Steamy Night at the Crash (M/L~AU~ADLT) AN-12/15/09[WIP]

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Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~ANs+Ch.2 p.5~03/28

Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

His smiles were genuine and he immediately put Liz at ease, which was a real feat considering her hatred for hospitals. Before she had had Max to make her forget all about it, but she was glad for Dr Sanchez’s gentleness nonetheless, at least it made her feel a little better.

After examination, Dr Sanchez seemed to reach the same conclusion the first nurse who had examined Liz had come to, and Liz was happy to hear that she had just sprained her ankle and that should she not put any weight on her foot, she should be completely healed in a couple of weeks only.

After having instructed a nurse to bandage her foot and ankle and bring her some clutches, Dr Sanchez excused himself and wished her a good recovery, and Liz was just getting about done when another nurse came to inform them that there was a young man at the reception asking for them.

Max told her it was okay, knowing that it could only be Michael and they both saw him barge into the room only a few seconds after the nurse had left. Liz was still having her foot strapped, but that didn’t stop Michael from taking her in his arms and hugging her tightly after having, gruffly, greeted Max.

Much to the nurse’s confusion, who could only raise an eyebrow in question at them, Liz had almost automatically remembered to close the last buttons on her cardigan and hold Max’s jacket even closer before Michael entered, and she was glad when he didn’t seem to pay attention to that fact, or find anything weird with what she was wearing. Only Max had noticed and understood her move seconds ago, just like he understood why she looked so apprehensive while Michael took a quick look at her. He had no idea how they would explain her torn top to Michael. It was already a miracle no one else had seemed to notice here, or questioned them about it, now that he thought of it. But then Liz had spent a good portion of her time in his arms, so they had probably not seen much of the state of her clothes.

“God, Liz… what did you do?” Michael grunted once his eyes rested on her ankle.

“Don’t start having a fit… it’s just a sprained ankle…” Liz told him and couldn’t help rolling her eyes when she saw Michael look at the nurse for confirmation like he wasn’t sure he could believe her.

When he received it, he concentrated on her again.

“You still scared the crap out of me… don’t ever do that again!” he still growled, but the way he caressed her hair almost unconsciously and then kissed her forehead was in total contradiction with his tone.

In those small gestures, Liz could see how much he had been worried and she couldn’t help apologizing.

“I promise… I’m sorry… my phone died after I called Max…” she explained with an apologetic shrug.

“Yeah, about that… no offence…” he said as his eyes met Max’s briefly and then continued when Max told him there was none taken. “Why did you call
him in the first place?”

That was a question Liz knew she couldn’t give a true answer to and therefore she had no choice but to lie.

“I… uhm… I knew you were with Maria and I just didn’t want to bother you…”

he was with Pam and you bothered him!” Michael retorted with a frown that only deepened when he saw Liz’s reaction to the news.

“Y-You were?” she asked Max, his small shrug enough to confirm the fact for Liz. “I… I-I’m sorry… I didn’t think…” she apologized right away, feeling stupid now for not having even taken that into consideration.

The truth was that she hadn’t thought about anything except finding someone to call and get her and Max had been the only name that had come to her mind. It had come so naturally in fact, it was even scary.

What she didn’t understand however, was why he hadn’t said anything about that. Not once, whether it was when he had picked up the phone, or later on, had he hinted on the fact that he had not been alone and that she had most certainly been messing with his plans for the night.

“It’s okay…” Max replied with another shrug, thinking that it had certainly been no big deal. One thing made him wonder though, “You said you were by my apartment… did you talk to Pam?” he questioned Michael, just realizing that he had not just made an assumption, it was like he had known for a fact that Max had been with Pam tonight.

If that was indeed the case, he couldn’t understand how Michael had not known where to go sooner. Then again, Pam could just have chosen to not say a word, so upset and miffed she had been after his departure, or maybe she had just been too busy trashing his apartment in retaliation to bother talking much to Michael. That suddenly seemed more like her style.

“No, I just saw her leaving when I was getting there…” Michael corrected and Max was glad to know that at least, she wouldn’t be still there when he would get back. He had no desire to go through another one of her scenes, one had been enough.

“Okay.” He just answered, not having much more to say on the subject for now. He didn’t think it was the right moment to inform his best friend and Liz that he and Pam were apparently broken up and that he was single again.

“Anyway… what the hell happened with Doug?” Michael turned to Liz once more and Liz was reminded that Michael was never one to bother with niceties.

Always to the point, that was her brother, only this time she would have much preferred he had forgotten all about what he had been said before.

Michael was unaware of the look exchanged between Max and Liz at that moment, but Max knew exactly what it meant.

“I wanted to get home before curfew… he wanted me to stay longer since mom and dad weren’t home… we had a small fight… I left and twisted my ankle on my way home…” Liz explained, lying by omission, but at least there was some truth in her words. “And then I called Max and he came and picked me up.”

Michael nodded and then, way too seriously, he addressed Liz again. “Do you want me to kick Doug’s ass?”

“No, Michael… it’s okay… Max already proposed…” she informed him with a small secret smile to Max, all too aware that he had done way more than that. “I just want to forget about this date… and forget that I ever even knew that guy…” she then finished with a small shudder that although completely ignored by Michael, didn’t go past Max.

“Okay, whatever you want…” Michael agreed quite quickly, much to everyone’s surprise, and then he looked at Max gratefully, despite how he had reacted earlier on the phone. “Thanks, man!”

It had been stupid anyway. He knew that Max would never do what he had accused him of earlier and try anything with Liz. He knew he just had too much respect for him to do that.

“Don’t thank me…” Max replied, sure that Michael would have done the exact same thing for Isabel, had the roles been reversed.

“Okay… can we go now?” Michael then wondered out loud, looking at the nurse that was still in the room, writing down something on a file. “Can she go?”

“She’s good to go, yes…” she confirmed before handing Liz a small bottles of pills and a sheet of paper. “Here’s your medicine for the next couple of days and your prescription for later… and these…” she then paused before bringing a pair of clutches to Liz’s view. “These are you pretty clutches… don’t forget to use them… no putting down your foot for as long as you can if you want that ankle to heal nicely and fast…”

“I will…” Liz promised and then couldn’t help rolling her eyes when Michael said that she wouldn’t need them for now and proceeded to pick her up with as much ease as Max had before.

The nurse looked amused at the sight but couldn’t help wondering who this new guy here now was. With the way the girl and the dark-haired –handsome- guy who had brought her in had looked at each other earlier, she had no doubt they were an item, or they soon would be, but this guy looked just as protective, if not even more, as the other one had been. And she couldn’t help noticing either how guy number one had actually barely said a word since the other one had arrived, or how he had almost immediately taken a step back when he had. What was sure was that their interaction was fascinating and quite fun to watch. She was sure they didn’t know how much they all could express with just one look or a simple smile.

“What is it with you guys and your need to carry me everywhere?” Liz tried to joke, but Michael’s raised eyebrow told her that he didn’t understand what she was referring to.

Max near them had at least the grace to blush, even if just slightly, and even if Michael was completely oblivious to the fact.

Without a word, clutches in hands, Max followed Michael, all too aware that Liz was looking at him from over Michael’s shoulder, but he forced himself to not return her gaze, knowing that the last thing he needed right now was to get caught exchanging meaningful glances with Liz.

When they reached the car, Michael pulled him out of his thoughts and he opened the passenger door for Michael when he asked him to, both Liz and him noticing that Michael, apparently in a hurry when he had arrived, had not even bothered to lock up the doors or park correctly for that matter.

Knowing that his job was over here, now that Michael had taken charge, Max just stood by the car with his hands in his pockets, waiting for Michael to put Liz in the car.

Both of the guys were surprised though, when Liz made Michael stop and asked him to put her down first. He was about to protest when she insisted and Michael had no choice but to comply.

On one foot now, she turned to Max who had just given Michael her clutches, and they were both relieved when they saw him move to the back of the car to put them in the trunk.

Liz herself threw her purse and shoe on the passenger’s seat and proceeded to take Max’s jacket off.

“Here…” she said, ready to give it to him, but Max stepped closer and stopped her from doing so.

“It’s okay… keep it for now…” he told her and moved to put the collar of the jacket correctly before he could stop himself and realize how close to Liz the move had brought him.

“You will come see me?” Liz asked softly as she burrowed into the warmth of Max’s jacket once more, secretly pleased that she could keep it for a few more hours, or maybe even days.

She wondered if she would look like a complete lunatic if she slept with it on, but she just loved his scent and it certainly permeated his jacket. If she couldn’t have the real thing, she sure would be able to sleep better with his scent all around her.

“Definitely!” Max didn’t even think about it twice before he answered, but he still wondered nonetheless why the hopeful look in Liz’s eyes had the power to make his chest constrict the way it just had.

“Okay…” Liz then said, knowing that it was probably time for Max to go, but not ready yet to see him leave.

Michael stood by them again now and as much as Liz loved her brother and appreciated his concern, she still wished that he hadn’t come, so she would have been able to spend even just a few more precious minutes with Max.

“Okay…” Max repeated, one hand still in his pocket and the other coming to scratch his neck almost nervously.

For some reason he couldn’t quite understand, it just felt wrong to him to leave her yet. Which was completely ridiculous since she was with her brother and he knew that if someone could protect her even better than he could himself, that guy could only be Michael, and yet, he couldn’t control the weird feeling unfurling in the pit of his stomach.

It was like knowing that something was about to happen but not knowing what yet.

For a long moment, they just stood there, looking at each other, a million emotions clouding their eyes, until Liz coughed and tried to smile again.

Not able to contain herself any longer, she stepped forward, or more like ‘hopped’ in all actual fact, and Max sucked in a breath when all of a sudden she pulled him into a hug that had the power to make his knees go weak.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her as well and they both savored the feeling they were discovering they needed more than either of them could have suspected, neither of them heeding Michael’s presence.

He looked at them with a small frown, wondering what exactly had happened tonight that he didn’t know of. After all it wasn’t the first time he saw Max and Liz showing affection toward one another, but there was just something different tonight, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

There seemed to be a new… intimacy… between his best friend and his sister, Michael had least aware of the way Max held Liz, with one hand cupping the nape of her neck while the other rested on the small of her back, but he wasn’t sure he liked what he saw very much.

Not knowing what else to do, he coughed loud enough to be noticed and couldn’t help frowning once more when it still took a few more seconds for Max and Liz to part.

“Thank you… for everything…” Liz whispered into his ear before she eventually let go of Max and with those words he understood what she couldn’t say out loud.

Thank you for being there. Thank you for staying with me. But more than that, thank you for not saying anything to Michael.

“You’re welcome…” Max replied with a small smile that looked more sad than Liz thought was normal.

Before she could ask him if something was wrong, Michael stepped forward and thanked Max as well once more, giving him a manly hug that had Liz smile a little.

“Bye, Max…” he then added and was ready to help Liz into the car when she told him that it was okay and that she got it. “See you…”

Reluctantly, he let her do as she pleased and made his way around the car, giving Liz the opportunity to do what she wanted to.

Using the open door to support herself, she moved to Max again and after having cradled the side of his face with one hand, she placed a tender, burning kiss on Max’s other cheek, or at least it seemed to burn his skin at that moment.

Before Max could react, Liz was in the car and Michael was pulling out of the parking spot, and Max could only watch as they left, Liz just waving and mouthing a soft ‘bye’ before they drove away, both of them being left with regrets of their own.

Max for not having reacted quickly enough and not having even managed to wave back at Liz, and Liz for having not dared do what her heart had been begging her to do and not having kissed Max on the lips like she had wanted to.

As he watched Michael’s car disappear from view, fingers unconsciously caressing his cheek where Liz had kissed him, Max was also left with another dangerous and scary thought… Maybe Pam hadn’t been as blind or delusional as he had first been so quick to assume.


With parents like Diane and Philip Evans, Max had been inculcated and raised with a certain number of values that were dear to his heart and that he liked to stand by. Among the things he hated most in the world, was lying and breaking a promise on top of the list and Max knew that after having already done the former first, he was about to do the last as well.

Sitting in his car, he watched with eager eyes the entrance of ‘The Red Fish’, knowing that in no time people would start going home now, since the famous club in Artesia would close its doors soon.

He had already taken a quick tour inside earlier and knew that Doug Shellow was in there, apparently not caring in the least about what could have happened to Liz after he had left her in Frasier Woods, all too busy he was, trying to pick up another girl for the night apparently.

Rage had almost blinded Max when he had spotted him there near the bar, flirting shamelessly with a short, buxom brunette, and Doug didn’t know how lucky he had been that he hadn’t wanted to create a scene for fear Liz would hear about it all the way to Roswell, or he would have certainly thrown himself at the guy and ended there his life.

Doug had also been clever enough to not go looking for fun in his own club, but then Max guessed that even without obviously knowing what Michael was capable of when it came to Liz, he had probably not wanted to take the risk of coming across him.

