My December (CC/OC, Mature) **NEW CH.5** 9/3 (WIP)

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My December (CC/OC, Mature) **NEW CH.5** 9/3 (WIP)

Post by Lillie »

Disclaimer: Roswell does not belong to me. My Decmeber belongs to Linkin Park. I own nothing.

Rating: Mature for language and violence at this point. Sorry, no sex once again.

Coupling: CC for our podsters. Tess/Nathan.

Summary: This is the 3rd story in the series, which started out with Hero Of The Day, and I Am Me, which you can find right here for at least a couple of days, until it gets moved to the completed board. ... 42&start=0 Each story is set with different characters, but continues the entire story. This begins Serina's story, as our Roswell gang and the Copper Summit gang get ready for a face to face, of course, without the others knowing. And it sets things into motion that will change all of their futures.

Banner designed by Tanya aka Behrsgirl77.

<center>My December


December 19, 2000

Serina thought that she was going to die. Her lungs were on fire, she couldn’t breathe. She had never felt like this before and didn’t know what the hell was wrong. She knew that she had been badly hurt, she knew that something wasn’t quite right in her body, she just didn’t know what it was. Serina wasn’t even sure what had happened, everything had been fine one moment and than the next the building had exploded.

There was this strange ringing in her ears and it scared her, what had happened to her hearing? What had happened period? She knew that there was plenty of time for that later. There was only one explanation for what had happened. The royal four had finally found them. The royal four were the ones that were responsible for what had happened. She had known that the time was going to come, but she hadn’t expected it to be quite so soon. Nothing in her life was ever going to be the same again.

All thoughts left her mind when she felt a rise in her throat, and she coughed it out, vaguely aware of the coppery taste in her mouth. Blood. Damn, she was hurt badly. She couldn’t move a muscle, and her chest was covered in blood. Was this the way her life was supposed to end? Without ever getting the chance to meet up with her sister? This couldn’t be the end of her life, it wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair. There was so much for her to do.

“Serina, hey, baby. How are you doing?” Nathan asked as he looked over the damage. It was bad. Christ was it bad. She had to be okay, she was one of the few people that he cared about. He loved her more than life itself. She had been everything to him in his twenty one years.

“I. . . I think that I’m really hurt, Nathan. Is it bad?” Serina said, coughing more blood up. He was worried, she could tell. She could read him like an open book, so she knew everything that he was feeling, everything that he was thinking, and she wished that there was something that she could do to make him feel better. How she hated to worry him.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. We’ll make it all better.” Nathan reassured her. He didn’t need her to freak out and scare herself. Keep her calm and get her to one of their medics. There was no way that she was going to die on his watch. Nathan picked Serina up as gently as he could, paying no heed to the blood that quickly soaked into his shirt from her wounds. The royal four had done something, and he was going to make sure that they paid for Serina. How could Avalina been a part of this?

“Nathan, I can’t die. Not yet. Not when there’s so much to do. I want my sister.” Serina proclaimed hysterically, as the pain intensified with every step that he took. She wanted her sister with every ounce of her soul. Her sister was the reason why she had joined up with Khivar in the first place. And Nathan had been the reason that she had stayed with Khivar and the others. But that hadn’t been her, that had been Semiramis. But Serina still wanted her sister. She could feel her sister, had felt her for the past few months, but she had never said anything to anyone. She was scared of what would happen when her sister was thrown into the mix. What would Kellen do? She had been waiting for her opportunity to be able to leave and find Neith.

“Baby, don’t worry, your going to be fine. Have I ever let anything bad happen to you? No. And I’m not about to start now.” Nathan said forcefully, wanting to take that hysteria out of her voice. Serina had the habit of freaking out, but she would never get hysterical, which was why he knew this was bad. When he found out who did this to her, he was going to make sure that they paid. They were going to pay with their life.

Serina looked up into his eyes and she fell in love with his eyes all over again. They were such a beautiful stormy color, a color that she had rarely seen in a human. Some days they appeared to be as green as a lake, while other days they appeared so hazel, and on other days she could swear they were grey. But today they were a perfect mixture of green/grey. They were always this color when he was angry. And boy, did he look angry. It was only then that she realized that Nathan had stopped walking and was staring straight ahead at something that she couldn’t see. She was in too much pain to even attempt to lift her head and see what he was looking at. If she had thought he was angry before, she was wrong. Now he was completely furious, with such a murderous rage seething through his pores.

Nathan stood rigid and forced himself not to move. It took all of his willpower for him not to do something. He knew exactly who he was staring at. The once almighty king Zanier, now known as Max Evans. This teenager was the reason why he and the others had been sent down to earth. He was the reason why Serina was fucking bleeding in his arms. This kid and his friends, Nathan thought his gaze sweeping over the entourage. When he saw the petite blonde he took in a sharp breath and recognized her essence at once. Avalina.

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear
This is my December
This is my snow covered home
This is my December
This is me alone

And I
Just wish that
I didn't feel
Like there was
Something I missed
And I
Take back all
The things I said
To make you
Feel like that
And I
Just wish that
I didn't feel
Like there was
Something I missed
And I
Take back all the
Things I said to you

And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere
To go to
Give it all away
To have someone
To come home to

This is my December
These are my snow covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need

And I
Just wish that
I didn't feel
Like there was
Something I missed
And I
Take back all
The things I said
To make you feel like that
And I
Just wish that
I didn't feel
Like there was
Something I missed
And I
Take back all the things
I said to you

And I give it all away
Just to have
Somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone
To come home to
This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear

And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere
To go to
Give it all away
To have someone
To come home to
And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere
To go to
Give it all away
To have someone
To come home to

TBC. . . . . . .
Last edited by Lillie on Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:02 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Lillie »

Disclaimer: Song belongs to Led Zeppelin.

Dedicated to: PML.

Accompanying Music: Babe I’m Gonna Leave You by Led Zeppelin

<center>Chapter One
December 9, 2000

“So what do you think? Nathan, this is me. You know that you can tell me anything.” Serina said with a grin. Nathan was just about the best friend that she had ever had, there was nothing that she didn’t know about him. So she didn’t understand why he was trying to keep his feelings a secret. She had told him everything, well almost everything. That one thing that she didn’t tell him was best left unsaid. She knew that there was no point on that one subject.

Nathan smiled at the pretty brunette sitting in front of him on the couch. They were sitting in Serina’s apartment. Serina’s apartment was a joke to him. Not in a bad way. Just the fact that she had been so desperate to get some distance from the compound. That she had strived for a normal existence by wanting an apartment. “Baby, why are you pressing the issue?”

“Pressing the issue? How am I pressing the issue? Aug! You are so frustrating, Nathan.” Serina screeched, throwing her hands into the air. She should be used to Nathan’s ways by now, but she wasn’t. He liked to play with her way too often and each time she would fall for it. Fall into it was a better phrase.

“Okay, okay. Stop yelling at me, you banshee. Elias thinks that it’s a good idea for us to go to Roswell. You and me, not Kellen of course. Can’t have the future leader to walk into what could potentially be a slaughterhouse.” Nathan finally told her, with a shrug. He completely understood Elias’ thinking on that. He and Serina were dispensable compared to Kellen. He had been hearing rumors on and off for the past five years about Khivar’s status on Antar. Khivar was dying, a slow and painful, miserable death. Nathan couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, even though he knew Khivar wasn’t the same person that he had been.

“Do you think it’s a good idea for us to go to Roswell? To see the royal four. To see what Courtney has been doing?” Serina injected, unable to say their names. By saying the royal four kept them from becoming a face to her. She remembered some of Antar, some of the past, the people that she had known. She remembered how beautiful Vilandra had been. She remembered Avalina.

“Courtney has gone AWOL. That’s serious. Elias is ready to go over there and kill her himself. After fifty years of being here on earth, and she has gone AWOL in the few months since we’ve found them. Something’s up, something’s wrong.” Nathan protested. Courtney had been a good soldier, a follower. Sure, he didn’t know her all that well, but he knew enough about her. She did her job well, and would do it with a smile.

Serina nervously ran her hands through her hair. She knew that Nathan was right, he always seemed to have a sixth sense about things like this. Not like her, she had the habit of believing people, of wanting to believe them in what they told her. Something that seemed to bite her on the ass several times when she would later find out that she had been lied to. Walking over to the stereo system, she pressed a few buttons quickly and smiled at the song that started. She looked over to Nathan, who only smiled at her. Damn him, he knew her so well.

“Baby, I’ve known you for twenty years and still time and again, every time you get nervous you play music.” Nathan said with a smile as he listened to the Led Zeppelin song that she put on. “Why are you nervous?”

“Ever since we were born, it has always been about what’s going to happen once we finally find the royal four and now the time has come. And it makes me nervous. The time is here and I don’t know what we’re supposed to do. As much as we were prepared, I don’t think that I was really prepared for this. I’m not ready.” Serina finally told him. It had never seemed real, finding the royal four and now they were only a state away. What was going to happen when Kellen came face to face with Zanier? Kellen had been raised to know that he was going to take the throne over from Khivar, that Zanier was the enemy. Was it going to be an out and out war between the two? Would there be any chance at some sort of peace?

Not to mention the fact about what the hell would happen with Nathan and Avalina? She knew all about their relationship, Nathan had told her after Serina had asked him about it when they were thirteen. She knew just how much Avalina had meant to Nathan, and it was something that made her jealous. She knew that Nathan loved her, but he wasn’t in love with her, he didn’t have that forever I wanna be with you connection to her that he had with Avalina. A woman that he didn’t even know what she looked like, but he knew that he loved and cared about.

Serina wanted to have someone in love with her. Someone who wanted to be with her as much as she wanted to be with them. She felt that she was never going to find that and it scared her. She knew that Nathan and Avalina in all reality would probably get back together once they meet up. It was only a matter of time. Who was going to be there for her? That was another thing that worried her. Nathan was everything to her and she was worried that once he had Avalina back in his life, that he would forget all about her.

Nathan wondered if there was more to her words than what she was saying. Serina had always been the type who kept everything inside, never said anything unless she was pushed hard enough. Sometimes it was a royal pain in the ass to get her to talk about how she was feeling. He assumed that it was because she was the only woman who had been cloned on the compound. “I’m nervous too. But I’m not going to let it affect my decisions. I know what we have to do. We have to go to Roswell and we have to find out what’s going on with the royal four. This is my job, it’s who I am. I’m a warrior, and I’m ready.”

“And what am I? Who am I? Why did Khivar decide to have me reborn? I’m not a warrior.” Serina said quietly, letting that old insecurity come out. She had never understood why she had been chosen. Her sister had been the warrior of the family. Her sister. Was somewhere here on earth, and she had no clue as to where. Her sister was the whole reason why Khivar had decided to have her reborn, she knew. It wasn’t because of anything about her, but because of Neith.

“Serina, stop it. Stop thinking like that. Your going to drive yourself crazy. You think. . . way too much.” Nathan said, walking to her and taking her in his arms. It was something that she had always done, since they were children. Her damn inquisitive mind of hers was always working, thinking about this or that. Not that he considered that a bad thing. She was smarter than him and he wasn’t afraid to admit it. In fact, sometimes it even turned him on.

“Alright, alright. I’m sorry. You always tell me that I think too much.” Serina said with a laugh. He was right, she did think too much. There was just so much always going on that needed to be taken care of, had to be handled and she was one of the ones responsible for taking care of it. Nathan was always taking care of her, had been ever since Antar. “You’re always taking care of me, Nathan.”

