Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Nicoletta »


This is a Conventional Couples challenge. (I might be interested in co-writing this fic with someone who has the skills that I don't)

Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle (from hereonin referred to as the "Roswellians") are all from Roswell originally. Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess (from hereonin referred to as the "Pod Squad" although they are NOT aliens) are from wherever the author decides.

Maria is a successful singer/songwriter. She has had 6 platinum selling albums over an 8 year period.
Alex is an incredible music producer, he is respected very much in the music industry and has won countless awards and worked with some of the biggest artists around. He has had a presence on all of Maria's albums.
Kyle is an amazing American Football star. He plays for a huge team and is a household name.
Liz is Maria's assistant but also acts as business managers/partner for the 3 of them. She has helped them all to invest wisely and reap the benefits of their fortune.

Max is the World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. He has been for quite a long time and has a mammoth personal fortune.
Michael is his trainer. He has been since Max started out. He also paints under a pseudnym and his work is well received at galleries and exhibitions.
Isabel is a boutique owner with a chain of stores and she designs a lot of her own stock. She also acts as manager/business partner for Max.
Tess was a model (so was Isabel) but she has turned her attention to working with Isabel and they have brought out their own clothing/perfume ranges and they design a lot of things both together and separately.

I won't say what I want to happen in the fic but if anyone is interested in the above please get in touch with me and I can provide more info.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Tears_of_Mercury »


AU - With or Without Aliens is left to the author's discretion.

Michael, Elizabeth, Theresa and Isabel are the four children of the country's most famed "Shamer." By simply making eye contact with a person, Nancy can see into the darkest corners of their mind -- every inconsiderate, vile, spineless thing they have ever done and every awful or shameful experience they've endured -- and with that look, she makes them relive the guilt and horror of their collective memories. She is feared and shunned by her peers but held in high regard by the rulers and judges of the land, as she consistently serves as an invaluable, impartial witness who can instantaneously pass a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict. Although an enforcer of the law, Nancy follows none of society's rules -- not only does she practice witchcraft and have four children out of wedlock, no one's even sure if her children all share the same father.

Stuck between a bothersome older brother who longs to be free of the responsibilities that fall to him as man of the house and a much younger sister, Elizabeth and Theresa are in many ways mirror images. They are both of similar height and build, are both being apprenticed to their mother as healers and midwifes, and are both avoided in their village for their likeness to their mother. That, however, is where the similarities end. Where 'Tess' favors their mother in looks and 'Liz' their father, it is Liz who bears the eyes of a Shamer. Tess's gift is her father's -- by playing or singing the simplest notes, the "Serpent" in Tess allows her to weave illusions about everyone within hearing distance. She can make a man believe the sky is falling, have a bar maid believe that she is being fitted as royalty. The sky, as it were, is the limit.

One night a messenger rides for Nancy, informing her that her midwifery skills are needed for a pregnant woman in danger of losing her life three towns over. Nancy reluctantly leaves Michael in charge of his sisters and rides off immediately. The next day, news reaches the countryside that King Philip, Queen Diane, the crowned Prince Zan and his wife Princess Ava, as well as their three-year-old child, have been brutally slaughtered. Everyone is in an uproar; and to make matters worse, the prime suspect is Philip's youngest son, Prince Maxwell. Maxwell's uncle Khivar, who has taken over the state, personally rides to the Shamer's home. Upon his arrival and realization of Nancy's absence, he demands that Liz, powerful but still untrained, offer her services in her mother's stead. Liz, who has spent her whole life having everyone but Tess and her mother avoid looking directly at her, is terrified of the strange ruler who looks at her unflinchingly and reveals nothing of his past. She reveals her fears to Tess and Michael, and her older brother immediately goes on alert. He tries unsuccessfully to stall Khivar until their mother's return, but Khivar is insistent -- and eventually, with no other choice, Liz sets off to the capitol. Unbeknownst to her, her worried twin sister has decided to follow behind, using her gifts of illusion and concealment to remain hidden and cheat food and shelter from innkeepers.

Nancy has been tricked. Brought to a government-run orphanage, she is placed with a faultless and unsuspecting girl named Maria and told that if she tries to leave Maria's life will be taken in her stead. Warned of her powers, the guards refuse to look at her or remain in hearing distance long enough to be shamed into releasing her.

