancy's display of anger.

"You're only postponing the inevitable," I told Nancy, hoping that she would give in. Make this short. So that she could go on with her life and we could go on with ours. But of course, her past memories were continuously erased - by us - so it was no wonder that she didn't know that it was always more efficient to just let us have our way.

Nancy had always resisted us. At least the times that I had been present. She was not one to submit, which she deserved some respect for. Even if she didn't get it. But she had never stood her ground as firmly as she did right now.

Maybe it was because of her daughter. Because her daughter was threatened.

As if to confirm this, Nancy broke eye contact with her 'enemies' and bent down towards Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's voice was as clear as it was fearful. "Why are you crying, Mommy?"

Nancy was better at keeping her voice down, making it hard for me to discern what she was saying. I could feel the anger vibrate off Sarge next to me, pulsating hotly against my body. Any second now, he would explode. I was sure of it.

"When I was a hero," I heard the girl whisper loudly and saw the small smile on Nancy's face.

She told her daughter something and I could see the extreme fear across the girl's face. If Nancy was trying to comfort her daughter, she was doing a terrible job.

Sarge snorted as Nancy kissed Elizabeth on the forehead. "How nice. It's just a wipe, Nance. No need to make such a big deal out of it."

Nancy straightened and looked at us, moving her eyes between us, a clear challenge in her eyes. "Do you even know what those things do to a developing child's brain?"

If you only knew how many times I've erased your daughter's mind, I thought.

I just had time to finish the thought as Elizabeth made a run for the door. I sighed out my frustration at how this scenario was developing. If only Sarge hadn't messed around so much.

"Really?" I breathed, bored with the whole situation, my mind momentarily flittering to my own children. Hoping that they were being kept away.

I looked at Sarge, wondering if he was going to do something about this (because I really didn't feel up to terrorizing a child today), but as I did commotion at the door attracted my attention and had instant anger blaze down my spine.

Nancy's daughter had fallen over. Fallen over my son. Who - for some reason - was downstairs, where he definitely shouldn't be.

I locked eyes with my perceptive son and I barely managed to control my voice as I ordered, "Max, get out of here."

Instead of following my order, Max turned his eyes to Elizabeth and he was looking at her rather intently as she moved to hide behind him.

Seeing them so close to each other, made my heart beat faster. Made adrenaline shoot hotly into every corner of my being. Because their undeniable auras were melting into each other. I had never seen auras lose their integrity like that, disintegrate and blend with someone standing close.

And to be honest, it was scaring the crap out of me. If it hadn't frozen me to the spot, I would have stalked forward and ripped my son away from her.

Instead I stood watching, paralyzed, as Elizabeth's aura brightened and grew stronger as it lost the dark colors from the ongoing conflict around her and bloomed with warm colors.

Instead of interrupting whatever might be happening, I was numb as I watched Max look over his shoulder at the hiding girl, and I heard them talk to each other.

I exhaled, pushing my immobilizing emotions to the most hidden corners of my mind, and said, "Maxwell, bring her over here." And then get the hell away from her.

I was afraid that whatever I had suspected the first time I had seen Elizabeth, when she had only been a couple of hours old, would reveal itself right now. In front of Sarge.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from my son to even look at Sarge and find out why he wasn't doing anything. Why he wasn't interrupting this. Was he, somehow, anticipating something to happen as well and choosing to wait it out?

"Why?" Max demanded and for a second I was proud of the strength I saw in him. A side I had never seen before in my cautious and modest son.

Elizabeth stepped up closer to my son and their auras simultaneously flickered and brightened, before she tugged him backwards, into the hallway.

Fear chilled me and I fought to control my voice when I said, "You are to do what you are told, Maxwell." My body had started to leave its state of semi-shock, but still I refrained from moving towards them. I had a feeling that my approach would make Elizabeth run. That it would make even my son run. I had the strongest feeling that Max would follow Elizabeth, even if it meant that he would go against my command.

"You were hurting her mommy," Max continued, looking to me for answers. There was distrust in his eyes, confusion at my involvement in this. "Why?"

Obviously, my decision to coax him towards me, instead of scaring him away, was not working. So I resigned to a "Damn it," and directed hasty steps towards the children.