“No, we always take care of each other.” Nathan said, dropping a kiss on top of her brown hair. Her mink brown hair she always called it. Back when they were little, Serina had spent a summer trying to come up with what she considered the perfect word to call her hair. She hated her hair because to her it was such an ordinary brown, and throughout that summer, it had been her goal to find a pretty name for it. He and Kellen had suffered through an entire summer of her adjectives and nouns. It had been an awfully long summer.

“Hey, what’s. . . . going on?” Kellen Shepherd interrupted, realizing that he was walking into something that definitely wasn’t his business. Nathan had his arms wrapped around Serina in such an intimate way. Their relationship was one that made him apprehensive, he was never quite sure as to what would happen with them.

Serina quickly stepped out of Nathan’s embrace at Kellen’s appearance. She hadn’t known that he was stopping by, which was something he didn’t do very often. Kellen usually tried to keep her at arm’s length. Well, she was guilty of the same thing. If it wasn’t for Nathan, she and Kellen probably wouldn’t say one word to each other. “Nothing. . . just talking about us going to Roswell.”

Kellen nodded his head at her words and gave a small smile. He wished that he could go with them. It was where his sister was at. Avalina. God, that was so weird. To call her his sister when he didn’t even know what she looked like. But he would recognize her essence once he saw her. Elias kept telling him that it was too dangerous for him to go to Roswell himself. They had no idea how much power Zanier was capable of. His name isn’t Zanier anymore, Kellen reminded himself. “I’m going to continue working on Elias. There’s no way in hell that I’m not going to go to Roswell.”

“And that’s smart how?” Serina couldn’t help but contradict. When she saw the anger flash in his eyes, she mentally kicked herself. She didn’t know why sometimes she said the thing she said. It didn’t help for her to be acting like a bitch, but there was just something inside of her that couldn’t help the things that she said. And usually it was Kellen she made these comments to. And the way that he reacted made her feel like some insolent teenager. He was her king and she had to show him that respect. Respect that he deserved.

“Rina. . . “ Nathan warned. He knew that tone of hers, it was one that he didn’t like, one he knew that Kellen didn’t like either. But Kellen had the habit of staying quiet whenever Serina got into her moods. Nathan thought that it was Kellen’s way of not wanting to deal with her attitude. Sometimes his old friend was way too passive for his own good.

“Well, someone has to say it, Nathan. Realistically, you shouldn’t go, Kellen. Elias is right about that. You are the one that we need the most. You’re the king, after all. The king can’t walk into what could potentially be a slaughterhouse. Now on the other hand, Nathan and I are expendable.” Serina said with a careless shrug. That was the way it was, there was no way around it.

Kellen clenched his teeth at her words and tried not to get mad and say something. Serina had the habit of always saying what was on her mind and obviously today was one of those days. She was too blunt of a person for him. “Serina, you and Nathan are not expendable to me. You are my family. And do you honestly think that I will let you walk into a slaughterhouse? No. And I don’t care what Elias has to say about it.”

Serina looked away from Kellen’s golden eyes and felt her heart clench at his words. God, there were so many times that she wanted to hate him. Why couldn’t he fight back with her? Why couldn’t he say something? Or do something? Why did he always have to be so neutral and diplomatic? She couldn’t even look at him sometimes, couldn’t even be around him.

She loved him.

Loved him more than he would ever know, but she knew that he was waiting for Neith. Kellen was waiting for her own sister to one day come back into his life. It was something that Serina kept to herself, she knew better than to say how she really felt. She couldn’t tell Nathan that she had been in love with Khivar once a long time ago. But Khivar had never once felt any sort of love for her. Never. Khivar had been too busy playing with Vilandra and anxious to have Neith.

That was why Semiramis had ended up with Nathan. That was why Serina and Nathan had tried their hand at romance a few years back. Which was something that Kellen hadn’t liked. It had surprised her because Kellen wasn’t one for voicing his anger, and he had definitely voiced it then. She knew that it had to do with Avalina and the fact that Nathan was supposed to be with her. Serina had known what she was to Nathan and the only excuse that she could ever use for what had happened between them was that she was lonely. She and Nathan had both been lonely and been looking for love and affection. Knowing that someone wanted you.

It was something that Kellen hadn’t understood. And he was another of the reasons why she had gotten herself romantically involved with her best friend. There was no future for her and Kellen despite what she wanted. God, how she loved him. Had always loved him. When she was little, she didn’t remember loving Khivar, it was only when she was older did she remember. But she had fallen in love with Kellen’s soft and quiet ways, different from the exuberance that was Nathan.

“I’m feeling the love guys, really. I am. But you are too damn important to a lot of people, Kellen.” Nathan said with a smirk, finally speaking up. Some things never changed, Serina was frank and Kellen was calm. They had all been close growing up, but something had changed during puberty for Serina and Kellen. According to the lifespan development class that he took, Nathan would characterize it as the latency stage that had hit them and they had never recovered from it. Good old Freud was a smart man.

“So when are we taking off to the fabulous Roswell, New Mexico?” Serina asked with a hint of sarcasm. Never once had she seriously believed that they would one day find the royal four hiding out in the place that they had crash landed. It was something that amazed her. In the first place that they had ever looked. Obviously they hadn’t searched hard enough back than. Now the only one left to find was Neith. And she was close. So close that Serina could almost touch her sister.

“December 20.”

“Great. A few days before Christmas. In New Mexico. So what is our plan besides going over there? Tell me, fearless leader.” Serina asked mockingly, wondering why she was acting like such a brat. Her sister was next on their agenda, but she was keeping a secret from everyone. For the first time in her life, she could feel her sister. She didn’t know exactly where she was, but she could feel her emotions. It had only started a few weeks ago. It was something that she didn’t feel like sharing with the guys. It was hers.

“I don’t know exactly.” Kellen said quietly, frowning at her words. Why was she making this so difficult. Of course, it was just the way that Serina was. She had the tendency to be difficult with him and sometimes he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like he had ever pushed her around when they were little or acted like he was better than her. Frankly, he hated to be reminded that he was Khivar’s clone. The clone of someone who was still alive and kicking.

“You don’t know exactly?”

“Serina.” Nathan admonished, knowing that she was ready to freak out and that Kellen was about to blow an internal gasket. He had spent his entire adolescence trying to make a compromise between these two. He loved them both, but put them together and they would end up driving each other nuts. Hell, they drove him nuts sometimes.

“What? He needs to figure out what the hell is going to happen. Because our lives depend on what he wants. Since you are our great leader.” Serina injected. She knew that Kellen didn’t know exactly what they should do, but they had known that the royal four were in Roswell for months, and they hadn’t done anything. The only thing they had done was send teams of recon. But she and Nathan had spent the last few months sitting on their butts, practicing their powers. Prepping for what could eventually turn into war. A war that she hoped her king was ready for, but it seemed that he wasn’t.

“I’m going to leave, because I really don’t feel like having a fight with you right now, Serina. I’m not going lightly into the entire situation. I know that the fate of everyone rests on my shoulders.” Kellen said quietly, hating that there was this animosity between the two of them. It was true that they weren’t as close as they used to be, which was something that he regretted. But there was just so much going on that he had to deal with, that he just wasn’t prepared for fighting with Serina.

Serina stayed silent at his words and felt like a horrible person. It seemed that she always had the habit of making Kellen want to leave the room. Lately, she had been acting especially bitchy towards him and she didn’t know why. Was it because they were so close to finding the royal four and with finding them they would find her sister? Oh God. Was she so afraid of losing Kellen to her sister that she was trying to drive him away unconsciously? Serina knew that there was no future for her and Kellen, so why was she making this so difficult? Why was she being so difficult?

Acting this way was only going to make him hate her. Maybe that was what she wanted secretly. If he hated her than she wouldn’t have to be sad about the fact that he didn’t love her. Than she wouldn’t have to think about that he wanted to be with her sister, that he was waiting for Neith. Kellen was waiting for Neith and Nathan was waiting for Avalina. And that left her alone. Again.

“Kellen, don’t go.” Nathan insisted, not wanting for his friend to go. But he knew that this was Kellen’s self defense mechanism. When Serina got this way, he retreated back into his shell. He knew that nothing he would say would make Kellen want to stay.

“I’m going. I’ll talk to you later.” Kellen said, making his escape. He wasn’t able to look at Serina, all he felt was that he was a big disappointment to her and he hated that. He didn’t understand why things were so difficult with her. When and why they had even turned that way?

“Serina, what the hell was that about? Do you have to be such a bitch to him?” Nathan asked once Kellen had left. Lately it seemed that things were getting more and more tense between the two of them and he didn’t understand why. Was Serina still questioning her place in the grand scheme of things? She had always been snappy and frank, that was just the way she was. But it seemed that she was berating Kellen, trying to purposely fight with him. Just what the hell was going on with her?

“I don’t know what your talking about.” Serina said softly, knowing that Nathan was right. Why did she have to be such a bitch to him? He wouldn’t fight with her, never had. It wasn’t in Kellen to fight and be argumentative. He was too good. God, he was a better person than she was. He didn’t have an evil bone in his body, while she was one who did. She was the selfish and spiteful one. She was jealous, there was no other way around it.

“Yes, you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t know what the hell is going on between you and Kellen, but you gotta just stop. He’s our king, our leader and you need to stop pressing his buttons.” Nathan informed her with a shake of his head. They were driving him crazy with their attitudes toward each other.

“I don’t mean to. I really don’t. I just. . . don’t know my place sometimes. You know who you’re supposed to be with and, Kellen knows who he’s supposed to be with. But what about me? What’s ahead for me? What’s my life? What’s my plan? My destiny?” Serina questioned softly. She wasn’t supposed to be with Nathan or Kellen. And it scared her to be alone. She didn’t want to be alone. She wanted someone to love her and be in love with her. But she wasn’t going to find that here.

“Your place is here. With me, with Kellen. You’re my best friend, I love you, baby.” Nathan told her, wondering when he had last told her that. When they were little, Serina always had her issues about that. Elias wasn’t one to talk about feelings and Serina needed to know that she was loved. When they were little, there was a time that he had to tell her every day. And he had never understood why. Now that he was older he wondered if it had anything to do with Antar and all that had happened.

“That’s what you say now. But what’s going to happen once we find Avalina? Once we find Neith? I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune. Not that I blame you anyway. At least one of us should be with the person that we love. I guess that I just have to wait until we get back to Antar to be with someone that I love.” Serina said, knowing that she was feeling completely sorry for herself. But on Antar, she knew that she would be with people that loved her. She would find her mother back on Antar.

“Serina. . . “

”Stop. Don’t say anything else. I’m feeling sorry for myself, that’s all that it is. I’m acting like a child and I know that I am. I’m sorry if I made Kellen feel badly. It wasn’t my intention. I’ll apologize to him whenever I see him again. Okay? And I won’t try to start a fight with him.” Serina gave in. She knew that she had to apologize to Kellen, she had been a bitch to him on purpose. She was being this way because he didn’t love her. And that was just something that she was going to have to live with. Or at least try to live with the knowledge.

She already lived with the knowledge that on Antar she had only been a substitute for Nathan. Semiramis and Nathan had only been together after Avalina had been killed. But they had been together longer than Nathan and Avalina’s relationship. And still Semiramis had only been a consolation prize. She didn’t even want to think about that disastrous relationship that she and Nathan had once engaged in. Loneliness was the only answer for what it had been. Which made the entire situation sad.

She wanted Kellen.

And she was never going to be with him.

Even if she ever did, she would have to live with the fact that she was only a substitute for her sister.

