Teaching The Wife (M/L Adult AU) ch 31 Oct 9th (WIP)

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Post by francesca »

hey everyone,

Well its great to see what you are all thinking ... and i should know what will happen next since i wrote the story and all, but to tell you the truth i wrote this story sometime last year and have forgotten what happens . :o .. (shame on me! :x ) So i am going to be re-reading and editing to the story over the next couple of days so i can improve it :D

thankyou to all thats wonderful people who left feedback, and i hope you alll like the next part!

Thanks again.... Francesca xOx



We get home at about 2.45 in the afternoon and I lead Liz up the stairs to our bedroom.

I keep an eye on her as she takes off her jacket and throws it to the corner.

I reach for her and lie her down on our bed, while climbing in behind her and pulling the sheets over us.

She turns in my arms so that she is now facing me and places her head on my shoulder.

I look down at her as she closes her eyes and I bring my hand up to brush back her hair.

I feel how hot her forehead is and grow worried.

I prep small kiss on her forehead as I hold her in my arms protectively, reassuring myself that she is fine.

** ** **

I wake up, and look at the bedside clock to see that it is half past 6.

I glance down at Liz to find her still asleep, trembling.

I slide out of bed, carefully -not wanting to wake her and walk over to the closet and pull out a small quilt.

I lay it on the bed and walk back over to where my angel is still sleeping.

I touch her forehead, only to feel the sweat dripping from it.

I can’t stand it any longer, so I wake her up.

“Lizzie, baby” I say as I kiss her face softly.

She stirs but she does not wake up.

“Liz, honey wake up” I say a little louder.

She turns in her sleep as she continues to tremble.

“Liz honey” I say loudly as she slowly opens her eyes.

“I don’t feel so good” she states in a weak tone and I grow worried.

“Come on sweetie” I say as I take her into my arms, wrapping her legs weakly around my waist as I guide us down stairs.

“Where are we going?” she asks as she turns tired eyes towards me.

“I’m going to take you to see a doctor” I say as I walk out the front door, still holding her in my arms and lock it behind me.

I walk to the passenger side of the car and place Liz in, before walking to my side and starting the engine.

I hope she’s ok….

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Post by francesca »

Thankyou so much for everyones feedback, it truely means a lot :) :

veronica: Who wouldn't be lucky to have a great man like Max around ??? :P

roswell3053: me too :(

Cocogurl: His super wonderful :D

Natalie36: possibly ... :wink:

Thankyou again ... Francesca xOx



“Where are we going?” she asks as she turns tired eyes towards me.

“I’m going to take you to see a doctor” I say as I walk out the front door, still holding her in my arms and lock it behind me.

I walk to the passenger side of the car and place Liz in, before walking to my side and starting the engine.

** ** **

It’s 9.30 and the doctors still haven’t told me anything about Liz.

I sit in my chair fidgeting, nervously.

I feel my mobile vibrate in my pocket and walk out of the hospital, and walk to the outside area.

“Hello” I answer.

“Hey Maxwell” I hear Michaels voice call back.

“What’s up?” he asks and I look around.


“I can hear it in your voice- something’s wrong” he states, knowing me so well.

“I’m at the hospital” I state.

“What?” I hear his shocked reply.

“Why?” he asks worriedly.

“Liz” I state blankly.

“What?” he asks again shocked.

“Is she ok?” he adds when he recovers.

“I dunno” I state truthfully, not knowing about my wife’s condition.

“She turned up at the school today during one of my prac; she said she wasn’t feeling so well… I took her home and we went to bed, I woke up around six, six thirty and she was sweating and trembling at the same time” I state wincing at the memory.

“I asked her if she was ok, and she just said that she didn’t feel so good… I picked her up and brought her to the hospital” I say recounting on the event.

“Roswell memorial?” he asks and I reply.


“We’ll be their soon” he adds referring to him and Maria.

