Mountain Memories (AU, M/L, ADULT) Part 2/2 8/4 *COMPLETE*

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Mountain Memories (AU, M/L, ADULT) Part 2/2 8/4 *COMPLETE*

Post by sheeperz »

Title: Mountain Memories

Author: Sheeperz

You know the drill… I own nothing except the fantasies inside my head! Max and Liz are just on loan for this little story…

Category: AU – M/L only

Rating: Adult
(what else? lol…)

Distribution: Be polite. If you want to use it, just ask.

Summary: Remember, this is an AU fic, with no aliens… that we know of anyway, lol.. Max and Liz did not grow up together, and prior to this story have never met.

It was, quite simply, "the worst of times." This was the thought that ran through Liz's head, as she followed the Interstate across the border into Pennsylvania. Even the cold driving rain of early October and the thump of the windshield wipers pounding out their angry rhythm seemed to accentuate the pain that gripped her heart, even as she tried with every mile to escape the past. Someday, she knew she would be ready to embrace it, but for now, her only goal was to survive.

That was the motivation behind the trip she had embarked upon. Just two hours earlier, she had loaded the last of the things she would need into her van, and locked the front door to the house, only glancing back as she turned onto the road to begin a journey which would hopefully put some perspective back in her life.

Barely one month prior, her entire world had come to a shattering halt with the tragic death of her young husband of two months. Only by some act of God, which she deemed at the present to be a cruel deed, had she survived the accident that had claimed his life.. After trudging through the funeral process, feeling dead inside herself, she began to sink further and further into despair. Many days that followed she never bothered to eat, and could only sleep when sheer exhaustion overtook her.

It wasn't until her mother stopped in unexpectedly one afternoon and found her still in her nightclothes and totally unkempt, that anyone had the nerve to confront her with the way she was sliding downhill. After considering her mother's words, she had decided the only thing to do was get in the car and drive. The United States is a big country, after all, she reasoned to herself, and there are so many things I haven't seen. Maybe if I just go away and put some distance between myself and this place..... Such were the events and circumstances that had brought her to this point.
* * * * * * * * *
The next morning found her waking in a resort cabin in the Pocono Mountains. The sun streaming in through the window promised a day much more uplifting than the last. She showered and dressed, then headed to the main lodge for some breakfast. Once that was finished, she looked out at the bright day and the fall leaves that adorned the trees and blanketed the ground, and decided to go for a walk.

Staring at her feet, she shuffled through the thick layer of leaves, her mind totally lost in thought, when a noise ahead of her brought her attention back to her surroundings. Looking up, her eyes met his; deep, intense brown pools that made her breath catch. She knew she should look away, but it was as if some unseen force dictated that their gaze remain steadfastly locked. As they neared one another, she felt her breathing become shallow, and it was as if her heart was pounding all the way up into her throat. Just as they were about to pass each other, she suddenly stumbled, and found herself caught within two strong arms.

Oof. Frozen in place, she slowly lifted her eyes to meet the startled stare of her rescuer. For what seemed like hours - but in reality was only seconds - they searched each other through the "windows of the soul". Some would think it improbable, perhaps even impossible, but in those few short seconds they each knew they had found a kindred spirit. Although, naturally, neither felt at liberty to divulge the revelation.

Slowly regaining her wits she turned slightly, still supported in his embrace, to look over her shoulder at the ground where she had lost footing. A crimson stain marked her cheeks, realizing she had tripped over a tree root any fool would have seen, had she been paying attention.

"I guess I...." she started, still staring at the ground.

"Tree root," he observed, nodding in the direction of obstacle.

She turned back toward him, though not raising her eyes, and mumbled a simple, "Yeah." It was then she realized she was standing far too close to this stranger, who didn't seem like a stranger at all, her hands resting on his chest as though they had known each other for some time. "Oh!" she squeaked softly, her hands now pushing slightly as she stepped back to put some distance between them. "I'm so sorry," she apologized quickly, as she felt his arms release her. But as she stepped down on her foot, she gasped in pain, and would have lost her footing again, had he not acted swiftly to catch her.

"Hey, easy there," he murmured in a gentling tone. "You okay?"

Thoroughly frustrated with the situation, she rested her forehead on his shoulder a moment, not even conscious of doing it. "I twisted my ankle. Could anything else possibly go wrong?" There was a brief pause. "No, wait, don't answer that," she added with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "If it could, I don't want to know about it!"

