Max Evens Must Die!!!! Ch. 5 10/1[WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Max Evens Must Die!!!! Ch. 5 10/1[WIP]

Post by Rave_girl297 »


Title: Max Evens must die!!!

summary: max evens is the most popular guy in school, liz parker is the new girl with no friends but with three new friends their all going to destroy Max Evens.

Disclaimer: non of the charecters are mine and the ending wont be like the one in the movie and theres no little brother in this one which this fanfiction is from the movie John Tucker Must Die

Couples: max/liz maria/micheal tess/kyle (Liz's mom) nancy/jeff (Isabels Dad)

sorry if you dont like it, its my first real fanfiction so i'm probably am not very good at it

My name is liz parker see i'm a nobody, we move so much i have never had any friends, boyfriend nothin see my mom spent most of her time finding new men, theres so many of them i call all of them one thing, "skip" basically becasue thats what they do after a night with my mom, they leave her and i'm left with my mom sulking which leaves us moving some where totally new but enought about me this story isnt about me its about Max Evens, hes basically the star of the high school his girlfriend is Isabel Parker, cheerleader, most popular girl in school, head of the sunshine comitty and prom gueen figures a guy like that would have a girlfriend.

Wait, two girlfriends, ok this one is Maria Deluca, beatiful singer and just plain beatiful, shes in a band called The Wits, more like the Shits, kiding there actually really good and the guitar player is really funny his name is Alex Whitman hes has the most biggest crush on Isabel Parker, poor guy.

Ok three girlfriend this is getting pathetic, this one is Tess Harding, blonde, well what can i say about her most guys say she's pretty easy, from what i heard from some of the peoples conversations, has pretty big boobs and well may i say more.

Here the day that my life would change forever, the day i'd find three best friend and the love of my life, you're just have to listen.

"Today, were combining gym classes" yelled the teacher

"Ahh" moaned the students

"Ya ya i know you hate each other" stated the coach

"No we hate you!!" yelled a student

"I heard that Pam, i'll see ya in detention" yelled the coach as the students all seated on the bleachers

"Ok. on the right were have, casey, karlye, amber, tiffany and pam" yelled the coach

"And on the left were have Liz, Maria, Isabel, Tess and serena"

" Girl were where you last night, there was a party at Kyle's" Serena asked Tess

"Well keep it on the low but i'm dating Max Evens" stated tess with a big smile on her face unfortuatly Isabel heard her who's eyes got big and her anger grew,

"How dare this girl lie about dating my boyfriend" thought Isabel

Spoiler: isabel teaches Tess a lesson about lieing :D
Last edited by Rave_girl297 on Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:25 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

Chapter 2

“Who do you think you are making up lies about MY boyfriend” yelled Isabel ready to kick this slutty girl’s ass

“If Max Evans is who you’re talking about then you’re the one who has it wrong because he’s my boyfriend” yells Tess back

“No, you both have to wrong because he’s mine!” interrupts Maria, just as she said that all hell broke loose and unfortunately Liz got stuck in the crossfire, their was hair pulling, kicking, pushing, and their were balls thrown. Finally Liz decided she needed to stop this.

“Stop!!!!!!” yells Liz

“This guy is cheating on all of you and instead of blaming it on him you’re kicking each others asses!!!”

“Who the hell was that” asked Maria after Liz left the room after given detention by the teacher

“I think her name is Liz Parker” said Isabel

“Isn’t that your last name” wonders Tess

“Ya were not related thought, or at least I don’t think were related, god why am I even talking to you” asks Isabel disgusted with herself


“I can’t believe he would do this to me” huffs Isabel

“You, I mean he didn’t only do this to you, he did it to us too” said Maria referring to her and Tess

“My Maxie-Bear” sniffles Tess

“Oh, my god” Isabel rolls her eyes

Liz laughs

“Do you find something funny” glares Isabel

“No, I just think its weird that you guys are just sitting her talking about this” says Liz

“What and you think we should just forgive and forget” wonders Maria

“No, I think you should get even”

“I like the way you think” smiles Isabel

“What do you have in mind” asks Tess

“The most important thing to Max Evans is appearance, right?” asks Liz

“Mostly, that and sex” says Tess

“What if we make Max Evans into a total social decease?” asks Liz

“I think we might have the perfect plan for a little payback” laughs Maria.

note: Isabel might seem like a bitch but its like Isabel on the show, afriad to get to close and Tess might seem like a total slut but you'll see why that is later :wink:
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