“No, Michael there’s no need; I don’t want Maria freaking out… I’m sure she’ll be fine” I state reassuringly, hoping that he will just stay home.

“I’ll be there soon Maxwell” he states before saying Bye and hanging up.

“Thanks Bye”


I might post again tomorrow ... might
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“Maxwell” I hear Michael call as he walks over to me with Maria at his side.

“Hey” I say as I stand and pat his back friendly.

“Hey Ria” I say as I kiss her on the cheek.

“How is she?” she asks concerned.

“They haven’t told me anything” I state as I sit down in my seat helplessly, wanting to know if my wife is alright.

“Well, they should” she argues as she looks around.

I smile at her confident attitude.

“Yeah” I sigh.

Michael takes a seat beside me and places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“She’ll be fine” he adds and I nod.

An hour later we are all sitting down still waiting on doctor to inform us on Liz’s condition.

“That’s it” Maria says angrily as she stands and stomps her way over to a near by nurse.


“Hello, can I help you?” the nurse asks confused.

“I’m Maria Daluca, my friend Elizabeth Evans was brought in here, about 4 hours ago and we still have no information on how she is” Maria stresses to the nurse who replies.

“Well, I’ll go inquire with her doctor and see if I can get you some information on your friends condition” the nurse replies calmly.

“Thankyou” Maria states as she walks back to us with a proud smile.

“I told ya… enough is enough”

** ** **

Half an hour later a doctor appears in front of us.

“Hello, Mr Evans” she says extending his hand.

“I’m Doctor Lasson” he introduces.

“How is she?” I ask, wanting to get straight to the point.

“Well, we can’t be sure at the moment but when the test results come back, we’ll be sure to give you a call” he states.

“So she can come home?” I ask.

“Yes, she can go home” he says with a smile before turning, I stop him before he goes.

“Can I see her?”

“Sure, come with me” he says as I follow him down the hall of the hospital.

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Post by francesca »

thankyou for all the feedback!



“Can I see her?”

“Sure, come with me” he says as I follow him down the hall of the hospital.

I continue to follow him until we reach the examining room and he opens the door, while turning and leaving, allowing us privacy.

“Liz” I say as I walk over to her and kiss her sweet lips.

“Max” she says as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“How are you feeling baby?” I ask concerned as I take her small face into my hands and search for answers.

“Better” she replies as she continues to hold on to me.

“I’m so glad you get to come home” I state as I hug her back.

“I asked to go home” she says truthfully.

I look down into her eyes, as questions travel through my head.

What if she is not well enough to come home?

“Maybe you should stay” I suggest, not wanting her to go home sick.

“No” she says as she shakes her head.

“Max please, I just want to go home” she trembles out as she looks up at me with teary eyes.

“Ok” I say as I hold her close to me.

“But, you’re not leaving my sight” I add protectively.

“But you have school tomorrow” she states matter-of-factly.

“I won’t go” I say as I walk around the room and gather her belongings.

“You have to” she stresses.

“Baby, I’m not leaving you alone alright, you really scared me today… when I saw you that pale I freaked… I just have to be there to make sure that you’re ok” I say looking deeply into her eyes.

“Ohh max” she says as she looks into my eyes and smiles.

“I love you” she says sincerely as she leans towards me, placing her soft lips against mine.

“I might be feeling a little down, but I’m still fit if you wanna go home and you know” she says as she raises a seductive eyebrow.

“‘You know’ what?” I ask, as if I had no idea what she was talking about.

“You know”

“Know what?” I ask again with a smirk.

“Get jiggy with it” she asks and I laugh at her language.

“I would love that, but we better make it a quickie you need your rest” I say shocking her and then leaving the room with a smirk open my face.




It’s Sunday morning and I am on my way up stairs with my wife’s breakfast in hand.

After what happened, I asked too take some time off so that I could take care of Liz and make sure that she was ok.

I got the rest of the week free and I have spent it at Liz’s side.

“Max” She calls to me and I hurry the rest of the way while being careful not to drop the tray of eggs and toast.

