The Heart That Saved Us All Adult Chapter 11 3/3/07 [WIP]

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Post by harroc83 »

Chapter 11

Serena looked at Liz sitting across from her and held her breath. She was in all honesty scared about what the other woman wanted to talk to her about. Liz looked at the woman that tried to ruin her relationship with the love of her life.

“Serena I’m not going to drag this out longer than necessary so I’m going to say what I have to say and leave after that. Serena nodded her head but said nothing. She knew that there was nothing to say.

“I thought you were my friend but obviously I was wrong. You thought you feelings for Zan were more important than our friendship. I’m not going to be mad about it because I rather know now than find out later down the road when I’m married to Zan” said Liz looking at her directly in the eye.

Liz saw the spark of anger and then sadness before the woman in front her became indifferent.

“I will marry him Serena because I love him, the real love the one that you obviously think you feel towards Zan but I don’t think so”, said Liz trying to keep her anger at bay.

“How do you know that I don’t love him, because I do”, yelled Serena.

Liz laughed at the woman in front of her.

“Love if that is love I don’t want any part of that kind of love. You were married Serena, you took a vow to honor your husband but you spit on that vow. You kissed my boyfriend in front of me showing me how respectable you are, you continue to say you love Zan instead of trying to fix your marriage. I find that funny. I’m not mad at you, Zan is easy to love, but he is not for you to love. He never will be. He is my soulmate, my other half, and the father of my children”, said Liz rubbing her belly.

Serena’s eyes bugged out her head. Liz picked up her purse and began to leave there was nothing left for her to say.

“Why did you really come her Liz? Was it to rub my face in it?”, asked Serena.

“God no, I thought I would come here and see if you really that selfish or you honestly made a mistake, Know I know, good day Dr. Valenti or actually since I know tht Kyle will be getting a divorce, goodbye Dr. Anderson”, said Liz looking at the other women.

She felt nothing. She wasn’t even angry at her, this woman had more troubles that she could ever give her. Liz left that house and knew that she would never come back. Her friendship with Serena was gone that much she knew. Now was the time to move on with her life, one with Zan and Angel and the baby that lay in her womb waiting to be born.


Zan sat across from Kal saying nothing. Kal looked at the man that he still considered to be his son. He knew that he didn’t do right by him but he had no choice or so he kept telling himself. He sighed once more. They were leaving for the airport in a little while. Liz had left to run some errands and Angel was playing in her room.

“Zan you know what is waiting for you there”, said Kal, sipping his coffee.

Zan nodded his head and looked down. He knew exactly what awaited him there, his supposed destiny. He had come to hate that word. Zan looked down at his arms that still were adorned with his tattoos. He knew when he had them down that it wasn’t just for decoration. He knew that they meant something. Kal looked at them too.

“It’s the royal four. You, Liz, Michael, and Isabel”, said Kal looking at Zan’s tattoos.

“Then where did that bitch Tess come into this?”, asked Zan.

“She wanted to be queen in fact it was her that started the war that got us all sent here”, said Kal.

Zan looked at him and nodded so that he could continue.

“You had a great love, Liz’s past self her name was Angel”, said Kal.

Zan raised an eyebrow at that.

“Like my daughter”, said Zan.

Kal nodded his head.

“ Well you guys had that fairytale romance, she was the maid at your home, but it didn’t matter to you, you fought hard with everyone to make sure that she was allowed to be by your side, Everyone thought you was crazy, even your mother was against it but you were determined to make her your queen”, said Kal smirking.

He remembered who Zan used to be. Zan was no different now as he was then.

“So Tess her name was Ava was supposed to be your chosen one everyone expected you to marry her but when you chose a “commoner” over royalty she sought out vengeance on both you and Liz. She got her brother Kivar to rage a war on our world that still continues to this day. Our people try to fight back but you have to understand that our world wasn’t a world that went to war we were a neutral force that never attacked another nation. The last war we had was 50 years before you came into power”, said Kal.

“Who is ruling in my place?”, asked Zan.

“Kivar”, said Kal.

Zan looked at the man in front of him. He knew what that meant.

“I have to go back don’t I”, stated Zan.

“I don’t know, if we can get Kivar defeated here, maybe you won’t have to”, said Kal. Zan nodded his head and sighed.

“Daddy”, squealed Angel jumping into her father’s lap.

“Hey babygirl”, whispered Zna kissing her forehead.

“Granddaddy, you promised to come play twurks with me”, said Angel with a slight lisp. Kal smiled at her.

“I was just coming now”, said Kal smiling at the little girl.

Zan looked at Kal over Angel’s head.

“We have to leave Angel, we are going on vacation remember to Roswell where Aunt Isabel lives”, said Zan.

Angel nodded her head and smiled before running off to her room. She came back a minute later dragging a small powerpuff suitcase.

“I’m weadie daddy”, said Angel smiling.

Zan laughed. The suitcase coud barely close because Angel stuffed all of teddy bears and toy cars there what she forgot was to put clothing into the suitcase.

“Angel we already packed a suitcase for you, remember”, said Zan smiling at his little girl.

“Oh yeah, momma did it”, said Angel bobbing her head.

Angel ran back to her room just as quickly as she came in.

“That kid has a lot of energy”, said Kal.

Zan nodded his head in agreement.

“Its time to go”, said Kal.

Zan nodded his head and went to go get Angel from her room.

Angel sat in the middle seat between both her parents on the airplane that was to fly them to Roswell. She could feel the nervous and tense energy all around her. She was young but she knew that something wrong was going to happen. She looked on the other side of the airplane and saw her cousin Rath looking worried too. She knew something bad was going to happen but she didn’t know what. She hoped that her mommy and daddy were okay. She bit her lower lip hoping that her parents were going to be okay but she had a feeling that they might not be. She looked at her hands and hid them. No one knew that she had powers. She knew that she should tell her mommy but she was scared that something might happen.


“Roswell here we are”, said Isabel getting out of the cab that brought them from the airport.

Zan looked around and shivered something was in the air. He turned around and saw Liz cuddling Angel to her chest and smiling. It always made him smile to see them like that.

“Let’s go see your parents”, said Alez wrapping an arm around Isabel. She nodded her head. Isabel opened the door.

“Mom, Dad I’m home”, yelled Isabel.

“Hey honey”, said Diane Evans.

“Mom this is the people I told you about”, said Isabel smiling.

Diane looked at her confused for a minute.

“But the people in the living room said they knew you from New York”, said Diane.

“What people”, said Isabel.

Zan stepped forward and signaled for Michael to follow him. Something wasn’t right. He walked into the living room and gasped. There sat Tess and Jeff Parker smiling and drinking coffee with Phillip Evans.

“Hello Zan”, said the blond, blue-eyed girl evilly smirking at him.

“Dad”, gasped Liz clutching Angel to her chest.

Jeff Parker smirked. This was too good.
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