Relieved by her show of spirit, he joined in her laughter, and the tension of the moment dissipated. "Say - are you going to be all right? Seriously?"

Nodding her head and stepping away she answered, "Yeah. I think I'll just head back to my cabin and ice it. I should be good as new in no time."

"You need some help getting back?"

She looked up and got temporarily lost in his deep, dark eyes which were filled with concern. "Nah, I'll be fine," she assured him after a moment, dismissing the whole thing with a wave of her hand. "Thanks for offering, though. You certainly have gone above and beyond the call of duty with your rescue work already," she teased.

He took a single step forward, bringing him close enough to reach out and brush a wayward lock of her hair from her face, his knuckles tenderly brushing her cheek in an intimate gesture. "Shucks, it weren't nothing, ma'am," he countered softly. "I live to help damsels in distress."

One corner of his mouth lifted in a lopsided grin, and she couldn't help but stare at his lips as he did so. A fleeting thought of what it would be like to softly press hers to them caused her to blush, and tear her eyes away. "Well, I better uh," she stammered, pointing over her shoulder in the direction of the cabins. "Um... thanks again. Really."

His only response was a smile, which faded as she turned and hobbled off in the direction from which she had just come. He suddenly felt a chill, as the first warmth and light he had felt in his soul in almost a year faded into the distance. The moment she was out of sight, and he could think straight again, he was calling himself some kind of fool, for he realized he never even asked her name.
* * * * * * * * * *
In the early evening, Max was just stepping out of his cabin, when he noticed her emerging from the cabin three doors down from his. He watched her closely, noting with relief and a bit of admiration that she was barely limping at all. He knew she could have driven down to the lodge for dinner, but had opted to walk instead.

He waited until she was well down the path, before he started out after her, keeping her within his sight, but hanging back enough so she wouldn't feel that she was being followed. He simply wanted to watch her. He took the opportunity to notice the way the sun played with the red and gold highlights in her hair, the way she carried herself.... strong, yet feminine in her long skirt and soft sweater. It made his fingers itch, wishing he could reach out and touch it, to see just how soft it was.

Thinking on that softness brought back an unbidden thought of the softness of her breasts crushed to his chest earlier in the day, and his body immediately responded. He nearly gasped at the sensation, because no one had had that effect on him in a very long time. His fiance's death several months earlier had left a grief and emptiness in his heart that he just hadn't been able to shake. In fact, he had come here for the week to do some serious soul searching and try to get his emotional life back on track. His sister and best friend had chipped in and arranged the trip to the mountains, enclosing a note with the ticket and reservations that had brought tears to his eyes when he read it. He would forever be grateful for the love and support that Isabel and Michael had given to him over the last months.

As he watched the gentle sway of this mystery woman's hips, he felt desire begin to swell within him, and he nearly turned back to avoid it. But something about her mesmerized him, and he dutifully followed behind, all the while reciting the multiplication tables and everything else he could think of, to curb his body's response to her. By the time he entered the lodge, he was relieved to discover that the bulge in his trousers had reduced enough to avoid embarrassment.

"May I help you sir?" the hostess asked, flashing her perfectly straight, white teeth at him. The glint in her eye and her magnificent set of pearly whites reminded him a bit of a predator, and he couldn't shake the feeling that she saw him as her next meal. NOT what he needed at this moment.

"Uh yes. Just one," he replied, fully intending to sit alone and watch his mystery woman from afar.

The hostess beamed in delight at this tidbit of information. Her prey was singled out from the herd. Easy kill. Reaching for a menu, she brushed her arm against his seductively, pulling it back slowly, so as to prolong the contact. She looked into his eyes and murmured huskily, "Right this way."

Apparently the hostess was waiting for him to step alongside her, so they could walk together. But Max was not interested in playing the game and hesitated, purposing to walk behind her. Noticing this, she persisted, stepping back to his side and lightly placing her hand on his arm to guide him. Not wishing to make a scene, he merely allowed her to escort him in this fashion, totally unaware that a pair of soulful brown eyes were watching the whole exchange from across the room, hidden behind a menu. .

