Something To Live For (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt13 01/11/07 [WIP]

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Post by hazz »

Hello everyone..I'm back with more! I know I know..who am I and what have I done with that slacker that use to update every three months, just to save her fic from being buried. Hopefully this lasts a long long time. Thanks for all the feedback, Ill do thanks tomorrow when it isnt 1 AM. So thanks and here it is..

Part 11

After Max walked out on me I stormed to the door and locked it, just incase he decided to come back for a booty call.

There is no way I’m sleeping with him, ever again. Okay so maybe just not in the next few days.

I just can’t wrap my mind around why he would even consider leaving after I said that to him, for a lousy phone call?

I’ve been awake for a couple hours debating on whether or not I want to go to school. I’ll probably run into Isabel and she would ask me how last night went and I totally do not want to get into it.

I can’t stay home though, Isabel will call and ask Max why I’m not at school and he’ll call non stop or ring the door bell until I cave and I just can’t cave.

So that leaves me with no other option than to go to work at the crash. It’s the only place I can get to while walking, that I could actually tolerate.

The trick is going after I’ve seen Isabel leave, so we don’t bump into each other.


“Agnes, José, under no circumstance are you to tell anyone I specifically am here, even Max. If anyone asks to see the manager, come get me and point out who it is and I’ll give the ok on whether I’ll see them.”

I gasp for breath, before continuing my rant and pointing my finger at each of them respectively.

“If I say no, then say ‘sorry, I was mistaken but the manager is not here, care to fill out a comment card and or come back in a couple of days?’ That is it!”

They nod their heads and head to their respective areas.

I hadn’t thought that if someone were to come here, they might see me serving. So I’ll just be in the back stocking, inventory, and all the manager stuff.

It’s pointless to try to do anything that takes a lot of skill or thinking, because my mind keeps wandering to last night and who was on the phone with Max.

Instead of doing work, I’ll just grab some strawberries and go into the office and watch TV on the mini television my dad snuck in there for the slow days, bless you father.

As I walk past the swinging doors a booth near the front catches my eye. It’s Max! My cover’s blown.

Before I have a chance to do a James Bond move and roll in front of the door and out the back, I realize he isn’t alone.

A blonde girl is sitting opposite him, he’s talking and she’s shaking her head.
I assume it’s a work friend or someone from his school and start walking off, but I have this sixth sense that something isn’t right and if I asked him what he did at lunch, he would keep this from me.

So like any nosy girl friend, I back track and continue my spying.

I’m just in time to see Max turn his head towards the wall and to see her slowly get up and scoot in beside him. She puts one hand on his arm and the other on one side of his face.

After a moment he looks at her and she brings his head in close, so their foreheads touch, I can tell she’s talking and he is so obviously listening.

I bet that is who he was talking to last night. He left me for some blonde bimbo and now she’s making moves on him and he isn’t even pulling away!

I must intervene.

I slowly walk out of the back and up to Agnes.

“Have you taken Max’s order yet?”

She doesn’t look up from filling the sugars, “no, they ordered a couple of drinks and in about two minutes I was planning to go back.”

“Okay thanks”

I guess it would be my managerial duties to ask those fine customers what I can poison for them.

I slowly go around the register so I come up to them from a blind spot and they don’t see me, yes I have thought this out.

“May I take your order?” I sit down in the side of the booth that is conveniently empty.

The girl just shakes her head and mumbles no, but I can tell Max knows it’s me.

He looks at me and shoves her hands off of him.

“Liz! What are you doing here?”

I look between the two, blondey is rolling her head back and fourth and Max is staring at me, panicked.

“Well Max, I own this fine establishment. Let me guess, you’re having lunch.”

He doesn’t say a thing, so I look at her and notice she’s the girl that helped me carry our food the other night.

“Let me introduce myself, since Max has lost his manners. I’m Liz.”

She chuckles and looks at Max for a second, “Tess.”