TBC. . . . . . . . .
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Post by Lillie »

OK. A little name break down since I realize it has been a long time since I posted.

Kellen = Khivar
Nathan = Nathan
Serina = Semiramis
Liz = Neith

<center>Chapter Two</center>

“Serina, this is an unexpected surprise.”

“Yeah, I know that I should have called to say that I was coming over, but I just got into my car and came. Are you busy?” Serina asked with a small smile. After Nathan had left, Serina had needed to get the hell away from her apartment. She was going to drive herself crazy over there. As much as she had wanted the apartment to get away from the people on the compound, she couldn’t stand to be alone sometimes. And if she fought with Nathan, she would come here. To Ceyla. Ceyla had always taken care of her. Had been a mother to her.

“I’m never too busy for you. What’s wrong? Something’s bothering you and don’t try to lie to me, I can tell.” Ceyla said quietly, as she laid her hand on Serina’s cheek. She loved this girl so much.

“Nothing really. I just get a little stir crazy, you know. I don’t. . . I don’t know. Sometimes there are just so many different crazy things going on inside of my head that I’m going to end up in a straight jacket.” Serina joked, trying to make light of the things that were bothering her. Her life was so confusing to her, and she felt stuck. Stuck in a place that she didn’t like sometimes. Because she couldn’t be honest about the things that she felt, she had to keep a part of herself hidden, and it was putting a strain on her.

“That’s not good. You’re putting a strain on yourself. Do you know what I think we should do? Why don’t we go to Jacob Lake for a couple of days, get our thoughts together and figure out how to stay sane?” Ceyla suggested, smiling warmly at the thought. Jacob Lake was a beautiful place, one of her favorites in fact. The first time she had went there it had been the summer of 58, which was definitely an interesting time in her life. And she had loved it so much that she had decided to get a cabin over by the lake.

“I think that’s a great idea. You always know just what to say to make me feel better. Thanks, Ceyla.” Serina said softly, but hesitantly. There was something that she wanted to say, something that she wanted to get out in the open, but she wasn’t quite sure how Ceyla would take it.

“Serina, are you having dreams again? You don’t look like you’ve been sleeping all that well.” Ceyla said, as she laid her hand on Serina’s forehead. She knew that there was no point in checking if Serina was getting sick, because she had never been sick in her entire life. But she was bothered by whatever was bothering the younger woman. For the last twenty years, she had been responsible in making sure that Serina had everything that she needed, and Serina’s happiness was something that meant everything to her.

“Dreams are just dreams, am I right? I’ve had so many over the years do they really matter? I mean, I have dreams all the time about Semiramis’ life. Of Ghanima. I want to know what she’s like. It’s so strange, Ceyla. To have memories of giving birth to a child, but knowing that it’s not you. I know Ghanima isn’t my daughter, but Semiramis.” Serina replied, running a hand through her hair. It was something that had caused great stress to her through so many years. She had only started getting those memories back when she was thirteen.

“I know, honey. Ghanima is Semiramis daughter. She is the real Nathan’s daughter. Both of you should come to terms with that. If she ever sees you, she will know that you aren’t her mother. Her mother died when she was a child.” Ceyla injected, hating that this had been bothering Serina for such a long time. But she knew that it had to be very confusing. She just hadn’t realized how much it had been for her.

“But I still want to meet her one day. I want to know what she looks like now. I want to know what she’s like. Seeing as she’s probably the only child that I will probably have. Or remember having.” Serina said with a sad laugh. She didn’t want to have a child if it wasn’t with Kellen. God, how pathetic did that make her sound. But she knew what she wanted.

“From what I hear she looks exactly like Semiramis did. An exact copy. So much in fact that it scares people sometimes. Don’t worry, Khivar takes care of her. She matters a lot to him. She’s like a daughter to him. Khivar’s people love her. I have heard that even Zanier’s followers have a respect for her. The way she carries herself, the way she is. She has a good life, you know that.” Ceyla explained. She would tell Serina this time and time again, but it never seemed to stop bothering her. But Ghanima did have a good life. Albeit, a sad one. Ceyla was afraid that Ghanima would never find happiness because of Khivar.

“Yeah, I know. I don’t know why I let it bother me so much. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me half of the time. I say the wrong things, do the wrong things. Its like I’m self consciously trying to ruin my own life.” Serina laughed, unable to help herself. That’s what it felt like, she was trying to screw her life over. The endless fights with Kellen, just because she would never get him. She knew that she was turning into a whining mess and she didn’t like it. What had happened to her back bone? Where had it gone in the past few months? Ever since the appearance of the royal four, she had been fucking up her life.

“How? Give me an example?” Ceyla asked, wanting to get to the bottom of what was bothering Serina. She didn’t like the look on her face, or the tone of Serina’s voice. And she wished that there was something that she could do to take it all away from her. It was her duty to take it away.

“I don’t know if you know. What am I talking about? Of course, you don’t know. We kept it a secret for a long time. Barely even talked about it. We felt so bad for hurting Kellen, but I don’t even understand how we hurt him?” Serina continued, taking a seat on one of Ceyla’s chairs. She wrapped her arms around her legs and tried to not think about what had happened, but she couldn’t stop the thoughts.

“What? How was Kellen hurt?” Ceyla asked, almost scared to hear what Serina’s response was going to be. She was worried about these children — her children— that she had raised since they were babies. She had done everything in her power to give them a sense of belonging, a sense of kinship amongst them, and something had obviously happened to take that all away. God, why hadn’t she been paying closer attention to them?

“When Nathan and I were sixteen years old. We were bored and tired. Tired of being alone, of not having someone who loved us and we turned to one another. We had a relationship, one that we kept a secret for fear of the way Kellen would react,” Serina admitted with a dry laugh. She thought that it was ironic that on Antar, Semiramis and Nathan had done nothing to conceal their relationship and now here on Earth, they had done just about everything to hide it.

“How did you think he was going to react?” Ceyla asked quietly, feeling her heart tighten at Serina’s words. She had seen that the children were going through a rough time, but she had chalked it up to the hormones that they were all going through. She had been blind.

“He reacted exactly like I believed he would. He freaked. I mean freaked. It was so bad that we just ended it right there and then. Nothing has been the same ever since,” Serina cried, knowing that her life had taken a turn for the worst when the truth had been discovered. She couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she and Nathan hadn’t been discovered. Would they have stayed together? Ended up getting married and having children? She honestly didn’t know what would have happened.

“So I noticed. So there’s no future for you and Nathan? I mean, it’s obvious to everyone that the two of you love each other.” Ceyla put in. She had an idea of why it had bothered Kellen so badly, but she wasn’t going to say anything. Serina didn’t need to know what she suspected.

“Of course, I love him. He’s always been there for me. Every day of my life, Nathan has been there. He’s my best friend, but I’m not in love with him. I wish that I was, but I’m not. So what’s the use, right?” Serina said with a shrug, as she finally got control of her raging emotions. She had to get a hold on herself, acting like some sissy girl wasn’t who she was. She was strong, she had to be. It was the only way for her to stay sane.

“Did Kellen ask you to end the affair?” Ceyla wondered, hoping that he hadn’t.

“No. He didn’t. Nathan and I did that all on our own. Kellen was angry about the relationship, but he never asked us to end it. We did that. That same day, but it was a crazy relationship. It only happened because we were bored. There’s no other excuse for it. But I wish that I could take away the way Kellen looks at me. Like I broke his heart. He looks at me with dead eyes.” Serina admitted, shaking her head. Kellen hadn’t asked anything of her since the day he had found out about her and Nathan. He looked at her with eyes filled with rage and tears and ended up walking away from the both of them. It had taken months for he and Nathan to get their friendship back on track.

Ceyla nodded her head at Serina’s words. Oh, she had to have a talk with Kellen one of these days. The relationship between the two had happened over four years ago. It was time to get over it, unless there was another reason behind it than Serina realized. Hell, no wonder Serina was so damn lost and confused. Which Ceyla blamed herself, if she had raised Serina better than maybe she wouldn’t be so confused right now. “Honey, what do you want out of life? Do you want to go back to school in Austin?”

“I wish that I could go back to school. I wish that life was that easy, but its not right? Elias was right in saying that we couldn’t go back to school after we found out where the royal four were.” Serina responded, wishing that she could go back to the life she had made for herself in Austin. Being a normal girl, who worried about getting good grades in her classes. Being late to her design class, which always seemed to happen to her.

“I think that’s what your problem is, Serina. You need to figure out what you want. You haven’t quite figured it out, but you need to find what makes you happy. Who makes you happy and to be with that person. No matter who it is.” Ceyla said with a smile. Just watching the way Serina talked about the entire situation with Nathan and Kellen, it was obvious to her where her heart laid. It was with Kellen. Who was probably in the same predicament as Serina. Kellen recalled some of his past, his memories of Khivar’s life, of Khivar’s obsession of Neith, and Ceyla knew that was something that bothered him. More than bothered him, scared him.

“Sometimes I think that I’m just better off alone. I can’t screw up when I’m alone, right?” Serina said, shrugging her shoulders at Ceyla’s words. She wished that it was that easy to be able to say those three little words to Kellen, but it wasn’t. Honestly, Serina didn’t think that there would ever be a time when she would be able to say something to Kellen. It was easier said than done.

“Maybe the problem is that you think you screw up all of the time.”


“Max, what’s wrong?” Liz asked quietly as she kept a close eye on her boyfriend. She knew that something was wrong, despite what he wasn’t saying to anyone. He had so much on his mind, so much that he kept inside of him that she worried about him. Which was the exact opposite that he wanted from her, she knew.

“Hmm. . . nothing.” Max told her, instantly putting a smile on his face. He knew that he had been quiet but he cursed himself for making it so obvious. He didn’t want the others to know about all the things that had been bothering him. He chose to keep it inside of himself.

“Max, you can’t lie to me. Tell me what’s wrong. Remember: no more secrets.” Liz informed him, reminding him of the pact that they had made after Daric. Strange the way her mind put it: there was before Daric and there was an after Daric.

“Its just sometimes I forget about who we are. We’re talking about going to Arizona, but only after school has let out. I mean, we are high school students and we are trying not to get in the middle of a war. Do you know what I would give to have to worry about my SAT score, which sucked by the way.” Max said mirthlessly. Sure, his parents could see the difference in him from months before, but that was from having Liz back in his life. But he still wanted to achieve peace. Peace for all of them, it was what they deserved after the past year. He wanted to be able to give it to them all. Since he was the reason why this had all started in the first place.

“Max. . . “

”I know it’s stupid. Talking about SAT grades when there are so many more things to worry about. We’re really going to do this, Liz. Walk into Copper Summit, and we don’t even know what’s going to happen. I hate to say this but I’m scared.” Max admitted. It was something that he didn’t like to admit to anyone. He didn’t want for anyone to know what worried him or that he was scared, because he didn’t want for them to feel the same way he did. He was supposed to be the leader after all, he couldn’t let them see it.

Liz wrapped her arms around Max and tuned out the talk that was going on behind them. The others were talking about the possibilities of what could happen in Arizona. God, there were so many things that could happen. But that was something that she didn’t want to think about right now, not when she was worrying about Max. “Its normal to be scared, Max. I’m scared each and every day. But you know that we’re doing the right thing.”

“Did we do the right thing with Lonnie? We just let her leave. What if she decides to come after us later? Its going to be my fault because I let her go just because of the baby.” Max sighed, as he rubbed the center of his forehead. It had been bothering him ever since it had happened. Had he done the right thing? Allowing for her to leave? Was it going to put his family in danger? He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if it would do more harm than good.

