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Post by Fehr'sBear »

so should i have maria just appear back at the house then??
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

We've jumped ahead to Monday so Maria would have gotten home on Saturday. So yeah, she can just be at home. :)
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Post by baby_bre »


I’m unable to bring myself to believe I’m actually doing it. I’m really going home. The thought scares me because it’s been a long time since I’ve been home. So long in act that I’m not even sure where home is. I found myself in England, despite how clichéd that sounds it’s true. I found myself beyond my brother and sister, beyond Serena’s shadow. Here everyone knows me because I’m Kendra. Not because I’m Kyan’s little sister who had a warning label that read risk of death or Serena’s younger sister. Serena who is impossible to live up to, impossible to hate because she happens to be good at just about everything, she is smart and to top it all off incredibly gorgeous and glamorous. So why is it I’m on this plane again?

"Damnit, Luke." I say aloud and the person next to me raises an eye brow in questioning.

"All right miss?"

“I’m fine thanks.” I’m going to miss this place, I love it here in England but I need to get away from all the memories, away from my campus life, away from anything to do with my new life here.

Everything with Luke turned to such crap. I never meant for things to go so horribly wrong but what else could I do? He certainly didn’t make it easy on me. I wanted to be with him, things were so magical in the beginning and I thought he wanted that too. Well intentioned friends had no problem letting it slip that he was moving on quickly, attending gatherings, going to the pub and having the time of his life.

I tried to smile and pretend being single again was lovely. That it didn’t hurt or matter to me what he did. It got to be too much after a few weeks, the pitying stares and that’s when I made my decision to take a break, to go home. At least there is no one there who will know how badly I’ve been cut because they don’t know anything. They don’t know a single bloody detail about my new life here. Why would they? They wouldn’t care; they don’t want to hear about it, they can’t be bothered. Kyan is busy doing fuck all and god knows what perfect Serena’s doing, probably too caught up in her own wonderful life so what would have been the point?

The only person in the states that really knows anything about my life here is Jenna, my best friend. I called her the minute after it all went down, she listened to me cry and vent. She did her very best to comfort me when all she could really do was whisper soothing words into the phone and hope it would help. Honestly it did help and I’ve pulled myself together. I will not let on how crap my life is right now. Because besides Luke things were going great, I had a wonderful social life. I had a group of friends that adored me, Professors that practically loved me; I made great marks and had the perfect job.

Those are the things I shall let on; I’ll allow my older sister to know about the good things and nothing else. It’s unnecessary to bother her with information about Luke right? Kyan is a different story all together. Though I will not tell him about my engagement because clearly that would piss him off I will be ecstatic once I see him again. I love my older brother to tears, literally more then probably anyone in my family. He has always been there for me, made me feel like I was apart of the family and that Serena wasn’t the only special one.

I lay my head back against the seat, willing sleep to come and when it doesn’t I close my eyes anyway.


I’m here and I cannot believe it! I’m seriously home, walking down a New York street. I’m going to Serena’s apartment and as much as I would rather not I have to. Because where else could I go, home? No way my parent’s house is not someplace I want to go. Its bad enough being around little miss perfect, I don’t want to have to go home and listen to my parents rave on and on about her. I’d love to go to Kyan’s, really I would but I’m not sure where he is at the moment or if he even has a home so that won’t work either.

I hail a taxi that will take me to Serena’s, the building she lives in is one my grandfather owns. I have a whole lot of luggage and so walking was not on my agenda. I bet this is going to be a shock for her when she answers the door and there I am. I’m sure Serena will barely recognize me as it is. I look insanely different from the girl that left for university. I mean when I left I hardly knew what make up was; what heels were for and my closet consisted of oversized t-shirts and basketball shorts and not to mention the fact that my hair was short and frizzed out.

I spend the entire taxi ride over pondering this. How different I am and I have made a resolve to not turn back into Serena’s shadow puppet, I’m really going to stick to it. I’m still thinking about it as I lug all my things up to her apartment door, feeling out of breath I knock lightly, feeling very dizzy but I ignore my nerves and wait.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


I freakin’ love mornings. I love waking up to the sun streaming through my window and the birds happily singing their little morning songs. I love the sound of car horns and annoyed people trying to get to work. I love the smell of freshly made coffee and toast. I love everything about mornings. They are so awesome.

Hitting my cd player on, I string out of bed and kung fu chop my way towards my wardrobe. I prance from foot to foot as I pick out an outfit for another boring day at the office. Picking out an outfit is probably the most exciting thing about my job. I dress to impress even though my job sucks.