He still hasn’t offered any explanation and is sitting there looking at me like an idiot.

“So who’s going to explain why it looked like you were about to floss my boyfriend’s teeth with your tongue?”

She gasps, which is enough to make me burst out in laughter but I manage to hold it in.

“Liz, come on, we weren’t going to kiss.”

“I’m sure.”

I’ve had enough of this, they can kiss for all I care. I stand up and toss down the menus I had been holding.

“Enjoy your meals.”

I storm out of the restaurant and into the back room. Curses for not having a car.

I pick up the phone and dial Isabel’s cell phone number, hoping she turns it on at lunch.


“Who is Tess?”

There is nothing but silence on the other line, great, apparently Tess is well known. That’s all I need.

“How do you know about her? Did Max tell you?”

“Tell me what Isabel; I caught them on the verge of making out in a booth at the Crashdown. Max wouldn’t say a fucking word! Who is she?”

Obviously I’m not going to like her and she isn’t their long lost sister.

“Tess is Max’s ex-girlfriend.”

I figured that much, “Why is she here?”

“Liz, Tess and Max dated for three years, he got her pregnant and she had an abortion. They broke up because he couldn’t forgive her and she wouldn’t apologize for doing what she thought was right.”

So I’m basically living in a soap opera. He never even mentioned his ex girlfriend’s names, let alone that he knocked one up.

“Why is she here Isabel?”

She signs and I can hear the bell ending lunch ring.

“She called a couple weeks ago. She said that it took some time for her to get over the abortion, but she’s ok and ready to move on, with Max.”

So that is what she meant when she said she was here to get her boyfriend back. She meant she was here to get my boyfriend.

“I have to go Liz, but don’t even worry. Max would never date her again, he’s with you and he doesn’t trust her. I’ll call you later.”

She hangs up and I’m left sitting on the couch in the back room. I don’t understand why Max didn’t just tell me about it.

I’m wondering why he let her so close to him, her lips inches from his, if he didn’t trust her.

What I’m wondering most of all, is why he didn’t come after me.


“Liz? Wake up Chiquita.”

I open my eyes to find José standing above me, all the lights off except the bathroom.

“You’ve been out for like five hours honey, the crash is closed. Do you need a lift home?”

Feeling adjusted to my surroundings I sit up and remember sitting on the couch for what seemed like years before Agnes needed my help fixing the milkshake machine.

When I went out, Max and Tess were gone.

After that I came back in here, laid down and apparently missed the dinner rush and us closing at nine.

“I do actually.”


I hear Max’s jeep pull up at midnight, apparently he’s been with Tess all evening. Isabel called me a few times, and then Alex called me a couple more times before my phone went silent for the evening.

Just as I’m wondering whether he’ll call, I hear the handle of my front door turn back and fourth.

I can’t believe he thinks he can just walk in here after this afternoon.

I continue to sit still in the dark, incase he can see movement through the curtains.

“What are you doing?”

I jump about five feet and whip my head behind me.

Max is standing there, arms crossed, leaning against the door frame.

I knew I shouldn’t of told him where I hid the spare back door key.

Standing, I cross my arms too. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

He starts to walk towards me but I hold up my hand to halt him.

“Liz, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before but I was trying to handle the situation. You don’t know her like I do.”

I roll my eyes, which is pointless considering we’re in the dark.

“That’s bullshit Max, you could have told me. Last night, you should have said something! What I said to you I-I.”

I can’t finish the sentence because if I do, there is no way I won’t start crying. I will not cry for another person that makes me feel like crap.

“Liz, come on. I said it first, you kno-”

“I take it back.”

He laughs and steps closer, I step back.

“You can’t just take it back Liz, if it’s there it’s there.”

I turn around and flick on the light, taking a moment to adjust to the light before smiling and turning around.

“I thought it was, but the second you left, I realized that you don’t walk out on someone you love. I’ve had people that said they loved me; tell me to buzz off because they were too good to be with me.”