“I’m here” I say as I carefully place the tray on our bad and look at her in concern.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Nothing, I just missed you” she says with a smile and I sigh in relief.

“Liz, I told you not to scare me like that” I say as I lie back in bed, peeking her lips.

“And I told you that I was fine” she replies but I just roll my eyes.

“I’ll believe that when I see it” I state smugly.

“But I am” she says in a winy tone.

“Sweetie, how can you be fine if you have been sick every morning and I wake up to the sound of you spewing your intestines out?” I ask as I glare at her.

“But I feel better now” she denies with a pout.

I just shake my head as I roll my eyes.

“Max” she says with one of her cute, seductive pouts.

“I just don’t want to be cramped up in a little room anymore… I don’t want you to be cramped up in a little room anymore” she says with sad eyes.

“If you really want me to stay home, then I will as long as you go out with Michael and Alex and have a guy’s night” she begs and I shake my head.

“That’s not going to happen sweetie” I say as I lie down next to her.

“Well, then where are we going?” she asks as she turns to get up.

“No where” I say as I send her a glare.

“Well, you said you wouldn’t let me stay home while you went out, so I guess that means we are both going out” she says with a clever smirk.

“You’re not going out” I state pointedly.

“Fine, but you will go out” she says.

“I’m not getting out of this am I?” I ask as I look at her and she nods.

I sigh as I throw myself back down.

“So you’ll go out?” she says excitedly and I glare over at her.

“You want to get rid of me that bad, ah?”

“No” she states as she shakes he head blankly.

“I just want you to have some fun” she says and I sigh as I walk to her and take her in my arms, while kissing her softly.

That’s my Liz, always thinking of others before herself.

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Alex beeps the horn for the 6th time as I hurry to the door and throw my jacket on.

After our little talk, Liz and I spent some time in our room, just talking and … well you know what…

“So, you promise you’ll call me if you don’t feel good” I say as I turn to her once again.

“I promise” she replies as she kisses me goodbye.

I look down at her and then out the door to where the guys are waiting for me.

I don’t want to leave her.

“Bye sweetie” she says as she pushes me out of the door and blows me a kiss before closing it and locking it from the inside.

I just smile while shaking my head.

I make my way down to Alex’s flashily, BMW convertible and jump inside, taking one last look to the house.

We drive off.

“So Maxwell, hows married life treating you?” Alex asks from the driver’s seat and I smile.

“Great” I state truthfully.

We might have problems but we are in love and I love nothing more than to call Liz my wife and wake up with her in my arms and kiss her sweet lips before I close my eyes at night.

“That’s good” he states blankly as he stares at the road and I can see that there is something fishy going on.

“What’s the matter Alex” I ask from the back seat.

“Nothing” he states as he just turns his attention back to the road.

“You can tell him” Michael says as he lays a supportive hand on Alex’s shoulder.

“I’m going to ask your sister to marry me” he states nervously and I grin.

“Congratulations” I say in reply.

“She hasn’t said yes yet” he says as he looks at me fearfully trow the rear-view mirror.

“But she will” I state positively.

“How do you know?”

“She is my sister… plus, I see the way she looks at you she’s just waiting for you to ask her” I add.

“I hope so” he says again and I smile.

We pull up to a bar and make our way inside.

We walk over to some bar stools and sit down.

“Well, if it isn’t Maxiboy Evans” I hear a hard male voice say behind me and turn to see a guy I went to high school with walking up to me with some of his mates.

“Jimmy Taylor” I say as I look him while ordering a beer.

“Wow, it’s been a long time” he states.

Why is he acting friendly?

Jimmy and I never got along back in high school; he would always get angry when I would beat him in athletic competitions.

“So last I heard you screwed one of your students, I heard she was a skanky-ho, but then you still married her” he says and before I realise what I have done I see him on the floor with blood dripping from his nose.

“Don’t talk about my wife that way” I say as I stare at him, while he looks up at me fearfully.