When Elizabeth and Khivar reach the castle, Elizabeth is ordered to pronounce the Prince "guilty" without even meeting him. She refuses, and after numerous threats Khivar throws her into the same dungeon cell where he's been keeping Maxwell. Upon meeting the Prince, not a year older than her, she realizes that all he has been guilty of is an innocent and passive infatuation with his brother's wife and a preference of books over swords. Max was found in the middle of the murder scene only a day earlier, and after being handcuffed and beaten senseless for hours in an effort to coerce a confession from him, his fragile mind can hardly decipher whether he is guilty or innocent. Still, his pride and stoicism make him loathe the idea of losing any more of his dignity, and for the second time in the space of a day someone meets Liz's eyes. She uncovers layer upon layer of shame, most of it founded in the constant criticism Max has received from his father and tutors over the years. She also discovers he is innocent of the charges pressed and sees the profound depth of love and compassion he has to offer.

With Nancy and Maria trapped miles away, Tess arriving at a castle that is strangely absent of her sister, and Michael and Isabel worrying at home, what will become of the Shamer's family? Can Liz prove Max's innocence? And if she can, will the real murderer, Khivar, allow her to exonerate him?

This fic should have Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, and, depending on what the author wants to do with it, it can have T/K, T/A, or even just have Tess paried off with a minor/original character -- if with anyone. Isabel is only five in this story, so no romance for her. :)

*I'm basing this challenge to a large extent off of The Shamer Chronicles by Lene Kabberbohl (I don't even want to know how badly I butchered her last name :lol: ). I think that enough of it is switched around, including pairings, circumstances, and plot twists, that it's still pretty far gone from the original series. If anyone wants more details on the story, just send me a PM.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Serena007 »


AU- Without Aliens.

Hiya, this thought was on my mind for ages. I just don't know how to write it.

Title: Be my Valentine
Rating: Can either be Teen/Mature or Adult. But nothing too rude or explicit like dirty words.
Parings: M/L and K/T, can include other conventional couples also.

Summary: Liz and Kyle have been best friends since little kids. They've shared the same house as their parents are also the best of friends. Their friendship is like a brother-sister bond. They're very close. Max and Tess are also best friends since college. Tess has a strong crush on Max who falls in love with Liz after meeting under unusual circumstances. Liz and Max fall in love with each other. Kyle's mother dies wishing Kyle marries Liz. Tess is jealous of Max and Liz's love. There has to be some dillema between Max and Liz to stop them from being with each other for being together for a while. Drawn apart, Max and Liz crave each other more. Kyle falls for Tess when they have conversations on how to deal with the loss of his mother. Tess realises Max will always love Liz no matter what. Valentine is quickly approaching. Eventually Max gets with Liz and Kyle hooks up with Tess.

PS; This fic needs to be full of humor and wit. Must have a M/L (Dreamer) and K/T (Lamptrimmer) ending. This fic can also be a musical if you want. It's an option. You can decide what jobs the characters have as long as it's not toilet cleaning lol! A nice addition would be a cute banner for this fic with the two couples and obviously the title.

Story was inspired by a film which holds sentimental value for me. Just PM me if you're interested and want to find out more.

Thanks in advance. :D
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Michelle17 »

I hope takes challenge 105 I love that one and it would be a great read

Special thanks too

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


Liz and Maria are best friends. They grew up on the Upper East side of New York together and every weekend they head upstate to Liz's family farm and spend the weekend horse riding. Liz is a talented show jumper and a possible for the Olympics team. She has one more competition and if she wins she'll have qualified for the team and achieved her life long dream.

Then disaster strikes, Liz and her parents are driving home to the competition with her beloved horse when they are involved in a car accident. Her parents are killed, her horse breaks a leg but Liz emerges with barely a scratch on her. However, she's distraught and almost catatonic with grief.

Maria does her best to help Liz but nothing seems to be working. Then she remembers her favorite book 'The Horse whisperer and decides that's what's going to help Liz. So she finds a horse whisperer on google, loads up the injured horse and Liz and heads out.

Of course, Max is the horse whisperer. Michael works on the farm as well and is a rodeo rider in his spare time.

Despite their love of horses, the girls are used to living in the lap of luxury and are not used to the rustic lifestyle. Much to the guys amusement.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine

This story is A/I and K/T based but M/M and M/L can be in too.

Alex and Isabel were in a very happy and loving relationship.Everything for them was going good.So good that there was even talk of buying rings and asking the BIG question.But that was when IT happened.While on a long distance business trip Alex and his car dissappeared some where between Point A and Point B.No amount of police work or private PI work later turned up anything on Alex.And sadly over time Alex's case turned cold and he joined the thousands of people in the US who go missing everyday never to be seen again.