I take a breath to hold the tears.

“I promised myself when I let you in, that if you ever made me feel the way those people made me feel, it was over.”

He takes another step but this time I don’t have to stop him. His head shaking gets more intense.

“Liz, I am not one of those people. Are you talking about the people in the grocery store that time? You’re trying to say I’m a part of that group. Well I am not; I would never do anything to hurt you!”

He’s yelling and pushing his hair out of his eyes.

“Yes you are and you did. You were last night when you left me, you were this afternoon when you didn’t say anything or come after me. You are that person and I am done with those people Max. I’m finished!”

I turn around and turn off the light, letting my tears finally fall.

I sit back on my sofa with my blanket wrapped around my shoulders and I pray.

I pray that he will say something that will make this better and will help me forgive.

“Liz, we are not finished, you can’t just finish us.”

He didn’t, and I must take a stand.

“Get out.”

“Liz, please.”

“I said get out of my house.”

He does.
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by hazz »

Hey everyone…I’m back. I’m not too sure about this one, I had these conversations planned but I didn’t know what to do with Liz in-between so I’m not sure if there is flow, let me know. I hope your dreamer hearts like this one…Thanks for the feedback:

VenusStar,Strawberry88, Behrsgirl*87, roswell3053, candycane14, FrenchDreamer, Sprayadhesive, Alien_Friend, dreamsatnight, keyelee, Icequeen

Part 12

“Liz, you can’t just break up with him. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

I roll my eyes at her and shut the door as she enters.

I’ve been awake for maybe fifteen minutes and already Isabel is here, in all her glory, getting on my case about Max.

“He snuck around with an ex-girlfriend. He had chances to tell me about it, even when I caught them in a pre lip lock. He kept quiet, which is the last thing I need Isabel.”

She turns around, shaking her head.

“Liz, this is a big deal. She killed their baby and left town so she could hyuck it up on some yacht her father bought. Believe it or not, Max loved her and when she came here it was a shock.”

She slowly walks to the window and peers out.

“You know, he assumed I hadn’t told you anything last night, he was coming to open up to you, what she did broke him Liz. I had a lot of friends back home, mostly girls and I had to protect Max. I mean, he’s a good looking guy that has a heart the size of the fucking sun and honestly it makes me sick.”

She takes a deep breath.

“Tess was a friend of mine, I let her date my brother and he fell in love with her Liz. She didn’t just have an abortion and he didn’t just find out by accident. They were planning on having that kid. He bought books and these tiny little mittens because he read that babies scratch themselves when they’re tiny. She did it when her father said ‘you can go on a trip around the world on a boat if you get rid of it.’ It was as if his child really had died.”

I have tears in my eyes; I can picture him picking out hats and booties.

It reminds me of when I catch him watching The Little House on the Prairie or Seventh Heaven, he really does have a heart the size of the sun.

“My parents said the house was so Max didn’t have to live in a dorm room but this was a real estate investment, has been for years. Max was taking the abortion and Tess leaving really hard, he needed to get away. If all that junk hadn’t of happened I’d be in boarding school still. I came back to take care of him.”

“He doesn’t need anyone to take care of him Isabel.”

She laughs and turns around. I didn’t hear it during her monologue, but tears are streaming down her face.

“You didn’t see because he met you on the first day.”

I cross my arms, that’s a pretty weak argument.

“I think it would be hard to miss major depression.”

“When he came to pick me up Liz, he was a changed man. He told me all about you. How you were this little spit fire that drove him up the wall but that was what attracted him to you. He has been in love with you since the first moment he saw you.”

“That is bullshit.”

I swear her eyes are about to pop out of her head, from the death glare she’s giving me.

“NO! I came to live with Max because we thought my brother was going to kill himself.”

With that she turns around and walks right out the front door.


I’ve been walking around like a zombie since Isabel left. I don’t know what to think or believe.

