Vertigo. Mi/L Mature. Authors note: pg 18. 18/08/07 [WIP]

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Post by kerri240879 »

Part 11.
Righto, first off ~ a friend told me a while ago that I had some punch within Roswell. That I was a well known author, and that I touched people with my fics. So if that's true, I want to reach out to all of you for another reason. For a friend. For that same friend who told me I was a b.f.d.

You all know Pooh. You've seen her around the boards. You've watched her vids or read her gazer fics. What some of you don't know is this:

Pooh has cancer. She reacently had surgery to remove her uterous and some cancerous lumps from her breasts.

Pooh is also only 34. She has three children. And she has just been given a $27,000 medical bill. At the bottom of this chapter you will find a banner with a link. Please, help a wonderful woman. You'll find messages from her friends, including me.

Take some time to read her story, and if you can, please make a small donation to help Pooh pay the bill and her up coming chemo. Every little bit helps.

Look in the mirror. Most of us are Mom's. Most of us have Mom's. One day it could be you. Get your pap smears done reguarly. See your doctor if you find a lump. And pray for this wonderful woman

Keep in mind that I always have twists and turns, and put the damn rocks down! Sorry it's so short, but hey! Better than nothing right? Enjoy guys.

When Isabel landed at his feet in a crumpled heap, Michael knelt straight down, and gathered her gently into his arms. He wasn't aware of Zan standing behind him, the gun slowly lowered to his side. Of Liz slipping her arms around a heartbroken Maria. Of Ava slipping her hand into Alex's, who was trembling in confusion. Or of the shock that had Kyle sitting down abruptly.
He was only aware that his sister had fainted, and as he stood up slowly, with Isabel lying limply in his arms, his only concern was her safety. He stood there silently, daring any of them to speak at that moment. It was Ava who finally spoke, Michael staring up at her with barely masked hatred.

"Ya can put her in bed upstairs. I take it we have a shit load of stuff to talk about, no?"

He shrugged belligerently, and stalked up the stairs, and into the small room that Ava gestured to. Lying Isabel down, he covered her up slowly, the worry he felt slipping into his eyes as he stared down at her. For Isabel to see the boy she loved standing before her...but he couldn't be alive. There had to be some other explanation. Turning around, he scowled as Alex felt his way into the room, one hand sliding along the wall, and the other holding a collapsible cane.

Michael crossed the room silently with only a few long strides, and grabbed Alex by the arm. He roughly turned Alex to face him, the retort that had been on the tip of his tongue dying, as he stared into eyes that were clouded over with blindness. At the nasty scar that marred his friend 's face. And knew that this was no alien sent to pose as their fallen friend.


Michael was mortified when it came out as a squeak, a small smile crossing Alex's face as he looked towards Michael.

"Hello Michael."

Michael could only stare at him silently, Alex staring straight back at him with blind eyes. It was only when Zan stepped into the room that the silence was broken.

"This fool bothering ya Alex?"

Alex smiled slightly, his face turning towards Zan.

"Go easy Zan. He isn't the enemy."

Zan snorted. "Yeah right."

Alex sighed, and rested against the wall behind him as he sighed once more.
"Zan...I know it's Michael. The same as I know it's Isabel with him. I don't need my eyes to know who they are. I know Michael. I can tell you now, he's standing there, with his fists clenched by his side, his stone walls hiding that he's in shock, that he's tired, and right now, is probably trying to figure out how I survived, when he was one of the people who buried me."

Michael's jaw dropped, even as Zan chuckled dryly.

"Uh huh...spose I'm gonna have to trust those damn powers now ain't I?"

Alex nodded, his eyes closing momentarily as he raised his hand to his head. He rubbed gently at his temple as his face slowly turned grey. Michael's grip on Alex's arm tightened as Alex swayed on his feet, Zan reaching his side before he even straightened up. Michael could only stare as Zan helped Alex slide down the wall, his hands leaving Alex's arms and sliding up to cup his face.

"Ya see me man?"

Alex groaned, and shook his head.

"Open ya eyes Alex...find me man...reach out...gotcha bro....I gotcha."

Michael watched as Zan stared into Alex's unseeing eyes, his hands glowing slightly as his concentrated on what only he could see. As Alex's face became its normal color, Zan's grew grey, as he absorbed whatever it was that was ailing Alex. Alex sighed softly, and closed his eyes, his breathing evening out as Zan stumbled back and landed hard on his side.

Michael could only stand there in shock, his eyes darting between a sleeping Alex, and a shaking Zan. When Zan curled slightly into himself, Michael knelt down beside Alex, and reached out to touch his face. His skin was cool to touch, Michael feeling the residual power from Zan skittering along his skin.
"What's wrong with him?" Michael asked softly, reaching out to help Zan up.
Zan didn't answer him. He just pushed Michael's hand away, and rolled over to kneel up. He used the wall to push himself up, and leant there as his color slowly began to return to normal. Turning to face Michael, Zan stared at him, his eyes cold and untrusting.

"Ain't nothin' wrong him Michael. You remember that. Ya ain't seen nothin' in this room, and ya ain't gonna open ya mouth about what happened here either."

Michael scowled, and stood up. "I'm not blind...Zan. That is your name isn't it? Thought you were meant to be dead."

Zan snorted. "Funny that. We thought da same thing 'bout you. But here we are."

"Phftt...who the hell do you think you are?" Michael hissed. "I never liked taking orders off of Max...what makes you think I'll take them from you? You aren't the king!"

Zan laughed softly, his eyes glittering with an anger that Michael recognised.

"No I ain't da king...just da dupe right? Ain't powerful enough to survive...ain't powerful enough to rule...and I sure as hell ain't Max. But in regards to Alex? Keep ya trap shut Michael."

Michael scowled, and gestured to Alex again. "We buried him. How is it that's he's here now? And you never answered my question. What's wrong with him?"

Zan scowled. "Nothin. He ain't wantin people knowin right? So do ya stone wall shit, and keep ya mouth shut. Coz it's what he wants. Got it? As for how he's here? This is a talk we should have down with da others. Let 'em sleep it off."

Michael shook his head, and grabbed Zan's arm. Zan scowled and wrenched away, Michael taking a step back as Zan clenched his fist. They stood there in silence, before Zan shook his head and closed his eyes briefly.

"Don't touch me ok? I don't like bein' touched by people I don't know or trust. Especially when ya look like..."

Zan sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Just don't touch me."

Michael glanced at Alex again, and then swallowed. "Zan....please. I couldn't protect him last time. What's wrong with him?"

Zan looked down at Alex, and then back at Michael.

"Tess and Nikolas did a number on his brain. I can't heal like Max can. I can't heal his blindness, and I can't heal what's wrong inside. It makes him sick. I can take da edge off, but I can't fix it. He ain't gonna remember da last couple of hours...he never does."

Zan shoved away from the wall, and stepped out of the door.


Zan turned back to face Michael, guilt and heartbreak stamped on his face.

"He's dying Michael. And I can't save him this time. No one can."