When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 8/12/08 ch 25 (Pg12) complete

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 8/12/08 ch 25 Complete (pg12)

Post by Serena007 »

Natalie36 wrote:why do i love when liz kicks ass???? i think it just brings me back to the show when she blasted tess.
And me!! I love it when Liz kicks ass too!
begonia9508 wrote:Liz's kicking ass is just so great!.... sorry but she should have gone the way long and eliminate him!.... but it would have been the end of the story, eh? :lol:

E :mrgreen: V :mrgreen: E
Yes!! Liz kicking ass is so great!! lol :lol:
DeDe PR wrote:OMG!!!!!! I just new here and I have to said L O V E I T
Everyone its getting married:)
What happend to Maria and the people down???
At last someone kick Cameron's ass...... but now I want Max doing it

Great Part!!!
Thank you so much for the fb!! Means a lot to me that you love my story!!

Ch 25

Liz and Max barged in the cafe room again which to their shock was an absolute mess. The window had been smashed in, tables and chairs had been piled up in a one big mess and there was rubble and dust everywhere. Everyone was trapped underneath the pile of mess . Liz and Max instantly ran and picked up the rubble to help them.
"Oh my god! This is terrible". Liz panicked.
A hand shot out from underneath a chair and grabbed hold of Max. It was his father. "Dad!". Max cried, pulling his father out of the mess. "Are you okay?". He asked his father who was pale.
"I think so.." He cough. "Go help the others son".
Liz managed to find her parents along with Isabel, Kyle, Serena, Alex Ramiro and Kal. "Are you guys alright?!".
"Yes..." Kyle said, rubbing his throbbing head. "One minute we were sitting down and talking and the next someone just smashed right here with a big car." He told Liz.
Micheal dug out from the mess and took Maria out. "He's got mom." Micheal spluttered. "Nasedo's got mom."
"We need to get to her fast." Ramiro said. "He's going to kill your mother."
Serena helped Alex's parents and Kyle's father out of the rubble. "We don't know where Nasedo's taken her." Sam said.
"I know where he's taken her." Liz said.