“Max, we know that it’s true about the baby. We did the right thing. There’s no way that we could hurt a woman who’s pregnant. That would make us monsters.” Liz countered, knowing that they had made the right choice. Yes, it hadn’t been an easy one considering everything that they had learned about Lonnie. She had betrayed her own brother, not once but twice. Betrayed her lover, who hadn’t even known that he was expecting a child with her. Done just about everything possible to try to get back to Antar. Liz didn’t even want to wonder about what Lonnie was going to do once she had her child. If Lonnie had believed that Khivar still wanted her, a child was not in her plans. So what was she going to do now?

“And we’re not complete monsters.”

“Max. . . "

"I know, it’s wrong to think that way. We only do the things that we have to do. I try to tell myself that we are not going to Copper Summit with the intention of killing anyone. We have no idea what lies ahead of us over there. We don’t know if we are going to go to war with anyone. For all we know our lives won’t turn out the way that Daric told us. I mean, we are already changing things. Tess is not desperate to go to Antar.” Max insisted, as he looked over to where Tess was with the others. She looked happier than he’d seen her in a long time. Which made him happy, because he understood that she needed to feel like a part of the group and she finally was. They had truly let her in and it had done wonders for all of them.

Liz smiled at his words and put a hand to his cheek. She had learned by now that everything in life had a price. In order to fix things, Daric ceased to exist, but it had brought them all together finally. They were a group, they were a force to be reckoned with. If they were going to go down by the Skins, Liz knew that they would go down fighting. But all she knew was that things would never be as bad as Daric’s world had been. Her children would grow up in happiness. Her children with Max. “She’s not desperate to get back to that life. Do you see the way she’s with Kyle and the sheriff? They’re her family and there’s nothing that she won’t do for them.”

“I know and that makes me happy. I’m happy that she’s happy. Agh. We’re really going to do this, aren’t we, Liz? We’re going into Copper Summit in two weeks and we’re going to finally find out if Kellen and the others are the enemy.” Max said with a sigh. He had thought he was ready, but he really wasn’t. Everything in his life had led up to this point. They were finally going to get down to business. He was worried that instead of this finally bringing peace into his life that it would only make things worse.

“Peace is going to come, Max. But everything takes time.” Liz tried to console him. She had the same reservations that he did, but it wasn’t going to do either of them any good to be worrying about what was going to happen. She knew that they were going to get through this, but there was that thought in the back of her mind, that maybe, just maybe they wouldn’t. And it made her wonder about everything else. About her father and the fact that he didn’t know the truth. He didn’t know what his own daughter really was. Her father was in the dark, and what if someone tried to hurt him. Hurt him over something that he didn’t even know about?

“I’m worried about Kellen. What’s going to happen when he sees you? He’s going to know who you are. I have no doubt in my mind about that.” Max insisted, not liking the idea. He would fight tooth and nail for this girl beside him. He was never going to lose her again. Never going to push her away, never going to hurt her. And Kellen wasn’t going to get to her. But he knew that even though Liz and Kellen would eventually come face to face that nothing would happen between either of them. Kellen had no knowledge of the Daric’s time line. Kellen knew nothing of his life with Liz.

“Baby, it doesn’t matter what Kellen wants. He’s not going to get me. It only happened in that life because of Alex’s death. Because I was so devastated that I had to get away. Kellen only got me because of that tragedy, but that’s not going to happen. I know who I am, I know what I want, I know who I love. I love you, and together we are stronger. Don’t you feel it, Max? I am stronger because of you.” Liz said with a smile. She felt it in her bones, in her soul. In that other time line, she had probably lost herself. Lost everything that had been her strength and Kellen had known it and taken advantage of it. But he would not get that opportunity now.

“Yeah, I feel it also. You are everything to me, and without you. I don’t know what’ll happen to me.” Max said quietly, not caring if that made him sound weak. But she was his strength, she was the thing that kept him going along in this life. Without her, his life wasn’t all that important. “Come on, let’s get back to the others.”

Liz nodded her head as she and Max walked to the others. Her eyes meet with Tess’s, who offered a smile. Everything had been so mixed up for so long and now the truth was known and everything was getting easier. Everything was fitting into place. She, Max, Tess, everything. She was happy that she had been wrong about Tess, that they were able to get to Tess before things went horribly wrong. She was being friends with Tess and it was slightly weird, but in another way, it all fit together. Maria was finally easing up on Tess as well. And Tess and Isabel had found that friendship that they had started up months ago.

With everything going right for the first time in a long time, Liz couldn’t help but be scared that something more lay ahead of them. That something bad was going to happen. But she had learned a long time ago, if you honestly believed in that self fulfilling prophecy than it would come true. She was worried and that was all that it was, there was no use for her to voice anything that she was feeling.

She just hoped that whatever the outcome to all of this was would be worth it. She hoped that Daric’s sacrifice was worth whatever life was going to come from it all. If she closed her eyes, she could still see him as clearly as the night he had come. She knew that she would see him one day. But it wouldn’t be as he was, he would come back to her different. He was going to look different. He had told her as much in the dream she had of him.

The dream she hadn’t told Max about, because Daric had been a part of her. Was always going to be a part of her. It was selfish of her, but she didn’t want to share that dream of him with anyone. Daric was hers. He had told her of what to expect and she was prepared, as scary as it all was. The hardest part was going to Copper Summit and facing Kellen. Not knowing what to expect.

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Post by Lillie »

Dedicated to: natalie36 and Flamehair.

<center>Chapter Three

December 19, 2000

Serina yawned as she watched the demonstration going on before her. She was damn bored and it appeared that her day was going to continue on this way. It was an annual thing. A reminder of the lives they had left on Antar. Serina didn’t understand who’s idea it had been, couldn’t have been Elias’, but Ceyla’s. Ceyla was the one who had the most heart. But from what Serina understood this remembrance ceremony only came about after the accident in 58. Which was actually something they weren’t supposed to talk about or even ask any sorts of questions. All she knew was that something bad had happened on that January day.

Those who had been around when it happened, refused to talk about it. While Serina understood, it was hard to talk about, but it was still so mysterious. She didn’t know why it was treated like a well guarded secret. But she had learnt a long time to not ask any questions about it. Elias had once yelled at her so terribly that she had cried. She had never been used to Elias getting mad at her. He had always had a special place in his heart for her, since she was the only girl. She was his favorite, she believed.

“Kinda boring isn’t it?”

Serina turned and instantly threw a smile on her face. She had always been taught to be polite, even if she wasn’t feeling like being that way. Ceyla had wanted her to act like she had manners. No, she did have manners, but sometimes she was too damn caustic for her own good. “Hey, Greer, how are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m good, Serina. Are you ready to go to Roswell?” Greer asked with a smile on his face, but it was one that wasn’t quite true. Serina was a good kid, he’d always thought so, maybe a little rough around the edges, but he chalked that up to an earthly upbringing. He didn’t recall her being so rough back at home. But a lot of things were very different from home. This was a place that he wasn’t used to. A place he didn’t like. After fifty years, he should have at least been used to this place, but he wasn’t.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. I guess. I just wish that I knew what to expect.” Serina replied, looking into his brown eyes. There was something in his eyes that she didn’t like. Something that was untrusting and it shook her to her knees. Greer had been someone who had always been around, ever since she was little. Obviously, he was trusted somewhat if Khivar had decided to bring him down here. But from things she had heard, that Khivar had truly picked a motley bunch of people. Ceyla claimed that she hadn’t known Courtney from Antar.

“I think that’s something all of us wish. To know what to expect from going to Roswell. Is victory so close at our hands?” Greer responded, wondering if he was casting some doubt in Serina’s mind. The years had been long and hard, and they had lost a lot of people that had mattered. And now, it was getting down to the wire. And all of them were in anticipation.

“Yes, I think that it actually is close at hand, Greer. The royal four are alive and are teenagers from what I understand. So its going to be interesting to see what’ll happen.” Serina said with a shrug, not wanting to think about it. She and Nathan were leaving tomorrow morning and setting out for New Mexico. Elias had forbid Kellen to go with them, which she understood even though she wanted him to go with them. It was going to be one of their last times together, she believed.

Serina wanted to enjoy being with Kellen and Nathan one last time before they would meet up with the others. Meeting up with the others was going to change everything in their lives, nothing would ever be the same. Avalina would be back in Nathan’s life and Serina was scared that she was going to be thrown aside for her. And it wasn’t that she had any designs on Nathan, it’s just that he was everything to her. Her conscience. Her best friend.

And Kellen was finally going to be thrust into the role of their leader. She was worried for him, scared even. All she wanted to do was to keep him safe and sound. To help him anyway that she could. Even if she had never once said it to his face. Those words were just so hard for her to say. Sometimes she hated the way her life was, she was scared of so many things and she wasn’t used to being scared. Unrequited love at its worst, she believed. Or at least that’s what Nathan would inform her, if he knew the truth. He had taken some damn psychology class two semesters ago and had come home trying to analyze all of them. She knew that he would have a field day if he could get inside of her head.

She was twenty years old and a woman, but sometimes she wished that she could just go back to that time when life had been simple, easy. When she and her boys would go walking in the woods, playing games with one another, practice their powers with each other. They had a simple idyllic childhood. Despite knowing that Kellen was the supposed to be their future leader, there wasn’t anything that they didn’t get. Ceyla indulged them, but Elias kept a firm hand on them.

“Kellen is finally going to take the throne. Take back the Granolith and we’re going to go home, Serina. Its about time.” Greer said with a small laugh. This had been coming for a long time, but if it had been him running things, once they found out where the royals were, he would have gone with guns blazing. But Elias had wanted to do recon, check what kind of threats they would be up against. To him, it had been a waste of time.

“Yeah, about time.” Serina remarked, wondering when Greer was going to leave her alone. She didn’t feel like talking to him any more. Something seemed off in the way he was talking to her. Nothing she could explain, it was just a feeling that she was getting from him.

“You know, the next step after the royals is your sister. How do you feel knowing that it’s only a matter of time before you see her again?” Greer wondered, knowing that the shit was going to hit the fan when they found her. She had more power in her pinkie than Serina probably had in her entire body. She was going to be the real source of power amongst all of the hybrid children. And they were all excited as to when they would finally see her again. As was the real Khivar.

“Great.” Serina murmured, not wanting to talk about what would happen when she saw her sister. She wasn’t prepared for that either. Would her sister like her? What would her sister be like? Neith was someone that was always on her mind. She could feel that she was close, and for some reason Serina believed that she was in Roswell with the royals. Down in her heart, in her soul, she knew that Neith was there. And it was something that she did not want to tell Kellen or Nathan. She just couldn’t form the words to say it.

“You know, Serina, I don’t think that I’ve ever told you how pretty you are.” Greer said with a smile. She was pretty, very different from how she was before. He didn’t quite know what her position was going to be once they found the royals and Neith was found. She didn’t really have any ties to Nathan or Kellen. Just because Nathan and Semiramis had once been involved and had a child on Antar, didn’t mean a whole lot.

“I. . . . thanks.” Serina said, not knowing what else to say. But before she could say anything else, she saw an unusual flash of light across the room. And than the next thing she knew, everything blew up right in front of her.


“Are you okay?”

Serina slowly opened her eyes at the sound of the small voice. She expected to feel pain or something, but was shocked that she didn’t feel anything. Something bad had happened and it was probably the royals fault. They had finally decided to make their way to Copper Summit. Jeez, what had Whitaker told them before they had killed her. Serina forced herself up to her feet and came face to face with a little blonde girl.