Halfway across the floor he spotted her, and realized the hostess' path was going to take them right past her table. What a stroke of fortune. He was aware of her studiously examining her menu, ignorant of the fact that she was deliberately avoiding eye contact with him. He brought his steps to a halt next to her, nearly throwing the hostess off-balance, earning him a glare. Extending his hand, his fingers brushed the shoulder of the woman seated. Even softer than it looks, he thought at the feel of the sweater beneath his fingers. Her sweet scent drifted up and filled his senses. Realizing she hadn’t turned to see who was touching her, he came back to reality and spoke. "Excuse me? Would you mind if I joined you?"

Sad, haunted eyes lifted to his, and she searched him in silence, wondering if he was being sincere, or if it was some cruel plot. Before either could speak, the hostess interrupted. "I'm sorry sir, this isn't your table. If you'll just come with me -"

Keeping his eyes fixed on the woman before him, he held up a hand toward the hostess in a gesture to stop her babbling and repeated his question. "Would it be alright if I join you?"

Smiling shyly, having realized that the hostess’ attraction was apparently one-sided, Liz nodded her head to him, giving him all the encouragement he needed to pull out a chair and sit. Noticing the hostess standing next to their table dumb struck, he tugged the menu from her fingers, and politely informed her, 'That will be all, thank you." Regaining her wits, the hostess got fire in her eyes, and stormed off in a huff. He simply sat and smiled, while his companion covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle.

"I'm sorry. You must think I'm awful," she finally said, after her laughter had subsided.

"Not at all," he answered with a grin. "I think you're delightful. She, however," he added, nodding toward the entrance, "She is awful." Their laughter blended, making a joyful melody to his ears. It had been far too long, he realized in that moment, since he had laughed. He was beginning to see what Iz and Michael had meant.

Dinner was a wonderful time of chat and even more serious discussions - and they finally learned each other's names. It was over in far too short order, though neither felt they could voice their disappointment when the check was brought and it was time to leave. Grasping for any way to prolong contact with her, he offered to walk her back to her cabin. Grateful for this ready excuse to be with him a while longer, Liz immediately accepted.

As they stepped out from the lodge, they were greeted by a magnificent sunset that set the sky ablaze, and even made the turning leaves glow as if they were afire. In awe of the scene before them, they silently began the journey back toward their cabins, each momentarily lost in thought. Suddenly a squirrel darted out from the bushes, startling her, and causing her to give a little shriek of surprise. She clapped her hand over her heart, trying to regain her breath, as he instinctively put a protective arm around her shoulders. She knew she shouldn't be... but she was inwardly thrilled to feel his strength and warmth wrapped so tenderly around her. It made her wonder what it would be like to be entitled to be there on a regular basis.

They walked the rest of the way in that fashion, him occasionally pulling her closer in a quick hug, when one of them said something funny, or just in understanding, as they took turns relating the circumstances in their lives that led to them both being there at that particular moment in time. They both felt a certain sadness as the cabins came into view, and their steps simultaneously slowed, wanting to prolong what little time they had left together. They both sensed that there was something special happening between them, and neither of them wanted it to end. But finally the time they both dreaded arrived, as they came to her doorstep.

Deep breath. "Well, Liz, I guess this is it," he said grudgingly.

"Yeah," came the murmured reply.

Was that regret I heard in her voice? he wondered. He stared at the slight pout of her lips, wondering what she would do if he kissed her. Reason won out, and he decided not to risk it. "Well, thanks for a lovely evening." There. That's safe.

"Oh, thank you, Max. I never expected to enjoy myself on this trip. This has been a pleasant surprise."

Smiling tenderly he confessed, "Yeah, for me too." A long moment passed, as they gazed at each other. Then, realizing he was staring, Max offered, "Well, I guess we better call it a night. Thanks again for dinner."

"Oh, sure. My pleasure...." She turned to enter the cabin.


"Yes?" She turned to look at him over her shoulder, and noted his shy, fidgeting movements.

"I'll uh, maybe see you around? You know, like, tomorrow?"

Smiling broadly, she nodded then entered the cabin. Once inside, she closed the door, and collapsed against it, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. She felt more joy in that moment than she had known in years.
Last edited by sheeperz on Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Mountain Memories (AU, M/L, ADULT) Part 2/2 8/4 *COMPLETE*

Post by sheeperz »

RIck - Thanks for reading this, even if it is a no-alien AU, lol. And who knows? Maybe they really are aliens (or Max anyway) and that would explain the intense connection that flared between them. :D

Thanks so much to everyone who left feedback... (to the rest of you: I'm hoping this part will jar you into at least saying hi, lol) it's good to be back! Hope you enjoy the conclusion of this little story - this is dedicated to all you dreamers out there, who believe that soulmates really do exist....

*WARNING* This is the part that got this the ADULT rating.... I haven't been around enough to know if this too.... explicit for y'all. Let me know?
* * * * * * * * * *
As the night wore on, Liz’s joy slowly changed to agitation. She couldn't stop thinking about this man that had suddenly appeared in her life, and turned it upside down. She knew virtually nothing about him, yet found herself intensely drawn to him. And now here it was, nearly midnight, and she was lying in bed tossing and turning, unable to stop the sensual thoughts that flowed through her mind. And those unbidden thoughts were having a rather profound effect on her physical state. She found herself pressing her thighs together unconsciously, trying to ease the ache between them. Unfortunately it only made things worse. And all she could see in her mind's eye was his gentle smile and arresting eyes.

Ever since "the tragedy", as her mind labeled it, she had experienced no physical desire. Apparently her body was paying her back in spades for the respite. She found herself wanting this newfound "friend" with an alarming intensity. Throwing back the covers, she got out of bed to prowl the room, hoping to wear off some of her nervous energy.

Three doors down, Max was fighting a similar battle. Stretched out on his bed, he stared at the moonlight on the wall, rehearsing baseball stats in his head, pondering the upcoming World Series, listing the various projects that he wanted to take on when he got back home.... anything to distract himself from the throbbing erection tenting his boxers. A long cold shower had been in order when he returned to the cabin, but had done little to alleviate his suffering. Now he was in worse shape than before, with no end in sight. He couldn't seem to get his mind off one sexy brunette with soft doe eyes that seemed to see into his soul.

Suddenly, he jumped up, grabbing his jeans and sweatshirt, to tug them on. He had had enough of this torment. If he couldn't get this woman off his mind, he might as well attempt to do something about it. Picking up the bottle of wine and glasses he had bought earlier that afternoon in case he had a chance to spend some time with her, he headed out.

Approaching her cabin, he noticed the glow of firelight through the windows and stepped up to one to peer inside. He wanted to be with her, but didn't want to disturb her. Looking in, he saw the fireplace, a cheery blaze contained within, and on the bearskin rug in front of it, he saw her curled up on her side, her back to him. He felt his body stir at the way the skimpy gown draped over her thighs, barely covering her bottom. His hands itched to run over her thighs and slip up under the edge of it to caress her.

Shaking his head to clear the thought, he knocked softly on the door, and waited a moment. When there was no response, he went back to the window to see if she had stirred. His heart sank as he realized she must be sleeping, since she hadn't moved an inch. Deciding it was best to leave, he stared at her for a moment longer, then whispered, "Good night, my angel," for that was how he had come to think of her. He started to turn from the window, but as if she had heard him, she rolled to her back, and her head turned toward the window, her eyes fluttering open slowly. Now he had a perfect view of her breasts, and the insistent ache behind his fly grew worse. But when her eyes met his.... he felt like he had been sucker punched right in the gut.

They merely stared at one another through the glass for a few moments... both frozen as they looked upon the object of their desire. Finally, Max tore his eyes away and went to the door. Without knocking, he tried the knob, found the door unlocked, and let himself in. He closed the door, took a deep breath, and slowly turned to face her. By this time, she had risen up and was leaning on one hand, her breasts rounding over the top of the nightie slightly, and he wondered what it would be like to put his mouth on them. Oops, not a good move, he thought, as the pressure of his jeans against his throbbing erection increased. He raised his eyes and took in her slightly tousled hair, which looked almost aglow from the firelight, further enhancing his perception of her angelic quality.

Finally, she spoke. "What are you doing here, Max?" she asked quietly. Yet, did he detect a slight huskiness in her voice? Was she as aroused by his presence as he was by hers? If her erect nipples pushing against the thin layer of silk covering them was any indication, it was a distinct possibility.

Unable to speak, he lifted the hand holding the bottle of wine and glasses in explanation. He crossed the room, and lowered himself to the rug, sitting close to her. Handing her the glasses - which he was grateful that she took without seeming to need any further justification of his impulsive behavior - he opened the bottle, and poured them each a glass. He then set the bottle down, and turned to take one of the glasses from her, his fingers wrapping around hers and stroking them softly where they held it. He was pleased when she made no motion to pull away. Eventually, he took the glass from her, gently touching its rim to that of hers, then taking a swallow. She, too, raised her glass to take a sip, her eyes never leaving his. In them he saw many questions, but thankfully, no fear. They continued to share their wine in silence for a few moments, before he reached out and took her nearly empty glass from her and set both of them off to the side.

When he turned back to her, he couldn't help reaching out to rub his thumb over her cheek, then in to trace her lips. Her lips parted in an innocently sensual manner that he was sure she wasn't even aware that she was doing. He was pleased to see that her anticipation of what he'd do was making her breath come in short, shallow little puffs of air, matching his own eagerness.

"I'm sorry to just barge in like this," he told her , "but I couldn't stop thinking of this - of you." His voice lowered to little more than a whisper. "I - I had to see you again. To – know if what I was feeling was.... real." He watched with satisfaction as her eyes closed in response to the stimulation his thumb was providing as he played with her lips. He gasped out loud, though, when she turned the tables on him, and her tongue snuck out from between her lips just enough to tease his thumb.

"And.... is it?" she finally asked.

He looked at her dazed. "Is it what?" The question was followed by a rough swallow, as she gently bit the pad of his thumb.

"Is it real, Max? Is any of this real?" she clarified, looking at him with eyes filled with tenderness.... and desire. Pure, unadulterated, hot passion. His fiance had rarely looked at him this way, he realized. Who was this temptress that made his blood pulse hotly through his veins?

Clearing his throat, he attempted to respond. "I don't know about you," he began, as he took her hand, "but I know that this is real." The last he said, as he laid her hand over the front of his jeans. He watched, charmed, as her cheeks turned a bright pink that was unmistakable, even in the firelight. Despite her obvious embarrassment, though, he felt her thumb rub over his fly, and he thought it would be his undoing. He had spent all day fantasizing about this very thing, and he was fully aroused as it was. With a groan of uncontrolled desire, his hand pressed hers firmly to him, trying to ease the ache.

Seeing his reaction merely fueled her desire, causing her to curl her fingers around the bulge and squeezed it, testing its strength. She could feel the wetness pooling between her thighs.... Even knowing it was wrong to feel this way for someone she had just met, she couldn't convince her body not to betray her. She wanted him - all of him - and apparently the feeling was mutual.

Feeling her small hand close around his hard length, Max felt all his inhibitions fly out the window. Sliding one hand into her hair, he cupped her head in his palm and pulled her face to him to receive his kiss. But it wasn't just a kiss. It was hot and hungry.... needy. He was making love to her mouth, showing her what he longed to do with the rest of her.

Spurred on by her soft moan of desire, he slowly lowered her back to the floor, laying her head on the pillow she had put there earlier, as he stretched out alongside her. Wrapping his free arm around the curve of her head, he kissed her with more passion than he ever realized existed within him. Something about the way she kissed him with such longing and abandon unlocked a secret part of him that had never been set free until now.

Feeling her soft, warm hands sliding up under his sweatshirt was the final straw.... her fingers lightly stroking the skin of his sides and back were sending an unquenchable desire ripping through him that demanded they share more than these desperate kisses. The hand in her hair released its hold, and went to her bare thigh, slowly pushing her nightgown up.... over her hip to reveal skimpy little lace panties. Breaking their kiss, he got on his knees between her legs... bending to kiss her thighs as both hands now worked together to lift her nightie higher, exposing her stomach, and then slowly, his heart pounding, revealing her breasts to him.

His breath caught as he got his first uninhibited view of her - smooth, round globes with their hard nipples straining upward, begging for his mouth.... His fingers traced their circumference slowly, reverently, as they worked their way in toward the rose colored tips. He noticed her chest rising and falling in shallow, rapid breaths, signaling her rising desire for him. Finally he closed his hands over them, massaging them and feeling her stiff nipples pressing into his palms. When he was finally able to tear himself away, he stood and quickly divested himself of his sweatshirt, then began unbuttoning his jeans, even as he watched her pull her nightie over her head and rise up to kneel before him.

Looking up at him, she closed her hand over his on the zipper. "Max? Please?" she simply asked, her eyes pleading with his. Speechless, he nodded and removed his hand to give her access. With a slow, deliberate movement, she rasped the zipper down, then curled her fingers into the waistband of his jeans, hooking his underwear at the same time, as she began to slide everything carefully down past his swollen flesh. Max breathed a sigh of relief, as he was freed from the restriction of jeans that had become way too tight. He carefully stepped out of them when she reached the floor, and watched as she discarded them to the side, almost as if she was unaware of what she was doing.

And indeed, unaware she was. Because her full attention was on what she had exposed. Max shifted, feeling a little embarrassed at the way she stared at his erect manhood with such wide eyes. He felt self-conscious, wondering what she thought of him. Was he adequate? Did she find him repulsive? Every insecurity he had ever known converged on his consciousness in those seconds. That is, until she finally reached up and lightly ran her fingers down his length, sending an uncontrollable shudder of desire ripping through him.

"Oh, Max...." she whispered.

He thought he would lose it. Her face was just close enough to him that he could feel the warm, moist air of her whisper caress his heated flesh as she breathed the words. His erection was straining, anticipating what he hoped was to come. The expectancy did little to prepare him, though, for her sudden impulsive move to run her tongue along his full length in a slow, tantalizing lick that nearly sent him to his knees. He groaned aloud as the tip of her little pink tongue ran around the head of his erection, tracing its every curve until he wanted to howl from the pleasure. Spearing his fingers into her hair, he silently coaxed her to take him in her mouth. His eyes closed and his head tipped back as the sensation of the heat and moisture surrounding him jarred his senses. The simple action brought him so close to the edge of his control that he begged her to stop. He took several deep breaths, and finally opened his eyes to look down at her, only to see her head bowed... just as he felt something wet hit his foot.

She was... crying? Cupping her face with his hands, he lifted it until he could see there were indeed tears falling silently down her cheeks. Moved to compassion, despite his state of arousal, he dropped to his knees in front of her, her face still cradled in his hands. Wiping her tears with his thumbs, he asked tenderly, "What's wrong?"

Lowering her eyes shyly, she quietly answered, "I'm sorry. I - I'm not very good at this sort of thing, I guess....."

His heart broke as her shoulders began to shake from her weeping and he gathered her in his arms and held her close. "Shh," he said, as his hands softly stroked her back to comfort her. "Did you think that because I asked you to stop, you had done something wrong?" He felt her head, where it lay against his chest, nod in affirmative response. "Oh, Liz.... I wasn't displeased," he began, laying a kiss in her hair. "If you hadn't stopped, we would have been all finished before we even started." No response. "Do you understand what I am saying? I was that close to, uh, you know...." Max could feel his own face turning hot with embarrassment. When she pulled back in his arms just enough so that she could look at him, he could see uncertainty still in her eyes. Could she really not know the incredible effect she had on him? Her apparent innocence, despite the fact she had been married, touched him. He had to make her understand, embarrassment or no....

"What I'm trying to say is... if I hadn't stopped you, I would have exploded right then and there. You move me so powerfully, that my body was racing headlong toward a release that I'm not ready for yet. I want to take my time with you...." His voice trailed off as he watched for her reaction.

Hopeful eyes looked into his, and he felt her hands slide up his chest to wrap around his neck. She subtly leaned in closer, and he could feel an almost magnetic draw toward her, as his body responded in like manner, their lips finally meeting in a slow, drugging kiss. It wasn't long, though, before it became wildly passionate, and the little fire they had kindled flared into a raging inferno of desire that threatened to consume them both.

Max’s lips moved from where they were devouring hers, to kiss and suck on her neck. He thrilled at her response, as her back arched, pressing her breasts against him. As he continued to feast on her, he lowered her back to the floor, and slowly began spreading his hot kisses downward. He ran his tongue in the hollow at the base of her neck, tracing her collarbone. He licked a path down her chest to one of her breasts.... blazing a trail all the way to her nipple, where he slowly circled it, grinning to himself as he heard her whimper.

Liz slid her fingers into his hair as he teased her with his tongue, urging him with her movements to end the torment and take her in his mouth. After what seemed to her to be an eternity, he finally gave her what she wanted. She couldn't stifle the moan of desire as he captured the rigid peak between his lips and began to suckle hungrily. Her back arched, and he took the opportunity to slide his arms under her, lifting her upward to his marauding mouth.

Once he finished devouring her breasts, he continued his journey down her body, kissing his way down to her bellybutton, and then dipping his tongue inside. Farther down he ventured, until he reached the silk and lace panties that still covered the most feminine part of her, making him wait for that final unveiling. Much to his delight, he discovered the covering was already very damp. Rubbing his face against the little scrap of material, he nuzzled the juncture of her thighs, feeling her tense with anticipation as his movements began to affect her, heightening her already aroused state.

When he sensed that neither one of them were going to get any more satisfaction like that, he slowly lowered her panties down her legs, and off. His hands immediately began caressing the length of her legs, worshipping the body that was now fully revealed to him. Soon his lips joined the ritual, and his hands began to slowly separate her legs, preparing access for him.

After a slow, thorough tour of her soft skin, he moved into position to launch the next phase of his plan for conquest. Running his hands up the insides of her thighs as he lay between them, his hands finally reached the apex. One thumb brushed over the downy delta, dipping just inside the folds ever so slightly, taunting her with his presence there. Parting her just a bit, he dipped into her wetness, and then spread it upward, caressing the entire area with slow, deliberate strokes.

At last, he slowly separated her folds, watching them open like petals on a rose, until she was in full bloom, the heart of her exposed, her feminine fragrance rising to meet him. Imbedded within lay the bud of her desire: firm, swollen, and ready for him. He looked up at her, and found her watching him through lowered lashes, holding her breath and waiting for what he would do next. Without breaking eye contact, he lowered his mouth to her and gently began to stimulate her with his tongue....

His ministrations drove her wild. She speared her fingers into his hair, holding his head while her hips lifted in an attempt to get closer to the source of such great pleasure. It wasn't long before her body tensed, and finally exploded in a shattering climax. He rose from his position in time to see her breathing heavily, her eyes closed as she tried to come back to Earth from the orbit she had just been hurled into.

When her eyelids fluttered open, she was surprised to see him leaning over her, a silly grin of satisfaction on his face. Smiling shyly back at him, she reached up and traced his cheek with her fingertips. "Wow," she breathed in awe. "That was something...." She threaded her fingers in his hair again, and tugged gently. "Come here."

Obeying her command, Max leaned down further, until his body was almost touching hers along its full length. But that wasn't enough, and she tugged on him until his lips finally pressed lightly to hers. She licked and nibbled and teased, until he was so hot that he took her mouth by storm, ravishing her, even as his body relaxed atop hers.

Well, perhaps relaxed wasn't quite the right word. For she could feel his swollen manhood nestled against her, and as they kissed, he began to rock against her slowly, gliding easily back and forth in her moist heat. She could feel her passion rising again at breakneck speed, and it was only a matter of seconds before she wrapped her legs around his hips and began begging him to take her. "Oh Max, please..... I need you!" she pleaded in a husky whisper.

Realizing he was racing headlong toward his own release, Max was only too willing to comply. He positioned himself at her entrance, and then began to fill her slowly with his hardened member. He made short little thrusts, each one taking him a bit deeper than the last, until he was about halfway in. Then his control snapped and he gave in to the urge to take her in one long thrust, burying himself completely inside her. The heat and moisture of her snug channel nearly overcame him, after so many months of celibacy. He had wondered on occasion if there was something wrong with him, why he didn't get aroused in the presence of beautiful women any more. But what he was feeling now put any concerns he had to rest. His need for this woman was more intense than anything he ever remembered feeling before. It was as if....

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, chalking it up to his suddenly overstimulated hormones. After all... it was impossible to fall in love with someone you just met, he reasoned. The intense sexual response he had for her must be the cause of the euphoric feeling that for the first time in his life, he had found the other half of his heart - his soul.

His mind quickly returned to the current situation, as with each stroke, the sweet friction of her body wrapped around his erection drove him higher and higher toward the pinnacle of pleasure he had been denied for so long. But nothing prepared him for this. There was such a... spiritual aspect almost to their lovemaking. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on, especially in such an extreme state of arousal. But his body was definitely aware of the difference, as it suddenly erupted in a fiery explosion. His desire for her was so strong, he pushed deeper and deeper with every throbbing pulse that sent stream after stream of his seed into her, feeling like he couldn't get close enough. He couldn't remember ever having an orgasm so intense, or one that lasted so long.

He collapsed on top of her when he finished, worried that he might be crushing her, but yet unable to move. His whole body was quivering from the experience, and he knew if he were to try and stand right then, his legs wouldn't even support him. He knew he needn't worry about her, though, when he felt her soft hands begin gently caressing his shoulders and back, soothing him rather than pushing him away, as he slowly regained his senses.

It was the gradual awareness returning that alerted him to two things.... the first being that he was still erect and buried completely inside her. That in and of itself was amazing. But combined with the fact that apparently she, too, was fully aware of his state and was shifting subtly to slowly stimulate them both, he found himself struggling for every breath, as waves of pleasure rolled through him.

Sliding his arms under her and holding her tight, he rolled over, positioning her on top of him. With his legs between hers, he spread her legs wide, so she could do no more than gently rock on top of him. Their desire spiraled upward gradually as they kissed and caressed each other, the union of their bodies moving together inflaming their passion to an even higher state of arousal than they had previously experienced. Their kisses, which at first had been light and teasing, gave way to deep, hungry ones that were punctuated with panting and gasps of delight. Eventually, the sensations became so intense, they began speaking aloud their feelings, their excitement overcoming any inhibitions.

"Oh Max... oh god, this is so incredible.... " A soft moan escaped her as she breathlessly ammended, "You are so incredible...."

Max’ touch became bolder and more sexual. "I can't believe this is happening," he confessed. "I have never been so aroused in my whole life...." And he wasn't kidding. Never had any woman moved him so deeply, and the way they were making love at that moment had driven him to a state of anticipation he had never dreamed possible. He had tried to remain still up to that point, letting her gentle movements provide all the stimulation. But finally it got the better of him, and he decided to lift his hips just a bit in order to increase the pleasure mounting between them. Always he had been one who could control his urges, making the moments of lovemaking last and last.... but as soon as he began his slow, subtle thrusts, the urgency to go full steam ahead came on him like a freight train.

"Oh god!" he growled, even as his hands flew to her hips to hold her in place so he could drive into her fast and hard. Within seconds, his eyes rolled back in his head and he gasped aloud, his second release overtaking him even stronger than the first. He had never felt anything so overwhelming in all his life, and his hands on her hips pushed her down onto his pulsing shaft, while his hips lifted and ground against hers, as if he were trying to completely lose himself inside her. For a few moments he nearly lost consciousness, and was totally unaware - at least on a conscious level - of her body rhythmically pulsing where it held him deep within.

When he finally came down from the experience, he was pleased to feel her still on top of him, cuddled close and kissing his chest. They were both damp from the fierce passion they had shared. Lovemaking... the thought came unbidden, as his hand reached up to gently stroke her hair, then caress her back. He was startled to realize that even though his urges had been strong and primal, they were not about raw sex. Truly, they had made love to each other with a spiritual connection he had never before experienced.

He couldn't help wrapping his arms around her, holding her close, wanting for her to always be with him - be a part of him. It seemed too hard to believe that in the few hours they had known each other that he could have fallen in love with her, but there was no denying the ache in his soul to be one with her.

Fear pierced his heart. Did she feel the same? Would he ever know? Would they get up in the morning and part ways, never to see each other again? He so wanted to tell her of the way he felt, but was too intimidated. He couldn't take the risk of telling her, because if she were to reject him it would be devastating.

He became aware that her breathing had evened out, and she was falling asleep. Carefully, he turned them so they were lying on their sides facing each other. As soon as he did, he felt her reach for him in that hazy, almost asleep state and snuggle in. But what happened next was a gift from heaven. For just as she drifted off, unaware that she was speaking her heart out loud, Liz mumbled dreamily on a sigh, "Oh Max, I love you...." and then she was asleep.

Smiling, knowing now that everything would work out for them, Max reached for the blanket and pulled it up over them, a shield between them and a cold world that would offer many challenges to their blossoming relationship. But none of that mattered. For in the end, they would conquer them all. With her by his side, he knew he could overcome any obstacle in the days ahead - because they had love.