Gazer Gets the Girl (CC,A/I,MATURE) Part 25-L - 15 July[WIP]

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stargazer md
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Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 22-E Izzy Becomes an Adult

By Stargazer MD

FRIDAY, Isabel’s Birthday Party
Isabel swept into her other house, intent on simply dropping Alex’s PDA into it’s cradle before heading home for a quick salad and then spending the following several hours in the perfect execution of her grooming rituals in preparation for her grand entrance at her party. Seeing Gloria sitting at the kitchen table, she paused to give a perfunctory kiss and greeting before running up the stairs.

“Isabel? ISABEL!” Gloria called out.

“In a moment,” she replied as she completed her task before trotting back down the stairs.

“Sit, please! Let me make you a mug of tea.”

“I’m fine,” Isabel answered politely as she headed for the door. “I’ve got only eleven minutes of slack in my schedule for the evening.”

“Have a seat,” Gloria continued as if she hadn’t heard. “I insist.”

Isabel settled rather nervously into her seat while Gloria made a show of gathering the materials and implements of the afternoon ritual, but her level of unease soared as she watched her future Mother-in-law dig out her kettle and hold it under the faucet.

“Is your In-Sink-Erator broken?” Isabel asked cautiously.

“No,” Gloria replied as she faced the stove and put the kettle down, her smile hidden from her guest.

“The boiler would be quicker.”

“Um hum,” Gloria agreed as she placed a plate on the counter and slowly placed a number of Milano Armaretto cookies onto it into a starburst pattern, as she expertly played her hand in this little power play.

“I,,, I,,,” Isabel’s voice faltered as her hostess sat and offered her a cookie.

With the capitulation of the young woman who had become the mistress of her son’s domain, it was time for Gloria to get down to business. “I received a call from your realtor this afternoon.”

“Candice? She called here?”

“Yes, she couldn’t get through to your cell.”

“I,,, ahhmm,”

“She said she had a house or two for you to look at.” Seeing Isabel gasp like a fish out of water, she pushed her advantage. “Just what are you intending to do with my son?”

Isabel started to gain confidence as she stood and walked to the stove and picked up the kettle, starting her own little power play. Finding that the copper pot was still cool, she clandestinely brought the water to a boil. She took her time making the tea, and by the time she returned to the table her smile was firmly in place.

Gloria realized the enormity of her mistake the moment Isabel turned from her and stood, but she drew on years of experience to hide her dismay. She almost pulled it off, but her eye brows shot up in amazement as she took a sip of tea. “This is good!”

“Thank you,” Isabel replied. She let slip the tiniest bit of attitude, not enough to be the least bit disrespectful, in fact not enough to be readily noticeable, but it was there none the less.

“About Alex?”

“I have a number of intentions towards Alex,” Isabel replied with noticeable affection in her voice. “I am going to make him the happiest man on the face of this planet, I am going to make him more successful that his wildest dreams, I am going to present him with a family that will make him the envy of all that know him, and out of respect for you,” she added while watching for Gloria’s reaction over the top of her mug, “I have a plan or two that I’ll keep private.”

“I was referring to the house you’re looking for.”

“Oh, sorry,” Isabel replied, feeling chastised as she sat back down. “I don’t know what you’re upset about,” Isabel stated levelly, “Everyone knows that we’re going to be Albuquerque,,,”

“Albuquerque!!?” Gloria choked out in surprise.

“Yes, Albuquerque,” Isabel confirmed slowly. “You didn’t think,,,” Isabel stammered as she suddenly understood the older woman’s concern. “Roswell?”

“You’re looking for a place to live when you’re in college,” Gloria gasped in relief.

“Yes,” Isabel answered slowly. “I started early enough so that Alex and I could get a place big enough for all of us,,,”

“Oh no,” Gloria said softly. “Take it from someone’s who been to college. Things change, fast and often,,,” Seeing Isabel getting her dander up, she quickly explained herself. “I’m not referring to you and Alex, but more towards your entire group, and the dynamics of the couples.” Seeing Isabel’s expression change from alarm to confusion she continued, “Lets say you buy this big place and invite everyone in, then Max gets Liz pregnant. Lets say Kyle gets hurt and looses his scholarship, or more likely, he gets invited to play for a pro team. Or maybe Michael or Maria decide that college isn’t for them and they decide to move back here. The thing is, you don’t want to be straddled with a big place like that so soon in life,,,”

“But the economics of owning instead of paying to live on campus,,,”

“Lets talk about that,” Gloria added confidently. “At the end of four or five or six years you sell the place and are leaving with a tidy little profit while all the others have to show for their time and effort is a pile of rent receipts.”

“I,,,” Isabel stammered. “That’s not my intentions at all!”

“I know Hon,” Gloria interjected consolingly as she quickly left her chair, squatted down next to her charge and gave her a shoulder hug. “All I’m saying is that you need to think about this before you do anything. Sit down and talk to us, we’ve all been through it before you know.”

Isabel watched as Gloria returned to her seat.

“Why don’t you buy yourself a nice little three bedroom townhouse,,,”

“Three bedroom?”

“Three,” Gloria answered with authority. “The first would be your guest room, which when I’m not making frequent visits, you would also use as an office, the second would be your room, your sanctuary,,,”


“Yes, sanctuary. Alex is a gentleman,,,”

“I know, that’s one of the things I love that about him,,,”

“He’s not going to share a room with you unless you have a place of your own to retreat to, so he doesn’t feel as if he’s imposing himself,,,”

“Whitman women don’t need a sanctuary, If Alex is so foolish as to fail to meet my expectations, he will be,,, encouraged to sleep on the couch,,,”

“And the third bedroom is your own little loveshack,,,”

“What would I do with a loveshack?” Isabel asked shyly.

“The same thing you’re doing to him right now,” Gloria answered with an evil smile.

“Oh, you’re good,” Isabel cried out in admiration as she bolted upright and kissed her cheek again before heading for the door.

“Like I said, you’ll make a good Whitman wife, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.” Gloria stood and rinsed her mug at the sink before turning and leaning her hip against the counter. “I am confused though,” she continued. “I didn’t set out to detain you this long, so I never turned the gas on.”

“Obviously you’re mistaken, the water was quite hot,” Isabel replied with a smile. “Or maybe I still have a trick or two up my sleeve.”

Later that evening, Steve Lydick parked his lightning in front of Gas-and-Gulp while on his way to pick Vicki up for Isabel’s party. He banged knuckles with Patrick Brisroe and nodded to the rest of the hangers-on before going into the store to get Vicki a Astronut bar.

Meanwhile Malamoot was entertaining the guys with one of his many lies about his conquest between the sheets when his phone rang. “Hey.”


”Pam? Hey, what gives?” Malamoot replied, gesturing wildly to his buds while keeping his voice level. He clicked the phone into speaker so the hangers-on could hear another of his conquest in the making.

“~~Well I find myself with the evening free, so I thought I would take you up on your offer for dinner and a movie.~~”

“Really?” Malamoot replied encouragingly, while pointing to his phone and mouthing the words, ‘She wants me.’

“~~I’m kind of stranded at the Mall,~~” Pam explained hesitantly. “~~Do you think you could pick me up?~~” she continued, her voice gaining confidence.

“Okay, let me get this straight,” Malamoot summed up. “You want me to pick you up, feed you, and take you to the movies?”

“~~Yea,~~” Pam replied, confusion evident in her voice. “~~You did ask me out, right?~~”

“Yea Pam, but I want to know what’s your plans for after the movie. I mean I’m a popular guy and I need to know that I won’t be missing out on a better offer,” Malamoot replied arrogantly.

“~~What?~~” Pam gasped.

“I figure about an hour out at the quarry would be fair,,,”

“~~Fair? For what?~~” Pam demanded.

“That’s my reward for picking you up, feeding you, and taking you to a movie,,,” Malamoot reasoned.

“~~Malamoot, you horses ass. I may be a slut, but I’m not a whore. Frack you!~~” she shouted as she hung up.

Malamoot looked at the cell in amazement as his buddies hooted and hollered.

“That’s pathetic Malamoot,” Benji Sanderson taunted. “Can’t even get a date with Wham-Bam Troy.”

“Dude,” Steve advised, shaking his head in shame. “If that’s your best stuff, you had better get a gold card, because unless you’re willing to pay for it, you’re going to die a virgin.” Steve climbed into his Lightning and left for his date.

Malamoot turned his back on his friends and headed home. Despite his failure with Pam, he still had plans for the evening. He had a fresh box of Kleenex, a dollop of pilfered wrinkle cream from his mom’s vanity, and a bookmark for Naked-Asian-Teenagers-dot-com on his computer. Life, as far as he was concerned, was good.

“So what if they are, Ria?” Liz said with a trace of exasperation in her voice. “I mean after all, they were, or maybe still are the hold outs in the group,,,”

“You just help me get Alex alone,” Maria implored, “I’ll get him to spill.”

“What are you going to do, beat him with a rubber hose?” Liz almost screamed as she started down the stairs to the back of the Crashdown. “He’s not going to dish, not about Isabel!”

“I told you everything,” Maria whined. “You spilled, eventually,” she added with a touch of hurt in her voice. “Now it’s his turn,,,”

“Alex is a guy Maria, and we taught him to be a gentleman. He doesn’t do gossip,,,”

“Gossip?” Isabel asked cheerfully as she swept through the dining room door. “What I miss?”

Maria’s eyes were wide as saucers as she grasped for an answer didn’t involve Alex and as such, wouldn’t bring down the wrath of Queen Amidala. “Pam Troy got caught with her pants around her ankles.”

“Again? How long was the waiting line this time?” Isabel sneered as she took off her black leather duster. “Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”

“Isabel,,, I’m impressed!” Liz gasped as her tall friend turned back from the coat rack.

“You like?”

“I like,” Liz continued, casting an apprising eye over her friends dress.

Isabel twirled to show off her new royal blue party dress, the mesh outer layer settling a perfect three inches (75 mm) above her knee as she faced her friends. With a deep v-neckline that plunged daringly to a ruched bodice over the dropped waist that flared out to a full skirt.

“It’s not red,,,” Maria protested.

“No it’s not,,,” Isabel teased, letting Maria twist in the wind a moment before striking a pose and continuing, “But it does match my new earrings, don’t you think?”

“Oh my God,” the twins gushed in perfect synchronization as they moved in for a closer look.

“Alex, you done good,” Maria sighed.

Isabel simply nodded in agreement as she muttered, “You should have seen me scramble to get this dress,,,”


“No, he didn’t give me enough for that, he didn’t even give me time to go out to Penny’s at the mall,,,”

“So you had this sitting around waiting for a special occasion?” Maria asked in amazement.

“Please,” Isabel gasped. “It would be a crime to have something really nice sitting in a closet growing out of date just waiting for a reason to wear it.” Seeing the blank look on her friends face she continued, “This is a Evans’ original. It started out as an old flannel night gown, and it took me most of the afternoon to get it just right.”

“A little conservative, isn’t it?” Liz ventured.

“No,,, More like a modern classic, but once Daddy goes home,,,” Isabel teased as she slowly slipped the right shoulder of dress down to her elbow revealing a lot of skin exposed by the halter top underneath, “Izzy comes out to play.”

Maria’s eyes bulged as she traced Isabel’s spine down to the small of her back. “Skin?” she gasped. “Are you trying to kill poor Alex? He’s not into skin. That’s why you go strapless.”

“Do you know how hard it is to wear a strapless dress?” Isabel answered in amusement. “Not only do you have to find the correct length, color and fabric, but the cut has to be exact. The fit across your bust has to be perfect, or you get those ugly armpit and breast bulges that makes you look fat. You need a good strapless bra, or the dress will make you look saggy. The dress has to stay up without hanging on your breast or your bra will end up around your waist. The neckline has to lie just right, exposing two inches of cleavage. Any less and you look like you have a mono-boob, any more and you look like a slut. At the same time if the neckline has to be just the right amount of give, so if you lean down your cleavage will grow revealing just the right touch of make up in there so you can get your date’s eyes will pop out, and finally if the bust line’s too tight you can’t breathe, but if it’s too loose, you have to worry about fallout.”

“Ahhmm, guys? Your public is waiting,” Liz explained as she turned and left the room.

Isabel stepped towards her petit friend and effortlessly wrapped her arm over her shoulder as she led Maria out of the break room. “Oh one more thing, if that gossip you’re digging for involves Alex? Well you remember those monsters that visited you while you slept,,,”

Cont Next
My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
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Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 22-F Izzy Becomes an Adult

By Stargazer MD

Maria was quite upset by the time her tall friend finished with her, causing her to seek out her boyfriend for a little comfort. It didn’t matter if he offered her a warm hug or a good argument, she knew he would be good for whatever ailed her.

Michael didn’t flinch as his pixie flopped onto his lap, and his arms automatically wrapped around her waist as she settled onto his strong shoulder without noticing that she was doing so. He grunted softly in acknowledgment of her rather incoherent rant, but a quick glance towards the entrance caused him tighten his grip. He watched as Jim took Amy’s elbow and led her off to the side where he helped her off with her coat. In contrast to Jim’s crisp western shirt, Amy was styling in a little black dress which would have looked great on a woman half her age.

“Oh No!” Maria gasped. “Not again! Not another sex dress,,,”

“Maria,,,” Michael interjected softly. “Maria! It’s not that bad. Your Mom’s wearing more than all of you guys,,,”

“More than we’re all wearing?” Maria snapped, poking Michael in the chest. “More than I’m wearing? Are you calling me a slut now?”

“Are you calling your Mom a slut?” Michael asked levelly. “Are you calling Jim a whore dog?”


“Listen, all I’m saying is that your mom is one of the finest women I know. She and Jim have both been alone for a long time and they deserve a little happiness in their twilight years,,,”

“You never caught them coming out of the pantry with their clothes all mussed,,,”

“I think it’s much more important that she never caught us coming out of the pantry,,,”

“Michael,” Maria whined, “Aren’t you going to support me on this?”

“I’ll support you,” Michael answered, “When you’re right,,,”

Maria took a breath for an attack, but Michael silenced her with a finger across her lips, reinforced by his thumb under her chin holding her mouth closed. “Let me put it to you this way. “Your Mom’s happy. I like her happy. When she’s happy, she’s not looking at my shortcomings. We get the run of the house, we get the Jetta, and most importantly, she’s not buying newspapers to hit me with.”

Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Alex and Isabel were discussing plans for the upcoming Fire Fighters Ball. "Izzy, a Class-A uniform is five-hundred bucks.(416 €) And even though the department will pay the bill through my clothing allowance, with us leaving for college next summer, I can’t see us spending that kind of money for what may turn out to be just one night.”

“You can’t see,,,” Isabel stammered. “When was this about you?” she demanded as she stepped in close to him. She opened the top button on his shirt and smoothed his collar as she explained, her voice softened as the physical contact calmed her, “This may be just a night with your hose-dragging buddies, but for me this is going to be my first adult ball. It’s also going to serve as our coming out party, the first time we’ve appeared in public outside of our own little group. I know just about everyone in town through Daddy’s firm, so for me the ball is practically a command performance.”

Alex let a little groan slip upon hearing his thoughts of a nice dinner out with the guys being hijacked, a sound of protest that Isabel missed, or more likely chose to ignore.

“We’re going to have to go to Albuquerque. I’m going to need a dress, shoes, a bag, we’ll have to stop by Rhonda’s shop for a couple of things,,,”

“And I was worried about a uniform?” Alex teased, receiving a gentle slap on the shoulder for his efforts.

“I’ll have to make appointments at Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Spa for that morning. Lets see, massages, mannies, peddies, facials,,,”


“A haircut for you,,,”

“What’s with the plurals,,,”

“My hair. Oh God, I have only three weeks to go through my magazines and pull a look together,,,” Isabel realized with rising panic as she pulled back to look at her mate, only to be miffed to find a total lack of sympathy in that quarter.

“I’m a guy,” Alex declared levelly. “I’m not going to any spa,,,”

“Alex Charles Whitman!” Isabel hissed softly enough so no one else could hear her. “I am granting you the supreme honor of escorting me to the Fire Fighters Ball, and you will rise to my standards. Is that understood?”

“Yes Dear,” Alex answered indulgently, “But no pedicure!” he insisted. “And no massage either,” he continued, adding in a softer voice, “I don’t want Fred embarrassing me.”

“You know,” she whispered, snuggling back onto his strong shoulder, “I think I’ll pick up a pair of dark stockings. The ones with the seams up the back. You’ll have to help me straighten them. A black lace garter belt,,,”

Alex simply pulled her deeper into his arms in response, willing to do for her whatever she wanted.

“No panties. Do you like me that way Sweetie? Panties ruin the effect of the garters, the black lace caressing the front of my thighs, framing my soft golden hair that I let grow wild just the way you like it,,,”

Alex growled deep in his throat as he sent her a wave of love that made her knees weak.

‘I should be ashamed of myself, using sex to get what I want from Alex,’ Isabel thought. ‘Oh who am I trying to kid? I’m not inducing him with sex, the sex is a bonus for me,,, Well he does like it. I don’t know how he was able to hold out as long as he did, but he can’t possibly like it as much as I do, can he?’ As she lost herself to the music, Isabel placed all of her scheming and plan making on the back burner, happy to let her mate lead her slowly around the dance floor, satisfied that she had been able to accomplish the secret task that Chief Montoya had asked of her.

Michael held Maria tightly as she swayed in his arms to a rhythm that only she could hear. Despite the rather boisterous couples all around them, she was here, allowing him to hold her, while he did his best to ‘not dance’ with her, for it was the only way he knew of to take her mind off the fact that Amy and Jim had been inseparable for the entire evening. Michael bent down and kissed the top of her head, causing her to sigh a moment before looking up to face him. He watched with amusement as she came out of the stupor that she had been enjoying for the last several minutes, but before she could torque herself up for God alone knew what kind of reaction, he bent again and kissed her fully on the mouth.

Flash: Maria saw her self in full alien waitress regalia, leaning with her back against the pass through window shouting a stream of inventive yet not necessarily inaccurate insults at Michael through the serving window, yet the mischievous gleam in her eyes along with the beaming smile on her voice took any sting out of her words.

“Michael!” Maria gasped. “Was that,,,”

“Um-hum,” Michael replied softly as he placed his hand behind her neck and pulled her tight. He kissed her again, more gently this time, as if she were the most precious gift he had ever been graced to receive.

Maria saw herself safe in her own bed, sound asleep. She was disoriented a moment before she realized that this time she was seeing herself through Michael’s eyes as he watched her sleep after sneaking into her room to keep her safe. She was momentarily embarrassed to have been caught with her ‘UFO’ sheets off the top of her body, revealing her ‘Little Green Men’ pajamas. But the most touching sight was the way she was wrapped around her stuffed ‘alien’ doll which she held fiercely in her sleep.

“Is that the way you see me?”

“I see you in a number of ways,” Michael replied. “Sometimes as a fierce warrior, other times as if you were a part of me that needs to be protected.”

Maria reached up and pulled him down for another kiss. “Let me in Spaceboy, I’m going to show you how you’re going to see me tonight.” Maria pulled out all the stops, letting her passions soar.

Michael found himself looking up at Maria as she strained against him, her face and upper body shining in sweat. She had her head thrown back and her small but perfect breasts quivered in response to some mysteriously frantic activity that was occurring just below his line of sight. Moments later Maria bit her lower lip as a delightful pink blush covered her face and spread down her neck flowing out to cover her chest. Michael pulled back, gasping for breath, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

“I saw Mom slip Jim a key card,” Maria explained breathlessly. “She’s not the only DeLuca woman taking her man home tonight.”

“Ria,” Michael groaned in frustration. “I’m not going home with you, I won’t be able to stop myself. Your Mom has been so good to me, I have too much respect for her,,, not in her house,,, not under her roof.”

“How about your roof?” Maria teased. “How do you feel about your upstairs neighbors?”

“I don’t give a flying frack about my neighbors,” Michael snapped, going for her neck, “Upstairs or otherwise.”

“Then I’m going home with you.”

“Spend the night?” he replied, his voice in near panic. “She’ll find out! She’ll kill me,,, us!”

“Michael,” Maria smiled in response. “I’m going to have to show you the contents of my nightstand,,,”

“What’s that have to do with anything?”

“Mom doesn’t want to see us hurt, but she was young too,,,”

“Still is,” Michael muttered.

“She got me condoms, jellies, foams, sponges, a diaphragm, a little pink diversionary friend, and a DeLuca birth control pill,,,”

Michael shook his head in disbelief before asking, “What the hell is a DeLuca birth control pill?”

“What?” Maria paused in mid rant, “Oh that,,, Well actually it’s an alien head key charm, but I’m supposed to hold it between my knees and never let it hit the ground, but this,,,” Maria purred, showcasing her shoulder and upper arm.

“What’s that?” Michael asked in concern, seeing a small old and faded bruise as well as a slight ripple in the surface of the skin just below her shoulder. “Are you hurt? Let me take care of that,,,”

“Don’t you dare,” Maria snapped, slapping his hand away. “That’s my Norplant.”

“Norplant, what the frack is a Norplant?”

“Five years of hassle-free, forget-me-not, birth control.”

(Note: Norplant consist of six plastic-like strips that are impregnated with contraceptive hormones that are slowly released into the woman’s bloodstream, providing a safe and reliable form of birth control. Norplant was available in late 2001, the time period of this chapter, before being withdrawn from US markets in 2002. It remains available in much of the rest of the world.)

“So you’re telling me your Mom’s alright with this?” Michael asked skeptically.

“Not so much that she’s alright with it as she’s accepting the inevitability of it,” Maria answered softly. “Mom doesn’t want to see us apart and miserable, but she doesn’t want to see us starting our family as young as she did either.”

“Well that may be all well and good,” Michael sighed, “But we’re not going to poke the bear either. Lets keep things low key.”

“Fine, low key,” Maria replied in exasperation. “But I have almost five hundred dollars (410 €) worth the happy times stuck into my arm, and I intend to start using them.”

Isabel held tightly to her mate as they slowly swayed to the music. ”Sweetie, I need more from you, I need to be closer,” she thought, as she made soft sounds while her face was buried in his neck.

“Okay, lets see, you have my heart, my mind, my body, and soul. You are my future. We’re closer that any of the others with our minds, and to be honest we’re having a lot of fun discovering each others naughty places. I will do anything to ask, in fact you don’t even need to ask, I will do anything for you that I can sense you want.”

“There is one thing more, Sweetie. Ava told us that we’ve already bonded as mates,,,”

“Um hum, you’re the only one I have even wanted, the only woman there will ever be for me.”

“And we’re going to marry, right?” Isabel asked, for once confident of his answer.

“Yes, we will marry, we’ll raise a family, and we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.” He backed up a bit so he could look he in the eyes.
“But you don’t think we’re ready for that now, do you?”

“No Sweetie, as much as I want to be your wife, I’m not ready to get married right now,” she responded softly with a teasing laugh. “But I do want to know that we will be married, that we are promised to each other, on this world as well as our other one.”

They stopped dancing as Isabel took both of his hands in hers. She looked around the room until she had everyone’s attention. “Alex, I have spent two lifetimes looking for you, and I didn’t know the meaning of the word happiness until I found you.”

Gloria’s brow edged up at this proclamation, but excusing Isabel’s math error, she settled in to watch the show with a knowing smile on her face.

“AW FRACK!” Phillip exclaimed as he watched Isabel take Alex’s hands in her own. Not noticing his wife come close to him he continued to no one in particular, “She’s not going to wait, she’s going to do it now,,,”

“Do what Dear?” Diane asked nervously.

“She is, she’s going to do it right now,,,” he gasped as he turned and slammed into his wife.

“What’s going on?” Diane asked in confusion. “What’s she going to do?”

“She’s going to make sure she gets what she wants from Alex for her birthday,” Phillip answered impatiently as he scooted around her. “I’ve got to go to the office for a minute,,,”

“Now?” Diane asked incredulously.

“You know she doesn’t want to be kept waiting,” Phillip grunted as he went out the door.

Maria gasped and put her fist into her mouth as Liz’s eyes lit up as she stepped closer to Max. Jim and Amy looked at each other in dismay, not having shared in the ‘softening up’ that the young couple had been bestowing on both sets of parents. They looked back at the young couple as if they were watching a train wreck. Ava smiled and reached for Kyle’s hand. “Kewl, go for it,” Kyle’s exclamation quickly faded to silence after he received a withering glare from his father. Of her brothers, Max looked as stunned as Michael was happy.

“Honey?” Charles asked warily of his loving wife.

“Shush,” Gloria snapped. “Isabel promised to share this moment with us, and I don’t want to miss a word of it.”

“Hang on Izzy, if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right,” Alex interjected, lowering himself to bended knee.

Isabel looked at Alex with all of her love for him showing in her eyes. She tented her hands in front of her chin. As soon as Alex’s knee touched the floor she answered, “Yes, yes, of course I will marry you,,,”

“Izzy, you have to wait for me to ask,,,”

“Well hurry up. What have you ever seen about me that makes you think I’m a patient woman?”

“Okay,” Alex said, taking a deep breath. “Isabel, ever since the day I first met you, I knew you were the only woman I ever wanted in my life,,,”

“Yes, yes,,,”


“Well just ask the question!”

“I will ask, but I’ve been dreaming of this moment for years, and I won’t be rushed.” This comment drew a chorus of sighs from the onlookers. Amy was won over, and even Jim was starting to soften.

Isabel looked at Alex. She was obviously impatient, and was pivoting on her hips and biting her lower lip.

Alex looked into her eyes, and forgot everything he wanted to say. There was just one thing left on his mind, “Isabel Evans, will you make all of my dreams come true. Will you marry me?”

Isabel looked at him.

“Ahhmm, Izzy?” Alex asked.

“This doesn’t look good,” Michael whispered so only those closest to him could hear. “She’s going to hurt him.”

“Stand up Alex.” Isabel said tenderly.

“What do you mean, ‘She’s going to hurt him’,” Maria whispered back as the rest of the room watched spellbound.

Alex stood slowly, a question on his face.

“Oh yea,” Max agreed. “She’s going to hurt him bad.”

The moment Alex stood upright Isabel slammed into him. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.” She hit him so hard he would of fallen over backwards if the wall wasn’t behind him. “I don’t care if we don’t get married this year,,,” she kissed his face. “I don’t care if we wait the five years for us to finish college,,,” she held him tightly in acknowledgement that her life did depend on him.

“Izzy, you scared the hell out of me,,,”

“A ring,” Isabel exclaimed. “I need something to make into a ring.” She reached for her breast, “I’ll use my heart.”

“No,” Alex declared. “That heart is special to us.”

Isabel reached to the counter, finding the only loose thing close at hand, an old french fry. “I can change this.”

“Izzy,” Alex whispered fiercely as he nervously scanned the room for his mother. Finding her at what he hoped was a safe distance away he continued, “We don’t need a ring right this minute, do we? I’ll take care of it. I don’t want to look at your hand for the next fifty years and see a ring that I know used to be a french fry.”

Isabel giggled at the thought of wearing a french fry. “No, I can wait. You know me, I’m a patient woman,” she said as she ran down her internal list of jewelers. Before the first well wisher reached her she was already well passed Albuquerque, discarding jewelers right and left as unworthy of crafting a symbol of Alex’s love that she would be wearing for the rest of eternity.

While Liz and Maria headed straight for Alex, Michael was the first to reached Isabel. “I only have one thing to say. Are you happy?”

“I’m happier than you can imaging,” Isabel answered hugging him.

“Then you hang onto him and never let go,” he said, holding her tightly. “But one thing, did you have to raise the bar so high so publicly?”

“I heard that!” Maria rebutted.

Philip stumbled back into the room, out of breath after his sprint to his office. In his hand he held a small box. “I thought you would need this.”

“Daddy?” Isabel asked in confusion.

Ignoring her he looked Alex square in the eyes. “Take care of her.”

“With my life,” Alex answered earnestly before turning to Isabel. “I hope you like it,” he added softly as he opened the box.

Isabel held her hand to cover her gasp of surprise but she quickly recovered and gently lifted the ring out of the box. “It’s beautiful.”

Alex smiled indulgently, not surprised at all that his carefully planned proposal had been hijacked by his rather impatient and impulsive fiancée. He figured that when she deemed it necessary, she would again involve him in the process. He was surprised at how quickly that moment was.

“What does the inscription say?” she asked softly,,, “Wait! For as long as the stars burn in the heavens above, so shall we two be one. That’s beautiful,” she sighed. “It’s also in Antarian, and I can’t read Antarian.”

“I can,” he answered levelly. “I felt you pulling the language from me, so I guess that means you can read it now too.”

Isabel took his hand and softly pressed the ring into his palm. “You have to do this,” she said breathlessly. ”You have to place that ring on my finger and tell the whole world that you are taking me as your own.”

“I’ve already done that in my heart,” he replied breathlessly as he slipped the ring onto her finger. “And now the whole world knows it.”

“Come on old man,” Gloria teased as she took her husbands hand. “Time for us to go.”

“But Alex came with us,” Charles replied innocently. “Shouldn’t we wait for him?”

