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Post by Jezebel Jinx »

#8 on XO Challenges

Taken by alizaleven

Roswell/Catwoman X-Over

Pairing: Liz/? (UC or X-over)

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: Liz was teased all through elementary, middle, and most of high school. Something bad happens where she almost dies and she wakes up to be a Catwoman.

Must Have

-Takes place her senior year of high school.

-Liz displaying some of her Catwoman abilities in school.

-Some of the people that teased her now want to be her friend but Liz doesn’t want to be friends with them. Because Liz snubs them they try to get back at her but it doesn’t work out so well for them.

-And a romance with whoever you pair Liz with.

Everything else is up to the author.
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Post by dreamon »

# 55 AU w/o aliens taken by Erina

M/L challenge

Liz comes from a wealthy family. Her parents own the famous restaurant chain the Crashdown Cafe and Liz's father is a heart surgeon too.

Isabelle is the daughter of wealthy lawyers.

Maria's parents are rich too.

Michael is the owner of a popular vip club in CA.

Alex is also the rich son of a successful computer programer.

Max is was an orphan. He works as a bartender at Michael's club. At the age of 18 he found out that he was suffering from a heart abnormality and he needs a heart transplant. He works 3 jobs to keep up with his medical bills and what not. He's also a student

Everyone including Max attent UCLA. Max and Liz met at Michael's club, Liz assumes that Max is also rich cause only the elite get into the club. Max hides is social status..they start to date..Michael tells Max that he should be honest with Liz but he's afraid that he'll lose her. And Max also doesnt tell Liz about his illness. He also has trouble keeping up with liz and her expenses. They have their arguments, etc. Max later on falls ill and is transported to hospital and thats how liz and everyon else find out about MAx's illeness. Needs a happy ending with Max ventually getting a tranplant.

Michael and Maria are dating.

Has to be angsty but has to have a happy dreamer ending.
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Post by behrlyliz »

#107 - (one parter, Christmas Smut) AU/NA - Taken by Jull_Ana

The Dreaded Office Christmas Party

The Office Christmas Party: Trans World Technologies is hosting its annual office Christmas Party. This year it’s rumored that the founder and CEO, Phillip Evans will announce his retirement, along with his replacement.

Besides everyone getting hammered and doing things that will shame them, I have a few required items.

- Max Evans and Liz Parker are the bane of each other's existence. There’s loads of sexual tension between them disguised as extreme dislike for one another, which all comes to a boil following the announcement of Max as the new CEO. They get into a heated argument over the fact that he’s the new CEO, which Liz thinks has more to do with nepotism instead of the shareholder's faith in his ability to run the company. It's during this argument that sparks fly and they end up having sex in a utility closet.

- In a drunken stupor, Kyle must photocopy his behind as a dare made by Michael, which turns out to be a set up that he and Maria cooked up in retaliation for him taking credit for one of their ideas. Michael & Maria make additional copies of it and post them all over the office, along with scanning it, so they can send an anonymous email to everyone. Also, Michael and Maria are so charged up from their actions, that they have sex in the copy room.

–In her drunken state, Tess mistakes Kyle for Max, whom she has been trying to hook up with forever and performs a striptease for him to the song Darlin Nikki by Prince.

– For these events, Alex is usually the cameraman and this year is no different. He records the whole party and catches all of these acts on video. He video tapes Max and Liz going into the utility closet and coming out about twenty minutes later, looking disheveled. He catches Michael and Maria posting copies of Kyle's ass all over the office.

- During the party, Isabel Evans Whitman drinks a little too much and throws up in one of the office plants. Alex ends up having to carry Isabel out of the party, however before he leaves, he places the camcorder in Max's office, forgetting to turn it off, which records Tess' little performance.

If anyone is interested, please send me a pm. Also this isn't set in stone, so if there are any changes you'd like to make, just let me know
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Post by nibbles2 »

#110 on au challenge thread. taken byJull_ana

Liz, Maria, Isabel and Tess are best friends and they're all going through a dry spell with guys at the moment. So they decide to throw and a trash and treasure party. It's the kind of party where girls bring their ex boyfriends to introduce them to other girls. So naturally Max, Michael, Alex and Kyle plus other guys from the show like Jesse, Grant, Brody, Sean and anyone else you want. The idea is that they'l all meet new guys, but how will they handle it when they see their former loves hitting it off with other girls?

