Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by Zanity »

#182 AU w/ Aliens

Ok the shooting never happens so there is no investigation into the Aliens, no break in to the sheriff's office to find a key, no Topolsky, no journal to go missing, no trip to Marathon, and no car accident on the highway.

For the party during Heatwave Liz and Kyle are still dating. Max finds out that they're going and goes so he can watch Liz. Someone spikes the punch with some of the alcohol that was flowing freely at that party and both Max and Liz end up drunk.

They wake up the next morning together and naked with a total memory blackout. You can choose whether they are in Liz's Bed, Max's Bed, or the Pod Chamber.

They aren't married and Liz isn't pregnant but they did have sex and thanks to Max's alien physiology they are now permanently bonded together both telepathically and empathically.

Max feels guilty about the fact that he just dragged Liz into the alien abyss permanently and about the fact that she had been with Kyle. And at first he's not convinced she could truly be happy with him.

Liz would feel a little bit guilty about cheating on Kyle but she's too busy with other emotions. She's a little freaked out that she lost her virginity to an alien. She's a little overwhelmed with the new world she finds herself in, but she loves her new found ability to feel how much, the previously thought to be unatainable, Max Evans cares for her and she couldn't be happier that they're bound together, and that Max is hers.

And she freaks a little more as she starts feeling her body chemistry changing and upon testing in the science lab she finds out her cell structure is becoming more like Max's.

They theorize that the bond is like a marriage for Max's people and her body is adjusting to make them biologically compatible (ie so they'll be able to have children one day.) As a side effect of the changes she starts developing powers of her own, which she has trouble controlling at first. But she learns quickly when Max starts helping her.


--Kyle can't take the news of Liz dumping him for Max well.
--Michael and Isabel have to be unhappy about Liz's new position in the group at first and gradually warm up to her over time.
--Keeping Max's secret has to put a strain on Liz's relationships with Maria and Alex for a time... until they eventually find out the truth too.
--Liz can't just decide spill the beans to her friends. She can be the one that explains it to them if you want but she has to get the ok from the others first.


--If you have Tess come to town Max and Liz's new bond interferes with either of them being mindwarped.
--You can have the parents find out about Max and Liz's relationship having crossed into sexual territory and start trying to interfere.
--If Max and Liz wake up in the Pod Chamber Max has to be shocked because he didn't remember where the chamber was and hadn't been there since the night he hatched.
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Post by Lillie »

183. I was watching sex, lies and videotape for the first time. And I thought of an Alex/isabel challenge.

So just like the movie. Isabel is married to Jesse, who's a lawyer. Isabel is not into sex, not into physical intimacy, which she tells to her therapist that she sees once a week. Jesse on the other hand has grown weary of not having sex with his wife and has started an affair with her younger and slightly jealous sister, Tess.

Things begin to change for Isabel when Jesse's old college friend, Alex Whitman comes into town. When she first meets him, she thinks he's unusual but she can't help but like him. They have a connection. And Isabel learns that Alex also has an intimacy problem. He is impotent, ever since a college relationship blew up in his face.

He tapes women who talk about their sexual history, which helps him. And he falls for Isabel, even though he denies it to himself.

So like the movie, Isabel and Alex get together. With Alex and Isabel finally being able to achieve that intimacy with each other.
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Post by Zanity »

#184 "Dreams of True Love" AU w/ Aliens M/L--- (Feel free to change the title if you like)

After Max steps off the bus and falls for Liz he and Liz become friends for a few years. But when puberty comes around and Liz starts looking for more out of their relationship Max starts to back off knowing that it isn't fair to her to start something when he's an alien freak.

It's painful for both of them when Max starts pulling away. Max starts going to sleep at night thinking of Liz and wishing things could be different. In doing so he accidentally an unknowingly starts dreamwalking Liz.

He knows Isabel can dreamwalk but she always uses a picture to do it even when dreamwalking him or Michael. Max is just using the image of Liz in his mind so he's sure his dreams are just that dreams-- but he's wrong.

The first time he does it he finds Liz crying in the dream he goes to comfort her. She asks him why he's pulling away from her and because he thinks it's just a dream he tells her the truth. And in the dream she tells him she doesn't care. From that time forward Max and Liz have a relationship in their dreams that neither thinks is real. (Max doesn't know he's dreamwalking her and Liz doesn't believe in aliens in the waking world so she assumes their just dreams too.)