Gloria looked at Charles in amusement. “Unless you missed it, Isabel just proposed to our son. Do you really think she’s going to let him go home with his Mommy and Daddy?”

Max kissed his sister on the cheek. “I’ve never seen you happier, but we have to get out of here sometime tonight.”

Alex took that as his cue, and seeing the last of the parents leaving, he looked towards the improvised DJ’s table, “Ava?” Catching her eye he nodded.

Ava waved her hand and the lights dimmed. The ceiling fans turned into mirror balls, reflecting several small spotlights through out the room. She held her hand over a CD and the guitar riffs of a brand new Shania Twain song filled the air. Before the first line of the introduction was over the guys knew it was too fast for them, and they surrendered the small dance floor to their sister and her fiancé, who were already soaring in their own corner of the heavens.

The girls started cleaning as the first verse rang out.

Don’t wantcha for the weekend - don’t wantcha for a night
I’m only interested if I can have you for life
eUh, I know I sound serious - and baby I am
You’re a fine piece of real estate, and I’m gonna get me some land

“Did you hear that?” Maria gasped. “ ‘I’m going to get me some man?’ ”

“Land!” Liz corrected, although she was laughing so hard she may not have gotten the point across. “But it does sound as if it was written with Isabel in mind.”

I’m gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
I’m gonna getcha if it takes all night
You can betcha by the time I say "go," you’ll never say "no"

Thanks to a lot of help from Ava, the clean-up was done within moments, and the girls lined up to watch the show.

Isabel felt Alex gently tug her hand, and as he started to lift it, she spun into him, slamming into his strong chest. She wrapped her arms around him as she slowly slid her thigh up his side. “Izzy, we’re dancing,,,”

“Frack the dance,” she replied breathlessly as she settled in for a long kiss.

Michael smiled as he watched his sister, never having seen her so happy, but his happiness turned to horror as her skirt slid higher and higher, settling around her hip as she wrapped her leg around Alex. Turning away, he found Kyle leering at the sight. “Dude! That’s my sister.”

“I know,” Kyle responded, barely able to speak coherently.

“He doesn’t respond to subtly,” Ava advised as she took control of the situation. Reaching down she took hold of Kyle’s groin and squeezed. “Come on, time to go,” she said laughingly as she twisted and lifted before towing him towards the door.

So, don’t try to run - honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone - when you find that someone


Photo links:

Firefighter Alex Taylor, Alex’s rescuer when he was shot at the Kettle’s ... Taylor.jpg

Isabel’s Floating Heart, a gift from Alex after Prom ... t/kh34.jpg

Isabel’s Earrings, Alex’s present for her Eighteenth birthday. ... arings.jpg

Isabel’s Engagement Ring NEW! ... sring2.jpg
My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Jun 06, 2004 10:25 pm
Location: New Hampshire, USA

Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-A The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

“She’s right Isabel,” Liz teased. “Two weeks ago you would have been sitting here threatening to drag him over here and have your way with him right on the table,,,”

“Now you’re just watching him with this goofy grin on your face,” Maria added.

Isabel held out her hand pausing the conversation. “Alex, Sweetie?” ”Alex!”

Alex turned away from the group of teens who he was talking to and looked at her, raising his eyebrows in question.

“Not the double-jointed thing.”

Alex looked at her in dismay, ”What do you mean, that’s some of my best stuff.”

Isabel mercilessly shook her head in response.

“Aw man,,,” he groaned as he turned back to his friends.

When Isabel again faced the twins, she was unable to hide the huge smile she had on her face.

“You faker!” Maria gasped. “You weren’t mad at him.”

“No,” Isabel admitted, “But I won’t let him put himself out as the class clown anymore.”

“So you want to protect him?” Liz probed carefully.

“No, not really,” she confessed. Seeing that the original conversation was back on track she continued, “It’s,,, different now,,,” she drawled out. It’s not like I’m waiting for him,,, or for some event anymore. It’s not like it’s about him or me at all,,,”

“And there goes the creep factor,” Maria sighed under her breath.

“I’m not waiting anymore,” Isabel smiled. “I’m,,, we’re complete,,,”

“Complete?” Maria quipped. “I knew it. The two of you had sex,,,”

“I’m only going to admit it this once Maria,” Isabel sighed, knowing that Maria would never quit until she got some kind of crumb.

“So what are you saying?” Liz queried delicately. “Is this going to be the worlds shortest engagement?”

“Oh we’ll marry someday,” Isabel waxed. “We’ll definitely perform the ritual before we start our family, but right now, it seems like merely a formality.”

Meanwhile, across the Quad,
“What are you boys doing?”

Kyle turned quickly and moved to his left, placing himself and between the interloper and his team mates. “Miss Leigh,,,”

“Good afternoon Kyle.”

“We’re welcoming a new arrival, Miss Leigh,” Kyle schmoozed. “It’s not that often that freshmen come to visit us at our table, so we’re throwing him up in the air in celebration.”

“That’s wonderful,” Miss Leigh replied happily. “It’s so good to see everyone getting along.”

“Could we go over there and talk about my college options?” Kyle asked smoothly, only to have his scheme blow up in his face.

“Valenti! Detention! Lydick! Detention! Pauley! Detention!”

“Mrs. Shaffer,” Miss Leigh protested. “I think it’s inappropriate for you to punish these young men just for being a little too boisterous in their welcome,,,”

“Welcome?” Principal Shaffer replied in amazement. “They’re giving that poor kid a wedgie!” Seeing a blank look on her face he explained, “They’re lifting him off the ground by his underwear.” Seeing her shocked reaction he continued, “It’s like a super thong,,, Never mind, you wouldn’t understand.”

“I’ll have you know that just because my parents entrusted my education to the Sisters of Perpetual Misery’s School for Girls, I’m not immune to the antics of the schoolyard,” she protested.

“Sounds like a tough place,” Mrs. Shaffer commented, struggling to keep a straight place.

“It was,” Ms Leigh sighed as she continued obliviously. “Us poor girls had to take our comforts wherever we could find them.”

~~”Tone, tone,,, Roswell dispatching Engine Three, Truck One, Rescue One. Fire alarm activation. Master box four-nine-zero-nine, Roswell Community Center, 807 North Missouri Ave. Zone one, cross street West Eighth Street. Time out eighteen forty-five. KKL-796”~~

“That will teach those sorry-assed bastards,” Paramedic Dossett called out from the station four kitchen. “They should know by now not to try to grill steaks while they’re on duty. Of all the meals that can’t be reheated,,,”

~~”Tone, tone, beep, beep, beep,,,”~~

“Frack!” Dossett shouted as the crew ran for the apparatus floor.

~~”Roswell transmitting first alarm assignment, master box four-nine-zero-nine. Roswell Community Center, 807 North Missouri Ave. Engine One, Engine Six, Truck Four, Rescue Four. PD (Police) on scene reporting fire in the kitchen with injuries. Building is being evacuated. Zone one, cross street West Eighth Street. Time out eighteen forty-seven. KKL-796. Roswell Chavez,,,”~~


~~”Roswell requesting Dexter engine, Dexter rescue to Richardson Station for station coverage, Sierra engine to Station Three for coverage.”~~

~~”Tone, tone,,,”~~ the rescue’s radio continued at a lower volume as it automatically muted the non-priority channel. ~~”Attention Dexter Fire Department. Respond with an engine and rescue to,,,” Tuning out the message on the county-wide channel, Alex slowed the rescue and allowed the siren to wind down as he stopped in the middle of the street where he was flagged down by Assistant Chief Montoya.

“Pull through the intersection and park,” Chief Montoya shouted through the window. “Dossett, stay with the wagon and set up for patients. Whitman, grab a portable (radio) and stay with me.”

Moments later Alex was in place as the Chief checked in with his crews. “Truck One, Rescue Four is ready to receive patients west of the intersection. Truck Four, I want the secondary search (for trapped victims) finished forthwith. Truck One, as soon as you turn your patients over to rescue, set up your ladder pipe to protect the northern exposure, (of the building) but do not charge (fill the hose with water) without orders.”

Alex keyed his radio. “Rescue Four to Roswell,,,”

“Rescue Command!” Chief Montoya corrected.

Alex’s brows shot up, but he didn’t let his shock stop him from performing his duties. “Rescue Command to Roswell, Rescue One on scene, out of service, (no) manpower. Rescue Four committed on scene. What is the status of (ambulance) transport?”

~~”A-M-R has one bus (ambulance) in route and a second bus at Eastern (Medical Center) that will be responding momentarily.”~~

Alex changed channels on his portable, and began to distribute the information that he had been gathering. “A-M-R first due. I have patients for you. First patient status one with burns to the arms, second patient status three with smoke inhalation. Meet the rescue on Eighth Street, west of Missouri. A-M-R second, expedite! I have patients for you as well.”

Alex changed channel again. “Rescue Command to Medical Control.”


“Eastern, I’m at the scene of a working structure fire, and I am preparing to transport four patients. One status one with burns to the extremities, one status two with an ankle injury, and two status three with smoke inhalation.”

~~”Received Rescue. Thanks for the warning. We’ll be ready.”~~

“You put the Probie to work?” Chief Montoya asked.

“Not really,” Paramedic Dossett answered offhandedly. “He saw that I was under control over here so he went over and started helping the engine companies.

“So what do you think?” Montoya asked as they leaned against the side of the rescue and watched the crew roll their wet hoses and load them into the back of a utility.

“He done good Boss,” Dossett replied enthusiastically. “I can’t think of one thing I would have done differently.” After a moments silence he continued, “Did you get in contact with his parents?”

“No,,, Actually the Sheriff put me in touch with his girlfriend,,,”


“Fiancé? He’s going to be married to her?” the Chief exclaimed, but his face clouded over as a thought occurred to him, “She isn’t,,,”

“No, nothing like that, they both have a good head on their shoulders. Apparently they’re planning a long engagement.”

The Chief’s sense of relief was evident as he chuckled, “That lucky dog.”

“Um hum,” Dossett agreed. “You think she going to play ball?”

“Oh yea,” the Chief sighed. “She’s on board. I told her what I was planning and she was like putty in my hands.”

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-B The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

Isabel loved her business development class. As one of New Mexico’s preeminent advance placement programs, it attracted Roswell’s best and brightest, and Isabel was by far and away it’s star performer.

“Miss Evans,” her teacher greeted.

“Señora Castillo,” Isabel replied with a smile.

“Please, have a seat.”

Isabel walked past her instructor’s desk and settled at the small conference table, opening her padfolio and preparing for her class.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” the instructor said with a smile as she settled at her side of the table.

“As usual you are very well informed,” Isabel replied with a genuine smile, despite a momentary flash of panic. Señora Castillo could not possibly know that she had practically destroyed a room at the Roswell Comfort Inn, and that her tool of destruction had been her new fiancé, Alex. Nor could her teacher know that by early Saturday morning, she had abused him to the point that she had to use her special ‘tickle’ to get him to a point of usefulness, let alone the fact that by noon of that same day she had exhausted all natural forms of seduction and simply zapped him into a state of readiness.

“May I?”

Isabel held out her hand and was surprised when Señora Castillo gently took her hand and lifted it for a closer look.

“As usual our young Señor Whitman has done an exceptional job,” she advised levelly as if she expected no less. “Radiant cut! I’m impressed. It seems our young titan of industry isn’t a slave to convention. One carat, the perfect size to highlight your sapphire side stones,” she added with a mischievous grin as she reached for a small loupe.

“Rosario!” Isabel exclaimed in shock, but in the same light hearted tone.

“Hush child,” Señora Castillo teased dismissively. “You would deny me this simple pleasure? How many times do you think I get to look at such a beautiful stone here in Roswell, let alone on the hand on one of my apprentices.”

“I should have never guessed,” Isabel teased as she slipped off the ring, eager for her mentor’s favorable opinion.

“Don’t let my humble appearances fool you,” Señora Castillo chastised as she flashed her own ring of delicately interwoven gold. “My ring has been in my husband’s family for generations, long before diamonds became popular. That doesn’t mean I don’t know my way around a little bobble like this.” She looked up in amazement. “My complements to your fiancé. This is an exceptional stone. Wonderful proportions. VS1 clarity. (Very Slightly Included, which means very slight flaws which are only visible under high magnification.) The last time I saw a student with an engagement ring it looked like a chip from a real diamond that had a sandbox inside of it. Platinum?” she asked as she handed the ring back.

“Do you really need to ask?” Isabel teased as she slid her ring back on, hesitating a moment to de-cloak the Antarian engraving on the inside of the band.

“Definitely platinum,” Señora Castillo intoned. “Sometimes a diamond picks up a yellow cast from a gold band, but this stone is totally colorless, so the platinum setting accentuates the sparkle and brilliance of the diamond.”

Isabel beamed at the approval of someone she respected, but moments later she was brought back to earth.

“Nina,” Senora Castillo asked warmly. “Surely you have these insured?”

Isabel’s eyes opened wide. “Oh my,,,” she gasped.

“The only reason I ask,,,” she hastened to add, “At such a moment, practicalities fly out the window.”

“I never even thought of it,,,”

“And Alex? Would have taken out a policy?”

“No. Details like this are my job, and besides, before we were together he insured his car through a search engine over the internet, I don’t think he would even know where to start,,,”

“You start with the best insurance agent in the city, especially now that the two of you are reaching a time in your lives where you already have way too much to loose.”

“I should have thought of this on my own,” Isabel pouted.

“Please, you have to leave us something to teach you,” she said with a smile before turning her attention to her call. “Señora Delgado-Castillo de Magliaro que llama para (calling for) Señor Alvarez, porfa vor.” Señora Castillo looked over to Isabel with a wide grin. “Quite a mouthful isn’t it, and that’s less than half of my full name. You should look into the meaning’s of our compound names Isabel, you’d be amazed at what you could find out.”

Isabel missed the hint that her mentor had served up on a silver platter as she listened in on the conversation. She thought it strange that despite her language skills, she had some trouble following the conversation, but her mind went totally blank when she picked up on two facts, that Señora Castillo was estimating the value of her ring at ten thousand dollars, and the value of her earrings at four thousand. (7850€ and 3150€ respectively)

“All set,” Señora Castillo said cheerfully as she folded her cell, catching her young charge touching her earrings. Unbeknownst to her, Isabel had used a minute burst of power to weld the jewelry’s backs to the posts. There was no way she was going to loose one due to a ‘jewelry malfunction.’

“At my request Señor Alvarez has activated a temporary rider on your victory spoils here. It will provide you with two weeks of protection allowing sufficient time for you set up more comprehensive coverage. During that time he will drop off a proposal at your father’s office for your consideration, which should you choose to pursue, you should call him to set up an interview where he will take care of everything.”

Isabel nevertheless rallied quickly. “Thank you,” she replied genuinely. “We’ll give his proposal our full attention, and I assure you that your recommendation carries a lot of weight.”

Señora Castillo simply smiled in response.

“There’s one thing I wanted to ask you though,” Isabel ventured tentatively. “I was unable to follow parts of your conversation. What were you speaking?”

Señora Castillo smiled, impressed that Isabel had noticed. “I was speaking Castilian. It’s a vernacular of Spanish, a more formal dialect that was brought to the new world by those who were involved in commerce and more importantly those employed by the government. Now-a-days, it’s a more proper and formal form of speech.”

“I never knew anyone who had a language named after them,” Isabel teased.

“I sorry to say I can’t take credit for that. My ancestors came from the Capital, or Castile, region of Spain. That’s where my familial name originated. Castilian Spanish got it’s name the same way, but enough of such unimportant things. Tell me, who proposed? Having been watching you these past several months I’m thinking that you would asked him the moment you were of age,” she teased with a rich smile on her face. “But how does that explain his having a ring?”

Isabel’s face glowed as she thought back to her party. “I may have given him some hint as to my desires,,,”

“That’s not the way I heard it,,,”

“It was Alex that proposed,” Isabel protested, wondering if Señora Castillo knew that last night she needed to insist that they stay in separate homes Sunday night in order for him to be even remotely functional this morning. “He had already asked for our parents blessing and had my father hide the ring,,,” Isabel’s face turned serious. “You know, I have to find out where he had it hidden. I don’t like it that Daddy’s developing the ability to keep things from me,,,” and with this declaration, the two women continued chatting for the rest of the period about important things, all matters of business forgotten.

Later that afternoon, Alex poked his partner in the chest, “You ready for this?”

Michael poked him back, “I’m ready for this! Are you ready for this?”

“I was born ready for this,” Alex replied confidently. “Lets do it.”

“Just like we talked about.” Michael stealthily trotted to the corner of the old soap factory and then turned back to watch Alex climb into the building through a busted out window that had been missing since the night of the rave fire. Seeing that Alex was safely inside, he then climbed onto the loading dock and strutted through the door.

Rath was warming his hands over a trash fire that he had burning in an oil drum, while Lonnie was poking around the perimeter of the room gathering up several pieces of old furniture that they could use to make their hide-hole a little more comfortable. Rath, sensing company, turned and instinctively raised his hand towards the loading dock door.

Michael saw Rath raise his hand, giving him just enough time to raise his own hand and build a charge. Michael watched as if in slow motion as Rath’s charge approached. It looked like a living thing, seething and boiling with white hot power as it grew in size the closer it got. The blast struck Michael squarely in the chest, then nothing.

Rath was not so lucky. Michael had been spending a lot of time in the desert developing and sharpening his spatial skills, allowing him to regain his rightful position as the warrior of the group. His blast also hit Rath full in the chest, but Michael’s blast had the effect of blowing Rath back across the room and into the wall behind.

Lonnie missed the first blast, but she was in the right position to see the effect of the second. She saw her pod mate go down and stay down. She raised her hand and built a charge as she turned to face Michael.

The near silence of the room was rent as the staccato pops from Alex’s pistol was followed by the tinny sound of the spent 9mm parabellum cartridges bounced on the hard concrete floor.

Lonnie turned to face this new threat as she raised her hand to her jaw line. “Opie?” she gasped as she found twin streaks of blood on her fingertips. Lonnie’s spiky hair grew out and snaked down her neck, landing in waves around her shoulders. Her piercing melted as her tattoos faded, which were quickly covered as her leather vest morphed into a button down blouse. “Alex,” Isabel’s voice implored, “What are you trying to do, kill me?”

”Don’t think I’m going to fall for that Lonnie,” Alex related coldly. “If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead right now. I can feel the difference between the two of you. You’ll never be able to fake the warmth in her heart.”

“You’ve got to try, don’t you?” Michael taunted as he watched Rath try to angle his hand for another shot. “Do what you feel you have to, but know this, I’m going to hurt you.”

“What’s Opie doing here?” Lonnie demanded of Michael as she morphed back to her natural state, her ploy ineffective. “This should just be between us.”

“Don’t talk to me,” Michael answered levelly. “His old lady’s the queen, talk to him.”

“Opie,,,” Lonnie gasped, while Rath chose Michael’s momentary inattention as an opportunity to attack. His blast struck Michael square in the chest, again with no effect.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh,” Alex warned while shaking his head at Lonnie, warning her to stay out of the battle. Meanwhile Michael slowly took deliberate aim at Rath, watching the panic building in his dupe’s eyes before blasting him again.

Alex kept his weapon aimed at Lonnie while he watched Rath out of the corner of his eye. “I figure you have a couple of broken ribs and some internal bleeding Rath,” he advised analytically. “I suggest you stay down.”

“Isabel has the seal,,,” Michael started to explain.

“Isabel!” Lonnie gasped.

“Yea, Isabel,” Michael repeated merrily. “Now imagine Isabel’s stubbornness, Vilandra’s temper, and your duplicity, all in one package.”

“I wouldn’t cross her if I were you,” Alex added.

Lonnie’s face looked as if her whole world had just imploded.

Michael looked over to his friend, and noticing a new feature on his shoulder, he decided to ramp up the rhetoric. “Alex decoded the destiny book and has become the Keeper of the Granolith, and as Isabel’s mate he has his own game going.” Addressing Alex he commanded, “Lower your left arm a bit. Show Lonnie your stuff.”

Alex didn’t know what Michael was referring to, but complied none the less. Keeping his weapon trained on Lonnie, he changed his stance slightly, revealing his left shoulder where the Royal Seal of Antar glowed brightly. This seal was not solid like Isabel’s, depicting his lower station, but comprised of five white rings arranged in the classic ‘Vee” formation, the center of the rings as black as the darkest night.

“So here’s the way it’s going to be,,,” Alex commanded.

Rath climbed to his feet and stood rather unsteadily. Seeing Michael point towards his partner, he too turned his attention to Alex.

“You destroyed your four square when you killed Zan, and we lost Tess,” Alex explained slowly, as if talking to a small child. “So although we have the Granolith, it can’t be accessed without an intact four square. That means you’re not going anywhere, and as a result, there is no purpose for your coming here ever again.”

Rath spat a glob of bloody phlegm onto the floor. “No one tells us where we can and can’t go.”

“You want to go another round?” Michael challenged. “I’m feeling fine. In fact I could go all day, but you don’t look so hot.”

“The next time you step foot in New Mexico you will die,” Alex stated coldly. “This is our home, our safe haven, and we will not let you violate it.”

“And us?” Lonnie spat out. “We get nothing?”

“You get New York,” Michael conceded. “We have no need to go there.”

“That went well,” Alex muttered as they drove back to town.

“Actually,” Michael teased, “You’re not done yet. Now you have to go tell Isabel that you put yourself in danger,,,”

“I’ll tell her something,,,”

“You’re not going to lie to Isabel,” Michael teased. “You’re such a fracking boy scout you couldn’t even lie to Lonnie and Rath,,,”

“I wasn’t lying. They will die before I let them come anywhere near Isabel, or any of the girls for that matter.” Seeing Michael sitting there with a smug look on his face he launched his own salvo, “You think Maria’s not going to be pissed?”

“I’m not that worried,” Michael teased. “Maria’s going to blow like a volcano, until I get my lips on her. While she’s quick to anger, she’s just as quick to forgive. My sister on the other hand,,,”

“You mean the sister you called stubborn?”

“Aw crap,” Michael exclaimed. “I forgot about that. We’re both fracked.”

Gloria looked over at Lisa, her co-worker who had been nice enough to offer her a ride home. “So as far as I’m concerned, the Saturn’s a piece of crap. Charles got it for me because the Volvo was getting old, but from the day we brought it home, it’s been in and out of the shop. Meanwhile Alex and Isabel have been driving my old car everywhere, and it keeps going strong.”

“Now Isabel, she’s Alex’s fiancé?”

“For the moment,” Gloria replied laughingly. “I don’t know how long she’s going to be satisfied with just being engaged.”

“I don’t know why they’re always in such a hurry to grow up,” Lisa agreed sympathetically as she rolled to a stop.

Gloria wasn’t really listening as she noticed the aforementioned Volvo cross through the intersection and turn into Planet Storage. “Lisa, do me a favor and pull into Rocket Fuels a moment, won’t you?”

“You need something?”

“Not really,,, No, no, to the left. Park right here inside the curb,” Gloria instructed instinctively. “Stop!”

“Okay,,,” Lisa answered skeptically as she watched her friend stare out the windshield. “And we’re?”

“That’s my Volvo,” Gloria explained, “And that’s Isabel, my future daughter-in-law, who’s unloading packages into a storage bin that I know nothing about.” She gathered her purse and opened the side door. “I think it’s time for me to have a look at the inside of Isabel’s hope chest.”

“Do you want me to wait?” Lisa asked.

“No,” Gloria replied confidently as she paused outside the drivers side door. “That’s my car over there. If Isabel has a problem with me sticking my nose into her business, she can walk home. She’s young.”

“Is there something you want to tell me?” Gloria asked softly.

‘No,,, It can’t be,,,’ Isabel thought as she turned slowly. Her eyes opened as wide as saucers as she found her worse nightmare standing in front of her.


Isabel was speechless as Gloria looked past her, inspecting the nearly full locker.

“Okay then,,,” Gloria said with a chilling smile. “We’ll do this on my home turf. Keys!” she demanded as she held out her hand. “Lock that up and get in,” she commanded before moving around and climbing in behind the wheel.

Across town Alex looked at Mr. Parker in surprise as he and Michael sipped on mild restoratives. “You’re going to the Firefighter’s Ball?”

“You sound shocked?” Jeff replied.

“Well,,, Yea,” Alex stammered. “How’d you get involved?”

“Alex!” Maria cried out in alarm as she slapped him in the shoulder. “How rude!”

“That didn’t come out right,,,” Alex stammered to the man who had been like a second father to him since childhood.

“Alex, I got my invite the old fashioned way, I wrote them a check,” Jeff answered. “This is a fundraiser after all. They’re raising money to buy a heat imaging camera, and having had a fire in the grill’s exhaust fan a few years ago, I figured it was a worthwhile investment.”

Gloria put a mug of tea in front of Isabel before sitting down opposite her. “Isabel, you have a problem.”

“I don’t have a problem,” Isabel replied, but the cracking in her voice betrayed her.

“If you don’t have a problem, would you mind telling me why I caught me standing in front of a storage bin full of wrapped Christmas presents?”

“It’s not what you’re thinking,,,”

“Isabel, I know you love Alex and your family, but don’t you think you’re out of control?” Gloria asked gently. “Renting a storage locker so you can hide Alex’s presents?”

“It’s not my locker, Alex had to rent it for me because I was underage when I needed it.”

“You mean Alex knows about this?” Gloria stammered.

“He helped me pick out a lot of the presents,” Isabel continued, her confidence building. “He even helped me wrap some of them,” she added with a smile. “You taught him well, I only had to re-wrap eleven that he did.” Seeing the look of confusion on the older woman’s face, she started to explain. “This is the first year I’ve had more than what I could earn working for my father, I mean, I could take care of myself, my clothing and school needs, but there was never enough,,,”

“For Alex?”

“For the orphanage, I’ve never been able to do right by them,,, What I really needed,,,”

“Now don’t say that,” Gloria implored. “I don’t think anyone’s done more,,,”

“You know we were found in the desert,” Isabel explained, turning her thoughts inward, almost as if she were talking to herself, “We didn’t know who we were or where we came from.”

Gloria slowly wrapped her hands around her mug, careful to not interrupt her young charge.

“Mom and Dad chose the day they found us in the desert, October twenty-fifth, as my birthday, and the day they were allowed to bring us home for good, March thirty-first as Max’s birthday. As a result, we spent our first Christmas in the orphanage. We didn’t really know what was going on, but I’ll always remember that Christmas, the bright lights, the music, the special foods, and the presents.”

Gloria couldn’t help herself. She reached out and took Isabel’s hands in her own.

“I received a doll and a blouse that Christmas,” Isabel continued, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. “I didn’t know that both the generic Barbie doll and my shirt had been bought in bulk, but many of the others did. The boys all got the same toy dump truck. Everyone on the staff at Casa Maria did the best that they could with what they had, but,,,” she declared as she took Gloria’s hands in her own.

“I have been blessed,” Isabel declared, her blossoming smile making her face glow. “I have so much to be thankful for. Alex, Max, my Mom and Dad, You and Charles. Now it’s time to give back, to share my good fortune with the children who are still there.”

Isabel’s smile faded a bit as uncertainty crept back into her voice. “Those gifts are for the children. There’s a toy or a game for each one of them. I selected every gift individually with help from Alex and the staff. There’s an outfit for every child, no two of them the same, along with a set of underwear and a nighty for every girl, not a Fruit-of-the-Loom in the bunch,,,” Isabel’s fears soared as Gloria pulled her hands away, only to have her feelings turn one hundred eighty degrees as she found herself swept up into her future mother-in-laws loving arms. Overwhelmed, she finally felt safe enough to let go of her fears and let her tears flow freely.

After a minute or two, Gloria started to realize that something was wrong, well something more wrong than her stumbling on one of Isabel’s secrets. “Isabel,” Gloria probed softly. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Isabel pulled back, and seeing nothing in Gloria’s eyes but caring and concern, she decided to open up even more. She sat down and took a deep breath, waiting for Gloria to sit also. “On a related topic, I’m in over my head with the Christmas Pageant,” Isabel announced in a rush. “You remember the kitchen fire they had at the community center? Well Mrs. Seymour told me that since the city is self insured, they won’t have any repair money until the next budget cycle, which doesn’t start until June first. The Crashdown is too small for their banquet and party, I checked with Bobby Cotton out at the Summer Haven Country Club and he’s booked solid, and the school board turned down my request to use one of their buildings,,,”

“They can’t turn you down,” Gloria exclaimed. “Don’t they realize you’re doing this for the orphanage?”

“Due to the intrinsically religious overtones involved in a holiday pageant, the school board feel compelled to deny my request,” Isabel snapped. “I’m going on the assumption that we’ll have to hold it at the orphanage, but I so want to give those poor children a day out in the community just like everyone else.” Hearing no response to her confession, Isabel looked up to see that although she looked lost in thought, Gloria’s had a smile on her face.