By the end of the fic new couples are formed and maybe one former couple are reunited.

Should be a fluffy, sexy, fun piece. Doesn't have to be long or complicated.

Ends CC of course.
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Post by Zanity »

#33 Be Careful What You Wish For -- Taken By Dream Weaver

Set just after busted....

Jeff Parker wishes Max Evans was never born, had never touched Liz, or something like that.

He gets his wish... he wakes up in the morning and Liz was killed in the shooting.

He tries to figure out what happened and eventually learns the truth about what happened that day and rescinds his wish.

When the time line is restored he sits down and has a talk with both Max and Liz and tells them he knows the truth about Max and the shooting. They tell him what the robbery was about and he rescinds his prohibition on their seeing each other.
Last edited by Zanity on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Poison Ivy »

# 7

I finished 'the Notebook' from Nicholas Sparks this morning! I got the inspiration for this challenge from that book, it's maybe a little bit based on the book/movie!

Summer 1946, Max Evans comes back after he stayed an extra year in europe to help rebuild the damage of Wold War II.

For the first time in 6 years he sees his parents and his sister again and they couldn't be more happy. His dad never understood why he went to the war, but Max said he thought it was his duty for his country. He was a real patriotic.

Max grew up as a son of rich parents who lived in a big city, but each summer they went to a village in the country where they had a country home.

In the summer of 1937 he met this girl for the first time. Her name was Elizabeth Parker and her beauty was enchanting, the same as her character. He moved to the little village the winter before. She's the daughter of a welty family that bought a plantage in the village. She lived in a beautiful mansion.

The two met and sparks flew. But they kept their romance a secret, only her sister knew about it. They didn't want anyone else to know it. They had the summer of their life and fell madly in love. But near the end of the summer, Max don't want to hide it anymore. But Liz do! Then there's the annoucement that a special kind of man comes back to village and Liz didn't want to see Max anymore. Later he discovered why she did, she was enaged to that man. He saw her one last time, the day he left the village for good and she never came back.

That was the main reason he went to the war, because the just before that he received a letter from Liz saying that she never married the man, and she hoped that maybe he wanted to see her agian.

But he didn't want to, cause he felt like he used him only. (they lost their virginity together!)

Now, it's 1946 and he asks himself, what would have happened if he took the offer in the letter. He decides to look for her and finds her enageged to the same man as than and the wedding is in three weeks. But he still wants to see her one last time ...

(I don't want to tell the ending, so if you want to take it, I'll send the rest!)

xxx Ivy

This is actually based on the real life story between Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling.


Liz Parker and Max Evans did a movie together and surprisingly the film became a hit, when it was released nationwide. The film was about a girl that had to choose between the love of her life, but was different from everything she was raised to do and a boy, who she loved but didn’t held her heart.
During some kind of movie award show (with Rachel and Ryan it was the MTV Movie Awards) they are nominated for Best Kiss. They win it and they repeat their stunning kiss from the movie.
The whole world is surprised, because they didn’t that uptight Hollywood’s good girl and a guy that was in a committed relationship for 5 year would do that for the eye of the whole world.
Rumours are spreading and everybody is thinking that the two had been dating since they met at set of the movie.
Two months later they have an openhearted conversation on a talk show, where they confirm they’ve a couple, but only after the Award Show where the performed their heating kiss.
Now that that was settled, Liz and Max have to deal with the consequences of being a celebrity couple.
Rumours come and go. Some positive, some very negative.
How will Max and Liz tolerate the glitter and glamour of being a couple and will they endure the tabloids? But the big question is, will they survive Hollywood, like only few other couples did?

Both taken by Dreamer-Laure
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"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. " --- Friedrich Nietzche
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Post by Beautiful86 »


#113 -Alternate Universe with No Aliens

No Aliens!!

CC-M/L, M/M, A/I

Relationships are the same. Max and Isabel are siblings. Maria, Liz, and Alex are all best friends.

Ok here's the skinny-

Max Evans just graduated from Howard University and moved to Chicago, in hopes of finding whatever it is he's missing. He's 24, and still just as hot!! Anyways, he's been dating Tess Harding for about two years. He's not in love with her, though he does love her. His degree can be whatever you want. Max is still the quiet, brooding, handsome man we all loved in season 1.

