The Object of my Affection(AU, M/L, Teen/Adult) [WIP]

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by baby_bre »

Chapter 11

“Get it away from me!!!!!!!!!” I scream and toss my cell against the window, just barely missing Maria’s head. I’ve had five calls from Tess, 10 from a number I don’t even recognize and 6 from Bryan. I can’t stand this; I think I’m going to die from embarrassment. Whoever did this should die, seriously! I know it can’t be Ruby because why would she paste the evidence of her liking Bryan all over the school walls. “I think I’m going to throw up,” I tell Maria, putting a hand over my mouth as the familiar icky feeling comes over me. I can’t get sick in Maria’s car though, she’ll kill me but then that might be better then facing everyone else, right? No someone has done this to me and I can’t die until they pay with blood. But who could it have been? Either it wasn’t Ruby I was talking to or someone hacked into one of our chat logs.

“It’s Bryan,” Maria tells me holding up my cell so I can see. “Answer it.”

“No,” I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window.

“Come on you can’t ignore him forever.” She tells me, a stubborn look on her face.

“Fine but if he freaks I’m kicking your butt okay?” I tell her and yank open my phone. “Yep?”

“Liz? Are you alright?” He sounds concerned and guilt tugs at my insides.

“I’m err peachy keen. No worries lovie bug.” Lovie bug? What the hell am I smoking?

“You sure?” He asks and I want to sob into my hands until I pass out from either exhaustion or dehydration whichever comes first.

“Yeah you know me, a little publicity won’t get me down,” I laugh loudly because it’s less embarrassing then crying while he’s on the phone.

“Where are you?” He questions, “I’ve been calling you.”

“I know, sorry for not answering I just didn’t know what to say.”

“You can say whatever, what your feeling. I can’t believe how hard this must be, to have everyone at school know… to have Max know.”

“Max knows?!?!” I yelp stupidly, of course he knows. So Maria said she didn’t know if he had seen it but of course he has.

“Yeah I’m sorry. I was there when he saw it.” He admits and I have the urge to burry my head in some sand and leave it there.

“Did he laugh?” I shut my eyes as if it will stop me from hearing the answer.

“No he didn’t laugh,” He assures me, “Tess saw it too.”

“Oh god, I feel so bad I’ve probably embarrassed them, made them feel guilty about their love connection… but hey on the bright side assuming that really was Ruby you can quit hanging around me and work on getting your girl back.” I say forcing a smile on my face as Maria stares at me.

“Like I’m going to stop hanging out with you but I can’t say that I didn’t smile a little to see that Ruby still has feelings for me.”

“How do you know it was her?”

“I was there when she saw, she literally screamed and ran in the direction of the girl’s bathrooms and I haven’t seen her since.” He says and I can tell he’s a little amused at that but I’m not.

“Good at least I’m not the only embarrassed one.” I say which is a little mean but whatever I’m passed being nice. I am NEVER ever telling anyone anything ever again. Not in person because they might be recording it, not online because they might be saving it to print out and definitely not on the phone because they probably have other people on the line or are broadcasting it somewhere. People are evil I tell you and whoever did this is Satans child. Did I mention I can be a bit of a drama queen at times? I hope I did because yeah this is bad but maybe some people would be handling it a bit better? I’m not sure how most people handle public humiliation but I obviously don’t handle it well.
“If you need me I’m here to talk or whatever.”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” I tease, feeling a little better because Bryan doesn’t hate me.

“You know what I meant.” He tells me and I know he’s rolling his eyes even if I can’t see him doing it.

“Hush I did not!” I protest and Maria raises an eyebrow in my direction. So I go from bawling to laughing in like five seconds flat but who can stay emotional when they’re talking to Bryan? Not me that’s sure, he always makes situations seem less … then they really are.

He laughs and asks, “Where are you?”

“I’m in Maria’s car which is parked in the lot.”

“Coming to school anytime today or are you being a bad girl and ditching?”

“I’m never coming to school again.” I groan when Maria whacks me on the arm and mouths we have to go to school now because it’s almost lunch and they’re going to call our parents if we don’t. How would I explain this to my parents?

“You have to, if you don’t come to school and face this then whoever did this wins.” He says with a knowing tone and I want to go to school just to strangle him.

“How do you figure that?”

“It sounded like the thing to say, that’s how.”

I roll my eyes and shrug even though he can’t see me, “Fine but you’re going to protect me okay? I mean it. You’re meeting me in the front entrance and are not leaving my side, not once.” I warn him and Maria shakes her head.

“What will people say?”

“Who cares?” Maria grins and mouths ‘that’s’ the attitude’


This is pure hell, I’m serious. Even with Maria on my left and Bryan on my right I still feel like an animal at the zoo. How could this happen? Who’d want to do this to me? Tess, surely she wouldn’t. Who else? Besides who would want to embarrass Ruby of all people? Everyone loves her to pieces so who would do that to her? I can’t think of a single person. Though I’m not entirely sure she’s embarrassed since there’s no way of knowing since I haven’t seen her at all but I’m holding out hope. I need to talk to someone who can relate to how it feels walking down the hall while everyone stares at you and whispers but then I think Ruby may be used to that since people do on a daily basis so it’s likely that today’s no different for her then any other.

“AH! There he is!” I exclaim and Bryan grabs my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “How could we come down this hall, knowing his locker is right there? I am going to die! I am!” I want to turn and bolt but Max has already spotted us, as has Tess. Not to mention Bryan is holding on to my hand and he doesn’t seem to be letting go so what can I do other then let him drag me down the hall towards my doom?

“Hey Liz,” Tess calls over to us as we near his locker and Bryan hold tightens, it’s almost painful.

“Hi.” I pretend nothings new that those pages weren’t plastered to the wall this morning and Maria doesn’t say anything.

“How is everyone?” She asks with too friendly of a smile. Why is she pretending? I know why I am but why is Max and her?

“Great,” Maria speaks up for the first time and I nod my agreement.

“That’s good.” She says airily and brushes a curl behind her ear.

“Yeah really good.” I mumble and stare at the floor, ignoring Max’s questioning gaze.

“So about this morning’s new letter…” Tess trails off looking at me expectantly.

I freeze, feeling like a deer caught in head lights and I want to die on the spot, Tess is staring at me but more importantly Max is staring at me. I pray that floor swallow me up.

“Completely fake,” Bryan says not missing a beat. “It was a stupid joke Maria and me were playing on Liz. I’m sorry your guys names were mentions but I guess it got out of hand, didn’t it girls?” he looks at us and I want to kiss him.

“Yeah it did, we’re really sorry about that. It was really awesome though that Ruby was willing to go along with it. But that’s what you get Liz for all those silly pranks you played on us last week.”

“Oh,” Tess grins, “We figured it was something like that. Didn’t we Max?” She looks over her shoulder at him and he nods agreeably.


“I LOVE you Bryan!” I exclaim once we turn the corner and I practically jump on him.

He grins, “I just couldn’t believe Tess asked like that….” I’m still not entirely sure whether they believed us or not but either way it saved me from a long and even more embarrassing explanation.