That hadn’t stopped Max from going after him and finding exactly where he had gone after having attacked Liz and then deserted her. All Max had had to do had been to take a quick look at the phone directory and he had easily found the scum’s address.

Refusing to dwell on the fact that Liz would probably not approve of what he had planned to do, he had driven to the address and had been all but tearing the door down before he could really think about it twice.

The man that greeted him, apparently Doug’s roommate, had been quite confused when he had opened the door, only to find himself face to face with Max Evans, the owner of that new club in town, but he was even more so when Max’s fist landed on his face when he asked him where he could find Doug Shellow and he had made the stupid mistake of telling him that he was ‘out with some chick, probably banging her brains out’ as they spoke.

He had been just as surprised when Max had all but picked him up and told him that while he wanted Doug, he would have no problem kicking his sorry ass as well if it had to come to that. After all, Max had promised Liz that he wouldn’t kill Doug, she hadn’t said anything about his lousy friends.

Just the threat had been enough to scare the guy shitless, and it hadn’t taken much more of Max than a growl and a murderous glare for him to tell him that Doug liked to hang out at ‘The Red Fish’ on the weekends when he wasn’t out on a date and that if he hadn’t come home yet, that was probably where he still was.

Max had left the guy with the promise that he would come back for him if he just even thought about warning Doug in any way and with how carefree Doug had looked when Max had seen him, he could only guess that the dear roommate had heed his threat.

All the way to Artesia, Max had had to fight the persistent voice that kept reminding him of his promise to Liz and what a mistake he was about to make, but the urge to go find Doug and have a ‘little talk’ with him had been stronger that everything else at that point. He would just deal with the consequences of his actions later if he had to.

If Max had been a smoker, he would have certainly smoked a whole pack while he waited for Doug to come out and he couldn’t help exhaling a long breath when at last, he started to see people leaving the club.

Doug wasn’t in the first small group to leave the place, but he was in the third one, Max’s nostrils flaring when he saw him smile and shake hands with a few guys, even chuckling at something one of them said to him.

Here he was, laughing, having a good time, when Liz had spent most of her night crying and was now home with a hurt ankle, the thought enough to make Max’s blood boil once more.

Luck at least seemed to be on his side, he thought, as he saw Doug and just another guy walk away from the rest of the group and turn into the first street just behind the club.

Getting out of his car and not even bothering to lock it up, Max followed them and reached them quite quickly and he felt his anger double, when Doug, still completely oblivious to what was about to befall him, made a comment about some ‘hot girl he had flirted with in there’ and ‘how bad it was that he hadn’t managed to get her to agree to go home with him’.

Mere seconds after the words had passed his lips, Doug found himself back against a brick wall, groaning in pain from the sudden impact, a guy he didn’t recognize pressing a hand around his throat.

His friend seemed completely stunned at first, but when he moved to come to his help, the man who was still stopping him from breathing properly, pressed his forearm against his windpipe and turned to Oliver instead.

“You better get out of here… or I’m kicking
your ass the second I’m done with him!” Max pointed a threatening finger at him and promised him in a tone that left no doubt about how serious he could be.

As much as Oliver could like having fun with Doug, they weren’t close enough yet nonetheless for him to want to get into trouble for him for all that. Doug knew well how to do that all on his own and there was no doubt in his mind that whatever trouble Doug had managed to get himself into this time, he wanted no part in it.

Raising his hands in surrender, Oliver took one last look at Doug and was quick to beat a safe retreat before the angry guy Doug had managed to piss off decided to come after him instead.

As he ran away, he heard Doug calling him and insulting him for leaving him there, but nothing could have made him stop at that moment.

“See, at least your friend is clever enough to not mess with me!” Max growled and if Doug hadn’t been completely scared already before, he sure was now that the man sole focus seemed to be on him.

“Who the fuck are you?” he breathed past the constriction in his throat, feeling the lack of air with the way the guy just kept pushing on his windpipe.

“Who I am is not important… it’s what
you are… what you did! You son of a bitch…” Max exclaimed, barely resisting the urge he felt to pummel Doug’s face with his fists until even his own mother wouldn’t recognize him anymore.

“What… what…” Doug stuttered, trying to ask him what exactly he had done, but Max cut him off before he could.

What… what…” he parroted mockingly, bringing one of his hands around Doug’s throat and squeezing, even if just slightly. “Not so talkative, are you, now that you don’t just have an innocent girl in front of you…”

“I don’t know what…”

“Of course you don’t… why would you, huh?... it didn’t matter to you, did it? You didn’t get what you wanted, so you just went and tried to get it elsewhere!” Max all but yelled into Doug’s face, interrupting him again before he could say once more that he didn’t know what this was all about, a fact that was driving Max completely insane. “
She just didn’t matter at all to you, did she?”

Like a light had gone off in his head way later than it would have if he hadn’t been so inebriated, Doug remembered where he had seen the guy before and with

He hadn’t been living in Roswell long enough to know everyone yet, but he had seen Max Evans with Liz Parker several times at the ‘Crash Down After Hours’ before he had dared approach her to not suddenly understand what was all this about and how much trouble he was really in.

“Is this about Liz?” he stammered, real fear unfurling in his gut now.

He had never understood Liz’s relationship with the guy, but whatever it was, he was obviously here to make him pay for what he had done earlier.

It had been a stupid mistake, he could admit that now. He had wanted her and had thought that he would have no problem seducing her after he had heard about Sean Delfino and her, but the little slut had just gone all frigid on him and then when he had insisted and called her on it, she had fought like he had been some monster trying to rape her or whatever. And now she had apparently gone and cried on this guy’s shoulder, probably pretending that she hadn’t been asking for it.

“What do you think?” Max threw back angrily, pushing Doug against the wall when the man suddenly seemed to perk up a little and be ready to fight him back.

The strange thing was that he hadn’t tried to do so sooner, but Max attributed it to the alcohol it was obvious he had consumed and the fact that, even in his state, he could probably still see that he was stronger than he himself could be.

“L-Look… I didn’t do anything that she didn’t want me…” Doug tried to explain, but Max’s fist tightening around his throat while another one hit the wall mere inches from his face, prevented him from going any further.

“Just shut the
fuck up!” Max shouted, a vein pulsing at his temple. “Shut up or I swear I’m killing you!”

Doug was tempted to tell him that apparently that was already what he planned to do, but the glare he received before he could open his mouth was enough to make him change his mind.

“You have no idea… no idea at all, just how special Liz is… for you to just… to just…” Max had to swallow hard, seeing the face of the man who had hurt Liz, so close now, not helping any in stopping the images of what he had put her through from swirling through his mind again. “You don’t even know just how lucky you are she even just looked at you…” he continued in a strangled tone and Doug understood that whoever this guy was to Liz Parker, he obviously felt strongly about her and that instead of badmouthing her, he should probably try to placate him instead and show some remorse.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” he apologized and brought his hands up in surrender, but even that wasn’t obviously enough for the other man.

“I don’t give a fuck about your sorry!” Max spat out, thinking that if he should apologize to someone, it was definitely to Liz and not to him. But that would never happen, because he would make sure Doug couldn’t come anywhere near Liz again. Ever. “The only reason I’m not really kicking your ass… the only reason I’m not
killing you… is because of Liz…”

At that Doug looked at him with round eyes, clearly confused since he was actually thinking that he would indeed get his ass kicked
because of Liz actually, and not the contrary.

“You’re a son of a bitch who can’t even have a girl without forcing himself upon her…” Max said disgustingly, wishing he could forget all about his promise to Liz and just end Doug’s life there, but he was already breaking it by just being here and he swore to himself that he wouldn’t hurt her more than she had already been tonight. “But Liz… Liz, she’s just so much better than you… so much better than

“I don’t understand…” was the only thing Doug could say as he saw the other man’s nostrils flare once more, like it was taking a lot of strength on his part to not do what it was so obvious he wanted to.

It was all too clear to Doug that he would like nothing better than to hurt him and badly at that, and it could only be some kind of miracle if he hadn’t already. If that was in any way because of Liz, which was even more confusing than anything he had heard so far, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth either way and realized he should better not say another word if he didn’t want to make matters worse for him.

“Consider this your only warning… so I hope you’re listening carefully…” Max growled, not caring in the least if Doug understood the reasons why his life was being spared, and Doug could only nod mutely. “From now on, you don’t know any Liz Parker!... if you ever look at her or approach her again… if you ever touch her or even just think about her ever again… be sure I’ll come back and this time I
will kill you!... and don’t think I won’t… or think I won’t know… trust me, I will… wherever Liz will be… I won’t ever be too far…” Max promised and Doug had no doubt that he meant every word and that was a promise the other man intended to keep. “I see you anywhere around her… you die!”

Max’s final had Doug swallowing audibly and even in his inebriated state, he knew there was no way he would even think of going against that man in the future. As much as he still wanted Liz Parker, he would surely forget all about her now.

Another jerky nod was all the answer he gave Max and he was sure that that would be the end of it. If the guy wanted to really hurt him, he would have certainly already done so, Doug was sure, even if he honestly had a hard time believing that Liz herself was apparently the one he owed his life to, even with what he had done to her, but as much as Max tried to reign on his anger, just looking at Doug nodding like an idiot and looking all scared, ready to accept or do anything now, even beg if he had to, was more than he could take.

How much had he been willing to listen himself only hours ago when Liz had been the one asking, begging him to let her go and not hurt her?

Seeing him cower now in front of him, in front of someone who could be his match, made Max sick and before he could stop himself or Doug could see it coming and react, Max was driving his knee as hard as he could into Doug’s stomach, making him double over with a painful grunt.

“Just so we’re clear… I was never here and we never had this conversation, understood?... I’ll be watching you though, Doug Shellow!” Max squatted down to Doug’s level who was half lying on the ground holding his stomach, and justified simply before he moved away, leaving Doug behind without a second glance, sure he would certainly not stop at only one blow if he just had to look at him a second later.

His job here was done, at least what he could afford to do without completely breaking his promise to Liz and he therefore forced himself to get back to his car and drive away, not caring in the least about what could happen to Doug after his departure. If the guy couldn’t ever stand up, or if he was mugged there and died in that alley, Max would certainly be the last person in the world to shed a tear.

~ * ~
Last edited by RebeccaBehrEvans on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~AU~ADLT~AN, p.11~05/02

Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

Author: Rebecca

Title: Steamy night at the Crash.

Category: Max and Liz. AU. No aliens.

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: See first part.

AN: Hey, guys,

Finally, here is the next part... sorry again for the delay but as much as I wanted to be done by the end of the weekend, I couldn't stay in front of the computer without literally feeling nauseous within the hour and it made it a little bit harder to type :roll:

Hope you'll find it worth the wait though, even if I have to admit that I'm not completely satisfied with it myself, considering that I wrote most of it when I was sick and feverish and not everything came out like I initially wanted it :? well, you'll let me know, right?

Again, I'm sorry for not thanking you all individually, but I couldn't even proof-read the whole chapter till the end since I'm not still not feeling completely healed and just want to go to bed, but really thanks everyone for the bumps, feedbacks and the getting well wishes! You guys rock!

Well, that's it... hope I didn't leave to many grammaticals errors by the end and that I still made some sense through most of it, but I'll re-read again when I'm feeling better... sorry for that though!

Here goes...

Posted in three, due to length.

Chapter Three Cont’: You can’t resist a woman’s charms,
no matter how well you think you’re armed.

~ * ~
Max wasn’t particularly proud of what he had done that night, or even less to never have told Liz the truth even after all this time, but at least Doug Shellow had never approached Liz for anything after that, not on purpose at least.

There had been that one time when Max had been at the mall with Liz, looking for a present for her mother, and they had just gotten out of a shop, Liz walking a few feet ahead of him while he quickly answered a call, and she had nearly crashed into Doug and one of his friends.

Max had first seen Liz become as white as a sheet before he had realized what had caused her to stop so abruptly and change color, but one look to where she had been looking had been enough for him to feel rage fill his veins in a second and make him step just behind her, one of his hands going all too naturally to rest on the small of her back.

Doug had already had the nerve to say hello, despite Max’s previous warnings, oblivious as he still had been to Max’s presence at first, but the menacing glare Max had sent him almost on instant and his possessive stance had been all the other guy had needed to know he should really not push his luck more than he already had by just speaking her name and greeting her.

Before a dumbfounded Liz, who had not even really had time to react to the situation, Doug had scampered away, like the devil himself had been on his tail and Max would have actually laughed at seeing him do so, if he hadn’t been sure that Liz had been totally clueless as to why and wouldn’t have understood his reaction. In the next second, he had been too busy anyway, gathering Liz’s trembling body against his and promising her again that everything would be alright because he would never let Doug hurt her again, to think too much about the guy’s cowardly escape.