I don’t think she just made all that crap up but it’s pretty easy to come here after Max hurt me and tell me all this so I’ll forgive and forget.

If they knew what I’ve been through, they wouldn’t expect that.

I could tell them, but I’m sure Max never wanted me to know he was suicidal. I definitely don’t want him to know I was too.

Things change when secrets are revealed. I don’t want our relationships to change, not that we’re technically in one anymore.

I hope Isabel isn’t mad that I won’t be able to occupy Max tonight. If I do forgive him, it can’t be tonight. I need some time, I’m sensitive!

I hear Max’s jeep fire up, longing to see his handsome face, I race for the window.

He’s standing with the hood popped open, looking in. Something must be acting weird.

He pulls out his cell phone and stands there poking at stuff.

I could go talk to him, maybe he needs oil or something, my dad probably has some stuff in the garage.

Or I could apologize for breaking up with him, I could tell him that I need some time and maybe after we could work it out.

I miss him; this was supposed to be our week together.

Working up the courage to go out there and talk to him, I open the door and step outside.

Just as I’m about to make my way down my driveway a little Honda drives up and Max slams the hood, turns off the jeep and gets in.

As he opens the door I see Tess, sitting behind the wheel. I thought he would be done with her, I guess I was wrong.

Once he slams the door I notice her point to me and my eyes widen at being caught, Max glances out the window and when he notices me, he opens the door.

I don’t give him a chance to do anything because I turn around and walk inside my house.

I guess I’ll just spend the night alone, in my basement of course. I don’t want him to see the lights on and I don’t want to hear any phones ringing.

I’ll make sure to lock the doors, and bring in the spare key.



I decided to answer the phone, since I didn’t recognize the number and it may be my parents.

“Liz? It’s Michael.”

“Oh hey, what’s up?”

“Well nothing, but you haven’t been at school for two days.”

I smile, “Were you worried about me Michael?”

He chuckles. Although I know why he’s calling, I can’t help but tease.

“Of course I was. Are you sick?”

“Nope, I just didn’t feel like going to school. My parents are out of town.”

“Score, so we still on for tonight at six?”

“I don’t know Michael. Max and I had a really huge fight and I don’t think he’s going to show up. I’ll still come and we can just say he stood me up.”

I owe that much to Michael; he’s really counting on us to help him make a good impression on his new girlfriend.

“Fuck. Okay, yea I still need you. There is no way I can feed that to her and still get laid tonight. But if you show up it may help. So I’ll see you then.”

“Okay, six sharp.”

Maybe I should call Max and force myself to be in his presence for a couple of hours, for Michael.

I reach for the phone and slowly dial his home number, praying for the answering machine.

It’s busy. That means Isabel is home, so I’ll give the message to her and hope she forgets to tell Max.

I make my way over to his house but stop dead in my tracks. Tess’ car is parked beside Max’s jeep. I cant get a break!

Who am I kidding, as if I would sit with him for even a second let alone a couple of hours.


“I’ll just have some water please.”

I decided to arrive early and prepare myself for meeting Michael’s girlfriend.

I do my best work last minute so I didn’t prepare a speech on why my boyfriend isn’t here for our double date.

I see a hand reach out and place my drink down. “Thank yo-”

“Your welcome.”

I’m totally shocked to see Max standing beside me, dressed in his best.

“What are you doing here?”

He takes a seat across from me, “I believe I was invited.”

I raise my eyebrows, I can’t believe he remembered.

“Well it was self explanatory that you were un-invited. Go now before Michael gets here.”

He shakes his head, “Actually I’m quit hungry, I think I’ll stay.”

I throw my napkin on the table, he’s got some nerve.

“Then I’ll go”

He places his hand on top of mine, effectively holding me in place.

“Liz please, don’t go. We have a few minutes. Can we please talk?”

I’m supposed to stay strong, that was the deal.

Looking into his eyes and feeling his warm hand on mine, there is no way I could move even if I wanted to.