As if in slow motion, I saw the colors surrounding Max's right arm grow stronger and more vibrant and realized that Elizabeth's hand was searching for Max's.

A curse fluttered over my lips as Elizabeth found Max's hand, enveloping them in a bright white light.

"What the-?" Sarge grumbled behind me just the fraction of a second before I saw both my son and the daughter of our gaea collapsing to the floor.

I reached Max just as Sarge reached out for Elizabeth, separating the children with a sharp tug. I hauled Max's limp body up in my arms, grabbing his chin and shaking his head from side to side as I commended, "Max! Wake up!"

"Don't touch her!" Nancy screamed from behind us, reaching for her daughter in Sarge's arms, while Diane gasped a "Oh my God," from her position in the hallway.

With the unconscious weight of my own flesh and blood in my arms, I couldn't contain my anger. "You were supposed to keep him out of here!"

Despite me yelling at her, my wife didn't shy back.

Instead her eyes burned with tears as she closed the distance between us and grabbed her son's limp hand. "What happened?"

I turned away from her, making her stumble after me while still attached to Max's hand, and snapped, "Something bad, okay?"

Nancy was screaming amongst sounds of struggle behind me, but I couldn't focus on her. I was moving my hand down the front of my son's chest, trailing the meridians of his body, the lines of energy. To my surprise, there was no disruption of energy, no drainage. Which was usually found in unconscious individuals. Instead his body was on overload - buzzing with an overload of power.

Nancy's screams were abruptly cut off and I briefly glanced in her direction to see her back pressed to the floor, Sarge straddling her body. Antarian eyes locked with the wide-opened ones of a paralyzed gaea.

Sarge usually worked quickly; Her memory would be gone in no time.

I noted the unconscious girl lying in an abandoned bundle next to Sarge and Nancy. Automatically, I read her aura to make sure that she was still alive. Barely wasting any time to take comfort in that she was, I returned my attention to my wife - who was slowly becoming more and more frantic - and my unresponsive son.

"Max," I called for his attention yet again. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing physically wrong with him. In fact, considering the amount of energy coursing through him, he should be at the top of the world right now.

Rather, the excess of energy appeared to have zapped his system.

"Connect with him," Diane whispered harshly, being admonishing in her desperation. "Heal him."

I looked at her coldly. "There's nothing to heal." Don't tell me how to do this, woman. Giving him more energy now - which was what a healing did - could be disastrous.

She ignored my insulting behavior and snapped anxiously, "What do you mean? He's not waking up! There's something wrong with him!"

"Philip!" Sarge barked, still staring into Nancy's empty eyes. "Take care of the girl! Erase her memory."

I felt like wiping that command off his lips in a very violent way. Erase her mind? Couldn't he see that she was unconscious?

But I had no other choice but to obey. I handed Max over to Diane, who was looking at the small girl now as well. Diane had failed to see that Nancy's daughter was in the same state as her son; her maternal concern for Max having obliterated everything else around her.

I kneeled next to the dark-haired girl, took notice of the gentle rise and fall of her chest with every breath and saw past the bright white light surrounding her.

"Eliz-" I started, in the gentlest tone I could manage, before I realized that she was usually not called that and changed to, "Liz? Liz? Time to wake up."

But she remained as unresponsive as my son. Not moving a muscle. I heard a soft whimper from the place where I had left Max with Diane and started to rise from my seat as Diane confirmed what I was hoping for, "He's waking up. He's waking up."

"Good," I said evenly and returned my attention to the girl. Now, let's hope that the human girl hadn't been damaged somehow. Let's hope that she would wake up soon as well.

As long as she had her eyes closed, I couldn't form a deep connection with her, to heal her systemically. Usually, if that was the case, I would heal superficial injuries first which generally would supply the body with enough energy to bring the individual back to consciousness. From there, I could acquire a deep connection.

But similarly to Max, the energy was strong in the girl, and I didn't want to supply her with any more.

"What happened?" Nancy mumbled, confused, in her recumbent position just a few feet away from me.

Sarge was offering his hand to Nancy to help her up. "How are you feeling, Nancy?"