The incident had taken place barely a couple of months after Doug had attacked Liz in Frasier Woods, and while they had never really talked much afterwards about what had happened, keeping that secret between them despite the fact that rumors about Liz and Doug’s ‘sudden breakup’ had started flying and had gotten Michael a bit suspicious, Max knew that Liz had never completely forgotten what had happened to her.

After that day at the mall, Max would ask her, even if only from time to time as to not bring back bad memories, if Doug still tried to talk to her when they crossed path in Roswell, but the answer had fortunately always been the same. From that day on, Doug had apparently done his best to act as if he didn’t even see her, as if she didn’t exist when they were around the same vicinity, just as Max had told him to do, which was the only thing that at least had made Max feel a little bit better about what he had done, even despite his lie to Liz.

After the night of Liz’s attack, Max hadn’t seen much of Pam either, much to everyone else’s surprise. Many, including Michael and Liz, had tried to learn more about what could have happened between them to explain their sudden and unexpected breakup, but Max had only said that since they had realized that they wouldn’t work they had decided to call it quits and had left it at that.

Fortunately, Pam herself had never said anything to the contrary, at least not that he had heard of and even if Max wasn’t so sure as to why, but he guessed that she had just not wanted everyone to know what had really happened. How do you explain to everyone anyway, that your boyfriend of several months had left you in the middle of a heavy make out session, session that had been leading to sex, only to run and rescue a girl he pretended not to love?

No, that was certainly not the best way to explain their breakup, even if it was actually the truth, moreover when Max had never done anything to call her after that, or apologize.

He wasn’t particularly proud of that either, Pam deserving certainly better and more than the way he had treated her, but he had already had an enough hard time dealing with Liz and coming to the realization that he had indeed been developing feelings for her, to add more to his plate at the time.

Three years later though, he and Pam were at least able to exchange hellos, smiles and a few words when they met and Max guessed that that was the best they could ever do.

Pam wasn’t a problem at all now anyway, but the girl sleeping in front of him at that instant? She was clearly another story.

Following that night, things had been a little awkward for a while to say the least, and even more so after Liz had presented herself at his door a few weeks later, only to break down in tears only minutes after having arrived.

To this day, Max still had no idea about what that had been all about and he doubted he would ever know. Liz had completely clamped down on the subject and no matter how many times he had tried to make her talk afterwards, she had never caved and he had just stop asking after a while, deciding that it would certainly be better if they just didn’t talk about it.

They had never talked about their ‘near kiss’ either, although that had probably been more his fault than Liz’s. He had been so confused after what had nearly happened that he had probably not been acting like himself around Liz for a while and had most likely not given her the impression that it would be okay to bring it up again.

Max could now admit that he had probably been scared to see her bring it up because then he would have had to admit things to her that he had just not been ready to then, but that hadn’t been the only reason he had never said anything himself. At times, he had wanted to nonetheless, if only to stop that awkwardness that seemed to have settled between them and that stopped them from acting normally around each other, but more than anything, Max had known then, just like he still did now, that that wouldn’t exactly be to Michael’s liking and that was what had really made him refrain from doing so in the end.

Even if his best friend had never said anything to him, Max knew he wasn’t stupid and he could tell that Michael was wondering what could have happened between him and his sister that night he had gone and picked her up after her ‘fight’ with Doug. It was all in the way Michael observed him when he was with Liz after that, in the little comments he made at times when he heard them talking about things he obviously didn’t understand and in the way he looked at him when Max inquired about Liz’s whereabouts, like he was asking him, without even needing to verbalize it, ‘and why do you care so much about her and what she’s doing now?’

It really didn’t take a genius to understand then, just like it didn’t now, that Michael would certainly not approve if Max made a move on Liz, but if that had been enough in the past to stop Max from getting too close to Liz, he wasn’t so sure how long that would last now.

Sighing as he felt his heart beat way faster again now than it undoubtedly should, Max decided that it would certainly do him no good to just stay there for the rest of the night, just staring at Liz while she slept, no matter how much he actually wanted to.

Standing up, he pondered his next move a few seconds and then realized that Liz would probably feel better sleeping in a bed than there on the couch.

Carefully picking her up, he had to close his eyes, if only briefly, when he had her close again and he inhaled her heady scent once more.


Liz herself stirred as he lifted her higher against his hard chest, the move apparently jolting her more than he had wanted to.

“Shh… shh…” he whispered soothingly when she mumbled something unintelligible, the last thing he wanted being to completely wake her up.

“Max…” Liz moaned sleepily, instinctively burrowing into Max’s warmth as he walked to the guestroom that was situated only a few feet from his own.

“Shh… I’m just taking you to bed…” he breathed out for all explanation, hoping she still wouldn’t really wake up, and only realized how his words could sound when they had already passed his lips.

Fortunately, Liz was just too out of it to catch on the double meaning of them, but Max himself felt his groin tighten embarrassingly at the mere thought of actually doing more than just lying her down on the guestroom bed and leaving her to go to his own bed.

Apparently this was going to be a long night for him, that was for sure.

Once he had Liz lying down, Max found himself with another problem, wondering what he should do with her state of dress. Should he let her keep sleeping in that tight leather outfit, or should he try to help her feel certainly more comfortable by helping her out of it and getting her into a more appropriate sleepwear?

This decision would have actually been easier to make if he had been sure that Liz was wearing something under that outfit, but he remembered all too well the glimpse of her breasts he had gotten only hours ago when she had been complaining about how hot she thought it was in his apartment, for him to be too sure about that and take the risk.

Convinced that he would probably lose it completely if he undressed her, only to find her naked underneath, he thought it safer to forget all about even just the idea and to just leave her as she was… and get out of there as fast as he could, the only thing he still allowed himself to do being to bring her a glass of water and the bottle of aspiring he had left on the coffee table in the living room and leave them on the bedside table this time, just in case she woke up and needed them.

He also put one of his t-shirts on the bed for her to change into, just in case, and seconds later, he was in his own bedroom, hoping, as he quickly undressed and slid under the single sheet covering his bed, that he would find sleep as quickly as she could have herself.
Hours later -or at least it felt like hours to him- Max was again rolling around in his bed, having barely gotten a wink of sleep with the thought of Liz sleeping only a few feet away, when he heard noises coming from just outside his door.

Unable to move at first, he held his breath and waited, his heartbeat picking up when he clearly heard his door being opened.

For interminable minutes he didn’t hear anything else and convinced that Liz had only opened his door to check on him and see if he was there then left right after, he turned around after a while… only to find Liz standing there, leaning against the doorframe and looking at him with unreadable eyes.

“Hey…” he switched on the light by his bedside table after a moment and whispered softly, taking a long look at her himself and feeling his throat tighten at the sight.

God, could anything look more beautiful than the vision standing in front of him, covered in leather, barefoot, hair slightly mussed up by sleep?

“Hey…” Liz breathed back, not moving from her spot near the door.

“How are you feeling? Any headache?” he couldn’t help asking as he noticed that she really didn’t look like her usual cheerful self.

“I have known worse…” she admitted, remembering that time she had had a bad case of flu and had thought her head would literally explode with each sneeze or cough she gave.

Compared to that, the headache she was certainly feeling now, was mild. She guessed she was lucky, considering all she remembered drinking and all she probably had that she didn’t even remember.

“I left some aspirin on the bedside table near your bed…” Max informed her, thinking that they could certainly help if it hurt too bad.

“Yeah… I took two already…” Liz told him then, that having actually been the first thing she had done when she had woken up, taken a look around and realized where she had been.

She had found the pills immediately and had popped two into her mouth when the throbbing at her temple had reminded her of the night she had had.

As she had been lying there though, watching the ceiling and waiting for the aspirin to do its work, other memories of her night had started to resurface… a dance, a kiss, a fight?… and unable to take it any longer after a while, she had been up and walking to Max’s bedroom before she could reconsider and stop herself.

“Good…” Max just said, although he had sat up by now and kept observing her, making sure to bring the sheet around his hips and keep it there, not wanting Liz to see more than he was ready to show.

She didn’t say anything for a while after that, although he could clearly see her gaze roaming down his naked chest, and Max wasn’t surprised to see himself fidget nervously under her steady stare after only a few minutes of that torture.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked at last when her silence became just too much to bear.

She seemed to have to think about it, which Max found even weirder than the way she had been looking at him only seconds ago, and he was about to suggest she went back to bed and let the pills really work their magic, when she spoke again.

“Why did you leave?” she demanded, out of the blue, the words having Max frowning slightly for a few seconds, before he concluded that she had probably woken up at least once while he had been downstairs again and wondered where he could be.

“I had to go back to the club… we closed only hours ago…” he replied and only realized that wasn’t apparently what she had been asking about when he saw her shake her head at his answer.

“No… earlier…” Liz corrected him in a soft murmur and then, seemed to be thinking hard about something again. She shook her head a couple of times, like to clear it and when she spoke again, her voice was just as soft. “You kissed me…” she said and those simple words had the power to make Max’s heart beat twice faster than it normally should once more.

He could see she seemed quite confused and that the words were half question, half statement, and he felt even worse at seeing her looking suddenly so lost.

“Liz…” he uttered her name almost achingly, not sure now was the right moment to talk about that again or how confused he could be himself about everything that had happened between them tonight.

“You kissed me and then you just left… why?” Liz repeated, elucidating what she had meant earlier, even if by then Max had already figured it out on his own.

“Liz… I don’t think we should talk about that now…” he answered hesitantly, knowing that was probably the last thing she wanted to hear but not sure what else he could say.

“Why not?” Liz retorted quite stubbornly, and then took in a long trembling breath. “Did you not want to kiss me?”

She looked so fragile all of a sudden, standing there and looking at him almost pleadingly, but though Max wanted nothing more than to be honest with her and erase that look, he felt his head spin with all the implications his answer could have.

How was he supposed to answer to that without giving her the whole truth? Could he even really think of telling her? And what did Liz expect exactly? Earlier when she had been drunk, Max had managed to convince himself that Liz hadn’t really known what she had been saying, what she had been doing or who she had been doing it with, but now, if she was asking him why he had left her, could it mean that she had not wanted him to do so, that she could have wanted more herself, just like he had? And if that were the case, what the hell was he supposed to do about it?

“I… I-I…” Max stuttered uncomfortably, feeling like an idiot for doing so but unable to utter more than that at that instant.

He kept his eyes locked on Liz though, and the more he looked at her, the more he saw the light fade from her eyes. Until finally she spoke once more and turned to leave.

“O-Okay… never mind… good night, Max…” defeated, Liz suddenly preferred to leave it at that, convinced that she would probably not get a straight answer from Max, or at least not one she would like apparently.

It was obvious that Max wasn’t feeling very comfortable with her questioning, and in her mind, that could only mean one thing: that the truth would most certainly hurt her more than she could imagine and Max probably didn’t want that, despite everything else, which was why he looked so hesitant and ill-at-ease.

In that case, she really didn’t want to stay there and be even more humiliated than she had probably already been, now that Max had understood that that kiss had meant more to her than she had certainly wanted to let on earlier. After all would she be asking about it, if it hadn’t?

She hadn’t taken two steps out of Max’s room, however, that she was stopped in her tracks.

“Wait!” his voice was almost desperate and Liz knew that she couldn’t go against her natural response to him and leave him without at least hearing him out. “Liz, wait, please!” he begged, unable to bear the thought of her leaving like that.

When she turned around again, Max was sitting by the end of the bed, the sheet wrapped tightly around his waist now but Liz could see he didn’t know what he was supposed to do, sit up completely or stay just where he was for now.

She didn’t say a word though, and just kept looking at him expectantly, until she heard him sigh loudly and saw him scratch his neck, like he only ever did when he wasn’t feeling completely at ease in a situation.

“I wanted to…” Max admitted so softly that Liz was sure she had heard him wrong. Until he repeated himself and left her standing there, breathless. “I wanted to kiss you… I-I still do…”

I still do’.

I still do’.

The words kept repeating in Liz’s head and the more she heard them, the more she was convinced that she was dreaming them. She just had to be, Max couldn’t have really said that he still wanted to kiss her, could he?

“You d-do?” she choked on the words herself, sure that in a second she would hear Max tell her that he didn’t know what she was talking about and that she was imagining things, hearing words that he had never said, yet that was not what happened.

“More than I probably should…” Max revealed before he could stop himself and had to swallow hard when he saw Liz approach him at his admission. “But, Liz…” he started, only to have to stop when Liz’s feet brought her barely a foot from where he was sitting.

“But?” she repeated, not really wanting to hear it, but needing to ask nonetheless, sure that whatever he would say next, would probably be important and help her understand what was going on behind those eyes she thought she knew so well.

Max looked like he was fighting with himself, not knowing what he should do anymore, and more than anything Liz wished he would let her help him make the right decision.

“But I… I-I can’t… we really shouldn’t… we c-can’t…” Max stammered, the way Liz was looking at him then making him struggle with what he wanted to say.

