School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt38-Epil Complete 3/7/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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L-J-L 76
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next between Max and Liz. Jeff Parker is a major asshole. I hate Jeff. Way to go Nancy for telling Jeff off and for making him sleep on the couch. Jeff needs to realize Liz is not her sister Jessica. And she probably won't be like Jessica. Glad Nancy is starting to change her thinking about Liz. Love the mother/daughter talk Nancy and Liz had. At least Nancy is starting to stand up for Liz and talk to her.

L-J-L 76
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve Yes Jeff is an ass! He doesn't even see what he is doing to Liz.

Natalie36 Jeff is an ass! As for Zack, he won't be going anywhere soon.

saori_1902 Nancy has always loved and accepted Liz for who she is. But it's only now she is standing up for her.

Carolyn A lot of Liz's issues do come from mostly how her father has treated her.

L-J-L 76 Jeff really is an asshole. Until Jessica died he rarely gave Liz any attention. So now that Liz is the only one left she has to be what her sister was to him. Nancy is standing up for Liz now and may feel guilt that she didn't before now.

Part 13

Max walked into Isabel's room and placed a hundred dollar bill down in front of her.

"What is this dog face?" Asked Isabel
"I'm calling off our bet."
"Just am."
"Don't tell me that you are falling for the bitch."
"Liz isn't a bitch. If she was she would have spilled what she knows about what Donny did to us."
"How does she know?"
"She traded her Prozac to Alex for the dirt on me."
"Well I knew he was looking for the pills. Gave him her name."
"Yeah, well I am not going to do what we talked about to her."
"Don't tell me you are getting a heart."
"Always had one Princess. Just never showed it to no one."
"You did when we were younger. Then that bitch Gina screwed you."
"I could have told her no. But I didn't. I wish I had now."
"Well I fell for Troy. All he ever wanted from me was another notch on his belt. I was thirteen! I didn't even fully understand what he wanted from me."
"Yeah well you must of enjoyed it cause you have been fucking ever since."
"Well I will have you know since school started I have only been with one guy. While you dear brother haven't had a lay yet."
"What's it to you?"
"Nothing. Just thought that you might stop acting like such a dick if you fucked someone."
"Maybe, I don't want meaningless sex. Maybe I want to have something special."

Isabel looked at her brother. It was true that he didn't have sex just to have sex. But she had made herself a promise long ago never to give her heart to anyone.


Liz walked out of her room to find her mom in the kitchen. She walked in grabbed a glass and poured herself some juice.

"Where is dad?" Asked Liz
"He had to go to the Crashdown."
"So it's just us?"
"Yes. Is there something on your mind honey?"
"Why don't we ever talk about Jess?"
"You want to talk about your sister?"
"I always have! Mom, every time I would try and bring her up dad always cut me off and told me that we will not talk about her."

Nancy pulled Liz into a hug.

"OK honey let's talk about Jess."
"Liz, is this some of what is bothering you? That we don't talk about your sister?"
"Oh Liz!"

Nancy walked Liz over to the table and they sat down.

"Mom, you know that I really loved Jessica."
"I know honey. She loved you. She was so happy the day we brought you home."
"Oh yes. She begged us to let her hold you. Your father said no. But as soon as he left the room I made her sit on the couch then I showed her how to support your head and placed you on her lap. She talked to you making you a promise that she was going to protect you from all the stinky boys."

Liz let out a laugh. She remembered how before Jessica started to like boys that she would call all boys stinky.

"She did. Remember when I was in first grade and Carlos tried to make me eat a worm?"
"I remember both of you mentioning it. But couldn't get your sister to admit what she did to him besides make threats to makes sure his father found out."
"Mom, that is something that is going to stay forever between her and me."

Nancy smiled at Liz. She had missed this Liz. The one that would open up and talk to her.

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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

An honest conversation between Max and his sister.........
I'm glad to see Nancy and Liz having this good talk together. Maybe things will take a turn for the better, but what about Jeff? What is it going to take for him to treat his only daughter left like he cares for her?
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by saori_1902 »

great part :)
L-J-L 76
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Max and Isabel really talk. Good start hopefully between Max and Isabel. Glad Max called off the bet he had with Isabel. Hopefully things will change between for the better for Max and Isabel. Finally Nancy and Liz really talk and they talk about Jessica. Maybe things will go better between Nancy and Liz. But what about Jeff? Will Jeff change the way he acts around Liz? Will Jeff ever show Liz love? Will Jeff let Liz do what she wants with her life? Will Max come and visit Liz? What will happen when Max comes and visits Liz? Will Jeff let Liz and Max hangout? Will Max and Liz sleep together while home? Or will Max and Liz sleep together at school?
Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together?

