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Post by KatnotKath »


Max explains that his power doesn't tell him the names of systems or processes, which would of course be a distinct advantage in biology and I have to smile. "Nice to know you don't have one over on the rest of us then..." I joke softly, listening again as he continues. He makes his power sound really simple too, although I'm sure it's not...

"Well, I hope that I didn't disturb you too much..." I comment softly, giving an wry smile. "I didn't mean to make those books fly about, but then I think you already knew that...I just...lost control..."

Biting down on my lip, I trail off into silence for a while as I busy myself with finshing the drinks. I don't like to think of losing control, but it happens... "I guess what the Professor says about it being connected to my emotions is right in some ways, and pain is a sure fire way not to be able to focus of course... And if I didn't say it before, thank you...for healing me you know..."

I'm babbling a little I realise, and repeating myself too, probably sounding more like Maria than I would like even if she is my best friend.

"How's your paper doing anyway...?" I ask now, trying to turn the conversation back to the original focus. "Were you finding all the information you need...?"

Stirring first one, and then the other cup, I slide one across towards Max with a smile when I'm done.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


I feel Kyle hands on my waist as he is kissing me passionately. I love the way his lips taste. It’s pleasure to my tongue. It tastes like a unknown favor that I never taste before, and it always makes me want to come back for more.

Kyle pulls away from my lips and I always miss them. I look up and him and smiles as I looks into his eyes. He comes back to my face and start kissing my jaw line. He kisses with need, like he can’t stop that he needs more

I close my eyes as I moan, “Kyle…” I slightly move my head to the side. My heart is rating so that I don’t know if I can control myself. All my body wants to do is give in the feelings I am feeling and take over.
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Post by isabelle »


I shake my head, chuckling as Liz starts apologizing for the books again and thanking me for helping her. "It's okay, honest," I tell her. I'd thought we'd talked about that already. She sounds nervous. I feel the same way.

"How's your paper doing anyway...?" she asks then. "Were you finding all the information you need...?"

"Yeah, pretty much. It was probably time for me to quit for the night, anyway," I say. I don't want to admit that part of it was 'hiding out.' I just don't always know how to act around people. I know everyone here is a mutant, but I still find it hard to really join in. Studying is easier. And now, instead of that, I'm here with the prettiest girl in the school. Yeah, her powers are pretty scary, but I can't help but watch her whenever she comes into the room.

"Were you practicing by yourself?" I ask, remembering what she said about what caused her headaches. If she was having trouble, I'm sure the proffessor would have helped her.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Yeah, I'd really like that," Maria says, smiling, and I grin. Good idea Jess, pull out the 'new kid' trick. No, but seriously, I wouldn't mind spending some more time with this girl, I'm glad she said yes.

"I'll show you all around." She adds, and I grab the keys even as she's still talking. "That's what I was hoping. I need to know my way around town eventually." Getting to the door, I open it, and look back at her.

"Ladies first."
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Post by KatnotKath »


I shake my head as Max asks if I was practicing by myself. " was one of my scheduled hours for the week..." I wrinkle my nose in disgust, having no compunction to hide the fact I hate working with the professors like that. "I've been sticking mainly to telekinesis recently, but the professor wanted me to try the know? - I can't exactly practice that on my own..."

Trailing off, I look away from him at the unspecified mention of mind control, turning my gaze towards the surface of my drink and studying it intensely.

"He says I need to practice, and I guess I didn't realise how much it had taken out of me until I was out on the corridor..." I explain softly, looking up again hesitantly and running a hand through my hair, pushing it back from my face. "Usually I'd just have some painkillers with me, or get back to my room, but I ran out last night, and it got bad fast I guess..."

Cradelling my mug in my hands, I bring it up to my lips, taking a sip and continuing to watch him over the top of the rim for a moment. Usually I'd go on up to my room from here, but I'm not sure if suggesting something like that might be too much... It's not like we'd be doing anything wrong, but I don't really usually invite anyone other than Maria back...

As the rich, dark, steaming liquid hits the back of my throat, a contented sigh slips from my lips. My cheeks flush as I look back at Max awkwardly. "Sorry...Not exactly the most daring drink is it...?" I comment softly with a small smile. "Maria keeps telling me that I spice it up a little or try something new, but I guess I just like it as it is..."

She also says that I should be going out more instead of just hanging around the school, but then that's another story and not exactly something I want to get into right now.

Taking another sip of my drink, I glance around the room, noting the lack of comfortable seating and thinking again of the temptingly open pack of cookies back in my room as I look back at Max. "So do you want to sit for a bit..." I question awkwardly, motioning to the chairs which stand around the table, hesitating again before voicing the other possibility. "...or if you wanted you'd be welcome to come back to my room instead..." I shrug nervously, my voice becoming even softer now as a result as I try to explain. "I-I was just thinking it might be a bit more comfortable you know, and I've got some cookies back there if you want to nibble on something...but only if you want to of course...?"