“We can’t what?” she asked, taking another step forward, needing Max to say the words.

Her heart threatened to come out of her chest, but she knew she couldn’t back down now, not when she felt, maybe for the first time in her life, that Max was fighting with what he was feeling, what he wanted, as much as she could herself.

“Liz… we can’t… do… whatever you’re thinking we should do…” Max tried to explain, remembering all too well what Liz had had in mind when she had arrived at the club, and with his admission and the way she was looking at him, he could just see where this would go if he couldn’t stop them before it was too late.

God, maybe telling Liz he wanted to kiss her had been the biggest mistake he could have made, but then, would lying have been better?

“Why not? Why shouldn’t we?” Liz insisted, wondering herself where she was finding the nerve to speak such words and question what Max was saying, but she knew she couldn’t let him deny what was clearly happening between them here.

If Max really wanted to kiss her as he said he did, she wasn’t about to give up. Not until she could feel his lips on hers again. She had nothing to lose now anyway, not when the more she looked at Max, the more she could see how hard this seemed to be on him as well.

His words could say one thing, but the way he couldn’t take his eyes off her said something else entirely, something she had only ever heard him say in her dreams until then.

I want you.

She wondered briefly of course if it wasn’t some residue of alcohol left in her blood that was making her see things, but quickly chose to discard that possibility as a flash of what he had told her only hours ago passed through her mind.

Parker, if you don’t stop, I will be the one taking your precious virginity and I will fuck you so good, you won’t ever want anyone else!

The words nearly made her blush now that she was sober, and yet there was probably nothing in the world she wanted more than to see that happen tonight.

“This… whatever is happening here, Liz… you… y-you and me… it’s really not a good idea…” Max uttered, and yet he didn’t seem able to convince himself more than he was trying to convince her.

The air around them seemed suddenly charged with electricity and Max knew that it wouldn’t take much for things to literally explode between them.

More than anything he wished he could have the strength it would take to stop things before they went too far, but the more Liz stood there, the less he honestly believed he had what would be needed for that, or to stop himself from messing with a friendship that meant the world to him.

God, she was just so beautiful, how was he supposed to not want her, or say no to her if she suddenly asked him for more of his kisses, or just for… more? Even despite his words, he knew what he wanted, and God, what he wanted was her. All of her.

“But you said you wanted to kiss me…” Liz reminded him, before adding meaningfully. “And I want you to kiss me, Max…”

“Liz, please… don’t… don’t do this…” as much as her words warmed his heart, and other parts of his body he would rather not think too much about right now, Max knew he really shouldn’t give in. “You’re Michael’s sister and… Michael… M-Michael… he would kill me if I just thought…” he trailed off, knowing that if it was already too late for that and he was way past the ‘just thinking about being with Liz’ stage, it was nonetheless the truth.

Years ago, the night Doug had attacked Liz, Michael had warned him against trying anything with his sister, and Max had no doubt about how serious he had been.

Liz was forbidden territory as far as Michael was concerned and he wouldn’t care to hear about how Max had tried to fight his feelings for years, just like he wouldn’t care that Liz was actually the one who had seduced him.

Because that was what she was doing, maybe not voluntarily or consciously, but telling him that she wanted him to kiss her and looking at him like she just wanted to throw him back on his bed and have her way with him was surely not helping.

Truthfully, Liz had no idea what her gaze was doing to Max, she was just too busy contemplating the fact that Max was apparently grasping at straws and trying to find any excuse he could to not cross the line with her. And if at any other moment, she would have been upset or even miffed to see him react this way, for once, instead of only seeing the negative side of his attitude, she tried to see past that and not let it affect her.

Max bringing Michael up was the last shield he could use, obviously, but he was sadly mistaken if he thought that that would be enough to make her stop wanting him. She had come to him tonight with one purpose in mind and she would be damned if she let anything ruin her chance with him now that she had gotten that far. Maybe she had let herself forget it for a while, but seeing Max sitting there now, she knew there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do to have this man in front of her.

And if that had to be for only one night, then so be it, it was better than nothing at all. She couldn’t see herself giving her virginity to anyone but him anyway.

“Michael’s not here, Max… it’s just you and me… what do you want?” Liz whispered, taking the final step that still separated her from Max, the move leaving her only inches from him now and forcing him to look up at her. One more step actually, and she would be sitting directly on his lap.

“Liz, please…” Max’s pleading fell on deaf ears once more and he thought he would just lose it for good there and then when Liz’s fingers reached for the zipper on her suit and after having expelled one long, shaky sigh, he saw her pull it down slowly. Excruciatingly slowly. Yet not enough for him to be able to react before it was too late, or for him to be able to stop her.

“Do you want me, Max?” later on, Liz would wonder where she found the strength to complete her task, step out of her leather suit and stand completely naked in front of Max, just like she would wonder where those seductive words had come from, but for now, she could only tremble as she waited for Max’s reaction, hoping with all her might that it would be enough for him to forget all the reasons why he thought they shouldn’t be together or do this.

“Oh… oh, god…” Max blurted out when his earlier suspicion was confirmed and his eyes feasted on her gorgeous, perfect, naked form, but then he closed them almost as quickly when he realized what he was doing. “Oh, god… you really were n-naked under that thing…”

Even with his eyes closed, Max still saw Liz in all her naked beauty behind his eyelids and he knew that that was a sight he would never forget, no matter how hard he could try.

But did he really want to try, huh? God, how could he even do so? She had been naked under her suit all freaking night! That was the only thing still running through his mind, that and how the hell he was supposed to stop his body from doing exactly what it wanted when he now knew what lied beneath her clothes.

“Max?” Liz called his name when he kept sitting there, just repeating a litany of ‘oh, god’ and shaking his head like he couldn’t quite believe what was happening. She herself was starting to feel embarrassed, but then she saw the way he closed his eyes and fists so tightly it was a true wonder he had not completely snapped and knew now was not the moment to be shy. “Won’t you even look at me?”

“I-I can’t…” Max shook his head even more vehemently and whispered, knowing full well that if he did, if he just opened his eyes for a second and did what she asked, he wouldn’t be able to stop what he was sure would happen then.

“Please…” Liz pleaded, and it was the slightly trembling tone of the single word that had Max raising his head at last and looking at her face, the only part of her body he knew he could afford to look at for now. “Don’t you want me?” she said again and Max saw then that despite the fact that she had taken her clothes off and presented her body to him only minutes ago, like that was the most natural thing in the world, she wasn’t as sure of herself as she could have looked before he had closed his eyes.

And how could she when his reaction had probably made her think that he didn’t want to look at her, or worse, that he didn’t like what he saw, but she couldn’t be further from the truth.

“I do… more than I could ever even express with words…” Max admitted in a soft whisper, eyes locked with Liz’s so she would see just how much he meant those words.

He saw the second they registered in Liz’s mind and felt his heartbeat quicken when she leant into him then and was straddling his lap before he could stop her.

“Then what’s the matter?” she asked him gently, breath unsteady by the sudden closeness, and Max himself had to struggle to breathe normally.

“Liz… you know how Michael is… he’s not going to…” Max started arguing again, but was stopped from going any further when Liz pressed a finger to his lips.

It took all he had then to not suck on it, forget all about what he was going to say, bring her even closer and lose himself in her, but when Liz spoke again, he knew it was a lost cause anyway.

He had about as much chance of resisting her now, as he was of winning the lottery without playing and her next words only made the odds even more against him.

“Forget Michael… I don’t care about what he thinks… you want me… and I want you… isn’t that enough for now?” Liz demanded, eyes fixed on him, wishing for him to realize that things could be simple if they both willed them to be.

She wasn’t waiting for a marriage proposal, she didn’t expect him to promise her forever, she just wanted this night with him.

Sighing heavily, Max battled with himself, knowing that in the end, she was probably right. Michael didn’t really matter, he realized, not enough at least for Max to not want to be with her, now that he had her on top of him, naked, the only thing stopping him from really feeling her being the short, almost insignificant distance that still separated their bodies, and the single sheet that was still wrapped around him.

His fists were still tightly clenched at his sides, but he couldn’t help but bring one hand to cup Liz’s face when she closed the distance between them at last and tried to kiss him then.

“If we do this, Liz… if we cross the line and… d-do this… there’ll be no turning back…” he breathed out, forehead resting against her own, thumb running over her bottom lip, that digit being the only thing that still stood between them and stopped him from feeling her mouth on his.

He had stopped her just in time, not that that was really what he wanted to do, but he knew he needed to make sure she understood the consequences that doing what she wanted would have. And there would be consequences, of that there was no doubt in Max’s mind. Things would never be the same between them if they gave in and listen to their desires.

“I know that…” Liz replied just as softly, doing her best to not reveal all that was really on her mind at that instant.

She wanted to tell him that she didn’t care about the consequences or anything else, as long as she could be with him, that that was the only thing she could think about then and that nothing else mattered, but she kept quiet, sure that she would just scare Max if she chose now to reveal the extent of her feelings for him.

“And if we cross that line… things are gonna change… nothing… n-nothing will ever be normal again… you realize that?...” Max still insisted despite her answer, and then he nearly groaned aloud when he felt Liz’s lips kiss the thumb that was still against them.

“I know that, too… but what’s so great about normal anyway, Max?” Liz threw back a little mischievously, yet the lightness of her words didn’t stop her heart from skipping a few beats when Max looked back at her after a few seconds and his hungry eyes met hers.

God, the way he was looking at her then was enough to make any girl melt on the spot and it was certainly a miracle if she was still able to stay sitting there on top of him. She didn’t move though, knowing then that he didn’t have any other argument to offer to stop what she was sure now was going to happen.

“Nothing I guess…” Max answered then, unable to think of anything else to say. He didn’t care about normal either, as long as he was with her. “I just need to ask though… before we reach a point where I won’t be able to stop…are you absolutely sure about this?” he felt the need to ask nonetheless, the last thing he wanted being to see her regret later on whatever could happen between them, how insignificant that could be.
Last edited by RebeccaBehrEvans on Tue May 05, 2009 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~AU~ADLT~AN, p.11~05/02

Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

“More than I’ve ever been about anything else…” Liz breathed back, her heart triple hammering in her chest at Max’s words.

With those he put a rest to any doubt she could have about the fact that he wanted this, too, and while the thought left her half trembling in fear, she knew she wanted this too much to even just think of hesitating. She had been waiting for this moment for just too long to let anything, least of all her own apprehension, stop her.

“Okay… o-okay…” Max stuttered awkwardly, needing to gulp in some much needed air before he completely lost it. His thumbs kept running over her cheekbones, as he contemplated her perfect features and then, as if he had just realized what was going on, he blurted out, “God, you’re really sitting on top of me… naked…”

That fact still blew his mind, even if he would have had to be blind to not see it before, but even knowing that he wasn’t dreaming, he just couldn’t believe it.

“Oh, so you noticed…” Liz answered gently, barely stifling a moan when Max’s hands drifted down to her neck, his soft caresses leaving goosebumps along her skin.

“I did… I definitely… d-definitely did… ” Max nodded with a small smile, before he turned more serious again. “And you’re absolutely beautiful…” he added meaningfully, letting his eyes willingly trail down her body for the first time.

From the perfect roundness of her breasts, to the alluring curves of her hips, to the small triangle of hair between her legs, she was absolutely gorgeous and for a second Max wondered what he had done to deserve to have such perfection in his bedroom, sitting on his lap, trusting him.

“Yeah?” Liz murmured hesitantly, despite what Max’s adoring gaze was doing to her. It was hard to not feel like the most beautiful woman in the world when he was looking at her like that, yet she still needed confirmation that she wasn’t dreaming all this.

“Oh, yeah…” Max confirmed without a second of hesitation before he cupped her face in his hand again. “So beautiful…” he reiterated, nuzzling his nose against hers before he whispered her name in a way Liz was sure she had never heard before.

“Yes?” she just said, closing her eyes as Max’s hot breath fanned against her skin in the most distracting way.

God, he was going to drive her insane.

“Can I kiss you again?” he hoarsely asked at last, sure that he would just go crazy himself if he couldn’t do so now.

“Please!” Liz answered in a soft murmur, eyes opening just long enough to see Max finally close the distance between them, and when she felt his lips on hers for the third time tonight, she knew she wouldn’t ever be able to live without that feeling.

He started slow this time, like he wanted to reacquaint himself with her, and Liz found herself following his lead, her mouth becoming pliant under his, until they were both moaning at the sensation.

“God, Liz…” Max groaned out when they briefly parted, but one look at her face and he couldn’t help but go for more.

With even more desperation now, he kissed her again, his hunger only more fueled by Liz’s own response. As his fingers threaded through her hair, he felt hers at the nape of his neck and when Liz moved even closer, so that their bodies completely touched, Max thought for sure he would go insane. He forced his hands to stay where they were, knowing that if he just moved them and touched her, he would just lose control, but the way Liz seemed to rub her upper body against his was more than he could humanly take.

