Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by max and liz believer »

Morning Dreamgirl wrote:Let me know what bribe you'll need to post again on Monday. :mrgreen:
Only your feedback, hun :oops: :D
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Like Liz could ever forget Max......especially after the special examination he conducted.
Please get rid of Sean.......I don't care how, just pick a way.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

First have a safe, fun trip!!!!!

I really hate Sean! I can't believe what he did to Liz. Please please please please have someone kill Sean, Sean's father and Mr. Evens? Have someone put a m90 up their butts or something please? I'm glad Max was acting. I'm glad that Liz remembered Max. And wow that was a steamy check up that Max gave Liz. That was a really hot and steamy make out session Max and Liz had. I love how protective Max is of Liz. I agree with Max about killing Sean. And I agree with Liz about her and Max running away. I hope Max and Liz can fooling Sean and everyone at school. I hope Max and Liz will spend some alone time together really soon. Will Max and Liz be able to fool Sean and everyone? Will Sean keep seeing Liz? Will Liz keep acting like she is in love with Sean? Will Max be able to protect Liz? Will Max and Liz keep meeting in secret? Will Max and Liz keep making out? Will Max and Liz finally sleep together before Sean tries to get Liz? Will Max and Liz run away? Where will Max and Liz go? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Sean, Sean's father and Mr. Evans find Max and hurt him? Will Sean, Sean's father, Mr. Evans try and kill Max and Liz? Will Max and Liz escape? Will Max and Liz sleep together?

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by mezz »

I'm so glad you posted this story before you left. And 2 parts *squee* Hopefully that'll keep the trembles down for the week. I read the parts several times because they were so beautiful. The emotions are palpable. They jump and slide and vibrate off the page. The relationship between these two is so beautiful. It seems a shame that the Alien population has seemingly no regard for beauty. The depth you have given to Max is lovely. He is shy, bold, deep, playful, loving and gentle with steel inside him waiting to be used if he can find a proper path. They will find a way. I have faith in you. 8) You wouldn't have started this story if you didn't know of a solution. ... Surely :roll:

So, after that gush/love fest will you cut your holiday short and post sooner? :wink: No? :? :lol:

Have fun and don't get too sunburnt.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by begonia9508 »

Wow! :twisted: Try your best to get rid of Sean! He is nefarious, he and his dad, because they seem to be the only ones doing this control on humans, no?

Are they also under control by the seargeant! I think so...

Thanks EVE :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by Natalie36 »

thank you for these parts and have a wonderful time
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by dreamon »

I hope you are enjoying your vacation as much as I'm enjoying your fics!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by Alien_Friend »

Wow! I'm just in awe of your writing skills and how you can provoke such emotion. I'm at the edge of my seat as I read this going up and down with my emotions right a long with Liz. This situation seems so impossible right now. I'm glad that Max was able to reach Liz and get her to remember and be herself. I worry that if she keeps pausing their connection often it can't be restarted at some point. I'm looking forward to reading how you navigate through this very complex situation. I love that Max & Liz, Max especially is being honest and open with Liz about his feeling for her. It's about time I think.

Great chapters.

Looking forward to reading more when you get back. I hope you are having a great vacation.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

I hope you enjoyed your vacation - and come back with lots of sun stores to get you through the rest of your cooler summer. :wink:

I believe we had an agreement in regards to my role before you posted another chapter. I am here to deliver those parts of the bargain. :D

Feedback Chapter 40

The opening of this chapter flowed perfectly from the last. The tender intimacy between the two of them (and the way they clung to each other as they collected themselves) was just spot-on. It was the part of Max and Liz that normally isn't allowed to exist outside of their connection but was so badly needed between the two of them.

I can't imagine the fear of not knowing for sure what was happening to the woman he loved as he was locked away and she was suddenly gone from his mind. And for her to not know what happened between her and Sean has to be terrifying. Especially as he's a full-blooded alien. The fact that she asked Max to check to see if she'd basically been raped shows just how unnerved and scared she was.

And along those lines: Sean is a particular sort of jerk (to use a nice description). Telling Max he'd call him after sleeping with Liz. No wonder Max and he got into an altercation the night before the party. I'd have kicked his butt too.

At first I just thought Sean was an a-hole to say it. Then I thought maybe he would have to call Max to let him know given that Max is basically assigned to be Liz's "doctor" if she ever needs one as a gaea. But Max isn't her primary medical handler right now so that phone call would technically go to Philip. So at this point he's basically tearing into Max just to torture him more. (Yet another reason for Liz to hate Sean - just in case she didn't have enough already. Not only is Sean basically planning to rape her but then he's planning on calling and bragging about it.) Can we toss him in the back of the bus yet? :roll:

The rejection that Liz felt after Max originally tried to get out of it had to be almost suffocating for her. Especially if she wasn't sure what had happened. Her feelings - which Max apparently can so easily read even outside their connection - was probably what prompted him to offer to check her locally. He could never stand to have her go through that kind of pain. Even if it would be difficult to do that for her while maintaining his control he'd do it if it brought her peace.

I'm actually a little surprised that Max was surprised at her agreeing to let him check her outside of the connection. He knows how much she wants him and seen some of her less than child-friendly thoughts about him. So would it really be too far of a jump for her to allow him to check her?

The intensity you put into the scene between the two of them during what could either be a fearful event or an uncomfortable one was just amazing! With how intensely he was watching her I'm guessing he would have given just about anything to have their bond open and to feel what she was feeling. I'm guessing he wanted more than their bond being open at that exact moment but given that they were in the eraser room you basically have to manage your expectations. :wink: (At least the first time. :mrgreen: )

The concern he showed for her and their joint relief was heartwarming. I can imagine that it would also cause him to be concerned though. Why hadn't Sean bonded with her when he obviously had the chance and what did he actually do? Short of beating Sean I doubt he'd get the answers easily - especially if Sean wiped that part of her memory. Then again, Max has been secretly learning about memories during his time at the hospital.

It's interesting that the only emotion Max showed when talking to Liz about her visit was anger. He felt much more than that (and they both know it) when she was there. Yet afterwards he didn't express any of it. I stand by my stance that he's terrified of losing her and any time she's in any position that could cause him to either see her hurt or taken from him he doesn't know how else to deal with it. He can't really show fear and he's probably not comfortable showing sadness so the only thing he knows how to express is anger. He's trying to keep it in and do things the human way but old habits die hard. In all fairness though he can't really be too angry at her when he's just as guilty as she is.

Still he's going to have to learn to communicate with her outside of anger especially if they have to continue pausing their bond because of Sean. Of course it sort of works as a foreplay for them. As long as they don't kill each other or storm off in different directions first. :wink:

And dear lord - could you write a hotter scene while keeping them fully dressed?! :oops:

I'm surprised they didn't set off the sprinklers or the fire alarm. I'm not complaining though. Feel free to send them back to the eraser room in the next chapter. :mrgreen:

I'm actually surprised that they haven't attacked each other in such a manner before now. Especially Max. The guy must have the control of steel. After all, he wanted her before their bond was created. If a bond makes you want to "procreate" as he told her previously it's probably been taking every ounce of self control to not pin her against a wall before now. The fact that he wasn't able to control himself while their bond was paused probably would throw him for a loop for a minute there.

The fact that she responded with equal passion without their bond being active certainly helps his self-esteem issues. :wink: :roll:

Now that he's had her respond to him outside of their bond it's going to make it even more difficult for him to control himself around her - especially once he feels her reaction through the bond the next time. If they feed off of each other's anger then I can only imagine how difficult it would be to put the brakes on if they both felt the other's desire though the bond. No wonder Max has kept himself so shut off from her. At least one of the reasons has to be him being afraid she'd be overwhelmed by his need for her. The distraction he demonstrated even while concerned for her shows just how much he physically and emotionally needs and wants her.

It's interesting that she was able to open the connection again and that he didn't feel it before she did. I'll chalk it up to distraction. :wink:

Both times she's been given access to his mind it's been a swarm of activity and thoughts. Hers might be busy given the events she's been through lately but his is like a beehive. I imagine it's due to the alien DNA he carries. I wonder how long it will take her to get used to his thought processes. The closer they get the more she's going to be exposed to his internal thoughts (and feelings). Perhaps her status as a gaea will help in some manner. I can't imagine she'll have too much trouble getting used to his desire for her though. :wink:

Or at the very least I don't think she'd mind it being so overwhelming at first. :wink:

Already being able to read each other is what is going to make their bond deeper when they do take that next step. As it guides them they'll both instantly be on the same page.

So the only question is how much longer are they able to hold off until we get to that page? Especially as their bond is back full force. :mrgreen:

And on to the next chapter feedback! :wink:
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 40+41, 9/13/15, p. 34

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Feedback Chapter 41

I'm surprised that Max didn't suspect before that their bond was merely paused. Obviously he would have been thrown off given that she shouldn't be able to control it at all. But if pausing a connection is possible in their society I'm curious as to why that wouldn't have crossed his mind prior to this chapter. You would think he would want to hold on to the hope that they did have an unbreakable bond. If that were the case he could keep her safe without sleeping with her prior to her being ready.

Can you imagine how difficult it would be for Max to not force himself on Liz like Sean intends to do? Technically it wouldn't be forcing himself on her since she wants him just as badly but for him (as stubborn as he is) it would be unless she initiated it. Which, really, he's been encouraging her not to do. He says one thing but knows the answer is another. :roll:

Still, for him to be pushed into even thinking of going against what he's been saying all this time... He's getting desperate because he knows that their time is limited. And it's running out. Either option is sickening to him but he really doesn't have another choice between either letting her go or strengthening their bond.

I agree about any potential bond between Sean and Liz being much weaker than the one that does/would exist between Max and Liz. But would the potential strength of bond between M/L be as strong as it could be if she were forced to be with Sean before she and Max were able to create a bond in the usual way? I'm hoping that's something we never discover one way or the other first hand. Given that Max has promised to look over her and not let Sean do anything that couldn't be undone - that includes sleeping with her.

On a side note - I think there's more darkness in Max than we've seen previously. He is still half-alien after all and with the training he's received and the walls he's had to put up to survive in that society... You don't carry that much strength, authority and respect in their community without being able to tap into that darkness many of them seem to carry. It would be even more important for him to be able to harness it given the ongoing feud he has with Sean in addition to Max's position in the alien society. After all his position puts Max closer to those who would be more comfortable with their darkness than without it (even Michael is a good example of this). So in some ways it would make sense that he'd want Liz to be 100% sure before making their bond unbreakable. Especially if after doing so she loses her free will. She wouldn't get a follow-up choice on whether she still wanted him. At some point he's going to have to let her in and see that dark side. And she's going to have to realize the kind of people she'd be around for the duration of her life. (But given that she's going to be pulled in anyways I'd say she has a better chance of happiness with Max than any other person).

And Max is right. Even if he managed to commit the perfect murder and get rid of Sean someone else (possibly more violent) will just be assigned to use Liz. So he has to accept the fact that his darkness is somewhat controllable. He can't control the darkness that someone else carries though. He could only fight it and he can't fight an entire army without being fully bonded to her. It'll be hard for him to accept that she would accept him - even his darkness - but if he doesn't than he's going to lose her.

Side note over, if Max steps in again as Sean attempts to bond with Liz his punishment is just going to be more severe. And I doubt Isabel would be able to stand in in the same manner as Max would during Max's absence. (At least not without giving away her support of her brother.) So the time frame is basically coming to a head between M/L/S. (And I have a feeling we're going to have a lot more cliff hangers before the bond between M/L becomes truly unbreakable.)

Beyond that he's finally realized that Liz is at her breaking point. In a way she's right though. If she were to be killed it would spare her a lot of pain and he wouldn't be punished any more. (Outside of the fact, of course, that he'd probably be killed for killing a gaea.) I so wanted to see what was going on in his head when he shut his walls down around his thoughts and emotions. I'm surprised he didn't have a panic attack after what she (all but) requested of him. In some ways he is killing her though even if his intention is the exact opposite. Allowing her to go through this is killing parts of her that could be saved. By not being completely honest with all their options he's playing a dangerous game of roulette. One wrong move and Sean could very easily kill her (body and soul) and Max knows it. Especially once their current bond is discovered.

I can't imagine how hurt and angry Liz is going to be when she finds out that Max kept another option from her - regardless of his intention. I'm hoping that (for once) he'll be able to put the breaks on his emotions as they clash with hers through the bond. She's always been the one to get them off the angry train (so to speak) when they feed off one another's emotions like that. Let's hope he'll control his emotions enough - without shutting her out.

And Jo! He finally said he loved her! The heartbreak that she felt was just palpable. I could see why she felt like it was a goodbye. The fact that she would have to pause their connection again coupled with the fact that he's still insisting they have to find a way to close it completely... It would be just crushing to hear it under those circumstances.

I tend to look at it from a different perspective though. She's only able to look at it from a perspective of loss right now since she feels like she's about to lose everything she has left that she holds dear. But I think he meant it more as a declaration. A promise. He's not willing to let her go any more. He can't let her go. And he's going to do everything in his power to keep her because he loves her so fiercely.

The fact that he didn't push the issue when she took it as a goodbye - he knows that she needs him to be strong while she can't be. But I have a feeling that he's come up with some plan to buy them more time until she's ready to be with him (or, rather, until he admits that she's ready to be with him). The fact that he admitted he loves her out loud shows that he's closer to accepting that fact than he has been before.

So a question I have (getting tired of hearing that yet? :wink: ) is how bad is it going to get after their bond is completely unbreakable? The rest of the alien society isn't going to just be all "Well, we weren't happy but since you've bonded so strongly now - congratulations! Would you like a wedding cake during our weekend celebration for you?" In all honesty if Liz thought the law was being strict before just wait until she encounters it after fully bonding with Max. :roll:

The heartbreaking part where Max begged her not to forget him - it's like he wanted to ask her so much more but couldn't (or wouldn't). It was just such a loaded request. And then to let his emotional walls down between the two of them... He's putting more and more of himself out there for her even as his society is trying harder and harder to take her away from him. Allowing her to feel him all the time (just like he feels her) is what they both need right now.

So... I almost want to ask for the next six chapters just to avoid cliff hangers. And hopefully get to a much anticipated chapter... or three (you, know, if you wanted to stretch it out since it's going to be a long fic and all). :mrgreen: :wink:

Or you could just post everything you have now! And then we could pump you for info by giving you milk chocolate. :wink: I think if we get you on enough of a sugar high we could get you talking. :wink:

Okay... Your turn! :mrgreen:
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