“Do you know the greatest untold advantage a military officer has?” Gloria asked kindly. “A military wife,” she answered without pause. “A good wife can make her husbands career by supporting him in a hundred little ways, from making sure his uniforms are always perfect to keeping his ‘go’ bag ready with just a moments notice, not to mention working her network of the wives of the other officers who have influence over his career. Oh it’s changed a little over the past several years as more and more women have advanced in the ranks, but some things never change. You make the mistake of choosing a no class wife who gets a little too slutty at the officers club while you’re gone on T.D.Y, (temporary duty assignment) causing discontent within the community, and you’ll find yourself in Tulle Greenland counting polar bear shit so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

Isabel smiled at Gloria’s rather earthy description of her former career but couldn’t help asking, “I would love to sit down and learn more about your time in the Air Force, especially how it shaped Alex’s earlier years, but what does that have to do with my current problem?”

“Well,” Gloria drawled out, prolonging the moment, “Charles, as a retired officer, is a member of the veteran’s organizations in town. In fact he’s the a Past Commander of the American Legion and he’s currently the Adjutant of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post,,,”

“And they have function halls!” Isabel concluded excitedly.

“When are you doing the party?” Gloria asked, happy to see Isabel’s countenance move towards normal.

“Well, the pageant’s already on for the weekend of December fifteenth, and the children’s party is scheduled for Sunday afternoon.”

“Sunday? That makes it easy,” Gloria gushed. “Both halls are undoubtedly booked for Friday and Saturday nights, but no one holds their company party on Sunday, and the V.F.W. hall on Perdue Drive has that hill across the street where the kids could go sliding if it snows. (AN: As hinted at in the show, Roswell averages 8” (20 cm) of snow per year.) In fact, depending on who has it rented for the night before, I bet we could get the hall already decorated,,,”

“You can do this?” Isabel interrupted excitedly.

Gloria stood only to be slammed by one of Isabel’s special flying hugs, albeit one without quite the force that her son was routinely subjected to. “Why don’t you go home, I believe if I understand your schedule Alex is there waiting for you, and hand him your brush. In the mean time let me get on the phone.”

“Oh I can’t thank you enough, You’re one in a million,” Isabel gushed as she kissed Gloria’s cheek. “I love you, she exclaimed as she practically bounded for the door.

“I am one in a million,” Gloria repeated softly as she grabbed her day planner and phone before settling at the table. “It’s about time you realized that.” But her flippant comment was nothing in comparison to the look of determination on her face. This was the first time that Isabel had opened up to her and asked for help, and by God, she would deliver a function hall, decorated and ready to go, even if she had to build one from scratch.

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-C The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘I need to talk to you.’) Steve Lydick called out as he saw Kyle headed for the quad.

“Dude.” (Pronounced as ‘What’s up?’) Kyle replied, indicating the patch of lawn just outside the door.

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘I’ve got something serious to say.’)

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘What’s wrong?’)

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘You got to help me, brother.’) “You need to do something about Ava!”

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘What the frack are you talking about?’)

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘Do I have to explain everything to you?’) “She’s giving Vicki ideas.”

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘I still don’t know what the frack you’re talking about.’)

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘You dumb bastard.’) “Okay, here’s the four-one-one. Forth period study hall, Vicki comes up to me and ask me if I’m up for a quickie before she meets with the cheerleaders for lunch. Well, you know me, I’m always up for a quickie,,,”

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘Goal!’) Kyle exclaims as he throws his hand up for a high-five.

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘You’re a dumber bastard than I thought.’) Steve snapped, ignoring Kyle’s gesture.

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘What the frack just happened here?’)

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘If you tell anyone this I’ll kill you.’) “She wanted me to eat,,, quiche.”

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘I don’t believe I have to explain this to you, you simpleton son-of-a-bitch.’) “Real men eat quiche.”

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘What the frack’s the matter with you, have you been playing football without a helmet?’) “Just quiche! Nothing else! I’m a guy, I need more than,,, quiche. It’s not very,,, filling.”

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘You miserable bastard, I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t so dumb.’) “You didn’t tell her that, did you?”

“Dude!” (Pronounced as, ‘What the frack do you think I’m as numb as a pounded thumb?’) “She went away happy,” Steve pouted.

“Dude,” (Pronounced as, ‘Then what the frack are you bothering me for, my mashed potatoes are skinning over.’) “Buddha says, ‘The oxen are slow, but the Earth is patient.’ ”

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘What the frack is that supposed to mean? Is your whole family fracked, or were you dropped on your head at birth?’) “What the frack is that supposed to mean? Is your whole family fracked, or were you dripped on your head at birth?”

“Dude,,,” (Pronounced as ‘Unenlightened peasant, this is going to take a while.’) But before he could enlighten his friend, Steve had turned his attention elsewhere.

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘Come rescue me from this clueless bastard.’) Steve shouted, waving Alex over.

“Gentlemen,” (Pronounced as ‘What the hell are two jocks talking to me for?) Alex replied in greeting as he paused just outside the door, clearly impatient to be elsewhere.

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘What the frack? You’re asking Alex about girls? He’s only dated one girl in his entire life! I’ve been out with almost every girl in our school and half of the girls over at Goddard!’)

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘What are you, fracking nuts? That one girl is Isabel Evans, and not that I was looking, but did you see his back Monday morning after her party? He has three bite marks on his shoulder and his back’s ripped to shit with nail marks.’)

“Dude,,,” (Pronounced as ‘Help me Alex, you’re my only hope.’) Steve implored.

“Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘Hang onto your ass, you’re not going to believe this.’) Kyle interrupted. “Vicki wants Steve to eat quiche.”

“I love quiche,” Alex answered happily. “Liz and Maria turned me on to quiche years ago,,,”

“Dude!” (Pronounced alternately as ‘My Hero!’ and ‘I’m going to be sick.’)

“In fact my favorite quiche is Miss Amy’s,,,”

“Dude!” (Pronounced alternately as ‘Wait until I tell the whole school,’ and ‘Wait until I tell my Dad, he’s going to kill you.’)

“She adds a little bacon grease,,,”

“Dude!” (Pronounced by both parties as ‘You sick rat-bastard.’)

“I know that’s not healthy, but considering you’re already eating a mixture of heavy cream and eggs, what harm can a little bit of pan drippings do?”

“Dude?” (Pronounced as ‘eggs?’)

Alex realized something was wrong. “We’re not really talking about quiche here, are we?”

“”Dude,” (Pronounced as ‘I’m not making myself clear.’) “Vicki wanted me to eat quiche. Not as an appetizer, just quiche.”

Suddenly light dawned on Marblehead as Alex understood what was being said as well as what wasn’t. “Tell me you dived right in. Tell me that you told her it was the best quiche you ever had, that you would die without it.”

“Dude.” (Pronounced as ‘Sure I told her that, I’m not stupid.’)

“Then you have nothing to worry about,” Alex answered, relief evident in his voice. “Vicki is one of the nicest, most giving people I know, and if she only gave you a snack, maybe it was because she was all torqued up about schoolwork or she’s testing you. At any rate, you passed, and it’s been my experience that when you treat your girlfriend as if your entire world revolves around them, and nothing is about us, they go out of their way to make sure that we’re taken care of.” Alex stood upright, ready to depart. “At any rate, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.”

“Dude!” (Pronounced as ‘You’re my God!’) Steve exclaimed.

“Dude.” (Pronounced as ‘I know that’s the word but I don’t have any way to pronounce it.’) Alex replied as he turned and headed for Isabel’s table. Moments later he settled next to Isabel, aware that half of the students in the quad were watching him. “Izzy, you’re going to have to stop sending me to school marked up,” he said softly.

“Why” Isabel replied while munching on her salad, his request so ludicrous that she almost didn’t answer. “I’m proud of you, Sweetie,” she answered breathlessly as she opened his collar before giving him a brief yet nevertheless passionate kiss. “You can’t blame me for wanting to mark my territory.”

”Izzy,” Alex sighed, switching to their more intimate form of communication. “You know nothing makes me more happy than making you happy, but the looks I’m getting lately,,,”

“What kind of looks?” she demanded as she scanned the Quad with a furrowed brow, looking for trouble.

“You know the look you get just before opening a new Cosmo? That look.”

“Oh,” she relented as she slapped his hand away from his chest before he could scratch. “Maybe it’s time for me to put a different mark on you then.”

‘Oh great,’ Alex gasped with a thought he was careful to keep to himself, especially as Kyle settled next to him.

“Dude,” Kyle said in greeting as his gaze locked on the entrance to the Quad. The rest of the group turned and watched Ava approach.

“What?” she demanded defensively. “Never seen a cheerleader before?”

Kyle continued to stare at the vast expanse of thigh that her short skirt exposed, a sight only rivaled by the several inches of hard flat stomach that her brief top left uncovered. “Cheerleader?” he asked, his mind in a fog.

“Yes, a cheerleader,” she answered with a smile finding that her outfit was having her desired effect. “My boyfriend’s a jock, my friends,,,” She blushed briefly at her faux-pas as she quickly glanced around the table, “My other friends, are all jocks and cheerleaders, why not me?”

Michael couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease, “Because the moment you start ditty-bopping around on the sidelines, Ace here will turn into a blithering idiot and throw the game.”

“Hey,” Kyle protested as he took a moment to wipe his chin.


“Ditty-bopping?” Maria asked quietly.

“I’ve been reading a lot of Viet Nam era stuff lately,” Michael answered.

“I used to be famous for my back flips,,,” Isabel added encouragingly.

“But she had to give it up,” Alex deadpanned. “She got so tall her legs took five minutes to caught up with the rest of her.”

“Hey!” Isabel protested as she slapped his shoulder gently, happy that he felt comfortable enough to joke at her expense.

“Well, I’m done here,” Kyle stated as he stuffed his unfinished lunch back into it’s bag. “Time to see what kind of underwear you can fit under that uniform. Can’t be much,,,”

“Nope!” Ava commanded. “No panty time for you,,,”

“Hey, we have an agreement. As long as you have the only goodies I get to play with, I get to play with them when ever I want to,,,”

“What agreement? You’re still cut off for peeing in the kitchen sink,,,”

“Well if you weren’t hogging the bathroom,,,”

Ignoring her clueless boyfriend, Ava turned to the only other cheerleader at the table. “Isabel, did you used to do this?” she asked as she lifted her left leg and tucked her knee in behind her left ear. “It’s called a bow and arrow.”

“No,” she laughingly replied as she watched Kyle’s reaction to the sight of the tiny crotch of Ava’s panties just inches from his face.

“How long can you hold that position?”

“Longer than you can last,” Ava flirted, “Especially if I have a strong shoulder to rest my leg on.”

“So, what is our agreement then?” Kyle stammered.

“You agree that I am the only one of us that gets to make any rules, and that I get to change them or cancel them whenever it pleases me. You agree that I get to do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it. And you agree that I alone am in control of my goodies, despite my planned generosity in sharing them with you. Lastly, you agree that whenever you are granted the supreme privilege of playing with my fun places, you will remain cognizant of the fact that there are two people in the toy box.”

“Huh?” Kyle replied distractedly, her arousal readily apparent at such close range. “Okay.”

“Good!” Ava smiled as she lowered her leg. “And as long as we understand each other,,,” she grabbed his hand, dragging him from the table.

“What a wus,” Michael taunted under his breath.

Hearing him, Maria turned her full attention on him. “Michael, would you please get me a water?”

“Men,” Liz said dismissively as she watched Michael grumble before getting up and head for the vending machines. “They’re as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.”

”Izzy, about that bow and arrow,,,”

“I was thinking the same thing,” she replied as she gathered the remains of their meal. “And I still have my junior high cheerleading uniform. It’s a little small, doesn’t cover as much as it used to,,,”

“It cost three dollars to use in this playground Twerp, pay up.”

“I don’t have three dollars, and I wouldn’t give them to you if I did,” the smaller boy spat out defiantly.

“Malamoot, you booger eater,” Rion’s tiny blond friend interjected. “Go pick on someone your own size.”

“Stay out of this Freakoid,” the junior Malamoot commanded as he pushed her down.

“No one picks on Michelle!” Rion shouted as he leapt to his cousin’s defense, getting into the bully’s face.

“Give me your lunch money,” Malamoot shouted.

“He doesn’t have any money, you big ape,” Michelle interjected as she kicked the much bigger boy in the shin. “Hot lunch is on a smart card now.”

Malamoot roared as be bent over, hopping on one leg while rubbing his other. “You’re in big trouble now,,,”

“Rion’s mommy taught him to always be good and to play fair,” Michelle said sweetly. “My mommy taught me that the bigger they are,,,” she snarled as she wound up to kick him in the other shin. “The harder they fall.”

Rion stopped Michelle before she could act. “You’re right about my mommy, but she doesn’t know what Daddy taught me,” he added as he socked Malamoot right in the jaw, knocking the bigger kid on his ass.

“You’re dead,” Malamoot hissed as he struggled to his feet.

“Why don’t you say that a little louder so his sisters can hear you,” Michelle taunted as she pointed to the sidewalk where the older kids were just climbing off the bus.

“Aagghh,” Malamoot squealed as he turned and started running.

“You better run!” Andy shouted as she came to her family’s rescue.

“Are you alright?” Cassie asked as she knelt in front of Michelle. Receiving a nod in the affirmative she probed, “No powers, right?”

Michelle shook her head solemnly. “I don’t need no powers. Not when Rion’s here to protect me.”

“Orion Whitman,” Andy commanded in her best ice princess voice, “What did Mom tell you about fighting?”

“Doesn’t matter,” he answered defiantly. “No one hits Michelle.”

Michelle pushed Cassie aside to stand by Rion. “He’s my hero,” she gushed as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.”

“Ewww! What you do that for?” he demanded.

“You’re just like Daddy. He gets all icky when Mommy kisses him too, but when she isn’t looking he smiles and winks at me.”

“Well you don’t see me smiling,” Rion pouted as he nevertheless took her hand and led her out towards the sidewalk, now that the older girls were there to watch over them until the parents got home.

“Are you going to tell Mom he hit Malamoot?” Cassie asked Andy as they fell into step behind their young charges.

“And incur the wrath of Michelle? Are you kidding?”

“Andy, she’s eleven years old,,,”

“She’s a Deluca,,,”

“No she’s not. She’s a Guerin.”

“Not where it counts Cassie, not where it counts.”

When Diane got up for her midnight walk of the house, she was surprised to find Isabel sitting on the edge of Alex’s bed, gently rubbing his shoulder as he slept. With her eyes arched in question, she waited for her daughter to explain.

Isabel leaned over and gently kissed Diane’s cheek before preceding her down to the kitchen. As their tea seeped, she tried to explain. “His dream was so intense that I picked up on it, and I was worried for him.”

“Was it a bad dream?” Diane asked with concern.

“Not really,” Isabel answered with a smile. “We met your future grandson, Orion.”

“You’re going to give me a grandson?” Diane exclaimed happily.

“I don’t know Mom,” Isabel; answered wishfully. “I don’t know if his dreams are a simple fantasy or some kind of premonition. If it’s worth anything though, he only has them after spending an evening with Liz, and this does seem to be her strong suit.”

“Well, I’m going to start knitting,” Diane decided.

“Knitting?” Isabel gasped.

“Knitting. If I’m going to be a grandmother, I’m going to have to learn to knit.”

“We have been a little concerned,” Alex led off hesitantly. “It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve heard from you.”

“Will Mike Stamford be joining us?” Isabel asked as she awaited Patty’s reaction.

“Mike is no longer with the company,” Patty answered levelly.

“What?” gasped Alex in astonishment.

“Mike Stamford is no longer employed by Leprino Foods,” Patty repeated, carefully annunciating each syllable distinctly.

Receiving the unspoken message loud and clear, Isabel placed a restraining hand over her Alex’s. “And you asked us here,,,” Isabel ventured carefully.

“I was at the meeting where Aries informed Leprino that you were declining our offer to cover the cost of the PeopleSoft software that was inadvertently left out of our initial purchase order,” Patty led off.

“Yes,” Isabel answered carefully. “That’s the meeting we met at.”

“Would it surprise you to know that due to an accounting error an expense request was misrouted to my desk for that very software?”

“What?” Isabel shrieked as she felt her face flushed. “I assure you, we never invoiced you for that software,,,” A thought crossed her mind, causing her to turn to her partner, “Alex?”

Alex’s brows shot up as he held up his hands up defensively. “Not me!”

“Patty,” Isabel implored. “I give you my word,,,”

“Isabel, relax,” Patty commanded with a tight smile on her face. “I thought there was something hinkey about how the requisition was handled, and when I traced the payment we found the funds had been routed to an account where they shouldn’t have been.”

“So you’re alright with us?” Isabel asked doubtfully.

“Yes, although I’m also encouraged by your reaction. Watching Isabel’s face grow cold she hastened to explain. “Surely you can understand that we had to put the project on hold while we sorted out this impropriety,,,”

“Yes we understand,” Alex answered calmly as he covered his mate’s hand with his own, calming her. “But you must understand that we have an agreement, and we are eager to get back on track.”

“Good,” Patty declared as she stood. “I need you at out headquarters next Friday to discuss the time table for the rest of the project. She smiled as she held open the door while her guest exited. With any amount of luck she could get this project back on track, in fulfillment of her promise to the general manager of the Roswell plant, Mr. Magliaro. Her future at Leprino depended on this, as everyone knew that Mike Magliaro was well connected with the Leprino family and was in fact in line for the next Vice-President’s position, and while bringing home his pet project may not guarantee her a promotion, she already knew what failure would cost her.

Gloria looked across the table, “Well, all in all I guess it’s been a good week.”

“What makes you say that?” Diane teased.

“Because we’re drinking wine,” Gloria teased. “If she had had a bad week, I’d be swilling high-ball’s by now.”

“I would have given anything to have seen the look on her face when you caught her at Planet Storage,,,”

“Hers, you should have seen mine. The moment I saw the size of that storage locker I figured she was getting ready to set-up housekeeping,,, Although, you know, she was looking through a bridal magazine last night,,,”

“Just one?”


“Don’t worry about that,” Diane replied dismissively. “If she only had one, she’s just keeping up with the fads.”

“Yea, that’s true. I guess we don’t have to start worrying until she brings home a stack of them a foot high and starts scanning articles into a computerized database.”

“Besides, you’ll be one of the first to know when she starts planning her wedding,,,”


“Yes, you. Because that will be the day Alex starts drinking.”

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-D The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

Alex looked across the table with a look of amazement on his face. “My God Michael, Isabel didn’t mean that at all. We’re so sorry. I believe I kept her too long out in the sun this morning, and I’m sure the pressure of tonight’s soiree is getting to her.” Alex stammered as he turned to his mate. “I think she’s fried.”

“How dare you apologize for me, especially when the big lug deserves it,,,” Isabel spat.

“Izzy, shut your mouth before you say something you’re going to regret,” Alex commanded in a soft yet determined voice. “Now gather your stuff. We’re leaving.”

“And what if I don’t want to go?”

Alex leaned right into her face and answered quietly enough so that his voice did not carry beyond the booth, “I said for you to grab your purse and come with me. Now are you going to obey me, or am I going to drag you out of here by your hair and cause a scene that will be all over town by nightfall?”

As he watched Isabel snatch her purse and slide from the booth Alex realized that he had said the right words, but he didn’t know if it was the command to obey him, or the threat of public humiliation that had won the day. At any rate his victory was short lived.

“I am ready to go home now,” Isabel stated haughtily as she stood, straightened her clothing and flicked her hair at her momentarily domineering boyfriend. “You may pay for my lunch and then drive me home.”

“Yes dear,” Alex replied with a smile as he handed Liz a twenty. “Take Michael’s out of that too, if you don’t mind, then split the change between yourself and Maria,,,”

“You’re paying for his lunch?” Isabel complained. “After he called me high maintenance?”

“Yes, because he was being kind. You are having a high maintenance day,” Alex murmured as he took her elbow and led her out the door.

Michael watched in amusement as the door closed behind his friends. “Man, I pity that guy,” he said to no one in particular, receiving a smack to the back of his head for his trouble. “Hey! What was that for?” he demanded as Maria paused by his booth.

“You had to poke the bear, didn’t you?”

“Bear? What bear?” he answered innocently. “I didn’t see any bear?”

Isabel stood on the sidewalk, tapping her foot impatiently as she watched Alex unlock and then open her door, but she was totally unprepared for the burst of power that he released when he touched the small of her back as he guided her into the car. It rocked her down to the tips of her toes.

“Am I high maintenance?” she asked softly.

“You’re being you,” he answered offhandedly. “I love you.” As he settled behind the wheel he had a smile on his face.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Isabel pouted as she covertly looked across the width of the car, confident that Alex would make everything all right. Although she hated to play second fiddle to anyone, she knew with all her being that he knew how to take care of her better than she could herself.

“You know Izzy,” he ventured softly. “This is what happens when you close yourself off,,,”

“I haven’t closed myself off,” she snapped in reply.

“Sorry,” he answered sincerely. “I must be mistaken. It’s just that you’ve had your walls up, hiding something for a couple of weeks now,,,”

“I’m not hiding anything,” she protested.

“Izzy, it’s okay. We’re going to have secrets,,,” ‘Like the fact that I’ve already ordered our wedding bands,’ he added silently. “You’re going to want to hide things, like surprises or presents. We’re going to have to keep working on this, so we can separate our little surprises for each other from how we feel about each other.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Isabel pouted. “You were able to keep my ring secret,,,”

“You kept your proposal secret,” Alex countered as he pulled into the driveway of her house. “You told both sets of parents that you were going to propose, and got them to along with it. All the time I didn’t know you were planning a party, let alone preparing giving me the second best gift of my life.” By this time he had brought her to her private bath off from her bedroom.

“So if my proposal was my second best gift, does that mean you’re joining me so I can give you my number one gift? A little water sports?” she teased as she nodded towards her shower.

“Not in a million years,” Alex laughingly replied. You’re still keyed up enough to give me a permanent injury if I got in there with you.”

“So what’s the point of taking a shower if you’re not going to join me?” she pouted.

“For all the same reason normal people take showers,” Alex replied with an evil grin. “You’re all hot, sweaty, and covered with sand,,,”

“I’m what!” Isabel gasped as he quickly lifted her into her tub and turned the water on. “Alex, you bastard!” she continued as the icy water soaked through her tee. Alex, on the other hand, was nobody’s fool. He was already in her bedroom, heading for his own shower, causing her wet shirt to strike the unexpectedly closed door behind him.

When she had finished her shower, Isabel found him sitting on her bed, waiting for her, brush in his hand. Expecting him to perform his usual marathon brushing session, she was surprised to find that after quickly drying her hair he was gathering it into a pony tail.

“Lie down,” Alex commanded softly, his breath against her neck causing her blood to boil. He could see the love in her eyes as she looked up at him, her grin spreading as he untied the sash of her robe. “Roll over,” he added as he peeled the garment from her as she turned.

“Feeling a little kinky today?” Isabel asked as she felt him kneel and climb onto the bed with her, but her joy turned to confusion as she felt him straddle her hips and settle his weight on her ass. “Sweetie, you’re still wearing your boxers,,,”

Isabel’s protest died on her lips as Alex painted a thick streak of Vic’s down the center of her spine. “Just relax,” he said as he started to paint the back of her neck and shoulders with little circles, drawing the Vic’s out and massaging it deep into her stress-tightened muscles.

“Let go,” Alex whispered wordlessly. “Let me take care of everything.” He felt her melting under his hands as he drew all of the worries out from her body, working his way down her shoulders to her back. He elicited a whimper of protest from her when he brushed his hands against the sides of her breasts, almost loosing himself in the soft flesh that flared slightly from her side, but he stayed on task and worked his way down to the small of her back. Alex slid lower, rubbing the insides of his thighs against the outsides of hers, but his plans to linger over her lower body were forgotten as a plume of moist heat rose from her to assail his senses with her need of him.

“Sweetheart, don’t move,” he commanded as he opened his hands as wide as he could, quickly skimming over her back and using his powers to flash away the now messy vapor rub. “All done. Roll over so I can do your front,,,”

“I got something for you to do,” she said passionately as she pulled him over on top of herself, pulling him close for a kiss that would set his hair on end; while with her other hand on his ass, she zapped his shorts into oblivion.

Alex, who had no problem whatsoever with the fact that massage time was over, slid home as he took her in one confident stroke. He took his time, slowly building her passion until her whole world exploded.

“Sweetie?” she gasped as he rolled to her side.

“Shhh,” he whispered. “It’s not about me,,,”

“The frack it isn’t!” she snapped as she climbed on top of him. Her eyes bored into his soul as she slammed herself down, putting him back where he belonged. “This is about you, today is your day.”

“Alex locked eyes with her, barely able to gasp her name.

“Do you like this?” she teased as she ground her pelvis into his, rotating her hips for maximum effect.

“Ghhhh,” Alex gasped.

“I’ve got everything, you’re ever going to need, everything,,, Geeee,” she squealed, biting down on her lower lip as her gyrations brought Fred into contact with one of her own sweet spots. “Ahhh, everything you’re ever going to need.

“Aagghh, aaahhhaaa.”

Isabel took a moment to regain her composure before continuing her attack. “You don’t like it when Trude comes out and makes me read Cosmo? But I bet you’re going to love our mutual friend Kegel,” she panted as she imagined that she had to pee, and then clamped down to stop it. “You know, Trude thinks we can finish you off in less than a minute.”

“Oh God, oh ghhh, ghhh ahhh.”

“You like that? Then you’re going to love this. It’s called the pelvic crunch,” she gasped. “You lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the bed, kind of like I am now. Next you put a ball between your thighs, crunch forward and then,,,” she tightened every muscle between her knees and her chest, “Break the ball, just like this.”

“Aabb, Bbaa, aabb.”

But Isabel had failed to anticipate that Alex would instinctively connect as he began to lose control, and the flood of love, passion, and the near electric current from the surface of Fred’s over stimulated skin was more than she could handle.

The two teens shook, rattled and rolled through what felt like an eternity for the both of them, an exertion that left Isabel lying on his chest gasping for air like a fish out of water.

“Is, Iz, Izzy,” Alex stammered.

“Shhh,” she answered tenderly as they finally disconnected. She slid down his body, settling with her cheek on his shoulder and her hand over his still rapidly beating heart. “Sleep, Sweetie, get some rest. I’ve got you now and I’m never going to let you go.”

Isabel watched as his breathing steadied, but did not join him in sleep. This was not an opportunity to share a dream, but a necessary resting period for her fragile human mate. Instead she happily watched him rest, luxuriating in the warm touch of his skin, his special and unique scent, and the soothing rhythm of his steadily beating heart than beat for her alone.

“Sweetie. Time to get ready,” Isabel whispered, gently kissing him awake.

“Mum,” Alex replied as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Maybe later,” she teased as she reluctantly pulled away. “If you’re good. In the mean time, go take another shower.”

“Scrub your back?” he offered with his best Snidely Whiplash brow lift.

“Get out of here!” Isabel insisted with a laugh as she threw a convenient shoe at him. “If you don’t leave right now we’ll never make it,,,” ‘and we can’t have that,’ she added silently.

To his surprise, Alex found Isabel waiting for him when he got out of his shower. In contrast to the towel that he had loosely tied around his waist, she was already dressed in a beautiful ivory colored satin tap panty and camisole set, her hair still pulled back into the pony tail that he had made earlier. “Here, put these on,” she commanded, holding a small scrap of fabric out to him.

Alex took the garment and puzzled with a moment until he found the waistband and oriented it right side up. “Izzy! I’m not wearing these. “They’re panties!”

“Cheeky pants, just like mine, but with a fly and a bit of lycra in the pouch for support,” Izzy replied. “They match your flesh-tone perfectly, and they don’t have any bulky seams that will show through your uniform.”

“Izzy, there’s a lot of things I’ll do for you, but wearing man panties is not one of them. What’s wrong with my navy BVD’s?”

“Sweetie,” Isabel explained patiently. “You class-A uniform trousers are made of a light weight worsted wool. Whatever you wear for briefs, either too light or too dark, has the potential to show through under the right lighting conditions,,,”

“Is it the color you’re worried about?”


“Tell you what. I’ll compromise. Pick any pair of shorts that I already have, change them to whatever color you want, and I’ll wear them.”

“Okay,” Isabel replied reluctantly, secretly happy that the negotiations were going exactly as she had planned. Moments later her face was burning as Alex nonchalantly dropped his towel and stepped into the shorts that she had ‘modified.’ With her last shred of control, she bolted to his closet and pulled out his freshly altered uniform. “Let’s get you dressed,” she pleaded. She needed the stability of making sure he was perfectly turned out before she hurt him.

She carefully lay his uniform on his bed, effortlessly making sure it was perfectly flat and wrinkle free. She removed his shirt from the inside of the jacket. She took it’s shoulders into her hands, opening it between her hands as she stepped towards him.

Alex, recognizing the need in her soul, turned his back and raised his arm, allowing her to slip the new, yet freshly laundered and mildly starched garment onto his body. He turned to face her, and stepped closer, smiling indulgently as she fussed to get the epaulets to sit perfectly straight on his strong shoulders. Once she was satisfied with that, she slowly and deliberately buttoned the shirt, starting with the second button.