“Who are you?”

Serina looked around as the little girl giggled at her. She didn’t know where the hell she was at, it looked like a school. A high school? But it didn’t look like the one that she had gone to. It was weird, there were four poles in the middle of what looked like some sort of lounge. Hell, the high school that she had gone to hadn’t had a lounge. Some fancy school, she thought with a smile as she looked down the barren hallway. She had to admit that the lounge was interesting in an artistic way that she appreciated. But she wasn’t too sure about those yellow chairs.

“Where am I?”

“You’re dreaming, Serina. It’s okay.” The little girl said with a smile, her golden eyes twinkling with delight.

“What happened? The last thing that I remember. . . I was talking to Greer and than there was a flash of light or something. Don’t tell me, this is heaven and I’m dead. Is this like that book, and you’re one of the people I meet in my heaven?” Serina couldn’t help but be sarcastic. She was always that way when things were intense or she was freaking out. It was her defense mechanism. It was one that Nathan hated. Speaking of, where was he? Where was Kellen for that matter? God, they had to be okay.

“You’re not dead.” The little girl said, shaking her head enigmatically with a smile.

Serina narrowed her eyes at the little girl, who it seemed was taking a bit of delight in her confusion. Or maybe it was because she hit her head and she was assuming things. Whatever that flash of light had been, it had obviously knocked her out and she was hallucinating a little girl in a school. So what exactly was her subconscious trying to tell her? “If I’m not dead, than I’m knocked out. At least I’m not dead, right? So where exactly am I? Is this a high school? And who are you? Where did you come from?”

“Your not very nice.” The little girl scowled at Serina’s tone.

“Sorry, I just don’t like being confused. Not knowing where I’m at. It’s kinda scary.” Serina admitted, wishing she knew what the hell was going on. She had always known that alien dreams/hallucinations were different from everyone else’s. There were many times that she had dreams of people from Antar, dreams that she never spoke of to the others. She had never seen the point. Dreams of her parents, of her sister, of herself.

“Your just dreaming. But don’t worry, everything will be okay. I’m going to make sure. I’m watching you all of the time. There’s a lot that has to get done. That you’re going to do. Good stuff.” The little girl continued with a bright smile.

Serina stared into those pretty golden eyes and she believed it. She did believe that everything was going to be alright, and that this little girl was watching over her. Could it be Ghanima? But that didn’t make any sense if it was. Ghanima was not a little girl. By calculations of Antarian time, Ghanima had to be at least thirty years old by now. And as far as Serina knew, Ghanima had never had any children. No grandchildren for her, not yet anyway. “What’s going to happen next? What am I going to do?”

“Everything. But right now you need to wake up. They’re waiting for you.”


Serina took in a raspy breath as she opened her eyes. The first face she saw was Nathan’s and that made her smile. He was the one constant thing in her life, always there, never leaving her. She would simply be lost without him around. Which it amazed her that she made it through school without him. “Nathan, what the hell happened?”

“She healed you, Rina. I don’t know how she did it but she did.” Nathan said, still awestruck by what had happened. There were rarely times when he was at a loss for words. And now was definitely one of those times. What he had seen had slightly lessened the anger that he felt towards the royals. They had healed Serina and she was the most important thing.

“She? Who?” Serina asked as she started to move up in the bed despite the protests that Nathan tried to give her. Like she paid him any attention anyway. She wanted to know who had the power to heal her. She had been bad, she remembered pain and coughing up blood before she had finally passed out. And the little girl. She had seen a little blonde girl with golden eyes.

“Neith. Neith is with the royals. She healed you. And she doesn’t even know how she did it.” Nathan said with a sigh. Everything had gone crazy once Serina had passed out in his arms. He had been ready to kick ass against the royals, with the exception of Avalina. Not that he had known what he would have done with her. Just looking at her, finally seeing her confused him. They, of course, didn’t say a single word to each other though. Respecting their chosen sides. The sides they had been born to. His loyalties resided with Kellen and Serina. His family. Hell, he didn’t even know if he would like her once she opened her mouth.

Serina bit down on her lip at his words. Her sister was with the royals. Her sister was so close to her. Her sister had healed her. She wanted to cry and she didn’t know why. This was something that should be good, her sister was finally in breathing distance of her. “Where are they now? What happened? Does Kellen know? Does Elias know?”

“Yeah, there getting ready to have some pow wow meeting about it all right now. She healed you in front of us all, Serina. It was amazing. What in the sam hill do you think you’re doing? Get you’re ass back in bed.” Nathan growled when Serina started getting up. It was one thing for her to move around in bed and another for her to be getting up. Did she forget what the hell just happened to her?

“I’m getting up and I’m going to be present at that pow wow. I want to meet my sister. I’ve been waiting to see her, Nathan. You can’t deny me that. Now, tell me what else happened while I was out. Jeez, how much did I bleed?” Serina said disgusted as she grabbed an extra T-shirt that was lying around. In the compound they were ready for just about everything. That included having extra clothes lying around in the nurses station, which was where she had been residing for her little nap.

“Toss me a shirt, baby. After I grabbed you, I ran into the royals. Before I could do anything, Courtney came running into the room, saying not to hurt them. That they hadn’t done it. Elias and Kellen came in right after and started freaking out. Courtney was the one who let them into the compound. Elias wants her dead, while Kellen is waiting to hear from the royals before they do anything. Than your sister healed you while you were in my arms. And than she passed out and the kid — Max caught her. And now we’re gonna get to the bottom of this before Elias has them all killed for what happened.” Nathan explained as he quickly changed shirts. He never wanted to see that shirt again, because it would always remind him of Serina in his arms bleeding. And that was a sight that he never wanted to see again.

“How many casualties?”

“17 at last count. I’m not sure how many injured. They took them to the hospital, so the medics could work on them, while we brought you here. Seeing as your good as new, baby. Come on, let’s go join the Jerry Springer show.” Nathan informed her grimly, as he took her arm in his own. He was interested in how all of this was going to play out. Neith interested him immensely, but not as much as Avalina did. But those probably weren’t even their names anymore. If Zanier went by Max Evans, than the rest of them went by different names.

Serina stayed quiet as the two of them made their way down to Elias’ office. She was about to come face to face with her sister. What had Kellen done when he had seen Neith? She wished that she had been there to witness it. But what good would that have done? It would have probably broken her heart to see Kellen fall all over her sister. No, that wasn’t like Kellen. He had never fallen over anyone before. So she doubted that he would behave recklessly over Neith. It just wasn’t in Kellen to act like that, so she was sure that he had kept to himself. Probably didn’t say a single word to Neith, probably didn’t even look at her. She didn’t know how she was going to feel when she finally saw all of them in the same room.

“You ready for this?” Nathan asked, wondering if he was ready for this. He had to have a heart of steel, be the soldier that he had trained to be. This was what he was supposed to do, this was where he was supposed to be.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Serina said grimly, as she pushed the door open without a second thought. She gave Kellen and Elias a small smile as she made her way to their sides, her arm never leaving Nathan’s. She was showing where her loyalties laid, who she was bound to. The people who had loved her, raised her, been there for her through everything. Once she and Nathan reached the desk, where Elias called his home away from home, she forced herself to look at the others. The royal four. The ones that they had been searching for. And her sister.

The first one that took her attention was Avalina. Serina knew that it was her by the way she was openly staring at Nathan, who was doing his best not to catch her eye. She was a small girl, standing a little bit over five feet with blonde hair. And she probably had blue eyes considering the color of her skin tone and her bright hair, Serina deduced. She was pretty, and actually exactly what Nathan’s type was. He always had a thing for blondes. She had used to call them dumber than a box of rocks. She hoped that Avalina wasn’t the standard blonde she was used to.

Speaking of blondes, Vilandra was also a blonde. An Amazon at that, too. Serina had always considered herself to be taller than the average woman, but Vilandra beat her in the height department. This Vilandra was different from the one that she remembered. She could see this version as being a warrior princess like Xena. But this Xena obviously had a perfectionist streak in her, there was not one hair out of place on her head.

Rathard was oozing with contempt. It seemed that he was braced for a fight, which they would give him one if it came down to that. She didn’t care. He had an interesting look to him. Spiky hair, which she thought fit him.

Max Evans, the king interested her immensely. From just looking at him, she had to admit that she did see some similarities in him and Kellen. At least the stance and the eyes, which kinda freaked her out. Who would have guessed that they would share the same eyes here on Earth?

But the person who interested her the most was her sister. Neith. Serina wasn’t sure what she would have expected, how she would have viewed her sister, but this girl was just. . . she didn’t know if there was a proper word to explain what she was feeling. Just looking at the small dark haired girl brought it all back to Serina, why she had done some of the things in her life. Why Semiramis had done some of those things, they had all been for her sister. Semiramis had idolized Neith, there was nothing that she wouldn’t have done for her sister. Including join her sister’s enemies.

Neith was so small, nothing compared to how she had looked before. She looked so pretty and delicate, like if you pushed her over, she would fall. But Serina knew that was probably not true. Neith probably had more power in her than the entire royal four. Neith exuded such an interesting air about her. One of strength and femininity. Just looking at Neith made Serina see the differences in the two of them. She was nothing like Neith. It was no wonder that Evans was completely in love with her. Which was evident in everything, in the way he was standing next to her, as if trying to shield her from some kind of danger.

Did Evans really think that they were the enemy? That there was danger in coming to Copper Summit? Because shouldn’t it be them who considered the royals to be dangerous. Whitaker had died in Roswell. Which brought Serina’s attention to Courtney, who was standing with the royals, well standing next to Rathard. Was she really in cahoots with the royals? After spending fifty years on Earth in Copper Summit, had she really turned her back on all of them the moment she had discovered the royals? She understood Elias’s point. It was about loyalty. Where was Courtney’s?

Serina turned to look at Kellen, and was happy to see that he wasn’t staring at her sister. He wasn’t watching her in amazement or beaming with happiness that she was finally standing before him. He was staring at Evans, though. And her heart ached for Kellen. Ached because she knew that he was looking at him and realizing that his own brother stood in front of him. His own brother who was obviously so in love with Neith. Maybe Kellen realized that he had lost any chance he could have with Neith.

“We might as well get some introductions out of the way before we get down to the bottom of this. Because I have people dead out there. My people. I’ve been in charge of Copper Summit ever since we have come down here. I’m Elias and this is Kellen, Nathan and Serina.” Elias said gruffly, forcing himself not to throw accusations out at these teenagers. He had to admit that this was very weird. Were these children really behind the explosion that had taken more than twenty lives? They were children.

“We didn’t do that. I swear to you. We are not killers. We didn’t come here in order for anyone to get hurt.” Max insisted, as he looked at Elias. The man was awfully intimidating, big and gruff. And Kellen did not fit his idea of what he would be like. He seemed awfully quiet, not the horrible person that Max had pictured. “I’m Max Evans, that’s Michael Guerin, my sister Isabel, Tess Harding and Liz Parker.”

Her sister’s name was Liz Parker. Simple, yet beautiful.

TBC. . . . . . . .
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Post by Lillie »

Sorry about the wait. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy. :D

Dedicated to: Flamehair and kj4ever.

<center>Chapter Four

“But people did get hurt, Evans. Seventeen of my people are dead. And it happened as you came into Copper Summit. That’s not a coincidence. So tell me why should I believe you when you say that you are not responsible. Why should we believe you?” Elias returned, wanting for these children to see his point of view in this. Nothing like this had happened since that day in 1958, which he shuddered to think about. They were too fucking careful to let something like this happen.