Liz, Max, Kyle and Micheal along with Kal and Ramiro went to Micheal's apartment on Liz's saying. Liz was convinced Nasedo would kill her there, she didn't know why though. Stopping just outside the door, they hesitated. Max pulled Liz towards him and said. "Liz if anything happens...I want you to run to safety." He told her.
"No Max..I go where you go." She said. "Nothing will happen to me." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Micheal quietly unlocked his door and was shocked at what he saw. His mother almost frozen alive plastered to the wall. There was frost on her face and she was shivering.
"Mom!". Micheal said, just about to go for her until Nasedo stepped in front of her. "No!".
Kal raised his hand and sent a blast to Nasedo who blocked it. "Don't even try Kal!".
Then Ramiro joined in, blasting Nasedo and sending him falling backwards. "How dare you touch my wife." Ramiro growled in a cold tone. He may have been angry with his wife for keeping her secret about her first husband and son but he still loved her.
"Mom! Are you okay?". Micheal asked, bending down and cupping his mother's cheek. She was so cold. Kyle bent down and touched her to restore the heat levels in her body. "Thanks man." Micheal thanked Kyle.
"No problemo." Kyle said, heating Oquisa up and getting rid of the ice which stuck to her body. When Oquisa was warm again, she pulled her son into a hug.
"Oh my son!". She cried, hugging him.
Nasedo stood up and Max stepped in front of Liz. "You deceived us all." He said coldy to Nasedo. "And for what?!, for this?". Max said, blasting Nasedo one and sending him falling back again. He wanted to avenge Nasedo for betreying them all.
Nasedo laughed. "None of you were ever important to me. I just wanted the throne."
"You'll never have the throne." Another voice said, coming from the doorway. Cameron stumbled into the room, sill bleeding from his face.
Nasedo stood up and threw Micheal and Kyle off Oquisa before running to her and grabbing her. "I've weakened her. She has no power left in her to fight so all I need to do is kill her. All it takes is one handprint." Nasedo warned. "You killed my daughter and I will kill your mother."
Cameron may have grown up without his mother but the son inside him would never allow anything to happen to their mother. "Leave my mother alone." He yelled about to blast Nasedo.
Kyle got up and breathed out smoke to confuse them. Meanwhile Micheal grabbed his mother from Nasedo while the smokescreen lasted. Nasedo managed to find Cameron. "I always wanted to kill you from the start." Nasedo laughed at Cameron and grabbed onto his throat.
Everyone watched stunned as they realised the battle for power between Nasedo and Cameron.
"Not if I kill you first." Cameron said, taking his hands off his throat and punching Nasedo in the stomach. The two ended up in a fight and Nasedo had the upper hand as he pinned a very weak Cameron down, draining him off his powers. A trick he learned previously had allowed him to know a lot of great power. "Spending time working for you has benifitied me because now I can copy your powers and use them to destroy you!".
Oquisa shreiked. Cameron was her son still and as a mother she could not bear to see her child suffer. She ran towards Cameron. "Don't hurt my son!".
"Hey!". Ramiro tried calling after her, but her motherly affection forced her to ignore him.
Nasedo sent a blast at Oquisa and Liz set up a sheild around her to stop the blast from hitting her.
Cameron threw Nasedo off him and the two sent deadly blast at each other, ending up in a blinding light taking over the room. Liz turned away and fell into Max's arms, sheilding each other as the light lasted for a second. When it died down, Nasedo was gone and Cameron was lying at his mother's feet, dying.
Oquisa bent down to hold her dying son in her arms. "Oh my god..."
"Mother..." He croaked, feeling his end coming. "Forgive me..for I have sinned." He realised, as he saw the flashes before his eyes of him killing so many innocent people.
Oquisa began to cry. This was every mother's nightmare. "My son..I have always loved you as my own..but hated your crimes which you learnt from your father. You have to be ready to face the consequences of what you've done...but I love you my son." She said.
Cameron weakly looked at Liz who was in Max's arms. He didn't like her to belong to anyone else but it was too late. She had already chosen her mate and it wasn't him. "I shall always love you Liz." He told her. Liz tried hard not to shudder in disgust. After the shit he put her through..she knew what an evil demon Cameron was but she couldn't bring herself to spoil his last moments. "Take care of Liz." Cameron looked at Max.
Max held Liz's hand firmly. "Of course I will." He stated as a matter of fact.
He then smiled at his mother. "Goodbye." And then took his last breath before he turned into dust in his mother's arms.
Micheal with tears in his eyes went for his crying mother and hugged her.
All of them watched her cry in pain and anguish.


A few days later...

Running out of the chapel, Liz and Max followed by Alex and Maria ran out into the daylight in bliss. They had just gotten married and this was the happiest days of their lives.
Max turned Liz around to face him and they kissed passionatly. Alex and Isabel did the same and everyone sprinked confetti on them.
After so much pain, there was finally light at the end of the tunnel. Promises of eternal love were made to each other. Liz and Isabel turned around to throw the flowers behind them as a tradition. When they did, one landed in Maria's hand and the other landed in Serena's hand.
"Ooh..looks like we're next." Maria teased Micheal.
Serena blushed at Kyle. "I guess this means we're destined too." She said.
"We definetly are." Kyle agreed, giving Serena a kiss on the lips. They had been going out together since a few days ago and have never been happier.
Max and Alex couldn't stop grining, both of them had finally married their women. Max took Liz's hand as Jim Valenti down a huge van in front of them. He was going to take them on the airport so they could get onto the honeymoon fast.
"We setting off?". Jim Valenti smiled.
The married couple hugged their folks who bade them good luck and blessed them as newlyweds. The parents had tears in their eyes seeing their children all grown up so fast.
Max took Liz's hand and Alex took Isabel's. "See you later!". They waved before getting into the van. Liz was the last to get in and smiled through the window, waving at everyone.

She was happy, because in the end everything had turned out right. Nothing would ever part them every again and now she was Max's wife, they were set out to live their lives together forever...