Isabel pushed Alex back until he sat on his bed, and then gently lifted his feet, resting them on her thigh as she slipped his dress socks up to his calves, carefully making sure that there was the proper amount of free space around his toes. When she finished, she unclipped his uniform trousers from the fancy wooden hanger that she had bought just for his uniform, and then held them out in front of him, offering her shoulder for support as he stepped into them. She then sat in front of him, using her fingers to fold pleats into the hem of his shirt as she settled the trousers waistband precisely above his hips. Next she lifted his shiny black basket-weave belt and carefully fed it through the belt loops, insuring that none of them were stressed or stretched. When finished, she fastened the buckle, making sure that it didn’t deform the waistline of his trousers, that the brilliant gold buckle was precisely centered over his fly, and that the end of the leather extended past the buckle exactly two inches. (50 mm)

Isabel looked deep into his eyes as she stood in front of him. “I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard to put Fred away,” she teased as she reached for his collar. “Nor do I believe I’m about to do this,” she said as she slid his black Principessa tie around his neck, slowly tucking it up into his collar and then pulling it back and forth until it sat just right, at which point she buttoned his top button. She then looked critically at how the ends of the delicate silk tie fell against his body, pulling the wider end an inch lower (25 mm) before tying a perfect Full Windsor knot.

Isabel scooched down, level with her handiwork, and examined her completed knot with a critical eye. After making several miniscule adjustments, she moved her attention laterally just a bit. “Alex! There’s stubble here.”

“Stubble?” he gasped. “Izzy, I shaved twice. Both times with a new razor. I knew this was important to you.”

“Sweetie, tonight’s not about me, it’s the Fighter’s Ball,” she explained as she ran the back of her fingers back and forth over his cheek. “It’s about you, and I don’t want you to go there with a frayed collar.”

“Frayed collar? Maybe in a decade since I’m only going to wear this shirt about once a year,,,” he muttered.

“Never mind, I took care of it,” Isabel responded as she straightened up and walked to his bureau. She returned moments later with his collar pins. She lovingly removed the backs and then pressed the studs through pre-measured holes that she had punched through the plastic collar stays after she had picked his shirt up at the cleaners. “Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician,” she read as she rotated the pins until the rockers on the top of the pins were positioned properly before pressing the backs onto the studs. Next she lifted the ends of his tie, and slipped a heavy gold tie-chain up it’s length, stopping to attach the back of the chain over his third button, pressing the end of the hood through the buttonhole to insure that it would not fall out at an inopportune moment.

Next she turned her critical eye to the flap over his left breast pocket, visualizing the perfect placement of his name tag.

“Is that the new one?”

“No. The new one will go on your jacket, this is the tag Alex gave you. She saved your life. It belongs on you, not on a jacket hanging over the back of a chair,” she explained as she reached for his badge. She buffed it against her camisole before slipping it into place, then she ran her fingers up and down the military creases that ran vertically over both sides of his chest.

“Izzy, you’ve already altered the seams three times,” he said softly. You’re going to have to accept them as they are if you’re ever going to finish with me and to have time to get yourself ready,,,”

“Pfff,” Isabel replied dismissively as she reached for his jacket. “I’ll go naked before I let you go less than perfect.”

“Naked, hugh?”

“Sweetie!” Isabel teased. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Naked? Yes. You’re going out that way? Never going to happen,” he answered as he slipped his arms into the proffered jacket.

Isabel fussed with how his jacket fit on his shoulders until she was satisfied that it was sitting just right. She then grabbed his lapels and drew the front of the double breasted jacket together as she fashioned the six shiny gold buttons. Next she slipped his outer badge into the tab over his left pocket, and then she went back to his bureau for the new name tag that she had ordered at the same time as the rest of his uniform.

With the tag in place, she stepped to his closet. Easily reaching up to the top shelf, she brought down the box containing his new Evershine dress shoes. She set the box on the corner of his bed and flicked the cover off to the side. After removing the cedar shoe trees and loosened the laces, she took a shoehorn from the box before kneeling in front of him.

“Izzy,” Alex said softly, “I can get my own shoes.”

Isabel sat back on her heels. “Sweetie, I’m enjoying this,,, taking care of you.” She held the shoe open in the front with the shoehorn at the back while he steadied himself on her shoulder and stepped into them. Moments later, as she tied his laces, he thought that she was finished, but she crawled around to his side to make sure that his trousers fell just right, with the back of his trouser leg ending precisely two inches (50 mm) from the floor and the front of the legs breaking slightly before coming to rest on top of the laces of his mirror finished shoes.

Isabel placed the shoehorn on his bureau and then handed him his Citizen watch.

“I was going to wear my Skagen,” Alex protested.

Sweetie, I know you love it, and it is a beautiful watch,,,” she had helped pick it out after all, “But the titanium gray metal and the blue face don’t match your uniform. You need to wear your Citizen.” She handed him the accessory, a gleaming gold watch with it’s freshly polished black leather band. Noticing that it was slightly off, she pulled out the stem, pausing the second hand over the only marker on the sleek midnight black face, a diamond set at twelve-o’clock. Adjusting the gold hands until they were perfectly synchronized with their Blade server, she restarted the watch and placed it on his wrist. “Understated elegance. This is definitely the watch to go with your dress uniform.”

Realizing that his mate still in her underwear, Alex glanced at his watch with alarm. There was no way that they were going to make it on time. In fact, watching her pony tail bobbing with her movements, he doubted that she could dress and complete all of her grooming rituals before the event concluded. “Izzy, we’re not going to make it,” he protested.

“Of course we are,” she replied confidently. “I’ve scheduled us to arrive ten minutes into the cocktail hour, which will give me exactly enough time to show off my handy work,” ‘let alone our ring,’ she added silently. “Final inspection! Stand still a minute,” she scolded as she took out a small steel rule to check her work, insuring that his name tag was centered over and one-quarter inch (6 mm) above, his left pocket flap.

“A ruler?” he teased.

“Hey,” she protested, slapping his chest. “This is me remember?” She turned and dropped the ruler on his bureau and picked up a buffing cloth before kneeling again to touch up his shoes.

“I have to admit,” Alex said happily as he turned slightly to look at his reflection in the mirror, “You do good work,,,” His praise was cut off as he flew up into the air while letting loose with a girl like squeal, all in reaction to a flash of light at his groin. Setting back down at a safe distance from his astonished mate, he demanded, “What are you trying to do? Burn Fred?”

“I’m not trying to set fire to Fred, that’s Daddy’s job,” Isabel replied impatiently. “What I am trying to do is to remove an errant thread on your fly. Now get back over here before I give up on doing this the hard way and simply zap you.”

Alex cautiously returned to his position and lifted the hem of his jacket away from his waist as he watched nervously as he worked. “What part of Cosmo did you see this in?”

“Actually,” Isabel answered as she stood and leaned in close, giving his lapel’s a critical look, “Your father told me how to detail a uniform.” After burning down several more loose threads, she put the lighter down and picked up a wide roll of masking tape.

“So Pops told you to burn my balls off?”

“Sweetie, I wouldn’t burn your balls, I have plans for them,” Isabel replied levelly as she unwound several wraps of tape onto her hand, sticky side out.

“Izzy, the jacket’s less then two weeks old, and you’ve already had it dry cleaned once,,,” he protested as she patted him down.

“Perfection isn’t a destination to be reached, but a journey to be enjoyed,,,”

“You’ve been hanging out with Kyle too much.”

Ignoring him, Isabel stripped off the soiled tape and picked up his hat. “Stand still,” she instructed as she carefully fitted it to his head. “See why I had you bring your hat to Albuquerque with us when you got your hair styled,,,”

“Styled. Is that an euphuism for a ‘hundred dollar haircut’?” he muttered.

“Everything is perfect. Not a single hair out of place.”

“What’s next?”

“Done,” she declared. “Take off your cover and jacket while I get ready.

Alex placed his cover on his bed and carefully removed his jacket before reaching for his wallet. “Nothing in your pockets,” he heard shouted from her room. “I don’t want a handful of coins bulging out and ruining all my hard work. I’ll take care of whatever you need tonight.”

Shrugging in acquiescence, he took his uniform in hand and walked out into the hall with a smile on his face, anticipating the spectacle of watching her get ready, but as he walked through her open door he was surprised to find her pulling up the side zip of the pants of her new white suit. She stepped into her white mules, no her other white mules, the ones with a modest two inch (50 MM) heel and then slipped her coat over her shoulders. “All set,” she advised, handing him her clutch as she stepped into the hall while closing the three buttons of her jacket.

“You’re already ready?” Alex asked in amazement.

Isabel felt as if she had been shot, a chill running up her spine as she stopped and turned towards him. “All I thought I needed was a touch of lip gloss,,,”

“Izzy,” Alex said, ashamed that his careless comment had caused her distress, “You’re practically glowing,,,”

“You think this is the wrong look,,,”

“Izzy, forgive me. I just never imagined you could throw together that perfectly thrown together look so quickly. Here,,,” he continued, taking her hand and holding it over his heart. “Why don’t you take a peek at what I really think.”

Isabel allowed their connection to flare as she drank in his love for her. “Sweetie, you know the ten-scale doesn’t go that high,,,” she said as she bit her lower lip, her confidence restored.

“That’s because the poor humans who made the scale had never met an Alien Goddess,,,”

“Princess,” she corrected flirtingly.

“Same thing,” he sighed as he reached to touch her floating heart that sat in the middle of the deeply cut bodice of her jacket. “Just do me one favor tonight.”

“Anything, you have to know that.”

“Don’t go near Stilwell wearing this. I hear that his wife is a big girl, but I don’t think anyone could keep him under control if he gets a look at you.”

“I’ll take care of Stilwell,” she promised as they walked hand in hand out to find Phillip’s gleaming Lexus in the driveway.

“Your Dad’s car?”

“I told you tonight was special. I had Max prep it for us.”

“Max?” Alex asked in amazement. “Knowing his taste in cars I wouldn’t think he knew what wax was.”

I had to promise him that I would do his share of the dinner dishes for a month to get him to detail it for me.”

“Izzy, you faker, I bet it was your pout more than any promise that got Max to do this for you. Besides, as far as you’re washing his share of the dinner dishes, not only are you never home, but your parents have a dishwasher.”

“Maybe,” Isabel agreed, her eyes gleaming in amusement, “But since the full extent of Max’s exertion was to make sure the garage door was closed before he zapped Daddy’s car clean, I figure it was a fair trade.”

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-E The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to the memory of Fire Chief Louis Jones of the City of Roswell NM Fire Department, and Emergency Medical Technician Steve Lavato of American Medical Response Ambulance Service, Roswell NM Station, who were shot and killed in the line of duty, March 16, 2002. May their sacrifices in service to us all never be forgotten.

Alex kissed her cheek. “Going to be alright?” he asked with concern as they entered the crowded hall.

“Fine, fine,” she replied. “Go say hi to your friends. I’m going to mingle, but remember, this is business. We have a lot of people here we need to touch bases with.” Seeing her mother approach, she moved to intercept her.

“Was that Alex?” Diane asked with disappointment. “I wanted to take pictures.”

“No!” Isabel answered in alarm. “We’ll take pictures after.”

“So where’s this Isabel we keep hearing about?” Paramedic Dossett asked.

“You’ll meet her,” Alex promised. “We’ll sit at your table.”

“Not to be my friend,” the older man teased. “As the honored retiree, Sharon and I are seated at the head table, while you’re at table one, special guest of the boss man out at Leprino foods,,,”

“Leprino?” Alex gasped.

“Yea, you know, big factory north of town. Milk goes in, cheese comes out. He’s underwriting the whole evening,” Dossett added with a wave that encompassed the entire room. “You must have done something right,,,”

“I did a work study project for them at school that turned into a software package that they bought, but I never imagined we would catch the attention of their senior management.”

“Well, guess again.”

Meanwhile Isabel was surprised to catch a glimpse of Señora Castillo, and she made her way through the crowd to pay her respects, but her level of surprise surged as she found her talking to her father and Charles. “Buenos tardes, Señora Castillo, Dad, Pops,” she said in greeting, not completely masking her surprise.

“¡Hola! Señorita Evans!” Señora Castillo answered cheerfully. “We were just talking about you,,,”

“Great,” Isabel stammered, trying not to look too upset. “My teacher’s talking to my dad about my homework.”

“Actually, as this is your self-described coming out party,,,” Phillip said cheerfully, holding up his hand and cutting off Isabel’s protest that it was Alex’s night, “We agreed that it was time for you to be formally introduced,,,”

“Alex?” she asked, catching his eye as he approached.

“Be there in a moment,” he promised.

“Señora Castillo, may I present my daughter, Isabel Amanda Evans, and her Fiancé Alex Charles Whitman. Isabel. Alex, I would like you to meet,,, Señora,,,”

“Señora Alejandra Rosamar Vasquez Delgado-Castillo de Magliaro,” Señora Castillo’s husband filled in helpfully.

“And this is my husband Mike,,,” Señora Castillo added.

“Mike Magliaro, General Manager of Leprino foods?” Alex asked with respect.

“Only the Roswell plant,” Mike corrected dismissively.

“For now,” Señora Castillo corrected softly.

“De Magliaro!” Isabel exclaimed. “Wife of Magliaro!”

“Sí, Isabella. ¡Bueno!” Señora Castillo gushed. “I see you’ve been looking into Spanish names.”

Alex felt a chill sweep through Isabel as she began to think through the implications of this revelation. He placed a loving hand on the small of her back and sent calm and comfort through their connection. Señora Castillo’s relationship to Leprino had caught them both by surprises, and he knew that more than anything, his mate did not like surprises.

“So let me get this right,” she asked with a tremor in her voice. “My teacher is the wife of General Manager of the company that we have a contractual relationship with?”

“Carlos, Philippe,” Señora Castillo scolded with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “I warned you that Señorita Isabella was not one who would take kindly to surprises.”

“Isabel, it’s not like that,” Charles stated rather emphatically, wanting to stop Isabel from saying anything that she would regret later. “Señora Castillo and I met at the Rotary more than a year ago, and I was fully apprized of her involvement at Leprino when the co-op project was first offered to Alex,,,”

“And acting as company directors, we requested that all correspondence be through Mike Stamford, as we did not want the co-op project to take on a life of it’s own and overshadow your academics,,,”

“Isabella, Alex, suffice it to say that I have never asked you for anything but the most general of information on your project. It would be unethical for me to have done anything else. I would never want an unfair advantage on knowing the inner workings of Aries or any of our vendor’s companies.”

“Thank you,” Isabel replied, mollified in part by her explanation, but more so by the guilty look on both of the parents faces.

“Enough of this distasteful talk,” Mike Magliaro interjected, a surprising look of upset on his face. “We’re here to have a good meal, support a worthy cause, and if Chief Montoya is up to the level of his past performances, we’ll enjoy a couple of good stories, some of which may even be true.”

Recognizing one of her business friends, Señora Castillo changed the subject. “Tell me, have you made a decision about Señor Alvarez?”

“Yes, we have an appointment to meet him this week,” Alex answered.

“Come with me then,” Señora Castillo commanded. “It would be remiss of me not to take this opportunity to introduce you. Gentlemen,” she concluded with a nod before leading the young teens off.

The room was filled with the thumping sound of finger against microphone, unique to such gatherings, signaling the end of the social hour. “Did you meet everyone you needed to?” Alex asked sarcastically. “I feel like the prize bull at the state fair,” he moaned as they made their way to their table.

“Hey, I had to show off my catch,” Isabel teased as she reaching down and covertly pinching his ass before making a show of holding her hand up and admiring her ring. “Besides, most of the people here are clients of Daddy’s firm, and we’re already starting to do business with many of them ourselves.”

Alex took the back of Isabel’s chair, sitting her next to Señora Castillo. As he took off his jacket and placed it over the back of his own chair, Isabel’s mentor caught her eye and grinned approvingly.

As Mike Magliaro made introductions around the table, Assistant Chief Montoya took the podium, thanked everyone for making the evening a success, and then introduced Chief Louis Jones.

Chief Jones stood, and while taking a card from his inner jacket pocket, took the podium. “When Chief Montoya came into my office and closed the door behind him, I knew my ulcer was going to get another workout, but I never dreamed that he would stand there and insist that we go ahead with this year’s Firefighters Ball. ‘Not after everything that’s happened, not after everything that we’ve lost,’ I protested, but he made a convincing argument. ‘They took three hundred and forty-three of our brothers and sisters; they took over three thousand lives of the people who we have sworn to protect; and they took the father of one of our own,’ Sammy pleaded with me, that we not let them take any more, that we not let them take our sense of normalcy. So without further fanfare, Chaplain. If you would be so kind.”

Chief Jones stepped to one side, allowing the Reverent Dr. Robert Maxwell to take the podium. An unassuming man, he nevertheless had the attention of the entire assembly as invoked the Firefighters Prayer:

When I am called to duty, God…
Where ever flames may rage…
Give me strength to save some life…
Whatever be their age.

Help me embrace a little child…
Before it is to late…
Or save an older person from…
The horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert…
And hear the weakest shout…
Then quickly and effectively…
To put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling and…
To give the best in me…
To guard my every neighbor…
And protect their property.

And if according to your will…
I am to give my life…
Please bless with your protecting hand…
My children and my wife.

“Thank you, Rob,” Chief Jones said warmly, And starting with table one to my right, we’ll start the happy task of putting a dent in the impressive repast that Bobby Cotton has laid out for us this evening.

Chief Jones turned the podium back to Chief Montoya, who proceeded to educate and entertain the gathering with a combination of facts and fictions. He opened his remarks with the statistics of the past year. Over five thousand emergency calls, three-quarter of them medical. But he also expressed pride in the fact that the Department had reached the milestone of surpassing the five million dollar (3.9m €) mark for property saved.

The sounds from the podium faded into the background as Isabel turned her attention to their host. “What you fail to realize,” Mike Magliaro explained, is that while I’m the general manager out at Leprino, I’m not the one in the position of power.”

Alex turned to Señora Castillo, his brow raised in curiosity as Mike continued, “My beautiful wife is on the board of directors of Leprino foods, as well as being a major shareholder.”

“This is true, Señora Castillo?” Isabel asked happily.

“Sí, Isabella, but please, call me Doña Castillo,,,”

“Doña?” Alex asked softly.

“Yes Alex, Doña,” Mike replied softly. “It is a term of closeness and respect, usually reserved for one’s inner circle. It seems Alejandra has placed your fiancé under her personal protection.”

“My ancestors are firmly rooted in Castilla, the capital region of central Spain, which is where our familiar name comes from. Several centuries ago, Juan Castillo, his father’s junior son, realized that there was not much of a future in Spain, as he had a number of older brothers, so he came to el Nuevo Mundo and took up ranching. Fortunately for our family, we chose to settle here, in what is now New Mexico, which was far enough west of Texas and east of California, that we were able to ride out the turmoil of the Eighteen-Hundreds pretty much unnoticed. The Castillo family was a major supplier of beef to the government during both world wars, but by the sixties my father realized that the era of open range ranching was fast coming to an end.”

“This is where my family comes in,” Mike continued. “My Grandfather helped start the company back in the early fifties, and we have been working with the Leprino family ever since. During the eighties, we grew our company the old fashioned way, by acquisition. My first assignment out of college was to was to come down to Roswell, and evaluate Castillo Dairy Products and determine if they were a good fit for our operations.” He reached for his wife’s hand. “I found what I was looking for, and I’ve been here ever since.”

“You merged?” Isabel asked.

“No,” Mike stated. “Mike Leprino Senior never believed in mergers. We bought Alejandra’s families operation for cash and stock, and as she is an only child, she did very well.”

After Alex finished his meal, Isabel slipped a small bottle into his hand.

“What’s this?” he asked.


“Are you saying my breath smells?”

“Proper grooming is everything,” she answered evasively.

Several minutes later, ”Izzy!”


“What the hell is in this crap?”

Hearing the distress in his voice she excused herself and met him in the hall outside the restroom. Leading him away from the function hall to a quiet alcove outside of the attached clubhouse she demanded, “What’s the matter?” with more than a little irritation in her voice after being snapped at.

“What’s in this stuff?”

“It’s something Michael zaps up. Normal mouthwash doesn’t work for us, we can drink it like pop. This stuff, on the other hand, leaves nothing but clean teeth and fresh breath.”

“Well I’m not one of you, and although my teeth are fine, I just spit five years of dental work down the drain.”

Isabel surprised herself, clamping down on her emotions before she could panic at the harshness of his words. ‘I’m not going to take it personally,’ she told herself. “Alex, Max can fix it.”

“I know,” he answered. “It’s just,,,” he hesitated, realizing that he was offending the woman he loved.

“It’s always something with me, isn’t it?” she teased, her brows shooting up in merriment.

“Promises, promises,” he quipped as he leaned in and kissed her.

“See? All minty fresh, just like I promised. Now lets get back before we miss something.”

,,,”So just as the Probie gets to sleep, Stoker starts banging the bell with a wrench. Probie jumps out of bed, with the entire shift yelling at him. ‘Hurry up! Let’s go! Put your boots on!’ we yelled, and he grabbed his drivers boots and pulled them on, not realizing that they were full of shaving cream,,,” As the laughter died down Chief Montoya continued to explain, “In the last month Probie’s boots have been filled with water, baby oil, cheese doodles, which he has a particular fondness for, a fake rubber leg that was wearing dark seamed nylons, a rubber snake, and a real spider that all of us swear got in there entirely on it’s own,,,” After another pause, “But in the end I guess our plan backfired, because now whenever an alarm comes in, we have to wait for him to check his boots with a flashlight before he puts them on.”

“Dark seamed nylons,” Gloria repeated dismissively. Girls don’t wear nylons anymore. He probably wouldn’t have even noticed,” she added, completely oblivious to the fact that Isabel had become quiet while Alex struggled to hide his bright red face.

Chief Jones took the podium. “The reason we’re here tonight is to provide the citizens of Roswell with one of the most important and innovative pieces of equipment that has come down the pike in recent years, a thermal imaging camera. With this piece of equipment, we’ll be able to bring our department into the twenty-first century, supporting our mission of protecting lives and property. With the heat imaging camera we can actually see sources of heat, be it a victim lying on the floor, or a concealed fire within a wall.”

“How does this technology relate to you? It allows one firefighter to search your smoke filled warehouse for your missing employee in minutes where without it, it would have taken the entire fire company much longer. The next day we can use it look for hot spots in your wall, allowing us to pinpoint the overheated electrical wiring that you could smell but not find, enabling us to open the wall and solve the problem with surgical precision.”

“Now equipment like this doesn’t come cheap, and there is no room in the City’s budget to purchase one, so we turned to you, the business community. I can’t thank you enough,,,” ‘Especially Leprino, who stepped up with an anonymous donation for half of the cost,’ he added silently. “Our goal this year was to raise one half of the funds needed to purchase a heat imaging camera,” the chief waved to Firefighter Kelley, “But due to your extraordinary generosity, I would like to introduce you to our newest piece of equipment, the Cairns IRIS Infa-Red Imaging System.”

Firefighter Kelley brought out the camera and placed it on a table off to the side of the hall. He stayed by it, demonstrating it’s features and answering questions for the rest of the evening.

“Thanks to the efforts of Lieutenant Howcroft, who has spent the past week with the Albuquerque Fire department, we now have a certified in-house instructor for use of the camera, and by the end of next week, the equipment will be in service and available for use. But rather than listen to me talk about it, we have a short video, which if Sammy can figure out how to turn on the DVD player,,, Got it?” Receiving a nod he continued, “Okay, lets see this in action.

After the video Chief Montoya again took the podium. “We received a call from an Abuelita (Grandmother) early one morning. It was a rather cold morning, and the heat in her house was out. Well she didn’t have any family in the area, and it was too early for her to call a service provider, so she called us. The dispatcher listened to her plight and assured her that we would come out and see if there was anything we could do to help. So we asked where she lived. ‘Excuse me?’ she replied. ‘Señora, how do we get to your house?’ ‘Don’t you have those big red trucks anymore?’ she asked.”

Chief Jones groaned at Chief Montoya’s attempt at humor. “Sit down Sammy, I’m going to put you out of your misery.” Resting his hands on the sides of the podium, he comfortably turned and faced the audience.

“As I’m sure everyone’s aware, firefighters are known for cooking chili that’s as hot as some of the fires we get called to put out, and our own Gary Dossett is known for being one of the best cooks in the house. Now when Gary cooks, he uses orange Habaneros chilis. Not many, as they are about the hottest peppers money can buy, but he roast them and adds just the right amount so that his chili isn’t just hot, but rich and flavorful as well.”

“About two weeks ago, it’s Gary’s turn to cook dinner at the Richardson station, when Alex shows up to install another software upgrade that he’s been working on. Now Gary has kind of taken to Alex, who stops in the kitchen to chat. Almost without thinking, Alex reaches over and pops a slice of one of his Habaneros peppers into his mouth. Gary’s aghast, for this would be a cruel end to a bright and promising career, but to his amazement, Alex doesn’t even bat an eye.”

“Watching Alex chewing away, Gary began to suspect that he must have made some mistake at the market, as Alex should be rolling on the floor in agony, but instead he watched as he chomped down another slice. Now Gary made the biggest mistake of his life, he forgot he wasn’t a kid anymore and popped a pepper slice into his mouth.”

“I have to hand it to Alex, he has his medical skills down pat. He grabbed Gary, who by now couldn’t see because his eyes were watering so badly, and he forced him to sit down. Alex then fed him bread and half-and-half (cream) until he could breath again,,,”

Alex was squirming in his seat. His tablemates may have thought that it was in response to his embarrassment at being the butt of another anecdote, but in fact he was being berated by his mate through their connection for putting on a public display of his newfound differences.

“Now the fact that Gary can’t eat chili’s doesn’t take away from the fact that we have gathered here to honor him.” The Chief turned towards his left, “Gary, Sharon, would you join us please?”

Moments later they were joined in front of the head table by Judge Lewis, who held a microphone in one hand and a presentation frame in the other. “I would like to share with you this resolution that I introduced to the Roswell City Council earlier today.

“-Whereas- The City of Roswell Fire Department is responsible for the safety and property of the Citizens of the City of Roswell.

“-Whereas- Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett joined the City of Roswell Fire Department as a volunteer member of the Call Company in Nineteen Seventy-One.

“-Whereas- Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett joined the City of Roswell Fire Department as a paid member the following year.

“-Whereas- Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett was instrumental in working with the Eastern New Mexico Medical Center to develop it’s inaugural Emergency Medical Technician course in Nineteen Seventy-Four.

“-Whereas- Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett was the first member of the City of Roswell Fire Department to achieve the rank of Paramedic.

“-Whereas- The actions of Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett, through his long and distinguished career have benefited the City of Roswell and it’s citizens in countless ways.

“-Now Therefore Be It Resolved- That in recognition for Thirty-Five years of years of dedicated service, that I, Judge Horace Lewis, Mayor of the City of Roswell, New Mexico, do proclaim that Firefighter-Paramedic Gary Dossett be named Firefighter-Paramedic of the Year.”

Without conscious effort on his part, Judge Lewis took less than ten seconds to shake Dossett’s hand, pass him his commendation, and pose for photographs. Then, before anyone else had even moved away from the front of the table, Judge Lewis was back in his seat swilling a double Bushmills.

Before anyone else could leave, Chief Jones touched Dossett’s wrist, imploring him to stay a moment. “Somehow I don’t think Sharon would agree that a proclamation would make up with all the cancelled plans and missed dinners, no offence Judge,,,” Receiving a raised glass in response he continued, “So despite the fact that you’ll be retiring after the first of the year, we all decided to chip in and get the two of you a long weekend in Reno. Four days and three nights of bright lights with no alarms, phones, or pagers to disturb you.” The Chief gave Dossett the envelope and shook his hand.

“So Sammy, do you have another story to entertain these fine folk with?” Chief Jones teased. “They certainly came through for us tonight, so I hope you can give them their moneys worth.”

Chief Montoya took the microphone, “You know me Chief, I always have another story, although seating me next to the Chaplain is cramping my style.” He looked out over the audience. “Where’s the Probie?” he asked of no one in particular. “Alex! Stand up. I need inspiration.”

Alex looked around the table in shock, his eyes wide as saucers. “You heard him,” Isabel snapped. “Stand up.”

Chief Montoya watched as Alex stood, and ignoring the young man’s brilliant red face, he was inspired. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce our Probie, Emergency Medical Technician Alex Whitman, whose face, by the way, is the second darkest shade of red that I’ve ever seen it. Let me tell you about the first.” He looked to Alex for approval. “Is it okay if I tell everyone about the hot tub incident?”

“What hot tub incident?” Alex replied, completely clueless.

The Chief continued, completely oblivious to the younger man’s discomfort. “We got a call from Planet Fitness. Seemed there was a young woman stuck in a hot tub. Well to make a long story short, we found a beautiful young co-ed from Eastern sitting in a hot tub wearing the most incredibly tiny bikini that I’ve ever seen, and I have raised five teen-aged daughters, so I’ve seen some bikinis that gave me heart failure. Quickly getting to the root of the problem, we found out that she had been exercising at home naked when she pulled a muscle in her back. Thinking that a soak in hot water would make it feel better, she put on a bikini and went to the health club, but instead of making her back better, the hot water put her back into spasms. So now we have a beautiful, half naked young lady who is in a great deal of pain, that is in definite need of our assistance.”

“I’ve didn’t even know that Planet Fitness had a hot tub,” Alex pleaded to an unbelieving Fiancé. “He must have me mixed up with someone else! Seriously, I’ve never even been to Planet Fitness.”

“Now the solution to this problem is that someone has to get into the hot tub with this young woman, carefully strap her hot wet body to a short back board, and then gently lift her onto a long board, all the while making sure that her back does not move,” The chief explained. “Well even though I was riding on the engine that day, I’m still the Assistant Chief. Assistant Chiefs do not get wet, so I turned to Paramedic Dossett. He’s senior man, and he declined, so he turned to MPO Stoker. Well it turned out that Stoker is married to the most jealous woman in Roswell, so he wasn’t going to get into that hot tub, he would have quit first. So that left the Probie. “Get in there Alex,” I commanded, but maybe commanded is too strong a word, because the look on Alex’s face was priceless. He looked like he had just won the lottery, met Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, all at once, but before Probie could do anything, Chief Jones came running into the room.”

“I swear Isabel, on everything that is holy, I did not have rescue relations with that woman,,, I did not!”

“I’ll save you my dear!” Chief Jones promised as he hopped around on one foot while pulling off his shoes,,,”

“Sammy,,, Sammy,,, Sammy,,,” Chief Jones cajoled as he approached the podium. “I thought we had an agreement about this story,,,”

“But it’s some of my best stuff,,,”

“Do you remember what happened last year when you told this story? Or the year before when you told this story? In fact do you know what happens every time you tell this story?” Chief Jones asked in a voice as if pleading with an incorrigible child.

“Why no Chief, what happens?” Montoya answered in his most innocent voice.

“I sleep on the couch,” Chief Jones answered patiently. “Every time you tell this story, my wife gets mad at me, and for about a week, I sleep on the couch. You know something Sammy? I’m getting too old to sleep on the couch. My back can’t take it anymore.”

“Well, what do you want me to do, Chief?”

“How about another story about Alex? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. How about the fire at the community center? That was his first taste of command when you put him in charge of the Rescue,,,”

“Actually Chief,,,” Sammy said quietly and reluctantly, “Probie did an outstanding job for us that night. There really isn’t anything I can make into a story.”

“Well there must be something more. How about while he was taking his EMT course? How about all the time he spends on the computers at the station? Ever catch him browsing at a website he shouldn’t be looking at?”

“To be honest, no,” Chief Montoya sighed. “He was top of his class, and he has systematically upgraded every computer we have, rewriting our software as he goes,,,”

Alex snuck back into his seat as Isabel beamed at him with pride. She took his hand and squeezed.

“In fact the State is so interested in the EMS tracking software that he wrote, that they are negotiating a contract with him.”

“Well then, how about his first shift? He took his orientation ride-a-long with Sheriff Valenti, there must be a story there?”

“Yea Chief, there’s definitely a story there,” Chief Montoya answered as he stepped back, surrendering the podium to his superior.

“Attention to orders!” Chief Jones barked.

“’Ten-hut,” Charles said softly as he snapped to attention. The rest of the room stood, led by the firefighters and military veterans, followed more slowly by the rest of the audience.

“Damn-it Alex,” Isabel sighed as she licked a folded napkin before wiping an almost invisible drop of shmuts from the corner of his mouth. “I swear I have to follow after you like a little child as she straightened his tie and performed the ‘Picard Maneuver,’ pulling his jacket over his shoulders and tugging on the hem so it fit perfectly. “Where’s your cover?” she snapped, looking around for his hat.

“How do you know to call it a cover?” Alex asked in amazement.

“Alex Charles Whitman, Emergency Medical Technician, City of Roswell Fire Department, Front and Center!” Chief Jones commanded.

She grabbed the sought after accessory on the middle of the table, inspecting it for crumbs and other imperfections. Finding it suitable she thrust it into his left hand, bill down, and set it tightly against his waist with his elbow bent. “I grilled your father on military protocols for such a function. I needed to make sure you wouldn’t commit too many faux-pas and embarrass me.”

“Embarrass you?” he gasped before recognizing the barely concealed grin on her face. “Oh you just wait girl, you’re having way too much fun.”

“Square corners Son. Just like you practiced with your brothers,” Charles advised in a stage whisper. “We’re proud of you.”

Alex crossed the hall, parallel to the head table, until he was opposite the podium. He stopped, executed a crisp ninety degree turn, and them marched forward, stopping in front of the two chief’s who had moved to the front of the table with a hand-held microphone.

Alex stopped in front of the two men, not saluting as he was not under arms. “EMT Whitman, reporting as ordered.”

Chief Jones looked around, a gleam in his eyes. “Isabel Amanda Evans, would you join us please.”

“Me?” Isabel squeaked, causing a smattering of laughter around the room. Before she could react, Charles had his hand on the small of her back and guided her around the table. He leaned over her shoulder and advised, “Just walk up there, no marching. Stop to Alex’s left, slightly in front of him, facing the space between him and the Chief.”

“You knew about this?” Isabel whispered fiercely. Seeing the grins and in Gloria’s case, outright laughter she snapped, “You all did?” Gathering her dignity, she performed her own Picard maneuver, and shoving her fear of attention into an internal waste basket, she confidently strode to the front, but not before tossing an “Your all dead,” over her shoulder.

“Thank you for joining us,” Chief Jones greeted her warmly.

“Don’t mention it,” Isabel replied with a smile on her face, a smile that sent a chill up Alex spine as he realized that the Chief was going to get a personal lesson in Sumo Wrestling later that night.

It didn’t escape the Chief’s notice that the young teens held hands as he raised a plaque and started to read, “The Governor is pleased to present Alex Charles Whitman, Emergency Medical Technician, City of Roswell Fire Department, with the Meritous Services Medal.

“On Friday, April Twentieth, Two Thousand and One, while on Public Safety Patrol, EMT Whitman was the first
responder to an incident of domestic violence at the Old Chisholm Trailer Park involving several civilians and two members of Roswell Emergency Services.

“Despite grievous injuries to himself, EMT Whitman rendered medical assistance to the victims to the best of his ability, allowing law enforcement to concentrate on securing the scene. Ignoring the debilitating effects of those injuries, EMT Whitman continued perforating his duties until relieved by later arriving units.

“EMT’s Whitman’s action that evening, and his continued devotion to duty every day, reflect great credit on himself and uphold the highest traditions of the City of Roswell Fire Department, and all of New Mexico’s Emergency Services.”

Chief Montoya stepped forward, opening a presentation case. Chief Jones reverently took out the medal, a gleaming gold disk suspended from a red and white ribbon reminiscent of the Austrian flag, and turned to Isabel. “Miss Evans, would you do us the honors?”

“I’d be proud to,” she answered softly as tears streamed down her face. She took the medal and pinned it to Alex’s jacket, effortlessly centering it over his left breast pocket, allowing the bottom of the disk to just brush the top of his pocket flap. Her task done, she leaned up and whispered something into the Chief’s ear. Receiving an indulgent nod in reply, Isabel then took Alex into her arms and planted a kiss on him that caused the temperature in the room to rise several degrees.

“You know Chief, Alex looks so happy I think we should make this an official part of the ceremony.”

“Sammy, if you make kissing a part of the ceremony, you’re going to be doing all of the presentations from now on.”

Within minutes the official part of the ceremony was over, and the several recipients were scattered through the hall meeting with their friends and families and posing for pictures, Alex enduring a number of semi-formal photos taken by the media before they left, their work for the evening completed.

Once the professionals were done, Isabel took her mother’s camera and shot a number of photos of him, starting with him posing with the Chiefs, and then others with him holding his plaque. She then took photos of her hero posing with his parents, but stopped when Alex crooked his fingers, calling her over to his side.

Isabel allowed their families to push and prod them into a number of poses, but noticing that Diane was snapping away indiscriminately, she stopped her. “There’s only one left,” Diane advised apologetically.

“That’s okay,” Isabel answered. “I’ll make it a good one.” Isabel molded herself to Alex’s back, and while he looked at the camera confidently, the expression on her face was that of the cat that had caught her canary.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Chief Montoya’s voice boomed out. “We now conclude the prepared portion of out program, but please feel free to seek out the Chief or myself if you have any questions. In the mean time, please continue to enjoy our hospitality. The bar is open, and let the music begin.”

Señora Castillo slid up to the DJ table and dropped a century note into his tip jar. “Do you see that young couple over there? They love slow dances, especially contemporary waltzes. You figure out what they will dance to, and play it. There’s an extra twenty in it for every song they dance to.” Señora Castillo had heard about their performance at Prom, and she wanted to see it for herself.

Several hours later, Diane and Gloria were watching the dance floor. “They still think we don’t know,” Gloria laughed.

“You should have seen Isabel,” Diane agreed. “It must have been just a couple of days before her birthday, the first time I’ve ever seen her Ice Princess façade fail her, and Alex,,, he had this guilty look that almost made me want to hug him.”

“I know. It’s like they had it tattooed on their forehead,,,”

“Who had what tattooed on their forehead,” Phillip asked as he approached with Charles at his side.

“Just girl talk dear,” Diane replied. “Nothing for you to be concerned about.”

Gloria was a little less diplomatic with her husband. “Don’t you need a drink?” she demanded as she looked him in the eye.

Charles looked down at his full glass and shrugged. He then turned towards Phillip, waved his glass at the bar, and asked, “Join me?”

“Your full,” Phillip replied, a little confused.

“I have my orders,” Charles replied, hammering down his drink.

After the men left Gloria turned her attention back to the young couple who were making their good-byes. “They look so good together,” she waxed philosophically.

“And they are both so much more together than they ever were separately.”

“Yea, they’ve come so far during the last two years.”

“Isabel told me that Max was going to crash at Michael’s tonight, so she thought she would stay at your house so we could have our place to ourselves tonight,” Diane ventured softly.

“Really, Alex told me that they didn’t need the workstation tonight, so he was taking her home to your house so she could have some Mom time.” She looked at her friend out of the corner of her eye. “Comfort Inn?”

Diane chuckled in reply. “I was sitting in a guest chair at the office when Ernesto stopped in to talk to Phillip about his franchise agreement with Comfort. The poor guy almost had a stroke when he came through the door and found Isabel sitting behind her desk. While she was walking the paperwork into Phillip’s office, he sat next to me and explained that he had to personally supervise the maintenance of one room, just for her, or she would make his life a living hell,,,”

“You didn’t,,,”

“Um-hum,” Diane teased. “I replied that my daughter could be a little demanding at times.”

“What happened when he realized that he had let the cat out of the bag about their secret love nest?”

“I think he really did have a stroke.”

Meanwhile Isabel was pulling Alex towards the Lexus by both hands. “I am so fracking horny, right now,” she panted. “As soon as we make a quick stop at the gas and gulp I’m going to show you how I treat my hero. I’m going to make what I did to you this afternoon look like a peck on the cheek.”

“Gas and gulp?” Alex questioned.

“Gatorade, Power Bars, and multi-vitamins,” Isabel answered as she impatiently shoved him through the passenger side door before running around to her side of the car. “You’re going to need them.”

As Isabel squealed out of the parking lot Alex’s cell rang. “Ignore it,” she commanded.

“I can’t,” Alex sighed. “It’s Maria. She wouldn’t call on a Saturday night unless it was important.”

Isabel grabbed the phone out of his hand before he could say anything. “Listen Maria, I’m only going to get laid about fifty thousand times before Alex gets old, becomes unserviceable, and dies, and you’re costing me about five of them right now,,,”

“Five?” Alex squealed.

“Frack! Frack! Frack!” Isabel swore as she stomped on the brakes and power drifted the car around the next corner. “We got to get out to the Taco shack. Something’s wrong with Ava.”

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: New Hampshire, USA

Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-F The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

As Deputy Owen Blackwood approached the car he had just stopped, he wondered which one of the many excuses he had heard innumerable times this hapless driver would try. To his surprise, there was none.

“Is there a problem officer?”

“It’s Deputy, and yes, there is a problem. I don’t like you city folks coming into our town and tearing up our roads. You were doing seventy-three in a thirty-five.” (117 kph in a 55 kph zone) “Let me see your license, registration, and proof of insurance.”

The driver smirked as he handed over the requested documents.

“Am I supposed to know you?”

“I’m Josh Kelley!”


“Josh Kelley. I just starred in a righteous video.”

“Co-starred at best, maybe,” Deputy Blackwood replied dismissively. “Why don’t you get a haircut and get a real job?”

“Listen, just give me my ticket and I’ll be on my way. I got things to do, and places to be,,,”

“Ticket? You don’ get no stinking ticket! This is Egypt. The land of de-nial,” Deputy Blackwood chuckled as he drew his Colt Super-Python wheel-gun and blew the offender into the next county. “Four bit parts,” he muttered to himself as he walked back to his cruiser. “Four bit parts, six years ago, on a show that’s been cancelled, and I still can’t find my way out of this one busted-ass spaceship town. I got to get a new agent.”

Meanwhile, at the opposite end of town, Isabel slid the Volvo into the Taco Shack’s parking lot, but her concern wasn’t just for Ava. “I don’t want you anywhere near any of these picnic tables. I don’t want you sitting, leaning, nothing. If you get one stain on your uniform pants, you’ll rue the day you were hatched.”

“But I wasn’t hatched,” Alex answered to the now empty car.

Kyle saw Isabel approach the table, and he stood, making room for her, but he continued to watch her with concern as Alex sided up next to him.

“Ava, what’s wrong?”

“Buddha Boy tried to kill me,” Ava quipped. “I think he left the Tabasco out in the sun and it turned into turpentine. It kicked and burned all the way down.”

“What else did you eat?”

“I had one of my special burritos, but it tasted like it was made with road kill, week old road kill at that.”

Isabel looked up to see Liz approach with a small package in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. “Ava, try this,” she said softly offering the snack to the newest alien.

“What is it?

“Just try it,” Isabel said reassuringly as she instantly caught on to what Liz was thinking.

The gang watched with differing levels of comprehension as Ava took a tentative bite of her first unadulterated taco. “What-is-this?” Ava gasped as she proceeded to shove the rest of the snack into her mouth. “This is great!”

“Your first bite was mostly grated cheese and sour cream,” Isabel advised with a smile on her face. “If you like that just wait until you try one of Amy’s pies.”

“Pie? You mean they get better?” Ava asked in amazement.

“Pie, cheesecake, hamburgers,,,”

“Wait until you try Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream,,,”

“You mean food taste like this all the time?”

Michael looked on uncomprehendingly as the girls swarmed Ava and assured her that she was in for a real treat. He looked over to Alex. “You’d think it was a big thing.”

Alex simply nodded in response. He did not want to discourage his friend by pointing out how much his new alien taste buds differed from his old ones, especially since that unless Michael got his period, there was no way that he would ever be able to experience what Ava was about to go through.

Kyle sat next to Ava, a bottle of Goya Lemon-Lime in his hand. An experienced party animal, he was the first to notice Ava slip from an appearance of euphoria to distress. “She’s going to blow!” he said in alarm, retreating to a safe distance.

Ignoring the scattering teens, Isabel stepped forward and spun Ava away from the table top, and handed her a trash can. As spasms rocked Ava’s boy while it pumped itself dry, Isabel rubbed her back and reassured her that everything would be all right.

“What the frack was that?” Ava demanded as she rinsed her mouth with water and spat into the trash can.

“You’re getting your period,” Isabel answered softly with a shy smile on her face.

As the conversation turned serious, the rest of the group faded away, leaving only Ava and Isabel sitting at the table, while Alex and Kyle were watching them from the sidelines. “You didn’t seem too interested in what Isabel went through a little while ago,,,”

“Not my thing,” Kyle cut in. “When a girl goes broke for her five days, that means a five day vacation for me.”

“Not this time,” Alex answered earnestly. “She wouldn’t be getting her period unless she considered you to be a possible mate,,,”


“Mate. Maybe she isn’t ready to start a family, but she’s apparently ready to pick you.”

Kyle looked over to Ava where Isabel was in instruction mode. “There’s two very real threats, one to you, and the other to all of us.”

“How can my getting my period threaten all of us?”

“Your eyes are going to change. If anyone sees you, there will be no doubt in their mind that you’re not from around here,,,”

“But you can tell me when that’s going to happen, right? I can stay inside.”

“Yea, it will be right after you finish your hornys,,,”

“Horny? I’m going to get horny?”

“Oh yea, if you’re not careful, you’ll kill Kyle. On the other hand, if he’s not careful, you’ll become pregnant.”

“Isabel,” Ava protested, “Although Zan introduced me to the wonders of back-alley sex at a much more tender age than when you started, I’m in control.”

“You won’t be, Ava. That’s part of the cycle. You will be insanely horny until Kyle satisfies you, and if you don’t have an alternative plan,,,”

“Well, that’s easy. I’m not you. I’m not a good-girl princess. Thanks to Zan’s perverted love of trash can sex, Kyle here can make a visit via the back door, float my boat, and then we’ll come out the other side, none the worse for wear.” Ava’s happily saw that her rather earthy plan had the desired effect. “You should see your face!” Ava teased.

“I,,, I,,,“ Isabel gasped, but she calmed as Ava put her hand over hers.

“I’m sorry, Isabel,” Ava said contritely. “I’m used to every conversation being a fight, but seriously, we’ll be fine. Kyle may have started out having a thing for Tess, but he’s finding out that he’s better off with me. He’s learning that I don’t tease, I’m not hung up on my dead husband, and if he treats me right, I can match him kink for kink.” Ava stood up and walked towards the parking lot and their waiting guys, but she was unprepared for the tight warm hug that Isabel pulled her into.

“Call me if you need anything,” Isabel said softly. “There’s only two of us, and we have to take care of each other.”

“I will,,,”

“But Ava,” Alex commanded softly as he reclaimed his mate. “Not tonight!”

Monday morning Maria was at Liz’s locker when they were joined by Isabel. “Is Alex okay?” Liz asked with concern.

“What?” Isabel asked, panic rising in her voice.

“His teeth!” Maria said reassuringly as she stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on her tall friends arm.

”Everything alright?” Alex asked.

“Everything’s fine. False alarm,”

“I thought I felt something,,,”

“Maria’s teasing me again.”

“Okay,” Alex replied, not questioning Isabel’s simple fib, knowing that his two girlfriends were always trying to one-up each other. “Love you.”

“Max took care of it yesterday. It’s as if they’re brand new.”

“So you guys never go to the dentist?”

“Yea, kind of like that whole fear of being discovered thing,,,”

“But that means you miss out on Doctor Medeiros” Maria gasped.

Isabel ignored Maria, choosing instead to respond to Liz’s unspoken question.

“With Michael’s special mouthwash and Max giving us a check-up every six months, we’re fine. And with Alex changing, he’ll have to start the same routine,” Isabel concluded as she looked askance at Maria.

“Don’t worry about her,” Liz teased. “Doctor Medeiros has a habit of leaning in on you when he’s working. His chest is as hard as a rock, he doesn’t wear a tee-shirt under his scrubs, and,,,”

“When he says ‘open wide,’ I have to physically struggle to keep my knees together,,,”

“Maria! I can’t believe you’d say that,,,”

Liz was struck by the fiery expression on Isabel’s face as well as the look of hurt on Maria’s and knew she had to stop this fast. “Isabel, Maria would never do anything like that! She wouldn’t cheat on Michael! It’s just a harmless daydream,,,”

“I know she wouldn’t do that for real,” Isabel pleaded. “But you still don’t understand. It may surprise you that while I always knew Alex and I would have some kind of a future together, I didn’t realize that I couldn’t live without him until that horrible night when l got his call from the hospital. But by that time the damage was done. I had been window shopping through the male population of Roswell for too long.”

Isabel paused and looked around fugitively before leaning in and continuing in a soft but earnest voice, “Now you can never tell him that I told you this, because he would be mortified if you learned that he ever had a cross word for me, but I’m living under an ultimatum. He would gladly kill or die for me, but if I ever ‘Grant’ him again, he’ll leave town, go to M.I.T., and never look back. Our connection,,, If he ever saw an image like that in my mind,,,”

“Iz,” Liz said calmly, reassuring her troubled friend, “Alex would never hold something as innocent as an errant thought against you, we raised him better than that,,,”

“Liz,” Isabel cut in, “I don’t ever want to find out, and more importantly, I’m never going to give him a reason to have to make that decision.”

Later that afternoon Isabel climbed out of the car with a smile on her face, The tall teen practically floated up the walk, but she was almost knocked to the ground as Gloria blasted from the house.

“You know what?” Gloria blurted out, “You can have him.” She turned away and took a step or two, and then stormed back. “In fact, you know what? He’s brain damaged. As a matter of fact, you’re both brain damaged, and since brain damage is hereditary causing parents to get it from their children, I’m going over to your mother’s house to get drunk.” Gloria turned on her heel and stormed off muttering all the while, “I’ve never seen two people more suited for each other. Your going to be the happy brain-damaged wife married to the perfect brain-damaged husband in the perfect brain- damaged family raising cute brain-damaged children,,,” her tirade only falling off as her car door slammed behind her.

“Alex!” Isabel called out before she was completely through the door. “What the frack did you do to your mother?”

“In here.”

Isabel stormed into the dining room , but she stopped on a dime at the sight that awaited her. “Now what are you doing?” she asked in total confusion.

“I’m working on a project that came up on my ‘snack time’ web site,” Alex replied as he tore open a box of ‘Snyder’s of Hanover’ hard sourdough pretzels and started to quickly and efficiently lay the pretzels out on the paper covered table.

“What project?” Isabel asked skeptically as she looked at the two other opened boxes that stood like signpost at the top of a growing array of the salty baked treats.

“Have you ever thought about pretzels?” Alex asked offhandedly. Ignoring her negative response he continued, “Why some are whole, why others are broken? Did they break in the factory, or after they were in the package?”

Isabel’s countenance broke as she realized that there was no crisis in the making, and began to enjoy watching her mate pursue one of life’s oh so little mysteries that he found so entertaining. “Tell me what you found out.”

Alex looked at Isabel with a smile on his face, happy that she was buying into his activities, but her practically started purring when she draped her arm over his shoulder and leaned into his side. “Here’s package one,” he explained. “A paperboard carton with an inner sealed bag containing fourteen ounces (400 grams) of product. When opened, I found nine intact pretzels, four reconstituted pretzels from broken parts, seven pretzels missing one upper arm, one pretzel missing both upper arms, and four orphaned arms.”

“Interesting,” Isabel replied as she popped one of his ‘orphaned arms’ into her mouth.

“Hey,” Alex complained. “That’s my research.”

“Sweetie,” Isabel teased. “It’s a pretzel. Besides, you’ve already categorized this exhibit. So how does this box compare to the others?” she continued, barely able to keep a straight face as she snagged another sample.

“They’re all about the same,” Alex related seriously. “Nine, nine and ten intact pretzels, not to mention the fact that the amount and patterns of damage is similar. Now it’s easy to deduce that the reconstituted pretzels were broken either as they were being packaged or during shipping, but what about the other fragments? When were they broken? There is no cross-over between the boxes. None of the orphan parts from any box fit any of the partial pretzels from either of the other boxes,,,”

“You’re assuming facts not in evidence.”

“Is that lawyer speak?” Alex asked with newfound interest. “You know how hot I get when you go all ‘professional woman’ on me.”

“You’re assuming that the whatever parts of a broken pretzel doesn’t make it in one box will end up in the next box, but the problem with that is that there is no way on knowing that these are sequential boxes from the same production run,,,”

“You’re a genius!” Alex exclaimed as he bolted upright and started to look for his laptop. “There is no way to factor in the randomness of how they were placed on the shelf at the store. I’m going to have to expand my research to a larger sample set. I’ll order a box directly from the factory, that way I’ll know they are from a sequential run,,,”

“Alex, Alex! I hate to reign in your enthusiasm, but isn’t this the kind of task you can delegate to one of your web trolls? We have more important things to do, like get out to the Granolith chamber.” ‘Not to mention, mending some fences with your Mother,’ she added silently.

Isabel paused in front of the door to the pod chamber, turning towards her fiancé expectantly. Alex stepped forward and hesitantly swiped his hand over the rock. Even though his status as Interface with the Granolith granted him rights to the chamber, he did not feel comfortable opening the door to her birth chamber while she was present, but all that faded away as he descended into the pod chamber and heard the sound of an agitated Maria.

Maria turned away from Michael and sailed into Alex. “What have you two been up to?” she demanded before she turned back to her boyfriend. Seeing that her verbal harangue wasn’t getting her anywhere, she started to slap him about the head and shoulders. “You’re up to something, now why don’t you make it easy on yourself and tell me.”

“Maria! Stop beating up on Michael,” Isabel commanded as she quickly placed herself between the two of them. “You know he can’t defend himself.”

Alex looked around the chamber and noticing several missing people he asked, “Where are Kyle and Ava?”

“Ava’s at home,” Liz explained. “She’s developed a love for toast. She has Kyle driving all around town buying different kinds of breads at all the bakeries and the Sheriff is going crazy making up different combinations of toast and toppings.”

“Well, that’s a whole lot cheaper and easier than having lobsters flown in from New Hampshire,” Isabel teased.

“Hey, you would have loved them if I could have gotten them here in time,” Alex rebutted defensively. “Now you’re going to have to wait another year to try them.”

“You never bought me lobsters,” Maria exclaimed as she reached around Isabel’s back and gave him another swat.

“Ria, You’d hate lobster,” Michael reasoned. “They go into a pot of boiling water while they are still alive, they squeal when they hit the water, and they get put onto your plate whole. They have these big bug like eyes, and they watch you while you break them apart with your bare hands and eat them.”

“There goes my appetite,” Isabel sighed.

“Ewww,” Maria moaned, turning her attention from Michael to Alex. “How could you do that to those poor little creatures?”

“Maria, have you ever seen a lobster?” Liz quizzed. “They look like overgrown cockroaches. You step on cockroaches and you boil lobsters. That’s their lot in life.”

“Thanks for that visual,” Isabel said to no one in particular. “Maybe it’s a good thing Ava’s not here.”

“Hey!” Alex shouted. “Can we get down to the reason why we’re all here?” The chamber was suddenly silent as all eyes turned on him, a situation which caused his momentary flash of bravado to evaporate. Looking around the room, he was able however to take comfort in the open countenances on his friends faces, but then Isabel came to his rescue.

“Alex has been working on a project with the Granolith for a couple of months now, inverting considerable time and expense into keeping us safe,,, right?” she led off.

“Ahhmm, yea,” Alex stammered before trotting to the back wall of the chamber and retrieving a large duffel. He carried it to the center of the room and dropped it at his feet. “A little while ago I was brushing Isabel’s hair and letting her win at Jeopardy,,,”

“Hey,,,” Isabel protested.

Alex smiled at his obviously transparent fib. “While I was doing that, I was thinking about the past year and what I would do to protect her. I took my EMT course, and that really came in handy when she broke her arm in Texas, but I realized that my medical skills and Max’s healing skills are reactionary at best, and with three of us being shot in just over a year, not to mention blast injuries, we need to be more proactive. So that made me think of my vest. It saved my life,” Alex subconsciously scratched his chest at this point. “That night, while Isabel slept, I consulted with the Granolith, and came up with a plan.” Alex opened the duffle and started pulling out individual totes. Seeing his fiancé approach, he dug deeper into the duffle and handed her hers.

Isabel examined the markings on the tote before pulling out the vest, the research she performed before purchasing Alex’s vest fresh in her mind. “A Second Chance Monarch?” she asked, but as she pulled the garment out she had her doubts. “This isn’t heavy enough to be rated threat three-A. I don’t see a carrier, no ballistic panels, what gives?”

“This is a Granolith Special,” he answered as he passed out the rest of the garments. “It’s decades ahead of it’s time, and the Granolith designed it to be stealthy. Once it’s body formed to you, no one will even know you have it on, yet it provides better protection than anything on the market. Instead of bulky ballistic panels, the Granolith morphed the Kevlar carrier utilizing a fluidic nano technology that allows ease of motion until an outside source of energy applies itself, at which time the energy of the weapon itself is utilized to solidify the Kevlar, protecting the wearer.”

“And if we run into Nicholas?”

“The Kevlar is the inner protective system, it protects us against human threats, like knives and bullets. The Granolith designed the outer system of the vest to protect us from Czechoslovakian threats, like contact burns or energy bolts. The outer layer is a thin skin of copper mesh. It’s highly conductive, and will actually draw an incoming bolt to the center of the vest. Then, once the energy has been drawn into the copper, it is conducted to a lower layer of carbon composite fiber that adsorbs and dissipates the energy as heat.”

“And this works?” Liz asked excitedly as she put her vest on over her clothing.

“Michael hit it with his best stuff,” Alex replied proudly. “Wore himself out, and didn’t so much as discolor the nylon shell. The Granolith figures that one of these could withstand ten full power bolts a minute before the carbon starts to break down, so that means that we could be outnumbered five to one and still have a good fighting chance.”

