Somewhere In Between (TEEN, XO, DRWHO, UC) [Completed]

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Somewhere In Between (TEEN, XO, DRWHO, UC) [Completed]

Post by EnglishDreamer »

Title: Somewhere in Between

Author: EnglishDreamer

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. This is purely the creation of a crazy fangirl.

Category: Kinda AU – Slight mentions of UC

Rating: TEEN

Summary: Liz Parker is caught between a rock and a hard place. She’s sick to death of being a small town girl, yet she’s still tied by the bonds of the pod squad. But when a strange man offers her the chance to travel, what does she say?

Timeline: After ITLAITB but with events of OtM mentioned in Roswell and the Doctor Dances in Doctor Who (it airs next week in America)

A/N: Due to my rather strong feelings of hate towards Max, he’s REALLY OoC…

<center>Dedicated to Angelic aka Vicky. You shouldn’t fall down stairs ;) </Center>



In circular motions, her wrist moved, wiping the already clean tables. Sighing, she wanted to cry, tear her hair out… Anything. As long as it let out the very apparent frustration she was feeling. Or if it got her out of Roswell.

Liz Parker hated her life. It well and truly sucked. Her best friend had died, and everyone seemed to believe it was suicide. But it couldn’t have been. Alex was far too happy-go-lucky. He didn’t have the demeanour to do that. An accident would be too obvious considering he knew the secret as well.

The secret of the Roswell crash, in 1947. Aliens existed. Right under everybody’s noses.

The bell chimed, and it became apparent that her feet where not getting a well deserved break at any point in the near future. She seated the new customers – tourists, again! – and handed them the menus. This life of hers so tedious, Liz knew she’d have to crawl out alive.

Continuing the rather dull, unexciting prospect of serving these three unknown tourists, Liz pinned up the order and span the wheel around so that Jose was aware of the news. Liz sighed. This job sucked. Not that she could complain. Her father was her boss after all!

Rubbing her neck, Liz sat down on the stool, waiting for her order. Maria, whom was also on shift, completely blanked Liz, and slid into the normal booth next to Michael, whose arm wrapped around her shoulders. Maria smirked in Liz’s general direction.

Liz scoffed at Maria’s behaviour; so much for years of friendship. It seemed if it had two legs and a dick, Maria would choose it over Liz, any day of the year. Closing her eyes, and looking toward the ceiling, Liz prayed that wherever Alex now was, he was at peace.

“Hey Liz! Order’s up!”

Turning, Liz stood, her feet slightly less agitated from the pressure of her slight build. Picking the plates up with expert ease, walking with slow grace to the tourists. Of course, in pure spite, Max – who was opposite Maria - stuck his foot out, in order to trip the girl up.

One of the tourists whom she was meant to be serving caught her before she fell: keeping all the food from the floor in the process. Liz looked up and met with youthful baby blues. She gave that little flustered grin she only ever used with Max, and stood up straight.


“No problem.” His smile made Liz melt. He was such a smooth operator, but Liz felt herself fall for his charms. Finally placing the food in front of the retrospective person, Liz smiled and was about to back away.

But it was this time the elder man who spoke. “Why don’t you join us? We could do with a decent guide. You work here, so you’re obviously local.”

Liz bit her bottom lip. The phrase: Getting into cars with strange men came to mind. Mentally shaking her head however mean that Liz placed her common sense into the dustbin. She was sick of being the smart one. Where exactly had it gotten her?

Yup; absolutely nowhere.

Nodding her reply, Liz smiled lightly. “Just let me change first. I’ll be back, and then you can tell me were it is you want to go, k?”

With a positive reply from the three of them, Liz bounded away, leaving Maria on duty. ’Screw Maria, what’s she done for me lately?’ Happy that her actions were justified, Liz was glad for the slight change in her mundane world.

Changing into a long flowing gypsy of colour cerulean blue and a white spaghetti strapped top, Liz felt much more at peace. Brushing her long dark hair, so that it fell straight down on her back. Clipping in her hoped earrings in, Liz noted her appearance now matched that of the blonde girl she was about to guide.

Spying her mother, Liz explained where she was going. Her mother agreed for her to do this guides fairly often. It turned out tourists are helpless with maps. After Liz came back unharmed the first time, she didn’t have a problem with it.