I had to give it to him; Sarge was a good actor. He was like the perfect gentleman. The perfect gentle ex-boyfriend of Nancy.

She tentatively, with bewilderment etched into her wide wavering eyes, accepted his help and let him pull her to her feet.

"You fainted," Sarge explained gently and gestured towards me and Elizabeth. "Your daughter wasn't feeling very well, which must have been too much for you."

"Oh my God," Nancy whispered as her eyes fell on the lifeless shape of her daughter.

"Did you eat something bad?" I asked as she stumbled towards me, her eyes gleaming with tears as she sank to her knees next to Elizabeth. "I'm suspecting food poisoning, since you've both became unwell."

"Mom?" Max piped up, disoriented, and I discreetly looked over my shoulder at my wife. Our eyes met and she got the silent message delivered by my eyes for her to leave the room with Max.

It would be very hard for me to explain to Nancy why Max was feeling bad as well.

Fortunately, Nancy was too preoccupied with cradling her child in her arms to notice my son.

"Is she okay?" Nancy whispered, brushing her hand against the fringe covering Elizabeth's forehead.

"She's going to be fine," I replied stoically. At least, she would be. One way or the other. It might require another mind wipe if I had to heal Elizabeth, but I was hoping that she would wake up just like my son.

Nancy turned worried eyes to me, looking at me as if I was her savior. "Dr. Evans... Where are we?"

I put a comforting hand on her arm. "You're at my house. You happened to cross paths with Steven when Elizabeth was starting to feel sick. He took you here. She fainted and so did you."

Nancy frowned. "That's so..." She shook her head in lost contemplation. "I don't remember that. How come I don't remember that?"

"Food poisoning does nasty things to a body, doesn't it?" Sarge said, fake concern in his voice, as he asked for my collaboration to this suggestion.

"Yes," I agreed and looked down at the unconscious child in Nancy's arms. "I just want to take some blood from her. Is that okay?"

Nancy nodded mutely, before breathlessly agreeing, "Yes. Yes, of course. Do what you have to, Doctor."

"I'm gonna-" I gently pulled Elizabeth from Nancy's arms, ignoring the slight resistance I felt in Nancy's arms at the implied separation, "-borrow her for a little while."

She frowned. "No, I want to come with."

"I'm trying to keep my medical room as clean as possible-" I started and was interrupted by Sarge's quiet laugh.

"Yeah, Nance. Don't worry. He's really meticulous about that room."

Nancy was flickering unsure eyes between the both of us and I forced a smile on my lips. "I'm afraid he's right. It's to prevent cross-contamination."

She hesitated. "Will it take long?"

I shook my head. "No." I hope not.

And so Nancy Parker put the care of her child in my hands along with her child. It affected me more than it should, but I had to make sure that whatever might have happened between Max and Elizabeth was removed before I could let Elizabeth go home with her mother.

I jolted, sharply pulling away from Mr. Evans' touch.

I couldn't take any more. My chest was constricting painfully, my head was pounding, the blood in my veins was boiling.

Max was already reaching for me as I turned to him, breath stuck in my throat, eyes wild with emotions drowning in tears.

"Block," I wheezed as his fingers crawled up my throat to cradle my face. I squeezed my eyes shut against his eyes.

Too much. It was too much.

This time, it never crossed my mind to block him myself. I never consciously reflected over how I seemed to have learned to not ever expose Max again to not being able to feel and read me.

It didn't take much more than that. On my desperate command, Max slammed his walls down around his mind, silencing his fervent input into my mind. I don't know where he found the strength to, considering his troubles at silencing himself earlier.

But maybe me falling apart in front of him was motivation enough.

"Liz?" he asked tightly, hurriedly, as I fumbled to get off the chair, away from them both.

My head already felt lighter without Max's staggering feelings and antagonistic thoughts being steamrolled into my mind, but my heart felt increasingly heavier with every passing second. Even as I was tripping off the chair, landing in a pathetic mass of limbs on the floor, attempting to put some distance between me and the aliens, an intuitive burning need in me wanted me to get back to my feet and fall into Max's arms.

I sobbed as I pulled my legs up under my trembling body, not caring that I must look like a broken mess whilst attempted to get back to my feet.

"Go to her," I heard Mr. Evans tell his son.

