The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by killjoy »

I liked the last ep but I did have problems with it.

First when Glenn and Rick went into the bar to find Herscial*sp?*. I can tell that no one writting the show was ever in the military :roll:

When you're in a hot zone(aka a dangerous battle area) such as a town where the zombies could show up any moment.....Glenn should have been standing close to that doorway or at a window keeping a VERY close eye out for walkers/bad guys that might show up :roll: Instead he was just sitting at the bar with the other guys just shooting the breeze :roll: :roll: He should have had his shotgun out doing watch for any walkers!......Yes he did stay there for a bit at the start but he was standing there out in the open door way out in the open going "Hey look at me here I am!!" :roll: He should have been out of sight but still on look out!

Second.....never ever park the car far enough away that you have to cross a small fence to get to where you're going.Park the darn thing right up front where you can quickly jump into it and take off!

Now onto this.....The whole Rick/Shane thing....I think they BOTH have good points and bad points.Yes Shane is coming a bit unhinged....but I do think Shane's way of thinking is the best way to survive in the world they're in now.RIck likes to try to hang on to the old ways to much....holding on to a world and a way of thinking that no longer exist anymore could get them all killed.But.....when doing so Rick does seem to hold on more to his morals and humanity more.It's a bit of trade off when it comes to either one of them

I do have to admit the TV Shane is a Whoooooooooole lot better than the comic book Shane.The comic book one was just a dick head dumbass who got all bitchy when he didn't get his way(Lori).The TV Shane has some guts to him and a bit of TV Dale I don't like compared to the comic one.
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by FSU/MSW-94 »


'Walking Dead' return delivers monster ratings
by James Hibberd

AMC’s midseason return of The Walking Dead broke the show’s previous records.

On Sunday night, the zombie drama had 8.1 million viewers and 5.4 million viewers among adults 18-49. That’s TV’s biggest drama series telecast in the adult demo in basic cable history. That’s up 12 percent in the demo compared to the show’s previous record, October’s season 2 premiere. Combined with its encore, Walking Dead had 10.1 million viewers for the night.

Which is awesome and all, but … you realize it’s only going to encourage the writers to do more chatty-chat farm-based episodes, right? Lot of fans feel like the show is in danger of turning into, uh, Little House on the Zombie Prairie (sorry, best I could do). Here’s our interview with writer Robert Kirkman about last night’s episode where he promises, “Things just keep getting worse from here” (meaning in a fun way, of course).

At 10 p.m., AMC’s new series Comic Book Men executive produced by Kevin Smith had 2 million viewers. That’s not bad for an unscripted show on AMC, but it would be a lot more impressive if not for its massive Walking Dead lead-in.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by roswellian love »

I agree completely killjoy
Love Shane but he needs to think before he speaks a little more
Like rick but he needs to become somewhat like Shane which in the end of the EP looks like he getting there
Lori needs to die, there's not one redeeming quality to her.
Carl is getting cold but also adapting he in alot of ways reminding me of the comic version
Love Daryl he is becoming distant yea but he put Lori in her place(oliviol) lml
Glen love him he is such a guy he couldn`s accept Maggie loves him lol
Dale needs to go he is irking my last nerve, its obivious he got bullied when he was young but he keeps on with Shane Shane is not a bad guy he a hot head and he means well just doesn't know how to express it right
Andrea rules love her
I wonder what's going on with hershels younger daughter was she scratched and is it the same as the comics you die you turn ultimatically?
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by roswellian love »

Lori needs to die. Im beyond sick of her, theres not one redeeming quality about her.
Im gonna be beyond tight if Shane gets killed next week cause she just stirred that pot.
She manipulating Rick big time. I want her dead already
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by killjoy »

Lori and Dale are about to get on my last nerves :roll: Lori for being a pain in the ass bitch and for Dale thinking he's some moral compass who gets to judge everyone else in the group by his standards.This is a kill or get eaten world out there now.The old nice world is gone and in it's place is a harsh tough got to be a badass world out there.