“Liz…” he breathed out her name once more, when they stopped to take in deep breaths, but his respite was short lived since Liz only gave him a few seconds before she was attacking him again.

The harder she kissed him, the more Max wanted, but still he forced himself to slow her down, before they went too far too fast, or he did something she wasn’t completely ready for yet.

“Do you know how long I’ve been dreaming of this?” he asked in a quiet murmur as they both tried to calm some down, his fingers playing along her jaw line still wreaking havoc on Liz’s senses, however.

“How l-long?” she could barely say the words as she arched under his touch and did her best to contain the soft moans that threatened to escape her throat every time he caressed her.

“I… god, way too long, that’s for sure…” Max answered safely, sure that he would just scare her off if he told her the truth.

“But not longer than me, I’m sure…” Liz threw back, teasing his lips with her tongue the next second, the small gesture eliciting a low growl from Max.

“Yeah?” he croaked out, framing her face more firmly now so he could give as good as he was receiving.

For a few seconds his tongue fought with hers and he couldn’t help but bite lightly on her bottom lip when she pulled away from her.

“Definitely…” she said as she retaliated by going and sucking on his neck before adding, “We’ll have to talk about that…”

“We’ll have to, yes…” Max concurred softly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he felt Liz trying to force him to lie back down.

“But not now…” Liz added meaningfully and Max didn’t need to be any kind of medium to understand that for now, she had other plans in mind and talking wasn’t exactly part of them.

“Not now… no…” he whispered back, seconds before his fingers lost themselves in her hair again and he pulled her down with him.

Seconds soon turned into long minutes just spent kissing, tasting, eating at each other’s mouth, both of them probably already enjoying it more than they should, but when Liz seemed to become just too eager for Max’s sanity that he had them rolling over so he could press her into the mattress and he felt himself nearly snap, he knew he had to be the level-headed one, the last thing he wanted being to take her like an animal and only hurt her in the end.

“What?” Liz asked breathlessly when all of a sudden Max pulled away from her like he had been burnt, putting way more distance between them than she thought was bearable.

“I… wait... I... we should… we should s-slow down…” he panted out in justification, wanting nothing more than to just make Liz his right there and then but thinking of her first and foremost. “We shouldn’t rush this… I don’t want to rush this…” he explained when his eyes met Liz’s slightly confused ones.

Stopping was clearly not what he wanted, of course, but he remembered all too well that this would be Liz’s first time and he wanted it to be special for her, or at least not something that would only last a few minutes and wouldn’t leave her with a good memory.

“Okay…” Liz nodded hesitantly, part of her wondering nonetheless if he wasn’t changing his mind, but the way he kept looking at her as he tenderly ran his fingers down the length of her face quickly put a stop to that thought.

“You’re sure you’re feeling alright?” he asked her once more when they caught their breaths, gaze fixed on her so he would be sure to not miss anything.

“Yeah…” Liz answered, feeling a little weird at being suddenly having a casual conversation, when she was lying in his bed, completely naked, with him barely inches from her in almost the same state.

Even if they were barely touching now, compared to only minutes ago, there was no denying that she could still feel the heat of his body like it had never left hers and she would be lying if she said she didn’t want more of the feeling.

“Do you know how unfair that is…” Max started, only to chuckle when Liz looked at him with a look that seemed to say ‘I can’t believe you actually said something like that to me.’ “I mean, don’t get me wrong… I’m glad you didn’t get sick or anything, but do you know how many guys would kill to feel as good as you after having drunk so much…” he clarified almost right away, not wanting Liz to think he wished her any ill at all, but he still had good recollection of the first time he had gotten plastered himself and his waking up had not been nearly as fun as Liz’s, that was for sure.

He had actually been sick most of the night and had had the mother of hangovers when waking up. God, even Michael didn’t hold his alcohol as well as his sister apparently did, although that was something Max would probably never share with him.

“Well, I’ve always had a good healing system…” Liz joked, once she understood what he had meant by that.

She guessed she was lucky indeed, but then she had always recuperated faster than most people did, or more than most people found normal.

A few years back, she and her cousin Helen had gotten their ears pierced at the same time adding two more little holes to those they already both had and while Helen’s had gotten infected pretty quickly and she had needed to take off the new earrings barely days later, Liz’s had healed without problem and she had barely felt any pain. Then when she had her appendix removed, her recovery had been just as fast, much to the surprise of many around her. She still remembered having been operated on a Friday and being released the next Tuesday, and two days later she was riding her bike around Roswell like she hadn’t even gotten cut open only days ago and much to her mother’s shock who nearly had a heart attack when she had seen Liz come back home like nothing at all, sure herself that she would have to send her back to the hospital. Liz had had to ward off her mother’s hands since she had been convinced that Liz could only have popped her sutures with her foolish act, but Liz had felt just as good as she had before the operation and had been all too happy to promise the friend she had been with that she would see her the next day and they would go for another ride.

No need to say her mother had not really appreciated the suggestion, but yes, all in all, it wasn’t so surprising then, at least it wasn’t to Liz, if her organism also made it so that she handled her alcohol better than most could.

“Hmm… I can only be happy for that…” Max admitted softly, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on Liz’s lips.

He intended it to be quick and soft, but Liz had apparently other ideas in mind and he was surprised to feel her hand cradle his face so he wouldn’t be able to move away too fast.

The kiss grew more heated almost on instant again then, and soon Max found himself lying half on top of her, glad that the sheet that was now bunched between them prevented her from feeling just how much her kisses were affecting him.

“Don’t stop…” Liz panted out when they parted and she couldn’t stop a moan from escaping her lips when Max moved down and she felt his mouth on her neck seconds later.

“No?” he whispered back, suckling lightly on her skin and letting his hands do what he hadn’t dared until then, go explore her body.

His fingers trailed down her side, but when he felt her tremble under his touch he stopped at her hip, deciding to not go further for now, no matter how much he actually wanted to continue.

“Please…” Liz sighed, arching into him as her own hands finally did some exploration of their own.

From the second she had seen Max sitting there on his bed, she had wanted to touch him and discover how his skin felt under her fingertips, and she knew now was as good a time as ever to find out. She had waited long enough for that anyway, as far as she was concerned.

Being a little more daring than Max, she attacked his chest with her fingertips, a small smile grazing her lips when a groan escaped Max’s throat every time they brushed against his nipples. Every time she touched him, he also sucked harder on her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder and Liz was sure he would end up leaving a mark on her. She didn’t mind though, on the contrary, being marked by Max Evans being something she had only dreamt of about a million times.

Continuing her own investigation, her hands descended down his back, marveling at all the muscles she could clearly feel there, or how alluring the dip at the small of his back felt, just how perfect there was no more doubt in her mind he truly was.

She nearly faltered in her descent when she felt Max’s tongue licking dangerously close to the swell of her breast, but then she couldn’t help but gasp audibly when she eventually reached her destination, only to find more naked skin where she expected fabric.

“What?” Max raised his head from where he had been happily tasting her skin and looked at her with an amused smile when he noticed her round surprised eyes.

“You… you were n-naked all this time…” Liz stammered out, having been convinced until then that he was probably wearing boxers underneath that sheet that had stopped her from getting an eyeful until then.

“I always sleep in the nude, Parker…” Max informed her with a chuckle, her reaction being so similar to the one he had had himself only moments ago, he couldn’t help but see the humor in it. “Beside, it does have its benefits…” he added teasingly, smiling again when Liz kept looking at him like she was trying to figure out what he meant. “You didn’t think I would take you half-dressed, right?”

The words were half-whispered, half-groaned and Max wondered how he managed to stay where he was and not do what he had just insinuated when a small moan flew from Liz’s lips at his suggestion.

“You’re blushing…” he remarked instead and then couldn’t help taking her lips in a tender kiss. “You’re cute when you blush…”

Those words only made color raise on Liz’s cheeks even more, until she found her face hiding into Max’s chest.

“You’re making fun of me…” she pouted, her own words coming out slightly muffled but Max heard her nonetheless.

“I wouldn’t dare…” he repeated words he had already said hours ago and resumed his caresses on her body, his fingers running down her back now that she was slightly leaning into him and that he could have easy access.

“Max…” Liz all but whimpered at his touch, a million things suddenly running through her head.

Everything sounded so natural coming out of Max’s mouth, it made her realize just how much experience he had while she didn’t have any. She had never even been naked in front of a man before, and while that part had been surprisingly easy to get through, way easier in fact than she could have imagined, she had never seen a man completely naked, she had never seen Max naked before and that suddenly scared the hell out of her.

Reality seemed to choose that moment to intrude into the little fantasy world she had been living in since the second Max had told her he wanted to kiss her and she suddenly couldn’t help but wonder how she was supposed to do this. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him, down there, yet, but with the way he filled out his jeans and what she was sure she had felt earlier when they had been dancing, he was certainly not buying his condoms in the XS department. So what if he didn’t fit? Or what if she did something wrong? She didn’t even know what she was supposed to do! What if Max didn’t like it, or if he was disappointed in her?

As all these questions ran through her mind, Max kept running his fingers along her soft skin, until he realized that what he was feeling weren’t mere goosebumps or shivers elicited by his touch. Liz was literally shaking.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he pulled away from her, although he kept his hand on the small of her back just to keep some kind of contact with her, and the look on her face made him suck in a breath.

“N-Nothing…” Liz shook her head and answered just too quickly to be honest, the last thing she wanted being for him to think that she wasn’t enjoying what he was doing, because really she was, but still she couldn’t seem to stop her reaction.

“Don’t lie to me, Liz… I know you…” Max countered, though there was only tenderness behind his words. “And I know that look… you’re scared…”

He couldn’t be closer to the truth, even if he probably didn’t know exactly what she was scared of, but that didn’t stop Liz from denying his assertion. Or at least she tried.

“No… I… I-I just…” she stuttered, only to trail off when Max kept looking at her like he knew well what she was trying to do and was telling her it would be no use. He indeed knew her too well to believe her poor attempts at a lie.

“Hey, it’s okay…” he whispered after a few seconds just spent observing her. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to…” he added meaningfully, almost sure that it was his comment earlier that had scared her.

He probably shouldn’t have said so casually that he was going to ‘take’ her, but he hadn’t thought she would react this way. It had all been a lame joke anyway, although what he was saying now was true. As much as he wanted her, he would never force her in any way to do anything she wasn’t completely sure about.

“It’s not that… I just… I want to… I-I want you…” Liz was quick to correct and Max could clearly see how sincere she was being.

“Then what is it?” he insisted nonetheless as he tugged on her chin and gently forced her to meet his eyes when she would have looked away.

“I just… I… I mean… I’ve… I-I’ve never…” Liz started after a while but she was stopped from saying more when Max tenderly kissed her.

“I know that and I told you… I’m serious, we don’t have to do anything you think you’re not really ready for…” Max promised her and sealed that promise with another kiss just to show her that he would absolutely not be mad at her or anything, if she decided she wanted to stop now.

“I don’t… I really don’t know what to do… and what…” she trailed off and closed her eyes, wondering why this was so hard. This was Max, she could tell him anything -or almost anything if you didn’t count the fact that he still didn’t know her real feelings for him- she always had, so why should this by any different? “What if you… don’t like it or…”

The words were uttered so softly Max barely heard her but he could have laughed at how ridiculous he thought that notion to be, if he hadn’t been sure that Liz would misinterpret his reaction and would actually think he was mocking her.

“Baby, look at me…” he murmured when Liz adverted her gaze once more as soon as the words were out. “There’s no way in hell I wouldn’t like anything having to do with you… whether it’s just lying here with you… or… really being with you…” he admitted in a hoarse whisper and nearly lost it when Liz’s mouth opened in a silent ‘O’ while she blushed again at the last part of his confession.

“Yeah?” she asked in an almost child-like voice that had Max kissing her again just because he thought her to be the cutest thing he had ever seen at that instant.

“Definitely… lying here with you is already more than I could have hoped for only hours ago… and if that’s all you want to do… that’s fine by me…” he told her sincerely and hoped with all his might that she believed him.

As much as he still wanted more of course, he would be happy just talking to her and being close to her if she said that was what she wanted herself for now.

He personally had never been with a virgin before, but as much as he wanted to be Liz’s first, he could imagine how overwhelming it could be for her to be on the verge of finally crossing that line, moreover when it wasn’t even with the guy she had had in mind but because circumstances had pushed them into each other’s arms. Because no matter how much he didn’t want to think about it, or the fact that he wouldn’t change his current position for anything in the world at that instant, Max remembered all too well that he hadn’t apparently been her first choice and that she had been waiting for someone else tonight at the club. Yet now that he was with her, he promised himself that should she let him go further with her, he would do his very best to make sure he made it as enjoyable and unforgettable for her as he could.