“Can you feel it in your body-ah? (can you feel it?)” I sing along, bobbing my head as I shift through all my clothes. Wow, I have so much stuff. And a lot of this stuff still has the labels on it. Hmm, I really need to spend some time next weekend sorting through all my things. Maybe I could sell some stuff on eBay. I could use some extra cash. Being a legal secretary doesn’t pay as much as it should.

I’m still humming when I leave my bedroom and head to the bathroom for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. I’ve really gotta get my ass in gear otherwise I’m going to be late for work. Again. My boss always makes me feel like a naughty child when he catches me coming in late. Maybe if I get ready quick enough today, I’ll be able to catch Max for a lift although he probably hasn’t left the office from last night. Sick work obsessed man that he is.

Once I’m showered, dressed and all matters of lovely, I wonder to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice and to see if anyone else is up yet.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Alex, hey. Whatcha doing calling me at this time in the morning? Shouldn’t you be baking or something?”

"HaHa, very funny, girl." I say with a roll of my eyes. But wait, baking? I'm expected to bake? Oh how did Serena manage to talk me into cooking for her and her friends?

"Well, I actually call because of something that has to do with cooking. I have no idea where I can find some shops to buy food for you and your friends, or a babysitter agency or something for Seth in case I need one."

Okay, maybe the kindergarten could help me with that but Serena knows so many people that I wouldn't be surprised if she can immediately tell me five people for the job.

"Oh and ... good morning!" I add a belately.
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Post by madroswellfan »

My eyes flutter open and I marvel at gow nice it is to wake up in your own bed. Not that Ive been sleeping in other peoples beds! I mean sleeping in my own rather than sleeping in a chair at my studio.
But Im not one for staying in bed once Ive woken up. Life is too short. So instead I force myself out of bed and start to brush my hair. My blonde locks fall into there usual place. I look in my mirror thinking how long it will be before Im in the office. I don't technically have any appointments today...but I can go into sort out Mr Valentia photos. Of course technically I don't need to do them today, but I don't like things hanging over me and I like working so...

I step out of my room and walk down the hall into the kitchen, my white slip nightie still on. I go into the kitchen and over to the cupboard where I get out my usual cereal bar. I immediately open it and take a bite
"Hmm" I say as I chew.

I look around the room and see Serena who's on the phone.
"Hey" I say blushing. " ones usually up when I am..." I say apologetically.
Last edited by madroswellfan on Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"HaHa, very funny, girl." Alex laughs and I can just imagine him rolling his eyes. Its such a typical thing for Alex to do. "Well, I actually call because of something that has to do with cooking. I have no idea where I can find some shops to buy food for you and your friends, or a babysitter agency or something for Seth in case I need one. Oh and ... good morning!"

“Uh huh, I thought that your mother taught you some manners. Good morning to you too, sunshine. I should have known that you would only be calling this early in the morning because you need my help.” I tease, unable to stop the grin that spreads on my lips. “But have no fear, your favorite cousin will save the day.”

I grab my address book from the table where I had thrown it last night and sit up on the counter. The babysitter was the easiest problem to solve. I had already talked to one of my club promoters’ little sister about the job.

“Right, one of my club promoters has a little sister called Beth. She is seventeen and a totally sweetheart. Seth will love her. I told her that you would probably be calling her in the next couple of days.” I state before telling Alex her phone number and address details. “Food wise, you don’t have to go to too much trouble Alex. I’m pretty sure everyone would be happy if you decided to order in. I can bring some menus with me.”

I smile absentmindedly at Isabel when she walks into the room but she doesn’t appear to see me. I hope she isn’t sleep walking. I can never remember if you are meant to wake them or leave them.

"Hey" Isabel says with a pretty blush when she finally notices that she isn’t alone in the room " ones usually up when I am..."

I smile at Isabel in acknowledgment and wave dismissively at her apology before continuing my conversation with Alex. “Or if you like I can come over today and take you shopping. Hell, I’ll even help you cook everything. I’ve got nothing planned.” As I finish speaking there is a loud knock at the door. “Hold on Alex, someone is at the door. God, I wonder who would come knocking at this time.”

Hmm, it can’t be Tess or Maria since they normally let themselves into the apartment. And I doubt that Liz would be coming over this early on a Monday morning. She is, after all, writer and I’m pretty sure they have rules against rising before noon. Or maybe that’s just something I read.