I turn back to the boys to see them looking on in amazement.

“Wow Maxwell” Michael says with a proud smile.

I feel my mobile vibrate in my pocket and check to caller id to see that it is Liz.

I begin to panic as answer.


“Max, can you come home?” she says in a teary voice and I feel my heart clench.

“I’m on my way” I state not asking questions, closing my phone I turn to Alex and Michael sending them an apologetic.

I need to get home….

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Re: Teaching The Wife (Sequel M/L Adult AU) ch 26 9/1

Post by francesca »

Hi everyone,
i just thought i'd leave a quick post and a quick message saying thankyou to everyone who has left feedback. It means a lot :) ... hope you enjoy the next part and sorry its so short.




I run to the front door and grab my keys from my back pocket, opening it and locking it behind me.

“Liz” I call out as I search the house.

“Max!” she calls out and I follow her voice, which leads me up the stair case and into our room, where I find her crying in our bed.

“Baby” I say as I rush over to her and take her into my arms reassuring myself that she is fine and in my arms.

“What’s wrong?” I ask once she has calmed down slightly.

“Max” she sighs as she holds on to me for dear life.

“What is it baby?” I ask once again, needing to know.

“Doctor Lasson called” she states blankly and I feel the panic rise in my bones again.

“What did he say?” I ask as I pull away slightly to look her in the eyes.

I see tears build again and cup he fragile face in my much larger hands.

“Baby, what did he say?”

“He said he wants us to go there for an appointment tomorrow at 2” she states as she holds me close.

I breathe a sigh of relief and look down at her.

“Sweet?” I ask, not completely understanding, why she is so scared of an appointment.

“Max, they never call you back to the doctor’s office unless it’s something serious” she says with fearful eyes.

“What if it’s bad news” she says as she confronts her darkest fears.

“Oh Max, we just got married… I don’t want to go” she says and I pull her back into my arms, knowing that she is not referring to going back to the doctor’s office.

“Liz” I say getting her attention.

She looks up at me and I bring my hand up to wipe away her tears.

“I’ll be there with you every second” I state as I place her on my lap.

“I’ll be holding you like this forever baby, you have nothing to be worried about I add as I lean in and capture her mouth hungrily.

“I’m just so scared” she states.

“Me too baby, me too”…

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Re: Teaching The Wife (Sequel M/L Adult AU) ch 27 10/2

Post by francesca »

Enjoy! :)

It’s 2.06 and we are sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office.

This morning when we woke up, Liz was stressing and saying that she didn’t want to come, but I forced her.

I couldn’t sleep last night either as I thought over the possibilities of what the doctor might say.

Some good possibilities, others bad.

Liz is sitting next to me and I can feel her hand trembling.

I grab her hand and squeeze tightly for support, she squeezes back as she throws me a grateful look.

“Mr and Mrs Evans” the sectary asks as she looks around.

Liz and I stand up and make our way over to her.

“Doctor Lasson will see you know” she says with a smile and we nod before walking into the office.

“Max, Liz” Doctor Lasson says as he shakes our hands.

“Doctor Lasson” we greet.

“Have a seat” he says as he gestures to the chairs.

I take a seat and Liz takes one next to me, while still holding on to my hand as if it were a life line.

“So I have some news” he states as he looks down at his paper work.

“Is it good news doctor” Liz asks as she bites on her bottom lip.

“Yes, very good news” he says with a smile and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in.

“What is it?” I ask anxiously.

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant” he says with a bright smile as he stares at us happily.

I feel my heart go wild with shocked joy, as my mouth falls open.

“I’m gonna be a dad”...

“I’m gonna be a mum” Liz says and I turn to face her and see her shocked expression as well.

“I’ll give you two some privacy” Doctor Lasson says as he leaves the room.

“Oh My God” Liz says excitedly.

I grab her and pull her onto my lap where my mouth seeks out hers and we kiss, showing our passion and desire all at once.