Meet Liz Parker. She graduated from UT in Austin (HOOK 'EM HORNS! haha) with a bachelors in whatever you want. She's 22 years old. She's an upfront, no bs-ing kind of girl. Very straight forward with a strong head on her shoulders, she can be kind of mean to members of the opposit sex. She's not an easy sell, if you get what I mean.

Anyways, Max and Liz meet one day in a coffee shop when Max spills his frappacino all over Liz's new sweater. Max swears to his best friend, Michael, that he's never seen anything more beautiful than the pissed off look in her eyes.

Ok so Max and Liz become friends and begin hanging out together. (Tess doesn't live in Chicago, although she's planning to move after she graduates from Howard U as well) One night, after a lot of drinks, they have sex and Liz gets pregnant.

The story is all about how they meet, fall in love, and their baby changes their lives. Max breaks up with Tess and furiously, she flies to find him in Chicago, only to meet pregnant Liz at his apartment. You can make this scene however you want, but Liz can't get hurt. She must be visibly prego ok?

Their baby is a little girl, preferably samed Samantha Marie ok? I love that name.

Eventually, they get married.



AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by nibbles2 »

123 on au challenge thread

taken by myself.

Inspired by an episode of friends. The one where Joey and Phoebe set each other upon blind dates. Joey forgets to find a date for Phoebe so when she asks him about her date, Joey lies and says that his name is Mike then rushes into Central Perk and shouts "Mike".

So Maria and a friend, can be whoever you like but I see this as a Kyle thing agree to set each other up on a blind date. Kyle forgets and when Maria asks who her date is he tells her it's a guy named Mike. He then goes to find a guy named Mike and meets Michael. Kyle bribes Michael to pretend to be an old friend and go on a date with Maria.

After that, it's up to you.
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Post by behrlyliz »

# 10 - M/L, AU, W/O ALIENS - Taken by Dreamer<3

Webs of Deceit - Title can be changed if it's been used

It's a mystery. Sort of 'who done it' or more correctly, 'who's trying to do it' type of story. Liz is an heiress and was left her fortune by her father, deceased land developer Jeffrey Parker. Liz has been receiving threatening letters but the letters only started a few months after she becomes engaged to her current boyfriend, Max Evans. They meet while attending a prestigious college (college of your choice). Max comes from meager origins and is only attending the college through a full academic scholarship.

Additional cast and possible suspects:

Serena is Liz's older sister
Maria is Max's childhood best friend - attends a different college in same state - secretly in love with Max
Alex is Max's friend that he met in college
Michael is one of Liz's childhood best friends - their families were close and they use to date.
Isabel Winters is a childhood best friend of Liz's and they attend the same college and are roommates.
Kyle - vengeful ex-boyfriend of Liz
Tess - trailer trash that's in love with 'Max'

Bottom line - Someone wants Liz dead
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Post by nibbles2 »

95 on au thread taken by aliensister.
One of the things that bugged me about Roswell,especially when compared to Buffy, and I see is repeated in Rosfics, is that the group never really bonded with each other yet somehow were supposed to be prepared to live and die for each other. And by bonding, I mean outside the couples they never really became friends with each other apart from Max and Maria in early S2. I couldn't really understand that. Liz was dating Max, his best friend was dating her best friend yet she never tried to get to know Michael. (polarists will totally disagree with me but there were only a grand total of three occasions when Michael and Liz were alone together and one other occassion when he hugged her that they were ever close in three years) And it's not just Liz, it's all the others too. Apart from pining over Liz and Michael when did Max and Maria ever hang out? When did Isabel ever hang out with Liz and Maria? Kyle and Michael went bowling together but when did they become friends? Did Alex and Kyle ever hang out after getting trapped in the cave?

So my challenge is to write a fic where it's not about the couple getting together, it's about them getting to know their SO's friends. The couples don't have to be together when the fic starts and it can be about them falling in love but a big portion of the fic should be about them getting to know each others friends. Kind of like "Meet the friends"

It must have M&L,M&M everyone else is up to you. I have some ideas for a fic so you can pm me if you'd like to know them but if you'd prefer to write your onw ideas that's totally fine.

I'm posting this on the canon and AU threads because it can be either.
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