“Fine Max, talk.”

He releases my hand and sits back a bit, taking deep breaths.

“Isabel told me she told you about Tess and the baby. I’m going to just let it be and not re tell that story. Liz, I know you’ve seen us together a few times and I walked out that night. But you have to know that I would never cheat on any girl I was with.”

He looks at me, obviously trying to see if he’s getting through, but I don’t let my emotions show, not this time.

He clears his throat and looks up as a waitress passes us by.

“I would never cheat on you baby. I love you, if you couldn’t see that then I do not know anything about showing someone you care. She kept calling and she threatened to ruin us if I ignored her.”

I snort and look down, “Apparently she didn’t need to be ignored to do that.”


“She said she did something amazing and she needed to show me how much she cared.”

I look at him, finally allowing him to see the tears in my eyes.

“She had a grave put in for the baby, she name it and everything. Henry Evans, she put his conception date as his birthday and the day she had the procedure as his death date. That’s where we went the day you saw me get in her car. I thought she was going to show me something great but that was just sick.”

He reaches forward and grabs my water, taking a generous sip.

After letting it hit the table, he puts his hand over mine again, linking our fingers.

I can feel myself starting to cave.

“Elizabeth Parker, I love you so much. You’re the one that I want and I think about how I felt for Tess during our best times, and it has nothing on what I feel for you.”

He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear and stands, still holding my hand. He moves around the table and sits in the vacant seat next to me.

“I know you’ve had problems with people treating you badly and hurting you. But please know that I’m not that kind of person. When I look at you and think about someone being bad to you, I see red.”

I gently let out a sob, thinking about everyone that has done horrible things to me.

He puts his hand on my face and makes me look at him.

“I’m so sorry for making you feel that way. I don’t accept us breaking up; we’re meant to be Liz.”

I laugh a little and continue to look at him. God he is so beautiful.

“Don’t ever lie to me again Max, not telling me is a lie of omission and I just cannot handle that. I can barely handle forgiving you.”

He smiles and pulls me against him, hard.

The feeling of him running his fingers through my hair and kissing my head is like heaven and I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

“Never baby, never, never.”

He pulls away and brushes the tears off my cheeks, then under my eyes. “I love you Liz.”

I smile and lean in, gently brushing my lips against his. He sighs and wraps his arms around me.

“Hey Max, you made it!”

Michael effectively ruins our making out moment. Thanks for that.

I turn away from them for a moment and push my hair back and rub under my eyes, hoping I don’t look like shit.

Just as I’m finishing up, Michael makes his introductions to Max.

“Max Evans, this is my girlfriend, Maria DeLuca, Maria that’s Max and his girlfrien-“


I slowly turn around and am face to face with my ex best friend, who is apparently now dating a good friend of mine.

“Oh great.”
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by hazz »

Yea Yea Yea..Spray has this effect on me. I was like a machine! At work! If my bosses only knew what I did when they werent there. Anyways..I know you were all expecting a huge brawl between Maria and Liz..calm yourselves. There will eventually be one, but not today. Okay so thank you all for your encouragement!

candycane14: Oh she is not forgiven
keyelee: Thanks
Alien_Friend: Thanks for all the extra bumps. Motivation.
roswellfan88: Here you go!
Sprayadhesive: When confidential goes happily ever after...we'll talk.
roswell3053: Yea I'm not so good with inbetween talks..I go to make up...
dreamsatnight:So much from you. insightful. Michael forgets to
mention things like names..forgive him
FrenchDreamer: No one is dead..yet mwahahah..uhh
Icequeen:Max is cute..isnt he
kittens:haha..but where's the story in that?
pandas2001: me too!
midnightstar29: Thanks! I would cry too..or do some knuckle cracking ..uh
Dreamer<3: Thanks! one should, but they do, what does that say?
maxnlizforever:Thanks for reading..oh cards will be laid
monstar: I'm here!
Mareli: I'm coming..
Dreamer-laure: Thanks a lot, glad someone understands

Part 13

"So there I was, sitting on my ass with grass stains to boot!"