“We’re gonna have a baby” Liz whispers to me as if it is a big secret.

I see the smile on her face and I feel my tears of joy build up inside.

“I don’t believe this” I say as I look down at Liz’s flat stomach.

I reach out my hand and rub it across where my son or daughter lies.

“Hey, I’m your daddy” I say as the tears fall from the side of my eyes.

“Want to say hello, mummy?” I ask as I look at Liz who has her own tears streaming down her face.

“Hey in there its mummy” she says as she giggles.



“This is the best feeling in world” she says as she looks into my eyes deeply and I nod as I stare back into the loving eyes of my beautiful wife.

“We’re going to be parents”…

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Re: Teaching The Wife (Sequel M/L Adult AU) ch 28 11/4

Post by francesca »



“Congratulations, you’re pregnant” he says with a bright smile as he stares at us happily.

I feel my heart go wild with shock and joy and i know right now my mouth is hanging wide open but i really dont care.

All i know is that i'm going to be a father and it's the greatest feeling in the world.

“I’m gonna be a dad” is all i can seem to say.

“I’m gonna be a mum” Liz says and I turn to face her and see her shocked expression as well.

I couldn't of found someone greater than Liz to be the mother of my children and i thank god every day that i have her and she's mine.

I love Liz and she's my wife and we are going to have a baby!

That is the greatest day of my life.

“I’ll give you two some privacy” Doctor Lasson says as he leaves the room.

I still can't seem to form any coherent words, yet my mind is running crazy with thoughts.

“Oh My God” Liz says excitedly.

I grab her and pull her onto my lap where my mouth seeks out hers and we kiss, showing our passion and desire all at once.

I know in that moment that even if i dont find the words to tell my wife just how happy i am right now, that a kiss like that would be enough to show her.

“We’re gonna have a baby” Liz whispers to me as if it is a big secret.

I see the smile on her face and I feel my tears of joy build up inside.

She's so beautiful.

“I don’t believe this” I say as i manage to find my voice.

I look down at Liz’s flat stomach and reach out my hand to rub her flat abdomen across where my son or daughter lies.

“Hey, I’m your daddy” I say as the tears fall from the side of my eyes.

“Want to say hello, mummy?” I ask as I look at Liz who also has tears streaming down her face.

“Hey in there its mummy” she says as she giggles and i join her.


“Yes?” i reply looking up at the beautiful angel in my arms who has given me the greatest gift in the whole world.

“This is the best feeling in world” she says as she looks into my eyes deeply and I nod as I stare back into her loving eyes.

“We’re going to be parents”…

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Re: Teaching The Wife (Sequel M/L Adult AU) ch 29 6/6

Post by francesca »

Hey everyone! sorry to leave you all waiting for so long but i promise to update this story more often. Btw in a few chapters someone from Physical Education will return but who?


It’s Saturday morning and I wake up to the sound of my husband snoring slightly in my ear and smile.

I bet his tired…

I bet his really tired, and I wouldn’t blame him…

For those of you wondering… I am now 5 months pregnant.

And I feel sorry for my poor husband who has been waken up in the middle of sleeping to go to the nearest take out shop for a burger…

Or called from work in the middle of class, to remember to bring home black olives.

But I can’t help it…

“Hey sweetie” I hear his husky voice say and turn my head to the side to see him slowly open his eyes.

“Hey sleepyhead” I say with a sweet smile and he leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips.

“Do you feel like breakfast?” he asks and before I can answer he adds.

“Of cause you do, what a silly question”…

“I mean, what do you want for breakfast?” he corrects as he climbs out of bed and walks over to the cupboard to search for his boxer shorts.

I sit in the bed as I feel a single tear run down my cheek…

I knew I was bad… but not that bad….

Once he throws his boxers on he turns back to the bed, he must have seen the tears in my eyes because I see the guilt flash in his eyes.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way” he says as he walks back over to me and sits on my side of the bed.