“If we wanted any of you dead, you would be. Liz didn’t have to save Serina, but she did. It’s because of Liz that Serina is alive and okay.” Max insisted, understanding where Elias was coming from. But they hadn’t been responsible for the explosion that had happened. He had no idea who was responsible for it. And it had been very interesting timing that on the day that they came to Copper Summit, there was an explosion. Could Courtney have been involved with Nicholas? Made it so it would seem that they were the ones responsible for the explosion?

“He’s got a point, there.” Nathan said, cocking his eyebrow at the small brunette who had healed Serina. Interesting little thing Liz Parker was. Neith. Damn, who would have ever believed it? But Liz had been responsible for healing Serina and then promptly passed out from a lack of energy. From what Nathan deduced, it was something that Liz wasn’t used to doing.

Serina looked at Liz and wished that she could smile. Wished that she could throw her arms around her and be a sister to her. But her sister was with her so called enemies. There was an Antarian word that came to mind, it was kepela, which meant standing on two opposite sides of the river. And it was what she and her sister were doing. They were on two opposite sides. She had joined Khivar after the death of Neith, and hadn’t ever believed that she would have been reborn. Now she and her sister were supposed to be enemies. But her sister had saved her. Saved her life, which was probably one of the only reasons, Elias hadn’t killed any of them. His temper was legendary.

“Thank you for doing that, Liz. But tell me why you did it?” Kellen asked, speaking up for the first time. He didn’t know how else to express his gratitude to her for what she had done. He would never forget the sight of Nathan holding a lifeless Serina in his arms, her blood soaking into his shirt. Serina meant a lot to him and that was something that he was never going to get over. He hated that feeling of helplessness, knowing that there wasn’t anything that he could have done to spare her the pain that she had been. Hell, he didn’t know what he would have done if Liz hadn’t healed her. He probably would have killed them all. That was something that Elias had taught him, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

“Why shouldn’t I have done it? I know who Serina is to me. We weren’t the ones who did it. You have a traitor in your midst.” Liz countered, her eyes never leaving Kellen’s. His eyes were the same color as Max’s. It was strange to look at him and know that he had no idea about the future life they had almost created. That they had created children in another lifetime. He had no knowledge of Daric, no idea of what importance Daric had been to all of them.

“What are you talking about?” Serina blurted out, unable to help herself. Where was all of this coming from? A traitor? No, every last one of them was loyal to Kellen and the cause. That Kellen was going to one day go back to Antar and rule the day that Khivar died. Kellen was going to go back with the royal four. That was his destiny. They all knew it and they all believed it. There was no traitor. That was an unthinkable thought.

“Yes, please explain yourself.” Elias said simply, giving Serina a harsh look. Her temper was something that closely resembled his own. She was brash and quick to lash out sometimes. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree with that one.

“I guess this is where I start. I was raised away from Max and the others. I was raised by my protector, we can call him Nasedo. He informed me once I got to the breeding stage that I was to do whatever possible to get to my king once we found him. That he was my husband, and that we were to have a child. That it was all part of the deal for us to go back to Antar. A deal that he had made with Khivar. Do you know what I’m talking about?” Tess spoke up for the first time, looking at Nathan sadly. If she had done that, if she had purposely gotten pregnant by Max, it would have ruined her life. Ruined everything for her. Her chance to be with Nathan. She couldn’t understand why she had done it in that other time line. That other life. Had she really been so desperate? He had been here on Earth the entire time.

“Pregnant by him? Why would Khivar want a child from you and Max?” Elias questioned with a dubious tone. She didn’t sound as if she was lying, but it didn’t make all that much sense to him. He sure as hell had never had any contact with her protector, so the idea that Khivar had been in touch with her protector was a little preposterous. She seemed convinced of it, so maybe her protector had lied to her about the entire thing. Maybe used that lie to keep her in line. So certain that she and the little king were supposed to be together.

“My child is the rightful heir to the throne of Antar.” Max countered softly, not liking the tone that the older man was giving him. The man who called himself Elias had a harsh look about him. Dark eyes that followed everything, eyes that didn’t miss a beat.

“Now that’s a matter of opinion, now isn’t it?” Nathan said with a laugh, as he tried to keep the tension to a minimum, but he knew that he was doing a bad job. There was tension coming from just about everyone. Everyone was on their guard. Not that he blamed any of them. But all just seem too coincidental that when they arrived, an explosion occurred on their compound. “Sorry, bad joke.”

Tess cracked a smile at his words and knew that she was going to love this guy. She would love him for Nathan, as he was now. Not for the memory of the man she remembered. She wished that they would get this all over with already and she could talk to him. Just the two of them. See what would happen.

“Back to the point. You’re saying that Khivar made a deal for you to get pregnant with his baby so you could go back to Antar. But Khivar knew the truth about you and Nathan, so why would he want that?” Serina remarked, wanting to get things back on track. She didn’t want to see some little love fest between Nathan and Avalina. Even though it was kinda sickening sweet in a way.

“Because he still wants Liz for himself.” Max stated simply.

“An heir to the throne is an awfully useful puppet.” Elias said with a nod of his head. It made some sense, but still how the hell had Khivar been in any sort of contact with Tess’ protector. And why hadn’t he been informed about the entire matter. Or maybe it was just something that had been discussed a long time before they had even come to earth.

“Are we really going to buy all of this? Our people are dead. We have a morgue filled at the moment and it’s because of them. It’s not a coincidence.” Kellen said harshly, not wanting to hear anymore of this talk. He had to think about his people and what was right for them. The only reason they were alive was because of what Liz had done for Serina. He didn’t want to hear talk about what Khivar wanted. Khivar wasn’t here on earth, he was. And he was supposed to be the leader down here.

True, he did remember things from Antar. Like how he had felt about Neith, which was something that he wasn’t too happy to admit. It had been like an obsession with her. It was one that he wasn’t too eager to get back into. It wasn’t what he wanted, and besides, she wasn’t even the same as she had once been before. That was obvious in every move that she made. She was completely different from Serina. Complete opposites. Liz Parker was a quiet type of girl whereas Serina was loud and always ready for a fight. It was hard to keep that girl down, while Liz looked like she might topple over if hit.

“Kellen. . ." Serina started, not knowing what else to say. Just as she feared, Kellen was looking at Liz with such interest and it made her sick to her stomach. Why was this happening again?

“I still haven’t heard anything that makes me not think of you as my enemy. Serina was hurt, she could have died. It’s because of Liz that you are alive at this moment. If she hadn’t healed Serina, I would not hesitate to kill you.” Kellen said deadly. He didn’t bother giving Serina his attention when she called his name; he wanted to make himself crystal clear to these people standing in front of him. He wanted for them to know that while he was not Khivar, he was still someone that wouldn’t back down from a fight. He would not allow for anything to happen to his people. They were counting on him. Nathan was counting on him, Serina was counting on him. The image of her bleeding in Nathan’s arms would not leave him.

“That right there should have showed you that we are not your enemy.” Isabel finally spoke up. There was something in Kellen’s eyes that worried her. He had a dangerous look in his eyes. It didn’t appear that anything they had to say would make him feel better would make him believe them. That scared her. What was he capable of?

“As nice as that was, that is the only thing keeping you alive at the moment. Do you have anything to say in their defenses, Courtney? As to how they got past our security?” Serina remarked, not liking the way that Kellen was taking all of this. Quite frankly, he was scaring her with his tone. She had never quite seen him this way, not even when he had discovered the truth about her and Nathan.

“Yes, I helped them get through it all. They are telling you the truth; we are not responsible for what happened. There is a traitor in the mix, probably more than one. Just think about it, some of the people that came down to Earth didn’t even know each other. I never knew who Vanessa was before coming down to Earth. Do you know why, Kellen? Do you remember Cillian? I think that Khivar has his own plans for all of us. Plans that you don’t know about. Or do you, Kellen?” Courtney explained, wanting to set things straight. Serina knew that they had all been taught the basics of human technologies, as well as other things that might come in handy to them, such as bombs. They all knew how to make human bombs, just in case.

“Hey, don’t talk to him that way!” Serina said, coming to Kellen’s defense. She didn’t like the insinuations that were being made. Kellen had lived his life for the rest of them, he had always been there. Steadfast and strong, he had always cared about everyone.

“I can talk to him any damn way I please to. I’m questioning my leader, who I am supposed to be following to my death. I don’t want to be bullshitted.” Courtney countered, not caring about Serina’s anger. Her life was at stake, over this game that Kellen could be playing. She wasn’t sure what the right thing was at this point. Where exactly she stood? With Max or with Kellen?

“Since when have you ever been bullshitted, Courtney?” Elias asked, with a tinge of anger in his voice. Who the hell did she think she was questioning him or Kellen? He had done his best to keep Kellen out of things when he was younger, and it was only in the past few years had he brought Kellen into the circle. That had been by Ceyla’s request. He assumed that she had wanted to keep Kellen a kid for as long as she could, before the entire thing was thrust upon him.

Serina felt the anger building up inside of her at this point. What the hell was Courtney talking about? How had she ever been lied to? Everything that had happened had occurred because of their quest to find the royal four and the granolith. Nothing more and nothing less. There was no way that she was going to believe that she had been lied to throughout her life. Elias was like a father to her, he had always been there. He had stood by her side, taught her how to fight, how to be a strong person. She was who she was because of that man.

If he had lied to her, the others, it would make her entire life nothing but a lie. And she didn’t know what she would do if her entire life was a lie. What would that make her? What would be for her if it wasn’t true? Elias loved her and only wanted the best for her. Courtney didn’t know what she was talking about. Courtney didn’t know Elias the way Serina knew him. Her father would never lie to her, would never deceive her.

“I have given my entire life for this cause. For us to find the royal four, to find the granolith, with some hope in going home. Getting back to some semblance of the life I once had. I have helped search across the west for our goal. And then I find out about secret meetings with Khivar and wanting to get Tess Harding pregnant for a child. Something that you never told us about. You and Khivar have secret plans that we don’t know about. And in my book that is being bullshitted over.” Courtney replied, her eyes burning with anger. Over everything that had happened.

“Courtney, you should know by now that we will never get our lives back. So much has happened. I know that you lost your husband in the war, and he’s never going to come back. I lost my wife, so many of us lost so much. And it’ll never come back. I am going to get to the bottom of everything. This entire notion of Tess getting pregnant with Max’s child.” Elias informed her, not wanting to think back to what his life had once been on Antar before the fighting. He had been happy. But that was a long time ago.

Serina took in a harsh breath at Elias’s words and contemplated her life. What was she waiting for? She knew that whatever had happened once upon a time on Antar, had been just that, once upon a time. She was a different person. She was no longer Semiramis. The left behind sibling of Neith. She was more than that. She was Serina, and she had been raised alongside Nathan and Kellen. They were her family, they loved her, and they would do anything for her. Did everything else really matter? Liz and Kellen? When it all came down to it, Kellen would put his people before himself. She knew that. And that was something that Courtney should also know.

“It won’t ever happen. I am not going to have a child with Max. Not now, not ever.” Tess threw in. If Elias had been in on the plan with Nasedo and Khivar, she wanted for him to know that she wasn’t playing with what she said. If she would have a child, it would definitely not be with Max Evans. Though, she couldn’t imagine ever being a mother. She didn’t think that she was suited to have children someday. She would prefer to be that cool aunt to many kids. She hadn’t had a suitable role model on what it was like to be a parent. Nasedo hadn’t shown her the slightest affection. Sometimes she felt that she was incapable of feeling. So what good would she be for a child?

