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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


I looked around at the house I had purchased. It was large enough. Hide way back in the woods of Haven, the old mansion had been uninhabitable until now. I stood at the top of the turn of the century staircase. I had spent thousands of dollars making my new home exactly how I wanted it. The whole bottom floor was open and on the back of the house a wall of glass. I even decorated all the rooms instead of leaving them empty like I usually did. Some thing about this town made me happy.

No it isn’t the town. It’s the people in the town. I haven’t felt this happy in decades. I entered my study. The wood floor polished and bookcases to the ceiling (full of books of course). My large mahogany desk and chair in the middle of the room. A spiraling stair case leading to a balcony filled with even more books and a huge fireplace behind my chair. It was exactly how I imagined it to be.

I sat in my chair taking it all in. They would be here soon. I imagined their expressions. I am sure Max is going to love the house and the town. Zan will most likely get bored in a week but it is going to be nice to have them. Hopefully Tess and Devlin will find something to like about Haven.

I pulled a book from the shelf and sat again by the fire to await my guests.


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I growled as I hit my alarm clock. The red numbers seemed to mock me as I read them, 6:30 a.m. I rolled over trying to go back to sleep. Who cares if I’m late for school? Who needs school anyway?

Sleep didn’t come. I climbed out of my warm bed, shivering as my feet hit the wood floor. I quickly stumble into the warm shower. I spend to long in there and have to wear my curly hair wet to school but I do eventually make it to school, although I am late for first period. I spend 1st and 2nd period thinking about Caleb. He’s probably killed 10 werewolves in one night and here I am trying not to fall asleep in algebra. The bell rings for lunch and I enter the Cafeteria. I grab a coke and some chips and head out to the courtyard. I eat lunch alone as always.

I skip 3rd and 4th period and head out to the beach. One good thing about this town, you can walk everywhere. I spend the rest of the day tanning and swimming in the cold ocean. Valerie isn’t going to be happy if she finds out I skipped class again today but who cares. At 4:00 I start to head home, who knows maybe Valerie is in a good mood today.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

No prob, I'll temp. :D And I'll definitely get my posts up first thing tomorrow morning.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: hope this works....



It’s respect for Micah that brought the others and me to this town of Haven. I’ll admit the idea of leaving New York City to be in some other setting wasn’t quite appealing, but unlike my brother, I was always open to the possibilities. Besides, Micah sired us; I rarely ever turned down a request he might make. I might not have quite enjoyed the way my life changed in the beginning when I was first turned, but since then, knowing I have my brother at my side has made it a great deal easier.

Turning, I glance at the others. We’re nearly there. I could only hope that this would be good for us, all of us. Tess, Devlin, Zan and myself. It was already obvious that Micah had found something that comforted him. Glancing at Tess who is seated beside me in the car, I can’t keep from thinking about the night I offered her immortality. I had sworn to myself that I would never put another person through the hell of watching their families die before they did.

Sometimes, I can almost feel content with Tess nearby, but then I remember watching her go through the painful transition that I’d caused her to go through. I’d only intended to enjoy her body, her blood and walk away from a corpse, but the sounds she’d made when my fangs slid into her tender flesh just as she had come while beneath me caused me to look at her, the look of trust that she’d still had in her eyes had held me. That was when I’d asked her if she wanted to live for eternity.

That was when I’d seen her nod and kissed her with her own blood in my mouth before I replaced my fangs in her neck, turning her. She still looked as beautiful now as she had when I’d first seen her. But, now she was more then human, her appeal was more dangerous now. I’d turned her into a killer, something I could never change or take back. I’d seen her during a feeding and hated that there were times when it disgusted me even while it excited me. Hell, my own feedings evoked the same things.

Tess and I may not be together now, but she was still mine to protect and I always protected my coven. I would gladly kill to protect them or even die to protect them, it was just the way I was. “We should be at this place Micah purchased soon.” I say, almost pointlessly.

I knew Zan probably didn’t want to be here, from what I’ve already seen of the area around us, he’s likely to be board easy. Glancing at Dev, I wasn’t sure how he’d feel about this. When he first joined our coven, he’d been a bit hard to get used to. It was obvious that following rules wasn’t going to be an action he’d accept easily. Still, I would protect him as well, he was a part of my coven, and that made him a part of our family.

Taking a turn, I saw what must have been the house up ahead, glancing around and finding that it appealed to my senses already. Woods surrounded the immaculate mansion that seemed as though it was simply a part of the nature that surrounded it rather then made separately. I could see what Micah had probably seen when he’d first found the place.

Pulling up to the drive, I drew the vehicle to a stop, stepping from the car and moving around to the passenger’s door and opening it for Tess, a habit I hadn’t been able to get rid of when it came to women. Holding my hand out for Tess, should she choose to take it, I prepared to help her from the car. My mind was already whirling with thoughts about how the interior might probably look.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


Here I am working in my sister Valerie’s café. My legs are killing me and I always work an 8 hour shift. The trouble of being me is I don’t take breaks to eat or anything else, unless I am force to. Plus, I told my sister I would help out as much as I can. This way we will have money to eat, pay the bills, and have a life.