As she entered the seating area in the CrashDown Café, Liz smiled as the ‘I know an alien’ club stared. She rarely dressed prettily, so this change was dreadfully drastic in their narrow minded views.

Re-joining the group, Liz was happily surprised to see that they had already been billed, and were awaiting their guide. Smiling her pearly whites, Liz suddenly realised that she didn’t know any of their names.

“I’m Elizabeth Parker, but you can call be Liz.” She said, still smiling in that almost air-headed manner, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

This time the female spoke, “I’m Rose, this one,” indicating to the charmer from earlier, “Is Jack. This one, is the Doctor.” Rose’s arm went almost possessively around his arm, as if to say: ‘He’s mine!

The Doctor gave an almost cheesy grin as it spread across his face. “The UFO Centre you lot are known for. How about we make that our first stop?”

Nodding, Liz pointed her arm out, to indicate where they should all be heading towards. “You’re lucky, it’s right across the road.” And out they left.


Brody welcomed them into the building, madly grinning his head off. Waving, Liz walked past, in order to give the tour. Liz began to wonder if working here, would be better than waitressing. Deciding that nutcases and Max Evans tipped the balance, Liz went against picked up an application form.

At some of the exhibits, Liz heard the Doctor give cynical remarks as to the true nature of them. Jack would add his own two sense and Rose would try and hush them, indicating to Liz herself, in what could only be described as a semi-discrete manner.

Making there way to the basement, the Doctor seemed like a small child who’d been told to eat all the candy he could manage, when his sights became set on the hostage situation before them. Liz turned on her heel to leg it out of there, but Brody already had his gun pointed at her. “All four of you, down here, NOW!”

The Doctor bounded down the steps with obscene enthusiasm, Jack right behind him. Only Rose seemed to show any sign of hesitation, before dragging Liz down the steps with her. “You might believe any of what about to happen, but, you’ll get used to it!”

Liz could only look at the elder girl in disbelief, as she was pulled in the hostages general direction. Sean and Amy DeLuca, Max Evans and Tess Harding. Absolutely fabulous. Her worst nightmare, had just become real. Amy and Sean looked like they’d been knocked out with some alien hocus pocus; which made Liz rather nervous.

“Elizabeth Parker, shot in the CrashDown Café. You were bleeding to death, and that alien,” Pointing directly at Max, “Saved your life. He healed you! Everyone knows what you really are. You’re of them as well!”

Liz looked like a dear caught in headlights. Whatever it had been she was expecting, it most certainly wasn’t that! Now extremely scared for her own safety, Liz did the normal small town girl thing. The bit of personality she hated.

“Now, Brody, don’t be ridiculous! You’ve seen all my baby photos, probably more times then my relatives! You know the exact time I was born. How could I possible be one of them, whatever it is you suppose they are?”

Brody seemed to listen to the relative reason behind Liz’s argument. Until he found the fatal flaw. “You don’t deny he healed you though. Or that he’s an alien!”

Then he sank into himself, muttering incoherently about ‘making money’ and ‘Antar’. The Doctor perked up more-so at the mention of Antar.

“So King Zan, how’ve you been?”


Liz just stared at the turn of events. She’d been guiding a group of people who’d been there. To Antar. They’d travelled the stars and had inter-galactic fights and seen more then Liz could ever hope to imagine.

Alright, Liz wasn’t dense. She was jealous. Indescribably so! They had what Liz wanted at the tips of their fingers, and they took every moment for granted. Liz wanted to scream.

Tess looked like she wanted to throw up, Max went deathly pale.

But it seemed nobody understood exactly what was happening. Brody, now mentally stable again, was upstairs with Sean and Amy, talking about the some picture or another. The mindwarp keeping them from ever remembering that this day had ever happened.

Liz walked away. She knew that she was to repeat none of what had happened. It was just another tie keeping her bound to Roswell and to Max. Quietly climbing the stairs, Liz slipped out of the room with only one pair of eyes watching her moves.

Captain Jack Harkness – Captain of the Innuendo Squad. Knowing Liz was younger than Rose, he had been sensible enough not to hit on her. Or at least, until she was on her own. But apparently it wasn’t about to happen. He frowned. Liz had looked hot in that uniform of hers…

“Get your mind outta the gutter Jack!” Rose spoke, capturing his attention again, more than well aware that this was a calling card to stop being himself, and be the gun-totting Jack they needed at the moment.