A week Later

"He's a smart one that mother fu.." ranted Maria

"Maria will you relax were get him" reassured Liz

"How are we going to get him Liz? he has dodged every bullet we have thrown at him without even realize were throwing bullets!" yells a frustrated Isabel

" I don't know" sighs Liz

"Well what else am i going to do with my tme when you figure it out" asked Isabel

They had been doing everything in there power to crush Max Even's for a week, sure a week doesn't sound bad to someone else but to isabel it was a big deal, it was a lot of time that was wasted, isabel just wasn't sure how long they could keep this up without Max realizing something was going on, sure Max Even's was a slim but he wasn't stupid he has a 3.9 GPA thats a pretty good record and besides she had other things to do with her time, Alex wanted to go over their history paper that was due in two weeks.

"I know" yells Tess

"Tess for the last time yes sex is a time waster but i would have to say no" says Isabel

"I wasn't going to say that, i was going to say playing matchmaker is always a time waster"

"finallt tess a good idea, but who are we going to match up" wondered Isabel

Like fate a picture of Liz and her mom fell out of a photo album in her room, thats it! Isabel had it, she would put her dad and Liz's mom together, they already had the same last name so they wouldn't even have to change it when they got married, Isabel knew she was going overbored but it has been so long sense she has seen her dad with a women and from meeting Liz's mom she seemed like a really nice lady that she thought her dad would totally love.

"I know who we can match up" says Isabel picking up the picture

"Umm, ya i don't think so Isabel! i don't know who you plan of matching up my mom but i know it's a bad idea"

"Why?My dad would love your mom"

"You have got to be kidding me" said Maria finally tired of being out of the conversation

"what?" yells Isabel

" Were trying to take down a man and you want to play matchmaker on the side" Liz says with disbelef

"why not" asks Tess

" Well first of all you don't know my mom, she has the worst time with men"

"Which could be over with when she meets my dad, come on liz we could be sisters" pouts Isabel

"Fine if you want to play matchmaker, you do it"

"liz, i can't do it with out you it's your mom"

"My god, i'm going to hell" yells Liz

"So does that mean your help me"

"Well it's my life your messing with too"

"great, i'm so excited"

"Oh ya, me too" says Liz sacrastically
Next Chapter will be on tommorow, sorry it's so short i'm trying to get used to writing a fanfic and updating it often
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

"OK, so tell me something about your mom" asked Isabel

"Like what?"

"Anything that will help us put them together"

"No we should be trying to destroy Max"

"Why are you so intent with getting Max back" wondered Maria it wasn't like max had dated and dumped her.

"I just know guys like that"

Liz felt trap! how was she suppose to explain how she was feeling, her father was a Max Evans, from what she heard from her mom he was a love em, and dump, em guy and she hated every guy that did that, not only that but her mom still gets hurt from guys like that, the reason for all the moving or why she never got to attched to people before because they always left.

"I have an idea" says Tess not sure if it was a good one.


"Girl's have been getting crushed by Max for too long"

"Way to long" agreed Maria

"Well what if we crushed him" smirked Tess

"Like how" wondered Liz

"We mke him fall in love...replied Isabel

"And he gets dumped...said Maria

"And he'll be crushed" finished Tess with smirk

"But who are we going to get him to fall in love with" asked Isabel

"Ya, i mean he went out with all of us"

"Well, except one" smirked Isabel

"No, no way! whip off that smirk of your face because i'm not doing it"

The High School

"I can't believe i'm doing this" wined Liz

"don't be such a winer, my god" sighs Isabel

"That's easy for you to say, i have barely no clothes on"

"If you want him to notice you, you have to look hot" resigned Isabel

"Here he comes, be cool and collected and don't trip over your words" advised Isabel

"Gee, thanks!" replied Liz as Isabel ran off, just as Isabel left Max almost ran over her

"Oh, god i'm so sorry" replied Max as he help Liz up, he was supprised when he did because when he got a good look at the girl he saw the most beatiful girl he had ever seen.

*God talk you idiot* he told himself

"Um hey sorry about that, i was late for basketball practice"

"It's ok."

"No..'s not, you should let me pay for dinner" smiled Max

"Are you asking me out" smiled Liz,

*Do not fall for his charm liz, i repeat do not fall for his charm!" Liz told herself over and over again

"Ya, i am what do you say?" smirked Max

"Na, thanks thought" smiled Liz before walking away

*i did it, i resisted him charm! lets get a whoo haa!* thought Liz smiling

*Wait, did she just turn me down* thought Max amazed
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

'She turned you down big time" laughed Michael after hearing of Max's conversation with the new girl.