L-J-L 76
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by begonia9508 »

At least, what Liz doesn't find in her father, she can find it with her mother... and I guess at that point, it is enough... :? :roll:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 10/1

Post by Natalie36 »

nice mother daughter moment
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School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 10/20

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Things may be changing between Max and Isabel. Nancy, has always loved Liz. She wants to a good open relationship with her daughter. As for Jeff it will take a lot for him to change his ways.

saori_1902 Thanks

L-J-L 76 It is good that Max called off his bet with Isabel. But if he wants a relationship with Liz he still has to tell her about it and that might not go over well. Nancy is going to try and build a new relationship with her daughter. As for Jeff I wouldn't count on him changing his ways.

Eve Liz, knows her mother has always loved and accepted her for who she is. But she wants it from her father too.

Natalie36 Thanks

Part 14

The break went fast. Soon it was two days before the new year. Liz sat in the air port waiting her flight. Not far away sat Kyle. It wasn't long before Maria, Serena and the Evans walked in. Liz watched as Serena winked at Kyle. She knew those two were getting closer. Liz looked at her father who sat next to her. He had been cold to her the whole time that she had been home. Though she and her mom had started to work a little on their relationship. Max looked at her and gave her a smirk. She knew that they couldn't talk until she got away from her father.


Max watched Liz sitting between her parents. Her mother had an arm wrapped around her and saw speaking softly. While her father was watching her like a hawk. He wanted to find out if she was OK. But from the look on her father's face he knew that he wouldn't get a chance until they were on the plane.

"Max is everything OK?" Asked Diane
"Yeah mom."
"It's just you look concerned."
"It's nothing. Just see a few people from school."
"Is that girl over there one of them?"
"Yeah. Her name is Liz."
"Go say hi."
"Not a good idea. From what little she told me her dad is kind strict with her."
"Does it have to do with the trouble she has been in?"
"A little. He wants her to be like her sister who died."
"Was she close to her sister?"
"Not sure. She hasn't talked about her much."
"Just be there when she is ready."
"I will mom."

Just then their flight was called and they all headed for the plane. Max saw Liz trying to put her bag in the over head compartment but struggling. He grabbed her bag and shoved it in.

"Thanks." Said Liz
"No problem." Said Max
"So where is your seat?"
"Right here next to you."
"Well Maria it's actually Maria's seat. But I got her to switch."
"How did you manage that?"
"I have my ways."

Liz smiled. She didn't know what was happing to her. She was starting to feel something for the first time in a very long time.

"So how was your Christmas Parker?" Asked Max
"Spent it fighting with my dad."
"Looked like you and your mom were getting along."
"We are working on it."
"That's good. So what changed?"
"Mom was willing to talk with me about Jess."
"You want to talk with me about her?"
"Max, why do you care?"
"I don't know. There is just something about you that makes me care about you."

Liz just nodded. They settled in as the plane took off. It was about an hour into the flight that Liz spoke.

"Jess was great. She was three years older but never treated me like a pain in the ass little sister. She wouldn't let anyone pick on me in school. She would always spend time with me. Yeah she had her own friends and stuff. But we always had a day together every week."
"So you were close?" Asked Max
"Yeah. She was my best friend. She was always so happy for me when I did something good. Back in first grade I won an award for being the best reader and reading the most books in my class. Jess, spent money she was saving for this sweater she wanted on taking me out for ice cream. She was in fourth grade. When I tried to show it to my dad he just brushed it off like it was nothing."
"What about your mom?"
"She was proud of me."
"Sounds like you really had a great sister."
"I did. I miss her so much. I was really lost when she died. I my doctor actually said that I was depressed. He put me on Prozac. But I hate how they make me feel. They don't make me feel better. They make me feel more numb then anything. So I like never take the pills."
"What do you do with them?"
"I sold some a couple of times. I traded a bottle of the pills to Alex for the information on you."

Max just nodded. He knew that talking about her sister had been hard for her.

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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 10/2

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Jeff Parker is a major asshole. Hopefully Jeff is going to change really soon. Cool Diane is trying to get Max to talk to Liz. Glad Max told Diane about Liz's father. So glad Nancy and Liz are working things out between them. Cool Max and Liz are sitting together on the plane. Glad Liz told Max about her sister and he is there for Liz. Will Max tell Liz about the bet he made with Isabel? What will Liz do when she finds out about the bet? Will Liz be mad at Max? Will Liz talk to Max? Will Max and Liz work through it? Will Max still be able to protect Liz? How will Max be able to protect Liz? Will Max and Liz start hanging out and talk more? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feeling towards each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz be come close? Will Max and Liz make out? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Liz become pregnant? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Zack try and hurt Liz? What Zack do to Liz? Will Zack rape Liz? Will Max save Liz? Will the teachers and principle find out about Zack? What will the teachers and principle do to Zack, Liz and Max? Will Zack get kicked out of school?