“What about a shot that misses the vest?” Max challenged.

“In the case of a bullet, shooters are trained to aim for center mass, which the vest protects,” Alex lectured. “If they miss, well that’s why this is last resort protection. I don’t want anyone running out and starting a gunfight, our best protection is prevention, but in the case of a bolt, the copper will actually draw a near miss into the center of the vest, thus protecting the entire body.”

“Sounds too good to be true,” Liz exclaimed.

“It works,” Michael replied flatly.

“What the frack does that mean,” Isabel challenged. Turning towards Alex, she continued in a tone of voice which brook no arguments or evasions. “I know you two have been up to something,” Isabel challenged. “The only reason you’re still breathing is that I’ve been trusting that it needed to be done. So why don’t you stop postponing the inevitable and tell us what happened.”

Alex turned to Michael, who declined the invitation, explaining, “I’m going to be in enough trouble with Maria. I’m not going to piss off Isabel too.”

“Hugh?” Max asked.

“Rath and Lonnie came to town,,,” Alex choked out, only to be drowned out by a chorus of questions and demands.

“Hey, hey!” Alex practically shouted, trying to get control.

“Why weren’t we told?” Max demanded.

“You are being told,” Michael shot back. “Or at least you will be as soon as you give the guy a minute to speak.”

“There’s really not much to tell. Lonnie and Rath were at the old soap factory. Since you admitted you had the Granolith, they came looking for it,” Alex related while giving Maxa sour look. “I was here with Michael blast testing the vests, when the Granolith detected their presence, and it told us where they were hiding. We decided the odds were in our favor, and decided to run them out of town before they could cause any trouble,,,”

“So the two of you decided to take them on?” Max asked coldly. “You know what happened to me,,,”

“We’d have to be a special kind of stupid to do what you did Maximllion,” Michael replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You were outnumbered three to one and walked into an ambush with your eyes wide shut. We had the tactical advantage. We had superior firepower, superior defenses, and the element of surprise,,,”

“You got the jump on them?” Isabel challenged.

“Yea,” Alex admitted softly. “We caught them completely by surprise. Michael and Rath exchanged some fireworks, the vest protecting Michael, but Rath got busted up bad,,,”

“Lonnie?” Isabel asked fearfully. “You didn’t turn her back on her,,,”

“Lonnie wasn’t a problem,” Alex answered evasively.

“Once Lonnie found out that Isabel held the Royal Seal and she saw the Granolith’s seal on Alex, the wind kind of went out of her sails,” Michael explained.

“What does Isabel having the seal have to do with anything?” Max muttered.

“Lonnie knows you,” Alex answered confidently, “But she also knows herself. I don’t think she wants to go up against a duplicate of herself, and since she doesn’t know that Ava’s really a part of our Four Square, I told her that that with both Zan and Tess dead, neither group can gain full control over it,,,” Alex confessed while sending some loving to his mate to take the sting out of his words.

“And they believed you?” Isabel interjected disbelievingly.

“Doesn’t really matter what they believe, ” Michael rebutted. “Alex gave them an ultimatum. If they step in New Mexico, he’ll take it as a threat to Isabel and the girls, and he’ll kill them. No warning. They’ll never know what hits them,,,”

“And what do they get?” Max cut in.

“New York City,,,”

“What? We can’t go to New York?” Maria barked out. “You kept New Mexico and gave up New York? I must have been thinking with your ass because you certainly got screwed in that deal,,,”

“They have to have something,” Alex replied defensively. “It’s their home.”

“Do you think they’ll honor the deal?” Max questioned.

I don’t think they’ll be back,” Alex postulated. “There’s no reason for them to. Lonnie doesn’t want to take Isabel on and Rath would never risk getting both of the Vilandra clones together,,,”

“Afraid is a strong word,” Michael interrupted.


“Leary,” Michael agreed. “Rath knows that if he pisses Isabel off she’ll come straight at him, all the while he would have to worry about Lonnie stabbing him in the back,,,”

“You should have killed them both while you had the chance,” Liz interjected.

“Liz!” Maria gasped.

“’Leave no enemy intact behind you’,,,” she deadpanned.

“You’re reading Sun Tzu?” Michael asked in amazement.

Liz faced off against her larger friend. “I read a lot of things,” she explained before turning back to the group. “Who’s been brought back from the brink of death? Lets see; Me, Alex, Kyle, Alex again, Max. How long do you think we’re going to be able to beat the odds? Come college, we’re going to be splitting up and I for one don’t want to see us picked off one by one. If we have a chance to eliminate a threat to any one of us, we have to take it.”

With this thought to dwell on, the group started to break up and headed for the Granolith chamber so it could contour fit their vest, but first Isabel took Alex hand and pulled him off to the side. “Don’t think this means I’m not mad at you,” she said softly. “But I understand why you did it.” Alex didn’t reply, but she did feel a tingle run up her arm from their joined hands. “I agree with Liz though, you should have killed them when you had the chance. Dupes, skins, Nicholas, Kivar, you can’t hesitate.”

“You mean murder them?” Alex gasped.

“No! Not murder!” Isabel emphasized. “Advantage or not, you were engaged in self defense the moment they raised their hands towards you. You don’t think they would have killed you if they could?” Isabel stopped and held his hand over her heart. “This isn’t about us,” she whispered earnestly. “It’s about Cassie, Andy, and Rion. Our children. I don’t want them to go through what I’ve gone through, what I’ve put you through,,,”

“Izzy,,,” Alex protested the pain in her voice where she implied that she had hurt him, but she pressed on.

“We’ve seen our children in our dreams. Now I don’t know if they’re real or if they’re just wishful thinking, but we are going to have a family, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt them,,,”

“No one’s ever going to hurt them, or you,” Alex answered with his heart and soul as he lowered his forehead to touch her own.

Isabel took comfort from him for a moment before her duty to the others reclaimed her attention, but as she took his hand and led him towards the pods she couldn’t help implore him once again. “No mercy. They’ve been hurting us for a century. It has to stop.”

As Alex got on his hands and knees to follow Isabel through to the Granolith chamber to join the others, he couldn’t help but think that if they were going to keep coming here he would need to have it create a proper doorway, but this thought was driven from his mind as the Granolith surrounded him and his mate in crystal identification cylinders. “Aw frack!” he bellowed. “Now what!”

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Jun 06, 2004 10:25 pm
Location: New Hampshire, USA

Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-G The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

“Danger! Unanticipated change in status!” the Granolith bellowed as it enclosed Isabel and Alex in separate lighted columns. While Isabel made swimming motions with her arms, luxuriating in the warm liquid, Alex crossed his arms over his chest impatiently. “Granolith, what the frack?”

“Scanning!” Moments later the scanning ring appeared at the base of Isabel’s cylinder, enveloping her in a disk of ruby red light as it started to rise, but as in the past, contact with Isabel’s Royal Seal caused the ring to shatter as she was set free, surrounded by a pool of bubbling and hissing heavy liquid.

“Identified. Isabel. Royal Four Square. Sister of Zan. Keeper of the Royal Seal of Antar. First in line of succession to the throne of Antar Prime and the Antarian Planetary Cluster,,, Working,,,”

“Granolith!” Isabel commanded as his disk began to rise. “Free Alex now!”

“Recognized, Alex Whitman,” the device boomed out confidently. “Interface with the Granolith,,, Working,,,”

“You see that Sweetie?” Isabel teased. “You defiled me and now the Granolith doesn’t like me anymore.”

“I defiled you?” Alex gasped disbelievingly. “If anyone defiled anyone,,,”

“Identified,” the Granolith boomed out, “Isabel. Royal Four Square. Sister of Zan. Keeper of the Royal Seal of Antar. First in line of succession to the throne of Antar Prime and the Antarian Planetary Cluster. Wife of Alex,,, Identified. Alex. Interface with the Granolith. Husband of Isabel,,,”

“Wooohhh!!!” Maria shouted. “Didn’t see that one coming!”

“Husband,,,” Max bellowed. “When the frack did that happen?”

Isabel looked at her husband, her eyes gleaming. Alex simply smiled and reached for her hand.

“Is this as a result of their having sex?” Max demanded, his voice dripping with barely controlled rage.

“Their marriage has nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with their avowing themselves to each other.”

“Have they had sex?”

“Why are you so interested in your sisters sex life?” the Granolith asked innocently. “In fact, what is this human fascination with sexual activities, and why do humans persist in this self-deluded belief that there is any significance to the sex act itself?” the Granolith asked.

“Humans willingly engage in two-somes, three-somes, four-somes, and more-somes, involving both willing and unwilling participants. There are regular media reports of humans engaging in sexual relations with their siblings, their parents, and their offspring. Humans engage in sexual relations with the sick, the infirm, the mentally incompetent, and the dead. Also with faithful family pets, with farm animals large and small, with various mechanical implements, and with a stunningly wide variety of food articles.

“In fact, speaking of marriage, why is it that the ritual of preparing ones self for the marriage ceremony customarily involve the employment of men women known for an aversion to clothing and a propensity towards oral sex and intercourse with members of the wedding party?

“Thus, while those who are in love may express that love for each other through an intimate sexual act, one must never mistake the mechanical act of sex for love,,,”

Michael felt a sharp elbow in his side. “Don’t you dare do any thinking about this until we get back to your apartment and I can interpret what it’s saying,” Maria hissed.

“So when did this wedding happen,” Max asked skeptically.

“There was no wedding,” the Granolith deadpanned.

“Then how are they married?” Max demanded in exasperation.

“They avowed themselves to each other,” the Granolith repeated patiently. “Their marriage has nothing to do with ceremony and everything to do with their feelings for each other.”

“Uuummmfff,” Michael gasped as another elbow found it’s way into his stomach.

“I know when it happened!” Liz exclaimed gleefully. “Your floating heart,,,”

Isabel reached for her floating heart and pulled it out to where she could look at it. She gently caressed it with her thumb as she thought back to the morning where Liz had noticed it’s new bonded shape, and then remembered the night before, when Alex had finally accepted the special gift that she had been offering him for so long.

“Max!” the Granolith interrupted. “Don your protective garment and prepare for contour fitting.” Moments later the Granolith had encased him in a crystal column which, with the gentle pressure of the warm heavy liquid, shaped the vest to his torso.

Within minutes the rest of the group had their garments fitted, and found Maria poking herself in the stomach with her finger. “Are you sure this will protect me? It doesn’t feel strong enough to stop one of Michael’s spatulas when he throws a hissie fit in the kitchen.”

“It will protect you,” Alex replied reassuringly.

“Alex, Isabel, stay for further instruction,” the Granolith boomed out, causing the group to exchange looks. “The rest of you are dismissed.”

“Are you kicking us out?” Max asked rather pointedly, but the only response from the Granolith was light flooding the room from the pod chamber where the door had been opened.

Once Liz got Max into the Chevelle alone, she sailed into him. “You can keep treating her like that,” Liz said earnestly. “She's your sister for frack sake.”

“I know, I know,” Max sighed. “It just kind of caught me by surprise and I became concerned for her before I was able to be happy for her.”

“Well you have a piss poor way of showing it,,,” but before Liz's feelings could reach full flow she was interrupted by her cell phone. Checking her caller ID she answered with concern.


“Liz I hate to do this to you, can you come back to the pod chamber?”

“Is everything all right?”

“I need,,, Isabel needs you. Please just get Maria and come back.”

“Pullover Max,” Liz commanded in a voice that brook no debate.

“What's up?”

“I don't know yet, but Maria and I are going back to talk to your sister.”

“Maybe I should come with?”

“No,” Liz declared emphatically. “You're going to have to wait for things to calm down and then apologize to her.”

Within minutes the girls had shuffled cars and returned to McKenzie rocks. Once they reached the entrance to the pod chamber they met a very agitated Alex. “You need to go in and talk to her,” he advised. “I can't help her when she's like this. Every time I go near her she just gets more upset.”

“Don't worry,” Maria said reassuringly. “We'll take care of her for you. We have lots of experience with Czechoslovakian crises and if all else fails I have a full bottle of cedar oil.”

“Ms. Rickets wasn’t surprised to be routed into voice mail, her client led a busy life and was hard to get a hold of. “Isabel, this is Melinda. I have a property that just came on the market that you just have to see. I know this is a bit earlier than you wanted to move, but it belongs to a retiring architect, and it is perfect for you to run your business right out of the house. Call me.”

Isabel was lying in her backyard, her head resting securely on her new husband's shoulder, while they looked at the stars and contemplated the mysteries of the universe.

I want to tell you that I’m very proud of you,” Alex related.

“Oh really,” Isabel teased back. “And to what do I owe this honor.”

“You didn’t atomize Michael when he called you high maintenance, you didn’t melt down when I questioned how quickly you got yourself ready for the Fire Fighters ball, and when Señora Castillo zapped you with her little surprise, you only broke one bone on my hand,,,”

“You're getting entirely to comfortable teasing me.”


“With everything that's happening, do you think we're doing okay?” she asked tentatively.

“What do you think?”

Isabel rolled to face him. “Hey,” she protested, slapping him gently on the shoulder. “I asked you first.”

“I always go first. I never get to find out what you’re really thinking.”

“I think we're okay,” she replied, in answer to her wrong question as she settled back on the shoulder. “Things maybe moving fast, certainly faster than a parents would like, but nothing has happened yet that I'm not ready for.”

“Our marriage?”

“Will that did come a little sooner than I expected. I didn't even get time to go shopping for a dress,,,”


“Hey, I'm serious. I've been planning my wedding since I came out of my pod. You know I had a nightie picked out for my first time, what makes you think that haven't already designed my wedding gown?”

Well, unless they start taking Antarian marriage certificates down at City Hall, we're still going to have to get married one day.”

“You better believe it. Mom will kill you if you don't make an honest woman of me.”

“Your mom? What you think my father will do?”

“I don't want to even think about that. But what about you, you haven't answered my question yet?”

“I can't wait until we're on our own, until it's just us taking care of each other, until I come home to you every day, and watch you sleep every night.”

Isabel snuggled deeper into his shoulder a could sense that something was still off. “Sweetie?”

“Something's still bugging me,,,”

“What, how the nerd’s nerd could bed the prom queen?”

“Naw, that's the famous Whitman charm in action. You didn't stand a chance,,,”

“Hey,” Isabel protested, but for once she was too comfortable to move to strike him.

“Haven't you ever wondered how the Granolith knew that Rath and Lonnie were in town?”

It was turning out to be a beautiful Autumn day, with a comfortable warm breeze blowing in from the desert. Alex and Isabel that in order to allow Max some time to cool down, they would forgo lunch with their friends, and were resting under a tree on the edge of the Quad. Isabel was asleep with her head on Alex’s lap, while he leaned against the trunk of a tree. He was idly braided two small tufts of her hair, one over each temple, which he would join together behind her head after she awoke.

Max came out of the building, and after a quick look around, spotted his sister and headed for her, a determined expression on his face. Max’s progress however, was halted by Maria, who had been watching her friends from a nearby table.

“What do you want Max?”

“I need to talk to my sister,” he answered as he started to side-step her. "I want to talk to her about their wedding. What they knew, when they knew it.”

“They didn't know anything about it Max, they were as surprised as the rest of us,” Maria answered as she moved to continue to block his path. “At any rate, you’ll have to wait talked to her later.”

“Maria, don't worry. I'm not going to go off on her,” Max said softly. “I spent a lot of time talking with Liz. I'm not okay with this yet, and a part of me probably never will be. But I'll deal,” he added with a chuckle. “After all, no one's ever good enough for your sister, right?”

“You don't need to be telling me this Max. You need to be telling her, tonight. Take her out and get her an ice cream or something” Maria declared as she crossed her arms over her chest for added emphasis. “Right now, she's sleeping.”

“She's not sleeping, she's just scamming Alex for some attention. Besides, I would think you’d be mad at her. Didn’t she tell you that you were flat chested and had chicken legs?”

“Max. Take one last look at them,” Maria sighed as she wrapped her arm around his waist and led him back towards the building, “They facing high-school mid-terms, college finals, and they’re both working two jobs. Now I take Isabel’s comments in the same vein that she intended, and I will get back at her, but not right now. Nor am I going to let you disturb what little bit of downtime they get.” Reaching the entrance, she opened the door and pushed him back inside.

Her task completed, Maria returned to her perch to find Michael sitting on the same table. “Hey,” he mumbled as she settled next to him. Much to her relief, her fear of another confrontation was eased as he pulled her into a sideways hug while continuing his vigil over their resting friends.

“You’re okay with them?” she ventured tentatively.

“I’ve never seen her happier, so nothing else matters,” Michael replies with a smirk, “But when we get to work this afternoon. I'm going to pick your crankiest customer and burn his Saturn rings.”

“Burn Max’s. He said I was flat chested.”

“Mother humper,” Michael muttered. “He'll be lucky if he does get a crap sandwich.”

‘Cool,’ Maria thought to herself, ‘An argument with Michael, revenge on Max, and to finish out the evening, hot makeup sex. Isn't life grand.’

After her last class, Isabel had gone to her father’s office for several hours of work while Alex had gone straight home to work on the Blade. So arriving home alone, and with Gloria’s recent tiff fresh in her mind, she approached the Whitman’s door with a touch of trepidation, but moments later her belief that she could slip into the house undetected was shattered as she heard Gloria call out, “Isabel, is that you?”

“Yes Ma’am,” she answered reluctantly.

“Wonderful!” Gloria exclaimed as she swept into the kitchen. “I have good news for you. I couldn’t get the V.F.W. hall for your children’s Christmas party, it was already committed, but I’ve booked the Legion hall on Montana Ave. We have it from eight in the morning until ten that night,,,”

“Oh my God,” Isabel exclaimed. “You got a hall!”

Gloria nodded in the affirmative, before continuing nervously, “I know you like to maintain control of your projects, but once I made a couple of calls, things took on a life of their own,,,”

“Isabel shook her head in reply, The pageants coming along fine, but the children’s party, I need all the help I can get.”

“I was hoping you would say something like that,” Gloria related, relieved, because once I contacted the Chaplin of the Legion Auxiliary, (the organization comprised of the wives of the legion members) things took on a life of their own. Lynn’s husband is the operations manager out at Dean Baldwin (aircraft) Painting,” Gloria continued, “And they’re having their company holiday party there the night before us. So she persuaded her husband to arrange it so that all of their decorations will be left in place for us,,,” Gloria had to pause again, Isabel’s enthusiasm bringing out a huge smile on her own face. “Hang on, I’m not done yet. Their party’s being catered by Bobby Cotton from Summer Haven Park, and they’ve contracted with him to cater your children’s party also.”

“I can't believe this,” Isabel gushed. “It's all coming together so fast,,,”

“I asked Charles to call in a couple of favors, and he was happy to do so. So the men of the VFW and the Legion have promised to provide every child that attends with a gift, while the women from both the VFW and the Legion Auxiliary will be providing refreshments. Then, after the party’s over, the Sons of the American Legion have committed to cleaning the hall for you.”

“Is anything left for me to do?” Isabel asked happily.

Oh, I think what's left will be right up your alley. You are going to have to make up the schedule, then coordinate the whole thing,,,” but Gloria's teasing was cut off as she was nearly tackled by her enthusiastic ward.

The following morning, Isabel was more than a little surprised to find Liz waiting at her locker. Despite their closeness while they were researching her medical condition, or maybe because of it, she had found herself gravitating more towards the volatile Maria, rather than the studious Liz. Or maybe it was the whole ick factor of being close to her brother’s girlfriend. At any rate, she was surprised, not just by her presence, but by the serious look on her face. “Liz, is everything all right?”

“You can’t go to Colorado,” Liz commanded.

“Excuse me?” Isabel queried, pulling Liz out of the mainstream of the hall and into an empty classroom.

“Something’s going to happen on your trip.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“I don’t know, but you can’t go.”

“Fracking-a, we’re going to crash,” Isabel exclaimed.

“You think?” Liz asked anxiously.

“Yea,” Isabel declared decisively. “I was scared shitless all the way to Boston and back. We’ve got to be the only space going race that’s so in love with the ground that we keep smacking into it. We’ll drive.”

“Isabel, it’s eight hours, one way. How do you know that driving’s not where the danger is?”

“Liz,” she sighed. “I’ve have our realtor ready to show us a house, not to mention two tuition payments coming up. We’ve got to get this deal done, which means I don’t have the luxury of chickening out because of a little travel.”

At lunchtime, Michael tossed his bag onto the table before flopping down next to Maria. “Albuquerque,” he stated flatly.

“What about Albuquerque?” Maria's sighed dramatically. “You throw words around like dirty socks in your bed room. Just once I'd like to hear were complete sentence or a coherent thought from you. You'd think that's too much to ask,,,”

“You said you wanted to get an e-business degree, and you can get it there. Jim said he could get me a scholarship anywhere in the state, so we’re going to Albuquerque.”

“We’re? As in you and me, we’re?” Maria gasped in stunned disbelief. “We're going to Albuquerque?”

“Yes you and me. Who do you think I'm going to college with, Pam Tory?” Michael asked as he glanced her way. Seeing the beginning of tears in her eyes, he turned towards her and took her hands in his own. “You didn't think I was going to go to college alone and leave you, did you?”

“Awww, man, don't do that. Don't start crying.” But as her face broke into a beautiful smile and her tears broke free, his façade broke, and he pulled her tight into his arms, as he kissed the top of her head, and rubbed her back soothingly.

“What are you going to study?” Maria asked.

“Don't have a clue.”

“Where are we going to live?”

“I haven't thought that far ahead yet.”

“But, we're going to be with Alex and Isabel? We're not all breaking up and going our separate ways?”

“Well, there's nothing I can do about Max and Liz,” he said apologetically. “They seem to be intent on going off by themselves. She's still trying to get into Harvard, and Max has been accepted into the pre-law program at B.U. (Boston University) But my sister and Alex, I had a talk with them and they would be more than happy if we joined them,,,”

Michael's discourse was interrupted when Maria looked up and saw Isabel and Alex enter the quad. She ran towards them and as Isabel stepped the one side she caught her childhood friend in a flying hug. As Isabel watched on approvingly she gave Alex a big kiss.

“Has Michael been talking to you?” Alex teased.

“We going to school together,” Maria said as happy tears coursed down her face.

Alex was happy to stand there holding his friend until she got her fill of affection. He ignored the stares of the of the students passing by, but he was totally unprepared for what happened next. The moment he put Maria down, she leapt into Isabel's arms.

“What do I do now?” Isabel asked with a stunned look on her face.

“Just hold on tight and enjoy,” was all he said.

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
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Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-H The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

“How could you?” Isabel demanded. She was standing at the foot of Max's bed, her clenched fist burrowed into her hips, tears streaming down her face.

“Iz,” Max pleaded as he contemplated the evidence of his transgression, “You should know me better than that. It played right into every one of my weaknesses.”

“I don't think I can never forgive you,” she cried as she ran out of the room.

Minutes later she arrived at Maria's door. Maria took one look at her and led her to her room.

“Is you mom here?”

“No. She took Jim to Cow Patty’s. I think she’s going to get him drunk. He’s not doing to well with Ava and everything’s that’s going on at his house,,, What’s wrong?”


“That rat bastard,” Maria belched as she studied her friend for a moment. “You stay right here. I got just what you need.” Maria arrived back in the room moments later with a tray full of goodies. She had cherry coke, Phish Food ice cream, Tabasco, and a box of unsweetened chocolate baking squares that she had rated from her mothers baking supplies. She poured the Tabasco into a small bowl and handed it to her friend. “Jell that,” she instructed as she started to scoop ice cream into other bowls. “Michael loves jelled Tabasco. He uses it like a dip.”

Isabel scooped up a gob of Tabasco with a square of chocolate and popped it into her month.

“This is good,” Isabel exclaimed, still chewing.

“Michael loves it. It's one of the things we've regularly fight about because he says it's better than sex.”

“Well, it may be good, but not that good. I'm going to have a long conversation with Michael.”

“What’s wrong with Isabel today?” Liz asked as she put away her books from her morning classes.

“She’s horny,” Maria answered.

“She’s always horny. Why doesn’t she just drag Alex up to the eraser room and get her itch scratched?”

Maria looked like she was going to pop as she looked around to make sure that they weren’t being overheard. Seeing that the coast was clear, she leaned in close to her friend and whispered, “She can’t. She broke him.”


“Well, last night she came over to my house. She was mad at Max because he snuck into her room and ate all of the special chocolates that Alex had given her,,,”

“Wait! She was mad about chocolates? Not the whole blow up at the pod chamber?”

“Try to keep up,” Maria complained. “Sneaking into her room and stealing her privates stash is so much worse,,,”

“What does any of this have to do with Isabel being horny, or Alex for that matter?” Liz teased, knowing that Maria would get to the point eventually but enjoying the journey nonetheless.

“Alex has them made special just for her. Unsweetened chocolate, filled with Tabasco, and dusted with chili powder. They're not something you can just go out and get at the Piggly Wiggly. (Piggly Wiggly is the name of a grocery chain. They are not really in New Mexico, but I love the name,,, so,,,) He has to order them three days in advance from the Nut House, and when she found the empty box in the back of her closet she was pissed. Anyways, after I got her calmed down, she left my house looking for Alex. I don't know if it was the fact that she was still mad at Max, or the fact that she hadn't seen Alex all day, but when she found him she gave the poor guy quite a workout.”

Liz laughed for a moment before responding, “Well I'm glad it was missing chocolates and not the other thing. I tried to talk to Max about the way he acted at the pod chamber but he started muttering about how there were some things a brother didn't need to know about his sister, and then he locked himself in the bathroom,,,”

“Stop change in the subject. We talking about the newlyweds. She broke his dick,,,”

“Isabel broke Alex’s dick,,,?” Liz snapped disbelievingly, only to stop when Maria clamped her hand over her mouth, causing her to continue in a much softer voice. “How the frack did she break his dick? Did she bend him over sideways and snap it?”

“No, it’s more like she over-worked it and wore a hole in it. And since they can’t go to Max to get it healed, and Alex refuses to ask Ava for help,,,”

“How long before he’s back in action?”

“They figure at least three days,,,”

“Man, it’s going to be a long three days.”

“Girlfriend, that is the understatement of the millennium,” Maria sighed dramatically. “You coming?” she asked, noticing that her friend was headed deeper into the building instead of out towards the quad.

“No. I promised Ms. Hardy that during lunch I would help her prep for her freshman Bio class.”

“Liz, stop sucking up. You can’t get higher than an A.”

“There’s been a lot going on this year, so that A’s not such a sure thing as it once was, and I need it now more than ever,” Liz explained as she slammed her locker. “See ya.”

“¡Hola Doña Castillo!” Isabel exclaimed as she slid into the booth at Senor Chow’s.

“Buenos Diaz Isabella,” Señora Castillo replied warmly. “Isn’t this so much nicer than meeting at school?” she teased.

“Especially when you request that we meet on Tuesday so that I may take advantage of my short schedule and have the rest of the day off,” Isabel agreed with a smile on her face. “Isn’t that a coincidence.”

“Come child,” Señora Castillo admonished. You don’t believe in coincidences any more than I do.”

The women exchanged pleasantries and small talk until their meals were finished, then as soon as Juanita left their after-dinner drinks, an aperitif for the older woman and a club soda with a habaneras chili for the younger, they got down to business. “I understand that you now have your second and third client under contract.”

“Yes. Thanks to a lot of help from Charles, we have a signed purchase order from a local defense contractor, and it is common knowledge that we will be rolling out Alex’s EMS (Emergency Medical Services) software statewide as soon as the new budget year starts.”

“¡Buenos! ¡Muy Buenos!” Señora Castillo gushed. “So now, as your teacher, I have the pleasure to tell you that you have completed all of the requirements for your business development classes, both here at West Roswell, and for your extension program at Eastern; but as your friend, I must tell you that your work is just beginning,,,”

“Just beginning?” Isabel questioned as she beamed at the praise that her mentor was heaping on her. But while she was happy to have another free period in her busy schedule and four college credits, the most important thing to her was that Señora Castillo seemed to be genuinely happy for her.

“Don’t think that I haven’t picked up on your feelings that you weren’t doing your share of the work,,,” She raised her hand to fend off Isabel’s protest. “I can see right through you Isabella. These past months, Alex has been working hard to produce a product. Well he has succeeded. Aries is now a viable company, and it is your turn to get to work.”

“There’s a little more for me to do, but nothing breathtaking,,,” Isabel protested.

Señora Castillo just looked at her and smiled. “You may be really good at what you do, especially considering the fact that you are still in high school, and most of what you learned was at your father’s knee, but you are now off the porch and running with the big bulls now. Although I am no longer your instructor, I am still a director for Leprino, and as such it continues to be inappropriate for me to consult for you, but I do hope you would continue to seek out my advice and council,,,”

“Please,” Isabel pleaded nervously.

“One of the first things you need to do is to create a General Council’s position, and place your father on the payroll,,,”

“Daddy doesn’t want a formal position. He’s happy to help out where needed.”

“You are going to need to hire a C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountant) and a good tax attorney,,,”

“But Daddy,,,”

“Is a wonderful general practitioner, and he will make a great general counsel, but let me ask you something. I am going to guess that right now your booked sales are healthy, but your actual revenues are rather modest,,,”

“Modest?” Isabel gasped.

‘Comparatively speaking, yes, modest,” Señora Castillo said reassuringly. “Your revenue for this year should be in the neighborhood of several hundred thousand dollars, (156,000 €) a figure which is offset by the purchase of equipment for resale. So your tax liability for this tax year should be modest.”

“Yes,” Isabel replied slowly as a chill started working it’s way up her spine.

“Now lets discuss next year. You already have anticipated sales of over one million dollars, and an increasing percentage of that amount will be from the sale of Alex's intellectual property, not the resale of purchased equipment. As a result, if you remain a “S” corporation, your tax liability will be computed at the individual rate.”

“But that's,,,”

“It could be up to three hundred and eighty thousand dollars. (270,000 €) If you wish to simply turn that amount of money over to the government, I'll happily loan you my pen. It is a Mount Blanc and is well-suited for writing that many zeros. In fact I’ll give you the pen in commemoration of your extreme generosity.”

“I need a tax attorney,” Isabel moaned.

Later that afternoon the duty grew at Richardson station was just sitting down to a dinner of steaks and new potatoes, when all eyes turned towards the enunciator. ~~Beep-beep-beep-beep,,, beep-beep-beep-beep,,, beep-beep-beep-beep,,,~~”

“Jesus Fracking Christ,” Lieutenant Howcroft exclaimed. “When's it going to end?”

“~~Attention units and stations, Roswell Fire Central on the air with department business,~~” the metallic voice stated. “~~It is with the deepest regrets that the Fire Department of New York announces the loss of Firefighter Alex Taylor, who was killed in line of duty this morning. More to follow. KKL-796, Roswell Fire Central, time clear at eighteen forty-seven, six forty-seven P.M.~~”

Last edited by stargazer md on Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
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Location: New Hampshire, USA

Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-I The Circle Grows

By Stargazer MD

Earlier that day, Thumper sat at the edge of the quad, huddled on the last seat at the end of the most undesirable lunch table in the school. She played with her food as she watched the popular girls settle at Isabel's table where she had been welcome until that horrible night. Her thoughts were broken however, as Pamela Troy slammed her tray onto the table next to her.

“Look at that bitch,” Pam spat as she glared at Isabel. I don't believe that they all still look up to her. She has the power to rule this school, and she won't use it.”

“I think Isabel does very well,” Thumper said softly. “She lends a sense of class that permeates through the entire student body.”

“Class my ass. Have you ever been over to Goddard? Rosa Ortecho runs at school a lot different than this one, none of this preppy dress code that we all have to endure,,,”

“We don't have a dress code,” Thumper interjected.

“Sure we do. No straps showing, no mesh, no low wasters, no whales tails. As long as Isabel and all of her friends dress the same way, like a bunch of old hags, none of the rest of us can show any style. Last week Rosa wore a white lace tittie top, black lace bra, and a pair jeans cut so low that her t-backs were showing almost all the way to her front pockets. No one said a word,,,”

“Listen Pam,” Thumper snapped, “I've listened to just about all of your shit that I'm going to take. Given the choice between dressing like Isabel, someone who's going to make something of her life, and dressing like a tramp who's whole life's ambition is to fill a double wide with a bunch of curtain climbers, I'll take Isabel every day.”

Thumper’s voice caught Isabel’s attention, and the tall teen looked over to her estranged friend with concern. “Maria, do me a favor, would you?”

“What’s that?” she replied in mid rant.

“Go rescue Thumper.”

“Gladly,” Isabel’s one woman hit squad replied as she sprung up from the table. “She’s got enough problems without getting slut coodies by association.” Moments later she lifted Thumper’s tray from her table and stood there expectantly. “I couldn’t help but notice that while you started out enjoying your lunch, the weather turned foul. So come with me. Your presence has been requested in the clean air zone.”

Meanwhile, Vanessa couldn’t resist trying to sharpen her claws on some fresh meat. “Slumming with felons now Isabel?”

“She didn’t mean to hurt anyone Van,” Isabel replied with enough ice in her voice to reinforce the fact that she was no longer neglecting her position of School Princess. “You drive drunk every weekend. Tish crashed her Del-Sol two days after she got it. I can’t get my Mom’s Toyota to go past Pete’s Lift Off without breaking down, and Steve’s still finding traces of pig fat from when the bastards from Goddard slimed his Lightning. Face it Van, there but for the grace of God go you. It could have happened to anyone of us.”

Isabel’s enjoinment caused a pause in the conversation as the girls pondered the truth of her words, which lasted until Maria returned with her charge. “Thumper,” Tish said warmly, backing up her friend. “Have a seat.”

Isabel smiled at her friend, acknowledging her assistance. “Tish, you looking especially Old Navy today.”

“What can I say. Employee discount.”

“I wish I could get a job at the mall,” Elana sighed. “I hate coming home from work smelling like hamburger every day.”

“You slut,” Vanessa taunted cattily. “You just work at Mickey-Dee’s because that’s where all the boys hang out..”

“What the frack Vanessa?” Vicky complained. “It took you less than a minute to call Elana a slut. That's a new record even for you.” The fact was Elana got teased a lot, ever since she made a point of telling their friends that she was going to save herself for her wedding night. It's not that she was overly religious, although that was a factor, but that she was the youngest of three sisters and she had decided that she would be the first in her family to graduate high school before becoming pregnant.

“Hey just because I can't touch doesn't mean I can't look,” Elana said softly as her face turned bright red.

“Boys have it made,” Thumper complained.

“That is just so fracked up,” Vanessa rebutted.

“I've got to agree with Thumper about this one,” Tish interjected. “They can walk down the street at night without getting raped, and they can get fracked up at a party, sleep with someone they would never look at during the light of day, and never have to pay a price.”

“I don't know about that,” Maria dished. “Richard Jason thought he was getting lucky with some bitch from Goddard, but he got more than he was bargaining for.”

“He caught the clap?” Elana gasped. “He never told me that. That was his first time, in fact it's been his only time.”

“All I know is that if I was born with what they were born with I couldn't be able to keep my hands off it. I would never leave the house,” Thumper said laughingly.

“Ewww,” Elana complained. “Now you're starting to sound like Martinelli.

“No periods. Imagine that. No bloating, no cramps,,,”

“All that hair and sweat and shit. Guy’s bodies are nasty,,,”

“Not me,” Tish commented. “Guys are like a jack-in-the-box. You yank their crank three times and pop goes the weasel. But with my little pink friend I can fly all night,,,”

“I hooked up with Rick Montes last year,” Vicky complained. “Every time he got me in the eraser room, it was olympic sex,,,”

“He was that good?” Elana sighed.

“No, he was always in a rush for first place,” Tish finished for her to a chorus of giggles. “I've since learned a trick or two.”

“Last time I was in eraser room with Patrick Briscoe he left me hanging, wiped himself with my panties before throwing them in my face, and then opened the door to leave while my skirt was still around my waist. He claimed he was late for practice, all the while a gaggle of freshman boys stood there watching me like kids in a candy store window while I tried to get my clothes under control,,” Vanessa muttered, not quite realizing she was speaking out loud.

“All guys are like that,” Vicky complained. “The first time I let Steve take me out to the Bends, he finished first and was ready to bail. So I grabbed him by the nads. Do you know how much of a turn it is on for a guy when you take his balls in your hand and gently roll them around? Well it’s just the opposite when you squeeze and grind them against each other,,,”

“You didn't!” Tish said laughingly.

“Yup, I made him finish what he started.”

“You go girlfriend,” Thumper gushed.

“You know what's great about dating a wide receiver?” Vicky teased. “Great hands.”

“So what about you Isabel?” Tish ventured tentatively. “Ever wonder what it would be like to come back as a guy?”

“No, if I were to come back again I would want to be just like I am now,” Isabel replied as she rubbed her floating heart back and forth on its chain. “It wouldn't do Alex much good if I were a guy.”

“Alex?” Vanessa whispered to Thumper. “The geekoid who can wrap his arms around his head?”

“Alex, Isabel's fiancé. The guy who ruled at Prom,” Thumper answered disgustingly. “Where have you been for the last year, living under a rock?”

Elana looked at Isabel and smiled, happy that at least someone was supporting her decision to wait.

Isabel looked Elana right in the eye. “When I'm with him I want to be all woman. After he's given me my third,,,”

“Three?” Trish gasped, but not loud enough to interrupt Isabel story.

“Completing together might be okay sometimes, but I love it when he make sure that I'm first because those are the times that I can really concentrate on making sure that his is special, and so I can watch his face while it happens,,,”

By now the group was silent, recognizing that Isabel was going open up to them in a way that they had never seen before.

“Every time it happens I am amazed that I can give him such a gift. I hold him and remind him to breathe, knowing that I am his anchor as he returns to Earth so that he will find his way back to me. I love the glazed look in his eyes, knowing that I put it there. But nothing can ever match the way I feel loved as he looks at me while he regains consciousness. The love in his eyes, look of wonder on his face, it’s so childlike and innocent. He doesn't care about anything else in the entire universe except that he's there with me, yet all the while I'm the lucky one, because that's the place where I want to be for the rest of my life.” Isabel broke from her reverie, and looked around the table. “Well, I wouldn't have that if I were a guy.”

“I hate you,” Elana blurted out. “How am I supposed to wait for my wedding night after hearing that?”

“You marry the right guy, the one that's been created just for you, and it will be even better,” Isabel said dreamingly.

“You slut,” Tish complement with a smile on her face for her friend.

“Only for Alex,” Isabel rebutted

Hearing the warning bell ring, the girls quickly gathered up their things and headed back inside, Thumper by Isabel’s side.

“Can I ask you something?” the smaller girl asked hesitantly.

Isabel veered into a small alcove and turned towards her friend expectantly.

“We were all sitting there telling our favorite stories trying to impress each other, but what you said about Alex was true, wasn’t it?”

In response Isabel simply gave her friend an enigmatic smile and a quick hug before heading off to class.

“Izzy, did something happen at lunch today that I need to know about?”

“What makes you think that?”

“Well all afternoon guys have been given me dirty looks and the girls, well let's just say that if I wandered into the wrong locker room after field hockey practice I don't think they be hitting me with their sticks.”

“Nope, nothing happened for you to be worried about,” Isabel answered with a smile, happy that her spur of the moment decision during lunch to enhance her husband's reputation had been successful.

Later that day, Alex walked into his house just before dinnertime and kissed his mother on the cheek before sticking his head into the refrigerator and rummaging around for a snack.

“Hey, don’t you see me making dinner over here? Drinks only,” Gloria commanded. “And none of that draining the juice from the pickle jar, have an orange soda like normal people. For God’s sake, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were pregnant,,,”


“Speaking of pregnant, where’s your shadow?”


“What? You don’t think I knew what the two of you were doing the last time I went with your father on his Reno overnight?”

“I am so not having this conversation,,,”

“Suck-it-up and start a salad,” she commanded, secretly smiling at his unease as he stuck his head in the refrigerator once again.

“There isn’t any lettuce.”

“Sure there is, that leafy green stuff in the bag. It’s called Boston Lettuce. Seems your girlfriend thinks I’m neglecting my family because I usually serve Iceberg Lettuce, and she’s taken it upon herself to become the Whitman family produce police.”

Alex snickered as he started pulling apart the lettuce under the tap. “Pops is going to love this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat anything but plain lettuce, sliced tomatoes, bacon crumbs, croutons, and Thousand Island dressing,,,”

“Well tonight he’s going to be introduced to grape tomatoes as well,” but seeing her son working contentedly she was forced to ask, ”So where is she?”

“Isabel? She made her own plans for dinner,” Alex explained. “Lately it seems that her brother steps on his dick every time he comes near her, so in lieu of an apology, she’s granting him the privilege of taking her to Walk On The Moon at the mall so she can go shoe shopping and then to Señor Chow’s so they can ‘talk’ over dinner.”

“Stepping on his dick, hugh? Does Max do that a lot?”

“Did I say that?” Alex stammered in a panicked voice. “Oh man, I don’t believe I said that to my mother,,,”

“Alex relax,” Gloria teased. “It’s not as if you showed me your nipple of something shocking like that.”


By now Gloria was openly laughing while Alex looked ready to go hide in his room. “It’s okay Alex. I’ve heard the word dick before, it’s not as if you were your brother sitting there bragging that he was going out to find a drunken cheerleader so he could have a warm wet place to park it for five minutes,,,”

“Jesse said that?,,”

“Well, he got most of it out,,,

“That’s the night you hit him in the back of the head with the frying pan?,,”

“It’s not as if I used my good cast iron pan,,,”

“Mom. So what if it was T-Fal. You still split his head open.”

“I did not! He only bled for a little bit, and then he still went out with his jock friends. Besides that jar head skull of his put a dent in the pan. I still can't fry an egg in it worth a damn,,,” Gloria’s teasing was interrupted by the ringing phone. “Hello,,, Just a minute.” She held out the receiver for her son. “Chief Montoya.”

Alex's countenance turned serious as he took the phone. It was highly unusual for him to receive a call from the chief after first watch. Furthermore, he wasn't scheduled for a shift and his pager had not gone off, so was unlikely that he was being called for coverage. “Yes Chief.”

Isabel slammed Max’s Chevelle's clutch to the floor with her right foot while trying to break the pedal on his emergency brake with her left. As the rear wheels started to lock up, she wrenched the steering wheel ninety degrees to the left and released the brake. Before Max could react he was thrown against the passenger-side door as the car executed a perfect bootleggers U-turn.

“What the frack?” Max shouted as the engine screamed in protest while Isabel slammed the tortured transmission through second and then third gear. He braced himself against the dashboard and looked around in a panic, reassuring himself that the car was in fact back on the road. “Where are we going?”



“I don’t know yet.”

This non-answer frustrated Max, who still felt a need to be in control, so he asked something he hoped he could get a straight answer to, “Where the frack did you learn to do that?”

“The city sent Alex to accident avoidance driving school at the State Police Academy, and Jim’s been driving cruisers for years, so we all went out to the south end of the air-park where the County set up a skid pad on an old unused section of taxiway where they both taught me everything they knew. We spent several evenings on dry pavement, and an entire Saturday driving on a little soap with a lot of water.” Seeing a look of amazement on her brother’s face she couldn’t help adding, “That’s not all we’ve been working on, I’m pretty good with his Mini-14 too,,,”

“You’re learning to shoot? What’s gotten into you? What happened to hiding in plain sight? What happened your wanting to being normal?”

“We tried hiding in plain sight, remember? It didn't work,” Isabel said in exasperation. “This is why you don't have the seal anymore Max. We were hatched with an intergalactic target on our back, and it's not just us on the firing line anymore. Our loved ones and our future family's are in as much danger as we are, and while you're running around filled with self-doubt, the rest of us at taking care of business. Maria is getting proficient with a pistol, and even Amy has applied for a concealed weapons permit.” Isabel wanted to add that one of the main reasons Michael had decided to move to Albuquerque was that he believed Maria would be safer there with her and Alex than alone with him in Las Cruces.

“So now what, you’re turning into a warrior goddess?”

“Warrior Princess,” Isabel teased, trying to lighten the conversation. “Try me. Next time I get home we’ll go out to the backyard. If you can lay a hand on me and keep it there for three seconds, I’ll do your laundry for a month.”

“No thanks, “ Max pouted. “I like my arm right where it is. I don’t want it torn off and shoved up my ass.”

Isabel power drifted the Chevelle into Alex’s driveway and hopped out of the car, but she stopped and leaned back over the drivers door facing her brother. “All I’m saying Max, is that if Liz is successful and goes to Boston, you’ll follower there because you can’t live without her. That means you’ll be more then two thousand miles (3000 km) from back-up. You’d better be ready.”

Alex woodenly walked to the breakfast bar and dropped the handset into its charging base before sitting on a high stool and burying his face in his hands.

“Alex?” Gloria asked with concern.

“Alex Taylor's dead,” he said flatly.

“Alex Taylor?”

“Firefighter Alex Taylor. She's the one who took care of me night I was shot,,,” he explained as he blindly reached his hand out for the comfort of his wife.

Isabel pulled his hand in tight over his heart as she wrapped her arms around him from behind, pulling him into a hug as she rested her chin on his shoulder. She remained silent, and kept their connection in check, knowing that she had to allow him time to explain what had happened at his own pace, but seeing Gloria’s confused look she whispered, “Max took one look at the price of the shoes I special ordered and threw up. Needless to say, I wasn’t letting him take me to dinner after that.”

“She was working a ten forty-five,,, a motor vehicle accident. They didn't know that the car was a street racer with a nitrix bottle under the front seat. She was working to extricate the driver when it exploded,,,” Alex's voice cracked as tears started to run down his face. “The windshield blew right into her and cut her in half. There wasn’t a fracking thing they could do for her except to hold her hand while she bled out and died right there in the middle of the street.”

Gloria watched with shock and dismay as her son bolted from his stool and ran out the backdoor, Isabel close behind. She instinctively knew that her son was at an age where he could no longer break down and cry in front of his mother, but she was relieved to know that the new woman in his life would be able to take care of him.

Isabel carefully controlled the level of their connection. She desperately wanted to convey all of the love and support that she could muster without overwhelming him in his momentarily fragile state. She knew that he needed enough time and space to work out the loss of his personal hero, but she would make sure that he knew he was not alone.

“Sweetie, what's wrong?” she asked out loud so as not to intrude on his thoughts. “I can feel something else, something new upsetting you.”

“I can't go there,” he gasped. “The truce. She's in New York. Her whole family’s there, well what's left of it after she lost her father. The only thing I have left to give her is to honor her service, and I can't go because of the pact I made with Lonnie and Rath.”

Isabel didn't know what to say to this, so she just held him and rocked him comfortingly under the inky sky.

In the middle of the night, Gloria felt heartsick when she checked in on Alex, only to find that he had recoiled from the world and curled up into a ball on top of his comforter. What didn’t surprise her was the fact that she could see Isabel molded against his back in the soft light of his bureau lamp.

Isabel, sensing that they were no longer alone, snapped awake. She raised her hand, ready to defend the most important person in her life, but quickly lowered it when she saw who was watching over them. She gently kissed her sleeping husband before slipping stealthily out of his bed. She reached for a gossamer robe that was draped over the back of Alex's computer chair. Pulling the robe on over her shortie pajamas, she joined Gloria in the hall.

Once in the kitchen, Gloria allowed herself to be guided to her seat, and then she watched as Isabel reached for their tea. “My ‘I’m the Boss. Any other stupid questions?’ mug please,” she answered to Isabel’s unspoken question, and then watched in confusion as the tall teen hesitated a moment before adding milk and sugar to her mug. “What gives?” she asked as she pointed towards her mug.

“That’s an eleven ounce (325 ml) container,” Isabel answered with an embarrassed grin. “That means two point seven teaspoons of sugar with one and a half dollops of milk,,,”

“Dollops?” Gloria teased. “Isabel, I don't think I have ever heard you be less than perfectly precise. So what's a dollop?” But to her surprise instead of a shy teenager looking down at the table and chewing her lip, she was faced with a confident woman who looked her in the eye and answered with a smile.

“I may not know how to describe a dollop, but I know it when I pour it.”

Both women use the pretext of taking a sip of tea to gather their thoughts. Isabel spoke first. “I hope you upset that I've decided to stay here when I was supposed to be at my house tonight, but there is no way that I was going to leave him alone after he received that phone call,,,”

“I'm not upset,” Gloria replied, “In fact I'm not even surprised. As a matter of fact it would've been amazed if you weren't there with him. I'm sure he'll recover quickly, but nevertheless it was a shock to his system, and you’re the one he would turn to, not me.”

“I'm not trying to take him away from you,,,”

“Yes you are.”

Isabel's face showed shock at Gloria’s frank admission, but before she could rebut the older woman took Isabel's hand in her own. “I have done my job. I have raised a wonderful son who will become a loving husband and a doting father. The final part of my job was to make sure that the woman he chose is worthy of the fruits of my labors. He has chosen you, and I whole heartedly approve of his choice.

“In the spring you will both be graduating from high school. In less than a year you will be leaving for college together, and it will be time for him to leave his mother behind and face that the world with his future wife. When he takes that step it will be your job to support him, and when necessary to guide him as he takes that journey.”

Isabel looked Gloria in the eye. “I know why I was left in the desert, and I know why Mom and Dad found me. It's because this is the time and place that I would find Alex. My entire life has been preparing me for the realization that I love him more than life itself. I am not whole without him, and I promise you that I will do anything to make sure he that has a good life. If evil space aliens came through that door right now I would kill or die before I let any harm come to him,,,”

Despite Isabel serious demeanor, Gloria found that she could not maintain her serious façade. The thought of one of Amy's creatures come to life crashing through her door while Isabel beat it into submission with her spice rack caused her to start laughing softly. “Well if some creature from Planet X crawls out of Jeff's sign and kicks our door down, we'll let Charles deal with it. Why do you think I keep him around?”

Isabel started to make a comment about Charles’ history with Clean Slate, but realize just in time that she probably knew nothing about the classified work that he had performed for the Air Force. This realization, coupled with the fact that Charles continued to insist that Isabel keep her true nature secret from his wife, caused her to feel uncomfortable. “Do you think,” Isabel started to asked hesitantly, but she lost her nerve so instead of finishing the question, she pointed up.

Thinking of her favorite TV show X-Files, Gloria replied, “Are you asking if I believe?”

Isabel could only nod in response.

“I would have to say yes, and not just because I spent the last couple years in Roswell, Alien Capital of the known universe. I've been thinking about this question off and on since I was in college and one of my professors asked it of the class.” Unable to read Isabel's expression she hastened to continue. “Now before you think I'm some kind of nut case, let me explain myself. I don't feel this way because of people like Carl Sagan and their theory of mathematical certainty, I've reached this conclusion on a much more personal level.” Gloria's next question took Isabel completely by surprise. “Do you believe in God?”

Isabel hesitated a moment to gather her thoughts before answering, “Yes, at some level I do. Maybe not exactly the way He was written in the Bible, or exactly the way He is discussed at church, but yes. God gave us life. He gave us science. And he gave us this wonderful universe that we live in.”

“Interesting that you mention the universe,” Gloria rebutted, her confidence restored now that she knew Isabel would not ridicule her for her belief in little green men. “Why do you and Alex spend so much time stargazing?”

“Because the night sky is so beautiful.”

“The night sky is nothing but a whole lot of black with some white speckles,” Gloria rebutted. “It doesn't have the beauty of a snowcapped mountain, or a desert sunset, or the beauty of a baby’s smile, so try again.”

“Every time I look at the stars I'm filled with a sense of peace, of belonging. I hold Alex close and know that I have found my place.”

“God made the universe, and He filled it with life. That's why it is so beautiful. He made countless millions of stars, and I am not so arrogant as to think that we are the only creatures that He made in His image. Just like I believe in our God that I have never seen, I believe that He is created other miracles of life throughout the rest of the universe.”

“Do you think we'll ever,,,” Isabel let her question die on her lips unasked.

“Have an evil alien kick down our back door? No. As much as it would benefit our local economy, it's never going to happen. I don't think we were ever intended to meet. Between star systems, the universe is filled with a whole bunch of nothing, and the distances are impossibly long. Even if every star had a planet with life, which I doubt, do you know how long the light year is, a parsec?”

“A light year is five point nine trillion miles, (9.5 trillion km) and a parsec is nineteen trillion miles,” (30.9 trillion km) Isabel snapped instantly. “But that doesn't mean interstellar travel impossible, just unknown,” ‘To Earth,’ she added silently.

“That young lady is a discussion for another time,” Gloria announced as she stood. “Now I have to be at work in the morning, and although you seem to thrive on an impossibly small amount of sleep, I don't.” She gathered their mugs and rinsed them in the sink before dropping them into the dishwasher. Isabel, with an enigmatic smile on her face, kissed her on the cheek before bounding upstairs.

“Great,” Gloria muttered as she watched her future daughter-in-law depart. “I didn’t convince her at all, and now she thinks I'm some kind of kook,” but as she followed her future daughter-in-law to the stairs her eyes fell upon the back door. ‘All things considered,’ she thought, ‘If an evil space alien did kick down that door, I would feel sorry for it. Isabel would kick its ass into next week.’

Isabel quietly stopped at Alex's bedside and looked down at her sleeping husband. “I have one more thing to do Sweetie,” she said softly, kissing him on the forehead and giving him a burst of power to guarantee his continuing slumber. “I'll be back in a couple of minutes.”

Next she went into her room and after selecting a photograph of herself with Alex, she laid down on her bed. She looked at her image in the photograph, taken on a day when she had her hair up. ‘This will do,’ she thought, then reaching into her nightstand for a sharpie, she drew the Four Square symbol on her upper arm. Satisfied with the results, she touched the photograph causing it to ripple and then laid back on her pillow.

“What the frack?” Lonnie snapped, finding herself once again sitting on the UFO center’s stairs.

“We need to talk,” Isabel commanded. “And this is the safest way for the both of us.”

“Frack you,” Lonnie spat. She put her hands on the steps preparing to bolt, but her anger turned to fear when she found that she could no longer move.

“You haven't been excused,” Isabel said icily, but her countenance took a turn for the better as she saw Alex approach.

“Ladies, uh,,, frosty beverage?”

“Why thanks Sweetie,” Isabel replied reaching for the cold cans. “That's very thoughtful of you. Lonnie would thank you also but she's busy,,, thinking. Now why don't you go across the street order us some dinner and I'll be along shortly.”

Isabel turned her attention back towards Lonnie and released the lock on her. “I'm going to take this fracking can and,,,” but before she could finish that thought Isabel locked out her voice again, forcing her to listen.

“Now be nice,” Isabel said sweetly. “I brought you here so I could give you warning, one that may just save your life.” Seeing that this caught her dupes attention, she got down to the business at hand. “A very close friend of Alex, a member of the Fire Department of New York, was just killed in the line of duty and Alex will be traveling to the city in order to attend her funeral. As a result, I am declaring a timeout in the truce and warning that if any of you go near him, you will die.” Knowing that Lonnie would want to rebut, she again let her speak.

“Frack him. That bastard shot me,,,”

Isabel examined Lonnie's face and noticed for the first time a pair of faint scars blemishing her otherwise perfect cheek. “If you hadn't killed Zan and run off Ava, you could've gotten that healed, but that's not the point. Surely in what ever part of your heart that is still human you must feel sympathy for the firefighters. Alex only wants to honor his fallen friend, and I am going to make sure that he is allowed to do so. I am not going to tell you where he will be, and I'm not going to tell you what security precautions I am taking, but rest assured, you do not want to be anywhere near Manhattan this weekend.”

“Frack him,,, frack the fire department,,, and frack this whole fracking mud ball,,,” but Isabel, tiring of Lonnie's venom, waved her hand and ended the dream.

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst
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stargazer md
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: New Hampshire, USA

Post by stargazer md »

Stargazer Gets the Girl
Chapter 23-J The Circle Grows
By Stargazer MD

“How you doing Sheriff?” Maria asked as she put a mug in front of him and filled it with decaf.

Jim, noticing the orange band on top of coffee pot, made his protest know. “Hey, hey. I take high test,,,”

“Not after twelve noon you don't,” Maria teased. “I have my orders. Mom says too much caffeine makes you fidgety.”

Jim wrapped his hands around the mug, taking comfort from its warmth. “In answer to your question, I don't think I've ever felt so old.” But Jim's expression took a turn for the better when he looked up to see Ava entering the restaurant.

“Hey old man,” she said in greeting before kissing him on the cheek. “How ya doing?”

“Ava!” Maria gasped. “He's not an old man,,,”

“I never said he was an old man,” Ava replied defensively, a little bit of her city nature slipping into her voice. But moments later she whispered to Maria, “It just really freaks me out to call him Dad.”

Overhearing Ava's comment, Jim beamed, but his happiness was short-lived as Ava snatched his mug of coffee out of his hand, leaned over the counter, and poured the dark liquid down the sink. I don't see why you bother trying to have coffee in the afternoon. Miss Amy's made it clear that you can't have the real thing, so why bother?”

Jim looked at his empty mug in dismay, but keeping his spirits up he replied to her question. “I'm feeling fine, but more importantly how are you feeling? I haven't seen you since last week, and I've been concerned.”

“Everything turned out okay,” Ava replied cheerfully. “Looks like I'm going to be okay for another year. I can't say the same for Kyle though,” she added with a giggle. “I think he's going to sleep for the next week.”

“See that Maria?” Jim sighed. “There’s that whole old thing again.”

Maria ignored his comment, and instead leaned on the counter, her pad at the ready. She looked at the odd couple and raised her brows expectantly. “You know this is a restaurant, a place where you come to buy food. Then, after you finish your delightful meal, you tip you waitress, a really nice waitress who has a worthless boyfriend that doesn't take care of her. Now, if you don't buy any food, I don't make any money, so tell me you're going to order something, and I not going to have to show up at Michael's apartment tonight hungry, cold, and naked.”

While Ava was shocked at Maria's little speech, Jim was much more used to her. “Well since I can't have you running around town naked, I guess I'll have a Will Smith burger and an order of Saturn rings,,,”

“No fracking way,” Ava protested. “What do you have, a death wish?” Turning her attention to Maria, she thought for a moment and then dictated, “He'll have a grilled chicken sandwich on a multigrain bun. Lettuce, tomato, low-fat mayonnaise, and a tossed salad,,,”

Jim shook his head in disbelief. “Not that I mind all the attention from all of the really fine woman who have found their way into my life recently, but I've been perfectly capable of tying my own shoes for quite some time now,,,”

“Okay then, you can have a milkshake,” Ava relented. “As long as it's low-fat milk.”

“It my day, we had malteds,,,”

“I can do a chocolate malt,” Maria said breezily as she turned and slipped Jim's order onto the cooks wheel before going out onto the main floor to check on her other customers.

Jim turned his attention back to Ava. “You’re sure everything all right?”

“Seriously,” Ava answered. “Listen, I know you've been uneasy with what's been happening this weekend. Let's just go back to doing things the way they were.”

“I'm not naive enough to believe that's really going to happen,” Jim sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Well that's because you’ve spent the last several years believing only what you wanted to believe,” Ava explained quietly. “What I will promise you is that if you can keep telling us to be good kids, to keep our pants buttoned, and to keep our hands off each other,,,”

“And you would obey?” Jim asked in amazement.

“Frack no,” Ava teased. “But I will promise that we won't rub what we do to each other into your face, just the way Kyle was doing before I arrived in Roswell. The way I hear it, before he started dating Liz he had cut quite a swath through the cheerleaders,,,”

“Ava,” Jim sighed, “We're going to have to establish some ground rules about too much information.”

“I don’t believe you’re getting me on another fracking airplane,” Isabel complained as she pushed the Volvo well past the speed limit, trusting her superior eyesight and their Granolith enhanced radar-detector to keep them out of trouble.

Alex reached over and placed a comforting hand on her thigh. “Sweetheart, you’re going to do fine, he said comfortingly without taking his eyes off the laptop. “I have movies, music, your oak hair brush, and my own charming self to entertain you, and remember, this is a night flight. We’ll need to get some sleep on the plane.”

“Asleep?,, You want me to be sound asleep when the end comes?,,”

Alex knew from the sound of her voice that she was need loosing it, a suspicion that was reinforced when she didn’t slap him for his nervous habit of scratching his chest. He needed to change the subject, fast.

“I can’t believe you got us out of school,,,”

“Are you kidding? For a New York City firefighter’s funeral? There wasn’t one teacher in the entire school that didn’t go out of their way to make arrangements for us to have tomorrow (Friday) off. In fact Miss Leigh got so upset when she heard the news about Alex that Mrs. Shaffer had to drive her home.”

“Alex used to spend a lot of time at the school helping with Career Day, and Miss Leigh used her as a roll model for some of the girls she counseled. I also think she secretly had the hots for her,,,”

“Ewww,” Isabel moaned, but she nevertheless started laughing as Alex secretly said a word of apology to Alex for voicing out loud his not unreasonable speculation. But before his wife could recover and slip back into her funk, he started his next distraction. “Tell me about this house we’re looking at.”

“It's on the western edge of Albuquerque, just off Route Sixty-Six, and it's about five miles from both the airport and the University. It's a split ranch, right around two thousand square feet. (185 sq m) The main living area is on the left side of the house, consisting of the kitchen and living room along with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. On the lower level of the right side of the house is the two car garage which is attached to the kitchen. But the reason that Melinda called me is that above the garage is a large master bedroom suite that has been converted into a home office. It was owned by an architect who ran his entire business right out of the house. The way Melinda describes it, it would be perfect for us.”

“And this is on the market now?” Alex challenged. “I would think that it would be gone before we would be ready to buy it.”

“That's the beauty. The architect passed away and right now the house itself is in probate. It won't hit the market for another month or two. Melinda knows Daddy through the Bar Association, and when she found out what I was looking for she gave me a heads up. The architect's estate needs to have it appraised, and we would need to have it inspected. But if we could come to a meeting of the minds on price, we could get the right of first refusal.”

“So you're telling me that we get to look at it, if we like it we could bring our parents out to look at it, and then we would have time to negotiate a loan. All this time we don't have to worry about somebody buying it out from under us?”

“Yeah kewl, cool isn’t it. Aren't you glad you'll wife spent half of her life working for a lawyer?”

The young couple then settled into a comfortable silence, but after a couple of minutes Alex could sense tension through their connection. He looked over to see his beautiful wife chewing her lip in consternation. “Sweetheart, what's wrong/”

“You're not going to want to discuss it,” she answered softly.

“First of all, that's never stopped you before. But even more importantly I hope you don't still think that there something you can't talk to me about.”

“When we get back I want to tell your mother about me,” she blurted out before she lost her nerve.

“When we get back,” Alex replied tenderly, placing a comforting hand on her thigh and sending a sense of calm and love through their connection, “We'll find a way to tell her together.”

“But your father?” Isabel replied nervously.

“Don't worry about Pops,” Alex teased. “I'm going to tell him it was all the your idea. He won't dare say a word.”

(Authors note: Isabel's presence with Alex at the funeral is necessary to make this story arc work. In real life, as a civilian, it would be expected that she would be taken under the wing by one of the other firefighter’s wives and would not be part of the official ceremony.)

Alex and the six other firefighters from Roswell were given a position of honor at Alex Taylor's funeral. They stood at near attention, two deep, lining the top of the stairway leading to the entrance of St. Patrick's Cathedral in midtown Manhattan. Isabel, dressed in her own self-styled uniform consisting of her black Donna Karan suit worn with a crisp white vee necked blouse and black cravat, stood behind her husband and rounded out the New Mexico squad.

Alex struggled to maintain his composure as Firefighter Taylor's flag draped coffin was lowered from the hosebed of Engine Five-Five by her shift mate's. The pallbearers marched in place turning their precious cargo until they were able to line her up with the stairs headfirst, the star-studded canton of the flag over her left shoulder.

Alex's mind wandered back to the dream that they had invited Alex Taylor in to, the night when she had been driving the engine that she had been trained on. He remembered the happy look on her face, her eyes bright and so full of life while she was doing what she loved. His sole consolation was the knowledge that she was in a better place where her father and so many of her brothers and sisters were waiting for her.

His attention snapped back to the present where Monsignor Ritchie was at the Lectern reading the Gospel. He had selected a passage from the Book of John Chapter Eleven where Jesus consoled Martha on the death of her brother. ‘I am the resurrection and the life;’ he read. ‘Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’

“Yes, I believe,” Alex answered softly, as the Monsignor closed the Gospel and the assembly was seated.

Mayor Giuliani placed his hands on the arms of his chair and rose wearily as if he carried the weight of the world on the shoulders. He slowly approached the pulpit and as he settled into place he turned and thanked the Monsignor for his kind words. He then began the eulogy by telling a story dating back to when he was a city councilman. He talked about attending the promotion ceremony of a newly minted Fire Captain, and his young daughter. “He was so proud of his daughter, and as I bent down to shake her hand she told me that she was going to be a fireman just like Daddy.” He then elaborated on how Chief Taylor had always kept him apprised of Alex's progress within the department. He was even secretly proud of her struggle for independence, of how she tried to progress within the fire service on her own merit, instead of skating through the ranks as the Chief's daughter.”

The Mayor then spoke intimately to the assemblage, desperately trying to comfort the brave men and woman who'd lost so much these past months. His voice faded into the background as Alex took Isabel's hand in his own, and he opened their connection, drawing calm and comfort from her.

The young couple went through the rest of the ceremony woodenly progressing through the motions as the Mass concluded. They followed Alex out of the cathedral and took their place in the phalanx behind Engine Five-Five as it carried the city's newest hero to her eternal resting place besides her father.

After the interment, Isabel and Alex found themselves at the reception which was held at the Knights of Columbus hall as the number of attendees would have overwhelmed any other venue. They looked and felt out of place, but they were soon approached by Firefighter Derek Kelley and Paramedic ‘Doc’ Parker, both from the Five-Five House.

“When you leave here, don’t go back to the house,” DK implored.

“Go back to your hotel, put on some regular clothes, and go out and see the city,” Doc added.

“It would be a shame if you went home and told your friends that you came here and all you saw was a pile of rubble where a thousand people were still buried and a coffin on the back of a fire truck.”

“We don’t want to be disrespectful,,,” Alex implored.

We know that,” DK replied just as earnestly. “And don’t think we don’t appreciate it.”

“You guys aren’t union, and you’re not even in the fire service,” Doc added, nodding towards Isabel. “You came here on your time, at your own expense, to pay your respects. Don’t think that doesn’t say a lot about you,,,”

“Do you know what they need?” DK interjected.

“I’m afraid to ask,” sighed Doc.

“Lombardi’s pizza, down on Spring St down in Little Italy. They can’t come to New York City for their first time, and not get a pizza.”

“Yea,” Doc agreed. “You guys have got to go over to the Lexington Avenue station, take the Four Train down to the Spring Avenue stop, and you'll be two blocks away from Lombardi's.”

“After you finish there, you've got to go up to Times Square and catch the Gray Line tour of nighttime Manhattan. The best way for the first time to see the city is under the lights.”

Later that night, once settled in their room, Isabel chewed her lower lip nervously as she waited for her husband to finish his shower. She stood by the bed wearing a new red negligee that she had selected from her hope chest especially for this trip. It consisted of little more than a sheer red cape, with spaghetti straps and a single tie below her breasts, along with a tiny panty that tied over both hips.

Isabel debated whether to keep the negligee on, or to hide it in her bag and put Alex’s shirt on. For the first time in her life she could not gauge his mood, let alone how to react to him. While he seemed to enjoy their ride on the top of the double-decker bus tour of Manhattan, she had watched helplessly as he withdrew into himself. She could sense a darkness on his soul, as if the death of his mentor was one more insult to his system than he could stand.

Hearing the water turn off, her anxiety spiked before she took a calming breath and reigned her emotions in. ‘What’s the worse that could happen,’ she asked herself. ‘He could come out and rape me,’ she answered. ‘Well, I’m almost as big as he is, so it’s not as if he could hurt me, well too badly,’ she debated. ‘And it wouldn’t be a rape as I am willing to do whatever he needs of me, so if he needs to vent his rage on me, that’s what I’ll do,,,’ Isabel gasped at the enormity of her thoughts, ‘This is Alex. He’s not going to hurt me, maybe he’ll be extra gentle with me, or maybe I’ll need to take the lead,,,’

But her pondering was cut short as he emerged from the bath wearing just a towel wrapped around his waist. With a blank face that gave nothing away he stepped over to their luggage and without any self-consciousness dropped his towel and pulled on a pair of boxers.

Isabel bit her lip in anticipation as Alex slowly approached her, but her anxiety faded as he took her into his arms, treating her as if she was the most precious and delicate gift he had ever received. She felt his soft touch on her upper arms as he held her in place long enough to place a whisper light kiss on her forehead before guiding her to her side of the already folded down bed. Watching as he picked up the blankets, she rolled onto her back and settled onto the bed, allowing him to tuck her in for the night. She waited anxiously as he walked around the foot of the bed and then climbed in besides her before rolling onto his side face her. Now that she knew what position he chose to sleep in, she could get comfortable. She rolled onto her side and snuggled her back into his front before lifting her top arm so he could wrap his arm around her. She leaned back into him and waited patiently for him to tuck his hand under her breast before she rolled forward, trapping his hand where it belonged, and settled in for the night.


“Yea Sweetie?”

“Can we connect?”

“Of course Sweetie. We connect all the time. Why would you ask?”

‘I don't mean like that,” he explained. “I mean like the super connect we did the night we got married,,,”

“Anything you want,” Isabel replied as she twisted her head and kissed his arm. “Just lie back and let me take care of it.”

Within minutes Isabel had opened herself to her husband, joining with him in their collective consciousness. She waited for him to flood in, but when that failed to happen, she went and met him. Seeing that he had no agenda, she decided to create one of their own. She decided that they needed to spend a relaxing day in the park and she called on her family for help.

“Take these out to the car, would you Sweetie?”

‘Damn,’ Alex thought to himself as he picked up picnic basket and cooler. ‘Someone's hungry today,’ but his confusion grew as he walked through the door of the strange house and found a gleaming hybrid SUV-crossover in the driveway.

“Girls,” Isabel called out. “Daddy’s ready to go, let's not keep him waiting.”

Isabel's call was answered by a herd of tiny feet that came clopping into the kitchen. She got down onto her knees as her daughters happily ran into her arms. “Now Girls, Daddy's had a rough week, so I need you to be extra good today, okay?”

Cassiopeia, her oldest daughter with her short dark blond hair and her mother’s brown eyes, nodded solemnly while Andromeda, a year younger with her golden ponytail and glistening blue eyes, smiled mischievously. “If Daddy's having a bad week I should bring my oak brush,” Cassie reasoned. “Daddy always brushes your hair when you have a bad day, and you feel better, so I could brush Daddy’s hair and make him feel better.”

“That's okay Princess,” Isabel answered. “Daddy enjoys brushing our hair for us, not the other way around. You're going to make Daddy feel better just by being there.”

Moments later their dream morphed to the park. Isabel looked over at her husband who had stopped pushing the girls on the swing set and was now on his hands and knees in the soft grass while Cassie and Andy played jungle Alex. She had never seen Alex so happy and the girls were laughing so hard she thought that they would have trouble breathing. Cassie and Andy attacked their farther, each grabbing one of his wrist in their little hands and pulling. Alex, who would do anything for as little girl's, fell onto the ground feinting defeat, but as the girls took advantage of their prisoner another figure appeared and joined the party.

“Mind if I join in?” Alex Taylor asked. She was dressed for a day in the park, wearing a simple white T-shirt over a pair of jean cutoffs. Moments later she too was on her back as the girls gave their father a chance to catch his breath while they subdued their latest victim. Alex T. proved to be less of a pushover then their father. She scooped the girls up into her arms and mounted her own tickle attack.

Isabel was distracted from the play as she found a fussy Orion nestled in her lap. She became panicked, not knowing what to do with the crying infant, but her anxiety turned to shock as her motherly instincts took over and she casually tossed a towel over her shoulder, unbuttoned her blouse, unsnapped her bra, and lifted ‘Rion to nurse. Isabel could not believe the sense of calm that swept over her as she fulfilled the simple function, a function as old as time itself. Her world contracted until it was just the two of them, her brown eyes locked on his blue, while he sucked hungrily at her breast.

Soon the girls had worn out the adults and run off to climb on the monkey bar, Alex and Alex T. following slowly behind them. “This is why we do it Alex. For them. Everything we do, all of the smoke, dirt, and misery we face every day, is just so that we can make a world a better place for them.” Alex T. turned so that she was facing Alex directly and took his hands in her own. “Remember me like this. A beautiful day watching children at play, making sure they know they are loved.” She let go of his hands, and as she turned to walk away she added, “I will always be watching over them, and I will always make sure that they are safe.”

Alex turned back to his wife, who was settling ‘Rion into his stroller. He called over to the girls that it was time to leave, and taking their hands into each one of his, he gathered up his family, ready for the journey into the future, with no regrets.

Alex awoke to find Isabel standing in front of the window looking down at the lights of the city. He stealthily crept up behind her, but was not surprised that she could sense his presence before he was able to wrap his arms around her. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he pulled her tightly back against his hard chest. “Thank you for that dream,” he whispered.

“I don't know where that came from,” she replied softly.

“It came from here,” he answered, brushing his hand over her heart as he kissed her special spot under her ear.

“How could I dream walk her?,,” Isabel nearly choked out, her voice belying her fear.

“That wasn't a dream walk,” he answered reassuringly. “Did you see the scar on Alex's arm?”


“Maria got that scar when she was ten years old. She fell off Liz's fire escape and landed on the dumpster. The Alex in your dream came from your sub-conscious. She had Alex's face, Maria's body, and Thumpers legs. By the way, I could've done without that visual of Thumpers legs,,,”

“You liked that, hugh?” Isabel teased. “Best legs in West Roswell High.”

“Second best.”

“Second best?” Isabel asked in confusion. “The whole school says she's got the best,,,”

“Every other woman can only hope to be second best when compared to you,” Alex confirmed as he started to caress his way down her body. He ran his hands down the front of her thighs, and when his arms were fully extended, he slowly teased his way back up the insides. As his wife became putty in his hands, he pulled the ties over hips, allowing her brief panty to flutter to the floor, but her rapture turned to panic as he next untied her gown and slipped the shoulder straps down her arms.

“Alex! The window!”

“Relax,” he whispered, his mouth so close she could feel his breath on her ear, “We’re thirty-two floors up. No one can see us.”

Isabel’s protest died on her lips as Alex stoked her fires higher and higher as his hands roamed her body. “I know you better than yourself, he teased. “I know that you can’t imagine being away from home with me for the weekend without making love,” he teased.

Isabel moaned and leaned back, melting into him as he continued his seduction. “No, open your eyes. Look out the window,” he commanded as he ground Fred into her backside and brought her over her first peak with his hands. “This is our world. You’re my alien Goddess, and I want to give you all this,,,”

“I've got everything I need right here,” taking him in her hand as she regained her breath. She started to lead him to the bed, but Alex stopped her.

“No, right here,” he panted, as he pushed her back against the window as Fred rubbed through her curls and he cupped her ass.

“Standing?” Isabel gasped. “I'm not one of your girlfriends, I'm almost twice their size,,,”

“So,,, help,” Alex commanded. “Wrap your arms around my neck and hang on.”

Isabel did just that, and as Fred found his place she wrapped her legs around his hips as well. She imagined what they looked like from the outside, her back and ass plastered against the glass, and with this thought in mind she was well on her way through her second peak.

Alex was very pleased with himself, that he could bring his wife so much pleasure, but is his own approached he knew it was time to open their connection. It exploded to life and his breath caught in his throat as he was once again awestruck with the knowledge of how much she loved him. He felt her teeth bite into his shoulder as her nails raked his back, pushing him over the edge, but before that happened he felt her strong arms and legs turn to jelly.

“You dropped me!” Isabel screamed.

Alex need of a moment of recovery before he was able to focus on a very angry wife sitting on the floor with her legs wrapped around his ankles while she rubbed her ass.

“I can't believe you fracking dropped me,” she repeated, her voice rapidly changing from shock to amusement.

“Dropped you?” he exclaimed. “I didn't drop you! You let go, and you're practically tore Fred out by the roots in doing so,,,”

“Poor, poor, Fred,” Isabel teased as she squirmed upright with her back to the glass while she reached for his ass and pulled him closer. “Don’t worry, Mama will kiss you and make everything feel better.”

Alex honestly wanted to admonish Isabel, warning her that she should never say the word Mama when they were nekkid, but before he could form the words, something happened that drove all conscious thoughts from his mind.

After a hearty breakfast of sausage and biscuits, and saying good-by to Paramedic Kim Zambrano and the rest of the watch, Alex and Isabel left the Five-Five house with plans to see New York from the top of the Empire State Building before heading to the airport for their flight home. After a brief stop at a Starbucks, where Isabel stunned a barista by ordering a grande espresso, they walked past the nearest subway stop needing to walk another three blocks before descending into a ‘N line’ station.

“You think that girl never served an espresso before,” Isabel complained.

“You have to admit Izzy, espressos usually come in these little tiny cups. You have enough caffeine in your hand to keep half the city up all night.”

She turned to face her husband, giving him the eyebrow of disapproval, before she realized that he was teasing her. “I can taste it,” she said softly. “Do you know how many unadulterated human foods I can taste? Damned few,” she answered as the train screeched into the station. Being an early Sunday morning, the subway car was almost empty, save the young couple and a several men who were waiting behind them of the platform. Several stops later the three men got up and approached Isabel. “This is your stop,” the leader said under his breath.

“We've got a little way to go yet,” Alex replied as he stood and wedged his way between Isabel and the new arrivals. “But thank you for your concern,,,”

“Nicholas said you were a wise ass,” the largest of the men taunted. “You can either come with us, or we'll do you right now, but the Princess here has an appointment to keep.”

It took over an hour, and three transfers, but eventually the group wound up in an abandoned warehouse in a rundown industrial part of the Bronx. One of the skins used his powers to open the warehouse door, and they rode a rickety freight elevator up to the top floor.

“Isabel,” Nicolas taunted. “You don't call, you don't write, not even an e-mail. If I didn't know better I’d think you were avoiding me.”

“I haven't been avoiding you,” Isabel replied confidently. “In fact ever since meeting you at Copper Summit I've been dying to ask you one question. How did a kid who hasn't been able to graduate from the eighth grade for the last forty years ever get put in charge?”

“Interesting choice of words Vilandra, dying, since I'm going to make your,,, human friend, suffer before I kill him,” Nicholas cackled. “But since he's going to pay the price I'll tell you. I didn't come to this fracking mudball in this fracking husk. I am the Herzog of this ill fated expedition, and as such I was entitled to one of the first husk of the production line. It was a magnificent husk befitting my station in life, but it was also defective. Five years after I arrived our last ship delivered the final group of pioneers, our servants. They were equipped with new and improve husks, a necessary innovation since three of the husk of my original group had already failed. These new husks emulated human teenagers, a perfect disguise for our servants as no one here pays attention to worthless kids unless they need someone to fetch them a cold one from the refrigerator. Now I could not just sit around and wait for my husk to fail. I was much too important to the mission to allow that to happen to me, so one of the new arrivals gave me his husk,,,”

“So this guy just voluntarily gave you his husk?” Isabel said in disbelief. “What happened to him?”

“I never said anything about voluntarily,” Nicolas hissed. “And as far as what happened to him, who cares?”

“Well I’m glad you shared that with me,” Isabel said in a deceptively calm voice. “It’s going to make what I have to do a whole lot easier.”

“And what’s that?” Nicholas asked in a voice that showed how little he cared about what she had to say.

“Kill you.”

“Kill me Vilandra? Do you expect me believe that you’re going to get your perfectly manicured hands dirty? Besides we outnumber you four to one.”

“That may be true, but you’re going to go first.”

“Ewww, Vilandra. I’m so scared.”

“You know Nicholas,” interrupted Alex, who up until now had kept a low profile. “I wouldn’t keep calling her that, you’re going to piss her off.”

“If I wanted any lip from a fracking human, I’d rip it from your ugly face,” Nicholas spat contemptuously as he lazily raised his hand to sent a blast Alex’s way, but Isabel fired first.

Isabel’s shot was strong and true, and came completely without warning. Nicholas’ shield barely protected him, and in fact if it wasn’t automatically triggered by his ‘fight or flight’ instinct, he could not have raised it in time. Nevertheless, Isabel’s attack knocked him flat on his back and knocked the wind out of him.

The other skins, dismayed at seeing their leader struck down so easily, started raining blast after blast on Isabel, who absorbed their best efforts, seemingly without effect, while she slowly and methodically traversed her arm dispatching Nicholas’ minions with single shots. By the time Nicholas had recovered enough to return fire, the air was filled with flakes of skin, riding on the mini heat thermals caused by the rapid discharges of energy.

With the rest of the skins dusted, Isabel and Nicholas squared off against each other and started exchanging blast. These were not the panic snapshots that the skins have been able to fire, they were massively powerful blast available only to the masters of their races. Nicholas slowed his rate of fire allowing a larger charge to build before reach shot, hoping that a more powerful blast would have an effect on his opponent. Isabel meanwhile pounded away at his shield, weakening it with every shot.

Nicolas knew he couldn't take much more, so he raised his arms in surrender. “I didn't believe the mullet head when he said you had a new type of shield, but it looks like we have a standoff here,,,”

“Standoff?” Isabel taunted. “For the sake of my family, I can keep going all day,”

“You may be able to, but he can't,” Nicolas hissed as he fired a blast at Alex, striking him square in the torso.

Alex glanced down to the center of his chest before looking Nicholas in the eye. “Ooops! Bet you weren’t expecting that,” he taunted as a anger red charge began to grow on his outstretched hand. “This one’s for Andromeda,” he exclaimed as he released his shot.

Nicholas’ raised his still substantial shield, only to find it ineffective against this new threat. Alex’s hot ball passed through his shield as if it wasn’t there and struck him just to the left of the center of his chest. Nicholas let loose an inhuman scream as his husk started to sear under an overload of thermal energy, but he still heard Alex’s cry, “And this one is for Cassiopeia.” Alex’s cold ball struck next, and like a hot glass filled with freezing cold water, Nicholas’ husk shattered.

Isabel ran to her husband and took him into her arms, but was shocked as he pushed her away. “Are you all right? “Did anything get through the vest?”

“No, I’m fine. Everything went just as we planned,” she replied opening their connection to both reassure him that she was all right and to check him for injuries.

“We've got to get out of here,” Alex declared as he looked around the room for any intimidating evidence. “Not only do we have to get out of here in case somebody heard something and called the police, but we got a plane to catch.”

Isabel used her photographic memory to bring up a New York City subway map, and she found the name of the subway stop that the skins have brought them to. “We’re three transfers away from the hotel and our bags. Then we’re at least two transfers away from the airport. We'll never make it.”

“Let me have access to the guidebook I gave you,” Alex asked as he opened their connection. Moments later he confidently replied, “We can make it, but we won't be able to use the subway at all. We'll have to take a cab to the hotel, and then a cab to the Southside Seaport.”

Isabel closed the warehouse door behind her, using her powers to fuse it in place in order to slow down any investigation, no matter how unlikely. “We don't have the money for a cab fare to midtown Manhattan.”

Alex dug into his pocket and pulled out a couple of singles. “Here, turn these into twenties. That should be enough to carry us until we reach a place where we can use a credit card.”

“I'm not doing that,” Isabel protested. “That's counterfeiting. This country has been very good to me, and I am not going to cheat it.”

“Fine,” Alex moaned. “When we get back to Roswell you can take some real twenties and turn them into singles, but in the meantime we need cab fare.”

By this time they had reached a main thoroughfare. Alex, realizing that most cabbies were men, allowed Isabel to step off the curb and flag one down. Moments later, while a yellow cab cut across three lanes of traffic and screeched to a stop in front of her, Isabel turned to ask her husband one last question. “Why are we going to the Southside Seaport instead of the airport?”

“Actually,” Alex replied guiltily, “We’re not go into the Southside Seaport, we’re going right next door to the Downtown Heliport,,,”

“Heliport?” Isabel gasped. “I'm scared to death of airplanes and you taken me up in a fracking helicopter? A fracking little glass bubble with no wings and a big propeller held on by a single nut?” She climbed into the cab, and as she slid across the seat to make room for him she continued her tirade, “I had to be fracking nuts to marry you. Ever since I said my vow's all you've been trying to do is get me onto fracking airplanes. First big airplanes, and now a fracking helicopter. I swear you’re try to kill me,,,”

The cabbie looked back at Alex with a smile on his face. “Where to chief?”

“The Times Square Hampton Inn,,,”

“And you know why they call it a Jesus nut? Because when the Jesus nut falls off there is nothing else holding the main rotor on and it's just like a Road Runner cartoon. The main rotor keeps turning while the helicopter drops like a stone. All that's left is this little,,, mushroom cloud of dust. I married you so I could be turned into a little mushroom cloud of dust by a fracking fifty cent Jesus nut,,,”

“Eighth Avenue and West Fifty-Ninth Street,” Alex instructed over Isabel's continued complaining.

Taking note of the couple's young age the cabbie couldn't help muttering under his breath, “She may be a looker, but man you have no idea what you've got yourself in for.”

“What’s that label?” Isabel asked with panic in her voice, noticing a bright red tag on the handle of their garment bag. “This parcel was opened and hand inspected by LaGuardia Airport Security,” she read out loud. “I told you they would find out about our vests.”

“Izzy, it’s not a problem,” Alex said calmly as he took the bag from her hand. If it was, they never would have let us get all the way to Albuquerque before saying anything to us.” He walked over to a bench and casually zipped it open, lifting a printed sheet from the top of his uniform jacket. “See? Here’s Jim’s letter. They read it and everything’s okay.” Alex returned the document, a sheet of Roswell Sheriff’s Department letterhead containing a single paragraph explaining that as representatives of the city they were required to wear the protective garments as part of their uniforms. “See? Everything’s fine,” he said reassuringly.

His confidence evoked a shy smile from his wife. “Thank God and the Granolith we had them.”

Several hours later it was Alex's turn to panic as he looked down at his PDA.

“What is it, Sweetie?”

“It’s an e-mail from the Granolith. ‘Welcome home Isabel. Royal Four Square. Sister of Zan. Keeper of the Royal Seal of Antar. First in line of succession to the throne of Antar Prime and the Antarian Planetary Cluster. Wife of Alex. Welcome home Alex. Interface with the Granolith. Husband of Isabel,,,”

“That’s nice.”

“Yea,” Alex agreed. ‘But how the hell did it know?’ he added silently.

Across town a cell phone rang. The bearer took it out and looked at the text message, ‘Welcome home Isabel,,,’

My completed stories:

The Seekers, I&A with angst

Alex C Whitman SSAIC, (Supervising Special Agent in Charge) I&A with uber-angst