By the time the get to sophomore year they've become lovers in their dreams. While in the real world it's degenerated to the point we see in pilot, where they're lab partners and casual acquaintances, and Max is constantly staring at Liz and she's denying it. There is no shooting in the end of September, but in early October Liz has her Sweet Sixteen birthday party. It's a surprise party that Maria helps organize and even though Liz is casually dating Kyle, (They've been dating since the previous summer but they aren't going steady and they haven't agreed to be exclusive... even though neither has dated anyone else since it started.) Maria knows Liz still has a thing for Max so she makes sure he's invited.

Max uses his powers to craft a locket for Liz's birthday present. He uses his powers to create a photo of Liz working in a lab and photo of the Harvard campus and puts both inside. Then he uses his powers to engrave it, "May all your dreams come true."

He shows the necklace to Liz in their dreams (which he still doesn't know are real) before he gives it to her at the party (sort of a practice run).

When Liz sees the same locket from her dreams she's instantly sure that the dreams are somehow real and she kisses him passionately to thank him. Max instinctively returns the kiss, (it feels just like the dreams where they're lovers only even better in reality) but then pulls away in shock. He still doesn't know the dreams are real so he's confused at Liz's reaction.

Liz sees his confusion and realizes that if Max knew the dreams were real he probably wouldn't have shown her a surprise birthday present before he gave it to her. She tells him they should talk later.

Later when they're alone Liz tells Max that the dreams are real. At first he's in denial, then he starts apologizing for invading her privacy. But Liz just brushes it off and tells him it's all right as long as he does his part in fulfilling the inscription on the necklace. (Informing him she wants the dreams they've been sharing to become a reality.)

They start dating after that and Michael and Isabel are upset at first until Max explains that he didn't realize what was going on until it was too late to change anything. Then they begrudgingly accept it.

If you want you can continue it further with things like Kyle not being happy about the relationship and trying to cause problems with it, or spying and starting to piece together the secret, or parents catching them in bed, or Tess coming to town, or all of the above and any ideas you have on your own.

Happy Dreamer Ending is a must!
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Post by xmag »

Challenge # 185

The treasure hunt

: M&L,M&M, A&I. AU fic with aliens.

Summary : Kind of based on the episode ATOTP. Fluff. No Tess or Nacedo.The shooting never happened. Story takes place during the last year of high school. The director of the Roswell High School organises a treasure hunt for the students in their last year. The goal is to find objects based on some hints, and clues (kind of like Enigma in ATOTP). 25 teams will be selected. Max and Liz, Alex and Isabel, Michael and Maria, are among the chosen ones.

The rules of the treasure hunt :

- the game starts on a Friday afternoon, and ends up on the Sunday night. The couples can’t get separated. They can’t steal objects from their rivals. They have to bring the objects back once the hunt is over. Those who find the more objects win.

- there are keepers (teachers, parents) who are in charge of keeping an eye on the teams and see if they respect the rules. They can disguise themselves (so that it becomes more funny)

Must have :

- Max, Michael and Isabel really getting competitive and wanting to win the Prize (up to you what the prize is, but I want Isabel and Alex to win it. And the prize isn’t something huge and important, it’s more a symbolic prize),

- They use their powers to throw off rivals, to get their hands on some objects, or to get rid of rival teams, leading to their partners learning the truth about them being aliens,

- Max and Liz must do a breaking and entering into the sheriff’s house to get an object,

- Michael and Maria must do a breaking and entering into the UFO museum and almost being buried under alien dolls, puppets and other alien memorabilias that can be found at the museum,

- Michael and Maria hiding in a closet while one of the persons they are “stealing” the object from, a woman in her 50’s, is cheating on her husband with the bus driver,

- Alex and Isabel must find an object in a weird place (a church, or a ranch, a stable…) and be almost caught.

- Have the three main couples finding at least five objects. The more original the objects to find are, and the situations the teams find themselves into to get them, the better.

- the objects must be coming from houses, or places, from the whole town of Roswell. The mayor’s office, the priest’s house, the butcher’s shop, the teachers’ houses… and create funny backgrounds to these Roswellians people, to give the feeling of a little community where they all know each other.

Michael : From day one, I knew you were the girl for me, I never wanted anyone else.
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Post by nibbles2 »


Sean Deluca is one of the most notorious criminals in America - and he's just escaped from a high security jail. The FBI are desperate to find him and they believe that he's going to try and find his cousin Maria and former girlfriend Liz. They testified against him at his trial and were instrumental in putting him in jail. They are in a witness protection program and have built new lives.

