Crossover Challenges

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Post by killjoy »


This story will start out with aliens but it's learned that in the end the Pod Squad are not aliens at all.

The day after Prom Alex just simply drops off the face of the Earth.No amount of police work by Jim,searching by his friends or dreamwalking by Isabel can find him.

Than a few years later Alex suddenly reappears in Roswell.When his friends,not to mention Isabel,demand to know what happened,Alex tells them a story.

How on the night he vanished a man name Morpheus suddenly appeared to him.Morpheus explained to Alex that he and his computer know how was badly needed in the fight for human survival.And Morpheus also let Alex in on the little fact that life as he knew it wasn't real.

So Alex took the red pill.And now years later he's back to get his friends out of the Matrix.


Couples-A/I,K/T,M/M and M/L

Any Rating you want is fine.

Alex knowing some cool moves in the martial arts that were downloaded into him.

Maria asking if it's possible for them to download some emotions into Michael's thick head.

No evil Tess.
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Post by behrstars »


Roswell/One Tree Hill

No Aliens

You get to decide how everyone grew up but Max and Liz had to be together at one point. Maybe a messy breakup.

In Tree Hill you decide how that plays out. I would like to see Karen and Keith together and married and Nathan and Lucas really close. Dan can be evil or not.

Liz leaves Roswell because Max and Tess are pregnant. She goes to Tree Hill and stays with her aunt. She becomes friends with everyone and her and Lucas end up having a relationship. She stays there for senior year. She ends up pregnant but doesn't tell Lucas.(Because she dosen't want to ruin his future.) She breaks up with him and leaves. He thinks shes going to college but she goes home.

Years later(6 or 7) Keith ends up in Roswell, meeting a friend ends up at a kids basketball game and sees Lucas's kid. Kid has Lucas's old jersey.

He ends up bringing Lucas and Nathan(moral support because their really close) to Roswell. Gives them some kind of excuse. Lucas sees Liz and his kid.

Liz never gets with anyone else because shes still hung up on Lucus.

They end happily ever after.

Must haves....

-couples for Roswell(Mi/M,A/I,M/T)
-couples for OTH(P/J,N/H)
-Kyle and Brooke hook up.
-Lucas's son does not have a heart condition.

PM me for anymore details.
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Post by Zanity »

#51 Roswell/Known Space

Couples won't really work... you'll understand if you're familiar with known Space and read the challenge.

Post Grad...

It's 2013 and the end of the world is coming unless the Roswell Gang can't stop it. Fortunately they find a crashed spacecraft filled with Tree of Life root. Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel, and Kyle all eat it and become protectors.

Now they are prepared to fight...

Max and Liz have a son.

Michael and Maria have a daughter.

Kyle and Isabel each have at least one kid.... it can be with each other if you want or not.

Alternative-- You can make up a Roswell timeline that splits from the show sometime post Destiny where the CC couples all had kids now all 8 have become protectors.
Last edited by Zanity on Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NotYourChick »

# 52

Roswell/Smallville Clark/Liz

Liz leaves after finding out that Tess killed Alex. Clark is getting over Lana after her marrying Lex. Liz goes to the same college as Clark.

Something happing to Lana.
- Amanda
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Post by Amelia »

# 53 :)
Dark Angel/Roswell
Couple: Alec/Liz
Raing: I am gonna say anything above teen
Timeline: Roswell-after 3rd season, Dark Angel- sometime after manicore is destroyed

After graduation the Roswell group are on the run (big surpise). Sometime while they are on the run, Liz find out that she is pregnant. Everyone is so excited, anxious, overprotected, etc (especially after they have connected with the baby--maybe twins???). However, they don't manage to stay hidden long. During a very intense fight Max, Mikey G. , Izzy, Kyle, and Maria are all killed. Liz is the only survivor and after witnessing the death of all those she holds dear, she goes a little crazy. Not long after, or during, the showdown Liz loses the baby (babies). [Oh, and Liz's parents are dead they were killed before the big showdown but it is up to you when she finds out.]
Liz turns to drugs and the like to help deal with it all. She is all alone is the big city, has no way to take care of herself, and she gets into some trouble. Now she own some pretty mean guys a lot of money for the drugs she has been using to help her deal with the past. In the end, she ends up selling herself to pay off the debt. Once she paid in full all she owed, she was too caught up in her role (hating herself, wishing she died too and wanting to be punished because she is alive) to stop and has now been having sex for money for a year or so. She has become very well known for doing anything--like multiple patners, whips, beating, etc. during all this Liz is dead inside and she does not care what thay are doing to her.
But along comes our hero from DA to save the day. Alec hears about this famous hooker and decides to give her a try. It is up to whether you want Alec when he first sees Liz he see the emptiness and pain is her eyes right off the bat and immediately try to get her out ot there. Or if after weeks/months of going to Liz, he tries to get her to open up to him and when she does, he tries to get her out. Alec ends up getting rid of her pimp but gets hurt in the process and Liz takes care of him. When Alec gets better their roles switch and he takes care of her giving her a home, protection, etc.
After so long being together Alec wants a physical relationship. But is Liz completely healed? Is she ready to move on? And after so much time of men treating her like nothing can she trust Alec? It is up to you what road there love story will take. I would prefer if the ended up together and maybe even have a happily ever after. You can have someone from the Roswell bunch live but Liz is not to know until after Alec saves her from herself. Max? Mikey? Nancy? Jeff?Maria? Izzy? Kyle????????????