Maria has been telling pointless stories for the past half an hour. I can see Max holding in his laughter beside me.

Michael is such a pansy; he's listening so intently, nodding and murmuring uh huh every now and then.

I'm pretty sure Max tells me to shut the hell up when I say something stupid.

Maria is acting as if nothing happened between us.

The only things remotely acknowledging the fact that we are no longer friends were.

"You look awesome; it's been so long, let's get together more often!"

Max doesn't even know about her. He probably thinks she is a girl I use to know, not my former best friend.

"Hey Liz, so you got that bio homework done yet?"

Michael has this thing about coping homework, specifically my homework.

"I totally forgot you're going East Roswell Liz, that's so lame, I might get beat up being seen with the two of you."

I glare at Maria, been there done that, right?

It takes a moment for the smile on her face to fade. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm sure"

She sighs, "Look Liz, I know what I said and did was a shitty thing to do, I regret it. I want us to be close again. I admit, the bullying stopped and I enjoyed that but I miss you all the time."

I roll my eyes, obviously now that there isn't a threat she wants to be buddy buddy with me.

"This isn't the time or place Maria. I don't forgive you, so just give it up."

"What's going on?"

"Now really isn't the time to catch a clue Michael."

I know, I'm a mega bitch, but Maria brings that out in me.

Maria jumps up to stand and points her perfectly manicured finger at me.

"Don't you talk to him like that, I know you're mad at me but Michael is your friend and he didn't deserve it."

I stand exactly as she did and raise my voice a notch.

"You're right, Michael is my friend, and he is the only reason I didn't leave the second I saw you. I was trying to spare you the embarrassment of having both our boyfriends know what a shallow bitch you are. Maria told me not to call or see her because when she was with me and people, such as Pauly, picked on me she was caught in the crossfire. Apparently that ruined her image."

Max shakes his head and reaches into his back pocket to pull out his wallet. He slams down a fifty, grabs my hand and pulls me out of the booth.

"Thanks for the invite Michael, lets play some ball soon."

Michael nods but continues to stare at his plate, as he has been doing since my revelation.


When we got back to my house, Max politely asked if he was welcome in.

We made love in my bed. It was kind of beautiful, but my mind was elsewhere. I'm pretty sure his was too, but having sex seemed like the thing to do.

We're lying on our backs, arms touching, hands clasped at our sides. I'm not sure what I should say.

Nothing about Tess, that's for sure. I've decided I'm over it and we don't need to go over that anymore.

I think Max might be pissed off I didn't say anything about Maria, but what was I suppose to say?

"I missed this."

He turns to me and smiles, "Just being together, even if we hadn't gotten naked as soon as we walked into the house, this is so nice."

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" he asks

I bet he wants to spend every second with me, too bad I'm on manager duty.

"I'm working at the Crashdown, sorry."

The weird thing about our short term break up is that I don't feel the need to spend every second together, as I'm sure he does. Maybe it's because he was in the wrong.

"I could come over there, maybe I could help out. Your dad was telling me Sundays are busy, I could seat people or bus."

I glance over at him, he looks sincere. Who the hell would volunteer for that?

"You don't have to Max; usually the waitresses take care of that. We don't actually have either."

He turns over and looks at me, "well here is your chance to find out what you're missing."

"Why do you want to work at the Crash?"

He brushes a strand of hair off my face and smiles, "I don't actually."

I roll my eyes, "Then wh-"

"Don't you see Liz? It's all about you; everything I do is all about you. If I have to work at the cafe to be near you tomorrow, it's what I'm going to do."

Why do I have to get stuck with a romantic that melts me without even breaking a sweat?

"If we didn't have to be up at four, I would definitely pleasure you all night."

He laughs and returns to lying on his back. "I love you."