My breath hitched with both hope and despair at the suggestion.

I was blind to Max's thought processes, yet again, but I knew him well enough to know that he had already been planning to do what his father had just proposed.

Lowering himself to the floor and scooting over towards me, I flinched as he wrapped his arms around me. A deep sense of comfort and love lit my body at the solidity of his arms, while my heart was beating with frantic distress within my constricted chest.

"Shh," he hushed, his lips brushing against the top of my hair, his right knee pressing into my waist and his left against my thigh, his chest molded to my back.

I didn't pull away. Instead I tried to listen to the voice of my heart. Because I knew, deep down, that he was my comfort. That he was the only one that could ease the overload on my brain. Even though a primal need for self-preservation was begging me to get away. To go and lock myself up in that white-tiled bathroom.

My body was tense and tight in his arms. The silence of the room was deafening while soothing. The silence of my mind was peaceful while lonely.

"Is it better?" he asked quietly when my body started to relax. "Without my..." He took a deep breath and tried to keep the emotion out of his voice, "Without my mind?"

I tightly fused my upper eyelids to my lower and tried to mentally get back online. What had caused that reaction? It was just information. There hadn't been any threats. Also, it was mostly information about Max.

His mind was invisible to me, but he could still read mine as brightly as the most glaring day.

"Your mom," he whispered, reflexively tightening his arms around my fragile body.

His ability to directly search out the source to my reaction caused my throat to tighten and a fresh sob burned through my lungs.

"I was afraid that memory might-" Mr. Evans started. His voice sounded far away. Far outside of the bubble surrounding Max and I.

Max tensed. "Don't." He sounded tired, resigned and - confusingly - indecisive. "Please, don't."

I grabbed onto Max's hands and brought the backs of his hands up to my lowered head, brushing them against my cheek. He placed a kiss behind my ear and I focused on the sound of his breaths, gently causing the loose strands to flutter against the side of my face.

I wondered what he was feeling. If his opinions of his father had started to change and begun to chip away at what he had spent his life knowing. Was his world changing? Did it frighten him?

"It's not better," I stated softly.

He pressed his lips to the side of my neck and I felt every line of his lips as he asked, "Can I do something for you? Get you some water? Take you away from here? Kill my father?"

I couldn't help but smile at this. Because I knew that he was joking with his last suggestion, even though I could sense some truth to it. I could sense it from the protectiveness in his embrace.

In his opinion, his father had caused me pain. And that was not allowed.

"I meant," I pressed a kiss to his hands that I was still pressing against my cheek, "It's not better without you in my mind."

He stilled, his breaths ceasing, but his hold on me remaining strong. There was a couple of seconds of silence, before he asked, "You sure?"

"I freaked out," I admitted, swallowing back a fresh batch of threatening tears. "I didn't mean to react like that-"

"Liz, it's-"

"No," I interrupted. "It's not okay. I can't ask of you to be completely open with me," his arms trembled against my chest as the memory of him letting go - of being completely open with me just hours earlier - heated my mind and body, "if I myself try to hide at the first hint of something uncomfortable."

"That was more than uncomfor-" Max objected, but I interrupted him again.

"I need to see that you're okay." My voice sounded a lot more vulnerable and exposed than I had intended.

Another lengthy pause transpired between us, before he agreed in a hushed whisper, "Okay," and unblocked his mind.

Last edited by max and liz believer on Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 84, 2/22/16, p. 68

Post by Natalie36 »

i love how they take care of each other
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 84, 2/22/16, p. 68

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Natalie36 wrote:i love how they take care of each other
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Love how protective Max was of Liz as a child and now. Glad Max and Liz will be there for each other no matter what. So glad that the Sarge and Sean are dead.

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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 84, 2/22/16, p. 68

Post by Roswelllostcause »

It seems that Philip has been conflicted about what has been going on with his people for a while. That he really has never agreed with the way Nancy was used and howLiz would be used.

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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 84, 2/22/16, p. 68

Post by begonia9508 »

I couldn't read the story, since last saturday... so sorry but you will get some FB, wen I am finished with the reading.... and it is going to take me times, because its so amazing to read... EVE :wink: :mrgreen:
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