"Michael, it's not that funny" sighs Max

"Yes it is Maxwell, it is really funny" says Michael still laughing, the truth was he was glad Max was finally getting a taste of his own medicine, Max has gotten every girl he has ever wanted, even thought he was Michaels best friend Max could sometimes be considered a big jerk in the eyes of most women.

"Wow Max, this is a first a girl has ever turned you down" says Kyle taking at least a moment to take his eyes off of Tess Harding from across the lunch room.

"I know" says Max still think about the brown eyed beauty

*Across the room*

"You did it" smiles Isabel to Liz

"I did nothing, all i did was turn him down"

"Exactly, none has ever turned down Max Evans, which will peck his interest" says Tess looking away from Kyle Valenti from across the room

"Hey why do you keep looking at Kyle" asks Maria, witnessing the little stare that was going on between Tess and Kyle

"No reason I was just looking out at the competition" says Tess unconvincingly

“Liar” accused Maria

“Wait is their something going on between you and Kyle” asks Isabel

“Well were kind of going out” says Tess with a smile

“Fantastic” squeals Isabel not believing the luck their having

“What, why is that so fantastic” asks Maria, it was one thing to be happy for her but to be that excited was really suspicious

“Well, Kyle is one of Max’s best friends, is he not?’ asks Isabel

“Ya” smiles Maria finally understanding what was so fantastic about it

“No, no way, I’m not getting information from my boyfriend about Max” says Tess set upon on doing it

“Come on this could really help us out” begs Maria

“Please” begs Maria, Isabel and Liz all together
Oh, my god fine” says Tess tired of hearing them beg after 5 minutes

*Liz’s House*

“So what did you find out” Liz asks Tess after her date with Kyle

“Well from what I heard from Kyle apparently Max Evans wasn’t always a player” says Tess lying on Liz’s bed

“Really” says Maria

“Ya apparently his player days happened in sophomore year “

“Wait Max was in this school in 9th grade” says Isabel not believing she didn’t know who Max was until his sophomore year

“Yup but according to Kyle he was somewhat of a geek”

“Max Evans a geek, wow that’s unbelievable” says Maria astonished

*I wonder what happened to make him such a slim* thought Liz

“Well what happened to Make him a player” asked Liz

“Kyle doesn’t know, he didn’t know Max then and Max didn’t say why when he asked him”

“What else did you find out’ asked Isabel

“What else did I find out, Isabel your lucky I found that out without getting Kyle suspicious, I did go on the date to be with him”

“Great so were back at square one” sighs Liz

“Well are you ready to go out on a date with Max Evens?” asked Maria

“Of course I am” says Liz with confidence

*I hope* thinks Liz

*Next day at school*

“Come on ladies, lets go, my mom can do better then that and she’s going on her 91st birthday” yells the coach to the basketball team who were doing suicides

“Ok Liz be confident, don’t let him think your nervous” advises Maria walking into the gym where Isabel and the cheerleading team where practicing and basketball practice was.

“Ok I got it’ says Liz to herself after Maria goes to sit on the bleachers

“So are you on the cheerleading team” ask someone from behind her

Turning around Liz was face to face to no other then Max Evans

“No, I have a friend on the team”

“Really, anyone I know” ask Max
“I’m not sure” says Liz not wanting to tell him it’s Isabel

“Well, its great seeing you again” smiles Max

“Ya you too” says Liz smiling back

“Are you sure you don’t want to take me on my offer”

“What offer”

“You know to go out on a date”

“Well, it depends” says Liz walking away

“On what” asks Max following beside her

“Where we would go” smiles Liz

“What about my friend Michael’s party”

“A party”

“Ya, I mean if you don’t want to do that…”

“A party would be fun” says Liz moving closer to him and looking into his eyes

‘Great” smiles Max

‘When does the party start” asks Liz looking away from him

“At 10:00, so I’ll pick you up at 10:30”

“Sounds great”

“Ya it does, well I better get back before the coach has me doing more suicides” says Max backing away

“Ok, I’ll se ya tonight” smiles Liz

“Ok, great” says Max before running of to join the rest of the team

Spoiler: Max and liz go on their date and end up kissing