What Real Life's Like Thread 4 (CC TEEN)

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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Do you think she is checking to see if he still has his tonsils?"

"If she does, then she is using an interesting method." I reply with a smirk. Oh well, the two seem to really enjoy their activities. And I really feel like a voyeur, watching them like this, so I turn my back to them again.

"Anyone interested in asking the two if they want to join us?" I ask as I look at the three around me with a grin.
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Post by isabelle »


Talk about heading home makes me unsure. Everyone seems to be decided about it and it does sound nice. I'd love to head back with these three, but I have Tess to think about, too. I'd have to let her know...

Then Alex points out what's going on further on by the door of the club. Michael and Maria making out? I thought those two broke up but this certainly looks serious.

"Anyone interested in asking the two if they want to join us?" Alex asks.

"Not me," I say with a slight shudder. There's no way I'm going to interfere with that. I have enough trouble with Michael already and I don't want to upset Maria, either. We do have to work together. "I thought those two broke up."
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Post by KaraGail »


"Anyone interested in asking the two if they want to join us?"

I looked over at Alex with disbelief. Why would we want to go and interrupt them in that moment? I don't think Michael nor Maria would be too happy if we did and I really did not feel like being the brunt of Maria's sharp tongue at the moment.

"Not me," Max spoke up as we all conitinue to stare across the way at the couple, "I thought those two broke up."

"Well whatever's going on...I'd prefer to stay out of it. Although, the camera is getting quite an eyeful at the moment." I see that the camera man is zooming in on the couple and for a moment I think about how much privacy we have had to give up to be on this program. Is it really worth it? "Let's just go back in and find Tess and Kyle. They probably know what's going on."
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Post by isabelle »


Tess. Right. I'm not sure why Isabel thinks that she and Kyle would know what's going on with Michael and Maria but we can certainly go talk to them. I have to talk to Tess anyway. In spite of the fact that she's ignoring me, she's still my girlfriend. To be fair, I guess I'm ignoring her, too.

"Okay," I say heading for the door to the club. "We can ask them if they're up for the ice-cream party with you guys."

Liz still hasn't said if she's interested in that or not, herself. Normally, I'd think she'd be in as it's pretty much the kind of stuff she's enjoyed in the past. Unless she didn't want to intrude on Alex and Isabel, which is a good notion, actually, or if she just doesn't want to do it with me there. I guess I can still bow out if it will make it a nicer night for her...
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I have to bite my lip to not start laughing at the disbelieving look Isabel is giving me. Did she really think I'd want to send someone over to the two? Trying to break those two apart might end in serious bodily harm after all.

"Let's just go back in and find Tess and Kyle. They probably know what's going on."
"We can ask them if they're up for the ice-cream party with you guys."

"Fine with me but really, the ice cream was just a suggestion, nothing else. I don't mind staying here for longer." I say as we move towards the entrance again.

I glance back at Maria and Michael once more, shaking my head with a grin at the sight. They certainly are obvious to their surroundings.

"Ladies first." I tell Liz and Isabel and wait for them to pass me.
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Post by KaraGail »


"Fine with me but really, the ice cream was just a suggestion, nothing else. I don't mind staying here for longer."

I nod in agreement deciding that if everyone else voted to go home I would find some way to ditch them and enjoy the evening out with Alex. A girl could do worse than have the guy she really liked by her side or on the dance floor all night long.

We head back into the club that was still blaring with music and packed with various people. I knew it would be difficult to find Tess and Kyle in the throng, but we kept moving through.

At one point I felt like Alex was going to be lost in the crowds so I reached back and grabbed his hand tightly pulling him with me. The others were so focused on our destination that they didn't notice this maneuver on my part.

Alex, on the other hand, looked very surprised for a moment and I couldn't help but grin at him before continuing on to our destination. I really could use a drink and I had a feeling that Alex would be up to it as well.

"Anyone see them!?" I yell over the music hoping that someone heard me.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


There are way more people in the club now than when Isabel and I left earlier. I'm more than surprised when suddenly, someone grabs my hand. Luckily, it is Isabel and not someone else but ... what about our agreement on public displays of affection? I automatically grin back at her, even though I'm still confused - it's a reflex, really.

Looks like no one of us saw Tess and Kyle - lets just hope they aren't making out either. No, really ... that would be ... no!

"What?" I ask as I move closer to Isabel when I saw her say something. Okay, so I have a good idea what she was saying but ... who am I to pass up such a great opportunity to move closer to her?
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


Tess and I were just talking about our favourite tv shows when I see Isabel. I only see her because the light is reflected so easily from her hair but soon, I spot Alex, Liz and of course Max with her.

HM, Max would immediately take all of Tess' attention again so ... I better act as if I haven't seen them at all.
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Post by isabelle »


"They were right over there!" I yell as we get close. I have to raise my voice to be heard. Pointing in the right direction, I see a group of guys walking towards the bar. As they pass, Kyle and Tess become visible. "There!"

I push forward, noticing that Alex and Isabel are trying to talk and it seems like they're holding hands. Can that be true? I'm happy for him and jealous. How I'd like to take Liz's hand but I don't think she'd like it.

In a moment, I've arrived at the table where Tess and Kyle are talking. It doesn't look like either one of them have noticed us, which in a crowded club is easy to understand.

"Hey Tess," I say, moving next to her. I reach for her hand. "Kyle. Are you guys wanting to head home yet?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Hey Tess,"

Damn, the doting boyfriend's back! Oh well, I'll be like a panther then - silent and dangerous while I wait for my time to come.

"Kyle. Are you guys wanting to head home yet?"

I nod in return when he greets me, then shrug at his question.

"Whatever you guys do, I'm game since I don't wanna walk home and Michael seems to have left too, which means I might be stranded if you leave without me."

Great, Michael left ... hm, maybe he will spend the night at the chick's place again - I certainly wouldn't be against that. Or maybe this girl will be more the silent type.
Colin Hanks
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