“But you still want me?” Liz couldn’t help but ask despite his reassurance and Max nearly melted at the hopeful look she gave him then.

“Even more now than I already did when you stepped into the room…” he breathed out, giving her a once over and wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. “It’s hard to not want you… you were fucking gorgeous dressed in all that leather… but naked, god, I don’t even have words…”

Everywhere his gaze rested, Liz felt her skin heat up from its intensity and the more he looked at her, the more she was sure that if there was anyone she could wholeheartedly trust with her body, it was definitely Max. There probably wouldn’t ever be anyone that would love her better than he could.

“Then show me, Max… show me how much you want me…” she pleaded at last and almost moaned aloud when Max’s lustful gaze met hers again.

“You sure?” he insisted nonetheless, despite what those words did to him and how much he just wanted to bury himself deep inside of her and finally know what it really felt like.

He had imagined this moment so many times, pictured it in his mind more times than he could keep count of, yet somehow, he was sure that whatever he could have conjured up would do no justice to the real thing.

“Please, yes…” Liz whispered throatily, one of her hands going to cup the back of Max’s neck so she could bring him to her and stop any other argument he could have come up with.

Not that he had anything else to say to that, truthfully. He was all too ready to show her how much he indeed wanted her, if that was what she wanted herself. After all, he had only been waiting for this for years now!

For interminable minutes, they just kissed leisurely, both of them enjoying the feeling as their mouths came together and their tongues learned more of the taste of each other, and the need for air was probably the only thing that was able to make them part.

As they caught their breaths, Max resumed the path he had been taking earlier and trailed kissed down Liz’s neck, to her collarbone and lower, until he was only millimeters from the hard nipple he just couldn’t wait any longer to take into his mouth.

He had barely started to flick it teasingly with the tip of his tongue however, that he felt Liz tense under the hand he had caressing the small of her back.

“You’re shaking again…” he murmured gently and kept his touch to the minimum.

“I know… I… god, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” Liz lamented, embarrassed that she couldn’t even let him touch her intimately without shaking like a leaf.

It was even more ridiculous because she knew she wanted this, wanted Max more than anything in the world, and yet she couldn’t seem to stop herself. But maybe that was the problem actually, maybe if she didn’t want Max so much, maybe if this was just sex and she didn’t love him so much, this would actually be easier for her.

“Nothing’s wrong with you… you just need to relax, that’s all…” Max told her gently, brushing his lips against her in reassurance. “I’m not gonna hurt you… I could never hurt you, Liz… you know that, right?” he added nonetheless, hoping that she wasn’t actually scared of him.

“I know… I trust you, Max… I just… I don’t know why I’m so nervous… I’m sorry…” she stammered, hating herself for reacting this way when he was being so understanding and gentle with her, and sure that despite what he was saying he could only be disappointed.

After all, she had been the one seducing him, nearly forcing his hand, and now she could even act normal with him or give him what he wanted, what she herself had wordlessly promised him he could have.

“Don’t be… you’re doing nothing wrong… you probably just need to get used to me… touching you... that’s all…” he countered, imagining that it couldn’t be easy for her to let completely go when she wasn’t used to being touched by a man. But as long as she still wanted him, he could definitely work with that.

Liz nodded at that, although she didn’t look completely convinced herself, but that only made Max even more determined to prove to her that he was right and that there was really nothing wrong with her or with her reaction.

“Baby, come here…” he moved completely into his side and as gently as he could, turned Liz around so she was lying with her back to his front now, her head resting on one of his arms, while the other wrapped around her middle and he brought her as close to him as he could without making her feel uncomfortable.

There was nothing separating them now, yet Max made sure that she couldn’t feel how much he indeed wanted her just now, not wanting to scare her more than she already seemed to be.

“Is this okay?” he asked seconds later when Liz was settled against his chest and didn’t make any more to pull away from him.

“Yes… thank you…” Liz answered softly, definitely enjoying being in his arms, even if she was still hoping for more.

Her heart wasn’t beating as fast as it had only moments ago, however, and she wasn’t trembling just as much, so she guessed that this was as good a start as they could get.

“Tell me if you’re not comfortable with anything I do or say, okay?” Max added after that and Liz only understood what he really meant by that when his next whispered words reached her ears. “Have you ever touched yourself, Liz?”

To say that that was the last thing she had been expecting him to say would be the understatement of the century and she was gasping his name before she could stop herself, not quite believing he would ask her something like that.

“Oh, god… Max…” she looked outraged, or at least embarrassed and while Max could definitely understand that his question had caught her off guard, he didn’t let that deter him.

“Hey, it’s me… you know you can tell me anything, remember?” he soothed quietly, drawing small circles on her stomach to calm her down.

“I know… but Max…” Liz groaned out, one of her hands covering her face in shame.

God, he didn’t really expect her to answer to that, did he?

“Don’t get shy on me, baby… it’s just me… just us… you said so yourself earlier, there’s no one here but you and me… you have no reason to feel ashamed… or scared… or anything…” Max insisted, dropping a few calming kisses on the nape of her neck. “Have you?”

“Y-Yes…” she stuttered, even if it took her a while to just manage getting that single word out.

After thinking about it, she knew he was right though, and that she could definitely trust him with something so intimate, no matter how embarrassing she still thought it was to have to admit something like that. But then, she reasoned that if she couldn’t confide her deepest secrets in him, who else could she trust, huh?

“And you liked it, right?” Max continued just as gently, yet forcing thoughts and images of Liz pleasuring herself in the intimacy of her bedroom, far, far away from his mind. Now was not the time to get too distracted.

“Yes…” Liz closed her eyes and whispered again, briefly wondering where he was getting with that.

“Well… it won’t be so different if I’m the one touching you… and I promise to make sure you like it, too…” Max vowed in a hoarse murmur before he added hopefully, “I just need you to trust me…”

“I do…” Liz uttered in a strangled tone as she pictured him doing just that and bringing her pleasure like she had only ever dreamt of until then.

“Good… he just said, before she saw him extend one of his hands in front of her. “Can you give me your hand then?”

Liz only hesitated a few brief seconds before complying and putting her hand in his, and she regretted even less having done so when Max brought both of them to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles.

“Thank you…” he whispered into her ear and Liz knew then just how much it meant to him that she could trust him so much.

The next second he put his hand on top of her, his palm to the back of hers, and intertwined his fingers with hers before he brought them to her chest bone. With a slowness that was sure to drive them both crazy before long then, he trailed a path down to her breasts, slowly tracing their fullness.

“Is this okay?” he wondered aloud when he heard her small intake of breath when her own fingers touched her skin.

“Yes…” she could barely get the word out but then any possibility to speak was robbed off her when Max brought their joined fingers to one of her aching nipples.

She could only pant there as with Max’s help, her own digits worked it into a tight hard nub, arousal pooling between her thighs as Max placed wet, open-mouthed kisses along her shoulder at the same time, and while she couldn’t see where exactly his gaze was trained, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her or their fingers. He wasn’t even really touching her himself yet, but there was no doubt in his mind that what he was watching her do to herself was the sexiest thing he had been given to see so far.

“How does that feel, baby?” he croaked out when he found his voice himself again and then nearly groaned when his own fingers brushed against the puckering nipple without Liz tensing in the least.

“G-Good…” Liz replied breathlessly, her voice wobbling slightly at the sensation.

It felt more than good, it felt incredible in fact, and while she had indeed touched herself on occasion as Max had said, she had never really thought of exploring her breasts before and could never have guessed they could be so sensitive.

Minutes later, when they had inflicted the same treatment upon her other breast and nipple, Liz was left pretty much breathless and she was already wondering how much more she would be able to take, but Max apparently had other plans in mind and he didn’t give her the opportunity to voice her thoughts.

Before she could protest, not that the thought even entered her mind, their hands were coursing down her stomach and Liz couldn’t help but suck in an audible breath when they reached the destination he obviously had in mind.

“Remember… you have to tell me if anything makes you feel uncomfortable…” Max reminded her gently, just seconds before her own fingers touched her heat and she wasn’t at all surprised to find herself aching and slick with moisture with the torture he had already inflicted on her.

With what this was doing to her, it was actually a true wonder she had not simply exploded already.

Max’s voice was tender and soothing as it had always been until now, and he didn’t want it to be any other way, yet he had to wonder how he was even able to say as much without his voice cracking completely when finding Liz so ready it was a shame he couldn’t plunge right inside her depths, was absolutely driving him insane with lust and need. Even doing his best to let Liz do all the touching for now, it was impossible for him to not feel how warm and wet she could be.

With his soft coaxing, Liz teased her clit, making herself moan in pleasure as her breathing became as erratic as Max’s behind her and when his own fingers brushed through her folds and at her entrance when after a few minutes he apparently considered her to be ready for him becoming more active in their game, she was sure she would just come apart in his arms.

“God, you’re so wet…” Max growled out, feeling himself grow harder if possible.

She was letting him touch her now and if she still trembled against him, he knew it had nothing to do with fear anymore. She was arching under his touch, seeking more and Max was all too happy and eager to oblige.

While Liz still worked her clitoris, he disentangled his fingers from hers and as gently as he could, pressed one into her core, his move eliciting a long groan from Liz, a sound he was sure would stay in his mind for a very long time.

Taking his sweet time, he pumped into her and when he felt Liz quiver against him and moan out his name in that breathy tone that was almost enough to make him spill his seed just there, he added another finger and picked up pace, sure that she wouldn’t need much more to indeed come apart under his ministrations.

His thoughts were confirmed only seconds later when Liz rolled onto her back again and turned into him and unable to take the pressure any longer, stopped touching herself and gripped his thigh instead.

Her nails dug into his skin, but Max couldn’t even mind, seeing Liz in the throes of pleasure being the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life.

“Max…” she whimpered when he stopped touching her and pulled his fingers from her core, even if it was only long enough to bring her leg up against his hip, the motion opening her to him.

“Shhh… shhh… I’m not stopping, I promise…” he reassured her with a kiss and couldn’t help but groan along with her when she took that opportunity to suck hungrily on his tongue.

Pleased with her reaction, he resumed his ministrations and was soon giving her pleasure the likes she had definitely never known before. As deft as she thought she could be with her own fingers, that was clearly nothing compared with what Max was apparently capable of doing.

“That’s it, baby… let it happen…” Max encouraged her, his tone hoarse as of their own volition her hips jerked upward suddenly, causing his fingers to drive even deeper into her, and he swallowed Liz’s strangled cry with his mouth when his thumb applied light pressure to her clit as he kept a steady rhythm pumping in and out of her.

“Max… oh, god… Max…” Liz panted out, her eyes closing against the onslaught of feelings his touch was eliciting.

She felt like she was burning up, like her skin was suddenly too tight and like she was just going to explode into a million, tiny, different pieces and when Max left her mouth to go suckle on one of her nipples, she just did, body shuddering in pure bliss, his name a long throaty wail on her lips.

Afterwards, she shivered against him as Max kept caressing her and brought her back down slowly, and then she was moaning again when Max brought his fingers to his mouth and she saw him lick them clean.
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Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~AU~ADLT~AN, p.11~05/02

Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

He smiled at her almost mischievously when she looked at him like she couldn’t believe he had done that and he delighted in the small shocked gasp that passed her lips when he purposely kissed her, the faint taste of herself she discerned in that kiss making her feel even hotter than she had just seconds ago.

Cradling the side of his face, she kissed him back with all she had inside and welcomed him between her thighs when Max got rid of the sheet that was now bothering him more than anything and rolled on top of her.

Resting on his elbows so he wouldn’t crush her, he took her mouth in a hungry demanding kiss, his hips taking on a mind of their own the second they were body against body and he had to exert superhuman control to not drive hard and deep into her and not stop until they would have both been delirious with pleasure.

Instead he teased her damp folds with his hard length, coating himself in her essence, until Liz just thought she would lose her mind if he didn’t take her already.

“Max, please…” she begged shamelessly now, needing more, all fears and doubts gone now that she could feel all of him. She was right, he was definitely well endowed, there was no doubt about that, but that didn’t stop her from undulating against him, pleasure coursing through her being every time he brushed against the bundle of nerves at the apex of her sex.

“Shhh… we’re taking this slow, remember?” Max reminded her breathlessly, sure that he would not last two seconds himself if they did this too fast.

He was so fucking hard, he hurt, yet the only thing in his mind was still her and making it as pleasurable as possible for her before anything else.

“Fuck slow, Max… I… god… I-I want you…” Liz whimpered, going nuts now with the need to feel all of him, inside of her.

That first orgasm had only left her primed and so ready for him she should feel embarrassed at how easy it would be for him to take her, but once more Max had other plans for her.

After having told her how much he wanted her, too, and given her a kiss that was sure to leave her head spinning for long moments afterwards, he crawled down her body, stopping at breast level and spending long minutes there, bestowing particular attention upon the nipples he had barely had the opportunity to taste so far.