I open the door and feel my jaw drop when I see who is standing on my doorstep surrounded by suitcases. I blink slowly, wondering if prepares I’m seeing things because there is no way my baby sister should be on my doorstep, hell she shouldn’t even be in the US.

“Alex, I’m going to have to call you back.” I state and hang up before Alex has a chance to reply. I stare silently at my sister for a moment, trying to grasp that Kendra was actually here and not on the other side of the world. I haven’t heard a word from in so long. “Kendra??? What are you doing here?”
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Post by baby_bre »


“Kendra??? What are you doing here?”

She finally speaks and I bite my lip anxiously. What am I meant to say? I decided after all this time of not speaking to her to just randomly show up on her doorstep because I missed her so? No Serena knows better, she’ll never fall for an answer like that. Its crap I don’t want to tell her that I’ve had my heart shattered by the only boy I’ve ever cared about. I mean honestly how pathetic would I sound?

“I’m err on holiday.” I say with a surprisingly bright smile. “I thought why not come and visit my favorite sister who I haven’t seen in ages.” Is she buying this? God I certainly hope so because I can not do better after the shock of seeing her. Yes I know I was planning on seeing her but now I’m actually here looking at her and unfortunately she looks more beautiful then ever.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Right, one of my club promoters has a little sister called Beth. She is seventeen and a totally sweetheart. Seth will love her. I told her that you would probably be calling her in the next couple of days.”

Does this mean I'm predictable and Serena (and maybe others too) are able to tell what I'm about to do and act in advance themselves? So much for being mysterious, I guess.

“Food wise, you don’t have to go to too much trouble Alex. I’m pretty sure everyone would be happy if you decided to order in. I can bring some menus with me.”

“Or if you like I can come over today and take you shopping. Hell, I’ll even help you cook everything. I’ve got nothing planned. Hold on Alex, someone is at the door. God, I wonder who would come knocking at this time.”

I wait patiently for Serena to open the door, kinda glad that she stopped talking for a second so I can think about what she said. I know, this sounds bad but Serena likes to talk and since she has a nice sounding voice, I have no problem with that but with so many informations at once ...

“Alex, I’m going to have to call you back.”

I stare at the phone dumbly for a moment. Oookay, either Serena can suddenly read my mind and knows that I wasn't having the nicest thoughts about her or something really BIG is happening at her place.

Realizing that I'm still looking at the damn phone, I put it away only to reach for it again in the next second. I have nothing else to do right now than to wait for Sera to call back, get Seth out of bed in about an hour and start preparing for dinner later.

No time like the present to call this mysterious 'Beth'.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


“I’m err on holiday.” Kendra states with a blinding smile. “I thought why not come and visit my favorite sister who I haven’t seen in ages.”

Bullshit! The word hovers on the tip of my tongue but never escapes. I know for a fact that if Kendra was back home for a visit she would have gone back to New Hampshire to be with our parents and grandparents. The only reason she would willing come to me was if our parents didn’t know that she was home and because she hadn’t been able to contact our scapegrace of a brother, Kyan.

It kinda stings knowing that she would only come to me as a last resort but its not that surprising. I love my sister dearly but we are hardly the best of friends. When we lived back home, she ignored all my attempts to strength our bond, always preferring to study or hang out with Kyan. Eventually, I gave up trying to get past her stonewall. It was easier for me to hang out with my friends and let her have her dramas.

And then I moved to New York and got caught up working in different clubs to get the experience I needed to open my own. She left for England a few years later to study. The distance between us mentally was blamed easily on the distance between us physically.

Wow, she has changed so much. She is no longer the awkward looking kid I knew from back home. She had grown and changed into a beautiful young woman. Obviously, England had agreed with her. God, I can’t even remember the last time that I had even spoken to her and I have no idea what to say to her now.

Clearly, there is more to her sudden homecoming then just a holiday but I doubt she would confide in me if I asked her the truth. I shift from foot to foot, Zan’s football jersey shifting with me as it hangs loosely over my body. I bet that I look frumpy compared to all the English girls that she is used to hanging out with now.

“That’s…great, Kenny.” I say, using the nickname that I knew she hated as I played along with her lies. “Wow, I’m so rude. Come in, come in. You must have had a long trip. If I had known you were coming I would have come and got you from the airport. Is this just a pit stop in New York before you head to New Hampshire to see Mom and Dad? I mean, they know you’re here right?”

I usher Kendra towards the living room, deciding that I would rather have a few moments alone with my sister before I introduce her to Isabel and maybe Max if he was still home. God, I wish Zan was here right now.
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