Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


AU All Human

Any Rating Is Fine

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T.....I'd like to see Jim/Amy but not a requirement just would be nice.

Liz is shocked when she finds out her Grandma Claudia has suffered a bad heart attack.Ok Liz is just plain shocked to find out she actually has a Grandma Claudia.Ater a heated discussion with her parents Liz finds out that her father and his mother had a falling out years ago and had broken off all contact with each other.

What the fall out was about is up too you.

Determined to get to know her grandmother and over her parents objections Liz heads off on her own to the small country town her grandmother has lived in her whole life.

Now being an only child raised by rich parents in New York City Liz is a tad spoild.Even though deep down she's a good person her only main fault would be that she has laid a sheltered life that makes her a little naive when it comes to how the real world works.Whch means she's never had to work hard for anything in her life and has no clue that others out there who are less privileged might have too.

When Liz gets to the small town it's size and the life the people who live there lead is a major culture shock for the city girl. Another shock is when she meets her Grandmother. Claudia is not your average soft spoken sweet grandmother.Nope she's brash,a tad unpleasant crotchety old woman who's not afraid to speak her mind.The first meeting is not all chocolate and flowers but slowly over time the two bond like family will.

But the biggest shock to Liz is when she meets her grandmother's doctor. There is no way the she mention handsome...Max Evans could be her grandmother's doctor?! Why he seemed to be the same age as Liz herself!

Staying in town in order to help her grandmother and get to know her Liz slowly comes to love the small town life.Not to mention the small town's young doctor.


Someone of the group....either Isabel,Tess,Maria,Michael....has once lived in a big city but now happily lives in the small town.This gives Liz someone to talk to about the culture shock she's having.For example........."Sure I miss being able to zip into a Starbucks every morning to grab a Caffe Mocha." Tess smiled at Liz as they washed the dishes "But I wouldn't trade my life here for all the Starbucks in the world."

The town they're in can not be Roswell.It can be a small farming town in Kansas,a mountain town in Colorado or a ranch town in Texas.Just to make it different.

There is a major medical emergency in the town.....Michael is hurt on the job,Jim has a stroke,one of the gangs kids becomes sick....something.This lets Liz see how a small town,where everyone knows and cares about everyone,can pull together and help one another.

A wedding where just about everyone in town is going to be at and Max ask Liz to be his date...much to her surprise.

A showdown with her parents when Liz decided's she wants to stay in the small town and be with Max.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by xmag »

# 235 - Michael and Maria fic, CC.

: AU without fic universe where Michael and Maria had been at war since they were kids (think "Terrors of the playground", by Aelita). Then their parents move out of Roswell around the same time when they are 13 and they don't see each other until they meet again in college and the war starts again. Then, they both have to take care of a younger sibling (a little brother for Michael and a little sister for Maria, siblings who are around 8 years old), but not because of parents dying but because of Amy winning a trip around the world, or Michael's father being sent away for business in Japan so he is leaving his younger son in the States with his older son.

Michael's little brother and Maria's little sister find themselves in the same school and they get in the same war as their older siblings. So I would love to see the Guerin-Deluca wars going on .

Must have : Nothing really, just make it fun and crazy :wink: .

Michael : From day one, I knew you were the girl for me, I never wanted anyone else.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

AU All Human

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Any rating is fine.

Max Evans is twenty eight years old and is an extreme workaholic moving his way up the corporate ladder.His entire life is focused on his job and becoming top dog one day.Max is one of those always serious,always wearing a suit and tie and never cracking a smile or having fun Class A types.One of those who will some day drop dead of a heart attack while at work.

On the other hand Liz is an eighteen year old free spirit who,along with Maria,is running her own small coffee shop....bookstore...that type of thing.She lives for the day and never makes plans for the future. Where Max is nothing but being serious and work,Liz is bubbly,always smiling,making friends and having fun.

The two opposite pairs some how run into each other and much to everyone's shock become some what friends.They learn how their different styles can help one another.Max's strong business sense and tips helps Liz get her business and finances back on track.And Liz's fun having nature brings Max out of his stiffed shirt suit wearing shell.

Being an only child Liz's parents,especially her dad, are very over protective.They don't like the fact that....A) Liz decided to go into business with Maria and not to go to college.....and B) She has become friends with a much older man(Max)

Michael is Max's best friend.As far as he's concerned he sees no problem with Michael's words....'trying to get some from a good looking young thing'.But when Max starts to become friends with Liz and her influence over Max starts to grow he's baffled.

"Whatever happened to our policy of getting some and than getting gone?" Michael shook his head at Max.


Both having a fight/serious discussion with their friends/family over this new friendship/relationship and the pairs ten year age difference.

Liz and Max sitting down,drinking coffee and talking about either....their events of the day....their past....their hopes for the future...their families....or all of it.Can be just one time or can become a habit for the two of them.

Max is with Liz when they have a run in with her family. Although Max acts very nicely its a very cold,unfriendly affair.