Between flicks of his tongue and gentle suction, Liz was soon going out of her mind and she was just about to beg Max to end there the torture when she felt his mouth on her ribcage and lower, and lower, until there was no doubt in her mind where exactly he intended to stop.

“Max…” his name passed her lips in another plea, although she wasn’t even sure herself if it was to ask him to stop or go on, on the contrary, but Max didn’t seem to hear her anyway and pursued his path, only stopping to tease her navel with his tongue.

Mere seconds later, he was spreading her legs apart and settling between them, his mouth watering at the sight she presented, pink moist flesh, opened and dripping for him.

“Oh, god…” Liz cried out in the next instant, when his tongue brushed the length of her slit, his eyes fixed on hers however, and the look he was giving her then did about as much to her than his oral ministrations did.

She didn’t think she had ever seen Max, or anyone for that matter, look at her that way, like he just couldn’t wait to take her, and at the same time he thought she was just too precious to be taken too quickly, and she knew that for as long as she lived, she would never forget this moment, or this image of Max lying there, head between her parted thighs, tongue licking her up and down like she was the tastiest treat he had ever been given.

“God, you taste fucking sweet…” he growled out between licks and then dove into her like she would be his last meal, making Liz’s eyes roll to the back of her head before she could even think of saying anything to that.

Before this night, she had only dared imagine a few handfuls of times how good this could be, but god, she really needed to work on that imagination of hers, because she was so far from the reality, it was pitiful, really. Either that, or Max was really more talented than was normal. Talented and eager, that was for sure, she thought as his tongue delved relentlessly into her heat, the appreciative sounds he emitted as he tasted her over and over again turning Liz even more than his mere touch already did.

Liz was in fact convinced that nothing could feel better than this when once more Max proved to her how little she knew and how wrong she could be. Before she could realize what was happening, fingers replaced his tongue inside her core and she nearly bowed off the bed when his lips closed around her clitoris and she felt him start to suckle on it, not enough to hurt her, bur definitely enough to make her want to weep in pleasure.

“Max… Max…” once more, she panted his name in that tone he was discovering he would just about kill to hear over and over again for the rest of his life and only worked her harder, wanting nothing more than to feel her release flow in his mouth.

Seconds later, he was granted his wish, Liz crying out his name one last time before his fingers and mouth brought her to climax, Max sucking her clean when she eventually stopped trembling and he felt her breathing come more or less back to normal.

As slowly as he had descended along her body, he moved up its length again, trailing calming kisses over her skin, until he was at eye level with her again.

“You okay?” he asked tenderly, pushing slightly damp tendrils of hair behind her ears, the gesture so gentle yet apparently so natural to him, it nearly brought Liz to tears.

“Yes…” she barely breathed out, unable to say more.

What he had done for her, what he had made her feel just then, was just too much for words.

Max didn’t answer her with words either, choosing to kiss her instead. Liz moaned aloud when his tongue touched hers and she not only remembered but tasted as well where said tongue had been only minutes ago, the thought only exciting her even more. Not surprisingly so, it didn’t take long for their kisses to grow more heated again, passion burning their insides like nothing either of them had ever experienced before.

“God, you’re so beautiful…” Max grunted out, barely controlling himself now, the way he sucked on Liz’s bottom lip between breaths driving her half nuts.

She briefly wondered how much longer Max would make them wait, but she didn’t even have time to voice her question that Max stopped her from doing so.

As he took one of her hands in his and raised it above her head, she felt the tip of his sex enter her and found herself gasping once more. He didn’t plunge right inside her, like she almost expected him to, instead he just rolled his hips into hers, letting himself sink, naturally, inch by inch, inside of her.

“Baby… keep looking at me, okay?” Max demanded when he saw her about to close her eyes, needing to make sure he wouldn’t hurt her in any way, or at least not more than it would be normal to.

Liz did as he asked then and before she could really think about what was happening, Max was inside her to the hilt, the only sign of how much it had actually stung to feel him pierce through her virginity being the way she gripped his hand hard as he did so.

It hadn’t hurt nearly as much as she had thought it would, however, after having talked about first times with one of her friends, years ago. But then Monica had probably not had a partner that had prepared her as well as Max had. And even now, when he could be moving already, seeking his own pleasure and not minding in the least about her discomfort, he seemed to be waiting for her.

He took his time once more, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, the corner of her mouth, while he kept his fingers intertwined with hers and his thumb caressed hers than ran down her palm, and Liz felt her heart burst with love for this man.

She really didn’t know what she had done to deserve such gentleness and tenderness, but at that instant, in his arms, she truly believed herself to be the luckiest woman on Earth.

As much as she appreciated what he was doing though, she imagined that it couldn’t be easy for him to keep lying there on top of her without moving, and she couldn’t help rolling her hips in invitation once the mild discomfort she had felt upon his entrance had ebbed, wanting him to make love to her at last, probably more than she wanted her next breath.

Max seemed to understand what she wanted, fortunately, and Liz thought she would just about die when he started sliding in and out of her. Never in her life would she have thought it could feel like this and she clung to him as he drove into her then withdraw with a slowness that only gave her chills, sure that any minute now she would explode, as crazy as that seemed since they had barely started.

Merely minutes later she was ready to tear her hair out as she was almost blind with pleasure, but Max refused to pick up pace and risk hurting her.

“Shh… I’ll get you there, I promise…” he whispered into her ear, even if he gritted his teeth at the same time and fought to not lose it himself, and he just pressed harder into her so he could rub against her clit with every roll of his hips.

Liz cried out at the added stimulation, nails digging into Max’s back while the other hand still refused to let go of Max’s –or was it the other way around- and she nearly drew blood when Max’s own free hand caught one of her legs and brought it high around his hip. The other followed all too naturally then and soon he was going so deep and making her feel so good, Liz could have sworn she could see stars.

“That’s it… just let go… let it happen… I’ve got you…” Max coaxed her out, his hand trailing up to the curve of her behind and bringing her so close to him it was impossible to discern where he started and where she ended, forcing his eyes to stay open despite the pleasure that was threatening to overwhelm him as well when he felt her start to contract around him.

Round eyes met his, like Liz couldn’t quite believe what was happening to her, or what she was feeling, and he found himself kissing her again before he could stop himself.

His tongue mimicked what his hard sex was doing to her but he forced himself to pull away when Liz’s sobbed under him, the last thing he wanted being to miss the expression on her face when he finally brought her to ecstasy.

Mere minutes later, he had to suck on a breath himself when Liz closed her eyes and threw her head back as pleasure claimed her and she fell apart in his arms, trembling and calling his name once more.

He wasn’t more steady himself as he clearly felt her vaginal muscles clamp down on him, but he forced himself to slow down until he was just lying on top of her, though still hard and inside of her, and he let her catch her breath.

God…” Liz expelled a long breath, fingers running through her hair. “That was…” she trailed off, unable to find the words to accurately describe what she had felt, or how incredible she thought it had been. If she had known it would be like this, she would have surely jumped Max waaayyy sooner!

“Yeah…” Max concurred immediately, helping her smooth down her hair, until all of a sudden Liz seemed to realize something and stopped his hands.

“But you didn’t… I mean… was it not… did… did you not…” she stammered uncomfortably, knowing that while she didn’t know much about men and how they were supposed to look like in such situation, she would have probably noticed if Max had reached completion and as far as she could tell, he had not.

Reasons as to why ran through her mind and she was almost afraid to ask him about it, sure that while she had definitely enjoyed the experience, more than she had thought it possible even, Max probably hadn’t and had, on the contrary, been disappointed.

After all, what had she done besides lying there and letting him do all the work? Nothing, right? So she shouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t like it or didn’t think it had been anything special.

“Stop looking at me like that…” Max murmured, smoothing down the frown that marred her forehead and wishing he could make the frightened look she was sporting again vanish completely. “It was perfect… but this was for you, Liz…”

“What are you talking about?” Liz blurted out, as cute as she thought he was being once she understood what he was telling her and what he meant to do, but that didn’t stop her from blocking him with her thighs when she felt him ready to withdraw. “This is for you, too… I can still feel you… you’re still…” she trailed off a little embarrassingly but Max finished for her.

“Hard?... Yes, I still am…” he admitted, finding it really difficult to have any kind of conversation with her at that instant, given his current condition.

“Then why don’t you…” she couldn’t finish that sentence either and wondered how she could still blush after all they had shared.

“Liz…” Max groaned out helplessly when he felt Liz work her inner muscles around his pulsing length.

“Please… I don’t want you to stop, Max…” she invited him almost seductively, finding it completely unfair that she could have pleasure when he hadn’t. When he refused to. “I want to feel you come…” she added meaningfully when he still seemed to hesitate, forcing herself to not turn beet red as she uttered the words.

“Are you… are you sure?” Max found himself stammering and if she hadn’t before, Liz could clearly see how much it had actually cost him to have to stop himself. “Aren’t you… god… aren’t you t-too sore?” he felt compelled to add, the last thing he wanted to do being to continue if it caused her any pain or discomfort.

“I’m perfect, Max… thanks to you…” Liz retorted sincerely and then kissed him languorously just to prove her point.

Before they could get too out of control, Max stopped them again, however.

“Just give me a second…” he said to her when Liz gave him a confused and slightly impatient look and she found herself frowning again when Max pulled completely out of her and moved to rummage through his bedside table.

When he settled back near her, she couldn’t stop her cheeks from flaming when she saw the condom he now had in hands. She had brought a couple of them herself, but not once since entering his room had she even thought about getting them or asking him for one, that was how natural it had all felt to give herself to Max in the end. She was on the pill anyway and wasn’t particularly alarmed over the fact that they hadn’t used protection, almost completely sure that Max was as clean as she could be herself, he was the responsible type after all, but that got to show how she could forget about anyone or anything once she came too close to Max.

“Sorry… I probably should have thought of this sooner…” Max apologized, although he was thinking along the same line as Liz.

Until tonight in fact, he had never been inside anyone without the protection of latex, and he knew that he didn’t have to fear anything concerning Liz.

“It’s okay… I’m on the pill anyway…” Liz told him just in case as he rolled the condom over his length, and the next second she couldn’t contain a gasp as she got her first real glimpse of have had been between her thighs only moments ago.

“Baby, if you keep looking at me like that… I won’t have any use for this…” Max growled himself as he finished and saw where her gaze was trained.

Considering the way she was admiring him apparently, it was nothing short of a miracle if he hadn’t already filled the condom.

“Sorry… it’s just… you’re… huge…” Liz blurted out as he approached her again and Max couldn’t help chuckling at her awed expression. “How could you even…” she trailed off and blushed endearingly, but Max got what she meant.

“Not helping either…” he smiled at her as he resumed his position between her parted legs and then added teasingly. “But it fitted once… it will fit again, trust me…”

And before Liz could think of an answer, he was showing her the truth of his words; Liz’s mouth opening into a silent cry when he sank into her again and stretched her walls all too naturally once more.

He didn’t start moving immediately either this time and Liz welcomed his weight on her when he lied on top of her, body shaking as he hid his face into the crook of his neck.

“God, you’re so tight…” he groaned out as he pulsed inside her, barely believing still that she was letting him share this with her. “You feel incredible…”

This was just more than he could have even imagined and he knew he would probably never be satisfied with only one time with her. He didn’t know what she wanted herself yet, but what was sure was that he would gladly spend the rest of his life with her, doing just this, loving her, until they were both spent, only to start all over again as soon as he could.

“Max…” Liz sighed herself when Max wrapped his hand around her calf and then slowly trailed his fingers up her thigh, only stopping when he reached her hip.

She was just about to ask if something was wrong since he still didn’t seem to want to move when he rolled them over with an ease that briefly made her wonder just how many times he had actually practiced that move, yet that was really the least of her worries when she realized she was now on top with absolutely no idea of what she was supposed to do.

“Max?” she tried to sit up but Max’s hands on her behind, though they only applied gentle pressure, stopped her from doing so.

“I want you on top this time…” he said for all explanation and only released his hold on her to go and frame her face with his hands so he could kiss her like he had wanted to the second he had felt her heat surrounding him again.

More than the fact that having and seeing Liz on top of him, pleasuring both of them, had the power to make him completely insane with lust, Max mostly thought that at least that way he wouldn’t be hurting her in any way since she would be the one ‘driving’ and choosing the pace and the rhythm that suited her best. He wasn’t so sure he would be able to control himself and take his time with her, if he was still on top, he just wanted her too much for that.

“Max… I don’t… I-I don’t know what…” Liz tried to tell him that she absolutely didn’t know what she was supposed to do, but he didn’t give her the opportunity to express her insecurities.

“Just do whatever you want… whatever makes you feel good…” he just answered gently, one hand threading through her hair while the other one caressed the small of her back and brought her closer to him, until they were hips to hips, chest to chest and nothing could come between them.