Agents Max Evans and Michael Guerin are assigned to stake out the girls new house to proect them and find out if they have any idea where Sean could be in hiding.

The guys are undercover so they pretend to be a gay couple. Which presents problems when they fall for the girls.

Must be CC.

Also - if you want to bring the others in to it, Alex is the IT specialist who is in charge of surveilance, and Kyle is the local sheriff who has just found out that Sean Deluca could be on his way to town. Isabel is they guys's boss and Tess is the guys nosy nest door neighbor.
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Post by xmag »

# 187

AU fic without aliens, CC, focus on Liz and Maria.

Liz and Maria are twin sisters who get along very well. They are in their last year of high school. Because of a school assignement, they get paired with Max and Michael. Feelings start to develop. But Liz and Maria have a difficult life at home, which puts a burden on their relationships with Max and Michael.

They have a 12 years old sister who is handicapped physically (she walks with a crutch), mentally (a light one) and who has behavior troubles. Their father, unable to deal with an handicapped child, dumped his family and was never seen again. Their mother is killing herself by working 3 jobs to put food on the table and pay medical bills.

The fic is about Liz and Maria's feelings about their younger sister, how they love her but how hard it is to be responsible for a sibling who needs them so much, emotionally, physically, financially. What are the damages on Liz and Maria, to have to deal so young, and for the rest of their lives, with an handicapped sister. How affected they are, in their dreams for their future, in their love life. The emotional scars they carry with them, because it's not easy knowing that their handicapped sister will always need them and they will always have to answer present to take care of her.

PM me if you want some details. The fic should be angsty, and explore the difficutly of living, for life, with a handicapped sibling, the pain and the damages the "normal siblings" go through in their personal lives.
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Post by ultimatepickupline »

I'd like to take challenge number 5, if it's not already taken. Please!
The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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Post by nibbles2 »


Sort of based a little on two and a half men.

Max and Michael are brothers but couldn't be more different. They were close as kids but drifted apart over the years.

Max is somebody who always does the right thing, has never broken a rule in his life yet somehow always ends up the loser. He's the type of guy who will see somebody drop a dollar from their pocket, run after them to give it back to them and ends up tripping over a step while giving chase and breaking his leg.

He married Tess after college and joined her family business. He helped turn it into a successful and profitable company. (You decide what type of company it is.) When her father announced his retirement, Max fully expected to succeed him as the boss. Then, Tess announced that she was leaving him for another man - a close friend of Max's who worked in the company and whom her father made boss instead. During the divorce, Tess was given the house, the holiday house, custody of the dog and Max was given a small settlement which amounted to about a third of his legal fees. And even though Tess is worth a fortune and living with her new man in what was Max's house, as they are not married yet Max has to pay her alimony. So broke, homeless and jobless, Max moves in with Michael.

Michael is the complete opposite of Max. Despite being lazy, arrogant, selfish and completely irresponsible, everything always works out for him. He's a very talented artist but doesn't apply himself and has never reached his full potential. But he does enough work to have a great house on the beach, a full time housekeeper and a garage full of awesome cars. He's never been married, dates an endless string of beautiful women and lives like a millionaire. He also supplements his income by gambling and has an uncanny knack for winning big.

So Max moves in with Michael. And even though the only thing they have in common is their fear of their sister Isabel, they form a bond and grow close again. Each thinks the other lives a nightmare lifestyle. Max thinks Michael needs to grow up. Michael thinks Max needs to live a little. And with a little interference from Isabel (and a lot of threats) they set about helping the other out.

And of course, the solution to each other's problem? women.

Max thinks that Michael needs to find the right girl to make him settle down. Michael thinks Max needs to meet lots of girls to help him learn to enjoy life and live it for a change. That's where Liz and Maria come in.

The rest is up to you.

Must be CC.
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Post by Zanity »

#189 AU w/ Aliens M/L -- Taken by Bubblegal

Challenge text moved to:

Last edited by Zanity on Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by xmag »

# 190 - AU fic with aliens - Taken by Girl Afraid

Challenge text can be found here :

Last edited by xmag on Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:52 am, edited 2 times in total.

Michael : From day one, I knew you were the girl for me, I never wanted anyone else.
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