A fight/heated discussion with Max/Liz when Max decides to show their differences and why they shouldn't be friends and/or get started as a couple.Max being the type he is has a list all prepared with facts and reasons.Liz just counters all of them with a smile and her own free spirited logic that defeats Max's augment.

Alex or Kyle or both as a friend to Liz who looks out for her like an older brother.They worry about her relationship with Max but unlike her family trust her and don't push it. Although they let it be known to Liz that they're always there for her and let it be known to Max that if he hurts Liz his body will never be found.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


I don't really have a story in mind but I like the idea of a fic based on this picture:

Liz, Maria, Isabel and Michael are best friends. Maybe they live together/work together. Maybe he's very protective of them and scares off all their potential boyfriends but they are equally as protective of him and always come between him and his girlfriends. How does their relationship change as 'his' girls date and have other men in their lives. How do Liz and Isabel feel when Michael falls in love with Maria.

Really there's no criteria, but if I think of something better I'll come back and post it.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Kristy »


I had this on the Crossover challenge, until I realized that I really didn't care if it was a crossover. It's just (I think) a cool challenge. 8)

I was writing this little drabble Heroes XO, and it got me thinking. The basis of the show Heroes is that the abilities come from genetic anomolies, which were evolutionary advances. What if the "pod squad" had grown up in Roswell thinking they were alien because of the social context of where they live, but in actuality were just the next step in human development?

Think of how this would change the ideas of Nasedo and Tess. What if they were, say Company members or even just had plans of their own, and decided to exploit their misconceptions for their own gain (whatever that might be).

Have fun, be wild! Just make sure to have it be CC couples.

I found this video on YouTube and thought it fit this idea (nevermind the fact that it's the ONLY Heroes/Roswell fanvid, lol)

"I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me, Superman!" - Homer Simpson

"No sprinkles. For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you!" - Stewie Griffin
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Zanity »

#239 M/L AU w/ Aliens

Ok there was no shooting, nothing to draw the FBI, Nasedo or Tess. Max, Isabel and Michael are still clueless about their past.

Max and Liz while lab partners manage to qualify for a summer science program at Harvard. (You can change the location if you want but it has to be well out of town.) The program runs during what would have been the summer of destiny but like I said no shooting so no destiny yet. While there Liz turns to Max for friendship since he's the only other person there from Roswell. One day mid summer they are working alone on a lab project when something goes wrong.

You can choose:

a) Something dangerous happens and Liz gets hurt and Max heals her.
b) Fumes from the project mess with Max's alien physiology and he becomes intoxicated, and starts professing his love to Liz and using his powers to demonstrate it. (Think similar to "Blind Date")

Either way Liz learns Max is an alien and has feelings for her. They start dating after that. (Please no having them jump straight into bed with each other. I'd like to see a gradually developing physical relationship.) By the time they get back to Roswell they are both secure in their boyfriend/girlfriend status.

Michael and Isabel are not happy about this turn of events and try and break things up. You can eventually throw Tess and Nasedo into the mix if you'd like too. But no Max/Tess action this is a dreamer challenge.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by tabata »


A roswell Pride and Prejudice?
Elizabeth Bennet Maria
Fitzwilliam Darcy Michael
Charles Bingley Max
Jane Bennet Liz
Mr. Collins Alex
George Wickham Billy
Kitty Bennet Laurie
Lydia Bennet Courtney
Charlotte Lucas Isabel
Lady Catherine De Bourgh Diane
Col. Fitzwilliam Kyle
Gerogiana Darcy Tess

it can be regency or modern!!!

but please dont' make collins too much ridicolous!I don't want isabel and alex to be unhappy:-)
give me life. give me pain. give me myself again. Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
he's chasing tornados.Talula (the tornado mix)

candy - dreamer - stargazer - lamptrimmer
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Alien_Friend »

Last edited by Alien_Friend on Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by behrstars »


AU With Aliens

Liz was not happy about Maxs decision to give up his son. She was afraid that the FBI would find him and put him in the white room. When she talked to Max about it he told her that it was for the best and not to talk about it anymore. Their relationship slowly took a nose dive after that. Liz had a premonition about Zan but Max wouldn't even let her tell him about it. They had a nasty fight and broke up. Liz finds out two weeks later that shes pregnant. She decides not to tell Max and as soon as graduation is over she leaves Roswell, cutting off contact with everyone. While Liz is on the bus she has another vision of Zan his foster familys neglecting him. Liz makes the decision to go to Cal. Luckily he takes pity on her and decides to help her and Zan. He pulls some strings and Liz gets to adopt Zan. Cal lets her stay there until the baby is born. Teaching her how to harness her gifts. After the babys born he sends her to Australia. He sets her and the kids up and visits often. He comes to think of them as family. Both of her kids develop powers and Cal helps them build them up to their full potential. After 2 years Liz contacts her parents and tells them everything. Cal flies them to Australia and they reconnect.
6 years later Liz falls in love with a tourist from LA and ends up coming back to the states. He learns about thier secret and accepts them. They get married and have a couple of kids. He dies 4 years later when his vehicle gets struck by a drunk driver. Liz takes it hard but with the help of her parents, Cal and her kids, Liz slowly heals.
4 years later Zan and Maxs other child decide without Lizs knowledge to go to Roswell and see what its like there. Liz has never lied to them about who they were or where they come from. (Liz is frantic because she don't know where they are, the connection she normally feels with them is blocked) I'm not sure what the age difference would be between the two kids so i'm thinking Zan's 17 and the other one is 16. They see Max and the others but they don't confront them. They're leaving town when sheriff Valenti(he got his job back, how is up to you) stops them and asks why they're not in school. He sees that Max and Lizs kid looks exactly like Max and thinks that hes Zan. Valenti calls Max and things get interesting.