Nathan clenched his jaw at her words. All of this was crazy to him. Why the hell would Khivar have told Tess’ protector for her to get pregnant? Damn it, he hated to admit that it did make some sense to him. It had always been Khivar’s intention to have Neith back in some shape or form, so why would he want to take the chance that the former king and Neith might eventually make their way back to each other. With Tess around, with each of them thinking that they had a duty to their people, it would make it harder for the king to go off with Neith. Had Khivar really pushed aside Nathan’s own happiness for his own selfish reasons? Nathan had the feeling whatever was the truth; he wasn’t going to like it. There was something going on, something that he and others obviously didn’t know. And as much as he wanted to hear more from the royal four, another part of him wanted for them to leave so he would be able to confront Kellen and Elias about all of this.

“Look, I suggest that we put all cards on the table. You obviously think that I am involved in Tess’ protector wanting for her to get pregnant. Which where is your protector?” Elias countered, wanting to get some answers rather than continue this run around.

“He’s dead. He died a few months ago. Which, we are under the impression that you and your people are responsible for his death. Seeing as I found a skin lying near his body.” Max informed them harshly. He believed that it was the works of those skin rogues, those working closely to Khivar that had been responsible for Nasedo’s death. But what he wasn’t sure was of the involvement of the people who were standing in front of him. Courtney hadn’t known anything about a plan to kill Nasedo, but this Elias was evidently the top dog. But where did that Nicholas person Lonnie talked about stand?

Serina suppressed the shock that she felt at his words. What the hell was this shit? She seriously didn’t know what was going on anymore. The royal four and her sister come blowing into their town and start tossing things around that just didn’t make any sense. Khivar wanting Tess to get pregnant, and now that they killed their protector. They didn’t want to harm the royal four, at least that was what she had been told. But who knew what Khivar really had planned for them? He didn’t want for them to come back to rule Antar, that was for sure. She didn’t like any of this. The doubt that was forming in her head.

Serina looked over to where Kellen was standing, and what she saw frightened her. There was a look of complete anger on his face, but it was the quiet anger. Kellen’s anger frightened her, because it was very rare when he got mad, when he exploded. But when it happened, it was something that took them all by surprise. She knew that he wanted to say something, but he was suppressing it with every ounce that he had in his body. She had long believed that Kellen preferred to keep everything to himself. That if he somehow showed what he was feeling that it would make him weaker in everyone’s mind. And they couldn’t have a weak leader.

“You found a Skin near his body? Who else saw it?” Nathan injected, crinkling his brow at the notion. The shedding of skin was something that only happened to someone that wasn’t hydrated, which was pretty easy to happen because of the heat. Back when Elias and the others had first come down, more than one person had died because their body hadn’t been able to adapt to the heat. But since then, they had figured out what to do to make sure that never happened again.

“No one. I was alone.” Max countered. He had a bad feeling about the way all of this was going. It seemed that nothing was going to be resolved. He didn’t want to be enemies with these people standing before him. He didn’t want to have to do something that he would regret. It was bad enough what had happened with Lonnie and Rath. But if push came to shove, than he would do whatever was necessary to make sure his family was safe. Every last one of them.

“So we’re taking you at your word?” Serina said sarcastically, wishing that Kellen would say something. She wanted to throttle him; she wanted him to voice his opinion. Just to have anything come out of his mouth. She was afraid it was not only because he was processing everything that they were saying, the belief that Khivar was behind that insane plan of a pregnant Tess, but also because of Liz’s presence. Was he enthralled by her sister? Why did this have to happen all over again?

Even with all that Serina knew, she had some hope that this time around maybe that Kellen would not be enchanted with her sister. That maybe, just maybe she would have the chance that she had never completely had on Antar. Damn it. That was something that she didn’t like admitting to herself. The feelings that she had for Khivar back on Antar, a life that wasn’t hers really. Khivar had been in love with Neith, while she had been captivated by him. There had been something about him that had drawn her to him. She had a thing for guys with sadness in their lives, she guessed.

“We don’t need to lie.” Michael said roughly, not liking her tone. He didn’t give a shit if this chick was Liz’s sister, he didn’t like her tone.

“Like I said, we have to take you at your word. Like, that’ll do us any good.” Serina sneered, she didn’t like Rath. Not the hair that surrounded him, not the way he was standing, she didn’t like anything about him. She suppressed the urge to get up in his face and do something. She knew that was asking for trouble. But then again, she had always been the type of girl who asked for trouble. That seemed to be her calling card wherever she went.

“One of your people killed our protector. He came to me half alive, and told me that it was one of you. That they were coming for us. And that wasn’t a lie. Because Vanessa Whitaker was in town. And she tried to kill my sister, she tried to kill Tess. No one can deny that.” Max said harshly, getting tired of this same old song. It was like he was talking to a wall, no one wanted to believe what they were saying. They were all getting so frustrated. They didn’t want to believe that any of their people were traitors.

“I don’t believe a fucking word that is coming out of your mouth. My people want the same thing that I want. None of what you are saying is the truth. Get the fuck out of my sight before I kill you myself for what happened today. Get out now!” Kellen bellowed, not able to keep it inside of himself anymore. He didn’t want to hear anything more from these people. He just wanted them away from him.

TBC. . . . . . . .
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Post by Lillie »

Dedicated to: kj4ever, Flamehair, PML.

Note: Sorry about the wait. I decided to send this out a day early, it's not fully beta'd so I hope that it's alright to you guys. Enjoy!

<center>Chapter Five

“He’s not going to show.”

“Kyle, don’t be so negative. Of course, he’s going to show. It was his idea after all. He is the one who asked for us to meet him. ” Tess said, biting on her nail. She was nervous about meeting Nathan on her own. Well, technically, she wasn’t on her own. But still, this was the first time that they would be able to say something to one another, be so close, be alone. They had all been surprised when Nathan had come up to Courtney and told her where to meet him within the hour.

It was something that gave Tess hope for more than one reason. It meant that he had to know they were telling the truth about what they had said. While Kellen had unceremoniously thrown them out, which had freaked them all out. His refusal to hear anything more from them, it gave her hope that Nathan had wanted to meet with them. She had to admit that they were lucky that Kellen hadn’t had anyone follow them to make sure they were gonna cross the state line. The look of utter hatred had convinced her of what she needed to know about him. Kellen was dangerous.

Secondly, she was going to have to talk to Nathan on her own. To see if there was anything there for them. They had come so far to find one another. Journeyed through galaxies, through another life to be with one another. But what was he going to think when he found out that there was another one of her out there? Her twin, Ava. Would it make a difference to him? Would he think of her as a left over? Not the real version of Avalina. Boy was that dumb of her to be thinking that way. There was no longer a real version of Avalina. That chick was long dead. And Tess Harding and Ava were what remained of her.

Tess knew that. But she still second guessed herself. Wondered if she was going to be good enough. She was what she was, flaws and all. And hell, if he wouldn’t want her, she knew that there were other guys out there who would want her. She was one of those envied girls at school, even though she thought it was a silly hierarchy at school, but it did make her feel better. Tess knew who she was and she needed to leave it at that. She couldn’t be insecure anymore. Being insecure would lead to mistakes. And mistakes could getting them all killed.

“We’re taking a big chance here, Tess.” Max said quietly, carefully keeping an eye on the small blonde. It was interesting to see Tess nervous; it wasn’t something that he was used to. She was normally the one with her head so thoroughly calm. He had always admired that about her. She was like a wall of steel. And his wall of steel was reduced to biting on her nails at the very thought of meeting up with Nathan.

“I know that we are, Max. But I think that we’re doing the right thing by meeting him. They could have killed us, so that must show us something. Even if they don’t want to hear what we have to say.” Tess responded with a small smile. She wondered what the hell was going on inside of Kellen. It was interesting to be able to put new faces on the people that she remembered. Her brother who she hadn’t even known was down here on Earth, was just like Max in a strange way. Tall, quiet, with a military styled hair cut, and the same golden eyes as Max. She hoped that things would work out, that some way they would all be able to be happy. She knew that it was a childish hope for them all to get some happiness out of this, especially with her new found belief that Kellen was just as dangerous as Khivar was. There was no way that both of their sides would be able to win this battle.

“He wants to talk to us about something, which is a good sign. Maybe he can talk some sense into Kellen.” Courtney injected, hating that she was feeling old. She hadn’t appreciated Elias bringing up her husband. She didn’t need anyone to remind her of the life that she was never going to get back. She hated to admit it to herself, but she was jealous that Max and Liz had their second time around. They had finally realized just how precious life was, how fleeting that it could be. And in the end those little insecurities really didn’t matter. She wished that she could have that with her husband. Honestly, she would just settle to see a smile on his face and nothing more. Only death would bring her back to him.

“Let’s hope so.” Liz said, sharing a small smile with Max. Coming here had taken a lot out of them. Both mentally and physically. While she wasn’t happy about the way things had turned out with Kellen, she was pleased that it didn’t seem that he was obsessed with her the way Daric had said. And once again, it made her wonder about what had happened in that previous time line. Why Kellen had once been so intent on finding her? Damn it. None of that mattered though. That previous time line was done and over, and she needed to stop thinking about it.

“Speak of the devil.” Kyle said with a smirk as he watched the black 67 Chevy Impala make its way towards them. Now that was one damn fine ride he had. He knew that car very well because it was one of his top five cars that he hoped to have one day. He couldn’t help but whistle in appreciation for the car, which was obviously cared and loved for. “I’ve got to say this, Tess; your guy sure knows how to take care of his car. Gorgeous.”

Tess couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Kyle’s face. It was one of pure lust and appreciation. The only other time Tess had seen this look on his face was when she had caught him staring intently at an issue of Busty Biker Babes. The laughter broke the tension that was in the air, something that was sorely needed since they had made their trek to Arizona. Besides, the laughter made her not so nervous about Nathan’s arrival.

“Sorry, I didn’t get here quicker. I had to make sure that no one was going to follow me.” Nathan said regretfully, as he gazed over the tired looking group. It had been hard for him to get away sooner. Serina had known something was up, and wouldn’t allow for him to leave. It was only the fact that she was exhausted by the entire day that had finally taken its toll on her. That and he had some sneaking suspicion that Kellen might have someone follow him. He didn’t know where the suspicion came from, but it was something that was haunting him.

“How. . . how’s Serina?” Liz asked softly, wishing that she had at least a moment with her sister on her own before they had been forced to leave. At Kellen’s words for them to leave, Serina had said nothing. She had stayed by Nathan’s side, no emotion whatsoever on her face. Her sister seemed so hard and stoic. But Liz knew that it only had to be a mask that she used so people wouldn’t know what she was really feeling.

“She’s fine. Good. Exhausted. Fell almost right to sleep when her head touched the pillow. I don’t think that I thanked you for what you did, Liz, but thank you. For that, I will never forget it.” Nathan told her, wanting to take her in his arms and hug her. He didn’t know why, maybe it was because she seemed so small and vulnerable. While it appeared that she and Serina seemed like opposites of the spectrum, he suspected that they were probably the same. Liz was the type who wasn’t used to having to hide how she was feeling, while Serina had done that when it came to the things she didn’t want for anyone to know.

“She’s my sister, there’s probably nothing that I wouldn’t do for her. Let her know that.” Liz said quietly. It didn’t matter to her that she didn’t know Serina that was her blood, her family. She was going to get the chance to know her sister, eventually. After everything was sorted out.