I use my fore arm to wipe the tears from my eyes and look up at him with a small pout

“I’m sorry” he states as he looks at me with pleading eyes, wanting forgiveness.

“If you wanted to know what I was going to say before you rudely interrupted me, it was no” I state and he looks at me confused.

“No, I don’t want breakfast” I add as I cross my arms in front of me.

“Why not?” he asks, kind of shocked.

“I was going to say that I just wanted to stay in bed with you a little longer” I add truthfully.

“Ok” he says as he jumps over me and crawls back into our bed.

I turn my back to him and throw the blanket over me.

I feel his arms sneak around my waist as he kisses my shoulder.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I ask as I turn angry eyes to him.

“Is it working?” he asks with a hopeful smile as he looks up at me with puppy dog eyes and I smile slightly.

“Maybe” …

“You know didn’t mean it, it’s just I thought you would want breakfast…coz we have it everyday and...” he beings to ramble on as he squirms under my glaze.

“You’re forgiven” I state as I look back to him to see him sigh and I nudge him playfully.

“So what did you have in mind for today?” he asks as he lies next to my round stomach and places soft kisses around it.

“I wanted to go shopping” I state as I look at him in question.

I know that Max hates shopping, but lately he has been alright with us going to the mall together.

“Ok” he says as he looks up at me with a sexy smirk.


“What did you have planned for now?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow suggestively.

“You know what” I say as he crawls up my body placing hot, open mouth kisses as he passes by.

“Yes I do”…

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Re: Teaching The Wife (Sequel M/L Adult AU) ch 3 9/7

Post by francesca »

Sorry for the wait.. thankyou for the fb.. and see ya soon! xx



It’s 1.30 and we are at the mall walking from shop to shop looking at baby accessories.

“Max” Liz sighs and I turn to see her pouting.

“What’s wrong baby?” I ask concerned as I pull her in to my arms sideways, as we continue to walk.

“My feet, are killing me” she says and I continue to hold my arm around her waist, just in case her feet give out.

“I told you not to wear high heels” I state as I look at her pointedly.

“But I couldn’t help it” she says as she looks down.

“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you” I whisper in her ear and she chuckles.

We walk into a store and walk into the baby section.

I watch as Liz’s eyes light up and follow her line of glaze to see what she is looking at.

I look to see a cute little stuffed bear with fluffy purple fur and big bright eyes, hard to not sigh at.

…But I’m a guy, so forget about it.

“Max, it’s so adorable” she squeaks as she picks it up and holds it in her hands.

I smile at her because; sometimes she really does act like a child.

“I used to have a bear which looked just like it” she says as she turns shiny eyes to me.

I walk up behind her and wrap both arms around her waist while one hand rubs our baby.

“What was it called?” I ask.

“Baby bear” she says as she giggles and I chuckle.

“I know, I could have picked something better but I didn’t” she said as she stares down at the fluffy, purple bear in her hands.

“My parents, brought it for me a month before they died” she states blankly as she places the bear back down, as if it had burnt her.

“It was that only thing I really had” she adds as she turns in my arms and I see her eyes begin to water.

“What happened to it?” I ask curiously.

“Tess took it” she says as she looks up at me with sad eyes.

“She ripped it to bits one day, when I told her I wouldn’t giver her my pay check” she adds and I pull her to me comfortingly.

“Well, I guess where going to have to take Mr Little Bear into our house and treat him as if he were one of our own” I state as pick up the fluffy, purple bear and hand it to Liz.

I see a smile form on her face as she chuckles and looks up at me.

“Thankyou” she says as she leans in and kisses me lovingly.

“No problem baby” I say as I smile down at her.

“Now, Mr Little Bear say hello to mummy” I say as I pick up the toy bear and launch it into Liz’s arms playfully.

“If he is a Mr then he is boy… but he’s purple” she state as she giggles and we continue to walk down the aisle.

“Hey, purple used to be my favourite colour” I say jokingly.

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