Biting down on my lip, I again look down at my drink, suddenly finding it incredibly interesting as I feel my cheeks grow hot in embaressment and wonder if I've just made a fool of myself. I don't want him to get the wrong idea, it's not the sort of thing that I usually do, inviting someone back...but then Max isn't exactly typical of a lot of the students, and I can't help thinking it'd be nice to be able to just be able to talk some more maybe...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I take a sip of my cocoa and I feel my eyebrows go up as she says she was practicing with the professor. I thought she'd gotten the headache because she wasn't doing 'the other' as she calls it, but I guess she meant that she was doing it without enough practice. I wonder how the professor knows if she's doing it well if his mind is under her control. Maybe he's still aware? That's a bit creepy but I try not to let those thoughts show. At least she's not hurting anyone. Not physically.

I wonder why the Proff didn't stop before she was hurting herself, or at least be sure that she got her meds. I'm guessing she was hiding her symptoms. Not a good plan when you need help, but I think I understand her embarassment.

She immediately changes the subject, talking about the cocoa instead. I decide it's probably best to let the topic drop and I smile at her reference to the 'un-adventurous' nature of cocoa. But it's comfortable and warm and those are nice things. Especially if you're hurting and feeling alone.

"So do you want to sit for a bit, or if you wanted you'd be welcome to come back to my room instead..." she shrugs nervously. "I-I was just thinking it might be a bit more comfortable you know, and I've got some cookies back there if you want to nibble on something...but only if you want to of course...?"

I look up at her, not sure what to say. I'm afraid that I'm staring and suddenly I find myself smiling. "It gathers around and has a party. The time of the snack is happy," I say. Seeing her confused expression, my smile bursts into a grin. "Sorry. I saw it on a tee-shirt once, written around the word 'cookie'. It was a bit weird, but funny and almost makes sense. Anyway, I'd be happy to share some cookies with you. That would be ... nice."
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Post by isabelle »


"Yay," I say in a constrained squeal. It's always fun to leave campus and even more fun if you're hanging out with a cute new guy. The fact that he's a shape-shifter like me is a bonus I'd never have expected.

"Catch me if you can!" I say as I spin out of his reach. In a moment, I'm racing down the hallway. Before I get halfway to the stair, I transform into a lioness and pour on speed that I can never get on two legs. Sure, I'll have to let him catch up if I'm going to find his car -- maybe. Not sure how many Toyotas are out there. probably I'll be able to guess which is his. -- It's fun to stretch my legs like this.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry, this isn't my best, hope it works though


I look up in confusion as Max responds, his words seeming strange, and really not making much sense... He looks back at me with a grin, explaining that it's something he's seen on a tee-shirt, and I laugh softly although my laughter trails off as he adds that he'd be happy to share some cookies with me.

"That would be...nice..."

I look over in suprise, wondering if I just imagined that, but he's still smiling and I guess I didn't... "Yeah..." I nod and return his smile, before reaching for my cup and motioning towards the door. "Well...we should probably go, if we're going...before we've drunk up..."

I sound awkward I'm sure, but I can't help it... This just isn't a situation I usually find myself in... Company isn't exactly something I get a lot of...with what I can do... People aren't queuing up to be my friend...

I sound like I'm complaining I know, but I'm not... I don't blame them for fearing what I can do - I scare myself sometimes afterall...

"Of course we don't have to if you don't want... Or if you have something else you want to do, go out or something...I don't want to stop you doing what you want..." I insist, beginning to doubt if he really wants to. Of course he's likely to have something better to do than hang around my room eating cookies and drinking cocoa... I'm babbling again, sounding more like Maria by the minute I'm sure, but I just...well...I guess I'm nervous...

"Not that you're not welcome, you are...just...I don't want you to feel that you have to say yes..." I finish awkwardly, trailing off into an uncomfortable silence as we continue to stand by the counter.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


"Not that you're not welcome, you are...just...I don't want you to feel that you have to say yes..."

Listen to her. She's practically tripping over her words. She sounds as awkward as I feel. It's kinda cute and it makes me feel warm inside. I smile at her in what I hope is a calming and comforting way.

I hope she's not changing her mind, regretting that she asked me. She said I'm still welcomed and I hope it's true. I'm not exactly Mr. Social around here and I might be reading her wrong -- but I think she wants a friend. I also think she's the most beautiful girl in the school, but I try to stop those thoughts. I'm sure she's not interested like that and letting her know would only ruin what might actually become a friendship.

"I don't think that I have to. I think that I want to," I say gently. I pick up the tin of cocoa so we can make more later. There's a little kitchenette upstairs with a hot water dispenser for coffee and tea. It'll work fine for more cocoa, if we need it.

"And if you say I'm still welcomed, then I say we should go on and do it," I say. I hold open the door and step back, allowing her to go first, unless she has changed her mind...
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Yay," Maria says, sounding more excited than I've ever heard anyone sound. Then, on her way out of the door, she spins out of reach and shouts, "Catch me if you can!" As I watch in surprise and amazement, she shifts in the hallway and races down in her lion form. How in hell am I supposed to keep up with her? There's no way I'm changing...ah, to hell with it.

Shifting to my wolf form, I take off after her. She's gotta stop sometime, and besides, so close to the full moon, it feels really good to be able to control when I shift.

Racing down the hall, I don't stop until I'm out the door, with Maria in sight. Speeding up, I manage to make it in front of her briefly, and I skid to a stop, seeing if she'll stop to avoid crashing into me. If she doesn't, well, more power to her.
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