Nathan nodded his head at her words, taken aback by what she said. Serina could finally have what she always wanted, a family. As much as he and Kellen were her family, Liz was different. Blood was different. He was going to make sure that one day Liz and Serina were able to have a relationship with one another. She was his girl and he was going to make sure that she was happy. Nathan cleared his throat to get that lump that had gotten stuck there out. “So what’s this about a traitor amongst us?”

Max nodded his head at Nathan. “Yeah, um. . . let me introduce you to the rest of us. Maria DeLuca, Kyle Valenti and Alex Whitman. It wasn’t safe for them to go with us to Copper Summit, so they’ve been waiting for us here. This is Nathan. . . “


”Alright, Nathan Gutierrez. We’re gonna man the perimeter. You try anything funny and you’ll be a dead man.” Michael said gruffly. He motioned for Maria to join him, since she was his partner. Isabel was partnered with Alex, and Liz, Kyle and Courtney were also together. He wasn’t quite sure of what his opinion of Nathan was yet. He seemed trustworthy, but he had been raised with Kellen and that she demon, so he didn’t know what to expect.

Max dropped a kiss on Liz’s forehead before she went off with Kyle and Courtney. It was all a precautionary method, but they had to be prepared for anything. They were only fifty miles away from Copper Summit, who knew who was around? “The story is long and complicated. It started with someone coming to us from the future. To me and Liz. He told us his name was Daric and that he had to change things. From what Daric told us, Tess was supposed to get pregnant with my child as an heir for Antar. A puppet pretty much. Well, your side and my side were pretty much fighting an endless war against one another. Almost all of us were dead by the time Daric came to us. About changing the future. Hmm. . . . it’s crazy to know when your going to die. My friend Alex over there. . . was supposed to die in a couple of months from now.”

“By my hand, evidently.”

“Tess. . . .”

”Since we’re being so honest about everything to Nathan, I might as well get that out. Evidently, the need to get home, to something more than all of this made me kill Alex. Made me get pregnant with Max’s child. I think that I’m supposed to die in a couple of year’s right? 2004, I think? That’s fine, right? But that world is one that we are not going to go into. I refuse to walk down that same path. Not to mention the fact that Max really isn’t my type. No matter how much my protector told me that I was supposed to be the queen, be his wife, the mother of his children, all that fun stuff. It’s not gonna happen.” Tess explained, maintaining a good job of keeping her voice casual. She was comfortable with telling people, because she knew that she was never going to do that. Simply, there was no reason for her to. She was not going to put her own happiness in jeopardy in order to be the queen. Being queen didn’t matter to her.

"How did this kid manage to come back?” Nathan asked, curious about the entire concept. Time travel, how sci-fi. And for that matter, who was this Daric person? Who had he been related to? The spawn of Tess and Max in the future?

Max shared a look with Tess, wondering how he was going to say it. Could Nathan really be trusted? Damn, he was putting a lot of faith into this guy that he didn’t know. Someone who had been raised with his so called enemy, his nemesis, his brother. He decided to just say it and get it over with. The answers were worth it all. And by the looks of it, the looks that Nathan was giving to Tess, he could be turned. He could come to their side; his love made for Tess made that possible. “Through the Granolith. It seems that it can be modified somehow. I don’t know the details of how, but I’m sure that we can figure it out on our own. My girl is a genius.”

Nathan smirked and looked at Tess, who gave him a lopsided grin at Max’s words. She was gorgeous, and she was better than he had ever imagined. Everything about her was beautiful to him. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, even what she was wearing. Damn, he was getting corny in his age. He wasn’t one for warm sentiments, seeing chick flicks, remembering birth days, or thinking a woman’s clothes were beautiful just because of who was in them. What he really wanted was to be alone with Tess, to talk to her on his own. Alone. “Is he always like that?”

“So lovey dovey? Yeah, but you gotta forgive him for it. He’s in love. And it’s taken them this long to be together and carefree. So it’s all good.” Tess replied with a big smile. She didn’t begrudge Max his happiness. If there was anyone who deserved it, it was him and Liz. They had been happy and together until she had come barging in, like she deserved to be a part of them. She hadn’t. She had helped take away some of Max’s happiness, and for that she was going to do whatever she had to ensure they were happy and safe.

“If we’re done making fun of me, I’ll continue. That world only happened because of a lot of bad things, things that aren’t going to happen. Everything is going to be fine. No me impregnating Tess, that’s for sure. But it’s because of Daric that we found out what could happen. And that there was another set of us out there. When we were sent down to earth, there were two sets. It was the Vilandra and Rath of the other set that told us about a summit in New York. That was where they were hoping to make some deal with Khivar to get back to Antar.” Max explained, getting back to the point of it all.

“What? A summit? Are you sure?” Nathan questioned, the entire thing sounding suspicious. Who the hell had contacted these other people? This Vilandra and Rath? These people who wanted to get back to Antar, who were willing to make a deal. What the hell had been going on in Roswell? What hadn’t he known? They had sent Vanessa Whitaker and Courtney Banks to Roswell to keep an eye on what was going on. But just to keep an eye, they were not supposed to approach anyone. Keep a cool distance that had been the plan.

“They said his name was Nicholas and that he’s supposed to be Khivar’s right hand man. But from what Courtney tells us, Khivar’s right hand man in Copper Summit is named Elias. So what we’re thinking is that Nicholas is the one orchestrating all of the bad things that have been happening. The pieces are fitting all together to us. Maybe you don’t know, maybe Elias doesn’t know, Courtney sure as hell doesn’t know. As for Kellen, I’m not sure what he knows. He seemed too eager to kick us out. Nicholas is the man that we have to look for. He is the key to all of it.” Max asserted, running his hand haphazardly through his hair. Sure, they had no proof about Nicholas’ existence other than Lonnie’s admissions.

“Nicholas is dead. So I don’t know who the hell this person was talking about. Who told you that it was Nicholas in the first place?” Nathan rebuffed. It was a good theory, and it would make none of the bad guys in all of this. But Nathan didn’t think that these high school kids were the bad guys, orchestrating bombing their compound. Being responsible for the death of over twenty of their people.

“Her name is Lonnie. She is the duplicate of Vilandra. Pretty much a genetic twin for my sister, Isabel. It was Lonnie and Rath who had come to Roswell to see us about the summit, and she was the one that told us that Nicholas was the guy in charge. Zan, my. . . twin is dead. They killed him because he didn’t want to go to the summit. And Tess’s twin, Ava vanished before they came to Roswell. And Rath, well, he’s dead now. He tried to kill Tess and my sister.” Max informed Nathan. He was getting a good feeling from Nathan, that he believed what he was being told. And that maybe, Nathan would be able to talk some sense into Kellen and the others.

“He tried to kill you?” Nathan said incredulously. He didn’t like the way that his chest tightened up at that. He didn’t want to think about not ever having the chance to know this girl, to see her with his own two eyes. To breathe the same air as her. Whoa, corny much, he thought. As corny as it all was, Nathan knew that he found his meaning, his purpose in life. He knew that he was going to be with Tess in the long run, that she was the one for him.

“What can I say? I provoked him into doing something. He was going to hurt Isabel, because of me. Besides it’s not the first time someone has tried to kill me.” Tess said quietly, looking up into Nathan’s eyes, which appeared to look hazel, but in the light before she could have sworn they were green. Whatever color it was, it was one that she loved. Hell, it was going to be her favorite color now.

“What happened to Lonnie?”

“I let her go.” Max said, clenching his jaw as he remembered his decision. Though he was still unsure of what the consequences were going to be, he knew that it had been the right one. He couldn’t have done something to her when he knew that she was pregnant. She had a brand new life in her, a life that should have the chance to exist. If she came back as his enemy, he would deal with her than.

“You let her go? Why?” Nathan asked skeptically.

“Lonnie’s pregnant. We’re not monsters, Nathan. We’re seventeen years old; we still go to high school. I don’t believe in taking a life. Life is something precious, and she’s having a baby. A boy. . . . Hell, I saw him inside of her when I touched her. He is going to be a good person, despite who his mother is. I don’t regret letting her go. Hell, if Max wouldn’t have, I probably would have done it on my own.” Tess admitted, looking away from his eyes. She wasn’t used to talking about how she felt about things. Even though she wasn’t quite sure that she would ever really be a mother, she viewed children as the best of this word, as hope that everything was going to be okay.

Nathan nodded his head at Tess’ words. Noble of them to let a potential enemy go because of her pregnancy. He was just hoping that one day they weren’t going to be kicking themselves in the butt for letting her go. But where would Lonnie go anyway? She wasn’t in Roswell, wasn’t in Copper Summit and by all accounts had no more family to rely on, since they were most likely all dead, including Ava.

“How can you be sure that Nicholas is dead?” Max asked curiously, as he scanned to where the others were. He could see Liz smiling at whatever it was Kyle had just said to her, while Courtney kept her face void of emotion.

“Because he died in 1958. There was an accident at the compound that killed twenty nine people. It was before my time, but it was evidently so bad that’s the reason why we have made the precautions that we have. Today was actually the first day that we begin the mourning period for the people of the accident. Antarian mourning lasts for twenty one days, if you remember? It’s funny that this explosion happened, because tomorrow Serina and I were supposed to go to Roswell. Anyway, I don’t know who the hell it was that Lonnie talked to, but it can’t be Nicholas. But I’ll find out whatever I can. I want to get to the bottom of this as much as you do.” Nathan told them. Even though Nicholas had died in 58, there was someone out there using his name. It had to be someone who knew that Nicholas was dead, someone who had taken on his identity. But who was it? He wished that he had a better idea of who he was looking for.

“Why did Kellen throw us out? Is he a threat?” Max queried. His half brother, who was supposed to be his enemy, interested him greatly. His nemesis. Who in the other time line had stolen Liz from him? Well, he had already lost her before Kellen came a-calling. Kellen was an enigma to him, and that was something he really didn’t like. He liked things to be crystal clear, friend or enemy. Simple, tidy.

“Besides, Serina, Kellen is my oldest friend. We’ve been there for everything, through thick and thin. We have been together always. We were together on Antar, as a unit and we are a unit here on Earth. He is going to be our leader, the leader to everyone in Copper Summit. He has all of them to think about. Don’t forget what happened today. How many of our people died. And we don’t know who did it. Because I sure as hell won’t believe it that you were responsible for it. Kellen was pretty freaked about what happened with Serina. If Liz hadn’t healed her, I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t be here for me to talk to, Max.” Nathan said grimly, not giving them an answer.

He didn’t know what was going on with Kellen that guy kept so much inside, but Nathan wouldn’t say that he was a threat. Kellen was his best friend, but in the back of his mind a little voice was telling him to question some of the things that had been said, had been done. That entire plan for Tess to get pregnant by Max? Khivar’s plan. . . so did that make it Kellen’s plan also? That right there was enough to make Nathan question a lot of things. He would get to the bottom of it all.

“I believe that too.” Max said quietly.

“This has been stimulating. I do believe what you’ve told me. As crazy as some of the stuff has sounded, but then again, hasn’t our entire lives when a little crazy? Max, I hope you don’t mind but can I steal Tess for a moment?” Nathan asked, meeting Max’s gaze squarely. He wanted time with her alone.

“Uh yeah. Of course. I hope we’ll stay in touch.” Max replied, nodding his head at Nathan. He knew that Tess would probably take care of that end for him. With one more smile at them, he walked off to where Liz was.

“So. . . . . .”

TBC. . . . .