L-J-L 76
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School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 10/21

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Don't count on on Jeff changing any time soon. Things are going to move slow for now for Max and Liz for a little while yet.

Part 15

Several hours later Max pulled his and Liz's bag down from the over head compartment. He also pulled their heavy winter coats down. As they headed off the plane Max turned to Liz.

"Liz, I want you to make me a promise. I want you to promise me that you won't go any where alone. I got this feeling that Zack won't stop coming after you until he gets what he wants."
"I promise Max."
"Good. I just don't want you to be safe. I would hate for you to be hurt."
"That is very kind of you."

Max smiled as they walked through the airport to meet Ms. Vincent and Mr. Russ. Neither of the two looked happy to see the two of them talking.

"Miss Parker, Mr. Evans so nice of the two of you to join us." Said Mr. Russ

They both rolled their eyes. Both Max and Liz held their tongs at what they really wanted to say to the man. The six teen walked with the two teachers out to the waiting van. They all climbed in mumbling about the fact that their parents had to choose to send them to a school in the frozen hell known as Michigan. Serena had sat next to Liz and smiled.

"So have you and Max done it yet?" Asked Serena
"No. Not that it is any of your business." Said Liz
"Gee Parker, I thought we were becoming friends?"
"We are friends Serena. Max and I are getting to know each other before we do anything like that."
"At least tell me you all kissed!"
"Sorry to tell you no."
"Fuck! At the rate you are going hell is gonna freeze over before that happens!"
"Miss Kent watch the language, and if you would ever show up to my geography class you would know that there is a city name Hell here in Michigan." Said Mr. Russ
"There is no way anyone would name a city Hell!" Said Kyle
"Hell, is just under an hour drive from the airport you flew into." (Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus Michigan, outside of Detroit.) Said Mr. Russ
"You seem to know a lot about it." Said Maria
"Miss DeLuca if you must know my grandparents lived there when I was a boy."

The rest of the drive to the school was quiet.


When they reach their room Liz tossed her bag on the floor and fell on her bed. Serena looked at her roommate and wondered what was going on.

"What gives Parker? I take it the visit home didn't go well."
"My father is such an asshole! He did nothing but ride my ass about skipping a few classes."
"What about your mom?"
"We talked and agreed to work on things."
"Are you happy about that?"
"Yes. She is willing to talk about my sister with me. My father just cares about having his kid go to Harvard. My sister actually did want to go. But I never have."
"You know if you want you can tell me about your sister."
"Thanks, but I am not ready to do that with you. So what is going on with Kyle?"
"We talked on the phone a couple times while we were home. He and I plan to sneak away from the school New Years party tomorrow to spend some time alone."
"So to have sex?"
"Yeah, I like him and am ready to lose my virginity."
"You have protection?"
"So he know you are virgin?"
"Yeah. He told me he isn't that he had sex with a girl named Vicky Delaney. You heard of her?"
"Yeah, she was kind of known as the school slut. She had been with more then one member of the football team. Rumor was she had sex with three different ones at a party last summer. But don't know how true it was. I didn't go to that party. It was all about sex, drugs and alcohol. None of the things I wanted anything to do with."

Serena nodded and the two girls spent the rest of the afternoon talking.


Outside the girls dorm stood Zack staring up at the window to the dorm room of Elizabeth Parker taking a drag of his cigarette. Just the thought of putting his dick inside of her made him grow hard. He wanted her like no other girl before. He had lost track of how many he had been with. But he loved being the one to take a girl's virginity. There was just something about being the first one in a girl's pussy that made it even more enjoyable then any other. Hell he had spent the day before Christmas fucking his stepsister she had just turned fourteen. Of course he had told her that if she told anyone he would slit her throat. But he had to have the Parker chick. He knew he wouldn't get at her right now so he was off to find someone that would help him with his problem. What he didn't knowwas he was being watched by someone who had made himself a promise that he wouldn't let the sex addicted bastard anywhere near Liz Parker if he had anything to say about it. He followed him to the school gym where Zack found Pam Troy. He watched as Zack talked to Pam and then they both disappeared into one of the locker rooms. Max had to wonder where Zack got all the condoms he must go through. Zack had sex every chance he had. But then he thought of the night he saved Liz from being raped. Zack had his dick out and was ready to force himself into Liz he wasn't wearing one then. Max then realized Zack didn't care if he got a girl pregnant or passed around STDs! Hell for all Max knew the bastard could have HIV and wouldn't care if he gave it to someone. He was now more determined then ever to keep Liz safe from that asshole.

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