Dale in the comics wasn't a total ass like the tv one is. :roll:
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by FSU/MSW-94 »

from EW.COM: ... morrissey/

'The Walking Dead': David Morrissey cast as The Governor

by Clark Collis

AMC has announced that British actor David Morrissey is to play the role of the The Governor in the third season of The Walking Dead. Morrissey is best known for his starring role in the original U.K. TV version of State of Play. His many other credits include the Red Riding trilogy, Centurion, Doctor Who, and The Deal, in which he played future British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The Governor is the most famous villain to have appeared in the Walking Dead comic and fans have long speculated who might play the role. Rumored possible candidates included Eastbound & Down star John Hawkes while special effects legend Tom Savini had actively campaigned for the role, in part because of his resemblance to the character.

The third season of the Walking Dead will comprise 16 episodes and starts production in Atlanta this spring

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by killjoy »

I like this! For the Governor was one EVIL s.o.b!!!
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by roswellian love »

This week episode was very good
Loved how they split it up you had the farm and the characterlizations and on the other end you had the zombie killing and characterlization.
Loved how Rick and Shane finally let it all out, the way Rick went about it was very smart and right
I also loved that they beat the crap outta eachother theres alot of pent up anger, frustration pain and confusion. What I didn't like was Rick kept saying his unborn child what happens if it's Shanes he has no part in his childs life than.
Loved Andrea put Lori in her place she called her out on everything. Lori acts like her sh*t don't stink and I love how Andrea put it all out there. I also agree with what Andrea did when it came to Maggies little sister, I understand Maggie is hurting but I hope she see's soon Andrea was right.
Loved noo Dale this ep he angers me greatly. Darryll and Glenn I missed.
The walker that kept roaming alone was very symbolic cause so does Shane and Andrea they are outsiders.
Next week ep looks insane
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Cocogurl »

I've finally caught up on the walking dead! I've been so sick the past few days that I haven't been able to watch any of my shows. :(

The past few episodes have been really good. While the first half of the season had a lot of character stuff that I liked, I'm also glad that were getting some more action in this half of the season.

Rick and Shane - I'm so glad that they had it out and that Rick finally put Shane in his place, but I don't think it'll last for long. The one thing I think Rick is delusional about is Shane. He can't trust Shane and I wish he could REALLY see that. I'm also glad that were able to come to blows. I've been wanting Rick to hit Shane for awhile (now I just wish someone would punch Andrea). I know my opinion is an unpopular one since I think Shane is one biggest D-bags ever, but I can't help how I feel.

I'm also okay with Rick saying the baby is his. Unless they can get blood test, the fact of the matter is Rick and Lori are together, not Lori and Shane. So it's better just to assume that the baby is Rick and Lori's instead of seeing two men fight over a baby when they don't even know who is the father.

Lori - Taking off because your husband is back fast enough for you = STUPID! Warning Rick about Shane = Not stupid. I was glad someone had finally warned him about Shane. I was tired of watching Dale and Lori act all concerned, but not say anything to the person who needs to know the most.

Andrea - Not my favorite person this season. She's either been whining about Dale taking her choices away or walking around with her head up Shane's butt. And what happened with Maggie's sister, while I think Andrea made some good points, I don't think it was her place to interfere. And Maggie has every right to be pissed. I mean, if I were Hershal, I would've kicked Shane and Andrea off my land a long time ago.

It was sad that there was no Darryl in this episode. I've grown to love him a lot on this show.

All the zombie scenes - Awesome. Seriously, I'd love it if I could be a zombie on that show. I'd want the makeup people to make me as gross as possible. :lol:
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by killjoy »

Wow just wow....Did I just hear Lori tell Andrea that she needs to do the washing and the cooking and the women's work and let the men do the hard work?! :shock: Because that's sure what I heard her say!

Uhhh I have to disagree with you there Coco....there's a good chance the baby is Shane's and I do think he should have a say in what goes on with the baby...if it's proven it's his.

I HATE Lori with a passion...she's one evil piece of work who wants to blame EVERTHING on Shane.Sure Shane is slowly losing it but Lori being a bitch to him sure isn't helping.I for one am GLAD Andrea slapped Lori back down in place and threw the "....and boyfriend..." into her face.

I would stand up and cheer if Lori and Dale both got taken out by zombies!
Last edited by killjoy on Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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