Must haves:
~Roswell group killed off
~Liz in a family way
~Liz miscarriage
~Liz trying to get rid of the pain and guilt w/ drugs
~Liz becoming a hooker
~Alec saving her
~Alec/Liz romance
Last edited by Amelia on Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Amelia »

oops :? :oops: :o :oops:
ok...ok just play it off cool 8) <----- :) :wink:
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Challenge #54

Post by Robyn »

Challenge #54

Roswell/ Sailor Moon Fanfic

Idea: A humorous/parody story that brings out the fact that both are reincarnated aliens with a past.

Must have:

-conversation between Jesse and Darien in which something along the lines of "so you're a cradle robber too" is said.

-Serena berating Max for being so mean to Tess

- inane argument(s) between Liz and Serena

Following sentences:
-"You mean, I had a choice in the matter?"
-"Yes, but skimpy sailor suits draw attention away from the fact that you're using alien powers."

Happy Writing... :>
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Post by cardinalgirl »

Challenge #55


Picks up from the show anywhere you like post Cry Your Name (well, post Alex).

Couple: Isabel/Sam, anyone else you want to include. (The more the merrier. :wink: )

Remember in the Hybrid Chronicles when Isabel get sucked into Laurie's dream? What if she gets sucked into one of Sam's nightmares about someone dying? Or a series of them? And they have to work together and trust each other to stop whatever it is from happening.

The dreams could even be about one or more of the Roswellians themselves? Or someone close to them, like parents?

Could also include a scene where Isabel gets very angry/upset over the fact that they could foresee this death and not Alex's, and Sam having to either comfort her or commiserate with her.

Go as angsty as you like, with at least a marginably happy ending. Eh?

Oh, and if there's already something like this in the works/posted, sorry! Or rather, all the better! Just let me know.

ETA: This COULD be before Alex's death, too, I guess. If you wanted to mix the couples around a bit more. Your call.
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Post by LittleBit »


** THis idea came from a dream I had last night so it won't have a lot of detail**

Starts at the beginning of Cry Your Name, when Alex started to break through the mindwarp. Except instead of him going to Tess, Sam and Dean show up. Sam had a vision of Alex dying but it was really fuzzy so the brothers decide that the best way to save him is to take him completely out of any danger. Which means that they basically kidnap him.

Once they get him to a house on the outskirts of Roswell, they see that Alex is suffering from what they think are hallicinations and stuff. But basically it's his mind trying to figure out what is real and what isn't.

The brothers are at a lost as to what to do and at some point in Alex's mutterings, they learn that he needs Liz to help him. So Dean goes and kidnaps Liz.

The rest of the story would involve Liz (Who hates Dean at first sight) being held at the house while trying to help figure out what is going on with Alex and not being able to use any outside sources because Sam's vision tells them that it isn't safe. During this time, despite their initial dislike of each other, Liz and Dean find they have very fiery chemistry and use your imagination after that.

(Not sure how you would work with the age difference if that's an issue.)
If you like Liz and Dean, check out this community on lj:

Drifter Love

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Post by killjoy »

57# Roswell/Total Recall

Any rating is fine

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

This challenge is based off the movie Total Recall staring Arnold Schwarzenegger

The year is 2084 and the wonders of technology has made the world a wonderful place.Going to another planet in our solar system for a vacation is just as easy as driving to the beach is today.

Yep technology has made the planet earth a fun and exciting place for just about everybody!

Well except for Liz Parker that is.

Trapped in a dead end low paying job Liz's days are nothing more than one boring stretch after another.She wishes and hopes for nothing more than her very own Prince Charming to swoop in and save her.But sadly the closes that anything like that has happen to Liz,is when she watches one of her holographic romance shows on her videotron.

But when her best friend Serena tells her about a company called Rekall,Liz is hooked.It seems that Rekall,with the latest in holographic and medical technology,are able to implant fake memories in your head.You are put under and actually live the event as it's uploaded into your brain.And later you're able to remember these memories as if it really happened.

So Liz decides to use her small nest egg and buy herself 'The Romantic Package'.But sadly,much to her famously bad luck,when she gets there Liz finds that she's allergic to the main chemical used in the procedure.So there for her money is refunded to her and she is forced to head home for another night of being alone with her cat.

But all that changes when Liz stops her car for a red light.Suddenly a handsome man opens her passenger door and jumps in.Even before Liz can scream the man tells her he's not going to hurt her,that he works for Earth Intelligence and that he's name is Max Evans.

Max tells her that while on his last assignment someone set him up to look like the bad guy and now he's wanted for treason and murder.With no one to turn to and the authorities hot on his tail he had no choice but to jump into her car.

Now Max is pleading with Liz to help him clear his name and prove who the 'real' bad guys is.

So now Liz has gotten the dream she has always wanted.An exciting adventure with a handsome man.But one little thought keeps nagging at her.Is all of this for real?.....or is she still laying strapped down in that chair back at Rekall?

I leave that up to you to decide.


Only one Tess is NOT evil in this story.I know a lot of Dreamer stories have her like that but that's a big NO NO on this one.
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