It doesn't take long for him to doze off, but I can't seem to close my eyes. The only thing my brain can comprehend is taking in every feature he has as if it's the last time I'll see him.

After an hour, his arm reaches up and pulls me down beside him, as if he knew I had been watching him all along.

Or maybe he missed me, even in his sleep.

"I love you too"


"Max, I know you're my boyfriend and a volunteer but get your ass to table six and clear it! We've got a line out the door of people wanting a damn seat."

That has been our morning, me yelling and him glaring but still doing as I say.

It's kind of wonderful actually.

"Max clear that, Max seat them, Max make a milkshake, Max bring this to booth three." He grumbles as he grabs a bucket on his way to clear the table.

I have to admit, he's a quick learner.

No one actually showed him how to make a milkshake; he just kind of figured it out.

I'm glad he's here though. Him being here makes it easier to manage the floor, because I feel confident in actually coming out from the back.

It's weird; I'm feeling more and more confident with or without Max.


"You look exhausted."

The morning and afternoon rushes bled together in a blur. As soon as our morning regulars left, all the afternoon ones showed up. We barely had time to wipe the tables.

Max was a natural; I might have to tell my dad about his skills.

After I made sure Agnes and the new waitress gave the Crash a good cleaning before the dinner folks came in, I went in search of Max.

I foundd him on the couch with his arm thrown across his eyes.

"I can't believe the waitresses actually seat, waitress and bus. I could barely handle just seating and busing."

"You did wonderful, thank you so much for your help. It was crazy and we had your extra hands, if you weren't here the day would have been much worse."

He removes his arm and smirks at me, "I was pretty wonderful, wasn't I?"

I roll my eyes before leaping on top of him.


I pinch a nipple, "Oh I'm not that heavy."

He laughs and rubs his chest before wrapping his arms around me, "I like when you're on top."

"I bet you do." I whisper, before leaning down and pressing my lips to his.

"That is a bet you would definitely win."


"Liz, I can't believe the numbers you're giving me. Was there some sort of convention I forgot about?"

My dad is in awe at the amount of revenue we raked in yesterday. On our busiest days we don't make that much.

I'm proud to say that these numbers are almost double what our usual convention surplus amounts to.

"Nope, thank god for Max though, what a life saver."

I decided that my assistant manager job should be passed on, I hate the restaurant industry and Max hates the museum industry.

"What do you mean?"

Okay, I've got to play this cool.

"Well he missed me so he offered to bus a few tables, seat a few guests. This was Saturday mind you. When the rushes came in, he was like an old pro dad. He was making milkshakes, dropping off meals, dealing with upset guests. Dad he even fixed the glitch in the register."

I know that will get him listening, if nothing else.

Our cash register has been screwing us over for months, but one underestimates the price of one of those things.

"You're kidding me; I can barely get that thing figured out."

I nod and flip through some papers nonchalantly. "Yea, he's real good with that sort of thing, especially numbers. He even did most of the paper work, figured out the system real quick."

I can tell my dad is pondering the idea that I've set in motion, all I need to do is give a final nudge.

"By the time the lunch rush left I was about to pass out but not Max, he kept everyone in line. You should have heard him give it to Agnes when she was late after her break."

Get prepared for a whole lotta groveling Max Evans, because I'm pretty sure you just got the job of assistant manager at the Crashdown Cafe, Roswell's busiest restaurant.

Technically it was my job, but who's keeping track.


"You're kidding?"

I just told Max everything, I didn't actually ask him if he wanted the job, not that he has it but if he turns my dad down I'm pretty sure I'll be forbidden from dating him.

"Yea, he was amazed."

He finishes aligning some wires beside the front light fixture. Apparently their foyer light was flickering and Mr. Fix it couldn't have that in his house.

I'm pretty sure he didn't have the power turned off until I got there and yelled at him.

Imagine if I was polite and rang the door bell instead of barging in.