“What about you?” Liz still found the strength to ask, although she was quickly getting lost in the passion of his kisses and the pleasure his caresses could bring her. And she wasn’t even talking about the hard pulsing flesh that she could feel burning her from the inside out.

God, everything he did, every inch of him just felt so damned good.

“Trust me, it already feels amazing right now… it can only feel better once you move…” he assured her and then nearly swallowed his own tongue when Liz’s followed his previous instructions and started to rock her hips experimentally.

“Like this?” she breathed out as she had to close her eyes herself as pleasure coursed though her and assailed her senses. Moving was good. Oh, god. Moving was really good indeed.

“Fuck, yeah…” Max croaked out and helped her move on top of him, but as much as he wanted to let her do all the work and control their rhythm, it still didn’t stop him from arching upwards, piercing into her every time she lowered herself into him.

“God, Max…” Liz groaned as he pumped into her and her rolling hips added just the perfect blissful pressure she needed on her engorged clit.

“That’s it… just like that…” his grunts mixed with hers and soon Liz was losing any inhibitions she could have had, riding him like that was the last thing she would do, while all the while they kissed and caressed every inch of skin they could reach.

As much as he was enjoying this, however, Max knew he wouldn’t be able to last long considering he had only been hanging by a thread for a while now, but he still wanted Liz to get there with him and with that intention in mind, he sat both of them up, Liz clinging to him and crying out loud when the unexpected move forced him deeper into her.

Moments later, they were both sweating from the exertion, Max guiding Liz on top of him over and over again, helping her closer to ecstasy and when he felt himself nearing the edge, he brought his fingers between them and worked her clit until she exploded all around him, his name spilling from her lips in a husky groan. Just like hers did when he followed behind only seconds after and he held her tight as he emptied himself into her depths at last.

As they recovered, he couldn’t help taking her mouth over and over again and though these kisses were way tender than they had been only minutes ago, they still made Liz shiver from head to toe.

She just loved how he could kiss her in so many different ways, passionate one second, gentle and loving the next, but every time she just felt like the most special and precious girl in the world.

She was still pondering that thought when Max rolled them over so he was on top again and after having spent a few more minutes enjoying the taste of her lips, he pulled out of her and moved out of the bed.

“Ill be back in a minute…” he announced to her when she looked at him expectantly and briefly lowered his eyes to his still condom-covered length, Liz eventually understanding that he just meant to dispose of the condom.

As he moved to the bathroom, she was lucky to be granted with a view of his perfect behind and nearly swallowed her tongue at the sight.

God, the guy was built like a freaking model, not that there had been any doubt in her mind that he would be as perfect, if not more, naked as he already was dressed, but still.

Sighing softly but contently, she lied down there and waited for him to come back, only frowning slightly when she heard water running longer than was normal if he only intended to clean up a bit.

As time passed and he still didn’t reappear though, she fought with herself to not start panicking and interpreting what his absence meant, but to no avail apparently. She thought he would want to cuddle with her, but the more time he spent behind his bathroom door, the more she started to imagine the worst. Like maybe he was taking a shower to get completely rid of her smell and all traces of their activities and would then ask her to do the same and be on her way, and as much as she wanted to believe that Max wasn’t the type of guy that would just ‘fuck’ her and then ask her to leave, she was barely holding back tears when he eventually reappeared.

A towel was wrapped around his waist, although that was more for her benefit than because he had any problem with his own nudity and he approached her slowly, a small, almost shy smile grazing his lips, at least until he took a look at her face and realized something was wrong.

“Are you okay?” he found himself asking as he sat near her and noticed how she clung to the sheet that was now covering her body.

“Yeah…” Liz forced past the constriction in her throat and smiled at him, realizing that she was apparently not doing such a good job at hiding her true feelings from him when he looked at her with an expression that seemed to say ‘are you sure?’

He didn’t verbally call her on it, however, and instead pressed a sweet kiss to her lips before asking her to come with him.

She was hesitant at first, but when he gave her his famous ‘trust me’ smile, she knew she wouldn’t be able to say no to him, no matter how insecure she was feeling again.

She wrapped the sheet around her body, noting how Max’s smile grew, surely like he wanted to tell her that it was no need covering herself since he had already seen all of her, and then she took the hand he offered and let him guide her inside the adjoining bathroom.

Once inside, she sucked in a trembling breath and felt tears well up in her eyes again as she realized just how stupid she had been to doubt his intentions.

A few candles had been lit up and a bubble bath filled the bathtub and she instantly knew Max had done all this for her.

Max for his part kept looking at her and when she just stood there, clutching the sheet so hard her knuckles were almost turning white, he wondered if maybe he had made a mistake and assumed too much. He had thought it to be a good idea when he had spotted the bottle of bubble bath on his shelf but wasn’t so sure about the spur of the moment thing now.

“I… I-I heard it helps… with the soreness I mean… this being… being your first… you know… I…” he stuttered uncomfortably and blushing slightly and when Liz turned around to look at him and saw him scratching his neck like he didn’t know what to do with himself suddenly or what to expect, she just about melted.

“Max Evans… you’re the sweetest man on Earth…” she whispered to him as she reached for him and after having wrapped a hand around his neck, she brought her lips to him and kissed him as hard as she could. “How did you…” she started when they parted and smiled with him when she heard him chuckle.

“Isabel… she bought them for me… insisted that every man should treat himself to a candle-lit, bubble bath from time to time…” Max explained before she could finish, seeing perfectly well how she could be surprised to find bubble bath and candles in his bathroom, but while he had never even used them until now, he was sure glad for Isabel’s attention as there was certainly not a better time they could have come in handy.

“I’ll have to thank her later, then…” Liz said as she suckled on Max’s bottom lip and pressed her body to his. “Thank you, Max…” she then added and really meant the words. What he had just done for her was probably and by far, the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

“You’re welcome…” he replied, quickly getting lost in her kisses again and then he pushed her toward the bathtub before he couldn’t control himself any longer and he took her again, just there on the bathroom floor. “Get in the tub, Parker, or you’ll feel way more sore before you feel better…” he threatened and teasingly slapped her behind, which only resulted in Liz yelping and hitting him on the chest when she felt the sharp sting.

She obeyed him though, but not before asking him if he had a pencil or a pen she could borrow and she couldn’t help chuckling audibly when Max looked at her like he thought she had lost it and asked her ‘what the hell for’. He went to get one nonetheless, even if he didn’t understand why she would need one just then and only figured out what it was for when he came back to find her soaking in the bath already, but holding her hair up so she wouldn’t get it wet.

Seconds later, Max could only admire her dexterity when she twirled her hair around a few times and used the pencil he had retrieved to secure her long mane on top of her head, only a few tendrils of hair escaping the tight hold and falling to frame her beautiful face.

“How does it feel?” he asked when he snapped out of the spell she seemed to have cast on him and settled on the edge of the bathtub. If her face was any indication, she was definitely enjoying it.

“Perfect… I wasn’t really that sore… but this feels pretty good…” Liz admitted, eyes closed as she savored the feeling of the hot water surrounding her. When she opened her eyes again however, Max felt his throat cloak with emotion. God, the things that girl could do to him with just one look. “You know what would feel even better?... you… joining me…”

As much as her suggestion appealed to him and he actually wanted to do just that, Max still hesitated and asked her if she was sure since once more, he had planned this for her only, but Liz telling him that if he really wanted to please her he should just hop in with her, finally did it for him and he was dropping the towel he still had around his hips and settling opposite her in the bathtub before she could say more, or worse, change her mind.

For long minutes afterwards, they just stood there, watching each other with lust-filled eyes, soaking in the water, until Liz couldn’t take it anymore and broke the silent exchange.

“You’re too far away…” she pouted in the cutest way, Max having to remind himself that, no, he couldn’t attack her so soon after her first time, but man, if the thought was tempting.

“Come here then…” he pointed before him and invited her over, smiling lovingly at her when she all but crawled up to him and then turned around so she could sit between his legs.

As she settled, his arms went naturally around her and they both sighed at the contact.

Neither of them would be able to say how long they actually stayed there, content to be in each other’s arms while they kissed or touched each other gently every other minute, but by the time the water was turning colder, Liz could barely keep her eyes open, so sated she felt.

“It’s late… or rather… it’s too early in the morning… we should probably go back to bed…” Max breathed into her ear and suggested before brushing a few light kisses along her shoulder, remembering that while he was used to getting to bed at odd hours of the day or the night, Liz wasn’t and she was probably way more tired than he could be himself.

“Yeah…” Liz whispered back, knowing that as much as she wished for this moment to never end, he was right. They would just freeze to death if they stayed there and the few hours of sleep she had gotten earlier were surely not enough for her to not feel just how spent she truly was. And after tonight activities and emotions, she surely needed all the rest she could get.

As Max helped her out of the tub and dried her skin with a big towel, she couldn’t help marveling again at how sweet and gentle he could be. How he had been all night, really. Putting her needs before his and always thinking of her first apparently, like she was the only one that mattered and once more she wondered what she had done to deserve this kind of treatment. Maybe nothing at all in fact, and he was just the most perfect man, inside and out, walking the Earth.

Not long after that, they were finally lying in bed together, Max spooned behind her and she was drifting into sleep when he called her name softly.

“Yes?” she mumbled but stayed lying there, with his arms wrapped around her, and just waited for him to continue.

“You don’t… you don’t have any regrets, right?” he asked her, the question having Liz tense for a few seconds as she wondered if he was having any himself and that was why he was asking.

“What?” she croaked out, not sure she wanted to have this conversation just now, until Max’s next words made her understand where this was coming from.

“It’s just… tonight… I know you were waiting for someone at the club… and I was just wondering if… if…” Max started, hating to actually have to ask, but even if he had done his best to not think too much about it, the thought that Liz could regret he had been her first instead of the guy she had first thought of for the task, just wouldn’t leave his mind.

He was stopped from finishing his sentence though, when Liz abruptly turned around in his arms. Even with the lights out, he could see her appalled expression and prayed her next words wouldn’t break his heart.

What she said however, was the last thing he had expected to hear. Ever.

Cradling his face in her hand, she kissed him long and tender first and then murmured almost inaudibly. “It was you…”

“What?” Max stammered, sure that he had heard her wrong, or not really gotten what she had wanted to say.

“It was you all along, Max… I just didn’t know how to tell you…” Liz explained and Max could have doubted her words only if she hadn’t kissed him senseless just to prove her point.

“Well… I’m glad it was me, then…” Max nearly choked with emotion when they parted and Liz could clearly see how much her revelation had meant to him.

“I am, too, believe me…” she replied before adding half in question, half in statement. “So, no regrets?”

“None whatsoever…” Max told her sincerely, sensing that she was wondering herself if he wouldn’t regret having given in himself once he would have had time to think about it, but not only that could never happen, but more than anything, he refused to think about anything but her at that instant.

Michael, what their relationship would become, what they both wanted to see come out of this night they had spent together, all that would be dealt with later on. For now, and as long as he knew how she felt, he wouldn’t let anything or anyone intrude and mar this moment and after having kissed her one last time and wished her goodnight, Max was all too happy to fall asleep with her in his arms.
~ * ~

Stay tune for the last chapter… and considering the title for that one is “If you screw with your best friend’s sister, don’t come crying if it ends up in disaster”, you probably already know what to expect… hehe… :mrgreen:
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Re: Steamy Night at the Crash (M/L~AU~ADLT) AN-08/11/09

Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

[Ok, don't know what happened to the author's note I posted yesterday or the reply I apparently received but didn't have time to read yet (or any post from yesterday in fact, they have all disappeared apparently :? ) but here I go again, and hopefully this time it'll stay on the board lol ]

Hey, guys,

Just a short note to let you know that I haven't abandoned this fic, far from it, I've been thinking about it almost constantly these last few months, I just haven't had much time to really concentrate on fanfiction lately, unfortunately.

However, I really plan to finish it during the next holidays, which for me are only 3 days away (yeah!!!! I really can't wait!) so you should have the conclusion to this story hopefully soon!

I'll probably come back before Christmas with a short one parter first however, cos strangely that's where my inspiration decided to lead me to (I'm currently finishing this story I've had on my computer, half done, for nearly... two years I think it is lol or at least one sure, but only recently found again and found inspiration for it :roll: ) but after Christmas and a week at my family's I'll hopefully come back with the epilogue to Steamy Night at the Crash.

Wish me luck, I really hope I don't get stuck or have writer's block for either of the stories lol

DreamerLaure, I'll probably contact you very soon, if that's okay with you and if you have time of course, for a banner for the story I was talking about just now.

And Alien_Friend, I haven't forgotten about you either... I swear!!! :oops: :oops: I know I'm asking a lot, but just give me some more time... you're my next project lol

Well, that's it for now!

See you hopefully soon!