Now it's years later and people have tried to move on but things are really not any better.Isabel is dating Jesse but can't bring herself to feel for him like she did for Alex.But everything changes thanks to Kyle.As Isabel's best friend for years Kyle has secretly still been kooking for Alex on the side.He's went over every clue the police had on the case even tried to turn up new ones...and check them out when he did.But this new clue he's turned up looks promising and Kyle's going to investigate.

Tess Harding is living her dream of running a small resort inn out in the country....mountain,seaside,lakeside that's up too you.It's small and barely making it but she's doing what she loves and is happy.Although she has a some what frosty relationship with her father Tess is an all around nice and caring person.So that's why years ago when she found a passed out and bleeding man on her doorstep,suffering from amnesia, she took him in and took care of him.And now Al even though he still has no memory of who he is has become the inn's handyman/anything else that needs to be done person and Tess's bestfriend.As said Al has become Tess's bestfriend over the years so she's very protective of him.So that's why she's very careful when a man(Kyle) comes knocking on her door to meet Al.

Ever since the day Al woke up with a skull splitting head ache and no clue who he was he has always wondered.Who am I? Do I have a past and if I do do I want to know it? Ever once and awhile he might have a fast flash of....something...a memory he can't quite pin down or recall.But the one thing he always has is in his dreams.Every night he dreams of a very pretty blonde woman.Al is very protective and thankful to Tess.Everyone else would have felt sorry for him...having no memory of who he was and having no money...but they wouldn't have taken him in and took care of him like Tess did.So that's why when a stranger comes to the door wanting to meet Al for he might know who he is Al is very leery about the idea of leaving Tess.

So the idea I had is that when Kyle stumbles across Alex living and working at Tess's inn as Al he is over joyed.But due to Al's feelings and medical reasons decides not to take him away but to bring Isabel there.Isabel of course is on the next plane to Tess's inn.


Tess and Alex have a thing they do every night that they've been doing for years before they go to bed...playing cards,chess, something.

A reason why Tess and her dad have a frosty relationship

Jesse being jealous of Alex's memory...he can be a good guy who just is...or he can be an ass who hates Alex.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Liz is a thirteen year old girl in the hospital about to die from kidney failuare.She's on tubes and is on her last leg.Liz has a very rare genetic profile so the chance of finding a donar in the small time she has is very slim.

Enter Max

Max is a fit eighteen year old young man with his whole life ahead of him.How or why his genetic code is known can be up too you.But it's discovered to be a match for Liz's and so Max turns out to be Liz's last hope for life.

I see Jeff and Nancy coming to Max crying and without shame on their hands and knees begging Max to donate one of his kidneys so their baby/only child can live.Now Max doesen't have too do this....even his parents tell him if he does it could come back to haunt him in the future...but Max being the nice guy he is can't let a kid die when he can do something to save her life.So Max decides to donate his kidney so Liz can live.

Now years later Liz is eighteen and an adult and thanks to Max living a healthy happy life.Some how she and Max meet.Liz is in awe of Max.I mean here's a good looking,nice older man who in all sense saved her life....Liz's is in love.But much to her dismay Max just smiles and sees it as only her being thankful for what he did not to mention he still sees Liz as that little thirteen year old girl from all those years ago.

How can Liz make Max see it's not just gratitude she feels for him? Not to mention make him see she's not a little girl anymore?
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by trulov »

Are there any fics where, instead of going to Liz, future Max goes way back in time to make sure the Parkers never come to roswell? He "lets her go" so to speak. With Liz not in roswell, there is no shooting, no discovery etc...
The Evans' and Michael's lives go on as if on the show. But Max is much more disconnected (like Micheal), b/c unbeknownst to him, he never met that little girl in 3rd grade who made earth feel like home.

Eventually, Tess and Nasedo find there way to the pod sqad, and of course, fate steps in, and Liz and Max do eventually meet. She enthralls him, and he eventually saves her as he would have in the first time line.

Sound familiar to anyone?

I had a dream like this - and I was actually thinking about writing it, but I've read so many fics lately, I didn't want to unintentionally steal someone's idea. Is this actually an original thought - or have I seen it somewhere before?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »

Trulov, sounds like an origina idea to me. But maybe this question is more suited to the looking for thread.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by trulov »

Thanks nibbles2 - I actually posted this there as well - just to cover my bases.
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