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Post by baby_bre »


According to the look on my sisters face I'm not at all sure she believes me. Why would she though? I know as well as she that I'd rather be anywhere but here. I don't want to have to be around my lovely sister, be reminded that everyone has always loved her more, it just agitates me but what other choice do I have? Go home to New Hampshire, sure I'd love to but what would my parents say if I showed up? They'd think I'd dropped out of university, they'd never buy the story about holiday and unlike Serena they would pressure me about it. '

"Dont call me Kenny." I snap annoyed at that nickname, she knows I hate it. "And no Mum and Dad do not know I'm here and I'd really like to keep it that way." Her parents would lecture her, tell her how perfect Serena was and she didn't feel like listening to it all.

"So errm how have you been?" She asked politely before asking the question she really wanted to know. "Have you heard from Kyan?" She missed him so much, he was the only person in her family she was really close to.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Don’t call me Kenny,” She snaps in annoyance just like I knew she would. I’m glad to see that something never change. “And no, Mum and Dad do not know I’m here and I’d really like to keep it that way.”

I raise an eyebrow at the slight English twang that has laced itself together with her American accent.

“Oh Mum and Dad don’t know you’re back. Well, isn’t that interesting.” I murmur, raising an eyebrow. There is no way that Kendra is here on holiday. If it was a simple case of a holiday then there wouldn’t be any need for secrecy.

"So errm how have you been?" She asks politely as if we are strangers and not mere sisters. I suddenly feel very envious of the relationship that Zan shares with his siblings. They might not spend as much time together as they use to but there is never this painfully awkwardness between them like there is between Kendra and I. "Have you heard from Kyan?"

“I’ve been fine. Busy with my club and trying to find time to spend with Zan.” I murmur and now that Kendra is back I guess there will be even less time to be spent with Zan since I’ll be babysitting her until she decides to hightail it back to England. I suddenly realize that Kendra probably has no idea who Zan is and it is so strange since he is my life and has been for the last three years “Zan’s my boyfriend. He lives here too but he’s at work at the moment. He’s a surgical intern at the local hospital. His brother and sister live here too. I’ll introduce you to Izzy in a minute. Oh and Alex and Seth have moved to the city as well. And Michael too. And Kyan. Well, Kyan is Kyan. He sent me a postcard last week. He‘s partying in Mexico. Its probably why you couldn‘t contact him and got stuck here with me.”

I pause, allowing her to swallow all the information that I had threw at her. “But what about you, Kendra? How are you? And what is with the English accent? You do realize that you’ll American, right?”
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Post by baby_bre »


When she imitates an english accent I bite my lip so I don't laugh at her. I know it's weird that she's my sister and here we are behaving like we've only just met but what can I say? We've never been close, I've never been able to talk to her. How could I when she was always so above me, so wrapped up in her own world and I felt like a little peasant girl in comparison.

"Zan sounds like a very nice man." I tell her using the tone I'd picked up in England. "And your life sounds wonderful." Not that I expected anything different from Serena.

"I'm sure Kyan's having a lovely time but I wish he'd come home." I pull a face and shrug, oh well I don't need anyone. I can keep care of myself, I don't know where I'm going to stay, how I'll make money or really anything but surely those are minor details.

"I've been well thanks, uni is going good and I'm getting high marks. I have a great group of friends." I say curtly and force a smile onto my face when Luke's smiling face pops into my head. "And yes Serena I know I'm an America but to be quite frank I've felt more at home in England then I ever have here."
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"Zan sounds like a very nice man." Kendra says in a tone that leaves me wondering if she actually means what she says. "And your life sounds wonderful."

I more then half tempted to question her about her words. What does she mean that my life sounds wonderful? It sounds like a normal kinda life with its normal joys, problems and tears. I really hope that Kendra isn’t here with plans of causing trouble for me and mine because I will kick her ass.

"I'm sure Kyan's having a lovely time but I wish he'd come home." She pulls a face as she shrugs. "I've been well thanks, uni is going good and I'm getting high marks. I have a great group of friends. And yes Serena I know I'm an America but to be quite frank I've felt more at home in England then I ever have here."

I can’t help but scoff at her words about Kyan. I’ve never known Kyan to have a lovely time doing anything. He’s always preferred to have a fucking awesome time or something along those lines. The word lovely really is misplaced when it comes to describing our dear brother.

“Yeah but if Kyan was home then you would have to face Mom and Dad. And you’ve made it obvious that you want to avoid that.” I point out with a shrug of my own. “I’m glad that you’re happy in England and that everything is going well but just a word of advice, when you do see our parents don’t let them know that you would rather in England. Mom would be heartbroken. She’s missed you so much since you’ve been gone. We all have. But anyway, do you wanna come and meet Izzy? She’s in the kitchen.”
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Post by baby_bre »


This would be so much easier if I were having this conversation with anyone other then Serena. I've always felt so drab compared to her and even though I know I have grown up a lot and matured I still feel like this little mouse whenever next to her.

"I suppose but it'd be worth facing them don't you think?" I ask, I mean seeing Kyan would be one of the few highlights I've had since Luke and I broke up. "Yeah..." I mumbled with a roll of my eyes, "I'm sure everyone ones just been crying their eyes out." Please her parents barely knew she was alive most days so what difference did her being in England really make?

"Sure I can meet Izzy?" She wasn't sure if that was the right name but figured she hadn't heard wrong.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

I'm sorry Ruby.... I know I've been really bad with posting here... and rather then have everyone end up being drawn behind on a reg basis because of me, I think it would be wise if I gave up Max and Michael. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause... I just can't seem to get my mind to work here at the current time.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

so anyone know a way to get me into this? i'm a little lost.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

StormWolfstone wrote:I'm sorry Ruby.... I know I've been really bad with posting here... and rather then have everyone end up being drawn behind on a reg basis because of me, I think it would be wise if I gave up Max and Michael. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause... I just can't seem to get my mind to work here at the current time.
M'kay. I completely understand, Storm. I hope that things start to look up for you soon. Hugs!
Fehr'sBear wrote:so anyone know a way to get me into this? i'm a little lost.
Tess is in the kitchen so maybe Maria go and play catch up with her.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


God, I hate mornings. Hitting the alarm to shut it off, rather than hit it with a sledgehammer and give it the slow, untimely death it deserves, I half slide, half drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom, I take a quick shower and then trudge back to my closet, throwing on the first clean suit I lay my hands on. Then, I wander to the bathroom and fix my hair and makeup before trudging into the kitchen. Tess is in their, looking perky like you wouldn't believe, so I just glare at her and mutter, "Coffee," before slumping back into a chair at the table. I wish they had IVs for this stuff, I could live off coffee. When the timer goes off, saying the coffee's done, I grab a mug and pour some in, practically gulping it down. There we go. This is more like it.

"So, Tess, how was your weekend?" I ask, wishing she had my jetlag instead of me. She'd probably still be able to function.
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