But what is a life without being normal? I don’t know. I’m not close to being normal and I don’t think I ever am. My faith is killing weird creatures and hunting them down. But lately I am getting sick of killing. All I want see to be a normal girl, have friends to be close to, and not afraid to be myself. However, I don’t have friends. When I was in high school I was a loner just like Raegan. I know Raegan doesn’t have friends. She never talked about anyone, plus she doesn’t bring anyone home with her.

I put my order in to the chief and grab a table five’s food. I walk to the table and put their food in front of them. I smiles sweetly and put down their bill. “Enjoy.” I said walking away. As soon as I walk away I hear the door bell ring. I look up at the door to see my next customer, and it is my sister Reagan.

I know Reagan skipped school again and Valerie isn't going to be please. I am not happy either. I go over to her with I'm not happy nor please look, "I see you skip school again?" I stated to her.
Last edited by Dreamer_Dreaming on Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Rolling over, I let out a groan as light escapes into the apartment through the closed blinds. The bed creaks as I move, and when I turn I turn directly into the arms of Samara, who's still sound asleep.

Smiling, I watch her sleep for a moment. We've been together for nearly eight years, and though our love isn't as passionate as it may have once been, she's been my best friend and stayed loyal for all that time. Trying not to wake her, I get out of bed with the grace that usually comes with being a Were and head to the bathroom.

Once I'm cleaned up and feeling refreshed, I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and head out to the kitchen for some coffee. Since I'm the alpha, Samara and I got our own room, which is great considering that Isabelle, Maria, and Kyle are all sharing the pull-out in the living room. Power is great.

The coffee machine is already on, and I notice that Maria's already awake, and both Kyle and Isabelle seem to be stirring. Nodding at her, I grab a cup of coffee and down it almost instantly before sitting on the couch. I hear noise from the bedroom, and figure that Samara finally woke up. Good. We've got stuff to do today. It's bad enough that we've slept through most of the morning and early afternoon.

We're here in Haven, because I finally was able to track the trail of that idiot Warlock who thought he'd get away with killing my father. And now that we're here, I plan on finding him and killing him.

"We've got to scout out the people here," I say to anyone who's listening, and turn to Maria. "I want to find out anything out of the ordinary here, and see what we can find out about any covens or anything."

Turning to Kyle's still sleeping form, and speaking with a louder voice, I say, "Kyle, see if there's anyone at the school that isn't entirely human. Guarantee you that there's at least one witch there." I know he heard me. And he better react.
Last edited by Fehr'sBear on Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Grunting as Michael's voice cuts through the peace of sleep, I mentally pry my eyes open. "Got it Michael. Search out the school for the other weirdies." That's what I call this mess of Were's, Vampires, and Witches. We aren't normal. We're better than normal, but to others we are weird, mythological things.

Rolling off the bed onto the floor, I do a quick fifty pushups, and hop up, downing the cup of coffee Michael has poured for me before I wander into the bathroom, showering and dressing quickly.

It isn't all that great to have to move around a lot and go to so many schools, nor is it fun to be the only guy in the pack that isn't out of highschool. I deal long as the school has a football team. And from the big field outside of Haven high, I'm in luck. And anything is better than my last pack. I left them for reasons that I'm still not even comfortable thinking about. Michael, Isabelle, Maria, and Samara are my family now. And that's all that matters. I'd do anything for them.

"So what do you want me to do if I do meet a witch, exactly...bring her home with me? We need a plan to get at the coven." I start school tomorrow, and Michael's already giving me a list of things to do. I do need to learn to you know.
Last edited by Fehr'sBear on Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


The late-afternoon sun is still bright when I get up, feeling rejuvenated already from last night's events. Some dumb vampire fledgling took a very wrong turn when he ended up in my path last night, and I'd easily taken him out with my knife from a few yards away. It had been too easy, so I'd stayed out the rest of the night, looking for whoever may have sired him, but lucky for them they took off before his three day turn.

I love the rush when I plunge a knife into a Vampire's heart before decapitating him, and the pulse of adrenaline when I shoot a silver bullet at a Werewolf that thinks he can run away. It's great to be a hunter; there's nothing better.

People always ask why I've never been to college, and the answer's simple. Why spend money to follow a different career path when I can just fill my days with hunting the vermin of this earth? Sometimes I think Valerie wishes I took a different path, but I'm happy how I am.

Freshening up before leaving, I head out the door and to the restaurant that our family owns for a late breakfast. Walking in the door, I take a seat at the counter and wave at Lexi. "Hey sis."
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: Loxy, I edited my post. Everyone still in the morning time zone.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

Nadine, I posted all my characters in the afternoon, and I think that Reagan is also in the afternoon?
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: Oh thanks I edited it back BIC:
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