Once he finishes, he screws the cover back on and then runs to the power box. After a moment the light pops on.

"Max you're an idiot. You didn't even have the light switched off!"

He smiles at his work, "I'm a risk taker."

"So would you be interested?"

He puts his things away and slightly nods his head. I don't actually know what that means.


"I guess that beats minimum wage at the UFOM, but I was so tired yesterday. If I had a class today and couldn't have slept in, there is no way I would be staying awake."

I laugh, "Max, assistant managers don't bus tables or seat people. Well maybe seat people but you would do what I did. Yell at people, smile, and work with the numbers. My dad was really impressed when I told him you yelled at Agnes for being late. Even more so when I told him you weren't exhausted before dinner."

He turns around and stares at me, "But I didn't yell at Agnes; you did! And I was exhausted! You were all 'Max come have sex with me' and I was all 'Babe I'm tired'"

Well he does have a point, technically. Although I don't think the last part went exactly like that.

"Oh whatever, those are details. By the way when I did tell you to come have sex with me, you were all over it."

He flops onto the couch across from me and smiles to himself, mumbling so I can barely hear, "Max Evans, manager of the Crashdown Cafe"



I haven’t spoken with Michael since Saturday evening. Not that I expected a phone call or anything.

But I assume since he didn’t show up to school yesterday, that he may have some strong words for me, especially since he probably got an earful from Maria.

I’m pretty nervous about seeing him today; we have two classes together and usually eat lunch together. I suppose since I’m the newbie I should be the one not to show at lunch if there is tension.

“Hey Liz,” Isabel says as I hop in Max’s jeep. When he doesn’t have a class he lets her drive.

Max and my dad had a heart to heart yesterday, I went home for dinner after Max and I made love a few times only to have to go back over there and invite him for dinner.

My dads words were pretty much, “Liz hates working there, do you want to be the new manager?”

Max said, “That would be great, can you past the peas?”

My dad goes, “Here ya go. You can go in with me tomorrow 5:30am sharp. Nancy this is fantastic.”

That was the end of the entire thing. I’m his daughter and I had to go through months of training and lectures.

I knew then and there who was more loved at that table, and it was definitely the son they never had.

“So I have something really huge to tell you.”

I turn to her with wide eyes, “well what the hell is it?”

“Liz this is really serious, I need your word you will absolutely not tell my brother.”

This must be juicy if she’s whipping out the whole, ‘don’t tell my brother’ card. I’ll promise but I will not pinky swear, no way.

“I promise promise.”

“Okay, I trust you.” She takes a deep breath.

“Saturday night I went to Alex’s house when Max left for dinner with you and we had crazy, amazing, loud sex.”

I blink, “did you just say what I think you said?”

She pulls into a parking spot and turns off the engine before turning to me with a grin.

“If you think I just said Alex and I had crazy, amazing, loud sex, then yes I just said what you think I said.”

She did not just make a joke! I cant believe my little band and science geek got the girl!

The gorgeous, big boobed girl! Right on Alex!

But then I realize what she’s done.

“You did not just make me promise not to tell this to Max. A lie of omission! We just broke up because of his!”

She rolls her eyes and hops out. “That is totally different. Just don’t tell him.”

“Eventually it will come up, if he says, ‘do you think Alex and Isabel are having sex?’ what am I suppose to say then?”

She continues to speed walk in front of me, which is pissing me off to say the least.

If I was her, I would be watching me like a hawk.

“Just say it’s possible. Anyways, the whole point of me telling you was so that every now and again you can cover for us while we’re at my house.”

Oh for christ sake!

“Have you gone mental? I am not going to cover for you while you and Alex shack up in Max’s house!”

She stops so abruptly that I practically mow her over.

“It’s our house actually and you most certainly will!”

I put my hand on my hip and tap my foot, “enlighten me.”

Her face softens and so does her stance so I do the same.

“Because you’re the best friend I've ever had, and that’s what best friends do.”
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie