Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 28, 8/14/15, p. 25

Post by Alien_Friend »

I sure hope the title means what I think it means and it's not just a metaphor because I'll be sad if they can break their bond.

I feel for Max. His self esteem is clearly in the toilet rightly so considering all the things his peers, family, and species has done. But I think if he stops and really takes stock of Liz's feelings he would know they aren't just because of the bond. I get his fear and he doesn't want to use her and he wants to protect her. I respect it even. But like so many women before not getting the chance to, if he loves her he needs to be different and give her a choice whether or not to be with him.

My guess is Nancy was more like her daughter in more ways than one. I bet she was smart enough to figure out what was going on with Sean's dad and that's part of or the reason why she broke free.

I wish Max could stay to change their ways but I doubt it would be possible. If him and Liz ever do get their act together running might be their only option. I don't get why they didn't all want to blend in a big city anyways. It seems like it would be easier to hide in. Perhaps it is something they could take advantage of.

I sure hope Max can get her out of their if he picks up on her feelings.

Excellent stuff. Loved these chapters.

Eagerly awaiting more!
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Post by max and liz believer »

Helen (Roswelllostcause) - Good idea about how to get rid of Sean *thumbs up* 8) Concerning Alex and Liz; Liz's foundation has been severely rocked. She feels like she's been lied to her whole life. So she's a bit unsure if she can trust Alex right now. But don't worry; she'll probably come around. Good thing you got out of Crazy Town. I hope this next chapter won't pull you back in... :shock: Thank you for the feedback!

Ashely (Morning Dreamgirl) - You are all very good at coming up with ideas on how to kill Sean :wink: I wonder why that is... I can assure you that I'm no sadist :mrgreen: If I am, I'm like the most soft sadist ever (since my heart breaks when I accidentally run over bumblebees that suddenly appear in front of the lawn mower). I updated before your feedback this time; felt a bit bad about leaving it where I left it. Hopefully, a quicker update is okay :oops: :roll:

L-J-L 76 - What will Sean do next? Well... there's some (disturbing) clues in the next chapter :? Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Liz will probably - in time - get over the fact that Alex has hidden a large part of his true self from her during their upbringing. Thank you for the feedback!

AlysLuv - Yeah.... BIG trouble :? Thank you for the feedback!

Natalie36 - Thank you :D

Eve (begonia9508)
Liz should talk to her father and in secret, they should run away from Roswell! We all know how big the world is, so don't tell me that they can go to another place or country... But maybe, these damn aliens are everywhere... :shock: :roll:
It would be a great alternative, wouldn't it... But is it possible...? Or are the aliens everywhere, as you say? I love your confidence in Liz, but unfortunately Sean is strong, so... Thank you for the feedback!

I sure hope the title means what I think it means and it's not just a metaphor because I'll be sad if they can break their bond.
Don't lose hope just yet...
I feel for Max. His self esteem is clearly in the toilet rightly so considering all the things his peers, family, and species has done. But I think if he stops and really takes stock of Liz's feelings he would know they aren't just because of the bond. I get his fear and he doesn't want to use her and he wants to protect her. I respect it even. But like so many women before not getting the chance to, if he loves her he needs to be different and give her a choice whether or not to be with him.
Very true

Thank you so much for the feedback!


My heart fluttered with a touch of nervousness and without really having any justification as to why, I quickened my steps, pushed the door to the gymnasium open and let the emptiness of the vast room swallow me up.

Heartbeats were thumping wildly in my chest, the pulse strong against my temples, and I forced a nervous laugh out of me.

Don’t be ridiculous, Parker.

It was in the middle of the day, in a public high school - why should I be scared?

Then the door to the gymnasium opened behind me. I had managed to put about twenty feet between me and the door by then, and I swirled around to see who it was.

Cornflower blue glittering eyes accompanied the smirk on his lips as he let the door swing closed behind him. ”There you are.”

I stopped breathing and my biology book hit the floor with a heavy thud.


”I almost get the feeling that you’re avoiding me,” Sean said, walking slowly towards me.

My steps were equally slow as I started to walk backwards, keeping my eyes on him. ”Just leave me alone, Sean.”

He grinned, putting his hands out in an expression of innocence. ”I’m just trying to understand what happened. I thought we had something good going.”

With your mind control, bending my thoughts and will?

The blood was rushing in my ears. ”It was just one date. I didn’t feel like we clicked.”

My legs trembled as I kept on walking backwards, him prowling towards me with matching slowness.

There was a frightening gleam in his eyes as he added, ”You didn’t give me a chance, Liz. I like you. I really do.”

”Sorry,” I mumbled, losing my voice. ”I just wasn’t feeling it. The chemistry.”

He laughed. Dry and humorless. I shuddered.

”Oh, Lizzie. There was chemistry. Trust me. I think…” he looked at something behind me and I resisted the urge to look over my shoulder. I wanted to keep him in my line of sight the whole time.

He looked back at me, finishing, ”…that someone else came in between us.”


My thoughts brushed against the hum at the back of my mind briefly, before my back slammed into the short side of the large room.

I gasped in surprise at the sudden stop, while watching Sean getting closer. He continued to walk at a leisurely pace, letting me know that he had all the time in the world. All the control in the world.

”And who would that be?” I challenged, proud of myself for managing to keep the trembles out of my voice.

”Oh,” Sean said, a large smile stretched across his lips, ”I think we both know who I’m talking about.”

He stopped two feet in front of me and I quickly glanced to my right, trying to estimate how far away the exit was; what the chances were of me getting there before Sean could reach out and grab me.

He grinned as he followed my look.

He’s enjoying this.

”I think,” he licked his lips and breached the space between us at the same time as I bolted to the right. But his arms were too long, or my legs were too much like jelly, because he easily grabbed my upper arm and tugged me harshly back against the wall.

He was panting as he pressed his body up against mine, trapping me between the wall and his body, his face only an inch from mine as he sneered, ”I think Max really has taken his chances with you.”

”Let me go, Sean,” I whispered, intending to sound strong but unable to produce more than a whisper.

Sean’s hands tightened around my arms and he slammed me once up against the wall, the back of my head impacting with the unyielding structure. I winced.

”I think you two have screwed,” he said, an easy smile on his lips but only coldness in his eyes.

He’s 100% alien. He’s hiding behind a human mask.

I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing him to go away like a bad dream.

He jostled me again, spitting, ”Look at me, Liz.”

I opened my eyes, almost expecting a real grey alien to look back at me (was that what he really looked like?), but those unnaturally blue eyes were still burrowing into my head. Had he chosen those blue eyes? Did he consider the chosen color of his eyes a pleasant human trait that would speak to the human female population?

”You’re scaring me, Sean,” I whispered.

He couldn’t know that I knew so much. He couldn’t know that I was anything else but a clueless human. Because Max wouldn’t tell.


His eyes turned dark, shifting into nuances of dark marine, as if he was angered by my weakness rather than sympathetic to it. ”Did he fuck you?”

I jumped as if he had struck me, because his hands were suddenly at my waist, his fingers curling into my abdomen.

I shook my head, answering honestly while looking him straight in the eyes, ”No.”

His eyes narrowed and I inhaled sharply as he pushed his hands underneath my shirt, sliding up the bare skin beneath, to cup the underside of my bra. ”He did something.”

”Get off me,” I whispered, my voice stronger now as survival and anger overrode my instinctive fear of aliens and what they could do to a insignificant human like me.

With my anger, the buzz in that small area of my mind increased, like someone was turning up the volume. I wanted to press my palms against my ears - as though it would stop the painful sound - but I didn’t want to give anything away in front of him.

”He’s in your mind. Where I should be.” He cupped my breasts.

My arms came up and shoved at him, but I barely made an impact, only causing mirth to crinkle around his emotionless eyes.

Sean tsk’ed. ”Now now…” His fingers were slowly sliding inside the protective cups of my bra as he leaned in and placed a (uncharacteristically) soft kiss on my cheek. Pulling back, he looked into my frightened eyes, continuing, ”I wanted to do this the right way. Make you fall for me. Make you mine in every way possible. But that-” he took a deep breath ”-fucking Max Evans had to interfere.” His thumb brushed against my left nipple and my stomach cramped with nausea. ”So I just have to make this quick. Cause once I’ve change your-” he laughed and continued - as if his voice was making air quote signs ”-’mind’, you wouldn’t want some alternative like Max Evans.”

Through the buzz I heard a distinct voice. Worried and sharp.


Outside my mind, Sean pulled his hands away from my breasts, out of my shirt, pressed his hands into the my shoulders, rooting me in place, and pushed his mouth onto mine.

I struggled as his tongue tried to pry my lips open.

”Noo,” I mumbled through tightly squeezed lips and used every ounce of energy in my being to push against him.

Where are you?

The buzzing had stopped and Max’s voice was as clear as if he was standing next to me. I reacted the only way I could; I focused on pushing Max away, on denying his presence, while physically struggling against Sean whose hands were putting a painful pressure on my shoulders.

I couldn’t have Max in my head when this was happening. I couldn’t let him see me weak, vulnerable, and exposed while at the mercy of one from his own species. I couldn’t let him watch as I was being sexually assaulted.

There was a snap in my mind. Like a light switch clicking off. Instant coldness spread in my whole body and I was so perplexed by the sensation that for a second I lost focus on Sean and he forced his tongue into my mouth.

I gagged, kicked up with my knee, trying to hit something ’vital’. But he was standing too close, immobilizing me.

”Mmm,” he moaned and pulled back, a smile of delight on his lips, as if he had just tasted his favorite dessert, and my heart was thumping in my ears as I stared at him breathlessly.

By the time I saw the understanding dawn in his eyes by the small line forming above his nose, it was too late to avert my eyes.

”Ah,” he sighed satisfactorily as my body stopped cooperating. ”There we go.”

He’s in my mind. He’s in my mind. He’s in my mind.

”That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Sean mused with a bright smile. I would have shivered if I could.

Sean took a step back, put his head to the side in thought as he hungrily glanced down my body. My slow mind registered that he had let go of my eyes, but I was still trapped in his control.

His eyes locked with mine again and he reached out and took my hand in his.

”Let’s go some place more private,” he said with mock gentleness.

My legs greedily agreed, following easily after him.

While walking towards the side doors - leading to the locker rooms - I heard the door at the other end of the gym open.

I wanted to turn my head and look. But I couldn’t.

”Ha,” Sean mocked, giving a triumphant laugh. ”You’re a tiny bit too late, Evans.”

Even during the control Sean had over my body, my heart rate escalated as hope ignited in me.

Evans. It was either Max or Isabel.

I would gladly take either.

”You do know it’s not such a good idea to force yourself on girls, huh, Carter?”

Max. It was Max.

Sean shrugged, winking at me as if we shared an intimate joke. My body was motionless, stiff as a statue.

”I think I can win her over without force. Right, Liz?”

Sean looked away from me, in the direction of where I’d heard Max’s voice. ”Besides, you should learn to share, Evans. It’s not like you’ve married the girl or anything. You don’t really have any claim on her.”

”Neither do you, by the looks of it.” Max’s voice was controlled and even, and increasing in volume. I suspected he was slowly walking closer. ”She doesn’t necessarily strike me as a willing participant.”

I watched Sean’s eyes narrow as he looked at Max.

”Tell me, Sean,” Max continued. ”After you’ve gotten what you wanted, how do you plan on keeping this from her? It’s not really like you can go on erasing her mind. You know as well as I do what happens with too many memory wipes.”

Sean glanced at me, the hint of a smile on his lips. ”Eh… I guess I’ll just have fun as long as it lasts. There are more fish in the sea.”

”So you’d risk her life-”

Sean sighed impatiently. ”When are you going to learn, Evans? We’re the superior species here. We can do whatever we want - fuck the consequences.” He hitched his head towards my frozen shape. ”Just take Liz here. I was convinced that you had gotten to her first, but after just a little coaxing, a little one-on-one,” he wiggled his eyebrows meaningfully at Max, provoking him, ”not even she could resist me.”

There was a pause, in which I had time to become afraid. Where was the comeback? Why wasn’t Max doing anything? Why wasn’t he tackling Sean to the ground or just pulling me out of his grip?

”You’re wrong, Sean,” Max said then, quietly. ”I have made a claim on her.”

The smugness on Sean’s face fell.

”That’s why you haven’t been able to control her.”

Sean shook his head. ”No, no one has given you the right-”

”Has anyone given you the right?” Max interrupted.

”My father is-”

”Yeah yeah,” Max brushed off. ”Your fucking dad’s in charge. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to follow the rules like everyone else.”

The smug slowly crept back onto Sean’s face. ”No, but it means that I get first dibs. And this one,” Sean put a hand behind my neck and sharply pulled me into his body. I crumbled against him. ”This one is a keeper. I want this one.”

”You can’t break this claim,” Max said quietly and he sounded further away as Sean’s body was shielding me from him. I was basically hanging off his side, my body losing strength and energy by the second.

”I’m sure my dad would like to know what you did to her,” Sean mused. ”How did you claim her, as you so conveniently calls it?”

Max responded with silence and I fought against the darkness that was weighing down on my eyelids. Whatever Sean was forcing me into doing, my body couldn’t take the strain much longer.

Then I heard Max sigh and he said, under his breath, ”Fine. Do whatever.”

Ice spread into every part of my body. What?

To my horror, I heard footsteps retreating. Was he walking away?

Sean smiled at me. ”See? You’re better off without that loser. He’s a coward.”

But I wasn’t listening to him. I was listening to the sounds of my only hope growing weaker until I heard the opening of the door echo in the large hall and slam shut.

Sean tightened his arm around my waist and hauled my limp body up against his. His lips were cold as they brushed against my cheek with his whispered promise of, ”Now it’s just the two of us.”



Eh... *donning an innocent and slightly guilty expression* What would this story be without cliffhangers, huh? :roll: :oops:
Last edited by max and liz believer on Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

I haven't read it yet but I'm either going to give you lots of cyber hugs afterwards or cyber tears... I just know it. :wink:



I'm gonna go find Elizabeth and... Well I haven't really thought it out yet but - GET BACK HERE!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz. I really hate that Max left Liz with Sean. If Max isn't going to help Liz needs to do something and get the hell away from Sean. Who is going to help Liz? How will the person help Liz? Is Sean going to rape Liz? Will Liz do something and get away? What will Liz do? Why did Max leave like he did? Will Liz avoid Max? Will Liz hate Max for not helping her? Will Liz be able to stay away from Max and Sean? Will Liz ever trust Max again? Will Liz ever talk to Max again? Will Liz leave school and town? Where will Liz go? So sorry for the questions but I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out what Liz is going to do now and who will save her from Sean.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Chapter 28 Feedback

First off - I love the song! I hadn't heard it before and now I'm pretty sure it's gonna be on my favorites list for awhile.

So glad you have good taste (re: dark chocolate). Most people I know prefer milk chocolate. :roll:

I think people are interesting and studying what makes them tick and what motivates them has always been an enjoyable past time for me. Weird, maybe, but everyone likes to people watch to some extent. So studying Max through Liz's eyes is just sort of second nature. Plus I like to think that if I'm seeing those things about him then so is she.

This part:
max and liz believer wrote: Hmmm.... :roll: :oops:
me no likey. Basically I'm not quite sure how to take it. Either we're wearing you down and you're going to allow our favorite couple to start a relationship very, very soon (yay!) or you're not planning on doing that for quite awhile yet (sobs!).

This chapter was so heartbreaking. Except, obviously, for the end part with everyone's least favorite stalker.

You could just feel Liz's heartbreak and confusion over everything that had happened. She is so blessed to have a friend like Maria. And I agree with Maria - her dad really needs to see someone. Perhaps even spend some time somewhere he can get some intensive help. There's really only so much that Liz and other people can do if he's not able to meet them even part of the way. And for him to keep fading away is just a slow form of suicide; something his wife wouldn't stand for if she were still alive.

Still for Maria to come in and gently take care of (Jeff and) Liz without being overly pushy... She's really growing through all this as well. And she's obviously aware that now isn't the time to push regarding whatever is going on between Alex and Liz. It can't be easy on her to not only worry about Liz but to have neither Alex or Liz just tell her what's going on. She's gotta be wanting to pull her hair out right about now.

In this circumstance it's probably a good thing that Liz's mother passed away. Otherwise she would have no excuse for her behavior. How exactly do you explain falling in love with a human-alien hybrid whom you don't fully realize loves you back and then having the same boy keep pushing you away (even if it is for your safety)? I don't imagine that's a conversation Maria would sit through very well. :wink:

The different questions that Liz has are part of the many of mine as well. Especially regarding Philip. You would think he would be happy at the fact the Max had bonded to Liz. I wonder if he's planning on telling the Sgt. or if he already has. I can't see him wanting to possibly take any kind of punishment or lose any status he may have even if it's for his son.

I'm hoping that Liz is able to recognize that Max isn't using her anywhere near what others would. Anyone else would just drain her continuously and wouldn't be aware of (or just wouldn't care about) her limits. Especially Sean. The good news about Max attending her checkups during all these years is he knows how much she can take and how much is too much.

So I'm guessing that the wound on Liz's stomach didn't leave any scarring behind? Otherwise Maria would have mentioned it (EDIT to add: And Sean - if he felt the scaring - might have figured the source of M/L's bond out when he put his hands on Liz in the next chapter.) This makes me think maybe there is a redeeming part to Philip. Or maybe he just did it so he doesn't have to worry about her physical status later?

Maria's observant. At some point she's going to start connecting the dots like Liz did and realize that something isn't right. I just hope that she doesn't find herself in too much trouble (like Liz) when she does. She can be just as hard headed so let's hope she doesn't connect them correctly or in any way that would lead her into more danger.

The part where Liz kept reaching out for Max was just gut-wrenching. I can imagine that he wants to reach back but is being stubborn to protect her. For her to be so utterly heartbroken and holding on to whatever little piece of him she can - it's sort of like Jeff sitting there day after day mourning his wife.

I'm wondering if Max realizes just how bad of shape she's in, how she hasn't eaten in so long, etc. It would have to be tearing him up if so.

In regards to Alex and Liz's relationship: I can see how difficult it would be to realize that the person you thought you knew you really didn't know at all. It would be even more confusing if you still don't know the rules of that society you're just discovering and/or don't understand why some humans (Diane and all those who married in) are told but one of the people who's been like a sister is kept in the dark.

In some ways her avoiding of him is gentler (and better) than her confronting him. She's in no state to deal with him right now in yet another confrontation. Even if she is forced to act like her memories were blocked, she's keeping everyone safe (including Alex) by not confronting him right now. Yes, she's keeping herself and Max safe as well but if Alex were to open up that would open him up for punishment as well. So by her avoiding him it actually keeps him from getting a beating when it's discovered that he opened up to her. Not sure that's her primary goal but it's still something she should take into consideration before she decides to talk to him.

Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to go a different route when she felt Sean's eyes on her though. :roll:

I'm hoping that he doesn't try anything. I highly doubt it but I'm curious as to why he would wait until she came back to school versus just going into her room when no one else was really around. Maybe because he doesn't have the same skills as Max? Max was able to move silently through Liz's apartment but Liz could clearly hear Sean coming up behind her. So Sean obviously hasn't undergone the same kind of training that Max has.

The question now is just how far is Sean willing to go to gain more power? Given his paternal influence I'm betting he'd be willing to do just about anything. Hopefully if he does try anything he'll be punished severely like Max has since Liz isn't "ready" yet as a subject.

So... Waiting for our hero to show up!

Come on - you know you want to give us a chapter with a happy transition. :wink: Besides (by my calculation) they've either just passed Thanksgiving and are heading into the Christmas season or they're right on top of Thanksgiving and therefore we need something to be thankful for... Like a happy session between our favorite star crossed lovers. :D
Last edited by Morning Dreamgirl on Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Chapter 29 Feedback

Ahem... Jo...


You just cut us off there??

Didn't the (melted) chocolate mean anything to you? I thought we had a good thing going! I bribe you, you post more, the chapters get happier and everyone lives happily ever after!

Okay, so in all honesty, it would be really boring to just read a happy story where nothing ever really happens. All truly good stories need some angst. I know yours is going to be one of the best at this rate. :wink:

I'm pretty sure my creative ways of killing Sean come from a deep and dark place where there is evil cackling like a Halloween night. Just kidding. :wink: In all honesty at this point I'd be happy for Max to just punch the guy again - maybe repeatedly. I'm not really one for violence (not that you'd actually be able to tell by my previous feedbacks :roll: ) but sometimes there are certain characters that just need to be drawn and quartered. (See? That's an option too!)

On a side note, I (surprisingly) don't think you're a sadist. :wink: And I totally hear you about the bee thing. I try and pull them out of my windshield wipers before I start the car if I see them. Now grasshoppers and roaches... They deserve to be burned. Horrible little things that give me the shudders!

And, yes, faster posting will give you lots of leeway as far as cliffhangers go. Very curious though - you felt bad leaving us with Liz merely in the same room alone with Sean before. Now that things have developed into a worse situation doesn't that technically mean you're racked with guilt and want to post again immediately? :wink:

Liz was smart. She did all the right things as Sean approached her. She tried to diffuse the situation before it got out of control and tried to keep control of the situation by keeping him talking and not letting him get too close. But no one can see behind them to see what they're about to walk in to. Minor detail she probably could have used there. :roll:

It was interesting to me that she didn't want to give away what was going on in her head as he was trying to control her. I almost wonder what his response would have been had he realized that she wasn't technically alone. Would it have given Max more time to get there? Or would it just have angered Sean and caused him to become more physically violent with her? (Thus escalating things more quickly.)

I love how even during her own worst nightmare she was still trying to protect Max, his feelings and (what she believes is) his impression of her. If that doesn't convince the boy that she's head over heels for him then I don't know what will. :roll:

The fact that she was putting him over her own well-being had absolutely nothing to do with the bond. This circumstance is perfect proof of that. If it was the bond making her feel that way (which it isn't) she would have been screaming out for him through it instead of pushing him away.

Max said he could only read her mind when they were "connected like this" and yet he somehow knew where she was even as she pushed him away (and he fully expected that she would be able to answer him). So I'm curious if he knew she was in her shower/bed during the previous times he reached out to her. Talk about a teenage boy having difficulties not just kissing her silly after that! If he knew she was at the gym then he was obviously aware that she had actually arrived at school earlier that day. It's interesting that he can pinpoint her location like that.

If the aliens know what happens after too many memory wipes I'm wondering just how many they've already put Liz through. Mental status is important for females with the gaea gene so they're pretty limited (I imagine) on what they can do. Just how many more do they really think Liz can withstand? Especially if she's so strong willed as to fight them all the time.

Can I just say that I absolutely loved when Max admitted that he had made a "claim" on Liz? Heart swoon! Besides just the obvious sweetness/masculinity of it, he was basically putting all of himself on the line for her to one of the most dangerous people in his society. Once Sean found out he's almost surely going to run to his dad and tell him everything Max admitted.

I was surprised that Sean - and obviously his father - isn't aware of what happened between M/L. Philip knows the bond exists and (regardless of the reason) it's against the rules. But it sounds like he hasn't mentioned it to the Sgt. Otherwise Sean wouldn't have taunted Max with the threat of telling his father. Is this the hint that Max and Isabel were right - that he's a good father? Or is he merely saving his own skin by covering for his son? Each of your characters have different agendas and levels that sometimes I wonder who is on which side. (Alex is another good example!)

And who gives the aliens "rights" to different humans? I imagine it's largely based on the Sgt but he can't be the only one to make that the decision. Otherwise his name would have come up instead of "no one" giving Max/Sean the rights to Liz. I'm pretty sure Liz wouldn't put up for anyone giving "rights" to her away regardless. And I'm almost positive Max assumed he would never be the one who would have rights to her. He might love her but that doesn't seem to count in their alien society. Now that he does have a claim on her (and that knowledge is slowly but surely making itself known) it'll be interesting to see how it effects the usual structure of their society; hopefully he isn't punished too much for breaking the rules. But, given that Liz is so strong in her fighting maybe they'll realize it's better just to "give" her to him? :roll: Heads will roll otherwise I'm sure.

So Max said the bond was unbreakable. Obviously Philip couldn't access Liz's mind when he tried. And Sean hasn't been able to until Liz pushed Max away and 'turned it off.' But turning something off ('like a light switch') doesn't mean that it's broken. It just means that it's off. So, theoretically, if she turned it off she should be able to turn it back on and end Sean's control over her.

Even if she doesn't know how to turn it back on (or realize she can yet) the fact that she's fought (and partially won) against them all during her check-ups and was able to push Max out stands to indicate she could fight against Sean's control now and break free before he can take things much farther. The only question is even if she can break his control over her does she have enough energy to run away before he would catch her?

There's always the hope that it wasn't Sean using Liz to control her and Max but rather Max tapping into Liz to make them believe he was leaving in order to gain the upper hand over Sean. (A slim hope I grant you, but a hope nonetheless.)

Really loved this chapter, Jo.


I'm waiting. Impatiently. :roll:
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by Roswelllostcause »

NO! MAX DID NOT JUST LEAVE LIZ WITH THAT BASTARD! Get back here right this minute! Tell me that Max is only going to get help! Tell me that Sean is not going to force himself non Liz! Because under mind control it still would be rape!

Now being pulled to Freak Out Town!

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max and liz believer
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I have the best readers!

Post by max and liz believer »

Morning Dreamgirl wrote:And, yes, faster posting will give you lots of leeway as far as cliffhangers go. Very curious though - you felt bad leaving us with Liz merely in the same room alone with Sean before. Now that things have developed into a worse situation doesn't that technically mean you're racked with guilt and want to post again immediately? :wink:
Hahaha... Ashley, you're a little sneaky, aren't you? :lol:

I'll see what I can do about the whole posting thingy... There's some things I need to rewrite in the next chapter, so it needs to make a second visit at Elizabeth first. :roll:

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 29, 8/16/15, p. 26

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Please tell me that Max didn't really walk off and leave Liz with Sean..........
Hurry back,
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Morning Dreamgirl
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Re: I have the best readers!

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

max and liz believer wrote:Hahaha... Ashley, you're a little sneaky, aren't you? :lol:

I'll see what I can do about the whole posting thingy... There's some things I need to rewrite in the next chapter, so it needs to make a second visit at Elizabeth first. :roll:

<3 Jo
Maybe... :wink: :lol:

The main thing I take from your response is that my new goal is to bribe Elizabeth. I can do that. :D
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