“You don’t tell anyone what you know about us, and we don’t tell anyone about you. I’m very good with a sonic blaster. Don’t make me use it on you, alright?” Was the last thing spoken between the groups, and Team TARDIS left the premises and Roswell.


A few months had passed since the Doctor had been. Liz was currently at her graduation, enjoying the joys of being book smart. A year in front of the rest of her class, it allowed Liz the slight freedom she needed.

Except she was still tied to Roswell. Isabel was even staying, claiming her family was the reason. But Liz knew it was Max being overly-controlling. Feeling so much for the blonde whom she was slowly getting closer to, was not even that surprising.

“Hey Izzy. I heard you’re staying now? What happened to San Francisco?” Liz questioned the elder girl.

Isabel sighed, sadness all over her face, and she replied: “Max. Says it’s not safe for me. But I just need...”

“To get away?”

Isabel smiled slightly. Nodding, she let out a sigh. Liz and Isabel shared a look that said they knew that Liz was trapped as well. Isabel bit her lip, placed her right arm on her neck, pulling her shoulder up at the same time.

“Maybe if we left together, he wouldn’t find us?”

Liz chuckled lightly at Isabel’s blatant naïve-ness. Both knew if they “disappeared” Max wouldn’t give up until they were back under his lock and key. Apparently controlling his fiancé, Tess, and their son Zan wasn’t enough for the “almighty” King.

Both girls were already packed, hoping to find a loop-hole in Max’s law that would allow them to leave. Of course, Max was completely unawares of this fact, or they would be highly screwed.

“Or maybe if you left the planet…” Liz’s eyes opened wide, as she turned to come face-to-face with the Doctor once more. Isabel looked like she was going to faint.

“What’s that meant to mean? Do we look stupid?” Isabel snapped, the ice princess mask she had worn for most of her life slipping firmly back into place. Paranoia rampant in her thoughts, and on her face.

“Iz, he’s telling the truth. Max didn’t tell you?” Liz paused before thinking about she was insinuating. “What am I saying? Max doesn’t tell anyone anything. Jackass!”

The Doctor snorted, knowing that Zan had always been like that; particularly when the Doctor had been in his eighth incarnation. What had been up with those ruffles? “I’m offering the two of you a chance to escape. To see space and everything up there. Will you take it?”

Isabel heard the word escape, but still needed convincing. Liz heard the word escape and jumped in head first. Both wanted to leave Alex’s death, Max and the secrets behind. Turn over a new leaf and start a-fresh. Could they do that travelling space?


Max, furious that his sister had been gone for more than five minutes, stormed backstage, only to find her talking to the traitor and the man that could destroy them. Fear disintegrated, fast replaced anxiety. But a steely façade allowed him to storm over and forcefully grab Liz’s arm.

Searing pain shot throughout her lower arm, trickling through her nerves. Max was adding his own little taste power by the touch. Whatever it was, made Liz’s knees buckle, scream out for pain, just generally beg for it to stop. It was horrific sight.

“What do you think your doing? Filling my sister’s thoughts with freedom? She belongs HERE!” At the last word, Max voice rose several octaves higher, almost to a banshee screech. Liz sobbed on the floor, trying to regain her arm.

Isabel, trying to wrench her brother off of Liz, was thrown backwards, into a rather muscled wall. Whoever it was, kept her up right, setting back onto her feet. Pulling out a sonic blaster, and setting it to stun, it was fired at Max.

As Max collapsed, Liz yanked her arm away. She stood on shaky legs, nearly falling twice, but Jack by this point had run forward to keep her together. Jack hugged her, stoking her hair, comforting Liz.


The TARDIS door was open, the Doctor standing by the console, tinkering with some wiring. Jack and Rose were sitting on the floor, playing with the psychic paper. Some loud noises were heard, and the three looked up.

Liz and Isabel had all their packed bags and big grins.


Okay, so I felt that it sucked, but I’d been playing with the idea for some time… I currently have a longer Doctor Who/Roswell fic in progress, but it won’t be posted for some time.

Feedback is welcomed :D