I would like for there to be a lot of drama revolving around all this. Of course Liz, her kids and Cal are going to come to Roswell. Old hurts must be brought up and there has to be legal stuff brought in. Everyone but Michael will take Maxs side in the beginning. Michael being the only one to understand why she did it.

must haves:
I would like a happy ending. Max and Liz do not have to be together, but I would like them to at least become friends.
At least one of Lizs kids has to be a girl and I would like her name to be Lundon. I really love that name.
As for all the relationships whos coupled with who is totally up to you. Since I wasn't sure of that I didn't put in the UC section althought if you go that route thats fine with me.
Any questions just PM me.

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

M/M,K/T,A/I and M/L
Kind of a Roswell version of Omega Man/I Am Legend.

Most of the world's population has been killed off due to germ warfare.There are a small few who are immune to the bug but they are very rare.These 'lucky' ones roam the wastelands once called the US looking for food,sheltar while trying to hide and keep one step ahead of the Mutated.

The Mutated are humans who were not immune to the bug but weren't lucky enough to die quickly like most of the world's population.Sadly they were mutated into blood thirsty,mindless killing machines....think rabid dogs

Michael was a US Special Forces Soldier when the bug hit.Lucky for him he was immune.He spends his time riding his motorcycle across the back roads of USA trying to survive.He roams from ghost town to ghost town finding supplies when he can.If he does see the rare immune person they leave each other alone.

All that changes when Michael,low on gas,rolls into Roswell.Expecting it to be a ghost town like all the rest Michael is shocked to find a good size population still living there....Jim,Amy,Kyle,Tess,Alex,Isabel,Max,Liz and can add a few others if you want.Michael is not used to being around this many people and feels uncomfortable.But the townfolk are happy to see him and offer him a deal.

They have tons of supplies that they saved from the town.Only problem is that they've been fighting off attack after attack from the nearby batch of Mutated.If Michael will stay and will use his special forces army skills to help them kill off the Mutated that are trying to over run the town than he can leave with all the free supplies he can carry.

But will Michael,a loner since birth,stay and risk his life for a bunch of strangers? And what is it about that Maria girl that keeps getting under his skin?

AU All Human

M/M,M/L,A/I and K/T

Maria is a reporter on a small local paper.She is given the impossible job of getting an interview with the famous artist Michael Guerin.This is not as easy as it sounds.For Michael Guerin is famously known for having a hatred for the media and blowing off all attempts to interview him.

But Maria gets a BIG break from her best friend Liz Parker.Seems that Liz's new boyfriend Max Evans is an old long time friend of Michael's.So Max is able to get her invited with them to Michael's new big showing.But that's where Maria's luck runs out.Seems almost as she gets there Maria has a nasty run in with a long haird,tshirt wearing jerk.Thinking him to be just the hired help Maria and the jerk share some heated words where she blows him off.Guess Maria's shock later when Max introduces her to his friend Michael he turns out to be the same jerk she had a fight with earlier.

Now Maria has to try to be calm and bite down her pride to get the interview she needs.But Maira holding in her anger is not something she does easy.How will Michael react to a reporter who won't take no for an answer,who's not scared of his gruff attitude and won't back down from him......I think a part of him is turned on by it.

AU all human

M/M.M/L,A/I and K/T

Any rating is fine.

Maria-Her estranged father owes some very bad people a lot of money.So in order to make him pay it they grab Maria,throw her in the trunk of a car and take off.

Michael-Bad boy and best car thief in the city targets a nice ride sitting in front of a house.Guess his surprise later down the road when he hears something in the trunk and opens it only to find a gagged and tied up Maria there.


At first Maria thinks Michael is one of the kidnappers so even while tied up she tries to kick and beat the crap out of him.

Michael does his best to keep the fact that he can draw and paint away from Maria.He's embarrassed and she's shocked when she finds out.

Something must keep Michael and Maria from going straight to the cops.This leaves them on their own in dealing with the kidnappers who are out looking for them.

Michael must use this line somewhere in the story.

"You know I'm starting to think I should have left that gag in your mouth."
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